l - San Marcos Public Library


l - San Marcos Public Library
T\wt - 0
1 f'V
Laa~ ~1 1 ::;
Services will be held
Thursday al 1:30pm. at the.>
Forest Park Lawndale
F'uneral Chapel in Houston
ror Lindsay Allen L..ab3y.
who died ln New Braunlell'
Dec t3atlheageor21 .
lntnment "ill be at the
F o re t P ark Lawndale
Cemete.r)' "'ilh the Rev John
otr lc1at 1ng
Pallbearers will be Care)'
Campbell Scott Head. Brad
Bales, Preston Bates .
Amancio Martina. and Ty
Labay, a student at
\\ 111 bf• hC'ld
,,, Wl"Cin('"S(lon a 1 II> a m a I
Pennington Chapel for l...N·1
- Bryan I.no-. Sr of S·m
Ma~, \\ho du:>tl f-~f'b 8 at
=> thr age o( 59 Gr.t\ f"SldP
iQ ~·it· . "111 t~ h ·Id at 2
•.> p m in 84-llv1llt
Lu • \\M \\n. on ai;tent
for thfo \ ustin Amcncan·
J Stal«~man
survived ~
... h1. "1rt' "" l cv."' Laa. n,
San Ma rt'(1'.
1" o &<>ru •
~I Lan Jr of 1111'!! ICIO
and Chari
\'1ctor IAas or
San Mar~ : two dau hters.
Janie<' ,-.~DH' EH~rt'll or
Au hn and t.nurn l,H I.ans
Oalla1 :
The ramlly requ l8 that
memorial be mode 10 Loo
Apherc 1s Unit. Aud1C?
Murph) V A Hospital. 7400
Mt>rton Minter. San Antonio
Slate University, was a
life.long resident of Houston
where ht was a member or
lhe Episcopal ChUJ"Ch or the
Advent and the American
He is survived by hl.S
parents. Mr and Mrs AJlen
F Labay
Houston, two
brothers and isters·in·law,
Lamar and Debbie Labay
and Gary and Leslae Labay,
aU of Houston: nephews
Michael and Joshua Labay ;
Lablack £N ~
o/:?/' 7
grandmother. Mrs
Labay of Taylor
Suv•c:es v. re ht-Id Monday at Pen-
for Charlie
Lablack or Kyle ~ho dled Oct 24 at
the age ol 7S Interment was at Uve
Oak Cenetery In Uhland
Ke Is 'urv1vcd by one daughter,
Auslln and Nt>lll t.oblack or Round
Roctt . OM Isler Huth lfel'"lOg of
Kyle, fou1 grandchildren, Tira ! Mrs.
Andy> Thompson. Janet CMrs. Wiii>
Ron >
Greenbtrg. and Oonnld uu·11<>n
La black
t-'\Jneral ..ervlcel\ \\Cl1! held 2
p m t onda)' 1n lhe Pennington
du:1p<'I ~•lh bonal rollO't\tnK al
llJk (."emctcr) 1n l hland
tor 1.1 Otto l .ablack , 93 oC
K, k· "ho d1 t '\aturday 1n
~If'\ l\Cll"I>
IOC'IUdl' lh~
t ,;,. 111.111 t..ahtack and Nl'1l
l .uhlJ\ k of Au!.hn: ('hnrht
1..1hla'k of Kyle one cbughter.
1<u1h II r7<lfl 111 Kyl • rive
,, I
n I 1n gt't'.11
Edgar Labenski
Services Held
I f.L.r.f" "." ~
~car B.
'f 7 I
Box 362. Buda, died Tuesday
March 23, io his home afrer a
long 1lloess. He was li!etJme
resident or Buda. His grandfather, Victor Labenski, was
a nahve of Poland and was •
rnoog the Orst 13 setUera of
Hays County. His father,
Charles, was one of two ~
lhers lo live in Buda.
La.benskl was a retired
pa1nt contractor. He was a
member of the Buda First Bap.. Ust Church.
Services were held on Thursday at the Wilke-Clay Funeral
lfome in Austin with the Rev.
A. O. EbeThart, pastor of Pleasant H111 Baptist O.urcli ; Rev.
David Edgar, pastor o f the
Buda Methodis t Church, md
the Rev. Roland 0. Hodce. pas.to r of the Buda Bapll st Church,
omc1at.Jng. Bunal was al Live
Ottk Cemetery.
Sc.•rvwors include bis v.ife,
Mrs. •ary Labenski of Budo;
two sons, Robert LabensJu of
Aust.in, and Cecal Tom LobenJu of Buda.
rungton Mtm10r1at Chapel
Charlene La.l'M>n of Rogers. Ark. ,
two brothen Herman Lablack of
ri " YS
MAX orro "P.fF7
Funeral services were
held Monday, May 30 at the
Pennington Funeral Home
In San Marcos ror Max Otto
Lablack, 93, of Kyle.
Lablack died Saturday,
May 28. He was burled at
Live Oak Cemetery an
Survivors are sons Nell
and Herman Lablack. both
c:A Austin and Charlie of
Kyle, dau~hter Ruth Herzog
c:A Kyle. rive grandchildren
. .,. ...
e. .. ... . .
- Services will be held al
Memorial Chapel
l Penn.lngtcm
Wednesday at 2 p.m for Helen
Latthelin, who died Oct 9 at
the age ol 17 Interment will be
In Guadalupe Valley Cemele.ry
She ls survived by hti·o sons.
Clifford Laecbelln ol D• ytcm,
otuo and Harley Laccbeli.n o1
and 10 great-grandchildren.
Staples, one daulflter, Virglru.t
- · l'YJ I!,
Lacy -1 11/h:I
held at g.30 se.rvtcea ~
Fon Sam Ho~· today at
Cem!_tery fn
n NaUooaJ
for Fra.nJt LaSan Antonio
Marcos "h0 cy or San
the age
' of dlect
March 9
~ nere are no , __
Whiteman ol ~1 City, ~la .
su s:randchildttn and sevenl
great grandchlldren
,- l \ . - -
-r-rw I,,
0 l., ~ft t,
o :-~ TV
2/ 1~1 'i
Services ror Edgar Laird
Jr. of San Marcos will be
held al 10 a .m. Saturday,
July s at St. Mark's
Episcopal Church wilh
lnlennent folJowlng at San
Marc.OS City Cemetery.
He died July 3 at I.he age
ol 18.
He is survived by his
pa.rents, Dr. Edgar Lalrd
ST. and Claudia Lalrd ol
SAN MARCOS-Mrs. Leona M. Laldley, 6 5 , e of Peter Laidley
or San Marcos, died in Brackenrld(e Hospital, Austin, on Tuesday,
2, alter a 38-da.Ys' illne11.
Other survivors are two SOM, Oren EQs9lle Laidl.91 of San Antonio and Warren Laldely of Calllomla; and two aiatera.
Burial service took place Friday afternoon at tbe Pennington
Memorial Chapel, the Rev. Paul Giepr, local Lutheran pastor , omciating. Burial was in the San Marcos City Cemeteey.
Pallbearers were Red Donalson, Tyke Perkins, Frank Hoch, Cecil Cowan, Paul Cowan and Carlule Cowan.
San Marcos, and one sister,
vmtua n es
' \ de ·
4 r2 , , lo ,_.
Lahodney of
Wimberley were hcld lodo_) al
lhe Catholic Church In Wim·
berley. Ile died Sept. 24 at lhc
age ol oo.
lie 1s survived by one
daughter, Madelyn Shealy oC
Saluda, S.C, and four sisters.
Agnes Krametbo\•er, Chrislloe
Wagner, Mary Valis, and
Frances Oolezac, all ol Shuler
1r,. r .J
c.o. c , r /'l. a r"' /
Mary Lou Laird ol Ausllo.
Lak ey
Graveside services will be held
Wednesday at 2 p.m. al Sao Marcos
City Cemetery for Mrs. Annle Lakey
or San Marcos, who died J11ly 22 at
She Is survived by two sons.
Hubert Lakey of Lnmpasas and Mnc
Lakey of Martindale: five daughters.
Ethel Pruitt or Redwood, Geneva
H1tchc<>dt of San Marcos, Mary Jane
San Antonio, June 15. She was 66.
The retired wallress Is survived by her
son, E.J . Payne of San Marcos.
Services were conducted by Penninotoo Metrorlal Chapel and burial was at
Prairie Lea Cemetecy, June 18.
Moreno, Maggie Gandy, and 1111 ~II
BiJbngs. alJ of Lampasas : 19 grand·
children and two great grand
Memorial Chapel
bllowed by burial in the
San Marcos City Ceme- S
Mrs. Blanche Tay1cir Lamkin, 85, ot
Harwood dted Fnday, Jan 9. Survlll'Ot'S
include sisters. Sue Taylor and Jeen
Taylor, both of San Marcos; Mrs. J .S.
Sanders of Wimberley, Mrs. Julia
Hellums of BeHon, Mrs. Louis patton of
College Station, Mrs. Elinor Valdespino
of Kerrville
Graveside services were held at 10
a.m. Monday al the San Marcos City
Cemetery Services were unde< direction
of the Peonlngton Funeral Home of ~
Marcos. ttA.'I' J te t 111 ~· ,. 1/1> / ll•
#J t.. -
N. L ,
Funeral Services Held for LaMastus
Harry Lamastus, 6~. died
at his reside nce ln San
Marcos on Friday, Dec.
22, following a sudden ill ness .
Lamastus wu a retired
Ulited Gas worker.
Survivors include his
died at Community Hospital In
F.H. Lamastus ' If 7J
Services wereheldSun dly afternoon at th e Penn-
Walsle Lala of At. 1. Box 345F San
the age of 69.
/; "
wife , Mrs. Mane tte LaMastus of San Marcos; a _
son, Ed LaMastus or San
Ma r cos; two sisters, •
Marie Bryan or Shreveport, La. and Myrtis Erwin or Fort Lauderdale,
f1a.; and five g randchila ren .
rt-"T.S ( r . c' ,,i.r=/
La Mutm died at b.la home on Friday,
If_. :,
.,._'<.,.......---AJ :
Lancaster ~ua . Qo 1 q~
Graveside services will be held
Thursday al 10:30 a.m at OakhUI
Cemetery ln SmllhvUle for Ella
Mearle Lancaster ol San Marcos, al
fectlonately known Lo her many
friends as " SUSlc. •• She died Aug_ 19
at lbe age of 95.
She ls survived by her daughter,
• Dorothy M. L.anca.ster Of San Mar
cos, and slx grandchlldren. Sht! was
preceded ln death by a son. A. H.
l.ancaster or SUnnyvale, caur.
Memorials may be gtven to San
Marcos Public Library.
Arrangemenl.S are under lbe ~Uoo ot Pennington Funeral Home.
...,..,-,..,, e - oh · ·hHuy
. )"""
offidating. BuriaJ was at San Marco1 Qty
Cemetery amder- tba d1rec:tJm al Peo·
alutoo Funeral Rome.
December 22. Be WU retired Crom United
Ga Company. He was • Shriner, a
member ol the Muonic Lodge and the
Flnt United Metbodl.st Clatrcb,
Survivors Include his wire, Mn. F.H.
LaMutm; one SOD , Ed LaMutus or San
M.arca1 ; and two sisters, Marie Bryan or
Shreveport, La. aod Myrt.la Erwin of Fl
Lauderdale. Ji1a.
Pallbearen were Herb Masan, K.E .
Myers, Wllllam C. Doherty, Jr., Clyde
Willlarmon, Wallace Gee and Howard
Lamkin Services
Slated Monday
Mrs. Blance TayJor Lamkin,
as. oC San Marcos. died Friday
ln her home.
Funeral se.rvsce:s will be heJd
at 10 a.m. Monday at the
graveside in the San Marcos
She Is urvived by six sisters,
Sue Taylor or San fllarcos, Jean
Taylor of San Marcos, Mrs.
Mru-y Sanders
Mrs. JuJJa HcUms of Betton,
Mrs. Louise Patton or CoUege
Valdespino of Kerrvm:
- ----
.S/•) 5..
l!_! t/l/,
-"'! ... ~- OQ.1"f°VA'- tf;.$
~/ /918~
Graveside servtC* w1ll be held
1b~ al IO:SO a.m . at O~I
Cemetery ln smJLbvUle . ror
Mearle t..ancaster of San Marcos,
( tJooald)' knOWO to ber O\IJ\)'
f~ as "Susie.'' Sbe died Aug. 19
at lbe age of 95.
Preceded ln ~th by a SOD, A. •
LancUttt 01 swmyvaJe. cam • sbe la
survived by alx granddtUdren.
Memorials may be given to San
MIU'C09 Public Ubrary.
Arrangements are under U>e
Uon of Pennington f'Uoeral Home.
Lf /11.
services will be held
Mooday at 11 a.m. a t PeJ:>nfngtoo Memorial Chapel f«
James Lanc&ster, wbo died
Nov. 14 In Boerne at the age
of 76. I nten:nent wfU be at
( • I ' l l.If',.•
2 ~
j 7(,
Louise Lancaster, a 78 year old
resident of Dallas. died July 17, In
Oillas. She was lhe daughter of Bell
Giibert Aegerl and Ada Ewing and was
born In Lynville, Tenn.. Feb. 10. 1898.
The retired San Antonio school
teacher was burled In San Marcos City
cemetery July 20, wtth 5efVlces al the
O\rist Eptscopal church In San Antonio
and graveside rites at noon at San
Marcm City Cemetery.
She Is surviVed by daughters Jane
Lancaster of Deltas, and wanda
ot Georgetown;
sister Mrs.
Klrkpalrick Of Victoria and
Mrs. J lmmie Jean Mobley ol
Houston; aJ>d ooemter Jira.
Beth Lancaster Rlchoond oL
friendS as "Susie " She died Aug. 10
al lbe ageof95.
She ls survived by her daugbter,
Dorolby M . Lancaster or San Mar·
Boerne; two , Mrs. Shirley
recuonalely known to her many
COIS, and six grandchUdren She was
preceded ln death by a son, A. H.
Lancaster ot Sunnyvale, CaUf
Memortals may be given to San
Marcos Public Library.
Arrangements •re under the dlttc·
tlon or Pennington fo"UneraJ Home
Lancaster '1~1/ie
10 :30 a.m. Tuesday in Christ
Episcopal Church at 301 w.
San Antonio.
Burial services we~ held in
the San Marcos City Cemetery
at 11 :30 a .m.
She is SUr\'iYed by two
daughters, Miss Jane L. Lan·
caster of OalJ.as and Miss
Georgetown : two sisters, Mrs.
.Dan Murphy ol HarH•n nod "'
Mrs. Biil Regent ol Dallas; and
one grandchild, l..aura.
She was a reUred schooJ
teacher from San Antonio.
Memonals be sent to Bob
Lancaster Memorial Fund at
Don Murphy ot Harllngen, and Mrs. Biii
Regen of Deltas; several nephews and
Stone Ha\'en
Georgetown, The Church or the
one grandehlld.
Good Shepard- 11122 Midway
Rd., Dallas, 75229 or t.be charity
ol our choice.
\&.- "'~r...1 ~~ ~...
Boyd Landen
~rn~ '~-e-1\.~ '). l..J • '< t> ')..Pmnington Yemorlal Chapel Sat·
urday eiid tn111a1 waa )11 Ute City
r-w.... t ,, 1ff<
or San Marcos died
Sttvices wm
l>e held 1bUl'lday at 3 p.m~ at Penn•
JQne II at the ate Of 63.
inaton MernoriaJ Chapel,
With Inter-
ment to fOUow at Memory Lawn
Memorta.J Part.
He Is IUrVlved by h1a wtre. Jean
Hurat l..andera of San Marcos. three
daugbters. Mn. Burt <Kay)
~ Mra.. JlJn ( Jan) Irwin Of
Mrs. Mart <Debbie> Leigh
ol FaJ.rbanb, AJISb . bis mother
Mn~ VemJe L.\ndera ofAm.artJJo.
Other SW"Ylvora are four brothers
~rs,, a.u
Jimmy o~
-~ Bob
or CAllfor.
nJa. Md Paw
Funeral Services
For Fred Land
Held Saturday
q )''
Humphrey Cemetery.
He ii survived by his wile,
Delma GUM Lancaster of
easter, 78. o(. Dallas, died
Funeral services were held at
Lancaster >4-- r o
Graveside .services wlU be held
Thunsday at 10: 30 a.m. at OakhSU
Ce.metery In SmJlbvlllc for Ela
Mearle Lao<:asttt of San Marcos, al
,."'"' 't';S
one alster, Mrs. em Wes&. or CAlllor:
nla : aven etandcttJJd.ren.
The family requests that
metbc>tfaJs be given to the First
OtrlstJAn Cbun:n BuUdJng f'UDd or
I.be Ammcan Cancer Society
Ut . Land wM prt-ce~tcd In
dt'9lh by his daughter , J nctUs
Land ln IMO
He le avrvlvcd by hL'I wife : and
by Lwo brothc••· I. w. Land or
Fr~ Land. 62. of AWllln cJlcd
March H In an Alice hoflpllal fol· Oalaa and w. F . Land of Hou.
lo\\ Ing R heart attack. H wait lhl' ton.
hu band or Ute rorrner Ei;ta t.lac
Bond of San Marco..
J<'Unrral acrv1cca wt'r • hl'ltl
-rr _,. • 0 6 1°'f U .\
Landfair • ~ ~
Se.rvtces were heJd
March 2
Hiram Landfair of Jacbon. Miu.,
who died Feb. 28.
Ke is survived by his wife, Zella
Shaper l.a.ndfa1r, a fonn~er resident.
orSan Marco1, and a daughte?', Mn.
Betty McDonald orOregon.
:ii! • Jii>-
Henry Neuman Landis, 67, died In
Hays Memorial Hospital on April 28.
Funeral services wue held at the
Weatherford Chapel al 3:00 p.m. on
April 29 wi\h the Rev. Hugh Busby
oUkiatln& and interment followed in
the San Marcos City Cemetery.
He was born in York, h ., o:n Nov.
30, 1899, to Houston Eettlston Landit
and Marjorie Neuman Landis. He was
a former employee of the LaSalle S~l
Company ln ChJcago, Ill , and wu a
retired aales engineer. He had bffn
associated with the company for 31
years until his retirement.
