------ REELS Penn History Past, Present & Future In 1922, Penn’s founder Otto Henze left Germany and went to the United States, where he began working as a machinist for the Ocean City Reels Company in Philadelphia. Inspired by the fishing exploits of the legendary Zane Grey, he dreamed of one day owning his own fishing tackle company, producing reels that would set world records. The rest, as they say, is history. Of course things have moved on dramatically since Otto Henze founded the Penn Fishing Tackle Company in 1932. His original quote to his design team was “Make it simple, make it work.” In 1936, Penn introduced the Senator star-drag trolling reel. This was quickly adopted by anglers as being the very best reel available and at a reasonable price too – it took the saltwater market by storm. The company continued to grow throughout the 1940s. However, Otto Henze suddenly died in 1948, leaving his wife Martha at the helm of the fast-growing company. Martha took control, and utilising her astonishing management skills the company continued to prosper. In the late 1960s, Martha’s son Herbert joined the team. Herbert was a trained engineer and the company continued to grow under his leadership. It was during this time that Penn became the industry leader in innovation, creating the world-famous International Lever Drag reel. In January 2003, Penn was purchased by a group of individuals who had owned companies and worked in the fishing industry for many years. The new ownership group knew the value of Penn’s worldwide reputation, and continued to invest in the values on which the company was built – Quality, Engineering and Innovation. 3daP3aPV 8JUINPSFBOENPSFBOHMFST¾TIJOHMJHIUFSMJOFTGPSCJHHFS¾TIJU CFDBNFBQQBSFOUUPPVSFOHJOFFSTUIBUBSFWPMVUJPOBSZOFXESBH TZTUFN OFFEFE UP CF QSPEVDFE :FBST PG FYUFOTJWF SFTFBSDI IBT CSPVHIUVTUIF1FOO%VSB%SBH°XBZBIFBEPGJUTUJNF 4DJFOUJ¾D UFTUT QSPWF UIBU UIF OFX 1FOO %VSB%SBH QFSGPSNBODF JT VOTVSQBTTFE *OMBCPSBUPSZUFTUJOHUIFOFX%VSB%SBHTVTUBJOFEJUTPSJHJOBMESBHTFUUJOHTBGUFS IPVST PG ESBH ´CVSOUJNFµ XIJMF PVS DMPTFTU DPNQFUJUPSTµ NBUFSJBMT ESPQQFE CZ NPSFUIBOQFSDFOU$PNQBSFUIFDIBSUTBOEZPVXJMMTFF1FOO%VSB%SBHJTUIF NPTUDPOTJTUFOUBOEMPOHMBTUJOHESBHNBUFSJBMPOUIFNBSLFU*OUFSNTPGQFSGPSNBODF BOE TNPPUIOFTT CPUI MJHIUUBDLMF BOE CJH HBNF BOHMFST XJMM HSFBUMZ BQQSFDJBUF UIF MBDL PG BO JOJUJBM TVSHF JO ESBHQSFTTVSF DPNNPO JO PUIFS ESBH NBUFSJBMT 4NPPUIFS TUBSUVQT BOE NPSF DPOTJTUFOU ESBH QSFTTVSFT USBOTMBUF JOUP GFXFS QVMMFE IPPLT 'PS BOHMFST¾TIJOHUIFOFX1FOO%VSB%SBHCSPLFOMJOFTBOEMPTU¾TIEVFUPJOUFSNJUUFOU BOEKFSLZESBHTBSFBUIJOHPGUIFQBTU CWTcda]^UPSXP[_a^eXSTbcWTVaTPcTbcaP]VT ^UQPXcR[XRZTabTccX]VbTeTa ;X]TRP_PRXcXTb^]b_^^[PaT\PaZTSPc "aS!"aSP]SUd[[RP_PRXch CWTCadcW0Q^dc 1XV6P\TATT[b |CWTXab} Cf^?XTRTBXST?[PcT*?Pac0[d\X]Xd\ ?Pac?[PbcXR 1^cWcWTb_^^[P]Sb_X]S[T\Pha^cPcT X]ST_T]ST]c[hUa^\cWTSaXeTcaPX]P]SUaP\T cWTaTQhaTSdRX]VUaXRcX^]SdaX]VUaTTb_^^[P]S T[X\X]PcX]VQX]SX]VSdaX]VcWTaTcaXTeT BfXcRWQ[PSTWPa]Tbb[dVbX_d_fXcWcWTcX_ ^Uh^da ]VTa^aSa^_dbWfXcWcWTaTT[c^ T[X\X]PcTb]PVVTS[X]Tb ?a^eXSTb %\PV]TcXRQaPZTbTccX]VbU^a R^]ca^[[TSRPbcX]V 4Pbh0RRTbbBhbcT\P[[^fb \PX]cT]P]RTWPcRWc^QT[^fTaTSc^ PRRTbbZThX]cTa]P[_PacbU^a[dQaXRPcX^] 0_a^_aXTcPah\TcP[cWPcaTbXbcbST]cbP]S bRaPcRWTb =^QPRZX]V]TTSTSQTRPdbTcWT adQQTaVPbZTcZTT_bbd_Ta[X]T Ua^\b[X__X]V 1aPXSATPShc^WP]S[TcWTbcaPX]cWPcQaPXSTS [X]Tb_dc^]PaTT[ TM 4[X\X]PcTba^c^aQPRZ_[PhU^a X]bcP]cW^^ZbTcb 5d[[\TcP[Q^ShP]SbXST_[PcTZTT_ _aTRXbTVTPaP[XV]\T]cd]STa WTPeh[^PSb ?PcT]cTS8B?8]cTVaPcTSBXST?[PcT STbXV]T]bdaTb_a^_TaVTPaP[XV]\T]cd]STa WTPeh[^PSb ?dbWC^Cda]_aTbTcZ]^QT[X\X]PcTbPRRXST] cP[RWP]VTbc^cWTSaPVbTccX]V ?T]] >]T?XTRTB^[XS<PRWX]TS0[d\X]Xd\ TM <PX]6TPab @dXRZBWXUc?PcT]cTS!b_TTSbhbcT\TPbX[h bWXUcbX]c^WXVW^a[^fVTPa ?PcT]cTSETabP3aPVbhbcT\P[[^fb U^a\d[cX_[TSaPVbTccX]VbU^aePaX^db bWX]V R^]SXcX^]b 3daP3aPVfPbWTabeXacdP[[h T[X\X]PcTWTbXcPcX^]TeT]d]STa TgcaT\TSaPVbTccX]Vb 7C C<SaPVfPbWTab_a^eXST b\^^cWSaPVd]STaWTPeh[^PSb CWT_TaUTRc^bRX[[PcX^]U^aP] TgcaT\T[hTeT][X]T[Ph CTRW]^QP[P]RTSa^c^a VXeTbb\^^cWaTcaXTeTb 7XVWB_TTS$!fXSTa ;^fB_TTS#fXSTa ?X]X^]6TPabB_X]S[T ?T]] 7XVWB_TTS6TPa\PRWX]TSPb_Pac^U B_X]S[T;^fB_TTS6TPa_Ta\P]T]c[h _aTbbTS^]c^cWTB^[XSB_X]S[T |CWTXab} B_X]S[TT]VPVTbfXcW^][hPbX]V[Tb\P[[?X] ?XTRTbWT[Sc^VTcWTafXcWP?X] BcPX][TbbB_X]S[TT]VPVTbcWTSaPVfXcW PVTPaRdc\PRWX]TSb^[XS_XTRTZThTS SXaTRc[hX]c^cWT3aPV?[PcT CA2C<C^a`dTA^S2^]bcadRcX^] _a^eXSTbPb_XaP[faP__TSVaP_WXcT R^aTU^aPSSTSbcaT]VcW ,17(51$7,21$/96;96 THE SMALLEST INTERNATIONAL REEL ,17(51$7,21$/96; smaller end of the range. Huge line capacities and larger reel sizes aren’t always suited to shallower water or inshore situations. Now, for anglers who want the best possible tackle wherever they fish, there is no need to compromise on quality. Extreme engineering coupled with the most modern materials and manufacturing processes has created one of the finest, most reliable reels ever produced. Penn’s highly acclaimed International V series of saltwater multiplier reels has a new addition – or rather two – at the O QuickShift two-speed stainless steel gear system O Forged spool and sideplates with extruded frame O Dura Drag AVAILABLE IN 16/30/50/130 SIZES O Made in the USA INTERNATIONAL VSXtSPECIFICATIONS TM Max Drag Gear Ratio Line Retrieve (in) Line Retrieve (cm) Weight Bearings @ Strike High/Low High/Low High/Low (oz) Model Mono Cap. (yds/lb) Braid Cap. (yds/lb) 12VSX tt tt MCT 33 16VSX tt tt MCT 30VSX tt tt MCT 60 50VSX tt tt MCT 76 6 MCT 130VSX tt tt ® REELS - TROLLING REELS International® V SX Series The VSX range is one of Penn's most impressive engineering achievements. This range has been designed to cope with the extreme drag settings required when fishing with braided main lines. Unlike other reels, the smooth drag curve created with this range gives you total confidence. The main problem with using braided main lines is the speed at which a hooked fish can take line from the spool. If the drag can't cope then the result is often a pulled hook, or even a snapped line! Penn's engineers realised the potential problem and quickly set to work on a space-age drag system that eliminates the threat of lost fish. Extreme engineering coupled with the most modern materials and manufacturing processes has created one of the finest, most reliable reels ever produced. NEW - Now you can enjoy all of the features of the VSX in a smaller size 12 version suitable for many UK appplications and for those travelling in pursuit of big game it will make a superb light tackle reel for sailfish, white marlin and other pelagic species. ĆFull metal body - one piece machined aluminium frame & side-plates for the ultimate in gear alignment ĆPush-to-turn preset knob keeps the drag where it needs to be ĆEasy & reliable two-speed shifting mechanism ĆRatcheted lever prevents 'Drag creep' caused by hours of trolling and vibrations ĆDura-drag washers virtually eliminate hesitation, even under extreme drag settings ĆFour ball bearings for smooth performance in salt water - 6 on 130VSX 1151040 1151040 1151028 1 TM INTERNATIONAL V-12VSX 1187309 031324201453 329m/0.56mm 5.0:1h/2.5:1lw 19"/482mm lw 38"/965mm hi 33oz924g 20lb/9kg 982m/0.39mm 4.25:h/1:7.1lw 15"/381mm lw 36"/914mm hi 41oz1162g 28lb/12.6kg 480m/0.56mm 3.8:1h/1:6.1lw 15"/381mm lw 37"/940mm hi 60oz1701g 30lb/13.5kg 457m/0.71mm 3.1:1h/1.3:1lw 14"/346mm lw 34"/864mm hi 75oz2126g 36lb/16.2kg 891m/1.20mm 2.2:1h/1:2.1lw 21"/533mm lw 38"/965mm hi 176oz4990g 70lb/31.5kg INTERNATIONAL V-16VSX 1151028 031324001626 INTERNATIONAL V-30VSX 1151031 031324003156 INTERNATIONAL V-50VSX 1151035 031324005181 INTERNATIONAL V-130VSX 1151040 031324001305 7 REELS - TROLLING REELS International® V Series One of the key points raised by charter skippers and anglers while Penn's engineers were researching this range was the lever drag system. A ratcheted lever was introduced to eliminate the problem of 'drag-creep' caused by hours of trolling and diesel engine vibration. This means that if a huge fish is hooked, you can be sure that the amount of drag being used is the amount that you have preset. The push to turn preset drag system too was a direct request from charter skippers to stop 'unknowing anglers' from adjusting the drag while the skipper and crew weren't watching. Although the larger models are designed for big game fishing, the smaller 16VS and 30VSW models are perfect for all manner of European fishing situations. Penn's V-Series lever drag is the most advanced in the world. ĆFull metal body - one piece machined aluminium frame & side-plates for the ultimate in gear alignment ĆPush-to-turn preset knob keeps the drag where it needs to be ĆEasy & reliable two-speed shifting mechanism ĆRatcheted lever prevents 'Drag creep' caused by hours of trolling and vibrations ĆDura-drag washers virtually eliminate hesitation, even under extreme drag settings Ć4 ball bearings for smooth performance in salt water (6 on 80VSW) 1151027 1207680 TM 1 INTERNATIONAL V-12VS 1186238 031324201446 4 800m/0.36mm 5.3:1h/3.3:1lw 25"/635mm lw 40"/1016 mm hi 32oz896g 12lb/5.4kg 4 937m/0.39mm 5.3:1h/2.1:1lw 17"/432mm lw 45"/1143mm hi 41oz1162g 11lb/4.95kg 4 822m/0.56mm 3.8:1h/1:6.1lw 15"/381mm lw 37"/940mm hi 58oz1644g 23lb/10.35kg 4 754m/0.71mm 3.1:1h/1.3:1lw 14"/346mm lw 34"/864mm hi 73oz2070g 28lb/12.6kg 4 594m/0.86mm 3.1:1h/1.4:1lw 18"/457mm lw 39"/991mm hi 100oz2835g35lb/15.75kg 6 868m/0.86mm 3.1:1h/1.4:1lw 19"/483mm lw 43"/1092mm hi 111oz3147g 40lb/18kg INTERNATIONAL V-16VS 1151027 031324001619 INTERNATIONAL V-30VSW 1151030 031324003149 INTERNATIONAL V-50VSW 1151033 031324005174 INTERNATIONAL V-70VS 1151036 031324000742 INTERNATIONAL V-80VSW 1151038 031324008144 8 REELS - TROLLING REELS International® V Single-Speed Designed for cranking in the very largest fish in our seas and oceans, the International® Single-Speed is the 'big game multiplier'. Used by professionals and beginners alike, the long list of world records that these reels lay claim to is very impressive. Just like their two-speed siblings, the Penn International® Single-Speed range is a feat of modern engineering excellence. The one-piece, machined, gold anodised frame is designed to take unbelievable stress and punishment, while the ultra smooth, powerful drag does all the hard work to help tire out your quarry. Contrary to popular belief, the Single-Speed models are not slower than their two-speed counterparts. In fact they feature an almost identical retrieve rate to that of the higher gear ratio of the two-speed models. International® Single Speed Reels are the preferred choice of charter skippers worldwide. Their ease of use and dependability means that even a novice angler can enjoy fishing for big fish, secure in the knowledge that the reel will do its job. ĆFull metal body - one piece machined aluminium frame & side-plates for the ultimate in gear alignment ĆPush-to-turn preset knob keeps the drag where it needs to be ĆRatcheted lever prevents 'Drag creep' caused by hours of trolling and vibrations ĆDura-drag washers virtually eliminate hesitation, even under extreme drag settings ĆFour ball bearings for smooth performance in salt water TM 4 1 INTERNATIONAL 30VW 1151044 031324003071 822m/0.56mm 3.8:1 37"/940mm 60oz/1701g 23lb/10.35kg 754m/0.71mm 3.1:1 35"/889mm 68oz/1928g 28lb/12.6kg INTERNATIONAL 50VW 1151047 031324005068 9 75467$5'5$** READY FOR A FIGHT! TOTALLY NEW ERGONOMIC AND CASTABLE THE 2ND GENERATION TRQ REELS WILL BE PENN’S TOP END CONVENTIONAL LINE UP DESIGNED TO BE USED WITH SUPERLINE. 75467$5'5$** It’s the new generation of Penn TRQ star drag reels TRQ 2G – the second generation of Penn TRQ star drag reels – is upon us. Lightweight, compact, ergonomic and a dream to cast with, the TRQ 2G family covers the full range of saltwater angling disciplines bottom fishing, jigging, live baiting or lure techniques with unprecedented smoothness and strength. Penn TRQ 2G reels are made in the USA and ready to do battle with anything the world’s oceans can offer! O Machined aluminum frame, spool, and sideplate O 7 stainless steel shileded ball bearings O Double DOG anti-reverse O Disengaging pinion with live spindle O HT-100 powered Versa Drag system O Hideable Lug design on 40 size TRQ STAR DRAG SERIEStSPECIFICATIONS Model Mono Cap. (yds/lb) Braid Cap. (yds/lb) Bearings Max Drag Gear Ratio Line Retrieve Line Retrieve (in) (cm) Weight (oz) TRQ12 tt tt MCT TRQ15 tt tt MCT TRQ25 tt tt MCT TRQ30 tt tt MCT TRQ40 tt tt MCT LIGHTWEIGHT COMPACT ® REELS - TROLLING REELS TRQ 2G Star Drag It's the new generation of Penn TRQ star drag reels TRQ 2G - the second generation of reels are lightweight, compact, ergonomic and a dream to cast with. This family of reels covers the full range of saltwater angling disciplines - bottom fishing, jigging, live baiting or lure techniques with unprecedented smoothness and strength. Penn TRQ 2G reels are made in the USA and ready to do battle with anything that swims in the world's oceans! ĆMachined aluminum frame, spool, and sideplates ĆDouble-dog anti-reverse Ć7 stainless steel shielded ball bearings ĆDisengaging pinion with live spindle ĆHT-100 powered versa drag system ĆHideable lug design ĆMade in the USA TM 7+1 1 TRQ 2G STAR DRAG - TRQ120 1207741 031324186224 329m/0.31mm HT100 25lb/11.25kg ALUMINIUM 6.0:1 28"/711mm 16.6oz/465g 293m/0.36mm HT100 25lb/11.25kg ALUMINIUM 6.0:1 28"/711mm 16.9oz/473g 293m/0.46mm HT100 25lb/11.25kg ALUMINIUM 5.4:1 29"/736mm 19.5oz/546g 402m/0.46mm HT100 25lb/11.25kg ALUMINIUM 4.8:1 32"/ 813mm 21.9oz/613g 320m/0.56mm HT100 25lb/11.25kg ALUMINIUM 4.8:1 32"/ 813mm 22.3oz/624g TRQ 2G STAR DRAG - TRQ150 1207742 031324186231 TRQ 2G STAR DRAG - TRQ250 1207743 031324186248 TRQ 2G STAR DRAG - TRQ300 1207744 031324186255 TRQ 2G STAR DRAG - TRQ400 1207745 031324186262 11 REELS - TROLLING REELS International® TRQ Lever Drag The goal was to incorporate the benefits of a star drag reel with the functionality and fishability of a lever drag. Penn reached and exceeded that goal in designing a reel that delivers incredible free spool and casting ability while retaining all of the benefits of lever drag. The TRQ Lever Drag is the first lever drag reel boasting five active drag surfaces. It incorporates a large diameter stacked drag cartridge that allows the angler to customize the drag washer arrangment to achieve a specific drag curve. The stacked drag system eliminates the "binding" felt in normal lever drag reels when they are set up to achieve higher drag settings. The design accomplishes this by multiplying the number of drag surfaces and