Newsletter - Winter 2001
Newsletter - Winter 2001
B NE\vSLETTER \ilINTER2OO1 MarkArcudahonoredfor 20yeorsofservice February Saturday, n, yardforemanat 7th, 1987,ChetNyma gaveMarkArrudaanelectricgrinderandtold DodsonBoatyard, the 15yearold to grindthe rustandscaleoff the iron keelof Concordiayawl, PHALAROPE. ThiswasMark's JackMitchell's firstdayworkingat theYard,He hasbeenworkingat Dodson Boatyard eversince.AfterfinishingPFIALAROPE, he commenced sanding thebottomsof all57boatsstoredashore thatwinter,Untilgraduation fromStonington Highin the springof 7982,Markworkedafternoons andSaturciays whiie schoolwas in session, andregularhoursduringvacations. Duringthatfirstsummer, Markwaspromotedto launchdriver from"yardhelp"whentherewasa suddenshortage of qualifiedpeople.Markstayed on asa driverfor a while,untilhewas neededto takecradlesapart,Thiswasthe startof eliminating in favorof "poppets"for winterstorageof boatsashore. cradles Fora periodMarkwasDockmaster andlaterHeadRigger. Overtheyearshe hasworkedin justabouteverydepartment in theYard,exceptthecarpentry shop. Until1988whenMarkmovedfromhisparents'home across thestreetfromtheYard,hewasableto makeit fromhisbedto thetimeclockin justunder39seconds, Fromhiscurrenthome in \flesterly, he no longerhasthatluxury. In 1980Markwasawarded the Stonington Community Center's Citizenship Hisnameis on theplaquein the award. hall,andhewaspresented entrance with a silverbowlthathe keepsat home.Markstillplaysbasketball, bowlsregularly and golfswhenhe hastime,whichis not oftenthesedays. Thames ValleyTechnical Schoolawarded Markhisfusociates Degreein Chemical Engineering in 7984. In 7994Markandhisfriend,JonO'Keefe, bikedfrom Allentown, Pennsylvania to NewportBeach,California.It took them50days.Thiswasthesummerof torrentialrainsin the midwest. TheMississippi wasoverflowing for weeks.During theirfirst35 dayson the road,until theyreachedColorado, theyhadonlyonedaywithoutrain.Sinceonecannotwearfoul gearon a bike;theywerewetmostof thetime,but weather theygot usedto it, Marksays.Theyaveraged 80milesaday- or night ascrossing the desertsin Arizonawherethe tempenture reached105degrees in the daytime,theyrodeat night.They madetheirbestmileage, 161,on aparticularly rainydaywhen theyhada strongwindfromthe east. MarkandVendyPageweremarriedin a magnificent rainfirst,1997.NolanEvanfurudawasbornon stormon November December 28th,2000, andhe andhisMotheraredoing weil.Wendyis a first gradeteacherin thetilflesterly extremely continuedon page2 Rainbow RtnnerII fu yourboatgetsolder,youmayat somepointgiveup and decideto callyourfriendlyboatbrokerto askhim to findyoua newboat.Thiscanbe a problemif youloveyourold boatdearly.ThealternatirE maybe to fix everything, allat once,soyou havea lovely,refurbished boat,whereeverything is justlikethe dayyoufirstfell in lovewith her.Thoughthis approach canbe expensive, it cancost considerably lessthanpurchasing a newboat. Othersfind old boatsand upgradethem,creatingthem justthewaytheywant, Recently wehad RainbowRunnerII from Hamilton, Bermuda, in foranextensive refit. = ShearrivedinJune, 1999,andleft for her continuedonpage2 MarkArcuda PublicSchool. Othersin Mark'sfamilywho haveworkedat the Boaryardinclude hisbrothe!Tom,hiscousin,BertCosta,hisuncle,MarionHenry,and hisfather,whoworkedfrom 1958till hisretirementin tr978. On Friday,February16thMarkwaspresentedwith a piaque, his20yearswith theYard. on the right,commemorating reproduced at the presentaa Rolexwristwatch.In attendance He alsoreceived tion with manyof the guysfrom the yardandofficewere\fendy and Nolan. nine-week-old sr# #. #' ffi '#, ,ffi. # ";ffi ,#;'Wre-W r ,{m Irp t,w 4W l# l# # $$-*e {ffi I ffi #l #v"*" , fr\ Wffi -. i fiffi, I d;e ,# 1.