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this Tribute in PDF format
Published in Radio Sai September 2015
A tribute to Arthur and Poppy Hillcoat
Play the role He has assigned and have fun. All that is, is perfect - Arthur Hillcoat
Love is not something that is apart. Love is your own true nature - Poppy Hillcoat
Arthur and Poppy Hillcoat were Sathya Sai Baba's World Ambassadors of Love. They shared the
blessing of their many years of proximity to Sathya Sai Baba and their profound understanding of
His teachings with so many people who didn’t have that opportunity across Australia, where they
lived, and in many other parts of the world too.
Arthur started his work life in Brisbane Ports moving up the line to eventually hold a management
position, and completing his education with a university degree. Poppy’s work-life started in a bank
in Melbourne and later she became a business partner running a restaurant in that city. Their
combined professional experience was useful in their later work together in the Sathya Sai
Organisation. Poppy eventually moved to the Gold Coast, Queensland, an hour south of Brisbane.
She was drawn to visit Sathya Sai Baba, when her first husband John became seriously ill and
was mostly confined to a wheelchair. They joined a group of devotees going to visit Baba in the
early 1980s and Arthur was the group leader. Thus began the friendship between Poppy and her
family with Arthur. By the time John passed away, Poppy’s spiritual journey was in full motion. She
was a stalwart of the Sai group that blossomed on the Gold Coast, later joining Arthur as Secretary
of the Brisbane Sathya Sai Baba Centre in 1983, with Arthur as its first Chair. She was also one of
those who worked selflessly to assist the fledgling Central Council (now known as National
Council) find its feet in growing Swami’s mission in Australia.
Arthur became the inaugural Chair of the Central Council, Sathya Sai Organisation Australia in
1986 and he held this post until 1990. He was tasked to unite the Sathya Sai centres and groups,
which had been operating independently, under the umbrella of the Central Council. Ian
Abrahams, Secretary of the Central Council during Arthur’s term of office recalls those days:
“During his five years as Chair, Arthur created enormous goodwill amongst all affiliated Centres
and Groups, in which the Central Council functioned with love. Thanks to his commendable efforts,
the number of members and activities saw a rise. The Australian annual national conference
became a hallmark event and, interestingly, an unprecedented blossoming of youthful musical
In 1990, Sathya Sai Baba gave His blessings for Arthur and Poppy to join their spiritual paths in
marriage and Swami continued to be the centre of their lives. As Arthur’s four children and Poppy’s
two children by previous marriages were now grown, the newly-weds were free to work and travel
together. Arthur and Poppy formed an ideal partnership, the perfect balance of the Shiva and
Shakti in human form. They moved through life always loving, happy, smiling and content, and this
touched and moved people around them. Even when their financial advisor stole most of their
money, they faced it with equanimity and forgiveness. Arthur commented that they never had an
unhappy day and even this event didn’t cause one – not even a ripple. When they were ill, their
first thought was not to cause worry or pain to others who were concerned about them, and
everyone who met them felt in them the echo of Swami’s Divine, selfless love. For Arthur and
Poppy all life shone with joy, love of Truth and acceptance of ‘what is.’ In Arthur's words,
expressed beautifully at the end of his famous food prayer:
"We have no complaints whatsoever Lord, and above all, we ask that you draw on
each and every individual to become aware of the Truth, to live in Truth and thus, be
Arthur was appointed as the Central Coordinator for New Zealand and the Pacific Islands in 1996,
thus moving to hold a higher and more responsible post in the Sathya Sai
Organisation. Consequently, Arthur and Poppy started to travel outside Australia more frequently.
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Arthur also became the Chair of the Christmas Committee arranging the Christmas celebrations in
Prasanthi Nilayam for more than a decade. Arthur’s earlier aspirations to go into the priesthood
transformed into his giving inspirational talks that emphasised the Divine Message of Love and
Unity. Arthur’s keen wit along with his natural and unassuming nature made everyone feel
comfortable, loved and uplifted in his presence. John Behner, current Chair of the Christmas
Committee, describes those times:
“Christmas in Prasanthi has been a special time for many years. When Arthur started as the
Christmas Committee chairman there wasn't even a Christmas committee - just Arthur with Swami
to guide him. Then Robert Bruce (from America) would help him, and between the two of them
they would organise the activities. Arthur, with his loving style of guidance, was able to get the
devotees to do their very best. Poppy was always there to help as a sevadal. She knew all the
foreign ladies and so she could seat them in an order which did not ruffle feathers.”
