Issue 28 Luglio/July 19, 1952
Issue 28 Luglio/July 19, 1952
The Only Italhtn·Arnerican Newspaper Publishéd 1rt Chautatiqtià County·v· ,.-=-~; ~r ·· - . ,._. . . .,._ - . ._. ...._.. . . _.d .. ,.. l mano11erlttt, anohe • neo pubblicati, non al reatltul800no. Lettere, Money Orders, ete. . indirizzare tutto a n, Italian-American Newspaper Duokirk, N. Y • . - c l . . ~-g-:Mia~-~-L-11 GIORNALE ITALIANO INDIPENDENTE ANNO XXX I I ABBONAMENTO: OUNKIRK, N. Y., SABATO, 19 LUGLIO 1952 SEI MESI . , . 2B UN ANNO S2-00 Economie Highlights .. _________ _ RISVEGLIO PUB. 00. 47 E. Secood Street UNA COPIA - 5 SOLDl ..... No.2& --------~-------------= . l The Wheel of Fortune Commenti Settimanali C H AU TA U Q U A C O U N TY N Y H IS TO R IC AL SO C IE TY 20 13 RODOLFO PUCELLI La moglie d i Juan D. P·eron, pres idente dittato,re detll' Argentina, s i tro- today' your p day Make buy United States 'IJ!ense Bonds l J 111 . Page 2 · --·-··· 'c ..... "F!i't&l lilW? ll IL RISVEGLIO AKENINGl RISVEGt;IO re Ideas For Modero Living l Attraverso Alla Colonia .(mE AW CO.NCEAL YOUR GARBAGE CAN 1114epeD4ent IUJlan-Ammc&a ••WIPAJU l l in a never-wear-out clay pipe container that will keep it out of sight, away !rom prowling animals, yet easily aeeessible. Be sure pipe extendà high enough so r~in water will not rWl into hole. Fill bottom Qf the. Publ.Wael b7 IL RISVEGLIO PUB. CO. P_~ 67 :Saat ·second Stree\ DO'NlUR~ wi.tb ~ravel t~r_~r.~inage. N. y ·, Phone: 6 3 56 SO'BSO:&IPTION :&ATEI AN ICELESS REFRIGERATOR eail be made of large clay pipe buried in ONE YEAR ---·--···------- t2.00 51X MONTHS ---· -------· t1 .2e the groun<t 8 to 10 feet deep as shown here. Any meta! bucket can. · ·~ed as the food container. Overpul!eys can easily be supported . post a~Q.. bl'acket,. ~ · --- - -l . l J Suit Pressed \Vhile l You Wait THIS REVOLUTIONARY HOME HEATlNG SYSTEM is sav." ing homebuilders up to 50% in.instal!ation costs of material and· labor. Vitrified clay pipe, which is a non-criticai materia! and readily available, distrJbutes warm air with minimum beat loss even without insulation. This new heating metho.d combines the favorable factors of radiant beat wit h forced warm air perimeter heating. Vitrified clay pipe is recognized as the ever-Iasting duct materia!. lt is chemically inert, cànnot rust, corr ode, cr umble, disintegrl!ote. l ti$ completely fi1·ep1·oof, rodent proof and termite proof. · · - · .. · · 13 P I NOZZE 20 IÌOASTED & SALTED DAILJ:' Candles--Clgai'S--Ctcar~tte~ . JOHN TY ud Tobacco1 DITOI..~LA St Dunk1rll C m. Tb1rc2 SO lOl IE Successor to ANDY D. COSTELLO R IC AL STOP AT \VUERSTLES H IS TO CAFE N Y .......................... FRANK NEWMAN - Funeral Director - N TY Booth's Milk Dairy Pro d ucts 201 ZEBRA STREET DUNKIRK, N. Y. ' TRY OUR PHONE 7689 TORINO: Hotel Sitea, 7 .. 5 d'ogni mese MILANO: Al b. Commerico, 9-10 d'ogni mese PADOVA: Hotel Regina 11-12 d'ogni mese Rich iedere l'opuscolo della cura nell'edizione italiana o inglese alla Sede d i ROMA, inviando le spese postali. . U HOMEMADE COTTAGE O CHEE8E WINE - BEER - AND WISKEY The Place Where Good Fellow Meet Spaghetti and Flah Fry Every Frlday & &aturday A ~~~: ~SE Morrone Grocery 59 Franklin, Ave. Dunkirk, N: Y. i§i H Salciccie Stile Italiano Tutti i Giorni§ Il C .......................... . s ••:m:m:.......;·~~=;~·;; ..~·;u•••...;.