ANNuAL REPoRT oF GIFTs - Society of the Holy Child Jesus


ANNuAL REPoRT oF GIFTs - Society of the Holy Child Jesus
A Year of
Light &Love
Annual Report of Gifts
September 1, 2011 – August 31, 2012
Society of the Holy Child Jesus
american province
Dear Friends,
Dear Friends,
Some of life’s problems are just too big. At least they seem that way to
those facing them.
Mission Advancement
Advisory Board
You will read about Daniela’s and Janika’s problems in this booklet. And
about how, with the help of the Holy Child community, they were able to
overcome situations none of us would wish even on our enemies. Not
only did they surmount their problems with the help of the Holy Child
community, but they both realized what a gift they had been given and,
as a result, decided to give back to others as a natural expression of their
gratitude. After becoming a citizen, Daniela joined the U.S. Army where
her talents have been evident as a surgeon’s assistant. Janika leads seminars
in conflict resolution and peer interactions.
Margaret Mary Bell, SHCJ
What a gift they were given and what a gift all of us were given through them. We all live in this world
which is a better place because of Daniela and Janika. Maybe some of us will be affected directly by Daniela’s
assisting a surgeon in saving the life of someone close to us. Maybe others will receive the gift indirectly by
not having to live through a war averted by Janika’s skillful negotiation.
And maybe some of us will be inspired to overcome our own problems simply by reading their stories in
this booklet. Predicting the effects and myriad beneficial interactions which result from the Holy Child
community’s initial acts of kindness and love is impossible. All we can be sure of is that without these acts of
kindness or love the transformation in the lives of Daniela and Janika may not have happened and instead of
being the subjects of this letter, more than likely both would continue to be the unlucky victims of the world.
The gift that was given to Janika and Daniela by the Holy Child community was in fact received by all of
us. It simply takes a change in our perspective for us to realize that this is true. Our enlarged perspective
may cause us to view Janika and Daniela as our responsibility or it may cause us to want to make the world a
better place so that all of us can benefit. Either way, the gift has helped all of us achieve our objective which
benefits each of us and the world. The natural expression of our gratitude for these gifts may be to give back,
just as Daniela and Janika did. And by giving back, you initiate the next chain reaction of events destined to
make this world a better place.
Thank you for all that you do for the Holy Child community and for enhancing our collective future.
With gratitude,
Holy Child Academy, Sharon ’62
Marlene Brownett, SHCJ
Rosemont College ’56
Alex Coll
UCI Architects, Inc.
Joan Donohue
Holy Child Academy, Sharon ’63
Holy Child Academy, Drexel Hill ’59
Margaret Doyle, SHCJ
American Province Leadership
Team Member
John Gallagher, Esq.
Chair, Mission Advancement
Advisory Board
Schubert, Gallagher, Tyler & Mulcahey
Stephanie Griffin
SHCJ Associate
Francine Gunther, SHCJ
Head, Cornelia Connelly School
Anaheim, CA
The SHCJ and our colleagues continue to light the way for those we serve.
Through our ministries in underserved areas we provide opportunities
for people to access the resources they need to leave dark places behind.
Many of those we help are children. In this report, we share the story of
Daniela*, a young girl who endured unimaginable pain, as well as Janika, a child forced to grow up too soon.
Their stories demonstrate the power of the love, support, and resources that allowed these children to turn
their lives around.
None of this work would have been possible without you. The pages that follow are a testament to your
generosity and to your belief in our mission. The photos you see on this page give a glimpse of the families
we serve because of you. I can never thank you enough for your gifts. I assure you of my prayers and those of
our Sisters for you and your loved ones.
With my gratitude,
Pauline McShain, SHCJ
School of the Holy Child, Suffern ’46
Madeline Sherry, Esq.
Gibbons P.C.
Rosemont Senior School ’70
Rosemont School of the Holy Child ’66
Mary Ann Buckley, SHCJ
Province Leader
*Names changes for confidentiality. Ex-Officio Members
John Alahouzos, Jr.
Market Development Group, Inc.
Joseph McLaughlin
The Haverford Trust Company
John P. Gallagher, Chair
Mission Advancement Advisory Board
The celebratory quilt depicted on our cover was created by our Holy
Child community. Each square symbolizes a cherished event and place
in the growth of the Society and its influence on those we have touched.
The squares, organized and stitched together, tell us a story…a story of
hope. While the stories may vary, the guiding light is the same. It is the
spirit we inherited from our foundress, Cornelia, a spirit of reverence
for each person, a spirit that encouraged each one to be the person God
wants him or her to be.
Mary George O’Reilly, SHCJ
Rosemont College ’38
On Our Cover:
As the Sisters of the Holy Child marked the 150th
year of their arrival in the United States, the Holy
Child community created a patchwork quilt to
illustrate the many places and ways in which the
Sisters have served. Photo by Michael Leslie.
Annual Report of Gifts
Our Annual Report acknowledges those who have given in response to our Annual Appeal and Capital
Campaign, as well as those who have given to our Awards Dinner, memorial and honor gifts, bequests,
and gifts in kind. We are grateful for the generosity of our alums, family, and friends.
Alums who donated to the Society’s
Annual Appeal are listed according
to the closed Holy Child School from
which they graduated.
Academy of the Holy Child
Cheyenne, WY
Betty Balty Schroll ’38
Academy of the Holy Child
Portland, OR
Mary Frances Tennant Laier ’68
Kathleen Downey ’57
Judy Bastasch Poutre ’58
Jean Eilers ’58
Mary Anne Bastasch Forsland ’67
Carol Ann Conway Gregoire ’52
Carol Coulter McMenamin ’72
Sandra Novak Parsons ’60
Katherine Avison ’67
Elizabeth Lowell Brunkow ’53
Diane Van Driesche Burke ’66
Molly Condon Butler ’59
Lillian Jordan Carney ’49
Benefactors $5,000 and above
Nancy Casciato, Ph.D. ’72
Joann Casale Christnacht ’52
Janet Henningsen Culver ’64
Venera Parisi DeVoe ’64
Sally Leavy Follen ’47
Sandra Tumlinson Gorger ’63
Margaret Davies Hastings ’65
Marcia Mc Cabe Hubler ’61
Cecilia Archibald Kelly ’52
Carolyn Breen Kolibaba ’45
Frances Kent Krippaehne ’51
Gabriella Maertens ’58
Marianne Hart Maxwell ’66
Mary Lou Monson McCormick ’66
Susan Zehnder McEwan ’61
Barbara Beyer Porter ’46
Katharine Joseph Rudfelt ’48
Mary Lou Caniparoli Storm ’64
Elena DeMartino Turple ’32
Ann Leslie Williams ’54
Mary Kay Burns ’71
Margaret Campbell ’69
Kimberly Clark ’66
Karen Michaud Day ’64
Mary Ellen Lee Devenport ’61
Sheila Fitzpatrick ’51
Kathleen Leonard Foley ’56
Joan Gagnon Galati ’56
Suzanne Sikorski Glasgow ’69
Sheila Wilson Heffernan ’61
Terri Scott Huff ’61
Mary Taylor Hulme ’46
Dorothy Barth Klinkhammer ’42
Jo Ann Allen Leipzig ’43
Loretta Dearing Lessman ’56
Associates $2,500 - $4,999
Patrons $1,000 - $2,499
Eileen Malone-Juan ’69
Laurie Andre Mosey ’64
Donna Grimm Niedermeyer ’51
Margaret Wait Peterson ’42
Linda Friesen Preisendorf ’61
Sylvia Velguth Selden ’48
Sally Tyrrell Vit ’68
Nancy Sammartino Brady, D.D.S. ’73
Kathleen McLarnon Bush ’65
Anne Power Hayden ’67
Sandra Skwirut Jaszek, ’61
Karen Kenna ’72
Mary Louise Wojciechoski Leonard ’62
Margaret Dougherty Mignatti ’61
Suzanne Tinney O’Callaghan ’65
Holy Child Academy
Sharon Hill, PA
H. Frances McLaughlin Krumbiegel ’62
Patricia Wise Bedi ’61
Melissa Butler, Ph.D. ’67
Marilyn Dunn DiFeliciantonio ’66
Eleanor Denny Hallinan ’39
Christine Tompkins McKenna ’61
Patricia Murray ’62
Patricia Malloy Cavanaugh ’49
Margaret Reavey Dalesandro, Ph.D. ’64
Anne DeCurnou Diamond ’71
Catherine Duffy ’72
Mary Burns Earley ’72
Barbara Carullo Goldsmith ’61
Judith Ivers Hedtke ’67
Joy Szekeres Mercer ’72
Patricia Clark Morgan ’66
Joan Longtin Pane ’62
Mary Beth Regan ’66
Wendy Ricker, Ph.D. ’60
Regina O’Rourke Trainer ’53
Sponsors $500 - $999
Advocates $250 - $499
Anonymous (2)
M. Eileen Sawyer Amicone ’71
M. Patience Nurthen Amundson ’65
Peggianne Archdeacon ’72
Marilyn Rideout Buckley ’58
Gwenn Phillips Carr, M.Ed., PMP ’67
Nadine Fizzano Carrick ’65
Sue Scanlon Carter ’61
Regina Ranieri Cavanaugh ’63
Kathleen Scanlon Conlin ’60
Mary Gough Cuff ’52
Karen Dalton ’73
Janice Barone Dandar ’70
Constance Johnston Davis ’55 †
Maryann Pantano Davis ’72
Cecilia Volk Deemer ’67
Joan McGlone Donohue ’63
Regina Devine Donohue ’67
Jeanne Anderson Dougherty ’50
Karen Burke Dunn ’57
Yolanda Ellis ’63
Mary-Ann Cassidy Feldman ’65
Stephanie Wise Fleetman ’70
Mary Murphy Fleming ’67
Barbara Foster-Daley ’69
Melinda McGinty Glynn ’72
Century Club $100 - $249
Members Up to $100
Margaret Delaney Gorman ’61
Angela Raffaele Griffin ’55
Mary Ellen McCloskey Griffin-Hearn ’43
Denise Gro-Ryan ’64
Teresa Satoris Haney ’64
Theresa Rafferty Hanlon ’54
Peggyann Green Herman ’64
Cathy Ciatteo Houpt ’67
Patricia Vaccaro Ipri ’64
Roseanne Diehl Jordal ’55
Margaret McCormick Keffer ’60
Pauline Murtha Kelly ’66
Theresa Lorraine Tompkins Kelly ’64
Patricia McDonald Lake ’73
Miriam Smith Lingg ’71
Janice Haller Mancuso ’64
Susan Cheetham Manuel ’72
Kathleen Gargan Mayer ’71
Anita Morales McCloskey ’43
Daryle McCormick ’59
Marguerite McCormick McGarvey ’59
Marion McManus McGowen ’67
Patricia McGowan McKittrick ’58
Virginia Anderson Moran ’67
Jennifer Salvo Morrison ’65
Jane Dorsey Murphy, M.F.T. ’50
Rosemary Howdershell Myers ’64
Rita Deeney Newark ’61
Berni Pippett-Mullen ’72
Mary Masciantonio Robak ’62
Regina Walsh Ruane ’44
Jeanette Bullman Saylor ’67
Marcella Duffy Seneker ’54
Frances Kelly Smith ’56
Mary Lou Pyne Sweeney ’59
Bonnie Scanlon Szweda ’59
Kathleen Ritchie Watt ’68
Beatrix Sweeney Wilbur ’54
Dolores Owens Wilson ’44
Anonymous (3)
Elizabeth Heil Achuff-Spohn ’55
Rosemary Lynch Alexander ’67
Miriam Duffy Bach ’69
Benefactors $5,000 and above
Jeanette Barbacane, RN ’66
Linda Baric ’71
Anne Schulcz Basener ’64
Denise Beauchamp ’72
Kathleen Higgins Bradley ’67
Kathleen McNulty Brescia ’59
Patricia Carroll Brown ’49
Patricia Doyle Buckley ’67
Judith Scattergood Burns ’63
Catherine Malloy Byron ’51
Susan Capie Carola ’67
Marian Ciaccia ’71
Regina McCullion Clay ’71
Connie Boyle Connolly ’59
Eileen Dugan Connor ’46
Joanne Noble Couche ’63
Deborah Dunphy Craft ’56
Patricia Coyle Cruz ’46
Merry O’Rourke Dziewit ’64
Mary Murray Duffy ’71
Marie Klein Dunleavy ’59
Mary Ellen Savage Fakis ’72
Barbara Rice Fanelli, M.S. ’63
Regina Breithaupt Ferri ’53
Mary Ramagano Fidler ’68
JoAnn DeFlorentiis Fleming ’62
Barbara Folger ’45
Anne Creighton Gengenbach ’46
Joan Welsh Gildea ’51
Hannah Nilon Harberg ’62
Mary Jane Madden Horn ’67
Rosemary Doyle Johnson ’50
Clare Keenan ’68
Maureen DePolo Kelly ’65
Maureen Lennox Lacy ’58
Elizabeth Schwarz Lamb, M.D., J.D. ’47
Frances Calnan Lantieri ’66
V. Adrienne Mellon Larsen ’48
Betty Jane Smalley MacInnes ’47
Regina Gallagher MacKenzie ’62
Annette Marino Magruder ’58
Rosemary Rueger Malfetti ’67
Lillian Nilon Martin ’70
Anita Mariani Martineau ’71
Associates $2,500 - $4,999
Patrons $1,000 - $2,499
M. Christine Brown Owre ’56
Cornelia Dorsey Patterson ’66
Mary Dowd Pollock ’58
Theresa Raffaele Przegon ’59
Marjorie Rapp ’44
Louise Riney ’67
Donna DiColla Rocci ’72
Ann Veronica Suscavage Sacks ’71
Elizabeth Bobinsky Savard-Boyer ’53
Nancy Brown Schanne ’59
Nancy O’Neill Mazzoni ’61
Florence Jacobs McGoldrick ’47
Mary Spaulding McNichol ’52
Claudia Monte ’68
Patricia Monville ’67
Susan Koury Moon ’72
Theresa Blaney Moser ’57
Kathleen Dugan Murphy ’56
Mary Ellen Olcese ’69
Michelle Davis O’Leary, LSW ’68
Michael’s Garden
When the Sisters of the Holy Child Jesus arrived in Chicago, the Shugrue
family was among their earliest supporters. All the children attended St.
