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PDF - BizNOW Magazine
Vol. 5 Iss. 10 October 2015
get inspired
inspiring the creative spirit in every business leader
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Power up your game, your
business, your life!
This month is all about powering up your
world. Shattering barriers, crashing through
obstacles, throwing out the things that don’t
work and drawing in more of the things that
Our cover models are entrepreneurial and
health minded: Amber Bartmann, Alisha
Meyer and Jessica Schaap show that you can
be both beautiful AND powerful. Cover photo
by Julie Prairie.
In this issue, you’ll find power tips to get you to
the top of your game and your fitness goals in
How Technology is Changing your Workout.
Maybe you could use a little help with a Health
Have a fear of public speaking? We all do!
Discover 3 Tips to Become a More Powerful
Speaker. Get killer sales skills with tips on how
to Become a Sales Assassin!
Behind the scenes in Sioux Falls real estate
are the Heavy Lifters, the builders who make
it all possible! See what’s coming next to Sioux
Falls! Reduce your stress, take in a game with
the Force to Be Reckoned With: The Sioux
Falls SkyForce.
And don’t forget the Power of Giving –
probably the most powerful thing you CAN do.
These tips will set you apart and ahead of the
competition. So take a moment, and reflect.
What’s one thing you wish you could do in
business that you think you can’t do?
This is the month to go for it. Move beyond
the fear. Gear up, get energized, get the tools
you need, and get to the next level. It’s an
extraordinary marketplace right now, and a
perfect time to be an entrepreneur.
You can do it. Biz is with you all the way!
5 T
he Power of Giving:
Becoming a Mentor
7 3
Tips to Be a More
Powerful Speaker
8 B
ecome a Sales
10 B
uilders: the Heavy
Lifters behind the Real
Estate Industry
12 Types of Power of
Attorney: Which is
Right for Me?
13 K
eep on Truckin’
The Driving Force Behind
the Trucking Industry
14 H
ealth Coaches: What
They do, Why You May
Need one
© Julie Prairie Photography
16 Accredited Investors:
the Real Power Players!
21 Big Mac, anyone?
Beefing Up: making
meat healthier
22 How Technology
is Changing your
26 Power Up your
Career Beyond
the Cubicle
29 A
Force to Be
Reckoned with:
Sioux Falls SkyForce
30 The Power of
Finding Yourself
31 8 Hidden Forces
Changing Our
33 The Power of Small
Decisions (and why
they matter)
Biz Ag 21
Biz Editor Note 4
Biz Experts 18
Biz Finance 16
Biz Health 14
Biz Opportunity 26
Biz Real Estate 10
Biz Spiritual 33
Biz Sports 29
Biz Tech 22
What's NOW 34
October 2015 | BizNOWmagazine.com | 3
© Push Play Photography
every business
eative spirit in
inspiring the cr
Vol. 5 Iss. 10 October 2015
get inspired
from the EDITOR
Get into Superhero mode!
There are 500,000 new businesses started in the US every year and
half of them fail within 1 year. Within another 5 years, another 50%
fail. Sometimes it feels like it takes a will of iron to keep going.
You almost need superhuman strength! In order to win, maybe
today’s entrepreneurs just need to take a lesson from superheroes.
Here are 10 famous quotes from superheroes that might inspire you.
And remember, good leaders achieve what’s possible, but superhero
leaders achieve the impossible.
1. T
his nation was founded on one principle: The requirement that we
stand up for what we believe, no matter the odds or the consequences.
– Captain America
2. Everything's impossible until somebody does it. – Batman
3. T
he door is more than it appears. It separates who you are from what
you can be. You do not have to walk through it… You can run.
– the Fantastic Four
4. Y
ou can overcome this or you can wither and die. The choice is
yours. – Batman
5. You're much stronger than you think you are. – Superman
6. "You counter despair with hope. You strive forever
for the best you are capable to be! Therein lies the victory!"
– Storm
7. Life doesn’t give us purpose. We give life purpose.
– the Flash
8. Y
ou’re going to make a difference. A lot of times it
© Julie Prairie Photography
won’t be huge, it won’t be visible even. But it will matter
just the same. – Commissioner James Gordon
9. When you decide not to be afraid, you can find
friends in super unexpected places. – Ms. Marvel
10. It’s not dying that you need be afraid of, it’s
never having lived in the first place.
– the Green Hornet
The best superhero power might be the way you can inspire the
next superhero in business. So grab your cape, put on your mask,
power up, and get ready to change the world!
Charlotte Hofer
4 | BizNOWmagazine.com | October 2015
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Smart BIZ
by Alan Dooley
Increases salaries,
and retention
A comprehensive study in 2006
by Gartner, a Connecticut-based
research firm of over 1,000
workers over a 5 year period,
revealed the following benefits of
• 2
5% of employees who enrolled
in a mentoring program had
a salary-grade change, while
only 5% of workers who did
not participate in a mentoring
program had a change
• M
entors were promoted 6 times
more often than those not in a
mentoring program
• M
entees were promoted 5
times more often than those not
in a mentoring program
• R
etention rates also were
higher for both mentees
(72%) and mentors (69%)
than for employees who did
not participate in a mentoring
• M
entees tend to experience
higher career satisfaction,
career commitment, career
mobility, and have positive job
Americans have a rich history of giving. From philanthropists of the Gilded
age, Carnegie, Mellon, Vanderbilt, Vassar, Morgan, who brought us
colleges and universities, the railroad, our public library and banking
systems to modern era philanthropists like Warren Buffet and Bill Gates
who created the largest charitable foundation the world has ever known,
our lives are better because of their vision and generosity.
an executive loan program to help a local
Giving doesn’t necessarily mean giving
financially. You can also give your time,
thoughts, insight and advice. Writers have
given us timeless books that teach and
While 97% of those being mentored said they
entertain. Individuals, charities
benefitted from the advice, the mentor
and corporations who
too gains from creating a trusted
make giving a priority
associate along with honing their
can greatly impact
own skills in order to help
the lives of those in
“We are like islands
someone else.
their community.
in the sea, separate
One powerful act of
Additionally, Forbes
sharing can impact
on the surface but
acknowledges that
lives for generations
a mentor can
connected in the deep.”
to come.
boost one’s own career. By
– William James
Mentoring programs
are endorsed by 71% of
Fortune 500 companies and
a recent survey indicated that
69% of all companies have a formal
mentoring program, be it one-on-one or
increasing one’s influence
and value to the organization
through mentoring, an
individual could see an increase
in salary, a promotion or simply
have better retention value because they
help reduce turnover and have an increased
commitment to the organization. This sharing
of knowledge can lead to the identification of
top talent. u
October 2015 | BizNOWmagazine.com | 5
6 | BizNOWmagazine.com | October 2015
by Melissa Bien
Smart BIZ
3 Tips to be Become a
Are you feeling the pressure to deliver more powerful presentations? Powerful speakers stand out and
seem to have the audience sitting on the edge of their seats…and they make it look easy! Regardless
of whether you enjoy speaking or not, when you find yourself up in front, there are usually pretty high
stakes riding on your performance. Follow these 3 tips to ramp up your next speech’s power factor.
Get Focused
Speaking should always be about what you can give your
audience, so when planning (and yes, you must plan – winging
it doesn’t work well) focus in on what you want them to take
away – be specific. What do you want them to do – think or
feel differently when you are done? If you cannot answer this,
your audience has no chance at figuring it out! Once you know
where you want to lead them, you must craft a portion of your
opening to tell them the WHY. Why should your attendees put
down their phones to listen to you? You must tell them how your
information will benefit them. If you skip this part, it will not
matter where you want to lead them, because chances are they
have already wandered off.