-. ......: K o c H' s E R G A L BE ER and A L E • · AMERICA'S FIRST AND FINEST ALL-METAL SELF-STORING COMBINATJON WINDOWS AND DOORS NO DOWN PAYMENT 3-YEARS TO PAY J§ Phone: 7a7s 871A1 East 3rd St. Dunkirk, N. Y . l s§SIOO'"J"'J"'J"'J""..r.r.r.rAR~..r.r.r.r.rAU~J"'J"'J"'J"'J"'As~J"'J"'J"'J"'Ac~J"'J"'J"'J"'Ao~.#"J"'J"'J"'J"'JV>~~~ I cool Beer and Ale Dailey Restaurant ..SPIKE DAILEY.. MACARONI 1 l ~ l U OLIVE OIL - U Q e......................... •• t t. t t tttt• •••• t • t • •. • • •• ' ~~~~ Imported and Domestlc Grocertes TA Pilone 2058 l § AU 827 Dove Street C 8ervlng Dunklrk for 39 Yoara . §§ Cali today for Free Demonstration 1§ 4tbSt. Service Appliance 08i'J3ifA1 -because it's rlch in .food values from milk. •<~ DIGESTIBLE AS MILKI l 1 ~ S ;v.,..,..,..,..,..,..,..,..,..,..,..,..,..,.,..,.,..,.,..,.J"'..,..,..,.J".,..,.,..,..,..,.,..,..,.,..,..,.,..,..,..,..,..,..,..,.J"..,....,..,.,..-QI FRANK TERESI, Distributor · ~~ STORE PHONE 6574 ~ 122 E. 4TH ST. RESIDENT FREDO NI A PHONE 2-8649 DUNKIRK, N. Y. § .. In Vendita da Tutti l Rivenditori Moniti dllJcenza FRED KOCH BREWERYy. (Sin dal 1888) Abbonatevi a Dun.ldl'k, N. PHONE 7796 ················••t~~~-·,~··························· l IJII- a -a• . -a-n.-o_c_a_o_a_~_ - ~ THK OIILY ITAUAN NIWIPAPER PUBLISHE-D IN CHAUTAUQUA COUNTY l WHAT'S NEW IN FURNISHINGS 7 (6 fou'll find the anawer bere. . . . in tlAtSe displays o t seaaonable fashions tor men and young men. 1. ~ ltalian Weekly Newspaper Giornale Italiano Indipendente A. M- BOORADY & CO. n E. THIRD STREET . DUNKIRK. N. Y. . l l '•a_a_ -~-·- a -a......o l SUBSCRIBE TO "IL RISVEGLIO" $2.00 L'ANNO $2.00 IL SABATO, 1'g LUGLIO 1952 RISV !::GL IO-j-;: DA ALIQUIPPA, P A. movanni Di Cioccio fu Pasq. .... $50.00 Francesca Pane!la f u Raf. ........ 50.00 Vincenzo Santilli fu Andrea .... 50.00 Sempre dell'Ospedale in Pratola Peligna T Commenti Settimanali Recapturing Governi' l l Ili mental Control l l (Continuaz. della Prima Pagina) ------• f in cattive condizioni, scrissi un sonet ) (Cont1nue ct fr om p,~., ge One) 1 Ecco intanto poch i altri nomi d i braDA RAVENA, N . Y. 1 vi P ratolani che meritano di essere Peli' no DI' Ba-c-co $100 00 to acrostico per inseg-nare l'educazio- enor mous g-·o vernmem., . 1t.s . . Ia byrmth !, .. Il11 aggiu.nti nel ruolo d'onore avendo ve1·· DA YOUNGSTOWN OHIO ne a cht non la coosoo neache dt no- . . . . . . i _ . , , . . of a bureaucracy, 1ts g-IgantJC mii!· I· sato da $50.00 in sop ra per l'Ospedale . , . me. Sononche p01 ho pre.fento sf o1. . Club Pratolam del! Oh1o .... ...... !$50.00 . · tt t . tary .est ablishment , an d it s globa l a c- . Ci vile dei Pratola n i d'America, che s1 · !garm1 con un sone o mo(1er a o, che e . . . . . • • • • J DA BEAVER F ALLS . PA. . t . )tlvttl-cs and comn11tment s. It W!ll be sta er1gendo m P ratola Peli g na, 1n j ' ! l 1 seguen e. . . . . . . Ab . ( l t 1. ) Ti::duardo Letterio ........................ $50.00/ ' cne t hmg for cand1dates to prom1se quel deg l1 ruzz1 a 1a . ·• l . • DA STRUTHERS, OHIO UNO CHE MI HA INGANNATO t o do th1s and to promise to reform Antonio Di ICesane .......... ....... . !$50.00 --------lt11at But talking is one t hing anù Molto gentile ti credevo e buono, 1t hat But talking is ci-ne thing. The DA HARTFORD, CONN. •(" ~AD'HAUBBlARD, OHIO "'50ùo ' degno delia mia stima lmperi_tura :bigg.est fa.ct aJbout the go.vernment t o- i Carmine Cianfa.glione ............ $100.00 1• _,-wvanm nge o ............. _....... '~' · l , . . . , DA WEliRTON, W. W. VA. e d un poema 1n cu1 la tua f1gura _ ' day is t hat the men at t he top have : l 1 .. DA NEW BRITAIN, CONN. . . raggiasse; ma ingannato, ahimè, m1 !lost thc power t o de.cide and to direct l •ccl11'Ile .... . ..... ...... . : .. "'50 . even in tl· 1e great· quest·wns..·co D' n.. "' -00 r~milJO Gualbe n ........................ $50.00 sono! · DA STEUBENVILLE, OHIO DA COLUM!BUS, OHIO In large degrcc t he r eal power of li Rocco Vallera $SO 00 Salvatore Di Cioccio ............ ..... $50.00 ·Coscienza t u sembri aver, c h'è dono . t hei dedsion has become di.sperse d m Li-berat o Santwcroce .................. $50.00 Antonio Gualtieri ..... ................ 50.00 celest iale; ent~ro l'anima tua scu ra j civil and the mi~itary bureaucracy f Pasquale Mastrangioli ............ 50.00 Annina Petrella .......................... 50.00 l l'inganno. alligna e, a quanto par, and a mong conu mttees of Congress, i 1 Sante Carducci ............................. 50.00 Angiolina Gualtieri ............ .. ...... 50.00 \ cong•ura -a nd in t he ùo·b bies, and am ong th e· ,: 1 1 · D 1' p·1et·ro ...................... 50·00 j'qua l taciturno des_pota sul tr~ono. Donato Palombizio .. .................. 50.00 1 A n t omo ' iat-er 1c-omma.nders and fore ign mis· ! 50 00 Le tue promesse mantenute l'hai ?.... · sions abroa:d. The corruptlon, the Giovanni Presu!Jti ...................... 50.00 l Vincenzo Di Pietro fu Panf. ---- $ · Belino Saccoccia fu Giust. ------ 50.00 DA CLEVELAND, OHIO Senti, il tuo modo empio d'ag ir è \Vaste, t h e indecision, the contradic1 Giustino Saccoccia di Pelino ---- 50.00 i Isaia Iacobucci fu Cesidio $50.00 . tr(),WO tions and t h-e bh.mdering are the c.o n1 Loreto Pizzoferrato fu Giov. ---- 53.00 j ostico questo mio -f idente cuore. sequence of th is fundam-ental trot~ble i -- . t ha.t of a very b~g government 1 Inesperto non sono, e ci è tu s-a i; which is very feebly administ l abi le invece, negli uff ici s-groppo . A big go:vernme:rut, which is f-eebly 1 nodi più aspri e il senso ho ' administered, will in t he nat ure of dell'onore. , tt!ings be, as ours ìs t odlliy, bureauerat ic, m ilitaristic a nd confused. Rodolfo Pucelli l That is wha t t he new Presid ent will Come vedet-e, .sono molto s ensibile e ha.v-e t o deal with before he can rea chi mi fa del bene offro quel che form . any imp ortant polie-ies a n d beho: un r icordo artistico in rima, un fare he can carry out any lmportant elogio merita to; ma a chi mi fa d-el program of his own. male e mi offende, come il suddetto "padrone" (senza il minimo m otivo), -- - - - s ca.g lio i dardi d,eJI.e mie rime. Sta - ABBONAT EVI E FATE ABBONARE volta li ho smussat i per non eSiporre l VOSTRI AMICI A ogni particolare e perchè effettiva"IL RISVEGLIO" ,. 1mente non ser bo rancnre. 2.00 A L L'A N NO · RUOLO D'ONORE . . . .................. ·l · . PER LA VORI lA l l DI QUALSIASI GENERE RIVOLGETEVI A l "IL RISVEGI~JO" l i TIPOGRAFiçi n Eut Seco'"\d .... _,- - i· str~t Phone: r. STATUTI 1 - ~-~- 6356 PROGRAMMI JJunkìn, N. t . ~:~LARI CAR1'E INTESTA.Tit INVITI .BUSTE PARTECII AZIONI BIGLIETTI DI MATRIMONIO E'fiCHETTE BILJ...8 CABT.B DI LUTTO !_ ___. 