rtF "nr-l - Eamonn`s A Dublin Chipper
rtF "nr-l - Eamonn`s A Dublin Chipper
D r rtF "nr-l p# l' l: , , t , ,, q! . r ll : l' . t \ l , ^\ f T H I t \ \' \ \'O l{ D E N We ordered snacks, andcl-recked ourhundrcds of arca drinks.sanrplcd ro finclrhcI'rorrcst spotson rhcafrer-hoursscenc esrablishrncnrs-all BEST BARS nr:rniglitlifcslrc,rt. callingour barsuncxcirrrtg:urcl Oursidcrs sonrcrrnrcs scll\\/ashrngton.s OLr.rnr.t's arrn'al ligningour crou'cls .rsnorhingbtrr.tntbiriolrs suirs.lii Cur ro Prcsidcnr rn J.rrru.rrv.rncl \\':rshingron issuclclcnlv cool.irslcsr.trrarrrs,rncl b.rlsclcsclibccl ls pr,rlsirtg li \\hshrngroni.rr.rs ri'ithcncrgr' iLrll of knou thrr rhc cirr"s rr.rnsiorrn.ttion .rncl clivcrsirv h.rsbccn.rnvrhinu Thc H Srrcctcolriclolirr Northc.rsr DC h.rsbccnLrlossorrbur suclclcn. thc.rrc.r.s nrglrtlifc has ing{cilrl-rc rhcu'inc-b.rlcr.rzc st.rlrccl in l.rrc200Z.rncl p.isrthrccvc.rrs. u'hilcr, c.ttcltup. ( bccnrrblrzz u'irhcrearn'itv for sonrcrinrc-it psr rcrckthcoursrclcrs.r u'ccclclrrrrc \\hshin{rron.s In rhcfolloriing p.rgcs. rhlrvrnggoing-or-rr sccncJ5ir cor.ttruues rhc rinre rclrd rhis. Roonr ll. .t u'rncb.trin ro pushfoni'arcl-rcccssion bccl.rnrrccl. Bv l'or-r ii'rllbcopcn(orvcrvcloscro ir) .rnclniglrtliic DC'sColunrLria Hcrghrs. gr-rlLr JocEnglcrr's nrr-rch .rnricip.rrccl H SrrccrCotrurn,Club-.r b.rlri'irh.rnrini-golfcoursc-ri'illbc thc l.rrro rhcoclclb.rll csr.rdcliriorr b.rlsirr rh,rrp.rlrof rhccirr'.(, Flippingthror-rgh. voLill.rlsohncl tvhcrcsoci.rlircs;tncl frvolccl insidcrs. loungcs oldsr.urclbvs br,plcsrclcnrs.rrcl polirrc.rl plr-rsh rvhcr-c rltc rnrcnrlrrion.rl :rrrivrsrcs nringlc.anclhcrck.rh b;rrs clrplonr.trs .tncl clou'clcur k-,osc. n ill bccrcitcclto hnclncn u ir.rcl.r:rrs.;rncl thoscsc.rrching {orglrrrvdivcs.bccr Ocnophilcs ll Iu f.rcr.\\'cco\'u'ill hncllotsclfsr-rggcstrons. ncighborhoocl h.tr.rnts plrbs.or unirssurring oi 7) nrorei.n'olitcs. rhlrrs1'r.rcc in thc nr.rg.rzinc clicln't sr-rfhcc. Fol rcvicri's clcclsonrlnv Lr.rls Evcn,,'iih ,1r.c\rr.l sp.rcc onlinc.nor .rilb.rrsin our lcgirln /,,i1:r. go ro n'tsbtitigtuntittn.autr; provokc \\/rll our courlcl nrakcthccrrr. sonrcclnrrssiclns clcb.rtc? Vrr-rbcr.Burs'c'rcconhclctrr - At t ;, rxt rRo S,r ttNts lis rc o n rpl i s c st h c n) o s rcs s c n ti . \\ l l '. rshi rrg nrn b.rl s MARCH 2OO9 WASHINGTONIAN 61 1 Classicalmusic plavssoftlv in thc cushv b:rr r.rpstairs liom the dining room, makinu ir a grci.rtsp()t fbr quict cont'crsltion. Like cver\thing clsehere, thc cockteilsirc top-n()tcltliom a cosmopolitan(S l5 ) uith a sicicclishof svrr.rpv raspbcrdcs1'or,rcl.lnsp()()nll'lt() thc drink to l girr :tud tonic ( SI6) *'ith house-mrclctourc \\'rter. Or cnjov i bottlc lirnn thc rcst:rrrant's rcrtosrrctl u'ine list. Thc lounge ntcnustilters, burgerc,cntrdcs,md clcsserts---<rfli:m r chancctcr srmplechcfMichel Richlrd's c<nking $'itl-ror.rtcornn-ritting to tlrc iirll Oitrorrcllccrpcricncc (:rnclcxpense). TOWN& COUNTRY n Renaissance Mayflower, 1127 Connecticut Ave.,NWI 202-347-3000 l'orr knos'r'ou'rc in thc right phcc firr ir martir.riif SanrLck is l'rchinclthe bar. For ntore tl-r:rn30 r'elrs, hc's