Design and implementation of a coastal eco
Design and implementation of a coastal eco
PILOTING THE INTEGRATION OF COASTAL ZONE MANAGEMENT AND CLIMATE CHANGE ADAPTATION IN TOBAGO (TT-T1034) (COASTAL MANAGEMENT SPECIALIST) DESIGN AND IMPLEMENTATION OF A COASTAL ECOSYSTEM BASED CLIMATE CHANGE ADAPTATION PLAN AND GUIDELINES FOR INCORPORATING AN ECOSYSTEM BASED APPROACH (EBA) TO ADAPTATION INTO A NATIONAL INTEGRATED COASTAL ZONE MANAGEMENT POLICY November 2014 Deliverable 3: Guidelines for the incorporation of an Ecosystem Based Approach (EbA) into an Integrated Coastal Zone Management Policy Prepared by Jonathan McCue Deliverable 3: Guidelines for the incorporation of EbA into an ICZM Policy “Ecosystem Based Adaptation – adaptation powered by nature” Ecosystems are complex and interconnected. They are naturally adaptable and resilient- up to a point. When ecosystems are healthy, they can better adjust to the effects of climate change and related disasters. Sustainablymanaged ecosystems reduce the vulnerability of people to climate change impacts and hazards. Ecosystem maintenance and restoration can be a very important part of climate change adaptation, and communities can play a central role in the process, but the evidence base needs strengthening. Ecosystems are natural safeguards that are often more effective and cheaper to maintain than physical engineering structures, such as dykes or concrete walls. For instance, planting trees to improve water infiltration and replenish underground water sources is often cheaper and more sustainable than building a new water supply system. An EbA approach is now needed, tested for as a Pilot for South West Tobago, to help deliver the Trinidad and Tobago ICZM Policy Framework and from this, help to mainstream sustainable intervention measures, policies and actions for the future at a national level for Trinidad and Tobago. This report now provides a Guide towards embracing EbA into future ICZM policy and planning for the coasts of Trinidad and Tobago. PLATE 1: KILGWYN MANGROVES AND WETLAND, SOUTHWEST TOBAGO (TAKEN BY J MCCUE SEPT 2014) Page ii Deliverable 3: Guidelines for the incorporation of EbA into an ICZM Policy Executive Summary Jonathan McCue (on behalf of Sustainable Seas Ltd) was contracted by the Institute of Marine Affairs (IMA) to complete the project entitled “Design and Implementation of a Coastal Ecosystem based Climate Change Adaptation Plan and Guidelines for incorporating an Ecosystem Based Approach (EbA) to Adaptation into a National Integrated Coastal Zone Management Policy”. This represents a key component of the larger IADB funded project entitled “Piloting the Integration of Coastal Zone Management and Climate Change Adaptation in Tobago (TT-T1034)”. The objective of this consultancy (circa 5 calendar months in duration) is to design a climate change adaptation response plan (CCARP), and identify and prioritize ecosystem based adaptation (EbA) options in the context of Integrated Coastal Zone Management (ICZM). The successful implementation of the project is expected to contribute to the development of tools for decision-making, as well as an approach for the development of a future National Coastal Zone Management Plan (NICZMP) for Trinidad and Tobago (T&T) that aims to ensure the integration of climate change adaptation (CCA) within its structure and delivery approach. The report outlines a series of guidelines for the incorporation of an EbA into an ICZM Policy for T&T. This work shall be integrated with a separate report that clearly develops a methodology for the mainstreaming of climate change considerations into coastal zone management. It outlines the approach being taken to prepare the Guidelines for EbA and their inclusion within future ICZM policies and planning. Appendix F outlines the background to the principles of EbA and ICZM and how planners need to understand the synergies, links and differences between the two approaches. It also identifies how climate resilience can (and should) be included into the design of EbA approaches at a national planning level and on the ground interventions. It then provides clarity on how to apply EbA principles into ICZM policy framework for T&T. The body of the report (Section 3) presents a logical stepped approach to help decision makers to incorporate EbA principles into ICZM and CCA decision making. It also identifies a series of “Courses of Action” that make the EbA principles more meaningful and digestible for all stakeholders (national decision makers to local community leaders etc.). This is then used to focus specifically on Southwest Tobago using the outcomes of recent work (e.g.: Halcrow 2014) to identify a series of Coastal Behaviour Units (CBUs) which then are assessed against future climate predictions and social vulnerability understanding to help identify the most appropriate Adaptation Responses (identified within the Climate Change Adaptation Response Plan for each CBU (taking into consideration EbA as appropriate). This Guidance concludes that a simple approach towards linking EbA principles with ICZM Policy Objectives is needed. This has been achieved by recommending a screening process that asks 5 simple EbA related questions that relate directly to the internationally accepted Convention of Biological Diversity EbA Principles. The outcome of this process is that EbA principles have been used to demonstrate which adaptation responses are the most appropriate to employ and implement. In addition, the principles of EbA need to be used to shape climate change adaptation options plus also the delivery of ICZM policy. A goal of an ICZM policy is to promote and facilitate cross-sectoral actions to mainstream the integration of adaptation issues into ongoing policy processes and so the principles of EbA can be used to provide guidance to structure the integration of different sector responses that ensure collective responses meet both the principles and goals of ICZM and how climate change adaptation techniques can be mainstreamed into decision making (Sustainable Seas 2014c). The guide also concludes that every effort is made to make the intended outcome clear for all stakeholders. The risk of “losing” stakeholders in the process, due to a lack of clarity of ultimate message is very high in T&T if this simple message is not adhered to. Page iii Deliverable 3: Guidelines for the incorporation of EbA into an ICZM Policy The user is reminded that this guidance is not intended as a standalone resource. Rather, it provides an overview of a decision making process that aims to synthesise current thinking about good practice adaptation and good practice EbA. It is intended that the guidance be used as a tool that links to the separate CCARP (Sustainable Seas Ltd 2014b) and is also used for training and capacity building to all stakeholders in T&T. It should also be seen as a ‘living document’ that will be updated and enhanced during field-testing. . Page iv Deliverable 3: Guidelines for the incorporation of EbA into an ICZM Policy TABLE OF CONTENTS SECTION 1: INTRODUCTION ....................................................................................................................... 1 1.1 Report Overview ....................................................................................................................................................... 1 1.2 The Study Area.......................................................................................................................................................... 1 1.3 Climate Change Adaptation, EbA and ICZM ...................................................................................................... 2 1.4 Guidelines to Incorporate EBA into ICZM and CCA .......................................................................................... 3 1.4.1. Applying EbA criteria to Adaptation Response options ................................................................................. 4 SECTION 2: INCORPORATING EBA INTO THE TOBAGO CCARP .............................................................. 11 2.1 Establishing Coastal Behaviour Units for Southwest Tobago ..........................................................................11 2.2. Coastal Behaviour Unit Assessment......................................................................................................................17 2.2.1 Coastal Behaviour Unit A – Great Courland Bay to Rocky Point ............................................................18 2.2.2 Coastal Behaviour Unit B – Rocky Point to Pigeon Point; ..........................................................................20 2.2.3 Coastal Behaviour Unit C – Pigeon Point to Crown Point; .........................................................................22 2.2.4 Coastal Behaviour Unit D – Crown Point to Canoe Bay; ...........................................................................24 2.2.5 Coastal Behaviour Unit E – Canoe Bay to Lowlands (Petit Trou Lagoon); .............................................26 2.2.6 Coastal Behaviour Unit F – Lowlands to Rockly Bay ..................................................................................28 SECTION 3: CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS .......................................................................... 30 APPENDIX A: REFERENCES ....................................................................................................................... 31 APPENDIX B: PRACTICAL STEPS FOR APPLICATION OF AN EBA AND THEIR RELATIONSHIP TO THE EBA PRINCIPLES. SOURCE (SHEPHERD, 2004). ................................................................................................. 32 APPENDIX C: ADAPTATION REPONSES (HARD AND SOFT MEASURE INTERVENTIONS) ........................ 33 Hard and Soft Measure Approaches (Erosion Mitigation Measures) ....................................................................33 Hard and Soft Measure Approaches (Island Access Infrastructure) ......................................................................35 Hard and Soft Measure Approaches (Measures to mitigate land shortage and coastal flooding) ...............37 Hard and Soft Measure Approaches ‘Quick fix’ measures (short-timeframe).....................................................38 APPENDIX D: TRINIDAD AND TOBAGO DRAFT ICZM POLICY OBJECTIVES ............................................ 41 APPENDIX E – BACKGROUND PAPER FOR GUIDELINES TO INCORPORATE EBA INTO ICZM AND CCA 42 Page v Deliverable 3: Guidelines for the incorporation of EbA into an ICZM Policy SECTION 1: INTRODUCTION 1.1 Report Overview This report provides a series of draft Guidelines and “on the ground” advice to better incorporate Ecosystem based Adaptation (EbA) into Integrated Coastal Zone Management (ICZM) and Climate Change Adaptation (CCA) planning with specific reference to Trinidad and Tobago (T&T). The report links together the findings presented in the project Work Plan and Methodology (Sustainable Seas Ltd 2014a) Climate Change Adaptation Response Plan (CCARP) (Sustainable Seas Ltd 2014b) and the Climate Change Mainstreaming Report (Sustainable Seas Ltd 2014c) Section 1 provides an overview of the project area (Section 1.2) followed by a summary of the relationship of EbA to CCA and ICZM (Section 1.3) and a background to how EbA has been incorporated into approaches of ICZM to achieve CCA (Section 1.4). The main EbA guidelines for Southwest Tobago are presented in Section 2.Section 3 provides a series of recommendations and interim conclusions. A more detailed background paper covering the subject matter addressed in Sections 1.3 and 1.4 is provided at Appendix E. 1.2 The Study Area The pilot area for the project focuses on Southwest Tobago (see Figure 1.1). The study pilot area is the most concentrated area of Tobago whilst being topographically the lowest lying area (see landslide susceptibility ranking in Figure 1.2 demonstrating the low lying nature of SW Tobago. Pollution remains a problem that is on the rise throughout the island. The main water pollutants are urban, domestic and industrial waste, untreated sewage; solid and toxic agricultural products and waste, sediments, waste from fishing vessels, ships, tourist facilities and yachts (Ramlogan 2014). A fragmented institutional framework, poor public awareness and stakeholder participation in watershed and coastal zone management make the problem worse. This is, of course, directly attributable to limited resources and prioritisation in allocation of said resources. It is for this reason that this study on ICZM and CCA is crucial for Southwest Tobago, especially in light of the eco-tourism thrust being pursued by the Tobago House of Assembly (THA). FIGURE 1.1 (LEFT): STUDY AREA AND THE COASTAL REGIONS OF SOUTH-WESTERN TOBAGO (FROM HALCROW 2014) FIGURE 1.2 (RIGHT): LANDSLIDE SUSCEPTIBILITY IN TOBAGO (TAKEN FROM CIMNE 2013”) Page 1 Deliverable 3: Guidelines for the incorporation of EbA into an ICZM Policy 1.3 Climate Change Adaptation, EbA and ICZM ICZM represents a public planning process for achieving the goals of EbA with increased efficiency through rational, objective spatial planning for future sustainable uses. EbA aims to avoid badly planned engineering solutions for adaptation that could work against nature by constraining regular ecological cycles, which may lead to mal-adaptation and increased social vulnerability. A number of different agencies have produced definitions of ICZM, EbA and their principles, but the most often cited and ‘up-to-date’ definitions are those provided by the Mediterranean “ICZM Protocol” of the Barcelona Convention, adopted by 22 Mediterranean countries and the European Community (EC), and the CBD (that has been adopted by 194 Parties). The ICZM Protocol defines ICZM as follows (key terms underlined in bold text): “a dynamic process for the sustainable management and use of coastal zones, taking into account at the same time the fragility of coastal ecosystems and landscapes, the diversity of activities and uses, their interactions, the maritime orientation of certain activities and uses and their impact on both the marine and land parts.” The CBD defines the Ecosystem Approach as: “a strategy for the integrated management of land, water and living resources that promotes conservation and sustainable use in an equitable way. It is based on the application of appropriate scientific methodologies focused on levels of biological organization which encompass the essential processes, functions and interactions among organisms and their environment. It recognizes that humans, with their cultural diversity, are an integral component of ecosystems.” What frames the relationship between ICZM and EbA, for this project, is that functional coastal ecosystems are critical to the integrity and viability of terrestrial and marine systems and the wellbeing of coastal communities who are dependent on the goods and services provided by the coastal ecosystems: ICZM and EbA both provide a robust framework to determine strategies and measures for climate resilience. These relate to the first 2 steps of the USAid process of climate change adaptation (USAid, 2009) (see Figure 1.3), namely, “Assess Vulnerability” and “Select course of action”. FIGURE 1.3 “5 STEPPED APPROACH” FOR ADAPTING TO COASTAL CLIMATE CHANGE (USAID 2009) Climate change has added another layer of complexity to coastal management to which ICZM and EbA are relevant instruments because of their focus on identifying and quantifying coastal hazards and impacts to assess coastal vulnerability. EbA offers a valuable solution for assisting climate change adaptation and disaster risk reduction in Tobago. The principles of EbA can be used as follows: a) to structure societal responses into new and emerging issues that are relevant to T&T. b) to help coastal communities to adapt to climate change through management interventions that lead to ecosystems being more resilient to climate warming, sea level rise, and changes in ocean acidity. Page 2 Deliverable 3: Guidelines for the incorporation of EbA into an ICZM Policy c) to help focus management effort on habitats that are actually “capable” of buffering human communities from climate change impacts. d) To help the development of “green economies”, by pointing public and private sector investment at maintaining and enhancing natural infrastructure and renewable energy. e) To make a significant contribution to climate change adaptation. Management practices to implement EBA should recognise that the design of intervention measures needs to address: An emphasizes the protection of ecosystem structure, functioning and key processes; “site specific” actions (local) focusing on a specific ecosystem and the range of activities affecting it; The interconnectedness within systems, recognizing the importance of interactions between many target species or key services and other non-target species; Integration of ecological, social, economic and institutional perspectives, recognizing their strong interdependences. 