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In later years, as Arthur’s hearing deteriorated, Sathya Sai Baba would lovingly joke that it was
Arthur’s opportunity to listen within. For this reason, Poppy became the intermediary to convey
devotees' questions to Arthur when they travelled and spoke of Swami and His teachings. Arthur
started to reduce the length of time that he was given to speak to allow Poppy the chance to
contribute her sharing of Sai Love and Spirit. Poppy started to speak in her own right at many of
the meetings in support of Arthur’s growing public role. In 2007, both Arthur and Poppy spoke on
Christmas Day in front of Baba and a crowd of gathered thousands in Prasanthi Nilayam. Shaun
Brown, on remembering Poppy’s talk that year said:
“Poppy said that 2000 years ago, Jesus taught mankind, 'Love even your enemies and Love your
neighbour as yourself.' Now, Swami is teaching us the same message in an even simpler and
broader way with His teaching, 'Love all, Serve all.'”
You know, life is very beautiful. Wherever we go in the world, we find love Arthur Hillcoat
Love is there already - we don’t have to make it happen - Poppy Hillcoat
From 2003, when Arthur stepped down as the Central Coordinator, the visits to Puttaparthi led to
Sathya Sai Work at a global level. Arthur and Poppy felt blessed to travel to many countries
around the world - America, the United Kingdom, Italy, Greece, Hungary, Israel, Fiji, North and
Southern India - along with Australia and New Zealand. Significantly they also visited the emerging
countries in which the Sathya Sai Message was relatively new, such as Russia, Croatia, Serbia
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and Bosnia and where political events were often challenging for those peoples. Arthur and Poppy
perfectly played their role as messengers in explaining and living what Sathya Sai Baba had come
to reveal. The role that had been formally seen as ‘Arthur’s’ became shared. Poppy was reaching
out to the women devotees, particularly in the newer countries. They became known as ‘Swami's
World Ambassadors of Love’ (a role that Swami Himself said will be theirs henceforth).
Their shining example will be remembered with love, always.
The Divine Partnership
Emanating from the hearts of great souls is a special beat heard and felt by all who come near
them. That beat is the rhythm and song of their soul music which is heard far beyond their bodily
time on this earth. Arthur and Poppy Hillcoat were two true human beings who touched the lives of
many, and the song and dance of them will reside in our hearts and continue to serve the world for
many years to come.
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Arthur’s Om Shivaya
Ian Abrahams, former Secretary of the Australian National Council, remembers how Poppy’s sister
lived in Sydney and this brought them from their Tamborine Mountain home down to Sydney at
least once and often twice a year. Arthur and Poppy would usually attend the Gordon Centre
meetings whenever their visit spanned a Thursday, and everyone loved hearing about the latest
Sai news from them. Arthur and Poppy related events from the many overseas travels they were
making, from Eastern Europe, to the South Pacific to North America.
What was striking was the continual evidence of Grace, how the Sai Hand was paving the way for
them to meet spiritual seekers that reflected the mission of Swami to transform the world into the
golden age, beyond the Kali Yuga. Arthur’s oratory skills in giving talks without referring to
prepared notes was a hallmark of the depth of understanding and experiences he had of Sai
Baba’s teachings. Many a floor shook in harmony with the beat of Arthur dancing around when
singing “Om Shivaya Om Shivaya” and he lighted many hearts with the natural Sai Love that came
naturally from him.
Doug Saunders (former National Chair of New Zealand) and his wife, Sieglinde, remember fondly
that Arthur’s sense of humour was incredibly infectious: “And I will never forget the look of
consternation on Poppy’s face as Arthur ended his many talks with his dancing madly back and
forth across the stage whilst singing 'Om Shivaya, Om Shivaya.'”
