Page 1 s "+ %å .tr€ êå # Page 2 È0L|IOr Barry Weller PoetryEditor
Page 1 s "+ %å .tr€ êå # Page 2 È0L|IOr Barry Weller PoetryEditor
s "+ %å .tr€ êå # È0L|IOr Barry Weller PoetryEditor Howard Richard Fíctionåditors Brennan Olsen Nonfictionådítorc Karen Lance Stuart Culver Robert Caserio Mønøgíng Editor PJ Carlisle Contributíng Editor Gerda Saunders EdítonalConsultants Geoffrey Babbitt, Kathryn Cowles, Shira Dentz, Barbara Duffey, Antonia Horne, Josh Lenart, Dawn Lonsinger ndítonalnoørd Vincent Cheng, Norman Council, Craig Dworkin, Karen Lawrence, Paisley Rekdal, Mark Strand, Stephen Tatum Address submissions, once per reading period, to the appropriate editor at: ì4/HR University of Utah English Department 255 S. Central Campus Drive, Room 3500 salt Lake city, utah 84112-0494 Our subscription rates are $16 a year to individuals, $20 to institutions; single copies, $10 each. (Some back issues may be higher.) We publish three issues per year including a special critical issue funded by the Western Humanities Alliance ì4lHR is also funded by: the University of Utah's English Department, the Publications Council, and the Utah Arts Council. We are indexed in the American Humanities Index, MLA Directory of Periodicals , anð lhe Index of American Periodical Varse. Non-profit postage paid at Salt Lake City' Utah Mailing Bureau, Building 50, Room 113, Salt Lake City, Utah 84112. Copyright @ 2008 by WHR Western Humanities Revíew, University of Utah. ISSN 0043-3845 Visit us on the web at:: WESTERN HUMANITIES REVIEW Volume LXII, wHR Number 2 Editors'Note '0""r''"3i:o; ........... Passion Play: The City ............ Passion Play: The King Passion Play: Song for the Royal Concubine ...................... 6 The Return Servitude Kate Lim 10 Untitled (print) Fall-Out .. Caitlin Dube ........ Chad 45 Tolley 47 Fayre Makeig 12 Sacrum The Second Nighf (print) ..........Steve Lockett 48 Walking on the River Amur From the Proofreader From A Song of llan (a novel) ....Contest Winner in Prose..... Jacob Paul 49 First Impression: The Anonymous From Ray of the Star (a RadioFlyers (print) Digging Up Alberto Tip (print) ......... Elizabeth DeWitte l5 novel) ..... Laird Hunt ......... TrentCall Caeiro Surfaces and Depths: Literary Personhood ........ Untitled (print) Corresponding Parts (print) 16 Panis Angelicus 23 Untitled (print) 65 Patrick Madden 66 .. Alison Derryet 77 ........... Alice DeBerry Kane 78 Angus Fletcher 25 Flow (print) ...... Todd Anderson 94 David Wasoner 32 At the Canyon's Closing ......Contest Winner in Poefi....... Mario Chatd 94 Driving the Mountain Road You Will First Hear Footsteps Sandy Brunvand 98 Portal (print) Scams Triple Dead Heat .. ... Tolley Blog I Spam Chad Jonathan Coppola 24 Sandy Brunvand 31 How to Live ............ Helping the Home Patient Fall Asleep ......... ......... Bruce Cohen 34 (print) .......... Adam Larsen 35 Voyeurs John Struloeff 36 Mike White 98 Go Around The Apron of the Baker There Was a Line She Had Crossed Berryman Tolstoy, at Age Sixty-Seven, Learns to Ride a Bicycle The Yellow Streetcar with No Name . .. Yuriy Tarnawsky 38 Littte Misptaced Ambassadors (woodcut) . ................... Stefanie Dykes 4l Genre Painting ................. The Nested Object The Case of Lydia dawn lonsinger 95 ischemic cascade Secondary 2of 2 (print) ..... .......... . Lisa Hubbart 101 Susannah Nevison 42 Motel Six Vermont for Elena Window Portrait Night Guest V/ESTERN HUMANITIES REVIEW Ava C. Cipri 106 V/ESTERN HUMANITIES REVIEW Queen of Swords King of the Couch (print) Ava C. Cipri 108 ........ Erik Brunvand 109 York Said in New Transport Day Since Joseph Spece 106 Yucca Daniel Wolff t14 Common Loon Tankers Baltimore Oriole (Nest) Medieval Land .......... .......... Steve Tomasula Towers, Statues, and That Beer in the Ten Bells Ex Machina tt7 (print) .. Justin Diggle r28 Sarah V. Schweig 133 The Sunset District Meanwhile in Our City of Abandon Our Ancestors Are Buried Here (print) Catechism .... Joseph Ostraff 133 ......... Ranei McNeil 134 Innominate. Blues Farm Road Later & Farther Away The Way As Far As Julian Hensarlins Like Pine Trees Lining the Winding Road The Vanishing Point One Small Thing ......... .... Camasin Middour 138 Island View A Parable, I Untitled BACK COVERPRINT Love At First A Last Poem Foot Printer COUERPRINT (print) Suppose Ì;Ndllk (etching) ................ Ed Bateman 138 Vanessa Place t42 .......... Ed Bateman 150 Contributors' Notes ......... WESTERN HUMANITIES REVIEV/ 151 ........ Julian Hensarling Sight . Antonia Nelson COVER DESIGNby PJ Carlisle All the prints in this issue are the work of the Saltgrass Printmakers, a non-profit organizarion located in Salt Lake City and dedicated to the art of printrnaking. Members are offered open access to professional facilities, gallery exhibitions, and beginner through master classes in the Sugarhouse Studio. See member's portfolios online at: ARTWORK: WESTERN HUMANITIES REVIEW AVA C. CIPRI AVA C. CIPRI Vermont for Elena Queen of Swords dragonflies weave through mule grass skim the pond fasten l. carp surface scale-like moons open mouths one you are the curator the loud pass custodian one set ofkeys single access you stand guard at the gate you we sit moored to shore no other entrance no other may come glistening brown the water cycle comes to mind: moisture reabsorbs into sky off your body not quite dry I force my linens (words day) back on before us from your garden dill-hummus and lavender hand salve ll. if you are looking for the protagonist woman of reticent character by this name [H.] you will not find her here fast forward a fast forward nor no time will you find her heath . . . I write it down Night Guest rewind I will not witness like Magritte's gesture: name sung quake I want bleach light to wash lll. breach the sky pinches back from its her one fine long hair caught in the drain is this asking too much . . closure/ past I know your window from the bus shelter and the hour it crests the wall then the snow heaves the way I corners fast forward . violet-musk rain: unwashed pillowcase, soy/ rice milk, broken candle pink razor black ankle boots & tube-socks . . . who would have known watched the end from outside myself steeping from that porch dismantled for three full seasons lv. it's the photograph I continue to pick up the one my grandmother never displayed still her this place name sung the clank of clogs morning cough & thimbles of turkish coffee too often declared the futility of being a writer and want of spontaneity photography at my command to have a camera around my neck yesterday there was a tall blond aÍnazon her hair tightly pulled back in a leather-band the season halts from November's edse 106 WESTERN HUMANITIES REVIEW WESTERN HUMANITIES REVIEW r07 AVA C. CIPRI your door ERIK BRUNVAND and the season it cuts the city the way a dancer his partner clipped in the distance vanishes into night into dreams too far I return from your absence and limp into my life knowing terror for the second time overhearing the scream vi. for two Septembers I walk out into traffic wonder the month it stopped-you finding my hair in the drain behind the stacks of books under the suitcase which was our table vll. the walls of you the way you pulled me into those voice-filled fields until no one could make you come as hard fast with the trains extinguishing behind us King of the Couch 108 WESTERN HUMANITIES REVIEV/ WESTERN HUMANITIES REVIEW Erik Brunvand 109 CONTRIBUTORS' NOTES ED BATEMAN TODD ANDERSON received an MFA in printmaking from the University of New Mexico in Albuquerque. Todd is the Area Head and Assistant Professor of Printmaking at Southern Illinois University, Edwardsville. He will be a visiting artist in 2008 at the Robert Blackburn Printmaking Workshop in New York City, and in 2009 at Hole Press (Newcastle, UK) where his artwork will also be published. ED BATEMAN received his MFA from the University of Utah and teaches there as an adjunct professor. As a child of "the space age," he was torn between becoming an artist or a scientist. The computer allowed him to split the difference when in 1983 he first began using computers to create images. By the early 90s, he was working professionally in the field of digital imaging and has, for many years, taught and lectured on the subject. ERIK BRUNVAND is the press technician at Saltgrass Printmakers. He also holds a Ph.D. in computer science and is on the faculty of the School of computing at the university of utah. Brunvand works in woodcut and relief processes and enjoys printing on antique printing presses. SANDY BRUNVAND received her MFA from the University of Utah in 2003. She is co-owner and co-founder of Saltgrass Printmakers located in Sugarhouse. Her artwork (paintings, prints and mixed media) is based on and inspired by her daily excursion into the foothills of Utah. Sandy is adjunct faculty at the University of Utah, teaching art and art education since 2004. TRENT CALL was born and raised in Salt Lake City, Utah and graduated from the university of utah ín 20o4. He has been publishing the locaì art zite, Swinj, off and on since 1998. Earlier this year he released a small publication of drawings titled, Drawsquare: "Milk & Honey." Trent's work combines formal academic painting with comics and contemporary street art. MARIO CHARD's poems have recently appeared in Íhe South Dakota Review and Georgetown Review. He received a B.A. in English and Creative 'writing from weber State University and he will be attending the