Geoelectric Resistance Scanning on Parts of Abydos Cemetery
Geoelectric Resistance Scanning on Parts of Abydos Cemetery
Archaeological Prospection Archaeol. Prospect. 6, 225±239 (1999) Geoelectric Resistance Scanning on Parts of Abydos Cemetery Region, Sohag Governorate, Upper Egypt M. M. EL-GAMILI1, A. S. EL-MAHMOUDI1*, S. SH. OSMAN2, A. GH. HASSANEEN2 AND M. A. METWALY2 1 Department of Geology, Faculty of Science, El-Mansoura University, El-Mansoura, 35516, Egypt 2 National Research Institute of Astronomy and Geophysics (NRIAG), Helwan, Cairo, Egypt ABSTRACT The ancient Egyptian Abedju (original name of the present Abydos) locality is a famous archaeological site southwest of Balyana town, Sohag Governorate, Upper Egypt. It is located to the west of the agricultural land of the Nile Valley. The locality represents one of the most important burial grounds for kings and high court dignitaries in ancient Egypt. Shallow geophysical techniques are considered as one of the most accurate and cost-effective methods used in archaeological prospecting and are considered as rapid and safe techniques in detecting a wide range of buried archaeological features. The geoelectric resistance scanning technique, using the Geoscan RM-15 Resistance Meter, is applied with a twin-electrode configuration at three sites of the unexcavated localities of Abydos area. This technique proved to be a useful means of exploring the sites through mapping the subsurface burial inhomogeneities resulting from the marked resistance contrast between the buried stone and brick walls and the covering fill of sand, silt and clay. Interesting different buried features are imaged and displayed on maps and three-dimensional representations to guide the archaeological excavation programmes at the sites of Umm El-Qaab, Shunet El-Zebib and Kom El-Sultan within the Abydos region. At the Umm El-Qaab site the combined interpretation of the tomography resistance ranges and maps indicate buried walls and rubble as well as an amorphous background area. At the Shunet El-Zebib site, the texture of the images, which show scattered and crowded high-resistance anomalies, confirms the existence of buried tombs at the site, which is surrounded by defence walls. Thus, this site was not a fortress or a palace, but a special cemetery for higher dignitaries. Kom El-Sultan, however, shows a concentration of high-resistance anomalies at the northern part. Thus, these may be c 1999 John Wiley & related to walls and rubble related to a nearby elevated temple. Copyright * Sons, Ltd. Key words: archaeological remains; geophysical prospecting; resistance imaging; Necropolis, Abydos, Upper Egypt. Introduction The Abydos locality is a famous archaeological site located 12 km southwest of El-Balyana town, Sohag Governorate, Upper Egypt. It is located at *Correspondence to: Dr A. S. El-Mahmoudi, Geology Department, Faculty of Science, Mansoura University, Egypt. Email: [email protected] CCC 1075±2196/99/040225±15$17.50 Copyright # 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. the western boundary of the agricultural land of the Nile Valley (latitude 318530 ±318570 N and longitude 268100 ±268150 E, Figure 1). Abydos represents one of the most important holy burial grounds for kings and high court dignitaries in ancient Egypt since the beginning of the early Dynastic period and was a pilgrimage site for the religious Pharaohs for a long time. Rituals for the burial of the dead king and Received 11 June 1999 Accepted 15 July 1999 226 Figure 1. Location map of the area of study at Abydos, Sohag Governorate, Upper Egypt. the accession of his successor were celebrated there. Abydos and its necropolises were both devoted to the worship of the death god Khontamenti ( first of the inhabitants of the Western Kingdom) who had the form of a dog. Under the Old Kingdom, the cult of Osiris, the god of life in the underworld and of resurrection, had gained a foothold at Abydos. Thereafter the temple was devoted to Osiris and Isis as Khontamenti and were both worshipped equally. The myth of Osiris and Isis has been discussed by many authors, e.g. Bicky (1984) and Rogers (1992). The most important part of ancient Abydos was its extensive necropolis, situated in the desert. Four separate areas can be identified. In the most southern part of the necropolis, near Copyright # 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. M. M. El-Gamili et al. El-Araba, there are the tombs of the New Kingdom, the temples of Sethos I and Ramesses II and the so-called Osireion (Figure 2). To the north of the temple is a hill containing burials of the late Old Kingdom. Still further north, between the sanctuary of Osiris and the remains of the walls at Shunt El-Zebieb, there are