To Russia with Love
Deputy Chairman IT Committee Zone 8, Oleg Kulakovskiv remembers: “In the course of our
personal communication it was revealed that Arthur and I learned about Swami from one and the
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same person, Alexander Everett from America! I was introduced to Swami in Russia in 1999 when
I attended a seminar entitled 'The Way to Oneself', and Arthur – 25 years before, in Australia.
Inscrutable are the ways of the Lord!
“One day, after Arthur and Poppy’s talk before devotees, on the program it was planned to make
tours around St. Petersburg and Pushkin. But it was raining and I suggested that we should go for
lunch to the country house of my wife's parents. Arthur and Poppy happily agreed. The parents of
my wife are wonderful people: the father is a scientist, Doctor of Biological Sciences, and the
mother is a doctor. They were brought up in a materialistic family in the USSR. At that time,
parents were wary of my activities in Sathya Sai Organization.
“I hoped that their meeting with Arthur and Poppy would somewhat dispel their fears. I agreed on
our arrival and we were off. After the initial acquaintance, I felt some tension from parents’ side.
There were straightforward questions about vegetarianism, 'Indian' religion, and so forth. I started
to worry, but then I let the situation go and went for a walk with my little daughter. 'Come what
may,' I thought, 'May Swami Himself arrange everything.'
“After 1.5 hours, when we returned, the atmosphere had changed, it was filled with love and
goodness. And when it was time to say goodbye, the parents did not want to let Arthur and Poppy
go for a long time. They asked them to come again during their next visit. When they were parting,
Mom's eyes were full of tears. This is the power of influence of a pure devotee.”
Arthur The Lion, Poppy The Lioness
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I heard something mentioned a little while ago about the fact that Swami calls me a ‘lion’ but I
don’t want you to have any fears; I am really only a little pussy cat. Arthur Hillcoat
Arthur liked to relate the story of how he became known as a lion, to show the loving fun side of
Sai Baba.
On this day He (Sai Baba) was talking to the students inside, and then He came outside where they
couldn’t see Him. He called me and I said: “Yes, Swami?”
He said: “The boys just want to see you.” I said: “See me Swami?”
He said: “Yes, they want to see you. Go inside!” and so I stepped inside.
There was a great roar from the students - hilarious; and then I knew that Swami had been up to
When I saw one of the students later I asked: “What was the roar about when I came in?”
He said: “Oh, Swami was teasing us.” I said: “What do you mean teasing?”
He said: “Swami pulled up His sleeve, and started to move His hand and said: “Would you like to see a
lion?” And the students said: ‘Yes Swami!’
So He called me.
You see, our Lord has a beautiful sense of humour and He teases the students and you become a part
of it, and it’s wonderful!
While Arthur was a lion, his Poppy was a lioness, sweetly standing beside him - both exemplar
pillars of love, peace and Truth. In the words of Prabhu Basavalingam from Brisbane, speaking on
this relationship:
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“In spite of being Pa’s great Greek Goddess, Ma led a very simple life, embracing everyone as her
own. She was the fearless lioness roaring alongside the mighty lion - and in the highest Truth, not
just in words but in action.”
Arthur And Poppy on True Love and Understanding
Following a visit to Bosnia, Arthur and Poppy were at Puttaparthi when they learned a great deal of
their retirement fund had been stolen by their financial advisor back home. They greeted this news
with equanimity - they had God in their hearts, why fear? They had an interview before leaving for
home, and Swami made it clear that they were to carry on, and help would come to support their
work. They continued on, and years later Arthur related that they did not have one unhappy day
over this incident of loss, because of their understanding that this was simply something in their
lives that had come to them and needed to be.
Understanding was something that Arthur talked about as a key to Truth. Arthur drove home the
point every time he spoke that the duty of a human being is to realise who you truly are.
So what is it that is the most important thing to search for? In my mind it’s your search for
understanding. Understanding what life is all about. Understanding what steps one has to take to
come to know the Truth. The more one understands, the more simple life becomes. We must
continue to search to understand so that the time will come when we are open to the total Truth.
The search we have must come from an understanding. We must continue to search, make the
effort till we reach the point when we realize that even the effort is a stumbling block - because
there is nothing to reach! You are that at this moment; but don’t know it. Most misery is caused
because one has forgotten who one really is.
