1 - McClurg Museum
1 - McClurg Museum
The Only Ita_liall-American Newspaper P u blishèd ln Chautaoqua County ·, :l T :a- •1 ~-~-:a:o:r:--~:: t pubblicati, non al reatltulecono 18 • , Lettere, Money Orders, ete.. Indirizzare tutto a fl. RISVEGUO · PUB. 00. n ltalian-.Arneric;ln .Newspaper GIORNALE I"fALIANO IND 'l ) I-~:N f)f:N1,E ANNO XXXII ABBONAMENTO: ~~· !'~~·~.z~~o ouNKIR K, N. v .. SA BAT O, 1s OTTOBRE _.._.4illr'<_ E. Sooood 8treet Ouokirk. N. V. -g- _Ct_a_ •• ,.....~,_,,...... UNA COPIA_ 5 SOLo i' 1952 No. 41 ========================~~~~============~============~== ~~======~========~==~==~~ --=·-===--==~=~======~~=== For Ali Good Men, . NOW Is The Time . Com01enti Se-ttimanali Whistle Stop . RO DO L F O P UCEL L I H IS TO R IC AL SO C IE TY 20 13 A Constitution had just ·been writ- ca? ten. As Benjamin FrankJin left Inde -1 Can we choose men who, when our <pende.nce Hall, a womSJn asked him, ,,nstitutions are attacked, our tradi"Mr. Franklin, what kind of govern- j tions belittlejd, experience · a physlCal ment have you given us ?" He ans- .p ain as if struck a physical blow? v. ered, gravevly, "A Republic, madaln l Facing critlcal times, how vote ·~ if you can keep it!" Prayerfully and reveroently, with diAs they drew up the Constitution vine help, to choose rea! representathere was ever present the fear of t ives, state, local and national. old-world tyranny and opp1·ession. Washilllgton on the eve of crossing They designed the American way in the D·elaware - an earlier cr!sis in the hope of life, liberty and the pur- American history - issued an order suit of ha.ppiness. of the day. It is s omething to take Un,der that social co mpa.ct the con- to the polls in November 1952. Washòition of even the lowliest citizen in ington said simply, with no diplomatic tl1e new Republic soon became a mag- gobbledegook, "Put none but Amerinet to attract men and women f•r om cans on guard tonight." every 1part of the world. The prosThe repres.entative you e!ect will pect was so lnviting that immigration shorUy quote you. By h1s word and walls had to be built higher. The vote - or even by his silence, he will only country with an immigration say, "I. am speaking for John Doe. I w8111, however, could not build th'l represent him. He has matle me his wall high enough to keep out the agent and what I say, or do, binds ideologies of the countries from which him." . our fathers fled. Today, the urge to Why not make sure now, before 1·egiment, to piace dewndence upon November 4, that he will not misthe state, is all too prevalent. This, r epresent you. despite the accepteid fact that everyOf all the freedoms, the freedom to where. today, man - the individuai elect is stili the top freedom. Ask -- ls submltting to va.rious ctegrees the millions on the earth's surface of enslavement through regimentation ltoday to whom it is denied. by the State. Life on the Américan Pian of poA free man is one who can "elect':. pular representation is still worth to do this or that. 1preserving. [t is better than promise November approaches. It provides of frf":! room and board on any Euroth~ test as to whether the citizen can pea.n Pilan of direction an,d contro! keep the Republtc. by the State. Have we the enlightened self "A Republic, madam, if you can interest to choose represoentatives whoj k eep it!" live and feel deeply the r eal Ameri~ W. ALTON JON ES C H AU TA U Q U A C O U N TY N Y Principles and Politica! Expediency Make today your day buy United States IJeiense Bn" '- .. :~" J-;'-'/;.. u~ l ' IL RISVEGLIO {11-IE. AWAKENINGl I Attr. averso AJIa ColODia • - lrl: · !!;;;;;;;;;========:o:::::::::::::::::-======;;-;-;;;_==· l La Nascita di un Bellis· l lAclepoudtnt Italian-Amertcaa l con la moneta così divisa: $o · · dalla di lavoro, sia in muratura:, a mattoni, 1all'Osp~cla'e: Di Baccò .al Gill Hospl- ce pure una bellis_sima bambina, alla S~·gn~ra Martetta D'Amico-Di Nar- c_en~ento armato ecc., che ~li architet- jt~l ed 1l Vallera all'Oh1o. Valley Hos~ quale _ha nno dato 11 nome _di Virginia. d1 c 11 l'esto per l'abbonamento del\ tl Sl d-evono cavar tanto d1 caprpello. \PJtal. Hanno )dovuto sub1re entramb1 CosJCchè Mr. & Mrs. N1cola D1. LoSig . Salvatore Zavarella