1 f S'f ATEMENTS --·-·-·- -·-· ·-·-·-·-·l*untualilà - Esattezza E'leganza Prezzi Moderali 13 l 20 l Y ì.' . IE T aureomy~l~ ~~~ ~ tne SO C L You may have taken strep throat.. but pigs get this wol\der drug " to help t)1.em grow f<!.ster. There's no arguing the fact that the two pigs on ri~ht si de of t he scales weigh almost the same as the threè on t he other s1de. ...,.. ..... · ··-- ,.. ..,.,. -"'~~"' --•-· · ' ' They're from the same litter, and received the same diet (peanut rneal nnd corn) , except t hat the t wo heavier ones al so received aureo· rnycin a nd vitamin Ih2· Farmers throughout t he country are usin~ fe~ds containing thls antibiotl~-- ~pe_e~_up :.!.~ &r!!_~_th~f pigs,_ ch1ckens, turkeys and ca.lvet• ...-- ._. ~ ~ , ! :: AL 10 l . IC -Nèw ~firror Aids Highway S R ...,;. l ~ ,\· ' IN TY N l l l- U N Security has as many meanings as there are Americans lo dejend it. One good way you can provide security-for you r family and your country and yourself-is to purchase United States Defense Bonds. C O l TA U Q U A Buying Bonds m ay seem a small thing. And yet, every time you purchase a Defense Bond you are saving toward your own fìnancial independence. And you are also helping to build a strong economy that cannot be threatened ..• just a s the men and women in the armed forces a re building tbe military strength that spells security ••• and peace. Remember, no matter how small your income you can never a fford not to save. So why not sign up now to buy United S ta tes Defense Bonds through the Payroll Savings Pian where you work ? Thousands have found it their one sure way to aave-because it saves Jor you, before you even draw your pay. · H AU , t ilt-type rear view mi rror, veloped by P ittsbvrgh P la te Company resear~h scientists in coope:ation with Stanaard Mirror Company, is now a va1lable for motor, 1t waa announced by Russell G. Wltittemore, product development d1rector of the glass company. -~- •"-~'"""""' ., ,,_.., :'"""''"~ _ _ ,,.,; 11> The mirror operates with a simple flip motwn, ~ru_1gmg mto focus a secondary or "ghost" image which removes the stmgmg giare of headlig hts approachin~ from t he rear. · . '': : . . ' 1t- The secondary nnage provided by the pnsmatlc m1rror 1s suffic1ently ~~~~ _r;m~~~;=~~~~j·lj• oher\le the mane.u_vera ~f ca~ ,.... TRE ARMY, it can meana sturdy rifle with plenty of ammuni· tion. Or the affecÌion of a small fu r ry dog, nestled in the crook of an a rm . At home, it can be a neat suhurban house, A graduation sheep skin, a small independent business. Y i has many meanln8'&1 ....... H l .. rlc~ns, IS TO l C ,, 1'- ·1 J l . -->· HERE'S HOW E BONDS NOW EARN MORE MONEY FOR YOUI -. .:.-' :";di- Now safe, sure U. S. Series E Defense Bonds pay an even bet· ter return than ever before •.• thanks to 3 brand-new moneyearning features just announced by the U. S. Treasury, .. s·-::·:·.l:' .. 1. Now every Series E Bond you buy begiru earninll · interest a/ter only 6 months. lt eams 3%, compounded semiannuaUy, when held to maturily. lt reaches full maturity value ·earlier (9 years 8 months) and the interest it pays is now bigger at the start ! 2. Every Series E Bond you own can now go on earn- ing interest for 10 more years a/ter it reaches the original maturity date - without your lifting a finger! 