Retriever Review - Rose City Labrador Retriever Club


Retriever Review - Rose City Labrador Retriever Club
Retriever Review
Founded 1975
Issue 4 ~ April 2016
In this Issue
President’s Message
Wanted: Volunteers!
Brags & Wags
Meeting Minutes
Event Schedule
Field Training Fun Day Information
2016 B-Match Flyer and Sign-up
Upcoming Events
April General Membership Meeting
Friday, April 22 at 7:00 PM,
Elmers, Delta Park, OR
Hunt Training Day
Friday, April 22 at 7:00 PM,
Elmers, Delta Park, OR
Please get brags, ads, litter listings,
photos, special announcements, etc. to the
newlestter editor by the 25th of each month!
President’s Message
Hello Lab Peeps! Hope those of you that went to SJVLRC had a
wonderful time, whether you came away with ribbons or not. This is
starting out to be a busy year!
We have many upcoming events: WC, B-match, Hunt Test, Specialty...
All are in need of volunteers to help them run smoothly, so please contact
the chair people to see what you can do. Speaking of volunteers, we have
a chair for the hunt test! Thank you to Adrienne Harding for stepping into
this role for our club.
There has been discussion about a service called Zooza to do our entries
rather than BaRay, not for this year but perhaps in the future. Greg has
done some research and hopefully could explain it in better detail at an
upcoming meeting.
Spraying on Sauvie Island was also brought up and we might need to
revisit that due to the fact that other clubs use it more days than we do, so
we will need to discuss how would we alter the costs to reflect this.
We went over quite a few topics at the meeting such as year end awards,
barn hunts ( sounds like fun!), the above mentioned items and that the
next meeting will be April 22 as there will be a conflict with the Potomac.
Please come to our next meeting on April 22 at 7:00 PM at Elmer’s at
Delta Park if you have an idea or opinion on these and other topics (or
just want to eat!). See you there!
Your President,
Lisa Crunias
Best of luck
and safe
travels to all
club members
showing at
Show & Go Results:
$500 was donated to Chase Away K9 Cancer last week!
Volunteers Needed!
2016 Specialty
Volunteers Needed!
Judges Liaison: This fun and social position is
responsible for airport shuttling (to and from), taking
them to and from the show site and to and from
their hotel, and taking them to dinner. Ideally this is
someone who does not have dogs competing in the
show. All expenses are reimbursed by the club. This
position is usually over several days; most likely from
Wednesday through Saturday, possibly Sunday.
Obedience Chair: The obedience chair must be
available in the area of the obedience/rally rings
throughout the trial hours. Work with the show
chair in selecting and securing obedience/rally
stewards. Check in workers and assign tasks. Check
rings, equipment and judges’ materials and other
requirements. Lunch is provided!
2016 B-Match
Volunteers Needed!
Susan Huntzinger is chairing this event for the third
year in a row. Please reach out to her to find out how
you can lend a hand.
Stewards for Obedience/Rally: Check in exhibitors,
hand out maps, use stopwatches and help set-up
and break down the courses. Stewards may compete
in rally but not obedience. Lunches are provided!
2016 WC
Volunteers Needed!
Contact Jeff Kennedy if you are interested in helping
out at our WC on June 4
Raffle Items Needed!
It’s that time of year! Marilyn Parker would like to
request raffle items from you to help the club make
a little money during the Specialty and Hunt Test. Do
any of you have people they deal with or companies
you can ask for a donation? Even the smallest items
are fine as they can be placed into baskets. Please
contact Marilyn if you can help.
2016 Hunt Test
Volunteers Needed!
Contact Cindy Freeman at [email protected] if you
are interested in volunteering at this event July 9-10,
Litter Listings:
Ch. MidnightSky’s Sirius, WC, JH, CGC X MidnightSky’s Gemini
Whelpled: January 26, 2016
Black girls, black boys and a yellow girl available
Call Susis Morrill at 541-686-1240
Brags & Wags
From Lizzie Moir: Very proud of both Beru and
Warrick this month! They have been working very
hard! Beru was entered Sunday in Bremerton as a
warm up for Potomac since she was last shown at
GGLRC. Beru said she was ready to go back into
From Mary Beth Lamb: Toastin’s Cheers to Sport
(Toastin’s Sports Fan CD SH MX MXJ x Toastin’s
Carmeltini RN JH NA NAJ) got her first JH leg at the
Greater Pacific hunt test on March 20th. Thanks,
Doug Shade for handling Toast!