1.4 Guidelines to Incorporate EBA into ICZM and CCA T&T (through the Institute of Marine Affairs – IMA) has drafted an ICZM Policy Framework (April 2014) that identified 11 defined objectives to achieve balance between development and conservation by managing human activities within the coastal zone, and addressing conflicts amongst different resource users and uses (see Appendix D). New economic policies, aimed at diversifying the T&T economy, would see new investments in the delivery of sectoral developments such as tourism, agriculture, aquaculture and maritime sectors, all of which depend on a healthy coastal environment. Successful achievement of these sectors in the long term is potentially threatened by climate change impacts. It is important to provide a pragmatic and practical method to provide practical assistance to apply EbA to the design of management interventions designed to deliver the T&T ICZM Policy Framework in a way that also provides adaptation to climate change. The IUCN Commission on Ecosystem Management (CEM) has produced a guide to cluster subsets of EbA Principles into a logical sequence of 5 steps (Shepherd, 2004 - see Appendix B) to structure the application of EbA within an ICZM framework. The 5 steps can be re-phrased as a series of “questions” that provide a means to ensure that principles of EbA are used within the framework of ICZM to identifying approaches to climate change adaptation as follows: Ecosystem Based Adaptation “Steps or “Questions” 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Who are the main stakeholders and ecosystems, and what are the relationships between them? What is the structure and function of the ecosystems, and are means in place to manage and monitor them? What are the important economic issues that will affect the ecosystem and its inhabitants? What are the likely impacts of the ecosystem on adjacent ecosystems? What are the long term goals and have flexible ways of reaching them been determined? Section 2 tests these 5 questions on the Southwest Tobago pilot project area. In the context of Southwest Tobago, a recent report has identified shoreline vulnerability and risk (Halcrow, 2014) that threaten natural, social and economic assets in the coastal zone. Deliverable 2 of this International Page 3 Deliverable 3: Guidelines for the incorporation of EbA into an ICZM Policy Consultants contract produced a Climate Change Adaptation Response Plan (CCARP) that identified 7 possible Adaptation Responses to alleviate the pressures on natural, social and economic systems from shoreline change (see Table 2.2). The management challenge is for any given stretch of coastline, which adaptation responses are most appropriate to implement? A further question is if an adaptation response is deemed appropriate what are the aims and objectives that should shape its design and implementation? The responses to the above 5 EbA questions provide a means to determine how the shoreline vulnerability and risk (identified by Halcrow) affects ecosystems and social and economic features of the coastline in order to identify which adaptation responses are most appropriate for any given length of coastline, and how they should be actioned. 1.4.1. Applying EbA criteria to Adaptation Response options Any “course of action” or “measure” that is introduced to deliver an Adaptation Response must comply with the overarching T&T Draft ICZM Policy Objectives for ICZM (see Appendix D). This is because coastal adaptation in T&T must be “tailored” to the local context through an inclusive process that matches the climate change issues with the technical capabilities and the capacity of the institutions and community stakeholders of the place. Section 2 demonstrates on this matter in more detail. When deciding which of the 7 Adaptation Responses to best implement (as identified in the CCARP – see Sustainable Seas Ltd 2014b), it is important to acknowledge differences among both coastal areas and any current governance and management arrangements that exist or vary along the coast. In addition, it is also important to be able to clearly demonstrate transparency towards the selection of appropriate “courses of action” which could be introduced to help with building coastal resilience into the Tobagonian community. It is important to stress that the 7 Adaptation Responses identified within the CCARP will not ‘operate’ in isolation from each other and in practice resilience will result from a combination of responses. For example, allowing the Petit Trou mangroves or Kilgwyn wetlands in Tobago to migrate inland (Adaptation Response A) will not only maintain mangrove ecosystems, but could also directly address the Adaptation Response for maintaining water quality (Adaptation Response G). It is also important to note that some Adaptation Responses may contribute to the protection of human infrastructure, while causing detrimental effects to natural systems. For example, shoreline hardening (Adaptation Response E) could adversely affect wetlands by preventing sediment transport (Adaptation Response B) essential to that ecosystem. The combination of EbA Adaptation Responses and draft ICZM Policy Objectives for T&T can now be used to structure implementation strategies and resulting “courses of action” for each Adaptation Response (set out in the CCARP). Some of the courses of action could incorporate EbA principles in engineering scope, planning design or community response (see Appendix C for engineering scope options). With regard specifically to introducing EbA thinking into the coastal engineering profession, the following are presented as key issues that often need to be considered by private developer contractors and in particular, coastal management planners: Can “new build” hard structure approaches be designed with EbA principles in mind? (if not, why and what “knowledge” or information is needed to achieve this?); Can “new build” soft structure approaches be designed with EbA principles in mind? (if not, why and what “knowledge” or information is needed to achieve this?); Can “new build” hard structure approaches be designed in parallel (or in conjunction) with soft measure approaches to improve EbA principle implementation (if so, which measures are most complimentary and achievable in a T&T context and why?); Page 4 Deliverable 3: Guidelines for the incorporation of EbA into an ICZM Policy What non engineering “courses of action” are needed to create the necessary enabling environment for the implementation of improved engineering resilience to climate change? (and over what time-scale is this likely to be achieved in i.e.: 0-5 years and 5-25 years). Linked to the above, can dual-use infrastructure schemes be designed? (and what studies or research is needed to achieve this?) To address some of the above issues, it is proposed that an “EbA” resiliency “score” is provided for each engineering course of action (see Appendix B and also CCARP Adaptation Reponses D and E) to give an indication of the CURRENT technical resiliency of the specific structure to climate change (i.e. how the structure is currently being designed and built ad can EbA techniques be introduced into the scheme design etc). This score is recommended to be categorised as follows: low EbA resiliency – regardless of cost, the design has limited capacity to accommodate EbA approaches in the short term due to increasing coastal hydrodynamic energies (waves/current) without significant design alterations or re-engineering needs and materials commonly used in its design have limited ability to be “adapted” to accommodate change in climatic conditions/seasonal sediment movement patterns with relative ease. moderate EbA resiliency – the design has potential capacity to accommodate increased coastal hydrodynamic energy increases (waves/current) by introducing some EbA techniques or without significant design alterations or re-engineering needs and materials commonly used in its design have limited ability to be “adapted” to accommodate change in climatic conditions/seasonal sediment movement patterns with relative ease. high EbA resiliency – regardless of cost, the design is easily able to accommodate increased coastal hydrodynamic energy increases (i.e.: waves/current) through the introduction of EbA techniques and materials . The structure has the ability to be “adapted” to accommodate change in climatic conditions/seasonal sediment movement patterns with relative ease (i.e.: more material to increase defence crest level or floor “build” levels”. Figure 1.4 outlines a summary version of the following sub-sections to provide the reader an overall idea of the purpose if its structure and intended outcome. It shows a sample 6 separate coastal protection techniques, and provides an indication of its current EbA resiliency score. Symbols are also provided to provide a strategic consideration of the techniques environmental resilience (likely long term impacts)) and its estimated cost for construction. In Appendix C, a series of “courses of action” that address Adaptation Responses D and E (taken from the CCARP) are presented. Within that table a column is introduced to declare how easy it could be to adapt its design (as an individual scheme or as part of a collective scheme of a few techniques) to improve the EbA resiliency “score” (i.e.: from a “red” to “amber” score etc). To achieve an improved “score”, this may be achieved through adopting one of the following “courses of action” as follows: Approach 1: Modification of individual hard or soft structure design (i.e. pre-construction) to improve individual structure performance (i.e.: focus on the structure design prior to construction) by introducing EbA techniques where possible; Approach 2: Modification (retrofitting) of existing adjacent hard or soft structures (that are already in situ) to improve overall scheme performance by introducing EbA techniques where possible; Page 5 Deliverable 3: Guidelines for the incorporation of EbA into an ICZM Policy Approach 3: Using EbA specific measures to help modify existing adjacent structure strategic design to improve overall coastal protection performance (i.e.: focus on merging hard with soft measures as part of an integrated scheme); Approach 4 – Modification and review of land use planning (i.e.: focus on accommodation measures, strategic placement of key features on an island and to reduce key infrastructure in “at risk” locations). These 4 approaches are specifically defined and developed further with conceptual examples as part of the following two CCARP Adaptation Response options: Adaptation Response D: Maintain shorelines utilizing “soft” measures; and Adaptation Response E: Maintain shorelines utilizing “hard” measures; Table 1.1 is produced to purposely link the 7 Adaptation Response options as set out within the Climate Change Adaptation Response Plan (CCARP) which has been specifically defined for T&T. It is also recommends that the courses of action identified in Table 1.1 are considered in terms of the following time scale epochs that are realistic and meaningful in terms of planning time scales in Tobago: 0 -5 years (short term to urgent action required); 5-25 years (longer term planning for islands such as Tobago). Section 2 considers these timescales in more detail for a series of Coastal Behaviour Units (CBUs) that have been defined for the study area. Table 1.1 is produced to purposely link the 7 Adaptation Response options (see Table 2.2) as set out within the Climate Change Adaptation Response Plan (CCARP) which has been specifically defined for T&T. FIGURE 1.4 – INDICATIVE RESILIENCE “SCORES” FOR 6 INDICATIVE COASTAL PROTECTION MEASURES. NB: Due to a lack of information produced on social and ecological risks (as part of the recently produced Halcrow Vulnerability and Risk Assessment report – September 2014), there is no detailed discussion on how to implement Page 6 Deliverable 3: Guidelines for the incorporation of EbA into an ICZM Policy the remaining 5 Adaptation Responses, though for completeness, these will need to be considered as part of a more strategic Integrated Coastal Zone Management (ICZM) approach. Page 7 TABLE 1.1. THE RELATIONSHIP OF EBA COURSES OF ACTION TO THE ADAPTATION RESPONSES IDENTIFEID IN THE T&T CCARP (SEE SUSTAINABLE SEAS LTD 2014B). EbA Course of Action Description of the Course of Action Relevance to CCARP Adaptation Response Option (From CCARP – see Deliverable 2) COURSE OF ACTION PRIMARY PURPOSE: FUNCTIONING AND HEALTHY COASTAL ECOSYSTEMS Coastal wetland protection and restoration Provides nursery habitats for fisheries, ecosystems services for communities and their livelihoods; serves as a natural water filter, buffer against coastal ecosystems. Climate change mitigation and adaptation measure and acts as buffer against extreme weather events, storm surge, erosion, and floods; limits salt water intrusion. Adaptation Response A: Maintain/restore wetlands and mangrove ecosystems; Adaptation Response B: Maintain sediment transport; Adaptation Response D: Maintain shorelines utilizing “soft” measures; Adaptation Response F: Preserve Habitat for Vulnerable Species; Adaptation Response G: Maintain water quality. Marine conservation agreements Formal or informal agreements between parties to exchange benefits, take or refrain from certain actions, transfer certain rights and responsibilities in order to restore and protect fragile coastal and marine ecosystems. Improves the resilience of coastal ecosystems to climate change and improves the economic and social conditions of coastal communities. Adaptation Response A: Maintain/restore wetlands and mangrove ecosystems; Adaptation Response C: Preserve coastal land/development (including infrastructure); Adaptation Response D: Maintain shorelines utilizing “soft” measures; Adaptation Response F: Preserve Habitat for Vulnerable Species; Adaptation Response G: Maintain water quality. Marine Protected Areas (new designations or extensions to existing MPAs) Intertidal or sub-tidal terrain areas, their waters, flora, fauna, and cultural and historical features, of which part or all is protected. An overarching management approach or strategy that can be used to bundle a series of measures. Maintains healthy and resilient coastal habitats and fisheries productivity; acts as “refugia” and critical sources of new larval recruits. Adaptation Response A: Maintain/restore wetlands and mangrove ecosystems; Adaptation Response B: Maintain sediment transport; Adaptation Response C: Preserve coastal land/development (including infrastructure); Adaptation Response F: Preserve Habitat for Vulnerable Species; Adaptation Response G: Maintain water quality. Payment for environmental services Financial instruments under which beneficiaries of ecosystem services compensate the suppliers as a means to fund sustainable environmental management policies and actions. Provides incentives to protect critical coastal habitats that defend against damages from flooding and storm surges as well as coastal erosion. Adaptation Response C: Preserve coastal land/development (including infrastructure); No Active Intervention (NAI) This course of action is a stakeholder agreed approach for no investment in coastal interventions or operations that arises