- SUrface - Syracuse University
- SUrface - Syracuse University
et al.: Alumni Journal Alumni Journal www.syracuse.edu/alumni 1-8oo-SUALUMS (782-5867) RALPH JAM E"S Jiuute&tuj LUNCH CAR . _____,' Returning to SU I t is truly an honor to be back on campus to lead the Office of Alumni Relations. As past president of the SU Alumni Association and a former member of the University's Board of Trustees, I can assure you that the leadership at our University-from the Chancellor to the trustees, deans, faculty, and staff- is well aware of the value that alumni bring to the University. The generosity and commitment of the thousands of alumni who came before us have provided each of us with a unique SU experience. Today, students at our alma mater continue to benefit from our support. Thank you to all who give in so many ways, be it through financial support, parti cipating in an alumni club, or volunteering as an SU mentor or an admissions representative. As part of the Syracuse University alumni family, I hope you show your SU pride every day and give back to your University in whatever ways you can. I hope to meet many of you in the coming months. In the meantime, if you have any questions or con· cerns or wish to contact me or the staff at the Office of Alumni Relations, please visit our web site at www.syr.edu/alumni or call us at 1-8oo-SUALUMS. In our continuing effort to keep you connected to the University, remember, it is not too late to have your name forever etched in granite or honor a friend or family member with our newest tradition - the Orange Grove. For more information, visit orange grove.syr.edu or call the Office of Alumni Relations. Orders received in the next few weeks will be placed in the Orange Grove in time for Homecoming Weekend 2 004! Donald C. Doerr '85, G'88 Assistant Vice President of Alumni Relations 46 SYRAC U SE U N IV ER S I TY Published by SURFACE, 2004 A Familiar Ring I t's been more than 50 years, but Tony Claps still remembers the lyrics to "The Dingleman's Convention," written and performed by SU students in 1953 as a tribute to his now late father, Vincent James Claps. "Hear them tinkle, bells ring everywhere, it's the campus Dingleman ... the campus Dingleman," Claps sings with a grin. He reminisces about old times, when the Ralph James Traveling Lunch Car-affectionately nicknamed the Dingleman truck for the bells mounted on its side-was a beloved fixture on the Hill. In the 1950s, the SU campus bustled with hungry students, many of whom had just returned from World War II, and a hot dog or a bagel with cream cheese cost just 15 cents. "My father used to stack the cream cheese thick," Claps says. "No one ever walked away from the truck hungry. If you didn't have the money, don't worry about it. We built a great rapport with the students- that's why we were around so many years." The legacy spanned nearly three decades. But the Dingle- man was a campus icon almost from the start, when students hailed Claps and his father in their converted truck as they returned home from serving food to construction workers, who were building Quonset huts on campus in 1945. "It was Winter Carnival week, everyone was outside, and they were hungry from working on the snow sculptures," Claps says. "So we came each day and sold to the kids. After that they said to my father, ' Why don't you come up at night?' So we would arrive at 7 p.m. , 7 days a week, and stay until 1 or 2 in the morning." With a simple menu ranging from sandwiches and burgers to coffee, pastries, and "soda pop," the Dingleman catered to students' voracious appetites and nourished the lives of his many faithful customers. In addition to Vincent James Claps, the Dingleman "crew" consisted of Tony Claps, a teenager when the business began, and Vincent James's son-in-law Ralph Tortora, from whom the "Ralph James" name was derived. "They work at MAGA Z I NE 1 Syracuse University Magazine, Vol. 21, Iss. 1 [2004], Art. 15 Admissions' Partners W The Ralph j ames Traveling Lunch Car, known as th e Dingleman truck, was a campus icon for close to 30 years. At left is owner Vincent james Claps in one of the Dingleman trucks. Above, Tony Claps serves hun gry students. putting on a show every night, " Chuck Laloggia '73 said in a 1972 article in the Central New Yorker. "When you order a cheesejaw (a double cheeseburger on an Italian roll), you also get a story about his wife or his life growing up." For Tony Claps, the family business was more than just a way to earn a living- it was a way of life, one that reflected his family's strong bond. "My mother, Isabel, was a big force behind the scenes," Claps says. "She used to prepare tuna fish and egg salad for the sandwiches ahead of time. It was a lot of work, and everything had to be the purest quality. That was our secret: good food at a very reasonable price. If we made a nickel, it was a lot. " From its humble beginnings out of the converted truck, the business expanded into three larger trucks equipped with lights, refrigerators, and grills, operated from different locations on the Hill by Vincent James, Tony, and Ralph. (In later years a fourth truck, driven by a family friend, was added.) The business ended when Vincent James retired and sold the trucks in the mid '70s. But the Dingleman's presence lived on in the memories of students long after the truck's bells ceased to ring. Once, Vincent James loaned a student $20 to take his girlfriend on a date, and agreed to be repaid at the rate of $1 a week. "[The Dingleman crew) became adoptive, surrogate parents and mentors to every student in need of a friendly, adult listener," says Henry Markiewicz '71 , who worked part-time on a Dingleman truck. "They were always willing to provide helpful advice. Any particular evening, we could be fo und trying to solve major local problems or just talking about minor ones and trivia. It was a great stress relief and a fun time." A 1955 Syracuse Post-Standard article called the Dingleman's attitude toward SU students one of tolerance, humor, and fatherly insight. "People don't realize, " Vincent James Claps said in the story, "that they're just young kids away from home. Sometimes they get homesick, sometimes they get a little wild. But most of them are good kids, and it keeps us young being with them. " -Kate Gaetano hen Doug Yannucci '94 was in college, his friends dubbed him "Mr. Syracuse" because of his boundless enthusiasm for giving campus tours. Ten years after graduation, Yannucci continues to spread his SU pride to prospective students as an alumni representative for the Office of Admissions. "Choosing a college is one of the biggest decisions a student can make, " Yannucci says. "It's so rewarding to talk to them about SU." Yannucci and his wife, Katherine Galindez Yannucci '95, reside in Miami and represent SU at college night programs, admitted student programs, and SU send-off parties. Like the Yannuccis, Claire Pridmore Grimble '91 and husband, Thomas Grimble '90, of Boston enjoy meeting prospective students and answering questions. "Most students want to know why they should choose SU," Claire Grimble says. "I bleed Orange, so I have lots to tell them. " The Yannuccis and the Grimbles are among a network of more than 350 SU alumni representatives that stretches across 35 states, Canada, Italy, and England. According to Dean of Admissions Susan Donovan '66, G'82, alumni reps attend more than 200 college nights a year and generate approximately 9,000 inquiries to the admissions office that might not have been received without their assistance. "We can't cover all the invitations that come in from around the country, so our alumni reps serve that need by being where we can't," Donovan says. For Mitch Messinger '92, G'93 of California, being an alumni rep is a means of paying SU back for his positive college experience. "It also satisfies my craving for SU news," says Messinger, who was named 2000 Young Alumnus of the Year. "It allows me to continue the relationships I've built with people at the University over the years." Every fall, the admissions office invites these volunteers back to campus for Alumni Representative Weekend, where they attend presentations and relax over an awards dinner and a football game. Donovan says the weekend is a great way to recognize the reps and acknowledge their service. "Alumni reps are loyal, enthusiastic partners of the admissions office," Donovan says. "Through their own successes, they are living proof of the value of an SU education. We are very grateful to them. " - Kate Gaetano For more information on how to become an alumni representative, contact the Office of Admissions at 315-443-1594 or e-mail [email protected]. SPR IN G 200 4 http://surface.syr.edu/sumagazine/vol21/iss1/15 47 2 et al.: Alumni Journal Spanish Splendor O n the last night of the Alumni College in Spain trip, Lenore Levin Piper '58 did something totally out of character-she danced on stage with a group of performers from the University of Salamanca. "They just pulled me out of the audience," she laughs. "It was the last thing I would have done voluntarily, but I had a grand old time." The show, which featured traditional Spanish songs and dances, capped off a seven-day tour sponsored by the Syracuse University Alumni Association last August. Throughout the week alumni explored the Castile region, known as the "heart of Spain," consisting of Madrid, Salamanca, Toledo, San Lorenzo de El Escorial, Segovia, and Avila. Highlights of the trip included the capital city of Madrid, where alumni viewed the works of Spanish artists Goya, El Greco, and Velazquez during a private excursion through the Prado Museum. In San Lorenzo de El Escorial's Royal Monastery, alumni viewed paintings and rare books and