creative writing program at Purdue University this fall. He lives in Ogden with his wife and son. Ed Bateman AVA C. CIPRI teaches at Duquesne University, armed with an MFA from Syracuse University. At Syracuse she served on the staff of Salt Híll. Forthcoming and published work appears in 2River View, New Zoo Poetry Review, and Whiskey Island Magazine, among others. Since her Chinese V/ESTERN HUMANITIES REVIEV/ WESTERN HUMANITIES REVIEW 151 CONTRIBUTORS' NOTES rdiac animal is the rat and 2008 is the year of the Rat; she is currently very stidious and unusually early for all her appointments. RUCE COHEN is the director of the Counseling Program for tercollegiate Athletes at the University of Connecticut. He has two books poetry forthcoming, Swerve from Black Lawrence Press and Disloyal Yo¡ from Dream Horse Press, winner of the 2007 Orphic Prize. His poems Lve appeared or are forthcoming in The Georgia Review, The Harvard zview, The Indiana Review, Ploughshares, Poetry, Poetry East, Prairíe 'hooner &.TriQuarterly. He lives in Coventry, Connecticut with his wife CONTRIBUTORS' NOTES Since receiving an MFA in painting and printmaking from the University of Utah in 2005, LISA HUBBERT finds herself drawn to images that express her experience ofplaces and landscapes with which she has developed a personal connection. LAIRD HUNT is the author of The Paris Stories, The Impossibly, Indiana, Indiana, The Exquisite and Ray of the Star (forthcoming from Coffee House Press in 2009). His writings, reviews and translations have appeared in Bomb, Ploughshares, McSweeney's, the Believer, Rain Taxi and Boolcforum. He teaches in the University of Denver's program in creative writing. ,d three sons. )NATHAN COPPOLA is currently attending Columbia University and ,es in New Jersey. ALICE DBBERRY KANE discovered her muse in her mother through a thirty-year correspondence. Despite Clara's death, Alice posts daily letters to cyberspace. A Bennington MFA graduate, she teaches writing at Southern Utah University. -IZABETH DeWITTE received her MFA from the University of Utah. re a friend of Saltgrass Printmakers who lives in Ogden, Utah. ADAM LARSEN received his MFA in printmaking from Wichita State University. His artwork translates commonplace occurrences into intimate fSTIN DIGGLE currently teaches at the University of Utah. He received s BA from Bristol Polytechnic, England, and his MFA from Southern inois University. His primary medium of choice is intaglio. visual dialogs. He is currently an Assistant Professor of Art at Snow College in Ephraim, Utah. \ITLIN DUBE lives in New York City. IJniversity. She lives in Brooklyn. She is an MFA candidate in rhe KATE LIM is currently a student in the MFA V/riting Program at Columbia riting Program at Columbia University. The late STEVE LOCKETT, who passed away in January 2007, received his -EFANIE DYKES is the co-founder of Saltgrass Printmakers, a non-profit intmaking studio and gallery located in Salt Lake City. Stefanie received a re arts degree from the University of lJtah in 2003. She has exhibited both tionally and internationally. Working primarily with woodblock prints and :hings, she explores personal relationships through imposed structures and undaries. BFA from the University of Arizona and his MFA from the University of Utah. He worked mainly in lithography and monotypes and taught as an adjunct instructor at the University of Utah, and at Saltgrass Printmakers. DAWN LONSINGER has an MFA from Cornell University and is now in the PhD program at the University of Utah. Recent poems have appeared in American Letters \GUS FLETCHER, Distinguished Professor Emeritus of English and rmparative Literature at the City University of New York Graduate School, the author of such groundbreaking works of literary criticism as Allegory: 'eory of a Symbolic Mode; Colors of the Mind: Conjectures on Thinking in terature; A New Theory for American Poetry: Democracy, the ,vironment, and the Future of the Imagination: and, most recently, Time, ace, and Motion in the Age of Shakespeare (Harvard UP,2001). 'LIAN HENSARLING is a mixed media artist currently studying for his & Commentary, DIAGRAM, New Orleans Review, and Smartish Pace. PATRICK MADDEN teaches at Brigham Young University and edits http://quotidiana.orgl, an anthology of classical essays and essay resources. His own essays have been publishedinThe Iowa Review, Northwest Review, Portland Magazine, and other journals, and anthologized in The Best American Spiritual Writing 2007 and The Best Creative Nonfiction vol 2. His first book, Quotidiana,will be published next year by the University of Nebraska Press. FA in Printmaking at Indiana University, Bloomington. WESTERN HUMANITIES REVIEW V/ESTERN HUMANITIES REVIEW r53