ed endinSs GRAMMAR past simple regular verbs
ed endinSs GRAMMAR past simple regular verbs
I kissed myfirstwoman andsmoked myfirstcigarette onthesame day. I never hadtimefortobacco afterthat. AiwoTasconini, ltolion canductor I PRO NUNC I A T I -OeN de n d i n S s b Orderthewordsto makequestions, a Underlinethe word where-edis pronounced/rd/. I book€d checked wanted walked 2 painted arrived turned trat€lled 3 asked waited looked worked 4 called played landed listened 5 danced watched helped sta ed 5 worked decided followed lived Practisesayingthe words. 2 GRAMMAR past simple regular verbs a Complete thesentences with a verb,ffrstin the positiv€andthenin the negative. book parnl show study h€lp. rrlk work I Yesterday Sam ditn\Nalk 2t_ '(/alfted hor e. I after/ Peter/ match/ tired / Was/ the A l|as Petertiredaft$ thematch? B Yes,hewas. play to workbut he 2 lou / night/ Wlere/ last/ were B I wasat home. tley/ conce / late/ the/ Wer€/ for Frenchat school, but I GermanandSpanish. 3 The teacher- me with the exerc$e,out B No, they wereD't. did / land/ the/ wh€re/ they/ plane my fiiend. she basketballwhenhewasyoung,but 4 Bill - he did / universit,,/ your / at / brother/ What/ study footbell. 5 Theseq€tary--- a tablefor lunch,but she B Modem Languages. a talo. 5 We - B At theairporr. the Iiving room, but we Wa6/ tall / boyfriend/ v€ry/ your / first the bedrcom. 7 The shop assistant- last Saturday,but she on Sunday. 8 I - B No,not very didrit / the/ you/ wait/ Why/ for / bus the phoroslo my sisrer,but I $em to my brorher. B Becauseit was too cold. time / wo* / did / What / arrive / Sandra/ yesteday / at B c Completcthe questionsand ans$,ers. 5 VOCABUIARY pasttimeexpressions Circle the correct answer. L 5he$r5n'rrn(lasrniqhD/ vesrerdav nisht. 2 My son wasborn agotwo years/ two yearsago. 3 Theytrnvelledto lhe USAlast monrh / the lastmonth. a Did you phoncme last morDing/ yesterdaynorning? s The planclandedtwo hours ago/ two agohours. 6 Mar. arrivcdin Englandthe lastluly / tastluty. 7 I staiedwith lim beforetwo weeks/ two wecksago. 8 lsabcllabookedihe ricketsyesterdayaftcmoon/ MoreWordsto Learn \\rrite translati(nrsand try to rementbcr the $!rds. Translation / ti:ncrd3i/ /'d;3rri/ flight rroar /lkrt/ / l^ki/ ,/w^rid/ l)ook(i lickcll !.r, /lrrnd/ Crnyouanswarth6e qlastions? y€sterday? i-.1Didyoutudy EnSlish W lastnight? r:triDidyouwatch i; Didyoutravelby plane lastyea? :': Didyoucookdinner yerterday? li:.'iDidyoustartlearning English a y€arago? ai'if,Ufrfl MutriRoM |f@@D www.oup.com/elt/englirhf ile/elemenrarv Girls lustwantto havefun. CndiLoupeL Aneicon inqer go,hove, get I VOCABUIARY a 2 GIAMMARpast simple irregular verbs Crossout thewrongexpression. I GO to the beach 2 HAVE lunch out swimming 4 GO to bed 5 HAVE 6 GET Gbtrs a sandwich for a walk dressed a goodtime 3 CET a Writ€ sentencesin the past. a taxi up away br€akfast a drink shopping home I Robert wearsa tie to work. (yesterday) a drink Robertwore a tie to itork yesteilay. 