toured the mausoleum where many of Spain's monarchs are buried. Situated on a 48 SYRAC U SE UN I VER S I TY Published by SURFACE, 2004 mountain slope, Segovia offered alumni magnificent views and shopping in its unique pottery and craft shops. The city's Roman aqueduct, one of the largest surviving Roman structures in Spain, was built in the late first century A.D. and still functions today. "The aqueduct was amazing," says Margery Sutherland Frantzen '63, who traveled with husband Robert Frantzen '58. "We viewed it from a fantastic spot, where you can see how it slopes and levels out over the landscape," she says. Alumni returned each night to Avila, declared a national landmark by the United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization for the well-preserved 11th-century walls that surround its cathedrals, monasteries, shops, and parks. "Outside the perimeter you can see the new city that's grown around it," Frantzen says. Parts of the walls, close to 30 feet high and just as wide, were open to visitors. "We would wander around on top of the walls and take in all the sights," Frantzen says. "It was lovely, just lovely." MA GAZ I NE Celebrating a Century of Memories The Daily Orange 100: 100 Years of The Daily Orange's Best Stories chronicles the history of Syracuse University and The D.O.'s journalistic development as a nonprofit, student-run newspaper from 1903-2003. Featured articles range from student reactions to the world wars, Ernie Davis '62 and the national championship team of '59, how a wolf nearly displaced Otto as mascot, and much more. The cost of The Daily Orange 100 is $10. To order, visit www.dailyorange.com or mail $12.30 (includes shipping and handling fee) to The Daily Orange office at 744 Ostrom Avenue, Syracuse NY 13210. The D.O.'s first book, From New York to New Orleans, showcases SU's 200203 men's basketball team and its NCAA championship. The book is available online and at bookstores on the Hill and throughout Syracuse. For more information, contact Peter Waack, The D.O. business director, at 315-443-2315 or e-mail [email protected]. - Kate Gaetano 3 Syracuse University Magazine, Vol. 21, Iss. 1 [2004], Art. 15 ) >t )! Gallery Alumni Happenings 1. Katherine Fonte, 5, daughter of Mary Jane MacGregor Fonte '85 and Michael Fonte '85, cheered on SU with Otto last fall during a football game. 2. The Western New York Alumni Club got into the holiday spirit with a party in December. 3. On a sunny November Saturday, more than 40 alumni from past men's and women's rugby squads returned to Syracuse to play against current teams in the 2oth annual alumni rugby match. The match drew alumni from across the country, including several who have played internationally. Among them was John Mauro G'73, one of the founders of the Syracuse University Rugby Football Club in 1969. Pictured here are the current men's team with the men's alumni team, following their match, which the alumni team won, 19-15. See more pictures and information at students.syr.edu/mensrugby. 4. Joanne Fogel Alper '72 (front row, second from right), president of the SU Alumni Association Board of Directors, joined fellow alums at the wedding of Mark Starosielec '99 in Buffalo last August. Pictured, left to right, are Josh Lipschitz '99, G'01; Dave Slattery '98; Brooke Alper '04; Claudia Cappiello '98; Starosielec; Michael Alper '99; Alper; Kimesha Best '99; Steve Doland '99; and Rob Northway '99. 5. Chance meeting: Walking the Forgiveness Path on Spain's Camino de Santiago, Kara Curtis '95 (left) spotted a familiar sight: an SU baseball cap, sported by Frances Carducci '61, G'82 (right), who was traveling with Sanford Hersh '72 on an SU alumni tour. Photos courtesy of the Office of Alumni Relations 4 SPRI N G 2 0 04 http://surface.syr.edu/sumagazine/vol21/iss1/15 49 4 et al.: Alumni Journal N tes Send us news of your accomplishments along with a photo. .,,.,.....,-----. Salvatore J. Parlato G'61 Roger L. Schlaifer '67 (VPA} of Atlanta is president of Schlaifer Nance & Co., which developed an information-based board game called " Odds 'R: The Odds On Everything Game." (EDU} of Rochester, N.Y., wrote A Marine Corps Boot (Infinity) under the pen name Chris Madeira Jr. The novel is based on his experiences at the Parris Island, S.C., recruit depot during the 1954 Korean crisis. Neil Wilson G'67 (GRAD) of Teaneck, N.J., is co-founder and codirector of the New Jersey Institute for Training in Psychoanalysis. His paper, " Depression and its Relation to Light Deprivation," appeared in the Psychoanalytic Review. Items will appear in the magazine and on the SU web site. Send to: Alumni Editor, Alumni News, 820 Comstock Avenue, Room 308, Syracuse NY 13244-5040; fax 315-443-5425. Paul Daniell '52 '40s Sydnor Thompson '47 (A&S}, counsel at Parker Poe Adams & Bernstein, was inducted into the North Carolina Bar Association's General Practice Hall of Fame. He resides in Charlotte, N.C., with wife Harriette Brenneman Thompson '47 (VPA}, a concert pianist. Jack M. Friel '48 (MAN} of Simsbury, Conn., was inducted into the Pennington School Athletic Hall of Fame for his achievements in football, basketball, and baseball. Before retiring, Friel was vice president of Cigna, an employee benefit provider. '50s (ESF} of Outer Banks, N.C., wrote the historical novel The Seed (XIibris}. Hal Drucker '53 (A&S} of New York City is president ofTanks for the Advertising, which uses rooftop water tanks for marketing. He is also president of Chalice, a direct marketing agency. William A. Nelson '54 (A&S} of Kenneth Sipley '64, G'69 (VPA) of Pinehurst, N.C., received SU's Varsity Club Letter Winner of Distinction Award. Nesbit, Miss., is division director of fine arts at Northwest Mississippi Community College and music director at First Presbyterian Church. Peter I. Rose '54 (A&S} of Northampton, Mass., wrote Guest Appearances and Other Travels in Time and Space (Swallow Press/ Ohio UP}. He is a professor and director of the America n Studies Diploma Program at Smith College. Leslie H. Read '57 (N EW} of Port Francis J. Miller Jr. 'so (SDA) of North Fort Myers, Fla., received SU's Varsity Club Letter Winner of Distinction Award. Dana G. Stetser 'so (ARC} of Vero Beach, Fla., is a member of the Indian River '---~"-L'L='--1 County Code Enforcement Board and owns an architectural practice. Edward Bleier '51 (VPA} of New York City wrote The Thanksgiving Ceremony (Crown Publishers). Veva Strubler Dunckel '51 (VPA) of Clarkston, Ga., was named artist of the yea r by t he Atlanta branch of the Nationa l League of American Pen Women. She exhibited works in Callaway Gardens and M ableton, Ga., and designed a 2oth anniversary poster for Habitat for Humanity. 50 S YR AC U S E UN I V E R S I TY Published by SURFACE, 2004 Frederic Dressier '63 (SDA} of Westport, Conn., received SU's Varsity Club Letter Winner of Distinction Award. Washington, N.Y., is ambassador for the Cable Center and executive director of Cable Television Pioneers. Michael Bill '58 (A&S}, an SU trustee from Carmel, Ind., received SU's Varsity Club Letter Winner of Distinction Award. Conrad Remick '58 (ARC} of Cornwall on Hudson, N.Y., head of Remick ' - - --""1:.--__J Architects and Planners, received the Dean's Outstanding Alumni Award from SU's School of Architecture. Mary Ann Dye Meyers '59 (A&S/ NEW} of Wynnewood, Pa., wrote Art, Education, and African American Culture (Transaction Publishers). MAGA Z I NE Susan Frazier Callahan '65 (HDINEW} of Waitsfield, Vt., is a senior marketing specialist at the University of Vermont. Luis R. Lee '65 (VPA) of Suffield, Conn., received aw ards from American Graphic Design and Creativity Inc. for creating Friendly Ice Cream Corp.'s "Holiday" and "Americana " packages. He owns Luis R. Lee & Associates, a package design and consu lting firm. Heather Van Loan Lee '66 (HD} of Suffield, Conn., is creative and production director at Luis R. Lee & Associates. Richard Dean '67 (A&S} of Burnsville, N.C., received SU's Varsity Club Letter Winner of Distinction Award. Gary Dwyer '67 (ESF} of San Luis Obispo, Calif., exhibited Longing, a collection of black-a nd-white photographs, at the Half King rest aurant in New York City. He is a professor at California Polytechnic State University's College of Architectu re and Environmental Desig n. Robert R. Ashton '68 (SDA), G'75 (NEW} is vice president for university advancement at San Jose (Calif.} State University. Marilyn Seitlin Tendrich '68 (A&S/NEW} of Miami is president of Enamel Guild South and founding chair of the Guild Committee ofthe Enamel Society. Ray Brown '69 (A&S} of Norwalk, Calif., wrote Door to Yesterday and Enter at Your Own Risk (Dorrance). He is an English teacher at Cerritos High School. R. Wayne Mahood G'69 (MAX} of Geneseo, N.Y., wrote The Life and Times of Brevet Major General James S. Wadsworth (DaCa po Press/Perseu s Books). He is a professor in the School of Education at SUNY Geneseo. ~70s Bruce Cagwin '70 (A&S} of North Truro, M ass., creat es chairs, benches, t ables, coatracks, and decorative pieces from driftwood. James M. Claiborn '70 (A&S} of Manchester, N.H., wrote The Habit Change Workbook and The Body Dy sm orphic Disorder Workbook (New Harbinger). 