been scrving cldnksirt Tos n & (irtrntn', srill rich nidr aur ambicncerelnillisccntof tvhcn it s'ls thick lith ciglr smokc. Thc rtrcrttrotll'rs 100 r':riltions ort thc mutini ikntc, tlthor.rgl'rirnv chssiccocktdl s'ill fit thc surrounclings.I)uring h:rppyh6ur'.Mtxrtl:rvthrorrqlr Frichr'5:30 to 7, thcrc ire licc appetizcrssr.rch asegg rolls, spirn:rkopita,lnd sin'rplcplst:r. a a aaa a aa a a aa a a a aa a BRINGA DATE CITRONELLE LathamHotel,3000 M St.,NWI 202-625-2150 a FIREFLY 1310NewHampshireAve., NWI 202-861 -1310 A trec scparirtcsthe dining roonr liom the bar antj k>r.rnge at this cozv Dupont Circlespot,n'hcrc ntuch of the decor---tliskscut liorn a trcc trunk, l rouqh-cut blr top-has l natural fi:el. A careIirlly craftcdcocktdl list (most clriril<s:rc$12.50) l.nmtscreltive choicessuchls thc Salsa Vcrde,ntirtlcs'ith pobl.rrropepper-inlirsed tequila.Smirll snircksincluclcchicken-fiiccl ($14) rnd portobelkr <x'sters Iiincrs (58). During happv hour-u'cckdrvs 4 to 6-sclcct beerbotdeslrc 53,l'inc 54, anclrr.rilclrinksS5. 1 905 1905NinthSt.,NWI 202-332-1 905 Chanrlelicrs lncl atcool sclcctiol'rof jazz proviclcthc ;ttrrrosphcrcJt tllis sec()ltrlston' ncighborhooclhitrnt. -l'hc bar is linerl l'itl.r ghss fbuntair-rs filleclu'ith icc s'irter, u'l'richthe b:rrtcndcrs r,rscto r-nixlbsinthc conc()c tions. Thc van (iouh, nlntcd in honor of thc plinter's clcvotionto thc clrir-rk, is rt nrixturc ofl,e Tourntcnt \t'rt absintl-rc,grcnirdine, ancl pinel;rplcjuicc. For a quick ir1-r1'rctizcr, s'c likc thc grillccl ,nt:tll ttt:t s.rusagcu'ith polcntr ttnd pi qu i l l o peppcrs.Sunrl:l' throu gh Wcclneschvfiont 5:30 to 7, bottlcs of s'inc irrc h.rlfpricc.Thrrrsd.nrriqhts. thcre's livc jirzzirt I0. REDWOOD 7121 BethesdaLa.,BethesdaI 301-656-551 s This Califbrnia-m<xlrestaurrnt is deckeclour rvidr rcclaimcdrcd*ood. sl:rte. lncl rlindorvs tlut strctch to thc cciling. Tl're spacior-rs bay'lor-urecoflc:rs75 scats irt a \\'hite-marblecounter plus lclthcr couchesrurd banqucttes.Wincs-mant' r>f uirich irrc liortr organic lnci sust:rinablevinet'arc1s-rrc clispenscclinto tirstes,lirll glasscs, or clnfLs, :rnclsclen of thc eigl.rtbeerson drali ($6) are nticrotrrovs.Monday through Friclav5 to 7, r happvhour incluticsa Roscda-bccfbr.rrgcr uith lnv dnft lrcer fbr SI 5. RESTAURANT EVE 110S. PittSt.,Alexandria I 703-706-0450 Is tlrerc a cozier placc thalr dris living-roorl-like bar) Tuckccl arvavtiom Rcstaurallt Eve'scliningrooms, it has an appcd all its osn, uith cr-rshioncdbarstoolsand big lcatl'rcrchairs,l fireplace, onc of thc bestlunch dcals:rrouncl ($ 13.50 fbr any nr o itcr.ns on thc blrrurcl.ttr),anclsnrart, liicndly bartenclers.Thcn thcrc rre thc clrinks,overscell bv Todd TI'rmshcr,thc cocktail guru n'ho rr-racle I'risnamc usiug housc-rnrtiernixers,tiesh juiccs,irnclboutiquc licl.urrs. He crertcshits suchasa bhckcurrilnt fizz rncl F.r'c'sTempt:.tti()n,iln rrpplecocktail th:rt tasrcslikc I liquitl grcen l1'r;rle . TABARD INN 1739N St.,NW| 202-833-2668 Mccting ir first clirtcfirr clrinksor just wlnt to chat sith a liiencl on I u'inrcr r-riglrtfThc elcgant,cozr'lrlr arcrrir-rDu1'ront(lircle 