therefore decreasing the amount of force exerted across the reel by the lever. This unique drag cartridge design also allows for complete disengagement of the drag when in free spool for incredible casting performance. ĆFull metal body - one piece machined aluminium frame & side-plates for the ultimate in gear alignment ĆPush-to-turn preset knob keeps the drag where it needs to be ĆRatcheted lever prevents 'Drag creep' caused by hours of trolling and vibrations ĆVersa drag system allows multiple drag configurations for various conditions ĆHT-100 Drag washers ĆHeavy Drag :More than 20lbs of drag at strike ĆMedium Drag :8-20lbs of drag at strike ĆLow Drag : Less than 8lbs of drag at strike 4 1 INTERNAT. TRQ 100 LEVER DRAG 1178900 031324201330 219m/0.41mm 6.2:1 32"/813mm 28.8 oz 27lb/12.15kg 292m/0.56mm 6.4:1 48"/1219mm 41.4 oz 32lb/14.4kg INTERNAT. TRQ 300 LEVER DRAG 1178901 031324201347 12 REELS - TROLLING REELS International® Baitcast This range is designed to give optimum performance when fishing lighter lines, but also to handle huge fish if the occasion arises. Penn take the approach that many anglers like to fish for bigger species with lighter tackle. This approach has given birth to the awesome 15lb class International® Baitcast duo. Thanks to the addition of centrifugal brakes and hardened stainless steel gears and pinions, both models can be utilised for uptide casting, wreck or reef fishing and even downtiding for species such as tope and rays. The 975SCLD lever drag model is a caster's dream, and is perfect for uptide fishing and for casting big lures into a shoal of frenzied bass! Penn International® Baitcast models are the most solidly constructed Baitcast reels on the market. Improved gear performance and a silky-smooth lever drag make this reel the ideal choice for serious anglers. ĆFull metal body - one piece machined aluminium frame ĆAuto-engaging gears ĆTwo aircraft-grade, shielded, stainless steel ball bearings (five in the lever drag models) ĆInfinite anti-reverse roller bearing TM 6 1 INTERNATIONAL 975CSLD 1151058 031324097537 228m/0.36mm 4.4:1 20"/508mm 17oz/482g 10lb/4.5kg 228m/0.36mm 4.4:1 20"/508mm 18oz/510g 10lb/4.5kg INTERNATIONAL 975LD 1151059 031324097544 13 REELS - TROLLING REELS Graph-Lite® Lever Drag These reels have been specifically designed to provide the ultimate balance between strength, power and lightness. They're perfect for stand-up fishing when playing big game fish, as well as when targeting large European species like the giant common skate and conger eel. Moulded from a lightweight, yet incredibly strong graphite composite, the Graph-Lite® range represents the next generation in big game fishing tackle development. All the reels feature a push button gearshift, which lowers the retrieve ratio when you're hooked up to something big. Each reel has four aircraft-grade Stainless Steel ball bearings, machine-cut Stainless Steel gears and a machined, anodised aluminium spool. One of the most impressive features in this range is the smooth, powerful lever drag system, which has given the reels a reputation for being one of the best on the market. ĆLightweight graphite frame ĆPush-button shift system on two-speed models ĆMachined, anodized aluminium spool 4 ĆMachine-cut stainless steel gears ĆWide range 120 degree drag quadrant 1 TM GLD 20 II 1151062 031324020207 617m/0.46mm 3.8:1h. 2.1:1lw. 17"/432mm low 32"/813mm high 40oz/1142g 14lb/6.3kg 548m/0.56mm 3.8:1h. 2.1:1lw. 17"/432mm low 32"/813mm high 43oz/1219g 17lb/7.65kg 617m/0.46mm 3.4:1h. 1.7:lw. 17"/432mm low 33"/838mm high 55oz/1559g 27lb/12.15kg GLD 30 II 1151063 031324030206 GLD 50 II 1151064 031324050204 14 REELS - TROLLING REELS GT Lever Drag If you're fishing on a fixed budget, then these two models are just what you have been looking for uncompromised quality and performance at a price to suit all pockets. These lever drag reels both have extremely smooth yet powerful drag systems. They have quickly proven themselves to be a favourite among many big game charter boats around the world, simply because they can endure prolonged punishment while still producing the top-end performance of more expensive models. Each reel has four Stainless Steel aircraft-quality ball bearings, plus a Stainless Steel pinion gear and manganese-bronze main gear. Manufactured in both 20lb and 30lb sizes, they're perfect for downtiding for big blonde rays and tope, to drift fishing for sharks. ĆLightweight graphite frame & side plates ĆAnodized lightweight aluminium spool ĆStainless steel pinion 4 ĆManganese-bronze main gear ĆStainless steel level wind 1 320LD 1151101 031324032057 347m/0.38mm 4.3:1 25"/635mm 21oz/595g 10lb/4.5kg 393m/0.38mm 3.7:1 27"/686mm 27oz/765g 10lb/4.5kg 330LD 1151103 031324033054 15 REELS - TROLLING REELS GS & GS Mag T The three GS models all feature centrifugal brakes, so they can be cast from the shore or boat with ease. The high retrieve ratio and overall 'grunt' that these reels provide are also firm favourites with serious rock anglers, who need to be able to crank big fish in quickly to avoid snags. However, if you're after the ultimate in casting control then the GS Mag T is just what the doctor ordered. These reels feature a single rare earth magnet on a wind in, wind out mechanism to provide the ultimate in infinite casting control. Both the pinion gear and spindle are supported by bearings, so when the pressure is on, the drive train remains in perfect alignment - allowing you to use brute force without fear of the reel collapsing. ĆFour shielded stainless steel ball bearings ĆHT-100 Drag washers provide smooth drag under heavy loads ĆVersa drag system allows multiple drag configurations for various conditions 4 ĆPrecision machined stainless steel pinion ĆManganese-bronze main gear 1 535 MAG 1151089 031324053519 375m/0.38mm 6:1 35"/889mm 20oz/567g 9.5lb/4.275kg 347m/0.46mm 6:1 40"/1016mm 23oz/652g 13lb/5.85kg 545 GS 1151091 031324054516 16 REELS - TROLLING REELS Special Senator® & Senator® The increased gear ratio in this range makes gaining line on a big fish far easier. They're particularly useful for fishing in deeper water, where the extra winding speed comes in very handy for bringing your gear back to the boat when re-baiting. Like its older brothers, the Special Senators® have a powerful, multi-disk drag system, two Stainless Steel ball bearings, a manganese-bronze main gear and a precision-machined Stainless Steel pinion gear. 11510885 1152013 2 Senator® Features These reels remain one of the most trusted and powerful on the market. In fact, if you step on board any big game boat, anywhere in the world, you're likely to see an original Penn Senator® still working - even decades after it was manufactured - they're practically indestructible! You may recall seeing a Senator® reel 'tick' and 'scream' in the famous movie 'Jaws' - just another claim to fame for this tried and trusted range. If you're not chasing sharks the size of a small house, then the smaller 113, 114 and 114L models are ideal for targeting sharks, common skate and conger eels in European waters. ĆPrecision-machined, stainless steel pinion gear ĆHigh strength, manganese-bronze main gear ĆStainless steel reinforced side plates ĆMulti-disc star drag system for smooth & consistant drag ĆAnodized aluminium spool 1 TM 112H2 1152013 031324011229 411m/0.46mm 4.1:1 29"/737mm 21oz/595g 11lb/4.95kg 402m/0.56mm 3.3:1 26"/660mm 30oz/850g 20lb/9kg 402m/0.56mm 3.3:1 26"/660mm 30oz/850g 20lb/9kg 402m/0.56mm 3.3:1 26"/660mm 35oz/992g 20lb/9kg 448m/0.61mm 3.3:1 26"/660mm 31/879g 20lb/9kg 411m/0.71mm 3.3:1 26"/660mm 31oz/879g 22lb/9.9kg 755m/0.36mm 2.9:1 28"/711mm 45oz/1275g 22lb/9.9kg 512m/0.71mm 2.9:1 28"/711mm 48oz/1360g 22lb/9.9kg 594m/0.46mm 2.0:1 16"/406mm 27oz/765g 19lb/8.55kg 662m/0.56mm 2.1:1 21"/533mm 44oz/1247g 21lb/9.45kg 1051m/0.56mm 2.5:1 28"/711mm 57oz/1616g 23.5lb/10.575kg 1371m/0.76mm 2:1 29"/737mm 89oz/2523g 113H2 - size 4/0 1153838 031324011335 113H2LH - size 4/0 1153839 031324011304 113H2SP - size 4/0 1153840 031324011342 113H2LW - size 4/0 1153841 031324011359 114H2 - size 6/0 1187313 031324201491 114H2SP - size 6/0 1187311 031324201477 114H2LW - size 6/0 1187312 031324201484 113L2 - size 4/0 1187314 031324201507 114L2 - size 6/0 1187315 031324201514 115L - size 9/0 1151085 031324011502 116L - size 12/0 1151086 031324011632 30lb/13.5kg 17 0$* THE BEST JUST GOT BETTER HT POWERED DRAG SYSTEM SMOOTH, CASTABLE AND LIGHTWEIGHT –PENN TAKES SURF REELS TO A NEW LEVEL 0$* The most castable surf reels on the market! Any angler with experience in the surfcasting arena would know that improving on the original and much loved Penn Mag reels was no easy task. But that is exactly what Penn have achieved, and they have done it in an even more compact, lightweight and free-casting package. By focusing on fine tuning the magnetic braking system to be even crisper and easier to adjust, Penn’s design engineers have succeeded in bringing extra casting range and speed of control to the fingertips of Mag 2 users. The result is even smoother delivery of baited rigs, plus precious extra metres on the cast, which will inevitably lead to more bites and more fish on the shore. O Lightweight, durable graphite frame and spool with aluminium reinforcement rings O Forged aluminium spool O Six stainless steel shielded bearings O Instant anti-reverse bearing O HT-100 powered drag system O Disengaging pinion with live spindle Model Bearings Line Capacity Line Capacity Gear Ratio Line Retrieve Weight ."( ."(4&3*&4 NNN NNN ZETMC ZETMC DN DN P[H P[H ® REELS - TROLLING REELS Mag 2 525/515 The best just got better! The new MAG2 525/515 takes the MAG reels to new levels with greater distance,control and Power. The new index magnectic braking system is precise and give full control from zero to maximum braking making longer smoother casts possible. The new MAG525/515's have just taken shore casting to the next level! ĆGraphite frame and sideplates with aluminium reinforcement rings ĆForged aluminum spool Ć6 stainless steel shielded bearings ĆInstant anti-reverse bearing ĆHT-100 powered drag system ĆDisengaging pinion with live spindle ĆIndexed magnetic braking system TM 6+1 515MAG GS MAG2 SERIES 1207532 031324186132 201m/0.38mm HT100 15lb/6.75kg ALUMINIUM 6.0:1 28"/711mm 14.4oz/403g 240m/0.17mm HT100 15lb/6.75kg ALUMINIUM 6.0:1 28"/711mm 14.6oz/409g 525MAG GS MAG2 SERIES 1207533 031324186149 19 FATHOM LEVEL WIND 7KHXOWLPDWHKDUGZRUNLQJUHHOV SHUIHFWIRUHYHQWKHPRVW H[WUHPHFRQGLWLRQV DEPENDABLE SOLID POWERFUL FATHOM Powered by bronze main and pinion gears with a 4.3:1 retrieve ratio designed to maximise cranking power even in the most extreme situations, the five-strong Fathom series is built to deliver peak performance time after time after time. A stainless steel level wind system, diecast aluminium frame and sideplates plus forged alu spool combine together to ensure customers wishing to step up from graphite-bodied reels will be delighted they took that decision – now, next year, and ten years from now! FATHOM LEVEL WINDtSPECIFICATIONS Model FTH15LW FTH20LW FTH25LW FTH40LW FTH60LW Mono Cap. (yds/lb) Braid Cap. (yds/lb) tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt Line Line Gear Retrieve Weight (gr) Bearings Max Drag Ratio Retrieve (in) (cm) MCT MCT MCT MCT MCT O 4 stainless steel shielded ball bearing O Instant anti-reverse bearing O HT 100 powered drag system O Superior max drag setting PLUS lighter O Overall weight than equivalent sized rivals ® REELS - TROLLING REELS Fathom Solid, dependable, and powerful. Designed with a lower gear ratio 4.3:1for extreme cranking power on big fish in deep waters. A level-wind to ensure the spool fills correctly when the pressure and a fish is on! The diecast frame and sideplates of the fathom reels give the angler a solid reliable reel whilst the HT 100 drag system gives you all the smooth stopping power you will ever need. ĆDiecast aluminum frame and sideplates ĆForged aluminum spool Ć4 stainless steel shielded ball bearings ĆInstant anti-reverse bearing ĆStainless steel level-wind system ĆBronze main and pinion gears ĆHT-100 powered drag system 3+1 FTH15LW / FATH. 15 LEVEL WIND REEL 1206076 031324203020 290m/0.38mm HT100 30lb/13.5kg ALUMINIUM 4.3:1 24"/610mm 19.2oz/538g 290m/0.42mm HT100 30lb/13.5kg ALUMINIUM 4.3:1 24"/610mm 19.5oz/546g 300m/0.46mm HT100 30lb/13.5kg ALUMINIUM 4.3:1 24"/610mm 20oz/560g 360m/0.56mm HT100 30lb/13.5kg ALUMINIUM 4.3:1 24"/610mm 24.3oz/680g 400m/0.61mm HT100 30lb/13.5kg ALUMINIUM 4.3:1 24"/610mm 25.1oz/703g FTH20LW / FATH. 20 LEVEL WIND REEL 1206089 031324203037 FTH25LW / FATH. 25 LEVEL WIND REEL 1206090 031324203044 FTH40LW / FATH. 40 LEVEL WIND REEL 1206091 031324203051 FTH60LW / FATH. 60 LEVEL WIND REEL 1206092 031324203068 21 REELS - TROLLING REELS GT Level Wind If ever there was a perfect range of reels for European boat fishing, the GT series is it. Designed to cope with just about anything that swims, there is a reel in this range to suit every fishing situation. The Penn GT Level Wind series is unrivalled anywhere in the world, thanks to some state of the art engineering and Penn's superior manufacturing knowledge. These reels feature a lightweight graphite frame, black anodised spool, aircraft-grade Stainless Steel ball bearings and a drag system that is second to none. For the ultimate in performance and good looks at a price to suit all pockets, the GT Level Wind range takes some beating. ĆLightweight one-piece graphite frame & side plates ĆBlack anodized spool ĆStainless steel pinion ĆManganese-bronze main gear ĆHT-100 powered drag system ĆBuilt in linecounter (LC model) ĆCounterbalanced handle 1 310GT2 GRAPHITE LEVEL WIND 1152014 031324001787 2 347m/0.36mm 4.2:1 22"/559mm 16oz/453g 11lb/4.95kg 2 347m/0.36mm 4.3:1 25"/635mm 23oz/652g 12lb/5.4kg 2 347m/0.36mm 4.3:1 25"/635mm 23oz/652g 12lb/5.4kg 2 411m/0.46mm 3.6:1 26"/660mm 27oz/764g 16lb/7.2kg 4 594m/0.46mm 3.3:1 26"/660mm 35oz/991g 22lb/9.9kg 4 800m/0.46mm 3.3:1 26"/660mm 36oz/1019g 22lb/9.9kg 2 347m/0.36mm 4.3:1 25"/635mm 23oz/652g 12lb/5.4kg 2 347m/0.36mm 4.2:1 22"/559mm 16oz/453g 11lb/4.95kg 320GT2 GRAPHITE LEVEL WIND 1154052 031324180932 321GT2 GRAPH.L/WIND LEFT HAND 1152017 031324032101 330GT2 GRAPHITE LEVEL WIND 1152021 031324033009 340GT2 GRAPHITE LEVEL WIND 1187305 031324201545 345GT2 GRAPHITE LEVEL WIND 1187306 031324201552 320GT2LC GRAPHITE LEVEL WIND 1152020 031324001817 310GT2LC GRAPHITE LEVEL WIND 1152019 031324001800 22 REELS - TROLLING REELS