for a coast that needs to be allowed to develop naturally. Typically, it may be that coastal erosion of a frontage is providing sediment to other sections of the coast. It may, therefore, be important that the coast is allowed to continue to erode if sustainable intervention is to be achieved elsewhere. Adaptation Response A: Maintain/restore wetlands and mangrove ecosystems; Adaptation Response D: Maintain shorelines utilizing “soft” measures; Adaptation Response E: Maintain shorelines utilizing “hard” measures Adaptation Response B: Maintain sediment transport; COURSE OF ACTION PRIMARY PURPOSE: BUILT ENVIRONMENT IS LESS EXPOSED Climate Proofing land use and The intent of this course of action is to review and/or adopt new planning tools to enable the coast to accommodate sea level rise and storm surge inundation events. This is not an Adaptation Response C: Preserve coastal land/development (including Deliverable 3: Guidelines for the incorporation of EbA into an ICZM Policy infrastructure planning engineering option, but represents a very important planning option to help coastal communities adapt to climate change. Climate proofing infrastructure such as road construction standards (raising road levels, “climate proofing” property, introducing evacuation route construction) are all of relevance under this course of action. NB: Instilling EbA principles into the planning policy of the above can be undertaken following review of current regulatory and permitting procedures. infrastructure); Building standards (in the defined coastal zone) The intent of this course of action is to review and/or adopt new planning tools (such as “buffer zone” creation or the use of development set back techniques to enable the coast to accommodate sea level rise and storm surge inundation events). This Approach is not an engineering option, but represents a very important planning option to help coastal communities adapt to climate change. By incorporating climate considerations (e.g. effects of flooding, waves and wind) in building design, it reduces damages and human safety risks from climate change impacts, including extreme events, sea level rise, and flooding. Delineates the minimum technical and safety requirements for the design and construction of residential and commercial structures as a means to promote occupant health, welfare and safety. Adaptation Response C: Preserve coastal land/development (including infrastructure); Set distance from a coastal feature (e.g.: beach vegetation line) within which all or specific types of development are prohibited; often includes a buffer. Useful within an overarching coastal management programme. Reduces the infrastructure losses and human safety risks of sea level rise, storm surge, and erosion. Adaptation Response A: Maintain/restore wetlands and mangrove ecosystems; Coastal development setback distances Adaptation Response D: Maintain shorelines utilizing “soft” measures; Adaptation Response E: Maintain shorelines utilizing “hard” measures; Adaptation Response B: Maintain sediment transport; Adaptation Response C: Preserve coastal land/development (including infrastructure); Adaptation Response D: Maintain shorelines utilizing “soft” measures; Adaptation Response E: Maintain shorelines utilizing “hard” measures; Living shorelines Techniques (ecological / biological interventions) Often involves the introduction (where possible) of ecological/biological management practice involving strategic placement of plants, stones, offshore oyster “reefs”, sand fill and other materials to achieve the dual goal of long-term protection/restoration/enhancement of shoreline habitats and the maintenance of natural processes. Mitigates erosion and protects people and ecosystems from climate change impacts and variability in low to medium energy areas along sheltered coastlines (e.g. estuarine and lagoon ecosystems). Adaptation Response A: Maintain/restore wetlands and mangrove ecosystems; Soft Engineering Techniques The intent is to maintain the current level of defence using “soft” structure techniques such techniques may allow the shoreline to move backwards or forwards, with management to control or limit movement (such as reducing erosion or building new soft structures on the landward side of the original defences). Renourishment is an example of “soft engineering” which often involves planting grasses and native vegetation. Level and rate of nourishment can be adjusted to adapt to rising sea levels. Soft structure approaches maybe used where there is a need for continued intervention to achieve a specific outcome. It may arise from a series of different circumstances. The overall aim is that management of the shoreline would be improved by either allowing or creating the conditions for the coast to realign. Techniques often protect shores and restores beaches; Adaptation Response A: Maintain/restore wetlands and mangrove ecosystems; Adaptation Response B: Maintain sediment transport; Adaptation Response D: Maintain shorelines utilizing “soft” measures; Adaptation Response F: Preserve Habitat for Vulnerable Species; Adaptation Response G: Maintain water quality. Adaptation Response B: Maintain sediment transport; Adaptation Response C: Preserve coastal land/development (including infrastructure); Adaptation Response D: Maintain shorelines utilizing “soft” measures; Adaptation Response F: Preserve Habitat for Vulnerable Species; Adaptation Response G: Maintain water quality. Page 9 Deliverable 3: Guidelines for the incorporation of EbA into an ICZM Policy serves as a “soft” buffer against flooding, erosion, scour and water damage. Structural shoreline stabilization (Hard Engineering) The intent is to maintain the current position of the coast and the level of defence using hard structure techniques. This does not necessarily mean that the hard defences would be maintained in exactly the same form as they are at present. There may be a need to adjust the local alignment in the future or to replace or add to structures e.g. constructing cross shore or shore-linked structures, such as groynes or breakwaters. Its sets the intent to maintain the current position of the coast in an appropriate manner, which will differ depending on the specific local issues. Longer term intervention “buffer” against the impacts of erosion and flooding caused by factors such as sea level rise, storm surge, and wave attacks. NB: This is not an EbA strategy, but instead relates to a course of action that (where possible) would be designed with a degree of ecosystem enhancement possibilities. Instilling EbA principles into the design of Hard Approaches can be undertaken during early stages. It is more costly and challenging to retrofit EbA techniques into a Hard Approach after the structure/technique has been built). Adaptation Response B: Maintain sediment transport; Adaptation Response E: Maintain shorelines utilizing “hard” measures; Page 10 SECTION 2: INCORPORATING EBA INTO THE TOBAGO CCARP 2.1 Establishing Coastal Behaviour Units for Southwest Tobago Analysis of coastal dynamics and evolution is often difficult on many small islands (such as Tobago) due to both the range of spatial and temporal scales over which coastal changes occur, and the complex interactions that result in shoreline responses of varying, non-linear and often unpredictable nature. There is also interdependence between different geomorphic and habitat features that make up the natural ecosystem, such that the evolution of one particular element of the coast is influenced by evolution in adjacent areas. Often these influences extend in a number of directions, thereby further complicating the task of assessing change. It is also important to understand how the coastal zone functions on a wider scale both in time and space. Within coastal adaptation delivery, there is a strong focus upon littoral processes and this approach is frequently used as a basis for analysing coastal change and assessing future policy options and impacts. Whilst the littoral cell concept is a valid approach, it is only one aspect of coastal system behaviour and other factors also need to be taken into account when assessing future shoreline evolution. The Southwest Tobago study area demonstrates some clear coastal geomorphological changes which may have an impact on littoral dynamics and hence need to be considered for coastal adaptation implementation purposes. The variance in shoreline characteristics (for the Pilot area) is presented in Figure 2.1 (taken from IMA 2014). FIGURE 2.1 COASTAL CLASSIFICATION MAP OF TOBAGO (STUDY AREA INSET BY RED SQUARE) (ADAPTED FROM IMA 2014) Deliverable 3: Guidelines for the incorporation of EbA into an ICZM Policy Table 2.1 displays the results from beach profile analysis (2009 to 2013) undertaken from IMA. Results are based on monitoring results from 26 beaches and 42 beach profiling stations around Tobago. That work has concluded that all beaches are recorded to be in dynamic equilibrium except for the following beaches. Eroding Beaches in the Study Area Accreting Beaches in the Study Area Pigeon Point west Pigeon point north Mt. Irvine east Mt. Irvine west Little Back Bay west Stone Haven west Little Rockley Bay TABLE 2.1: ERODING AND ACCRETING BEACHES IN THE PILOT STUDY AREA (2009-2013): ADAPTED FROM IMA 2014. To complement the information presented in Table 2.1, Figure 2.2 provides an overview of the IMA beach profile monitoring results. From this work, five indicative “beach volatility” groupings or “cells” are identified below by the International Consultant: FIGURE 2.2: BEACH PROFILE VOLATILITY IN THE STUDY AREA (FROM IMA 2014). It is of note that the IMA findings above, for the Buccoo Bay area (which declare “dynamic equilibrium”) in particular, are different to the recent predicted model findings presented by Halcrow (see Figure 2.3) whereby erosion is anticipated should existing coastal protection measures (offshore reef at Store Bay and defences at Buccoo Reef itself) be taken away. Page 12 Deliverable 3: Guidelines for the incorporation of EbA into an ICZM Policy FIGURE 2.3: EROSION POTENTIAL IN STUDY AREA (FROM HALCROW 2014). The recent Halcrow work has also classified flood inundation risk vulnerabilities that are calculated to affect the study area (see Figure 2.3). In a similar way to that adopted in Figure 2.3, four key “flood hazard” groupings or “cells” are identified below by the International Consultant. FIGURE 2.4: FLOOD INUNDATION RISK TO THE PILOT AREA UNDER VARIOUS CLIMATE CHANGE PREDICTION SCENARIOS (HALCROW 2014) Page 13 Deliverable 3: Guidelines for the incorporation of EbA into an ICZM Policy For these conceptual assessments, the International Consultant has taken into consideration the findings of the IMA (Figure 2.1) and the Halcrow VA work (Figures 2.2 to 2.4), to deduce conceptual “Coastal Behaviour Units” that best capture the work completed to date. It is therefore proposed that 6 general Coastal Behaviour Units (CBU) are established for review as demonstrated in Figure 2.5. The titles of the 5 CBUs are as follows: Coastal Behaviour Unit A – Great Courland Bay to Rocky Point; Coastal Behaviour Unit B – Rocky Point to Pigeon Point; Coastal Behaviour Unit C – Pigeon Point to Crown Point; Coastal Behaviour Unit D – Crown Point to Canoe Bay; Coastal Behaviour Unit E – Canoe Bay to Lowlands (Petit Trou Lagoon); Coastal Behaviour Unit F – Lowlands to Rockly Bay. FIGURE 2.5: INDICATIVE LIMITS OF COASTAL BEHAVIOUR UNITS FOR SOUTHWEST TOBAGO. Deliverable 2 of this International Consultants contract produced a Climate Change Adaptation Response Plan (CCARP - Sustainable Seas Ltd 2014b) that identified 7 possible Adaptation Responses (Table 2.2) to Page 14 Deliverable 3: Guidelines for the incorporation of EbA into an ICZM Policy alleviate the pressures on natural, social and economic systems from shoreline change. The management challenge is for any given stretch of coastline, which adaptation responses are most appropriate to implement? The following section now uses the principles EbA thought processes onto the Pilot Project area in order to determine which adaptation responses could be appropriate to implement. For each Coastal Behaviour Unit a table is produced that presents the EbA analysis followed by a further table that interprets the appropriateness of each of the CCARPs for that Coastal Behaviour Unit. Information is used from a variety of sources to populate the tables, though the purpose is NOT to produce a detailed “CCARP” for each CBU, but instead to demonstrate the process which is something that in time could be applied to the whole of Trinidad and Tobago as part of a National ICZM Strategy Plan. (NB: the evaluation focus is placed on coastal “communities” and “habitats” as opposed to “coastal ecosystems” per se. This is because the former are more tangible to identify and assess and (due to a lack of data of ecosystem interactions) are thus far easier to propose management “actions” on for this Pilot Project). TABLE 2.2. CLIMATE CHANGE ADAPTATION RESPONSE PLAN (CCARP) ADAPTATION OPTIONS CAN BE APPLIED TO COASTAL BEHAVIOUR UNITS. SOURCE: DELIVERABLE 2 OF PRESENT CONTRACT. Adaptation Response Measure Description Adaptation Response A: Maintain/restore wetlands and mangrove ecosystems Adaptation options for maintaining/restoring wetlands and mangrove ecosystems that primarily focus on facilitating wetland migration through changes in legislation and regulations (e.g., rolling easements) and prohibitions on shoreline hardening. Protection for existing wetlands and mangroves in SW Tobago from development, pollution, and habitat changes that may be exacerbated by sea level rise could consider developing legislation or modifying land use rules (e.g., zoning) to facilitate wetland migration inland. Programs that are not constrained by existing institutions or policies could focus on prohibiting bulkheads and allowing mangroves to migrate inland. Adaptation Response B: Maintain sediment transport Adaptation options that maintain sediment transport in order to reverse changes that have already occurred or changes that will continue to occur. Combined with other actions, these adaptation options may work to prevent loss of coastal habitats and enable habitats (reliant on sediment supply such as mangroves) to accrete at a rate consistent with sea level rise. Adaptation Response C: Preserve coastal land/ development (including infrastructure) Adaptation options that preserve coastal land and development focussing on land use planning and management, land exchange and acquisition programs, and changes to infrastructure. These adaptation options primarily aim to preserve coastal land on which development is planned or already exists. Adaptation Response D: Maintain shorelines utilizing “soft” measures Approaches for maintaining shorelines in the face of sea level rise include both “soft” measures and “hard” measures. Each of these approaches or some combination of them may be appropriate depending on the characteristics of a particular location (e.g., shore protection costs, property values, the environmental importance of habitat, the feasibility of protecting shores without Page 15 Deliverable 3: Guidelines for the incorporation of EbA into an ICZM Policy Adaptation Response Measure Description harming the habitat). Adaptation Response E: Maintain shorelines utilizing “hard” measures Shoreline protection through hardening techniques such as constructing bulkheads, seawalls, revetments, and breakwaters, or reinforcing dikes and headlands. Adaptation options that use hardening techniques are often preserving existing development (e.g., homes and businesses) and infrastructure (e.g., sewage systems, roads), or protecting land available for future development or infrastructure. Adaptation Response F: Preserve Habitat for Vulnerable Species Adaptation options to preserve habitat for vulnerable species that involves actively increasing coastal ecosystem boundaries or removing barriers that prevent habitat expansion or migration. Actions to increase ecosystem boundaries could include purchasing upland development or property rights and expanding the planning horizons of