5 Syracuse University Magazine, Vol. 21, Iss. 1 [2004], Art. 15 Marcia Joslyn Scherer '70 (HD/ NEW) of Webster, N.Y., wrote Connecting to Learn: Educational and Assistive Technology f or People with Disabilities (American Psychologica l Association). She is an associate professor of physica l med icine and rehabil itatio n at t he University of Rochest er M edical Center. Mary Ann Stankiewicz '70, G'76 (VPA) of State College, Pa., received the June King M cFee Award from t he Natio na l Art Education Association Women's Ca ucus in recognitio n of her accomplishments in resea rch, leadership, t eaching, and scholarly writin g in t he fi eld of art education. Helen Frost '71 (E DU) of Fort Wayne, Ind., wrote Keesha's House (Frances Foster Books). Glenn A. Goddard '71 (ECS) of Ho nolulu is chief of the bioe nvironmental division of t he U.S. Air Force, Hicka m Air Force Base. Phyllis Byrd Stibler '71 (VPA), pres ident of St ibler Associates Interior Design in M anchester, N.H., received the Pres idential Citation for Excellence in Design from the American Societ y of Int erior Designers, New England Chapter. Douglas A. Wilcox '71, G'74 (ESF) of Ann Arbor, Mich., was nam ed a ••11:::....~111111111 fe llow of the Society of Wetland Scientists in recognition of his resea rch on Great Lakes wetlands and his 16 years as ed itor in ch ief of t he scientific journa l, Wetlands. , - - - - - . . . . , Donald J. Buscher '72 (A& S) of Shelby, N.C., is a retired Army major and L_.o._ ......_,. ...,._.....J private contractor se rving as quality manager for t he t raining of the new Iraqi Army. Jyh-Ming Jeremy Hsu G'72, G'75 (ECS) of Vienn a, Va., is em ployed by M erit ek. Bobby Kelton '72 (A&S) of Santa M on ica, Ca lif., is a st andup co median who performed at SU during Parents Wee kend. Howard Sholkin '72 (NEW) is directo r of corporat e communications at International Dat a Group, a t echnology, med ia, research, and event co mpany in Bost on. -~...., Robert Whipple G'72 (ECS) of Hilton, N.Y., w rot e The Trust Factor._._.."""'"-"_ ..., Advanced Leadership for Professionals (Produ ct ivity Publications). He is CEO of Leadergrow, a leadership development com pa ny. Randy Bauler '73 (NEW) of Anaheim, Ca lif., is a member of the board of directors of the Internat ional Associ ation for Exhi bition M anage m ent. He is ex hibits and spon sorships d irect or at t he America n Association of Crit ica l Care Nurses. Bruce Mal off '73 (A&S) of Huntingdon Valley, Pa., is chief clinica l officer at Life Tree Technology, t he elect ro ni c data capture com pany for FFF Enterprises. Lois Slavin '73 (A&S), G'75 (NEW) of Chelsea, Mass., is co mmunication s director f or the M assachu setts Instit ute of Technology's engineering systems d ivision. Ann Bailie '74 (A& SINEW ) is city manager ofTrinity, North Ca rol ina. Kathryn Carlson Heier G'74 (MAX) of Roa n n, Ind., is an associate prof essor of business in the departm ent of accounting and busin ess at Manchester College. Barbara Hart Hollister '74 (HD/ED U) of Bolton Landing, N.Y., is senior marketing manager at IBM in Albany. David Jauss G'74 (A&S) of Little Rock, Ark., w inner of t he Fleur-deLis Nationa l Poetry Competition , wrot e You Are Not Here (F ieur-deLis Press). Joseph R. Lauver '74 (A& S), G'n G' 82 (MAX) of Columbi a, M d., is vice pres ident of business develo pment at Pian ned Systems Internatio nal, an information technology int egrator supporting large govern ment agencies and corpo rations. Kenneth Tucci '74 (NEW) of Reading, Mass., is a special projects producer at WBZ-TV in Boston. He recei ved a New Changing lives It did not take much prodding to get Marta Pienkowski '99 to talk about one of her favorite clients. He was unemployed, emaciated, and sleeping on trains when she met him. The staff had to physically pick him off the street to bring him into the substance abuse clinic. Today, he's in recovery and running a homeless shelter. "We work with a really lowfunctioning population," says Pienkowski, clinical supervisor of the outpatient program at Beth Israel Medical Center in Manhattan. "I hear stories that you would not believe. These people have been through so much trauma." The 26-year-old Pienkowski is the program's youngest supervisor by nearly three decades, and-as a white woman not in recovery - she is an anomaly among the staff. "As a Caucasian in an African American and Hispanic treatment setting, she has to work especially hard," says her supervisor, Elliot Driscoll. Among her responsibi lities, Pienkowski screens potential clients (many of whom are homeless, unemployed, or former convicts), handles administrative, staffing, and supervision issues, and does crisis intervention and group work. Pienkowski graduated from Syracuse University with a bachelor's degree in social work and then earned a master's degree in the same discipline at Columbia University. Before coming to Beth Israel, she worked as the Bronx division director for NRI Group LLC, a New York-based organization that provides drug treatment and health-related services. She attributes her zeal for helping people to her own background. Born in Warsaw, Poland, she fled the country's Communist regime as a child with her family and they eventually settled in Endicott, New York. The community gave her family clothing and furniture, and helped her parents, who barely spoke English, find jobs. After surviving such a personal ordeal herself, it's easy to see why she beams when she talks about her work. It's also clear that she fee ls the joy and pain that surround recovery. "The most fulfilling part of the job is when clients say, ' I want to thank you so much' for some little thing that you don't remember doing because it's second nature to you," Pienkowski says. " Yet that small thing that you did or said meant the world to them and changed the way they looked at their recovery." - Keith 0' Brien S PR I N G 2 0 0 4 http://surface.syr.edu/sumagazine/vol21/iss1/15 51 6 et al.: Alumni Journal England region Em my Award for the program, Eye On Our Kaaren Hushagen '75 (VPA) of West Windsor, N.J., is a stream jockey Atmosphere. David Dearborn '75 (A&S/NEW) of Glastonbury, Conn., is director of communications at the Connecticut Department of Social Services. ,....-~~-,--, Ellen Johnson deLara G'75 (SWK) of Ithaca, N.Y., is an assistant professor - - " " ' - ' - - of social work in SU's College of Human Services and Health Professions. - -- - - - at SIRIUS Satellite Radio in New York City, where she manages symphony music, chamber works, and cla ssical voices stations. Elaine Woloshyn G'75 (MAX) of Stow, Ohio, is founding president and CEO of th e Center for Nonprofit Excellence, a management support organization in northeast Ohio. Mohd T.A. Hamid '76 (MAN) of Alar Gajah, Ma laysia, is a professor at the University ofTeknologi Mara. "'"=~-'ill-...,... Judith LaManna Rivette G'76 (MAX), G'82 (LAW) of Liverpool, N.Y., wrote Solvay Stories: A 100- Year Diary of Solvay. New York, its Days, and its People (Oh, How Upstate Enterprises). David Trachtenburg '76 (A&S) of Suffern, N.Y., co-wrote Mauchline Ware: A Collector's Guide (Antique Collectors' Club Ltd). He owns and operates an architectural code consulting firm in New York City and an antique business in Pennsylvania. George Achaves G'77 (NEW) of Nashville, Tenn., established a rad io programming and product ion bureau for Westwood One. He is co-creator and producer of Country Countdown USA, Country's Cutting Edge, and various national entertainment specials. Invested in Growth During a 1975 trip to Israel, SU Trustee Emanuel Shemin '52 took special note of the country's agriculture. Drawing on his decades of experience as president of Shemin Nurseries, he questioned why labor and water-intensive crops were grown on a landscape that is more conducive to high-tech, high-skills agriculture. The visit prompted him to get involved in helping to develop Israel's agricultural industry. He teamed with prominent Israeli horticulturalist Isaac Nir (whose son, Gilaad Nir '07, is a student at the College of Visual and Performing Arts) to establish a plant propagation industry in the country, as well as an agribusiness course at Hebrew University in Jerusalem. In 1993, they cofounded Genesis Seeds, now a leader in the international organic seed industry. Since 2000, the company has grown only organic seeds, which have become popular in recent years among people seeking more natural and environmenta lly friendly products, Shemin says. Their work caught the attention of Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon. Last June Nir and Shemin met for an hour with Sharon, at the prime minister's request, to discuss Israeli agriculture and the role government can play in its advancement. "I told him that if Israel is going to have an agricultural presence, it needs to be in a high-tech niche," Shemin says. "Israel cannot compete in commodities; there is simply not enough water or cheap labor. Israel can, though, provide the skills required to grow seeds." He is 52 S Y R A C U S E U N I V E R S I T Y Published by SURFACE, 2004 proud of the work that has been accomplished so far, believing it will lead Israel to greater self-sufficiency. "By developing an export ind ustry, Israel will be able to do more on its own," he says. Emanuel Shemin, left, discusses Israeli agriculture with Israeli Prime Shemin also con- Minister Ariel Sharon. tinues to contribute to Syracuse University in played footba ll and lacrosse for SU. Two sismany ways. He has served as a member of ters, Elsie Shemin Roth '51 (Utica College) the Board of Trustees for the past 15 years and Ina Shemin Bass '53 (College for Human and a member of the Board's Executive Development), as well as daughter Leslie Committee for the past seven years. He curShemin Lester '84 (College of Visual and rently serves on the Board's Academic Affairs Performing Arts), are graduates. Grandand Facilities Committee. He is also a member daughter Rachel Katz is a junior majoring in of the Corporate Advisory Board of the Martin fashion design, and grandson William Cass ). Whitman School of Management, and has was recently accepted into the Class of 2oo8 donated 1,ooo daffodil bulbs each year for to study in the Newhouse School. the past decade for planting around the Shemin believes