GTO Level Wind Whether you're fishing for huge rays, tope and conger eels or porbeagle sharks and common skate, the GTO Level Wind series gives outstanding Penn performance for a fraction of the price you'd expect to pay. The Stainless Steel inner and outer frame rings, coupled with a Stainless Steel level wind and lightweight anodised spool give these reels a rugged, yet stylish look. They perform exceptionally well too, even when using braided main lines. If you want to look the part on your next charter, safe in the knowledge that your reel won't let you down, then take a look at the GTO Level Wind range. The Penn GTO series of reels are superb for boat fishing. Constructed from Stainless Steel and marine-grade alloy, these silver beauties combine quality engineering and performance. ĆStainless steel inner-outer frame rings enhance rigidity to prevent 'frame flex' ĆLightweight machined anodized spool ĆMarine-grade alloy main gear improves durability & smoothness 2 ĆHT-100 drag washers provide smooth drag under heavy loads ĆTwo stainless steel shielded ball bearings 1 220CS NON LEVEL WIND 1154012 031324180536 384m/0.38mm 4.3:1 25"/635mm 23oz/652g 12lb/5.4kg 384m/0.38mm 4.3:1 25"/635mm 23oz/652g 12lb/5.4kg 420m/0.46mm 3.6:1 26"/660mm 27oz/764g 12lb/5.4kg 220GTO LEVEL WIND 1154013 031324180543 230GTO LEVEL WIND 1154043 031324180840 23 REELS - TROLLING REELS Jigmaster The Jigmaster is a favourite reel for jig/pirk fishing due to its high speed retrieve. Features Black anodised spool, durable and lighteweight composite side plates, managanese - bronze main gear, Stainless stell pinion gear, HT100 drag system, counterbalanced handle with oversize fighting knob, corrosion resistant chrome plated external parts. Comes complete with spare spool so the angler can load up with 2 different breaking strains. ĆQuick take-apart frame makes it easy to change spools with different line weights ĆBlack-anodized aluminium spool ĆDurable and lightweight composite side plates ĆManganese-bronze main gear ĆStainless steel pinion ĆSpare spool supplied 1 500L 1195497 031324201972 411m/0.46mm 4.4:1 27"/686mm 22oz/616g 15lb/6.75kg Seaboy® Widely regarded by many small boat and charter anglers as being one of the most reliable reels on the market. The Seaboy will give years of trouble-free fishing and is ideal for general inshore fishing, also a reel often chosen as hire tackle aboard charter boats due to its tough, reliable design. ĆAnodized aluminium spool ĆCounterbalanced soft grip handle ĆHT-100 Star drag ĆDurable clicker 1 185 SEA BOY 1154037 031324180789 323m/0.56mm 3.1:1 22"/559mm 17oz/482g 9lb/4kg 305m/0.56mm 3.1:1 22"/559mm 18oz/510g 9lb/4kg 190 SEA BOY 1154038 031324180796 24 REELS - TROLLING REELS Levelwind The classic look and style of the Levelwinds reflect the heritage and reputation of Penn reels. Features Lightweight composite side plates, precision machined stainless steel pinion gear, brass main gear, counterbalanced handle with oversized paddle handle, Stainless steel level wind available in left hand wind, or with line counter. ĆLightweight composite side plates ĆPrecision-machined, stainless steel pinion gear ĆBrass main gear ĆCounterbalanced handle with oversized paddle knob Ć209LC Available with line counter ĆLeft hand version available (209MLH) 1152038 1152031 1 9M 1152028 031324000902 228m/0.38mm 3.4.1 16"/406mm 13oz/364 10lb/4.5kg 329m/0.41mm 3.2:1 19"/483mm 19oz/532g 10lb/4.5kg 329m/0.41mm 3.2:1 19"/483mm 19oz/532g 10lb/4.5kg 411m/0.46mm 2.8:1 20"/508mm 23oz/644g 15lb/6.75kg 209M 1152031 031324020955 209LC 1152038 031324002098 309M 1152034 031324030923 25 REELS - SPINNING REELS TRQ Spin The most powerful spinning reel on the market, and built to last as long as all the other International reels. These reels will look as good and rich as a fully forged and machined reel, but will be more affordable due to the extruded frame. Features Machined aluminum frame, sidecovers, rotor and spool. ĆFully sealed and waterproof drag and gear box ĆHT-100 powered dual (Slammer) drag system (20+kg) ĆMachined stainless steel pinion/marine-grade bronze main gear ĆStainless steel manual/automatic bail system ĆTriple supported titanium main shaft Ć5000,7000 & 9000 size ĆFull metal body ĆForged & Machined aluminium spool, sideplates & one-piece handle Ć7+1 sealed bearings TM 7+1 FD 1 x Aluminium 1 1189346 031324202054 PENN TRQ SPIN 5000 310m/0.36mm 38lb/17.1kg 5.9:1 32"/813mm 1189347 031324202061 PENN TRQ SPIN 7000 448m/0.38mm 41lb/18.45kg 5.1:1 38"/965mm 26.5oz/742g 1189348 031324202078 PENN TRQ SPIN 9000 448m/0.46mm 50lb/22.5kg 5.1:1 48"/1219mm 28.5oz/798g 1199948 031324202788 PENN TRQ SPIN 5000G 310m/0.36mm 38lb/17.1kg 5.9:1 32"/813mm 1199949 031324202795 PENN TRQ SPIN 7000G 448m/0.38mm 41lb/18.45kg 5.1:1 38"/965mm 26.5oz/742g 1199950 031324202801 PENN TRQ SPIN 9000G 448m/0.46mm 50lb/22.5kg 5.1:1 48"/1219mm 28.5oz/798g 26 20oz/560g 20oz/560g REELS - SPINNING REELS Atlantis "An all metal reel with an innovative rear maintenance hatch that is built to fish hard from inshore to offshore waters, diecast aluminium frame, rear cover, and rotor. The EAS (Easy Access System) is the most innovative maintenance system ever introduced in a spinning reel. By simply backing out one screw on the stem of the reel, the rear hatch opens to give you full access the gearbox. You are now able to grease gears and oil bearing in a matter of seconds. All parts are contained so that they won't fall out. The Atlantis has a Eternal Alloy spool lip that resists damage and ensures that casting performance is enhanced at all times. With a lot of anglers now using braid for fishing we have added a rubber gasket to the spool to prevent the braid slipping around the arbor. The Atlantis houses the new HT-100 drag system, this is a fully sealed unit to keep out the water, salt and anything else that could damage its performance. As well as being the most sealed sytem it is also the most adjustable and responsive that Penn have ever designed, suitable to catch most fish in the most extreme conditions!" ĆForged aluminum ĆEAS - Easy Access System - innovative rear service hatch ĆEternal Alloy - indestructible spool lip ĆHT-100 PENN power drag system, permanent anti reverse 10+1 FD 1 x Aluminium Ć10+1 stainless steel bearing system ĆSpare standard spool included ĆSizes 8000,7000,5000,4000 & 2000 ĆOil & grease included TM 1 1189342 031324202016 ATLANTIS 2000 220m/0.20mm 12lb/5.4kg 5.1:1 28"/711mm 10oz/280g 1189343 031324202023 ATLANTIS 4000 265m/0.25mm 19lb/8.55kg 5.8:1 32"/813mm 11oz/308g 1189344 031324202030 ATLANTIS 5000 240m/0.30mm 22lb/9.9kg 4.8:1 31"/787mm 14.6oz/409g 1189345 031324202047 ATLANTIS 7000 300m/0.35mm 32lb/14.4kg 4.8:1 37"/940mm 1207746 031324186279 ATLANTIS 8000 286m/0.46mm 32lb/14.4kg 4.7:1 40"/1016mm 23.4/655g 18oz/504g 27 %$77/(5((/ SPINNING REEL FULL METAL BODY KILLER LOOK! %$77/(63,11,1* FULL METAL BODY AND ROTOR, HT-100 DRAG SYSTEM, AND EYE CATCHING COSMETICS . THE PENN BATTLE SPINNING REELS WILL CONTINUE THE MOMENTUM STARTED WITH THE SARGUS REELS. Include spare standard aluminium spool O Diecast aluminum body, sideplate, and rotor O Forged aluminum spool O 6 Stainless steel shielded ball bearings O Permanent anti-reverse (switchable on the 2000 size) HT 100 O High speed gear ratios O Sealed ht-100 powered drag system O Superline spool BATTLEtSPECIFICATIONS Model BTL2000 BTL3000 BTL4000 BTL5000 BTL6000 BTL7000 BTL8000 Mono Cap. (yds/lb) Braid Cap. (yds/lb) tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt Line Line Gear Retrieve Weight (gr) Bearings Max Drag Ratio Retrieve (in) (cm) MCT MCT MCT MCT MCT MCT MCT 37 ® REELS - SPINNING REELS Battle Ready for Battle! This new addition to the Penn range of spinning reels is ready for any fish that you may hook! With a full metal body and rotor, HT100 smooth and powerful Front drag system plus eye catching cosmetics. The Battle spinning series will continue the momentum started by the Sargus reels. ĆDiecast aluminuim body, sideplate,rotor ĆForged aluminium spool (+ spare) Ć6 stainless steel shielded ballbearings ĆPermanent anti reverse (switchable on the 2000 size) ĆSealed HT 100 Front Drag system ĆSealed HT100 drag system ĆSuperline Spool TM 6+1 1 x Aluminium 1 x Alu 1207747 031324186286 BATTLE 200 194m/0.23mm 7lb/3.15kg 6.2:1 28"/711mm 9.6oz/269g 1207748 031324186293 BATTLE 300 157m/0.25mm 10lb/4.5kg 6.2:1 31"/787mm 11.6oz/325g 1207749 031324186309 BATTLE 400 212m/0.31mm 13lb/5.85kg 6.2:1 34"/864mm 12.6oz/353g 1207750 031324186316 BATTLE 500 203m/0.38mm 20lb/9kg 5.6:1 37"/940mm 20.3oz/569g 1207751 031324186323 BATTLE 600 258m/0.41mm 20lb/9kg 5.6:1 39"/990mm 21.8oz/610g 1207752 031324186330 BATTLE 700 286m/0.46mm 25lb/11.25kg 5.3:1 39"/990mm 27.8oz/778g 1207753 031324186347 BATTLE 800 323m/0.48mm 25lb/11.25kg 5.3:1 41"/1041mm 29.2oz/818g 29 REELS - SPINNING REELS Sargus These lightweight metal spinning reels are built Penn tough - with a corrosion resistant aluminium alloy body, cover and rotor, which makes them ultra strong, yet surprisingly lightweight. Each reel has five Stainless Steel ball bearings and one rotor bearing, providing silky smooth operation. The drag knob is sealed to prevent water and sand intrusion, and is finely adjustable to give the perfect drag setting when you're fishing with lighter lines. Key features include Penn's Techno-balanced™ Rotor, a non-twist line roller and infinite anti-reverse. The handle on the Sargus reels can be converted to either right or left hand retrieve, depending on what is best for you, and the oversized handle knob offers an extra measure of comfort for retrieving and when battling fish. We're sure that you'll welcome this new addition to the family with open arms - they're perfect for flattie fishing, as well as bass, mullet, black bream and a whole host of other species. With a high gear ratio and powerful drag system, these reels are perfect for the serious boat, surf and coarse angler. Ć5 +1 SS Ball bearings ĆInfinite Anti-reverse ĆTechno balanced rotor ĆMachined aluminium spool 5+1 FD ĆSealed, smooth and powerful Front drag system ĆNon-twist line roller ĆAluminium frame & rotor 1 x Aluminium 1 1154362 031324183148 SARGUS SG 2000 237m/0.20mm 7lb/3.15kg 6.2:1 29"727mm 9.1oz/252g 1154016 031324180574 SARGUS SG 3000 228m/0.25mm 10lb/4.5kg 6.2:1 31"/787mm 11.6oz/328g 1154017 031324180581 SARGUS SG 4000 256m/0.28mm 13lb/5.85kg 6.2:1 34"/864mm 12.6oz/657g 1154018 031324180598 SARGUS SG 5000 228m/0.36mm 20lb/9kg 5.6:1 37"/940mm 20.3oz/657g 1154019 031324180604 SARGUS SG 6000 292m/0.38mm 20lb/9kg 5.6:1 39"/991mm 21.8oz/657g 1154020 031324180611 SARGUS SG 7000 411m/0.38mm 25lb/11.25kg 4.8:1 39"/991mm 27.8oz/778g 1154021 031324180628 SARGUS SG 8000 283m/0.46mm 25lb/11.25kg 4.8:2 41"/1041mm 29.2oz/817g 30 REELS - SPINNING REELS Captiva® Each reel also features our Techno-Balanced Rotor™ system to help eliminate reel wobble when winding, and our Leveline line lay system ensures that each and every cast you make is the very best possible. There are five models in the range, including 6lb, 10lb, 12lb, 16lb and 20lb main line versions. For the very best in smoothness and performance at an incredibly low price, you can trust the Captiva® range to deliver. This range of reels contains quality components and features found on reels twice the price. Ten ball bearings and one roller bearing make the Captiva® one of the smoothest operating reels available. ĆInfinite anti-reverse ĆMachined and anodized aluminium spool 8+1 FD 1 x Aluminium Ć8+1 stainless steel bearings ĆCorrosion resistant graphite body & rotor 1 x Alu 1 1154025 031324180666 CAPTIVA II 2000 182m/0.20mm 5lb/2.25kg 5.5:1 25"/635mm 10.1oz/283g 1154026 031324180673 CAPTIVA II 4000 1154027 031324180680 CAPTIVA II 5000 155m/0.28mm 6lb/2.7kg 6.2:1 32"/813mm 11.3oz/320g 192m/0.31mm 9lb/4.05kg 1154028 031324180697 5.2:1 31"/778mm 16.6oz/470g CAPTIVA II 6000 224m/0.36mm 10lb/4.5kg 5.2:1 34"/864mm 18.1oz/512g 1154029 031324180703 CAPTIVA II 8000 338m/0.38mm 12lb/5.4kg 4.7:1 34"/864mm 23.2oz/657g 31 REELS - SPINNING REELS Fierce High speed retrieves, dependable drag system, with a full metal body. The Penn fierce reels are high performance spinning reels at reasonable prices. ĆDiecast aluminum body and sideplate, graphite rotor ĆForged aluminum spool. Ć4 stainless steel shielded ball bearings ĆPermanent instant anti-reverse bearing on /off on 2000 size ĆHigh speed gear ratios ĆSealed oiled felt drag system 4+1 FD 1 x Aluminium 1206112 031324203259 FIERCE 2000 194m/0.23mm 7lb/3.15kg 6.2:1 28"/711mm 8.8oz/249g 1206114 031324203273 FIERCE 3000 1206116 031324203297 FIERCE 4000 157m/0.25mm 10lb/4.5kg 6.2:1 31"/787mm 11.7oz/332g 212m/0.31mm 13lb/5.85kg 6.2:1 34"/864mm 12.5oz/354g 1206118 031324203310 1206121 031324203334 FIERCE 5000 203m/0.38mm 20lb/9kg 5.6:1 FIERCE 6000 258m/0.41mm 20lb/9kg 5.6:1 39"/990mm 20.6oz/584g 1206123 031324203358 FIERCE 7000 286m/0.46mm 25lb/11.25kg 5.3:1 39"/990mm 26.4oz/748g 1206125 031324203372 FIERCE 8000 323m/0.48mm 25lb/11.25kg 5.3:1 41"/1041mm 27.4oz/777g 37"/940m 19oz/539g Pursuit These lightweight corrosion resistant reels represent outstanding value for money and are the perfect introduction to Penn reels ĆForged Aluminium spool Ć4 stainless steel shielded bearing Ćoiled felt drag system TM 4+1 FD 1 x Aluminium 1190618 031324202177 PURSUIT SPINNING - PUR 3000 157m/0.28mm 10lb/4.5kg 5.2:1 25"/635mm 11.9oz/333g 1190630 031324202191 PURSUIT SPINNING - PUR 4000 203m/0.31mm 13lb/5.85kg 5.2:1 28"/711mm 12.9oz/361g 1190632 031324202214 PURSUIT SPINNING - PUR 5000 203m/0.38mm 20lb/9kg 4.6:1 27"/686mm 19.1oz/535g 1190634 031324202238 PURSUIT SPINNING - PUR 6000 258m/0.41mm 20lb/9kg 4.6:1 27"/686mm 1190636 031324202252 PURSUIT SPINNING - PUR 7000 286m/0.46mm 25lb/11.25kg 4.3:1 29"727mm 26.1oz/731g 1190638 031324202276 PURSUIT SPINNING - PUR 8000 323m/0.48mm 25lb/11.25kg 4.3:1 31"/787mm 27.4oz/767g 32 21oz/588g REELS - SPINNING REELS Slammer® & Slammer® Live Liner With more and more anglers switching to braided main lines, Penn realised that most fixed spool reels simply cannot cope with the immense pressures exerted on the shaft and drag systems. So, they decided that the support shaft for the spool should be dramatically increased, and triple supported throughout the frame, so that spool alignment and balance would not be compromised under extreme loads. A single, large HT100™ drag washer has also been located under the spool to provide the ultimate in fixed spool stopping power. The end result from all