From Tamaria Hartman: Mykiss has a great day
on Saturday 3/26
at PDFC show
under Judge Arley
D.Hussin: Chip Mykiss Chips’ Ahoy
won WD, BOW,
BOB and Indy Mykiss Mid-Knight
Strut won WB
Chip (and especially me) are leaping for joy to now
add AKC CHAMPION to his name and list of amazing
accomplishments all before the age of 2. He earned
his last needed point going WD, BOS on Sunday 3/27
at PDFC under Judge Honey Anne Glendinning!
the ring and took WB, BW & BOB over 2 specials for
her first point under Honey Glendinning. She didn’t
do anything in the group but even Mrs. Glendinning
could tell she liked being in there mentioning that she
grins when people whoop and holler for her. Warrick,
not to be out done by his sister, earned his final leg
for his Rally Novice title at Bremerton! All three legs
were at All-Breed shows with scores of 91, 94 & 94.
He now has his Beginner Novice & Rally Novice titles
and the previous weekend earned his Barn Hunt
Instinct title and 1 leg toward his Barn Hunt Novice
title. Next weekend we are going for his last 2 legs.
Get that rat Warrick!
From Christina Richmond: Olive earned 1st place
- Large dog, and her Novice Barn Hunt title at Valley
Dog Sports barn hunt on March 20. She is now:
Cimarron’s Olivia Peppernickel WC, RN, RATI, RATN
From Joanne Huntley: It was a beautiful sunny day
for the Greater Pacific NW Retriever Trial at St. Louis
Ponds in Gervais, Oregon on March 20th. Too bad it
was for Masters and Seniors. On Junior day the rain
came. If you didn’t have knee-highs you got wet both
ways. The water retrieve was a very flooded ditch
next to the road with birds splashing on land behind.
The land retrieve – well, that’s hard to say without any
somewhat dry land. Waded out to the blinds and got
stuck in the mud at the last blind! But with all of that,
we qualified for our first Junior Hunt title leg! Quail
Run’s Ora Stormwalker, handled by Joanne Huntley
(or more like dragged!) P.S. Nice ribbons and a leg
Meeting Minutes, March 2016
The meeting was called to order at 7:28 PM at
Meridian Park Hospital.
the judges liaison an additional volunteer would be
greatly appreciated. Discussion on the number of
catalogs to order took place and Susan check with
Greg to see what notes they took last year on the
number ordered vs the number unsold. There was
additional discussion on what to leave in the catalog
vs what was extraneous and could be removed. Lisa
Cruanas will be doing the lunch on Thursday: Loaded
Baked Potatoes! Donations would be appreciated of
chilli, sour cream, shredded cheese, chives, bacon
bits, butter, etc. Marilyn requests $100 for big ticket
items for the raffle. Judy makes motion and Joanne
seconded to give Marilyn the money to get prizes for
raffle. All Approved.
Susan made the motion to accept the minutes as
posted in the newsletter, Joanne seconded.
Attendance: Lisa Cruanas, Barb Gilchrist, Lizzie
Moir, Stephanie Nichols, Bernie Meany, Joanne
Huntley, Marilyn Parker, Udo Stark, Keith Osborne,
Judy Bachofner, Susan Huntzinger, Judy Chambers
President’s Report: Discussion on letter sent to the
president about referring breeders to one another.
Vice President’s Report: No report
Secretary’s Report: No report
B-Match: May 14th at Judy Chambers residence.
Udo volunteers to be ring steward for conformation
and we need volunteers to ring steward for
obedience. Plan to stay for the membership meeting.
Treasurer’s Report: Report available upon request.
Discussion about changing those who are on the
account authorized to sign checks.
Show & Go: Successful event! Timing was good, the
turnout was excellent. Checks have been mailed to
Committee Reports
Hunt Test: Adrienne volunteered to be the chair.
Cindy has been gathering names for the hunt test
committee and she will be creating an email group
so they can start with the judges selection. Anyone
else who would like to be on the committee please
let Cindy know. AKC requires at least six of the
committee members on the grounds each day for the
entire day. Cindy would like to limit Masters to one
stake with 60 dogs max. Cindy is starting to round
up workers so as to not leave all of this until the last
minute.The Island now requires a permit fee of $28
which Cindy has taken care of to obtain the permit for
the hunt test. She will follow up on whether there is a
second permit needed for the WC test. The club will
need certificates of insurance for each event sent to
the island 30 days prior to the test date and Cindy will
coordinate this with Greg. Ducks have been reserved
but they have gone up in price this year which in turn
will be brought up in committee to discuss entry fees.