Be Authentic
Don’t pretend to be a copy of that powerful speaker you saw
last month. Instead power up your talk, while staying in touch
with the true you. Authenticity makes you more trustworthy,
so let some of your uniqueness shine through your polished
presentation. Soon you will be the stand-out speaker that your
audience will be talking about later. Additionally, and this cannot
be emphasized enough, speaking from the heart allows your
passion to show. Sharing your passion really puts you out there
and sometimes requires you to take a brave leap. But passion is a
contagious spark that will solidify a strong connection with your
audience and have them following you all the way to your last
Melissa Bien is a long-standing member and
club officer of the Sioux Falls Toastmasters Club
#210, the Director of Environmental Health &
Safety for Sanford Research and the owner of
True Voice – a company focused on providing
speech coaching.
Get Coached
The bad news is - it is extremely hard to improve and become
a powerful speaker on your own. The good news is - there are
many options for you to get that needed feedback!
• J oin and participate in a club. Toastmasters is an
international organization that focuses on improving public
speaking and leadership skills. There are many clubs in Sioux
Falls, making it easy to find a club that meets your needs.
• C
heck out classes, such as Dale Carnegie, that offer
instruction on better public speaking.
• H
ire a coach. Speech coaches offer great value because their
advice is tailored to you and your presentation goals.
Powering up your speaking skills allows you to have better
outcomes whenever you get to (or have to, depending on your
perspective) speak to a group. Get focused. Be Authentic. Get
Coached… Become a More Powerful Public Speaker! u
Smart BIZ Sponsored by:
Call us today! 605.428.6150
Craig Libis
October 2015 | BizNOWmagazine.com | 7
Smart BIZ
by Anthony Caliendo
The startup world is an attractive, shiny and optimistic place to be right now. Creative,
entrepreneurial minds are constantly trying to invent something extraordinary and
buzzworthy enough to change the marketplace and the world.
Building a brand plus achieving financial independence
and security are key reasons to take that leap of faith to
business ownership. Risky? Yes. High, calculated risk
can mean high reward. That’s what makes starting a new
business venture worth the sacrifice. That’s how the most
successful entrepreneurs remain determined and driven at
all costs.
As entrepreneurs, we always find tons of advice about
why to start a business or what we should do tactically to
keep the business thriving. Sure, it all starts with an idea.
But what’s more, entrepreneurship starts with driven and
focused individuals that decide they have a story to tell
and want to reap the rewards from sharing it with others.
Whether or not the business succeeds has nothing to do
with how ground-breaking the idea is. It has everything to
do with the entrepreneur’s mindset; how committed they
are to changing the world.
8 | BizNOWmagazine.com | October 2015
All entrepreneurs need to become Sales Assassins:
someone who is incessantly driven, has outrageous focus,
discipline and commitment to sales success and has razor
sharp instincts to navigate through cycles and trends.
Achieving and maintaining ultimate success as a business
owner is a lifestyle and never deviates from idea to idea.
What Sales Assassins do:
1. Be the World’s Leading Expert. Be the best
and the one with more knowledge than anyone else.
Everyone loves being with, working with, and buying
from the best.
2. Be Remembered or Be Forgotten.
Differentiating you and your business is reinventing what
you offer in relationship to the competition. No matter
what that is, you have to make an impression. Be unique.
Be distinctive.
3. Anticipate Set-backs. You will face constant
obstacles that could be deadly to success.
It’s how you handle the obstacles that set
you apart from the rest. A Sales Assassin
always focuses on what he or she can control.
Obstacles are mere pit stops on the way to the
next score.
4. Never Ruin Your Personal Brand. Never
compromise yourself for a quick buck or win, or you
risk becoming blacklisted in your industry; rebounding
from it is nearly impossible. Always strive to develop and
maintain Leadership Integrity.
5. Own Up. Life’s lessons are powerful and rapidly
become the foundation of your success. Recognize them,
if you fail, be accountable for the role you played, and
learn from it.
6. Use Your Instincts. Learn when to cut your
losses and move on to bigger things, other ideas, or new
strategies when necessary.
7. Change Your Mindset; Change Your Lifestyle.
Consistently make conscious choices and changes needed
to drive, achieve and sustain desired results.
8. Load, Lock & Aim: Continually achieving higher
status and upward mobility means setting goals and
outlining strategic plans for consistent achievement.
Trying to build success without measurable,
attainable goals is like running a race without
a finish line. u
Anthony Caliendo, author of The Sales Assassin:
Master Your Black Belt in Sales, has been a
sales master for over 25 years. Caliendo has
discussed his sales strategies on TV and radio,
and has been quoted in many industry journals.
He lives, works and plays in South Florida with his
wife Lynette and their 8 children. Contact him at
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October 2015 | BizNOWmagazine.com | 9
BIZ Real Estate
by Biz Staff
Behind the Real Estate Industry
Sioux Falls ranks 3rd in the nation in Forbes 2015 list of Best Places for Small Businesses. Our
community is exploding! The City of Sioux Falls has reported that in 2014, 14,945 building permits
were issued throughout the city, which doubled from the year before. Ron Bell, the Chief Building
Official for the city of Sioux Falls, claims that for the year of 2015, we have already shattered last
years’ record, and the year isn’t even over! “When you hit record construction, it’s definitely a
healthy economic indicator,” Bell states. Growth means more homes and businesses going up,
which is great for the city.
Steve Van Buskirk, the Director of Land Development
at Van Buskirk, says that Sioux Falls growth means
that builders and businesses can create jobs and add
equipment to keep up with the demand. “It is much easier
for companies to plan for steady solid growth than severe
changes in momentum. Construction is difficult to manage
because the weather can cause scheduling conflicts which
makes it hard to keep the resources fully engaged,” says Van
Buskirk. “Adding in the variables of a volatile marketplace, it
becomes quite a challenge.”
10 | BizNOWmagazine.com | October 2015
Planning major construction projects takes a lot of
experience and vision. “You need to understand what it
is going to look like when you are done so you know how
to create a development plan that is flexible with market
changes,” Van Buskirk admits. He has been working on the
Lake Lorraine development site – south of 26th between
South Marion Road and I-29 in Sioux Falls – for two
straight years at a rapid pace. It will be about 100 acres
around Lake Loraine with commercial space and about
5 or 6 acres of residential area. There will be two retail
strip malls, a senior center and an office building near the
Private Lending & Trust Deed Investing
lake. “With our master plan in place, we can continue to
plan individual parcels and projects,” Van Buskirk states,
“All of these plans take into account different disciplines
to create a product that owners and consumers will enjoy.
We are constantly fine tune and improving our plans to
accommodate client’s needs, open spaces, civil engineering,
architecture, marketing, construction, and real estate
brokerage concerns.”
There is opportunity for other construction companies
to build in the area as well. In the very near future, two
more firms are set to begin construction on Cars For Sale
80%a senior
of residence center. Van Buskirk
the information
a be working around Lake
many firms will
are sold to various owners
patient receives
is forgotten
And often, half of
that will
be incorrect.*
understand what it is
we when
going toHow
look like
attend doctor appointments
you•• are
done so you
explain medical terms
how treatment
to create
• research
• review your medications
a development
• work with your entire
that ishealthcare
with the
• assist your elderly parents
market changes,”
– Steve Van Buskirk
The city is already a
burgeoning community,
and this is one more
opportunity for builders
and businesses to
create something new
vibrant. BSN,
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* according to a study by NIH
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October 2015 | BizNOWmagazine.com | 11
BIZ Legal
by Biz Staff
It’s a mystifying term that can carry awesome responsibility and possible legal headaches,
but will also provide peace of mind to you, as the person designating that power.