this forward thinking and quality engineering is the Penn Slammer® - a truly magnificent reel that can cope with anything from school bass up to huge blue sharks with no fear of the reel collapsing. Slammer® Live Liner A simple turn of the handle disengages the freespool feature and instantly engages the main fighting drag, so you can set the hook and play the fish. This concept is perfect for anyone that fishes for bass from the shore or boat, and because the Live Liner has the same awesome power as the Slammer®, you can now target tope and sharks with a fixed spool reel - now that's real heart-stopping sport! Penn Power Drag. A single, large HT100TM drag washer, located under the spool, protects the drag from the elements, providing the utmost in smooth stopping power for the Slammer's drag system. The proven HT100TM drag material is long lasting, but when it finally does wear, the reversible drag washer can be flipped over, for double the life. Ć5+1 Bearings Ć6+1 Bearings on 760 SLAMMER & 760L LIVELINER FD 1 x Aluminium 1 1154068 031324181199 260 SLAMMER 265m/0.25mm 11lb/4.95kg 5.1:1 25"/635mm 12.2oz/345g 1154069 031324181205 360 SLAMMER 265m/0.28mm 10lb/4.5kg 5.1:1 28"/711mm 12.9oz/365g 1154071 031324181229 460 SLAMMER 292m/0.31mm 14lb/6.3kg 4.6:1 27"/686mm 18.6oz/520g 1154073 031324181243 560 SLAMMER 283m/0.36mm 15lb/6.75kg 4.6:1 30"/762mm 19.9oz/563g 1152052 031324076006 760 SLAMMER 310m/0.46mm 20lb/9kg 4.7:1 36"/660mm 26,8oz/758g 1154072 031324181236 560L LIVELINER 292m/0.31mm 15lb/6.75kg 4.6:1 30"/762mm 20.7oz/586g 1153956 031324201217 760L LIVELINER 283m/0.36mm 20lb/9kg 1187640 031324201590 460L LIVELINER 310m/0.46mm 14lb/6.3kg 4.6:1 36"/660mm 28oz/784g 4.7:1 27"/686mm 19.7oz/551g 33 REELS - SPINNING REELS Spinfisher® SSG & Spinfisher® SSM Spinfisher® SSM Features These new models now feature infinite antireverse roller bearings, five stainless steel ball bearings and an incredibly balanced feel -thanks to the latest in computer engineering and design processes. The 'M' in the name stands for 'metal', so you can rest assured that these reels are designed for some real punishment. Featuring five Stainless Steel ball bearings and one roller bearing, these reels are exceptionally smooth. The larger 850SSM and 950SSM models also feature an oversized, balanced power handle for even more cranking power. If you need a reliable fixed spool reel designed for catching big fish, the Spinfisher® SSM fits the bill. Spinfisher® SSG Features The Spinfisher® SSG (graphite) range has all the same qualities as the SSM series, but with a massive reduction in weight. If you're casting lures or floatfishing livebaits for bass then you'll have no problem casting this reel all day long. The range features Penn's LevellineTM Spool Wrap system for superior line lay - which enhances casting ability. They also feature the Penn Power Drag system, which provides a silky-smooth drag - an essential quality for hard fighting species like tope, smoothhounds and big bass. The oversized handles are balanced, along with the rotor to dramatically reduce 'reel wobble' when you're cranking in at speed. So if you love your light line, lure or freeline fishing, the Spinfisher® SSG range is well worth investigating. ĆSSG FEATURESĆInfinite anti-reverse Ć5 +1 Ball bearings ĆMachined anodized aluminium spool ĆConvertible machined anodized gold handle ĆGraphite housing & rotor ĆInternal/Manual trip ĆFront Power Drag TM 5+1 FD 1 x Aluminium 1 1154064 031324181151 650SSM SPINFISHER METAL 329m/0.36mm 10lb/4.5kg 4.7:1 34"/864mm 1154065 031324181168 750SSM SPINFISHER METAL 384m/0.38mm 11lb/4.95kg 4.6:1 36"/914mm 25.7oz/727g 1154066 031324181175 850SSM SPINFISHER METAL 347m/0.46mm 11lb/4.95kg 4.6:1 40"/1016mm 27.1oz/766g 1154067 031324181182 950SSM SPINFISHER METAL 411m/0.48mm 15lb/6.75kg 4.2:1 38"/965mm 34.5oz/976g 1154059 031324181007 420SSG SPINFISHER 170m/0.14mm 6.5lb/2.925kg 5.3:1 21"/533mm 7.8oz/221g 1154060 031324181113 430SSG SPINFISHER 274m/0.20mm 7lb/3.15kg 5.1:1 26"/660mm 9.8oz/278g 1154061 031324181120 440SSG SPINFISHER 237m/0.28mm 10lb/4.5kg 5.1:1 29"/737mm 14.3oz/405g 1154062 031324181137 450SSG SPINFISHER 274m/0.31mm 13lb/5.85kg 4.6:1 28"/711mm 15.6oz/442g 1154063 031324181144 550SSG SPINFISHER 338m/0.31mm 15lb/6.75kg 4.2:1 29"/737mm 15.9oz/451g 34 24oz/679g REELS - SPINNING REELS Surfmaster Fixed Spool Extensive research and product testing at all stages of the design have given rise to what is now considered the ultimate surfcasting fixed spool reel. Many anglers prefer using the Surfmaster for their uptide fishing, simply because the reels cast like a dream, have exceptionally smooth and powerful drag systems, and are far easier to use on a rocking boat than a multiplier. Each model features no less than seven Stainless Steel ball bearings, plus an anti-reverse bearing - so these reels feel super sensitive and silky smooth. The titanium-shielded, profiled line roller dramatically reduces line twist, which is one of the main areas of failure in many of our competitor's products. The balanced rotor™ prevents 'reel wobble' when retrieving, and the soft touch power handle helps provide the winding power you come to expect from all Penn reels. Each model comes complete with a free spare aluminium spool. A long time at the drawing board designing the perfectly profiled spool has produced one of the best fixed-spool casting reels available - the Surfmaster. ĆUnlimited anti-reverse ĆBalanced rotor system ĆSuper long stroke system ĆTitanium-shielded oversized line roller 7+1 FD 1 x Aluminium Ć7 Stainless steel ball bearings + 1 roller bearing ĆCalibrator enhanced front drag ĆAluminium die cast spool + spare 1 x Alu 1 1154035 031324180765 SURFMASTER 750 340m x 0.30mm 12lb/5.4kg 4.8:139.8"/1011mm 20oz/570g 1154036 031324180772 SURFMASTER 850 390m x 0.35mm 12lb/5.4kg 4.3:140.4"/1026mm 27oz/770g 35 RODS RODS - OVERSEAS PRO SERIES OVERSEAS PRO Series In the diverse and demanding arena of saltwater fishing there is no margin for error. Trust in your tackle is everything, and when it comes to rods Penn Overseas is a range which has earned the trust of legions of anglers worldwide. The No.1 saltwater series in the Pure Fishing Europe stable has moved to the next level for 2010/11 with the introduction of the massive Penn Overseas Pro range. Totalling 33SKUs, all the major sub-sectors of sea fishing are covered with an array of rods specially designed for Boat (inshore, deep sea and travel), Beach and Surfcasting, Jigging, Spinning plus light and heavy Pilk work. Boat rods range from 7ft (2.1m) in strength ratings from 20 to 50lb, including a Roller guide model, through to a telescopic quartet between 8ft 3in (2.5m) and 13ft 3in (4m), to suit every kind of saltwater environment. Five Spin, five Pilk and three Jig rods allow lure enthusiasts to find something perfect for their needs, and likewise shore casting fanatics who can choose from three-piece or telescopic Surfcasters in lengths up to 16ft 6in (5m). If you already liked Penn Overseas rods, you'll love Penn Overseas Pro rods even more ! Overseas Pro SW Spin Ć24T/30T Carbon Blank Construction ĆNew Saltwater Seaguides guide quality ĆHi-Grade EVA Handle with Exclusive Shape 24T/30T Carbon HG EVA SG SIC ĆSupplied with Cordura Tube for Protection Ć4 Piece for easy transportation 2 1211102 031324203976 OVERSEAS PRO 242 15/40 SW Spin 8' (2,40 m) 1,25 m 15 - 40 g 176 g 1 1211103 031324203983 OVERSEAS PRO 272 20/50 SW Spin 9' (2,70 m) 1,40 m 20 - 50 g 235 g 1 1211104 031324203990 OVERSEAS PRO 302 20/60 SW Spin 10' (3,00 m) 1,55 m 20 - 60 g 270 g 1 37 RODS - OVERSEAS PRO SERIES Overseas Pro SW Travel Spin Ć24T/30T Carbon Blank Construction ĆNew Saltwater Seaguides guide quality ĆHi-Grade EVA Handle with Exclusive Shape 24T/30T Carbon HG EVA SG SIC ĆSupplied with Cordura Tube for Protection ĆBreaks into a short length for convenient travel 5 1211105 031324204003 Overseas Pro 275 20/80 SW Spin 9' (2,70 m) 0,60 m 20 - 80 g 272 g 1 1211106 031324204010 Overseas Pro 305 20/80 SW Spin 10' (3,00 m) 0,62 m 20 - 80 g 294 g 1 Overseas Pro Light Pilk Ć24T/30T Carbon Blank Construction ĆNew Saltwater "Seaguides" guides 24T/30T Carbon HG EVA ĆHi-Grade EVA Handle with Exclusive Shape ĆSupplied with Cordura Tube for Protection SG SIC 2 1211239 031324204188 Overseas Pro 272 80/120 LightPilk 9' (2,70 m) 1,40 m 80 - 120 g 288 g 1 1211240 031324204195 Overseas Pro 302 80/120 LightPilk 10' (3,00 m) 1,55 m 80 - 120 g 318 g 1 38 RODS - OVERSEAS PRO SERIES Overseas Pro Heavy Pilk Ć24T/30T Carbon Blank Construction ĆNew Saltwater "Seaguides" guides 24T/30T Carbon HG EVA ĆHi-Grade EVA Handle with Exclusive Shape ĆSupplied with Cordura Tube for Protection SG SIC 2 1211241 031324204201 Overseas Pro 272 100/160 HeavyPilk 9' (2,70 m) 1,40 m 100 - 160 g 370 g 1 1211242 031324204218 Overseas Pro 302 100/160 HeavyPilk 10' (3,00 m) 1,55 m 100 - 160 g 370 g 1 1211243 031324204225 Overseas Pro 332 100/160 HeavyPilk 11' (3,30 m) 1,70 m 100 - 160 g 228 g 1 Overseas Pro Jig A responsive set of three blanks that are perfect for working vertical jigs across a wide spectrum of depths and weights. The rods have a reserve of power in the butt that are capable of lifting big fish from very deep down. Ć24T/30T Carbon Blank Construction ĆNew Saltwate quality guides ĆHi-Grade EVA Handle with Exclusive Shape 24T/30T Carbon HG EVA ĆSupplied with Cordura Tube for Protection Ć2 piece SG SIC 2 1211107 031324204027 Overseas Pro 602 30lbs Jig 6' (1,83 m) 1,08 m 30 lb 361 g 1 1211108 031324204034 Overseas Pro 602 50lbs Jig 6' (1,83 m) 1,08 m 50 lb 412 g 1 1211229 031324204041 Overseas Pro 602 80lbs Jig 6' (1,83 m) 1,08 m 80 lb 452 g 1 39 RODS - OVERSEAS PRO SERIES Overseas Pro Inner Line Boat Ć24T/30T Carbon Blank Construction ĆNew Saltwater "Seaguides" guides 24T/30T Carbon HG EVA ĆHi-Grade EVA Handle with Exclusive Shape ĆSupplied with Cordura Tube for Protection SG SIC 2 7' (2,10 m) 1211227 031324204164 Overseas Pro 212 30 lbs Inner Boat 1,10 m 30 lb 254 g 1 1211228 031324204171 Overseas Pro 212 50 lbs Inner Boat 1,10 m 50 lb 266 g 1 Overseas Pro Travel Boat Ć24T/30T Carbon Blank Construction ĆNew Saltwate quality guides 24T/30T Carbon HG EVA ĆHi-Grade EVA Handle with Exclusive Shape ĆSupplied with Cordura Tube for Protection SG SIC 5 1211233 031324204089 Overseas Pro 215 +20 lbs Travel Boat 7' (2,10 m) 0,46 m 20 lb 417 g 1 1211220 031324204096 Overseas Pro 215 +30 lbs Travel Boat 7' (2,10 m) 0,46 m 30 lb 444 g 1 1211221 031324204102 Overseas Pro 215 +50 lbs Travel Boat 7' (2,10 m) 0,46 m 50 lb 464 g 1 40 RODS - OVERSEAS PRO SERIES Overseas Pro Boat Ć24T/30T Carbon Blank Construction ĆNew Saltwate quality guides ĆHi-Grade EVA Handle with Exclusive Shape 24T/30T Carbon HG EVA SG SIC ĆSupplied with Cordura Tube for Protection Ć2 piece 2 1211230 031324204058 Overseas Pro 212 +20 lbs Boat 7' (2,10 m) 1,10 m 20 lb 322 g 1 1211231 031324204065 Overseas Pro 212 +30 lbs Boat 7' (2,10 m) 1,10 m 30 lb 331 g 1 1211232 031324204300 Overseas Pro 212 +50 lbs Boat 7' (2,10 m) 1,10 m 50 lb 336 g 1 Overseas Pro Roller Boat Ć24T/30T Carbon Blank Construction ĆNew Saltwater ĆHi-Grade EVA Handle with Exclusive Shape 24T/30T Carbon HG EVA 1211222 031324204119 SG SIC ĆSupplied with Cordura Tube for Protection Ć2 piece 2 Overseas Pro 202 +50 lbs Roller Boat 7' (2,10 m) 1,05 m 50 lb 459 g 1 Overseas Pro Tele-Boat Ć24T/30T Carbon Blank Construction ĆNew Saltwater "Seaguides" guides 24T/30T Carbon Rubber ĆHi-Grade EVA Handle with Exclusive Shape ĆSupplied with Cordura Tube for Protection SG SIC 10 - 110 g 1211223 031324204126 Overseas Pro T-250 10/110 Boat TELE-4 8'3" (2,50 m) 1,10 m 264 g 1 1211224 031324204133 Overseas Pro T-300 10/110 Boat TELE-5 10' (3,00 m) 1,10 m 234 g 1 1211225 031324204140 Overseas Pro T-350 10/110 Boat TELE-5 11'6" (3,50 m) 1,20 m 274 g 1 1211226 031324204157 Overseas Pro T-400 10/110 Boat TELE-6 13'3" (4,00 m) 1,27 m 308 g 1 41 RODS - OVERSEAS PRO SERIES Overseas Pro Surfcasting Ć24T/30T Carbon Blank Construction ĆNew Saltwater "Seaguides" guides 24T/30T Carbon Rubber ĆHi-Grade EVA Handle with Exclusive Shape ĆSupplied with Cordura Tube for Protection SG SIC 3 1211244 031324204232 Overseas Pro 423 100/250 Surf 14' (4,20 m) 1,45 m 100 - 250 g 598 g 1 1211245 031324204249 1211246 031324204256 Overseas Pro 453 100/250 Surf 15' (4,50 m) 1,55 m 100 - 250 g 612 g 1 Overseas Pro 503 100/250 Surf 16'6" (5,00 m) 1,75 m 100 - 250 g 732 g 1 Overseas Pro Tele-Surf Ć24T/30T Carbon Blank Construction ĆNew Saltwater "Seaguides" guides 24T/30T Carbon Rubber ĆHi-Grade EVA Handle with Exclusive Shape ĆSupplied with Cordura Tube for Protection SG SIC TELE-6 1211248 031324204270 Overseas Pro T-450 +130 Surf 15' (4,50 m) 1.43 m + 130 g 426 g 1 1211249 031324204287 Overseas Pro T-450 +160 Surf 15' (4,50 m) 1.46 m + 160 g 432 g 1 1211250 031324204294 Overseas Pro T-450 +180 Surf 15' (4,50 m) 1.46m + 180 g 468 g 1 Overseas Pro Beach Ć24T/30T Carbon Blank Construction ĆNew Saltwater "Seaguides" guides 24T/30T Carbon 1211247 031324204263 42 Rubber ĆHi-Grade EVA Handle with Exclusive Shape ĆSupplied with Cordura Tube for Protection SG SIC TELE-6 Overseas Pro T-450 40/90 Beach 15' (4,50 m) 1.43 m 40 - 90 g 396 g 1 RODS - TRQ SERIES TRQ Series The new TRQ 2 Hyphon piece rods are designed for European waters. The unique Howald process used for Ugly Stiks has been adapted to produce an ultra thin fast action rod with incredible strength. Spin, Popping, Jigging and Boat rods have specific actions to enable the anlger to get the most from his chosen style of fishing. Great strength, superb actions and great fun to fish with. TRQ Inner Line ĆHR Carbon Construction Blank with additionnal Graphite layer ĆFUJI DPS 20 reelseat HR Carbon ĆSpecific Inner line rods ĆHi-Grade EVA Handle HG EVA 1221228 031324204577 TRQ INNER LINE 902 60/120 PILK 2 9' (2,70 m) 1,40 m 60 - 120 g 365 g 1 1221229 031324204584 TRQ INNER LINE 1002 60/120 PILK 2 10' (3,00 m) 1,55 m 60 - 120 g 370 g 1 1221230 031324204591 TRQ INNER LINE 802 20/30 BOAT 2 8' (2,40 m) 1,53 m 20 - 30 lb 320 g 1 1221231 031324204607 TRQ INNER LINE 802 30/50 BOAT 2 8' (2,40 m) 1,53 m 30 - 50 lb 350 g 1 TRQ Spinning ĆFUJI DPS 22 reel Hyphon seat ĆFUJI Alconite Saltwater Guides HR Carbon HG EVA ĆHigh Grade EVA handle with specific fighting shape FUJI Alconite 1201215 031324005082 TRQ 902 30/80 Spin 2 9' (2,70 m) 1,40 m 30 - 80 g - 1 1201216 031324005099 TRQ 1002 30/80 Spin 2 10' (3,00 m) 1,55 m 30 - 80 g - 1 1201217 031324005105 TRQ 902 60/120 Spin 2 9' (2,70 m) 1,40 