the tombs of the Middle Kingdom, many of them in the form of small brick pyramids. Here, too, there are burials of other periods, particularly from the Eighteenth to Twentieth Dynasties (1500 BC ±1000 BC) and the late Dynastic Period (Baedeker, 1978). Finally, in the hill of Umm El-Qaab, to the west, are the royal tombs of the earliest Dynasties and the sacred Tomb of Osiris. The presence of water in the Osireion affects access to that portion of the temple as well as eroding the enclosing rocks of the temple. A detailed study of the groundwater at the Osireion and its source using geoelectric resistivity investigations has been discussed by El-Mahmoudi et al. (1998). The hill of Umm El-Qaab was believed to be Osiris's Tomb, and from the Sixth Dynasty onwards the dead from all over Egypt were buried at Abydos. Several kings of the Middle Kingdom as well as wealthy private citizens erected cenotaphs or stelae there. For the pious Egyptian there was no greater blessing than to be buried beside the Tomb of Osiris, or failing this to have his mummy brought temporarily to Abydos to receive the desired consecration, or at the very least to recommend himself to the favour of Osiris, lord of the Underworld, by the erection of a cenotaph or a memorial stone (Baedeker, 1978). The mystery of Abydos At the temple of Seti I in the ancient city of Abydos, part of a plaster overhang crumbled, revealing some most remarkable underlying hieroglyphs. This is a very unusual frieze depicting what appear to be modern machines (Figure 3). This photograph is discussed on the internet, and shows what appears to be a helicopter in the upper left, a submarine in the upper right, a flying disc in the middle (right) and a plane in the lower right. These photographs and glyphs reveal that the Egyptian civilisation was far more mysterious than we have been led to believe. Archaeological Prospection, Vol. 6, 225±239 (1999) Geoelectric Resistance Scanning on Parts of Upper Egypt 227 Figure 2. Abydos Necropolises and Temples (after Baedeker, 1978). Many explanations of mysterious hieroglyphs of Abydos have appeared on the internet. Many do not believe in the existence of the technology in antiquity, some others question the originality of these hieroglyphs, and others suggest the capability of seeing the future. They may, however, represent a dream of the future explained by the artist or priest. The dreams were therefore recorded in Abydos the place of resurrection. Many prophesies appear as dreams in the holy Koran (Surat Yusuf, verses 4, 36, 43 and 44). Geophysical investigations The resistance scanning method The first use of electrical resistance scanning in archaeological prospecting was conducted in Copyright # 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. England in 1946 by R. J. C. Atkinson (Aitken, 1974). Resistance is dependent largely on the water and ionic content of the different subsurface rock materials, such as stone, clay, wet soil, dug soil, sand, etc. Buried walls, building foundations, roads and ditches show up clearly with this technique, as well as tombs, bits and underground cavities. In particular, probes have to be inserted temporarily a few inches into the ground in order to make electrical contact when taking measurements by resistance scanning. In general, with this technique, some archaeological features possibly can be distinguished from small-scale geological effects. The instrument used in the present study is the Geoscan Resistance Meter, RM-15 designed primarily for use with the twin array of electrodes. It Archaeological Prospection, Vol. 6, 225±239 (1999) 228 M. M. El-Gamili et al. Figure 3. Photograph showing the strange hieroglyphs at the Temple of Seti I, Abydos area (extracted from the internet, from web site leonardo/abydos.html., 1998). Copyright # 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Archaeological Prospection, Vol. 6, 225±239 (1999) Geoelectric Resistance Scanning on Parts of Upper Egypt can be used with other arrays, such as Wenner, with reasonable accuracy. This is the configuration that will be required for accurate Tomography survey. The instrument includes data-logger memory for area survey mode. In this mode, grid size, traverse interval and sample interval may be set. The data logger keeps track of survey position for both zig-zag and parallel traverses and displays the current grid, line number and line position. All the automatic facilities enable speed of area coverage and transfer of area coverage and transfer of the data to PC computers. For more information about data treatment and presentation of the results refer to the GR manual, Geoscan Research, RM-15 Resistance Meter (1993). The results obtained are in the form of resistance images