He 1raduated from Wendell-Phillips
In Chicago Jn 1917; received his degree in metallurgical engineering from
~ M.J .T., Cambridge, Mus., ln 1923; was
a member of the Phi Beta Epsilon
fraternity at M.I.T. and was a member
of the American Society of Metals. He
was a veteran of World War ll.
He ts survived by his wife, Mrs.
Geor1Je Landis of San Marcos; one
daughter, Mrs. Robert W. Speed of
Weston. Conn.; one 900, Georce Hoos• ton Landis of Clarendon Hills, 111.;
• one sister, Miu Clan Frances Landis,
:·:or York, Pa.; one brother, Houston E.
Landu Jr. or Kingston. N. Y.; seven
grandchl.ldttn; and his brother-in.law,
. J ohn Lundy of San Mucos.
Pallbearers were Lucious Parish, Le. land Jackson, Roy Hot.%, Jemes Holz.
• William Leinbach, Woodrow Ste'phen·
. son, Travis Tale and CUU Holl.
Services were conducted by th e
: Jlealherford Funeral Home.
n wt" · t>i:.
Henry N. landi$~ ~ 1
Dies Here April 2tl ~ ,.
- ..1 ... R1~s
~ J 3/ J7t,
James Lane of Wimberley died
August 30 at St. David's Hospital In
Austin. He was 74.
Services wet"e Wednesday, Sept. 1 , at
Pennington Chapel, with burial In the
Wimberley Cemetery.
He Is survived by his wife, Aebea:a
Lane of Wimberley: daughters, Mrs.
Duane Berry of San Marcos. and Joy
Lane of Wimberley; alsters, Miss
Roberta Lane of Houston, and Mrs.
Mamie Eagle of Brunie, and two
.1 ttPtf.
Services will be held Friday at 11
a.m. at Pennington Memorial Chapel
lor Linnie W. Lane or San Marcos
who died Nov. 11 at the age or 79. In:
lermenl will rouow al San Marcos CllY Cemetery.
Mr. Lane was a supervisor/con·
tractor at Southwest Texas Stale
University unUI his reUrement ln
urn. He married the ronner Dorothy
Ralnwateron Dec. 3J, 1932, and they
A funeral aervk:e ls acheduled
for Fr1day. August l 7lh. al l l
a.m. tn the Englewood Cemetery
tn Slat.on. TX for Etta Pearl Landmon. age 68 and a reatde:nt of San
Marcos who dJed on Monday. Au·
guat 13th.
Her survtvora lnclude her eon
Randall Landmon or Buda. sister
Louise Bennett of Slaton. brothers Oliver Dodd of Breckenridge,
TX and WUIJam Dodd of Brownwood. Alao eurvtvtng ls hia grand·
90n Ian Landmon o(Buda.
Funeral arrangement.a have
been entrusted to the Thomason
moved to San Marcos ln 1945.
He ls survived by his wtre. Dorothy
Lane or San Marcos; a daughter.
Mrs. Jack <Joyce) Gold or Co11>us
ChrtstJ ; two sisters. Mrs. Bob Lee or
Austin and Mrs. 0 . C. Davis or
Highland, Texas; two grandchlldren•
Sharon Buende.I and Carol Gold; two
greal·grandchildren. He was preceded In dulh by a grandson. Mark
Memortals may be given to the
University Cburob oJ Christ or lhe
American Heart AssoelaUon.
Funeral Home of San Marcos.
WJMBERLtY-James Lane,
74. died Mooday at St. Davis in
Austin. He was from Wlm·
Services will be Wednesday
at It a.m. at lhe Pennington
Chapel. Burial wilt follow al the
Wimberley Cemetery.
lie ls s urvived by his wife,
Rebecca Lane of Wimberley;
two daughters. Mrs. Wayne
Berry ol Sa.n Marcos and Miss
Joy Lane of San Marcos; two
sisters, Miss Roberta Lane oC
Houston and Mrs. Mamie
Eagle of Brune; and two
Fork, near .Lockhart, Texas, Nov.
18, 1866. Her father and mother
were George Neal. early setUers
ot Caldwell county. She was first
married to Jim.rn.Ie Hall in Lock·
hart and to them was born one
son, Henry Hill, who now lives in
Her 1lrst husband
died m 1884 and she was mar-
Mrs. Minlle Dora Lane, 80,
was· burled in the Lockhart cemetery Thursday afternoon, June
~. !ollowinJ her death June 4. at
her home m San Marcos aft.er a
...... w. N. ~
T ·-!
long illness.
o Lockhart
Mrs. Lane was bom at Clear n ...""' to
on Dec. 5, 1886. They moved to
Hays county in 1914 and her
husband, W. N. Lane, died January 19, 1919. She has made her
home in an:d around San Marcos
tor the past 33 yea.rs. She was
an active member Of the Bapii.st church.
Funeral aenrices were held bl
lhe Ro1ers-Pennin&lon Chapel at
4 p.m., lhe ~v . .George E. Stewart, .n-., oUicialing.
Survivors include five sons,
Henry Rm. Lockhart..; W. C.
IAne, San Antonio; Roy Lone,
San :t.farc:os; BIU Lane, Alpine;
and Herbert Lane, Port Arthur;
and one daughter, Mrs. w. G.
Callihan, San Ma.rcos. The de·
ceased Is also $W'Vlved by 15
grand children and l l great
Pallbearers were Ed Green
Charles Decker, WoJt.er Tiaer,
Herbert Eastwood, and Jack
l1"vJC - 0 E.
-u ..
Willialll Lane dies, services at ,c r.o,~d vi ,wFirst Baptist Church October 27
Funeral services were held
Wednesday. October 27 for
William H . Lane, Jr. who
died Oc1obcr 24 at his home
in Wimberley following a
lengthy illness . Services al
1he Wimberley First Bapti t
Church wer e conducted by
the Reverend J .B. Young
and the Reverend Spencer
Gimmermin . Burial followed
in Wimberley Cemetery.
A Wimberley resident for
T"'holJ( ,.. Ot. T
the past 16 year~. Mr. Lane
was most recently associated
with a real estate firm here
and managed rhe Donut
Hole in Cypress C reek Mall.
From March, 1970 through
January, 1973 he served as
information officer and later
project d irector of inhalation
therapy education of the
Regional Medical Program
of Texas. He also served for
a time as an education
. ~ ~-
Paa~ 6-TIIURS.. JULY 9, 1~
Lifetime Resident,
Charles Roy Lane,
Claimed By Death
Funeral s '"'';c
wt-re lwld an
at to ·oo l\.m al th•• Y.•n·
n lngton Me rn urtaJ Cha~J t o r
Ch rles Roy Lan '. 69. woo di c1 in
Haya Memo11a1 Ho1tp1taJ on ,July 5
only one hour after he wu nd·
Mr. Lane "'"'• bom
on Au~ 2, 1 ~ tu w. N . L.an1•
a11d Mtnnll' Duru N ctll Lane. He
hRd l ived in H "!• County must 1>f
hl1 ltlc and
·n·cd a, a Ha \'a
Cc>Ulll) Commll!lllOm•r {or lL OUOl•
bt•r ot years at Wimberley. Ile wu
r tired
SU'P\:'t lntcntirnl of
s pecialht with the Allied
Health Pla nning Office in
H ou ..ton .
M r LaM was a native of
Jacksonville. Horida. H e
received his B.A . degree at
Florida State University in
1953 and hh M .A . at Florida
S1ate in 1957. H e was d irector of the audio visual
education department and
assi tan1 professor of
educa1ion at Sout hwes t
TCJtas tatc University from
1957 10 1967.
The family has requested
that memorials be cm to the
A . L .S. Society of America,
P .O . Box S9SI. Sherman
Oaks, California 9J40l.
~mer°' San Marean·,,
W·. C. Lane Succumbs
W. C. (Cl ayton) Lane, '75, of San An.
·t onio died Tuee:da.y mornlq at the Nlx
HOll>lt.al after a brle.t ll1nea Re was
the ticket qent at the I-CrN Depot in
San MIU'COI fOf many years.
Funeral -ervica will be held Thursday ( today) al· tu .Porter Lorin• }'u.
neral Home in Sa.n .Antonio at 3:30 p.m.
He was a membea: of the. Baptist
Cwrch and wu a member of the San
Marcos Ma.sonic ~. He retired as a
d1'trict ~~ aient sewral years
••o and bu been employed by a bus
COtnP4ltlJ' until his illness several wffb
)tart- : IW•I two bruthen1, 1'. J .
Lane of Alpin,• nncJ W. c. La.n u1
San Antonio.
P a lltk•arens Wt!r•' C"h.i.rlt O rk·
C!I , J it c k Cury, T om C OUwt J1 ••
M at"vln J ark.11.in , v 'l'nun 131 agg
and H t111 tun Mntmy.
c:.:Sves'~e urvfces wlll be held
Saturday ac. 3 p.m. at. San M~
City Cemetery for Aulgerine Lange
ofSmithvfllo, who died Nov. 18.
SUTVlvora are c.wo aons, Travis D .
Lango of Smithvillo and Harry E.
l.angt? of Lockhart; seven grandch 11 d re n and 12 guat rrandcluldren.
Arrangement.a are under t.ho
direction of PennJngton Funeral
0~\"t'"V A"-te.s
City S8nit.aUon D J>J rtm,.nt, a pusH1un he held tor '"" y ni. amt he
a Vt•tcn&n ut Wo1Jd War J ,
OfflcluUng ul tlw Hnat nh WR!I
Uw Rev. l..t·aoy Ru. e ll of the
Fir l M ~lhCldli-1 l."hu1 rh ond II I ·1 •
n11.nt was in th,• 1..uckhart Ccm\•·
t ty.
Re i" !4'1niv id by one dau ht .. r,
M..... Mary Lout&t! Foote Of N, w
Brun.11w1ck, N<·w J ~r ey: on• i;I~·
k1 M1 . w r; Calllhnn u( s.1n
Mr. Lane is survived by his
wido w, Marion Ruth Lane of
Wimberley; three daughters,
Marion Delores Lane of San
Marcos, Norma A rlene Lane
or San Marcos, and Mrs.
H arrellson of Conroe; hi
mother, Mrs. Ma rty Manin
or Jac ksonville, Florida ;
three brothers, James G.
Lane. 0 . A . Lane and
Jacksonville, Florida; four
sisters, M rs . Effie Flynn.
Mrs . Bett y Joan Fris bee,
Mrs. Norman Seymour and
M rs. Cathy Sining, all of
Jacksonville; and one grandchild.
&!rvfces for U-Onard Lange o(
W1mlwrll.'y, who d ied Jan. 8 al the
nge or 72, w11l be held at 10 am
Monday at Pennington Fun rnl
Chasx•I Burial will follow at. San
Morcos City Cemrtery with the Rev.
J .V. Young officiating. There wm
alliO be a Masonic graveside sen'\ce,
lie Is survived by his wife, Bilhe
L3ngo of Wim~rley; one son, Larry
Long of Oalla!l; one daughter, Len·
ore Ann Iv/ of Fort Worth: and c.wo
brolhers, Tmvis Lange ofSmithville
and Harry Longeorl.ockhon..
Memonal reque ta may be sent to
the Am~ncan Cancer Society or
othcr chnrilles choke.
An'tlnJ;l\ments are under the
dlrecUon of Pennington Fun ral
rrJ!"T'-'" c. "" t:1
hRI ~
:•nOmas angnam
Rites ·Held Sunday
.Funeral services were held s~
May 29 ror 1bomas G. Lang.ham, Sr. of
Reedville, with the Reverends James
Mri>. Laura (Kay) G:n l.n~­
hAm, 63,...died l lhe hom or h.!]r
dnua:hteT, Mtli Joe Holll'TI!n an
March 23, loJlo\l·ang an e«t~dt'il
I• Sur\'h•9rs are hC?r Cwo liauRl\H n, Mn.. Hollec11n, and Dr. Mc
Ku: L. Jorr("lJ oI Nt1w Lond,rn
Connl;'Cticuu. She is also sun•i ~
~ by her mother , Mrs; A. t..
Gak-s, Austin, and two grandchildren.
Fut\cra\ servit'es will be held' ot
St. Mark's Eplscopat church on
West Hopkiru Strt:ct at 4:00 pm.
Fridty, MiU"Ch 2.5, wilh tht> Rc•v.
Fred Woll, Ret:tor CIC St Mark'A
uradatln~ Jntermant \viU be 1~
Lhc City Cernetrry.
Pallbearers n1·e Vernon C0uk
Tom Oll\'er, Hl!l'lwi't Eu.st 't'l)()(J'.
t::d Dobbins. Jack WOOd ond S:1m
11 It ys
< ~ · <. 1rrr."'1-'
Jose lsa, ~.
/-<'1 /'JJ
Merced Lara, Jr., 21, a
laborer and a native and
lifelong resident of ~n
Marcos, died on Wednesda.Y night, Jan . 17, of injJries suffered in an autopedestrian a c c id e n l in
Survivors include his
wife , Mrs . MarciaG .Lara
oC San Marcos; a daughter,
Janette Lara of San Marcos; hi s mother, Mrs .
OK>nita Lara of San Marros; two brothers, Nick
Lara of San Marcos and
Ignacio Lara of Austin;
two sisters, Mrs . Andrea
Ovalle and Mrs. Carmen
Selvera , both of San Marros.
Rosary for Lara was
recited Friday al 7:30 pm
at Los Angeles Funeral
Ma ss was saidSaturday
rmrning at St. John's Catholic Church with the
Rev. Leo Delgado oCficiating. Burial was in San
Juan Cemete ry at Reedville .
Folta and Carrol Cloyd officiating. Burial
wu in the Lockhart Cemetery under the
direction ol McCurdy Funeral Home or
La~ dled ~Y
26 in Rays
Memorial Hospital.
SUrvlvors include his wife, Etta R.
!"- Langham, Reedville; one son, Thomas G.
Lancham • Jr., Austin; three daughlen,
"t- Mn. Ruth L. Henry, Ocean City, Wash.1
-_Mn· Laura Ramsay, San Marcos, ana
.. Mn. Mackle Jarrell , New London,
Conn.; one slater, Mrs. Albert Hornsby,
Austin; three brothers, Paul Langham,
Bay City, Walter l.angbam, Aqua Dulce,
Arthur IAngbam, Austin.
was a member of I.be
Metbodiat Olurcll of Martindale and was
for many years a farmer in the Reedville
Pallbearers were Ross B. Langham,
Nathan I.angbam, Joe D. LaDJbam,
Undsey Langham, Quincy Bird, Jr. and
<lw'les R. Ramay.
Honorary pallbearers were Dr. Benge
Elliott , Kurt Wackerbagen, Judge
J Wlll1am B . Wl.laoo, William J . Maretb,
-. Leon Guerrero, Oscar Hoffman, Norman
Simon, J .T. Ellll, Tom Brown Martin,
Robert. Knispel, Harold Evan, and Leo
up. w
<;.... ll\- ......
d"'""· ~.
St>t o ~
""""wc.- P\'S l"'l"vll-F •t ) <.
·<Yr - 16
Monlc:ka Marie Lankford, age 88,
died June .2 6 In an Abilene nul'81ng
home Graveside services were held
today at t.hl' Masonic Cemot.ery in
Aus tin.
Slle is survived by three sons,
Henry Lankford and J ohnny Lank·
ford or Austin, Travis Lankford or
Abll~ne; t.wo daughters, Dorothy
C)impson of Austin and Theresa
Cochran of Abilene; one sls~r. O . H.
Lee of San Marcos; l3 gl'11J'ldchll·
d r-e n a n cl a ever a I gr ea t •
Arrnns;l.'m<'nt.6 wNe under thc
d1rl·• • ••n t ( Elholl I fr.mil fo\ n,"r ..l
I loine ur Ah1it nt•
.S "1 I) I\
Services will be held
Sunday al 3 p.m. at the
Chapel In the fills in
Wlmbe.rley ror Recil Lanmon of Wimberley. who died
July 22 at the age of 01.
Graveside services wiJJ be
Monday al 10 a .m. at Forest
Park Lawndale In Houston.
He is survived by three
sJsters. M1Jdred Cornelius
Houston, Joan Shurley and
Opal Christie, both or
j~ ~,J
l \as
Fernando Hurtado Lara, a resl·
dent or San MaTCOS, died Tuesdny,
Jan. 5 in Aust.in at the age or6S.
Lara was bom May 80, 1924, in
Lockhart to Marcelo and Petra Hur.
tado Lara.
A rosary will be recited thiB e\•cm·
ing at 7 :30 p.m. in the San Marcos
Chapel of the Thomruson Funernl
Home. Mass will be celebrnted at. 2
p.m. Thursday, Jan. 7 at St. John's
Catholic Church. Father Roland Lo·
uno wtn officiat.e. Burial will rollow
in the Carden of the Cross, Memory
Lawn Park.
Lara ta survived by his wife Sole·
dad Lara or San Marcos; one niece.
Mary Helen Rodriguez of Wimber·
ley; one lister, Nlnfa Alvor02 of San
Marcos; a number of other relatives
and a host or friends.
Services ara under the direction
ofThomnson Funeral Home in &n
Marcos .
TTwt-Ofl 1T U~'l 1 £&;.
Senrices are pending at
Pennington Funeral Home
for Hulon Wllllam Lanmon
of Wimberley, who died
Jan. 4 at the age of 88.
H e ls survlVed by bla
Lanmon of Wimberley; a
aon, H. William Lan.moo of
Houston; three brothers,
Recll Lanmon, J ohn
Lanmon, and Cecil Lanmon; three slstera, Mildred
Comellua, Ione Shurley,
and Opal Cbrist1e.
Memoriala may be given
American Cancer
to the
Mr•· Petr a La r •-------:.;'t"~r
~t...;.:c";. ;·,..;<:.;. '..:.r..:.'.:.1~;..;.l./
SAN MARCOS-Mrs. Petra Lara, 69, oC San Marc!os died Saturday,
July 20.
Survivors include a daughter, Mrs. Ninfa Alvarez ; son , Jose Hurtado o! Maxwell and Fernando Lara of San Marcos · 13 grandchildren
and one great-grandchUd .
Funeral services were held Monday morning at St. John ' s Catholic
Church. in San Marcos with burial in San Juan Cemetery Reed\•Ule
the Rev. Carlos CastUlo olliclating. Services we re under direction 0 (
Los Angeles Funeral Home of San Marcos .