3. / During the 10-year extension period, every Wl· matured bond earns at the new, higher interest f aver· age 3% compounded semiannually) . Y our original $18.75 can now repay you $33.67. $37.50 pays back S67 .34. And so on. Start now! Invest more savings in better-payin.g Series E Bonds - through the Payroll Savings Pian where you work or the Bond-A-Month Pian where you bankl .: - Poace la for the strong. For peace and proaperlty aave wlth u. s. Defense Bondsl TM U, S. GouernTMnl does not pay {or this adverti<ii1111. TM Tr_,-y D•,IXII'ImenlliumM, {or IMir pGtriotù; àoiiQiiQn, The Ad IIU't~iflll Co~il <md -~~~~ *..r:;: ~;!;\ l Pba uuussu nn c uuucu ... ABBONATEVI A "IL RISVEGLIO" l~~_::~;~ ...,.,< -~~~ • SABATO, 19 LUGLIO 1952 Page 4 ...................................................... BIRICHINA. Romanzo Storico Sociale DI CAROLINA INVERNIZIO :............ Puntata No. 154 ............. .,.Z'C/ ~JT• YOU CHANGE BLADES PRESfO! Gil·lette SUPER·SPEED ONE•PIECE RAzoe soothing '--- - - - - - -- -- ----' flashes" and weakness so common in "change of life." Don' t put i t ofj! Get Lydia Pinkham's Vegetabl e Compou nd or new, improved Tablets with added iran (t1'ial size Try Lydia Pinkham's on the basis of medicai evidence ! See if you, too, don't gain blessed relief from those terrible " hot for the functiona l ·· p a ins, cramps, " dragged-o u t" feelings a nd other discomfort of monthly menstrual periods! ~fl'ect ! r...,..,..,..,..,..,.,.1 s§ s TY IE C SO AL l IC HOT FLUSHES? Do you suffer from hot fiushes, Quella giovane venuta d'America Il come poteva conosc.erlo? Che volevano dire quelle sue parole m isteriose '! Vi era davvero un segreto nella sua 1 nascit a , e suo padre glil'avrebbe rivelato? Non g-li aveva deto la mlj.scher a nera di avvertirla, di darle un appuntame,nto mezzo del g·iornale? So- ! gnava, od era proprio vero che gli a- nervous tension, upset emotiens dùe to functional 'change òf life' (38 - 52 years) -that period when fertil!ty ebbs away, when embarrassing symptoms o! this nat ure may betray your age? Then start' taking Lydia E . Pinkharn's yegetable Compound 1lo relieve sileh - symptoms. No ét:J:ìer medicine of ltÌiis type fo1· women };Jas ~uèh·a loug record of success. Taken regùlarly, Pinkham's Compound helps build up resistanee against this annoying middle-,all'C distress. Truly the woman's jriend! Note: Or you may prefer Lydla E . Pinkham's T ABLETS with added iron. Any drugstore. LYDIA E. PINKHAM'S e VEGETABLE COMPOUND • Don' t !et cough!ng, wheezlng, recurr!ng attacks of Bronchlal Asthma r.u!n sleep and energy wlthout trylng MENDACO, whlch works thru the blood t o reach bronch!al tul!es and lungs. Usually helps nature qulckly remove th!ck, st!cky mucus. Thus allevlates coughing and aids freer breathlng and better sleep. Get MENDACO from drugglst. Satla• factlon or money back guaranteell. t C A TA U Q U - AU H K § l ~~~~;;tiil l ~ l § c 0 l§l s- ll§ 1 = -· l l • l""AO •• (.·.TENDER MACARONI ANO KRAFT GRATED ) FOR FINE CHEESE FLAVOR ...,....../_l,.! _•:________________________ RAINBOW FACIAL TISSUES 3-ply for greater strength, softne~s ànd absorbency. A treat for sensltive skin. Assorted pastels or white. LUXURY-SOFT TOILET TISSUES ~TH _E _ R_ H_ YMIN_G_R _O _M _E _O_S_ _ _ __ § 8oth in the o ne package · STRONGEST, SOFTEST, MOST ABSORBENT § l CI ll • Finest tissues today.! i§ M §l _MACARONI ANO CHEESE ····'fE~II>Jl···· §M §§ § §§ L § y § § § § j §l • . § §§ l ASTHMA R l l • l l i vvE 1---------------------------------------------------------l MARY woRTH's. FAMILY § ll. E §~ an d C l§ ls For qulck comfort lng help ! or Baeknclle, Rheumatlc Pains, Getting Up Nlghts, strong cloudy urine, lrritat!ng· passages, Leg P alns,. clrcles under eyes, and swollen a nk!es, dur, t o non-òrganlc