Benchmarks - September 2011
Benchmarks - September 2011
From the President Once again, AKC is offering another avenue to recognize the versatility of our breed through the AKC Therapy Dog Program. The purpose of this program is to recognize AKC dogs and their owners who have volunteered as a therapy dog and owner team for the purpose of helping others. 7KH $.& 7KHUDS\ 'RJ 3URJUDP DZDUGV DQ RI¿FLDO AKC title to dogs who have worked to improve the lives of the people they have visited. The AKC Therapy Dog title (THD) can be earned by dogs ZKR KDYH EHHQ FHUWL¿HG E\ $.&UHFRJQL]HG WKHUDS\ dog organizations and have performed 50 or more community visits. $.& GRHV QRW FHUWLI\ WKHUDS\ GRJV WKH FHUWL¿FDWLRQ DQG WUDLQLQJ LV GRQH E\ TXDOL¿HG WKHUDS\ GRJ RUJDQL]DWLRQV 7KH FHUWL¿FDWLRQ RUJDQL]DWLRQV DUH the experts in this area and their efforts should be acknowledged and appreciated. AKC has received frequent, ongoing requests from dog owners who participate in therapy work to “acknowledge the great work our dogs are doing,” thus, the reason for offering an AKC Therapy Dog title. Earning an AKC Therapy Dog title builds on the skills taught in the AKC S.T.A.R. Puppy and Canine Good Citizen programs, which create a sound and friendly temperament needed to be a successful therapy dog. (Information taken from In response to this new AKC title, SCWTCA, Inc. will be recognizing all wheatens and their owners who obtain the AKC Therapy Dog title. Non-members will receive a letter of congratulations from the Awards Committee chaired by Leo Springer. Dogs owned or bred by SCWTCA members will be recognized at the annual meeting the following year the title is obtained. Carol Carlson is asking for volunteers to help her design a special scarf that our wheatens can wear when they make visits to hospitals, libraries, hospice, DQG VHQLRU FLWL]HQ KRPHV WR VLJQLI\ WKH\ DUH D &HUWL¿HG Therapy Dog. If you would be willing to help Carol with this project, please contact her: kccarlson@ “Celebrate the Breed. Celebrate the Friendships!” Jinx Moore From the Editor I have hoped that in my lifetime there would be genetic testing for PLE and PLN. Exciting news from Dr. Littman’s report gives us that hope. Included in her article is the latest information about the DNA Bank, Geriatric Dog, Informative Family, and the AKC-CHF Grant. Such news should give us cause to rejoice and to further our commitments to the thrilling possibilities on the immediate horizon. Whether supporting the research and proximate projects with time, money, or tissue donations, know that every individual can make a difference through various commitments. In conjunction with the AKC’s newest title, Therapy Dog 101 is the current mini-course on how to enjoy your dog in many ways. Fortuitously, our breed also has two nominees for the current AKC ACE Award, recognizing dogs and appreciating them for the innumerable ways in which they meaningfully contribute to our lives. The Soft Coated Wheaten Terrier is nominated in the categories of companion dog and therapy dog. Finally, you will read stories of dogs who already qualify for a therapy dog title; these are only a few of the examples of many SCWTs serving the community. As always, the September issue brings you reports of specialty shows accompanied by many, many photographs. This whets our appetite for our national specialty which will arrive with fall in October. Be sure to consult the MCKC ad for more information and deadlines. $V , UHÀHFW RQ P\ HQMR\DEOH YLVLW ZLWK WKH 6RXWKHUQ California club and anticipate the Greater Denver and 6&:7$ VSHFLDOWLHV , DP UHPLQGHG RI DOO WKH VHOÀHVV volunteers who bring us activities for our dogs. Whether it is a CGC class, a holiday party, herding event, picnic, reunion, one of the many performance events, or a conformation show, none of these occasions would thrive without you. If you are one of the many who already provide countless hours of volunteerism to our breed, thank you. If you wonder how you can participate, contact a member of a local club -- or the national club -- and dive in! In addition to our wonderful dogs, the greatest pleasure of ownership may be the camraderie and enduring human friendships you also enjoy. Molly O’Connell Benchmarks . volume 39 . number 3 . page 3 '1$ %DQN *HULDWULF 'RJ ,QIRUPDWLYH )DPLO\ DQG 2SHQ 5HJLVWU\ 5HSRUW E\ %HWK 9HUQHU RQ EHKDOI RI 0HU\O /LWWPDQ 3DXOD +HQWKRUQ &DURO &DUOVRQ DQG $QQD 0DU]ROLQR In an attempt to simplify and streamline the reporting process, until further notice SCWT-related projects (DNA Bank, Geriatric Dog, Informative Family and Open Registry)at the University of Pennsylvania (Penn’s) School of Veterinary Medicine will be reported as one. DPRQJ KHU SHHU JURXS IURP WKH 3HQQ9HW UHVHDUFK IDFXOW\ MXGJHV :H DUH VR SURXG RI KHU DQG VR WKULOOHG WKDW VKH LV ZRUNLQJ KDUG RQ :KHDWHQ LVVXHV &ODLUH ZDV DOVR DZDUGHG IXQGLQJ IURP WKH 1,+0HULDO 6XPPHU 5HVHDUFK 3URJUDP DQG ZLOO FRQWLQXH LPSRUWDQW :KHDWHQ ZRUN ZLWK XV WKLV VXPPHU Dr. Littman exclaims . . . I’ll preface this report by saying: This is an exciting year! 'XULQJ WKH ODVW KDOI RI ZH ZLOO VWXG\ D VHFRQG VHW RI VDPSOHV WKLV VHW ZLOO EH PRVWO\ IURP JHULDWULF GRJV DQG GRJV DIIHFWHG ZLWK 3/( IRU JHQRPHZLGH DVVRFLDWLRQ E\ 613 FKLS DQDO\VLV ZLWK WKH KRSH WKDW ZKHQ ZH DGG PRUH GDWD D VWDWLVWLFDOO\ VLJQL¿FDQW KRWVSRW ZLOO UHYHDO LWVHOI IRU 3/( 7KHQ ZH SODQ WR GR WKH ¿QH PDSSLQJ IRU WKDW KRWVSRW :H ZLOO DOVR DQDO\]H DOO RI RXU DYDLODEOH JHULDWULF VDPSOHV DQG 3/1 VDPSOHV WR JHW D EHWWHU HVWLPDWLRQ RI WKH SUHGLFWLYH YDOXH RI WKH SURWHLQDOWHULQJ '1$ FKDQJHV ZH KDYH LGHQWL¿HG 7KLV ZLOO KHOS ZLWK UHFRPPHQGDWLRQV concerning genetic counseling. I. DNA Bank, Geriatric Dog, Informative Family, AKC-CHF Grant 2XU ¿UVW VHW RI 613 FKLS GDWD ODVW \HDU VKRZHG D VWDWLVWLFDOO\ VXSSRUWHG KRWVSRW IRU 3/1 7KH SDLQVWDNLQJ ZRUN RI JHQH VHTXHQFLQJ WKH PDQ\ FDQGLGDWH JHQHV LQ WKH SRUWLRQ RI WKH JHQRPH FRUUHVSRQGLQJ WR WKH KRWVSRW ZDV GRQH ODVW VXPPHU E\ 3HQQ YHWHULQDU\ VWXGHQW &ODLUH :LOH\ XQGHU WKH GLUHFWLRQ RI RXU JHQHWLFLVW JXUX 'U 3DXOD +HQWKRUQ KHUH DW 3HQQ9HW 7KH WHDP LGHQWL¿HG WZR JHQHV WKDW DUH YHU\ FORVH WRJHWKHU RQ RQH FKURPRVRPH ZLWK HDFK JHQH FRQWDLQLQJ D '1$ FKDQJH PXWDWLRQ WKDW DOWHUV WKH SURWHLQ VHTXHQFH HQFRGHG E\ WKDW JHQH 7KH SURWHLQDOWHULQJ '1$ PXWDWLRQV DUH XVXDOO\ LQKHULWHG together. 2XU GDWD VXSSRUW WKH K\SRWKHVLV WKDW RQH RU ERWK RI WKH PXWDWLRQV ZKLFK HDFK FDXVH DQ DPLQR DFLG FKDQJH WKDW OHDGV WR DQ DOWHUHG SURWHLQ SUHGLVSRVHV WKH GRJ WR JHWWLQJ 3/1 LQ LWV OLIHWLPH 7KH KLJKHVW LQFLGHQFH RI 3/1 ZDV IRXQG LQ KRPR]\JRXV PXWDQW GRJV GRJV ZLWK WZR FRSLHV RI HDFK PXWDWLRQ ZLWK ORZHU LQFLGHQFH RI 3/1 LQ GRJV WKDW DUH KHWHUR]\JRXV ZLWK RQH FRS\ RI HDFK PXWDWLRQ RU KRPR]\JRXV ZLOGW\SH QRUPDO ZLWK QR PXWDWLRQV 2XU H[DPLQDWLRQ RI '1$ RI DGGLWLRQDO GRJV LQGLFDWHG WKDW WKHVH VSHFL¿F PXWDWLRQV DUH UDUHO\ VHHQ LQ RWKHU EUHHGV ,Q IDFW DIWHU WHVWLQJ KXQGUHGV RI VDPSOHV RI '1$ IRU WKHVH PXWDWLRQV LQ RWKHU EUHHGV ZH KDYH RQO\ IRXQG WKHVH PXWDWLRQV LQ WZR $LUHGDOHV DQG RQH %ORRGKRXQG&ODLUH SUHVHQWHG KHU ZRUN DW 3KL =HWD 'D\ KHUH LQ 0DUFK DQG VKH ZDV DZDUGHG ¿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¿F ODERUDWRU\ SURWRFROV IRU GHWHFWLQJ WKH PXWDWLRQV DQG VHWWLQJ XS WKH QHFHVVDU\ VRIWZDUH SURJUDPV UHTXLVLWLRQV DQG LQVWUXFWLRQV IRU VDPSOH VXEPLVVLRQ DQG UHFRUGNHHSLQJ &RQFXUUHQWO\ ZH DUH GHYHORSLQJ GLUHFWLRQV IRU VDPSOH VXEPLVVLRQ 6RRQ ZH ZLOO LQYLWH WKH :KHDWHQ FRPPXQLW\ WR VXEPLW SLORW samples to test the process. II. Renal Biopsies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´ ZLWK D QRWH WKDW WKH GRQDWLRQ EH XVHG IRU :KHDWHQ UHVHDUFK $ 7KH :RUOG 6PDOO $QLPDO 9HWHULQDU\ $VVRFLDWLRQ :6$9$ ZLOO SD\ LI DQ DFFHSWDEOH 3/1 FDQGLGDWH IRU WKH UHQDO ELRSV\ LQWHUSUHWDWLRQ ZKHQ VHQW WR WKH79536 7H[DV 9HWHULQDU\ 5HQDO 3DWKRORJ\ 6HUYLFH ZKHUH WKH VDPSOHV DUH H[DPLQHG E\ HOHFWURQ PLFURVFRS\ LPPXQRÀRXUHVFHQFH DQG WKLQ VHFWLRQ light microscopy. &RQWDFWLQJ YHWHULQDULDQV RI FDVH FRQVXOWDWLRQV WR REWDLQ FRPSOHWH GRFXPHQWDWLRQ IRU FKDUDFWHUL]DWLRQ RI WKH SKHQRW\SHV GLDJQRVLV % 7KH 6&:7&$ (QGRZPHQW DQG WKH 6&:7 *HQHWLF 5HVHDUFK )RXQGDWLRQ DJUHHG WRVSOLW FRVWV IRU UHQDO biopsies. $VVLVWLQJ ZLWK WKH VXEPLVVLRQ RI VDPSOHV IRU KLVWRSDWKRORJ\ DQG IRU WKH 6&:7 '1$ EDQN 'RLQJ UHQDO ELRSVLHV RQ GRJV ZLWK 3/1 LV LPSRUWDQW WR FKDUDFWHUL]H WKH VXEW\SH RI 3/1 VR WKDW ZH FDQ XQGHUVWDQG WKH GLYHUVLW\ RU VDPHQHVV RI WKLV GLVHDVH LQ :KHDWHQV WR VHH LI LPPXQRWKHUDS\ LV ZDUUDQWHG IRU WKH LQGLYLGXDO DQG WR YDOLGDWH ZKLFK WUHDWPHQWV ZRUN EHVW IRU ZKLFK W\SH RI 3/1 0DQ\ RZQHUV KDYH QRW chosen for renal biopsies to be taken because of WKH H[SHQVH ZKLFK ZH QRZ FDQ KHOS ZLWK DQG WKH SRWHQWLDO ULVNV RI DQHVWKHVLD DQG EOHHGLQJ IURP WKH ELRSV\ VLWH 7KHUH LV YHU\ OLWWOH DQHVWKHVLD ULVN DQG WKH ULVN RI EOHHGLQJ FRPSOLFDWLRQV LV PLQLPL]HG E\ XVLQJ WKH QHZHVW WHFKQLTXHV DV ZHOO DV GHVPRSUHVVLQ DV LQ KXPDQV )RU PRUH LQIRUPDWLRQ UHIHU WR %HQFKPDUNV 'HFHPEHU SS DQGRU :KHDWHQ +HDOWK 1HZVOHWWHU 6XPPHU)DOO SS III. Open Registry :KLOH &ODLUH DQG 3DXOD ZLOO EH ZRUNLQJ RQ WKH '1$ SURMHFWV WR KHOS IXWXUH JHQHUDWLRQV RI :KHDWHQV 6DUDK 3DXPLHU P\ QHZ VXPPHU YHWHULQDU\ VWXGHQW DQG , ZLOO EH ZRUNLQJ ZLWK SDVW DQG FXUUHQW JHQHUDWLRQV E\ XSGDWLQJ WKH 2SHQ 5HJLVWU\ IRU WKH 2FWREHU XSGDWH DQG E\ FRQWLQXLQJ FRQVXOWDWLRQV IRU WKH GLDJQRVLV DQG PDQDJHPHQW RI VLFN GRJV :H DUH FXUUHQWO\ VWLOO QRW FKDUJLQJ IHHV IRU WKH FRQVXOWDWLRQV EXW DVNLQJ IRU GRQDWLRQV WR EH PDGH WR WKH ³7UXVWHHV 6DUDK¶V WDVNV DQG UHVSRQVLELOLWLHV LQFOXGH /HDUQLQJ DERXW WKH GLVHDVHV OLVWHG RQ WKH 2SHQ 5HJLVWU\ WKH UHFRPPHQGHG VFUHHQLQJ WHVWV DQG LQWHUSUHWDWLRQ RI EORRG XULQH DQG KLVWRSDWKRORJ\ WHVW results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issemination of Findings 2XU ¿QGLQJV DUH LPSRUWDQW LQ WKH PHGLFDO ZRUOG QRW MXVW WKH YHWHULQDU\ ZRUOG :H DUH FROODERUDWLQJ ZLWK UHVHDUFK IDFXOW\ DW WKH 8QLYHUVLW\ RI 3HQQV\OYDQLD 6FKRRO RI 0HGLFLQH ZKHUH WKH\ FDQ XWLOL]H VSHFLDO VWDLQLQJ WHFKQLTXHV RQ WKH UHQDO WLVVXH ZH KDYH EHHQ VDYLQJ IRU PDQ\ \HDUV IURP JHULDWULF GRJV DQG GRJV ZLWK 3/1 ZKRVH JHQRW\SHV DUH QRZ NQRZQ $V WKH \HDU SURJUHVVHV ZH ZLOO VXEPLW WR D SHHU UHYLHZHG MRXUQDO RXU ¿QGLQJV GHVFULELQJ LQ GHWDLO WKH PXWDWLRQV ZH KDYH GLVFRYHUHG DQG KRZ WKH\ FDXVH 3/1 2011 Goals (ongoing) 3XEOLVK DQ 2FWREHU UHYLVLRQ WR WKH 2SHQ 5HJLVWU\ *HW DV PXFK LQIRUPDWLRQ DV SRVVLEOH IURP WKH '1$ VDPSOHV ZH DOUHDG\ KDYH LQFOXGLQJ ,QIRUPDWLYH DQG %HQFKPDUNV 1XPEHU YROXPH SDJH Cooperative Families, by SNP chip GWA analysis and gene sequencing. 