Summer 2013 Issue of Soaring
Summer 2013 Issue of Soaring
Summer 2013 Celebrating the Class of 2013 As the sounds of “Pomp and Circumstance” echoed in the warm June air, the 247 graduates of the Rocky Point High School Class of 2013 marched past proud family members, friends and teachers to take their seats on the football field and begin this year’s commencement ceremony. Following the singing of “The Star-Spangled Banner” by class members Jacqueline Messinetti, Symone Mitchell, Zachary Riley and Daniel Wood, several speakers addressed the crowd. Exhortation speaker Matthew Amoscato began by thanking those individuals who have shaped his life and the lives of his fellow graduates. “On this day, we look to the past in order to transition to the future,” he said. Adding to that notion, salutatorian Elizabeth Kidney said, “It is okay to be unsure of the future because it can change at any minute…No matter what you decide to do with your life, enjoy it.” Valedictorian Sidarth Menon spoke about the level of persistence needed to achieve success. “In our lives there will be mistakes,” he said. “There will be triumphs and there will be failures…Don’t be afraid to accept challenges because you are afraid of making mistakes. Every mistake we make, every failure we experience and every disappointment we face is part of the path toward finding success and happiness.” As they sat on the brink of life’s next journey, Superintendent of Schools Dr. Michael Ring urged the students to be mindful of the famous quote, “Decisions are made by those who show up.” High School Principal John DeBenedetto noted the class’s myriad of accomplishments both in and outside of the classroom when he praised the students for numerous county and state music and athletic awards, the high number of Advanced Placement Scholars, and their work in helping the school acquire an alltime high number of scholar-athlete teams. Before each graduate was presented with his or her diploma, several students were presented with departmental, service and scholarship awards, and six were honored for having perfect attendance during their time at the high school. After crossing the dais to receive their diplomas from Board of Education President Michael Nofi, the new graduates ceremonially tossed their mortarboards high into the summer air before making their recessional exit to the traditional “Golden Eagle March.” re For Mo mation Infor n o i t a Gradu es 4-5 g a P e e S with extra support opportunities to get back on track, their A Message from Your Superintendent implementation can be directly attributed to this increase and is expected to yield similar results with the Class of 2013. Dr. Michael F. Ring When we began to envision a program to meet this cross section of our student population, these were the types of I hope you and your families are enjoying a restful summer results we hoped to achieve, and I am extremely pleased with vacation. Our schools remain busy during these summer the benefits they are having for our students. In the months months, as our capital improvement projects are well underway and years ahead, we plan to continue developing and reviewing and several district programs are continuing for some of our ways to enhance these programs as we strive to improve most struggling learners. achievement throughout our four schools. As was noted in our spring edition of Soaring, the support Knowing that learning is a continuous process, and programs that the district has put into place – namely ICARE recognizing the successful strides made by students during and SHARP – provide students with opportunities to stay the school year, these targeted intervention opportunities are on academic track with their grade-level cohorts. During continuing through this summer. Approximately 60 outgoing the school year, identified students in grades 1-5 are offered kindergarten through fifth-grade students are enrolled in academic support in the areas of English language arts and summer SHARP for math and literacy support, 70 secondary mathematics through SHARP (Striving for Higher Achievement students are benefiting from the summer ICARE credit at Rocky Point), while secondary students are offered similar recovery program, and close to 90 students are taking the support across a range of discipline areas through ICARE ICARE test prep component. Additionally, 19 struggling readers (Individualized Comprehensive Academic Response for at the middle school are enrolled in the district’s seven-week Excellence). READ 180 and Systems 44 programs, and through a continued While SHARP was only introduced this past winter, the collaboration with Eastern Suffolk BOCES, several students are ICARE initiative has