Field Training Day: No discussion
Old (Unfinished) Business
New Business
Hunt Test Spraying: David Illius and John Poer met
with ODFW on March 1 to discuss spraying the
blackberries on the east side hunt test grounds on
Sauvie Island. It was agreed that the clubs that use
the grounds would pay for the spray chemicals and
ODFW would do the spraying. They would spray
this spring and again next fall. ODFW also agreed
they would remove some of the black berries along
the pump channel near Little McNary Lake which
would open up additional areas for test setup. The
estimated cost for the spray chemicals is $1400 for
each spraying. The last time they have sprayed the
area was 3 years ago and the blackberries have
progressively gotten worse. If it is not sprayed again
the area could become unusable for dog events.
Spraying in the spring and fall will provide the best
long term effect. The retriever club users of the area
have agreed to help fund the cost. Susan made
a motion to pay for ⅓ of the spraying for ODFW
WC: The original entry form is needed so it can be
put into the newsletter.
Specialty: The AKC has approved all events
(conformation; regular and sweeps, obedience and
rally) The Kellys have offered to steward on Thursday.
Lisa Cruanas has volunteered to steward the other
two days with Judy Bachofner as backup. A chair
is still needed for obedience and have back-up for
to spray the test grounds twice this year; Barb
seconded. All approved.
Awards Committee: Lizzie brought up changes that
were made the the awards form and suggested a
committee be back to adjust the form to make it a
less confusing, recognize Canadian Kennel Club
titles and create a special recognition award for dogs
that earn numerous title. Judy Chambers suggested
that Marilyn & Joanne be apart of the committee
along with Lizzie. All agreed.
A proposal and example voting form are on pages
7 and 8. Please review and be prepared to discuss
at the next membership meeting or contact a board
member with your thoughts.)
Announced: None
Voted: Judy Bachofner -- Susan motioned to
approved Judy as an RCLRC member, Udo
seconded. All approved.
Barb brought up the idea to help streamline the
January meeting possibly changing the ‘calendar
year’ so that awards could be presented at the
membership meeting at the B-Match.
Judges nomination and selection: discussion on
streamlining the judges nomination to smooth out the
annual meeting in January.
Joanne made the motion to adjourn the meeting,
Susan seconded at 8:45 PM.
April’s meeting changes to the 22nd, the 4th Friday
of the month because of the Potomac.
The Women of Lower Columbia HRC are
Hosting A Lady Handling Seminar!
Barn Hunt Practice!
Bi-weekly in Winlock, WA, offered by
Pacific NW Barn Hunt Club
Saturday May 21, 2016 & Sunday May 22, 2016 with a
Meet and Greet Friday Evening May 20, 2016
Tuesdays at 6:30 PM and non-trialing weekends on
Sundays at 1 PM. Cost is $5 per dog.
Location: St Helens, Oregon
Working Spot: $150 (before April 15, 2016) &
$175 (after April 15, 2016)
Training is available for levels Instinct through Masters!
Contact Lizzie Moir for details
Auditors (Handler only): $85.00
224 Johnson Rd, Winlock, WA in the big red barn behind
the house. Take exit 68 go west from the interstate (at the
end of the exit ramp turn right if you came from the north,
turn left if you came from the south), go through the 4 way
stop and Johnson Rd is the first road on the right about a
half mile down.
See flyers and registration at the end of this newsletter
For More Information Contact Sandi Whitman
at [email protected] (email subject
line: “2016 Lady Handling Seminar”)
Upcoming Shows, Matches, Picnic Trials and Events
Please send upcoming event notices and corrections to the newsletter editor: [email protected].
Other than RCLRC events, postings are not confirmed. All shows are AKC unless otherwise indicated.
Items are deleted from this page when event and/or closing date has passed. ALWAYS CONFIRM EVENTS!