land use planning to incorporate longer-term climate predictions. Adaptation Response G: Maintain water quality Sea level rise and changes in the timing and intensity of precipitation can affect the water quality of coastal receiving waters. Protecting existing infrastructure and planning for impacts to new infrastructure can help reduce vulnerability to these impacts (e.g., sizing drainage and sewer treatment systems to accommodate changes in flow). Other options for maintaining water quality of mangroves and wetlands include preventing or limiting groundwater extraction from shallow aquifers and protecting land subject to flooding by plugging canals. In Appendix C, a series of “courses of action” that address specifically Adaptation Responses D and E are presented. Within that table a column is introduced to declare how easy it could be to adapt its design (as an individual scheme or as part of a collective scheme of a few techniques) to improve the EbA resiliency “score” (i.e.: from a “red” to “amber” score etc). To achieve an improved “score”, this may be achieved through adopting one of the following “courses of action” as follows: Approach 1: Modification of individual hard or soft structure design (i.e. pre-construction) to improve individual structure performance (i.e.: focus on the structure design prior to construction) by introducing EbA techniques where possible; Approach 2: Modification (retrofitting) of existing adjacent hard or soft structures (that are already in situ) to improve overall scheme performance by introducing EbA techniques where possible; Approach 3: Using EbA specific measures to help modify existing adjacent structure strategic design to improve overall coastal protection performance (i.e.: focus on merging hard with soft measures as part of an integrated scheme); Page 16 Deliverable 3: Guidelines for the incorporation of EbA into an ICZM Policy Approach 4 – Modification and review of land use planning (i.e.: focus on accommodation measures, strategic placement of key features on an island and to reduce key infrastructure in “at risk” locations). These 4 approaches are specifically defined and developed further with conceptual examples as part of the following two CCARP Adaptation Response options: Adaptation Response D: Maintain shorelines utilizing “soft” measures; and Adaptation Response E: Maintain shorelines utilizing “hard” measures; 2.2. Coastal Behaviour Unit Assessment In addition to the above, the courses of action identified in Table 1.1 are considered in terms of the following time scale epochs that are realistic and meaningful in terms of planning time scales in Tobago: 0 -5 years (short term to urgent action required); 5-25 years (longer term planning for islands such as Tobago). The reader now learns about the most suitable course of action based on vulnerability (socio-economic and physical as appropriate) for each CBU designated for Southwest Tobago. Appendix C presents in more detail the course of action approach and applicability. (NB: the evaluation focus is placed on coastal “communities” and “habitats” as opposed to “coastal ecosystems” per se. This is because the former are more tangible to identify and assess and (due to a lack of data of ecosystem interactions) are thus far easier to propose management “actions” on for this Pilot Project. Page 17 2.2.1 Coastal Behaviour Unit A – Great Courland Bay to Rocky Point Coastal Behaviour Unit A – Great Courland Bay to Rocky Point Guideline EbA “Questions” Discussion Points (Observations) Who are the main stakeholders and ecosystems, and what are the relationships between them? Turtle Beach Resort (owners/guests/employees), Black Rock and Last holiday apartment owners and guests, community of Black Rock, Grafton Beach Resort (owners/guests/employees), home owners along Stonehaven Bay. Relationship between them is the importance of a healthy coastal environment to continually attract tourists to the CBU to ensure economic livelihoods. Topographic low areas add flood risk management needs for this CBU. What is the structure and function of the ecosystems, and are means in place to manage and monitor them? Embayed between Courland Pt. in the north and Black Rock/Hawk’s Bill headland in the southwest. Backshore consists of alluvium which is very susceptible to erosion. Erosion between Black Rock River and the southern headland, Black Rock/Hawk’s Bill. Beach monitoring takes place (IMA). What are the important economic issues that will affect the ecosystem and its inhabitants? Approx 13 houses located within dynamic beach zone at Great Courland. These houses interrupt areas of erosion. 2. Fishing facility. 3. Turtle Beach Hotel 4. Coastal Road, 5. Beach houses and apartments, 6. Beach Bar, 7.Arts and craft and dive shops at Stonehaven Bay. Road runs along coastline very near the beach along the whole CBU and this could be affected by coastal erosion. Development on the coast impacting on turtle nesting sites north of Black Rock River, at Little Back Bay and Stonehaven Bay. Black Rock River was the site of sand mining operations resulting in erosion of the south western section of the beach (O’Brien- Delpesh 1997). What are the likely impacts of the ecosystem on adjacent ecosystems? Unknown until more targeted information is captured through the future ICZM Strategy Plan process for T&T. Halcrow VA (2014) needs to be updated to assess social and ecological vulnerability. What are the long-term goals, and have flexible ways of reaching them, been determined? Long term goals for the CBU have not been set. These are most likely to be created as part of the future ICZM Strategy Plan process for T&T. Stakeholder engagement processes, in tandem with support from GoTT and THA will be pivotal in defining these long term goals. These, as a result, cannot be set within this table. Vulnerability & Adaptation Response Need (H/M/L) High to medium According to the Halcrow Coastal Vulnerability Index (2014), flood risk likely to increase in the future. A number of Adaptation Response options are likely to be needed to address manage the stakeholder vulnerability. Based on the outcome of the above table, the following table outlines the most likely Adaptation Responses which apply to this CBU. Possible “courses of action” (as outlined in Section 3.3 and Appendix C) are also presented for consideration. Deliverable 3: Guidelines for the incorporation of EbA into an ICZM Policy Coastal Behaviour Unit A – Great Courland Bay to Rocky Point Adaptation Response Title Adaptation Response A: Maintain/restore wetlands and mangrove ecosystems; Adaptation Response B: Maintain sediment transport; Adaptation Response C: Preserve coastal land/development (including infrastructure); Adaptation Response D: Maintain shorelines utilizing “soft” measures; Years 0 – 5 (2019) X N/A Adaptation Response F: Preserve Habitat for Vulnerable Species; Adaptation Response G: Maintain water quality X N/A sediment supply within Great Courland and Stonehaven Bays is critical maintain sediment supply within Great Courland and Stonehaven Bays part of a future ICZM Plan that identifies clear setbacks policies etc Longer term land acquisition programs. X short term “pilot” projects required to learn successes Adaptation Response E: Maintain shorelines utilizing “hard” measures; Years 5 - 20 (2034) short term asset protection implementation of short term “pilot” projects into the longer term within the CBU X long term asset relocation Turtle nesting protection Turtle nesting protection Important for tourism sector Important for tourism sector Existing Coastal Defences Vulnerability (people) Current status Seawalls (concrete and wooden columns), gabion baskets, rock revetments (Great Courland Bay). Preferred Adaptation Responses (see CCARP for possible “Courses of Action” or refer to Appendix C for engineering based interventions). B, C, F G E (short term); D (long term) St Patrick Parish = 14,733 (2011 Census). No detailed breakdown exists for communities/villages within this CBU. Page 19 Deliverable 3: Guidelines for the incorporation of EbA into an ICZM Policy 2.2.2 Coastal Behaviour Unit B – Rocky Point to Pigeon Point; Coastal Behaviour Unit B – Rocky Point to Pigeon Point Guideline EbA “Questions” Discussion Points (Observations) Who are the main stakeholders and ecosystems, and what are the relationships between them? Mt Irvine beach facility and golf club users, surfers, Grange Bay recreational users, Buccoo community residents (and visitors/guests houses etc). Relationship between them is the importance of a healthy coastal environment to continually attract tourists to the CBU to ensure economic livelihoods. Topographic low areas add flood risk management needs for this CBU around the Mt Irvine hinterland and the whole of the Bon Accord Lagoonal area hinterland. What is the structure and function of the ecosystems, and are means in place to manage and monitor them? Mt Irvine Bay has a fringing reef offshore in western end of bay. Buccoo Bay has a low lying backshore, with dense vegetation, mangrove low limestone cliffs at the eastern and western ends of the bay. Sheerbirds Point is a sand spit located at eastern end with coral reef/seagrass offshore. Bon Accord mangrove forest along the east, south and west side towards Pigeon Point. Beach monitoring takes place (IMA). What are the important economic issues that will affect the ecosystem and its inhabitants? Mt Irvine has residential properties, Golf Course, Hotel, Beach Facilities, Fishing Facility south of beach facility and the Coastal Road. Buccoo Bay has Buccoo Integrated Facility, Jetty for reef tour boats and Guest Houses, restaurants and shops. Road access from south is a key economic feature to the south of Bon Accord Lagoon. Road runs along coastline very near the beach along Mt Irvine Bay and this could be affected by coastal erosion and flood risk. The road infrastructure in Bon Accord Lagoon is positioned away from flood risk areas on the whole. What are the likely impacts of the ecosystem on adjacent ecosystems? The health and integrity of the wetland system in this CBU comprising the Sheerbird’s Point seagrass, Buccoo Reef and the Bon Accord mangrove forest are linked to human habitation, development and water quality (in addition to tourist pressure and overfishing issues). The likely impact is unknown until more targeted information is captured through the future ICZM Strategy Plan process for T&T. Halcrow VA (2014) needs to be updated to assess social and ecological vulnerability. What are the long-term goals, and have flexible ways of reaching them, been determined? Long term goals for the CBU have not been set. These are most likely to be created as part of the future ICZM Strategy Plan process for T&T. Stakeholder engagement processes, in tandem with support from GoTT and THA wil be pivotal in defining these long term goals. These, as a result, cannot be set within this table. Climate Change Vulnerability Adaptation Response Need (H/M/L) Low to Medium According to the Halcrow Coastal Vulnerability Index (2014), whilst flood risk likely to increase in the future to the Bon Accord lagoon areas and hinterland, the risk to communities and business is ranked as low to medium, so long as inappropriate future development does not occur in flood risk areas. A number of Adaptation Response options are likely to be needed to address manage the stakeholder vulnerability. Based on the outcome of the above table, the following table outlines the most likely Adaptation Responses which apply to this CBU. Possible “courses of action” (as outlined in Section 3.3 and Appendix C) are also presented for consideration. Page 20 Deliverable 3: Guidelines for the incorporation of EbA into an ICZM Policy Coastal Behaviour Unit B – Rocky Point to Pigeon Point Adaptation Response Title Years 0 – 5 (2019) Years 5 - 20 (2034) Adaptation Response A: Maintain/restore wetlands and mangrove ecosystems; wetland health and integrity within Buccoo Bay is critical longer term wetland health and integrity within Buccoo Bay is critical Adaptation Response B: Maintain sediment transport; sediment supply within Mt Irvine Bay is critical longer term need to maintain sediment supply within Mt Irvine Bay is critical part of a future ICZM Plan that identifies clear setbacks policies etc Longer term land acquisition programs. Adaptation Response D: Maintain shorelines utilizing “soft” measures; short term “pilot” projects required to learn successes implementation of short term “pilot” projects into the longer term within the CBU Adaptation Response E: Maintain shorelines utilizing “hard” measures; short term asset protection at Mt Irvine Bay only Adaptation Response C: Preserve coastal land/development (including infrastructure); Adaptation Response F: Preserve Habitat for Vulnerable Species; Adaptation Response G: Maintain water quality X long term asset relocation at Mt Irvine Bay Reef and mangrove conservation programmes for marine species protection longer term reef and mangrove conservation programmes for marine species protection Important for tourism sector and for the integrity of the wider marine ecosystem Important for tourism sector and for the integrity of the wider marine ecosystem Existing Coastal Defences Current status Failed rock and concrete seaward sloping concrete wall at Grange bay Preferred Adaptation Responses (see CCARP for possible “Courses of Action” or refer to Appendix C for engineering based interventions). A, B, C, D, F, G. E (short term – Mt Irvine only); Vulnerability (people) St Patrick Parish = 14,733 (2011 Census). No detailed breakdown exists for communities/villages within this CBU. Page 21 Deliverable 3: Guidelines for the incorporation of EbA into an ICZM Policy 2.2.3 Coastal Behaviour Unit C – Pigeon Point to Crown Point; Coastal Behaviour Unit C – Pigeon Point to Crown Point Guideline EbA “Questions” Discussion Points (Observations) Who are the main stakeholders and ecosystems, and what are the relationships between them? Pigeon Point local vendors (within the Heritage Park), visitors, water sport recreational users, Coco Reef hotel and visitors, Conrado Beach Resort, Crown Point Beach Hotel, Tropikist Beach Hotel, Sandy Point Beach Club, Fort Milford beach facility users, Store Bay beach facility users, Crown Point Airport industries/facility users/businesses. Relationship between them is the importance of a healthy coastal environment to continually attract tourists to the CBU to ensure economic livelihoods. Topographic low areas to the north of the CBU (north of Coco Reef towards Pigeon Point) adds the need for flood risk awareness issues within this section of the CBU. What is the structure and function of the ecosystems, and are means in place to manage and monitor them? Low lying, depositional feature at Pigeon Point with the spit at the northern section. Store Bay is a sandy beach backed by limestone cliffs and controlled by adjacent limestone cliffs coastline. Patch reefs only within this CBU away from Bon Accord Lagoon. Mangrove forest behind sand spit (Bon Accord). The health and integrity of the beach systems in this CBU comprising Milford Bay and Store Bay are very important to tourism in this CBU. Beach monitoring takes place (IMA). What are the important economic issues that will affect the ecosystem and its inhabitants? Pigeon Point Heritage Park and all associated facilities (including Pigeon Point Jetty), Hotel / Bars, Fishing Facility, Arts and Crafts Shops, Coastal Access Road, Start Landing Strip, for airport. Road runs along coastline very near the beach northwards to Pigeon Point and this could be affected by coastal erosion and flood risk in the future. The road infrastructure to Pigeon Point has been improved, though sections may need to be re-positioned away from flood risk areas. New developments are still taking place on Pigeon Point with minimal thought to coastal setback needs. What are the likely impacts of the ecosystem on adjacent ecosystems? Unknown until more targeted information is captured through the future ICZM Strategy Plan process for T&T. Halcrow VA (2014) needs to be updated to assess social and ecological