COST Action FP1203
COST Action FP1203
Workshop and MC Meeting Antalya| February 17 – 19, 2016 In co-operation of: European Non-Wood Forest Products (NWFPs) Network COST Action FP1203 4th Workshop and 5th Management Committee Meeting Titanic Beach Lara Hotel, Antalya, Turkey February 17 – 19, 2016 Kahramanmaras Sutcu Imam University Bartın University Local Organizing Committee Dr. M. Hakkı Alma Dr. İbrahim Tümen Dr. İsa Sertkaya Dr. İ. Hakkı Güney Dr. E. Zeki Başkent Dr. Ertuğrul Altuntaş Asst. Tufan Salan Asst. Mehmet Kurtça Asst. Eyyüp Karaoğul Asst. Nasır Narlıoğlu European NWFPs network | Action FP1203 | General Directorate of Forestry Scientific Committee Dr. Luis Fontes Dr. M. Hakkı Alma Dr. Emin Zeki Başkent Dr. İbrahim Tümen Dr. Jose-Antonio Bonet Dr. Margarida Tome Dr. Eleni Abraham Dr. Jenny Wong Dr. Heinrich Spiecker Dr. Rafael Calama Dr. Harald Vacik Dr. Davide Pettenella Workshop and MC Meeting Antalya| February 17 – 19, 2016 ABOUT COST Action FP1203 Non-wood forest products (NWFPs) have important commercial, environmental, social and recreational roles in many European forests. They also have a relevant place in the multifunctional sustainable forest management (MSFM) paradigm, being the main source of income from forests in several regions. Although the importance of NWFPs is recognized and accepted, forest research remains mainly focused on timber production. Consequently knowledge about European NWFPs is comparatively scarce, as is research on their ecology, management and economics, required to optimize sustainable simultaneous production of different products from forests. It is proposed that a multidisciplinary European network on NWFPs will help to bridge these gaps. In this context, the main goal of the Action is to build a broad multidisciplinary network of European NWFPs researchers and managers, to review the current state of the art, highlight existing innovation, share information and experience, identify research topics, seek research synergies and by increasing the European-wide theoretical and practical understanding of NWFPs, promote their sustainable management. TOPICS Mushrooms and truffles Tree products Understory plants Animal origin Ecology of NWFPs Data and models in NWFP Optimising co-production of NWFPs Economics for NWFPs PRESENTATIONS Oral presentations: 20 minute presentation in an auditorium followed by a question and answer session. Articles will be included in printed proceedings. Poster presentations: Display your latest research and ideas in a dedicated zone. The workshop will include a specific time slot so that you can meet with delegates and discuss your research one-to-one. Exhibition stands: Showcase your products, innovative technologies and services to delegates. LANGUAGE The meeting language will be English. European NWFPs network | Action FP1203 | Workshop and MC Meeting Antalya| February 17 – 19, 2016 CALL FOR ABSTRACTS FIELD TRIP Deadlines An optional field trip and city tour will be organized in Antalya. The fee of 30 € will be covered by the participants for the trip and tour. Submission of abstracts: January 24, 2016 Information about acceptance: February 2, 2016 Abstracts should be submitted to [email protected] and [email protected] due January 24, 2016. Participant who attended the Short Term Scientific Missions (STSMs) under COST Action FP1203, are kindly invited to the meeting to present their studies. The workshop will start on February 17, 2016 with registration at 08:00. Detailed schedule and program will be announced later. MEETING VENUE Titanic Beach Lara Hotel Lara Turizm Merkezi, Lara, 07230, Antalya, Turkey Telephone: +90 242 352 02 02 Email: [email protected] PARTICIPATION FEES Accompanying person:……………...40 € Participants without presentation:…...80 € The fees include the proceedings, refreshments and coffee, lunches and the meeting dinner. The travel reimbursements will be covered by COST office for the presenters. For more information please contact to: [email protected] Payments will be done in cash at the registration desk. Google Maps: European NWFPs network | Action FP1203 | Workshop and MC Meeting Antalya| February 17 – 19, 2016 ACCOMMODATION For reservations, please contact directly the meeting venue Titanic Beach Lara Hotel. Because of the hotel concept in Antalya and far distance from downtown, participants had better prefer the meeting venue (Titanic Beach Lara Hotel). Reservations must be done under the name of COSTFP1203 "EU NON-WOOD FOREST PRODUCTS WORKSHOP AND MEETING’’ to email [email protected] for getting discount. Special prices including breakfast, lunch and dinner for the participants of meeting: Single room:…. 75 € Double room:…. 55 € For more information please contact with following travel agency responsible for the workshop/meeting organization. EKODOA Group- Mr. Alper Eroğlu +90 538 714 1168 +90 242 323 1356 [email protected] TRANSPORTATION Taxi The best way to get to the venue or to the hotel from the airport is by taxi. The taxi service operates at the outside of the Arrivals European NWFPs network | Action FP1203 | Workshop and MC Meeting Antalya| February 17 – 19, 2016 Hall. The price of the voucher depends on the distance of the trip. The price for a single journey from airport to venue is about 20 €. You can make reservation via; Web page: Telephone: +90 539 488 1616 +90 242 330 3108 The participants who does not prefer taxi can chose private transportation supplied by the meeting organizing agency. Please note that payments will be done by participants. For more information please contact to: Asst. Tufan Salan e-mail: [email protected] Phone: +90 506 694 2014 MORE INFO Cost Action FP1203: European Non-Wood Forest Products (NWFPs) Network Official Truism Portal of Turkey/Antalya EKODOA Group- Mr. Alper Eroğlu +90 538 714 1168 +90 242 323 1356 [email protected] MEETING SECRETARIAT Dr. M. Hakkı Alma e-mail: [email protected] Phone: +90 533 663 2884 European NWFPs network | Action FP1203 |
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