della vici-, Di r ecente, /diet ro alla casa del Sig. lun s-erio trattamento per tener cura . r eto,_ s ono diventati ad un tratto per na Hamilton Ont .,_ Canada. Gra7.ioe (Panella, •hanno fatto un nuovo appar- della loro salute. l ben due volte Gr an Pa e Gr a n Ma. a voi ed a loro e ricambiamo i carij tamento - _tutti e due - che è una Ora però, sono tutti e due tornati Congratu~ azioni ed augurii senza · l l aJ . namento, è stata ricevuta. Grazie saluti p er tutti. lver a sciccheria . A lavoro compiuto, casa, a passare -l a convalescenza. pfme. ••-.npaper e saluti. Youn;st own, Ohio -- Luigi Lucente_ b~n fatt o un bel banchet to di celebra~ Gli .aug·~ri_amo una pronta ; com- / VENANZIO ZAV~REL LA A! iq uippa, P a . -- Donato Liberatore 1 L a vostra con $2 'per la nuova ah- IZ!On~, e -d~ve. h~n pr~so pa;~te tanti !p leta guanglOne. Agente-Corrispondente · . Publialaef bJ . ~ -. - Andhe la vostra con i due nuovi: bonata Ann etta Caran o, procurata 1brav1 am1C1, f1a 1 quali ~nc~110 ~ottoMercoledì scorso, a l locale Brooks, abbonati ed impot-to è stata ricevu- 1 da Mrs ._ Frank Di Ci~ccio, è_ stata :scritto fUI fra lor? e c1 dJ.Vertlmmo SONO DIVENTATI GRAN PA E , . . . . . . . . . . .• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • IL RISVEGLIO PUB. CO. Memoria! Hos pital, la Signora Mar-j ta, ai quali g ia' abbiamo cominciato ! anche r:cevu ta. Grazie _a VOI ed a ,un mond~, a mangJare e bere con veGRAN MA DUE VOLTE ! Abiti, Soprabiti, Càppelll, Caml&7 :Eas~ Second Stree~ g herita la B arbera, consorte al Si.g nor l a m andare il giornale. Grazi<' p d loro e ncamb1amo 1 can saluti con ra allegna. . . . .. . . cl e, Cravatte, Magl ie, Mut-ande, . DUNKIBK, N . Y 1 1 Pasq uale L a ~arbera del ~O- 122 vostro interessamento e grazie an famiglia. l Ci con gratuliamo con i nostri bravi _Mr. N!Col~ DI_ Loreto Mrs. :'lrguua l Scrape .Fiorsheim, ecc. Phone: 6 3 5 6 Park Avenue, s1 sgravava fch ecm en- 1 che ai nuovi amici. Entrerò all'O- l :amici intr!llprendenti, e -gli auguriamo /?1 Lo~eto_ di Mmg~ Ju?t··. Oh10, son_o l .SUBSOIUPTION RATE& lte, dando a lla _luc•2 un altro bel!JSSimo l sped a le Lunedì, 20 corr Grazie n,:;una buonissima for t u na. Il cuon pm contenti, .po1c-he la loro f1- 1 MERCANZ IE GARANTITE ON E YEAR --- ------ ---·- -- .2.00 mar;chictto, a~~rescendo ' a famiglia' sai pe r gli augurii. j Jg lia Mrs. Anna Tosti, maritata al Si- l PREZZO GIUSTO SIX MONTHS ---------· -- •1 . 2~ . di du e maschietti ed una femminuccia kl V . D' A ICI NOSTRI C HE A ,gor Roberto T.osti, poco tempo fa haj 0 10 8 M SCIA ce,-to formano la g-ioia clel'a loro roo y n, N . · Panfl -~mato DUE AM IC I CHE SI FANNO 'OSPE~A~EN !dato a lla l uce u n bell'amorino di b im- 1 1 JOBEPBB.ZAVABELLA P,Jrelavo~~rac:mSi5 .00cleOPrMOLTO ONORE LA TO L b Il l h . ' t-~~ ·" l l ' a a a qua e anno g 1a assegna o 1 n~d Blllltn~a ....-. nagv r ~~casa. __ ....., _ , . v cnu t a, 1 qua 11. sono ,,~ 4 per 2 IH1' 1 Editor .... __ .. __ . Mr Pasqua le c con t ent o verament~ !' -------. . . _ . . b el nome di Alene Tosti; come anche ---·- --· com : una Pasqua, p-:;r questo Ji ct1 e-[ di abbonamenti pq· ]' ,:.:· ··,: :~·~:i''.-1 ' Mr. Francesco Panella e Mr . V1_n-l Il S1g·nor Aldmo D1 Bacco e_ 11 S 1·_ la sua nuora Mrs. F lorence D i Lor eto, : 34 Eas t Four,th Str~et ~ 1 "V"""""""""'_,.._,..,.,..,...,.,.-..,.,.,..,.......,..,_w Presutb , e UN DOLLAR) ' :: ·; ' ::tV) i l t l "Ent ered aa secund-cla.ss matter Ap_rn v ento, e Diù contenti son1 Mr. & M rs. _ . , n · . ct·nzo Palumbo, sono due person-e m-~ gnor Rocco Vallera, en r amb1 buom consorte al Signor Raymondo D i L o- · : DUNKIRK, N. Y. ~. a Il , .!SV('"' P·lJo. . d ent·1. - - 1ns t n· e d a bb ona t l' d e " Il R l'sv----o l re t o poche s.etbma. n e fa dava alla lu- l BO, 1921 at the postof.1ce at D u n.k1rk,; 1Geo:-g-c La Barbera. che sono diven- : da vo1 per reo-alo " o·eo-nose e mtrapren am1c1 si m o Maschietto . i i l l llliehc Da Steubenville, Ohio l l LEVY'S l 4 N . Y., under the act of Marci!. 