3. Continue giving consultations/advice, but ask for donations until a new fee is instituted for all but Informative Family members. 4. Replenish the Penn Wheaten fund with reimbursement annually from the SCWTCA Health Fund to cover costs of shipping necropsy samples and histopathology. 5. Facilitate SCWTA Endowment and Soft Coated Wheaten Genetic Research Foundation reimbursement for all kidney biopsies conducted pursuant to AKC-CHF grant #01485. 6. Study a second set of samples, mostly geriatric dogs and PLE affected dogs with PLE, for genome-wide association by SNP chip analysis. 7. Identify appropriate outlets to disseminate ¿QGLQJV DQG VXEPLW D PDQXVFULSW IRU SXEOLFDWLRQ LQ a peer reviewed journal. 8. Prepare a Q&A manuscript for distribution in the Health Newsletter and %HQFKPDUNV WR DGGUHVV WKH VLJQL¿FDQFH DQG SRVVLEOH DSSOLFDWLRQ RI RXU ¿QGLQJV NEW OPEN REGISTRY MEMBERS August 1, 2011 The Open Registry is a joint project of SCWTCA-sponsored research at NC State University, University of PA and the University of Guelph (Canada). Its purpose is to publish information on FRQ¿UPHG FDVHV RI JHQHWLF GLVHDVHV LQ :KHDWHQV DQG WR PDLQWDLQ KHDOWK DQG JHQHWLF UHFRUGV IRU SCWTCA-sponsored research. Dr. Meryl Littman at Penn maintains the Registry at the request of SCWTCA. Members of the Open Registry agree to forward pedigrees and medical data for all Soft Coated Wheaten Terries they own, have owned or bred who may be affected with Protein-losing Enteropathy/Nephropathy, Addison’s Disease, Renal Dysplasia or Irritable Bowel Disease to the SCWT Open Registry, c/o Dr. Littman. For membership form, visit SCWTCA web site at http:// For a complete list of Open Registry members, e-mail [email protected]. Darlene Badorski Cindy Lilley Gwen & Kent Meyer Janine & Steve Mroz Dianne Phelps Michele & Jep Street Benchmarks . Number 39 . volume 3 . page 8 Paige Willis Natasha Witt Sweepstakes Commentary by Kayce Healy I can’t begin to say how thrilled I was to be asked by the SCWTCSC to judge Sweepstakes this year. The Great Western shows have always been very VSHFLDO WR PH VLQFH , ¿QLVKHG P\ ¿UVW EUHHGHURZQHU handled champion there 11 years ago. I was awed by the sizeable entry of beautifully presented dogs in a setting that is beyond compare. I was very pleased with the general quality of the entry. Some of the puppies were a bit “enthusiastic,” which could be expected, but overall the upbeat, steady attitude was a pleasure to see. It was pleasing to put my hands on dogs with a nice amount of substance, lovely depth of chest and nicely sprung ribs. There were some really lovely neck-to-shoulder transitions, which was also good to feel. Largely they were presented in beautiful condition but some carried an over-abundance of coat which made them seem a ELW WRR PXFK RQ WKH GD\ 2I FRXUVH WKLV ZDV WKH ¿UVW show of the weekend, and I did notice that a few of the dogs sported a bit less coat as the weekend wore on ,which served them well.) Most of the bites were very good as was the pigment. Lighter eye color and some “ridgy” toplines caused some dogs to place further back in some classes. Ear size and placement needs work. While size seems to have improved somewhat, I think this is still an area on which to focus. Probably my biggest area of concern was rear movement. Some of the dogs looked lovely when stacked, and then disappointed when they moved with more of a “bicycling” movement rather than a solid drive. 9-12 Puppy Dogs 1st Westridge Everwils Third Time Charm-----his name suits him well as this was a charming, animated puppy. Compact with beautiful coat color, big black nose and a nice amount of neck. His wide solid topline held true when he moved. He went on to Best Op. 2nd Gleanngay Who’s Your Daddy-----happy, exhuberant puppy of a lovely size sporting a nice coat. +H FRXOG KDYH EHQH¿WWHG IURP D VOLJKWO\ EHWWHU WDLO VHW and a darker eye. 3rd Pitterpat Rocket Dave-----lovely in outline with a gorgeous coat, he was a bit full of himself in my ring. He improved quite a bit as the weekend went on. 12-18 Puppy Dogs 1st Saltnsea Runnin’ Down A Dream-----lovely, typey dog who used himself well. Balanced with a nice amount of neck, good eye color, nicely placed ears and butt behind the tail. He really asked for the placement. 2nd Finley Denali High And Mighty-----smooth LQ PRYHPHQW KH ZDV WDOOHU WKDQ WKH ¿UVWSODFH GRJ and had a bit of a cast to the coat. While is head was clean, a better length of beard would have improved the look of his head and given him a more balanced overall outline. 3rd Tralee Bay’s Top Gun-----a bigger dog with a QLFH DPRXQW RI QHFN +H FRXOG KDYH EHHQ PRUH ÀXLG in his movement. 4th Tralee Bay’s Secret Agent Man 007-----a large dog with a bit more in the back skull than I would like. He had a bit of a hitch in his movement on the day. 6-9 Puppy Bitch 1st Tralee Bay’s Royal Charter-----just adorable! How lovely to put my hands on this solid girl with a lovely neck set, beautiful tail set, and plenty of butt behind. Her happy, upbeat attitude was a joy. She carried lovely coat color and beautiful pigment. With a bit more trimming the slight crispness of the coat and the little touch of gray would be improved. 2nd Lismore Joy To The World-----lovely size, sporting a beautiful coat. She could have used a bit PRUH OHQJWK RI PX]]OH DQG PRUH ¿OO 9-12 Puppy Bitch 1st Destiny Star Student-----lovely in outline and shown to perfection, this animated girl held her topline nicely on the go around. I would downsize her a bit. Benchmarks . Number 39 . volume 3 . page 11 Soft Coated Wheaten Terrier Club of Southern California Independent Specialty Friday, June 24, 2011 Judge’s Critique: Mrs. Geraldine (Geri) Kelly It was a pleasure judging the Soft Coated Wheaten 7HUULHUV DW *UHDW :HVWHUQ RQ )ULGD\ -XQH This was probably the largest gathering of Soft Coated Wheatens at a show this year. 0\ :LQQHUV 'RJ Stratford Brush Up Your Shakespeare FDPH IURP WKH %UHG %\ FODVV +H LV owned by Molly O’Connell. This young dog had good length of neck with a nice topline. The dog had a good head with keen expression. 0\ :LQQHUV %LWFK %HVW RI :LQQHUV DQG %HVW RI %UHHG Doubloon’s Extreme Play FDPH IURP WKH month class. She is owned by Elena Landa. This bitch possessed everything I was looking for in a Soft Coated Wheaten. Her head was well balanced and in proportion to the body. The topline was VWURQJ DQG OHYHO +HU FRDW which is characteristic of the EUHHG ZDV VRIW DQG VLON\ ZLWK a gentle wave. The coat was RI VXI¿FLHQW OHQJWK WR ÀRZ when she was in motion. +HU EHDXWLIXO VFLVVRU ELWH ZLWK DOO WHHWK LQ SHUIHFW DOLJQPHQW DQG FOHDQ ZDV D SOHDVXUH WR ORRN DW Her gait was graceful with good reach in front and strong drive behind. This puppy was happy and maybe too happy. This is not an obedience FRPSHWLWLRQ LW LV D EUHHG FRPSHWLWLRQ $IWHU MXGJLQJ \RXU ZRQGHUIXO EUHHG IRU RYHU ¿IWHHQ \HDUV , IHHO WKLV EUHHG LV ORVLQJ LWV GLVWLQJXLVKHG FRDW FKDUDFWHULVWLFV , IRXQG FRWWRQ\ DQG ZLU\ FRDWV ODUJH \HOORZ H\HV WHHWK RXW RI DOLJQPHQW DQG GLUW\ 7KLV LV D double tracking dog and PDQ\ ODFNHG WKLV TXDOLW\ I would like to thank all the exhibitors that showed to me. 36 0\VHOI DV D EUHHGHU RI FKDPSLRQV WR GDWH H[KLELWRU DQG MXGJH , would consider the bitch to be a breeder-owner’s dream. WB/BW/BOB: Doubloon’s Extreme Play (GCH Doubloon’s Salt of the Earth x CH Doubloon’s Ultimate Player) Breeder/Owner: Elena Landa BOS: GCH Dundalk Put Me in Coach &+ 0DUTXHH¶V 7ULFNV RI WKH 7UDGH [ CH Dundalk Redhill Garden of Good & Evil) Breeders: Carol Burdge and Barbara Zapf. Owner: Carol Burdge WD: Stratford Brush Up Your Shakespeare (CH Starlight Treasure Chest x CH Stratford Top O’ The Mornin’) %UHHGHUV 0 2¶&RQQHOO ( /DQGD + 0RUHODQG R. Fagan. Owner: Molly O’Connell Benchmarks . Number 39 . volume 3 . page 13 SCWTCSC Results Continued... Select Dog: CH Bendacht Pursuit of Happiness (CH Glenamon Gleanngay He’s Key 2Me x CH Bendacht California Dreamer) Breeders: Michael De Carlo and Sheila Breeding. Owners: Michael DeCarlo and M.J. Carr AOM: GCH Andover Mayhem Magic (CH Andover Saltnsea Big Baby x CH Andover Magic Maid) Breeder/Owner: Jackie Gottlieb Select Bitch: GCH Baroque You Ain’t Seen Nothing Yet (CH Stratford Top Priority x CH Marquee’s If It Ain’t Baroque) Breeder/Owner: Christy Weagant AOM: CH Andover Solista (CH Andover Wildrose Lava Quente x CH Andover Virtual Magic) Breeder: Jackie Gottlieb. Owners: J. Gottlieb and D. Holy Trophy Table Benchmarks . Number 39 . volume 3 . page 14 Great Western Terrrier Association Saturday, June 2011 Judge Norm Patton BOB: GCH Andover Mayhem Magic (CH Andover Saltnsea Big Baby x CH Andover Magic Maid) Breeder/Owner: Jackie Gottlieb WD/BW: Saltnsea Runnin’ Down a Dream BOS: CH Saltnsea Weaving Magic (CH Andover Mayhem Magic x (CH Andover Mayhem Magic x CH Saltnsea California Dreamin’) CH SaltnSea Dream Weaver) Breeders/Owners: Susan Jacobsen & Breeders: Susan Jacobsen & Eric Taylor Eric Taylor Owners: Susan Jacobsen & Jody Sikorski WB: Bonney Follow That Star (CH Marquee’s Tricks of The Trade x CH Bendacht Bonney Bedazzled) Owners: Pat Rutherford & Bonney Snyder SB: CH Gleanngay Lady of the Lake (CH Legacy The Grail x CH Gleanngay Quintillian) Breeder: Gay Dunlap Owners: Jon Caliri & Robert Green Stud Dog: GCH Andover Mayhem Magic (CH Andover Saltnsea Big Baby x CH Andover Magic Maid) Breeder/Owner: Jackie Gottlieb Benchmarks . Number 39 . volume 3 . page 15 Great Western Terrier Association Sweepstakes Commentary by Elaine Nerrie Always the high point of our dog year, my husband and I love our weekends with the great and glorious SCWTCSC at Great Western. It never disappoints! Even better, an invitation to sample the entries handson was much more of a treat than the post-sampling repercussions I had anticipated, since I found that I could actually still straighten up and walk at the end of the day. Wheaten puppies actually are an instant antidote. Thank you to the club for a priceless experience and leap of faith. I saw no faults worth dwelling on in any of the classes and I am so impressed with the representation of the breed standard in the puppies I saw. These GHVFULSWLRQV RI SODFHPHQWV VLPSO\ MXPS WR WKH ¿QH points of competition—it was an entry to be proud of. :KHQ WKH ¿UVW FODVV RI WKUHH PRQWK SXSS\ GRJV entered the ring, I couldn’t wait to get my hands on them. Different in type but outstanding in their overall quality, they were a wonderful beginning to the day. 0\ ¿UVW SODFH GRJ :HVWULGJH (YHUZLO¶V 7KLUG 7LPH Charm) had a rich coat color that set him apart and was as well put together as I could have hoped for in going over him. He moved with authority and ease and had a particularly mature appeal for a dog of his age, steady, masculine and well-developed while striking a moderate balance. He would be my eventual choice IRU %26 6HFRQG SODFH 6WUDWIRUG %UXVK 8S <RXU 6KDNHVSHDUH ZDV D PRUH UH¿QHG GRJ FROOHFWHG DQG VW\OLVK LQ WKH ULQJ 7KLUG SODFH 3LWWHUSDW 5RFNHW 'DYH was the rangier of the three, not as comfortable with himself on the day but, again, a puppy of solid quality. 7KH PRQWK ¿UVW SODFH GRJ 7UDOHH %D\¶V 6HFUHW Agent Man) was a choice out of moderation, edging WKH VHFRQG SODFH 6DOWQVHD 5XQQLQ¶ 'RZQ $ 'UHDP dog’s more emphatic, solid presence and the third SODFHPHQW¶V 7UDOHH %D\¶V 7RS *XQ VLPLODULW\ WR WKH ¿UVW ,W ZDV QRW D VXUSULVH WR VHH ODWHU WKDW RQH and three were littermates, but the second dog was wonderful in his own way and always pressed for PRUH QRWLFH 7KH IRXUWK SODFH GRJ )LQOH\ 'HQDOL High and Mighty) was a bit out of his element in this very strong class. 7KH SXSS\ ELWFKHV MXVW WKH WZR RI WKHP ZHUH HQRXJK WR EUHDN P\ KHDUW )LUVW SODFH 'RXEORRQ¶V ([WUHPH 3OD\ ZHQW WR D SXSS\ ZLWK HYHU\ SLHFH perfectly in place and better to come with time. Her rear was beyond spectacular. She moved like poetry, OLWHUDOO\ ÀRDWLQJ EXW ZDV HTXDOO\ DEOH WR FRYHU JURXQG by moving full-on sideways, enjoying a wonderful, QXWW\ SXSS\ RXWLQJ 3UDLVH LV GXH WR KHU KDQGOHU ZKR just let it all happen without trying to force the issue, D ZLVH LQYHVWPHQW LQ WKH IXWXUH 6HFRQG SODFH 7UDOHH %D\¶V 5R\DO &KDUWHU ZHQW WR D SHUIHFWO\ EHDXWLIXO girl whose faults were non-existent, but there was no denying the magic of her competitor. ,Q ELWFKHV ¿UVW SODFH ZHQW WR DQ HOHJDQW JLUO :HVWULGJH 6WDUU\ 1LJKW ZKR RXWVKRQH KHU WZR competitors, both presented in heavier coat. Two and WKUHH 'HVWLQ\ 6WDU 6WXGHQW DQG 'HVWLQ\ 7HDFKHU¶V 3HW were indeed heavier in body under the coat and could QRW PDWFK WKH ¿UVW ELWFK¶V VW\OH 7KH ODUJH FODVV RI ELWFKHV ZDV QRW DV GDXQWLQJ DV LW ¿UVW VHHPHG DV VHYHUDO SXSSLHV LPPHGLDWHO\ SUHVVHG P\ ³W\SH´ EXWWRQ 6HFRQG SODFH %U\U 5RVH 0DU\PRUH 0RHW &KDQGRQ ZHQW WR DQ absolutely lovely, supremely feminine puppy who turned out to be a bit underweight, making her WRSOLQH GLVDSSRLQWLQJO\ ULGJ\ 7KLUG 0RQDUFK¶V %RVWRQ 5RRWHUV 5DOO\ &U\ DQG IRXUWK *HPVWRQH Monarch Over Boston) turned out to be littersisters, beautifully structured but lacking the distinctively IHPLQLQH TXDOLW\ WKDW , ORRN IRU LQ D ELWFK )LUVW LQ WKH FODVV 6DGGOHEURRN¶V 3LFNDSRFNHW ZDV H[DFWO\ that feminine little bitch, turned out and shown to a fare-thee-well, perfection on the day and a joy to go over. Her coat had a subtle all-over wave which I would have liked to have seen with more length, but the trim complimented her compact outline. She %HQFKPDUNV 1XPEHU YROXPH SDJH was my choice for BISS, absolutely deserving of the win in every way, but I could not resist recognizing WKH OLWWOH SXSS\ E\ WXFNLQJ KHU LQWR WKH ¿QDO JR URXQG EHKLQG WKH YHU\ KDQGVRPH %26 GRJ :HVWULGJH Everwil’s Third Time Charm). I loved the pair of BISS and BOS together, and could have taken both of them home with me, gladly—the traditional hallmark of being at peace with one’s BISS: Saddlebrook’s Pickapocket &+ (ULQJOR 5LVH $ERYH 7KH 0LVW [ CH Saddlebrook’s Good Karma) Breeders/Owners: Stan and Jinx Moore choice out of so many exceptional possibilities. The quality has deepened across the entry since I judged GWTS years ago when the BISS was lightyears beyond the rest of the dogs, surely a good sign. One small caution: keep teeth clean and check corners of the eyes. It is a shock to see hours of painstaking preparation offset by such basic oversights and on so many dogs. BOS: Westridge Everwils Third Time Charm &+ :DWHUIRUG -XVW )RU :HVWULGJH [ CH Westridge Sugar Magnolia) Breeders: Ilze &Bernie Barron. Owners: Jackie & Marven Whitham Soft Coated Wheaten Terrier Club of Southern California Specialty -XQH Judge’s Critique - Michael Dougherty It was my pleasure to judge the Soft Coated Wheaten Terrier Club of Southern California Specialty in Long %HDFK &DOLIRUQLD RQ -XQH HYHQ DV D ODWH ¿OOLQ IRU &LQG\ 0H\HU 6KH GUHZ D ORYHO\ ODUJH HQWU\ RI and it was quite enjoyable to spend my time with the overall exceptional entry on such a beautiful, sunny day near the Queen Mary. At the end of the day, I looked over all of my winners and was hugely pleased with them. There were many UHDOO\ H[FHOOHQW :KHDWHQV IURP ZKLFK WR FKRRVH DQG , FRXOG QRW KDYH EHHQ KDSSLHU ZLWK P\ ¿QDO VHOHFWLRQV )URP WKH EHDXWLIXO PRQWK SXSS\ ELWFK 7UDOHH %D\¶V 5R\DO &KDUWHU WKDW EHFDPH P\ %HVW RI :LQQHUV WR WKH QLQH \HDU ROG 9HWHUDQ ELWFK &K*ULDQ $QQLH 2¶.OHH &' 5( WKDW ZDV UHPDUNDEOH IRU DQ\ DJH P\ ELWFKHV ZHUH lovely and most correct. 2Q WKH PDOH VLGH WKH ZRQGHUIXO %HVW RI %UHHG GRJ *&K 'RXEORRQ¶V 6DOW RI 7KH (DUWK FDQ FRPSHWH RQ DQ\ OHYHO P\ PRQWK ROG %UHG%\([KLELWRU 'RJ 7UDOHH %D\¶V 6HFUHW $JHQW 0DQ ZKR EHFDPH P\ :LQQHUV Dog and also received an Award of Merit, will be a dog for the future. I look forward to seeing both of my point winners a year or so down the line. They were wonderful on the day and hold tons of promise as well. My two Winners were coincidentally from the same dam. %HQFKPDUNV 1XPEHU YROXPH SDJH My two Reserve Winners (Saltnsea Runnin’ Down A Dream and Monarch’s Boston Rooters Rally Cry) were also correct and excellent, and contended well ZLWK WKH HYHQWXDO :LQQHUV , DQWLFLSDWH WKH\ ZLOO ¿QLVK nicely. My two Selects and Award of Merit recipients (GCH Gleanngay Legend of the Grail and GCH Baroque You Ain’t Seen Nothing Yet) also pleased my eye greatly. My additional Award of Merit recipients (GCH Dundalk Put Me In Coach and GCH Andover Mayhem Magic) were also excellent specimens. All were of true and correct type, beautifully proportioned outlines, and proper size. My winners’ coats were well SUHVHQWHG DQG FRUUHFW LQ WH[WXUH DQG FRORU 0\ ¿QDO AOM Winner was also my Best Stud Dog and the sire of my Reserve Winners Dog. on the day, even the one that unfortunately clamped on to my wrist. Given the good ring surface and the expansiveness of WKH ODZQ , H[SHFWHG WR VHH ¿QH VLGH PRYHPHQW DQG was not disappointed. Again, my winners excelled in both side gait with plenty of reach and drive, and clean down and back movement. Temperaments were wonderful, with the lone exception. My sparring produced the desired results, even on the warm day. The Wheatens made themselves proud on this wonderful Southern California day. My thanks to the Club, and its members, for the RSSRUWXQLW\ WR RI¿FLDWH DW \RXU 6SHFLDOW\ , WUXO\ enjoyed myself. My winners’ heads, ears, eyes, and bites were all pleasing and correct. It was great to see all good bites BOB: GCH Doubloon’s Salt of the Earth (CH Melandee’s High Wire Act x CH Doubloon’s Rookie Card) Breeders: Elena Landa & Ann Nelson Owner: Elena Landa VB/BOS: CH Grian Annie O’Klee CD RE (CH Mil Mear’s Hold The Dream x CH Grian Makin’ Whoopi) Breeders: Pamela Donahue & David Donahue Owners: Joanne Werth & Larry Werth Stud Dog: GCH Andover Mayhem Magic (CH Andover Saltnsea Big Baby x CH Andover Magic Maid) Breeder/Owner: Jackie Gottlieb Benchmarks . Number 39 . volume 3 . page 18 WB/BW: Tralee Bay’s Royal Charter (CH Claddagh’s Man In Uniform x CH Tralee Bay’s High On You) Breeder: Stephen & Jillann Steging Owners: Pat Hetherington, Karla Baer Cohen & Jillann Steging WD/AOM: Tralee Bay’s Secret Agent Man 007 (CH Pitterpat’s Blue Bayou x CH Tralee Bay’s High On You) Breeders/Owners: Stephen & Jillann Steging