There are different types of power of attorney, each allows your agent
to handle your affairs when you’re unable or incapable of doing so. A
power of attorney is commonly granted for medical, financial, legal or
business circumstances:
A healthcare proxy can allow someone else, usually an adult child, to
discuss and decide medical issues concerning a parent or loved one
with medical professionals.
In the event of you becoming incapable of managing your own
finances due to age or illness, a trusted loved one can be given the
power to write checks and manage your finances on your behalf. An
accountant can be given limited power of attorney in order to work
on your taxes.
An estate plan names people to help you make decisions if you
ever become incapacitated. Even a simple estate plan with durable
power of attorney forms can protect you and your loved ones
during your life and after death. The term “durable” means that the
document will remain in effect or take affect if you become mentally
There can be a multitude of reasons to assign power of attorney
in order to conduct business expediently and efficiently. You may
decide to purchase property but cannot attend the closing, so your
accountant or an associate may be given the power to sign on your
behalf. One or two other key people in your business structure may
have the power to write checks in your absence or sign contracts on
behalf of the firm. A third party auditor should be employed to verify
proper accounting methods. u
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12 | BizNOWmagazine.com | October 2015
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BIZ Feature
by Sarah Sproul
The Driving Force behind
CDL training is usually
4 weeks to a couple months
long. Anyone over the age
of 18 who does not have a
disqualifying driving infraction
is eligible for a commercial
driver’s license. Disqualifying
infractions are rare and involve
only the most serious of
moving violations and certain
non-driving crimes. A report
released by ATA shows that
freight volumes will increase by
roughly 29 percent over the
next 11 years so the outlook for
truckers is good!
Nearly 70 percent of all freight being moved in the U.S. is on trucks.
So, the trucking industry is an integral part of the American economy.
According to the American Trucking Association (ATA), moving 9.2
billion tons of freight annually requires nearly 3 million heavy-duty
trucks and drivers. Simply put, our nation needs truckers.
However, there is a rising crisis
in the trucking industry – it’s
facing a shortage of up to
40,000 drivers. The trucking
industry continues to have a
high turnover rate, coming in
at about 84% in the first quarter
of 2015, according to the ATA.
Local truckers have a lower rate
of 10 percent turnover, but that still
dwarfs the national turnover rate across
all industries, which the Bureau of Labor
Statistics put at 3.5 percent in March.
H ir d
in driving
truck as
a career?
On average, trucks
consume over 38 billion
gallons of diesel fuel in
order to move 10 billion
tons of freight annually.
For trucking companies, the largest
expense is labor. While the greatest
incentive for drawing in more drivers is
the pay, companies may provide flexible
scheduling, relaxed working environments,
diversity in day-to-day activity, and good
benefit packages. However, not many are
chomping at the bait. The cost of diesel
is the 2nd highest expense of a trucking
company, eating up 25% of total operating
costs. Another problem is the aging
workforce. The average age of truckers
is currently 49, compared to 42 for the
national labor force as a whole.
For independent owner/operators, the
cost of buying their own big rig has been
an increasing challenge over the past five
years due to mandated environmental and
monitoring technologies. Trucking, like
other industries, has been greatly affected
by technology. “Trucks have computers
monitoring and controlling everything from
fuel and exhaust systems to the temperature
of the driver’s sleeper bunk,” Lon Hird,
Director of Academic Support and Director
of Training Solutions Institute at Southeast
Tech in Sioux Falls states. “Many trucking
companies have gone to a computerized
driver’s log system. Drivers no longer have
to enter hours of duty and miles driven by
hand. A computer extracts that data from
on-board systems. In short, this is not
your grandfather’s trucking career,” Lon
Automated trucks are in the distant
future! Closed sites like Rio Tinto’s Pilbara
mine in Australia are already operating
them. Daimler AG’s automotive company
in Nevada has also authorized to test
automated highway driving. But, even
though the trucking industry may need it
badly right now, automation is at least a
decade away.
Lon told Biz that while demand for
commercial driver’s license (CDL) training
fluctuates, there are roughly 40 people that
receive their CDL through Southeast Tech
each year. “There are opportunities and
advantages of careers in the transportation
industry,” Lon says, “While driving
professionally is not for everyone, it does
provide a very good living for those who
choose it as a career.”
So, the jobs will continue to be available, but
the industry needs to find the workers to
keep on trucking. u
October 2015 | BizNOWmagazine.com | 13
BIZ Health
by Sarah Sproul
What they do...why
you may need one
Workers in the U.S. who are overweight, obese
or have other chronic health conditions miss
an estimated 450 million days of work, which
costs companies an estimated $153 billion in
lost productivity annually!
Across the country, health coaches are
popping up in Corporate America. But
what are they? How can they help you?
A health coach is a wellness authority and a mentor who
motivates you to cultivate positive health choices and
incorporate lifestyle changes. They are educated in the
fields of nutrition, wellness, and mentoring.
© Julie Prairie Photography
The job outlook for health coaches is growing like crazy,
as more and more people want guidance with their
nutrition, exercise routine, and supplement choices.
14 | BizNOWmagazine.com | October 2015
Health was always important and interesting to Alisha
Meyer, Sioux Falls, and after placing second in her class
at the Fitness Universe in Minneapolis, she knew her
passion needed to turn into a career, so she received
her health coach certification from A.C.E online. She
is a health and lifestyle transformation coach at Inside
Out Health & Fitness and works with Yoli, a wellness
program. “A great team is everything in success,” Alisha
proclaims. Last month, Alisha's role and expertise
expanded as she was hired on as a trainer for KoKo
FitClub in Sioux Falls.
Alisha believes in the power of health coaches. One amazing
success story is her grandmother. She could not stand, unless
it was to get up to go to the bathroom. She was on blood
pressure medication, and pre diabetic. With the help of a
coach, her blood pressure is normal for the first time in many
years, she’s off the medication, she walks without her cane,
she’s down 35lbs. “She is now walking all over the place. It
makes me cry every time telling it,” Alisha confesses.
“The biggest misconception people have about a health coach
is that coaches only help with nutrition, and not exercise. But
they can do both!” Alisha says. “I think people relate exercise
to personal trainers only.”
Here’s the skinny from Alisha on what foods will best get you
through your workday:
Alisha suggests eating grass fed beef, organic chicken
products and steak, organic vegetables, and fruit, raw milk,
organic dairy, and lots of raw nuts.
Smoothies are a great start to the morning, she says. “I love to
fill mine with kale or spinach to get a huge amount of greens
in right away.”
Eggs are also a great power breakfast. “Eggs have such a
high quality of benefits, from healthy fats in the yolks, to
the protein in the whites,” Alisha claims. “I also love to eat
natural peanut butter on a piece of toast from freshly made
bread, and a protein shake with raw milk. Healthy hardy fats
are great for the morning to get your brain going strong, and
lots of protein, with just enough carbohydrates to get your
energy up for the day.” u
How will new laws impact
wellness programs for
“The laws do certainly provide
opportunities for companies to
implement wellness programs.