#. :1 {ffi fums .-1 ' WMw'W 11 taF ffi 1 ry ae $#i#. 1 ",S# # 'ffi ,{m *rb . &eulud q;e l { 'de # B I #sdF .s# ffitwww W*'@ ' *6 F#*sffiF## I Rninb % 'e ryffieml 6 l# 1# :1 dffi ffi**& #i T,telul*{Fer'twY*''3*: *w* page 1 OW continued from 2000.everymajorsystemand homeport in earlyNovember, or replaced. evaluatedandrepaired minordetailwase:ramined, new. like RunnerII was Whencompleted,Rainbow Thedeliverytook four dayswith ClayBurkhalter,skipper' ThomasMitchellandMichael\fakefield(DodsonBoatyardhead withoutincident. returningher to Bermuda asCrew) mechanic) "FD" 12metercutte[ 50ft loa,14ft RainbowRunnerIl is an by HollmanandEickholt,and beam,and6'5" draft,designed built in lg7zrnTaiwanat the TayanaYard. Blatch,a closefriendof the owner's, Duringthe refit,Barnaby yachtsman, actedas"owners'agent" andaveryknowledgeable dropin to theyardeverydayor for the project.Barnabywould F{ewouldthenpasson the whatwashappening. soto assess goociandbadnewsto the owner. to workingwith an "owners' Therearemanyadvantages agefit"for boththeyardandthe owner,Theownerandthe aswellas difficultvaluejudgements agentareableto discuss minordetails.Andthe ownefknowshiswishesarebeingfulfilled communications. andprotracted delays withoutneedless purchased the25year yearsagoRichardBuckingham Several old75'LittleHarborTAIAandhadherrefittedat theTedHood RhodeIsiand.DodsonBoatYardandBob Yardin Portsmouth, of thework of the planningandsupervision much did Snyder, Jr, asit progressed. a refit is undergoing DAMEOFSARK Cufrentlythe Concordia at theYard,Thewoodenyawl,buiit in 7952,needsto be workdoneon floortimbers to haveconsiderable refastened, trnthiscase, andto havehermaststepreinforced, JoeCallaghan, the formerowne!is actingasagentfor thepresentowner'It is for a springiaunching. thatthisworkwill be completed expected Mechanics attendtrainingcourses yearsboatshavechangedgreatly, but the Overthe past"20 Heating systems usedaboardhavehadmonumentalchanges. aid systems arenowcommon,computers andairconditioning aresmalleq andmorepowerful, withracingtactics, engines andinstrumentaarebetterandmoreversatile, soundsystems "over andspeeds courses tionfor windinformation, whichcomes thebottom"areroutineinformation fromG.P.S. andotherintegrated equipment, Themarinemechanic usedto berequiredto fix anailingengineby replacing the "pointsand is plugs."Simplicity hasgoneandspecialization nowa requisite. currentwiththe Tokeepour mechanics theymayencounteE everchan$ngsystems we sendthemto a varietyof schoolsto learn theywillbe thelatestabouttheequipment askedto diagnos e andrepair. for Dieselengines, Yanmar andXflesterbeke All haveschools in Massachusetts. example, heldprimarily mechanics attendfour daycourses duringthewintermonths. in a vendorof marineequipment OceanOptions, in themaintenance and Tiverton, R.l.offerscourses repurof someof theproducts theysell.Theclasses of days. areheldoncea year,on fourconsecutive Typically, the first daymaybe MarineAir