'lrupicul 238 undGcogLuplricul tvlcdicinc RELATIONtsETWEEN THE INTESTINALFLORAAND DIAPER DERMATITISIN INFANCY A Y l i u s l j v t M ( i 0 K A l . t ' r , c l i M A L A t . t ) l R M A U . . ,A Y N U R O o U Z . r ,A S I M ( l 0 L , n i K t N r anrl M. zAHIR BAKtCt2 rDepartmcntof Pediatricsand rMicrobiology, Faculryof Medicine,CumhuriyetUniversity,Sivas/Turkcy ReccivcdJanuary5, l9E9 'Acceptedfor publicationJune2?, 1990 Absftqct. In this study, 4O patients with diaper dermatitis and 20 healthy infants wcre investiE-aicd. Mycologicul{nrl bscteriologicalculturcs were obtaincd from allcctcd and healthyskin aicas and stool speciriens.caniitta oilbiton,was isolated simultaneously in 37 out of.40 patientssubjectedto mycologicalexaminationof skin lcsionsund stool spccinrencullurcs.Of 34 Cruristuin-edumcorsfrom the skitt lcsiotts,27 rcvculcdCundiduin lryphullbrnr. In rtrcciiuiroigroup, C. albtcint wa$ not Srown ltont the diapcr arca. No signilicant dillerence wai observeclin thegrowthof bactcriattonr thCskin with or wiiirourlesions(p > 0.05).In conclusion, C. olbicons-infection originating liom the gastrointestinaliiact, pliys a mulo.roti 'l'hus, in diilpcr.dcrmutili$. tt Crlrnr-rtlirrcd-snrclr cun bc usedur 1 pilcticgl mcthod in ourlydiugncrrll, Key words:Diaper dermatiris;cantritraurbicans;Gram-stained smear;Turkey Introduction Diaper dermatitis is an -ubiquitousproblem in inl'antsand is mostly seen in rhe first two monthsof life I l, 2l- It can be regardedas the prototvpeof irritant contaci dermatitis.As a reactionto friction, macJrarion,and piolong.'J.ontu.t wirh urine and faeces,retained soap, and topicar_pr"pa.aiions, ths sk'in of the di;p.r;;;; may becomeerythemato^usand scaly,often with papulovesicular or bulloui f.sioni fissurcsand erosions-[3-6].The eruption can'be patchy or confluent, but thi genitocruralfold is often spared.Secbndaryinfecrionwiih bacteria and'v.".t, i, common;discomfortmay be nr:trkeclbccauicof intcnscinflammation.Co-ndirions such as allergic conta-ctdermatitis, scborrheictlermatitis,candidiasis,utopi" ,f"imatitis,histiocytosis X and acrodermatitis enteropathica shouldbe considered when the eruption is persistentor does not respondtb simple dherapeutic..urui.r-i+ 61. The incidenceof diaper dermatitis is reported to 6e 47oof all children from u,r..ltlq the age of threeycars[5]. lt is found to be t0 toZio/oamongrhe chilclren with skin lesions[7]. lt is o commondiscascin nearlyalt childicnwea-ring a cliaper. In this study, wc a.rc_showing how oltcn canclidalinfccrionscan brifounti as a secondaryinfcct,ionin inlirntswitlr diirpcrdcrm;rtitis. Mstcrials und Methrds 40puticntswitlt diupcrtlcrnrutitiuuntl 20hculthyirrl'untrwcrcinvcstigatcr|Mycologicrrl and bactcriglogical culturcswereobtainedlionr afltctcd und hcllthy skin arcasand stool speciorcnsl Trop. Oeogr.Mul.,42 (1990)2Ji-240 ri! Diaperdermatitis andintestinal flora,Turkey 239 Beforeobtainingthe cultures,skin lcsionsand hcalthyarcaswcre clcancdwith sterilesalinesolution. when they had dried the specimenswerc obtainsd by scraping thc skin. stool specimensuerc takcn using sterilecotton swabs'.Theywere immctliarclyinoculatcdon saborau4,s dextroscmedium, blood :tgar nntl liMll pllrlcs by thc singlc colony tnclhrxl. (illnr-stlinctl snrcurswcrc pcrlirr'rctl lr.nr brth affcctcdand healthyrkin arcas. Infnrmationon prcdisponing fnclorswns collcctcdfronr thc mothcrs. Results , Candidaalbicanswas isolatedsimultaneouslyfrom 3? out of 40 patients subjected to^mycologicalexaminationof skin tesions-andstool rp""i..n-"ultures (9i,5qo). of 34 Gram-staincdsmcars from the skin lcsions, zl riveitii candicta i; hypir;i torm (79,4vo).ln thc conrrol group, c. albicans nor t;;" from the dild; .