2 They do their homeworktogether,(lastnigh0 a letter to church a shower 18y€ars 3 Helendoesntgoto theshops.(lastweek) a newspaper a tald Completeth€spaces in the story\rith llEnt,had or got. 4 Wem€etin the bar.{lastnight) 5 Wedorft havedinnerat home.(lastnight) 6 lanegetsup early.(yesterday morning) 7 Hebuysa newspaper at thestation,(yest€rday) 8 I leavehome at 7,00,()€sterdayl Lastmonthlill,a journalist frornLondon, '----1y3rt to B ghtonfortheweekend. shebooked a hotelonthe Intemet, andon Friday she)thetratnio the 10 Bob can'tcometo dinnet (lastweek) lt wasquitelatewhenshearrived, coast. so shejust a hamandcheese sandwich and '-'- to bed.Thene\tmoming she Complete the questionsin the dialogue. up earlyandlooked outof thewndow- Lt A Where I '-wasraininSl She'--. a shower and oLI to theshoptogether andafterthatthey A z-- good? with? B I went wilh my bovfriendrnd someliiend.. breakfast in a cafe.Fromthatmoment,lill didn'tthinkabouttherain- she 'zgoodtimein Brightonl il last night? B Yes,it wasgreat. anumbrella andaskedherif sheneeded it.They '' ir-- did /o go B I went to that new jazz club in town. dressed, ald rhe'rsl-e" to bLysomepostcd'ds. Another 5ote.gJest" . 9 Sh€sees herliiendsafterwork.(lastnight) a very g ookp.lio vocobuloty Eonk D 51u6snt'5 B I wore my tonS denim skirt and a nevrtop I bouShr last week, home? B We got homeat about3.00in rhe morniDg. Ao 4 PRON UNCIATION pastsimple irregular verbs a taxihome? a Circle the word with a different vow€l sound_ B No, my bo).friend hasa cnr A Did 7 f,^ B Ycs,we had a reallySreatrime.you cancomewrm us nexttime, if you like. swam A It depends.3 (*,i) the jazT€lub expcnswcl B No, not very. Sfllillfu l D 5f ,, e, ?, E a goodrime? g aokp.l5oGronn r Bonk5c 51r6ss1's cost tfl bought ste met \'w made tcft sang --t. got heard said feli sot hor catled Fajd krew b Practisesayingthe words. 5 R EA DI NG a Readthe story. TH EW RO N G BUs A JapanesebusinessmanriShtbusuntiltheystopped had a big surpriselast ar a pubandeveryone got Sundaywhen he 8ot the ofl Theyasked MrKajiyama wrongbusto the.irportand tolojnlheirparty andsohe miss€d hisflight. followed themintothepub Zenko (ajiyama,32, Whenhelooked at hhwatch wentto waverley 9ation1o he sa\rtt wat too lateand calchthebusto Edinb!€h that he had missedhis airport. He hada meeting plane.At lirst he wasvery ihe nextdayin London and \4o[ied, butthen hedecided he \4antedto catchthe to stayrnthepub.Hehada evening flight.Whenhesa\a drinkand dancedlo the a srtverb!s marked Club music with the other Class he got on it. members of thepady.Inihe Unfortunately the buswas end he went backto the for peoplegoing to a houseof one ol his new bidhday pafty. friends andhe tlepton the Thepeople on the bls sota,Thenextmorninghe helped l\.4r Kajiyama wirhhis tookataxitotheairport and bags andtoundhima seat llewto London, but hewas Hethought he wason the toolateforhismeeting. b Mark the sentencesT (True) or F (Falsc). I Mr Kajiyarmwantcdto catchrhe busro London. 