3, 1879. l tati automaticamente un'altra vol ta Il Avviso Importante T utt! le (;orrJsp.ocJenze che c i vengono da quelle città o vill aggi dove e non ci vengono per t ramite loro, abbiamo degli Ag enti-Corrispondenti non saranno pubblicate ne l L R l SVEGLIO. . j Questo a vviso è per tutt i e spe rl~mo che g li am ici di buo n senso, non s t offendano. La legge è le gge, e bisogna pur rl· l ROASTED & SAI.TED OAJl, Y Piccola Posta ancl 'Iobaccoe Weirton, W . Vingin•ia Bi-anchi - La vostra col M . O. di $2.00 per r innovare il vostro abbo- -===== STOP AT WUERSTLES CAFE 313 Main Street Wine - Beer - Liquors . . t f A COMPLETE ANO ---= = U O l Imported and Domestlc Grocerles •••••••••••••••••••••••••• j U AU Dunklrk, N. Y. TA Morrone Grocery 59 Franklin, A ve. 20 TY • .. Golden _Throat" tone system gives you t~~ive performance" sound. Set easily adapted to U .H .F. • "SPIKE DAILEY" 87~ East 3r:d St. Dunkirk., N. Y Salciccie Stile Italiano Tutti l Giorni C ........... .............. ···•••::tl•··········•i............................ :~, ~ paOVA~E LA , KOCH'S ...-- a-nd 11 W. Oon.rtney St. ... - . ~.r.r.r.r.r.r.r.r..r.r..r~.r.rJ~.r..r.r.,.r.r.r;.r...rAI"~J.,.,.r~..-:r~.;:r.,oooo-.,.c ------- ~~t;~~Utltt~' - --. ----- ENTER THE VENIDA~JINGLiIN PRIZES ~~!~!=~Z=E·=·!=~:~.-:=:.=BU=I=Cf~="vE=:u:p=~·~=VIERA'~:t"o~~\~s VEk~ mA T-iSUES DEALER FOR ENTRY BLANKS O R Y! ~~ ITE VENIDA PRODUCTS, NEW YORK 18, N. y. l i 9 WEST 40th STREIET, ALE l ~ ~ LOW SUMMER PRICES ,ON PANTHER VALLEY HARD COA:L §s EGG SIZE . . . $23.45 STOVE COAI.1 23.70 CHESTNUT . . ·. . ... 23.60 PEA COAL . . . ..... 19.95 li il 1 i § § § IS J~ riccs will These .30c pei· t on ~ PAR~< ·~ J\V E NUE (PHO N E 2258) "B ' I RNSCO,ALBURNS" DU!'JK!Rf<, N . § § § § §SI No T IMF PAYME I"-l T F'LAN. Burns Coal & Bu ild rng- Supp ly Co. 21S ~ § a pply to August 1St h whe,n the re will be a ORD E R NO W ANO SAVE ArTr:: R sEPTEMsER 1sT - ·i· Per Ton Per Ton ~ Per. Ton § Per 'l'on ~ T IME PAYME NT PL AN AVAILABLE __: Ask us for comp! .::te deta ils - No l nterest charges - · No Notes to sign. s § ~clvance. Net Net . Net Net 8 H v. § § § !\..,.N".r.#".,.,..N".,.,J".rAO"".r..r.N".r.,.r.r~.,.,..,.,.AV~.r~..rJ.;.r~~..o! ----------------------------------------- ------ l~R-EWERY (SID dal 1888) ... .............. -.. ................................................ ................................. __.__.._.....__................................ __.__.................................................. -... ID V endlta da Tutu l Rivenditori Muniti di Lloo117A FRED KOCH -- BROCTON KAR-TISSUES CONTEST ASK ANY LAGER $369·95 SERVI CE HARDWARE DUNK IRK H Dailey Restaurant Phone: 7578 BEER set ~; ~ automatically adjusts picture, fi.lters out interference ! ----------- Q OLIVE OIL - MACARONI AND ROMAN CHEESE Cold CUt, etc. Cool Beer and Ale ~··········~·············· WINE - BEER - WISKEY C .:----~~.,.,. A ~ ~ U 1-Wf.S ~ i ! N ~ The Piace Where Good Fellow Meet Spaghetti and Flah Fry_ Every Frlday & &aturday e Watch BIG-picture television on this 21" RCA Victor set with the new "Magie Monitor" circuit system~ • Cabinet fìnished, in mahogany or walnut. Blond fìnish slightly higher. Noi Facciamo Del ivery in Qua lunque Parte. ....................... PHONE 7689 Pbone 2058 l RCA VICTOR Lansford i FRANK NEWMAN l CURLEV UVE PvlJL TRV - Funeral Director MARKET l 201 ZEBRA STREET l • 59 E. T hird St., Dunkirk, N. V. DUNKIRK• N. Y. i CHEESE _ l La Casa del Po llame Fresco e delle Uova Freschi ssime e di Prima Classe l FUNERAL SERVICE HOMEMADE COTTAGE 327 Dove 8treet m! Nessun Ordine è Troppo Grand e o Troppo Picco.lo per Noi. ECONOMICAL ........................... Servlng Dunklrk for 39 Yeara -- --- - ----- ------- --------------------------------- - .......................... ! • Exclusive .. Magie Monitor" acts like an \engineer inside your CHICKENS IN THE BASKET ANO 8TEAK TRY OUR del TRICEMINO Richiedere l'opuscolo della cura nell'ediz ione ital iana o inglese alla Sede d i ROMA, inviando le spese postali. l OUR SP-ECIALS Booth'sMilk Dairy Pro d ucts ASMA NEVRAI.AGIE SCIATICA - VACO ~ SIMPATICHE IE = '*' • • Gr. Uff. dott. RICCI __:__ _Simpatiooterapia Via Ferdinando di Savo ia 3 ROMA NAPOLI : Hotel Londres , 4-5 d'ogn i mese TORINO : Hotel Sitea, 7-8 d'ogn i mese MILANO : Alb. Commerico, 9-10 d'ogni mese PADOVA : Hote l Regina 11 -1 2 d' ogni mese l"' l DUNKIRK GLASS COMPANY Dunltl.rll: •.., • Disturbi DIGESTIVI e CIRCOLAZIONE da DISFUNZIONI NERVOSE - Y llOl m. Tb1rd Bt. • ·l LIQUOR LICENSE FOR C LU B - - - - - - -- Notice is hcr-2by g-iven that license f"'_,_,.,_,.,,_~ . No. 45 CL 30 has been issued to_the l l undersig-ned to sell J,i quors_a t reta1l 1 • ; 1a Ctu b un der the A lcohoh c B ever agc 1 !contro! Law at 55 EaBt 'I'hird S trePt, ; Dunkir:{, New York, Ch autaqua Co· l P LATE - Wl N DOW unty, in whi ch lice~ s-ed premiscs _are l MIRROR &. TABLE TOPS 11ocated for on prem1ses consumptwn. 