Hellenic Profiles By Thomas Spelios
Hellenic Profiles By Thomas Spelios
Hellenic Profiles By Thomas Spelios sional District. He is a native of Peabody, Mass., and served as the town's mayor for II years. Mavroules, is the senior member of the Armed Services Committee and is also the chairman of its Investigations Committee. He has led the fight for a nuclear weapons freeze and justice for Cyprus. Recently he was the keynote speaker at the AH EP A gathering in Boston. Last year, the Consumer Federation of America named him a Congressional Consumer Hero. He is one of six Hellenes serving in the U.S. Congress. Dr. MICHAEL BAKALIS was appointed president of Triton College in River Grove, Ill., the largest community college in the state. An innovative educator he has a long professional career in government service and the educational system in the greater Chicago area. The son of Greek immigrants, his academic credentials include a B.S . in education, M.A. in history and a Ph.D. in history from Northwestern U niversity. Before going to Triton College he served as dean of Loyala University in Chicago; as Illinois State Superintendent of Education and as U.S. Deputy Undersecretary of Education (1979-80); and Illinois State Comptroller. He was the director of the Lilly Educational Project at Northwestern. During the Carter administration, he served in Washington as the chief administrator of 10 educational offices across the nation. Before his government service, he was a teacher at high school and university levels, including lecturer at Harvard University. He is the author of many books, including "A Strategy for Excellence" and "We Can Save Our Children"; his many honors include the "Push Award" for excellence in education. Bakalis is an outstanding scholar and intellectual leader in the great tradition of the classical Greek thinkers of antiquity. REP. NICHOLAS MAVROULES, 61 , (D-Mass.) is serving his 6th term as U.S. representative from the 6th CongresAPRIL, 1991 STATE SENATOR NICHOLAS PETRIS of California has written to President Bush praising his stand against "naked aggression" and the liberation of Kuwait. He states that now that we have liberated the feudal kingdom in the sand when are we going to liberate Cyprus Attila's invading Turks. We have been waiting for 17 years to aleviate this "naked aggression" it is high time to resolve the issue and eliminate the "Green Line" of Attila the Hun. TATIANA DIMITRIADES was the featured solo violinist at the II th anniversary concert series, offering chamber music at the Peabody Museum in Salem, Mass. A highly gifted musician she earned her bachelor's and master's degrees and an artist diploma at the Indiana University School of Music. She is a recent recipient of the Boulanger Memorial A ward and was the winner of the Guido Saradini Prize in Siena, Italy, during the Paganini Cente- nary Festival. Her solo performances have taken her from Carnegie Hall to Los Angeles and London. Her celebrated violin was made by lanuarius Gagliano in 1752. She makes a 240year-old instrument sound alive and terrific! NICHOLAS VELIOTES, a highly esteemed State Department career officer appeared on a panel discussion recently on TV Channel 7 reviewing the Gulf War. A well-known Middle East expert, he served as the US ambassador to Egypt several years ago before he retired to private life. Veliotes was interviewed by the moderator Mr. McNiel. YANNI (Chryssomallis), the Hollywood composer, presented his passionate music at "A Musical Celebration of Life" a concert benefit for the Special Olympics at Constitution Hall in Washington, DC. The highly gifted and versatile composer/ performer has written the musical scores for a number of recent television movies and plays. He was born and raised in Kalamata. TIDBITS DEAN T A VOPULARIS is the production designer for the new mafioso film, "The Godfather, Part m .....ANAGNOSTOS AGELARAKAS, an archaeologist at