's Tlbucl Lrn is r'our Lrcstbet. (lhantal Tscng is tr-rrningout sonte of the finestcockttilsin lXlcurl up rith one on I coucl-r ['rvthc Tlbirrcl's fireplacclncl sip the night a*'av. VERMILION 1120KingSt.,Alexandria I 703-684-9669 Itecl s'alls anclclirn lighting mikc fbr r romantic setting in Ven.nilion'sir.rtintrtebay' lounge.Sit on onc of the brrr's rerl ctrshionedstoolsor chinr a corner in dre loungc. Cocktlils incluclcir gin fizz sith \Vhcrc can vou fir-rdthc best happv hour, mlrguita, lnri martini) lVe askcclW:rshingtoniln.conr relders to nante their firvorites. HAPPY-HOUR SPECIALS BEERLIST MARTINl WINELITIT GAFEASIA 1720I St,,NW202-659-2696 1550Wils0n -0870 Blvd., Arlington, 703-741 BRASSERIEB€CK 1101 K St.,NW;202-408-1717 CAPITALGRILLE 601PennsylvaniaAve,, NW,202-737-6200 1861lnternational Dr.,McLean, 703-448-3900 PROOF 775GSt.,NW;202-737-7663 BLOODYMARY LOGAN TAVERN 1423PS t.,N W2; 02- 3 32 - 37 1 0 MARGAR]rfA MOJITO sAlrcRh UURIOLPTA:ZA 183518lhSt.,NW;202-387-0035 CAF€ATLANTIGo 4 05E iqh th St.,N W;20 2-3 93-08 21 JALEO 480 SsventhSl.,NW 202-628-7549 7271WoodmontAve., Bethesda, 301-913-0003 2250-ACrystal Dr.,Arlington, 703-413-8181 MARCH 2OO9 WASHINGTONIAN 63 tiottsttt.tc:trorti ittrtlcltccsc s'ith tolstccl brcirtl crunrt'r'. aa aa a a aa a aaa aaa a aa a HAPPYHOURS BLACK'S BAR & KITCHEN 7750Woodmont Ave., Bethesda| 301-652-5525 l'hc slcck,clcln linctl brrr, u'hichspills()nt()il pilti() rnd rcflcctinsp<xrliu n;trrn rvcrtlrcr,sits;rcljrccntto fcff lncl lllrblrl l3llck's upscirlc Anrcricrrnrlinins r(x)nr.'l'hc 56 nrrrrtinisflorr',:rnclthc cros'd is nutlc tr1'r of nrostlv rttortcyccl srrburblnitcs lnrl \'<lr.r rtg pr<lf.:ssionlls. It doesn't,in othcr u'ortls, l<xrklikc tlrc kind of phcc u hcrc t'ou'ti gct ir 50-ccllt s1-ricctl shrintl'rr'leirl. llut u cekcllvsbcts ccn 4 and 7, thlt's cxirctlvu lut vou'll fintl irkrngs ith hllf'-priccurusscls lncl tliscour.rtcr'l c<rcktirils. If t'ou'rc lturrgrt',it's r>neof tl.rc bcst hrrpl-rv hotrrsirrouncl. CHEF GEOFF'S DOWNTOWN 1301Pennsylvania Ave.,NWI 202-464-4461 \'ourrg proflssioruls crorr tl this lll -Anrericirnhirngor,rt thrcc bltrks fi"onrthc Whirc HoLrsefirr luppl' [1y111, 1u1,u'ttilr' .3to ckrsing irntl Tucstilv thr<xrghFriclav3 to 7. l)cirls includc$9 g()urntctpizz.ts :rncl56 btrrgcrsscn'ctl sith ir nrounclofcrispv fiics. llcrtcr vet, 34-()r,rnce "srrpcrntugs" oftlrirfi bccr:rrc$8, longncck txrttlcs$3. H:rppvhour runs irll chv Sattrrchvlnrl Slrntl:rri :urdsirtrilarsl)ccials :rrclr rrilirblclt (lcoff-frlc\"s otltcr rcst:rurrnts:Ohef (icofl-s ( 320 I Ncu' N{cxicoAvc., NIV; 202237-7 8OO).rnclLir's (44.35 Will:rrtlAvc., Ohol' ( )hrsc; 240-223 5427). HAWK 'N' DOVE 329Pennsylvania Ave.,SEI 202-543-3300 This 42-veirr-<>kl tlive clrls's il lrcighb()rh(x)clcro*,tl th;rt rtrnsti<xn collegcstuclentst<l Nt:rrincs. l'hcrc lrc six rrxrnrsso\'()uclln clt<xlsc\rlttr cr.tvironmcnt-klurlcr up firrrrt nerr thc [r:rr,qLrictcrin brtck .rrourrcl tlrc firepllcc. Hirppv hour is Monrhv throuuh Fn- To d d T hr ash e r PX I r\t [)X .rncll{csr.rur.,rnr Evc.'