2 He wantedto go to a party iD London. 3 The Club Classbusdidn'r go ro the airporr. 4 Mr Kajiyamawent to ihe pub. MoteWoldsto Learn Write translations and try to remember the words. pronunciarion Wojd Translarion DlIe up ,1or.,r / merk cake ror, ' /kerU ,wain/ dress ,olr, /drcs/ llshr,'ns rorl,i / ftr.lrnz/ .l llterature,ror, ^D/ /'Llrat.fc/ grclt (= fantastic) /qre(/ adJectNt lllcn / clo\cd ttuJedlycs PAYk)r rrr, -l /roDrn/ /kl)tr7dl l /pet fe/ crpqci.rlly,r,./vcrb .rrDctrti/ Canyouansw€lth€s!qmtdont? Sjjl Didyo! 80outlastSatorday? didyoudo? ..? What lij Didyouhav€a Soodtim€? what you did havefor dinnerlastni8fit? L* !j;,:lWhatdidyouw€dyesterday? .Gll7.!ml MutriROM 5 He didn't catchhis plane. 6 In the end he enjoyedthe parqr 7 He sleptin the airporr. 8 He didn't go to his meetingin LoDdon. @@ www.oup.com/ett/englishf ile/elementary Elementary. mydearWabon. Ataibuted taSherlock (bLn Holnes henevet soidit) I PRONUI{CIATION pastsimpte verbs Matchthe verbswith the samevowelsound. drove could nede said learnt bought had lost I came *ourb-_ 5 saw 2 left 6 spok€ 8 Thematchwasa disaster. Our tedm_ 9 Ishewasltalian,but shewasSpanish. l0 I lookedeverlvher€but I __find my glasses. Gn Shdenfsgookp.tslhregulqvehs t GRAMMARpastsimple 3 got 4 ran a Readthispolicereport.Complete thesentenc€s with 8 heard the pastsimpleform of the verbsin the box. b Practisesayingthe words. be (x2) e#ite leave not want go not run look open find 2 VOCABULARY irregular verbs a Completethe infinitive andpastformsof these irregularverbs.Use4, e,i, o,o! ll. Infinitiv€ p-t P_t r-ng s-t w ke up w-ke up ?oliit, r?rt Completethe sentences with the pastsirnpleform ofthe verbsin thebox buy can't He he find go heor lose make S€+ meet think not take 8'or gn ;n h. *iddle ofthe night because heatd a nojse. 2 I3 They Sallyat a partylasrweek. . 4 We_ 5 Karen- asusual, a newcartwo daysago. to bedverylatelastDight. the dinrer )€sterday. It waspasta, Shewasill, so she- her dogfor a walkthis mornrng. 7 When we ariv€d in Paris,we _._ hotel near th€ station. a cheap : balh robbsl see canl take Completethe questionswith the correctform of the verbsin brackets. MoreWordsto Learn Write translations and try to remember the words. proDuncistion Word Translation !o!l!try !a!!9 l/'k^ntri 'haus/ '?oll'l m'rrro!4e ,or, /mrli: ne:r tJbr^ty noun /'larhn/ gllder /'m3:de/ noun a*gvadjecti,/e ,lead adjecnve llppen rer, POLICE OFFTCER Wherer !cre!!L at about9.30yesterday evening? (be) STEVBN POTTER I wasat the cinema.The film srartedrt 9.00. l /e,sli:p/ r /ded/ prorora everynooy / hepen/ /'erribodi/ rg4ebodl profo"n /'s^mbDdi/ rcbody pro,or" , nrohodi, l PO Whatfilm, ___?rseet SP I can'tremember,It wasn'tvery good, PO Hmm. Veryinter€sting, And who . to th€ cinemawithi \Eo, SP With my girlfriend. PO 4- ._ _ . thefilm?