Ignatius School in Rogers Park. Michael, a 1948 graduate of St. Ignatius,
achieved success as a writer, professor, and academic dean, always crediting
his faith and scholarship to the SHCJ. Michael shared a strong bond with
the Class of 1948. He passed away in 2010, but even now, 65 years after he
graduated from St. Ignatius, his classmates remember Michael fondly.
To create a lasting tribute to Michael and the SHCJ, which he loved dearly,
Michael’s classmates proposed the idea of creating a memorial garden at
New Sharon in Rosemont, PA. Under Jim
Mooney’s leadership, 18 members of the
Class of 1948 contributed more than $1,300
for the project.
Sponsors $500 - $999
Today visitors to the province offices at New
Sharon pass Michael’s Garden. It rests at the
top of a hill with native plants, flowers and
grasses that are both visually interesting and
care-free. The garden requires minimal mowing, fertilizing, and watering and has become
a haven for birds and butterflies. Those who
visit the garden find peace and tranquility as
they admire its natural state and beauty.
Advocates $250 - $499
Century Club $100 - $249
Members Up to $100 3
Elizabeth Collins Schmidheiser ’60
Patricia Kelly Seeger ’57
Ann Seraphin ’50
Suzanne Schanne Slankard ’57
Mary Elizabeth Keenan Smith ’66
Mary Ann Cicione Snyder ’65
Helen James Soltis ’58
Mary (Nancy) Damico Soscia ’54
Mary Eugenia Dorsey Stroik ’54
Maryann Corliss Theranger ’67
Jean Hopkins Thomson ’40
Linda Ortlieb Tozour ’71
Catherine Murphy Weaver ’69
Joan Carlin Weir ’43
Charlotte France Wilks ’63
Nancy Rasmussen Witt ’63
Holy Child High School
Helen O’Byrne Zimmerman ’46
Waukegan, IL
Marcella Bretzlauf Bosnak ’66
Judith Welsh Bourdeau ’63
Joan Van Treeck Herr ’64
Carole Mosher Mazurek ’63
Louise Dietz Schmidt ’60
Ann Behm Steffenhagen ’53
Frances Lenzen Riley ’46
Joan Alders ’52
Mary Ann Tiernan Grazier ’50
Mary McMurrough Pasquesi ’63
Colleen Collins ’65
Margery Hayes Coupe ’43
Regina Paulson Keller ’58
Mary Jean McManaman Niemi ’47
Catherine Reedy, M.D. ’63
Susan Chauvette-Magel ’65
Marijane Jakaitis Chehval ’63
Maura McNally Cochran ’65
Mary Ann Mozina Flessner ’56
Gertrude Yore Hart ’57
Charlene Cooper Hendrickson ’51
Palmira Petrauskas Janusonis, M.D. ’58
Susan Jereb ’74
Elizabeth Mulloy Johnson ’74
Barbara Boggess Klass ’47
Dolores Niemi LoMonaco ’45
Mary Zannini Marchant ’59
Margaret McGonigle ’73
Jean Trangmar McLaughlin ’50
Bernadette Szostak Meyer ’65
Kathleen Nemmers Morrow ’48
Jo Anne Miks Pekkarinen ’60
Lois Leonardi Pence ’54
Blanche Merlock Ptasienski ’53
Marcia Burke Reedy ’59
Margaret Hren Rems ’63
Bernadette Siaulis Schultz ’48
Ruth Hewett Schulz ’53
Judith Hubert Skoff ’60
Vivian Salata Steffens ’60
Carlene Hinse Suhling ’50
Donna Scheske Warren ’68
Pauline Grohall Wheeler ’47
Carol Gillespie Abbinanti ’59
Margaret Burba Anderson ’52
Mary Bergan ’59
Marge Boyle Buckner ’58
Marion Sueppel Casa ’46
Patchwork Quilt
Marks 150 Years of History
When the first Sisters of the Holy Child Jesus arrived in America in 1862, they
began a journey that took them across the United States and beyond. To mark
these 150 years of service, the Holy Child community created the
patchwork quilt shown on the cover. It illustrates the many ministries
and places in which the Society has been engaged since those first sisters
arrived from England.
Anonymous (2)
Linda Jereb Abbott ’75
Karen Kadziauskas Bales ’72
Carole Aspatore Bartholomae ’53
Jeannette Lokay Brooks-Miller ’72
Theresa Tstinic Butkus ’51
Pat Dunigan Cody ’65
Ruth Amann Coen ’37
Nadine Juncer Conti ’69
Marianna Ronzani Crotty ’59
Diane Butkus Curtis ’63
Lois Sponenburg Dalziel ’57
Joanne DeThorne ’55 †
Patricia Thomas Drasler ’48
Patricia DelConte Fellows ’53
Stitch by stitch and piece by piece, Marian Kennedy Voorhees sewed
together all the squares and in the process, the journey of 150 years
came to life. Ms.Voorhees is an alumna of the former St. Leonard’s
Academy in Philadelphia, PA, founded by the Society in1867.
The quilt was unveiled at the Society’s Province Gathering in
Philadelphia last October and is now available for display.
For more information, contact Pat Hope at [email protected].
Above Left: During the Associates’ June 2012 Gathering, Holy Child Sisters
and SHCJ Associates enjoyed finding their schools on the quilt.
Left: Center detail of quilt featuring the Holy Child. Photo by Michael Leslie.