air conditioning equipment by equipment, thesecondday,refrigeration Grunert,the third day,freshwatermakersby Sea by Recovery, andthe fourthday,cabinheatingequipment Espar. Classes aretaughtby EdDucary,anofficerof Ocean Participants of thecompany. come Optionsandheadtechnician fromalloverthenortheast, TheAmerican BoatandYachtCouncil-morecommonly for electrical andplumbcalledABYC- hasdeveloped standards ing systems in commercial andprivateboatsand yachts. At thecompletion of a fourdayintensive is givena comprehensive courseeachpartrcipant exam,TodateallDBYpeoplewhohavetakenthis theirABYCcertifications. traininghavereceived Tocomplement ournewlineof "Pilot19's," in obtainingahonda wehavebeensuccessful TheHondais the preferredoutboard dealership. motorwith manyknowledgeable boaters of its quietoperationcoupledwith its because cleanliness, fueleconomy, and environmental fourstroke design. Toacquaint with the new twoof our mechanics spent outboardmotor,AlanSmithandRyanChapman fourdaysin NewJersey learningabouttheHondaengine productlineandthespecial toolsneededfor theirT.L.C. Members Department of theMechanical andothers whohaveattendedtheseandotherschoolsareMichael AlanSmith.,RyanChapman, \flakefield, Vito Bellamo, AldenHoldridge, RichDiesl,ScottKittel andTimKillam. DodsonBoatyad is now HondaDealer#313060 Come tuhe a lookat ourneu) 50+on boatW, pleases It always uswhenfriends enjoy their aisi,ts to theYard, Oh,dearwhatcanthematterhe, old ladieswerelockedin thelauat'ry, Seuen TheyweretherefromMondaytill Saturday l,{obody knewtheywerethere drinkr,ng song] college [1950's werestillverynew,a lovely whenour newbathrooms Eutl1lastsummer, lady,foundherselfstuckin the Ladiesbathroomwhenthedoorrefusedto pulledtheemerperson, andsensible open.Thewoman,a verycomposed was gencycord,lettingtheoutsideworldknowthatthere a probleminside. guestsandonlookers suremployees, \flithinminutes,a crowdof boaters, Several roundedthe obstinate door.Manyideaswerefloatedanddismissed. heroesfruitlessly tuggedat the doorhandlebut gaveup, scowling wanna-be A callwasput into"911"andwithinminutesa siren theirheads. andshaking A secondsirenpreceded the washeardandanofficerarrivedon thescene. hamNo 1. There was talk of sledge EngineCompany arrivalof the Neptunes mers,oxy-acetylene torchesandthe "jawsof life". quietlywentto theMachine Department shop, AlanSmithof theMechanical "SawsAll, released the latch the door, and got his sawedthe off andcarefully boaters andothers onlookers, lady,amidstthecheersof thepolice,firemen, lot Therewerea of smilesandoffersof a whohadaccumulated at thescene. drinkat BOOMon theYard. Happilyit wasn'tsevenold ladies- it wasoneyoungladyanditwasn't5 days,justanhourandahalf. Tryit -you'llloaeit, Moreandmorecustomers arefindingit convenientto paytheirbillsusingtheircreditcards, Theyfindit betterthanusingold fashioned Noneedfor envelopes,34 centstamps, a checks: of the actual trip to the PostOffice,thevagaries deliveryat thisendof theline,plusthe returnof the checkby thebank,whichneedsreconciliation for sevenyears. at monthendandstorage SimplygiveusyourCreditCardnumbeqand we'lldo therest! (Ve caneitherwaitfor yourcallokayingpayandhave mentafteryoureceiveyourstatement andyou reviewed it, or it canbe paidautomatically later.) canadjusttheamountif therearequestions {ntroduc'ing the