it is important to give University. He and his wife, Rhoda lisman back to the University that provided him the Shemin '53, donated the funds to build foundation for professional excellence. Shemin Auditorium in the Shaffer Art "Without the opportunities I received at Building, and Shemin recently dedicated a Syracuse, that would not have happened," student lounge, in his wife's honor, in the he says. He sees his generosity as a way to Winnick Hillel Center for Jewish Life. thank SU for the opportunities that he, his The Shemin fami ly tradition spans four wife, and his family have received. "We have generations at SU. William '24 (State had four generations go through SU," he University of New York College of Envisays. "It is appropriate for us to give back." ronmental Science and Forestry), his father, - Kelly Homan Rodoski MAGAZ IN E 7 Syracuse University Magazine, Vol. 21, Iss. 1 [2004], Art. 15 Arthur J. Carakatsane G'77 (EDU) of Lynnfield, Mass., is chairman of the Massachusetts Bar Association's 2004 Mock Trial Committee. Judith Fried Douglas '77 (A&S),G'S1 (MAX) of Annandale, Va., oversees leadership and performance initiatives at the Council for Excellence in Government in Washington, D.C. Linda Dulye '77 (A&S) of Warwick, N.Y., is president of L.M. Dulye & Co. Her internal communications work with Lockheed Martin was recognized as a best practice by Industry Week magazine. Mary Lou Lustig '77 (A&S), G'79, G'S2 (MAX) is a history professor at West Virginia University. She wrote The Imperial Executive in America: Sir Edmund Andros, Provincial Elite, 1710-1776 (Farleigh Dickinson UP). She lives in Morgantown, W.Va., with husband Theodore Lustig' 4S (A& SINEW). Scott Pitoniak '77 (NEW) of Rochester, N.Y., a columnist for the Democrat and Chronicle, wrote Syracuse University Football (Arcadia). Catherine Richardson G'77 (LAW) of Syracuse received the 2003 Distinguished Lawyer Award from the Onondaga County Bar Association. She is a member of the law firm of Bond Schoeneck & King and general counsel for Excellus BlueCross BlueShield, Central New York and Utica regions. Carol Stevens '77 (A&S/ NEW) of Arlington, Va., is editorial page editor at USA Today. Kalie Rae (formerly Sheryl) Barenboim '7S (VPA) of Montreal wrote and performed a onew oman show at a benefit concert for the Elizabeth Freeman Center in Pittsfield, Mass., and exhibited art at the Roy Street Collective Gallery in Montreal. She t eaches acting to t eens at the Saidye Bronfman Center and Geordie Productions in M ontreal. - --- Steven L Good '7S (MAN) of Highland Park, Ill., chairman of the National ~~·· Association of Realtors Auction Forum, is a member of the Chicagoland Chamber of Commerce board of directors and chairman and CEO of Sheldon Good & Company International. President of the Chicago Association of Realtors, he wrote Churches, Jails, and Gold Mines: Mega-Deals from a Real Estate Maverick (Dearborn). Gary V. Meegan '7S (VPA/EDU) of Mountain View, Calif., is a theology teacher at Junipero Serra High School in San Mateo. Donna Noble Stein '7S (NEW) of New York City, managing director of Brainerd Communicators, is a member of the College of Fellows of the Public Relations Society of America. Mark Grimm G'79 (NEW) and w ife Karen of Albany, N.Y., an nou nee the birth oftheir daughter, Riley Johnson. He is founder of Mark Grimm Communications, which specializes in media relations, political con sulting, and public speaking. Grimm played a store manager in the 2003 Price Chopper Supermarkets Thanksgiving and Christmas commercials. Hendrik Leber G'79 (MAN) of Frankfurt, Germany, earned a Ph.D. from the University of St. Galien in Switzerland. He owns ACATIS, an asset management firm. Doug Lessells '79 (NEW), sports anchor for the Ohio News Network in Columbus, w as named 2003 best t elevision sportscaster in Ohio by the Ohio Associated Press Broadcasters. Donald W. Miles G'79 (NEW) of Colorado Springs, Colo., public affairs officer, United States Northern Command, is a member of the Public Relations Society of America College of Fellow s. Steven Newvine '79 (NEW) of Avon, N.Y., is president of the Livingston County Chamber of Commerce and served as 2003 United Way of Livingston County Campaign chairman. Jane Reiner Sanders '79, G'So (SWK) of Delmar, N.Y., is a social/ outreach worker for the Town of Bethlehem Senior Services. Rodman C. Smith '79 (NEW) is vice president and executive creative director ofSwardlick Marketing Group in Portland, Maine. Barbara Battles 'So (VPA) and husband Daniel Fenski 'S1 (VPA) of West Windsor, N.J., own Windsor Gallery, an art and fine framing business specializing in custom preservation framing. The gallery was named one of Decor Magazine's top 100 art and frame retailers in America. David M. Baum 'So, G'S9, G'90 (A&S) of Perryville, Md., assistant physics professor at Goucher College, received a $21,000 research grant from the U.S. Army's Aberdeen Proving Grounds for his project, "Fluorescence Lifetime Measurements of Biological Spores and Pollens." Mae A. D'Agostino G'So (LAW) of Latham, N.Y., a pa rtner in the law firm of D'Agost ino, Krackeler, Baynes & M aguire, w as induct ed into the International Academy of Trial Lawyers and the American College ofTrial Lawyers. Richard Harrington 'So (VPA) of Endwell, N.Y., exhibited This is How We Play and Learn, a multimedia inst allation that investigat es the pow er of play in t he context of learning acceptance, at the ART Mission in Binghamton, N.Y. Gregory C. Kline 'So (NEW) of Woodstock, Conn., is director of maj or gifts and editor of Nichols Edge magazine at Nichols College. Don McGee 'So (NEW) of Cranford, N.J., does voice-overs for commercials, corporate narrat ion, and promos, and works for WFUV, an NPR affiliate in New York City. Richard Powell G'So (MAN) of Wappingers Falls, N.Y., is superintendent of the Wappingers School District. Robert J. Rosen 'So (NEW) of Plainview, N.Y., is president of Direct Reimbursement Dental Plans of New York. Dean Bettinger 'S1, G'S3 (ECS) of Fayetteville, N.Y., director of information technology at CAB LEx press Technologies and adjunct instructor at SU's L.C. Smith College of Engineering and Computer Science, was named Computer Professional of t he Year by the Syracuse chapte r of the Association for Comput ing Machinery. Raymond Hrynyk 'S1 (A&S) of Syracuse wrote Fishing Eastern L-~~~~~ NewYork a nd Fishing Western New York (Globe Pequot Press) under the pen name Spider Rybaak. Christian E. Jahrling 'S1 (A&S) of Ashburn, Va., is vice president and general manager ofTurner Construction Company. Karen Romano Young 'S1 (EDU) of Bethel, Conn., wrote the mystery Cobwebs (Greenwillow Books). Steven G. Anderson 'S2 (VPAIEDU) of Ashford, Conn., is an educator w ith the South Windsor Boa rd of Education. ,....,~~~--, Tracy Goughnour Aufleger 'S2 (MAN) of Alpharetta, Ga., is se nior f in ancia l advisor at American Express Fina ncial Advisors. Mark Bidwell 'S2, G'S9 (MAN), G'S9 (LAW) ofTrumansbu rg, N.Y., placed third in his class at the NASTAR national cham pionships, a recreational downhill ski racing league. S PR I N G 2 004 http://surface.syr.edu/sumagazine/vol21/iss1/15 53 8 et al.: Alumni Journal Join The Club WE ENCOURAGE YOU TO GET INVOLVED with your local alumni club. Clubs participate in a variety of activities, including gamewatching events, networking opportunities, new student recruiting, and community service projects. Visit the Office of Alumni Relations: www.syracuse.edu/alumni Look for the "Alumni Clubs" link on our home page under "Activities." There you will find a complete listing of all our regional and specialty clubs, as well as the club contact's name, phone number, and e-mail address. For information on the club nearest you, contact the person listed or call the Office of Alumni Relations at 1-8oo·782-5867. Antonia K. Colella G'82 (EDU) of Auburn, N.Y., cowrote Now We're Talking ... The Story of Theodore W Case and Sound-On-Film (1st Books) with her 8-year-old son, Luke. Colella is a reading teacher at Auburn High School. r--------, Anthony D'Angelo '82 (A&S),G'97 (NEW) of Camillus, direc,___.__..._._ _ tor of market ing, communications, and training for Carrier Replacement Components Division, is a member of the board of directors for the Public Relations Society of America. John A. Dziadul Jr. '82 (A&S) of Oviedo, Fla., is a st aff optometrist at t he Orlando VA Healthcare Center. Eric Olsen ' 83 (VPA) of Jersey City, N.J., is music di rector and organist at the Un ion Congregational Church in M ontclair, N.J. A concert pianist , he has eight recordings in classical and j azz styl es. His j azz group, Urban Survival, is recording its second album. Gary M. Weiner '83 (MAN) of Longmeadow, M ass., is 2003-04 section representative to the board of governors of t he Commercial Law League of America. Susan Buehler '84 (NEW) of Ambler, Pa., is vice president of Bellevue Communica tions Group, a public relations and crisis communications firm. John G. North '84 (ECS) of Shanghai, China, is Southeast Asia general manager of Akrion, a provider of surface preparation solutions to the semiconductor and electronics industries. ....