1J STEEL WINDOWS ' COLUMBUS CLUB 01.<' &. SCREENS l DUNKIRK [NCORPORATED l l 55 East Third St reet F . JOURDANAIS Dunkirk N . Y. l 63 E. TI"'IRD ST. - -Adv. Oct. 11 & 18. 1 l DUNKIRK, . N. Y. - -- ------ - -- - --- - ! PHONE 5932 · S uccessor to ANDY D. COSTELLO + • i -Va~=--Mrs. JOHN DITOLLA • l No i de 11 Risveg li o spettarla. -------- PINOZZE +' • C ~~~~;~;;~;~~~~~i' + ""'' ..... •-•...,. SO 87 E. Thlrd St. DU~KIRK, N. Y. + AL Phone 7230 - .... IC H I P P O' S Dry Cleaners ~ -- - ---'-- R You Wait Zavz- 1,..............., "* Ohio -- Ve nanzio . . . . .••••••••••••••••••••• ' IS TO Suit Pressed 'Vhile ' rei la - L a vo~.tra col M. O. di $4 j è pure n elle n ostre mani, i QJ.Uali s ono: $2 per r innovare l'abbonanamento clell'amic\:> Mr. N icola Di Loreto e $2 p er r innovare qu ello dell'a ltro bravo ami co Mr. Camillo i De Lucia. Grazie a voi ed a loro. e : l r icambia m o i vostri cari saluti. . 'j McKees Rocks, Pa. -- Pietro Liberatore - Ci è giunta la .vostra con la l: somma p;er r innovare l'abbonamen .. to dell'amico Mr. Dom-e nico Pet r e'- / la di Pittock, Pa., e quelli d ell'ami- l co Mr. A lberto Liberatm·e. Grazie!, a voi ed a loro·, grazie per gli au~u- 1 rii e ricambiamo i cari saluti ass1e-l m e a famiglia tutta. j• · Buffa lo, N. Y. -- Andrea Zavare lla - 1~ Pur'a nche Ia vostr~ ci è p ervenuta : H a aa !Steubenvilfe ' 1 ' 1 ' N c._. TY ~ ' 13 ·~Gran Pa e Gro.n Ma. . tt· A1· · ·m·ii di al tri masc l11e 1. ' ·· Saturday, October 18th 1952 lill Grazie infinite a vovi ed a ll'.3 mico l"' issi eseo-uiscono qualsiasi qualita' glio", tutti e due sono stati ricoverati Presutti e ricambiamo i v ostri cari l "' , l , 1 sa'uti. 1 . Dunklrk. N. Y. PHONE 7796 ••••••••••••••••~teeeeeetc~ ••••••••••••••••••••••••••l Abbonatevi a TH& OIILY ITALIAN NEWIPAPER PUBLISHD IN CHAUTAUQUA -'!!~'"""-- .rou'll tiB.d the answer here. . . . in tbeae display& o f seuonable fa8hiou for men and young men. r : Il .l ltallan Weekly Newspaper :l ,, . _:~:.:JI Giornale Italiano Indipendente 'l SUBSCRIBE TO "I~J RISVEGLIO" $2.00 L'A N N O $2.0Q ·] ================-======================= $ABATO, 18 OTTOBRE. 1952 ·l L ............ ...~==_...................~..~--~-=~~~~~~~~==~-=~._ RISVEGLIO-- . ~~-===~==~.n~~~~~~~~~~~~-~!!".!!"..~E22~~====~~~~=-·~aa ··-~:-~w• -·•r~~=-~~~==~==~==~::~ Page 3 -----"=- ~~ ~ ~=~~~--~·~~ - --~=~ (frat ello della sposa, e Mrs. Dolores DOMEN _I~O DI LORETO, per Erie,l Pasqnale Mastra ng ioli ..... .... 50.00 DA WmiRTON; W . W. VA. BELLA -;;STA • ' per Ja mestown, ·.. · .. ...... ·.. ·: .·.· Emilio Gualtieri ......... ........ .. ... .. $50.00 lctan1igelle d 'on ore : Sarah e T h eresa L E V IS ITE GRADITE - - -- -- ·· -N. Y. e dintorni; Giovanni r)resutt.i ...... ................ 50 _00 DA COLUMiBUS, OHIO (R;itardata) /cortese, soreLle dello sposo e Joy Lo(Con t inued F rom Page One) ANDREA ZA VAR ELLA, per Buffa- ; Pelino Saccoccia. fu Giust . ...... 50.00 Salvatore Di Cioccio ... ............... $50.00 n.! Le 9 .· 30 A. ' iacbno. N. Y. e vicinanze·, · t 1no · _.",u.ccoccm . di Pel_ ino .... :\O.OCI Sabato, 20 Settemhre, ~ Sabat o scorso, 1 1 corr . mese, verso oanl,er-lawyer from • Boston, R<~be,t .lo, ' .c'xlUS Antonio Gu altieri ...................... 50.00 Le flower gl. rls sono state Jan et !.VENANZIO DI LO RETO, per R oc h e-, Lcrcto Per,zoferrato fu Gwv. .... 53.00 Ann ina Petrella .........·................. · - la mezzanotte ci vedemmo arrivare in Cutlcr . M., nella Chiesa Mother of Sorr ows, r· 5 0.ùù 1 si unirono in m atrimonio la bellissima;! Petrone e Patrici~ An~ Trolbiob. casa la Signora Marietta D'Amico-Di IT S SI ;N F *ICAN~ ti t E' st.er·, N. Y. e paesi attorno; The James · Wl1•it e Constr ucti on Co., Angiolina Gualtieri ... ................. 