April 2016
Rogue Vally Retriever Club Spring Hunt Test
White City OR
Apr. 16-17
Entry Express
Apr. 4
Washington State Obedience Training Club
Mt. Vernon WA
Apr. 20
Mar. 16
Ephrata-Moses Lake Kennel Club
Moses Lake WA
Apr. 11-12
Mar. 25
Sherwood Dog Training Club, Obed. & Rally Trial
Canby OR
Apr. 22-24
Jill Faulman
Oregon Hunting Retriever Club (OHRC) Picnic
Sauvies Island
Apr. 24
Walla Walla Kennel Club
Pendleton OR
Apr. 30 May 1
Debra Milks
Apr. 13
Aurora, OR
May 14
Klamath Dog Fanciers
Klamath Falls OR
May 14-15
Karen Bidleman
Apr. 27
Mt. Baker Kennel Club
Lunden WA
May 20-21
Dorothea Barrett
May 4
Salem Retriever Trial Spring Hunt Test
Gervais OR
May 21
Entry Express
May 9
Spokane Dog Training Club
Spokane WA
May 21-22
Dorothea Barrett
May 4
Bell Vernon Kennel Assoc.
Lynden WA
May 23
May 4
Spokane Kennel Club
Spokane WA
May 28-29
Super Onofrio
May 11
RCLRC Working Certificate
Sauvies Island
June 4
RCLRC Hunt Test
Sauvies Island
July 9-10
Salem Retriever Trial Summer Hunt Test
Gervais OR
July 23
Entry Express
July 11
Sept. 10
Entry Express
Aug 29
May 2016
June 2016
July 2016
August 2016
September 2016
Greater Pacific Northwest Retriever Trial Club Fall Gervais OR
Hunt Test
Proposed Judges Selection Process
The RCLRC has a wonderful and democratic process for selecting judges for our annual specialty
and B-Match. The ability for all club members to nominate and then vote on the judges is unusual in
the Labrador world. However, it can be a chaotic and time-consuming process at our annual meeting
in January. We often have guests and non-club members in attendance and counting votes by a
show of hands when people are distracted with conversations (and wine!) can be difficult.
My proposal is that club members in good standing will nominate judges using a form during the
months of November and December. The nominations will be placed on a ballot that will be handed
out to club members in attendance at the annual meeting in January. No nominations will be taken
from the floor. Ballots will be counted and if a runoff is required, it can be done by show of hands for
the tied candidates.
Each club members’ nominations would be limited to two regular class judges for the specialty, two
sweepstakes nominations for the specialty and one obedience judge for the specialty. Only one name
can be put forward if that is all that is all the member wants.
B-Match nominations would be limited to three names: Regular class judge, sweeps judge and
The member making the nominations would research their specialty selections to make sure they
were not judging another west coast specialty, or local all breed show in the year prior to the RCLRC
show date. They will provide a brief history of the judge and their kennel name that will appear on the
ballot. Obedience judges do not need this information but must be able to judge obedience at all
levels plus rally.
B-Match nominations: Consideration should be given to people who plan to eventually apply for a
judging license. A RCLRC member is usually selected to judge sweeps at the B-Match and the
regular class judge can be anyone. Obedience nominations should be able to judge obedience and
rally. Please make sure the B-Match nominees want to judge before putting their name forward.
Attached is a possible format for the nominating form.
Please review and be prepared to discuss at the next membership meeting or contact a board
member with your thoughts.
Proposed Judges Nominations Form
RCLRC Member Nominating:
Kennel name:
Where do they live?
Brief History:
Conformation Judge (maximum of two nominations)
Is this judge going to be judging on
the West Coast in the 12 months
prior to the RCLRC show date?
____ Yes
____ No
Kennel name:
Where do they live?
Brief History:
Is this judge going to be judging on
____ Yes
the West Coast in the 12 months
____ No
prior to the RCLRC show date?
Sweepstakes Judge (maximum of two nominations)
Kennel name:
Where do they live?
Brief History:
Kennel name:
Where do they live?
Brief History:
Obedience/Rally Judge
Where do they live?
RCLRC Member?
Have you asked each B-Match
nominee if they want to judge?
____ Yes
____ No
____ Yes
____ No
Send Completed form to: XXX by mail or e mail at XXX by Dec 31, 201?
RCLRC Fun Field Training Day
May 7 at 12 Noon (or after Labradors finish at the Elma show)
Location: Jeff and Cathy Hakola’s farm
2349 Lincoln Creek Road, Rochester, WA
[email protected] or (360) 736-7449
No need to pre-register
There will be a potluck with hamburgers provided by the Hakola’s
Take Exit 77 – Pe Ell / Raymond (WA-6)
Turn left at first stop light onto WA-6 – Go 4.5 miles
Turn right on Bunker Creek Road (Adna is the small down you will go through) – Go 10.1 miles
At the stop sign turn right on Ingalls Road – Go 2.2 miles
At the stop sign turn left onto Lincoln Creek Road – Go 1.2 miles
We are the 2nd house after the fire station on the left. It is a yellow farm house.