[i,dcl ['lrr'.rshcr orrh, rrscs . r r rclrl o us cr r r .r c lc [ ,i ttc r s . r ncl r , r rr r c s r ir in gr r '. l r rn trl r c r n . rt lt tclLrcczccl;rriccs l ri sNu rnl 'c r'(r ri ir h . ll )t Ll.t/: tt lgl()tti.tt t.autI l\ ta.ar'Ll. LMARCH 2OO9 WASHINGTONIAN I65 hors tl'ocuvres,;rlsofice. Thc I'xxrzcisn't discour-rtccl, but rrrnint jr.rlcp(59.75)packs cltouqh prrrrchto c()Lllltirs nrrr clinks. Ancl like cverr'thing elscit the bilr, the conrplimcntirrvnibblcs-spicccl (()nr nuts. tniuinirtctlolivcs, nlini:rturc chcilthr pufli-uc .r crrtlbovc. aa a a aa a a a aa aa aaa DEGREESBAR & LOUNGE Ritz-Carlton. 3100SouthSt..NWI 202-912-4111 I'ou ciurlung out in thc blr, srrrc,brrtthc rcrrlhrrrcorncs lionr thc c<lzt fircpl:rcclncl trrblcsiclesen'icc in thc s1'rr'tcior.rs industrid chic lobl'rr'ofthc (icorgetos'n lUtz-nrlking l)egrccspcrfl'ct firr chillv cvc- nings.\'ou ncvcr kno'rvuho rrlr'll sccchcckingin to thc hotcl or <>nthc s lv t() ir qr.lcst r'oortr----durinqinlrgurltion, r<lu'clluvc sp()ttedIlnlcc Springstccn,rncnrbcrcof Nhr<xn 5, rrntlrrnl uunrbcr<lf othcr \rl Psrr hilc havinqorrc <rftlrc b:rr'sSt.yattd tltt ()inlikc signirturcddnks. aa a C O O LLO U N GES BOURBONSTEAK FourSeasons, 2800Pennsylvania Ave.,NWI 202-944-2026 In thc citegort'of "lf I'oLr ncctl to irskthc pricc, r'oLr c:ur't irtlirrtl it," thc slcck nov Four Scr'rsons restllrirnt/bir tl<lesn'tdispl:rvpriccson its eockt.rilrncrru.Thc .lrinks rrrcp()tcnt rrnclu'cll nrixccloficn s ith ir t\\'ist' such irsthc ircltlitiortof Fenrct Brlncl to rr r\Lrtrh:rtt:u1-th()ughit closcto S20 l cockt:ril,onc lrntltl ho1'rc so. If pricc isn't rrconsiclcr;ltion,the s\\'lnkv sccncrlnd firshionrrblc, highrolline clicntclcnrirkcit rvcll \\'()rth ir Visit. 6A WASHINGTONIAN PX The Gibson BrasserieBeck GranvilleMoore's Old EbbittGrill Town & Country WonderlandBallroom Red Derby Johnny'sHalf Shell PassionFish TabardInn Vermilion Brickskeller Rustico Nick's RiversideGrille Cantina Marina GalaxyHut QuarryHouse Bar Pilar I On^ Bourbon LookingGlassLounge Proof Redwood MARCH 2OO9 GUARAPO 2039WilsonBlvd.,ArlingtonI 703-528-6500 -finv plrtes<>fcositas ricns, or "trlsn'little things," r'rcconrprrnvfiuit-inlirscric<rktrrils irt h:rlfpricc cltrringtl-risl'cruvian kxurgc'sh;rppvlxlrr, s'cekchvs 5 to 7. (iroups crur shlrc l li's [)lirtcs ol'Jutllcr)tid chips rrrrrlciipsor eurprrructr trios (l steirlirt 56) l'hilc sipping on 1tlch, coconut,irnrl polrcgriurirtc nrojitos r.lntilthc los lit rcstlurirntnrcltsintc, tr trcnrl\'cvcninglungout. A h<xrklhclotso'crr' ()thcr trtrle ils gr-lcstsclirnceto livc Latin rt.tusic clounst;lirsor:'r DJ in tlrc uppcr knngc. NAPOLEON BISTRO LOUNGE 1847Columbia Rd.,NWI 202-299-9630 Thc opulcnt intcrior of tl'risbistro lntl blr fl'cls likc thc sct ofl Frcnchfilur.Thc -bllck rvrlls, gilticcl recl-rrntl nrirr<>rs, rrtcl crvstll chlrnticlicrs crclte l sultrv libe per( lhlnrprlgne fl'ct firr si1'rping cocktlils,rvlriclrirrc half off small rooms lined with tables. An airier upstairs bar hosts the Brickkeller's fhmed beer tastings, which happen about once a month. A no-standing policy both upstairs and down keepscrowds to a minimumbut alsomeansyou may have to wait fbr a table . FRANKLINS 