50.00 1 1 e distinta gio'Vin etta Miss qeral dine 1 Ilpran zo m afrl_momale . e .. e 1uog~ Nardi, insieme a l suo figlio Fr·addy 1 ·la lsen·JOHN P OLCE, per Geneva, N. Y. ed'Vincenzo Bianchi fu Ant. Pres. !jìlOO Antonio Di Piet ro ........... .. ..... .. .. 50.00 L!'beratore f 'g l·a adorat a i coniuo·i ·al Tap Club per 1 parenti p m strett1 . . d 1 . t I . D' A h c.·wcr has c!hosen these mcn t o work alt ~'i paesi intorno . _ , l l a · "' 1 . . . . . . . D1 Nardi, e a m po e rmemo - ~ .,_ . . . . . ' DA ALIQUIPPA p A Vincenzo Di Pietro fu Panf..... $50.00 M_r & Mrs Albert L iberatore del N o 1del du e spos1 .e 11 n cev1men to SI ebbe . f'1 1. 10 d 11, . . A . at 0 Wlch. h 1111 dc!;:p lt. e a determmed. at- PANFI LO D' A MATO per Brooklyn . . . .. . . , · ·· · · u H n · Thomp- lmco, g IUO e esumo V\JOC t '· b ti T ft · · f th t ' 0wvanm D1 Cwccw f u Pasq ·$'50 00 DA CLEVELA:~JD, OHIO 907 Islantl Ave e il bravo g iovanott o ,rra ser a a lla W . B. · a 111 At t 110 T D'A · es'ld en te à Pescara · '~mpc Y le a wmg 0 e par ~· e altre città vi cine· ' · .... ' · . ' to captur.e a li p.' aces of influence. It N l CO LA GUAL TI ÉRI ., . . M & son Avenue · mlCO, r 1· . . 1 f<'ranccsca Panella fu Raf. ........ 50.00 Isaia Iacobucci f u Cesidio ........ ~59.00 1 . Cortes e, f1,gh o a Mr. Frani{ r. · ma nativo di Pratola Pelio·na . , per 0 ssm:ng, ; v· S nr f A d Ol M s J . h C t d ' Oakland . La bella festa, riu scì sp•l en dida so. "' . . 'is a lso sig·n .i ficant that the general's N. Y. e v iC'inanze · m cenzo an 1 1 u .n rea .. .. 50.0 l DA ROCHESTER, N. Y. ~ r · osep or ese 1 · . . 11 g iovane D'Amico (laurea tosi m ,, . 1 ' ' D · . ·. . . . . pe1sonal staff, and presumably the !PA SQUALINO TADDEI, per New DA RAVENA, N . Y. , onato D1 Lor eto ................. ....... $50.00 1pra ogn1 d1re. 1 Dopo du e settim ane ;cti viaggio di L~g.ge) tro:'a.sl _negh Stati Umtl m lgene.ral himself, h a ve f r anl(Jy detest- Haven, Con n., e !V ici nan~e Pelino Di Bacco .. ...... ............. .. . $100.00 l DA CHICAGO, III. 1 nozze in F lorida, g li SJ)osi vanno a v_tslta, .ed e osp.lte de!la s ua _zla M_a - led such sacrifices ofpr inciple as UJCyJSA LVATORE DI PI LLO per Hart-J D YOUNG Loreto Crisorio .. .. .. .. ................ ~50.00 risieder·e con i genitori della sposa. netta e del cpgmo Freddy DI Nard1. [h ave mad·~. a nd i t is s tili more signi- ,'ford C d' t .. ' A . s:o\~N, OHIO .. . . . . , E così ci hann o rac.c ontato che stan- : . t t t . b ,th· O' ' onn. e 10 ornr • 1Club Pra tolam del! Oh w .. ....... $50.00 DA STO'.~T OHIO AuHum dt perenne feh c1ta . . . . . lflcant ha here ha s een some m, EMILIO MA RG.lOTTA, per Chica o : Adriano Gualtieri .... $50.0.0 9 J PI ETRO LIBERATORE n o facendo un giretto d! p iacere e!Of a crisis r ecently in Eiscnhower's . . . . DA BEAVER FALLS PA .... .... ....... . t ·t ' d. f . · · . l ll1n01s e d1nto rn1; ' · DA KENT 't>HIO ' ' ' ' 1 al VIS I- entourage; resulting from these very pr80devano l opp or um a 1Eduardo Letterio .. .................... .. $50.00 : . ' tar e al g iovane Irmenio, qualche ! cm- 1'.compromises and th.~ distaste that is! FR~N K. CARBO.N E.' . p:r San Jose, 1 . . . Domcmco Petrella f u Ant........ $50.00 l1felt for Lhem. Cal 1f·orn1a e paes1 VIC'Inl'' \ \g·ost·no Petr·ella ... .. .. .. ............. 5 0.ù0 bo d1. questi· grand1· Sta t 1· u m·t·1. .DA .STRUTHERS, OHIO r.: .1- • 1 .J .J t • . f . Al Jl . . . AMEDEO PRESUTTI, per Toronto . Antomo D1 Cesare ................ .. .. $o0.00 DA PHILADELPHIA PA La pnma ferm ata la ecero m Mter tlus cns1s, the word ha.s been . . 1 1Ont. Canada e dJntornt. . . . DA p wrmo · · D e N mo ' d'1 T om ...... .. . "'50 00 M RS. GRAZI ELLA PETRELLA HA bany , N . Y., e po1. Geneva, N. Y. Po,, l passed, "EISenhower JS gom to say . ' . . ,HUBBARD . · • OIDO 'l' • LASC 1ATO L'OSPED A LE corsero .fino all'Ohio, nella industrio- '-'·ha t E isenhower really believes, from Glovanm D Angelo ... ..... ... ...... ... $50.Ll0 i 1 1 s a citt~' di ~o~gstown, e fura o now on out". The r.esults sh ould be ) ·-----------~------------- DA McKEES ROCKS, PA. ~ATR-;-MONIALE j~:~~;~o~et~!