- . ..,
,s a..e... 1
I '1 Y7'
..... f1 ~
Beltop L tchfo d ,
Rit"~He d Monday
Services will be held Saturday al z
p.m al Pcnrungton .Memorial Chapel
for l..uclUe Purdy l.alcbford of
Wimberley. who died Dec. 6 al the
age or 83 The R<'v J B Young wifl
She is sun•tved by two sons, John
1.atchlord or Wlmberl y and David
Latchford of Dallas , five grandchildren, two great grandchildN'n.
Funeral w:vi~ Cor John "Be.IC.C."
~tcbford. Sr., 74 ol Wimberley were beJd
a::=y, May 21 a t P~n Memorial
...__wt=ritb the Reverends J.B. y~ ol
Wlm ~
and Spencer Guimartn ol
idating. Burial was In the
He died Sa
alt.er 1
May %1, in AuaUn
Latcblord wu a ~ farmer and a
veteran of World War L
SurviYOn lndude hit wif e
Graveside aervlces wUJ be held
Saturda.y al 10 a.m. al San Marcos
Ctty e.emetery tor LoulR Law.on or
MartJndaJe. who died April 7 at the
aee of ti. She ts survived by a
nephew, LaWIOf'I Edwin Colwell or
A.rraQgiemeota are under the dlreeUon or Pennlngtoo F\menll Home.
Obituaries ->l'f PR.
/ /
Funeral services have been
scheduled on Monday ror Alta C.
Leath who died Friday at the age or
Services will be held al Penn·
lngton's Memorial Chapel at to a .m.
followed by burtat a t Wimberley
Leath, a teacher a.n d homemaker,
Latcblont or Wimberley; two
Latcbfont ol Austin and J ohn Latcbtord of
ffOUlt.clo ; and four IJ'a.ndchJJdren.
f~} ll
2/'lf 7 f
Waller LaVY'SOn of San Antonio
died Thursday al the age of 79.
Services for the
naUve will be held al l1 a .m
Monday al lbe Sledge Chapel in
Ht 11 sunttvl!d by h1s wue,
Ethel : nw SOl'f : Charle. a11d
Robert ol San Antonio, Rolan(!
al Dallas. W l... ol FL Worth and
-.-.l8lln or Los Angcles,
• T"TwJ
ters Comse Bro
nlonio, Gwendly n J
land, Calif. and
1'1nard or San Antonio; one
brother, Melvin; t~e si.slers :
Palislioe Ivy. BeJI G rundy and
Gina Pritchard , 2S grand·
children and four great grand·
Is survived by two daughters, WUma
L. PelJelan or Wimberley and Joan L.
Sanders or Austin. one sister, Wilma
New or Blanco. lhtte grand children
and rive great grand children.
Services will be conducted by J .B.
Young and Leon Peacock.
C - Oc .,..
At t-.!.
· Banyan Leath
, . ./:,I
Funeral servlces Cor Ba:nya;/LHlh. 67,
will be held Thursday. OctobeT 31 , al 2
p.m . at Pennington Memorial Chapel with
the Rev. Curtus Ellison officiating, Burial
will be hi ttw> Wimberley Cemelery
Leath died Tuesday al Hays Memorial
Survivors Include hlS wire. Ina Nyrl
Leath or San Marcos; lWO sons. Donald
Leath ol Floresville and Richard l..eath of
Lockhart: two daughlers. Vannice Mc·
Farland ol Kyle and Mn. Eddie Beth
Walsburg of Kansas . two brothers. H.A.
Leath of Au11tin and F..E . l..ealh of
Levelland: 16 grandchildren : and one
gttat grandchild
,,$..., l>I'\
Rosary will be recited
tooigbt at 7: 30 at Los
Angeles Funeral Home for
Pedro Leal Jr. of Kyle, who
died AprU 10 at the age ol ea.
Funeral mus wUI be
'lbunday at 2 p .m. at Santa
Cruz Catholic Church In
Buda, with interment
following at San Juan
Cemetery In Pralrle Lea.
He I.I survived by bis wife,
Santos Leal ol Kyle; five
daughters, Mary Saucedo,
Maria Hernandez ol San
Antonio; six sons, Edward,
Johnny, Henry, Richard,
Oscar Leal, all or Kyte. and
Rudy Sifuentes or Ohio; two
sisters, Lillie Romero and
Anita Cam~. both of Kyle;
16 grandchildren.
C. - 0'°"'1'(' "~ 1 t. ~
r? ..
aervtoes for Jotm Mlc:hael
~land J r .. Who dted. Augua 23 at
Mr. Layland ls
v~ by bis
e, Jodi Frmer WTmbertey. his
mother, Am Layland of Idaho, lour
SHaune and Kelli ol
Waatd.ngloo st.ale and Ou1stJna Lynn
and Janue Lee oe Wimberley, one
brother, Teny Layland ol ldaho, two
lilters. Ruth Layland of Idaho and
Judy Layland ol Wasblngton.
1be family request.s memorta1a be
given to the North Hays Cowlty
Emergency Medical Service and the
North Hays Cotmty Volunteer Fl.re
.D epartment or to the American
Cancer Sodety.
F\lneral arrangements were under
the directloo or Pemtngtoo F\meral
Leal 'i /11/M
Susie Sierr a ,
Arredoodo, all of Kyle, Olga
Garza of San Marcos, and
Graveside services were
held March 13 at Lawn
Haven Memorial G~ns in
ClovJs, N. M. (or C D.
Lawrence, who dJed March
11 at lhe age of 86. Ma.sonic
services were conducted by
Clovis Lodge No. 40, A.F . &
A. M.
Lawrence was born In
Waystde near Wimberley on
Sept. 4, 1898 and moved to
New Mexico In 1919. He was
a retired engtnett ror the
AT&SF Railroad aod was a
member or lhe Masonic
Lodge in Rockwell, Texa.s,
I.be Santa Fe Coos:istocy,
Ballul Abyad Shrine Club of
Clovis, and the First United
Methodist Church
He lS survived by his wife ,
Virgie; one daughter and
son-In·law, Nancye and Al
JoUy; two granddaughters,
Kathi Cherry and Ann Jolly :
one great grandson, Brian
C herry ; one brother .
Berkley Lawrence of
GomaJes, Texas; ooe sUJter,
Vernon Wimberley of San
Marcos: three nephews.
11"~E~~~.~v-4'" L ~
/ 'l If
Mrs Bernice Moort' Lechow of
C~ Mills. Tuudied Feb 15
She was born and ralM!d In San
She Is s urvived by her husband
t-- George ~how of Cyprus Miils and
..r- : a 10n and three grandchUdren or San
Antonio , a sl ter, Mrs. D B Thomas
_ or San M arcos. two aunta. Mrs
Claude EJllott or San Marcos and
Mrs E C Ralheror A ustin, and four
Lee Reqan Leato, age 50,
of San Marcos. died~pt. 18.
, , Tll .. ,.
Edward Earl Leath. 66,
died May 24 in Austin. Services were held May 27 at
lhe graveside at the Wlm·
berley Cemetery, with
Chesler Franklin and Alton
Arrangements were made
by Pennington Funeral
Lealh was a resident or
Kyle and a retired carpenter. He was a lifetime
member of lhe Veterans or
Foreign Wars. He was born
December 26, 1910 In Haya
Survivors Include two
sons. William Leath or
Mineral Wells and S1L Joe
Leath or Germany; two
daughters, Earllne Pruitt
and Sandra Leath; and one
brother, H.A. Leath of
c. .. or
- u ,,_ A.IU
SG.- n
r \ \
~,.t1 .. 1e1
} Final Rites Reid
For Ira M. Leath
,On September ·23
lr& M . Leath, ago 80, putlC'd
away In Seguln on St!plem~r 2:.
Be wu a lumer and nlnC'her In
th• Wimberley communlly for a
number of years. and wall a mem·
ber of lhe First ChrlaUan Church
Of Wlmberley.
Funeral aervtcea Wl'tt hcld Sal·
urday, September 23 al 3 :00 p. m
rrom lbo P nnlngton Funeral Homf!
with burtaJ ln the W I m b f'. r I t'i , ,
Ce.met ry. Tbe Rev. CUrtUI Elh ·
.an and Spencer Gutmeran offlcl·
aled al the nte11.
He la wrvtved by ono dttu hler,
M n . A. M . 8aJley. J1 of Kem •
City; three aons. lra M ~ath .Ir
of Allee. and Howard anci 1.o<'•
Leath. both of San f ar ·oe; Ont'
brother. w A Leath of Wimberley:
three rrandc:.h1Jdren and one grt l·
fl"&"dcbUd .
Pallbearen w el't' Hubrrt Walkrr
8 A. 1.Aath. A H l.c-ath, I. llll'r
Ezelle, J oe Doble and L B 11111
The funeral wu under thr dlrr<'
Uon of Pennlngton Fun ral 1Joml!.
J t~~ JodJe
co.wns. Mrs
Oarl~y. Dr J
Louise Cbe:sser Mrs
WaJton Tabler
and Mrs Blll)'~Jol.ane.
She Is survived by one son, Robert
~lercq or Wimberley; two
grandchildren. Lee Williams of
Wimberley and John Leclercq or
Re.agan Leath, 50, ol San
Marcos wert Monday a t Pen·
Local arrangements wett under
the dln.'Cllon or Thomason Funeral
rungton Memorial Chapel
He LS surv1\.'ed b) a brother,
Howard Leath ol San Marcoi.,
and a SISler, '\trs AM Bailey
Jr. ol Karnes City
Services Pending For
Mrs. Nennie Leath c.
,_ l°!'"""~-. '2......
_.,..-1\Li(-r£ ...
; - i.[,..,}'
rs. Ncnnle '!.tay ~ath died In a ~ t
home In Elgin on f'(!bruary l5 al tho'•I
ol t'7 She was bom In San Marcoe
P\tneral t1ervfce. are pendlnl' with the
P.nnlngton Funeral Home. BurtaJ wlll
be at the Hugo Cemetery wfth the Rev.
Curtua Elll80n omclaUllf.
She la aurvfved by four aon1. Ban
Lieath of Kyle Allle Lealh of Austin.
Edward Leath of Levelha.nd and W. C .
Clay\On of La Porte; II grandcblldren
a.nd 21 p.al·grandrt-1114.,.n,
T'T'wt.-o~ •TV ,.
I t.!>
Mrs. Nennie Leath \ ~
Funera I services for Lee
· - 11 11
"1/l.t/i"l 1
J " \)I\
Ruth R Leclercq, age 88, formerly
or OaJlas, died Apnl 26 ln a nursing '
home ln Schertz.
Services were held today al
ResUand F uneral Home In Dallu,
wllh burlal rollowlng nl ResUand
'j"'Tw(. -
Services we.re held Monday
al Pennington Chapel. Rev.
Curtls ElUson officiaUna.
He Is survived by a
brother, Howard Leath of
San M~ and sister, Mrs.
A.M. Bailey, Jr., of Karnes
Pallbearers were Cecil
Cowan, Calvin Cowan. C.
Grumble, L.B. Hill, Jim
Bailey and George Gilbert.
ServfcH were held Au1. 20 at St.
David'• Ept.copal Church 1n Aultin
fOl' Mra. it.y C. (Kathleen Burnett)
Lee of Au.atln, who died Aug. 18 at
the a19 of 84. Burial waa at Auatin
Memorial Park.
She ta IUl'Vived by her aon &y E.
Lee Jr. of New YoTk City; 10n and
claughteT·1n -law Robert B. Lee and
Gladys Bondurant Lee of San An·
t.onlo; a stater, Mn. J ohn Pritchet.t
Fult.on; a brother, Walter Burnett
of San Marcios; graoddauahteT,
Kalhleen Bondurant Lee ofSan An·
tonlo; numerous nlecea and
Mn. Lee wu active with St. David'• Ha.pita! Auxiliary and wu a
m•mbeT of SL David'• Epiecopal
Church and P .E.O. Chapter R. Memorlala may be given tot.ha P.E.O.
Scholanhfp Fund OT SL David'• Ept.copal ChUJ"Ch Endowmen" Fund.
Arrangement. were under the
direction of Weed-Corley Funeral
~ ·
Claimed By Death
M rs. Nennle May Liealh, 1'1, died a.l lhe
Balch Re.at Some In AuaUn on hbNUY
111 She waa born In 8a.n Marooe on
S<pl 13. l&sa.
Funeral aiemcea were htld a.l lb•
Pt'nntngton Memorial Chllpel a.l 10 :00
11.m. on Feb 18 with lhe Rev. CUrtua
EllJIOn ottlda.1.1.ng and Interment follow ·
ed In the Hugo Cemetery.
She I.I survived by rour eona. Ban
U-nth of Kyle, Allie Leath of Austin, ICd·
ward Lealh of LeveUand and W. C. Clay·
ton of t...'lPorte; 11 grandchildren and 21
~ /J J J :
t 1'WC..~
Lee i4u;,o
Mary s~ Blair oC San An-
Servi~ WJIJ be held Bt the tonio, Kalle Delle Brown of
al 3. 30 ·
San AntonJo and Alice
the San Ma~ C: skcll also of San Antonio.
Lee was residing in St
dty ~~tery for Lak~ Lee
Loub • Missouri ~hen he
who J>USfd away Aprd 17
Lee. 1 San Marcos nalive pa! edaway
a survived by Uut-e sisters:
1\lesday '"
Graveside services "'''" be
held Saturday, Dee. rt at 10
a m.
Cmlet~ In AJe:ltandria, La
for Mrs. Seymour (Minnie>
La n.ius Lee ol San MarCOI.
who died Dec 23 at the age ol
There ~ no immediate
Funeral Services s fv\ ,~
Held Monday For
.Graveside Senlces
0 f> I T
~~-\_e,_j __
Held Here :H111C1C1J
For Thomas c.....
.Ora...ade eemoee wue bald al U.
Marcoe Qt.J OemeterJ ,... Kr.
Tbomu C. LM, ff, on Ren. T al t :to
p.m. With the Rn. ~
Kr. LM died bl OXnud, Olllf. • MoT.
I after an ·~ W.... a. wu •
ve~ ot WorSd .Wat.D and wu u..,.
aa.tant department dlnctor 0( tbe map.
ea A.lrcnA Ool"pOr'atloa lfaftl X....
a. .... • IDUlbet ol tbe A.U
lalnu lllplloop&J OWrob bl Oa&rd
Where tuDetal Ml'VtOM WV9 Mid al
1 :00 p.m. Oft Ho•. I .
s. .. IW'Vfnd bJ Ida wtte, 11.n. ~
~ LM of C>Jmluod, Cal1t.; bill ~.
Kn. Jeneva LM ol RedoDdo Beacb.
eaut. : two . . .. 'l"bomaa c. Lee m and
Jeffrey A.. Lee. both ot Onud: . . . .
ter, Mrs. O..U Klncbeloe ot ller111ma
BeAch, Callt.; and ........ID-..,,, Kn.
Paul Drww ot l&D MarcoL
Pallbeuent were memben qt • It.
Mark'• Zp!Kop&I Olurcb lo 8&ft llarooll.
KaJdo .1obnlon, Bob Beech!nor, Mu
Bratten, Bruce R.ocl», J'olm WU.,. aDd
Sam s.ecron.
Gravuld• Mt"VtcM wwe O"DducUd
by the Weatherford l'unanl Rome.
Mrs. Mattie Lee
Funeral ~ tor Mn. M.atti•
G~wood Lee were held from the
Jack9on Chapel Methodist Church on
Dec 6 at 10 a .m wllh the ~v. H. T.
Fn~b OfCi.elatlns and Interment fol·
lowed in the Pleasant Rope Me~orlal
Qvcle:n ln Staples.
Mn. Lee, 79, died at Hays llemori•l Hospital on Dec 2. She wu
bom in Gl.ladalupe County and was
lhe .eventh of UI children born lo M.r.
and M n . Bob Cree.nwood. She ~t
a number of yeara ln Corpus Cb.rUP~
and wu 1 member oC lhe SL
Methodist Church there
ln J960, she came lo San Marcos to
make her home with he.r nephews.
James and Georre Smith Mn. Lee was
a menber of the Jackson CMpel Meth·
odist Churt'h and American Woodman
Camp Corpua Chrall. Her huaband.
lhc I~~ Mr Jaslc LH. preceded her
ln dealh.
She ls survived by one son.
Douglas ot Chlcaco. JU. ; two sisters,
Mrs. Lucy Conna.lly of Houston and
Mrs. Uule Durham of Lubbock; one
brother James Greenwood of Hay·
one niece, Mrs. Lucy McHenry Miller of Los An&cles; .and oth·
tr nleces. nephews and relatives.
Pallbearers wtre E. L. Teal'Je. &ll·
zah Thomas. Willis Callihan. Monroe
Washinfton. Dock Burleson and Dan
Davis Jr Honorary pallbd~noodwU't'
members of the Amcrkan W .man
Camp No 12'7 of San Marcos
The funeral arrani.emenl.I we.re under I.he dirttt1on of the Pcnninrt0n
Funeral Homt-
"'("-1'WC.- o~:
'; M{\
Tl\,..,..,...,.,, D ""'t;
T. B. Lee, One ot
'- ::-
10-\(\ 'f~
Ldltnrtil and Horace
~M:• v.tll be held al 2 p.m
I..« Leffinpell
Frid•Yat Pe01Ung\on Memorial Camp is survwed by two sons.
Oldest Citizens i~
County, Died 17th
Chapel ror Florence dl<~m~>
Lclfing.... ell,
~!as p
LclfinpeU Jr. and
·"' i.clnngwell, both <I
Houalon Sept. 27 atlhe nae of 86. B. Llo:..
daU&hWI• Mrs.
A re. 1dent <I 5a(I M,arc:o. Austin, tw~f'loU.x
moat ti he<r life t'~~~ _,... rel
M~ cl;X. l
· <I ttoustal\,.. one
Thomas Buchanan ~. 96, one ~ !tiad hYed '~
~l and a liatr eradburY W rue sta..i:.t.00 ol
of Haya cou:nty's oldest c1ltttna.
515\S', Mrs
djt<J ln Memorial hosµllal Wed~ v;a preceded in death by Sal'I Antonio; 11 ,,..t grand·
nesday, Novembel' 17, al noon
... .. ---··
P UI- and
her h\15ua0V.
I llUU...,
after a i:hort illness. .He h ad been"
nngwe11. and tv.~ ••
in poor health for scvcrnl weeks,
but h l1 condition had not become SC!rlous enough to be nlarmin& until a rew days aao and he
wu not taken to the hospital until Tuesday.