*u* arcannd wasnot scenin Gram-stuincdsmcars(tuhtc ll. coli, Enterobacter - ln bactcriologicalcultures,staphylococci,.Esc'herichii aerogenes, Pt'oteus,Klebsiella,enterococciand diphtheroid bacilli were isolated frorn-both affectedand healthyskin areasand stoot ipecimens(tabte2). No significantdifference I'rblc l.'l'hc rcstlltsof ntycol<tgicll culttrcs nntl (irnnr-stlincdsrncursof inlantswith untJwithout diapc dcrmatitis |l ith iliup<'rlernatitis Without dioperdermatiti., trtethod Microorganism Dioper oraa Stool Diaper oreo Srcol Mycological Culturc Candida Albicons * Candido Albicons- 37 3 37 3 0 20 6 t4 Total 40 40 20 20 Candidat Candida- 27 7 .30 4 0 20 5 t5 Total 34 34 20 20 Gram Staincd Smcar Trble 2' Thc resultgof bactcriologicalculturcsin infantswith and without diapcr dermatitisr In/ants vith diopar dermatitis withoutdiaperdermatitis Microorganisms Diaper oreu Stool Diaper area Staphylococcuscoagulasc f St aphylococcus coagulase Enterococci | )iplrtlrcroitls I')tcheri< hit <ttli Iin terohu<'tcr aerogencs Itroteus Klchsiello 8 26 2 2 l7 3 l3 2 2 9 t3 5 2 It{ 5 Total 77 I 25 It 6 I 'Mixed infcctionswercisolutedin somc cascs I ,i lt 9 I ?8 Stool I : llt 39 240 AygeSevimGdkalperct was observedin thc growth of bacteriafrom thc skin with or without lcsionr (p>0.0s). Dinrrhoeal disease,oral moniliasis and antibiotic therapy were found to be predisposing facrors.oral moniliasiswas found in 3l out of-a0 patients(77,5%t), diarrhoea was found in 2l out of 40 patients(52,50/o), rrearmeni"ittr aniiUioiics wasfound in 23 out of 40 patients(57,So/t), Topicalantifungalagentswcrc uscdto trcat thc paticnts.Satislactory clinical rcsponc€ wucobscrvctlin 8ll. Discussion Canclidal diapcrdcnnatitisis u nrorcscvcroltlrnr ol'diupcrtlcrnrutitis lrrtl oltcn fntstruting.tonl.ttlitgcbccauscol'its tcndcrrcylo rccur. Itrcdisposccl infuntsusuillly c'arryc. albicunsin their intestinal tract, and the warm, moist, occludedskin of fhe diaper area providesan optimal environmentfor its giowttr 1i-S1. Thc skin becomesan intenselyerythematous,confluint plaque-with a sharply demarcatededge.It is formed by numerouspapulesand vesiiopirstules, which aiso havesatellitepustules,a halhnarkof loculizcdiancliclarinfcctions[s, 91. . Dvcry dirrpcl dclrttutitisis ulnrostulwuys inlbctcdscconclarilyiith CundidaJ daysaftcr ir hasstarted[5, 9-12]. The results of our study show that C. olbicans-infections originating from the gastrointestinul truct, plly u nrajorrolc in diuperclcrmatitis,ThuI, a Gr-am-stained snrearcan bc usedas a practicalnrethodin carly diagnosis. Wc wish to thank Mr. SerlatTdrel for English rcduction and Mr. Nazim Balyemezfor secrerarial hclp in thc writing of rhis paper. Correspondcncs to: Aytic Scvim C0kalp MD, AssociatcProl'essorof Perliatrics,Faculryof Me4icine, CunthuriyctUnivcrsity,58040Sivus/[urkcy, References l. Jacobs AH.Eruptions in diaper arca.prcdClinNorthAnrl97g:25:209. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. t0. Il. t2. ReboraA, LeydcnJJ. Napkin (diapcr)dcrnutitis and gaslrointcstinalcarriageof Cuulidu ulhicons. l l r J D e r n a t o l I 9 8 l : 1 0 5 :5 5 1 . Jordiln WE. Lawson KD, Bcrg RW, liranknran .1.1,Marrcr AM. 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