Serta Sheep #½ – The Tweener Serta Sheep #½ Stats


Serta Sheep #½ – The Tweener Serta Sheep #½ Stats
Serta Sheep #½ – The Tweener
One’s pubescence is trying enough without the stress of an ongoing campaign
against the maker of the world’s most popular mattress, as Serta Sheep #½ can
attest. “Why does Serta have to make things so hard for us all the time?” he asked, pulling back
his lips to reveal the glint of braces. “Ever try to chew cud with braces? I hate everyone!” he
cried, stomping to his room and slamming the door.
The Serta Counting Sheep recall #½ as a precocious lamb who was always laughing. “Lately he’s
just a pain in the rump,” says #36, his father. Despite his teenaged angst, #½ can still pull it
together and be a team player if need be, and doesn’t mind exploiting his orthodontia for the
cause. “Whatever,” he says, “I’m moving to California soon anyway.”
Serta Sheep #½ Stats
Thinks parents are lame
Thinks rules are stupid
Doesn’t get why people should clean their rooms
Wants to play in a garage rock band when he grows up
Once dyed his wool blue