St. lohn's University in New York, cautioned that the 5,000 year old Ur of the Chaldees was in danger of being destroyed during the Gulf War. He also hopes that the HOWARD M. ADELSBERG ATTORNEY AT LAW • BUSINESS LAW • REAL ESTATE • PERSONAL INJURY • WILLS AND ESTATES • FAMILY LAW • TRAFFIC VIOLATIONS 80 Wall St.. Suite 1015. New York. N.Y. 10005 (212) 797·9680 FAX (212) 480·8002 CALL FOR ALL YOUR LEGAL NEEDS 31 ancient monuments survived the air blitzkrieg and are still intact as the craddIe of mankind's civilization... VANGEL ATHANAS has been appointed manager of human resources at General Dynamics Corp. in Quonset Pont, R.I... ARTEMIS LEONTIS was the panel moderator .of the Modern Greek Culture series at Harvard University recently. The subject was Semiotic Boundaries and the Politics of Meaning ... ALEX YANNIS is a giftet sports writer covering the NHL games this season for the N.Y. Times ... NICHOLAS CLAINOS is the executive producer of the new movie thriller, "The Doors" which stars Kevin Dillon ... MONTE KOFOS was the supreme athletic director of the Candlepin Championship held recently in Biddeford, Maine... Dean ALEXANDER AVTGITS of the Wentworth Institute of Technology in Boston, Mass. has co-authored a new book entitled, "Electronic Techniques: Shop Practices and Construction" with Prof. William Megow ... SA VAS KALOGERAS is the director of photography for the new film "Prince in Exile" which opened recently in Man- hattan .. . TATIANA TROYANOSgave a splendid performance with her aweinspiring voice in the Strauss' opera "Der Rosenkavalier" at the Metropolitan Opera in NY ... PETER LEMONIAS, president of the Whitman Company in Whitman, Mass., was elected to the National Association of Metal Finishers in Washington, D.C ... THEODORE ANTONIOU was the musical director for the Ares III Operas at Boston University. One of the fine performers was baritone ARGIRIS KOUNADIS... NICHOLAS GAGE, author of much acclaimed "Eleni," a true story about the Greek Civil War, gave a fine lecture on "A Writer's Odyssey" at Brown University, Providence, R.I... The new movie, "Nothing But Trouble" about auto speeders in New Jersey, features two Hellenes, JOHN DA VEIKIS plays the role of L'il Debbull and BERTILA DAMAS plays Renalda. It is a comedy about the world's most elaborate speed trap, somewhere in New Jersey .. . JIM CHIAKULUAS has announced his candidacy for alderman in the 49th Ward of East Chicago. He worked as the coordinator in Richard Daley's election campaign ... SPIROS TSIMBINOS is a New York lawyer acting in behalf of Queens District Attorney John Saantucci in a sexual assault trial. He challenged Justice Joan O'Dwyer for her harsh crossexamination of the victim... justice triumphs?... BYRON MASSIALAS, a professor of the classics, is offering several doctoral fellowships in Greek bilingual education at the Florida State University in Tallahasee ... DIMITRI KA VRAKOS gave an excellent performance in the Verdi opera "Luise Miller" at the Met Opera in Manhattan ... Dr. BEVERLY KONUGRES-BAIN, a professor of occupational therapy, was named as a "Great Teacher" by New York University's Alumni Federation, an honor bestowed annually on faculty members of great distinction .. . CONSTANTINE KANGLES, a prominent Chicago attorney, was appointed vice chairman of the American Bar Association Committee at its annual meeting.. . He is the publisher of the Greek Press ... Dr. ALICE SCOURBY a professor of sociology at Long Island University, N.Y., published a very informative article regarding Hellenism in the USA entitled, "Ethnicity at the HAPPY EASTER TRAVEL APPOINTMENTS ELIOU STEEL FABRICATION INC 130 GREEN STREET BROOKL YN, NY 11122 TEL: (718) 349-2690 Serving the travel management needs of the Metropoiitan New York Corporate Community for over 15 years. KAAO JIArXA STEVE, MICHAEL & GUS SIDERIAS and Families JIM ZOUMAS and Family EXPERIENCED TRAVEL PROFESSIONALS SAVE YOUR COMPANY UP TO 