Swami tells us over and over again: 'Embodiments of Love.' Swami tells us that we are Divine. But do
we really listen to Swami? Swami tells us beautiful words and they are lovely; and we get a good
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feeling about it but when we leave, do we think about that? Do we take time to search for
understanding? Without that, without the understanding, how can we ever know the Truth? What are
the things that get in the way? Things that get in the way are facts like we believe we are separate, or
that we have free will and that we can do things and we can achieve things. How sad it is that we think
Poppy spoke sublimely on Love.
We must get to the point where we can love everybody. Love is not something that is a commodity
that you can grab a piece and hand it to somebody! When you search within yourself and continue that
search until you can sit in true silence; after some time you will come face to face with God and then
you will see your Self for the very first time. Love is not something that is apart. Love is your own true
nature. You are the Love itself! Why does one deny seeing that, experiencing that and being that Love?
It’s there already - we don’t have to make it happen. We just have to get to the point of realizing that
one’s true nature is Love itself.
Arthur suffered several life-threatening illnesses and came through those almost, if not altogether
unaffected. On at least three different occasions, Arthur suffered the symptoms of blood clots
which would send him into a coma. On one such occasion he was in intensive care in hospital, and
Poppy was impelled to speak out, “Arthur Hillcoat, if you die now I will never speak to you
again!” And a short-while later Arthur came to normal consciousness, none the worse for what
was a serious episode.
In the period 2012 to 2013 Arthur had two episodes of strokes, yet the typical after-effects were not
to be found in him. There was only one explanation, the Grace of Sai came to protect Arthur from
what would otherwise have been to decease. Rather, Swami increased Arthur’s life. Arthur knew
this and showed gratitude by continuing to share Swami’s Love and what it meant for many others
that came into contact with Arthur. He finally passed from a stroke in August 2014.
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In 2010, Poppy suffered a stroke which left her blind in one eye, so she was unable to continue to
drive. It was after the stroke that cancer was discovered. She underwent treatment and the cancer
went into remission, but in 2014 it reappeared, and she allowed it to take its course. Throughout
this time she maintained her great dignity, shining her inner light and joy. Before Arthur passed she
was ill, but friends tell that she said she couldn’t leave her body yet as she had to look after Arthur,
her beloved husband. If friends asked about her health, she would sweetly reply smiling, “It’s just
the body,” or, “I’m not going anywhere.”
Miracle In The Rain
Poppy Speaks:
On Christmas eve afternoon I witnessed my first miracle. It looked like it was going to rain, and I had
dreaded getting caught in the rain at darshan. I had heard that Swami would stop the rain for darshan.
He would come out onto the veranda of the mandir, look up at the sky and presumably speak to Lord
Indra and then the clouds would disperse and Swami would give darshan. On this afternoon, sure
enough, Swami came out and looked up at the sky. However instead of the clouds dispersing, it began
to rain hard! Swami simply came out and gave darshan in the pouring rain. I sat there in my sari,
slowly getting waterlogged, with my hair plastered to my head. Swami's hair however, was as full and
as curly as ever and as He came close to me, I saw that not a drop of rain was falling on Him!
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1. Remember my boy! Everything is perfect!
2. Be the Love that you are!
3. To a complete stranger: “Ah, I’ve been waiting for you!”
4. Waiting for liberation? “Do nothing. Softly, softly, catchee monkey.”
5. “Ronny, I’m just a simple man. I’m not one for big words and complicated
ideas. I just tell people the Truth as I see it. I always say the same thing, but
nobody seems to mind.”
6. On Christmas dramas: “Tom, my boy, I think we’ll do something else.”
7. Play the role He has assigned and have fun. All that is, is perfect.
8. Swami calls me a ‘lion’ but I don’t want you to have any fears; I am really only a
little pussy cat.”
9. I move with the speed and grace of a thousand gazelles.
On Visiting the United States:
1. Swami, when we were planning to come away on this journey, said to talk about
Unity and Love. So that’s something that I have to do.