Mr. Lee was born 1n Louisiana on June 23. 1847, bul cam e
to Tex.as in early childhood with
his pattnt.s who sclUed m Brazoria· county. He came to San
Marcos ln 1880 and had made
, lhls h lS home sin~ t.hal Ume.
I He wu one o f the first to manufacture brick in lh1s locality
and .. there are many bu\ldlngs
sUU standing in the city which
arc bulll of brick mad<' in his
brick yard located for many
~ ars on lhe BJanco river Among
the buildings are lhe Ho!hcin%
hott-1 He was a muter craft.sm.an and msuy or th~ old time
chlmncy1 and flrcpldces in \he
city wc1 c buill by him.
He wu, al lhc time of his 1
death, lhe oldest member
San Marc:oc Masonic lodce wltich 1
~venil years a10 prnented lo
him the badie ol a ltfe member,
the hiahest honor which the
lod1e btttows.
held that
honor jolnUy with the late Sam
R Kone. both of whom at the
lime had been members for more
than 50 consecutive years.
He had been a m mber of lhe
Episcopal church 1lnce child' hood.
I He ta survived by his wUe,
Elmtbeth Lee. by three
sons, W B Lee o f San Marcos,
Frank Lee of DallH, and Walton R. Lee o f Cahforn1a, his
1randchlldren and scvcul nieces
and nephews.
Funt'ra l services will be held
Friday a l 10 o'clock o m from
lhe A B. Rogers lun<'ral chapel
with the Rev. W. H Myers.
Eph.copal minister of Austin, offlciatlne Interment will be made
in the city cemetery.
Polllx'nrt'rs arc Wolter Buckner, C. C. Wade, S. A Major,
I Chas
n Ramsay Malcolm Sher ·
t ' ill l\rc:htc Weatherford .
Cody Leidecbr o(Wimberley died
Saturday, Janu&I)' 2, at the age or
l G. Serv1oea are ICh~uled ror 3 p.m
Thursday aL the FinL Bapt.i1t
Church orWlmbe:rley, with burial to
(ollow at St. Stephen'• Cemetery.
Cody i• survived by hi• mother,
Elayne L@l@cker; two brothen,
St.ephen Scot.t l.Aldecker and Charles Quinn Leidecker; crandparent.a
Ellen Manke or Omro, Wia., T.E
Shrader AnJon, Tex.u, and Olady1 Leidecker or Longview; and
great.grandmother fre:ne Shrader
Italy, Tena.
The (Amily requ.t.a that memorials be made to the Palmer Drua
AbuM Program.
Arrangements are under the
direction of Pennington Funeral
as '-1'" ' •=-.a...ft,11c.c' .. 'W'\ )c..I.
' I .. f l
Malton (Mickey) Lelnneweber Jr
>f San Marco• died Jan. 26 In a~
-~UAtln hospital aL the age
69. _
... raveslde services were held today
"\l the San MllttOI Clly Cemetery
He was born In San Manoe May
IA({\~ (If &an
Marcos and Rudy Leffingwell
ol Baytown. five dau&hlers:
0orolhy Webb of Can)on, Beth
J ackson <I Alamo&ordo. N.M •
Lucille ValenltDO of Housloo.
Berta Jean Clevdlnd ol San
An\OOIO and Lori Weaver ol
one sister,
Champion or San Marcos~ one
brolher, Uoyle WUhamson of
n Marco&, two araMchildrtn
a.od rour great 1raMchlldren
. ......
61n aarcos
T T\N c.
llfIla Brcorb
. Leija
runt'ral services for Mrs Seferma
Orttl L.e1jo, \\ho du~d Thursdnv Feb
8o1 lhc.> oge or 9-1. "Ill tie held ~ionday
at 10 a m at l ~lnry ' C'othohc
Church m Martindale
Runal 'A tll rollO\\ al th<- $.in Juan
r ('m l'I<'I")
Th<' body "111 he m i.toite after 1
pm on Sunday nt l .o.1 Angel
1-' un('tJI llome follo"cd by a rosa11
:u i '.JO pm
~1rs .
l.t'1µ is un·1\ed
one son.
,\ntcmto l.('IJ3 of Marll~le. and 21
26, 1928 to Milton Sr. and F•m
Leinneweber. Survivors are h11
mother, Pem l.aidley or San Marcos: one son, Terry Lelnneweber of
Arkansa• Clc.y, Kan.; four grand·
ch1ldren, Tury, Chris, Clinl, and
Shannon Leinn•~ber, all or Arkansas City, Kan.; one uncle, Earl
W111iamaon orSpnn1 Branch: three
aunts, Pan•y Bell, Daisy Schulle
and Violet Owen, all of San MarccMt. '
Arrangementa were under th
Thomason Funeral
Home, San Marco1.
,lll'ue, Marcella Ri wltnes ot
rley: four grandchildren.
M monaJ1 may be l(\ven to Ult!
North Hays County EMS or the
American Cancer Socloly.
Arrongements WO.l'O under I.he
direction of Pcnn1ngt.On Funeral
"T"twt - CJ'b.
tellliian ·- qo.s1, 1
Fritz W. Lehman, 69, of Route 2,
Creedmoor, died Thursday, Sept. 21.
survivors include his wife: a stepd1ugbtet:J Mrs. La Verne Wallace or
Austin: mree sons, T. H, J.e hmen of
Kyle, H. w. Lehman of Houston and
R. E. Lehman of San Antonio; one stepson, Ernest Henscher of Austin~ two
sisters, Mrs. Carl Kreuger of Creedmoor and Mrs. Ewald Wagner of
Austin. e brother. Ernest Lehman of
Kyle: and eight grandchildren.
Funeral services were held Saturday
afternoon at the Cook Funeral Home,
Austin, with the Rev. Louis Kramer
offiofa ting. Burial was Jn the Salem
Pallbearers were D. G. Wallace,
Ernest Rellacher, Slim DPrter, Clinton
Al berthol , Gilbert Lehman and Larry
MIHea Albert Lem
Milton Albert Lem died Saturday al bis San Marcol home
al the ace ol 50.
F\lneral services were held al Finl American Lutheran
Cbw-ch Tuelday. Burial followed at Memory Lawn
Memorial Park.
Lem la survived by bis wUe C1aril Lem; three _.,
Timothy, Kenneth and Jame Lem; one brother, Eddwa.rd
Lem; and one allter, Oui111na Jung.
J'i 1
< ni.e ·· '
~Is survived by a dlughter,
Lois Sosebee ol Buda, a IOO
f'orrest Lenderman ol AusUn·
brother, Abu Daniell ol Austin
•nd • sister, Georgia Davis
Three Riven, five grandchJ.Jdttn and ~ llUL
SurvlVOt'S: wife, llllle Lenderman of
KYLE- - Mrs . John Lenge!eld, 61, of Branch , La.,
died in a hospital in Eu nice,
La .• on Saturday.
Jan. 27.
Be ide her hu band,
w i urvived b) three
dlughtcr , one son , nine
grandchildren , one isLer
and three brothers.
Funeral senice were
held Monda,) at the Mowata, La .. Baptist Church
":ilb lhe pa tor , the Rev .
EDn Sandau , oaiclating.
a.trial "as in the church
cemelary .
Mr. and Mrs. Adolph
Hill or Kyle auendcd the
CUneraJ .
mr. and Mrs HUI to the
funeral was M rs . Nadin e
Goodman ot La Porte.
Mrs . Lengefeld wa s the
Cormcr Miss Nellie Loe wer. She and her family
She Is survived by four daughters.
Sh rley Gurganious, ot San Marcos,
Nora Childers of Mich gan, Twila Stone
of MIChlgan. C-arol Cooper ol Florida,
sons. Dwight Lentz, of Colorado, and
George Lentz ot Mich gan brothers,
Homer Rutherford ot Michigan, Alger
Rutherford of Michigan
She had 21 grandcl\lldren and 11
The deceased was a
member or the North American Bapti
I 1;
-, Lengefel Cl
SeJ'V\ces will be neld
Saturday at 2:30 P m
Emmanuel Baptist Chur
in Kyle for Karl Christ~an
Lengefeld of Kyle, who died
Sept 8 at lhe age of 72 tn
~enl wUl be at Live Oak
CemeleT'Y \n \JhlAnd
He Is survived by three
brolherS Ham' and Kurt
Lengefeld ol Kyle and John
Let'lgdeld ol J oh,nson City .
tv.'O sisters. M~ Robert
Schult of Bluffton and Mrs
Jay Oimlll of Komo. lod .
seve:ral nieces and ~'S
~ C.tTIZ-i <.'
"'''I 7r
George Reed Leonard 75
of Wimberley dled Feb. 4:
Funeral services were held
Monday, Feb. 6 at Pen·
nlns ton Funeral Home with
bur ial
Wim berley
He is survived by his
wife, Jes,,ie Leonard or
Wimberley, ion, George
IAonard of San Antonio.
five gra ndchildren and one
great ·gra ndchdd.
s..Uved a t Kyle for a time.
91e and Mr. Lenge!eld
were married at Branch
La., in 1940. They had
U\·ed there about 30 years .
Buda; son, Forrest E. l.ender man of
Austin; daughter, Mra. E.Y. (Loil)
Sosebee of Boda brothera, waiter
Lender"*' ot Mariposa, Calif. , Homw
Lenderman ol Maryville, Tem. , Frank
t.enoernwn of Detroit Mich.; n...
grandchlldren; one oreet-grandchlld.
Funeral aervtces were hetd et 3:3>
p.m. Monday It \Need-Q)rfay Funeral
Georgina Lentz, 72, died August 3>,
1976. The body was transformed to
~l Funera.1 Home In Oxford,
BUOA-Roben M Lenderman, 79, of
Buda died Sunday, July .c
Mrs. Lengefeld
in Austin (or Mrs. UUle Mae
Ltonderman oC Buda, who died
Sept s •t the aae o1 71
Bunal was In Lrve Oall
Pm Mond3> a t Wet'd Corley
f"un<'ral llome In Auslln.
lie IS :r>Urvt~ by his "'tfe
1.tlhC' Lmdermao o1 Uuda , ~
son. f'ortst E Lenderman of
Austm . ., daughter , Mrs E \'
1 Lois 1 ~064.?bee ol Buda and
three brothers, Walter Len·
dcrman ot Ma nposa, CaltC •
l. nderman
Mary' 11le. Tenn . and fnnk
l.A'.'nderma n ol f>ell"Otl, !\heh
five wandchildrtn nd I w-eat
Services "ere held yesterday!,
at Weed-COrJey F\ineral Home
Hobart 1\1 Lenderman 79 ol
&~a died Sunday in Austin
Sen1ees "<'re ~Id at 3 30
/1 A7"S
) 1 M 11&/7/.
~JI s:~ t: •'V-'""''~
Leonard "-'f1J11
Services for George Reed
Leonard ol Wimberley were
"Id Monday at Pennington
\temorlaJ Chapel. He died
>Aturday al the age ot 75
Survivors are hi.a wire, Jessie
May Leonard oC Wimberley,
ooesoo. George Daniel Leonard
ti San Ant0rtlo; five trand·
Interment was In Wunberley
~ t,.~o
Funeral Services
Fo F ncisco Lesa
~-'Held -W e nesaay
.. OJ,..,,, .
GravesJde ltl'Vicea were
held Monday al Skyriew
Cemetery near Kyle for
JOlhul Leonard ol San
Antonio, who died J une 4 at
the ace ol 70.
Re ls .urvtud by one
daughler, Emma Petenan
of Aust.ln.
Frah~.CO! t:kd.'1 aie
Frida;, F'cib. l ,
12./Jf ').-
~ ere
SerV1cel wtJI be held Saturday ac.
11 a .m. at. P.nn1npn Memorial
Chapel for Ava LettA!T or San Mar·
coe, who dlecl Aua. 4 a&. &.he ace of78
Jnt.e'rmtnt w1ll follow at. San Marcos
C11.y C.met.ery.
She I• aUTVlved by t.wo 111t.en,
Inn Blackwell or San Marcos and
Mary Hams or Hext, Teu.a, nu·
merous niecM and nephews.
Lester WH a l'elfd nt of Wimber·
ley for more than G5 years and wa.s
a membctrorWoodmcm of the World.
Atral'\iemt>nll are under the
direction of Pennf n~n Pun...-al
~ /t~
Services are scheduled today fo-r
A\lls Ola Last.er who d ied O.C.. 18 at.
the are of76.
SeMcu are achoduled at. Wim·
beTley C met.ery at. 2 p.m Rev J B
VoUJli wtll offiaai...
~•tel' is survived by her hust.nd
LmdMy LH~r of W1mberlty; fou-r
daughlAnl, Dorothy Johnston of
Mln1ouri, Patsy Cumutut of \flc.
tana, Mary Su. Doell ot KillMn and
LindA Bucknl'r or Canyon Lab: one
sis~. Loa Crouch of San Antonio;
••aiht f:T'lndchlldron and tiaht great.
A memonal reqUt"st. hu boon
made to the American Cancer Society.
Funenl arraf(ementa an under
the direttlon of Pennington Func.>nl
- v_,.~,,~
Qravestde aorvkea for Lind.Ny
(Pad) Z...terofWimberJey, wbodfed
Monday, ApriJ ll, at the ap or81
wiJI be held at. 2 p.m. Friday at th~
Wimberley Cemetery.
lMteT is IUrvi\.'Od by (OUT daUfh·
ten, Dorothy Johruton of Mlasouri
Patsy Cumuu.e or Victorta, Marj
Su. Doell or Killeen and Unda
Buckner of Canyon Lake; thrwsi1t.en, Inez BJackwtll of San Marcos
Ava Lester of San Marcoe and Marj
Harri.I or Hext, Texas; efehc. crand·
children and eight Bl'Olt. ,randchll-
_ :'lo:"S
+I I\/
..,. f
n '---o.011'\I • ".,t-6 -
Funeral Se"lces
rn t,.nJ... o, t'' l..For~~
Mn.R.c.Le er
Held Wednesj ay
F\meral rvlC'f'a w ,... h s w.:a: 1
nartay al • p.m. ac
f,! nn ~
[~f I ~r
rt.. •
kJt l.A•t T, T1, hfe'Wl
r •lf'ftl OI
San Marcoa. "tau di~ Mrniilay
Bunal w1u• tn the San lfn ~ CUy
C'f' 1nell' ry.
M n. 1.-t-_ t r ta l!UrvlVM b)' two
, (pf .
eons. L. O v11ter 1•f
and M 11clt Le.~11•r at Ala k.a: thrf't':
ctaughteni, M t• Ava • ~•h•r ol
Ran Mat'(" • M ni. 11111. Ulack·
wt'll nt San MnrcUll, and r.t 11 . Cary
IJ&rTlll or Wlmbi-rtey; a IJrothl'I'.
1lnylc iotarClartanan cit San Antnn
lo; u. alatcr, Mn . D J.( , Ju tic"•• <>I
Ghtdlnp: 13 gran1l c-hll1ltl C anJ
elaht fh'al 1ra11tf·chlltlr<'11 .
or San Marcos died
Wednesday, J~n . 31 . in
the Hays Memo ria I Ho pitaJ rouo" ing a b r 1er
Ulne •
Survhors include hi
parent : one l ter, Barbara Lesa or San \ fa rco ·
natern.al grandparent ·
Mr. and Mrs . GuUlermo
Rodriguez or San Mar-
held at St John'
~"TTWc:.. - o &
- - - - - - - - - ) h bR
• •,r /V\"f(o~Nt-<. MACK WlLl.S LESTER C'\~11-fl(
f:'Unenl services for Mack Wills Lest.et'. 63, Look place Friday at
Pennlngt.oo Funeral Home lnlemment followed al FL Sam Houston In
San Ant.onJo
Lester was born ln Dripplna Sprlnp on Dec. 20, 1920 He died la.st
Wednesday in San Antonio He was a tt!S>deol of San M&l"COI.
Lesltt Is survived by rour sons, Mack Later Jr. ol Martindale, Bud
Lest.er or Mtssouri and Lonnie and Jackie Lester ol Florida : one
daughlB, Diane Nicholas or San Marcos , one brother, Pad 1.Mter ol
Wimberley ; three sisters, I De1 Blackwell or San Man::ol, Mary Ra.nil
of Wimberley and Ava Lester of San Marcoa and lJ crandchildren.
and Mrs. Francisco Le a
d ied
in ' Arhncton
C.thohc Church on Wednesday,
f'eb. 6, at 9 .00 am. A fun rnl
was ofhcia\~ b> th Rev.
Roary ~1u be rea red tonlghl 1 1 1
al 1.AlS Angeles fo'\!Mral Chapel for
Ma ry Eva Lesa of San tart'OI, ~ho
died Dec l al lht> age of 37 Funt'ral
ma ~ill be Wednesday al 2 p m at
Sl John's Catholic Church, with In·
tttment follOW10J al Memory L.a~n
She ls survived by one daught.cr.
Barbara Lesa ; ocw son. Frankie
An elit.a
Rodri1uez. lhN!e sisters, 1-· rances
Peru. Angie Rodnauez. an<t
Carohna Munoz , ont brother.
Ctlbcrt Rodriguez.. All a~ of San
C. M r>w
Cisco Frandsco Lesa
13-da) - old on or Mr.
Hcl hts, Jllil\ols.
Jl'1 Df\
r ... · e..,
Cisco Lesa 111 -:th/u
a> ; and paternal grandmother. Mrs . Margina
Lesa or San Marco •
Fune ra 1
c rviCh
w re held Thursday
mo mlng at St. John 's
CaahoJJc Church with
Lh e Rev. Leo Delgado
oa.lciating. BurlaJ wa ln
San Juan Cemetery a l
Reedv.UJe under the di rection of the Lo Angele
Faleral Home.