been in place for two years, the benefits taking part in a summer school program. of which have notably come to fruition since the program’s The future is surely bright for those in Rocky Point, and I implementation. Over the past several years, the high school look forward to sharing future strides we make in strengthening graduation rate for Rocky Point has held steady at 85 percent. our core academic programs. I wish you an enjoyable rest of Following the implementation of ICARE, this rate jumped to 88 the summer and extend my deepest congratulations to the percent with the Class of 2012 (the latest data available). As members of the Rocky Point High School Class of 2013. these programs provide students performing below grade level Best Wishes to Retirees New Member Aboard During the annual reorganization meeting held on This year, the district bid a fond farewell to July 11, Board of Education members Michael Nofi and several retiring faculty and staff members who have Diane Burke were appointed as board president and vice collectively dedicated 120 years of service to the president, respectively. They will serve in these leadership families of Rocky Point. The district extends a sincere roles throughout the 2013-2014 school year. Also during thank-you to the following individuals for their time the meeting, District Clerk Patricia Jones oversaw the and service to the students and community. swearing in of newly elected member Susan Y. Sullivan, Timothy Delaney, Ph.D. – HS English Teacher – 35 yrs. who officially began serving Donna Ericson – HS English Teacher – 34 yrs. her three-year term of office. Joseph Hetterich – Special Education Teacher – 30 yrs. Barbara Kjaerbye – MS Teacher – 27 yrs. The district extends its appreciation to these and fellow Board members John Joanne Osmanski – FJC Secretary – 12 yrs. Lessler and Scott Reh for Irene Pedota – HS Principal Secretary – 16 yrs. volunteering their time to Patricia Smith – FJC Physical Education Teacher – 31 yrs. serve the community in this capacity. 2 R o c k y p o i n t u n i o n f r e e s c h o o l d i s t r i c t Fall Drug Forum to Benefit Community Youth In a time when statistics show that 66 percent of the world’s illegal drugs are consumed in the United States, the district has committed to doubling its already proactive efforts toward educating the community’s youth about the dangers of such behavior. During a recent planning meeting attended by district administrators, representatives from community support organizations, elected officials, parents and students, a wealth of information on the topic was shared and the planning of a fall “Drug Free” community forum commenced. “It is important for as many people as possible to work together in order to convince our youth that the risks associated with drug use are not worth taking, and that they can make more positive alternative choices,” said meeting facilitator and high school Assistant Principal Susann Crossan. During the meeting, attendees were informed of the previous efforts the high school has taken with regard to the topic, as well as data obtained from a student assessment survey and focus group discussions conducted this spring at the Rocky Point School District recently hosted a planning meeting as part of its efforts to organize a fall “Drug Free” community forum. Pictured are Superintendent of Schools Dr. Michael Ring, Kristen MacKay from the Suffolk County Sheriff’s Department, Jennifer Serrentino from Hope House Overdose Prevention Endeavor, Stephanie Sloan from Family Service League, Suffolk County Legislator Sarah Anker, Kristen Muratore from the North Shore Youth Council, high school Assistant Principal Susann Crossan, Principal John DeBenedetto, Board President Michael Nofi and Brookhaven Town Councilwoman Jane Bonner. middle and high schools. “When you look at the data, it is evident that this is a problem that is relevant globally as well as in our own backyards,” said Board of Education President Michael Nofi. “What makes our community unique is our willingness and drive to band together on issues such as this. I think tonight was a great start toward planning a meaningful event this fall.” In addition to the district-based findings, Suffolk County Legislator Sarah Anker, Brookhaven Town Councilwoman Jane Bonner, Kristin MacKay from the Suffolk County Sheriff’s Department and Jennifer Serrentino from Hope House Overdose Prevention Endeavor also addressed the crowd about the widespread issue of drug and alcohol use and abuse. Once set, the date of the fall forum will be communicated home to parents and those in the community. Capital Projects Student’s Work Added to HS Collection The outstanding work of junior Sarah