The overall healthcare cost and
the health of Americans and
histories of chronic diseases place
a huge need for wellness programs
in the community. Higher standards
could be implemented for employees with incentives
such as premium differentials which would benefit the
company and the employees alike. Wellness programs
in corporations allow opportunities to put more focus
on why it’s important to take care of your own health
and your company’s health.”
– Trisha Dohn, Director of Health
and Wellness at DakotaCare
Photo courtesy of DakotaCare
Sessions with a health coach can be both face-to-face and
online. “Technology is so advanced,” Alisha says, “I can make
just about anything work!” The cost of sessions depends
on what the person has for goals and any existing health
issues. The price can range from $70 to $400+. During the
sessions, confidentiality is extremely important. So, you are
free to discuss all your health goals and anything else you feel
comfortable sharing (like sleep, stress, job/life, satisfaction or
dissatisfaction, even your finances).
1 in 3 American adults is now considered obese.
Obesity costs our healthcare system $147 billion a year and rising.
According to the American Cancer Society, 572,000 Americans die of
cancer each year. About one-third of these cancer deaths are
linked to excess body weight, poor nutrition and physical inactivity.
Medical expenses for obese employees are 42 percent higher than for
workers with a healthy weight.
The good news is that there is hope for bringing the obesity epidemic under control by
tackling the problem in the workplace, where 139 million Americans spend about a third of
their time on any given day. With their workers spending an average of 40 hours a week on
the job, employers have a unique opportunity to create a healthier workforce by fostering a
health-conscious work environment and providing opportunities for their employees to eat
better, be more physically active and take better care of themselves overall. And employers
have several incentives to do so.
© Julie Prairie Photography
Sources: CDC, Trust for American's Health, Campaign to End Obesity Organization
October 2015 | BizNOWmagazine.com | 15
BIZ Finance
the Real Power Players!
d la n d
by Alan Dooley
As an accredited investor, you have a lot more opportunity to be a power player in business.
Capitalism embraces and rewards risk. Those with dreams and
the capital to turn those dreams into reality are the drivers of
the economy. Production and consumer demand create job
growth which turns into more consumer demand for new or
better products and services, and thus, the cycle of growth
becomes self-perpetuating.
Consequently we all benefit from the doers and motivators
who want a better and more exciting existence. Big ideas
usually require massive amounts of cash to implement, so
these entrepreneurs turn to venture capital firms or accredited
investors. An accredited investor is essentially anyone with a
net worth of $1 million or makes $200,000 annually and can
afford to risk their capital for the prospect of greater returns.
Speculation has a euphoric energy that entices investors
with the prospect of being on the ground floor of a major
breakthrough or phenomenal boom cycle that will be rewarded
with fantastic monetary returns. But alas, not all ideas
become fruitful, so the ‘Accredited’ designation grew from the
government’s desire to shield the little guy from catastrophic
loss if the investment went bad. Firms seeking accredited
investors are required by the SEC to disclose the public
offering requirement and obtain a form from the investor
stating they are qualified.
These power players impact the Midwest with improved
technology, manufacturing, construction and agricultural
advances to name a few. Wind turbines and ethanol plants
have made inroads in the energy sector and are in the growth
phase, with the inefficient players gone. Agriculture has seen
16 | BizNOWmagazine.com | October 2015
phenomenal yields due to better hybrids and GPS planting and
harvesting technology along with better equipment.
Accredited investors do not just throw their money around,
they are diligent about researching potential investments and
protect themselves against loss with entities such as LLC’s, S
Corps and C Corps. Even small investors need to take the same
precautions, perform their due diligence and try to maximize
returns while minimizing risk of loss. As one becomes more
successful, the number of opportunities expands. Creating a
diverse portfolio across multiple sectors will further reduce
overall risk. The key is to understand the market and what
makes it move – either way.
Accredited investors also act fast. Take for example the new
ethanol plant being built in Onida, SD by the experienced
management team at Ringneck Energy. President Walt
Wendland commented, “This plant will be a real value add to
investors and stakeholders alike, providing a corn and sorghum
drop point for the region which has grown from 30 million
bushels of corn to 94 million in about 10 years. We are ahead
of our target to raise $74.5 million by mid-December and
actually might reach our goal by end of October!”
If you are not yet an accredited investor, attend educational
seminars and learn how to research opportunities with the
goal of steady, low risk advancements. Once you have created
a solid base, you too can become a power player and go for the
gold – owning a piece of a business with more power than just
a stockholder. u
BIZ Experts
How Do I Become Fearless
in Business?
Risk is a part of an entrepreneur’s life. But
even entrepreneurs can get a little gun shy,
especially if a recent risk didn’t pan out. Here
are two keys to becoming a fearless leader:
Trust Yourself. Doubt can make even
the toughest business owner question his
or her judgement. But fearless leaders
overcome uncertainty by practicing their
ABCs – action, belief, and courage. They
weigh the facts, they move through the fear,
they trust themselves to make the right
decision. Remember, the story you tell about
your company determines what people will
believe, so use your own personal power
to make them believe that your product is
essential and so are you, and that’s what
you’ll be.
Don’t Wait for Approval. Fearless leaders
don’t look for approval from others; they
answer to a power deep within. They
don’t discuss it in endless committees; they
don’t try to get everyone on board. And
they definitely don’t wait for permission.
Remember, the Wright brothers never had
a pilot’s license.
Charlotte Hofer
(605) 376-3758
[email protected]
18 | BizNOWmagazine.com | October 2015
Could a contractual model
for printing help your small
Printers are traditionally purchased on a
transactional basis, with toner cartridges
ordered as needed. This process is costly
and inefficient for most small and mediumsized businesses (SMB) who are already
constrained with both time and resources.
According to industry research, cost is
consistently the top challenge when it comes
to managing print for SMBs – and those
costs escalate without controls.
By transitioning away from unorganized
purchasing of cartridges and eliminating the
time that staff spend on print-related tasks,
SMBs can improve efficiency. However,
when a thorough audit of print usage and
the printer fleet is completed, SMBs can
experience substantial long-term cost
What do large employers
need to know about
new employer mandate
reporting requirements?
Companies with 50 or more full-time
equivalent employees must annually report
their health insurance coverage options for
full-time workers and their dependents to
the IRS. Failure to comply carries a penalty of
up to $250 per form.
Companies must:
ile Form 1094-C with the IRS by Feb. 28
(electronic filing by March 31) each year.
ile Form 1094-B with the IRS for selffunded plans.
rovide the corresponding 1095 form to
full-time employees by Jan. 31 of each
year. This can be combined with other taxrelated information.
To ensure the reporting requirements are
met, it may be helpful to work with a certified
public accountant or your payroll processor.
Leah Black
Ryan Donahue, CPA, CISA
[email protected]
(605) 335-8520
Chief Financial Officer
BIZ Experts
What is my true "Insurance
Risk" in business?
True insurance risk in my opinion is three
folded. Insurance program design, loss
control, and claims management. Think of it
as a three legged stool. You take one of the
legs out or one of the legs breaks your stool
is not going to function effectively. Same
holds true with Insurance Risk. Ignore one
of these three factors and your risk soars,
claims occur that are entirely avoidable, and
insurance costs go up on your business.
Other costs are impacted as well when
complacency sets in when managing risk.
Productivity costs are affected, costs
incurred to train new employees or temp
employees to fill positions for injured
workers, delayed product delivery to your
customer due to auto accidents, deductibles
incurred, etc. Pay close attention to this.
Ask your agent for advice, consultation, and
direction. Programs are readily available
for all classes of business in assisting your
development and implementation of a
strong "risk program" to ultimately lower your
cost of risk in your business.