m 60 - 120 g - 1 1201218 031324005112 TRQ 1002 60/120 Spin 2 10' (3,00 m) 1,55 m 60 - 120 g 410 g 1 43 RODS - TRQ SERIES TRQ Popping Top water popping has become very popular in recent years for bass and many tropical species such as GT's. Whether fishing the Cornish coast or casting from a tropical beach these rods are guaranteed to perform. ĆHR Carbon Construction Blank with additionnal Graphite Layer. ĆFUJI DPS 22 reel Hyphon seat HG EVA ĆFUJI Alconite Saltwater Guides ĆHigh Grade EVA handle FUJI Alconite 1201222 031324005150 TRQ 802 50/100 Popping Spin 1+1 8' (2,40 m) 1,53 m 50 - 100 g 500 g 1 1201223 031324005167 TRQ 902 60/120 Popping Spin 1+1 9' (2,70 m) 1,84 m 60 - 120 g - 1 1201224 031324005266 TRQ 902 80/160 Popping Spin 1+1 9' (2,70 m) 1,84 m 80 - 160 g - 1 TRQ Jig These rods are designed to work vertical jigs in a wide range of water depths and conditions. Tested on hard fighting tropical species in great depth's. These rods passed with flying colours! ĆHR Carbon Construction Blank with additionnal Graphite Layer. ĆFUJI DPS 22 reel Hyphon seat ĆPacBay Stainless Steel Guides with deep-pressed titanium coated inserts HG EVA 1186157 031324201385 ĆHigh Grade EVA handle with specific fighting shape ĆAluminium gimbal with EVA cover ĆOne Piece 1 701 20/50lbs Jigging Titanium PacBay 7' (2,10 m) 2,10 m 20 - 50 lb 1 1186158 031324201392 661 30/80lbs Jigging Titanium PacBay 6'6" (1,98 m) 2,00 m 30 - 80 lb 1 1186154 031324201354 661P 30/80lbs Jigging Titanium PacBay 6'6" (1,98 m) 2,00 m 30 - 80 lb 1 1186155 031324201361 661P 50/100lbs Jigging Titanium PacBay 6'6" (1,98 m) 2,00 m 50 - 100 lb 1 1186156 031324201378 581P 80/130lbs Jigging Titanium PacBay 5'8" (1,74 m) 1,75 m 80 - 130 lb 1 44 RODS - TRQ SERIES TRQ Jigging Tested on hard fighting tropical species in great depth's. These rods passed with flying colours! The TRQ 581 is capable of landing almost anything that swims! ĆHR Carbon Construction Blank with additionnal Graphite Layer. ĆFUJI DPS 22 reel Hyphon seat HG EVA ĆFUJI Alconite Saltwater Guides ĆHigh Grade EVA handle FUJI Alconite 1201219 031324005129 TRQ 541 50/150 Jigging 1 5'4" (1,62 m) 1,62 m 50 - 150 g - 1 1201220 031324005136 TRQ 561 100/250 Jigging 1 5'6" (1,69 m) 1,69 m 1201221 031324005143 TRQ 581 200/400 Jigging 1 5'8" (1,75 m) 1,75 m 100 - 250 g - 1 200 - 400 g 410 g 1 TRQ Stand Up Two great Stand up additions to the range. Both have actions that are forgiving in the tip with added power in the middle and butt. Anglers that like a rod to lock up when under pressure will love the feel and performsnce of these blanks. ĆHR Carbon Construction Blank with additionnal Graphite Layer. ĆFUJI DPS 22 reel Hyphon seat HG EVA ĆFUJI Alconite Saltwater Guides ĆHigh Grade EVA handle FUJI Alconite 1201227 031324005297 TRQ 551 8-12 StandUp 1 5'5" (1,65 m) 1,67 m 8 - 12 lb 1 1201228 031324005310 TRQ 551 12-20 StandUp 1 5'5" (1,65 m) 1,67 m 12 - 20 lb 1 45 RODS - TRQ SERIES TRQ Boat Rod Utilising the famous Howald process these rods feature a carbon core with a wrapped outer layers of carbon tape.This makes a fantastically strong blank that is light and fast. Available in standard boat rod long tip short butt to give the sweetest possible action ĆHowald process Graphite material ĆFuji guides and reels seat Ćfast action with progressive power delivery ĆUplocking reel seat for comfort when playing bigg fish EVA ĆGimbal fitting on 20lb and 30lb ĆBraid rods feature a more progressive and forgiving action to help prevent hook holds pulling out Ćhigh quality rod bag ĆDistinctive graphics FUJI 1207767 031324186484 TRQ 862 12/20lbs Boat 2 8'6(2.6m) 1.84m 12 - 20 lb 351g 1 1207768 031324186491 TRQ 842 20lbs Boat 2 8' 4"/(2.5m) 1.84m 20lb 350g 1 1207769 031324186507 TRQ 802 30lbs Boat 2 8' (2,40 m) 1.70m 30lb 400g 1 1207770 031324186514 TRQ 842 12/20lbs Braid Boat 2 8' 4"/(2.5m) 1.84m 12 - 20 lb 347g 1 1207771 031324186521 TRQ 822 20/30lbs Braid Boat 2 8'2" (2,46 m) 1.73m 20 - 30 lb 327g 1 TRQ Boat ĆHR Carbon Construction Blank with additionnal Graphite Layer. ĆFUJI DPS 22 reel Hyphon seat HG EVA ĆFUJI Alconite Saltwater Guides ĆHigh Grade EVA handle FUJI Alconite 1201225 031324005273 TRQ 702 80-250 Boat 1+1 7' (2,10 m) 1,10 m 80 - 250 g - 1 1201226 031324005280 TRQ 802 80-250 Boat 1+1 8' (2,40 m) 1,25 m 80 - 250 g 450 g 1 46 RODS - AFFINITY SERIES AFFINITY Series A range of rods built on ultra modern slim line blanks. These rods are extremely powerful and capable of extreme distance yet retain fishability. The progressive powerflow through the blank sees the angler in full control using the most powerful casting styles. The low diameter blanks further aid distance by reducing air resistance and thus giving increased rod speed. Affinity Twin Tip Supplied with two tips, one soft tip to cast 2 ozs to 5ozs, and the stiffer tip to cast 3ozs to 7ozs. Features a special butt counter balance weight that can be adjusted to suit the individual angler, these rods are designed for use with fixed spool reels and lines between 12 and 25lbs. Developed originally by the SKP Dutch shore fishing team, the rod is aimed at top competition and freelance anglers looking for long European rods with a slim diameter, low weight to mass ratio, and the twin tip system providing versatility for any angling situation. Ć30T/40T Carbon Blank Construction ĆFUJI Guide Quality ĆHigh Grade EVA Handle ĆPOWER: 2-5oz & 3-7oz ĆACTION: 80-150g & 100-200g 30T/40T Carbon HG EVA FUJI 1154120 031324181717 AFFINITY TWIN TIP I 1404 (1) Surf 3+1 14' (4,20 m) 1,42 m 780 g 1 1154121 031324181724 AFFINITY TWIN TIP II 1504 (2) Surf 3+1 15' (4,50 m) 1,52 m 845 g 1 1154122 031324181731 AFFINITY TWIN TIP III 1604 (3) Surf 3+1 16' (4,80 m) 1,63 m 1050 g 1 47 RODS - AFFINITY SERIES Affinity Bass A fast taper action built with power in the lower mid section and butt. The tip is supple to give good bite detection, but the blank quickly locks on the strike to maximise pressure on the line and at the hook pressure point. Designed to be held for hours at a time when feeling for bites, the rod is light in weight, balanced with the reel attached, and casts 3ozs and baits to long range. The rod should be chosen for short range rough ground fishing with big crab baits, also for long range surf fishing with lines between 12lbs and 20lbs. Ć30T/40T Carbon Blank Construction ĆFUJI Guide Quality 30T/40T Carbon HG EVA 1154116 031324181670 ĆHigh Grade EVA Handle Ć2 piece FUJI 2 AFFINITY BASS 1192 2/4oz Surf 11'9" (3,57 m) 1,80 m 2 - 4 oz 60-110 g 575 g 1 Affinity Surf Designed for maximum range casting. The blank is ultra light in weight, slim in diameter, but incorporates a supple tip and progressively powerful action to give the rod the ability to propel leads and baits massive distances. * Used for long range beach fishing when targeting cod, dabs, whiting, rays, bass, tope and huss. Also for rough ground conger, huss and cod fishing. Ć30T/40T Carbon Blank Construction ĆFUJI Guide Quality 30T/40T Carbon 1154117 031324181687 48 HG EVA ĆRubber Handle Ć2 piece FUJI 2 AFFINITY SURF 1362 4/6oz Surf 13'6"(4,08m) 2,03 m 4 - 6 oz 110-170 g 680 g 1 RODS - WAVEBLASTER EVO SERIES WAVEBLASTER EVO Series Based on lightweight, low diameter, semi-fast and fast taper blanks, the Waveblaster range of rods encompasses the current trend using versatile rods, balanced towards fishing with lighter lines to maximise overall performance. All supplied with Cordura travel tube. Waveblaster Evo (Equal Sections) ĆHigh Resistance 24T Carbon Blank Construction ĆFUJI SIC Guide Quality ĆHigh Grade EVA fighting fore grip and Rubber butt HR 24T Carbon EVA/Rubber FUJI SIC ĆSupplied with Cordura Tube Ć2 piece 2 1154102 031324181533 WAVEB. 802ES 8/12lbs SW Spin 8' (2,40 m) 1,22 m 8 - 12 lb M/L 540 g 1 1154103 031324181540 WAVEB. 802ES 12/20lbs SW Spin 8' (2,40 m) 1,22 m 12 - 20 lb M 500 g 1 1154104 031324181557 WAVEB. 782ES 20/30lbs SW Spin 7'8" (2,34 m) 1,17 m 20 - 30 lb MH 540 g 1 1154105 031324181564 WAVEB. 762ES 30/50lbs SW Spin 7'6" (2,28 m) 1,17 m 30 - 50 lb H 550 g 1 49 RODS - WAVEBLASTER EVO SERIES Waveblaster Evo Travel Designed to fit into the typically sized suitcase for ease of overseas travel, this rod is ideal for general fishing for dorado, sailfish, dentex, yellowfin tuna and other medium sized species, plus for UK tope, rays, huss and conger. Even though 4 equal sections, the blank has a progressive smooth power curve that applies maximum line pressure to the fish, but remains lightweight and responsive in the hands. ĆHigh Resistance 24T Carbon Blank Construction ĆFUJI SIC Guide Quality ĆHigh Grade EVA fighting fore grip and Rubber butt HR 24T Carbon EVA/Rubber 1154106 031324181571 FUJI SIC ĆSupplied with Cordura Tube Ć4 piece for easy packing 4 WAVEB. 784 20/30 Travel SW Spin 7'8" (2,34 m) 0,58 m 20 - 30 lb MH 470 g 1 H 470 g 1 Waveblaster Evo Deep Travel Again a 5-piece equal section rod designed for the angler wanting ease of transportation without compromising perfromance. The lightweight blank is rated for 30 to 50lb lines and features a stiff butt feeding in to a progressively powerful mid section and semi supple tip. This action allows maximum line pressure to be applied to big fish such as wreck conger, ling and big skate, plus is ideal for yellowfin tuna bluefin tuna, striped marlin and medium sized sharks and stingrays overseas. ĆHigh Resistance 24T Carbon Blank Construction ĆFUJI SIC Guide Quality ĆHigh Grade EVA fighting fore grip and Rubber butt ĆSupplied with Cordura Tube 1154107 HR 24T Carbon 1154107 031324181588 50 EVA/Rubber FUJI SIC 4 WAVEB. 784 30/50 Deap SW Spin 7'8" (2,34 m) 0,58 m 30 - 50 lb RODS - POWERSTIX SERIES POWERSTIX A rod range acknowledging the changing shape of modern sea angling and introducing rods designed for new emerging markets. The blanks are built to be light in weight, but with progressively powerful semi-fast and fast taper actions, specifically designed to maximise performance for the angler. All supplied with a Cordura travel tube. Powerstix Pro Bass & Pro Bass Spin Lightweight to hold for long periods and with a supple tip for maximum bite detection, this semi-fast taper blank is ideal for estuary bass fishing with lighter 2 to 3oz leads, but also has the power to punch 3oz leads and bait way out in to the creaming surf. The rod also features a 3-piece equal section format, so the rod is ideal for car transportation, yet loses nothing in action. New 10' model: Designed to cast plugs or spinners, the fast action gives great casting distance and the ability to work surface lures effectively. Prefect for lures between 1oz/28g and 3oz/84g ĆHigh Resistance 24T Carbon Blank Construction ĆFUJI O-RING Guide Quality ĆHigh Grade EVA fighting grip ĆSupplied with Cordura Tube HR 24T Carbon EVA FUJI O 1195626 031324202566 POWERSTIX PRO BASS SPIN 1/3oz 2 1154095 031324181465 POWERSTIX PRO BASS 1163 2/4oz 3 10' (3,00 m) 1,53 m 1 - 3 oz 28-85g 344g 11'6" (3,48 m) 1,17 m 2 - 4 oz 60-120g 413g 51 RODS - POWERSTIX SERIES Powerstix Seaspin HR 24T Carbon EVA FUJI O 1211207 031324203952 POWERSTIX PRO 922 30/70 SeaSpin 2 9'2" (2,79 m) 1,44 m 30 - 70 g 312 g 1 1211208 031324203969 POWERSTIX PRO 922 40/90 SeaSpin 2 9'2" (2,79 m) 1,44 m 40 - 90 g 329 g 1 Powerstix Pro Boat Featuring a 7'8", 4-piece equal section blank, the rod offers a semi-supple tip to maximise bite detection and give sport with smaller species, but under pressure the power curve becomes progressively more powerful, this producing the stiffness in the lower sections to tire big fish. Used for sandbank rays, tope and huss, also for light reef and wreck fishing for cod, conger and huss, also ling and big turbot. Overseas for dentex, dorado, sailfish, striped marlin and roosterfish. Use these rods for general downtide boat fishing for gurnard, codling, dabs, whiting, bass, rays, tope and huss. ĆHigh Resistance 24T Carbon Blank Construction ĆFUJI O-RING Guide Quality ĆHigh Grade EVA fighting grip HR 24T Carbon ĆRubber Handle on powerstick uptide ĆSupplied with Cordura Tube ĆAluminium gimbal with EVA cover FUJI O 1207772 031324186538 POWERSTIX PRO 992 4/10 Uptide 2 4-10oz 470g 1 1154091 031324181427 POWERSTIX PRO 784 12/20lbs Boat 4 7'8" (2,35 m) 0,58 m 12 - 20 lb 368 g 1 1154092 031324181434 POWERSTIX PRO 764 20/30lbs Boat 4 7'6" (2,28 m) 0,57 m 20 - 30 lb 379 g 1 1154093 031324181441 POWERSTIX PRO 744 30/50lbs Boat 4 7'4" (2,22 m) 0,56 m 30 - 50 lb 396 g 1 52 9'9(2.97m) 2.04m RODS - POWERSTIX SERIES Powerstix Pro Braid Specifically designed for braid with a supple tip and upper mid section to counter act the non stretch braided lines. The rod has incredible bite detection properties, even in very deep water when targeting small shy biting fish such as dabs and whiting. The lower mid section and butt quickly stiffen to give maximum leverage and pressure against big hard fighting fish. The short butt, long tip design also produces the very best possible action to maximise the rods overall efficiency in unision with the braid line. ĆHigh Resistance 24T Carbon Blank Construction ĆFUJI O-RING Guide Quality ĆHigh Grade EVA fighting grip HR 24T Carbon EVA 1154094 031324181458 ĆSupplied with Cordura Tube ĆAluminium gimbal with EVA cover FUJI O 2 POWERSTIX PRO 821 20/30 Braid Boat 8'2" (2,46 m) 1,24 m 20 - 30 lb 279 g 1 Powerstix Pro Surfcasting A rod built to accommodate both fixed spool and multiplier reels. The action is designed to be used with lighter lines down to 10lbs and strong 60lb shock leaders, to maximising casting range when conditions such as calm, clear water in daylight limit the amount of fish close to shore. The increased length of the blank also allows anglers with average casting ability to reach greater distances for the same amount of physical effort than would be possible with shorter conventional beach casters. ĆHigh Resistance 24T Carbon Blank Construction ĆFUJI O-RING Guide Quality HR 24T Carbon FUJI O 3 ĆRubber butt grip ĆSupplied with Cordura Tube 4 - 6 oz 110-170g 1154096 031324181472 POWERSTIX PRO 1303 4/6oz Surf Rubber 13' (3,90 m) 1,32 m 521g 1154097 031324181489 POWERSTIX PRO 1593 4/6oz Surf Rubber 15'9"(4,77m) 1,52 m 697 g 53 RODS - INTERNATIONAL V SERIES INTERNATIONAL® V Series The International® V-Series IGFA rods were created for the most demanding and discriminating big game anglers looking to catch world record fish or win big game tournaments. These rods feature more traditional parabolic tapers and configurations for maximum leverage when used in conjunction with a quality fighting chair. International V