(like) SP Yes,shethouthtit wasverygood, PO Whattim€5_ _ thefilm _ 2 C.nyou rwlt th.!aquasdmr? tim!didyou8etupyesterdsy? m What you.t 2 o,clo*? H Meretvere Where you did goafFrlundr? m m oidyougooutintheeveninS? tim!didyou80tobed? m What rll[?1'fii1l MutflROM (finish) SP At about10,30. PO And what 6 afteryouleft the cinema?(do) SP We wenr to a restaurant- La DotceVita, on the High Street. PO La Dohe Vita?I know ir.Verygoodspaghetti. What time 7 the restaurant? (leave) SP At about 12.00. PO Thatt verylate.3 home afterthat?(go) SP No, we went to a nightclub PO How?e llaragcn s Then we a tan? (get) Conplet€.d rpa.. tyilhoneword. yourdaughterswim? ffi t - __ B Yetbutnotverywell. mDoyoulike _ to thegym? W€ helpthem and they help ffi ffi A Whoseisthiscar? I lt's . WebouSht it lastweek. Where _ youborn? ffi 5|"{ | twasverylired. 80outlastnight. 8A Didyou-_ a Sood timeattheparty? Weto a reallygood restaurant lastnight cx SP No, we got a bus, PO And what rime ro to bed?(go) SP At about4.00a.m.Can I go home now?I,m tired. PO No,I'd like to askyou somemore questions... @@ www.oup.com/€lvenglishf ile/elem€nrary 5A pastsimple ol be.wasI were -l +- H. / S h. / ll Contractions: r'ant t = .!ns nat, wuln\: Usc l'|lrs/ rvcir t() talk rlboul thc pusL. Mf granll tur ],'asbor i'1t.ottdoh. H frS h c rl t werc tnL. ul 5B pastsimple regular verbs spelling rulesfor reSulaf verbs +- Itrl i ni ti v. spcl l i trg I i rc< l l l ./5 rri l L ,,rr' \(^\( l \lLklicd r' !1, r\, r.rnt oi r. r,) n\ , ) I , r l I I I I l rr / .l rr rL f f n. r lll\ ? di dnt Ct'\tn ti<r\ didn t txl Nl. Uscrhc|ist sinr|lEldr ilnishcddcti(nrs. Rcgul.rvcrbsin thepasta cndh .,,1, c.s.trarknl,Livtul, tlaytd. 'lhc prslis rbesamel.,r.rllpersons. Usenid I i\ln't r hiDiti\€ ii)r Pist I and E. 5C pastsimple irregular verbs I Df init iv e Past I got bur d r'l didn'l didnl didn't go have gcl bny lclt d n't drive did didn'r do i , r/ t ' r th, rr' .gul r t., Ii , .' ,,,,n ) i n r-rr..rr.,.. I saw u fibn Li:t nitht. tisc rhc infiiitivc aftclItd/ d;/,'r Did lor seed fibt1lin nilrri Nor +]i+,rrotrsn..a...? RenreDrbert{ord order AsI (ruxiliarr subject,infirtitive) or QUASI (question rurdlirry, subject,iDil i iti!.e). "ofd, Dilfat ga ott ksr iight? .u Pastof rar = rorll. rorldr'i ror ll Z- CotLlyou...? 5A a (lhangethe scntences frorn presentto past. Prescntsimple Pastsimpte thr tjr.d. I lodav is S[nd.I 2 \\rhcrc Ie \.ou 1ro\!? I \{. rre in lluni.h ioda),. I I r r i| I t . ly t his i)x )n th . 5 ]\lt lrthefs a pjk)t. b Conr1tetethe dialogueswith r.r,as, va-sl'r, llerel of yercn l. A lltrl vou and Susarlr treparrytastnight? B Yes,wc r A: iLgood? B No, it r . The musi. l t 1'?5 tjred hst week. yesrerdar S.rrurctr\: Whcrc you yrstedal-? \\t in Berlin l.estcrdav. I i n l ri n cc LrsLnroni h. trlr g ndfarhcr a piloL t(r). (4 re nrnrsnl ornnrg. It 6 It is n t opc n now. ; \\'hr .llrf t vou .rt work tod,ry? Whl awful. Whefe 5 A 16 i . tsIr )-ou .rr Nork yestcrd.r,v? b('rnxr r\ustr.Llia in 1919. yourparents Auslmlian? D N(',lhe)'rr MY