vulnerability. What are the long-term goals, and have flexible ways of reaching them, been determined? Long term goals for the CBU have not been set. These are most likely to be created as part of the future ICZM Strategy Plan process for T&T. Stakeholder engagement processes, in tandem with support from GoTT and THA will be pivotal in defining these long term goals. These, as a result, cannot be set within this table. Climate Change Vulnerability Adaptation Response Need (H/M/L) Medium to High According to the Halcrow Coastal Vulnerability Index (2014), whilst flood risk likely to increase in the future to the Pigeon Point /Milford Bay hinterland, the risk to communities and business to the north of the CBU is ranked as low to medium, so long as inappropriate future development does not occur in flood risk areas. Vulnerability is ranked high in the Store Bay area where key economic tourist assets are situation (Coco Reef/Store Bay Facilities etc). The risk at this location is driven by potential erosion, and tidal inundation, however in reality (depending upon assumptions made by Halcrow 2014) the erosion would likely be managed by the presence of the breakwater structure. The reduction or removal of this erosion hazard through continued coast protection provision would significantly reduce this risk. A number of Adaptation Response options are likely to be needed to address manage the stakeholder vulnerability. Based on the outcome of the above table, the following table outlines the most likely Adaptation Responses which apply to this CBU. Possible “courses of action” (as outlined in Section 3.3 and Appendix C) are also presented for consideration. Page 22 Deliverable 3: Guidelines for the incorporation of EbA into an ICZM Policy Coastal Behaviour Unit C – Pigeon Point to Crown Point Adaptation Response Title Years 0 – 5 (2019) Years 5 - 20 (2034) wetland health and integrity within the backing wetland area to Pigeon Point is critical for wider ecosystem resilience longer term wetland health and integrity within the backing wetland area to Pigeon Point is critical for wider ecosystem resilience Adaptation Response B: Maintain sediment transport; sediment supply within Milford and Store Bays is critical maintain sediment supply within Milford and Store Bays Adaptation Response C: Preserve coastal land/development (including infrastructure); part of a future ICZM Plan that identifies clear setbacks policies etc on Pigeon Point in particular Longer term land acquisition programs and “no build” policies are required that are linked to national building codes. Adaptation Response A: Maintain/restore wetlands and mangrove ecosystems; Adaptation Response D: Maintain shorelines utilizing “soft” measures; Adaptation Response E: Maintain shorelines utilizing “hard” measures; Adaptation Response F: Preserve Habitat for Vulnerable Species; Adaptation Response G: Maintain water quality X to learn successes possible soft schemes to be implemented within the Pigeon Point area of the CBU. short term asset protection on Pigeon Point and Store Bay (using EbA design principles – see Appendix B) long term asset relocation on Pigeon Point and Store Bay using EbA design principles – see Appendix B) X X short term “pilot” projects required N/A for this CBU N/A for this CBU Important for tourism sector Important for tourism sector Existing Coastal Defences Vulnerability (people) Current status Rubble /stone revetment (Store Bay); Offshore rock reef (Coco Reef); rock groynes (Store Bay). Preferred Adaptation Responses (see CCARP for possible “Courses of Action” or refer to Appendix C for engineering based interventions). A,B,C,E,G E (short term); D (long term) St Patrick Parish = 14,733 (2011 Census). No detailed breakdown exists for communities/villages within this CBU. Page 23 Deliverable 3: Guidelines for the incorporation of EbA into an ICZM Policy 2.2.4 Coastal Behaviour Unit D – Crown Point to Canoe Bay; Coastal Behaviour Unit D – Crown Point to Canoe Bay Guideline EbA “Questions” Discussion Points (Observations) Who are the main stakeholders and ecosystems, and what are the relationships between them? Owners of Cochrico Inn, all flight visitors/users to Tobago (Crown Point Runway), Canoe Bay Nature Resort. Beach Resort Facility users at Canoe Bay. Relationship between the stakeholders is the linkage between development needs and the low lying wetlands of Kilgwyn CBU to ensure economic livelihoods. Topographic low areas to the north of the CBU (north of Coco Reef towards Pigeon Point) adds the need for flood risk awareness issues within this section of the CBU. What is the structure and function of the ecosystems, and are means in place to manage and monitor them? Kilgwyn seagrass beds (extensive) and Mangrove Swamp forest. La Guira Bay is bounded to the west by limestone cliffs. Immediate backshore slopes seaward. Offshore Reefs occur further offshore. The health and integrity of the wetland system at Kilgwyn within this CBU is very important to ecosystem integrity. Beach monitoring takes place (IMA) at Canoe Bay. What are the important economic issues that will affect the ecosystem and its inhabitants? Critical infrastructure located to the eastern point of the Crown Point runway. Beach Resort Facility at Canoe Bay. Crown Point airport runway itself. Agriculture land at Friendship. Site of an Ecoindustrial development site and also a Gas-pipe landing (Cove – Lowlands). Coastal erosion (flanking) has been occurring at the western end of the rock revetment. In western section of Canoe Bay, low lying man-made beach bounded by a short groyne to the west and headland, Columbus Point to the east. What are the likely impacts of the ecosystem on adjacent ecosystems? Unknown until more targeted information is captured through the future ICZM Strategy Plan process for T&T. Halcrow VA (2014) needs to be updated to assess social and ecological vulnerability. What are the long-term goals, and have flexible ways of reaching them, been determined? Long term goals for the CBU have not been set. These are most likely to be created as part of the future ICZM Strategy Plan process for T&T. Stakeholder engagement processes, in tandem with support from GoTT and THA will be pivotal in defining these long term goals. These, as a result, cannot be set within this table. Climate Change Vulnerability Adaptation Response Need (H/M/L) Medium to Low According to the Halcrow Coastal Vulnerability Index (2014), whilst flood risk likely to increase in the future to the Kilgwyn wetland area, the risk to communities and business in the CBU is ranked as low except for the. A couple of Adaptation Response options are likely to be needed to address manage the stakeholder vulnerability. Based on the outcome of the above table, the following table outlines the most likely Adaptation Responses which apply to this CBU. Possible “courses of action” (as outlined in Section 3.3 and Appendix C) are also presented for consideration. Page 24 Deliverable 3: Guidelines for the incorporation of EbA into an ICZM Policy Coastal Behaviour Unit D – Crown Point to Canoe Bay Adaptation Response Title Adaptation Response A: Maintain/restore wetlands and mangrove ecosystems; Adaptation Response B: Maintain sediment transport; Years 0 – 5 (2019) Years 5 - 20 (2034) Important for ecosystem health and resilience Long term Important for ecosystem health and resilience X X though Canoe Bay integrity will need though Canoe Bay integrity will sand supply need sand supply part of a future ICZM Plan that identifies clear critical infrastructure development and protection (setbacks policies etc) .part of a future ICZM Plan that identifies clear critical infrastructure development and protection (setbacks policies etc) Adaptation Response D: Maintain shorelines utilizing “soft” measures; initiate wetland protection and management systems (see Appendix C) initiate wetland protection and management systems (see Appendix C) Adaptation Response E: Maintain shorelines utilizing “hard” measures; short term critical infrastructure asset protection Adaptation Response C: Preserve coastal land/development (including infrastructure); Adaptation Response F: Preserve Habitat for Vulnerable Species; Adaptation Response G: Maintain water quality wetland /mangrove protection Important for mangrove/wetland protection and tourism sector (Canoe Bay) Existing Coastal Defences Current status Rubble revetment at La Guira Bay constructed to protect reclaimed land upon which airport runway was constructed Preferred Adaptation Responses (see CCARP for possible “Courses of Action” or refer to Appendix C for engineering based interventions). A, C, D, F G E (short term) X long term critical infrastructure asset relocation wetland /mangrove protection Important for mangrove/wetland protection and tourism sector (Canoe Bay) Vulnerability (people) St Patrick Parish = 14,733 (2011 Census). No detailed breakdown exists for communities/villages within this CBU. Page 25 Deliverable 3: Guidelines for the incorporation of EbA into an ICZM Policy 2.2.5 Coastal Behaviour Unit E – Canoe Bay to Lowlands (Petit Trou Lagoon); Coastal Behaviour Unit E – Canoe Bay to Lowlands (Petit Trou Lagoon) Guideline EbA “Questions” Discussion Points (Observations) Who are the main stakeholders and ecosystems, and what are the relationships between them? Magdalena Hotel, golf course, private accommodation/apartments etc in the Petit Trou area. Higher percentage of private sector stakeholders in this CBU. Relationship between the private sector stakeholders is the linkage between private development needs and the low lying wetlands of Petit Trou to ensure a balance between coastal swamp and wetland integrity to act as a natural flood store area and resilience for economic, social livelihood development. Topographic low areas covering this whole CBU adds the need for flood risk awareness issues. What is the structure and function of the ecosystems, and are means in place to manage and monitor them? Low bluff cliffs to the west of Petit Trou mangrove system. Mangroves along coastline with coastal swamp (Petit Trou). The health and integrity of the wetland system at Kilgwyn within this CBU is very important to ecosystem integrity. Monitoring of mangrove condition is undertaken by IMA. What are the important economic issues that will affect the ecosystem and its inhabitants? Agricultural plots (west of Petit Trou wetland system. Recreation (golf), tourism (Magdalena Hotel) and real estate development represent the main economic factors of this CBU. Poorly planned development that does not consider EbA approaches to development close to wetlands will increase flood risk to communities and business and reduce the integrity of the swamp system at Petit Trou. What are the likely impacts of the ecosystem on adjacent ecosystems? Unknown until more targeted information is captured through the future ICZM Strategy Plan process for T&T. Halcrow VA (2014) needs to be updated to assess social and ecological vulnerability. What are the long-term goals, and have flexible ways of reaching them, been determined? Long term goals for the CBU have not been set. These are most likely to be created as part of the future ICZM Strategy Plan process for T&T. Stakeholder engagement processes, in tandem with support from GoTT and THA will be pivotal in defining these long term goals. These, as a result, cannot be set within this table. Climate Change Vulnerability Adaptation Response Need (H/M/L) Medium to High According to the Halcrow Coastal Vulnerability Index (2014), the potentially high risk areas include the developments at the southern end of Little Rockley Bay (including the Magdalena Grand Resort complex), and a number of other larger hotel complexes around the coastline that are located very close to the shoreline edge. A number of Adaptation Response options are likely to be needed to address manage the stakeholder vulnerability. Based on the outcome of the above table, the following table outlines the most likely Adaptation Responses which apply to this CBU. Possible “courses of action” (as outlined in Section 3.3 and Appendix C) are also presented for consideration. Page 26 Deliverable 3: Guidelines for the incorporation of EbA into an ICZM Policy Coastal Behaviour Unit E – Canoe Bay to Lowlands (Petit Trou Lagoon) Adaptation Response Title Years 0 – 5 (2019) Years 5 - 20 (2034) Adaptation Response A: Maintain/restore wetlands and mangrove ecosystems; Important for ecosystem health and resilience Important for ecosystem health and resilience Adaptation Response B: Maintain sediment transport; sediment supply within Petit Trou mangrove system is critical sediment supply within Petit Trou mangrove system is critical Adaptation Response C: Preserve coastal land/development (including infrastructure); part of a future ICZM Plan that identifies clear setbacks policies etc within the Petit Trou wetland and mangrove area Longer term land acquisition programs to be considered for the Petit Trou wetland and mangrove area Adaptation Response D: Maintain shorelines utilizing “soft” measures; initiate wetland protection and management systems (see Appendix C) initiate wetland protection and management systems (see Appendix C) X X Adaptation Response E: Maintain shorelines utilizing “hard” measures; Adaptation Response F: Preserve Habitat for Vulnerable Species; Adaptation Response G: Maintain water quality N/A mangrove species protection Important for mangrove system and tourism sector Existing Coastal Defences Current status Preferred Adaptation Responses (see CCARP for possible “Courses of Action” or refer to Appendix C for engineering based interventions). N/A long term asset relocation mangrove species protection Important for mangrove system and tourism sector Vulnerability (people) St Patrick Parish = 14,733 (2011 Census). No detailed breakdown exists for communities/villages within this CBU. A, B, C, D, F, G Page 27 Deliverable 3: Guidelines for the incorporation of EbA into an ICZM Policy 2.2.6 Coastal Behaviour Unit F – Lowlands to Rockly Bay Coastal Behaviour Unit F – Lowlands to Rockly Bay Guideline EbA “Questions” Discussion Points (Observations) Who are the main stakeholders and ecosystems, and what are the relationships between them? Magdalena Grand Beach resort (owners/visitors), Sugar Mills Suites, golfers, Hampton Inn, Shore Things (café and craft business), community and businesses of Lambeau. Relationship between the private sector stakeholders and the community of Lambeau is the linkage development needs, the integrity of Little Rockley Bay as a visitor and recreational asset and the low lying wetlands of Petit Trou (later is to ensure a balance between coastal swamp and wetland integrity to act as a natural flood store area and resilience for economic, social livelihood development). Topographic low areas of the immediate hinterland on Little Rockly Bay do NOT extend flood risk to the community of Lambeau. What is the structure and function of the ecosystems, and are means in place to manage and monitor them? Low lying backshore, bounded between low, limestone cliffs in west and large headland (Lambeau Village) in the north. Entire CBU is vulnerable to coastal erosion. Beach monitoring takes place (IMA) at Little Rockly Bay. What are the important economic issues that will affect the ecosystem and its inhabitants? Residential properties; Hotel and Guest houses; Fishing Facility. Poorly planned development that does not consider EbA approaches to development close to eroding coastline will increase erosion and flood risk to communities and business. What are the likely impacts of the ecosystem on adjacent ecosystems? Unknown until more targeted information is captured through the future ICZM Strategy Plan process for T&T. Halcrow VA (2014) needs to be updated to assess social and ecological vulnerability. What are the long-term goals, and have flexible ways of reaching them, been determined? Long term goals for the CBU have not been set. These are most likely to be created as part of the future ICZM Strategy Plan process for T&T. Stakeholder engagement processes, in tandem with support from GoTT and THA will be pivotal in