IGFA Trolling Ć1 Piece Hollow Glass ĆOriginal AFTCO Roller Guides ĆHigh Grade EVA fighting fore grip ĆExtra resistant and detachable Aluminium butt handle with gimbal ĆBlack Leather Cloth Bag 1151150 031324503021 INT. V IGFA 691 30lbs Trolling 1 6'10" (2,08 m) 2,10 m 30 lb 990 g 1 1151151 031324505025 INT. V IGFA 691 50lbs Trolling 1 6'10" (2,08 m) 2,10 m 50 lb 1025 g 1 1151152 031324507029 INT. V IGFA 691 50/80lbs Trolling 1 6'10" (2,08 m) 2,10 m 50 - 80 lb 1270 g 1 1151153 031324508026 INT. V IGFA 701 80lbs Trolling 1 6' 11"(2,10 m) 2,13 m 80 lb 840 g 1 1151155 031324513020 INT. V IGFA 741 130lbs Trolling 1 7'4" (2,23 m) 2,25 m 130 lb 935 g 1 1151156 031324513044 INT. V IGFA 781 130lbs Trolling 1 7'8" (2,34 m) 2,37 m 130 lb 2050 g 1 International V Tuna Trolling ĆSolid Glass Blank Construction ĆOriginal AFTCO Roller Guides ĆHigh Grade EVA fighting fore grip ĆAluminium butt handle ĆBlack Leather Cloth Bag 1154074 031324181250 INT. V TUNA 561 40/100lbs Trolling 1 5'6" (1,68 m) 1,70 m 40 - 100 lb 819 g 1 1154076 031324181274 INT. V TUNA 561 50/130lbs Trolling 1 5'6" (1,68 m) 1,70 m 50 - 130 lb 868 g 1 54 RODS - INTERNATIONAL V SERIES / SENATOR SERIES International® V Standup Utilising fast tapers and shorter blanks, International® V-Series Standup Rods offer anglers opting to fight standup-style greater mechanical advantages than the longer, parabolic rods needed for fighting fish in the chair. Created with soft-tip sections that quickly taper into the powerful mid and butt sections of these rods, you will achieve the comfortable fishing action, along with the handling power required when fishing stand up outifts. ĆHollow Glass Construction ĆRoller Guides ĆHigh Grade EVA fighting fore grip ĆAluminium Butt Handle 1 1151160 031324530881 INT. V 561R 30/80lbs SU Roller 5'6"/1.68m 1,70 m 30-80lb 970 g 1 1151168 031324550117 INT. V 561R 50/100lbs SU Roller 5'6"/1.68m 1,70 m 50-100lb 1040 g 1 1151161 031324530812 INT. V 601R 30/80lbs SU Roller 6'/1.83m 1,83 m 30-80lb 1085 g 1 1151169 031324550186 INT. V 601R 50/100lbs SU Roller 6'/1.83m 1,83 m 50-100lb 1040 g 1 1151189 031324801318 INT. V 601R 80/130lbs SU Roller 6'/1.83m 1,83 m 80-130lb 1135 g 1 1151164 031324530829 INT. V 561RT 30/80lbs SU Roller/Turbo 5'6"/1.68m 1,70 m 30-80lb 895 g 1 1151165 031324530836 INT. V 601RT 30/80lbs SU Roller/Turbo 6'/1.83m 1,83 m 30-80lb 805 g 1 1151166 031324530843 INT. V 601T 30/80lbs SU Turbo 6'/1.83m 1,83 m 30-80lb 790 g 1 1151159 031324520424 INT. V 661T 20/40lbs SU Turbo 6'6"/1.98m 2,00 m 20-40lb 840 g 1 1151162 031324308046 INT. V 561R 30/80lbs SU Roller 5'6"/1.68m 1,70 m 30-80lb 925 g 1 1151170 031324050105 INT. V 561R 50/100lbs SU Roller 5'6"/1.68m 1,70 m 50-100 970 g 1 Senator® Trolling Borrowed from a legendary Penn namesake, Penn Senator® rods were designed to be as durable and rugged as the reels they were intended to match. Utilising chrome guides in-between. AFTCO® Roller Stripper and Roller Tip, Senator® rods are an economical version of full roller guided rods. This setup along with quality reel seats and slick butts make Penn Senator® rods a great choice when all rollers are not required. Tubular Glass EVA AFTCO 1151266 031324313538 SENATOR 3135RS 661 20/40lbs Trolling 1 6'6" (1,98 m) 2,00 m 20 - 40 lb 663 g 1 1151267 031324314535 SENATOR 3145RS 661 30/50lbs Trolling 1 6'6" (1,98 m) 2,00 m 30 - 50 lb 748 g 1 1151268 031324316539 SENATOR 3165RS 661 40/60lbs Trolling 1 6'6" (1,98 m) 2,00 m 40 - 60 lb 744 g 1 1151269 031324319530 SENATOR 3195RS 661 60/80lbs Trolling 1 6'6" (1,98 m) 2,00 m 60 - 80 lb 825 g 1 55 RODS - MARINER SERIES MARINER® Series Penn Mariner® Standup rods are tough, dependable and good looking, from the rugged construction for long-lasting use, to the great looking wraps that will make these rods the choice of captains. Mariner Boat Solid Glass EVA 1151286 031324410251 MARINER 5FT6 10 25LB 1 5'6" (1,68m) 10 - 25 lb 1 Mariner Stand Up Ć1 Piece Solid Glass Blank Construction ĆAX Turbo Guides ĆEVA Handle / Fore Grip Solid glass EVA ĆSlick Butt ĆAluminium Gimbal With Cover AX Turbo 1151279 031324530010 MARINER 561 CMST 12/30lbs SU 1 5'6" (1,68 m) 12 - 30 lb 725 g 1 1151280 031324560017 MARINER 561 CHST 20/50lbs SU 1 5'6" (1,68 m) 20 - 50 lb 798 g 1 1151281 031324580015 MARINER 561 CHST 50/100lbs SU 1 5'6" (1,68 m) 50 - 100 lb 890 g 1 1151283 031324631014 MARINER 601 CMST 20/50lbs SU 1 6' (1,80 m) 20 - 50 lb 823 g 1 1151284 031324661011 MARINER 601 CHST 30/80lbs SU 1 6' (1,80 m) 30 - 80 lb 874 g 1 1151282 031324630611 MARINER 661 CMST 20/50lbs SU 1 6'6" (1,98 m) 20 - 50 lb 919 g 1 56 RODS - MARINER / SLAMMER SERIES Mariner Stand Up Roller ĆSolid Glass Blank Construction ĆStuart AX Turbo Roller Guides (Stripper + Tip) ĆEVA Handle / Fore Grip Solid glass EVA ĆSlick Butt ĆAluminium Gimbal With Cover S AX T 1151193 031324205567 MARINER 561 MSU 20/50lbs SU 1 5'6" (1,68 m) 20 - 50 lb 743 g 1 1151194 031324308565 MARINER 561 MSU 30/80lbs SU 1 5'6" (1,68 m) 30 - 80 lb 824 g 1 1151195 031324501560 MARINER 561 MSU 50/100lbs SU 1 5'6" (1,68 m) 50 - 100 lb 899 g 1 Slammer® Boat 1151299 031324020412 SLAMMER 6ft 15 40LB 6' /1.8m 5 57 COMBOS COMBOS - SENATOR BOAT / MARINER BOAT Senator Boat ĆDurable and rugged blank ĆEVA fighting handle ĆChrome guides in-between ĆAluminium gimbal with cover ĆSlick butt handle ĆSenator reels ĆPrecision-machined, stainless steel pinion gear ĆHigh strength, manganese-bronze main gear ĆStainless steel reinforced side plates ĆMulti-disc star drag system for smooth and consistant drag 1151521 031324913301 COMBO SENATOR 661 113H2 Boat 1151524 031324914148 COMBO SENATOR 661 114H2 Boat Mariner Boat Ć2 sections rod in solid glass blank construction ĆAluminium gimbal with cover ĆAX Turbo guides ĆEVA handle and for grip 1211562 031324204393 Ć309M LW reel ĆLightweight composite side plates ĆPrecision-machined, stainless steel pinion gear ĆBrass main gear COMBO MARINER 662 LW309M Boat 59 COMBOS - SLAMMER BOAT Slammer Boat ĆHigh resistance and durable blank construction, in 2 sections ĆStainless steel inner-outer frame rings enhance rigidity ĆEVA fighting handle ĆLightweight machined anodized spool ĆAluminium gimbal with cover ĆMarine-grade alloy main gear improves durability and Ć230 GTO reel smoothness Ć2 stainless steel shielded ball bearings 1211563 031324204409 60 COMBO SLAMMER 662 230GTO Boat LINES LINES Using a quality main line is perhaps the single most important factor in deciding whether you land your fish of a lifetime or not! If you are using the best rod and reel combination, it is only right that you should use the best main line available. All the braids in the range have been tested extensively to prove their worth of the Penn name. They all have a round cross section, something that is very important when fishing in strong tides and deep water, and they all have exceptionally high breaking strains for their diameter. Our monofilament lines too have to go through rigorous testing, both from the shore and afloat. No matter what type of fishing you do, there is a main line in the Penn range that has been specifically developed for the job. You have bought the best rod and reel that money can buy, don't let the outfit down by using inferior lines! 62 LINES International Premium Mono Finally a Monofilament that provides enough strength to catch everything that swims. The Premium mono is built out of the newest high end Advanced Multi-Polymers. Ocean Blue colour ĆUnsurpassed abrasion resistance ĆLow memory ĆHi-impact strength ĆExtreme Hi-shock resistance ĆPerfect smooth manageability ĆAvailable in 3 running lengths ĆAvailable in a full range focussed on UK and Central Europe. ĆSuper packaging Ocean Blue 1154216 031324183841 0.30 mm 7.05 kg 12 Lb 270m/300yd 1154217 031324183858 1154218 031324183865 0.35 mm 8.1 kg 15 Lb 270m/300yd 0.40 mm 10.05 kg 20 Lb 270m/300yd 1154219 031324183872 0.45 mm 13.55 kg 25 Lb 270m/300yd 1154220 031324183889 0.50 mm 16.5 kg 30 Lb 250m/300yd 1154221 031324183896 0.55 mm 19.6 kg 40 Lb 250m/300yd 1154222 031324183902 0.65 mm 31.5 kg 60 Lb 125m/150yd 1154230 031324183988 0.30 mm 7.05 kg 12 Lb 600m/720yd 1154231 031324183995 0.35 mm 8.1 kg 15 Lb 600m/720yd 1154232 031324184008 0.40 mm 10.05 kg 20 Lb 600m/720yd 1154233 031324184015 0.45 mm 13.55 kg 25 Lb 600m/720yd 1154234 031324184022 0.50 mm 16.5k g 30 Lb 600m/720yd 1154235 031324184039 0.55 mm 19.6 kg 40 Lb 600m/720yd 1154236 031324184046 0.65 mm 31.5 kg 60 Lb 540m/650yd 1154244 031324184121 0.30 mm 7.05 kg 12 Lb 1800m/2000yd 1154245 031324184138 0.35 mm 8.1 kg 15 Lb 1800m/2000yd 1154246 031324184145 0.40 mm 10.05 kg 20 Lb 1800m/2000yd 1154247 031324184152 0.45 mm 13.55 kg 25 Lb 1800m/2000yd 1154248 031324184169 0.50 mm 16.5 kg 30 Lb 1800m/2000yd 1154249 031324184176 0.55 mm 19.6 kg 40 Lb 1800m/2000yd 1154250 031324184183 0.65 mm 31.5 kg 60 Lb 1800m/2000yd 63 LINES International Shockleader Finally a Shockleader that provides enough strength to cast the heaviest weights and fish in the roughest conditions. This hardwearing mono is perfect over rough ground with its high abrasion resistance and provides high shock strength when casting heavy leads. ĆUltra high shock resistant ĆExtreme impact strength / Spooled on wristspools 1154284 031324184527 40 lb 50 yd / 45m Clear 3 1154285 031324184534 60 lb 50 yd / 45m Clear 3 1154286 031324184541 80 lb 50 yd / 45m Clear 3 1154287 031324184558 40 lb 50 yd / 45m Solar Green 3 1154288 031324184565 60 lb 50 yd / 45m Solar Green 3 International Braid Not all braids are the same, we at Penn only manufacture the finest braid possible. This braided line in both Lo-vis and Hi vis provides enough strength to cast extreme distances, low stretch so that bite indication is instant and tough abrasion resistance giving you peace of mind that you can catch everything that swims. Due to a perfect multi carrier tight weave construction this line is as round as it can be, meaning that it casts like a dream and it won't bed in on multipliers or fixed spool reels. ĆMulti carrier tight weave construction ĆAdvanced coating ĆUnsurpassed strength per diameter ĆUnsurpassed sensitivity ĆTransluscent (270m/1800m spools) Translucent 1154298 031324184664 0.12 mm 9.6 kg 270m/300yd 4 1154299 031324184671 0.14 mm 13.4 kg 270m/300yd 4 1154300 031324184688 0.17 mm 19.2 kg 270m/300yd 4 1154301 031324184695 0.20 mm 21.1 kg 270m/300yd 4 1154302 031324184701 0.25 mm 27.2 kg 270m/300yd 4 1154303 031324184718 0.30 mm 38.1 kg 270m/300yd 4 1154310 031324184787 0.12 mm 9.6 kg 1800m/2000yd 1 1154311 031324184794 0.14 mm 13.4 kg 1800m/2000yd 1 1154312 031324184800 0.17 mm 19.2 kg 1800m/2000yd 1 1154313 031324184817 0.20 mm 21.1 kg 1800m/2000yd 1 1154314 031324184824 0.25 mm 27.2 kg 1800m/2000yd 1 1154315 031324184831 0.30 mm 38.1 kg 1800m/2000yd 1 64 LINES International Braid (270m/1800m) Yellow hi vis 1154330 031324184985 0.12 mm 9.6 kg 270m/300yd 4 1154331 031324184992 0.14 mm 13.4 kg 270m/300yd 4 1154332 031324185005 0.17 mm 19.2 kg 270m/300yd 4 1154333 031324185012 0.20 mm 21.1 kg 270m/300yd 4 1154334 031324185029 0.25 mm 27.2 kg 270m/300yd 4 1154335 031324185036 0.30 mm 38.1 kg 270m/300yd 4 1154342 031324185104 0.12 mm 9.6 kg 1800m/2000yd 1 1154343 031324185111 0.14 mm 13.4 kg 1800m/2000yd 1 1154344 031324185128 0.17 mm 19.2 kg 1800m/2000yd 1 1154345 031324185135 0.20 mm 21.1 kg 1800m/2000yd 1 1154346 031324185142 0.25 mm 27.2 kg 1800m/2000yd 1 1154347 031324185159 0.30 mm 38.1 kg 1800m/2000yd 1 65 LINES International braid Blue Penn only manufacture the finest braid possible. This braided line in a Hi vis blue colour provides enough strength to cast extreme distances, low stretch so that bite indication is instant and tough abrasion resistance giving you peace of mind that you can catch everything that swims. Due to a perfect multi carrier tight weave construction this line is as round as it can be, meaning that it casts like a dream and it won't bed in on multipliers or fixed spool reels. ĆGreat Strength per diameter ĆSensitive ĆPerfectly coated ĆMulti carrier, tight weave construction. ĆInternational Blue (270m/1800m spools) Blue 1215967 031324204416 0.12 mm 9.6 kg 125m/150yd 4 1215968 031324204423 0.14 mm 13.4 kg 125m/150yd 4 1215969 031324204430 0.17 mm 19.2 kg 125m/150yd 4 1215970 031324204447 0.20 mm 21.1 kg 125m/150yd 4 1215971 031324204454 0.12 mm 9.6 kg 270m/300yd 4 1215972 031324204461 0.14 mm 13.4 kg 270m/300yd 4 1215973 031324204478 0.17 mm 19.2 kg 270m/300yd 4 1215974 031324204485 0.20 mm 21.1 kg 270m/300yd 4 1215975 031324204492 0.25 mm 27.2 kg 270m/300yd 4 1215976 031324204508 0.30 mm 38.1 kg 270m/300yd 4 1215977 031324204515 0.12 mm 9.6 kg 1800m/2000yd 1 1215978 031324204522 0.14 mm 13.4 kg 1800m/2000yd 1 1215979 031324204539 0.17 mm 19.2 kg 1800m/2000yd 1 1215980 031324204546 0.20 mm 21.1 kg 1800m/2000yd 1 1215981 031324204553 0.25 mm 27.2 kg 1800m/2000yd 1 1215982 031324204560 0.30 mm 38.1 kg 1800m/2000yd 1 66 LINES International Fluorocarbon Finally a Fluorocarbon that is truely invisible under water and provides enough strength to catch everything that swims. The ideal knot for fluorocarbon is a palomar, or if you are joining to braid use a all-bright! ĆNear invisibility under water ĆExtreme abrasion resistance Ć100% Fluorocarbon 50 yd / 45m Clear 3 1154358 031324183100 12 lb 1154359 031324183117 15 lb 1154360 031324183124 20 lb 1154361 031324183131 25 lb 67 ACCESSORIES ACCESSORIES - CLOTHING Flotation Suit ISO 12402 A purpose designed anglers flotation suit that meets the new ISO 12402 standard. The generous cut ensures you have the freedom to comfortably work and cast. Special attention has been paid to the cut of the suit to allow free movement of arms making casting easier when wearing the suit. ĆCargo leg pockets ĆInterior pockets ĆHi-vis 3M reflective tape ĆFoam Buoyancy (72-83N) ĆRemovable hood Ć2 piece ĆDrainage mesh ĆCarry Bag Ć100% Polyester shell and lining 1190767 031324202290 Flotation Suit 2 Piece Small 1 1190768 031324202306 Flotation Suit 2 Piece Medium 1 1190769 031324202313 Flotation Suit 2 Piece Large 1 1190770 031324202320 Flotation Suit 2 Piece XLarge 1 1190771 031324202337 Flotation Suit 2 Piece XXLarge 1 69 ACCESSORIES - CLOTHING WaveBlaster 1 and 2 Piece Flotation Suits When we developed our WaveBlaster Flotation Suit both design and personal safety were of paramount importance. To achieve our goal we asked questions of the end users, added the thoughts of our design team and eventually introduced the WaveBlaster concept. Jacket Features - 3 fleece lined cargo pockets with velcro fastening storm flaps - Inner zipped pocket Double zipped front with velcro secured storm flap - Adjustable neoprene outer cuffs - Upper arm pocket with storm flap - High fleece lined storm collar - Detachable peaked hood with velcro fastening and drawstring - Adjustable snaplock belt - Distress whistle - Crotch strap - Drainage mesh at cuffs and hem. Trousers Features - 2 large cargo pockets with velcro fastening storm flaps - Double zipped gusseted fly with velcro storm flap - Zipped gusseted ankle closure with velcro straps Heavy duty adjustable braces with quick release buckles - Reinforced knee and seat area - Drainage mesh at ankles. 