nloiher L ' Itulirnnlld 5B a l {rw r i( c lhe s c nt c n c e sin thc prst simplewith /is/( /?r4'. I Us ( lhc I f ( c r nr l. I |st\l rlt lnttl d l.cn( hl. I I w , r t . h i\ i. I l )( ) \ { , I iis t . r (;onrplctcthc scntenccs with a vcrb in the pnslsinplc. nrriyr nor lmok l.Lrd livc sruy nol fu)rcnrbcr tum on w.rnt wnt.h r U f \ lU( ly linllis |. I l l ( ( lo. s n l w{ ) r lt . -l l hf\ 5 l hr lllf r llr is li. s i r;, i) 0. .l Sorfy. I 5l lhr'l\r. in r tIrr:e-st,rr Iotcl l.rstvcar. t' lrl)l..rn(tthc rcstiurlnlw.1s llll. Lhflir)th.rllon lV l.st r)ighr? i1wxsyoLrrbirthrllyyeslcrdrl. w i l h rr\' f.fcnts w hcn I $ns l sruclent . 6 Id i ) nr iil. lh. 1lI D. 7 l l rc s s hc s r r r o[ c ? l l l hc v |l. r ! t . nni{ . 7H c Il l c for w ork i nd thc bossw l s. ul. t f ) . ,lrr trc,m,,hit< th,,n(. 5C a (lnnflctr rhetcxt with thc vcrbsin be.kcrs in thc plsl sirrflc. YcsLerduy tl,.rsnry birrhday.(be) iuv bovliicnd m€ u l)c.'utirit jictcr. (bu) l I tl' .,tning u. ii.r. 'So' II nrynewjickcL.(Reirl for a (ihineseresr.r[ranr(lool) j but we find orc, (nor can) diDncrin our favouriteItaliin rcstaufant.(hrve) After th,rt\\e a film. (see) lhen we 3 rwo friendsar a nighrcluo.lncur we' fir two houn. (dance) \{e ! homc unti1j.00. (not gct) I" vcrytired, (bc) L: rnd I straightto bed. (go) Complctctht'qucstions in thc prstsimple. l)r!l )rr! go d14 Lr(r night? (voL'/ go out) I l (1ou/ wcar) (!ou / so) { yolr/ do) (your sister/ go) ? + 5 t? (theparty / finish) 8 lSltiltTllll MultiROM www.oup.com/elvenglishfile/elementary a goodrnnc? (yol' / have) 1.What'syourname? 2. Wh€reareyoufrom? 3. Whatdo youdo? 4. How old areyou? 5. What'syouraddress? 6. Are youEnglish? 7. Do youhavca pet? 8. Do yousmoke? 9. Do youwatchTV wery da/ 10.Do youlikesu8hi? I 1.Whatmusicdo youlike? 12.Whstsportsdo youplay? 13.Wheredo 1ouwork? I 4. Do youwork in themoming? 15:Whattimc do yousta work? I 6. Howmanychildrtndo youhave? I 7. Howmanybroth€rsor sistersdo youhave? 18,Who'syourbrother'sson? 19. Whorsyourfsth€r'ssist€r? 20.Who'syoursister'shusband? 21.Who'syouruncle'sdaught€r? 22,What'syourfavouritecolour? 23.Whatcolouraretaxisin NewYork? 24.WheredoestheAmEricanp€sid€ntlive? 25.Whatcoloureyesdo youhave? 26.Whatcolourhairdo youhave? 27.What'sthetime? 28.Whatdayis it today? 29.What'sthedatetoday? 30.Whattimedo youhavebieakfast? goto bed? 31.Whattimedoyouususally 32.Whattimedo youfinishschool? 33.Whendo youhav€a show€r? 34.Howmanytimesdo youeata day? J), llow on€nco yougetup esrlyf 36.Howoft€nareyoustressed? 37,Howoftenarcyouin a hurry? 38,Howoft€ndo youeatmeat? 39.Whatis the9thmonthofthe year? 40.What'syou!favouriteseason? 41.Wheris )our birftday? 42.W1tendo youhavefreetime? 43.Whendo youusuallygo onholida;4 44.W1rcndo peoplegivepresents to eachother? 45.How well can)ou swim? 46.Canyouplaya musicalinstument? 47.Do youlive in a houseo! a flat? 48.Howmanyroomsaletherein yourhouse? 49.Whendid youlastseea filrn? 50.Whereweroyouat l0 amyesterda/