PilotL9nnd theBristolSkiff ThispastsummerDodsonBoatyard formed partnership withthebuildeqHolby anaLctlve Marineof Bristol,RhodeIsland.DodsonBoatyard is proudto represent Holby'sPilot 19 andthe Bristol Skiff" Designed by MarkEllis,thePilot 19 is aninnowith vativeboatthatintesrates modernconstruction pleasing proportions, The classic sheerandamplefreeboard. hull hasa deepV entryevolvingintoa flatrun aft,Witha 130HP Sheoffersthe Hondasheoutpaces manyotherboatsin herclass. practicaiadvantage of keepinghercrewdry andawayfrom tremendous in twolayouts,a centerconsoleandforward spray.ThePilot 19 is available steering witha windshield, yettrasa versatility TheBristol Skiffhas a moretraditionalheritage, to rnatchmanymodernwaterbornepursuits. Thelapstrake hulltrimmedwith rnahoganv hasa flareandtwinskegsto provideexcellent stabilityandrnaneuverabiiity. This17-footskiffis the idealplatformfor tripsto \flatchHiil,Sandy Fointor flyfishing expeditions to thelocalreefs. Ve recommend the Honda2S or 30HPon thetransom. Taylor Eloward Contact Dodson BoatSales Fhone:860-535"1,507 ert.!1,4 Fax: 860-535"2163 Email:dbyl507@aol"com Yachts Soldthroughthebrokerilge 'inthelast L2months VESSET tVefertitiIl HULI #5 ' FreeSpirit Odyssey Symphor4t Deuce Windsome Dumont'sSong Pro{eus f.a{inda CatOI{ine PriorityII Osprey '| Scoter Hull#007 Flull#008 TlulI#12 Puffin Hull#701 MerrytMary'sThree NoName Loon TYPE MkiI {,atalina400 Duffu35Classic 52114 Bristol 35.5 A'Day 34 Pearson323 tsristol 31,1 T-?q F2BR Corsair Alerion28Express Marshall22 Filoti9 Pilot19 Pilot19 Pilot19 Filot19 Pilot19 Lugger18 Drascombe tsristolSkiff17' BostonWhalerRage15 y-r5 Dublin12 Concordia PENDING DodsonBoat Sales tg4WaterStreet,P.O.Box272 Stonington,CT 06378,USA StaningtonJo Atlantic City24 \ile havebeendirectlyinvolvedin the sellingof vessels in the pastthreeyears.We overseventy-five willhelowithboatsearches andthesaleof boats. RobertBaum Stoningronm63rs Occasionally wereceiue unsolicitedletters.Someare fauorableand otherspoint out areaswhicbneedimprouement.Tbeletterprinted rigbt, speaksforitself Weuould like to sbareit witb you. r umegaSfreet trI'Jffi,ilI,F 18September 2000 DearMr Snyder; ln somewaysI I 5s#H",[,Hli#d[1,,;lfrj,'iiiJ:fl ti,tHlfl ,TTfl1lT,,fi,'-fli; Ourfavorite portof callwas ufrry, Dodsons. i:;iiiilffi tr,.ltr:rnTs*iril##3"rhff ,ffy,iiil?r,,,r,,?I# Returning to ther ;rullit#n[jd]l'ii[',T,H,if#,Hffi r,,f ffrH,ff fi:nt?,tn By the time we fin '."oniin'ioi['lllSlll#3'f#n'il1'#fi yf,Jfi:H;J,#tilil,He,And ,Hilgf Boatyard #i?l',xl was ff ,trf,,,:lT;# alw i,1#S u tt'pr'ved upon" ll,frrrrrir^ ---rq'v vvcutfw?Is a pfeasure as; m r the lll"TJfr#flJ'Tf i:'ri,'J'r1';xf;,T::ffiif#d sailins ror over 40vears #;iplitfl flfilh$,'#ifrrffr;l,t,*t,,ru, Rober.t Baum_t M #*"r**' havebeen The flowertubsthatareusedaroundtheYardin the summertime Theyweredesigned byJuanitaFlagof Middletown, CT. spectacular, Theflowersin eachtub aremuchthe same. Tbeflowersareasfollows: YellowMarguerite* YellowSweetPotatoVine RedSweetPotatoVi,ne* VbiteBacopa LauenderPetuni,au Licortce. YellowBidens PurpleScaaola* PurpleFountainGrass TLCadministered by KathyVeinberg of TerraBrcma. andthe otherladiesandgentlemen A$78 Ig4WaterStreet,Stonington, Connecticut * * visitus Phone:860.535.I5A7Fax:860.535.2163Please
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