1154177 031324183452 Flotation Suit 1 Piece Small 1 1154178 031324183469 Flotation Suit 1 Piece Medium 1 1154179 031324183476 Flotation Suit 1 Piece Large 1 1154180 031324183483 Flotation Suit 1 Piece XLarge 1 1154181 031324183490 Flotation Suit 1 Piece XXLarge 1 1154182 031324183506 Flotation Suit 1 Piece XXXLarge 1 1154183 031324183513 Flotation Suit 2 Piece Small 1 1154184 031324183520 Flotation Suit 2 Piece Medium 1 1154185 031324183537 Flotation Suit 2 Piece Large 1 1154186 031324183544 Flotation Suit 2 Piece XLarge 1 1154187 031324183551 Flotation Suit 2 Piece XXLarge 1 1154188 031324183568 Flotation Suit 2 Piece XXXLarge 1 70 ts ACCESSORIES - LUGGAGE Affinity Holdall A range of luggage designed for the needs of the modern sea angler who demands rugged and practical products. This range of luggage is manufactured from tough waterproof material that offers superb protection for the anglers tackle. ĆUmbrella pocket ĆRod rest and Umbrella pockets with straps ĆMoulded base ĆAdjustable handles ĆHeavy duty material ĆAdjustable shoulder strap ĆConvertible rod holdall that can take 7' (2.10m) tips or convert into a quiver style holdall for boat rods 4'8 (1.40m) 1154159 031324183391 Affinity Rod Holdall 1 Affinity Gear bag Ć45x40x36cm Gear bag with waterproof liner and zips ĆGrab and carry straps ĆMoulded base which acts as a lead or lure store. ĆHeavy duty material ĆTwo zipped side pockets 1154160 031324183407 Affinity Gear Bag 1 71 ACCESSORIES - LUGGAGE Affinity Rod Safe ĆDesigned to keep rod secure when Boat or Pier fishing ĆWraps around safety rail and velcros in position ĆVelcro securing strap then is put over the rod to hold securely ĆProtects rod and boat ĆQuick rip release velcro tab 1154162 031324183421 Affinity Rod Safe 1 Affinity Rig Wallet ĆUnique folding design saves space Ć32 removable plastic pockets 14cm x 10cm ĆLarger zipped clear fronted pocket 18cm x 18cm Ć24cm x 20 cm (folded) 1154161 031324183414 72 Affinity Rig Wallet 1 ACCESSORIES - LUGGAGE Affinity Insulated Bait/Gear bag ĆPerfect for keeping the bait in good condition or to store gear ĆMesh jacket store ĆShoulder strap ĆZipped side pocket Ć49cm x 36cm x 32cm 1154163 031324183438 Affinity Insulated Bait/Gear Bag 1 Affinity Pirk/Lure bag ĆDesigned to hold lures or pirks Ć12 adjustable compartments ĆPrevents tangling of hooks ĆFits into the insulated gear bag neatly ĆHeavy duty material Ć32cm x 27cm x 21cm 1154164 031324183445 Affintiy Pirk/lure bag 1 73 ACCESSORIES - GENERAL Harness's & Butt pads 1154148 1154157 1154189 1154149 1154151 1154150 1154157 031324183377 Shoulder Harness 1 1154189 031324183575 Trolling Harness 1 1154148 031324181991 LSB Pad 1 1154149 031324183292 MSB Pad 1 1154150 031324183308 HSB Pad 1 1154151 031324183315 BGB Pad 1 74 ACCESSORIES - GENERAL Penn Lube, Grease & Cleaner In order to help you maintain your rods and reels in tip top condition, we have developed a comprehensive range of grease, oil and cleaner to help you take care of your most prized possessions. The marine environment is one of the harshest known to man. Regular exposure to saltwater can and will damage anything that comes into contact with it. Although all Penn products leave the factory with the optimum amount of lubrication and protection already applied, it's up to you to continue to care for your gear. This range of products has been developed to assure the optimum lubrication protection against corrosion and rust. Available in various tub sizes, Penn Precision Reel Grease is the ideal choice for keeping your big game reels protected and running smoothly. Our Synthetic Reel Oil is perfect for all of our casting models, ensuring smooth operation and increased performance with every cast. We have even developed a special Rod and Reel Cleaner with corrosion inhibitors to help protect your gear even after you have cleaned it. This stuff is safe to use when cleaning your rods, plus both the insides and outsides of your Penn reels. The special formula helps repel water and prevent salt build up - which will leave you more time for fishing and less time cleaning your kit. Using a combination of Penn cleaner, oil and grease will ensure the maximum lifespan of your gear - giving you maximum enjoyment from your favourite tackle. 1154204 031324183728 Penn Precision Grease 2oz 1 1154205 031324183735 Penn Synthetic Reel Oil 2 Oz. 2oz 1 1154206 031324183742 Penn Spray Bottle 12oz & Reel 12oz. 1 1154207 031324183759 Penn Angler Pack 1 75 ACCESSORIES - GENERAL Talon Reel Seat Designed to replace conventional coasters. This simple device slides onto the blank and by tighting the thumbscrew the 2 stainless steel wires grip the blank. Unlike conventional reel seats the Talon allows the blank to flex to generate maximum power. ĆStainless steel components and Removable trigger ĆFits most common butt diameters ĆEasy to reposition on rod and Lightweight 1154158 031324183384 Penn Talon Reel Seat 1 Neoprene Reel Cases Neoprene reel covers to protect the reel, line or braid during transit. The 5mm neoprene will cushion the reel if dropped and protect against knocks and scracthes. ĆTriple stiched seams Ć5mm neoprene ĆDurable velcro closures ĆLug cut outs for easy storage 1178860 031324201279 Neoprene Reel Cover XXSmall 6 1187962 031324201903 Neoprene Reel Cover XSmall 6 1178861 031324201286 Neoprene Reel Cover Small 6 1178862 031324201293 Neoprene Reel Cover Medium 6 1178863 031324201309 Neoprene Reel Cover Large 3 1178864 031324201316 Neoprene Reel Cover XLarge 3 1178865 031324201323 Neoprene Reel Cover XXLarge 3 Penn Cap Stylish and useful black and red cap with Penn logo. 1154215 031324183834 76 Penn Cap 1 size fits all ACCESSORIES - MONSTER RIGS Penn Norwegian Rig Selection A selection of deepsea rigs made by Norway's best competition anglers for Norwegian waters. These are the rigs they use when fishing in or out of competitions. Made according to their specifications with Trilene Big Game mainline and Trilene Big Game Fluorocarbon hooklentghs combined with Mustad hooks and Berkley swivels. Monster Rigs A set of rigs for the big fish in Norwegian waters especially on the west coast and in northern Norway. Made to withstand wear and tear from big fish all day long Coast Rigs Coast rigs are a set of rigs for the fish in Norwegian coastal waters especially in southern parts of Norway and all fjords. They are made to attract bites when the fishing is difficult, these rigs are truly all-rounder's that will catch on those hard days but strong enough to last for weeks. The hooklengths are connected to the mainline with connector sleeves and swivels which make the rig stronger and reduce line twist. Monster Allround Predator Rig This rig is made for all the monsters in deep Norwegian Waters like catfish, tusk and cod. The spinner blades rattling over the bottom it will attract a lot of attention. Too increase catch rate this rig should be combined with a Penn Jigging/bait rig in glow or orange/green. To utilise this rig to it maximum bait the hook with Gulp! Saltwater in combination with natural fish fillet from mackerel or coalfish or whole herring. Fishing technique: Lift the rig about 0,5meter from the bottom and about twice a minute control that you are close enough to the bottom by slowly lowering the rig down. Another technique is to let the sinker just touch the bottom. Consist of 3 interchangeably hook lengths in 3 sizes with a fluorescent silicon octopus skirt and 2 spinner blades and one Flying collar boom, Ć6/0 Mustad 92553 with Trilene Big Game Fluorocarbon 0,79mm Ć8/0 Mustad 92553 with Trilene Big Game Fluorocarbon 0,86mm Ć10/0 Mustad 92553 with Trilene Big Game Fluorocarbon 1.04mm ĆBest for Catfish, Tusk, Ling, Cod 1201245 031324202825 ALLROUND PRED. RIG INCL 3 DIF. SIZE Glow in the dark 1 77 ACCESSORIES - MONSTER RIGS Monster Ling Rig Made for the big ling that swim in deep Norwegian Waters but will also catch tusk and cod. To increase catch rate this rig should be combined with a Penn Jigging/bait rig in glow or orange/green. To utilise this rig to it maximum use Gulp! Saltwater in combination with small coalfish or mackerel "flapper" (fish where the backbone has been removed i.e. head with two flapping fillets) Fishing technique: Lift the rig about 0,5meter from the bottom and about twice a minute control that you are close enough to the bottom by slowly lowering the rig down. Another technique is to let the sinker just touch the bottom. When ling bite they usually gives a double tug and you have to wait until the next bite before you set the hook, remember you have a big bait on. Consist of 3 interchangeably hook lengths in 3 sizes with a long fluorescent silicon tube and one Flying collar boom Ć6/0 Mustad 92553 with Trilene Big Game Fluorocarbon 0,79mm Ć8/0 Mustad 92553 with Trilene Big Game Fluorocarbon 0,86mm Ć10/0 Mustad 92553 with Trilene Big Game Fluorocarbon 1.04mm ĆBest for Monster ling 1201246 031324202832 MONSTER LING RIG INCL 3 DIFFERENT SIZE Glow in the dark 1 Monster Halibut Livebait Rig This rig is made for Halibut fishing with coalfish as bait but will also catch big cod and coalfish that hunt for small coalfish, herring or mackerel. Hook the baitfish with the single hook through the nose and the treble hook in the back. Fishing technic: When the drift is fast, over 1 knot, you only need to have bottom contact and let the drift give movement to the bait. If the drift is slow you should move the bait by constantly reeling in 2-5meter and let it sink to the bottom again. When the baitfish is attacked slowly start to give out line (let the predator swim) for about 60secunds before you strike hard ĆConsist of 2 rigs with mainline and leader ĆMainline Trilene Big Game 1,2mm Ć1st rig for 20-30cm baitfish: Leader Trilene Big Game Flourocarbon 0,86mm, Mustad Trebble 2/0 36328NPBLN Mustad single hook 8/0 92553S Ć2nd rig for 30-50cm baitfish: Leader Trilene Big Game Flourocarbon 1.04mm, Mustad Trebble 3/0 36328NPBLN Mustad single hook 10/0 92553S ĆBest for Halibut 1201247 031324202849 78 HALIBUT LIVEBAIT RIG - 2 SIZE HOOKLENGTHS 1 ACCESSORIES - MONSTER RIGS Monster Jigging/Bait Rig These rigs are made for deepsea fishing for cod, coalfish and pollack. They are made for baitfishing, but when the fishing is good they can be used successfully with a big Pilk as ABU Sillen or Lucas. The hooks are long shanked and are perfect for Gulp! like sandeels, sandworm and Paddle shad. Fishing technique when baitfishing: Lift the rig about 0,5meter from the bottom and about twice a minute control that you are close enough to the bottom by slowly lowering the rig down. Another technique is to let the sinker just touch the bottom. Sometimes the cod and especially coalfish and pollack will swim up in the water, then it is important to work the rig through the water column, by reeling slowly 5 meter than wait for 30-90secunds and repeat until you see the rig. ĆTwo rigs in different sizes with swivel at the top end and Coastlock swivel on the bottom and 2 Mustad hooks with octopusskirts in Glow or Orange/Green: Ć1st rig-mainline 0,99mm Trilene Big Game-Hook lengths Trilene Big Game Fluorocarbon 0,86mm Mustad 92247 6/0 Ć2nd rig -mainline 1,2mm Trilene Big Game-Hook lengths Trilene Big Game Fluorocarbon 1.04mm -Mustad 93347 8/0 ĆBest for Cod, Coalfish, Pollack 1201248 031324202856 JIGGING/BAIT RIG GLOW-2 SIZES LB Glow in the dark 1 1201249 031324202863 JIGGING/BAIT RIG ORANGE GREEN -2 SIZES LB Orange/Green 1 Monster Redfish Rig This rig is made for fishing for redfish along steep underwater slopes (all over Norway) but will also catch other fish hunting/hiding here. When you catch redfish in deep water (they usually live from 70m and down) they always get affected by the pressure difference and start to spin, to avoid getting a twisted rig there are swivels in the middle of the rig. The rig has 6 hooks but can be divided into two identical rigs because it is made with a swivel and a coast lock swivel in the middle. Bait the hooks with Gulp! or pieces of fish and remember redfish always live in schools. Fishing technique: Lift the rig about 0,5meter from the bottom and about twice a minute control that you are close enough to the bottom by slowly lowering the rig down. ĆFishing technique: Lift the rig about 0,5meter from the bottom and about twice a minute control that you are close enough to the bottom by slowly lowering the rig down. ĆMainline 0,99mm Trilene Big Game ĆHooks Mustad 92567R 6/0 1211320 031324204331 REDFISH RIG 1 79 ACCESSORIES - COAST RIGS Monster Special Rig When big predators are hunting for small Coalfish the only thing they will eat are small live Coalfish. Then this is the rig. Fishing technique: You let a small coalfish take the gummi makk and then you let the coalfish swim while you hold the line tight. When a big predator attacks the coalfish it will be hooked on the big treble hook. When the baitfish sees a big fish it will go crasy trying to escape, get ready. When the baitfish is attacked slowly start to give out line (let the predator swim) for about 60 seconds before you strike hard. ĆLine Trilene Big Game 0,99mm-one treble hook with mounted gummi makk ĆBest for Halibut, Cod, Coalfish, Pollack 1211321 031324204348 80 SPECIAL RIG 1 ACCESSORIES - COAST RIGS Coastal Ling Rig This rig just need to be baited with delicious Gulp! or fish fillet and you are of. It is made to catch ling hunting in the slopes in the deep fjords. Supplied with an extra leader because ling has strong teeth and the hooklenght is often dragged along the rocky bottom during the fishing session. Fishing technique: Lift the rig about 0,5meter from the bottom and about twice a minute cotrol that you are close enough to the bottom by slowly lowering the rig down. Another technique is to let the sinker just touching the bottom. When the ling bite it usually give a double tug and