~:s:i~~ihi~e~:rpa~~~te~~ -· DA BUFFALO N y Principles and Politica} ·-------~-- ~~·~~ v~~:~~~;LO, Expdiency i ~~~:ctoc;:~~:l~i~i-~ ~~:~~ l l l l l l l 1 DA CI EVEI AND O l l l Sempre dell'Ospedale in Pratola Peligna 1 ?!an·! Questi So Gh de "Il Rtsvegho" 8 sS S scO AMERICA'S FIRST AND FINEST SELF-STOR.ING COMBINJATION WINDOWS AND DOORS NO DO\VN AYMENT 3 YEARS TO S .. . -. PAY § Cali today for Free Demonstration § ta, Umberto D'Amico, ch e da qualche:o hio e paesi ad iacenti; tE>mpo r isiede in Toront o 0:1t . Ca n ada ;vENANZIO ZAVARE LL A, per Steue dove si recarono Dom·emca nel do - ,benvil le, Ohio e paesi dinto rno ; po pran zo. .. . . /ROSOLIN O LUCCI, per P lttsburgh, Grazie della visita e a ugurn d1 fc!J- 1Penna., e paesi v ic ini; ce ritorno nella lor o r esidenza in 1DONATO Li BERATORE, per Al i· Hartford, Conn. iquippa, Pa., e VIOtnanze; A N DREA ZA VARELLA , PIETRO LI BERATORE, per McKees Agente-Corrispondente Re>cks, P a., e vicin!'l:nl:e; BOARD the vast acreage of a U. RUOLo· D'ONORE l 4t.h St servi_•ce Appt•·Iance DA 'HARTFORD, CONN. Carmine Cianfaglione ...... .... .. $100.00 ~ e DA NEW BRITAIN, CONN. America D'!c~:i.lle .................... !!ì50.00 §S DA ST~·L~ENVILLE, OHIO~ STORE PHONE 6574 Rocco .V allera .. .... .................... $~O.oo R 122 E. 4TH ST. L~b.erato S ant acroce .... ,............. $o0.00 1 s 13 I Ru ospita ti da1 comug1 ~r. & . Mrs. Sera- ·remar kable. ' r..r..rJ"/J'.r.r..r;..r.r.rJ..r.rJ.r.r.rJ".r..r.r.r..r.r..r..r..r..rJ.r~..r.,..r.N".N"J"J'~~ 11 fino Di P~etro, e P01 del ~~g~or feli~ e S1g n ora Agata DI Cwcclo. 1 • • . • N • l viBJggio di ritorno, . c'o me abbia .:-/' n~ ~gentJ mo detto; si sono fermati m casa noEcco intanto pochi a ltri nomi di bra· 0 . 1mat·1 d :' 1 vi P rat olan i che mer itano di essere Ss" stra, dopo esse-re stat·i . neo - - -- - - gentilezze dal Sig . Ar1stodemo D 1 iJ OHN BUCCILLI, per Cleveland, aggiunti nel ruo lo d'onore avendo ve r·ALL~METAL Giulio, padre dei proprietar i del r ino- ~Ohi o e d intorni; s?.to da $50.00 i n sopra per l'Ospeda le rr.ato Rist orant.e Clu b 31 · . i1LU IG L Ll)CE NTE, per Youngstown, Civile dei Pratolani d'America, che si S~ · · · Però la v is ita principale era n ser- iGhio e paesi dintorno sta erigendo in Pr<!tola Peligna, in p vata a l fratello della Signora Mariet·.ART HU R A LF IERI , per Cant on, quel çlegl i Ab n gzi (lta.lia). . FRANK TERESI, Distributor RESIDENT FREDO NI A PHO NE _ 2 8649 DUNK IRK, N. V. 11 20 La scorsa settimana, Mrs. Grazie!la Petr ella, consorte al Sign or Cesidio Petrella, ch e come dicemmo, era stata internata all'Ospedale, lasciò quell_a. istituzione .e fece r itorno a casa a n ,.p ortare la g ioia con la sua presenza, ,per passarvi la convalescenza. Gli a,uguriamo u na prestissima c . . com pleta guangwne. GERALDINE LIBERATORE JOHN BU CCILLI La sposa, vestita ,elegantemente e. Agente-Corrispondente ' a m mirata da una grande foL!a tra parenti e amici, d i citta' e d i fuori, aveva nelle man i un libretto di pre.ghi·ere ABBONATEVI E· FATE ABBONARE con due bianchi orchids. l VOSTRI AMICI A Funzionar ono da co-mpare e com"IL RISVEGLIO" mara d'anello Mr. Francis Liberatore, 2.00 AL L'A NNO . . . S. Navy carrier, nian- regular sum out of every check-before you h ave a chance to spend i t. Y ou know, no matter ho w small your income you can't a fford not to save something for yourself. So join the P ian today. Thousands say it's the o n e sure way to sa ve! C m ade winds whip b riskiy as Corsairs' p r opellers spin. Every eye is on the plane spotter as piiots rev v..r..r.,..cP..r~.r..r.,...,..,.,..,..,..,..,..,..,.,..,.,..,..,..,..,.,..,..,...,._,.N".r-'~.AD""~ IE TY ! to take ofi to protect your country-and yo u. SO the engines. Taut crewmen crouch ready to remove wheel chocks. And another squadron of American pianes prepares R IC AL lt's a tight-knit crew in a split-second-timed operation. And, yes, therc's dan ger involved for every man jack of them. B·.;t it's all a part of their job in defense of their country and yours. H IS TO They are maintaining America' s military strength. And if you 're o ne of the millions of go od Americans aiready buying United States D efense Bonds you are heiping to maintain her economie strength. Y ou know that your personal security, b uilt up by bonds and other forms of saving, is a guarantee N Y of