Viola has been added to the library collection at Rocky Point High School after the Board of Education and administration recognized it as a valuable research tool for other scholars. Sarah spent over a year and a half completing an independent research project on Joshua Johnson, one of the first African-American portrait painters. Sarah’s paper, which was four chapters in length, focused on the life, lineage and works of Mr. Johnson. She looked at the subjects of his paintings as well as his connection to the influential and political figures of Colonial and early American history. To uncover original information for the project, Sarah conducted an interview with a museum curator, visited churches and town hall record rooms that held records from Colonial times in Maryland and Delaware, and even followed lineage through graveyards’ headstones as part of her research process. U n d e r w ay The district broke ground on many of the projects included in the summer capital reserve plan on Monday, June 24. These projects were approved by voters last fall and are being funded at no new cost to taxpayers, as the monies were included in the district’s previous capital reserve fund. The work includes the demolition of three science classrooms, construction of a bathroom in the high school skills classroom, removal of the current high school track and installation of a new turf field, as well as the upcoming reconstruction of bathrooms in the high school cafeteria. Residents are encouraged to follow the weekly progress of these projects on the district’s website. These updates will be posted to the “Weekly Capital Reserve Projects Update” link and will include a recap of the work completed as well as photos of both the interior and exterior construction endeavors. Essays Earn Scholarships After being moved by this September’s 9/11 assembly program featuring speakers from the FealGood Foundation, Rocky Point High School junior Joseph Russo and senior Serafina TirannoCimisi entered the organization’s essay competition and were announced as winners this June. The students, who penned essays about the significance of the historic day and the important reasons why it should be remembered, were each given a $1,000 scholarship from the foundation. They are pictured to the right with Captain Michael McPhillips, FealGood Foundation representative and 9/11 responder and advocate, and Richard Acritelli, high school teacher and coordinator of the school’s 9/11 remembrance ceremony. R o c k y p o i n t u n i o n f r e e s c h o o l d i s t r i c t 3 Sidarth Menon – Valedictorian While a student in the district, Sidarth took the most rigorous courses available to him and continued to maintain a highly challenging course selection offered in his senior year. Earlier this year, based on his performance on Advanced Placement exams, Sidarth was granted one of the College Board’s highest honors by being named an AP Scholar with Distinction. Outside of the classroom, he excelled in numerous activities, demonstrating his ability to carefully balance extracurricular activities with academics. He was a competitive lettering tennis player, a drum major for the marching band, president of the Science Club, captain of the Science Bowl and vice president of Students Against Destructive Decisions. Additionally, he contributed to the community as a peer tutor to many students of all grades. He will be attending the University of Pittsburgh in the fall, where he will major in history. Elizabeth Kidney – Salutatorian Elizabeth undertook the most demanding and balanced program of studies, including every honors and AP course available to her at Rocky Point High School. In recognition of her dedication to her academics, Elizabeth was named an AP Scholar with Honor by the College Board and a Commended Student by the National Merit Scholarship Program. Beyond the classroom, she was a member of the National Honor Society, vice president of the Math Honor Society and an active volunteer for the American Cancer Society. Over the years, she volunteered with Relay for Life as a planning committee member, entertainment chairperson and team co-captain. Her efforts have helped raise thousands of dollars for this worthy cause. Elizabeth also volunteered her time as a peer mentor and tutor for younger students at the school and in the community and has volunteered at the Wooded Acres Animal Hospital. She will be attending St. Joseph’s College in the fall. Matthew Amoscato – Exhortation Speaker Driven to excel academically, Matthew maintained a challenging course load each year, including enrollment in many of the school’s Advanced Placement courses. As a testament to his work in the classroom, Matthew was