RWD: Saltnsea Runnin’ Down a Dream (CH Andover Mayhem Magic x CH Saltnsea California Dreamin’) Breeders/Owners: Susan Jacobsen & Eric Taylor RWB: Monarchs Boston Rooters Rally Cry (CH Mackanme Beary Special Of Bodasca x CH Gemstones Eighth Inning Emerald) Breeders: Marji Baumann & Tami Herzog Owners: Marji & Frank Baumann SB: GCH You Ain’t Seen Nothing Yet (CH Stratford Top Priority x CH Marquee’s If It Ain’t Baroque) Breeder/Owner: Christy Weagant AOM: GCH Dundalk Put Me In Coach AOM: CH Andover Mayhem Magic (CH Marquee’s Tricks of the Trade (CH Andover Saltnsea Big Baby x CH Dundalk Redhill Garden of Good & Evil) CH Andover Magic Maid) Breeders: Carol Burdge & Barbara Zapf Breeder/Owner: Jackie Gottlieb Owner: Carol Burdge Benchmarks . Number 39 . volume 3 . page 19 The Devil’s Advocate by Pam Mandeville It’s Not About You Really, it’s not. A lot of times, god forbid, it really is about the dogs. We all talk about the “politics” of dog shows. We’re sure wins and losses occur because of the people and relationships. That belief permeates conversation. Why? Do we say it to be “cool?” Part of the “in crowd” of the dog show world? Not a naïve newbie? +HUH¶V D QHZV ÀDVK \RX¶UH PRUH OLNHO\ WR VRXQG OLNH an amateur who doesn’t know how shows work or how to evaluate dogs. When we consistently blame results on politics, aren’t we doing what we too often criticize judges for doing…looking at the wrong end of the lead? $ SHUVRQDO H[SHULHQFH IURP \HDUV DJR RXU QHZ VSHFLDO ZDV MXVW EHJLQQLQJ WR FOLFN 7KH ¿UVW WZR GD\V of a 3-show weekend, I unexpectedly beat a friend’s established dog. Next up would be a judge who’d previously rewarded my dog. Well, my friend said, no reason for me to come because you always win under her. , DVNHG P\ IULHQG D TXHVWLRQ LI ZLQQLQJ LV RQO\ EHcause of politics, does that also mean your dog’s impressive record has nothing to do with his quality? To their credit, the dog returned the next day. I don’t know how people can continue to show dogs if they look at it so cynically. How can it be fun if it’s DOZD\V ³¿[HG"´ :K\ ZDVWH \RXU PRQH\ RQ VRPHthing you think is less likely to pay off than a roulette wheel? I’m hardly naïve. I know some judges have lots of thoughts running through their minds when they are in the ring that have less to do with the exhibits in front of them and more to do with the dogs’ handlers and/ or owners. I know the best dog doesn’t always win. I am sure there are times a judge looks at the dogs in the ring and says “&*^% it. I’m going with that face I know.” I suspect it happens most often because the GRJV LQ WKH ULQJ DUH VR PHGLRFUH \RX FRXOG ÀLS D FRLQ or, less likely, because the judge doesn’t know. The danger to our world from the “politics” mantra goes beyond lesser dogs winning. Breeders know -- or should know -- when an unworthy dog wins. They’re usually sure about that…when the dog is owned by someone else. When it’s their dog and they attribute every loss to politics, it’s just kennel blindness. I get equally uncomfortable when friendship and breeding intertwine to the extent an honest assessment of the dogs becomes secondary. Of course, it’s great when co-owners or breeders and stud dog owners develop a happy relationship. Still, you must always separate the dogs and the people. Making dog decisions to help out a friend or to avoid a rupture in a relationship or because it’s easy is putting people ahead of dogs. Not to mention, the bitterest co-ownership battles invariably happen between (formerly) close friends. The converse is equally worrisome. Probably not a single one of us likes everyone we encounter in Wheatens. When the right match for our bitch comes along, how do we react if that dog is owned by someone we dislike? Do we come up with specious reasons to look elsewhere…we don’t “trust” the person, we think the dog isn’t really all that...or do we take a deep breath and pick up the phone? At the end of the day, breeding, like dog evaluation, must be about the dog, not its owner. Benchmarks . Number 39 . volume 3 . page 20 When our view of the dog world revolves solely around people, dangers lurk away from the ring and the whelping box. Take dog clubs. Through many years and many Boards, I have heard tales of decisions and actions based on friendship or enmity. How childish or as someone once said “a sorority gone berserk.” Beyond being puerile, it’s putting people ahead of ZKDW¶V ULJKW IRU WKH GRJV :KHQ FOXE RI¿FHUV ZRUU\ more about how a committee chair will react to questions than whether they are doing a good job, how GRHV WKDW EHQH¿W WKH FOXE" :KHQ %RDUG PHPEHUV tune out serious comments from others because they don’t like them, who really loses? When you vote for a specialty judge only because your friend asked, are \RX VXUH WKH MXGJH LV FDSDEOH RI ¿QGLQJ WKH EHVW GRJ LQ the ring? Certainly it’s naïve to say ignore the people. Dogs don’t get into the ring or the stud book by themselves and until they get opposable thumbs, being a club RI¿FHU ZRQ¶W EH RQ WKHLU UHVXPH ,JQRULQJ WKH “people” part of the equation when you enter into co-breeding or co-owning has risks. But…we’re supposed to be the smart animals, the ones who can exercise good judgment. How come that all goes out the window when it’s about our best friends…twoand four-footed? When you’re heading to MCKC this year, just UHPHPEHU RQH WKLQJ ZH¶UH LQ WKLV IRU WKH GRJV Friendships and fun are pluses and there’s always another show tomorrow...but the dogs are the ones who GHVHUYH RXU ¿UVW WKRXJKWV LQ WKH ULQJ DQG LQ WKH ZKHOSing box. They’re our BFFs. Benchmarks Advertising Policy The Benchmarks Advertising Policy was discussed and a revised SROLF\ ZDV YRWHG XSRQ 7KH QHZ SROLF\ LQFOXGHV x x x x x No commercial ads Members, local and international clubs and associated groups may advertise. Ad must be paid in advance. Only photos with un-retouched dogs are acceptable. Health test results are limited to OFA and CERF or the statement “Health testing is current and shared upon request.” Benchmarks . Number 39 . volume 3 . page 21 RAELYN FAMILY PICNIC For the third year in a row, I gathered many of the Raelyn families in my area for a Raelyn Wheaten family UHXQLRQ DQG ELUWKGD\ FHOHEUDWLRQ 7KLV ZDV D YHU\ LPSRUWDQW \HDU IRU 5DHO\Q :KHDWHQV 3XSSLHV IURP RXU ¿UVW litter were turning 14 at the end of May! Invitations were sent to all my families in South Carolina, North Carolina, Georgia, Florida, Tennessee, and New York. The venue was held at Paris Mountain State Park in Greenville, SC. Raelyn puppies came from Tennessee, Florida, North and South Carolina and Georgia. Little Celtie was turning 14 and came all the way from Knoxville, Tennessee! Carly, age 13 was in attendance too along with her son Kona. She was with her kids, grand kids and great-grand kids. Wheatens ranged in age from 12 weeks to 14 years! After a covered-dish lunch, we sang a chorus of Happy Birthday, had birthday cake and played games. There was also a “special” Wheaten cake for the Wheaties! It was a beautiful day, a wonderful turnout, and great to see our puppies doing so well. Attendance at the picnic grows every year, and plans are underway for our next one! It is so gratifying to see everyone and the puppies that I have bred. Lynn Cone Raelyn Wheatens Gray Court, South Carolina Benchmarks . Number 39 . volume 3 . page 22 Two years ago this puppy was adopted by Karen and Ken Wood and two years later, under the same chair, he is back visiting where he was born …because the litter had a Kaylynn Family Reunion Friendships began soon after the three littermates were adopted. Through emails the families got to know one another comparing anecdotes of their pups. After two years, a reunion was planned, everyone met and had a great time. Ellie Mae came from Wisconsin, Rocky from Chicago and Higgins from East Tennessee. “Mom” Mica joined in the fun as they romped, in Kay Baird’s back yard in Roscoe, Illinois. There was liver cake for the four legged ones and a gigantic chocolate chip cookie decorated with “Family Reunion 2011” for the two legged ones. Pictured is “Mom” Mica and Littermates. Siblings from left to right are Rocky owned by Geri and David Greenberg; Ellie Mae, owned by Steve and Lisa Mueller; and Higgins owned by Karen and Ken Wood. “Mom” Mica is CH Bello DiGranos Micaela, owned by Kay Baird. The sire is “KC”, GCH Gleanngay Legend of the Grail. Benchmarks . Number 39 . volume 3 . page 23 Champion and Performance Title Awards April - June 2011 compiled by Sheila O’Connell DOG Ch Amaden’s Bugger Vance &K $]ORXJK (ULQJOR )LUHÀ\ Ch Ban O’ Gold Poppy Forever ‘N Bloom Ch Bendacht Desire Ch Bonney Apple Of My Eye Ch Bonney New England Patriot Ch Bryr Rose Pop Champagne Ceili’s Leap For Joy RN AX AXJ OF GCh Cuilinn Funny Face Dudley Zart RN Ch Dundalk ‘Round Midnight Dunfrae’s Angel Of Red Gate OA NAJ Ch MACH Edgewood’s Prime Minister AJP NF Ch Eringlo Let’s Go Racin Ch Eureka A Square With All The Fixins Ch Fenris Frolic Thunder Of Thor Ch Geragold Winter Solstice Gerans Mighty Quinn CDX RAE GCh Greentree Keepsake Tobasco Cat GCh Greentree Real Quiet Ch Greentree Rising Star Ch Greentree Skellig’s Stir It Up Haldane Emerald Rose RN GCh Haldane Oh Baby, Don’T You Loose Your Lip On Me GCh Haldane Running On Empty Haldane Tapestry RN Ch Harbour Hill 30 Minute Meals Ch Harbour Hill At Spagos Ch Harbour Hill Barefoot Contessa Ch Harbour Hill Visits Jellystone Ch Heirloom T&T’s Tige In A Shoe CDX RN AX MXJ OF Inverlochy Callie Kuuipo NA NAJ NF Jethro NA