Kurt Ratzlaff, CIC
Senior Vice President
[email protected]
(605) 333-2420
To protect South Dakota’s
vital Ag industry, how can
we help the small, familyowned farms and ranches?
The Republican Party stands behind the
Farm Bill which contains tools to help give
farmers and ranchers – and therefore our
nation’s food supply – a critical safety net.
The party has also turned its focus
toward tax reform, trade and reigning
in the EPA. On tax reform, I helped the
House pass legislation extending tax
credits and deductions that are critical
to South Dakota producers, including a
permanent extension of the Section 179
tax credit. On trade, we need to expand
South Dakota’s access to key markets.
With 95% of consumers living outside
the U.S., it’s critical that we can are able
to sell our products on a level playing field
across the globe.
Finally, we must stop the EPA’s mandates
from tying the hands of South Dakota
farmers and ranchers. We don’t need DC
bureaucrats telling us how to farm.
To protect South Dakota’s
vital Ag industry, how can
we help the small, familyowned farms and ranches?
Production agriculture provides for a wide
variety of agri-food industries in SD. About
115,650 SD jobs (that’s 1 in every 5) come
from Ag.
According to Census data, there are 31,989
farms in SD with an average of 1,352
acres. While we always hear that BIG AG
is increasing and pushing the small farmers
out of business, statistically the average
farm is 49 acres less than in 2007.
The majority of farms in SD are family
farms, and the majority of farms classified as
corporations are still family held operations.
The Democratic Party believes that holding
on to a sustainable future for all farms
means finding the niche which best fits the
operation, whether that is organic, “Dakota
grown,” Tribal agriculture, or our state-of-the
art cheese manufacturing. All of these make
up SD agriculture.
Kristi Noem
Ann Tornberg
US Representative for South Dakota
(605) 275-2868
Chair of the SD Democratic Party
(605) 271-5405
October 2015 | BizNOWmagazine.com | 19
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Call your agent or Avera Health Plans at 605-413-4427 to get a quote.
20 | BizNOWmagazine.com | October 2015
by Alan Dooley
Beef Industry
• C
attle inventory: 89.9 million
as of Jan. 2015, up 1% from
Jan. 2014.
the Quest to make
Meat Healthier
• Economic impact: $44 billion
• N
umber of farms and ranches
specializing in beef cattle:
- 29.7 million beef cows
- 9.3 million milk cows
- The average cow herd size:
40 head
- 97% are family owned
• B
eef exports are up, jumping
from $3.8 billion in 2010 to
$5.7 billion in 2013
- T
op export markets: Japan,
Canada, Mexico and South
• Top 5 states for cattle:
1. Texas - 11.8 million
2. Nebraska - 6.3 million
3. Kansas - 6 million
4. California - 5.2 million
5. Oklahoma - 4.6 million
Average rancher age: 58
(USDA 2012 Ag Census)
South Dakota Stats
• $
3.7 billion, which represents
more than 6% of the state’s
entire economic output.
• 15,000 beef producers
• 3
.6 million head of cattle8th in the nation
• 1 .6 million beef cows5th in the nation
But will sustainable Big Macs really be any better? McDonald’s has stated
that they plan to begin purchasing “verified sustainable beef” in 2016
and will soon announce their sustainable beef procurement goal for 2020.
When one of the largest purchasers of beef in the nation says they intend
to change the way they do business, it’s possible that business as usual will
change. Could this mean a better burger for you?
What “sustainability” means -- at least to
McDonald’s -- is yet to be announced, but part
of the process of defining sustainability will
rely on input from ranchers and processors.
McDonald’s vision of sustainability includes the
three “E’s”: ethics, environment, and economics.
Critical to the consumer are components
such as: nutrition, animal health, antibiotics,
pharmaceuticals and business management.
The Kopriva family of Raymond, SD, are well
positioned to deliver sustainable beef, having
just been honored with one of seven regional
Environmental Stewardship Award Program
(ESAP) awards announced during the July 2015
Cattle Industry Summer Conference. ESAP is
sponsored by Dow AgroSciences, Tyson Foods,
Inc., USDA Natural Resources Conservation
Service (NRCS), U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service,
National Cattlemen’s Beef Association (NCBA)
and the National Cattlemen’s Foundation,
and is presented to farmers and ranchers who
demonstrate a commitment to protecting the
farm and ranch land in their care.
The Koprivas are focused on a sustainable
approach to their family cattle operation. By
dedicating their ranch to sustaining native
grasslands, pasture, and hay, they are also
tive spir
the crea
in every
Sources: beefusa.org, sdbeef.org, igrow.org
Al an Do ol
me nt
es s De ve lop
Dir ec to r, Bu
committed to creating a sustainable future for
the next generation.
Rotational grazing has been key to maximizing
the production of their Angus. The Koprivas
worked with NRCS to install more than 20,000
feet of cross fencing, which has allowed them
to better manage their forage resources and
implement a rotational grazing program.
Combined with proper water development, their
grazing scheme allows acres of the operation
to rest and rejuvenate. With their dams and
dugouts and seed for cover crops, they create
an inviting habitat for wildlife, water for birds,
amphibians, deer, and other mammals and yes,
insects too.
Sustainable beef roundtables have been created
around the world, including in Europe, New
Zealand, Brazil and Canada, where McDonalds
intends to pilot its program. Each is developing a
locally-relevant sustainability standard based on
the principles outlined by the Global Roundtable
on Sustainable Beef where many stakeholders
have the opportunity to participate.
What it could mean to you as the consumer: a
better burger. u
Alan Dooley is CEO of Grathia Corp, a private lending and real estate investment firm.
He has a BS in Computer Science from Rutgers University and serves on the board of
the Lake County Historical Society. He is Business Development Director with BizNOW.
October 2015 | BizNOWmagazine.com | 21
BIZ Tech
interview by Charlotte Hofer
How Technology is
The fitness industry is changing. From wearable gadgets to exercise apps, 24-hour access to
gyms, videos and virtual personal training, workouts are now hi-tech. Nowhere is that more in
evidence than with Koko FitClub – the franchise that takes working out to a whole new level.
With their innovative fitness technology, called “SmartTrainer,” a personalized digital trainer will
customize your workout. It learns your body and tailors and adapts a program for you as you
Based in Boston and with over 130 Koko FitClubs now
up and running, this rapidly-growing business is coming
to Sioux Falls in January. Ranked in the Franchise 500 of
Entrepreneur’s Fastest Growing & Top New Franchises, Koko
FitClub believes that coaching is the key to fitness success,
offering both digital coaching on state of the art equipment
and one on one training with a certified personal coach. In
fact, “koko” is a Japanese word that means “one to one.”
Biz talked with Koko FitClub co-owners Jessica Schaap
and Amber Bartmann, Sioux Falls, to learn more about this
In a study by CareerBuilder, it was found that 41%
of people have gained weight at their jobs. Why
aren’t people exercising more?
Jessica: I think people quit gyms because they’re
overwhelmed; they don’t know what to do, or they don’t see
results, or they get bored doing the same workout routine.
Amber: Some people think it takes too much time. In fact,
of those who set New Year's resolutions to get fit, nearly
73% give up before meeting their goals, according a study by
Harris Interactive.
How is Koko Fit Club using technology in
A: We start with a goal. We analyze a person’s body lean
muscle mass, body fat, strength levels, and calculate it on a
machine. The computer then designs a customized plan for
you. The program adapts as your body improves, we quantify
your results and keep you motivated. As your strength level
changes YOU change, and the technology can tell when you
get stronger and it calibrates what’s right for you.