named an AP Scholar with Honor earlier this year. As an athlete, he was an important member of the varsity football, wrestling and lacrosse teams. Matthew was president of the Varsity Club and a member of the Be a Nicer Neighbor club and Students Against Destructive Decisions. His leadership skills enabled these organizations to raise money for various community-based projects. Matthew has committed to the United States Merchant Marine Academy at Kings Point to further his education. Rocky Point High School 2013 Graduates 4 R o c k y p o i n t u Nicole Kerremans Elizabeth Kidney Mary Kincaid Alyssa Kistner Christopher Krug Steven LaBarbera Joseph Laccesaglia Alexandria LaGala Brandon Lamar Quentin Lambert Nicholas LaSalla Brianna LaVista Benjamin LeCates Jessica Levonick Michael Levy Grace Lopez Lee Lopez Kristine Loscalzo Brian Lounsbury McKenzie Luberda Rachel Macellaro Dylan Magee Timothy Maggio Ashley Mancini Michele Manginello Janay Mansilungan Jessica Marcks Joseph Margulies Eugene Marrero Jr. Michael Martin Lauren Mattarella Michael Gilmartin Daniel Glennon Jessica Gordon Rebecca Gordon Kaitlin Grady Sydnee Gross Jake Grossmann Kelli Grossmann Bodine Guarino Matthew Guerrisi Alyssa Guido Ryan Hackal Steven Haeffner Joseph Hagan Kipp Henkin Kali Herbstman Krystal Herbstman Jaimee Herrera Gabriela Hnizdo Drew Hoffman Amy Hohowski Nicholas Hollowell Elizabeth Holter Stephanie Hunsucker Angela Iovine Coryn Jones Billy Peter Kalavanos Burak Karaturk Danielle Keating Hailey Keeler Christopher Kelly Hannah Collins Alexis Conlon Cassandra Costarelli Natalie Costello Shawn Countess Kayla Cove Edward Crawford Jr. Deirdre Curry Christina D’Amore Dana D’Aquila Alexandra Darcey Jolee DiSalvio Elizabeth Dobies Cheyenne Enlund Andria Errante Steven Ewart Nicholas Fabian Jennifer Falco Michael Fields Justin Fiore Martin Fischetti Michael Flecha Jeremy Freund Stephanie Galluzzo Katrina Galvin Lindsay Garvey Alex Gaudet Laran Genc Lauren Giannotti Monica Giannotti Sean Gifford Jacqueline Abbate Nicholas Accardi Sarah Addiss Matthew Amoscato Victoria Anderson Dakota Arocho Alyssa Ayers Brandon Badillo Sarah Batal Michael Bellissimo Ryan Benante Kyle Berkoski Matthew Best John Paul Bierce Miguel Blandon Lauren Blume Shannon Bouker Kelly Britten Vincent Bua Daniel Cambria Dillon Campbell Taylor Campbell Vivian Canning Jessica Cannon Melissa Carneiro Matthew Carnival Kelci Christiansen Cynthia Clark Luke Cohen Donte Coleman Caroline Collesidis n i o n f r e e s c h o o l d i s t r i c t A Legacy of Success Over the past 13 years, the Class of 2013 has accrued countless awards and honorable achievements and now leaves behind an impressive legacy of success. Below are some statistics on this impressive class. Post High School Plans: • 41% of graduates will be attending a four-year college this fall • 49% of graduates will be attending a two-year college this fall • 3% of graduates will be enrolling in a vocational school • 4% of graduates will be joining the military • 3% will enter the workforce Seniors Named Scholarship Winners Based on their track record of achieving academic success, seven Rocky Point High School seniors were named New York State Scholarship for Academic Excellence winners. This award was bestowed upon the students based on their grades and performance on certain Regents exams. Annually, the program provides some 8,000 scholarships to outstanding New York State high school graduates. Scholarships range from $500 to $1,500 per year for up to five years of undergraduate study in New York State. Congratulations to this year’s Rocky Point recipients: Types of Diplomas Awarded: • 12.6% received an Advanced Regents with Honors diploma • 24.3% received an Advanced Regents diploma • 0.8% received a Regents diploma with Honors • 53% received a Regents diploma • 9.3% received a local or IEP diploma The Places They’ll Go: Class of 2013 Top 11 Sidarth Menon Elizabeth Kidney Matthew Amoscato Vincent Viggiani Taylor Lynn Campbell Frederick Volz Dana D’Aquila Jaclyn Swiderski Jacqueline Messinetti Emily Rosman Chadé Walker University of Pittsburgh St. Joseph’s College, Suffolk Campus United States Merchant Marine Academy Stony Brook University Stony Brook University University of Potsdam University of Maryland, College Park State University of New York at New Paltz University of Tennessee, Knoxville St. Bonaventure University State University of New York at Albany Brandon Badillo Taylor Campbell – top scholarship winner Gabriela Hnizdo Elizabeth Kidney Vincent Viggiani Chadé Walker Gabrielle Walters Graduates Continued... R o c k y p o i n t u n Evan Sugrue Kayla Sullivan Ryan Sullivan Jaclyn Swiderski Carly Thomsen Serafina Tiranno-Cimisi Angela Torriero Merve