Benefactors $5,000 and above
Associates $2,500 - $4,999
Patrons $1,000 - $2,499
Sponsors $500 - $999
Advocates $250 - $499
Century Club $100 - $249
Members Up to $100
Dolores Glogovsky Foley ’53
Julie Knutson Gates ’72
Helen Waterbury Graham ’56
Beverly Sebben Gust ’56
Judy Rome Hartke ’74
Joyce Martin Heavener ’52
Patricia Wujtowicz Henschen ’63
Kathleen Hopkins Hirsley ’65
Mary Rose Jamnik Irons ’64
Mary Hren Kapitan ’58
Loretta Stanczak Kennedy ’62
Carol Thomas Kroll ’57
Virginia Ivkovcic Kutzler ’52
Linda Gates Lauret ’67
Joanne Gransee Maglio ’58
Flo Ann Gillespie Martino ’53
Barbara Jans Minbiole ’63
Elaine Pischke Musur ’62
Janet Beitzel Neal ’69
Susan Moore Nelson ’59
Catherine Smith Oatsvall ’72
Joanne Potocky Paulson ’55
Judy Zupec Pawlak ’60
Linda Kaczmaryn Plier ’65
Patricia Jerina Pugel ’66
Evelyn Trommer Reinbach ’50
Elizabeth Masterson Richitt, Ph.D. ’58
Arthurline Grana Sahlberg ’57
Martha Svete Springer ’52
Sharon Sabatino Steiger ’67
Ann Marie Finn Sullivan ’63
Eileen Sullivan ’67
Theresa Jachim VanderVere ’51
Dorothy Biegler Whiteside ’50
St. Leonard’s Academy
Philadelphia, PA
Marilyn Nigro ’70
Joan Ford Canavan ’57
Anne Dougherty ’32
Jane Feeley Guzikowski ’46
Benefactors $5,000 and above
Dorothy Philbin Kueny ’55
Mary McLaughlin ’45
Rosemary McSorley, SHCJ ’50
Kathleen Carroll Riviello ’56
Elizabeth Mullen Jackson ’61
Madelyn McGillin ’75
Kathleen Moretto Spencer ’62
Susan Cellucci Temme ’67
Patricia Horstmann Vanderslice ’45
Ann Braceland ’48
Monica Capuano ’75
Teresa Ansley Garate ’52
Frances Heron Kilcullen ’69
Jacqueline Drobel Lefkowitz ’62
Marybeth Clucas Phillips ’74
Margaret Mary Keating Sherry ’37
Margaret Walsh Albert ’58
Esther Duffy Ambrogi-Hurley ’44
Edna Salvo Amenta ’71
Barbara Bloemker ’55
Maureen Wong Britt ’57
Mary Bryan, SHCJ ’48
Patricia McCoy Buehrig ’65
Margaret Cassady Burns ’50
Mary Wilks Callahan ’54
Mary Kathryn Campbell, Ph.D. ’56
Eugenia Toner Coleman ’48
Sally Matthews Coll ’65
Rosalie D’Amico ’71
Patricia Ariano DeSantis ’58
Gloria diSilvestro ’38
Janet Bloemker Edmunds ’60
Marian Gallagher Frantz ’66
Elizabeth Hughes Gillin ’66
Ann Petolicco Goldsmith ’55
Rosemary Rocchia Guarino ’73
Deborah McFillin Horstmann ’45
Associates $2,500 - $4,999
Patrons $1,000 - $2,499
Marguerite Langan Jezercak ’66
Marianne Logue ’75
Margaret Heron Lonzetta ’60
Susan Chiacchiere Maloney ’80
Nannette Leicht Manley ’50
MaryFrances Manno-Santucci ’82
Joan Wallin McCabe ’77
Jeanne Slattery McLaughlin ’66
Rosemarie Viglione Opalack ’62
Patricia Pacitti ’70
Rita Wade Pagoulatos ’82
Barbara Halpin Peck ’69
Mary Jo McGarvey Pedicino ’73
Helene Pisano-Ermocida ’75
Patricia Lee Reiley ’54
Linda Richter Ridge ’70
Lois Conley Ridgway ’59
Margherite DeHoratius Shaeffer ’75
Nancy Coyle Sloan ’65
Lydia Acchione Spinelli ’68
Joan Braceland Tucci ’56
Evelyn Connor Tyler ’55
Theresa Gallagher Vale ’41
Dolores Abel ’51
Jane Kenny Auer ’47
Linda DiBacco Boyce ’78
Joanne Gray Burke ’62
Patricia Yula Cooney ’68
Mary Taran Cunnally ’68
Diane D’Amario D’Ottaviano ’80
Judith Fasciott Daley ’62
Barbara McMahon Diefes ’56
Mary Dougherty ’49
Veronica Bonner Furey ’46
Margaret McLaughlin Gavin ’49
Rita Sigismondi Giannone ’78
JoAnn Slattery Glah ’70
Bernadette Lavini Hammerman ’73
Rita Mertes Knowles ’52
Ruth Colpitts McDowell ’40
Mary Gargan McKinney ’48
Claire Miller ’48
Sponsors $500 - $999
Advocates $250 - $499
Eleanor McLaughlin O’Kane ’52
Mary Jo Knowles O’Rourke ’74
Miriam Hunt Passarella ’62
Christine Hefferan Ricci ’65
Bonita Fasciott Scott ’58
Agnes Sheehan ’48
Judith Talvacchia ’65
Christine Connolly Viggiano ’76
Catharine McClarren Weiland ’46
St. Leonard’s Boy’s School
Philadelphia, PA
George Phillips, USMC (ret.) ’39
Ignatius Hneleski, M.D. ’51
Francis Farmar ’70
Gerald Keightley ’51
Dan Crowe ’46
Charles Currie, S.J. ’44
John Currie ’43
Domenic Finelli, III ’61
Louis Maguire ’55
Pasquale Rosle ’58
Robert Tracy ’51
William Yoshida, USN (Ret) ’61
Richard Bryan ’46
William Burns, Sr. ’47
Thomas Doris, Jr. ’42
William Greenlee ’67
James Wong, M.D. ’55
St. Mary’s
Melrose, MA
Ann Marie Rafferty Donovan ’57
Elizabeth McCarte ’46 †
Century Club $100 - $249
Members Up to $100
Suffern, NY
Mariellen Whelan, Ph.D. ’50
Joanne Cisneros Dyer ’64
Joan Kennedy Hanly ’49
Ursula Wlochowitz Tandan ’64
Mary Elizabeth Hayes Tucker ’41 †
Catherine Sommer Arias ’64
Marie Louise Duffy McClure ’69
Mary Matt Owens ’47
Cornelian Society Members
Ann Goss Sullivan ’48
Mary Evelyn Tucker, Ph.D. ’67
Elizabeth Bell ’63
Alice Carter ’46
Joan Anderson Chastant ’45
Mary Alma Bogert Connell ’59
Mary Burke DeGenova ’61
Mary Impink Fosnocht ’60
Jeanette McAnerney Froehlich ’44
Sophy Pellegrini Haynes ’45
Mary Anne Gildea Kelleher ’68
Claire Senger Kingsley ’52
Marie Lufkin, RSCJ ’50
Mary Donahue Merrell ’53
Dorothy Tauskey Milliner ’68
Mary Jane Healy O’Brien, Ph.D. ’46
Rosita Seeley Olson ’49
Maria Eugenia Rodriguez Ramirez ’69
School of the Holy Child,
Senior School
Rosemont, PA
Madeline Sherry, Esq. ’70
Maryanne Henderson, M.D. ’75
Sandria Ryan Parsons ’60
Frances Bartlett ’69
Stephanie Walsh Beilman ’67
Judith Graeter Cayer ’66
Grace Ryan Day ’61
Pamela Braceland Kaplan ’65
Margarert Sherry Lurio, Esq. ’74
Patricia Agan O’Connor ’63
Eleanor Campbell Paulish ’66
Christine Bolger Ricart ’70
United by a Legacy of Good Works
Cornelian Society members make the Society part of their legacy by
naming the Society as a beneficiary in their will, trust or planned
giving arrangement. This generous action allows the Sisters of the Holy
Child Jesus to continue their mission into the future. For information
about membership in the Cornelian Society, contact Sandy Lovascio at
[email protected] or 610.626.1400, x301 or visit
Stephanie Walsh Beilman is presented with the Cornelian Society pin by Mary Ann Buckley,
SHCJ during the Appreciation Mass & Brunch at New Sharon. Photo by Michael Leslie
Benefactors $5,000 and above
Associates $2,500 - $4,999
Patrons $1,000 - $2,499
Sponsors $500 - $999
Advocates $250 - $499
Century Club $100 - $249
Members Up to $100
Anonymous (2)
Donna Ranieri Ambrogi ’72
Mary Jane DuRoss Bingham ’64
Christa Hoberg Bizer ’67
Mary Ann Sherry Campanella ’65
Barbara Clarke ’71
Irene Donnelly Coffey ’63
Marian Abbonizio Daly ’71
Susan Duckett ’61
Helena Grady ’67
Patricia Fuller Jacques ’71
Joanne Shields Maloney ’70
Christine O’Leary McClancy ’63
Nancy Oeste McGivney ’70
M. Patricia Eagan Newsham ’70
Barbara Mancini Scott ’71
Maureen Malloy Waters ’74
Margot Ryan Winger ’61
Joseph Aubrey
Suzanne Beier
Barbara Biancucci
Mr. & Mrs. Peter Bloss
M. Christine Bossone
Mr. & Mrs. Francis Bradley
William Breeze
Kathleen Broderick
Eileen Bruzewicz
Mr. & Mrs. Paul Buckley
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Byrne
Denis Callaghan
Erlinda Cinquegrana
Theresa Cornwall
Eileen Currie, MSC
Karen Day
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Doherty
Anne Dougherty
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Duffy
Susanne Dwyer
George Fetters, Jr.
Benefactors $5,000 and above
New Members
Inducted into the
Cornelian Society
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Garson
Claybourne Gosser
Helen Grunke
Rev. George Hagenbach †
Thomas Hagenbach
Mr. & Mrs. George Haiduck
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Hare
Sean Hare
Mr. & Mrs. John Hatch
Patricia Hatch
Mr. & Mrs. Andrew Hoff
Dr. & Mrs. Joseph Horstmann
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Jennings
Mr. & Mrs. James Linus
Anne Lombardi
Mr. & Mrs. Scott MacKenzie
Beverly Martin
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Martin
Dahl McCormick
Thomas McCreesh
Mr. & Mrs. Paul McGowan
Katherine McKittrick †
Margaret Minogue-Heyl
John Mitchell
Marian Mulligan
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Naab
John O’Connell, Jr.
Joan Pane
Mr. & Mrs. Francis Peszka
Mr. & Mrs. William Ratigan
Patrick Reilly
Ellen Schuller
Carolynn Sheyker
Louise Sheyker
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Shields
Maureen Short
Dr. & Mrs. W. Christopher Slater
William Slater
Paul Smith
Achille Tedesco
Mr. & Mrs. Roger Tourdot
Daniel Waldmann
Associates $2,500 - $4,999
Patrons $1,000 - $2,499
On October 28, 2012, the Sisters of the Holy
Child Jesus hosted a Mass of Appreciation
in Rosemont, PA for those who have shared
their time, talent, and financial resources with
the Society. The newest members of the
Cornelian Society, Stephanie Walsh Beilman
and Madeline Sherry, were recognized during a
pinning ceremony that followed Mass. Members
of the Cornelian Society have left a legacy gift
(bequest, trust, or will) to the SHCJ. These gifts
ensure that the love these individuals have for
the Society will continue beyond their lifetime
and allow the Society to live out Cornelia’s
“meeting the wants of the age” for years to come.
Photo by Michael Leslie
Anonymous (3)
Monica McSweeney Burns ’63
Joan Smith Crowther ’51
Mary Latshaw Daignault ’48
Helen Carroll DiMuzio ’51
Mary Doyle Donegan ’49
Rose Donovan ’66
Carol Bolger Dresser ’67
School of the Holy Child
Beryl Bissell ’57
Dianne Ankner Bower ’67
Mary Claire Brogan Cancelmo ’71
Louise Babcock Carey ’54
Sally Igoe Cole ’42
Julie Whelan Considine ’52
Margaret Scanlan Crotty-Platka ’43
Barbe Gleassey Crowley ’64
Mary Dean Healy Dumais ’45
Pauline FitzPatrick ’61
Clotilda Flahive ’55
Ana Graham Fox ’57
Elizabeth Schmitt Griffin ’53
Michelle Calabrese Gusciora ’62
Annie Impink Hall ’66
Patricia Drake Keady ’49
Kathryn Johnson Kellogg ’67
Mary Frances Sullivan Mahony ’67
Joanne Millard Munly ’46
Mary Scally Netter ’62
Brigid Hume O’Brien ’51
Claudia Dittrich O’Callaghan ’70
Anne DeVinck Ochs ’67
Joan Pedrick ’49
Anne McCloskey Reimel ’50
Suzanne Savoy ’64
Angel Palace Schaffer ’57
Lucy Shonk ’67
SHCJ Associate Michelle Dugan
leads the procession at the Mass
of Appreciation.