and maps that show anomalous distribution of electrical resistance in the surveyed site. Twin electrode array This configuration is developed especially for archaeology. It is, in effect, the Wenner configuration divided into two parts, with a very large 229 separation between the current and potential pairs. One pair (A and M) is placed in a fixed position and the other pair (B and N) is moved over the site and acts as the mobile detector probe (Figures 4 and 5). Because of the strong gradient of voltage near B, the measured resistance is most influenced by the ground in the vicinity of N. Simple mathematics (Aspinall and Lynam, 1970) show that if the separation of the pairs is at least 30 times their individual spacing, then variations in the separation will affect readings by less than 3%, which is insignificant in resistivity work, especially if the data are filtered for presentation. Once they are so separated, the relative orientation of the probe pairs (A and M) is also irrelevant and penetration is improved, because the current flow from the current probes (A and B) is effectively radial. To achieve the same penetration as, for instance, in the normal Wenner, the probe spacings need to be only about half as great. Thus with 0.5 m spacing the twin electrode configuration sees as deeply as the normal 1 m Wenner, but with greater horizontal resolution. Such a compact array lends itself to construction as a frame with the instrument attached. Figure 4. Electrode configurations. W Wenner; Tw twin array; A and B current electrodes; M and N potential electrodes (after Clark, 1990). Figure 5. The twin probe array set-up for area surveying. Copyright # 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Archaeological Prospection, Vol. 6, 225±239 (1999) 230 The background resistance due to the whole region between M and N is minimized by making a b, where a is the distance between A and M and b is the distance between N and B (Aitken, 1974). Area surveying with the twin array The Geoscan Resistance surveys may consist of either an area survey, the most usual one, or a line survey. For more details about both types of survey, refer to the manual of Geoscan Resistance Meter RM-15. Figure 5 shows a 0.5 m twin array set-up for area surveying. In an area survey the ground is covered by a square of traverses adjacent to one another. The traverses may be either in the same direction all the time, referred to as parallel traverses, or may reverse direction for each new traverse, referred to as zig-zag traverses (Figure 6). The most usual choice of the traverse method is the zig-zag surveying. Zig-zag traverses eliminate the return walk back to the beginning of the next traverse and are thus more efficient than parallel surveys. Of course the probe configuration in use must not be direction dependent, otherwise a striping effect may occur. Survey results and interpretation According to the surface evidence and the opinion of the archaeological inspectors in the area of Abydos, three sites were chosen to make the resistance survey with the Geoscan RM15 Resistance Meter. The locations of these three sites are shown in Figure 7. The task of this geophysical survey is to help in locating anomalies of expected archaeological targets, Figure 6. The two methods for surveys: (a) zig-zag traverses and (b) parallel traverses. Copyright # 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. M. M. El-Gamili et al. which were buried under the surface, depending on the variations in electric resistance of the buried objects and the surrounding medium. The interpretation of the survey results may not always be straight forward owing to a number of complicating factors. Firstly, archaeological anomalies depend on the nature and depth of the structure, local soil type and geology, terrain and climatic conditions. Secondly, the resistance meter also may give a response to non-archaeological structures; this can mask the response required or may be misinterpreted as archaeologically significant. Before examining the anomalies detected in the resistance survey it should be noted that the exceptionally dry conditions at the time of the survey (May and August 1997) had an adverse effect on the speed of surveying and had to be taken into consideration when interpreting the data. This technique has been used extensively in archaeological prospecting in England since the early nineties, e.g. Linford (1993), Aspinall and Pocock (1995), Linford and Linford (1996), Cale et al. (1997), and in the Nile Delta by El-Gamili et al. (1998), as well as many published reports on the internet. The three sites surveyed in Abydos include Umm El-Qaab, Shunt El-Zebib and Kom ElSultan (Figure 7). In the following the results of the