Toslu Peter Tureski Bria Tyler Brina Valencia Garrett Valentine Zachary VanHelden Jessie Vessichio Vincent Viggiani Frederick Volz Kevin Vosper Connor Voss Andreas Vouliakis Chadé Walker Emma Walsh Laura Walsh Gabrielle Walters Jennifer Wandle Andrew Wider Marc Winters Matthew Wolf Daniel Wood Megan Wright Zachary Yazak Robert Rowley Jr. Patrick Roy Anthony Russo Kaylyn Sadler Justin Salino Amanda Sanchez Peter Scalcione Rhiannon Schaefer Brittney Schild Zachary Schindler Alicia Schmitz Ariana Schultz Frank Sciulla Ebru Sert William Serviss Casey Settepani Emily Settlocker Alexandrea Shank Anna Shapiro James Shea Carissa Shevlin Jami Smiles Molly Smith Shannon Smith Emma Sonnessa Daniel Soranno Kyle Spira Christian Starace Jenna Stevenson Emily Stewart Briana Struss Georgiana O’Neill Jenna Orlando Aylin Ozen Megan Palasek Karianne Palmer Joseph Panettiere Jasmine Parisi Kyle Pekrul Michaela Pettit Andrea Piacente Tyler Piccolo Nicole Piediscalzo Alexis Pieloch Noel Pierce Michael Pitagno Andrew Pitcher Courtney Platt Anthony Polizzi Robert Portesy Krystina Posada Amanda Putko Daniel Qeramixhi Joseph Radenberg Amy Rausch Albert Reichle Taylor Ricker Zachary Riley Ethan Riské Dan Roalef Elliott Ropell Emily Rosman Brianna Mattiucci Dennis McAllister Sean McCabe Emma McDonnell Daniel McLaughlin Charles McLoone Sidarth Menon Austin Mentnech Trevor Mercier Jeffery Meruelo Allison Messina Jacqueline Messinetti Alyssa Milano Peter Millian Michele Minogue Pamela Mitarotondo Symone Mitchell Caylin Molter Dylan Moran Christopher Motolinia Kassandra Mueller Rebecca Mueller Casey Muller Martina Nadeau Thomas Neilsen Gabriella Nieto-Toro Dylan Nugent Keith Oberland Brayden O’Hara Michael Olivo John O’Malley i o n f r e e s c h o o l d i s t r i c t 5 Moving on to New Adventures On a picturesque June morning, Rocky Point Middle School eighth-graders took the next step in their academic journeys as they received their promotion certificates and moved up to become next year’s incoming high school freshmen. During the moving up ceremony, Principal Dr. Scott O’Brien commended the graduates on their efforts during their time at the middle school and reflected on their time spent together. As a testament to their individual accomplishments, several students were presented with more than 20 academic and character awards, including the New York State Comptroller’s Achievement Award, the Triple “C” Award, and the Presidential Outstanding Academic Achievement and Academic Excellence awards, as well as departmental awards. On display during the ceremony was a beautiful tile mural created by the students with the help of their art teacher and the support of the school’s PTA. The “spirit tiles” were made as a lasting memory of the students’ time at the middle school and will be hung in the school’s hallway for all to admire. Following the ceremony, the students gathered for a barbecue and yearbook-signing event on the back lawn. Excelling Onward to Middle School A processional song, led by students Noah Grossman and Alexander Samuilov with the help of teacher David Ventura, signified the start of this year’s fifth-grade moving up ceremony at Joseph A. Edgar Intermediate School. After a warm welcome from Principal Linda Towlen, the audience enjoyed several musical selections by the school’s award-winning fifth-grade select chorus High Notes, who performed under the direction of Craig Knapp. The messages of these songs captured the true feeling of the day, from the belief that “Children Are the Future of the World” to the many “Memories” that were shared among the program attendees to the understanding that it was indeed time to move “Onward!” to the middle school. Before the students received their moving up certificates from their classroom teachers, two special recognitions took place. Teacher Mark Yashowitz recognized the members of the school’s student council, while teacher Laurie Varriale helped honor members of the Technology Club for their work throughout the year, which included documenting and photographing school events. Next Stop, JAE Surrounded by proud parents, friends and teachers, the second-grade classes at Frank J. Carasiti Elementary took part in the school’s moving up ceremony this June. After the students had settled in their seats at the front of the gymnasium, Principal Virginia Gibbons welcomed those in attendance. She, along with Suffolk County Legislator Sarah Anker and Town of Brookhaven Superintendent of Highways Daniel P. Losquadro, imparted a few words of wisdom to the young scholars. Moving many in the audience to tears, “moving up authors” Nicholas Jaferis, Ella Larsen, Olivia Leheste, Leila Oliver and Dakota Rosasco shared their original essays that