--~.,.,......, David Rufo '84 (VPA) of Fayetteville, N.Y., exhibited bronze sculptures in a group show at the Alternative Space Gallery in New York City. Andrea Shane '84 (VPA) of New York City co-owns Shane/ Goldstein Casting, which casts actors for fi lm, theater, television, and comme rcia ls. John Szczygiel ' 84 (A&S) of Arl ington, Va ., is president of the security systems division of Siemens Building Technologies. Barry Wallach '84 (MAN / NEW) of Darian, Conn., is executive vice president of NBC Enterprises. Gary A. Baldauf G'85 (LAW) of West Falls, N.Y., is head of the Buffalo regiona l office of the New York State Medicaid Fraud Bureau. Sharon Hunter Bratt G'8s (HD) of Tu lly, N.Y., is a dietitian at Community Genera l Hospital Health Education Center West. Renee M . Caraviello '85 (MAN) of Lowell, Mass., wrote, designed, and illustrated Wiser Was the Waiter (XIibris). r----:..,..;;:::---, Michael D. Cohn Michael Zieper '82 (NEW) of Glen Ridge, N.J., created Emergency Announcement, a soundtrack played at the D.C. Underground Film Festival in Washington, D.C. William Kulp G'83 (1ST) of Baltimore is indexing coordinator/senior authorities librarian at Johns Hopkins University Press. Elisabeth A. McNulty '83 (VPA) of Arlington, Va., owns Ad lib Creative, a graphic design, web, video, and illu st ration company. 54 S YRA C U SE UNIV E R S I TY Published by SURFACE, 2004 Lisa Schweitzer Courtice ' 84 (A&S) of Delaware, Ohio, is vice president of community research and grant s management at the Columbus Foundation. Jean Givan '84 (A&S) of Bronx, N.Y., is president and CEO of Givan Publish ing House. David Kanter '84 (ECS) of Hughesville, M d., is a foreign milita ry sa les lead engineer on the sparrow missile program at the Naval Aviation Weapons Center in Patuxent River, Md. MAGA Z I NE '85 (MAN) of Natick, M ass., is audit manager at Wolf & '---"-~""-------' Company Certified Public Accountants and Business Consultants. Millicent E. Cooper '85 (A&S) of San Francisco is facilities manager at the University of Ca liforn ia San Francisco Mission Bay, a 43-acre biotech research campus. Robin R. Green '85 (A&S) married Stephen K. Milgram. They reside in Bloomfield, N.J., whe re she is a program administrator and project director at New Jersey Medical School. Edward Heier G'85 (MAX) of Roa nn, Ind., is a teacher for the on line M .B.A. program at Baker College in Flint, Mich. Nancy Edwards Hillis '85 (NEW) of Port Chester, N.Y., is progra m manager of banking relations for IBM . Elisabeth Greenberg Moore '85 (NEW) of Orlando is an account ma nager at Walt Disney lmagineering and is t he Syracuse Alumni Club representative for Orlando. Michael W. Robinson ' 85 (A& SINEW) of Bethesda, Md., is director of investment business communications at Freddie Mac. Raquel Johnson Roper '85 (NUR) of Miami earned a maternal newborn nursing certificate and is an assist ant nurse manager at Baptist Hospital. David Sartory • ' 8s (NEW) and w ife Uma of Brentwood, Calif., announce L_-L--=:II:L~c.~~ the birth of their son, Ethan Neal. Sartory is creative advertising supervisor for Pa ramount Pictures in Hollywood and a member of the International Cinematographers Guild. Ivan H. Smason '85 (A&S) of Los Angeles appears in the 2004 Who's Who In America (Ma rquis). He wrote M arijuana, a spoken word sound recording, and Jazz Boy, a poetry chapbook. Raymond Soya G'8s (MAN) of Shrew sbury, N.J., ran in the 2003 New York City Marathon to benefit the Monmouth County homeless. Wanda Torian Carlson G'86 (MAX) of Milford, Conn., is an agent at State Farm Insurance. Susan Ciotta G' 86 (NEW) married Carl M. Rogers. They reside in Ba ltimore, where she is an ed ucat ion program specialist for the M aryland St ate Department of Education. 9 Syracuse University Magazine, Vol. 21, Iss. 1 [2004], Art. 15 Melissa Austin Haddick '86 (VPA} and husband David of Berkeley, Calif., announce the birth of their daughter, Gabrielle Zula Caroline. Theodore Kusio '86 (ECS} is creative/interactive director at Paragon Advertising in Buffalo, N.Y. Patrick M. Mulcahy '86, G'gs (VPA) of Macungie, Pa., is producing artistic director at the DeSales University Pennsylvania Shakespeare Festival. Mark Owczarski '86 (NEW), G' 88 (EDU) of Blacksburg, Va ., is director of news and information at Virginia Tech. Mona Overman Shattell '86, G'g6 (NUR) of Birmingham is assistant professor at the University of Alabama School of Nursing. Todd J. Stein ' 86 (VPA) of Studio City, Calif., produced Stage Moms, a reality series for the VH1 television network. Karly Robinson Sudock '86 (HDIVPA) of Baldwin, N.Y., is a vice president at Deutsche Bank in New York City. DeAndrea Russell '87 (A&S} married Kevin Williams. They reside in Brooklyn, N.Y., where she is manager of prospect research at the National Urban League. Edward Healy '8g (A&S) was named 2002 Plainville Volunteer Fire Department Firefighter of the Year, and 2002 Onondaga County 911 Center Supervisor of the Year. He resides in Baldwinsville, N.Y., with wife Beth-Ann Fichman Healy '88 (HD) and their son, Ryan. Edward G. Shulman '87 (A&S} of Old Tappan, N.J., partner in the law firm of Shulman & Weiss, is chairman of the New Jersey chapter of the American Immigration Lawyers Association. Carol A. Kraus ' 8g (MAN/NEW} married Paul E. Martin. They reside in Dallas, where she is vice president of commercia l lending at HSBC Bank. PJ••I:::-l Donald W. Asselborn '88 (A&S) and wife Catherine of Princeton, N.J., --~--- announce the birth of their son, William Joseph Ill. Asselborn is vice president of North American Operations at BGA Pharma. Khashruzzaman Choudhury G'88 (MAX} of Baton Rouge, La., is a public policy economics professor at the Nelson Mandela School of Public Policy, Southern University. He is also president of the American Association for Advancement of Private Universities in Bangladesh, which helps Bangladesh's private universities with facu lty, training, and program accreditation. Mary Handley G'87 (EDU} of Syracuse, assistant professor of human services and director of the Human Services Program at Cazenovia College, received a prof essional development aw ard from the National Organization for Human Services Education. She is f acilitating a study of the effectiveness of Cazenovia College's human services programs, which includes students with developmental disa bilities and full -time students without disa bilities. James D. Donnelly Jr. G'88, G'g1 (EDU} of Dolgeville, N.Y., was named 2003 New York State Principal of the Year by the School Administrators Association of New York State and the National Association for Secondary School Principals. Richard Madalena Jr. '87 (A&S} of Kensington, Md., represents Kensington, Chevy Chase, and Silver Spring in the Maryland House of Delegates and serves on the Appropriations Committee. Tracy Speed '88 (NEW} of Sherman Oaks, Calif., is director of publicity at Lifetime Television in Los Angeles and a member of the Academy of Television Arts and Sciences. Larry E. Rehmer '87 (MAN) of Far Hills, N.J., is senior vice president and head of listed block trading at Knight Securities. Franciscus X. Suhartono G'88 (MAX} is managing director of the Indonesian Trade Promotion Center at the Ministry of Industry and Trade in Budapest, Hungary. Wendy Berger Shapiro '88 (MAN} of Chicago is national chair of the United Jewish Communities program, Blue Knot: The Jewish Tech Initiat ive. Karen Rickard Martin G'8g (NEW) of Davidson, N.C., is director of corporate and foundation relations for Davidson College. She also contributes freelance editorial columns and news articles to local and regional magazines. David P. Morrow ' 8g (MAN} of Pleasanton, Calif., is senior vice president at Covad Communications. Kristi Druebert Schmidt '8g (NUR} is a learning capabilities partner at Genentech. She and husband LeeR. Schmidt '8g (A&S} reside in El Granada, Calif. with their two children, Teagan and Aidan. Ann Titus '8g (A& SINEW} of Washi ngton, D.C., is a senior copywriter at August, Lang & Husak, an advertising and marketing agency. '90s Scott Bellin 'go (A&S) of New York City is vice president of large account administration at Thesco Benef its, an employee benefits insurance firm. Derek Chase 'go (A&S} is advertising executive and producer at KBHR-FM in Big Bea r, Calif., and a vested member of the Writers Guild of America West. Catherine Cheo-lsaacs 'go (A&S} and husband Steven of Bedminster, N.J., announce the birth of their daughter Leila, who joins sister Grace. Cheo-lsaacs and her husband own Liberty Corner Computing, a com puter training and network gaming center. Andrew Cunningham ' go (A&S} of Keene, N.H., is a social studies and Spanish teacher at the Monadnock Community Connections High School. Thomas Gualtieri 'go (VPA) of New York City performed That Play, a oneperson adaptation of Shakespeare's Macbeth, during the Fourth Annual Midtown International Theatre Festival at the Abingdon Theater Arts Complex in Manhattan. Marsha Henry 'go (HDIVPA) of Minneapolis is senior project manager at Best Buy. Erin Hill 'go (VPA) of Long Island City, N.Y., composed music for That Play, an adaptation of Shakespeare's Macbeth. Her album, Frost as Desired, w as released under her own record label, Gridley Records. Patricia Kettle 'go (ARC} of Brooklyn, N.Y., is a project architect for di Dominica & Partners. Sara Burr Levy 'go (VPA) and husband Laurent of Cambridge, M ass., announce the birth of their daughter, Hazel Virginie. Levy is manager of corporate marketing at Cambridge Energy Research Associates. A. Daniel Miller 'go (VPA/ EDU) is a high school band director and music department chairman at the Spencer-Van Etten (N.Y.) School District. He plays aIto saxophone in the Empire Saxophone Quartet and resides in Appalachia n with wife Eileen Lavy Miller 'go (VPA/EDU} and their two children. Eric M. Miller ' go (NEW) married Sha ron Safer. They reside in Avondale Estates, Ga., where he is national media relations manager at the American Cancer Society. Christiana Moy 'go (NEW} and husband Ray Kwong of Fresh M eadows, N.Y., annou nce the birth of their son, Russell. SPRING 2004 http://surface.syr.edu/sumagazine/vol21/iss1/15 55 10 et al.: Alumni Journal Brian Murray 'go (ECS) of Reston, Va., wrote Defending the Brand: Aggressive Strategies for Protecting Your Brand in the Online Arena (AMACOM). Murray is