you have to wait until the next bite before you set the hook. ĆMainline Trilene Big Game 0,99mm ĆHooklength Trilene Big Game Fluorocarbon 0,89mm ĆHook Mustad 92567R size 5/0 ĆSlider boom ĆOne Paternoster hook and one bottom dragging hook ĆOne extra bottom dragging hook ĆBest for Ling, Tusk, Cod 1211324 031324204379 COAST RIG 1 Coast Cod Rig The perfect rig for costal cod fishing. The cods that live their whole life along the Norwegian Coast or in the Norwegian Fjords usually live close to the bottom feeding on crabs, shrimps and worms as well as small fish. The hookdressing is perfect colour for coastal cod and combined with Gulp! Shrimp or sandworms this is a killer. Fishing technique: Lift the rig about 0,5meter from the bottom and about twice a minute control that you are close enough to the bottom by slowly lowering the rig down. Sometimes the cod and especially coalfish and pollack will swim up in the water, then it is important to work the rig through the water column, by reeling slowly 5 meter than wait for 30-90secunds and repeat until you see the rig. ĆMain line: Trilene Big Game 0,86mm ĆHooklength Big Game Fluorocarbon 0.73mm ĆHook Mustad 92668NPNR size 4/0. ĆThree paternoster hooks ĆBest for Cod, Coalfish, Pollack 1211322 031324204355 COD RIG 1 81 ACCESSORIES - COAST RIGS Coast Haddock Rig Costal haddock and whiting are usually located at muddy bottom where they search for worms, crustations and small fish. Bait the hook with Gulp! sandworm or shrimp. Fishing Technique: fish on muddy bottom from 30-100m, just hold the rig still as possible by nailing the sinker to the bottom and give the fish some time to engulf the hook before your sett the hook by quickly but controlled lifting into the fish. Haddock and whiting often live in schools and if you have one on let is swim around for 30secunds and you often catch 2 of 3 at the same time. ĆMain line: Trilene Big Game 0,71mm ĆHooklength Big Game Fluorocarbon 0.61mm ĆHook Mustad 92567R size 1/0. ĆThree paternoster hook ĆBest Haddock and Whiting 1211323 031324204362 HADDOCK RIG 1 Coast Flounder Rig With a small spinner blade this rig will attract attention from flounders and other small mouthed fish living in shallow water. The best areas for flounder is 5-30m deep with sand and gravel where they hunt for worms, shrimps and small fish. Even big flounder has small mouth so it is important to give the fish some time before you set the hook. Bait the hooks with Gulp! sandworm or shrimp. Fishing technique: Lift the rig about 0,5meter from the bottom and about twice a minute control that you are close enough to the bottom by slowly lowering the rig down or slowly work the rig along by moving it 1meter and letting it rest for 30 seconds and so on. When you feel a fish slowly lower the sinker down to the bottom and give the fish 15-60secunds before you slowly lift into the fish. ĆMain line: Trilene Big Game 0,61mm ĆHooklength Big Game Fluorocarbons 0.46mm ĆHook Mustad 92668NPNR size 4 ĆSlider boom ĆTwo paternoster hook ĆOne bottom dragging hook ĆBest for Flounder and Plaice 1211325 031324204386 82 FLOUNDER RIG 1 MASTER CAPACITY CHART MODEL 12VS 16VS 30VSW 50VSW 70VS 80VSW 12VSX 16VSX 30VSX 50VSX 130VSX 30VW 50VW TRQ100LD TRQ300LD TRQ12 TRQ15 TRQ25 TRQ30 TRQ40 FTH15LW FTH20LW FTH25LW FTH40LW FTH60LW 965 975 975CS 975CSLD 975LD 113HN 112H2 113H2 113H2LH 113H2SP 113H2LW 114H2 114H2SP 114H2LW 113L2 114L2 115L2 116L GLD20II GLD30II GLD50II MAG2 515 MAG2 525 535 545 555 320LD 330LD 310GT2 310GT2LC 320GT2 320GT2LC 321GT2 330GT2 340GT2 345GT2 220GTO MONO CAPACITY (YDS/LB) 875/12 1025/16 900/30 825/50 650/80 950/80 360/30 1075/16 525/30 500/50 975/130 900/30 825/50 240/17 320/30 360/10 320/12 320/20 440/20 350/30 320/15 320/17 330/20 390/30 440/40 210/12 270/12 270/12 250/12 250/12 350/30 450/20 440/30 440/30 500/35 490/40 450/50 825/35 560/50 650/20 725/30 1150/30 1500/60 675/20 600/30 775/40 270/12 280/15 410/15 380/20 400/25 380/15 430/20 380/12 380/12 410/15 410/15 410/15 450/20 650/20 875/20 420/15 775/15 700/20 550/50 725/60 525/100 875/100 300/40 700/20 320/50 440/60 850/150 550/50 725/60 190/20 270/40 260/12 280/15 290/25 300/30 300/40 280/17 260/20 290/25 330/40 320/50 190/15 240/15 240/15 220/15 220/15 300/40 300/30 370/40 370/40 420/46 360/50 390/60 700/46 490/60 440/30 450/50 700/50 1100/80 450/30 500/40 550/50 230/15 240/17 290/20 340/25 300/30 270/20 290/30 330/15 330/15 290/20 290/20 290/20 330/30 440/30 575/30 290/20 BRAID CAPACITY (YDS/LB) BRAID CAPACITY WITH TOPSHOT (YDS/LB) TOPSHOT METER CAPACITY (M/MM) 525/20 1425/20 1075/30 750/50 1175/20 900/30 625/50 40lb 50yds 800/0.36 709/0.38 780/0.46 480/30 1000/50 825/65 700/80 825/50 675/65 600/80 50lb 50yds 937/0.39 640/0.46 438/0.56 480/60 1525/65 1325/80 1125/100 1375/65 1175/80 1000/100 60lb 50yds 822/0.56 502/0.71 438/0.76 525/80 2000/80 1700/100 1425/130 1775/80 1500/100 1250/130 100lb 50yds 754/0.71 662/0.76 480/0.86 420/130 1750/130 1600/150 1300/200 1600/130 1450/150 1175/200 100lb 50yds 594/0.86 480/1.00 384/1.20 700/130 2900/130 2600/150 2125/200 2650/130 2400/150 1950/200 150lb 50yds 868/0.86 800/1.00 640/1.20 220/50 750/50 625/65 525/80 625/50 525/65 450/80 40lb 50yds 329/0.56 274/0.62 201/0.71 480/30 825/65 700/80 600/100 650/65 575/80 490/100 60lb 50yds 982/0.39 640/0.46 438/0.56 280/60 775/80 650/100 550/130 525/80 450/100 380/130 100lb 50yds 480/0.56 292/0.71 256/0.76 330/80 875/130 775/150 650/200 650/130 600/150 475/200 130lb 50yds 457/0.71 402/0.76 301/0.86 525/200 3650/150 2975/200 2475/250 3450/150 2800/200 2425/250 150lb 50yds 891/1.20 777/1.40 480/1.55 480/60 1525/65 1325/80 1125/100 1400/65 1200/80 1025/100 50lb 50yds 822/0.56 502/0.71 438/0.76 525/80 2000/80 1700/100 1425/130 1775/80 1500/100 1250/130 100lb 50yds 754/0.71 662/0.76 480/0.86 170/25 310/40 270/50 220/65 230/40 200/50 160/65 20lb 50yds 219/0.41 173/0.46 155/0.48 200/50 550/65 470/80 400/100 330/65 280/80 240/100 80lb 50yds 292/0.56 246/0.61 182/0.71 230/15 525/15 420/20 320/30 360/15 290/20 220/30 20lb 50yds 329/0.31 238/0.36 210/0.38 190/20 500/20 380/30 270/50 310/20 240/30 160/50 30lb 50yds 293/0.36 256/0.38 174/0.46 220/30 650/30 450/50 370/65 470/30 330/50 270/65 40lb 50yds 293/0.46 265/0.48 201/0.56 250/40 625/50 500/65 440/80 450/50 370/65 320/80 50lb 50yds 402/0.46 274/0.56 229/0.61 220/50 725/50 600/65 525/80 525/50 450/65 390/80 60lb 50yds 320/0.56 274/0.61 201/0.71 220/20 575/20 440/30 300/50 380/20 290/30 200/50 30lb 50yds 290/0.38 255/0.42 200/0.46 230/25 675/20 500/30 350/50 480/20 360/30 250/40 30lb 50yds 290/0.42 240/0.46 210/0.48 220/30 650/30 450/50 380/65 470/30 330/50 270/65 40lb 50yds 300/0.46 265/0.48 200/0.56 240/50 825/50 675/65 575/80 650/50 550/65 470/80 50lb 50yds 360/0.56 300/0.61 220/0.71 280/60 900/65 775/80 650/100 725/65 625/80 550/100 60lb 50yds 400/0.61 290/0.71 255/0.76 160/17 420/15 340/20 260/30 NA NA NA NA 192/0.36 173/0.38 146/0.41 210/17 440/20 330/30 270/40 NA NA NA NA 246/0.36 246/0.38 192/0.41 210/17 440/20 330/30 270/40 NA NA NA NA 246/0.36 246/0.38 192/0.41 190/17 410/20 300/30 250/40 NA NA NA NA 228/0.36 228/0.38 173/0.41 190/17 410/20 300/30 250/40 NA NA NA NA 228/0.36 228/0.38 173/0.41 NA 600/65 525/80 NA 470/65 410/80 NA 50lb 50yds NA NA NA 250/40 625/50 525/65 450/80 500/50 420/65 360/80 40lb 50yds 411/0.46 274/0.56 228/0.61 270/50 925/50 750/65 650/80 800/50 650/65 575/80 40lb 50yds 402/0.56 338/0.62 246/0.71 270/50 925/50 750/65 650/80 800/50 650/65 575/80 40lb 50yds 402/0.56 338/0.62 246/0.71 270/61 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 402/0.56 338/0.62 246/0.71 310/60 1200/50 1000/65 875/80 1075/50 900/65 775/80 40lb 50yds 448/0.61 329/0.71 283/0.76 290/80 1250/65 1075/80 925/100 1100/65 950/80 825/100 50lb 50yds 411/0.71 356/0.76 265/0.86 450/61 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 755/0.36 640/0.41 410/0.51 360/80 1350/80 1150/100 950/130 1150/80 975/100 825/130 80lb 50yds 512/0.71 448/0.76 329/0.86 370/40 760/65 660/80 560/100 NA NA NA NA 594/0.46 402/0.56 338/0.61 390/60 1075/80 925/100 750/130 NA NA NA NA 662/0.56 411/0.71 356/0.76 625/60 1700/80 1450/100 1200/130 NA NA NA NA 1051/0.56 640/0.71 571/0.76 875/100 4100/80 3500/100 2900/130 NA NA NA NA 1371/0.76 1005/0.86 800/1.00 380/40 925/50 775/65 675/80 850/50 725/65 625/80 20lb 50yds 617/0.46 411/0.56 347/0.61 370/50 1025/65 875/80 750/100 925/65 800/80 675/100 30 lb 50yds 548/0.56 457/0.61 338/0.71 490/60 1350/80 1150/100 875/150 1250/80 1075/100 825/150 40lb 50 yds 708/0.61 502/0.71 448/0.76 160/20 525/15 430/20 320/30 NA NA NA NA 247/0.36 210/0.38 146/0.46 190/20 500/20 380/30 270/50 NA NA NA NA 256/0.38 219/0.41 174/0.46 260/25 750/20 575/30 470/40 NA NA NA NA 375/0.38 265/0.46 237/0.48 250/30 750/30 600/40 525/50 NA NA NA NA 347/0.46 310/0.48 228/0.56 250/40 725/40 625/50 525/65 NA NA NA NA 365/0.48 274/0.56 228/0.61 180/30 700/20 525/30 370/50 NA NA NA NA 347/0.38 338/0.46 164/0.56 250/40 875/30 600/50 500/65 NA NA NA NA 393/0.38 265/0.56 228/0.61 230/20 600/20 460/30 375/40 NA NA NA NA 347/0.36 301/0.38 210/0.46 230/20 600/20 460/30 375/40 NA NA NA NA 347/0.36 301/0.38 210/0.46 190/30 775/20 575/30 400/50 NA NA NA NA 374/0.38 265/0.46 173/0.56 190/30 775/20 575/30 400/50 NA NA NA NA 374/0.38 265/0.46 173/0.56 190/30 775/20 575/30 400/50 NA NA NA NA 374/0.38 265/0.46 173/0.56 250/40 900/30 625/50 525/65 NA NA NA NA 411/0.46 301/0.56 228/0.61 370/40 925/50 750/65 650/80 NA NA NA NA 594/0.46 402/0.56 338/0.61 490/40 1200/50 1000/65 875/80 NA NA NA NA 800/0.46 525/0.56 448/0.61 190/30 770/20 580/30 400/50 NA NA NA NA 384/0.38 265/0.46 173/0.56 83 SPOOL CAPACITIES VARY BY LINE MANUFACTURER MODEL 230GTO 500L 9M 209M 209MLH 209LC 309M SAR64LP PUR64LP TRQS5 TRQS7 TRQS9 CQR2000 CQR4000 CQR5000 CQR7000 CQR8000 260 360 460 560 760 460L 560L 760L 420SSG 430SSG 440SSG 450SSG 550SSG 650SSM 750SSM 850SSM 950SSM BTL2000 BTL3000 BTL4000 BTL5000 BTL6000 BTL7000 BTL8000 SG2000 SG3000 SG4000 SG5000 SG6000 SG7000 SG8000 FRC2000 FRC3000 FRC4000 FRC5000 FRC6000 FRC7000 FRC8000 PUR3000 PUR4000 PUR5000 PUR6000 PUR7000 PUR8000 84 MONO CAPACITY (YDS/LB) 460/20 450/20 250/15 360/17 360/17 360/17 450/20 200/12 200/12 340/12 490/15 490/20 250/4 260/8 250/12 250/15 390/17 290/6 290/8 320/10 310/12 340/20 320/10 310/12 340/20 185/2 300/4 260/8 300/10 370/10 360/12 420/15 380/20 450/25 260/4 250/6 280/8 250/12 320/15 390/17 390/20 260/4 250/6 280/8 250/12 320/15 390/17 390/20 260/4 250/6 280/8 250/12 320/15 390/17 390/20 250/6 270/8 250/12 320/15 390/17 390/20 300/30 300/30 220/17 290/20 290/20 290/20 300/30 170/14 170/14 300/15 340/20 440/25 185/6 200/10 190/15 210/17 310/20 190/8 240/10 240/12 270/15 300/25 240/12 270/15 300/25 150/4 240/6 220/10 220/12 270/12 320/15 290/20 340/25 340/30 210/6 170/8 230/10 220/15 280/17 310/20 350/25 210/6 170/8 230/10 220/15 280/17 310/20 350/25 210/6 170/8 230/10 220/15 280/17 310/20 350/25 170/8 220/10 220/15 280/17 310/20 350/25 260/40 250/40 180/20 190/30 190/30 190/30 250/40 115/17 115/17 210/20 300/25 330/30 130/8 165/12 170/17 170/20 270/25 160/10 180/12 210/15 190/20 230/30 210/15 190/20 230/30 120/6 160/8 160/12 190/15 240/15 220/20 260/25 250/30 290/40 140/8 140/10 170/12 190/17 220/20 280/25 260/30 140/8 140/10 170/12 190/17 220/20 280/25 260/30 140/8 140/10 170/12 190/17 220/20 280/25 260/30 140/10 160/12 190/17 220/20 280/25 260/30 BRAID CAPACITY (YDS/LB) 925/30 900/30 470/20 575/30 575/30 575/30 625/50 310/15 310/15 550/20 470/50 575/65 250/8 280/15 350/20 325/30 600/30 320/10 470/10 470/15 500/20 675/30 470/15 500/20 675/30 180/6 300/8 420/10 440/15 550/15 575/20 575/30 750/30 700/50 260/8 275/10 335/15 405/20 445/30 505/40 550/50 260/8 275/10 335/15 405/20 445/30 505/40 550/50 260/8 275/10 335/15 405/20 445/30 505/40 550/50 270/10 320/15 400/20 440/30 500/40 550/50 640/50 625/50 350/30 400/50 400/50 400/50 525/65 200/20 200/20 400/30 390/65 490/80 210/10 180/20 270/30 280/40 420/50 240/15 350/15 380/20 380/30 470/50 380/20 380/30 470/50 150/8 260/10 320/15 360/20 440/20 440/30 400/50 525/50 575/65 225/10 205/15 275/20 305/30 365/40 430/50 450/65 225/10 205/15 275/20 305/30 365/40 430/50 450/65 225/10 205/15 275/20 305/30 365/40 430/50 450/65 210/15 260/20 300/30 360/40 430/50 450/65 525/65 525/65 240/50 330/65 330/65 330/65 450/80 180/30 180/30 290/50 340/80 425/100 180/15 140/30 220/40 250/50 350/65 190/20 290/20 290/30 260/50 390/65 290/30 260/50 390/65 130/10 200/15 260/20 270/30 325/30 300/50 340/65 440/65 500/80 170/15 170/20 205/30 250/40 310/50 360/65 390/80 170/15 170/20 205/30 250/40 310/50 360/65 390/80 170/15 170/20 205/30 250/40 310/50 360/65 390/80 170/20 200/30 250/40 310/50 360/65 390/80 BRAID CAPACITY WITH TOPSHOT (YDS/LB) NA 800/30 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 460/20 400/50 500/65 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 550/50 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 340/30 330/65 430/80 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 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International® TRQ Lever Drag International® V Series International® V Single-Speed International® V Standup International® V SX Series J Jigmaster L Levelwind Lube, Grease & Cleaner M Mag 2 525/515 Mariner Boat Mariner Boat Mariner Stand Up Mariner Stand Up Roller Monster Allround Predator Rig Monster Halibut Livebait Rig Monster Jigging/Bait Rig Monster Ling Rig Monster Redfish Rig Monster Special Rig N Neoprene Reel Cases O Overseas Pro Beach Overseas Pro Boat Overseas Pro Heavy Pilk Overseas Pro Inner Line Boat Overseas Pro Jig Overseas Pro Light Pilk Overseas Pro Roller Boat Overseas Pro Surfcasting Overseas Pro SW Spin Overseas Pro SW Travel Spin 64 54 54 13 12 8 9 55 7 Overseas Pro Tele-Boat Overseas Pro Tele-Surf Overseas Pro Travel Boat 24 S 25 75 19 59 56 56 57 77 78 79 78 79 80 76 42 41 39 40 39 38 41 42 37 38 P Powerstix Pro Bass & Pro Bass Spin Powerstix Pro Boat Powerstix Pro Braid Powerstix Pro Surfcasting Powerstix Seaspin Pursuit Sargus Seaboy® Senator Boat Senator® Trolling Slammer Boat Slammer® & Slammer® Live Liner Slammer® Boat Special Senator® & Senator® Spinfisher® SSG & Spinfisher® SSM Surfmaster Fixed Spool T Talon Reel Seat TRQ 2G Star Drag TRQ Boat TRQ Boat Rod TRQ Inner Line TRQ Jig TRQ Jigging TRQ Popping TRQ Spin TRQ Spinning TRQ Stand Up W WaveBlaster 1 and 2 Piece Flotation Suits Waveblaster Evo (Equal Sections) Waveblaster Evo Deep Travel Waveblaster Evo Travel 41 42 40 51 52 53 53 52 32 30 24 59 55 60 33 57 17 34 35 76 11 46 46 43 44 45 44 26 43 45 70 49 50 50 NOTE NOTE NOTE NOTE NOTE