&an •area.a BaU11 Bt corb
Mack Lester
or San ...Mareos
di ed
Wednesday, Sept. 5. al ~ AudJe
Murphy \'elera~ · HObp1tal in San
Antoruo nt tht- age or 63
St'rvlc \\Ill be f'nda). Sept 7, at
10 • m at t~ Pennington Memonal
Chapel v.1th interment al the Fort
Sam ll<>u:.ton Cemele1') an San An·
tonlo Brother llarold Taylor \\ 111 of.
lie is un•1\ed by one daughter
Duu~ l\'1chola ol
Mart0& : fou;
o~. M ck l..estt>r Jr or Martindale
Bud l.A'SleT ot tis.soun. Lonm~
LA"iter and Jackie Lt-6ter. both of
Florida : OM brother. Pad l.c5ltr of
\\ 1mberle> : thJ'ff
tm;, Inet
Bbc:kv.ell ol Sao Marc~. Mal') Har·
ns Of W1mbcrw.) and A\O Lester ol
San \1Jl f'C05. : and 12grandch1ldrcn
Arrangemtnls b,
Penn1n ton
f'\meral H o~
"'(-Cwt- Obi.\-v , ,
7Twc-o e 1ru .4 ~, £s
Sunday, May 2c5, 1969
"°"~· P~·
E -Au tin Edito1·,
Rutl1 Lelvi , Die
I q7 ,,._,
LeWIS Rites
Held Friday
~-~I~ for Ira Lewis, 15, ol
._.. M&rco1, ~re held oa ~
Decanber l , at the Church of God In am,i
with the Rev. Hq.h Williama, olOctatq
Burial wu at Staplel Cemetery under the
direction ol Ptonfn8ton Funeral Home.
Lewis died on Monday, November r1 In
San Marco..
SUrvlvors included one son Jra Lewb
Jr.M~Jld.;one daughter, E~ma LoutM
Freeman ol AuaUn ; and nine anind·
u < 1r11.1 "' A/7/71.
Ira Lewis
Lewis, 6S, or San Marcos
died ln this clly on Saturday, Nov. 27 .
Survivor include a on,
lra Lewis , Jr • or Maryland; a daughter, Mr .
E)nma Loul e Freeman
or Austin; and nl.ne grandchildren.
F uneral ervices, under direct ion or the Pennington Funeral hom e;
took place in the church
took place ln th e Chu rch
of God ln Ch rist , with
the R ev. Hugh WU lia m son
otnclaUng . Bu rla l was in
the cemeter y al Staples .
Obituaries ,, re PR.. \
unce last August when ahe
Funeral 1crv1ces wUI be held retired from t.be US lnlorm.aUon
In Conul
Tuesday for MW A&cDCY In Washi.ngton, 0 C. hr
Rut h
l. e w 1•·
r o r m e r was ln charge the Soulheut
A m c r I ca n·Stal man
out 1 t and lng
The Alla desk for the Votc.e of
• n d America.
Tcxa s
M1ss Lewis lefl the Auslln
newspaperwoman. who died ln newspapers In 1M4 lo join the
New York CJty Friday nlabt.
OHice or War lnlormallon,
Ml 1 Lewis •uflcrcd a fatal prcde?Ce !lor or the present
heart atlaclc. She had been JntormaUon Agency. She sttVcd
ltvln& in suburban Union C1l,)', Burma and Indonesia
-- ?tfw Lewis was a ~ral
report.ct, boot
ire,1ewcr and then amuseme:nt.s
editor ol Tbe American·
'Stalcmum. Sbe came lO the
Austln papen ancr uaduaUna
, from SouUnrest Texas St.ate
J Uruvel'ldty (then SouUrnst
Funenl SBVaces for M.W Ruth
1 Texas Stale Teachers CoDe&c>
Lewis, 60, former amusemenu ~tor of
l ln San Marcos. She •-as barn lD
the Austin Amuican-Stalesman and
also a former ruadent of San Marcos.
t Uvuiistcm, In East Tens, but
were held at 2 p.m. Tuesday in th'e
Uic Lewis (amily lived ln San
Seydler-HiU Funeral Chapel In Con; Marcos ror many years.
ules. Burial follow~ ln the Masonic
Suni90J'S 1 n c I u d e t w o
~ / 11/ir
Cemetery in Gonules.
Sttv1ces were also held ln Un on
Ca~)'. N. J. at noon Monday in the Rieman Funeral Home.
The ou t.standlna Tuu newspaper
woman died Friday in Union City, N J
where she had been living ainc.e l"Ctlr·
Ing last Augu11 from the U. S. Information Agency in Wuhlnaton, 0 . C.
She was born In Llvinp ton, Texat
and graduated from San Marcos Hiah
School and
Southwest Texaa State
University Cthcn Southwest T.xu State
Teachers Colleae). She wu a 1eneral
assipmenll reporter, book reviewer
and then was amuument.s editor f or
the A ust in paper
In l!H-4 Miss Lewis Join~ the Offi«
of War lnformaUon and served the
11ency in Burma and lndonesJa She
was with lhe U S. ConsuJate tor two
years in J akarta. l ndonala
Miss Lewis returned to U>. United
Stites to the US In formation A~ncy,
wbett she served in Wuhlneton. D C
until htt ttllttmenl She wu ln char1e
of the Soulhust Asia dak for lhc
Voice or America.
Survivors mclude three nephew•.
~man Lewis of Gonzalea, Dr. Ttavls Green of Rockdale and J ohn Lewis
or Fort Stockton; and three nle«s.
Miss Carolyne Conner of Alam11ordo,
N. M., Mrs. Ann1bel Smith of Burkburne tt and Mrs. Ma ry Lee Caldwell o r
Fort Stockton.
i nephews.
freeman Lewis of
' Conzales and Dr. Travis Grttn
• or Ro c k: d a I e. F u n o r a I
1 arraniementsare ool complete
1 but the service wtU be at 2 p.m.
1 1~ C -0 ~ 1-r&.1 4'R If ~
Liddle )., In DR 'i It, / gg
Servfcu will be held Thunday at.
10 a.m. at Woodlawn Cemetery In
Naahville, Tenn. for OeoTg& Uddlo
of San Marcos, who died April 18 at.
the are of79.
Ra fa survived by a aon, WiJUam
D. IJddJe of San Marcos; two brothers, David B. Liddle and Alu B.
Liddle, both of Nashville; one af1tel',
Christina Uddle of Center Hfll
Tenn.; two &rancfcbildren.
Local ~nta are unciol'
lhe diNC'tfao of Pennlnlton F\iMa)
- .. -.- .. ...,.1""'-.o• ...-,~ •. ..,r -f~"-L
.~ I
Services conducted
for Mrs. Lightfoot
Lid en
Graveside services were held
loday at Fentress Cemeterv for
Marie LJden of Austin, who died May
26at thengeof83
Survivors include one brother.
Roberl S. Williams of Del Rio : a
nephew. Robert S. Williams of
Austin : two nieces. Mrs. J()(' Gamer
of Houston and Mrs. Truitt Nunn of
Del Rio.
Graveside services for Mrs. Helen R.
Llghllool were held March 29, at the Post
Cemetery, Ft. Leonard Wood, Mo.
Olaplaln <CapL) Howard P. F.aton, U.S.
Army, officiating.
Ml"S. Lightfoot, 78, died of an apparent
heart attack al about 9:30 a.m. March '1:1.
She was f ound in her yard approximately
IS minutes alter dealb.
She was the widow of CoJ. Whiling P.
Lightfoot who served in the Military
department ol the San Mareos Baptist
Academy Crom 1951. In 1967 Col. and Mrs.
Lightfoot moved lo Waynesville, Mo. Col.
LigJilfool died in April 1974.
s.... I)\~
Limon ~....J. 1t- / 11 l r"
Mrs. Jnei Limon died Saturday,
A rll 16. Mrs. Limon owned and
p rated Empress Beauty Shop
~':re in San Marcos for more than 20
1-4 ~
Rosary will be held Sunday ev~n·
lng at 7:30 p.m. at th.e Los Ang~ es
Funeral Chapel. Funeral sel'Vlces
11 be held Monday morning at lO
• St John's Catholic Church.
a .m . a.. ·
Sa Pedro
B · l will follow at
~~:tery under t.he direction of the
Los Angeles Funeral Home.
Maria Limon
Survivors include her husband
Mr Geronimo Limon of San Marcos,
2 slaters Mrs. Josephine Cruz and
Mrs Gertrude Godina of San Mar·
cos,. and 1 brother, Guadalupe Ro·
The boQy will be \n chapel Sunday
morning af\er 10 a .m.
c...r:; ~·
Funeral Mass for Maria DeJesus Limon
· will be held ~ednesday, Sept. 17, al 2
p.m . at St. John s catholic Church Burial
will ~ in lbe San Juan Cemetery in
Reedville under the direction or St John'
Funeral Chapel.
~rs. Limon died Monday at her
residence .following a short UJncss. Sh-.Jtad
been a resident of Hays County ror 45 years
Limon ~-p-;n
Monday in Nuevo Laredo,
for Arthur Umoo,
who died April !I> at the age
of 19.
He is survived by bis
parents, Pedro G. Limon and
Estefana Limon or San
Marcos; three brothers and
six sisters.
servies held
FuneraJ mass for Mrs. Maria De
Jesus Limon, 82, was held WedAeSday,
Sept. 17 al 3 p.m. at St. John's c.athollc
Church. Burial wa,, at San Juan
Cemetery at Reedville under the
d irection of St. John's Funeral Chapel.
She is survived by four daughters,
Mrs. Apolinar Saucedo, Mrs. Esperan.
za Silva, Mrs. Marla Mercer. San
Antonio: two sons, Geronimo Limon and
Julian Limon, of San Marcos: 18
grandchildren, and two great-grandchildren.
Limon services Wednesday
and ~as 3 m.embcr or the religious society
Su!""1vo~ include four daughters, Mrs.
Apolinar Saucedo and Mrs. Esperanza
Silva, bo!h of San Marcos, Mrs. Anita
A1J aui or Kerman. Calif. and Mrs Mana
Mercer or . San Anlonio ; two sons,
Geronimo Limon and Julian Limon. bolh
of San Marcos : 18 grandchildren; and two
great grandl'h1ldren.
.,.,~_,, 19'i~
Graveside services for Alyne
Durelle Lighthouse, 102,.were he!d
May 17 in Sun.set. Memonal Park
San Ant.onlo unde:r the direction o
Porter Lorlng Mortuary.
Survivors include one son,
Colonel Terrence S. L\ghthouse of
San Marcoe; two grandchildren,
Jamee T. Lighthouse of San M;arcos
and Mra. William Lee Trans1er of
Houston; and two great.-gra.ndsons,
Nichc.:as Ryan and Christopher
Hall '.['ransier ofHouaton.
Surviving are one son, Whiting R ::.
Lightfoot, Waynesville, Mo.; •four grandchU<ftn, four great grandchildren, a .l
sister, Mn. Louise MacLean, Norlh ' 1
Vancouver, B. C., C8nada ; and a bl-Qt.her,
Felix Rockwell, Olean, N.Y.
l:HC"' ,.. ' ~
L gn
.. nou'Se
~~~?1 ts
Lucy Laurene LighlfioUse.
S ~o R..
74, died May 24 al Morningside Manor in San
Antonio after a long illness.
Miss Lighthouse was bom
April ti. 1909. in Houston.
She had been a teacher for
over 40 years, 10 years at
San Marcos Academy and JS
years al Sul Ross University.
Survivors include her
mother. Alyne 0 . Lighthouse
of San Antonio: a brother.
T.S. Lighthouse or San
Marcos. an aunt. Willie E
Van Pelt of San Antonio.
Graveside services will be
held Thursday at 10: 30 a .m.
al Sunset Memorial Park in
San Antonio under the
direction or Sunset Memorial
P ark Funeral Home. The
Rev. Tomlin or Christ
Episcopal Church wiJJ officiate.
Memorials may be sent to
St. James Episcopal Church.
in care or the Rev. R L.
Sleeper. S08 North Sixth
Street Alpine, Texas 79830.
Miss Lighthouse was
honored wit h election to
membership in the following
educational societies: Phi
Theta Kappa. Kappa Delta.
and Phi Lambda Theta .
In addition. she was
honored as one of the Outs tanding Citizens of the Year
for Alpine by lhe Alpine
Branch of the American
Association of University
Women : the Alpine Pilo1
Club : and the Alpine
Chamber ol (;ommerce
Miss Lighthouse retired
from her teaching duties at
Sul Ross i n May of 1975. and
conlmued to be active a
cha irma n or the St James
Episcopal Church Cuild
She was president of the
P ilot Club. president or
A A U.W., president
Zeta. Della Kappa Gamma
and also prf'Sident of the Big
Bend Hospita l Auxiliary.
Lindb'fa~ ~ s>'~& -
·"' I Lindsey, 83,
·funeral Held at
Kyle W dnesda •J c
5...._ ff\~
""fTWe,-o $ 1rUAR \ 4i,.~
Aileen. Bertha Undblad died
Tuesday. August 14. 1990 at the
age of 56. ServScea wtlJ be held at
10 a.m. on Thunlday. August 16
at Pennlngton Chapel.
Unblad la awvfved by her husband. Moody Elton Undblad of
Buda. TX and her two damihtere.
Karen Scarbrough of Buda and
Marte Crunk as we_U as bet' aonln·law Butch Crunk Uoblad Is
all<> •UJ'Vfved by three alatera:
Verdie Cllleapte of AuaUn. Ruby
Joe Undaberry or Brown·
svfUe dled Salurday al lh<' age
ol19. Graveside sen•ices will be
he.Id at 11 a..m Tuesda)' a l lhc
San Mfrcos City Ce~ery
He is survived by bis wire
Bohla or Auattn. and Vlrgln:la
Turner or Buda: and seven gra.ndchJJdren.
Sally Haynes Lindaberry
or Brownsville died April 15
al the ase of '19,
Graveside services will be
held Saturday morning at 10
at theSao Marcos City
ti.lei from the Sledge Chapel, l{.y.le, on
Aprll IS. Interment WU in Sky View
Cemetery wtth the Reverend Wade oC-
Be had been a realclent or Kyle Cor
m&n1 Y8&r8 and had been enpeetl In
fanning. Re wu a member ol the 8-1>ua Church.
Suntvors Include hfa wtre, Irene Lind.., ol Kyle; a daughter, Lelle Uodae1 ol New York; two saoa, Eddie Llndaey and Thoma.a Lindsey ol l(.yJe·1 alao
three 1lste.r s, Nellie llolmu, Eme Ltndaey mid Ella B. Carter all ol Los Anple1; a brother, Eddie Lind.sey ol Loa
Aaaelta; and two a:randchJldren.
p.m. Sunday for Hazel 0 . Lindeman,
ff! of Buda. Bunal was In Uve Oak
Cemetery near Buda.
Mrs Lindeman ls survived by one
brother, Alvin Stringer of Austin; a
stepson, Biiiy John Lindeman of
Bracketvme; and two stepgrandc:hfld-
Brownsville and Mary Sue
ffaynetofSan Marcos.
~!&\,_ N\'¥'<4
Staples, who died Nov. 14 at the age
• of 61. Interment will be al Staples
He ls survived by his wile, Mary
Helen Linebarger
Staples· rour
SOOS, the Rev. J . L . Linebarger of
• San Antonio, Jerry Linebarger of
Funeral arrangements were made by
/'1!t'l"S C<>· c.rr1 ~<S.,V
New Braunfels, Terry Linebarger of
KYLE-- Mrs . Irene· Lindsey, native and urelonc resident or Kyle,
died at her residence on Tuesday, April 9.
Survivors include two sons, Thomas Lindseyand Eddie Lindsey,
both or Kyle'; a daughter, Leila Lindsey or New York Clty ; nd a sister,
Mrs. Rosie Johnson or Amityville, R. I.
Funeral services were conducted al Slect.te Chapel Bap4hl Churc-h
on Monday . April 15, lhe Rev. WadeoCficiating. Burial was in $ty View
Cemetery al Kyle .
'l t ,,,
Graveside services were and Mrs. Robert Weisainl
ol Ablleoe ; one son, A.P.
held 1bursday at Suples
<:anetery ror Alba A.
Unebarger oC Waco, who
cied March 31 at the ..ie ol
The Rev.
Unebaraer ol Rockport.
He la alaO aurvlved by two
Geecbeid)e of Gonzales an
Weissinger olficlated.
Mn. J . M . Dud)e, of Ber
Unebarger-, "'bom
ln tram; 13 grandcblldreo an
Martindale, Carmed io the five great grandchildren.
wM be held !;:turday a t 10
a:m. al Pennington Memorial Chapel
for Buford Eddie Linebarger of
Mrs. Irene Lindsey
&.: Q... {i.U5
Llneb~g~~-u qg~
Cook-Walden Funeral Home.
Waco; tbreedaugbten, Mn.
Ruth Godley ol Waco, Mn.
David Frazier of Houston,
Hazel D. Lindeman
1'°'1'\IJ! ... ~ ~ 1f" v A-A. \£S
Funeral services were held at
She Is
Dr three
brothers: Lewisffayneund
BUI Haynes both of San
Marcos. Joe Raynes or
Kerrville; three sisters:
BernJce Nelson of New
Mexico, Laura Snow oC
the Methodilt Olurcb.
Survivon are bia wife.
Mrs. LUlle Linebarger of•
,. .
Funeral eervlces ror
m Lindsey,
83, who dJed April 10 In Austin, were
Cem'fery \
Staples community untll ·1939. He waa a member ol
~ r.uA~ 1c. •
rw '1..":.
" 9•
.1 1111t.
Linebarger Hites
Held Tuesday
l.1lhu11 I -e1'h,in: Une!M.1rger,
14. ut ...Utµle-. died ~lo11ct.1~ ;1t
ht•r n •:<idc.•rK•c
t- Ult<'ru I :-l'rvicl~ \\ere held at
: 1u 11. I u<•:-<l." •• 1 thl• :-.wptei\1t•1hoclt I 1 hu1 c:h ~' tlh the
f:t•\ ·re11cl 1.011 11d11111 .111d 1hi.•
l:t•\'t•rcud Jen~ I 1111.-li;11 g1•r
111fic~u1 in11,. 1.urml '' ,, ... m thl•
·tapk~ 1 c111t•1 er~
llC' i:- i-mvlvc'I
Ii~ IWU Hlll~~
I' 11)t1.•1 ,111111 .u1ord I .incb..irger ol
•t,111~e:- . 11111• :-iste1', t-.lst1 Lorent
ul :o.c.-.:11111 1•1gh1 gm11dchildreJ1
•ntl 11 ~'"<'· • I Kr..in<lchtldren.
Alaska, and Wayne Linebarger or
Staples; one daughter, Mrs. Terry
(Joyce) Wagner or San Marcos ; one
Staples ; 11 grandchildren.
Memorials may be given lo lhc
American Cancer Society.