2. Once you start searching, then you will start to see changes.
3. You know, life is very beautiful. Wherever we go in the world, we find love.
4. You see, only God exists. It’s very simple; only God exists.
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5. The body must remain until its appointed time to leave. The body must still
carry out the role that it has been given in this lifetime.
6. The sleeping dream and the waking dream are only different in the fact that the
waking dream seems longer.
7. Nothing is as it appears to be - absolutely nothing.
8. You see, it’s so simple. Be loving to everybody - and I mean everybody!
Arthur’s Food Prayer
With the ringing of gratitude in our hearts, we remember Arthur Hillcoat’s Food Prayer, recited at
most meals he and Poppy attended - and it's food itself for the soul:
Dear Lord, You are the provider of the food, the consumer of the food, the very food
We make this offering back to you now,
As indeed we offer all our words, thoughts and deeds of this day.
Lord, may all the people everywhere be happy.
May there be enough food to eat, enough water to drink,
And may all have shelter from the elements.
May all hearts be filled with love and compassion and minds be at rest.
We have no complaints whatsoever Lord,
And, above all, we ask that you draw each and every so called individual
To become aware of the Truth,
To live the Truth and thus, be free.
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Poppy’s Heart Prints Prayer
Whatever our hands touch, we leave our finger prints - we leave them on door knobs,
on furniture, on glass; anything - wherever we go, we leave our identity. But how about
heart prints? Do we leave our heart prints wherever we go?
Oh God, wherever I go today, help me to leave heart prints.
Heart prints of compassion, of understanding and love.
Heart prints of kindness and genuine concern.
May my heart touch
a lonely neighbour,
or a run-away daughter,
or an anxious mother,
or perhaps an aged grandfather.
Lord, send me out today to leave heart prints and if someone should say:
‘I felt your touch’,
May that one sense Your love touching them through me.
The Return of God’s Gift
This poem was given to Poppy and very much treasured by her. It was read to those people
attending a function to celebrate Arthur’s life, shortly after his passing.
A great tree crashed in the great garden of Sai,
And the sound of its falling sent shockwaves to all.
Should we moan and wring our hands and cry,
Or should we, in the greatness of this lion, heed Sai’s Call?
Dear Dad Arthur, what great times we had,
As we walked together in the great adventure of Sai!
Wafting in my memory are your words of wisdom,
And the joy you gave all of us with your dance and Shiva cries.
You gave a rare leadership of Love,
Not the rule of an iron fist, And today,
if on earth we moan the loss of a great soul,
Heavens will be offering flowers for the return of God’s gift.
Thank You for who you were for so many - and to me.
With love and a fond farewell, one day, we will meet again!
Jega Jagadeesan, Malaysia
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Arthur and Poppy were tireless Sai workers who served Swami well for many decades. They
helped to spread Swami’s eternal and universal message of Love and Unity to the far corners of
the world. We remember with affection the talks given by Mr. and Mrs. Hillcoat in Southern
California many years ago, with a remarkable sense of humour. Arthur Hillcoat used to
organise brilliant and uplifting Christmas programs in Prasanthi Nilayam. I was delighted to
personally witness the beautiful divine interactions of Arthur with Swami during these
occasions. He served the Sathya Sai International Organisation with dedication and love as the
Chairman of Sathya Sai Council of Australia and advisor to Prasanthi Council.
- Dr Narendranath Reddy, Chair, Prasanthi Council, Sathya Sai International Organisation
Through their love for Swami and humanity, Arthur and Poppy saw all as one, always deeply
immersed in this principle of advaita, One without a second. As Swami’s ‘Ambassadors for
Love’, they helped many people to develop a deeper understanding of Swami’s teachings and
the Truth of their being. We give gratitude to Swami, for their lives dedicated to the upliftment
of humanity.
- Mr Neville Fredericks, Zone 3 Chair - Pacific Region
The Lion was dearly loved by Bhagawan, as was his partner Poppy. For many years they made
our Christmases bright - Arthur as Christmas Committee Chairman, and Poppy as one of the
sevadals on the ladies’ side. Their example inspired all of us.