geophysical survey will be discussed for each site. Umm El-Qaab site ( pronounced Gaab) Ð `Mother of Pots' The site gets its name from the large numbers of votive vessels left at the spot by the ancient pilgrims. The mud-brick mastabas of the early kings were surrounded by secondary burials belonging to members of their court, servants and animals. The kings' cenotaphs were marked by the fine stone-cut stelae, a feature not found at Saqqarah (Black and Norton, 1993). In 1895±1896, E'Amelineau excavated a series of tombs containing objects with the names of Early Dynastic Kings at Umm El-Qaab. After that, W. M. Flinders Petrie reworked the site in 1900±1901, and found monuments of all the Archaeological Prospection, Vol. 6, 225±239 (1999) Geoelectric Resistance Scanning on Parts of Upper Egypt 231 Figure 7. Location map of the Abydos area and the Necropolises, showing the sites of the resistance surveys. kings of the First and Second Dynasties. The superstructures of the tombs had been lost, and only brick-lined remnants with rows of subsidiary burials remained. The finds included magnificent stone stelae of the kings, and small objects such as clay sealings, ivory and ebony labels, parts of stone vessels and fragmentary furniture. The tomb of Djer (First Dynasty) was believed, during the middle kingdom, to be the tomb of Osiris (Baedeker, 1978). Practically nothing of these monuments is now to be seen. The geological and climatic conditions at the Umm El-Qaab site are the main factors to affect the results. The soil of this area comprises gravelly sands weathered from the plateau, and extends to a few metres in depth. As a result of the sunny and dry weather there was inadequate connection between the electrodes and the ground, which caused some problems in the speed of the survey because of the need of water to enhance good contact. Copyright # 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. The site surveyed (Figure 8) is divided into 10 grids. Each grid is 20 m 20 m, each square is surveyed by making successive zig-zag traverse Figure 8. Surveyed grids at Umm El-Qaab, Abydos, Upper Egypt (for location see Figure 7). Archaeological Prospection, Vol. 6, 225±239 (1999) 232 M. M. El-Gamili et al. Figure 9. Some excavated tombs at archaeological site of Abydos, Upper Egypt. (a) Some excavated structures at Shunet El-Zebib site. (b) Excavated tomb at Umm El-Qaab (east of grids 2 & 4). Copyright # 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Archaeological Prospection, Vol. 6, 225±239 (1999) Geoelectric Resistance Scanning on Parts of Upper Egypt 233 Figure 10. Resistance results and interpretation, Umm El-Qaab, Abydos, Upper Egypt. Copyright # 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Archaeological Prospection, Vol. 6, 225±239 (1999) 234 Figure 11. The grids of the surveyed site at Shunet El-Zebib, Abydos Area, Upper Egypt. lines separated by 1 m. The mobile probe separation is 0.5 m, so the maximum depth of penetration is 1 m. Measurements are recorded digitally by the RM-15 Resistance Meter and subsequently transferred to lap-top computer for storage and preliminary processing. The Geoplot 2 program (1994) and the Surfer 6.04 program (1997) are used for presenting the data as images and maps. It should be noted that there is an excavated tomb (Figure 9a) directly at the eastern side of grids numbers 2 and 4. In grid 8 there is an excavated tomb that was buried by sand and mud bricks prior to this field work (Figure 8). Also, it is important to notice that the walls of the tombs (Figure 9b) were built of burnt bricks having a thickness of about 1.5 m. The excavated material generally consists of find sands with mud-brick remains. Therefore, it is expected that the walls will show up as positive polarity anomalies, whereas the filling material as well as the background materials will show up as negative polarity anomalies. Results and interpretation Figure 10a represents the resistance survey image in terms of simple dot density with higher resistances or positive polarities represented by increasing dot concentrations, and in Figure 10b Copyright # 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. M. M. El-Gamili et al. the output of the program Surfer 6.04 is represented, which shows the contour map of the resistance data. A three-dimensional plot of the same anomalies is represented in Figure 10c. There is much coincidence between each anomaly image, the contour mapping and the three-dimensional plot. The crowded high-resistance data represent the archaeological burials on the contour map, and the higher anomaly values on the three-dimensional map. The remainder is the background resistance, which is of lower or negative polarity on both the contour map and