vice president of client services at Cyveillance. lisa Chenette Perry 'go (MAN) of North Greenbush, N.Y., is marketing manager of AXA Advisors' Albany, New York, branch and assistant marketing director of the Northeast region . She and her husband own a drive-in movie theater. Stacey Peterson 'go (NEW) of Plainfield, N.J., assistant professor at Kean University, taught conversational English to residents of Ostuni, Italy, through Global Volunteers, a nonprofit organization that offers shortterm volunteer opportunities throughout t he world. Donald W. Smith 'go (MAN) of Philadelphia is security analyst portfolio manager of the U.S. Growth Equity Investing Team at Turner Investment Partners. Scott H. Read 'go (A&S) ma rried Emily Guerette. They reside in Denver, where he is the field operations manager for U.S. Online, a cable, telep hone, and Internet provider. Whitney Webster 'go (VPA) of New York City designed costumes for That Play, a one-person adaptation of Shakespea re's Macbeth. ARocker's Return In May 1996, Pete Yom left Syracuse University with a bachelor's degree in speech communication in his hand, several hundred songs in his head, and a dream of becoming a professional musician in his heart. This fall, Yorn returned to campus for the first time. His performance in Goldstein Auditorium was attended by thousands of enthusiastic fans, many chanting his name and singing along to his songs. "Thanks everyone for showing up at my old school," said the Columbia Records artist during his October concert. "It's crazy for me to be back here playing." Yorn's first album, musicforthemorningafter, sold a half-million copies. His second album, Day I Forgot, was released last April and looks to do equally well. His songs have been featured in Spiderman, and Me, Myself and Irene, and on television shows and in commercials. Long gone are the days of the self-proclaimed "shoe-gazer" who used to throw up before big concerts. Before taking to the Goldstein stage last fall, Yorn spent a few hours visiting his favorite college hangouts, including Flint Hall and Cosmo's on M Street. "I wish I cou ld stay here for a while," he said during his half-day visit. While on campus, Yorn and fellow band member Joe Kennedy '94 participated in an open forum sponsored by SU's Music and Entertainment Industry Students Association. The two musicians fielded questions covering everything from their musical influences to Napster and life on the road. "We had no idea how hard it was to get signed," Yorn 56 SYRACUSE UN I VERS I TY MAGA Z I NE Published by SURFACE, 2004 said. "Even after you get a record deal, it's not all cut and dried." Yorn decided to be a musician halfway through his junior year at Syracuse. "The weather here was so horrible that it kept me in my room writing songs," he says. He describes the songwriting process as "mysterious," although he generally begins with the drums. "Rhythm inspires the melody," says Yorn, who has hundreds of yet-to-be-released songs stashed away. "The way those melodies make me feel is how I start to write the lyrics." After graduating, the Montville, New Jersey, native moved to Los Angeles to launch his music career, and eventually his performances at clubs attracted the attention of Columbia Records. He's been gaining popularity ever since. Yorn hopes to produce a new album this summer and has begun his own record label, Trampoline Records (www.trampolinerecords.com), with Wallflowers keyboardist Rami Jaffee and jukebox Junkies singer/songwriter Marc Dauer to help young, talented musicians break into the business. "It's a fun thing to do," he says of the label. Yorn offers this advice to aspiring musiciansor anyone chasing a dream: "Don't worry about job security," he says. "Worry about where your passion lies." - Margaret Costello Wayne Wong 'go (ECS) and wife Melinda announce the birth of their daughter Kelly Jennifer, who joins sister Jessica. They reside in Westwood, M ass., where Wong is an engineer at Oracle Corp. Susan Macauley Brunetti 'g1 (NUR) and husband Antonio of Totowa, N.J., announce t he birth of their twin daughters, Rebecca and Isabella. Cynthia A. Burke 'g1 (HD) of Richmond, Va., is a senior interior designer at The Planning Partnership. Peter D. Carmen G'g1 (LAW) of Syracuse, a labor law attorney and partner at Mackenzie Hughes, is president of SU's Law Alumni Association. Cathy Kovacs Flynn 'g1 (MAN) and husband Kevin of Glen Ridge, N.J., announce the birt h oftheir daughter Juliana Patricia, who joins sister Mikayla Rose. Philip A. Forgione 'g1 (NEW/ MAN) of San Diego is CEO of San Diego Medica l Services Enterprise, a provider of emergency medica l services. He was named one of San Diego Metropolitan Magazine's "40 Under Forty." Gail Friedman 'g1 (NEW) married Joseph W. Yaciuk. They reside in Fort Lauderdale, Fla., where she is genera l manager of Omni Automotive Advertising. Beth Buvitt Herbst 'g1 (VPA) of West Orange, N.J., co-founded StyleBakerycom, an online style and shopping magazine. She also co-owns Reach, a compa ny that specia lizes in producing fash ion segments for television shows. Daniel Heumann 'g1 (NEW) and wife Lynn of Ann Arbor, Mich., announce the birth of their daughter, Kate Louise. Heumann is founder of Heumannly Ca pable, a motivational speaking company. 11 Syracuse University Magazine, Vol. 21, Iss. 1 [2004], Art. 15 Erika March '91 {NEW) married Mark Sinofsky. They reside in aT.·•.....:- Mount Laurel, N.J., where she is manager of educational planning and development at Interlink Healthcare Communications. Lisa Haleski Masseur '91 {NEW) and husband Mark Masseur '91 {VPA) announce the birth of their son Ty, who joins big brother Luke. They reside in Chicago, where she is an executive producer at Ebel Productions and he is partner and creative director of Symmetri Marketing Group. George R. McGuire '91 {ECS), G'96 (LAW) of Jamesville, N.Y., attorney at the law firm of Bond Schoeneck & King and chair of its Intellectual Property Practice Group, was honored as one of Central New York's "40 Under Forty" by the Business Lori Ellen Smith '91 {A&S/NEW) of Melrose, Mass., is vice president and account supervisor of communications at Putnam Investments. JoAnn Urofsky G'91 {NEW) of Tampa, Fla., is a member of the board of directors for National Public Radio and general manager ofWUSF-TV and WUSF-FM. Elizabeth A. Zogby G'91 {NEW) of Rochester, N.Y., is associate director of alumni relations and development at the University of Rochester's William E. Simon Graduate School of Business. Tyrone Chao G'92 {ECS) married Liwen Yang. They reside in Burlington, Mass., where he is a senior software engineer at Alphatech . Journal. Jennifer Robinson Davidson '92 {NEW) of New York City cofounded StyleBakerycom, an online style and shopping magazine. She also co-owns Reach, a company that specializes in producing fas hion segment s for t elevision shows. Michelle Mitchell Meadows '91 {A&S/NEW) of Silver Spring, Md., wrote The Way the Storm Stops (Henry Holt and Company). Thom Filicia '92 {VPA) of New York City appears in Bravo's reality series, Queer Eye for the Straight Guy. He is founder of the interior design company Thom Filicia Inc., and w as named one of House Beautiful's top 100 American designers. Katie Bell Powers '91 {VPA) and husband Scott of Averill Park, N.Y., announce the birth of their son Henry, who j oi ns sist er Grace. Mary Ingrassia Fiore '92 (A&S) of Valley Cottage, N.Y., is president of M ary Fiore & Company, a fundraising fi rm servicing clients in the New York metropolitan region. Barbara J. Rogachefsky '91 (A&S) of Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio, opened a law practice specializing in criminal, family, and juvenile law and general litigation. James H. Rolling Jr. G'91 {VPA) of New York City wrote Living Sacrifices: For Those Dying To Rise To A Life Worth Giving {Pleasa nt Word). He ea rned a Ph.D. in ed uca tion from Columbia University, where he is a fine arts and visual arts teacher at the School at Columbia University, an elementary school. L. Hunter Rose '91 {1ST) and wife Robyn of Plano, Texas, announce the birth of t heir son, Dyl an Ari. Laura Fyfe '92, G'94 {A&S) of Reston, Va., t eaches French and African literature at George M ason University. She earned a Ph.D. from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. Wayne Hansen '92 {MAN) and wife Deborah of Shelton, Conn., announce the birth of t heir son M atthew Connor, who joins brother Robe rt Jeffrey. Jill Meister Kimmel '92 {VPA/ MAN) and hu sband David Kimmel '91 (A&S) of Baldwin, Md., announce the birth of their daughter Allison Leigh, who j oi ns brother Benjamin. Jan F. Schouten '91 {ECS) married Ka ren Zondag. They reside in Amsterdam, Netherl ands. Anna Maria DeMasi Lankes '92, G'94 {A&S) and R. David Lankes '92 {VPA), G'99 {IST/A&S) of Syracuse announce the birth of their son Andrew, who joins brother Riley. Christie Berlanti Sokol '92 (A&S) and husband Michael of Queensbury, N.Y., announce the birth of their son, Tanner Michael. Sokol is a social work supervisor at LaSalle School in Albany. Susan Lepow '92 {VPA) married Frank Perlmutter. They reside in Plymouth Meeting, Pa., where she is a facilities project manager at GlaxoSmithKiine. Karen I. Thomas '92 {VPA) of Winthrop, Maine, teaches drama at Winthrop High School and is director of the Winthrop Performing Arts Center. Yoon S. LimCannon'92 {VPA) of North Wales, Pa., is owner and executive director of the Pennsylvania Performing Arts Academy, which trains more than soo students each year in dance, mu sic, and drama. Amy Harlor Tom! ins '92 {H D) and husband Kertis of Salem, N.H., announce the birth of their son Colby Harlor, who joins brother Jacob Kenneth. Jennifer S. Lowy '92 {A&S) of New York City is