512'tBaltimoreAve.,HyattsvilleI 301-927-2740 This Prince George's County brewery keeps seven to ten house-madebeerson tap at all times. Franklin's sees lots of neighborhood regulars, including lirmilies and college students.Before and after Terps home games,expectthe bar to be packed.Though the beer selectionchangesalmost daily two signature beers that you'll likely find on the menu are the English-styleTwisted Turde PaleAle ($4.50) and the hoppy Anarchy Ale ($5.50). The seven-days-aweek happy hour from 4 to 6:30 includes$3.50 draftsand d"iscountson appetizers. GRANVILLE MOORE'S 1238H St.,NE| 202-399-2546 This Bclgian gastropubin DC's H Strcet corridor has a u'elcomc warmth lent b.vuntouched historic details and the antique rvooden coolers behind the bar. The kitchen specializesin moulesfrites, including thc chefs baconand-bleu-cheese mussels, rvhich rvon the top spot on the Food Netrvork's Throwdonn With Bobfo Flay.Check the blackboard to seewhat's nerv u'ith the 60-some rotating Belgian brervsoflbred b.v the bottle and sevcn on draft. RUSTICO 827SlatersLa..AlexandriaI 703-224-5051 Some come to rvatch a game, and some drop in to sample fbod that surpassesthe usualneighborhood- hangout fare. But beer is the focus, with a selectionthat includcs 300 botdcs, 30 drafts, and one cask-conditioned alc.Sixounce tastingsofrnost drafu can be ordered for $3 to $5; the four-beer flights fbr $8 to $ I 6 are an even bettcr rleal. THE SALOON 1207U St.,NWI 202-462-2640 This cozy basementlevelpub hasthree rules: "No standing. No TVs. No martinis." The result is a warm neighborhood bar that busdes with conversation.Red-brick walls,Tiffany-srylelamps,and shelvesstockedwith beer botdes createa classictavern feel. Communal wooden tables make meeting 1'ourneighbor easy,urd the knowledgeable stafl is happy to guide patrons through the long list of beers-including the rare and potent Urbock 23o, rationed out one Per customcr. and potatocs with aibli, plus more substantialolatessuch rs duck confit and spagheni Bolognese.The excellent throwback drinks-a suong rum punch. a propcr daiquiri---<ome courtesy of Adam Bernbach,a seriouscocktail enthusiast.Tuesdaynighs, he hascocktail sessionswhere for $36 you get three creations with ingrediens such ashouse-madeFalernum and Meyer-lemon syrup. indulge in a couple of Michel Richard's appetizers,including thegougires ( $7 ), onebite wonders that give nerv meaning to "cheesepufh." Or order the olatter ofduck rillettes and "hux gras" terrine ($15), nvo spreadable, French charcuterieoptions. CAFE ATLANTICO 405EighthSt.,NWI 202-393-0812 Jill Zimorski's wildly creative cocktail list (all items $l I ) featuresa steadyroster ofnine drinks and onc or two seasonalspecials.Her Faux Syrah Syrah tastesjust like wine, but it's made with vodka, blackberry pur6e, black pepper, and a smoke infusion, and the margarita is sen'ed with salt-lime "air." Cclebriry chef Josi Andrds recentlyadded a bar menu that includessmall bites such asquinoa-crustedhied shrimp ( $ l2 ) and rhc medio /ia sandwich($ I 5 ), a take on a classicpressedCuban. THE GIBSON 200914thSt.,NW| 202-232-2156 