defining these long term goals. These, as a result, cannot be set within this table. Climate Change Vulnerability Adaptation Response Need (H/M/L) Low to Medium According to the Halcrow Coastal Vulnerability Index (2014), whilst flood risk likely to increase in the future to the immediate coastal strip of Little Rockley Bay and hinterland, the risk to communities and business is ranked as low to medium, so long as inappropriate future development does not occur in flood risk areas. A number of Adaptation Response options are likely to be needed to address manage the stakeholder vulnerability. Based on the outcome of the above table, the following table outlines the most likely Adaptation Responses which apply to this CBU. Possible “courses of action” (as outlined in Section 3.3 and Appendix C) are also presented for consideration. Page 28 Deliverable 3: Guidelines for the incorporation of EbA into an ICZM Policy Coastal Behaviour Unit F – Lowlands to Rockly Bay Adaptation Response Title Adaptation Response A: Maintain/restore wetlands and mangrove ecosystems; Adaptation Response B: Maintain sediment transport; Adaptation Response C: Preserve coastal land/development (including infrastructure); Adaptation Response D: Maintain shorelines utilizing “soft” measures; Years 0 – 5 (2019) X N/A Adaptation Response F: Preserve Habitat for Vulnerable Species; Adaptation Response G: Maintain water quality X N/A sediment supply within Little Rockly Bay is critical sediment supply within Little Rockly Bay is critical part of a future ICZM Plan that identifies clear setbacks policies etc Longer term land acquisition programs. X short term “pilot” projects required to learn successes Adaptation Response E: Maintain shorelines utilizing “hard” measures; Years 5 - 20 (2034) short term asset protection at mouth of River Lambeau (mangrove protection for marine species) implementation of short term “pilot” projects into the longer term within the CBU X long term asset relocation at mouth of River Lambeau (mangrove protection for marine species) Important for tourism sector Important for tourism sector Existing Coastal Defences Vulnerability (people) Current status Seawall and rock revetments and rubble dumped at some sites. Mangroves at Lambeau River mouth. Preferred Adaptation Responses (see CCARP for possible “Courses of Action” or refer to Appendix C for engineering based interventions). B, C, F, G D (long term); E (short term). St Andrew Parish = 16,209 (2011 Census). Page 29 SECTION 3: CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS The challenge that faced this consultancy is the unenviable task to attempt to combine EbA, ICZM and CCA. Although the terms are much used and often in conjunction with each other, there has not been an attempt to prepare clear guidance on how the different approaches and principles can be operated together. There are many examples in the literature of EbA Guidelines, CCA Guidelines and ICZM “how to do it” guides, but nowhere has a nation attempted to amalgamate all three principles. The key message for the delivery of ICZM for T&T is that whatever principle, approach or concept is to be pursued, that every effort is made to make the intended outcome clear for all stakeholders. The risk of “losing” stakeholders in the process, due to a lack of clarity of ultimate message is very high in T&T if this simple message is not adhered to. This Guidance concludes that a simple approach towards linking EbA principles with ICZM Policy Objectives is needed. This has been achieved by recommending a screening process that asks 5 simple EbA related questions that relate directly to the internationally accepted Convention of Biological Diversity EbA Principles. The outcome of this process is that EbA principles have been used to demonstrate which adaptation responses are the most appropriate to employ and implement. In the context of this consultancy it is the intent that the principles EbA are not only used to shape climate change adaptation options but also the delivery of ICZM policy. The task here is how EbA can provide a framework to help structure application of a climate “lens” to cross-sectoral planning to enable adaptation that targets the most vulnerable social, economic and environmental areas of coast. A goal of an ICZM policy is to promote and facilitate cross-sectoral actions to mainstream the integration of adaptation issues into ongoing policy processes. The principles of EbA can then provide guidance to structure the integration of different sector responses that ensure collective responses meet both the principles and goals of ICZM and how climate change adaptation techniques can be mainstreamed into decision making (Sustainable Seas 2014c). The user is reminded that this guidance is not intended as a standalone resource. Rather, it provides an overview of a decision making process that aims to synthesise current thinking about good practice adaptation and good practice EbA. It is intended that the guidance be used as a tool that links to the separate CCARP (Sustainable Seas Ltd 2014b) and is also used for training and capacity building to all stakeholders in T&T. It should also be seen as a ‘living document’ that will be updated and enhanced during field-testing. Deliverable 3: Guidelines for the incorporation of EbA into an ICZM Policy APPENDIX A: REFERENCES Brooks, N. (2003). A conceptual framework Vulnerability, risk and adaptation: A conceptual framework (p. 20pp). Forst, M. F. (2009). The convergence of Integrated Coastal Zone Management and the ecosystems approach. Ocean & Coastal Management, 52(6), 294–306. doi:10.1016/j.ocecoaman.2009.03.007 GIZ. (2009). Ecosystem-based Adaptation (EbA). A new approach to advance natural solutions for climate change adaptation across different sectors. Haines-Young, R. and M. Potschin (2011): Integrated Coastal Zone Management and the Ecosystem Approach. Deliverable D2.1, PEGASO Grant agreement nº: 244170. CEM Working Paper No 7, 17pp. Shepherd, G. (2004). The Ecosystem Approach. Five Steps to Implementation (p. 39pp). Sustainable Seas Ltd (2014a) “Design and Implementation of a Coastal Ecosystem based Climate Change Adaptation Plan and Guidelines for incorporating an Ecosystem Based Approach (EbA) to Adaptation into a National Integrated Coastal Zone Management Policy”. Work Plan and Methodology Sustainable Seas Ltd (2014b) “Design and Implementation of a Coastal Ecosystem based Climate Change Adaptation Plan and Guidelines for incorporating an Ecosystem Based Approach (EbA) to Adaptation into a National Integrated Coastal Zone Management Policy. Climate Change Adaptation Response Plan (CCARP) Sustainable Seas Ltd (2014c) “Design and Implementation of a Coastal Ecosystem based Climate Change Adaptation Plan and Guidelines for incorporating an Ecosystem Based Approach (EbA) to Adaptation into a National Integrated Coastal Zone Management Policy. Mainstreaming Climate Change into ICZM TEEB. (2010). The Economics of Ecosystems and Biodiversity for Local and Regional Policy Makers (p. 210pp). USAid. (2009). Adapting to coastal climate change. A guidebook for development planners (p. 148pp). Page 31 Deliverable 3: Guidelines for the incorporation of EbA into an ICZM Policy APPENDIX B: PRACTICAL STEPS FOR APPLICATION OF AN EBA AND THEIR RELATIONSHIP TO THE EBA PRINCIPLES. SOURCE (SHEPHERD, 2004). Organising Step Step A Determining the main stakeholders, defining the ecosystem area, and developing the relationship between them EBA Principle 1. 7. 11. 12. Step B Characterizing the structure and function of the ecosystem, and setting in place mechanisms to manage and monitor it 2. 5. Step C Identifying the important economic issues that will affect the ecosystem and its inhabitants 4. 6. 10. The objectives of management of land, water and living resources are a matter of societal choice. The ecosystem approach should be undertaken at the appropriate spatial and temporal scales. The ecosystem approach should consider all forms of relevant information, including scientific and local knowledge, innovations and practices. The ecosystem approach should involve all relevant sectors of society and scientific disciplines. Management should be decentralized to the lowest appropriate level. Conservation of ecosystem structure and functioning, to maintain ecosystem services, should be a priority target of the ecosystem approach. Ecosystems must be managed within the limits of their functioning. The ecosystem approach should seek the appropriate balance between, and integration of, conservation and use of biological diversity. Recognizing potential gains from management, there is usually a need to understand and manage the ecosystem in an economic context. Any such ecosystem-management programme should: i) reduce those market distortions that adversely affect biological diversity; ii) align incentives to promote biodiversity conservation and sustainable use; and iii) internalize costs and benefits in the given ecosystem to the extent feasible. Step D Determining the likely impact 3. of the ecosystem on adjacent 7. ecosystems Step E Deciding on long-term goals, and flexible ways of reaching them 7. 8. 9. Ecosystem managers should consider the effects (actual or potential) of their activities on adjacent and other ecosystems. The ecosystem approach should be undertaken at the appropriate spatial and temporal scales. The ecosystem approach should be undertaken at the appropriate spatial and temporal scales. Recognizing the varying temporal scales and lag-effects that characterize ecosystem processes, objectives for ecosystem management should be set for the long term. Management must recognize that change is inevitable. Page 32 APPENDIX C: ADAPTATION REPONSES (HARD AND SOFT MEASURE INTERVENTIONS) Hard and Soft Measure Approaches (Erosion Mitigation Measures) Measure Type Low cost Seawall/bulkhead Adaptation Response Heading and Number Adaptation Response E: Maintain shorelines utilizing “hard” measures Key Purpose Resiliency Implication (0-5 years) Resiliency Implication (5-25 years) Armourin g structure Assessment of overtopping frequency (averaging 0.5 – 1m above high tide) and from this, maintain standard of protection levels as dictated by the backing land use or assets at risk. Immediate actions may include engineering a crest splash wall of circa 0.3m height. Likely upgrade to the standard of protection afforded by the structure (increase crest level height – circa 0.5m). Possible re-setting of sheet piles if being undermined. Yes – but vertical structures will impact on beach levels. Depending on material used for breakwater. Rock being more resilient to wave energy than nylon bags). Possibly removal, relocation or redesign of the structure to better afford protection to assets at risk. Possible sediment recycling /redistribution if structure is proving too effective in accreting sediment volumes. Geo-bag (nylon bags) revetment most likely to be upgraded with new bags. With no formal design criteria, there is a high risk of toe failure within this time period and so structure resiliency is predicted to be weak and in need of structure re-build. Crest height will need re-designing to counter water level fluctuations and to improve performance. Whilst structure can be designed to be robust, its wider impact on sediment dynamics over longer time scales makes this not a preferred option form climate resilience unless properly constructed and designed at the outset. Possible – however installation of breakwaters would be required along the entire length of the coastal line. Foreshore Breakwater (rock, concrete filled barrels or nylon geo-bags) Adaptation Response E: Maintain shorelines utilizing “hard” measures Shore stabilisati on Possible increase in crest height (usually designed to be circa +2m in crest height) which may be an extra level of geo-bag or rock. Decision likely to be based on an assessment of the sediment accretion volumes generated by the structure and whether accreted sediment is making the structure more robust (i.e.: part buried etc). Near shore breakwater Adaptation Response E: Maintain shorelines utilizing “hard” measures Shore stabilisati on Commonly used in high energy zones. As a result, short term resiliency is dependent on material used for construction (geo-bag, rock, coral boulder, sand cement plastered bags etc). Mesh likely to require replacement on coral boulder breakwaters on ocean side (within 5 years), less on (circa 10years on lagoon side). Design impacts on wider hydrodynamic regime make this structure poor in terms of wider resilience to the coastal environment. Adaptation Response F: Preserve Habitat for Vulnerable Species Resiliency “Score” impact on island dynamics Cost Judgement for Tobago Possible – if does not impact on reef dynamics Deliverable 3: Guidelines for the incorporation of EbA into an ICZM Policy Coral Block (Sand) Revetment Adaptation Response E: Maintain shorelines utilizing “hard” measures Armourin g structure Sand cement bag revetments will need constant maintenance. Concrete interlocking “S” or “Z” block revetments are more modular in their design and hence more resilient to accommodate change. Maintaining standard of service is dependent upon revetment material being available on island (resiliency of structure may therefore be jeopardised as a result if material is needed via importation). Shore stabilisati on Depending upon material used for construction, short term resiliency can be accommodated into regular maintenance programmes. The initial groyne field spacing strategy is most likely “ad-hoc” and not strategically planned on any island. Short term beach volume impacts are most likely the result of poor groyne field placement on most islands. Adaptation Response D: Maintain shorelines utilizing “soft” measures Coral Rock Groynes Adaptation Response E: Maintain shorelines utilizing “hard” measures Adaptation Response D: Maintain shorelines utilizing “soft” measures Adhoc Reclamation Adaptation Response E: Maintain shorelines utilizing “hard” measures Erosion control/p revention Continued use of solid waste or reclamation “spoil. Often this is never consolidated and is easily dispersed by high tides. Not a resilient coast protection option Coral Rock Gabions Adaptation Response E: Maintain shorelines utilizing “hard” measures Erosion control/p revention Filling of wire baskets with local coral rubble material. Often design to be a vertical faced wall which acts to scour fronting beaches. Modular “block” type revetments (not made of coral boulders or sand) are more durable and robust and hence more resilient to climate change. Increasing slope angle or crest height may be required in this time epoch depending on fronting beach condition. Replacement of geotextile membrane likely (see image opposite) within this time epoch. Lack of “side” protection will reduce the resiliency of any revetted structure and hence will require engineering intervention at some time in the future (if not present at the start). Coral boulder groynes can be re-designed to capture more sediment transport around islands by extending their length into the house reef area. Availability of material is dependent upon this strategy. The longer term impact of this approach is likely to result in down-steam beach erosion especially if sediment budgets are in a net loss phase. Sand (moveable) groynes are less resilient to storms, but provide a better “shoreline management” resilient approach. No inherent resilience associated with this option long term. Yes – however may interfere with sediment processes if not designed well. Also significant wave height data is needed to help with appropriate design parameters. Not resilient to high wave energy and often result in basket failure and defence failure Possible – only applicable on lagoon sides of islands and Possible – most likely impact on adjacent shorelines resulting in beach erosion on small islands. No – not a recommended approach. Formal reclamation procedures should be followed and not ad-hoc approaches. Page 34 Deliverable 3: Guidelines for the incorporation of EbA into an ICZM Policy not on open ocean sides of islands. Hard and Soft Measure