your country's strength and security. And you know, too, that peace is only /or the strong l TY lf you haven't yet started the regular purchase of Defense Bonds, do i t no w! Y ou'll fin d that saving through bon d ·. HERE'S HOW E BONDS NOW EARN MORE MONEY FOR YOUI Now safe, sure U. S. Ser ies E Defense Bonds pay an even better return than ever befo.re ••• thanks to 3 brand-new rrwney-earning features announced by the U. S. Treasury. l, Now every Series E Bon.rl you bu.y begins earning interest after only 6 months. I t earns 3%, compounded semiannually, when held to maturity. lt reaches full maturity value earlier (9 years 8 months) ar~d the interest it pays is now bigger at the start ! 2. Every Series E Bond you own can now go on eam· · ing interest for 10 more ycars after it rcaches thc original maturity date- without your lifting a firlger ! 3. During the 10-year extension period, every un· matured bond earns at the new, higher interest (average 3% compour~ded semiannually) . Y our origina l $18.75 can now repay you $33.67. $37.50 pays back $67.34. Arn{ so on. Start now! l nvest more in better paying Series E Bonds - through the Payroll Savings Pian where you work or the Bond-A-Month Pian where you bank. H AU YOU KNOW why your ears were burning a bit ago? I was listening to a wonderfùl story about a Defense Bond owner. A thrifty, p atriotic per son, one I respect and admire. You. TA U Q U A C O U N buying is easier than you think-through the Payroll Savings Pian where you work. For with this P ian you can save a Do C You're writing the most exciting success story the worid has even seen. And l'm proud of it, for you see, l'm on the same team. l'm a Defense Bond owner, too. l wonder if you know all the good things that Defense Bonds mean to us . For example : FIRST-Tlianks to new Treasury regulations, every Series E Bond we buy begins earning interest aftcr only 6 months. lt earns 3% interest compounded semiannually when held to maturity. It reaches full maturity value earlier (9 years 8 months) and the interest it pays is now bigger a t the start. . SECOND-Every Series E Bond we own can now go on earn• ing intercst for IO more years after l t reaches the originai maturlty date-without our lifting a finger! THIRD-During the 10-year extension period, every unma• tured bond earns at the new, higher interest rate (average S% eompounded semiannually). Our originai $18.75 can now pay us back $33.67. $37.50 pays back $67.34. And so ()n. FOURTH-When we make ourselves and our families eco• nomically secure through buying bonds, we're helping to huild the great economie strength that backs up our national defense. And this is the best security our money can buy. For after two world .w ars we bave found that peace is for the strong! , ,. ! '· U. S. Defense Bonds .àre one of the easiest, most convenient forms of saving ever invented. For through the Payroll Savings P ian where you work, you can buy bonds on a time payment pian. Just specify the payments, as large or as small as you like, an d they will be a utomati cally set asi de from ·your saiary. This way you save the money before you spend it. And millions of peopie have found this is one sure way to save. Y~ is fartlw ~ ..:fòr peace arul ~p~ save wak U S.Dct01sc Bortds! Tll;e U. S . Govsrnt!teflt dou not V411 !or tku advertisìno. The TreaBUrll Depart?IIS71t thanlc&, for their :1)4triotic doootùm., Tht Advertiring Couneiland Complimet~t of a Friend ' · fii) . ~ace is for the strong ••• for pe ace an d prosperity sa ve with U. S. Defeuse Boncls! The U. S . Govermnent does not pay for this lldvertising. The TretLSltl'!! Depiirtme-nt t hank8, fo > :_ t hei>· 1>atriotic donatimi, The Advertising Cou?<cila1ld " Page 4 · l Romanzo Storico Sociale DI CAROLINA INVERNIZIO "Suffered 1 years -then l found Pazo brings amazing re!ief!" Mr. M. W., Los Angeles, Cllil. SO.)'$ Speed a mazing relief from miseri~ of simple piles. with soothing Pazo*! Acts t o relieve pain, itching itzslanliy-soothes inllamcd t issues-Jubricates dry, hard· ened parts-hclps prcvcnt cracking, sorencss-rcduce swclltng. You get rcal com.. f ort ing help. Don't suffer needlcss torture from simple piles. Cet Pazo !or fast, won• d erful relief. Ask your doctor about it. Suppository form -'- a Iso t ubes with pec• torated p ile pipe for easy app!ication. Y 20 13 *l'tuo Oinlmml ~mJ Suppo•iloril_l.