the three-dimensional plot. Therefore, the combined interpretation results obtained from the above images and maps can be summarized in Figure 10d, which shows the buried walls, their surrounding rubble as well as the amorphous background areas. It can be recommended that future excavation plans start at the boundaries between very high-resistance and very low-resistance anomalies and follow the low-resistance anomalies to find the remains within the tombs. In other words, do not dig on walls, but dig within the rooms or tomb cavities, in order to save time, money and show the sides of the walls for architectural survey aspects. Shunet El-Zebib site This site is surrounded by an outer and an inner (and higher) wall (originally 13 m high) built of sun-dried brick. The walls were covered with white plaster, like the white walls of Memphis. This complex measures about 120 m 45 m, and probably dates from the Second Dynasty (Baedeker, 1978); however, some Egyptologists contest that it is older. The site was considered as a palace (Baedeker, 1978), however Black and Norton (1993) state that the interior seems to have been filled with small dwellings. Also, the popular view of this structure as a fortress is undoubtedly erroneous (Baedeker, 1978). The soil of the area consists now of wind blown sands. Previous excavations have revealed some rooms or tombs, especially in the entrance of the area (see Figure 9a). Also it is noticed that these rooms are built of massive mud-bricks and filled with friable sand. The dimension of each room is 2.5 m 1.5 m. Archaeological Prospection, Vol. 6, 225±239 (1999) Geoelectric Resistance Scanning on Parts of Upper Egypt 235 Figure 12. Resistance results, Shunet El-Zebib site, Abydos, Upper Egypt. Copyright # 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Archaeological Prospection, Vol. 6, 225±239 (1999) 236 Figure 13. The grids of the site surveyed at Kom El-Sultan, Abydos Area, Upper Egypt. The surveyed site is divided into nine grids, each grid is 20 m 20 m, as shown in Figure 11. Each squared grid was scanned by making successive zig-zag traverses by line separations equal to 1 m. The mobile probe separation is 1 m, so the maximum depth of penetration is 2 m. The station interval is 1 m apart. Results and interpretation Figure 12a represents the dot density image, with higher resistances represented by increasing dot concentrations. The corresponding anomalies are shown by an image plot in grey scale with solid shadings. These solid shadings represent the archaeological features, whereas those with lighter shading represent the background resistances. A contour map and a three-dimensional plot of the resistance data are represented in Figure 12b and c. By comparing these results with the excavated features (Figure 9a) in the site as well as the opinions of archaeologists, it can be noticed that the texture of the images and size of these excavated features agree with the dimensions of the resistance anomalies in the images, so we can interpret the scattered anomalies all over the site as scattered archaeological features that can be considered as tombs. These tombs extend in depth to 2 m below the ground surface. Also, the lack of obvious road design in the images confirms the non-existence of dwelling conditions at this site, as the features overlap each other as tombs of narrow dimensions (2.5 m 1.5 m). Copyright # 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. M. M. El-Gamili et al. Such excavated dimensions (2.5 m 1.5 m) appear as too narrow for living rooms, but appear mostly as tombs in the sacred holy land of Abydos. If this proves to be correct through future excavations, then the question of the fenced perimeter can be answered through the dismissal of the interpretation as a fortress or dwelling site. In this case the walls surrounding the site acted as a guardian for the higher dignitaries' necropolis. For other persons, however, the guarding authority is expected to make a charge or raise taxes for holy burial of the dead or his memorials in the land of resurrection of Abydos. Kom El-Sultan site The centre of the ancient walled town and temple of Osiris is located in the mound known as Kom El-Sultan. The most important feature of the town must have been the temple, at first for Khontamenti and from the Twelfth Dynasty for Osiris. The temple was built in brick, with only a few elements, such as door jambs and lintels, in stone. This accounts in part for its almost complete destruction. The earliest objects that were found were from the beginning of the First Dynasty: a vase fragment of King `Aha', and a number of small stones and faience figures of men, animals, and reptiles. Starting with Khufu of the Fourth Dynasty (an ivory