an d non-systemlc Kidney and Bladder troubles, try Cystex. Qulck, complete satlsfactlon or money back guarantceà. Ask your drugglst for Cystex today, KERRY DRAKE · 1s-:-1 • i §l o l§ ll u l§ § i BACKACHE only 590. · Wonderjul - too - ~UFE? TY calming, Gl'invitati aoooltavano con !molto ;l interesse la narrazione, prestandovi pi.ena fede. S olo Mario f antasticava. O ~ntifically ,____ U N Thousands Have Beneflted Amazing, you say? Not to the . ~any thousands of women w ho mow from experlence what ;hese Lydia Pinkham medi!ines càn do ! Their action - actually - is very modern. They exert a sci- How Lydia Pinkham's works acts through a woman' s !r!J?npathetic nervous .• ystem to give relief ;rom the "hot flashes" and other tunctionally -caused dis tresses ot "change ot Zije." It l R r h anks to two jamous L ydia ~inlcham medi cines! *In doctors'tests, Lydi a Pink- C'IIAIIGE IS TO , l l Napoli. E ' u111a bellassima r agazza, ma assai bizzarra; non mi stupisco che non sia neppure venuta a dirmi , a<ldio. DO YOU HATE H • Thos e s u ff ocating " heat l/aves" - a lternating wit h nerlous, clammy feelings - a n d tccompanie d often by r estless rritability and nervousn ess tre well- k n own t o women s uf :ering the f u nctionally-caused Ust ress ofmiddle life " ch ange" ! You want relief from s u ch ;uffering. And- chances areIOU can get it. Thrilling relief ! sarebbe venuta mascherata e che sa- !rebbe ripartita questa notte s tessa per Y Mario av·e va rip:r.esa la sua ù.isinvolitura . - Infa:tti r ispose - ella mi ha lasciato prima ancora che potessi scoprire chi fosse. - La stessa curiosità è in tutti ! --esclamò un t en.ente di cavalleria, i cui biondi baffi erano arricciati con una l grazia conquistatrice. - Ah! che ado rabile cret ura, un inca nto, un sogno; bisogna c:he interrog')'liamo la signora ' Corsano p,e,r sapere il s.uo nom.e. · - Forse ~a ritroveremo in sala disse un altro. - Se è così - prorupppe Bastilmi, un giova ne di cui erano not e J,e sue scappataggin i, ma in fondo è un buon ragazzo tutto cuore - l'afferro e non me la lascio più sfuggire, finchè non J avrò veduto a llo s coperto qu,e ll'ador a bil.e visetto. 1 1 Ma la maschera nera era davver o l in-63-80%*of the cases in doctors' tests! olete or striking 1'eliej! 3 l or strikingly relieved lam's Compou n d and Tablets lrought relief from s u ch d is ;ress in 63 and 80% (respectlvey) of the cases tested. Com- 20 1 flashes" of Change of Life stopped N ~'Hot vi ,ha rapito nella galleria, ma sembra che il vosto tète-à -tète, non aJJb.irt durato a .lungo. By Horace Elmo NOW Tt4AT-.M'( 1-lOUSE- I Tt41NK' I'Ll Go WORK lt;_ DONE' I CA ~-.! RELAX A BIT SEE A MOVIE' ! ! H.O...'JE' 'YOU NO CONSIOEROiHERS? I CAN'T• SEE \N I'Tl-1 YOU~ 1-t~T IN 1HE Wf:>..'l! PLEASE ~"''"'""''"' IT,M 'AM! . Highly absorbent, non-irritating. Genuine facial quality, 3-ply. 4 colors to match your bathroom decor. ATI O~ !=~ EAR NOISES? If you sutfer from those ear noises and are Hard of Hearin~ due ·to catarr h of the head, wr1te us NOW for proof of g-ood re· s ults our s imple home treatment has accomplished for a great many people. NOTHI NG TO WEAR. Many past 70 report ear nois es gone and hearing fine. SEND NOW FOR PROOF AND WONOHlFUL OFHR OF RIEG ULAR FULL MONTH TREATMI:NT ON TRIAL! THE ELMO COMI'ANY DEPT. A89D DAVENPO;n, IOWA Everywhere at Popular Price '
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