Photo by Michael Leslie
Kathleen Buckley, M.Ed ’59
Nancy Dluehosh ’62
Regina Muise Dunham ’60
Andrea Gorman Gelder, Ph.D. ’67
Donnamarie Kelly-Pignone ’68
Gladys Menten Latshaw ’41
Mary Sullivan LeDoux ’46
Marie Murphy Mahoney ’50
Katherine McCarte ’46
Irene Moulaison Menghi ’41
Joan O’Connor ’58
Alicia Norman Roman ’39
Joan Walsh Rossi ’61
Judith Shea ’59
Kathleen O’Brien Sheridan ’61
Lorraine Babin Gerry ’61
Elizabeth Gilbert ’60
Dorothy Goddard ’45
Margaret McSweeney Logan ’56
Janice Murphy ’53 †
Mary Bailot Norton ’49
Mary Finn Quirion ’61
Beverly Stack Richardson ’58
Barbara O’Keefe Shanley ’52
Eileen Comeau Sheppard ’58
Donna Foote Turgeon ’66
Photo by Michael Leslie
Joan McPherson Rodzenko ’47
Shirley Samson ’57
Sally Coll reads the Prayers of the Faithful
during Mass.
Sponsors $500 - $999
Advocates $250 - $499
Madeline Sherry is given the Cornelian
Society pin by Mary Ann Buckley, SHCJ
during the induction ceremony at the Annual
Appreciation Mass & Brunch at New Sharon.
Century Club $100 - $249
Members Up to $100 7
The Society of the Holy Child Jesus is
grateful to our Holy Child Network of
Schools Community, as well as alums
of parish schools in Washington, D.C.,
Illinois, Pennsylvania, Massachusetts,
Oregon, California, and New York where
the Sisters of the Holy Child served,
and to the many friends who continue
to generously support the Society.
Anonymous (2)
Mr. & Mrs. John Alahouzos, Jr.
Janice Clifford
Maura Concannon
Mr. & Mrs. William D’Antonio
Helen Healy
Brendan O’Connell
George Omas
Mr. & Mrs. John Osterhout
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Polett
Marie Rizzi
Dr. Christine Beier
Thomas Cassidy
Mary Coleman
Joan Coughlin
John Gallagher, Esq.
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Gerringer
Patricia Green
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Jones
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Kelly
Noreen Lizak
Jennifer Ibach Lunquist
Atty. & Mrs. James McAvoy, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Edward McLaughlin
Rita McNeely
Heidi Messer
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Moore, Jr.
Meryl Nowicki-Albano
Rev. Michael Olivere, Jr.
Randi Burke Opladen
Dr. & Mrs. Michael Richardson
Mr. & Mrs. James Runde
Dr. & Mrs. Arthur Sullivan
Dr. & Mrs. Michael Tighe
Mr. & Mrs. Philip Tobin
Mr. & Mrs. Robert White
Mr. & Mrs. Leo Bulger
Sally Cassidy
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Coffey
Mary Katherine Coquillard
Morton Goldman
Mr. & Mrs. Edward Kennedy
Mr. & Mrs. Larry Link
Mr. & Mrs. Robert J. McHugh
Anonymous (4)
Helen Arnolds
Marguerite Bader
Mr. & Mrs. James Beattie
Mary Jane Bobrow
Sarah Callaway Brabant, Ph.D.
Mr. & Dr. James Brown
Geneva Butz
Charles Adkisson
Mr. & Mrs. John Altmiller
Mary Cullen
Mr. & Mrs. Donald McCree, III
Gale Metzger
Mr. & Mrs. Dan Bane
His Eminence John Cardinal Foley †
John Moran
Benefactors $5,000 and above
Associates $2,500 - $4,999
Patrons $1,000 - $2,499
Rev. James Merold
Mary Murphy
Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Nighswander
E. Juliet Njoku
Andrew Pane
Dana Pierce
John Robb
Dr. and Mrs. Dominic Roberti
Richard Romano
Margaret Mary Rose
Mr. & Mrs. Bruno Roti
Francis Schlueter
Ken Schroeder
Morna Sheehy
Kathleen Sheridan
Dr. Doris Stelmach
Elaine Stull
Patricia Sweeney
Mr. & Mrs. Edward Tomkowiak
Diana Trebbi
Margie Villere
James Ward
Anne Wood
Judy Woods-Knight
Roland Wright
Joseph Wunderlich
Anthony Zaia
Judy Charlson
Shari Coats
Mr. & Mrs. Charles Connolly, Jr.
Patricia Cooney
Mary Kay Niles Cooper
Mary Corrigan
Mary Elizabeth Currie
Mr. & Mrs. David D’Argenio
Helen Drozdowski
The Honorable &
Mrs. Joseph Dugan, Jr.
Mary-Josephine Fadonugbo
Patrick Fahey
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Fanning
Daniel Farren
Msgr. John Ferry
Mr. & Mrs. Lewis Fischer
Frances Flint
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Gill
Doris Powers Hall
The Hartigan Family
Margaret Healy, Ph.D.
James Heffernan
Mr. & Mrs. George Henderson
Judith Hetherton
Mr. & Mrs. David Hill
Suzanne Johnson
Margaret Jordan
Susan Kapusta
Mr. & Mrs. John Kelleher
Thomas Kneafsey
Mr. & Mrs. Eugene Komar
Adrienne Kutney
Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Lapointe
Mr. & Mrs. Jacques Lemmel
Phyllis Lennon
Mary Loftus
Geoffrey Logan
Mr. & Mrs. Harry Martin
Charles McCarry, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Britton McConnell
Dr. & Mrs. Daniel McIntyre
Mr. & Mrs. Sean McMahon
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Mercure
Elizabeth McLaughlin
Mr. & Mrs. Frank Nessinger
William O’Neill
Theodore Robb
Alice Roggie
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Salvo
Charlotte Streidel
Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence Wasmund
Sponsors $500 - $999
Advocates $250 - $499
Anonymous (5)
Mary Louise Adkisson
Marie Allen
Linda Beaven
Kathy Bocken
Angela Boyle
Mr. & Mrs. Francis Boyle
Annette Brandin
Mary Ann Broderick
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Burgess
Eileen Kelly Byrne
Shirley Byrne
Mr. & Mrs. John Byron
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Carberry
Michael Carroll
Anne Caruso
Century Club $100 - $249
Members Up to $100
Dolores Celona
Elizabeth Chesnes
Thomas Christmann
Kimberly Clark
Lucille Clark
James Conroy
Mr. & Mrs. William Cummings
Marguerite Cusick
Lorraine Cusumano
Jeanne Daley
Roberta DeMarco
Joanne Demetriou
Margaret Mary Dolan
Mary Donegan
Susie Dougherty
Ursula Duffy
Mr. & Mrs. Terrence Fannon
Kathleen Finnegan
Winifred Fisher
Stephanie Fitzgerald
Liz Foley
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Geary
Mr. & Mrs. Norman Grabowski, Sr.
Robert Green, C.F.X.
Sandy Haggerty
Dorothy Halpin
Joseph Hayes
Lawrence Hayes
Nancy Hazlett
Rochelle Hernandez
Annamae Hitchens
Ellen Irmiter
Mr. & Mrs. Don Katenkamp
Marilyn Kaufhold
Joan Keating
Barbara Keeley
Diane Keenan
Catherine Keevey
Mr. & Mrs. Paul Kelly
Dorothy La Mere
Mr. & Mrs. Salvatore LaCorte
Dr. Mark Littlehale
James Lynch
Jane Malley
Benefactors $5,000 and above
Paul Maloney
Megan Malvern
Sharon Masterson
Gail McGraw
John McLarnon, Jr.
Maryellen McLarnon
Mr. & Mrs. James Michalowski
Mary Miller
Tim Miller
Maria Molettieri
Sr. Eileen Mortimer
Leanna Mraz
Rosalie Murphy
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Neufeld
Lindie Noonan
Zita O’Brian
Azella O’Dwyer
Margaret Olson
Ann Peacock
Maureen Piacentino
Robert Pinder
Anne Pinkston
Agnes Poznek
John Radomile, D.D.S.
John Roberts, Jr.
Melanie Rockoff
Maria Rossi
John Rust
Rola Savarino
Kenneth J. Schoettmer
Mr. & Mrs. R. Stanley Schuck
Patricia Sheehy
Mr. & Mrs. John Smith
Mr. & Mrs. Seward Smith
Mary Jo Stauner
Nancy Stieg
Aloysius Stuhl
Joanne Sullivan
Lisa Swaincott
Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Torelli
Mr. & Mrs. John Ward
Eleanor Waterman
Kathleen Ways
Bethany Welch
Associates $2,500 - $4,999
Patrons $1,000 - $2,499
Ruth Wiltshire
Reeves Witte-Honey
Elizabeth Worley
Gilda Wrenn
Michael J. Wrenn
Michael P. Wrenn
Catherine Zane
Katie Zito
In Honor of Ann Murray, SHCJ
Jean Anne Eilers
In Honor of Claire Smith, SHCJ
Mr. Anthony & Dr. Rosalie Mirenda
In Honor of Kathleen O’Neill, SHCJ
Angelika Zaia
In Honor of Michele Puma, SHCJ
Mr. Anthony & Dr. Rosalie Mirenda
In Honor of Marcia Sichol, SHCJ
Mr. Anthony & Dr. Rosalie Mirenda
In Honor of Katherine Tracy, SHCJ
William O’Neill
In Honor of Marlene Brownett, SHCJ
Jean Anne Eilers
In Honor of Mary Bryan, SHCJ
Patricia O’Connor
In Honor of Mary Cole, SHCJ
Dolores Celona
In Memory of Katherine Breslin
Evelyn Tyler
In Honor of Agnes Connors, SHCJ
Msgr. John Ferry
In Memory of Mary Anne Carroll
Judith Hedtke
In Honor of Margaret Crowley, SHCJ
Jean Anne Eilers
In Memory of Mary Ellen Kelly Clapper
Frances Smith
In Honor of Margaret Doherty, SHCJ
Jean Anne Eilers
In Memory of
M. M. Anita Connelly, SHCJ
William O’Neill
In Honor of The Hanstein Family
Lorraine Cusumano
In Memory of Madeleine Dorsey
In Honor of Julia Hare, SHCJ
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Hare
In Memory of Edmond and Rose Duffy
Marcella Seneker
In Honor of Melinda Keane, SHCJ
Patricia O’Connor
In Memory of Mary Austin Duffy, SHCJ
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Duffy
In Honor of Barbara Linen, SHCJ
Jean Anne Eilers
In Memory of
M. Ethel Fitzpatrick, SHCJ
Theresa Cornwall
In Honor of Terri MacKenzie, SHCJ
Mr. & Mrs. Paul W. Kelly
In Honor of
Pauline Mary McShain, SHCJ
Patricia O’Connor
In Memory of Mary Gladys Fullam
Mary Jane Fullam
In Honor of Mary Alice Minogue, SHCJ
William O’Neill
In Honor of Elizabeth Muir, SHCJ
Jean Anne Eilers
Sponsors $500 - $999
Advocates $250 - $499
In Memory of
Mary Peter Froelicher, SHCJ
Kathleen Spencer
Century Club $100 - $249
Members Up to $100 9
Summary of Annual Appeal Giving
Financial Summary
Resources for Ministry Development Program 2011-2012
Academy of the Holy Child, Cheyenne, WY
Academy of the Holy Child, Portland, OR
Holy Child Academy, Sharon Hill, PA
Holy Child High School, Waukegan, IL
St. Leonard’s Academy, Philadelphia, PA
St. Leonard’s Academy Boys School, Philadelphia, PA
St. Mary’s, Melrose, MA
School of the Holy Child, Suffern, NY
School of the Holy Child, Senior School, Rosemont, PA
Dalton Center
Prayer Card Program
Gifts In Kind
Gifts to Individual Sisters
Annual Appeal
Matching Gifts
United Way
Property Sales & Rentals
Sisters’ Social Security &
Retirement Benefits
Total: $1,066,896
Total: $14,459,703
Support of Ministries
Technology Upgrades
(from grant)
Capital Repairs & Improvements
Support of Retired Sister
You can make secure donations online.