Approaches (Island Access Infrastructure) Measure Type Quay Walls Adaptation Response Heading and Number Adaptation Response E: Maintain shorelines utilizing “hard” measures Key Purpose Resiliency Implication (0-5 years) Resiliency Implication (5-25 years) Access infrastructure As this structure is built purposely for access needs, issues surrounding short term resilience have to be directly linked to maintaining its standard of service to wave overtopping. In the short term, this refers to regular maintenance of the structure and any engineering modification needed to ensure its performance (to continually ensure island access) is maintained. Their impact on wider island geomorphological processes (exacerbating coastal erosion) has to be understood. Methodological “standards” taking forward more strategic shoreline management should be implemented prior to its construction. As a structure (in this time epoch) it is likely to be resilient to climate change, assuming this is made of robust materials that can be replaced/added to as part of a regular maintenance schedule. The fact that it is a “fixed” feature, also equally makes this of “low resilience” to climate change. Its resilience as a strategic measure to counter wider climate impacts is questioned. Methodological “standards” taking forward more strategic shoreline management should be implemented prior to its construction. As a structure (in this time epoch) it is likely to be resilient to climate change, assuming this is made of robust materials that can be replaced/added to as part of a regular maintenance schedule. The fact that it is a “fixed” feature, also equally makes this of “low resilience” to climate change. Its resilience as a strategic measure to counter wider climate impacts is questioned. Methodological “standards” taking forward more strategic shoreline management should be implemented prior to its construction. As a structure (in this time epoch) it is likely to be resilient Harbour Breakwater Adaptation Response E: Maintain shorelines utilizing “hard” measures Access infrastructure As this structure is built purposely for access needs, issues surrounding short term resilience have to be directly linked to maintaining their standard of service. In the short term, this refers to regular maintenance of the structure and any engineering modification needed to ensure its performance (to continually ensure island access) is maintained. Their impact on wider island geomorphological processes (exacerbating coastal erosion) has to be understood. Methodological “standards” taking forward more strategic shoreline management should be implemented prior to its construction. Entrance Channel Protection Adaptation Response E: Access infrastructure As this structure is built purposely for access needs, issues surrounding short Resiliency “Score” Impact on Island dynamcs Cost Judgement for Tobago Yes – helpful for many “ship to shore” programmes, however, hard quay walls need to be correctly designed to ensure no erosion downdrift. Yes – helpful for many “ship to shore” programmes, however, hard quay walls need to be correctly designed to ensure no erosion downdrift. Yes – however, their Page 35 Deliverable 3: Guidelines for the incorporation of EbA into an ICZM Policy Maintain shorelines utilizing “hard” measures Adaptation Response B: Maintain sediment transport term resilience have to be directly linked to maintaining their standard of service. In the short term, this refers to regular maintenance of the structure and any engineering modification needed to ensure its performance (to continually ensure island access) is maintained. to climate change, assuming this is made of robust materials that can be replaced/added to as part of a regular maintenance schedule. The fact that it is a “fixed” feature, also equally makes this of “low resilience” to climate change. Its resilience as a strategic measure to counter wider climate impacts is questioned though has to be understood. Impacts on nearshore reef habitats (footprint of protection placement) etc are most likely impacted upon over the longer term. impact on wider island geomorpholog ical processes (exacerbating coastal erosion) has to be understood. Methodologica l “standards” taking forward more strategic shoreline management should be implemented prior to its construction. Page 36 Deliverable 3: Guidelines for the incorporation of EbA into an ICZM Policy Hard and Soft Measure Approaches (Measures to mitigate land shortage and coastal flooding) Measure Type Land Reclamation Bridge / causeway Adaptation Response Heading and Number Adaptation Response E: Maintain shorelines utilizing “hard” measures Adaptation Response E: Maintain shorelines utilizing “hard” measures Resiliency Implication (0-5 years) Resiliency Implication (5-25 years) Actual engineering effort to make land higher is relatively simple, assuming appropriate materials are available at suitable costs. However, unless formal “protection” measures are provided to the newly reclaimed land, the resiliency of the operation (even in the short term) is likely to be reduced (ie: edge treatment works etc). Assuming protection measures are provided to the land reclamation area (i.e. measures identified in Section 3.3.2) then the resiliency of the land reclamation exercise (to climate change) is high. Otherwise, the short term epoch implication will be reduced. Assuming causeways are built to enable water flow (i.e.: on piers/with ducts) then the short term resiliency of the structure AND the impact on adjacent islands is reduced (though not classified as “low”). If the causeway is solid, thus impacting on natural hydrodynamics, then the ability to engineer resilience basically means the causeway is built to a higher crest level, though at major negative impact on the natural water flow around the island. Assuming causeways are built to enable water flow (i.e.: on piers/with ducts) then the short term resiliency of the structure AND the impact on adjacent islands is reduced (though not classified as “low”). If the causeway is solid, thus impacting on natural hydrodynamics, then the resiliency of the structure is low (as per the short term epoch outcome). Resilienc y score impact on island dynamics Cost Judgement for Tobago Possible but expenseive and high environmen tal impact (if a solid structure). No – not financially viable for most Tobagonia n atolls. Page 37 Deliverable 3: Guidelines for the incorporation of EbA into an ICZM Policy Hard and Soft Measure Approaches ‘Quick fix’ measures (short-timeframe) Measure Type Beach replenishment Adaptation Response Heading and Number Adaptation Response D: Maintain shorelines utilizing “soft” measures Adaptation Response B: Maintain sediment transport Resiliency Implication (0-5 years) Resiliency Implication (5-25 years) Very popular and often effective short term measure. Its resiliency in the short term is linked to the sediment budget of the island in question. If the island experiences a net negative sediment budget, then even short term renourishment programmes can have wider impacts on island dynamics. As re-nourishment programmes often last up to 10 seasons (ie: circa 5 years), the resiliency of the approach has to be proven during the first time epoch (ie: a demonstrated success). If the island experiences a net negative sediment budget, then even short term re-nourishment programmes can have wider impacts on island dynamics. If sediment budgets are “neutral” though sediment recycling is adopted (accreting areas replenishing eroding areas), then resiliency of the approach can be high so long as no other dredging or man induced activity takes sediment out of the sediment budget “system”. These structures play no role in providing a long term resilient defence approach. It is common for such structures to have a residual life of possibly 2 seasons (1 year). Bolstering sand bagged seawalls with concrete or placing a sand/concrete mix within sandbags may enhance the residual life of such structures, though the failure of the nylon bags (cheaper than geotextile) often results in structure failure during storm conditions. Yes – coupled with beach recycling from accreting sites, this method is considered applicable but using coral gravel in many instances, Preserving existing “green belt” vegetation is a clear resilient measure to adopt on islands that have enough littoral space and are large enough to accommodate this. It is not a resilient measure if the island is too small to retain a suitable natural vegetation line. It becomes a good resilient measure in the short term if a natural vegetative zonation is present on an island. Pioneer vegetation is only likely to initially “take hold” during this time epoch (fetau trees “beach mahogany”). Maintaining the necessary landforms for sustained vegetation growth is paramount over the long term. Linking this to ridge maintenance is key is resiliency of this option is to occur. It is more useful in “high exposure” islands and undertaken in tandem with other soft engineering schemes. Yes – a low cost and environmen tallt sensitive solution in many outer atoll situations This technique inherits best practices of natural resiliency with regards to “using Longer term planning to design artificial “ridge crests” may be Yes gravel See reference to the “national Sediment Engine Strategy – SES” in Section 7.2 of this report. Sand container seawalls and groynes Adaptation Response D: Maintain shorelines utilizing “soft” measures Adaptation Response B: Maintain sediment transport Coastal vegetation retention Adaptation Response D: Maintain shorelines utilizing “soft” measures Adaptation Response A: Maintain/restore wetlands and mangrove ecosystems Coral Gravel Ridge Maintenance Adaptation Response D: The temporary nature of these structures, coupled with the fact there is no formal design model to follow, renders the structures of being of low resilience to climate change in the short term. Despite this the “ad hoc” nature to these structures makes then able to be quickly built to address an urgent or immediate need. Resilienc y “Score” impact on island dynamics Cost Judgement for Tobago Yes (designs are most appropriat e). – Page 38 Deliverable 3: Guidelines for the incorporation of EbA into an ICZM Policy Maintain shorelines utilizing “soft” measures Adaptation Response B: Maintain sediment transport Artificial reefs Adaptation Response D: Maintain shorelines utilizing “soft” measures Adaptation Response F: Preserve Habitat for Vulnerable Species Coastal structures on stilts Submerged sand filled geotextile tubes Adaptation Response G: Maintain water quality Adaptation Response D: Maintain shorelines utilizing “soft” measures Adaptation Response E: Maintain shorelines utilizing “hard” measures Adaptation Response D: Maintain shorelines utilizing “soft” measures nature” to enable natural coastal geomorphological ridge formation to develop. Short term resiliency measures may include artificially bolstering storm ridge integrity. introduced in areas to improve the longer term resiliency of the ridge. This is likely to involve sediment recycling or re-nourishment operations in addition to vegetation planting programmes (see above). This technique needs to be promoted more on inhabited islands for long term implementation. Establishing the platform and environment to create artificial reefs can be relatively simple. Using pre-cast units (i.e.: Reef Balls – see image) is one effective way of setting this approach up (though expensive). Their resilience to storms depends on how they are anchored to the seabed. Longer term resilience of artificial reefs depends on the water quality conditions to enable reef colonisation to occur on the platform used (or precast units). It is often not considered as a long term solution to dealing with erosion on islands due to poor strategic planning and commitment to monitoring and adaptation of design. The lack of design guidance regarding pile distance and crest design heights makes short term resilience difficult to quantify, however, assuming initial structure height is appropriate, then resilience to climate induced storms in this time epoch is deemed as high. The lack of design guidance regarding pile distance and crest design heights makes long term resilience difficult to quantify, however, assuming initial structure height is appropriate, then resilience to climate induced storms in this time epoch is deemed as high. Should design height not be appropriate, then retrofitting the height of the construction is challenging and hence its resilience to climate change is very much dependent upon its original design. With no formal design criteria, there is a high risk of toe failure within this time period and so structure resiliency is predicted to be weak and in need of structure re-build. Crest height will need re-designing to counter water level fluctuations and to improve performance. Whilst structure can be designed to be robust, its wider impact on sediment dynamics over longer time scales makes this not a preferred option form climate resilience unless properly constructed and designed at the outset. Commonly used in high energy zones (ocean side of islands). As a result, short term resiliency is dependent on material used for construction (geo-bag, sand cement plastered bags etc). Geotextile bags (poor quality) may require replacement in high energy wave environments within 5 years). Design impacts on wider hydrodynamic regime make this structure poor in terms of wider resilience to the coastal environment. coral barrier defences need to be considered. as a possible national strategic option Yes – a possible national strategic option Adaptation measure as opposed to a coastal protection technique Yes – a possible national strategic option Page 39 Deliverable 3: Guidelines for the incorporation of EbA into an ICZM Policy Mangrove planting Adaptation Response D: Maintain shorelines utilizing “soft” measures. Adaptation Response A: Maintain/restore wetlands and mangrove ecosystems Short term resiliency is dependent upon the level of protection that is given to enable the growth of the seagrass or mangrove seedlings. The main factors to consider when planting mangroves are the spacing of the propagules, number of propagules planted together, time of year when propagules are planted, handling of propagules prior to planting and the frequency of inundation. Often sand bag structures/defence blocks are needed to ensure that suitable protection is afforded to the newly planted mangrove propagules. Long term resilience of this approach is dependent upon the long term maintenance and management of the “protection” afforded to the propagules in the short term epoch. If this is undertaken, and mangrove/seagrass beds are encouraged in suitable quiescent locations, then this has a good longer term resilient potential. Yes – a possible national strategic option Page 40 Deliverable 3: Guidelines for the incorporation of EbA into an ICZM Policy APPENDIX D: TRINIDAD AND TOBAGO DRAFT ICZM POLICY OBJECTIVES The following is taken from Section 6 of the 2014 Draft ICZM Policy Framework for T&T. Page 41 Deliverable 3: Guidelines for the incorporation of EbA into an ICZM Policy APPENDIX E – BACKGROUND PAPER FOR GUIDELINES TO INCORPORATE EBA INTO ICZM AND CCA Overview ICZM is a widely accepted mechanism for the governance, management and planning of coastal zones. Its origins emerged from ideas in the 1930s in the US, where integrated, multiple‐objective approaches to environmental management were being discussed. These developments were heavily influenced by “systems” thinking and the environmental movements of the 1960s and 1970s. Thus a decade later these are now better refined and articulated in the form of ICZM. In parallel to these developments, EbA has also emerged as a topic of discussion in the late 1980s and early 1990s amongst the research and policy communities concerned with the management of biodiversity and natural resources. It was argued that a new focus was required to achieve robust and sustainable management and policy outcomes at a landscape‐scale and achieve the balanced use of ecosystem