® IE T C SO AL R IC How Lydia Pinkham's works It has a "calming" and soothing etJeat on the uterus . .. quieting t/Le contractions (see the chart) that so ojten cause menstrual pain, cramps, other distress. TO • Here's wonderful· news for women and girls who - each month - sutfer the tortures of "bad days'; of fi.mctionallycaused menstrual cramps and pain - headaches, backaches, and those "no-~ood," draggedout feeling·s. It's news about a medicine famous for relieving such suffering! Here is the exciting news. Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound -'- gave complete or striking relief of such distress in an a verage of 3 out of 4 of the cases in doctors' tests! Scientifically Modern Actlon the nervousness and tension, weakness, irritability - and pain-so often associated with modern in action! , "those days"! This news will not surprise Remember Lydia Pinkham's the thousands of women and too - if you're suffering the girls who take Lydia Pinkham's "hot flashes" and other funcregularly and know the relief it tionally-caused distress of can bring. · "change of !ife." And it should encourage you Get Lydia Pinkham's Com(if you're not taking Lydia pound or new, improved TabPinkham's) to see if your exlets with added iron (trial size perience doesn't match theirs only 59~). Start taking Lydia ... to see if you, too, don't avoid Pinkham's today! l§ • § s§~ 1 s ll § l H Y N U A U MACARONI i§ ANO CHEESE r ·- -"- - -- ---- --------------------- E § J K s l yL ls . l§ Qc GUJ! · At-.10 G'AME.! LET'~ 5E.F.· · 114 AND 7 BOXE'5· · PLUS A 100-POINT BONUS··· ( TENDER MACARONI ANO KRAFT GRATED ) \ FOR Fl NE CHEES E FLAVO R :.• ~- • · · · ·VENlDA· · · • Finesi tissues toclayl ,TaONGEST, SOnEST, MOSI ABS()RBENI RAINBOW FACIAL TISSUES 3-ply for greater strength, softne~ and .absorbency. A ueat for sef!Sl· dv e skin.Assorted pastels or wh1te. LUXURY-SOFT TOILET TISSUES Highly absor· bent, non·irri· tating. Genuine facial- quality, ~ THE RHYMING ROMEOS l;oooaoooaooo .. • l§ ••• -------------------------------L----------------------------- o ll i§ s-e--§ Soth in the one package • § .l l c l l s il § l • § .: . l l MI l I l § C O s E lll 1 U ll ·l w 1---· lMARY WORTH'S FAMILY § .· Q FRlE~JDS--- ---EVGRVTHI.VG/ § 8 ( ----------~ TA l u l§ R. § MUSK"IE WAS LISTE(;' AT THE PAROLE OFFICE AS 17.17-T. '5 BODYGUARD? GABBY 1 YOU'RE 0N A HOT TRACK/ FIND OUT A LL YOIJ CAN ABOUT THE MAN---1-115 VEGETABLE; COMPOUND 6 t l l g H I MrrA tncks Df Bronch!al Asthmn ~uln sleep and energy wlthout trylng MEND.A CO, wblch works thru the blood to reach bronchlal tubes and Iungs. Usually helps nature qulckly remove thlck, stlcky mucus. Thus allevlates coughlng a nd aids !reer breathlng a nd better sleep. Get MENDACO ftorn drugglst. Satls• !actlon or money back guaranteed. H AU o -~ .. C ls l TY circles under eyes, and swollen. ankles, dUfJ to non-organic and non-systemic Kidney and llladder troubles, try Cvstex. Quick, complete satlsfa ct lon or money back guara nt eed. Ask your drum_:lst for Cystex todny. N For QlliCk comforting help for Baeknche. Rheumatlc Pains, Getting Up Nights, s trong cloudy urine, irrltating passages, Lcg· Pains, g-'AII"'-'-'.,""-i KERRY DRAKE l ll .. ·(!)•<:).· IS .Yes ! Lydià -Pinkham 's has been proved to be scientifically § • §---·- § § • § ..- •· COULD YOU SPAI<E A. L'TTLE MONEY. M\STE.R? By Horace Elmo SOR~ l: 14~NE NO MONEY. ... BUT I C .AN G\'IE '{OU SOME GOOD AD\I ICE! 3·P~Y· 4 colors to match your bathroom decor. Sold Everywhere at Popular Pric. IF 'yt)U H ~~N'T ANV MONEY... ~HAT 00 'IOU NK YOUR ACNICE ,C'CULO BE WORTH '? lf you suffer from those miserable ear nolses .and are Hard of Hearln~ due to catarrh of th~ head, wnte us NOW for proof of good re· sults our simple home treatment has accomplished for a great l'llany people. NOTHING TO Wi:AR. Many past 70 report ear n•ises g one and hearing fine. SENO NOW FOR PROOF AND WONDERFUL · QFFER OF REGULAR FULL MONTH TREATMENT ON TRIAL! . THE "ELMO COMPANY DEPT. A89D DAYENPORT, IOWA ., ,
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