reflected on their favorite school memories and their hopes for their academic futures. Celebrating a few of the grade level’s accomplishments this year, Ms. Gibbons announced that the school had ranked No. 1 in New York State during this year’s National Geography Bee Challenge and presented the school’s top scorers with commemorative certificates. Joined by Student Assistance counselor Jamie Adamski, Ms. Gibbons helped recognize the members of the second-grade service squad who volunteered countless hours this year to assist members of their school community as well as those in need in surrounding areas. At the end of the ceremony, each student received a blue sash symbolizing his or her promotion to the third grade and a dictionary from members of the Rotary Club of Rocky Point. As their last collective activity as second-graders, the students joined together in song, performing “Amigos” both vocally and in sign language, as well as the traditional “FJC Farewell Song.” 6 R o c k y p o i n t u n i o n f r e e s c h o o l d i s t r i c t Giving Back with As part of the AMP-1 basketball fundraiser held earlier this year, Rocky Point High School raised $3,000 to assist the victims of Hurricane Sandy. To ensure their donation benefited local residents who were affected by the storm, the school elected to make the donation to Habitat for Humanity, a nonprofit that has been restoring and building homes for local victims of the hurricane. The school chose the organization in response to the students’ eagerness to continue their community service work for the cause; and with Habitat for Humanity, they could see the direct result of their donation by volunteering at one of the work sites. This June, a team of 10 students from the Interact Club and teachers from Rocky Point High School dedicated an entire Saturday volunteering alongside a site manager and Habitat for Humanity crew at a Mastic Beach work site. Because of the size of the school’s donation, Rocky Point students will have the chance to volunteer at two additional sites in the upcoming months. County Awards for Arts & Writing The creativity and imagination of three students from Joseph A. Edgar Intermediate School were honored with top awards from the Suffolk Reading Council. Each year, the SRC hosts a variety of contests in the areas of reading, writing and the arts in an effort to promote literacy and artistic expression. Third-grader Isadora Luce was named a Creative Writing Contest third-place winner for her prose. Fifth-grader Thomas Sandusky also won third place in this contest, while thirdgrader Shaun Sander won third place in the K-6 art competition. Working with Published Authors As an extension of their traditional literacy lessons, Rocky Point Middle School students participated in a series of unique literacy events this spring, including meeting with professional authors and attending a schoolwide live poetry event where 67 students shared original and famous poetry. Professional poet Darren Sardelli met with students during their English classes to share his personal experiences with the literacy genre and engage them in the writing process as they crafted a class poem together. Well-known author Gordon Korman spoke with students about his vast writing portfolio and how he got his start at a very young age. As many of his works are personal favorites of the students, and several are even included in the school’s English curriculum, the school’s book club helped drum up awareness for the program by creating flyers and coordinating a poster contest. The winners of the poster contest were Clarice Degregory, Grace Nolan and Joshua Vogel. Keeping with middle school tradition, a mural depicting one of the school’s favored Korman books was painted on the wall outside the school library, joining the ranks of past visiting authors. Following the grade-level assemblies, the poster contest winners, student muralists and members of the school’s book club were invited to have lunch with Mr. Korman and continue their discussions about the writing process and the job of a professional author. Don’t Squish the Bugs As a conclusion to a science unit on the topic, kindergarten students in Karen Nicholson’s class at Frank J. Carasiti Elementary School shared their newfound knowledge on the importance of a number of nature’s creatures during a class play written and directed by their teacher. The beautiful scenery and colorful costumes, created by parents with the help of teaching assistant Lisa Rinaldo, served as a fitting backdrop for the “Please Don’t Squish the Bugs” show. During the play, the students spoke about the value of a number of insects as a means to end two fictional youngsters’ quest to