Mr John Behner, Zone 2 Chair - South American Region
I met Arthur Hillcoat in 2005, when he, along with his wife Poppy, visited Russia. I was
fortunate to welcome and accompany this wonderful couple. Poppy was a very attentive and
caring wife, nice and soft to communicate with. Arthur for me was the apostle of Swami, a
pure instrument of His teachings. Their talks were fascinating, filled with devotion, they gave a
powerful spiritual impetus. As a married couple, they were an example of a happy family
following spiritual path.
- Mr Oleg Kulakovskiy - Deputy Chairman of the IT Committee Zone 8 - Russia
Meeting Arthur and Poppy, we were struck by their happy and friendly nature. We felt special
somehow – all of us – elevating our mood at having been included in their ever-expanding
family of friends. Arthur and Poppy loved us all in the best way– warmly, steadily, joyfully
and unreservedly.
- Drs Ron and Suwanti Farmer, Willowvale, Australia
Arthur and Poppy were an inseparable ideal couple that dedicated their lives to being the love
that they were. Arthur was a gentle white lion that roared the atmic truth that ‘all are one’ while
Poppy, with her twinkling eyes and friendly smile reached out to everyone she met.
- Mr Ravi Rudra, National President, New Zealand
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We all have a loving, fond and kind of memories that we will always carry with us - memories
that defined Mr. and Mrs. Hillcoat; memories that we will always hold dear. In Fiji, there are
not many who had not been close to them and touched by them. They visited these shores ever
since I remember, for thirty years. The value that Hillcoats loved most was ‘Love’. This, in
fact, defined and shaped their life.
- Mr Mohan Lal, National Council President, Fiji
Arthur and Poppy Hillcoat have touched the hearts of all devotees of Greece with their
profound wisdom, loving nature and wonderful sense of humour. Their absence will leave a
big gap in our universal Sai Family, but we all know that they will be with us from a different
level, where there is only Pure Love and Ananda (Bliss).
- Mr George Bebedelis, National Council President, Greece
Arthur and Poppy lived and led by example, dedicated their lives to spread Swami’s love and
teachings having no geographical boundaries. Their love for Swami was insurmountable.
- Mr Prini and Mrs Hasita Wimalachandra, Auckland, New Zealand
Poppy and Arthur were much loved at the many UK Sai Centres they toured, spreading
Swami's teachings. And they were just as inspiring off stage - always loving, joyful, kind,
natural and never complaining, even when elderly and traveling huge distances in Swami's
service. Truly their lives were Swami's message.
Mr Aimé and Mrs. Sandra Levy - Aimé was the former UK and Ireland Central Coordinator and
Sandra, the former Editor of Facets, National UK Sai Magazine
Arthur and Poppy once wrote us a beautiful reminder, "Know that our love is with you always,
regardless of whether we are in form or not in form. But most of all, know that He is your very
Self." Shining embodiments of Swami's love and wisdom, their life's message was, "Be the
Love that you are."
- Mr Shaun and Mrs. Fiona Brown, Brisbane, Australia
As Swami’s messengers of Love and Truth, Poppy and Arthur inspired us along our spiritual
path with their immense dedication, compassion and wisdom. Connected together by Swami’s
Love, they stay with us and remain forever in our memories, inspirations and hearts.
- Mr Zoja Methus on behalf of Sai Center Split Croatia
The Divine Couple were always welcomed to Sarajevo, not as guests, but rather as family
members, whom we rarely saw but whose visits have stayed imprinted in hearts and will be
visible within forever. Thanking Swami for sending us these wonderful beings, whom we
could learn from and be inspired by, and who made us aspire for Divinity evermore.
- Mr Jadranko Panjeta, former National Council President, Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina
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Arthur and Poppy also visited Serbia and shared with us precious moments of their life close to
Baba. We remember them shining with goodness, simplicity and authority, which originated
from love. We feel privileged to have met them. Their presence renewed our souls’ belief in
the possibility of love in this world.
- Ms Verica Sekulic Opacic, National Coordinator, Serbia
Both Arthur and Poppy were good communicators, they loved to share spiritually uplifting
stories and Sai teachings with us and they continued to spread the Sai message with both
enthusiasm and humility.
- Mr Gulab and Mrs. Kanta Bilimoria - Gulab - National Reporter and former Regional Coordinator,
New Zealand
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