Open sinceNovember, the Gibson gets our vote for best new bar. There's no sign, just an unmarked door on a building with covered-upwindows. Inside is a srvank speakcasy with dark-wood walls and flickering candlelight. The cocktails are worla of art. From the n.renuofabout 16 ($8 to $16 each),we creatior-rs especiallylike the First Snowvodka, Muscat slrup, whitecranberry juice, limc, and Champagne-and the Golden Child, made u'ith fig-infused rum, peanut cream, crdme de cacao,and lemon tincture. On weekends,reservea table or expect to be rvait-listed (the doorman will call vour cell phonc if a spot oper.rsup). Coming in the spring: a spacious patio and outdoor bar. CENTRAL MICHEL RICHARO 1001Pennsylvania Ave.,NWI 202-626-0015 The bar and lounge at this modern French bistro is people-uatching heavcn.On rveekdavsexpectsenators, on wcckcnds fashionistas. Invcntive cocktails($l I to $14) changeu'ith the seasonand often include linle-known ingredients. It would be wrong not to PS 7'S 777| St..NWI 202-742-8550 This jazzy lounge, adjacent to Peter Smith's Modcrn .fulerican dining room, already rvooed us widr snacla such astuna sliders*.ith n'hite-miso aibli and miniature house-nradehot dogs. But it recendy landed ar.rotherbig drarv: Gina Cherscvani,the sass-talkingbartendcr u'ith a fan-club-like fbllowing. Her drinks fhvor infused rums, oa aao oa oaoaaaaoaaaa CREATIVE COCKTAILS BAR PILAR 1833 14th St., NW I 202-265-1751 Thisdark,smoky-rnirrored hangoutges croudcdfbr a reason.Besides cool touches such asa carnivalesquephoto booth, there's an aflbrdable small-platesmenu u'ith snacksincluding Marcona almonds. roastedolives. TWO YEARS after its legalizationin the United States, absinthe-the high-proofliquorfavored by the likesof van Gogh, B a ud e l ai re a , n d H e m ing wa y - ha s be co m e a fi xtu r ea t lo cal bars. The anise-flavoredspirit's many appearanceson cockt a il me n u s-a f a r cr y fr om it s d ay s as a b ann e d d ri nk- h as prompted a backlash, with some trendsettersalready calling it out of fashion. Disregardthe detractors and the forbidden aura surrounding the drink. Absinthe is best enjoyed when approached as what it is: a spirit, not some magical elixir. At the TabardInn, bartenderChantalTsengmakesa Sazerac by using KUbler,a Swiss brand of absinthe,to rinsethe inside of the glass before adding whiskey,bitters,simple syrup, and l emon ze st. Fo r his D aw n Ove r Ma nh atta n,a tw is t on t h e classic Manhattan, Tom Brown of Cork mixes absinthe into the drink. Brown's brother Derek,drink master at the Gibson, makes the colorfullynamed Etoufferun Perroquet(Stranglea Parrot)-an absinthe-Champagne-and-brandycocktail. The re st au ra nt19 05 i n D C' s U S tree t ne igh b orh oo dser v es absi nt he u sin g a spe cia lfou ntai ntha t d il u te sthe hig h-al c o hol spirit with water. -ALEJANDRO SALINAS MARCH 2OO9 IWASHINGTONIAN I 73 .