squish or capture different bugs that come across their path. Familiar songs, such as “The Ants Go Marching,” were delivered throughout the performance, and each student had a dynamic speaking part in the show. R o c k y p o i n t u n i o n f r e e s c h o o l d i s t r i c t 7 Spotlighting Technology Informative & Educational Videos As part of their social studies lessons on New York State, first-grade students at Frank J. Carasiti Elementary used a variety of technological resources to create informational projects on several state symbols. Working with technology teacher Jennifer Meschi, the students researched all of the state’s symbols and created illustrations of their chosen topics. After scanning in their drawings to the school’s CrazyTalk software, the students recorded themselves reading excerpts from their research into Audacity software. Once the recordings were blended with the illustrations, the first-graders used the features of CrazyTalk to make their creations come to life as animated slides. The final products were combined using MovieMaker software to produce one video that covered all research topics. A Celebration of Technology Students are engaged in learning with the use of technology on a daily basis. From receiving in-class lessons using interactive white boards to completing projects on laptops and other computer devices, district students are truly embodying what it means to be 21st-century learners. Looking to showcase how technology has become a valued resource in the district, Joseph A. Edgar Intermediate School’s fifth-grade Technology Club, advised by teacher Laurie Varriale, and students in the GATES program, taught by Donna Trapani, participated in the 13th Annual Celebration of Technology in Education event, hosted by the Model Schools Program in partnership with Dowling College. The students’ projects – Virtual Rain Forest (fourth-grade GATES), Decades Prezis (fifthgrade GATES), Glogster Book Recommendations (Technology Club) and Journey Through the Civil War with QR Codes (Technology Club) – offered a glimpse of the standards-based learning taking place in the district with the aid of technology. During the event, the students provided live demonstrations of the instructional technologies used to complete their projects and had the opportunity to view projects made by other participating schools. The projects completed by the Technology Club were created and displayed using iPads on loan from the Mid East Suffolk Teacher Center. Staying Safe Online Joseph A. Edgar Intermediate School fifth-grade students engaged in valuable lessons about computer and Internet safety when they took part in a “Kids Safe Online” poster contest. After speaking with their technology teacher about the importance of protecting one’s personal identity and the dangers of cyberbullying, the students utilized Smart Notebook technology to produce Internet safety posters for the New York State poster contest. The following students were presented with certificates of participation and letters of commendation by the New York State Division of Homeland Security and Emergency Services’ Office of Cyber Security: Sean Broderick Jasmine LaGala Bryan Pazmino Adele Rutuelo Sophie Scalcione Megan Sloane Cruz Turcios Zoey Virga Displays of Creativity and Talent The annual Joseph A. Edgar Intermediate School Art and Technology Show served to once again highlight the vast talents and creativity of the building’s students. During the evening event, attendees were invited to admire the numerous pieces of colorful artwork created by third- through fifth-graders that adorned the hallways and the numerous technology projects that were displayed in the library. To allow visitors to better understand the art projects on display, art teacher Katerina Kyriakakis prepared a comprehensive brochure detailing the students’ work, and in some cases drew the attendees’ attention to her YouTube channel, which went into further detail about the exhibit. The technology pieces on display during the Annual Celebration of Technology in Education event (highlighted in an article above), as well as technology projects completed during library classes with Monica DiGiovanni, were just a few of the technology projects on display at the building event. Visitors had the chance to explore the concepts the students were learning about in the classroom as they worked with QR codes, CPS clickers and educational websites. The school’s Technology Club members volunteered to aid others with the technology presented as well as photograph the event. 