"ft.vC- C)l.11
UlllanOerhamU'*>elgec 74
Staples died Monday,
'° • herof
hOme Funeral services were held May
Dtxi_..e. .L•i•p•s•co-m_b_...
Ulllan Qef'ham Linebarger.
Ma 3
:S _
_._.-.j·-·s..M•rs•,•)•L:•L•r•t•di•1ed- Th•u•rsda-y•1•n•. •s.n
' 01xle Ll p.c;com b. .,.
r uncra services or
al Wimberley were h Id Tuesd•y at
al2p m. attheStaplesUnttedMelhodlst
Chorch tho Rev. Bob Odom and the
Rev. J~ Unebarget officiating. Burial
was.,, the staples Cemeteiy.
Mts Linebarger was bOm Nov. 21,
1901 In Guadalupe County to William
and Mary Schubol Derham. She ls
survived by twO sons. Roger Linebarger
of Staptes and Buford Unebarger o
Staples· one 51s t«. Elsa Lorenz of
Seguin, eight grandchildren and 11
amon Wleters, onver Ugrlch, Elmo
utnch Lonnie Gray Geschiedle, Hamson ~iedle and Donald Gotthardt
served as pallb08f8(S.
Memorial C"hapel with the
Rn J B VoungoHidat.ang Rurialwasln
the Luling City Cem~lery
()f. I T
1 1.;.;
D Ixle Lip a co mab~------•".;.:1t.,>'.;.
< ();.;...;';.;.1 .:..
WIMBERLEY- Mrs . Dixie Lipscomb , 65. of Wimberley died Thur day. July 18.
Survivors are a son, Allen M. Lipscomb of England ; broiher, Paul
Woods of Liverpool; sister, Mrs. Frances Mercer of San Marcos ;
two grandchildren.
Funeral services were held at 10 a .m. Tuesday at the Pennington
Funeral Home, San Marcos , with the Rev. J . B. Young ofCiclating.
Burial was in the Luling Cemetery.
~1 r1 ~~11/'
Mrs. Claudia Llamas
Byron J . Lillie. Sr.. 71, of
San Marcos d ied Monday in
nn Aus1in hosp1Cal.
He was assoc1a1ed w11h
Wuests Grocer)' 1n San
Marcos from 1953 until h1
Pre\1 1ously, he had been 1n
1he grocery business in
Belton. a nd worked w11h
the soil conservation ser·
vice 1n Kenedy and Tern
Funeral Mass for Mrs. Claudia Llamas
81, al Hunter. WU held Monday. Februari
25, at St. John's Catholic CbW"Ch Burial
wu in the S.n Pedro Cemetery under the
dtrect:Jon or Los Angeles Funer•I Home.
Survivors Include her husband, Jesus
Llamas cl HW1ler , three dallgh lers, Mn. ,.
Isabel Torres, Mrs. Cn.a. Gallegos and 'Mrs. Maria Gallegos. a ll or Hunter. three "'
Cntt Llamas cl Santa Barbara, eaur. and ......i
Vemave Uamas, also cl Santa Barbara ~
pie. He was born in lhe In·
d lan lerritory of Oklahoma.
He is surv ived by htS
wire, Dr. Azale1e Lill le. of
depar1men1 al Southwest
Texa!> Suue,
Kare n L11tle and Judy
Allen,...or San Ma rcQs. a nd
Jan 011mers of Loredo: son.
Capt. Byron J. L111le. Jr.. or
Panama Chy, Fla,, bro1henio
two sisters, Mrs. Juanita Medellin ol
Huntu and Mrs J1.11tna Calderon or
Monterrey, Mex • lwo broihers, Jac:lanto
l iWv- o
Calderon and Demedrio Calderon of
Mexico: 33 grandchJldren: and 23 g~a l
Mrs. Claudia Ll.Unu
Funeral Mau for Mn. Claudla Llamu, C'
Hunt.er, will be held Monday,
February 25, •l 3 p.m . •t St. John'• .....,
CathoUc Clwrch. BlD'ial wUJ follow- ln the ::>
San Pedro Cemetery under the directkJo of
Los Aq&eles Funeral Home
&uvtvon include her husband, Jeeus •
Llamas cl Hunter; three dauChten, Mn.
lsa.bel Torres, Mn. Cruz Gallep ~-t tMn. Marla Gallegos. all al Hunter; ~
1001 kdlalado Uamu ot Goleda1• cauc.
erm'Llamu cl Sant.a Barbara, Cauf. a
Vemave Uamu, also al Sant.a Barbua ;.J
two aiaten, Mn. Juanita Medellin of-' :;)
Hunt.e'r and Mrs. Juana Calderon of f7
Monterrey, Mex.; two brolben, Jadaato
Calderon and Demedrlo Calderon of
Mexico; 3S grandchildren; and 23 great
81 , al
C P L11tle and Roy L111te of
Washing1on, sister. Bess
Coats of Ca hforn1a.
Funeral services were
held Wednesday in Bellon.
The fam ily has requested
thal d onauons be made 10
the Hear t Assoc1a1lon and
10 a SWT scholarship fund
Ill heu or flowers.
Lock 11/11/1-~
,.,.j'.llil ~1t..fo
.-unera ~erv1ces '
For Mrs. Lock
Byron Little, Sr., dies Monday
C.1- ~!;,
sons, Adislado Llamas or Goleda.
Woods or Liverpool . one sister. Mn.
Francis Merttror San Mucos: and two
n ~ i'.s co,
°rJ t;J C.. -
Antonio hospital.
Surv1'vors 1nclu..
- on.........
" ...,,, AU.... u~
scomb or England . one broth«. P•ul
Buda, died in }laya County
Memorial R e>!pilal Tuesday, Dec.
25, al the ar._ Q.( 86.
Funeral servicH wlll be held
loday (Thursday) ol 10 a.m. ht
the Methodist Church of Buda
wllh the Rev. Robcn Sledge conducting lhe SC?rviccs. Burial will
be In the Barton Cemetery.
Mrs. Lock Is survived by thrro
slslcn, Miss Lily Wright,, Miss
Laura WriCht. and Mrs. OaiS>l
.Rylander. all of Buda.
Mrs. Lock was bOrn in M is<1lssipp1 on June 16, 1876. She was a
member ot the Buda Methodis t. 1
Pallbearers will be the nephews of Mrs. Lock-Leon Milter,
Alvis Waterson, T. T. Lock,
Ccorge Lock, CC(lil I..oc:k, and
W11lon Lock.
Funenal &erVICCS
Kre being arranged by Penning
ton Funeral Home.•
Graveside services wUI be
held al JI a.m Friday al
Barton Cemetery in Buda (or
Lavonia Estelle Lock of
Kerrville. who died Nov. US
a t the age of 101. Mrs Loclc
was a residenl of Buda Crom
1883 to 1926.
She Is survived by lhree
sons. John Ward of Sonor a ,
Ward of Mountain
Home, and Allie Lock of
Oiona : one daughter, Leona
Senter or EJ Paso: five
ten greal
grandch11dren. and four
great great g randcblldren.
Funeral arrangemenls are
under lhe direction of
Grimes Funeral Home of
- "
£...t. 1TVA~ 1 th
~.. ,..,.-~.... ~ ~/jq~
ItJre. u.E. Loc;'f)!.81~ J.
Gravea\de servlceS for r.\n. U. E.
(Besaiel Lockhart were held Saturday,
November 2, al San Marcos City Cemel.el'Y
wltb the ReY. eonway Wharton offkl.atlng.
LoCa1 arrangements were under t5e
dirediOn d Peon.iJCtoD Funer&J Home.
Mrs Lockhart dled WedneSda'I in San
An&el~ She wu a reUred teacher from
the 0~ Public SchOOl System. •
member d the DAR and Eastern Star.
SurvivOrS include two grandlOftl.
Ronnle and Jerry Ostrander o! Oregon. ..
'",,,-,;:.tel"~ ~...
Feliciano Lombardo
· Feliciano Lombardo. 65, of San MarroS
died on TtiorsdaY. May 22.
survivors: sons. Gabriel l.DIT\bal'do •of
(lliexiCO, AicardO Lombardo of Elgin;
daughters, Mrs. PaUla ~ of
MeXICO, Mrs. Marla HE!t'nandeZ of San
Antonio; and 24 grandc:hlldren.
Funeral services were held al 11 a.m.
Saturday, al Sacred Heart CathOllc
Church. Elgin. wtlh burial ln NeWbY
Funeral Home Cemetery.
seNlc:es we<e under d1rect1on of the
NeWbY Funeral Horne In Elgin.
, (
Remigio Lomb•do
Lombardo. 86, reslde:nt of
Siln Marcos the past aa
years and a rel.ired farmer, died in the Hays Mem orial Hospital onTuesday,
after an extended Ulness,
March 27 , He "as a member or St. John's Catholic
Qlurch and th e Hob' Na.me
Funeral mass is t.0 be
conducted at 10 am Thursda y b ) the Rev. Leo
Delgado . nuri.al will be in
San taguel C- emcte o at
Survh orb lnclude his
wife, Mrs . lnez. Lombardo
of San Marcos; three dau gh le rs. Mr s . Vict.O ria
Rocha and Mrs . Angeli La
Rodrigu ez.. bo lh of San
Marcob. and Mr . Suianna
Rocha or Fir ebaugh , Ca UC;
rour ons. Domingo L.omblrdo . Gonialo Lombardo,
Gilb e n o Lomba r d oand
Reyes Lombardo. aU oC
San Marcos; o ne brother,
Feliciano Lomb a rdo oC
Mexico; 32 grandchildren;
and one great -grandchild.
Mrs .
t-.. vie du·ct
Suntf.t\ S1•r1o 1c 1·
~Tut ~d.1y.
I 11n• r.1l H11m1• in S,1n
~M..rc· o•;. Bu ri.ii ~II 7.inn
,C1•m1•1t·ry 1n B1•rtrnm
r Sun 1\:or· hrulhn. C.h:cfP
« Ethel, 85
'ip •1•1I of Aust m
Funeral Mui for
J_ ... JObn'•
·~· .... held Oft Ttnnday, lktth i&. at st'.
CatboUc OlW'Ch With the Rev Leo
J=1!:._ Del(ldo, offldatlng. Burill WU at ht San
J ~ ldiguel Cemetery in UblUd under the
t ) .:t- directk>o of Los ~eles F\lnetal Home.
Lombardo died Tuesday, March 27 at
·a.ya Memorial Aospltal followin& a
'Lomhard"'f 1,.
Rosary will be recit.ed
tonight al a at IA6 Angeles
Funeral Home Chapel for
Angelina Lombardo, who
died March 31 al lbe age of
Services will be be,ld
Wednesday at 3 p.m. al SL
John's Catholic Cl»reb.
with burial following al San
parents, Mr. and
lllnea. He bad lived in So Marcos for the
put S2 years and wu a member OI the
Hol)t Name Society and the Socledld
&iriiYOtt lricliide bis wife, Mrs. Ines
Lombardo ~ three dauJlbten, Mn. Vlctcria
Rocha and Mn. Anaellta Rodriguez both
d San Marcos and Mn. Smana Rocha or
Flrebough, calll., rour sons, Domlngo
Lombardo, Gonzalo Lombardo, Gilberto
Lombardo and Reyes Lombardo all ol San
Marcos; one brother, Felldano Lombardo
d Mexico; 32 gtandchilchn; and one
great grandcblJd.
Pallbeam-a were Daniei Gutierrez
~Palacios, Apolinar Mendoza, Adolf~
Gaito, Frank Hernandet and Margarito
Gilbert Lombardo d San
Marcos; four brolberl.
David Lombardo, Gilbert
Lombardo Jr., and Rubel
Lombardo, all of San
Marcos; three sisters,
Sylvia Miranda, Mary Jane
Lombardo, and Angelita
Lombardo. all or San
Marcos ; paternal grandmother, loex LOmi,anio
Marc~ .
Minnie Longino
SAN MARCOS-Mrs. Minnie Elizabeth
Longino, 75, d San Marcos, died In that
city d Saturday, May 17.
Survivors Include her brolher-1.,..law
Nomw\ Jack9on o( San Mateos.
Graveside setVloes and burla! were
held at 10 a.m. Monday at Oekwood
~ery. Austin, under direction of the
Pennington Funeral Home ot San
Marcos. // A r.. c • c. , n."- ! A/
Kimberley Longley
SAN MARCOS--Kimberley Longley , 11, daughter of Dr. and Mrs.
Glm . Longley, died Sunday, Feb. 3, in Brackenridge llo~ital Austin
as a result or injuries s uffered in a playground accident in October:
Survivors, besides her parent • include he r maternal g randparents
Mr. and Mrs. William Van Winkle or Whitney ; paternal grandparents '.
Mr. and Mrs . Glen Longley or Buchanan Dam.
Funeral services were held Tuesda~ mo,rning a.t Pennington Funeral
Home, th~ Rev . Norman Starling officiating, with burial in the San
Marcos Clly Cemetery.
Memorial contributions may be made Lo the Book Fund of Crockett
Elementary School in San Marcos .
Longori a
Rosary will be recited lonighl al 8
at Los AngeJes Funera\ Chape\ for
Adolpho Longona Jr or San Marcos,
who died AU& '11 a l the age of 0
Funeral ma wall be Wcdn<Sday at
10 a m at St. John's Calhoh<' Church.
with Interment Collowang at San Juan
Cemelery an Reedville
He &S survwcd by one daughter.
Mrs BecJcy Longona ol San 1art'05:
four sons. Abel. IA'On Jerry. all o!
Sao Marcos. and Rudy Longona of
Kyle; hi.s mot.her. Maria S. Lo~gona
of San Marcos
nine S lS~rs .
Crt"goria Ortuno. Vaclde Longona,
FideJa Vasquez Aurora Gana. Dora
Vasquez. Irene Puentes, 1argarit.A
llcrttra. all oC San Marcos. Marta
Munoi oC Waco, and CreM?nc1a
1.avala or Martindale; six broth rs,
Pete. Juan. Luis. Santiago, Andres.
and Arcu1ano Longoria, all of San
Marcos. sax grandchildren
iwr - r f ..,; ,,. 1t:.S
Lo n~ oria a(:'I-/"
f>. '"Y\li ..
f'uner.a\ mass for Demctmo
Longoria. 1G "111 be Saturd:t)
1 9 30
~l a ry·s
C'a lhohc Church an Martmdale,
v.11.h buriaJ foll0'4tn al San
Pablo Cf!mcttl') m L«k~rt
undtt lM dlrecuon ol t J ohn
t'unenal lfome
lie d1t'd Thursdo) . March 15,
after an extended 1llne.
Rosol) v.111 be rec1lcd tonight ul
• 8 IS a t SI John's F\Jneral
lloane Chapel
Survivors are h1 mother,
Mrs R~ C Longona of San
Gloria i':sp.'.lrza or Son Mnrcos
and Mns. Trinidad lnrlmc.t or
Dommgo Longoria or Mar·
lJndale. Jot." l..ongona and Pablo
or San Marcos
Burial foUcw•ed cal San Juan
Cemetery 111 Reedville under
the dlreCtton of St John's
F'Uneral Home
Jacob. v.ho died Monday al
Ha>s Memonal HospUal after a
bnef illness. tS surv\\ed by his
parents, Andres Logorta and
Longoria . a
tSler, Sona Ann.
and a brother Isaac
Longona, AdoUo Lon orta
Manuel l..oogoria, and lferculano Longori.
aurvived by her huaband,
Alberto LopH; three 10n1, Ruben
Paul and Frandtco Lopez; (Our
d~~gh~•. Mary Diane Oarda, \
Patlicla Ann LoJ>H, Delia Lope.t.,
and Al~rta Lopez; four grandchil-
dren and aevenl nephew• and
niece•. AH are of San ?Aarcot.
Mas Saturday
For Mr. LoIJgona
(,..,'\ rl'M
~ ~~ 'f--~-;t;j
A •tunual Mu.s Cor PrlcJplano G. Lai•
'Olia. 68, ol Austin, wu held Ill I ,._
\prU 3 at Sl. Mary's catholic C1mdl
n Martindale "1th the RbY. B4m Goei'ls
~cllllln&. Barlal followed at the Sin
sldro Cemetery ln Feotreaa, wtth ar•
·ancemeata under the dlnctfon ot tile
...os Angele• F\meral Rome.
Survlvon are bis wt!e, Mra. Eulalia
~la ot Austin; two dauctQn,
LlllY Chavoi ol ~lea and Mra. Glorla
Peret ot Lockhart; two aona, laldro Lon,orla and Cregcrla Lcqorla ol Austin;
three sister•, Mrs. Tomasa Alderete ol
Corpus Christi, Mra. Genoveva Alvarado
or Martindale and Mrs. ldlcaela Torru
of Austin; and U arandchlldren.
Pallbearers were Ru.ben Eacovecto, Le-
on Lopez, Juan Rangel, Alfredo Moreno.
Tomas Loogorla and IAP Torrea.
Funeral Mrvic:ea will be held at. 10
a .m . Saturday at St. John'• Calhollc
Church for Mrs. Muia C. Lontor1a,
70, of San Marcoa, who dlC!d Doc. 24
all.el' a audden Ulne&ac.
Burial will follow al San Juan
Cemetery in Reedvdle; and a Roury
pre-ceedine lhe funeral servic:. will
be held at 7:30 p.m. Fnday aL the
Los Angeln Funeral Chapel.
She i1 aul'Vlved by alx aona, PelAt
Longoria, Areulano Ernnt.0 Longoria, Juan Longoria, Santlaao
Longoria, Andre Longona and Lul1
Longolia. all of San MartOIJ, ntn~
daught.t'rt, Mn. Georgia Ortuno,
Mrs. Vicky Longoria, Mn. Fidela
Vasquez, ~il"I. Irene Puent.ea, Mrs
t.largarita Herren and Mra. Aurora
Cana, all of San Man::o1, Mn. Cre·
aencia Zavala of Mardndale and
Mrs. Maria Munoz or Waco; lwo Iii·
t.e,ns, Mn . Juana Ton"ll9 of Houston
or Aus·
dn; two brothers, Sy\veater Con·
$eTv1ce• w'lre/hMd/tDd•Y at St.
John'• Catholic Church for Mrs.