NAJ OAP MJP NF OFP Joydell’s New Beginning For Macguiness AX MXJ OF NFP Ch Katdancer Ez Does It NA OAJ NJP NF Ch Kaylynn’s Rainbow’s Lookin For Gold Ch Keepsake Timtara Spicy Secret Ch Kennally Love That Jazz Lexis Fashion Junkie RA MXP MJP2 Lissadell High Button Shoes CDX GN RAE2 Ch Lochlinear Gleanngay Quick As A Wink Lonestar Play By Play CD AX MXJ OF GCh Lontree 24 Karat Of Morningstar Ch Ltd. Edition Dempsey’s Legacy MACH3 Ballybae Katie’s Uptown Girl CD XF Ch Mariners From Russia With Love Marolou Charli NAP NJP Marolow Run McClean CD OA OAJ Ch Michaleen’s Innisfree White O’Morn Ch Mil Mear’s Kismet Nelzie’s Win One For Naomi RN NAJ Ch O’Lorcan’s Mythical Irish Orion Ch Orion Trébol Hot On The Leader Board BN RN NA NAJ NF Orion’s Say Goodnight Gracie RN Ch Raelyn Sheza Sensation Rascal Teddy Bear Nelson RN Ch Rolfelan I’Ll Tell Me Ma GCh Rosheen Acacia Go For Broke S’ Wheat Chance Tails We Win RN Ch Saltnsea Weaving Magic Ch Sandcastle’s Whiskey On A Sunday Ch Stratford Notorious At Lismore Teddybear Jump For Joy NAP NJP Ch Touchstone Search Party Vermillion Doogan’s Irish Cream MX MXJ GCh Vintage Signed Sealed And Delivered Ch Waterford Change The World GCh Wheatens Pride Buxx Bogart Whindancer Six Degrees At Roimh RN Ch Whindancer Sunny Side Of The Street SIRE Ch Coventrys Hey Look Me Over GCH Stratford Top Brass Ch Bonney Nip & Tuckit Ch Glenamon Gleangay He’s Key 2me Ch Lontree Desert Star &K +DUERXU +LOO 0LNH 'HO¿QR Ch Marymore Hot Pepper Jack Ch Choroschie Drusja’s Nijinsky Ch Trébol Labour Leader DAM Ch Amaden’s Lady Slippers Ch Eringlo Light My Fire Ch Clanheath Clover N’ Bloom Ch Bendacht California Dreamer Ch Desert Rose Bonney Sweet Sue Ch Jamboree Tres Amigas Ch Bryr Rose Les Trois Saules Ch MACH Ceili’s Calypso CDX RA OAP OJP OF Ch Acacia’s Farrari Testarossa Ch Marland’s Awesome Dandy Andy Dunfrae’s Country Boy Ch Carlinayer’s Brendon Murdock Ch Duidream Quicktime Ch Marquee’s Tricks Of The Trade Ch Hion The Graduate Ch Rolfelan Danny Boy O’Lil’ Town Andelane’s Miracle Ch Greentree Skellig’s Samba Par Ti Ch Greentree Skellig’s Samba Par Ti Ch Greentree Trinity Heart Break Kid Ch Greentree Fairy Tale Only Time Will Tell Ch Ellora Footlooseicon Ch Whindancer’s Sweet Baby James Ch Whindancer’s Heart Like A Wheel Ch Choroschie Drusja’s Nijinsky Ch Harbour Hill Peanut Butter Cup Ch Harbour Hill Peanut Butter Cup Ch Harbour Hill Peanut Butter Cup Ch Modny Style Great Expectations Ch Geragold Orla Finlandia &K +DUERXU +LOO 0LNH 'HO¿QR Dundalk Mattress Dancin’ Dunfrae’s Mira’s Classy Lady Ch Brenmoor’s Toest To Edgewood Ch Eringlo Alwaz An Angel NJP &ODQKHDWK :LWK $OO 7KH %HQH¿WV Ch Frolic Prescott Of Waterford Ch Ellora Bea Meginsfamouslilhoosierlizzy Greentree Preakness Clover Greentree Preakness Clover Greentree Preakness Clover Mariner’s Catch As Catch Can Ch HeartString’s Toast To Tara Ch Whindancer Bridge Over Troubled Water GCH Greentree Keepsake Tobasco Cat Ch Ballinvounig True Chance Ch Gleanngay Derring-Do RN OA NAJ Ch Gleanngay Boot Scoot’N Cowboy Ch Glenamon Gleangay He’s Key 2me Ch Islander’s Kiss The Girls Ch Paisley Power Play &K /HJDF\ :LOGZHVW :LOGÀRZHU Ch Bryr Rose Degas Ch Modny Style Great Expectations Joy-Dell’s Kelly Stormin Nite Katdancer Irish Lace OA OAJ MXP MJP NFP Ch Lissadell Big Ch Mil Mear Geragold How Far? Ch Aran The Betr To Hear You With Ch Earlecroft’s Bagger Vance Ch Lontree Desert Star Ch Lil’town Daydreamer Sleepy Hollow Teddy Bear Ch Ellora Bastion Ch Lakkas Ustilago Ch Michaleen’s Star O’Kerry Morn’ Mil Mear’s Truth Or Dare Ch Aran Built A Betr Mouse Trap Ch O’Lorcan Golden Gaelic Darcy Ch Acacia’s Some Like It Hot CDX RE OA OAJ AXP AJP NFP Ch Brenmoor’s People Will Talk AX OAJ OAP OJP Ch Raelyn All That Jazz S & H Meeney Ch Rolfelan Oonagh GCH Acacia’s Bat Out O’Hel GCH Andover Mayhem Magic Ch Canopy Road’s Prinze Charming Ch Marymore Gift Wrapped Ch Sanddollars Sky King Ch Greentree Skellig’s Samba Par Ti Traligill Gradaigh O’Kaler Ch Marymore Gift Wrapped Ch Dhowden American Dream Honeylee’s Lord Of My Heart Ch Ellora Footlooseicon Ch Whindancer’s Heart Like A Wheel Ch Saltnsea Dream Weaver Sandcastle’s Legacy Ch Stratford All The World’s A Stage Ch Sho-Well’s RX For Love Ch Touchstone Higher Education Kaler’s Amanda Of Vermilion Ch Kaylynns Heartland Vintage Ch Waterford Frolic O’ Prescott Lou Lou Von Der Flurau Ch Whindancer’s Fresh Air Ch Geragold Whindancer Sunny Two Ch Trébol Labour Leader Benchmarks . Number 39 . volume 3 . page 24 Ch Greentree Skellig’s Abraxas Ch Geragold Relax At Haldane Ch Deryni A Promise Kept Ch Haldane Back Stage Pass Ch Deryni A Promise Kept Ch Harbour Hill At Wisteria Ln Ch Harbour Hill At Wisteria Ln Ch Harbour Hill At Wisteria Ln Ch Harbour Hill At Wisteria Ln Ch Wheatstone Fairy Tale Ch Keepsake Inverlochy Lochlinear Ch Kaylynn My Corset’s Too Tight Keepsake Lastingimage’s Encore Ch Kennally Amazing Grace Ch Deryni One For The Money Lissadell Splash Ch Gleanngay Tilde Wink Ch Lonestar’s Golden Snitch Ch Lontree Desert Galaxy Ch Ltd Edition Blake O’Grntree Ch Ballybae Rosie’s Katie Too Mariner’s Bound N’Determined Benchmarks . Number 39 . volume 3 . page 25 Dempsey ..Then added a Best Of Opp to finish out the weekend, and proved to his Owner/Handler...he still loved her best! Dempsey headed home to Texas with Mom passing his way through Dallas and San Antonio, picking up majors and finished his \#.6< #%4155 ':#5[ 9+6* (+8' 564#+)*6 '56 1( 4''& 9+05 0 175610T 7+&'& 9+6* )4#%' and ease by the sure hands of another Special Friend - *' 574' %#0 /#-' '/ - Shari Boyd-Carusi. Thanks for the great beginning afforded this promising young Special! Ltd. Edition Wheaten Terriers Don and Gwen B. Arthur [email protected] Google Dempsey at 2011 Soft Coated Wheaten Terrier Club of Greater St. Louis Specialty Show Friday, June 3, 2011 by Cindy Shea, co-coordinator Our Specialty show this year was indoors at the awesome Events Center at the beautiful Purina Farms LQ *UD\ 6XPPLW 02 7KLV ZDV RXU ¿UVW \HDU LQGRRUV and it was truly a blessing as it was a hot, humid St. Louis weekend. Our hospitality area was set up in the RV parking area using Stan & Jinx Moore’s RV and Dennis & Cindy Shea’s travel trailer to set up the site. Jean Mennes handled the hospitality duties again this year making her wonderful homemade cookies. Jeannette Lohman also contributed her cooking talents with additional homemade cookies. We had twelve entries in Sweepstakes classes with Lori Kromash judging. We awarded 1st-4th place in each class a cooler bag with a Wheaten design. The Best in Sweeps and Best Opposite received an embroidered Wheaten tote bag. Best in Sweeps was awarded to ERINGLO ALWAZ LUK’N TO RACE, bred and owned by Dennis & Cindy Shea. Best Opposite Sex to Best in Sweepstakes went to WHINDANCER’S TAKE IT TO THE MAX, bred by Susan Ratliffe, Art Miller & Abby Kochan and owned by Susan Ratliffe and Michael & Michelle Glancy. Twenty-seven dogs and bitches then competed in the Regular classes that were judged by Mrs. Betty$QQH 6WHQPDUN 3HZWHU WURSKLHV ZHUH JLYHQ IRU ¿UVW through fourth place class winners and for Winner’s Dog, Reserve Winner’s Dog, Winner’s Bitch, Reserve Winner’s Bitch, Best of Winners, Best of Opposite Sex and Best of Breed. Purina also donated trophies for many of the placements. Best of Breed was awarded to GCH DOUBLOON’S SALT OF THE EARTH, bred & owned by Elena Landa. Best of Opposite Sex went to GCH MARQUEE’S TAX EXCHANGE, bred & owned by Richard & Sonya Urquhart. Select Dog was CH JENDU OUTLAW, bred by Dana Frady and owned by JoAnne Vogt & Dana Frady. Select Bitch was GCH AVALON MOCUISHLE’S LEGACY, bred by Sandra & Glenn Amorosia & Jon Caliri and owned by Sandra & Glenn Amorosia. Winner’s Bitch and Best of Winners went to AZLOUGH ERINGLO FIREFLY, bred by Bob & Elaine Azerolo and Dennis & Cindy Shea and owned by Bob & Elaine Azerolo. Winner’s Dog went to ERINGLO LET’S GO RACIN’, bred by Dennis & Cindy Shea and owned by Liz Johnson and Dennis & Cindy Shea Reserve Winner’s Dog was IT’S MICHALEEN MORN’ CATCH ME IF YOU CAN, bred by Pat Weir and owned by Deborah Tumulty and Pat Weir. Reserve Winner’s Bitch went to ERINGLO ALWAZ LUK’N TO RACE, bred and owned by Dennis & Cindy Shea. 7KH DQQXDO UDIÀH DQG VLOHQW DXFWLRQ ZHUH KHOG GXULQJ the dinner at the Checkerboard Café in the Event Center after the show. Almost 50 attendees shared the HYHQLQJ¶V HYHQWV ZLWK XV 5DIÀH SURFHHGV ZHUH RQFH again donated to the Soft Coated Wheaten Terrier Club of America Endowment Fund for Wheaten Health. The Club also provided trophies for Best of Breed, Best of Opposite Sex, Winner’s Dog, & Winner’s Bitch for the weekend shows. This year’s prizes were embroidered caps, embroidered towels and bags and silk-screened sweatshirts. Benchmarks . Number 39 . volume 3 . page 28 Our weekend was full of fun, friends and competition. We thank everyone who came to participate and for all the wonderful club members and friends that contributed their time and talents to make the show weekend truly special. A big thanks go out to all the wonderful committee chairs that made the specialty go off without a hitch: -LQ[ 0RRUH 7URSK\ &KDLU Susan McGee, Jack & Robynn Nawrot – Silent Auction Bonnie Kanter & Deborah Tumulty - Boutique Elaine Azerolo & Richard Lohman - Coordinators -R$QQH 9RJW 5DIÀH Diane Watson - Dinner Decorations Jean Mennes - Hospitality Next year we will again be indoors in the Events Center at Purina Farms. We hope to see you there! BOB: GCH Doubloon’s Salt of The Earth (CH Melandee’s High Wire Act x CH Doubloon’s Rookie Card) :%%: $]ORXJK (ULQJOR )LUHÀ\ (GCH Stratford Top Brass x CH Eringlo Light My Fire) BISS: Eringlo Let’s Go Racin’ (CH Duidream Quicktime x CH Eringlo Alwaz An Angel) BOS: GCH Marquee’s Tax Exchange &+ +DUERUKLOO 0LNH 'H¿QR [ CH Gemstone Marquee Cut) WD: Eringlo Let’s Go Racin’ (CH Duidream Quicktime x CH Eringlo Alwaz An Angel) RWB: Erignlo Always Luk’n to Race (CH Duidream Quicktime x CH Eringlo Alwaz An Angel) BOSS: Whindancer’s Take It To The Max (CH Whindancer’s Sweet Baby James x CH Whindancer Crazy Little Thing Called Luv) Benchmarks . Number 39 . volume 3 . page 29 <RXU :KHDWHQ &DQ 0DNH D 'LIIHUHQFH LQ WKH /LYHV RI 2WKHUV By Dorice Stancher Dorice Stancher is a Core Team Evaluator for The Bright and Beautiful Therapy Dogs and has been involved in therapy work for 10 years. She has written articles for the AKC Gazette “Breedlines” column on performance, WebVet, and other publications. Her family sponsors the Wheaten $PEDVVDGRU $ZDUG ZKLFK LV SUHVHQWHG DQQXDOO\ IRU FRPPXQLW\ VHUYLFH LQ PHPRU\ RI KHU ¿UVW WKHUDS\ GRJ ³'XII\´ +ROZHLW¶V 6WDQFKHU &' 51 5$ ZKR ZDV DQ HYDOXDWRU GRJ DQG WKHUDS\ GRJ DQG QRPLQDWHG IRU DQ $.