-\ .t t ON THE WEB Chat livewith four top local bartenders-ToddThrasher,ChantalTseng,Gina Chersevani,and DerekBrown-February 26 at 11 nr,r txrurbons, and liesh juices.We like nvo recent additions: thc "YesWe Can"ton, a gingery flr.rteof pincapplc juice and Oava,and the Sinration Rum, like HarvaiianPunch gone glam. During the weekday happy hour liom 4 to 7, cocktails arc $10, with a rotating special$4, and Miller Lite or Yuengling (depending on the night)is $3. PX 728KingSt.,AlexandriaI reservationsthroughEamonn's, 703299-8384 Cocktail whiz Todd Thrasher, also behind the terrific drinks at ncarbl' Restaurant Ere, lcts his imagination run wild at this signlessspeakeasv (look fbr the pirate flag and the bh.relight). Reservations arc recommendcd fbr the 30 seatsin the deco-cool parlors, and there are a fbw rules to fbllou': no jeans,no standing, no swearing.But once I'ou're serdcdin, the payoffis great. Thrasher'sshakersare filled u,ith lieshly squeezedjuices, housc-madesodas,even specially shapedice cubes,and his creations-a carrot-flavored colada,a sparkling m<ljitego down deceptivelyeasy. aaaaa a laaaoaato ata o CASUAL HANGOUTS ARGO]iIAUT 1433H St.,NE| 202-397-1416 Onc of the first barsto open in DC's H Street corridor, the Argonaut is a playfu1,low-key tavcrn suitablc fbr both after-work drinks or a sit-down meal of good bar fbod. With a spaciouspatio and a cozy, nautical-thcmed interior, thc bar ma], not be the finciest spot in town, but it's one of the most comfbrtable. The fbod is tasw. too-try the srvcct-potato fiies. During happ.vhour, 5 to 7 rveekdays,rail clrinks and selectbeersare $4. BLACKFINI{ 4901FairmontAve., Bethesda| 301-951-5681 Dark-rvood firrnishingsand leatherbooths give this sports bar a classy,comfbrtablc fbel that attractsBethesda's voung profbssionalcrowd. During rvcekendnights and gamc days,this placecan fill up, cven rvith three levelsand nvo ftrll bars. Happy hor.rr, Monday through Friday 4 to 7, inch.rdes appetizers-think classicssuch asspinachdip and nachos-fbr $3.95 and dealson wine, martinis, and becr. BOURBON 2348WisconsinAve.,NW 202625-7770 | 232118thSr.,NW 202-332-0800 Brick walls,pressed-tin ceilings,and cozy booths givc thesebarsin Glover Park and Adrms Morgan ir laidback, hip fbel. The kitchen soecializesin cornfbrt fbod such asmac and cheese,tater tots, and curll' fi'iessmothered in Old Bav seasoning. But asits name suggests, the star here is the extensivc bourbon list, which oflbrs dozensofvaricties, plus a good selcctionof u'hiskeys. Regularsalsocome fbr the carefirllychoscn list of wines bv thc glassand solid clraftand bottlcd-bcer choices. FEELING tne economicoinch? ASYLUM (2471 18th St., NW; 202-319-9353),a Gothic bar in Adams Morgan popularwith bike messengers,offers one of the best drink deals around: During the Natural Light Countdown on Saturdays,drafts of Natural Light are 50 cents starting at 5 and go up 50 cents every hour until 11. A t t h e C ap i t olH il l di v e M Y BRO T HER' S PL AC E ( 23 7 Se condS t., NW; 202-347-1350),Friday'sBeat the Clock Happy Hour kicks off at 4 with 7s-cent domestic drafts; prices rise 25 cents every hour until 9. Saturday nights,the All You Care to Drink specialincludesunlimitedwine and drafts for $ l 5 from 9 PMto 1 AM. Cheap beer is a big draw at TUNE INN (331/z 74 I WA S H IN G T ON I A N IM ARCH 2 