2349 Lincoln Creek Road
Rochester WA 98579
Note: Once you get a few miles down Bunker Creek Road you will lose cell phone service and won’t
get it back!
Rose City Labrador Retriever Club 2016 B-Match
Saturday, May 14, 2016
At the home of Scott & Judy Chambers – Ghoststone Labradors
10184 Ehlen RD NE, Aurora, OR
Conformation – Lizzie Moir
Sweepstakes – Judy Slayton-Bachofner
Obedience and Rally – Jill Mahoney
Registration on day of show 8:30 to 9:30 AM
Judging starts at 10:00 AM
Pre-entries: $5.00 first class, $3.00 additional classes, Juniors $3.00
Day of show entries: $6.00 first class, $4.00 additional classes, Juniors $4.00
Pre-entries close May 10, 2016
Make checks payable to: RCLRC
Send to: Susan Huntzinger 30940 SW Riverlane Rd, West Linn, OR 97068
Show chair – Susan Huntzinger - [email protected]
Dogs/Bitches 3-6 mo, 6-9 mo, 9-12 mo, 12-15 mo, 15-18 mo
Dogs/Bitches 3-6 mo, 6-9 mo, 9-12 mo, 12-18 mo, Bred-By, Open
Novice and Open
Pre Novice, Novice, Open, Utility
Novice, Advanced, Excellent
~ A potluck will follow the judging. Please bring a dish to share ~~
Last names ending with A – M – Please bring salads
Last names ending with N – Z – Please bring desserts
The club will provide hamburgers, hot dogs, buns, condiments and drinks.
From I-5 North or South take the Donald/Aurora exit (exit #278)
Turn west onto Ehlen Rd and head toward Champoeg State Park (site of our Specialty)
Once you are on Ehlen Rd come approximately 2.2 miles.
You will go over a set of train tracks and past a truck weight station.
The drive is on the R (north side) of the road.
Green metal gate will be open, you will see a pond at the top of the drive.
If you miss our drive the next landmark is "Ryan Creek Wholesale Nursery" at this point the name of the road
changes to Yergen from Ehlen.
If lost call Judy’s cell phone 503-705-7099
Rose City Labrador Retriever Club 2016 B-Match
Saturday, May 14, 2016
At the home of Judy Chambers – Ghoststone Labradors
10184 Ehlen RD NE, Aurora, OR
Pre-entries: $5.00 first class, $3.00 additional classes, Juniors $3.00
Day of show entries: $6.00 first class, $4.00 additional classes, Juniors $4.00
Closing date for Pre-entries: May 10, 2016
Susan Huntzinger 30940 SW Riverlane Rd, West Linn, OR 97068
CLASS (2)(3)
Weight, Color, etc.
Nov A Nov B Open A Open B Utility A
RALLY CLASS (Circle One)
Nov A Nov B Adv A Adv B
Exc A
Utility B
Exc B
4” 8” 12” 16” 20”
Enter Number Here
Do not print the above in catalog
(Please Print)
(if any) AT THE SHOW
I CERTIFY that I am the actual owner of the dog, or that I am the duly authorized agent of the actual owner whose name I have entered above. In consideration of the
acceptance of this entry. I (we) agree to abide by the rules and regulations of The American Kennel Club in effect at the time of this show, obedience trial and/or agility trial, and
by any additional rules and regulations appearing in the premium list for this show, obedience trial and/or agility trial, and further agree to be bound by the“Agreement” printed
on the reverse side of this entry form. I (we) certify and represent that the dog entered is not a hazard to persons or other dogs. This entry is submitted for acceptance on the
foregoing representation and agreement.