Beatnce S. Gonzalez t.opex or San
Marco- who died Nov. 28 at. the 'I'*
or 61 l nt.erment.
at San Pedro
Cernot.ery. Rosary waa ftclted Monday night at Loi Angelet Funel'1ll
While Moss ror infant J acob
Longona v.a satd al tO a m
today at Sl John's Catholic
Cburch with the Rev Robert
and Mn. Severa Contreru
~--;,sc.-D \ t\>A-~ \t.
Lope-% '- J , J lf
L o ngona
. ~IU/7 1
lreru and San toe Contrt'ru, both or
Houston; 80 irandchildren: and 27
AlTanpm•nla are und•r dw
direction of Los Angeles Funcn.1
77, a retired fa rmer, died on Sun day
April 1, In theffaysMem:
orial Hospital.
Survivo-rs include his
wile, Hilaria LoP"z orSan
Marcos; step-son, Jose
Garcia of San Marcos·
six daughters, Mrs . Agus:
tina Munoz, Mrs . Benita
Deleon of San Marcos
Mrs . Tomasa Solano ahci
Rosa PaUan or Maxwell
Mrs . AflBelita Martinezor
Altus, Okla., Mrs . Jususa
Calderon or Vernon; two
brothers , Antonio Patlan
d . Fireba 11, Calli. and
EliJio PaUan or Mexico·
a suter, Mrs. Catarin~
Recalado or Hulcenter· SS
ar&ndchDd ren and '24
great 1ra.ndchildren.
FuneraJ servtce were
held Tuesday morning at
the Ass.e.mbly or Go d
Cliurch , with the Rev lgnacJo Salaiar oaiciadng
&rial was Jn the Memory
Lawn Memorial park
lnder direction or th e Los
Angeles Funeral Home .
/ I
' C- L h 1 J,,,, n...
Emilio Lopez
-r;wc- oe.,. " ~o;>
F\lneraJ services for Emilio ~ 77
~ Wfl'e held today al lhe AssembJy of God
A ,:;:;-<llurch wflh the ltev. Ygnacio Salazar
.a _ olflclatJng. Burial was at the Memor-Y
Lawn Memorial Park under the dlrecUon
" Loe AnieJes FUneraJ Home.
Lopez died S~da)t. April I, al Hays
'\femoriaJ Hospital following a abort
Wness•• He was a reUred farmer and a
member of the Assembly of God Church
Survivors include his wife, Mrs. HJ~
Lopez; six daughters, Mrs. Agustina
Mmez ol San Marcos, Mrs.' Tomasa
Solano and Mn. Rosa Patlan both of
Maxwell, Mrs . .Benita DeLeoo or San
Marcos, Mn Angt'lina Martina of
Olc.Jahoma and Mrs. Jesussa Calderon of
Vernon · three sons, Jose Garcia ol San
Marcos, Luis Pauan or Vernon Victor
PaUan and Benito Pallan both o( MaxwdJ ·0
two brothers Antonio PaUan
Calif., EUJio Patlan ol Mexico one slater'
Mn. Catarina Regalado ol Hillcent.er· s5
&randchildren· and 24 great · ~nd­
for Franc*° LoPei
Sr. '4·ett held today at SL John's
Catholic Church, with burial
following at San Pedro
Cemetery Ht' uicd June 24 at
the age o( 69.
Rosary was recited Monday
at 8 f ·m at Los AngeJ
Funcra Home Chapel
Ht' Is surviVt'd by his wife,
Santos Lopez of San Marcos:
sue sons. Florentino Lopez and
Alberto Lope? or San Marcos.
Francisco l..opM Jr., Valenllne
Lopel. and Reyes Lopez. all of
New Braunfels. and Jua n
Antonio Lope% ol Seguin
He Is also survived b) three
daughters, Edna Silva of
Staples, Nlcbolasa Villanueva
City, Herman Lopez of Wl cbltAI
Falls, Aunlio Lopez. o( New
Other survivors are three
s lsters, Santlaga Limon or San
Antonio, Joaquina Htrnandez ol
Rodriguez of San Marcos, and
12 l'i I.'(,
28 grandch1ldttn
tf/'tO C"'
Se:rvtces were held 1\ae$d.ay at St.
John's Ca tholi c Churc h for
Guadalupe C Lope2 Jr. of San Mar·
cos, WhocbedSept. t4at lheaaeof 39.
lnt.ennent was at Memory Lawn
Garden of the Cross. Rosa.ry was
recib!d Monday evenlng a t Los
Angeles FUoeraJ Chapel.
Survfvora are ht. parents, Mr. and
Mrs Guadalupe Lopez Sr. of San
Marcos; two daughters, Cerol Lope2
and Cindy Lopez, both of Austin,
three sons, David Lopez and Michael
Lope2 of Austin, Armando Lope% of
San Diego, Calll.; paternal grand·
parents, Juan and Marie Lope% of
San Antonio; one brothe.r, Oscar
J..opez of San Marcos.
Rosary will be r
F~led1 ~night at 7
at Lo• Angt!f<>s
C1lben.., lo,x:- Sr. of Sa hapeJ for
who died .. " " 4
•'- n Martos
" -·will at.
.Fun"nil moss
be w1e a ge o( 77.•
p.m. at St. John's Ca ~~urdny at 2
wit h ln~rment followt le Church.
dro Cemetery.
ng at San PuHe is IUrvived b h 11
Lopez of San Ma~.' fi wffe, Susie
tera, Carmen M d our daughSaucedo, Jo~phJneen oza, Ma ry
Austin, and Della Vau1;:':'/ • all of
tonio t wo sons G 'l be
San AnA11,n'n • nd Da~d ILo rt Lopttz Jr. or
pez of San An01.lwr rurv1von. nr~ luur illit.crs
Eloisa Hagen, Catarina Kelly, 1::1:
vim LoJ>C't , a ll or San Antonio, a nd
Petru l..o~z or Wichtt.o Falls, :.SO
gra nd child ren and 35 gcretH·
iir•ndch1ldn-n. He was preceded in
death by one g r e a ,·g- reat JJT8ndch1ld - ' ' o It • t/ -
and Ohvla Barbosa oC New
Ambrodo Lopet oC Universal
&an •area.a latlg lhcorb
Mary Arredondo Lopez., 65, of Kyle
died Sonday Feb. 8 at her home. funeral
aervloes were held Feb. 10 at 10 a.m. at
St Anthony's Catholic Church In Kyle,
the Rev. Don Chatham officiating.
Burial was 1n the San Juan Cemetery In
Mrs. Lopez was born.Jan. 11 1912 In
Gonzales, and had lived 36years In Kyle.
She is survived by her husband, Tomas
v. Lopez: a daughter, Guadalupe
Arredondo; and three brothers, Manuel
Arredondo. Vkenle Arredondo and
Danie! Arredondo.
r-. • ...
~ 1 ~~"' ~' "~
A. ~" 1c.1 ''I'"
Se.rv1ces were be.Id tOday al
John ' s Catholic Churc h for
Guadalupe C. Lopez Jr. of San Mar
ce», who dled Sept 14 at the age of 39
Interment was at Memory Lawn
Garden or I.he erosa Rosary was
~lted Monday e vening at Los
Angeles Funeral Chapel.
He Is survived by his parent.a, Mr.
and M rs. CuadalUPe Lopez Sr . or San
Marcos; two daughters, Carol ~
and Cindy Lopez, and two sons,
David I~ and Michael Lopez, aU
or AusUn ; paternal grandpa.rents,
Juan and Maria Lopez of San An·
ton.lo ; one brolhtt. Oscar Lope% or
San M arcos
fh.,... "1'"T
Sen •lces for Mana IAfX'7,
77 Of San \farcO!I Y. tll IO·
7 :"1 r m
Hnmt• fu111•rt1 I
{'ludt> n Rosan
(.'(>remom f'rid<t\ al to I' "'
Ill SI .John ·~ <'11thnhc- <"hjlrl h
with hurial fnlloY. ini:t n1 Snn
P<"Clrn <'<'m<'l<'rv off
l<'rpomt Road Shf'
IAJX.•1 1-. survl\·f'd b\'
cons Jo.<:r. r>anlt>I
r.11trs "'• , , r 1z. r.
Graveside services were held last
Tuesday for the Infant child of Alberto
and Bealr1c:e Lopez of Zorn, Texas.
Burial was In the San Pedro CemA1ery.
Besides his parents, the child Is
survived by two brothers. Ruben Paul
Lopez and Francisco Lopez; and four
sisters. Mary Diane Lopez Patricia Ann
Lopez, Della Lopez and Alberta Lopez
of \1 ul~hot" ilnff
.Jeso: M San \ntonin: IY.11
cfaughl t'I'~ 1imott>a Ahem
11'1rt>nn of Friona Mtf
.Juanita l.wha \IPndota 111
• n n \1 nl'C'n:; nnf' hrot ht r
~n l 1H'lcia<f 1Ap<'1 of Snn
Zt 1trnndch1ltlrl'n
nntf 12 Art>:>t 2r3ndc-h1ldn•n
Jl'fP~ Lopez'l''l''0
Furnual mass for Mrs.
Rita Maria Lopei, 62, wlU
be held Wednesday at 10
at St. Anthony's
Catholic Church ln Kyle,
with burial following at
Kyle Cemettry under the
dlrectlon of St. J ohn•s
Funeral Home.
Rosary will be recited
home chapel.
husband, Alfredo Lopez of
Kyle; four
Marta Delgado ol Kyle,
Lucia Los>H ol Austin.
Wiley T. Lowden
held Saturday "rs co <·~·>'i;1;1 s
MANCHACA- Funeral servloes were
held al 11 am. Saturday, Dec. 20 at
Wllke-Oay Funeral Harne In Austin fC>t
Wiley T. Lowden, 67, of Manchaca.
Mr. Lowden died Thursday, Dec. 18
Hewasa long.-t1me resident of Buda and
Is survived by his wife, lv\amle
\Nhlsenant Lowden of Manchaca; t.....o
daughters, Cleo Glosson of 0-ipplng
Services' Held Friday
Inna Lope1 ol Converse,
Ida Oalna ol San Antonio;
five sons, Efrain Loptt ol
Kyle, Gorje Lopez ol
H.11 -..,-6i
Mrs. Har Lowery, 81, dJed at Hay1
Rospital on October 30. She
Uved at Route 1, Box 1, Wimbnley.
Funeral &ervices were held at the Pennington Memorial Chapel at JO a.m .
Friday, No9~ber 1, and lntttrnent
followed in the San Marcos City ~m­
She was born In San Marcos on November 1, 1886 to Milton Avey and
DoJly &ell Avey.
She l.s survived by oo husband,
Rart'y Lowery of Wimberley ; two
daughters, Mrs. A. 0 . Evers ol Fredericksburc and Mn. Enrin AJJbrkht of
San Antonio; four sisters Mrs. Ann
Faris ot San Antonio, Mrs bank Worsbatn and Mrs. ElNnor Johnson of
Houston and Mn. MJldttd Jones of
Dallas; seven gnndchildren and suc
Pallbearers were Jury Mo'1ta1Ue.
Roy Avey, R.3y Avey, Albert Avey,
Robert Lowery, Charlie Oldham, Mike
Harrison, Lewis Lowery, Dan Kelly
Steven Kelly and Pat Kelly.
Beaumont, Luis LOl>e% of
San Clemente, Calif.,
Mario Lopei and Ae.senlo
Lope% of Racine. Wis.
Other survivors are a
Calif.; two brothers,
Guadalupe Linares and
Cipriano Unares, both of
Ciudad Acuna, Mexico; 18
, grandcblldren and one
great grandchild.
Pa IIbearers will be
George Luis Lopez. Luis
Lopez. Henry
Lopn, Luis Delgado,
Robert Lopez and Roger
'11 p P.
J/11'fr •
Services were heJd Monday at the
Chapel In the llllls In Wlmberley for
Arthu r Fletcher Lorton Jr. or
Wimberley, who died March 14. I nterment was al Wimberley
Dom June 6, 1918 In Chillicothe,
Mo.• Lorton was associated with the
Federal Bureau or lnvesllgalJon. the
Justice Department ln Washlngton.
Gulf OU. and I.he Texu Railroad
Commission. He reUred ln June 1981
He Is survived by his wife, Belly J
Lorton or Wimberley ; two
daughters, Llnda Burnett or Mid·
dJelown, N .Y and Judith Pollard of
Houston; one son, Art.bur Fleteher
Lorton lll of Austin ; two brothers
and one sfsltt.
Arrangements were under the
direction of Thomason Funeral
~i'f \l-A-~--~-.5----
fu nera 3erv1ces.
For-..... rs. owery -' '
Graveside flmral servtcea Cor Mrs.
Ola Mae Lowery were held Monday, April 13, al Crete Cemetery In P~­
ton. Services were lmder tfle dlrectfon
oC the Weatherford Funeral Rome, and
Rev. Norman Starling, ol the San Marcos Church ol Christ, oatcJated. She
Services will be he C:t turday at 10
a m . at the Forest Hill Cemetery In
Birmingham Ala. for Mrs. Flossie
Lott or San Morcos. who died Oct. 24
al theageor72
She is survived by two sons. Bob
Loll or Houston and Raymond Lott or
!,.a Porte; two grandchlldrt'n
Springs and COnnie Shanley ol San
Marcos; two sons, Sob Lowden of
Manchaca and Aubrey Lowden of c.edar
Valley; four sistet"S, Louise Adams of
Aus tin, Mrs. Dean Meredith of oak Hill
and Jean Holt and Medina Bastain. both
of Cedar Creek; three brothers, Homer
Lowden of Austin, Robert Lowden of
Houston and Jim Lowden or Bastrop; 11
grandchildren, two great.grandchildren
and SOllef'al nieces and nephews.
died al her heme Friday, April 10, fol_.
10"1 ng an extended illness.
Mn. Lowery was born Ma,y 10, 1892,
tn Oakhurst. She wu the dauafiter ol
Mr. and Mrs. William J. Stutta. She.
became the wit• ol EmJt Lowery, Januan' 29, 1938, in Groveton. She had
Uved tn San Marc0$ tor •Ix years.
She Is survived by three dau&titera,
Mrs. Cb'de Anderson of Pennington, Mrs.
Myrtl e Chick of Houston, and Mrs. Leonard Parker pl San Me.rcoa, and three
sons, Chester Nichols and CleM Nichols of Porter, and Winfred Nichols ol
Houston. She Is also survived by two
1f9ters, Mrs. Carra McCauetiey and Mrs.
Ra,y Dye ot. Houston, and two brothers,
Woodbury Stutts ot Onaluka, and Bullard stutta ol Houston. She II survived
by 29 grandchildren.
T'"ffllt..-0, • • "''"~
Huntsville Rit'ts P,-1 f?
For Mrs. Lowman
Funeral 1ervices for Mrs Mariuerlte Klchlower Lowman, 69, wire of
lhe former president of Sam Rowton
State Colle1e. we~ held at the First
Methodist Church In Huntsville at 2
p.m. on April JO. OtticiaUnc WU the
Rev. Jester White of Galveston, and
In terment wu In the Addiclul Add.1·
Uon of the Oakwood Cemetery in
Mrs. Lowman d ed April 8 In BapUst Memorial Ha.pita!. San Ancelo,
where she had been a patient tor
about two years. She had moved to
S an Ancelo soon alter Dr. Lowman'•
death In 1964. Or. Lowman was p~.sl·
dent of Sam Houston S tate for 22
Mra. Lowman wu active with work
on the campus and the Marsuerite
Lowma n Scho larship Award wu ut abllshed by the Sam Houston State
soronty board In hll'J' honor.
The dauahtu ol a Kelhoditt mlnllter, she had served In many capacJUu
i n the church and was o~n reJerred
to as ''The I.Ady Blsbop."
She ls survived by two sons, Har·
mon Lowman Jr. ot El Paso and BlU
Lowman of Friendswood; one 11ster,
Mn. Janie Foskette or Alvin; t.b.ree
brothers, Edward Bl&htower of Stapl~ Dr. W. B. Hiibtower of Ora.nce
a.nd C. D. Kl1htower or New Orleans;
and alx cnndchlldren.
F'llneral '"" 1('(':<: IJ:."''R~ n
Lowman of Stapl . who d1f'd Jan 9
auhe ag" l)f ~7. wlll be hf·ld al 11 a.m.
Sf)?Q R
. MIS. Bob CJosJe> Lowman or
!)taples dJed May 8 at the age or 90
Sc-rvfces wtU be held at PennJntt~
1'""uncnJ Home at 2 ~00 p m 1\ietda
lntttmeot wlll tollow at San Marc:.
Saturda) al Pennington Mt"moruiJ
Chapel Bunal at San Jarcos City
r.emet.erv will folio~
Mrs ~mnn ts 11n·1,<'d by her
hlt.\band Robert IAwman or Stnples:
o~ son, Robert l..o"'mon Jr of
tlouston. onf' dau htt>r. Mrs Jack
rUnda l ltenson of Del n 10 one
brother . Rufus R~e!'l' 11f Victoria .
and two (U1lnd<'h1ldrt>n
Mrs. Lowman ls survtvcd by her
Lowman Of Staples_
Robert G Lowman or
Staples, 2 8l"andchlldren and 3 great
h usband Rober(
one son
are pending at
1llomason F'un ral Home for
Juhe Fa)-e Lowry. who d1f'd
June2Sat theag~of 22
he Is survwed by her
Graveside Stn'i
for a base
Lowry grew up In MarFort Hood soldier kllled
Monday morning were held UndaJe and graduated from
Thursday at I.he San M arcos San Marcos Hl&h School
City CMielcry
Julie F Lowry. 22, .... as
pronounced dead on amvaJ
nt l.M Darnall H ptlal al
Fort Hood folJOWltll an J J • 1!;
am one-car accidt'nt on the
1"!.I • ...
- "I
Julie Faye Lowry died Monday al the aie ol 22.. FW>eraf
lel'Vicee took place um mornln8 ('l'tlurlday) at 10 a.m. at
San MatCOI City Cemetery.
Lowry WU ln the Alpha Company, 142 Signal, Second
Armored Dtvillon at Ft. Hood.
She ls survived by her parents, Troy and Carol Lowry ol
Martindale, two al.st.era, Vlrglnia Lowry ol Austin and
Liu Lona ol Grand Prairie, p-andpareota, Clinton and
Joan Spna.lnl ol MarUndale and paternal eraodfather
Jam.ea Earl Lowry ol Electa, Tau.
Tbomuon Funeral Home la in cbarae o1 arnngementa.