executive director of Ride for Life, a nonprofit organiza tion founded to raise awareness and cure amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, or Lou Gehrig's disease. Mitchell Messinger '92 {A&S), G'93 {NEW) and w ife Michelle announce the birth of their daughter, Jill ian Eve. They reside in Calabasas, Calif., where he works for ABC Daytime Media Relations, General Hospital. Tammy Nies '92 {VPAIHD) of Cicero, N.Y., married Jeffrey Danielewicz. She is an application specialist at Solvay Paperboard/ Southern Container Corp. Melissa Goldman Oldman '92 {NEW) and hu sband Richard of Lithia, Fla., announce the birth of their daughter Aurora Glory, who joins brother Lucas August. Todd J. Rosenblatt '92 (MAN) of Bedminster, N.J., certified public accountant and t ax manager at Untracht Early & Associates, prese nted a seminar to members of the Union County Chapter of the New Jersey Society of Certified Public Accountants. Melissa Solomon Rosten '92 {A&S/NEW) and husband Sloa n of Moorestown, N.J., announce the birth of their daughter, Amanda Rose. Rost en earned a master of j ournalism degree from Temp le University. Kelly Ward G'92 {MAN) of Atlanta is a supervision and regu lation examiner at the Federal Reserve Bank of Atlant a and a member of t he board of directors of the local ch apter of Certified Fraud Examiners. John Zdanowski G'92 {ECS) of Bel levue, Wash ., is CFO of HouseValues, a ma rketing and application service provider. Lori Abrams '93 {VPA/ HD) of New York City w orks in sales at Divatex Home Fashions. Owen Andrews-Cita '93 (A&S) of Ra leigh, N.C., is employed by Mellon Financial Services. Melissa Eisen Azarian G'93 (LAW) and husband Philip H. Azari an G'93 {LAW) of Millington, N.J., announce the birth of their son Alexa nder Paul, who joins sister Samantha Page. Melissa is a stayat-home mom and f reelance writer and editor for a legal publishing company and Philip is an associate at the law offices of Robert M . Pollack in New York City. Wendy Kraft Barbesh '93 (MAN) and husband Steven Barbesh '93 {MAN) of Manalapan, N.J., announce the birth of thei r daughter, Amanda M ad ison. Jessica Pirro Benigni '93 {HD), G'96 {SWK) of Buffalo, N.Y., program coordinator at Crisis Services, received the 2003 Governor's Justice, Freedom, and Courage Award to End Domest ic Violence from Governor George Pat aki. 5 PRI N G 2 0 0 4 http://surface.syr.edu/sumagazine/vol21/iss1/15 57 12 et al.: Alumni Journal Timothy Bruner G'93 (MAN) of James Orlando '93 (A&S/NEW) of Jeremy Gordon '94 (VPA) of West Kevin P. Wardally '94 (A&S) of Batesville, Ark., is vice president of institutional advancement at Lyon College and president of the Arkansas chapter of the Associat ion of Fundraising Professionals. He was named Arkansas Fundraising Executive of the Year at the National Philanthropy Day awards. Hoboken, N.J., is a social studies teacher in the Bergenfield School District. Hollywood, Calif., is a teacher at the Crossroads School for the Arts and Sciences. Leigh Stimolo '93 (NEW) of Watertown, Mass., is an audio visual multimedia developer at Harvard University. She released the album, LEIGH Moved. Karen Emerson Josephson '94 New York City is director of operations for the New York City Council and chief political aide to city council speaker Gifford Miller. Matthew J. Fischer '93 (NEW/A&S) is executive director of help and member education programming at America Online. He and wife Rachel Farnsworth Fischer '94 Mark Tompkins G'93 (MAN) of East Amherst, N.Y., is employed by M&TBank. Bryan C. VanCott '93 (A&S) of (A&S) reside in Asheville, N.C., with their daughter, Katie. Stony Brook, N.Y., is an associate attorney in the law firm of Twomey, Latham, Shea & Kelley. Valerie A. Fisher '93 (NEW) mar- Adrian Vernon G'93 (NEW) of ried Chris Smaltini. They reside in Long Branch, N.J., where she is director of scheduling and production management at the Food Network and Scripps Network in New York City. Vancouver, Wash., is senior operations manager at Hyperion Solutions in Sunnyvale, Calif. Alice E. Harrington '93 (1ST) of Kelli Spiess Young G'93 (EDU) of Liverpool, N.Y., is assistant director in the Maxwell School Career and Alumni Services office at SU. Brighton, N.Y., is assistant professor of library services at Monroe Communit y College. Carole Chase Lews '93 (NEW) and husband Carl of Hollis, N.H., announce the birth of their son, Matthew. Chris McCloskey '93 (NEW) of New York City is vice president of communications f or the Arena Football League. Patrick Mifsud '93 (A&S) of Morgantown, W.Va., received the bron ze star medal for meritorious service while deployed t o Afghanist an in direct support of Operation Enduring Freedom. James N. Mittler '93 (A& S) of Albany, N.Y., ea rned a Ph.D. in immunology and infectious disease f rom the University at Albany. Mittler is a research affili at e at the Wadsw orth Center /New York State Department of Health. Lloyd A. Blanchard G'94 (MAX).G'99 (MAX) of Arlington, Va., was honored as one of 2003's so influential minorities in business by the Minority Business & Professional Network. He is NASA's senior advisor for financial m anagement . Danielle L. Cohen '94 (VPA) of Short Hills, N.J., is pursuing a Ph.D. in psychology at the University of London. She is research collaborator and co-author of the International Sexuality Description Project. Alyssa Gould Cullen '94 (VPA) of Somerville, Mass., is assistant to the president at the Animal Rescue League of Boston. Peter A. Gianesini Jr. '94 (NEW) of New Britain, Conn., is program director at ESPN Radio. Marla Munk '93 (EDU) of New York City is a pharmaceutical sa les representative at Pf izer. lisa Gatto Musumeci '93 (VPA/HD) and husband Thom as of Red Bank, N.J., anno unce the birth of their daughter, Isa bella. 58 SYRAC U SE U N I V ERS I TY M AGA Z INE Published by SURFACE, 2004 Larry Goldstein '94 (VPA) of Atlanta is a writer and producer at the Ca rtoon Network. (VPA) and husband Scott of Rochester, N.Y., announce the birth of their son, Jack Sylvan. Amy Novick Kimmelman '94 (VPA) of Bethesda, Md., is an architect. Laurie Christi no Kistner '94 (VPA) of Centreville, Va., owns Laurie Lynn Creations, a surface pattern and wedding design business. Jennifer Leonardo LaManche '94, G'99 (ECS) of Skaneateles, N.Y., married David R. Hollis. LaM anche is a structural engineer at O'Brien & Gere Engineers. Cori Lappin '94 (HD) married David Lapp. They reside in Arlington, Mass., where she is a literacy specialist for the Newton public schools. Deborah Mclean Leow G'94 (SWK) of Watertown, Mass., is a fellow in the Ro bert Wood Johnson Foundation's developing leadership in reducing substance abuse program, and associate director of the Center for Substance Abuse Prevention's Northeast Center for the Application of Prevention Technologies. Ryan P. Shea '94 (MAN) of Ashburn, Va., is senior m arketing manager of music commerce at America Online and a part-time dance club DJ. Rosa T. Sheng '94 (ARC) of Albany, Calif., an associate at Bohlin Cywinski Jackson, received an aw ard f rom Business Week/ Architectural Record 2003 f or her work as project architect in the Apple SoHo St ore in New York City. Nicole Gwen Spitz G'94 (EDU) of Brooklyn, N.Y., married Nicholas Miller. She is a teacher at the Adolph S. Ochs School. Malcolm Tripi '94 (VPA) married Tara Warner '94 (A&S) married ian Stuart. They reside in Andover, Mass., with their two ch ild ren. Sandra A. Bittle '95 (A&S) married David S. Barnes. They reside in Houston, where she is a lost securities and government levy specialist for AIM Investments and the choral arm for the Houston Symphony Chorus. Jill Bliss G'95 (1ST) of Cary, N.C., is a library media t eacher at Lufkin Road Middle School. Jane A. Brody '95 (NEW), G'98 (SWK) married Todd F. Sherwood . They reside in Edgewat er, N.J., w here she is program coordinator of voluntary initiatives at United Hospital Fund of New York. Suzanne Sheets Colilla '95 (NUR) and husband Daniel J. Col ilia '93 (ECS) of Silver Spring, Md., announce the bi rth of their daughter, Kathleen Laura. Julianne Donofrio '95 (A& SINEW) of Washington, D.C., received the 2002 George Foster Peabody Award for her work as field producer on ABC's Nightline show "The Survivors," wh ich documented the rehabilitat ion of two burn victims f rom the Septem ber 11 terrorist attack on the Pentagon. MayaM. Eckstein G'95 (LAW) of Richmond, Va., a member of the law firm of Hunton & Williams, received the U.S. Supreme Cou rt 's 2003 Sandra Day O'Connor Award for Professional Service. Lauren Eidt '95 (H D) of Worcester, M ass., is a cl inical social worker at University of M assachusetts M emo rial M edical Cent er. Natasha J. Fedor. They reside in Buffalo, N.Y., w here he is a freelance theat er t echnician. 