Visit our website at and click on “Donate Now”
Holy Child Center
Renovation Project
In Memory of Mary Dennis Lynch, SHCJ
Dr. Doris Stelmach
In Memory of Josephine Murphy
Margaret Mary Rose
In Memory of
Marie Kathryn Naab, SHCJ
Elizabeth Gilbert
In Memory of M. Joan O’Neill, SHCJ
Mr. & Mrs. Don Katenkamp
In Memory of Joseph Ridge
Linda Ridge
Province Administration
In Memory of Thomas Linahan
Marcella Seneker
In Memory of Kathleen O’Neill, SHCJ
Anthony Zaia
Generalate Administration
Giving Made Easy
In Memory of
Gertrude Mary Harkin, SHCJ
William O’Neill
In Memory of Helen Mulligan, SHCJ
Mr. & Mrs. Edward J. Kinslow
Support of Ministries
Capital Improvements,
In Memory of Rev. George Hagenbach
Mr. & Mrs. Peter Bloss
In Memory of Katherine McKittrick
Helen Arnolds
Uses of Funds
Support of Retired Sisters
In Memory of Walter Small
Mary Jane Fullam
In Memory of Barbara Keenan
Mary Elizabeth Smith
Resources for Ministry, Development Programs
Uses of Funds Raised
In Memory of
M. Campion Guffanti, SHCJ
Mr. & Mrs. James Runde
In Memory of Frances Heron, SHCJ
George Phillips, USMC (ret.)
Capital Campaign
In Memory of
Mary Katherine Schroeder
Ken Schroeder
In Memory of Patricia Keenan
Mary Elizabeth Smith
Grant Awards
Investment Portfolios
Propagation of the Faith
& Other Gifts for
Overseas Missions
Restricted Gifts
Sisters’ Compensation
Event Sponsorship
Total Giving Annual Appeal
Total: $14,459,703
Total: $1,066,896
Sources of Funds
Sources of Funds Raised
In Memory of
Peg, Jack and Kevin Green
Peggyann Herman
Support of Active Sisters
In Memory of Wilma Tierney
Pauline Wheeler
In Memory of Marion Tietje
Connelly School of the Holy Child,
Potomac, MD
In Memory of Margaret Walker
Patricia McKittrick
In Memory of Dorothy Wilson, SHCJ
Rita McNeely
In Memory of Barbarann Wright
Roland Wright
In Memory of Joseph Wunderlich
Selma Wunderlich
The Sisters of the Holy Child are grateful
for the generous Archdiocesan support
extended from special collections for
Retired Sisters and for a grant from
Diocese of San Bernardino.
Archdiocese of Boston
Archdiocese of New York
Archdiocese of Philadelphia
Diocese of San Bernardino
International Sacrificial Giving Funds
Glenola Club of Loyola Center,
Chicago, IL
Holy Child Academy, Sharon Hill, PA
Alumnae Association
In Memory of John Howard Small
Mary Jane Fullam
at the top of the page.
Cornelia Connelly
Digital Library
The creation of the Library began in 2009
under the direction of Eileen McDevitt,
SHCJ, Director of the Holy Child
Network of Schools, and was launched
in 2012. (The Holy Child Network of Schools
is an association of 10 Catholic, independent
elementary and secondary schools founded by
the Sisters of the Holy Child Jesus.)
A committee of teachers from the schools
in the Network reviewed and scanned
hundreds of documents related to Cornelia’s
life and the Holy Child legacy and organized
all of the content into a user-friendly
website available to all. Visit the library at
where you will have unrestricted access to
a comprehensive repository of materials.
To ensure that
Cornelia’s message
will impact
generations to
come, additional
contributions are
needed. The Sisters
invite you to enjoy
the Digital Library
and encourage
friends and visitors
to preserve the
SHCJ history by
making a donation.
Anonymous (2)
Connelly Foundation
Conrad N. Hilton Foundation
Dwyer Charitable Trust
Jacob L. Reiss Foundation
Raskob Foundation for
Catholic Activities, Inc.
Siemens Caring Hands
Giving Campaign
The Barrett Bateman Foundation
The EFM Foundation
The Standard Employee
Giving Campaign
The Travelers Companies, Inc.
W.W. Smith Charitable Trust
William O’Neil Foundation
Holy Child Academy,
Sharon Hill, PA Class of ’56
Holy Child Academy,
Suffern, NY Class of ’71
St. Martin of Tours School,
Los Angeles, CA
Holy Child Center is eligible to
receive donations through the
Donor Option Program of the United
Way Campaign of Southeastern
Pennsylvania. Our number is #07586
in Southeastern Pennsylvania. For
other geographic areas with a Donor
Option Program our designation is:
Holy Child Center
1341 Montgomery Avenue
Rosemont, PA 19010
In Honor of Helen Brown
Mr. & Mrs. Francis Boyle
Mr. & Mrs. Terrence Fannon
John McLarnon, Jr.
Maryellen McLarnon
Mr. & Mrs. John Meehan
Sr. Eileen Mortimer
Maureen Piacentino
Elizabeth Worley
In Honor of Marlene Brownett, SHCJ
Elizabeth McLaughlin
Rita Newark
Mary Samson, SHCJ
In Honor of The Bryan Family
Mary Bryan, SHCJ
Participating United Way
In Honor of Maryann Burgos
Heidi Messer
Truist, NY
United Way of Central and
Northeastern Connecticut, CT
United Way of Chester County, PA
United Way of Delaware, DE
United Way of Greater Philadelphia
and Southern New Jersey
In Honor of Elinor Callanan, SHCJ
Ellin Hlebik
Rita Newark
Mary Samson, SHCJ
Gifts Received Through
United Way
For more information on making a financial
contribution, please contact Sandy Lovascio at
610.626.1400, x301, or [email protected].
Alice Ludovici
James Ludovici
Dolores Tosto
Mary Patricia Walsh
Christi Williams-Jackson
Mary Jane Baker
M. Christine Bossone
Donna Candelora-Matozzo
Mary Dlugos
Jocelyn DuPont
Anne Elliott
Constance Hubbard
Diane Jakobowski
In Honor of Kari Charlson Sims
Judy Charlson
In Honor of the Staff of
Cornelia Connelly School
of the Holy Child, Anaheim, CA
The Students of Cornelia Connelly
School of the Holy Child,
Anaheim, CA
In Honor of Margaret Crowley, SHCJ
Elizabeth McLaughlin
Rita Newark
Mary Samson, SHCJ
In Honor of Mr. & Mrs. John Currie
Mr. & Mrs. Sean McMahon
In Honor of Margaret Doherty, SHCJ
Elizabeth McLaughlin
Rita Newark
Mary Samson, SHCJ
In Honor of Edwina Menten, SHCJ
Mr. & Mrs. Edward McLaughlin
In Honor of Roberta Dougherty, SHCJ
Mary R. Taggart
In Honor of Mr. & Mrs. Timothy Miller
Tim Miller
In Honor of
Elizabeth Fitzmaurice, SHCJ
Rita Newark
Mary Samson, SHCJ
In Honor of Marian Graczk
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Fanning
In Honor of Julia Hare, SHCJ
Mr. & Mrs. James Beattie
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Hare
Sean Hare
Brendan O’Connell
In Honor of Rosemary Hayes, SHCJ
Rev. Kenneth Schoettmer
In Honor of
Lindsay, Gail and Irene Komar
Mr. & Mrs. Eugene Komar
In Honor of Barbara Linen, SHCJ
Elizabeth McLaughlin
Rita Newark
Mary Samson, SHCJ
In Honor of M. Theodosia Linus, SHCJ
Rita Newark
Mary Samson, SHCJ
In Honor of Elizabeth Loomis, SHCJ
Rita Newark
Mary Samson, SHCJ
In Honor of Mary Martin, SHCJ
Mr. & Mrs. Roger Tourdot
In Honor of Terri MacKenzie, SHCJ
John Cameron Mitchell
Charlotte Streidel
In Honor of Jay McCann, SHCJ
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Garson
Rita Newark
Mary Samson, SHCJ
In Honor of Mary Michaud, SHCJ
Karen Day
In Honor of Mary Alice Minogue, SHCJ
Dr. Christine Beier
Patricia Duncan
In Honor of
the Montessori School of Manhattan
Shari Coats
Megan Malvern
Heidi Messer
In Honor of Elizabeth Muir, SHCJ
Elizabeth McLaughlin
Rita Newark
Mary Samson, SHCJ
In Honor of Ann Murray, SHCJ
Elizabeth McLaughlin
Rita Newark
Mary Samson, SHCJ
In Honor of Margaret Naab, SHCJ
Denise Call
Joan Keating
Rita Newark
Mary Samson, SHCJ
Mr. & Mrs. Roger Tourdot
In Honor of
Mary Henry O’Connell, SHCJ
Mrs. William Breeze
In Honor of the Sisters of the Holy
Child Jesus, Melrose, MA
Dr. Mark Littlehale
In Honor of the Sisters of the Holy
Child Jesus, New Sharon
Charles Adkisson
Joanne Demetriou
In Honor of Rebecca Smith, SHCJ
Mary Sager
In Honor of Alice Penrose, SHCJ
Mr. & Mrs. Roger Tourdot
In Honor of Teresa Torres
Heidi Messer
In Honor of Aquilla Peterson, SHCJ
Natasha Gruber
In Honor of Margaret Rogers, SHCJ
Rev. Kenneth Schoettmer
In Memory of Elizabeth Barber, SHCJ
Elaine Stull
In Honor of Susan Slater, SHCJ
Dr. & Mrs. W. Christopher Slater
In Memory of Margaret Boyle, SHCJ
Mr. & Mrs. John Caputo
In Honor of Margaret Mary Sherry
Madeline Mary Sherry, Esq.
In Memory of Rose Bradley, SHCJ
Mr. & Mrs. Francis Bradley
In Honor of Carolynn Sheyker
Patricia Sweeney
In Memory of Marion Callanan, SHCJ
Ellin Hlebik
Order Your Special Occasion Prayer Cards
The Society’s prayer cards let someone know that the Sisters of the Holy Child
are offering their prayers. One card gives comfort on the loss of a loved
one. Another expresses love and joy to someone celebrating a special
occasion such as a birthday, anniversary, or religious holiday.
The Sisters of the Holy Child receive all prayer card requests and find
great joy in knowing that their prayers are a source of strength for
many. Those using the prayer cards have also included donations to
the Society when they request their intentions. The Sisters of the
Holy Child are grateful for this support.