statuette, the only preserved likeness of him), almost all kings of the Old Kingdom down to Pepy II are represented among the finds. In the Middle Kingdom Nebhepetre, Mentuhotpe probably added a small shrine to the existing temple, and from then on many kings are represented down to the Seventeenth Dynasty. In the Eighteenth Dynasty, Amenophis I, Tuthmusis III and Amenophis III carried out rebuilding work, and all the major Ramessids are represented, including Ramesses II by a complete temple nearby. In the late period, Apries, Amasis and Nectanebo I feature prominently. The temple probably continued to function well into the Graeco-Roman period. The site of Kom El-Sultan is enclosed by massive mud-brick walls of the Thirtieth Dynasty (Baines and Malek, 1992). Archaeological Prospection, Vol. 6, 225±239 (1999) Geoelectric Resistance Scanning on Parts of Upper Egypt 237 Figure 14. Resistance results for Kom El-Sultan site, Abydos, Upper Egypt. Copyright # 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Archaeological Prospection, Vol. 6, 225±239 (1999) 238 The area surveyed is divided into 12 grids, each is 20 m 20 m (Figure 13). Each squared grid was surveyed by making successive zig-zag traverse lines separated by 1 m. The mobile probe separation was 0.5 m, so the maximum depth of penetration was 1 m, with a station interval of 1 m. Field observations in the site surveyed indicate the probable remains of a destroyed temple on an elevated surface in grids 1, 2, 5 and 6, which had a relief of 6 m above the ground surface. This temple was built of bricks and the door jambs and inlets were made of limestone. The soil comprises a mixture of weathered sand, limestone fragments and mud bricks. At the infill western side of grids 1, 5 and 9 there is a recently excavated temple outside the wall. The temple appears to be built of massive mud-bricks and contains some statues and columns of limestone and granite. Excavation of the temple by an American archaeological expedition had not been completed at the time of the survey. Results and interpretation Figure 14a shows the results of the resistance survey in terms of simple dot density, with higher resistances represented by increasing dot concentrations. For more details, however, the data were transferred to Surfer program Ver 6.04 (1997) and a contour map for the resistance data is represented in Figure 14b. Inspection of the image and processed map indicates that the high-resistance anomalies are concentrated on the western side of the site surveyed, whereas the remaining area is very smooth (i.e. non-anomalous background or amorphous areas). The anomalous western side does not indicate a particular pattern, which suggests that rubble occupies grids 1, 2, 5, 6 and 9, probably related to the elevated wall located to the west of the survey site. Conclusions Three sites in the Abydos archaeological area were surveyed using the Geoscan RM-15 Resistance Meter. The twin configuration was used for this purpose with the mobile electrode (C1P1) Copyright # 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. M. M. El-Gamili et al. having a separation of 0.5 m at both Umm ElQaab and Kom El-Sultan, whereas at Shunet ElZebib a separation of 1 m has been used, with the fixed electrode (C2P2) located at 30 m distance from the square surveyed. The automatically logged resistance data are then processed and interpreted using PC desk computer Geoplot software (1995) and Surfer software (1997), which produce contour maps and three-dimensional diagrams. The interpretation of such maps for the expected archaeological features and patterns depends on the resistance contrast between the buried archaeological features and the surrounding background lithology. Thus, the resistance anomalies are related to suitable and expected buried elements such as stone or brick walls, rock foundations, rubbles, ditches, roads, canals, tombs, etc. The combined interpretation of the images and maps indicates that: (i) at the Umm El-Qaab site, walls and rubble derived from the walls can be traced within an amorphous background; (ii) at the Shunet El-Zebib site, the texture of the images show scattered and crowded highresistance anomalies, which suggest buried tombs in a field that is surrounded with still intact thick clay brick walls bounding the site Ð i.e. the site represents a cemetery for high-ranking dignitaries and not a palace or fortress; (iii) at the Kom El-Sultan site, where superficial inspection indicated a temple and wall located to the west, concentration of highresistance anomalies at the western part of the site surveyed can be related to rubble from the nearby elevated wall. References Aitken, M. J. (1974). 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