& $&( $ZDUG 'RULFH¶V ZHE VLWH LV and she can be reached by e-mail at: [email protected]. On June 27, 2011 the American Kennel Club made history again by recognizing the contributions of therapy dogs and creating the AKC Therapy Dog title. 7KHUDS\ GRJ FHUWL¿FDWLRQ RUJDQL]DWLRQV KDYH EHHQ FUHGLWHG ZLWK DGYDQFLQJ WKH ZRUN RI YLVLWLQJ GRJV DQG DUH H[SHUWV LQ WKH ¿HOG 7KH\ VFUHHQ YROXQWHHUV SURYLGH HGXFDWLRQDO PDWHULDO DUUDQJH YLVLWV DQG SURYLGH OLDELOLW\ LQVXUDQFH DQG JXLGDQFH IRU WKRVH LQWHUHVWHG LQ WKLV VHOÀHVV DFW RI NLQGQHVV Dogs with VWHDG\ HYHQ WHPSHUDPHQWV WKDW HQMR\ PDNLQJ QHZ IULHQGV DUH JUHDW FDQGLGDWHV SURYLGHG WKH\ KDYH VRPH basic obedience on their resumes. Here are some suggestions for getting your Wheaten VWDUWHG LQ WKHUDS\ ZRUN 1. Learn basic obedience and take the Canine Good Citizen test. Therapy organizations may differ on policies for testing and SURWRFRO EXW RQH WKLQJ UHPDLQV FRQVWDQW WKHUDS\ dogs must be friendly, well-mannered, and obedience trained. A great place to start is with the AKC STAR PUPPY program (if your dog is less than a year old) and then the Canine Good Citizen (CGC) Test. $OO WKHUDS\ GRJV PXVW EH SUR¿FLHQW LQ WKH EDVLFV including SIT, DOWN, STAY and COME, which are HPSKDVL]HG LQ WKLV WHVW DV ZHOO DV KDYLQJ VRFLDO VNLOOV when in public. In these classes dogs are also taught WR WROHUDWH GLVWUDFWLRQV ERWK YLVXDO DQG DXGLEOH ZKLFK are important components of the therapy test. WR FRRSHUDWH DQG QRW MXPS RQ WKRVH WKH\ JUHHW 0\ IDYRULWH PHWKRG IRU WUDLQLQJ WKLV FULWLFDO SDUW RI WKH WHVW FDQ EH IRXQG DW KWWSZZZ\RXWXEHFRPXVHU FOLFNHUJLUOSXFVX0*52YY98. This method PDUNV DQG UHZDUGV WKH EHKDYLRU ZH ZDQW ZKLFK LV WR QRW MXPS ZKHQ JUHHWLQJ , OLNH SXWWLQJ D OLWWOH VLJQ DW the front door that states there is a “dog in training” DQG HQOLVWLQJ WKH KHOS RI \RXU YLVLWRUV ,W DOVR KHOSV WR KDYH D OLWWOH FRQWDLQHU ¿OOHG ZLWK WDVW\ WUHDWV E\ WKH GRRU VR \RX DUH UHDG\ WR SD\RII IRU QR MXPSLQJ $QG RI FRXUVH SUDLVH DQG SOD\ ZRUNV WRR )RU WKHUDS\WHVWLQJ SXUSRVHV GRJV ZLOO JUHHW VWUDQJHUV with medical equipment, including the four-footed FDQH ZDONHU FUXWFKHV DQG ZKHHOFKDLU $ VSHFLDO QRWH testers often will place tennis balls on the feet of the ZDONHU VR EH DZDUH LI \RX KDYH D WHQQLV EDOO FKDVLQJ ¿HQG In order to acquaint dogs with the equipment, I XVXDOO\ OXUH WKH GRJ WR WKH REMHFW DQG WUHDW IURP LW ZLWK lots of praise. Our goal is for the dog to not be fearful when encountering the medical equipment so that it can feel comfortable approaching the patient. These items of the CGC Test are especially worth WDNLQJ D FORVHU ORRN DW ,WHP :DONLQJ 7KURXJK $ &URZG :KHQ YLVLWLQJ D IDFLOLW\ WHDPV RIWHQ HQFRXQWHU EXV\ OREELHV ¿OOHG ZLWK SHRSOH DQG QRLVH DQG LW LV QHFHVVDU\ IRU KDQGOHUV DQG WKHLU GRJV KDYH WKH DELOLW\ WR QDYLJDWH through these distractions, including other dogs. We practice this exercise by creating our own “crowd” which the dog and handler negotiate in addition to GLVWUDFWLQJ REVWDFOHV RQ WKH ÀRRU VXFK DV WR\V 7KH ³OHDYH LW´ FRPPDQG LV H[WUHPHO\ XVHIXO LQ WKLV situation. ,WHP $FFHSWLQJ D )ULHQGO\ 6WUDQJHU. :KHDWHQ 7HUULHUV KDYH ERXQF\ HQHUJHWLF SHUVRQDOLWLHV that often get in the way when trying to get them Item #8 Reaction to Another Dog :H RIWHQ ZRUN DV WKHUDS\ WHDPV DQG PDQ\ WLPHV ZH ZLOO HQWHU HOHYDWRUV DQG RWKHU WLJKW VHWWLQJV DV D %HQFKPDUNV 1XPEHU YROXPH SDJH group so we need to be certain that our dogs are not DJJUHVVLYH WRZDUG RQH DQRWKHU ,Q WKH WKHUDS\ WHVW greater emphasis is placed on the handler being able to QDYLJDWH WKHLU GRJV LQ WLJKW SODFHV VXFK DV DQ HOHYDWRU DQG WR HVSHFLDOO\ NHHS WKHLU GRJ IURP VRFLDOL]LQJ IRFXVLQJ RQ WKH ZRUN DW KDQG We teach this exercise E\ EXLOGLQJ RQ WKH ¿UVW OHYHO RI EHKDYLRU ZKLFK VWDUWV by facing another dog and handler from a distance of DERXW IW :H EHJLQ ZDONLQJ WRZDUG RQH DQRWKHU and when we are an arm’s length apart we sit our dogs DV ZH VKDNH KDQGV :H WKHQ FKDQJH WR D SRVLWLRQ RI EHLQJ DORQJVLGH RQH DQRWKHU DQG WKHQ ZDONLQJ LQ XQLVRQ WRZDUG RXU ³HOHYDWRU´ 7KH ³HOHYDWRU´ FDQ EH D doorway or other small space that is wide enough to KDYH WKH KDQGOHUV DQG WKHLU GRJV OLQH XS QH[W WR RQH DQRWKHU 2XU JRDO LV WR NHHS WKH GRJ¶V DWWHQWLRQ RQ WKH KDQGOHU ZKR PD\ KDYH WR EORFN WKH GRJ¶V UDQJH RI YLVLRQ RIWHQ E\ VWHSSLQJ EHWZHHQ WKHP RU E\ XVLQJ D “watch” command. ,W VKRXOG EH QRWHG WKDW VRPH GRJV KDYH EHHQ FHUWL¿HG WR ZRUN DORQH XQGHU VSHFLDO FLUFXPVWDQFHV , NQRZ RI D SV\FKRORJLVW ZKR ZRUNHG D OLWWOH <RUNLH ZLWK FKLOGUHQ ZKR ZHUH YLFWLPV RI DEXVH 7KH GRJ FRXOG QRW EH WUXVWHG ZLWK RWKHU GRJV EXW ORYHG KLV \RXQJ patients and was a real source of comfort. ,WHP 5HDFWLRQ WR 'LVWUDFWLRQV The reaction to distractions item often includes a YLVXDO DQG DXGLWRU\ LWHP WKDW LV XQIDPLOLDU WR WKH GRJ +RVSLWDOV QXUVLQJ KRPHV DQG VFKRROV KDYH GLIIHUHQW types of noises and equipment that can trigger a fear-aggression response in dogs. In these settings it is essential that the dog be tolerant and the handler KDYH D SODQ VKRXOG DQ HPHUJHQF\ DULVH When a dog is young it is a great time to introduce the noise and YLVXDO GLVWUDFWLRQ LQWR WKH HYHU\GD\ VHWWLQJ ,I \RXU dog is already mature, you can de-sensitize it to the QRLVHV RU LWHPV RYHU WLPH :LWKRXW IRUFLQJ \RXU GRJ \RX FDQ XVH D KLJK UHZDUG WUHDW DQG FOLFN DQG SUDLVH IRU DQ\ DWWHPSW WR DSSURDFK WKH VFDU\ REMHFW (YHQWXDOO\ \RX FDQ WUHDW RII RI WKH REMHFW DV SUHYLRXVO\ mentioned. If it is a sound that startles your dog, a EDUN RU WZR LV SHUPLWWHG GXULQJ WKH WHVW DV ORQJ DV WKH dog can settle with reassurance from the handler. Some suggestions for incorporating strange items and sounds include wearing funny hats, downloading sounds from iTunes (I use crying babies), dropping the occasional metal bowl, opening umbrellas on the ÀRRU DQG PRYLQJ WULF\FOHV DFURVV WKH ÀRRU WKH ZKHHOV are similar to a wheelchair). If your dog is motion VHQVLWLYH WR WKH WULF\FOH \RX FDQ VWDUW RII VORZO\ ZLWK QR PRWLRQ DQG JUDGXDOO\ EXLOG FRQ¿GHQFH 2. Take a therapy dog class. :KLOH WDNLQJ a class is not mandatory with all organizations, it is an important part of preparation no matter how well trained your dog is. These classes are not only oriented toward passing the therapy test, but also help KDQGOHUV WR GHYHORS WKH QHFHVVDU\ VNLOOV WR LQWHUDFW ZLWK WKRVH WKH\ YLVLW LQ QXUVLQJ KRPHV KRVSLWDOV schools, camps and more. %HIRUH VLJQLQJ XS IRU WKH FODVV REVHUYH WKH WHDFKHU LQ action and inquire as to which therapy group they will EH WHVWLQJ ZLWK 7KHQ LQYHVWLJDWH WKH WKHUDS\ JURXS :KHUH GR WKH\ YLVLW" 6HH LI \RX FDQ PHHW VRPH RI WKHLU PHPEHUV DQG DVN LI \RX FDQ YLVLW ZLWK WKHP VR WKDW \RX ZLOO NQRZ ZKHWKHU WKLV LV ZKDW \RX DQG \RXU dog really want to get into. Each therapy group has their own rules and regulations and often there are facilities that may only allow a particular group, so do \RXU KRPHZRUN 7KHUH DUH DOVR ZLGH YDULDWLRQV DPRQJ the different organizations regarding the type of HTXLSPHQW \RXU GRJ LV DOORZHG WR ZHDU VR LQYHVWLJDWH this before signing up. ,Q D JRRG WKHUDS\ FODVV WKH KDQGOHU¶V UROH LQ KDYLQJ D VXFFHVVIXO YLVLW LV GLVFXVVHG DQG LQFOXGHV QRW RQO\ NHHSLQJ \RXU GRJ VDIH DQG FRQWUROOLQJ WKH YLVLW EXW also communicating with patients and respect of SULYDF\ :KHQ D WKHUDS\ WHDP LV HYDOXDWHG LW LV QRW RQO\ WKH GRJ¶V EHKDYLRU WKDW FRPHV LQWR TXHVWLRQ EXW also the handler’s ability to communicate with their GRJ DQG PRUH LPSRUWDQWO\ ZLWK WKH SHRSOH WKH\ YLVLW Therapy tests attempt to replicate the settings a team ZLOO HQFRXQWHU RQ D WKHUDS\ YLVLW %HVLGHV WKRVH FRPPRQ LWHPV SUHYLRXVO\ PHQWLRQHG WKHUH LV DOVR LQWHUDFWLRQ ZLWK ³SDWLHQWV´ XVLQJ YDULRXV HTXLSPHQW LQFOXGLQJ WKH ZKHHOFKDLU ZDONHU IRXUIRRWHG FDQH DQG FUXWFKHV 7KH HYDOXDWRU PD\ DOVR ZHDU D ZULVW VXSSRUW or cast to see if the dog shows aggression. Therapy classes familiarize dogs with the medical equipment and help to proof their reactions in a group setting. %HQFKPDUNV 1XPEHU YROXPH SDJH Learn more about therapy organizations 7KHVH QDWLRQDO RUJDQL]DWLRQV KHOSHG WKH $.& GHYHORS WKHLU WKHUDS\ GRJ DZDUG SURJUDP DQG KDYH H[FHOOHQW IDFW¿OOHG ZHEVLWHV Therapy Dog Organizations 6LQFH WKH ¶V WKHUH KDYH EHHQ VLJQL¿FDQW DGYDQFHV LQ WKH ¿HOG RI DQLPDO DVVLVWHG WKHUDS\ DQG WKH XVH RI WKHUDS\ GRJV 2UJDQL]HG WKHUDS\ GRJ JURXSV SURYLGH HGXFDWLRQDO PDWHULDO WR YROXQWHHUV WKH\ VFUHHQ ERWK YROXQWHHUV DQG GRJV DQG WKH\ SURYLGH OLDELOLW\ LQVXUDQFH IRU ZKHQ WKH GRJ DQG KDQGOHU DUH YROXQWHHULQJ LQ D WKHUDS\ VHWWLQJ 7KHUDS\ GRJ FHUWL¿FDWLRQ RUJDQL]DWLRQV DUH WKH H[SHUWV LQ WKLV ¿HOG ,W LV WKHLU GHGLFDWLRQ WKDW KDV RUJDQL]HG DQG DGYDQFHG WKH ZRUN RI WKHUDS\ GRJV DQG WKHLU HIIRUWV VKRXOG EH DFNQRZOHGJHG DQG DSSUHFLDWHG 7KH IROORZLQJ FHUWL¿FDWLRQ RUJDQL]DWLRQV DUH UHFRJQL]HG E\ WKH $.