Memorial and general intention prayer cards can be requested on
our website at or by calling 610.626.1400.
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Neufeld
Mr. & Mrs. Seward Smith
In Memory of M. Gabriel Garner, SHCJ
Ursula Duffy
In Memory of Mary Holub
Azella O’Dwyer
In Memory of Clare Donnelly, SHCJ
Thomas Doris, Jr.
In Memory of Anna Marie Glatts
Catherine Glatts
In Memory of Bernice Hubbert
JoAnn Glah
In Memory of William Green
Peggyann Herman
In Memory of Anita Knecht
John Yura
In Memory of Teresa Grunke
Barbara Diefes
In Memory of
Lindsay, Gail and Irene Komar
Mr. & Mrs. Eugene Komar
In Memory of
Roberta Dougherty, SHCJ
Susie Dougherty
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Salvo
In Memory of Albin Drost
The Communication Solutions
Group, Inc.
In Memory of Kenneth Feldhausen
Patricia Henschen
In Memory of Lucy Fell
Mr. & Mrs. Lewis Fischer
In Memory of Rev. George Hagenbach
Thomas Hagenbach
Sandy Haggerty
Charles McCarry, Jr.
John Radomile, D.D.S.
Rev. Msgr. Bernard Trinity
In Memory of Leo Halpin
Barbara Peck
In Memory of Frances Heron, SHCJ
Thomas Doris, Jr.
Connect With Us
Sign up to receive our e-communications. Send your name and e-mail address
to [email protected]. You can also visit our website at
and complete the e-newsletter form on the right hand side of the page.
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Mr. & Mrs. Augustus Masino
Ann Peacock
Kathleen Sheridan
In Memory of Margaret Mary Powers
Gail McGraw
In Memory of
Rita McTamney McCreesh
Thomas McCreesh
In Memory of
Mary Katherine Schroeder
Barbara Kessler
In Memory of Thomas McHugh
George Coleman
In Memory of
M. Dorothy Sheehan, SHCJ
Geoffrey Logan
In Memory of Nancy Logue
Marianne Logue
In Memory of Rita Maleno
Sally Coll
In Memory of Pat McLaughlin
Mr. & Mrs. Edward McLaughlin
In Memory of
Elizabeth McNamara, SHCJ
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Burgess
Mary Murphy
In Memory of Helen Mulligan, SHCJ
Marian Mulligan
In Memory of
Marie Kathryn Naab, SHCJ
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Naab
Blog With Us
In Memory of Genevieve Nessinger
Mr. & Mrs. Frank Nessinger
In Memory of Dorothy O’Brien, SHCJ
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Carberry
On Thursday, March 29, 2012, the
Fourth Annual Holy Child Awards
Dinner was hosted in New York, NY.
Kathleen DiChiara received the Faith
in Action Award and John D. Feerick
received the Holy Child Spirit Award.
We would like to thank those who
provided generous support through
sponsorship, general donations and
congratulatory and business ads
in the program book. The proceeds
generated from this event benefited
those served by the Society’s ministries.
In Memory of Aquilla Peterson, SHCJ
Kathleen Sheridan
In Memory of Kathleen Martin
Elizabeth Chesnes
In Memory of John Link
Mr. & Mrs. Larry Link
In Memory of Kathleen O’Neill, SHCJ
Deborah Horstmann
In Memory of Lois Schneider
Patricia Brown
Mr. & Mrs. Charles Connolly, Jr.
James Heffernan
Leading Real Estate Companies
of the World
Paul Maloney
John Robb
Richard Romano
The Hartigan Family
Katie Zito
Watch Us on YouTube
See our photos
In Memory of Timothy Hickey
Mr. & Mrs. R. Stanley Schuck
In Memory of Kathleen Christopher
Mr. & Mrs. Kevin Kerrigan
Mary LeDoux
Maria Molettieri
Patricia Muxie
Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Palmer
Abbey Capital (US), LLC
Aetna, Inc.
Magda Albina
Anne Healy Ayella
Mr. & Mrs. Henry Baer
Mr. & Mrs. Dan Bane
William Bautz
Geoff Bland
Mr. & Mrs. Rick Braddock
Mrs. William Breeze
Mr. & Mrs. Timothy Brosnan
Margaret Burns
C.S. McKee, L.P.
Peter Cheney
Rosemary Clark
Sharon Clark
Susan Closkey
Colleran, O’Hara & Mills, L.L.P.
Connelly School of the
Holy Child, Potomac, MD
Conner Printing, Inc.
John Connolly
Patricia Cooney
Mr. & Mrs. Jack Cooper
Marie Corbet-Peterson
Cornelia Connelly School of the
Holy Child, Anaheim, CA
In Memory of Bill Smaltz
Mr. & Mrs. Edward McLaughlin
In Memory of Rebecca Smith, SHCJ
Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Torelli
In Memory of Sally Smith
Holy Child Academy,
Sharon, PA Class of ‘56
In Memory of Marion Tietje
Jacob L. Reiss Foundation
In Memory of Mary Yura Selepes
John Yura
In Memory of
M. Anthony Weinig, SHCJ
Mary Gay Moore
Mary Cullen
Joan Cunningham
Eileen Currie, MSC
Joseph Currie, S.J.
Laura Dillon
Ursula Duffy
Mary Ellen Dundon
Eagle Capital Management, L.L.C.
Mr. & Mrs. John Feerick
Kevin Feerick
Mary-Ann Feldman
Patricia Fell
Msgr. John Ferry
Nancy Fink
Mr. & Mrs. Fenton Fitzpatrick, Sr.
Fordham Law School
Fordham University
Susan Gadziala
Barbara Hack
Rosemary Halstead
Margaret Healy, Ph.D.
Mr. & Mrs. Jack Heffernan
Holy Child Academy, Drexel Hill, PA
Holy Child Academy, Old Westbury, NY
Hope Partnership for Education
Althea Howe
John Weber, Inc.
Margaret Jordan
Eileen Kavanagh-Luff, MD, MPA
Joan Keating
Mary Anne Kelleher
Mr. & Mrs. Dennis Kenny
Lincoln Benefits Group, Inc.
Annette Magruder
Malvern Retreat House
Manning & Napier Advisors, LLC
Elizabeth Marren
Mayfield Junior School of the
Holy Child Jesus, Pasadena, CA
Mayfield Senior School of the
Holy Child Jesus, Pasadena, CA
Ellen McCarron
Mr. & Mrs. Denis McInerney
Gale Metzger
Mr. & Mrs. Troy and Terri Miller
Virginia Moriarty
Clare Norton
Oak Knoll School of the
Holy Child, Summit, NJ
Dr. Michele Dahl
John O’Connell, Jr.
Bernard O’Connor
Anne O’Mara Russell
The Honorable & Mrs. George Pagano
Parish Property Management, Inc.
Payden & Rygel
Penn Liberty Bank
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Pollock
Mr. & Mrs. William and Marie Poulsen
Presidential Promotions, Inc.
Providence Center
Anne Reimel
Susan G. Restler
Rosemont College
Rosemont School of the Holy Child,
Rosemont, PA
Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Sanseverino
School of the Holy Child, Rye, NY
Schubert, Gallagher, Tyler & Mulcahey
Virginia Sermier
SHCJ Associates, U.S.A.
Madeline Mary Sherry, Esq.
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Shields
Skaden, Arps, Slate, Meagher
& Flom LLP & Associates
Kathy Tatlow
The Communication Solutions
Group, Inc.
The Haverford Trust
Mary Evelyn Tucker, Ph.D.
Villanova University
Ann Marie Wallace
Bernadette Wallace
Maryann Watt
The Williams/Benson Group at
Morgan Stanley Private
Wealth Management
Jennifer Yu
Proceeds from the Holy
Child Awards Dinner benefit
the ministries of the Society
of the Holy Child Jesus,
American Province.
Honoring Those Who Light the Way
On Thursday, March 14, 2013, the Sisters of the Holy
Child Jesus held their fifth annual Awards Dinner at the
Radisson Hotel Valley Forge in King of Prussia, PA. Mrs.
Marianne Grace was honored with the Faith in Action
Award, and Mr. Christopher McNabb received the Holy
Child Spirit Award. Both Marianne and Christopher
embody the theme of the evening, “Lighting the Way.”
For more than two decades, Mrs. Grace has held key
positions in Pennsylvania’s Delaware County and
currently serves as the County’s Executive Director. Mrs.
Grace was a trustee of Holy Child Academy, Drexel Hill,
and her children, Ryan (in 1998) and Kelly (in 2000),
graduated from the school. Mr. McNabb is the youngest
person to be honored with the Holy Child Spirit Award.
He is a 2001 graduate of the Rosemont School of the
Holy Child and currently serves as the Director of
Campus Ministry at St. Augustine Prep, Richland, NJ.
Anita Coll, Head of Holy Child
Academy in Drexel Hill, introduced
Photo caption
with the Faith in Action Award.
Lighting the Way: Daniela’s Story
Daniela’s aunt vowed that her niece
would remain in the United States.
Faced with protecting Daniela and
operating within immigration laws,
this kind woman sought help from the
Casa Cornelia Law Center (CCLC)
founded in San Diego by the Sisters
of the Holy Child in 1993.
The sixth annual Holy Child Awards Dinner will be
held on Thursday, March 20, 2014, in Los Angeles.Visit
the Society’s American Province website at www.shcj.
org/american for the latest information on the event.
Andrea Santos, Children’s Program
Director (left) and volunteer attorney
Amy Chang (right) congratulate Daniela
(center) on completing her basic training.
Mary Ann Buckley, SHCJ welcomed guests at
the Awards Dinner and thanked them for their
presence and support.
Maya Brown-Hunt ’13 from Holy
Child Academy in Drexel Hill
gave the evening’s invocation.
Elizabeth Dallara ’13 from
Rosemont School of the
Holy Child offered the grace
Photo caption for award winner
following the invocation by
Maya Brown-Hunt.
Born in Columbia, Daniela was
abandoned at the age of four by
her mother and placed in the care
of relatives. But the “care” she
received was anything but kind and
compassionate. By the time Daniela
was nine years old, she was living in
a nightmare of abuse in the home
of her aunt and uncle. At the age of
17, she visited a relative in California
and discovered a kinder side of life.
Within the safety of her aunt’s home
in California, she began to share her
story, allowing in those who could
bring light into her life.
Mary Ann Buckley, SHCJ presented Christopher
McNabb with the Holy Child Spirit Award.
Anne Phyllis Ryan, SHCJ (M. M. Julian)
introduced Christopher via video.
CCLC staff met a teenager who
was traumatized, frightened, and
withdrawn. They realized that Daniela
would be eligible to obtain Special
Immigrant Juvenile Status (SIJS),
entitling her to a green card. The staff
would have to work quickly to submit
Daniela’s application before she turned
18 and was no longer eligible.
Daniela’s aunt was appointed her legal
guardian and the SIJS application
was completed. Although the process
was fraught with roadblocks, the
determination of the CCLC staff was
more than a match for the obstacles.