services for people. ICZM and the EbA have therefore had similar origins, and the ideas that have shaped them have been derived largely from the same sources (Forst, 2009; Haines-Young & Potschin, 2011). Indeed, interest in both strands of thinking was heavily reinforced and stimulated by the outcomes of the Rio Conference in 1992 and the drafting of Agenda 21. The relationship between ICZM and EbA is that together they provide planners and stakeholders with a science-based and transparent means of matching emerging human uses to appropriate ocean and coastal areas in ways that minimize conflicts and impacts, while ensuring sustainable benefits. Built on a foundation of sustaining ecosystem services, ICZM represents a public planning process for achieving the goals of EbA with increased efficiency through rational, objective spatial planning for future sustainable uses. The 2010 Conference of Parties (COP-10) of the Convention of Biological Diversity (CBD) held in Nagoya, Japan, identified that EbA to adaptation may include sustainable management, as well as conservation and restoration of ecosystems, as part of an overall adaptation strategy that takes into account the multiple social, economic and cultural co-benefits for local communities. In particular EbA should avoid badly planned engineering solutions for adaptation that could work against nature by constraining regular ecological cycles, which may lead to mal-adaptation and increased social vulnerability. Principles of ICZM and EbA Principles of ICZM and EbA have evolved separately and, confusingly, one is often cited as a tool to deliver the second. However, it has been argued that they provide mutually reinforcing sets of ideas and not competing frameworks (Haines-Young & Potschin, 2011) (Table 2.1). The principles of ICZM emphasise the way they help to shape the goals of policy and management, and lead to design of the governance processes needed to deliver them. The principles of EbA seek to encourage an understanding of how ecosystems function, how ecosystem integrity is important for sustaining the output of ecosystem services, and how ecological thresholds and limits need to be considered. They also emphasise the need to identify the multiple benefits that ecosystems can provide to people, and the importance of assessing the value of these benefits so that they can be reflected in decision making in order to adapt to environmental change. A number of different agencies have produced definitions of ICZM, EbA and their principles, but the most often cited and ‘up-to-date’ definitions are those provided by the Mediterranean “ICZM Page 42 Deliverable 3: Guidelines for the incorporation of EbA into an ICZM Policy Protocol” of the Barcelona Convention, adopted by 22 Mediterranean countries and the European Community (EC), and the CBD (that has been adopted by 194 Parties). The ICZM Protocol defines ICZM as follows (key terms underlined in bold text): “a dynamic process for the sustainable management and use of coastal zones, taking into account at the same time the fragility of coastal ecosystems and landscapes, the diversity of activities and uses, their interactions, the maritime orientation of certain activities and uses and their impact on both the marine and land parts.” The CBD defines the Ecosystem Approach as: “a strategy for the integrated management of land, water and living resources that promotes conservation and sustainable use in an equitable way. It is based on the application of appropriate scientific methodologies focused on levels of biological organization which encompass the essential processes, functions and interactions among organisms and their environment. It recognizes that humans, with their cultural diversity, are an integral component of ecosystems.” ICZM is sold essentially as a “planning process” that explicitly identifies EbA as an instrument (see ICZM Protocol 3-Figure E.1) towards delivering sustainable development through the application of appropriate methodologies, techniques and/or interventions. EbA therefore provides a set of principles that frame the objectives of ecosystem management to secure provision of ecosystem goods and services within the context of a governance framework shaped by ICZM. The application of EbA within an ICZM framework is aimed to ensure that management and planning processes are implemented to protect, conserve and sustain ecosystem function and services. What frames the relationship between ICZM and EbA, for this project, is that functional coastal ecosystems are critical to the integrity and viability of terrestrial and marine systems and the wellbeing of coastal communities who are dependent on the goods and services provided by the coastal ecosystems: EBA provides a set of principles that frame the objectives of ecosystem management to secure provision of ecosystem goods and services. In parallel, ICZM provides the governance framework to ensure that management and planning processes are implemented to protect, conserve and sustain ecosystem function and services. This is reflected in Figure E.1 which shows how application of EbA principles will ensure ICZM is implemented to cover the conservation and renewable use of resources, and the sharing of benefits derived from natural resources throughout society. The close coupling of social and environmental systems is also stressed in the EbA, which emphasises that decisions about policy and management are essentially a matter of societal choice. The EbA principles also recognise that decisions have to be grounded on a scientific understanding of biophysical limits that constrain ecological processes and the spatial and temporal scales at which they operate. The final outcome to ensuring EbA is included within the implementation of ICZM is that it helps focus decision makers on longer‐term, more sustainable perspectives rather than on shorter‐term fixes that may ultimately fail to deliver lasting, cost‐effective socio‐economic and environmental benefits. Page 43 Deliverable 3: Guidelines for the incorporation of EbA into an ICZM Policy FIGURE E.1. THE PRINCIPLES OF EBA ARE BUILT INTO PRINCIPLES OF ICZM THROUGH EXPLICIT REFERENCE TO THE ECOSYSTEM APPROACH IDENTIFIED AS ICZM PRINCIPLE 3. THE EBA PRINCIPLES EFFECTIVELY PROVIDE A SERIES OF ASSESSMENT AND EVALUATION CRITERIA THAT PROVIDE A ‘FEEBBACK’ LOOP TO THE ICZM PRINCIPLES TO ENSURE SUSTAINABLE MANAGEMENT THAT OPERATES ACROSS SOCIAL AND NATURAL SYSTEMS. SOURCE: THE ICZM AND EBA PRINCIPLES ARE THOSE FROM THE ICZM PROTOCOL OF THE BARCELONA CONVENTION FOR THE MEDITERRANEAN AND FROM THE CONVENTION FOR BIOLOGICAL DIVERSITY (SEE HAINES-YOUNG, R. AND M. POTSCHIN (2011)). THE INTERPRETATION OF THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN ICZM AND EBA IS THE AUTHORS. Page 44 Building Climate Resilience into ICZM and EbA ICZM and EbA both provide a robust framework to determine strategies and measures for climate resilience. These relate to the first 2 steps of the USAid process of climate change adaptation (USAid, 2009) (see Figure E.2), namely, “Assess Vulnerability” and “Select course of action”. FIGURE E.2 “5 STEPPED APPROACH” FOR ADAPTING TO COASTAL CLIMATE CHANGE (USAID 2009) As stressed in above, ICZM plays an important role in shaping coastal ecosystem management policies, as well as improving and co-ordinating local activities with EbA providing the principal criteria to underpin the design of intervention measures. Climate change has added another layer of complexity to coastal management to which ICZM and EbA are relevant instruments because of their focus on identifying and quantifying coastal hazards and impacts to assess coastal vulnerability. In the current assignment where EbA frames CCA in the context of an ICZM policy, ICZM addresses the policy direction of climate change adaptation while EbA directs the “management practices” for adaptation in response towards delivering coastal resilience. EbA offers a valuable solution for assisting climate change adaptation and disaster risk reduction in Tobago. This is because embedded within EbA is the concept of resilience and maintenance of ecosystem function. Resilience is the ability to return toward a previous state following a disturbance – whether that disturbance is natural, as in a hurricane/storm event, or whether it is human-induced, such as the physical destruction of a reef or ill-informed coastal protection structures. This is especially important for coastal systems that are particularly susceptible to the challenges of climate change and which are critical to sustainable development to meet coastal community needs. The principles of EbA can be used as follows: f) to structure societal responses into new and emerging issues that are relevant to T&T. g) to help coastal communities to adapt to climate change through management interventions that lead to ecosystems being more resilient to climate warming, sea level rise, and changes in ocean acidity. h) to help focus management effort on habitats that are actually “capable” of buffering human communities from climate change impacts. The protection of mangroves, for example, can help buffer inland areas from severe storm impacts. i) To help the development of “green economies”, by pointing public and private sector investment at maintaining and enhancing natural infrastructure and renewable energy. j) To make a significant contribution to climate change adaptation through the following characteristics: EbA promotes multi-sectoral approaches; EbA operates at multiple geographical scales; EbA integrates flexible management structures that enable adaptive management, Deliverable 3: Guidelines for the incorporation of EbA into an ICZM Policy EbA minimizes trade-offs and maximizes benefits with development and conservation goals to avoid unintended negative social and environmental impacts; EbA is based on the best available science and local knowledge, and should foster knowledge generation and diffusion; EbA is about promoting resilient ecosystems and using nature-based solutions to provide benefits to people, especially the most vulnerable; EbA must be participatory, transparent, accountable, and culturally appropriate, while actively embracing equity and gender issues. Applications of these EbA characteristics, coupled with the management and governance framework provided by ICZM, can address unsustainable land development practices in the watersheds, land use, and resource allocation conflicts in the coastal zone that have undermined the role of ecosystems in protecting each other. Management practices to implement EBA should recognise that the design of intervention measures needs to address: An emphasizes the protection of ecosystem structure, functioning and key processes; “site specific” actions (local) focusing on a specific ecosystem and the range of activities affecting it; The interconnectedness within systems, recognizing the importance of interactions between many target species or key services and other non-target species; Integration of ecological, social, economic and institutional perspectives, recognizing their strong interdependences. The challenge, as for so many of these ideas, is being able to mainstream these principles into political and developmental thinking that spans beyond political timescales. Guidelines to Incorporate EBA into ICZM and CCA T&T (through the Institute of Marine Affairs – IMA) has drafted an ICZM Policy Framework (April 2014) that identified 11 defined objectives in order to achieve balance between development and conservation by managing human activities within the coastal zone, and addressing conflicts amongst different resource users and uses (see Appendix D). New economic policies, aimed at diversifying the T&T economy, would see new investments in the delivery of sectoral developments such as tourism, agriculture, aquaculture and maritime sectors, all of which depend on a healthy coastal environment. Successful achievement of these sectors in the long term is potentially threatened by climate change impacts. Therefore, EbA is an appropriate vehicle to ensure that the application of ICZM (within a fully compliant and endorsed Policy Framework) would help to maintain a healthy coastal environment that is resilient to the impacts and challenges that climate change is likely to present. The largely academic origins of ICZM and EbA, coupled with a number of revisions to the articulation of their ‘Principles’, can paint a confusing picture. Therefore it is important to provide a pragmatic and practical method to provide practical assistance to apply the 12 Principles of EBA to the design of management interventions designed to deliver the T&T ICZM Policy Framework in a way that also provides adaptation to climate change. The IUCN Commission on Ecosystem Management (CEM) has produced a guide to cluster subsets of EbA Principles into a logical sequence of 5 steps (Shepherd, 2004). These steps can be used to Page 46 Deliverable 3: Guidelines for the incorporation of EbA into an ICZM Policy structure the application of EbA within an ICZM framework to address the challenges of climate change adaptation. The 5 steps can be re-phrased as a series of “questions” that provide a means to ensure that principles of EbA are used within the framework of ICZM to identifying approaches to climate change adaptation that are designed to reduce the vulnerability and risk to coastal systems and increase the resilience of coastal communities; these 5 EbA questions are as follows: Ecosystem Based Adaptation “Steps or “Questions” 6. Who are the main stakeholders and ecosystems, and what are the relationships between them? 7. What is the structure and function of the ecosystems, and are means in place to manage and monitor them? 8. What are the important economic issues that will affect the ecosystem and its inhabitants? 9. What are the likely impacts of the ecosystem on adjacent ecosystems? 10. What are the long term goals and have flexible ways of reaching them been determined? Section 3 tests these 5 questions on the Southwest Tobago pilot project area. FIGURE E.3. THE APPLICATION OF EBA STEPS TO FRAME THE APPLICATION OF ICZM TO THE ASSESSMENT AND DESIGN COMPONENTS OF ADAPTATION MEASURES FOR CCA. The above questions are now proposed and which may be asked of any management action to help provide checks and indicators to monitor EbA implementation. The purpose of monitoring is to anticipate whether the intervention is likely to lead to activity that will successfully address the coastal issue in a way that will deliver Page 47 Deliverable 3: Guidelines for the incorporation of EbA into an ICZM Policy ICZM goals and provide robust adaptation to make nature and society more resilient to climate change. The application of the above 5 questions is now recommended for national adoption within T&T. They are designed to help focus the diagnosis of “root issues” in terms of coastal climate change impacts, trends, and vulnerability, and the relationship of the resultant stresses and threats to coastal areas from current development pressures and weaknesses in management. In the context of Southwest Tobago, a recent report has identified shoreline vulnerability and risk (Halcrow, 2014) that threaten natural, social and economic assets in the coastal zone. Deliverable 2 of this International Consultants contract produced a Climate Change Adaptation Response Plan (CCARP) that identified 7 possible Adaptation Responses to alleviate the pressures on natural, social and economic systems from shoreline change. The management challenge is for any given stretch of coastline, which adaptation responses are most appropriate to implement? A further question is if an adaptation response is deemed appropriate what are the aims and objectives that should shape its design and implementation? The responses to the above 5 EbA questions provide a means to determine how the shoreline vulnerability and risk (identified by Halcrow) affects ecosystems and social and economic features of the coastline in order to identify which adaptation responses are most appropriate for any given length of coastline, and how they should be actioned. Page 48