& $ GRJ PXVW EH FHUWL¿HG E\ RQH RI WKHVH RUJDQL]DWLRQV WR EH HOLJLEOH WR UHFHLYH WKH $.& 7KHUDS\ 'RJ WLWOH $.& ZRXOG OLNH WR WKDQN WKH IROORZLQJ QDWLRQDO WKHUDS\ GRJ UHJLVWUDWLRQFHUWL¿FDWLRQ RUJDQL]DWLRQV IRU WKHLU DVVLVWDQFH GXULQJ WKH ODXQFKLQJ RI WKH $.& 7KHUDS\ 'RJ WLWOH x %ULJKW DQG %HDXWLIXO 7KHUDS\ 'RJV x 'HOWD 6RFLHW\ 3HW 3DUWQHUV 3URJUDP x /RYH RQ D /HDVK x 7KHUDS\ 'RJV ,QFRUSRUDWHG 7' ,QF x 7KHUDS\ 'RJV ,QWHUQDWLRQDO 7', Therapy Groups Listed Alphabetically x $QLPDO 6DPDULWDQV 3DOP 6SULQJV DUHD &$ x %$5. %HDFK $QLPDOV 5HDGLQJ ZLWK .LGV &DOLIRUQLD $UL]RQD x %D\ORU +HDOWK &DUH 6\VWHP $$7 3URJUDP 'DOODV)W :RUWK 0HWURSOH[ x &DQLQH $VVLVWHG 7KHUDS\ )ORULGD x &DQLQH 7KHUDS\ &RUSV &KLFDJR x &DULQJ &DQLQHV 7KHUDS\ 'RJ &OXE RI 6RXWKHUQ 97 6RXWKHUQ 97 x &DULQJ &DQLQHV 7KHUDS\ 'RJV ,QF /DNH &RXQW\ )/ x &RPIRUW &DULQJ &DQLQHV 7KHUDS\ 'RJV ,QF 6RXWKHDVWHUQ 3$ 1- '( 0' %HQFKPDUNV 1XPEHU YROXPH SDJH x &RPSDQLRQV IRU WKH 6RXO &)76 6DQ )UDQFLVFR %D\ DUHD x &RQQHFWLQJ &DQLQHV 6HDWWOH :$ DUHD x 'RJ %21(6 7KHUDS\ 'RJV RI 0DVVDFKXVHWWV x 'RJV 2Q &DOO '2& $Q (DVWHU 6HDOV 3URJUDP &HQWUDO DQG 6RXWKHDVWHUQ $ODEDPD x )DLWKIXO 3DZV 3HW 7KHUDS\ RI +RXVWRQ 7; x )LGRV IRU )UHHGRP %DOWLPRUH *UHDWHU :DVKLQJWRQ x )XUU\ )ULHQGV 3HW $VVLVWHG 7KHUDS\ 6HUYLFHV &DOLIRUQLD6DQ -RVH DQG 6DQWD &ODUD 6DQWD &UX] DQG 6DQ 0DWHR &RXQWLHV x +$%,7 +XPDQ $QLPDO %RQG LQ 7HQQHVVHH x +DSS\ 7DLOV 3HW 7KHUDS\ $WODQWD x +HDOLQJ +HDUW 7KHUDS\ 'RJV ,QF (DVWHUQ 1HEUDVND .DQVDV &LW\ .6 DQG 02 7RSHND .6 x ,QWHUPRXQWDLQ 7KHUDS\ $QLPDOV DQG WKH 5HDGLQJ (GXFDWLRQ $VVLVWDQFH 'RJV 5($' x .3(76.H\VWRQH 3HW (QKDQFHG 7KHUDS\ 6HUYLFHV 6RXWKHDVW&HQWUDO 3$ 1RUWKHDVW 0' x /HQG $ +HDUW $QLPDO $VVLVWHG 7KHUDS\ *UHDWHU 6DFUDPHQWR &$ x 0LDPL 9DOOH\ 3HW 7KHUDS\ $VVRFLDWLRQ 0937$ *UHDWHU 'D\WRQ DQG :LOPLQJWRQ 2+ x 1DWLRQDO &DSLWDO 7KHUDS\ 'RJV ,QF :DVKLQJWRQ '& %DOWLPRUH (DVWHUQ 0' 6RXWKHUQ 9$ x 3$:6 $VVLVWDQFH 7KHUDS\ 'RJV 1DSOHV )/ x 3DZV IRU )ULHQGVKLS ,QF x 3$:6 IRU 3HRSOH 3HW $VVLVWHG 9LVLWDWLRQ 9ROXQWHHU 6HUYLFHV ,QF SDUWV RI '( 3$ 0' 1- x 3DZVDELOLWLHV 8QOHDVKHG .HQWXFN\ x 3HW +XJ 3DFN &RQWUD &RVWD &RXQW\ &$ x 3HW 3UHVFULSWLRQ 7HDP *UHDWHU /RV $QJHOHV DQG 6DQ 'LHJR 5LYHUVLGH 9HQWXUD DQG 2UDQJH &RXQWLHV x 3HW 7KHUDS\ RI WKH 2]DUNV ,QF PLOH UDGLXV IURP 6SULQJ¿HOG 02 x 3HWV DQG 3HRSOH )RXQGDWLRQ ,QF (DVWHUQ 0DVVDFKXVHWWV x 3HWV RQ :KHHOV 0DU\ODQG x 3HWV RQ :KHHOV RI 'HOPDUYD '( 0' 9$ x 5DLQERZ $QLPDO $VVLVWHG 7KHUDS\ ,QF &KLFDJR DQG VXUURXQGLQJ FRXQWLHV x 6& 'RJV 7KHUDS\ *URXS XSVWDWH RI 6& QRUWK *$ x 6LW 6WD\ 5HDG &KLFDJR ,/ %HQFKPDUNV 1XPEHU YROXPH SDJH x St. Hubert’s Animal Welfare Center (Paws for People Program) (Northern NJ) x St. John Ambulance’s Therapy Dog Program (Canada) x Sunshine Friends, Inc. Therapy Pet Program (Central NY) x TDK Therapy and Service Dogs (Charlotte, NC) x The Good Dog Foundation (NY, NJ, CT, MA) x Therapet Foundation (Greater East Texas) x TheraPet, Inc. (Central NJ, CT, NY) x Therapy Dogs United (Northwest PA and Western NY) x Therapy Pals of Golden Triangle (Denton County, TX) x Visiting Pet Program (Metropolitan New Orleans) Congratulations to our Wheaten Nominations for the AKC Awards for Canine Excellence (ACE) Duff–Soft Coated Wheaten Terrier (Exemplary Companion Dog) owned by Dorice Stancher of Hawthorn, NJ Redhot–Soft Coated Wheaten Terrier (Therapy Dog) owned by Adrienne Cox of Oklahoma City, OK About the awards: In 1999, The American Kennel Club took action to express its time-honored respect for the extraordinary canine-human bond, as well as its appreciation for the innumerable ways in which dogs meaningfully contribute to our lives. That initiative gave rise to The AKC Humane Fund Awards for Canine Excellence (ACE), which FHOHEUDWHG LWV ¿UVW SUHVHQWDWLRQ \HDU LQ To qualify, the dog is required to be AKC registered or an AKC recognized breed, and have performed some H[HPSODU\ DFW ZKHWKHU ODUJH RU VHHPLQJO\ VPDOO WKDW KDV VLJQL¿FDQWO\ EHQH¿WHG D FRPPXQLW\ RU LQGLYLGXDO 2QH DZDUG ZLOO EH JLYHQ HYHU\ \HDU LQ HDFK RI WKH IROORZLQJ ¿YH FDWHJRULHV /DZ (QIRUFHPHQW 6HDUFK DQG Rescue, Therapy, Service, and Exemplary Companion Dog. When appropriate, dogs earning honorable mention will be selected. (DFK RI WKH ¿YH KRQRUHHV ZLOO UHFHLYH D FDVK DZDUG RI DQG DQ HQJUDYHG VWHUOLQJVLOYHU FROODU PHGDOOLRQ to be presented at the AKC/Eukanuba National Championship. Their names will be engraved on a plaque that KDQJV SHUPDQHQWO\ LQ 7KH $PHULFDQ .HQQHO &OXE /LEUDU\ LQ 1HZ <RUN &LW\ 'RJV UHFHLYLQJ KRQRUDEOH PHQWLRQ will be awarded an engraved bronze medallion. Benchmarks . Number 39 . volume 3 . page 36 Therapy Dogs at Work Gracie (Emerald Isle Foretold Story) Gracie works as a Pet Hug Pack member of ARF (Tony LaRussa’s Animal Rescue Foundation). ARF was just recognized by the AKC’s Therapy program. She started her therapy career in January of 2011 after earning her Canine Good Citizen and passing interviews at ARF. Gracie currently visits John Muir Hospital once a week where she spends her time at the Rehab Unit and in Cardiology. Gracie is loved by all of the patients as well as the staff. She likes to be petted and, if possible, lean against the patients. Gracie makes a difference in peoples’ lives each time she visits the hospital. Gracie is also a member of All Ears Reading. She visits the public library and students read to her. It is a great program for shy readers. Gracie’s favorite story is about a cat that gets a bath!!! Cassie (CH Raelyn Lasting Impression) Cassie is a dear member of our family, a Registered Therapy Dog (CGC & TDI), a dedicated puppy caretaker, and an AKC novice agility competitor. On one extremely hot day in Florida, Cassie recently took a trip away from home to visit with pre-school children. The majority of the children do not have dogs at home. When VKH ¿UVW VDZ WKH ER\V DQG JLUOV DJHV DQG VKH ZDV PRWLRQOHVV $V VKH JD]HG DW WKHP ZLWK VZHHW H\HV DQG VDW GRZQ WKH FKLOGUHQ EHJDQ WR PRYH FORVHU WR KHU $W ¿UVW WKH FKLOGUHQ ZHUH TXLHW DQG WLPLGO\ DSSURDFKHG her as if they had never seen a dog before. Soon she was cuddling with one and then another and the look in her gorgeous dark brown eyes was sure to say “this is just what I was meant to do!” So much attention and so many little hands reaching towards her! Children surrounding her on all sides! Little voices and many UHTXHVWV WR SHW KHU ³6KH LV VR VRIW´ ³&DQ VKH VHH me?” Children showed her their little books and told her stories, yet she remained calm. The tears in a little girl’s eyes as she left said it all: “Don’t leave us, Cassie, come back!” Cassie’s world and the children’s worlds were intertwined. Being a therapy dog in her “Reading Fur Fun Program” is a meaningful experience, both for Cassie and “her children.” 1DQF\ *ULI¿Q Wheaten Lane Benchmarks . Number 39 . volume 3 . page 39 %HQFKPDUNV 1XPEHU YROXPH SDJH Grandma’s Attic by Jackie Gottlieb MANY YEARS OF GETTING THERE “We are going to the Dog Show!” That is music to the ears of the “Hamster,” a/k/a Hammy, a/k/a GCH Andover Mayhem Magic. Little does he know or care about the time, energy, and planning that goes into the journey required to get him there. Many years ago I wrote at least one Gazette column outlining “what to take.” The list of necessities has gotten humongous over the years. We all have our personalized lists, and hope to remember it all -- at least before we get more WKDQ ¿YH PLOHV IURP KRPH When I lived in the East it was easy. Trips were short, seldom involving overnight necessities like clothing changes, toiletries, etc. -- it was all about dog needs (originally just a brush, a comb, towel and water). What follows are a few glimpses of dog travel over the years. Gay Dunlap lived in Massachusetts, I lived on Long Island. She had a nifty Volvo station wagon, and I had the one and only Cadillac we ever owned. Frequently we met at a Howard Johnson on the Jersey Turnpike. 