40% ON BUSINESS TRAVEL TWIN OAKS DINER-RESTAURANT EAAHNIKO TA:::I~UlTIKO rPAcI>EIO l:THN ynHPEl:IA l:Al: "The Place Where Friends Meet for Good Food" 20 EAST 12th STREET, NEW YORK, N.Y. 10003 TEL. (2 I 2) 645-6500 350 Rt. 17 NORTH, PARAMUS, N.J. 07652 TEL. (201) 261-9240 !I 32 GREEK AMERICAN REVIEW Crossroads" ... JOHN GIANNARIS, a retired US Army captain, from Des Plaines, Ill., is the author of a splendid book, "Yannis" which chronicles his military adventures during the Second World War... JOANNE AKALAITIS is the talented director of the Shakespeare classic "Henry IV." She has won much acclaim for her theatrical skills ... Dr. DIMITRIS ALEXANDRAKIS, a philosophy professor, was the keynote speaker at Hellenic College during Greek Letters Week recently ... Illinois State Senator ADELINE GEO-KARIS was honored as the "Woman of Distinction" by the Women's University Club of Chicago ... Navy Chaplain THEOFANIS DEGAITAS served with the U.S. Marines in Saudi Arabia recently during Operation Dessert Storm ... ELIZABETH PERKINS who stars in the new movie 'He Said, She Said" is a Hellene despite her Anglo name ... Detective STEPHEN LONDIS ofthe NYPD in Manhattan can identify fingerprints by using a new $40 million computer system, an expensive way to catch a thief... KIT MERCATORIS, former coordinator for Seventeen magazine, has been appointed vice president at Douglas Properties Assoc. in Manhattan ... TOM NELIS is appearing in the play "Henry IV" in the role off the Shadow at the Newman Theater on Lafayette Street ... SOPHIA MITRELIS operates her own disc jockey business, M ultiMedia Productions, in Cranston, Mass ... NEPHELIE ANTONY ADIS is the talented costume designer for the new play "The Almond Seller" now playing in downtown Brooklyn ... ANDREW NATSIOS, former Mass. chairman of the Republican Party, went off to the Gulf War with his Army reserve unit. He should be coming home very soon ... MARISA CERVERIS, dancing with the New York City Ballet, gave a fluent and brilliant performance in the Alexander Proia work, "Salome Dances for Peace" a benefit given for the Dancers' Emergency Fund recently. The beautiful Marisa is long overdue for recognition ... JASON PALUMBIS, a Stanford Cardinal quarterback recently received the All-Pac 10 Conference Honorable Mention leading the Cardinals to victory over California in the Big Game. We look forward to his return next season ... Dr. JOHN PSAROUTHAKIS of Ann Arbor, Mich., was honored with the 1990 Academy of Achievement A ward in the field of busi- APRIL, 1991 ness and commerce at the Ahepa Convention in Hollywood... MILTON GUST was the chairman for this affair... SOTIRIS MANOLOPOULOS is a basketball star with Boston University. At 6'6" he is a forward starter... DEMMIE STATHOPOULOS is an editor and writer for "Sports Illustrated" magazine. He has covered scores of events over the last 19 years, from high diving in Hawaii to the Kentucky Derby ... The lovely & graceful CYNTHIA GREGORY was the featured ballerina in the ballet, "Red/Ellington" when it premiered with Dances Patrelle at Gould Hall recently... EV AN P APP AS plays the leading man in the Broadway revival of the play, "I Can Get It For You Wholesale" written by Harold Rome ... Historical Trivia THE ALEXANDRIA LIBRARY The first great library of antiquity was established in Alexandria, Egypt, by the Greek Pharaoh Ptolemy Lagos I in 300 Be. Ptolemy was a Macedonian Greek general who served with Alexander the Great during his military campaigns in Africa and Asia. The systematic library science as we know it today was first implemented by Callimachus of Cyrene, a Greek scholar and philosopher. KAAO fIAl:XA l:E OAOYl: Ko~ Kat Ka NIKOL K. AnL &~Pappas ~ 1lII/1'4 #4JJ- BETTER CARS FOR LESS We make Greece affordable 44 Amalias Avenue Athens 105 58 - Greece Tel. 32.26.472 32.20.087 32.34.772 CABLE: "PAPPASRENTACAR" TELEX 226344 LGJ GR 33
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