Lowry was a member or
Alpha Company, 142nd
Signal Battalion, 2nd Ar·
mored Olvislon She ts lhe
daugh~r or Trow and Carol
Lowry or Austin
by the Rev Leon Peacock
G Mrs Lucas l~ sur..•ived by
14( '(her husband. Wtlha m H
Funeral services for l..uca~ Sr or Wimberley : one
Goldie Webb Lucas of on. Wilham II Luco-. J r of
Wimber le) who dled J une 4. Hou ton . tv.o daughters
198-I at the age of 01 will ~ Collt('n Luc~ of Demer aod
held at 2 p m Thursday at Ro anna L Trammell of
the Chapel of the lhlls in ~c"'
York Ctly . \\\O
brothers Wilham J Webb of
Bunal will follov. al the Seabrook aod Robert R
Wimbe r ley
Cemet ery \\ bb or HOU!>ton ond one
Services will be conducted grand:,.,n
partnts. Trow :tnd enrol
Lowry or A~lln , two slsll'rs
Virginia Caye l,owry or
Austin and Lisa Joan Long of
Grand Prairie
pa.rent$. Chnton and Joan
Spragins of Martindale and
Electra. T"a~
She was statl()flt'd al Ford
Hood H a m«>mber or Alpha
Company. I Und <;,~Ml 2 AO
Hortencle1 Lucio
El c:madO "*1es 11 de enaro
de 19n deJo de existlr la Stfta.
Hortenc•a Lucio a la edad de 56
oosoospuesde Jarga y ~
Sus hermanas Sra Leonte10
Hornandez. Josefa Martinez,
Juanita Vazq uez y Lupe
Rodriguez, todas de esta
Il'lhurroclon de sus restos en el
pen1eon catooco de Guadalupe. Loe l unorales estuv1eron
a cargo do la casa funeral San
Juan de esta citAad de San
Maroos balO I.a d1reccton de su
d irector St. JoseG. Rodriguez.
dcma.s deudos. con profundo
dolor pgrt!Qpan a sus am&Stades su sentidO fallecfmiento y
lesuphcanelevar al creadOr tas
oraaones que su le 1es dicte
para et eterno desc:anSO de su
Las flOnras funebres tuv1e-
ron lugaret v•emes 14 de onero
a las 9 a m con una mlsa de
cuorpo prosente en la Iglesia
Catohca de 5an Juan Eva,nge.
hsta Ot> ta 1glesla se parttO a la
S'l'r ~It
dudad. su hermano Sr. Jacinto
luclo de Tracy, Calllorn a y
- - .;.1 t ..,.., •
n-1ces will be held tomort"O\\ 10
; m_,· at St John's C'alhoJ1e ChW.cb
or acmto Lucio r of San l\l•reek>
"ho died Aug 8 at lh~ ag~ of 68 A
rosary \\11J be held tonight .; 30 p;,,
at Los Angeles F'un ral Cha •
F"ollo" mg tomorrow' •al"\
-- ... ~ 1n
I trrm<"nt
"ill be at tht- Cuad.11
1.~~~ols J~rvl\~<'d b) one M>n, Jac1mo
an Mal'('os
~fURhter, Mrs. Delia Mor no ~! n
i arcos.
and four isters ''""
~uadafupc Rodr1gun. Mrs.. Juana
\ asqun ' trs D1on1c1a lfemande7
~~ \~~~osepha
Martinez. all of
,S"' PR..
,.., ·.
'/j.1t1: / 1r
Roary wm be recited for JON G
Ludo, Jr., of San Man:oe at 7:30
pm. tonight. at St. John'•' Catholic
Church. Funeral mus will be at 10
a,.m. Monday at St. Jobn'a Catholic
CJ J~ /
and 13 nieces.
AJ'Tangem•nta are und.c.>r the
PennJnp>n Funeral
S<.'rvtces were beJd today at St.
John's C11lhollc Cburch tor Miss
Pladda Lucio of San Marcos, who
dif'd Sept. 21 at I.he age or SS. Inte rmenl was at Cuadatupe Cemetery
Rosary was recited Monday everung
Burial will follow at Guadalupe
lfo (Cookie) Lucio of San Marcoe·
one son, Carlos N. Lucfo of ~
MU'Cltle; one da\l&hter, Cannelfta
Ludo of San M.arcoe; three brothen,
Harry Lucio ofSan M&ROI, Ludano
or Uhland and Epi.menJo Lu-
do of Sen Marcos; eight .titan, Enriqueta Espinoza of San Ma.n:o1
Martina Gomez or San MAu-c:o.'
Connie Ybe1T11of San M&rCOI, Ben:
lta Gan.a or San Ma.n:o1, Ruth Gonw• of San Marco., AnJta Cuevu
)r San MUCOI, Mary Belen Castillo
>f Lockhart and Janie CoetUla or
:M!guin; two aunt., Petra Contren1
!'San Marcoe
and Suzie Lucio of
;an Mll"tle»; one uncle, Benando
..udo of San Marcol; 14 nephewa
at Los Angeles Funeral Cb&pel.
She ts urvlved by one brother.
J~ C Lucio Of 5an Marcos, four
Lucio, 64, died Sept. 16.
He la survived by his wife, Refb-
sisters, Mon.lea C. l.udo, Charlott.a
-rTwc.-061r~" t.j
C' Lu<:to. Mrs. Tlburcta C Acosta,
and Mni lsfdora c. Rodriguez, all or
San M~
i 'tS..>
F'uneral ser"ices for Mrs Maria
Oe Jesus Lucio. 98. of San Marcos
will Ix> held Saturday afternoon at
2·00 pm at St John's Catholic
Burial wfll Collow al
Memory Lawn Cemetery under the
Direction of Los Angeles Funeral
Home Rosary will be recited Fnday
t>venlng at 7 ·30 p.m. at the Los
Angeles Funeral Chapel.
Sun•1vor.:i lnc:lude I Daughter Mrs
Hermina CMlnnle l Flores of San
Marcos. 5 Sons Augustin Lucio Jr or
San Marcos. Raymond Lucio of San
Marcos. Manuel Lucio or San
Marcos. Hllberto LUCIO of Michigan.
.s 11 Pf\
. l/r/r1
f'uneraJ mass will be held
Thursday at 10 a.m. al SL
John's Cat.boUc Cllurcb Cor
Juan Lucio d San Marcol1
who died April 7 at the age or
He ii survived by his wife,
Ullian Lucio, aod daugbter,
Paula Mam, both d
brothers, Augustin Lucio Jr.,
Raymond Lucio, and Manuel
Ludo, all of. San Marcos,
Hetberl Ludo and Toby
Ludo, both ol Saginaw
Micb.; "ne silt.er, He:nnlnia
Flores of San
73 Interment wlD lollow at
Memory Lawn Garden d the
Roury will be recited
tonight at 8 at Los AQ8eles Marcos:
and Toby Lucio of Michigan. 23
Mrs Lucio was a member of the
Archicofradia De Coraton De Maria,
La Soc1dad Del Sanhslmo. La
Guadalupana$. and A Honorary
Memher of Uw Women's G I Form
f #lt -f'S
~uczynski rites held
Frank Luczynskl. 11, died Mr& O.B. Howard of San
June 20 al Hays Memorial MarcOSj and two grandHospital Services will be children.
held June 23 al the
graveside aL Mound Valley
Cemetery in Thomas,
Oklahoma. Arrangementa
were made by Pennington
Funera I Home.
Luczynski was born Oct
13, 1895 ln Scranton. Penn·
sylvanla lo Mr. and Mrs.
~WC. ...
Andrew Luczynski. He
worked in the appliance
Survivors include his
wife, Mildred LuC'Z)'nski o(
San Marcos; a daughter,
-rT"' t.,.
0• 1TU"' It \ t.~
M rs. L4.Z Lucio
~ , , 1'113
Mass .for Mri, . Lu'l Lucio,
73 was held al 3 p.m .
Wednesday at l. John's
Catholic Church with ~e
Rev. Leo Delgado offic1 ating. Burial was at I.he
Guadalupe Cemetery under
lhe direction or Los Angeles Funeral Home.
.Mrs. Lucio died Tues day
al I.he flay s Memorial Ho pit.al after a brief illness.
9le was a widow i-h.er husbruld, Jose B. Lucio, ha ving preceded her in death
tn• 1971. Mrs. Lucio was
a member ot St. John's
Catholic Church where she
0 f,\'T'\H\fl. ~
Funeral aervk:es for Mr. Lupe
Lucio, 65, of San Ma.rCl06 will be Monday morning al 10 a.m. al the SL
Johna Catbolk Church. Burial wW be
held ln the Memory Lawn Cemetery
under the dlreclJon of the Los
Angdes Punera1 Rome.
Mr. Ludo died Friday aflemooo
an.er a brief lllness. He was a life
klog member of the KnlghLI O{ Colwnbus Rosary wUl be recited Sunday evening at 7 p.m. Los AnadeAS
Funeral ChapeJ SWvtvors Lnclude
bis wtfe Mn. Beatrlce Luclo. of San
Marcos. one daughter Anna Lucio, of
San Man:oa. two graodchlldren. one
broCher Mr. Benancio LUdo, of San
Marcos. two silters Mlas Susie
Lucio, and Mn. Petra Contreres.
both oI San Marco..
belonged to lhe Arcnconfrnte rnil,,)' nehgiou s SocieC.y and Lhe Curs illas ta s
Sun·ivors inc lude eight
chughter . Enriqueta Espino a. Martina Gome'l,
Conn ie Ybarra , Benita
f\.ior a 1es. Ruth Gon'lale.
and Anita Longoria, all ol
5an Marcos. Also. Janie
Ca s l 111 o of Seguin anc
Maria Elena Ca Ullo ol
·Also surviving her an
four sons, Epinenio Lucio,
Jose Lucio, Jr., Lucian<
Lucio, all or San Marcos
and Harry Lucio or De·
LrOit, Mi chigan .
Eugene a. i:'~~~r
Dies in California
Funeral services for Eugene 8. Luder, 68, ot Glendale, Call!., and a former resident of San Marcos, wore held
at g:ravesldo al the Pitts Cemetery on
Tuesday, November :?~ at 2 p.m. Arrangements wore under the direction of
tho Pennington Funeral Homo.
Luder dled ln Glendale on November
He Is survh"ed by one daughter, Mrs.
Larry AusUn or Calltomta; ono son.
£1,1£eno BaldWJn Luder IV of Glendale,
CalJr.; and one sister, Mrs. Herman
of San ,Antool9"~
ti ~y 20
l l"I ,- r
Funeral mus will be held
at 2 p.m. Thunda.y at St
John'• Catbdk Church for
Aurelia T. LuttaofTalt, who
cled April lhl the age of 13
Interment •ill follow al San
Pedro Cemetery
Rcmry wsl be recited
Wednelday at 7:30 p.m. al
FuMral Home.
Slr'Vt von
dluebten. Julia L Ctu.x ol
San Marcos, Rosa L Mar·
Una, Butba 1. Qom, and
eves L Uvalle. all of Tait;
thl"ft 9Cl'l5, Pa tjo and Jesus
Luen ot Tall and Joe Luera
ol San MAn:os, 40 grand•
du ldttn aod i4 great
• • • • 4- AAA.AAA-A .AA..AA
r o . r;
t. -o
H ENL Y- IW"s M3r1ha Mary Luersen.
86, ot Henly died Tuesday, Jan 13
Survivors: sons, George Luorson of
Henly e.11 Luersen ol Blanco, daughter,
lithe Pearl Dyer ot H ly, and 12
OOfts Funeral Home in eranoo
Mrs. MIM le Smth t.uer.l of
Henley, died Friday. May 21 , at the age
of 93.
SUrvlvora ate here sisters, Mrs. a
Murray of San Marco1 and Mrs. W ille
Uvlngstcn of Henly
Funeral eervicm were held at 2:~
p m. Sonday at Crofts Funeral Home In
;an •arcos llallg lbcorb
I\) ll' -
\1 r'
t imt> K.> le
ur fo; d
l.unda) . d il•d un \\ ednetd.t>. ,\ u,: . I S. in an 1\ust in
hc1.,pil.il .
re' id nl .ind \\ ido\\
~u r v l\o r:-. mt' l ud a dau Kht c r . \1 t :-.. Jo:mm.1 t\ . Ka·
Au-.Lln. n bl&l er ,
\1 r-. M.a mic Po\\ l'r't or
Floren ce Lunday
Sftiter olOdaUq Burial WU in lbe Kyle
Cenetery undeJ- the directlon al Pen-
Mrs. Lunday died Wednesday at
Bractenrtctge Hosp(taJ in Austin
SU:rvivors lnchlde one daughter, Mn.
M.A. KlderU at.Austin; one daushter· i.n1.aw, Jolepb1oe Lunday al Waco. Obe SOO•
lo-law, L.R Underwood al Canyon one
sister, Mra M.mJe Powers ol ero.;.ley:
three IJ"anchUdren ,
c;ro\\l cy,
lh r:ee grand· :
chi ldrcn and e ight g r eat - 1
gr ndchild rcn .
F uneral
crvke \\Cr c
held f riday an em oon al
the t\) l e First Baptl l
Church with the Re v. 1-" r cd
Se nter. pa t o r or th e
t hu rch , o ffi c inling. Bu rial \\ BS i n the Ky l e Ch y
Ccmclcr) .
FunaaJ Rrv1ces for Florence Lunday
90, were held Friday, August 17, at lb~
Kyle BapU.l Church wtlb the Rev. Fted
?/ z.. 3/7J
e1r1 l.. .t: ,v-
Mrs. Florence Lunday
Evelyn Cary Lumpkin or San
Anplo, a rarmv rosfd nt of San
Mareoe, died June 26 a~ &he age or
65. ServfC99 were held ThUJ"ld.ay u
Johnson'• Funeral Home ChapeJ in
San Aneelo, and interment wu at
Lawnhavm Memorial OllJ'dena.
Bom July 18, 1923 in San Man:ot,
1he fa 1urvived by one 10n, Larry
Lumpkin or San Angalo; one d.augh·
t.er, Kay Below of Pleuanton; rour
She wu prec.ded ln death by her
huaband, Jamea W. Lumpkin; a ti•·
t.eT, Ann Roesler; and a brother,
J ohn HonryC
Jr. j •
; t(" I
Woltnr h •nn Lu
n, nr.c 73_..
d1<'d Tu day, Jon11ary J, an Locokhnrt Hn,pitul.
H r w • \xJrn tA
Comal County nt lh.Jnt1•r \I> Mi.
nnd M rs. Loui Henry Lur. ~o
ani:I mnv<.'d to Uhl nd h1 JllOll
v.·hcre he bad f'C':Std J fllr Lhc pa t
GO Y~•ra.
Fun<'ral scrvir will he h Id
hHiaJ' <Thursday) ot 2 00 pm. tA
St. John'
United Church ol
CJ1rht in u·, ind ond mtcmum ~
ronow '" l h I. v . Oak
Ccmcl"ry in Uhhu1d Ulld••r the
d1r~t1on of Mccurdy Punt?ral
The survivnra incluclr. h I~
\I. ldnw or lJhl:md; one• daughl ·r.
Mn. Wallie \~eat or Cuero: 19.'0
ons. M1•h i n L Lu~rscn or S n
Mart-ns •nd Louis Carroll l..u r·
n or 'l'liylor; /1\/ 1r•ndchildnm.
ll'l'At-1randch1fdrrn: and
nnc brother, Bruno Luc n of
N1'~ Druuntcls.
Setvl08S ~• at 2 p m. Thursday at
Walter I. Luersen
Dies in Lockhart, ,
F.inal Rites Tod~ 1
.rf't ,
1~ I'>
Services will be held Saturday al l O
. FUneral
. ,_ •.....a.Home
y or
Q\apd for Mn. vu·ama. i...unu•
Wimberley wbo died AUi I al lM
age· of &t. 'Interment will follow at
Wlmberley Cemetery .bom F b
22 ·
Mrs Lunday ~u
1921 lo Weatherford. I.he daughter of
Dena and C. 0 , Wflls.
SM SUJ'VlVed by htt husbend, A .
J Lunday· lhrff daWC)\l.ers. OeanM
Temple, Kay Autry ol
am a t
Texaco. N M • and Tammie Tom·
pklns of Mllford, Mlch • ten grand·
tt•y\ c... "' ~Y
(,\ , -io ,
I'" / \C\11
DRIPPING SPRINGS W. A. Lyle, lifelong resident of Hays and Blanco
Counties, died Saturday,
April 14, in an Austin
tospi1al .
Lyle served many years
the Hays County school
board. He was a member
c1 the Dripping Springs
Baptist Church, th~
Rambo Lodge No. 426
and the Order of
Funeral services took
place at the Dripping
Sp ring s Fi r s l Baptl.s t
Qiu rch Monday afternoon
with the Rev. Th ron
9ephens, pastor oC the
9lver Creek Baptist Cha pel, and Rev. Don Duvall ,
pastor or the First Baptist
Chu re h or Dripping
Sp rings, om c la ting.
auial was in the Phillips
Cemetery at Dripping
Springs with graveside services under ausJices or Rambo LodgeNo.
426 AF&AM.
Pallbearers were Will'
Crow, Virgil Conn, Wade
Turner, Watt Clayton, Ivy
Roberts, F.dward Gage,
•r t flN"
The lnfanl aon Of Mr. and Mrs. Fred
Lyons Of Kyle died Friday, Feb. 2D In
Hays Memorial Hospital. GravasJde
9l!lf'\'lc:as for Kevin Lyons were held the
same day a1 the San Juan Cemecery the
Rev Louis Davlledc officiating.
The child was born Feb. 1a. and
besfdOS hfs parents, fs survfYed by one
sister, Rachel Lyons; hfs maternal
grandparenta, Mr. and Mrs. Enrique
Vela Of K yle; and paternal grandparents, Mr. and Mrs Robert Lyons of
Ray Kelley and Cb e mem bers or Rambo Lodge No.
126, AF&AM .
Survivors include· "
mughter, Mrs. kcrbert
(J)e an)
Kum lac ty or
.Dckinson; one son, Jack
I¥1e or Driftwood; t w o
sisters, Mrs. Rose Shaw
sisters, Mrs . Rose Spaw
c1 Dripping Springs and
Mrs. lnthaberry Ferrell
c1 Austin; one brother,
John R. Lyle or Austin,
ftve grandchildren and
several nieces