J: The cardio and strength machines guide you through
every workout and your progress is constantly tracked, even
available on the Cloud for your devices. Koko FitClub is a
unique facility as it provides a fitness "home" for folks who
would generally not go to a traditional gym, or seek out a
personal trainer.
22 | BizNOWmagazine.com | October 2015
Getting started can be daunting, even scary, how
do you help the beginner?
J: If someone’s very overweight, or if someone hasn’t worked
out for a long time, the customized program is so important.
And when people get on a treadmill – sometimes they don’t
understand the machines or the programs seem complicated,
and they don’t know what to do. The digital trainer will walk
you through how to use the machines.
How does someone know they are improving?
J: Every machine has a computer screen. It tells you what
pace to go at, what incline – that’s customized to you,
your body and your program. You have earphones
and it’s telling you what’s going on, it will tell
you when to increase your speed, when to slow
down; if you’re not lifting a weight correctly.
A: What’s unique too, is that we celebrate the
client’s achievement –you start with a white
lanyard and work your way to black, similar
to a karate belt. We create a community of
support as well as providing coaching, so
clients come to the gym and see people
they love, not just to get a workout.
know each other that well, we lived in different towns –
Brandon and Hartford.
A: I was working part time, but I was looking. When she
wanted to do this, I felt instantly NO! Because I was afraid
of starting a gym, there’s so much competition. My husband
Eric said, look at the website and check it out. Once I did,
I said, OMG, this could be huge! I was worried about the
competition, but there’s nothing like it in Sioux Falls, so I was
ready to do it.
What are the benefits of
having a franchise?
A: There’s a proven
success model, we
have the advantage
of learning from
their mistakes, so in
some ways it’s easier
than being a new
starting a brand
new business.
We get to start off
running. >
How is KK different than other
24/7 gyms?
A: People don’t think they have
enough time to exercise, they don’t
have the tools. With Koko, you never
do the same workout twice, you’re
in and out in just 45 minutes so you
could fit it in on a lunch hour, and
you see results.
How did you two get into
business together?
J: I had heard about Koko Fit a couple
years ago, and knew I needed a partner. Our
husbands work together, so my husband Jim
suggested his partner’s wife, Amber. We didn’t
© Julie Prairie Photography
J: Koko is more than just the
workout. There’s a nutrition plan
and guidance too, so we combine
nutrition with fitness goals.
October 2015 | BizNOWmagazine.com | 23
BIZ Tech
How difficult was it to get the franchise?
J: Koko is very particular about who they sell the franchise
Photo courtesy of Koko Fit Club
to – you can’t just call them up and say, Hey I have some
money, I want to start a franchise. The company has a
tough 90 day screening and interview process that includes
answering essay questions, phone interviews, and in-person
A: And right up to the very end we didn’t
know if we were going to get the franchise
or not; many people don’t qualify.
Finally, the call came: we got it!
J: I was so happy I cried.
What are some of the
challenges of having a
business partner?
A: Schedules are hard, I have
three kids and Jess has four, but
we make it happen.
“I want Koko FitClub
to be a beacon of
hope for someone,
to educate and give
people a plan so they
always have a goal
in mind.”
– Jessica Schaap
ko Fit Club
Photo courtesy of Ko
24 | BizNOWmagazine.com | October 2015
What do you do if
you disagree?
J: We haven’t yet.
(laughs) I think we
trust each other
enough, so if one
of us feels really
strongly about
something, we trust
What are some of the
rewards of having a partner?
A: We can get twice as much done!
The analytical brain and the creative
brain come together for us.
J: I always say that you’ll never actually
find balance, instead, try to find harmony.
One of the ways I do this is to involve my
children. For example, I do videos with them about
the club coming to SF. My daughter did a gymnastics video
with her Koko t-shirt on. My son did one that says, “Hi,
this is my mom, she’s opening up a club….” It was so cute.
What better way to
teach our children
health & wellness
than to provide it to
our community, and
to teach them about
being an entrepreneur
at the same time?
the other’s intuition. And because
our husbands have worked
together as partners successfully,
we’ve learned from them to trust
and value each other’s opinion.
J: We’ve become fast friends and what’s great
is, we get to celebrate achievements with each other. The
fact that we get to share this together makes it even better.
Sharing the joy just magnifies it.
A: Also, we know two different groups of people – so we
have double the networks.
Tips for other entreps?
A: Don’t do it alone. Network, find support, you don’t have
to fly solo.
J: People don’t buy what you sell, they buy who you are.
Be that person of integrity and passion. The product is
Biggest surprise in opening a new business?
J: How much money and time and work it actually is to start
a business! But in the end, its worth it. u
Ja O
nu pe
ar ni
y, ng
We Want
You to Love
Your Gym!
We know that every day, you imagine the possibility of being a fit and healthy person. And that’s
why decided to open Koko FitClub. We wanted a gym where people who have struggled in
fitness can finally succeed – and love it.
We know coaching leads to better results. That’s why we coach you through every workout. Our
job is to guide you, motivate you and support your fitness journey.
Koko exists TO CHANGE LIVES. Our proven methodology -- based upon a personalized, 30-45
minute metabolic strength conditioning and cardio program, 2-3 times a week -- has worked for
thousands who have failed at traditional gyms. There is a better way, and that way is Koko.
Try us risk-free for 30-days, just $30. Let us prove to you that
you can change the person in the mirror, and we can help.
A Digital Gym
Yours in good health,
Amber and Jessica
Memberships as low as $49/
A Dig
Call or Click to Learn More!
3320 S. Sycamore Avenue Sioux Falls, SD
774.260.5656 • siouxfalls.kokofitclub.com
*Some restrictions may apply. See club for details.
BIZ Opportunity
by Rachel Woodman
Four walls, free coffee, and a fluorescent light that doesn’t
stop flickering. Does that sound like your office?
Maybe you began your position filled with excitement just to
watch your enthusiasm dwindle over time. Or you’re just seeking
more outside of your 8 to 5. In either case, if you need to get that
excitement back, then consider these 3 tips to power up your career
beyond your cubicle.
Once you’ve found your cause and spent some time with it, I
challenge you to get involved in a larger way. Commit to being a part
of a committee or board. Hold a position outside of your comfort
zone and watch your career take on new strength.
Expand your network; expand your mind
Some people read for pleasure but most of us have other hobbies
in mind. Reading was difficult for me because I can’t read while
simultaneously texting, emailing, or watching my favorite show.
Multi-tasking is a big part of our lives and culture. However,
reading is an easy way to expand your potential and shouldn’t be
It’s easy to find yourself eating lunch with the same people every day
and spending your evenings with the same people. We spend the
most time with the colleagues, friends, and family we like the most!
But to expand your mind and power up your career you need to
spend more time with different people. First, focus on finding people
who are accomplishing what you want to accomplish. Then, seek out
successful people in completely different industries or backgrounds.
It’s helpful to gain insight from people different than you when you’re
looking to supercharge your career.
To begin, seek out local organizations or clubs that interest you.
Perhaps a chamber or association may have a program or group that
fits your needs. You can also try popular sites like Meetup.com. I got
involved with a local toastmasters club to meet diverse people and
expand my ability to communicate.
Broadening your network will result in new friends, experiences, and
becomes a step closer to amping up your career.