Lighting the Way: Janika’s Story
When Janika was a fourth grade
student at the Washington Middle
School for Girls (WMSG), teachers
struggled to address her behavioral
issues. Janika was not able to express
what was causing her so much pain.
Eventually, one teacher reached
through to Janika. The door opened
ever so slightly, and slowly, Janika
began to express herself.
Janika’s responsibilities at home were
weighing heavily on her. Because her
mother worked full-time, Janika ran
the household. She was responsible for
getting her younger sister to daycare
and then walking a mile farther to
WMSG. It was no wonder she had no
time to complete her homework!
Janika excels at a top-tier charter
school in Washington, D.C. She works
as a Junior Counselor at the WMSG
Summer Program where she leads
seminars in conflict resolution and
peer interaction.
The Sisters of the Holy Child Jesus
founded the Washington Middle
School for Girls in partnership with
the Religious of Jesus and Mary
and the National Council of Negro
Women in 1998.
Daniela received her green card in
October 2011. She joined the U.S.
Army, completed basic training, was
accepted into a medical training
program, and works as a surgeon’s
*Name changed for confidentiality.
WMSG staff listened and acted.
Teachers volunteered to pick Janika
up in the morning and drop her off
in the afternoon to decrease the time
she spent walking each day. To lighten
Janika’s responsibilities, the school’s
leadership connected the family
with resources that allowed them to
improve their financial and housing
situations. Janika was soon able to
focus on being a child. Her attitude
improved and so did her grades. She
admits that “WMSG taught me to be a
lady and take care of myself.”
Janika beams as she graduates from the
Washington Middle School for Girls.
Photos on this spread by Michael Leslie
The Society of the Holy Child Jesus
is most grateful to the generous
benefactors who support our
international ministries through
Dalton Center. Located in New York,
Dalton Center supports the Sisters
of the Holy Child Jesus serving in
Africa, Chile, and the Dominican
Republic; provides a base for
mission education in schools and
parishes across the country; and is a
hub for solicitation and distribution
of funds for overseas ministries.
Anonymous (38)
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Agresti
Greg Aman
Kathy Anderson
Patricia Anderson
Mr. & Mrs. Francis Arnolds
Helen Arnolds
Samuel Arthin
Mr. & Mrs. James Baker
Dean Barkley
Susan Barkley
Mr. & Mrs. Bennett Barrios
Robin Baumgartner
Mr. & Mrs. Charles Bechtel
Janet Beck-Hillesheim
Suzanne Beier
Mary Bendoraitis
Peggy Bleskacek
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Boken
Anthea Bosch
Mr. & Mrs. David Bryce
Mr. & Mrs. Leo Bulger
Joan Byrem
Maureen Callison
Michael Carroll
Rev. William Carroll
Zita Chan
Joseph Cheddar
Elizabeth Clarke, SHCJ
Barbara Coman
Maureen Corbett
Francine Gunther, SHCJ
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Coulston
Ms. Susan Craig
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Crawford
Linsey Daly
Barbara DeConcini, Ph.D.
Kerri Delaney-Horton
Sarah DeMare
Mr. & Mrs. Stanley Deming
Mr. & Mrs. John Denman
Dale Dion
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph DiSalvo
Raymond Dlugos
Margaret Doherty, SHCJ
Mr. & Mrs. Frederick Donahue
Robert Donnelly
Mr. & Mrs. Gary Dribnak
Catherine Duffy
Kari Edwards
Ophelia Essien
Mr. & Mrs. James Etter
Cynthia Feldmeier
Mr. & Mrs. Tom Fielder, Jr.
Marian Flaherty
Monica Foley
Mary Frank
Rosemarie Gallucci
Catherine Gasiorowicz
Mr. & Mrs. Don Gayhardt
Mr. & Mrs. Jerrold Gershone
Kathleen Gibbons Schuck
Arlene Gibbons
Marian Graczyk
Melanie Grant
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Graziano
Carolyn Grossman
Geraldine Hacket
Mr. & Mrs. David Hagens
Barry Schneider & Christy Hall
Joan Hanly
Clarita Hanson, SHCJ
Jeanne Marie Hatch, SHCJ
Cheryl Haverinen
Rosemary Hayes, SHCJ
Nancy Hazlett
James Heins
Philip Heinz
John Henry
Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence Heyl
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Heyl
Mary Jane Hicks, SHCJ
Curtis Houlihan
Jennifer Ibach Lunquist
Shirley Janzen
Don Johansson
Joan Karnas
Mr. & Mrs. Orrin Kessel
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Knudslien
M. Sharon Kreitzberg
Joan Kudrys
Mr. & Mrs. Bernard Larson
Gladys Latshaw
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Lauria
Judith Linden
Mr. & Mrs. Walter Linden
Kay Lohmann
James Lynch
Kathleen Lynch
Terri MacKenzie, SHCJ
Stan Mader
Sharon Malinowski
Amanda Maloof
Ruth Marcianna
Mary Ann Mastel
Mr. & Mrs. John McCarthy
Joseph McCarthy
Kristine McCarthy
Mr. & Mrs. Timothy McConville
Kathleen McDaniel
Roseanne McDougall, SHCJ
Caitlin McElwee
Mary McElwee
Janice McGrane, SSJ
Marguerite McHugh
Paul McHugh
Mr. & Mrs. Robert McHugh
Katherine McKittrick †
Pauline McShain, SHCJ
Mr. & Mrs. Jacob Mehl
Mr. & Mrs. Bill Meier
Lily Meijer
Mary Miller
Mr. & Mrs. Timothy Miller
Margaret Minogue-Heyl
Zoe Mirfakhraie
Dr. Curtis Mock
Rosamond Moxon
Shaunah Murrell
Margaret Naab, SHCJ
Mr. & Mrs. Craig Nakken
Tamara Napastek
Mr. & Mrs. Steven Neiman
Kim Nguyen
Luke Nichols
Teresa O’Boyle
Mr. & Mrs. James O’Carroll
Mr. & Mrs. Laurence O’Donnell
Lauren O’Gara
Phyllis O’Hearn
William O’Neill
Mr. & Mrs. John Osterhout
Juan Padilla
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Patterson
Thomas Peichel
Ms. Michelle Peluso
Mr. George Pelyak
Mr. & Mrs. John Perry
Mr. & Mrs. Rocco Petrillo
1SG Frances Phelan
Letitia Principato
Mr. & Mrs. Patrick Quinn
Florence Rice, SHCJ
Jane Roach, SHCJ
Richard Rocheford
Margaret Rogers, SHCJ
Kathleen Romano
Margaret Ronzani
Marianne Ruane
Mr. & Mrs. Edward Sanfilippo
Mr. & Mrs. Leonard Schafer
Charleen Schulcz †
Ellen Schuller
Roger Serratore
Wendy Sharpe
Patricia Shea
Kathleen Sheridan
Mr.& Mrs. Michael Sherin
Louise Sheyker
Delrena Sides
Noreen Slater
Carol Ann Smith, SHCJ
Gerald Sobiesk
Joan Stacks
James Stauner
Elizabeth Sullivan
Nora Sweeney, SHCJ
Mary Beth Trine
Mary Trometer
Theresa Unser
Kathleen Valenta
Chris Vatterott
Sophia Velez
Joseph Versailles
Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey Wakefield
Daniel Waldmann
Mr. & Mrs David Walsh
Lois Weilkrach
Sharron Good & Leslie Weisman
Mr. & Mrs. Roger Wells
Scott Zurat
Chevron Humankind
Matching Gift Program
Special Solutions, Inc.
Glenola Club of Loyola Center
Sisters of Charity, B.V.M.
Cornelia Connelly School of the
Holy Child, Anaheim, CA
Holy Child Academy, Drexel Hill, PA
Holy Child School, Dublin, Ireland
Mayfield Junior School of the
Holy Child Jesus, Pasadena, CA
Mayfield Senior School of the
Holy Child Jesus, Pasadena, CA
Oak Knoll School of the
Holy Child, Summit, NJ
Rosemont School of the
Holy Child, Rosemont, PA
School of the Holy Child, Rye, NY
In Honor of Marlene Brownett, SHCJ
Elizabeth Clarke, SHCJ
Mary Jane Hicks, SHCJ
Florence Rice, SHCJ
Margaret Rogers, SHCJ
Nora Sweeney, SHCJ
In Honor of Billy Byrem
Joan Byrem
In Honor of Elinor Callanan, SHCJ
Elizabeth Clarke, SHCJ
Mary Jane Hicks, SHCJ
Florence Rice, SHCJ
Margaret Rogers, SHCJ
Nora Sweeney, SHCJ
Margaret Rogers, SHCJ
Nora Sweeney, SHCJ
In Honor of Kathleen Gibbons Schuck
Janice McGrane, SSJ
In Honor of
Elizabeth Gorvin, SHCJ
Dale Dion
In Honor of
Mary Catherine Henry, SHCJ
Luke Nichols
In Honor of Thomas Lawless
Gladys Latshaw
In Honor of Melda Costello
Gladys Latshaw
In Honor of Barbara Linen, SHCJ
Elizabeth Clarke, SHCJ
Mary Jane Hicks, SHCJ
Florence Rice, SHCJ
Margaret Rogers, SHCJ
Nora Sweeney, SHCJ
In Honor of Margaret Crowley, SHCJ
Elizabeth Clarke, SHCJ
Mary Jane Hicks, SHCJ
Florence Rice, SHCJ
Margaret Rogers, SHCJ
Nora Sweeney, SHCJ
In Honor of M. Theodosia Linus, SHCJ
Elizabeth Clarke, SHCJ
Mary Jane Hicks, SHCJ
Florence Rice, SHCJ
Margaret Rogers, SHCJ
Nora Sweeney, SHCJ
In Honor of Margaret Doherty, SHCJ
Elizabeth Clarke, SHCJ
Mary Jane Hicks, SHCJ
Florence Rice, SHCJ
Margaret Rogers, SHCJ
Nora Sweeney, SHCJ
In Honor of Elizabeth Loomis, SHCJ
Elizabeth Clarke, SHCJ
Mary Jane Hicks, SHCJ
Florence Rice, SHCJ
Margaret Rogers, SHCJ
Nora Sweeney, SHCJ
In Honor of Robert Doriscall
Gladys Latshaw
In Honor of Kathleen Lynch
Sarah DeMare
Adrienne Joanne Bennett
In Honor of Margaret Doyle, SHCJ
Nora Sweeney, SHCJ
In Honor of Jay McCann, SHCJ
Elizabeth Clarke, SHCJ
Mary Jane Hicks, SHCJ
Florence Rice, SHCJ
Margaret Rogers, SHCJ
Nora Sweeney, SHCJ
Our Lady of Good Counsel Church,
Pompton Plains, NJ
Rye Presbyterian Church, Rye, NY
St. Luke Catholic Church, Charlotte, NC
St. Thecla Parish, Pembroke, MA
St. Thomas of Villanova, Rosemont, PA
Valley of the Sun United Way, AZ
In Honor of Coleen Bradley
Sarah DeMare
In Honor of Mary Bryan, SHCJ
Cheryl Haverinen
In Honor of Eleanor “Joyce” Connolly
Gladys Latshaw
In Honor of Peter DuBois
Gladys Latshaw
In Honor of
Elizabeth Fitzmaurice, SHCJ
Elizabeth Clarke, SHCJ
Mary Jane Hicks, SHCJ
Florence Rice, SHCJ
In Honor of Katherine McKittrick
Helen Arnolds
In Honor of Edwina Menten, SHCJ
Curtis Houlihan
In Honor of Mary Alice Minogue, SHCJ
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph DiSalvo
William O’Neill
In Honor of William Robinson
Gladys Latshaw
In Honor of Eileen Moughan, SHCJ
Margaret Doherty, SHCJ
In Honor of Mary Sciarrillo
Kathleen Lynch
In Honor of Elizabeth Muir, SHCJ
Elizabeth Clarke, SHCJ
Mary Jane Hicks, SHCJ
Florence Rice, SHCJ
Margaret Rogers, SHCJ
Nora Sweeney, SHCJ
In Honor of Thomas Stiffler
Letitia Principato
In Honor of Ann Murray, SHCJ
Elizabeth Clarke, SHCJ
Mary Jane Hicks, SHCJ
Florence Rice, SHCJ
Margaret Rogers, SHCJ
Nora Sweeney, SHCJ
In Memory of William Byrem
Joan Byrem
In Honor of Scott Myers
Robert Donnelly
In Honor of Margaret Naab, SHCJ
Elizabeth Clarke, SHCJ
Mary Jane Hicks, SHCJ
Florence Rice, SHCJ
Margaret Rogers, SHCJ
Nora Sweeney, SHCJ
In Honor of Veronica Openibo, SHCJ
Margaret Doherty, SHCJ
Nora Sweeney, SHCJ
In Honor of Alice Penrose, SHCJ
Mr. & Mrs. Don Gayhardt
In Honor of
the Provincial Leadership Team
Terri MacKenzie, SHCJ
In Memory of Steve Horner
Jane Roach, SHCJ
In Memory of Aquilla Peterson, SHCJ
Kathleen Sheridan
In Memory of William Howell
Jane Roach, SHCJ
In Memory of Walter Reilly, S.J.