SIGNATURE of owner or his agent
duly authorized to make this entry ______________________________________________________________
TELEPHONE NUMBER (Include Area Code)
are Hosting
A Lady Handling Seminar
HRC Memeber since 1991
HRC AA Judge
AKC Field Trial Judge
HRC Member since 1995
HRC AA Judge
Owner - Rolling Hills Kennels
"I assisted with the First Lady Handler seminar
I have had a passion for getting women
held in Grenada, Mississippi, Whistling Wings
in HRC for many years because
Lady Handler Seminar in Seattle, Washington
when I first started running it was not that
and Georgia Lady Handler seminar held at
uncommon to only see 1 or 2 women
Mossy Pond Retrievers, Offerman, Georgia. I
running Finished. I handled a dog in the
Grand for the first time in 1996 and I was
opportunity to help each of these ladies to
the only woman to run the Grand in Fort
obtain great accomplishments through the
Morgan, Colorado in 1997 and I also had the
youngest dog entered in that Grand as well".
Saturday May 21, 2016
Sunday May 22, 2016
Meet and Greet Friday Evening May 20, 2016
33220 Pittsburg Road, St Helens, Oregon 97051
Cost -$150 (Before April 15, 2016)
$175 - (After April 15, 2015)
Auditors (Handler only) $85.00
Registaration includes Two Lunches and Saturday Dinner
[email protected]
(Email Subject Line: "2016 Lady Handling Seminar")
MAY 21 AND 22, 2016
Clinic Hours: 9:00 AM to 4:00 PM
Registration Limited to 30 Dog/Handler Teams and 20 Auditors (Handler Only)
Emergency Contact Name
Dog's Name
Breed or Mix
Spayed / Neutered (Yes/No)
Vet's Name
Vet's Phone
Circle Hunting Titles YOU Have Put On Your Dog (Not a Pro)
Started -- Seasoned -- Finished
Circle Hunting Titles YOU (Not a Pro) Are Training Your Dog For
Started -- Seasoned -- Finished
Around New Dogs my Dog is: (Circle)
Extremely Friendly, Very Shy, or Something in Between
What do you hope to learn from this Clinic?
Dog and Handler $150 (Before April 15, 2016) $175 - (After April 15)
Auditors (Handler only) $85.00
To reserve a spot: You must mail this form with a check or money order for the full amount to
Lower Columbia Hunt Retriever Club - Lady Handler Clinic
33220 Pittsburg Road, St. Helens, Oregon 97051
Note - Make checks payable to: LCHRC
Registration closes May 6, 2016
2016 Club Officers
Litter Listings
Lisa Cruanas: President
Barb Gilchrist: Vice President
Any member wishing to list a litter on either the
website or in the newsletter must provide paper
copies of the following minimum documentation:
Greg Huntzinger: Treasurer
1. OFA hip certification for the sire and dam
Lizzie Moir: Secretary
2. OFA elbow certification for the sire and dam
2016 Board Members
3. Current (12 months) eye clearance (CERF) for
sire and dam
Cindy Freeman
Tamaria Hartman
Julie Marquis
Stephanie Nichols
2016 Committee Chairs
Sportsmans Show: Jeff Kennedy
Show & Go: Julie Marquis
B-Match: Susan Huntzinger
WC: Jeff Kennedy
Hunt Test: Adrienne Harding
Specialty: Ellen Sparks and Lizzie Moir
Litter Referrals: Susan & Greg Huntzinger
(503) 655-9405
Membership: Susan Huntzinger (503) 655-9405
Newsletter Editor: Julie Marquis
[email protected]
(503) 449-4914
Web Site:
Webmaster: Greg Huntzinger (503) 655-9405
4. A check for $10.00, made out to RCLRC
5. Contact information for the listing. This may
contain one or more of: a persons name, email
address, telephone number, and kennel name.
6. The choice of web listing, newsletter listing
or both. The member may include additional
documentation for certifications such as cardiac
or EIC. All certifications claimed must be
documented. Litter listings will run two months.
The member may request one additional month
via email. At the end of the run-period the
listing will be removed without notice.
Information must be sent to Greg Huntzinger who
will then pass the infromation onto the newsletter
editor. Please give your information time to arrive.
Send all information to: Greg Huntzinger, 30940
SW Riverlane Road, West Linn, OR 97068
Newsletter Guidelines
This newsletter is published monthly by the
Rose City Labrador Retriever Club a non-profit
organization and issued to all members in good
standing. Contributions for publication and
advertisements are welcome. Advertising rates
are $25.00 per half page and $50.00 per whole
page. All submissions for publication are to be
emailed to the editor by the 25th of the month at
[email protected].
We have a Facebook page! Look for Rose City
Labrador Retriever Club in the search bar on your
Facebook page, click the “join” button and you will
be approved by one or our administrators. Need
help? Contact Cindy, Lizzie or Julie.