8 R o c k y p o i n t u n i o n f r e e s c h o o l d i s t r i c t Spring Sports Wrap-up A Golden Eagle This year’s spring varsity sports teams accrued a number of impressive accomplishments during their respective seasons, including five advancing to playoff competitions. Congratulations to the following student-athletes on their individual accomplishments and to the baseball, girls lacrosse, softball, boys track and girls track teams for their postseason showings. Baseball Eastern Suffolk Baseball Umpires Association County Sportsmanship Award Dennis McAllister – All-League Trevor Mercier – All-League Frank Moscatiello – All-League Tyler Piccolo – All-County, All-League Dan Soranno – Academic All-League Boys Lacrosse Nicholas Accardi – All-County, All-Division Alex Borja – Rookie of the Year Sean Gifford – All-Division Girls Lacrosse Shannon Abernathy– All-Division Ashley Faulhaber – All-Division Adriana Greco – All-Tournament Alyssa Guido – All-County Kristen LoManto – All-Division Kristine Loscalzo – All-County Alyssa Milano – All-County Brittany Rinaldi – All-Tournament Amanda Sanchez – All-Division Jennifer Wandle – Unsung Hero Softball Annie Kennedy – All-County League VI Pitcher of the Year, Co-Small School Pitcher of the Year Jessica Marcks – All-League Alexa Mastando – All-Division Tennis Steven Kucharczyk – All-League Brian Lounsbury – All-League Sidarth Menon – All-League Boys Track Dennis Ak – All-League Brandon Badillo – All-League Kyle Berkoski – All-Division, All-League Miguel Blandon – All-League Kevin Brown – All-League Peter Costa – All-League William Danisi – All-League Michael Franks – All-League Nicholas Henninger – All-League Dylan Magee – All-League Charles Mcloon– All-League Brayden Ohara– All-League Ethan Riske – All-League Connor Voss – All-League Marc Winters – All-League Girls Track Cassandra Costarelli – All-League Caitlin Craig – All-League Kaitlyn McDonald – All-League Taylor Ricker – All-League Angela Torriero – All-League Jessie Vessichio – All-League Honored For Sportsmanship At the end of June, four Rocky Point Middle School sports teams were praised for the character traits they displayed during the spring season and received sportsmanship awards. Congratulations to the following teams and their coaches: MS Boys Baseball (White) - Coach Anthony Dilorenzo MS Boys Tennis - Coach Joe Settepani MS Boys Track - Coach Jim McCormick MS Girls Track - Coach Pat Panella Rocky Point High School Class of 2013 graduate Matthew Amoscato was named one of Long Island’s 2013 Golden 11 by the National Football Foundation. Earlier this year, each high school football coach submitted their selection for this prestigious award, and the top 11 students were recognized for their ability on the field and their scholarly dedication in the classroom. In the Zone In recognition of their outstanding leadership and excellence in the area of physical education, four district students were named Outstanding Physical Education Student Leadership Award winners in the sixth annual Suffolk Zone elementary and middle school physical education leadership awards program. This year’s honorees were Joseph A. Edgar Intermediate School students Tyler Kotarski and Clare Levy and Rocky Point Middle School students Christina Ferrara and Brian Forbes. These students were selected by their physical education teachers for this recognition because they are role models in class and exemplify what the award stands for. The criteria for this award are based on three New York State Learning Standards: personal health and fitness, a safe and healthy environment, and resource management. All-Stars on and off the Court As a result of their hard work and dedication to achieving athletic and academic excellence, four Rocky Point High School spring athletic teams earned the Scholar-Athlete Team Award from the New York State Public High School Athletic Association. This honor is presented to New York State teams who possess a cumulative GPA of 90 percent or better. A total of 18 Rocky Point teams were bestowed with this honor during the 2012-2013 school year. Congratulations to the following spring teams and their coaches on this achievement: TEAM GPA COACH Girls Track 95.098 John Mattia and Joseph Camarda Boys Track 94.488 Chris Donadoni and Anthony Marchetta Girls Lacrosse 91.194 Daniel Spallina and Sara Davis Boys Tennis 90.736 James Buonconsiglio Board of Education Michael Nofi, President Diane Burke, Vice President John Lessler, Trustee Scott Reh, Trustee Susan Y. Sullivan, Trustee Superintendent of Schools Dr. Michael F. Ring District Mission Statement The mission of the Rocky Point Union Free School District is to develop each child’s full potential in a nurturing and supportive student-centered environment that will promote a foundation for lifelong learning.
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