Find a cause; build your passion
It’s easy to find your days monotonous if you don’t have something to
look forward to each week. With a busy schedule, finding something
new to put time into may be the farthest thing from your mind.
However, putting time into something you care about deeply will
power up your life in a new way.
Find your cause. Is it puppies? Is it babies? Whatever you care
strongly for, find a way to support it. It can be as simple as a few hours
a month. After some thought, I realized that I care about empowering
women to realize their potential. Volunteering with Dress for Success
Sioux Falls was the perfect fit for someone who wanted to build belief
while helping another person take steps towards their future in the
form of interview and style coaching.
26 | BizNOWmagazine.com | October 2015
Be a reader; be a leader
Spending time alone to focus on a valuable book will allow you to
digest this new and important information. Start with committing
just 15 minutes a day. Bring your book to coffee or lunch and
allow yourself to read beyond your 15 minutes if the mood strikes.
Consider audio books during your commute as an alternative option.
If you’re strapped for ideas on what book would be the best to get you
started, I would recommend The Magic of Thinking Big. This book
provides timeless information about the power that positive thinking
has on our ability to accomplish great things.
Reading may not be your cup of tea, but if you can spend a few
minutes with a book during your morning coffee you’ll be on your
way to fueling your mind.
Powering up your career beyond your cubicle takes effort. Being
engaged with new people, non-profits, or educational resources takes
time. But if four walls, free coffee, and a fluorescent lit space doesn’t
hack it, then concentrate in these key areas to get your excitement
back. u
Rachel Woodman is a Market Development
Manager for CenturyLink. She manages public
relations, marketing, and community outreach
efforts for North Dakota, South Dakota, and
“Not all readers
are leaders, but all
leaders are readers.”
– Harry S. Truman
October 2015 | BizNOWmagazine.com | 27
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28 | BizNOWmagazine.com | October 2015
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BIZ Sports
by Sarah Sproul
H ein e m a n
Photos courtesy of Skyforce
Interview with Skyforce Owner/
President Mike Heineman
We all need breaks from our hectic work weeks, and what better
way to relax than to take in some local basketball? The Sioux Falls
Skyforce basketball team is in its 27th season and has outstanding
stats that lead to team members being drafted into the MBA.
Biz got the inside scoop from Skyforce owner and president Mike
Heineman on what gives this team their edge.
What’s ahead for the team, and how do you
anticipate the team will do this year?
It’s tough to say at this point. We usually see a lot of turnover to
players who go overseas or who get drafted into the MBA. At this
point, though, we don’t quite know what will happen this season. It
will start to take shape in November after drafting.
How do you and the coaches keep the team
Usually, each team member’s goal is to get to the MBA. We have a
current team of 10 members. In 2013, two players went on to the
MBA, and in 2014, four players made it. So, we remind them how
close they are to making it. All it takes is one good game and one
scout watching them to go from not making very much one day
to making more than enough the next. That motivates the team
more than anything – the dream that is so close they can almost
taste it.
What can high school or college aspiring athletes
do to power up their game to become part of
The biggest part is working harder than anyone else. So few get to
the MBA or even get to our level, so my advice is to be willing to
dedicate your life to basketball and
put the time in.
How important are the
fans to the Skyforce’s
The first home
game of the
season is Saturday,
Nov. 22 at the
Sanford Pentagon
in Sioux Falls
Iowa vs Sioux Falls
We average about 2,300 fans
per game. We wouldn’t still be
here if it wasn’t for the Sioux Falls
community spirit. Not many teams
have involvement like we do, and that
support positively impacts the team’s
performance. We are very fortunate that the
people of Sioux Falls want to be a part of this – it’s great! u
Sarah Sproul is a Dakota State University
graduate with a Bachelor of Science in English
for New Media. Whether she’s reading a good
book, scribbling in one of her many notebooks,
or paging through articles online, she can’t
seem to get enough of literature. She is now
an Assistant Copywriter for BizNOW. Sarah is
from Harrisburg, SD.
October 2015 | BizNOWmagazine.com | 29
Smart BIZ
by Biz Staff
the Power of Finding Yourself
While there is some truth to the secret of success being found in boardroom strategy and corporate
philosophy, most success actually comes in allowing passion, purpose, and true emotions to guide
your approach. But, how do you find your passions and purpose?
Here are helpful questions to ask yourself when trying to find
your place:
1. W
hat makes you excited and energized?
This doesn’t mean taking your dream vacation or cheering on
your favorite football team. It’s about connecting with what
you’re passionate about. Your impact and influence grow
when you focus on something that starts a fire in your heart in
a way nothing else can. You don’t have to commit to inventing
the next iPad, solving world energy problems, or curing
cancer (though, who knows, you might!). Just find something
that is congruent with who you are what you care about.
2. W
hat strengths do you have naturally?
Of course, you can be passionate about things you have no
natural talent for, and talented at things for which you hold
little passion. However, we rarely aspire toward ambitions we
have no natural talent for. So, write down your strengths and
gear yourself towards something that plays to them. There
are plenty of websites that can help you find your strengths.
Check out a free survey on viame.org.
30 | BizNOWmagazine.com | October 2015
3. Where do you add the greatest value?
Knowing where you can add the most value—by means
of your education, skills, knowledge, and experience—can
help you focus on what you will most likely succeed at and,
therefore, find the greatest sense of accomplishment and
4. How do you measure success?
This means standing for something and living your life in
alignment with it. No matter what you do to make a living,
you can find meaning and greater purpose in it through how
you do your job. Your attitude dictates a lot of your success or
lack of success, so make sure that you are optimistic and work
to maintain a positive outlook.
Once you know where you fall into place, you might take on
challenges to get to and maintain that place that stretch you
as much as they inspire you. Just remember that when you’re
powered by passion and purpose, there is little you cannot do.
You have found your place. Embrace it. u
by Charlotte Hofer
8 Hidden Forces
BIZ Feature
The ability to predict the future is difficult at best, but making business pronouncements about the
future using events and intuition from our past could be foolish and perhaps dangerous. Henry Ford
thought everyone would want a black car and IBM’s president Thomas J. Watson declared in 1943
that there might be “a world market for perhaps five computers.”
There exists a strong undercurrent of powerful forces that are
constantly disrupting the global economy and throwing our
business assumptions into question. They happen simultaneously
and feed on one another causing unpredictable changes that make
business leaders rethink their strategies.
The irony of Watson’s pronouncement is that IBM would become
a major catalyst of the first disruption: the acceleration of
technological change. While technology has always been at the
forefront of productivity, its impact is transforming our world at
a phenomenal rate. Smaller and smarter devices are everywhere
with digital and mobile technologies impacting every market
sector. After the invention of the phone, it took over 50 years for
most Americans to have one, and 20 years for cellphones to spread
across two-thirds of the world’s population. Facebook went from
six million users in 2006 to 1.4 billion today.
The second disruption is a result of the first: increased
Mobile Internet offers economic progress for billions of people
in emerging economies at an unmeasurable rate. It gives new
entrepreneurs a chance at competing with established firms by
breaking down the barriers to market entry. The web allows goods,
capital and information to flow across borders. Gone are the days
of Constantinople and key international trading hubs. Capital flow
has now doubled among emerging economies in just ten years,
and more than one billion people travelled in 2009, up five times
the figure in 1980.
Third is the shift of economic activity to emerging-market
cities. As recently as 2000, 95% of the Fortune Global 500 was
headquartered in developed economies. By 2025, nearly half of
the Fortune Global 500 are expected to be based in emerging
economies, with China home to a majority of them.