OO9 BREADSODA 2233WisconsinAve..NWI 202-333-7445 Patronswho arcn't sidled up to the granite bar at this Glovcr Park hangout may be playing pool, shuffleboard, darts, or Wii. The extensive beer menu fivors Belgium but alsooffers selectionsli<rm Ireland, Amsterdam, Italy, and Germany.The overstuffed deli sandwichcs-liom classic BLTs to more gourmet choicessuch asroast beefwith Maytag bleu chcese---<omc with a tasty house-made pickle. l)uring happyhour,4 to 7 claily,rail drinks, housewine, and selectbeersare $4. CARPOOL 4000FairfaxDr.,ArlingtonI 703-532-7665 Aptly described asAndy Warhol meets General Motors, this Ballstonbar is decorated with licenseplates, auto-industry memorabilia, and a garagedoor that serves asa window. The gamesthere are shufTleboards,dartboards,and I2 pool tablesattract a young crowd on u,eckends.Happy-hour fbod spccialsinclude half:price burgerson Tuesdaysand 35cent wings on Wednesdays. GALAJXYHUT 2711Wilson Blvd.,ArlingtonI 703-525-8646 GalaxyHut is one of our very fhvorite bars in Washington. In the postage-stampsizc spacc,cozy booths pack the corners, ftlnky art adorns the walls,and the bcer list is fintastic. Thc Hr,rtisn't a placeto seeand be seenbut a placeto catch unknown bancls,hang rvith liicnds, and maybeevcn play a game of old-school Ms. Pac-Man. IRISH I]{TiIAT GLEN ECHO 6119Tulane Ave.,GlenEchoI 301-229-6600 Don't bc sr.rrpriscdto find flat caps,snspcnderc,and Irish brogues here, one of the fbrv Irish pubs in Washington that fbel authentic. The bar is dimly lit and cozy, with rvood-par-reled rvallsand plaid-covercd booths. Grab a Guinnessand make flst fiends. The menu ofltrs uaditional Irish fare; patrons swcarby the shephcrd's oie and the mustard-encrusted iack oflarnb. In nice rveather, you can sit on the lovcly outdoor patio. JR'S BAR & GRILL 151917thSt.,NWI 202-328-0090 The anchor of DC's gay bar sccneeschewsMiami chic fbr wood panels,stainedglass, and a moose head on the w'all. The crorvd is full of regulan, young and old, and each has his favorite bartendcr. JR's is gay Washington's Cheers.And if the thought of belting out "Wherc Everybodl' Knou s Y<-rur Name" d<resn'tsertdvorr screaming,thcn check out Monday's Showtunes Songs and Sing-A-[,ong. There are cheapdrink specials-mostll' with vodka----everynight. LOOKING GLASS LOUNGE 3634GeorgiaAve.,NW I 202-722-7669 Owned by the people bchind Wonderland Ba.llroom. this two-level Petworth spot lacksWonderland's hip reputation, but it's not the ugly sister.With its r.intagechandc- PennsylvaniaAve.,SE;202-543-2725),another grungy Hill spot with a loyal fan base. During happy hour,weekdays 4 to 7, beers start at $ 1.50. A t B U NGAL OW B IL LIAR DS & B R EW C OMP ANY (2 76 6S. Ar lingtonMill Dr.,Adington,703-578-0020;7003-C ManchesterBlvd.,Alexand(ia,703-924-8730;13891 Metrotech Dr.,Chantilly,703-502-3925),a sports barlpool hall, there are half-price burgers and $1 margaritas every Monday. A t the a ptl y na me d R EC ES SION S (1 823L S t., N W; 20 2-2 96 66 86) ,a no -fri l l sb as em e ntbar i n the Qui nc y H ot e l,28 -ou nc e "King Kong" drafts are $4 from 5 to 8 weekdays. d 3