Judith Linden
In Memory of James Jackson, Jr.
Phyllis O’Hearn
In Memory of William Reilly, S.J.
Judith Linden
In Memory of Christopher Kiley
Gladys Latshaw
In Memory of Ruth Rigney
Jane Roach, SHCJ
In Memory of
Thomas and Patricia Lynch
Kathleen Lynch
In Memory of Ethel Colantuoni
Phyllis O’Hearn
In Memory of
Elizabeth McNamara, SHCJ
Kathleen Gibbons Schuck
In Memory of Joseph Colantuoni
Phyllis O’Hearn
In Memory of Monica Michaud
Jane Roach, SHCJ
In Memory of Elizabeth Costa
Mr. & Mrs. Charles Bechtel
In Memory of James Milano
Gladys Latshaw
In Memory of George Craczyk
Jane Roach, SHCJ
In Memory of Constance Murray, Ph.D.
Sharron Good & Leslie Weisman
In Memory of James Schuller
Francis Arnolds
Helen Arnolds
Robert Coulston
Bonnie Jean Derming
Robert Donnelly
Monica Foley
Catherin Gasiorowicz
Mr. & Mrs. Jerrold Gershone
James Heinz
Philip Heinz
Mr. and Mrs. Orrin Kessel
Karen Klein
Stan Mader
Timothy McConville
Kathleen McDaniel
Mary Miller
Mr. & Mrs. Craig Nakken
Juan Padilla
Thomas Peichel
Richard Rocheford
In Memory of Sr. Angela Crotty
Margaret Ronzani
In Memory of Dennis O’Connell
Kathleen Gibbons Schuck
In Memory of Rita Sherwood
Gladys Latshaw
In Memory of Teresa Davis
Jane Roach, SHCJ
In Memory of David O’Malley
Gladys Latshaw
In Memory of Clara Ubaka
Kathleen Gibbons Schuck
In Memory of Judith Delaney, SHCJ
Dale Dion
In Memory of Robert Vuillemenot
Gladys Latshaw
In Memory of Dennis Doyle
Jane Roach, SHCJ
In Memory of Kathleen O’Neill, SHCJ
Lily Meijer
isters of the Holy Child Jesus,
Primos, PA
In Memory of George Graczyk
Marian Graczyk
In Memory of Helen Paytas
Kathleen Gibbons Schuck
In Memory of Darlyne Whyte
Jane Roach, SHCJ
In Memory of Mary Hannigan
Jane Roach, SHCJ
In Memory of Marie Piccoli
Jane Roach, SHCJ
In Memory of Frances York
Marian Graczyk
In Memory of Paul Cargill
Gladys Latshaw
In Memory of Tim Cavanagh
Jane Roach, SHCJ
In Memory of Mary Jane McCarthy
Charleen Schulcz †
In Memory of Thomas McHugh
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Crawford
Paul McHugh
In Memory of Katherine McKittrick
Mary Miller
In Memory of Margaret Wentzell
Gladys Latshaw
The Cornelian
The Society of the Holy Child Jesus has
been the recipient of bequests from
family members, graduates, and other
friends over the years. Donors who feel
they need their capital during their
lifetimes sometimes choose to make
charitable gift provisions in their wills.
Please remember the Society of the
Holy Child Jesus – American Province in
your estate plan (wills or trust arrangements). If you would like more information about a bequest or other planned
gifts to the Society, please contact:
The Cornelian Society recognizes
friends and family members who
have included the Society of the
Holy Child Jesus in their wills or
trust arrangements.
Sandra Lovascio,
Director of Development
1341 Montgomery Avenue
Rosemont, PA 19010
610.626.1400, ext. 301 phone
610.525.2910 fax
[email protected]
Anonymous (14)
Margaret Burba Anderson
Marguerite Bader and John Foundos
Stephanie Walsh Beilman
Susan Mongiello Bocchetti
Lorraine McGovern Brennan
Barbara Chap
Susan Collins
Roy Conry, O. Carm
Deborah Cotter
Dorothy Salisbury Davis
Janice Hudecheck Davis
Robert Efinger Dietmeyer
Marilyn Dunn DiFeliciantonio
Karen Burke Dunn
Miriam Ellinger †
West Philadelphia
Catholic Girls High School Alumnae
Show Their Appreciation
Members of West Philadelphia Catholic Girls High School’s Class of 1961 have
fond memories of their high school years and the Sisters who contributed to
their intellectual, social and spiritual growth. The Sisters of the Holy Child were
among the many congregations of women religious who taught there. Fifty
years after graduating, the Class of ’61 wanted to show their appreciation for the
education they received. They collected contributions from classmates and sent
donations to each of the communities of sisters who made up West Catholic’s
faculty. The Sisters of the Holy Child used their donation to purchase two
La-Z-Boy recliners for the sitting room at Holy Child Center.
Geraldine Graham
Bernadette Carson Guzewicz
Elaine Teeley Hamill
Anna Hamilton
Carolyn Hughes
M. Corinne Bonner Jordan
Elizabeth Schwarz Lamb, M.D., J.D.
Catherine Jane Lynch
Gabriella Maertens
Margaret McDonnell
Dorothy Cobb McGeehan
Katherine McKittrick †
Carol Coulter McMenamin
Bella Micolucci
Dolores Dougherty Muldoon
Lilyan Stenglein (Bennett) Mulvaney
Alice Murray
Terri Moffa Paramitu
Sandra Novak Parsons
George Pelyak
Patricia Pfister-Mattei
Mary Beth Regan
Wendy Ricker, Ph.D.
Kathleen Carroll Riviello
Suzanne Ryer
Dr. Angela Seracini
Madeline Sherry, Esq.
Beverely Sims
Madeline Smith
Judith Talvacchia
Ann Marie Wallace, Ph.D.
Bernadette Wallace
Patricia Bernstein Wells
Margaret Martyn Wheeler
Dr. Ora Wry
Margaret McIlhone
Frederick Peters
Portia Spina
† denotes donor is deceased
The Capital Campaign report lists
all fiscal year donations and pledge
payments from alums, family,
and friends received between
September 1, 2011 and August 31, 2012.
Nancy Battilega
Frances Byers, Ph.D.
Loretta Kelly
Kathleen Meriwether
Conner Printing, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. John Cronin
West Philadelphia Catholic Girls
High School Class of 1961
This report lists all gifts received
between September 1, 2011 and
August 31, 2012. We regret any errors
or omissions. We would greatly
appreciate having them reported
to the Development Office of the
Society of the Holy Child Jesus by
phone 610.626.1400, x301 or e-mail:
[email protected].
Mary Ann Buckley, SHCJ
Province Leader
Sandra Lovascio
Director of Development
Michael Paolucci
Development Coordinator
Tese Currie, SHCJ
Special Projects, Communications
Susan Kapusta
Kim Cavallero
Contributing Writer
Beth Drost
Contributing Writer
The Communications Solutions Group
Society of the Holy Child Jesus
U.S. Postage
Chester, PA
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american province
1341 Montgomery Avenue
Rosemont, Pennsylvania 19010
Because the Society is committed to caring responsibly for the
environment, our Annual Report is printed on 55% recycled paper
with 30% post-consumer fiber.
Have you moved or changed
your e-mail address?
Holy Child Ministries
The Sisters of the Holy Child Jesus serve in education,
health care, law, parish administration, pastoral care, social
work, and spiritual direction. In addition, the Society
of the Holy Child Jesus sponsors the ministries below.
Casa Cornelia Law Center (San Diego)
Cornelia Connelly School of the Holy Child (Anaheim)
Mayfield Junior School of the Holy Child Jesus (Pasadena)
Mayfield Senior School of the Holy Child Jesus (Pasadena)
South Central Los Angeles Ministry Project (Los Angeles)
District of Columbia
Washington Middle School for Girls
Cristo Rey St. Martin College Prep (Waukegan)
Connelly School of the Holy Child (Potomac)
New Jersey
Oak Knoll School of the Holy Child (Summit)
New York
Cornelia Connelly Center (New York City)
Cristo Rey New York High School (New York City)
Dalton Center for Mission (Rye)
Holy Child Academy (Old Westbury)
School of the Holy Child (Rye)
UNANIMA International (NGO, United Nations)
African Sisters Education Collaborative (Philadelphia)
Holy Child Academy (Drexel Hill)
Hope Partnership for Education (Philadelphia)
Providence Center (Philadelphia)
Rosemont College (Rosemont)
Rosemont School of the Holy Child (Rosemont)
Centro Cornelia Connelly (Santiago)
Dominican Republic
Holy Child Elementary School,
Fe y Alegría (Santo Domingo)
Our Lady of Good Counsel Dispensary,
Fe y Alegría (Santo Domingo) Please send your updated
information to [email protected].
Join Us in Prayer
In a world that runs 24/7, it is essential to
slow down, take stock, and pray. This is
often easier said than done. Let us help you
stop for a minute during your busy day by
sending our monthly meditations to your
inbox once a month. These short videos
have been a source of comfort and strength
for many. Visit
and click on Monthly Meditations.