7KLV ZDV EHIRUH ZH ZHUH RI¿FLDOO\ UHFRJQL]HG :H were competing in “Miscellaneous.” Gay had now Ch Gleanngay Annie Sullivan, ROM in the back of the wagon. I put Sweeney (CH Stephen Dedalus of Andover CD, ROM) next to Annie, both facing out (the most adorable, hairy creatures imaginable), and we drove to the Pennsylvania shows for the weekend, leaving the Cadillac in Ho Jo’s parking lot. One year I took the Cadillac, and several of us, including Sue Goldberg, spent about an hour circling those Pennsylvania local roads looking for the banquet site, watching the gas guage go down, down, down. In those days we had the “Foley boys” of blessed PHPRU\ WR XQORDG DQG ¿QG JURRPLQJ VSDFH XQGHU the tent. I could not avail myself of those wonderful services -- I had to do it myself, as I dared not let that Central Metal crate scratch the pristine black leather interior of my Cadillac. To do this on my own I needed a dolly -- an unknown item in those days. A friend donated his children’s little red wagon. That spring, getting ready to leave WKH %RDUGZDON VKRZ , FRXOGQ¶W ¿QG P\ SUHFLRXV wagon. I looked around and saw that it had been commandeered by a very famous professional handler’s helper. Its poor little wooden bottom was sagging dangerously under the weight of a tall stack of populated cages. I had to confront that very famous 6’4” gentleman to retrieve it. 6HYHUDO RI 6ZHHQH\¶V SURJHQ\ ¿QLVKHG EHIRUH KLP a concern because we were moving to Colorado. )LQDOO\ KH ¿QLVKHG LQ 1HZ +DYHQ ZKHUH , KDG ¿UVW met Gay, and we began our memorable association. Just before the big move, I had an opportunity to hopefully put a group placement on him before he retired. Billy Kendrick was judging in Rhode Island, and he had great sympathy for our battle to get recognition from what he termed “the Great American Kennel Club.” Unfortunately, the famous early ‘70’s gas shortage was in full bloom. We were all driving ELJ F\OLQGHU JDV JX]]OHUV , KDG ¿JXUHG RXW D ZD\ WR get 20 mpg on my souped-up Ford Mustang, and could get to Providence where daughter Cindy was living. Great daughter that she always was, she managed to ¿OO XS KHU OLWWOH 7R\RWD , WRRN KHU FDU VKH VRPHKRZ JRW PLQH UH¿OOHG DQG , FRXOG UHWXUQ KRPH SRVVHVVLQJ that coveted Group placement. “Getting there” was truly a feat in those days: we lived at 7200 feet altitude in Colorado, at the top of a perilous series of switchbacks. To deal with this, we acquired one of the original Suburbans, a huge bare bones 4-wheel drive truck. Crates and equipment VOLG PHUULO\ RQ WKH PHWDO ÀRRU DV ZH GHDOW ZLWK WKH snow, ice and curvy mountain roads. Trips were almost always overnight, requiring some cultural adjustment. You can imagine my husband’s reaction when I informed him that I was going to Kansas with Maurice, a male Old English breeder. I had sixmonth-old Answer (Ch Glenworth Andover Answer, ROM, all time top producing Terrier dam) and Ryan (Ch Raclee Express West O’Andover, ROM). He had RQH 2(6 +H SXW $QVZHU¶V ¿UVW SRLQWV RQ KHU ZDV %HQFKPDUNV 1XPEHU YROXPH SDJH the greatest kennel help, and wound up getting his IRXQGDWLRQ :KHDWHQ IURP WKHLU ¿UVW OLWWHU I soon ascertained that the best way to deal with the vagaries of Colorado weather and roads was to use a small front-wheel drive wagon. One year, DIWHU D EOL]]DUG\ HDUO\ 1RYHPEHU RQ 7KDQNVJLYLQJ 'D\ , GURYH WKDW OLWWOH 6XEDUX RYHU RI¿FLDOO\ FORVHG URDGV WR 1HEUDVND ZLWK WKH ³ODXQGU\ URRP GRJ´ DQG $ULD ZKR MXVW QHHGHG D IHZ SRLQWV WR ¿QLVK (YHU\ night I exercised those girls in temperatures below zero, buffeted by gale force winds. Aria easily won WKH ¿UVW GD\ OHDYLQJ KHU ZLWK RQH SRLQW VK\ RI KHU championship, but after that, the judges felt so sorry for the professional handlers who had endured such KDUGVKLSV GULYLQJ WR 2PDKD WKDW $ULD GLGQ¶W ¿QLVK IRUFLQJ PH WR WDNH KHU WR :HVWPLQVWHU 7KHUH ZHUH bitches entered, and one dog, a major in bitches. Aria went BOW under Annie Clarke. That was the last year there were class dogs at the garden. Mrs. Clarke was instrumental in getting her show career started, and she was the top winning Wheaten in the country in DQG :LWK RXU ¿QDO PRYH WR $UL]RQD , EHFDPH DFTXDLQWHG with the gorgeous desert landscape and the world of tents. They are not “easy up,” nor easily hauled by an aging little lady. I also became acquainted with real organization, Kathy Clarke, my mentor. A perfect SODFH IRU HYHU\WKLQJ D VSHFL¿F VHTXHQFH IRU HYHU\ DFWLYLW\ 1R VWRSSLQJ FDUU\ OXQFK DQG VXSSHU LQ D cooler. To the necessities add lots of water for woman and beast. This also coincided with the advent of the mini-van, and a different problem…which one in that sea of mini-vans is mine? I’ve loved the long drives, by myself, no one watching the speedometer, listening to public radio, munching all the way, occasionally singing (I’m tone deaf, but our dogs love us no matter what). I never did master the directions to Long %HDFK , ÀXQNHG WKH XVH RI D *36«LW DOZD\V IHOO RII the dashboard. I would have retired sooner, as the loading and unloading became a challenge, but I’ve been so fortunate in having good friends to help me load and unload. 7KDQN \RX 3DW DQG 1DQF\ DQG 'ZDLQH 1RUZLFK 7HUULHUV 0\ ¿QDO URDG WULS ZLWK FULWWHUV ZLOO EH ZLWK Aussi friends. It has been a great trip, I’ve seen a lot of county fairgrounds, fabulous scenery, several double rainbows, used a lot of awful rest rooms, and best of all, made contact with some wonderful people. As for those speeding tickets…forget it. New Trophy for Best Bred by Exhibitor Dog! )LUVW 3ODFH 7+( '5 '$9,' 5,&+$5' /,1&,&20( MEMORIAL TROPHY, is an original hand sculpted FHUDPLF :KHDWHQ VLJQHG DQG GDWHG E\ 0DU\ (OOHQ Smith, from the collection of Gary Vlachos and Bill Behan. ,W PHDVXUHV DSSUR[LPDWHO\ ´[´ DQG VWDQGV RQ D WLHUHG wood base comprised of oak, mahogany, birch, and cherry. The base was crafted by Gary’s brother-in-law Jim Eckel. This unique trophy is offered through the Soft Coated Wheaten Terrier Club of America, Inc. by Carol Carlson and Virginia Potter for competition at the Fall Specialty Show only. For permanent possession, it is to be won three times by the same owner, not necessarily with the same dog or at consecutive shows. The name of the winning dog along with the year, will be placed on the trophy base. The trophy will be retained by SCWTCA, Inc. until retired. Winner will receive a Wendell August hand-forged trophy. %HQFKPDUNV 1XPEHU YROXPH SDJH &+ 0DUTXHH¶V 6SHOOFDVWHU &' 520 &+ *OHDQQJD\ 'DULQJ 'LVSOD\ 520 [ &+ 0DUTXHH¶V $FW 7ZR 520 %RUQ $XJXVW 0RUJDQ VWDUWHG KHU VKRZ FDUHHU E\ JRLQJ %HVW2S DW WKH 6&:7&1& VSHFLDOW\ LQ 6DFUDPHQWR DW WKH DJH RI VHYHQ PRQWKV 6KH H[FHOOHG LQ REHGLHQFH DQG ZDV WKH 6&:7&$ REHGLHQFH GRJ RI WKH \HDU LQ HDUQLQJ KHU &' WLWOH LQ WKUHH VKRZV RQH ZHHNHQG ZLWK DQ DYHUDJH VFRUH RI RXW RI D SRVVLEOH SRLQWV She also starred in the whelping box. Her three litters produced twenty-two puppies with eleven champions. Her pups, grandpups and great grandpups have also gone on to shine in the conformation ring. Among this ³GRZQOLQH´ JURXS \RX ZLOO ¿QG VRPH IDPLOLDU QDPHV 7KHVH LQFOXGH &+ 0DUTXHH¶V 7ULFNV 2I 7KH 7UDGH 520 &KDVH *&+ 'XQGDON 3XW 0H ,Q &RDFK )RJHUW\ *&+ 'RXEORRQ¶V 6DOW 2I 7KH (DUWK 0RUWRQ *&+ 0DUTXHH¶V 7D[ ([FKDQJH %DPD *&+ *HPVWRQH¶V $OO 7KDW *OLWWHUV 0LOOLH *&+ %DURTXH <RX $LQ¶W 6HHQ 1RWKLQ <HW /ROD Sweet, smart, loving, bed dog - a once in a lifetime treasure. Owned and loved by Marcia Weisman & Sonya and Richard Urquhart Happy Birthday to Orla – My Golden Lady CH Geragold Lady Lavery &+ :KHDWHQ 5HEHO¶V 2GHVVD )LOH [ *HUDJROG 7HNLUL %RUQ -XO\ Best wishes to all Wheatens who are celebrating a ORQJ OLIH 7KHVH PD\ EH VHQLRU \HDUV ± EXW WKH\ DUH DOVR JROGHQ \HDUV ,Q WKH ,ULVK ODQJXDJH 2UOD PHDQV ³JROGHQ ODG\´ )RU WKH ODVW \HDUV 2UOD KDV EHHQ P\ JROGHQ ODG\ DQG WKH MR\ RI P\ OLIH 6KH OLNHG WKH VKRZ ULQJ DQG LV an AKC champion. When it came to obedience and agility, she understood commands, but when you were not paying attention would often do her own thing. +HU IDYRULWH WULFN RII OHDVK ZDV UXQQLQJ XS DQG GRZQ the A-frame. 2UOD SURGXFHG WZR 86 FKDPSLRQV DQG RQH )LQQLVK champion. She now has many grandchildren and several great-grandchildren. Her eyesight and hearing DUH QRW WKH EHVW EXW VKH VHHV ZHOO HQRXJK WR ¿QG WKH JDUEDJH FDQ DQG WLS LW RYHU 6KH VWLOO HQMR\V EHLQJ RXWVLGH DQG HVSHFLDOO\ OLNHV IUHTXHQW QDSV 2UOD LV GH¿QLWHO\ DQ ,ULVK JLUO ± VKH ORYHV PDVKHG SRWDWRHV DQG JUDY\ 2ZQHG E\ 1DQF\ 'UDSHU 1HLO 2¶6XOOLYDQ *HUDUG 7KRPSVRQ %HQFKPDUNV 1XPEHU YROXPH SDJH Benchmarks . Number 39 . volume 3 . page 48 SCWTCA National Specialty October 4 – 9 2011 The summer is over and it is time to get serious about your plans for the Specialty. Many volunteers have been working hard for several months to bring you a very special event…from SWelcome Bags to Boutique; from fund raiser to banquet decorations. It will be a special time to spend with your best friends. Make your hotel reservation, enter your Wheatens and don’t forget to train them for the ramp! We will be back in the thick of the Montgomery show in Ring 2. Take a chance to win a reserved ring side seat (or two – for \RXU %)) ± ULQJVLGH UDIÀH WLFNHWV FDQ EH RUGHUHG YLD WKH %REWKH%DQNHU IRUP Be sure to join us for an evening of education with Cindy Vogels. Cindy and her committee members will RXWOLQH D QHZ QRQFRPSHWLWLYH 6&:7&$ SURJUDP WKDW ZLOO SURYLGH TXDQWLWDWLYH HYDOXDWLRQV RI 6RIW &RDWHG Wheaten Terriers. Enjoy the shopping – for sellers, order your Boutique space now! For buyers, there will be plenty of opportunity WR ¿QG MXVW WKH ULJKW LWHP IRU \RXUVHOI \RXU %)) RU SRVVLEO\ HYHQ \RXU :KHDWHQV 7KH IXQGUDLVHU LV D SHUIHFW JLIW IRU HYHU\RQH ± D KHDY\ GDUN JUHHQ FRWWRQ JURRPLQJ DSURQ )RU QRQJURRPHUV WKLV DSURQ LV JUHDW IRU NLWFKHQ DQG barbequing! The cotton apron can be paired with a matching heavy duty vinyl apron – perfect for bathing. Buy individually or as a set. 5DIÀH DQG VLOHQW DXFWLRQ LWHPV ± ZH ZLOO KDYH WZR UDIÀH LWHPV ± D KDQGVWLWFKHG IUDPHG :KHDWHQ QHHGOHSRLQW DQG D KDQGSDLQWHG OHDWKHU MHZHOU\ ER[ )RU WKH VLOHQW DXFWLRQ ± ELG RQ WKH IUDPHG RULJLQDO %)) DUW SDLQWHG E\ &DWKLH +HOI RU WKH IUDPHG DUW SLHFH E\ 0DUJDUHW )R[PRRUH The weekend would not be complete without the Montgomery DVD and catalog. )RU PRUH GHWDLOV ± EH VXUH WR VHH WKH PDLOHU RQ WKH ZHE VLWH DQG WKH %REWKH%DQNHU RUGHU IRUP Now is the time to remember that the volunteers have been working hard to bring you an event we hope will give you fond memories for years – please appreciate these people. They deserve your kindness, understanding and thanks. If you have any problems – please bring them to me – Pat Mullin, Specialty Chair. 7KH VDPH UHVSHFW VKRXOG EH H[WHQGHG WR WKH KRWHO DQG WKH KRWHO VWDII ± /RUL KDV ZRUNHG YHU\ KDUG ZLWK WKH KRWHO /HW¶V PDNH VXUH WKH\ LQYLWH XV EDFN QH[W \HDU Pat Mullin, Specialty Chair, [email protected] Benchmarks . Number 39 . volume 3 . page 49