Nearly half of global GDP growth from 2010 to 2025 is expected
to emanate from emerging-market cities like Tianjin, China with
a GDP that is almost equivalent with Stockholm today, and could
equal all of Sweden by 2025!
The fourth is integrated cultures. The ease of travel, commerce
and communication has allowed for the globalization of
economies at unprecedented speeds. Volatility from a plethora
of new and unexpected competitors, and the disappearance of
local jobs has already overwhelmed workers, companies and
governments. New opportunities will emerge and the firms that
can adapt will thrive.
Inequality may be on the rise within some countries, but it has
dropped dramatically. Nearly a billion people were lifted out of
extreme poverty from 1990 to 2010; another three billion will join
the global middle class in the next two decades.
The fifth disruption is demographic. For the first time in
centuries, world population could plateau. Thirty years ago,
only a few countries had fertility rates substantially below the
replacement rate of 2.1. Now about 60% of the world’s population
lives in countries with sub-replacement fertility rates.
The dependency ratio is exacerbated by population aging, a
result of better health care, which has been evident in developed
countries for some time, is spreading to China and will soon reach
Latin America.
The sixth disruptive force is Politics. Aside from being highly
irrational and unpredictable, it is related to demographics,
especially as the elderly outnumber the working-age people.
Pressure is put on the diminishing labor force to provide tax
revenues to pay government debt, fund public services, pensions,
and care for the elderly.
In 1930, economist John Maynard Keynes recognized the forces
that impact the economy and prognosticated that the standard
of living in “progressive economies” would increase 4-8 times
over the next 100 years. His prediction, which was berated at the
time, has turned out to be correct at the high end. Optimism and
persistence are the last two key forces that drive and lift the world
to new and unimaginable heights. u
References: Stansberry Research, TrueWealth.com
October 2015 | BizNOWmagazine.com | 31
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32 | BizNOWmagazine.com | October 2015
BIZ Spiritual Column sponsored by Celebrate Community Church
Biz Spiritual
Has a principle of
faith helped YOU
in business?
Tell us about it.
Submission guidelines:
500 words or less on
how a principle of faith
has helped guide you in
your professional life,
such as: compassion,
honesty, humility,
gratitude, forgiveness,
generosity, kindness,
courage, integrity,
patience) to: info@
If your article is selected
for publication, you will
be notified.
by Rachel Woodman
(and why they matter!)
We put on our Ethical Thinking Caps every time we need to make a tough
decision. But what of the daily small decisions that fall into the vast space
between right and wrong.
Ethics play an important role in our personal and
professional lives each day. In fact, most businesses
display a unique Code of Ethics to govern decisions. For
my employer, CenturyLink, the Code of Ethics is based
on the Golden Rule: Do unto others as you would have
them do unto you.
Outside of an expressed list of what’s right and wrong,
we make our own small choices each day.
Being a People Champion versus a
The little things you say about others can lead to big
results. Will that result be respect and admiration for
your leadership? Or will it be contempt?
Office Gossip may seem like a good way to bond with
your peers, but consider how this reflects on your
character. People will remember, first, what you say
about others and not your better qualities. This can stunt
your growth in the company.
Instead, consider being a “People Champion.” It’s a small
way to make a positive impact.
Think of the people you interact with daily. What
values – or strengths – do they contribute? When asked
what you think of Joe, share that he is a hard worker or
whatever else you value in him. Decide not to discuss
your differences.
Adding Value versus Taking office
Borrowing a paperclip feels trivial - even though it’s
technically theft. Outside of a business’s actionable
offenses lie your decisions.
Taking office items or company time may feel justified
because of additional work you had to do last week
but it amounts to theft and is a poor reflection of your
Justification comes with the perception that the
company or business owes you. Instead, consider how
you can add value to your company.
You chose your role for a reason, what was it? Think
of your 5 or 10 year goals and consider what additional
value you can bring. You’ll notice your goals get a lot
closer when you’re actively giving instead of expecting.
Your Word as a Promise versus a
Being a little late or missing a deadline happens. It is
not generally considered unethical. However, repetitive
behavior will become a reflection of your ability to
respect others.
Continually coming to meetings or appointments late
tells others that you don’t respect their time.
As someone who says, “yes” too much, I find it’s
important to set appropriate expectations. This way, I
can manage and keep the promises I make.
When you’re unable to make a deadline, give advanced
notice. When you’re habitually late, adjust your
Small decisions don’t just impact our reputations, it can
also impact revenue. Creating, or enabling, a poor work
environment can lead to quality team members exiting
the business and revenue exiting with them. u
October 2015 | BizNOWmagazine.com | 33
BizNOW Calendar
Send items to: [email protected]
what's now
October 1
Innovation Expo
8:30 AM - 4:00 PM
Orpheum Theatre
315 N. Phillips Ave, Sioux Falls
Entreprenuer Conference
October 1
8th Annual Brandon
Milestone Luncheon
11:30 AM - 1:00 PM
Brandon Steakhouse
1308 E Rushmore Dr., Brandon
Recognition of companies in business for
5 to 140 years
$12 per person
October 1
SME Youth Benefit Auction
5:00 PM - 8:00 PM
Sioux Falls Convention Center
1201 Northwest Ave., Sioux Falls
Proceeds fund scholarships for SD
college students and SD Youth Business
October 3
Harvest Festival
12:00 PM - 6:00 PM
Wilde Prairie Winery
48052 259th St., Brandon
Mini grape stomp, pumpkin painting
October 6
Lake County Historical Society Meeting
5:15 PM
Smith Zimmermann Museum
221 NE 8th St., Madison
October 10
Harvest Festival
11:00 AM - 5:00 PM
Strawbale Winery
47215 257th St., Renner
Art, wine, food, music, pumpkin
painting. Free.
34 | BizNOWmagazine.com | October 2015
October 13
Sioux Falls Chamber Mixer
4:30 PM - 6:30 PM
Argus Leader Media
200 S. Minnesota Ave., Sioux Falls
$5. Hors d'oeuvres, beverages
October 15
Brandon Chamber Mixer
5:00 PM - 6:30 PM
Jones Family Eyecare
310 S Splitrock Blvd., Brandon
October 20
Annual Sioux Falls Chamber Meeting
5:00 PM - 9:30 PM
Sioux Falls Convention Center/Denny
Sanford PREMIER Center
1201 N. West Ave., Sioux Falls
RSVP: events.siouxfalls.com
October 23, 24
Sioux Falls Jaycees
Haunted House
Fine Arts Building at
W.H. Lyon Fairgrounds
100 N Lyon Blvd., Sioux Falls
$8, or $ 6 with a canned good
RSVP: siouxfallshauntedhouse.com
October 27
SME Membership Meeting
11:30 AM - 1:00 PM
The Country Club of Sioux Falls
3400 W 22nd St., Sioux Falls
Speaker: Kirsty Spraggon, Executive
Producer & Host of KirstyTV
SME members free, guests $40
RSVP: Members via CVent email, guests at
October 27
Brandon Chamber Networking @ Noon
12:00 PM - 1:00 PM
Tailgators Grill & Bar
1013 N Splitrock Blvd., Brandon
October 30, 31
Haunted Heartland Country Corn Maze
6:00 PM - 9:30 PM
27455 SD Hwy 11, Harrisburg
This 11-acre maze carved out of towering
corn stalks is sure to spook!
Adults $7.00, children (5-10) $5.00, kids 4
and under: FREE. Bring a flashlight.
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