13 Syracuse University Magazine, Vol. 21, Iss. 1 [2004], Art. 15 Charlene Thomas Kalinich G'95 (MAN) of Glen Burnie, Md., is a health financial analyst in the office of the U.S. Army Surgeon General. Dena Robinson Kaplan '95 (HD) and husba nd David Kaplan '95 (A&S) announce the birth of their daughter, Lauren Michaela. They reside in Plainview, N.Y., where she is an elementary school teacher and he is cardiology administrator at the NYU School of Medicine. Gregory Komarow G'95 (MAX) of Germantown, Md., earned an M.B.A. in human resource management and international finance from American University's Kogod School of Business. Kenneth Koren '95 (VPA) of Poughkeepsie, N.Y., is an art teache r in the Poughkeepsie City School District. Elizabeth Merendino ' 95 (VPA!EDU) of Surbiton, England, teaches music at the International School of Monas in Monagas, Venezuela, and at the American Community School in Surrey, England. She has appeared in various musical theater productions in London. Scott C. Messenger '95 (ECS) of Wyomissing, Pa., is st aff project engineer at Binney & Smith. Monica Zigbaum Monteiro '95 (HD) and husband Jason Monteiro '96 (MAN) of Fairfield, Conn., announce the birth of their daughter Brenna Elyse, w ho joins sister Madisyn Jenna. Monica is a special education teacher in the Bridgeport School District and Jason is an analyst at the New York Stock Exchange. Marilyn B. Ness '95 (NEW) of New York City produced Ansel Adams, a documentary on the life and art of the famou s photographer. Her work won an Em my Award for outstanding artistic and cultural program and was nominated for best documentary of 2002. Ness also produced New York: A Documentary Film, The Center of the World, Episode Eight: 19462003, which aired nationally on PBS. Peter E. Olney G'95 (ARC) of New York City is an associate at Fox & Fowle Architects. Lisa Trdina Rios '95 (NEW) of Louisville, Ky., is director of strategic planning at PriceWeber Marketing. Shelby White '95 (A& S), G'97 (EDU) married Lee M iller. They reside in Rocky Mount, N.C., where she is a self-employed speech language pathologist. Lisa LeRoy Campagna '96 (MAN) of Syracuse is an accountant at SUNY Upstate Medica l Un iversity. Lynn Capirsello '96 (VPA), G'o3 (EDU) of Syracuse is an assist ant design professor at SU. Sarah L. Mahan Caputo '96 (HD) is sales manager and customer service support specialist for Gans Brothers in New York City. Brian Cardamone '96 (A&S) married Kelly Lommer. They reside in Buffalo, N.Y. Artistic Vision As dean of New York University's Tisch School of the Arts, Mary Schmidt Campbell G'73, G'BO, G'82 wields a great deal of influence. But for this gifted scholar, author, and teacher, the source of power rests not in fierce ambition, but in compassion, spirit, and authenticity. "A good leader has a great deal of integrity, and communicates clearly and honestly with the people around her," says Campbell, who studied art history and the humanities and earned M.A., M.F.A., and Ph.D. degrees at the College of Arts and Sciences. Formerly the New York City cultural affairs commissioner, Campbell joined the Tisch School in 1991 and now heads up the distinguished center of the arts, overseeing 10 professional training programs and two academic programs. In addition to her duties as dean, she continues to teach, publish books and articles, and lecture. "Speaking and publishing on serious topics give me opportunities to continue to probe the underlying ideas and first principles of leading an art schoolto ask, 'What does it mean to train as an artist?'" she says. "We pay a lot of attention to understanding the elements of craft, the tools of voice and movement. But once you have mastered that, in any art form, you should then ask, 'For what purpose am I doing this? What role does this art form play http://surface.syr.edu/sumagazine/vol21/iss1/15 in society?'" Campbell looks back on her years at SU as a wonderful time, both academically and personally. "I was able to deepen my training in art history and enjoy active involvement with the University and Syracuse communities," she says. "My husband [George W. Campbell Jr. G'77, H'o3, president of Cooper Union for the Advancement of Science and Art] was also at Syracuse, and we started our family there." Campbell has been honored with the Arents Pioneer Medal, a Chancellor's Citation, and the College of Arts and Sciences' Distinguished Alumni Award. "My time at SU was rich with opportunities to involve myself at many levels," she says. "I had wonderful relationships with faculty who were excellent personal mentors. They gave me a great deal of their time, attention, and care." At the Tisch School, Campbell is equally attentive to the needs and capabilities of the people around her. "I believe that everyone wants to do a good job," she says. "A good leader shapes and molds a job around peo- pte's strengths." Not only does this result in optimal performance, Campbell says, but it also allows each person doing a job to know he is making a difference. " It creates a sense of community, and a feeling of 'we're all in this together,"' she says. "That helps all of us to achieve the vision." - Amy Speach Shires SPRIN C 2 0 04 59 14 et al.: Alumni Journal Benjamin S. Pell '97 (ARC) of orange Syracuse is an assistant professor in SU's School of Architecture. grove Become part of a new SU tradition and leave your mark on the SU campus. For details contactTricia Hopkins at 315-443-5304, or [email protected] or www.syracuse.edu/alumni Stephen Casmar G'98 (1ST) of San wife Michelle of Westerville, Ohio, announce the birth of their daughter, Cydney Jean. Platt is director of ma rketing and public relations at the Columbus Jewish Federation. Diego is an information technology consultant at San Diego State University. (VPA) married Melissa Achuff '97 (MAN) married Tyndall, Fla., is a lieutenant colonel in the U.S. Air Force 325th Security Forces Squ adron. He served in Iraq as a def ense force commander in support of Operation Iraqi Freedom. Raymond Langston IV. They reside in New York City, where she is a senior media planner at Lowe Worldwide. Keith C. Fraas '96 (EDU) married Veronica Witzky. They reside in Lancast er, N.Y., where he is a physical therapist at the Women's and Children's Hospital. Rebecca Hertig '96 (NUR) of Camillus, N.Y., is a patient services con sultant at Medtronic. Amy Norway Hoyte '96 (A&S) of Tacoma, Wash., is traffic coordinator at Lumbermen's Purchasing Office. Kelly Mao G'96 (MAX) of Redondo Beach, Calif., earned an M .B.A. from the University of Michigan and is employed at Toyota Motor Sa les USA, Lexus brand strat egy. Nira Firestone Psaltos '96 (NEW) of Forest Hills, N.Y., is a creative supervisor at Grey Worldwide in New York City. Dawn Stacey D. Rubain '96 (A&S) of Winston-Salem, N.C., is a member of the law firm of Orbock, Bowden, Ruark & Dillard . Christopher D. Stormes '96 (N EW) of Sherman Oaks, Calif., is an agent at the Paradigm Talent and Literary Agency in Los Angeles. linda Warner-Constantino G'96 (VPA) of Hilton Head, S.C., is an illust ration professor at the Savannah Co llege of Art and Design in Savannah, Ga. 60 SYRAC U SE U N I V ERS I T Y Published by SURFACE, 2004 Adam Smith '97 Candace J. Berkman '97 (NEW) of Aventura, Fla., is director of entertainment and hospitality at Tara, Ink. (VPA). They reside in Centereach, N.Y., where she is a junior account executive for Walter F. Cameron Advertising and a freelance graphic designer, and he is a graphic designer at Searles Graphics and a freelance artist. Julie Anne Burghardt '97 (SWK) of Michael A. Shafir '97 (NEW) of Webst er, N.Y., is a t echnical writer at Paychex. Martin A. Castellana G'97 (MAN) Miami Beach graduat ed from Nova Southeastern University's Shepard Broad Law Center. He is an associate at Carlton Fields P.A. of Corning, N.Y., is an IT manager at Corning Inc. Cora Shaw '97 (NEW) married Helen A. Franzese '97 (A& S) of Ewing, N.J., is an associate in t he law firm of Riker, Danzig, Scherer, Hyland & Perret t i. Dean Meloney. They reside in Waldorf, Md., where she is a t echnical writer and editor at Eagan M cAllist er Associates. Ianna A. Small '97 (MAN) of Megan Huler-Ortiz '97 (MAN) of Phoenix is director of sa les and m arketing at LSG Sky Chefs. Jennifer May '97 (A&S) of Liverpool, N.Y., is a chemist manager at Upstate Labo rat ories in East Syracuse. Jennifer Murphy '97 (A& SI NEW) of New York City w as inducted into the SU Orange Plus Hall of Fam e for volleyball. Colleen Burns Natili '97 (A& S) and husba nd Rich of Cecil, Pa., announce the birth of t heir son, Richard Pet er Ill. Julie C. Panna '97 (A&S) of Alexa ndria, Va., is press secret ary at the National Prost at e Cancer Coa lition in Washington, D.C. MAGA Z I N E Rockville, Md., graduated from the Uniformed Services University's F. Edward Hebert School of Medicine and is a navy lieutenant and commissioned medical corps officer. Joshua R. Platt G'97 (NEW) and Khrystyne Robillard '97 Scott A. Enold G'96 (MAX) of Grant H. Bonavia G'98 (A&S) of Brooklyn, N.Y., is director of marketing at The Princeton Review. Christopher Smith '97 (1ST) m arried Elea nor Winston. They reside in Oakland, Calif., where he is pursuing an M .B.A. at University of California Berkeley's Haas School of Business. Michael Van Dam '97 (MAN) of Brookline, M ass., is associat e general counsel at the Ozer Gro up. Janine Castle G'98, G'01 (A&S) of Lititz, Pa., is a clinical psychologist at Lancaster General Hospital in Lancaster, Pa. Jennifer Kerber Droukas '98 (A&S) of Stoneham, Mass., is a media producer at Pearson Add ison Wesley in Boston. Elizabeth Gadosky '98 (VPA) of Sa n Francisco is reg ional sa les coordinator for Fa irmont Hotels and Resorts. Thor A. Hoyte G'98 (MAX) of Tacoma, Wash., is an associate at Smith Ailing Lane PS. Ryan Johnston '98 (NEW) of Lowell, Mass., is an anno uncer for the Class A Lowell Spinners baseball team and the American Hockey League's Lowell Lock Monsters. Tebucky S. Jones '98 (HD) of Fort La ud erdale, Fla., a f ootball player for the New Orlea ns Saint s, established the Tebucky Jones Youth Foundation. The foundation awards scholarships to col legebound students, distributes food and toys during the holidays, donat es computers t o schools, and assist s in footbal l ca mp for underprivileged child ren . Caroline Kiley '98 (VPA) of Missoula, Mont., is a massage t herapist at Montana Ocea n Spa. Jeffrey LaFleur '98 (A&S) of Brookline, M ass., is marketing and promotions m anager at Harpoon Brew ery in Boston. Steven D. Perry G'98 (MAX) of Vaishali Bham G'98 (ECS) of Streamwood, Ill., is a software engineer at M ot orola. Steven Bognar '98 (N EW) of Harrison Township, Mich., producer at W DIV-TV in Detroit , received the Edw ard R. Murrow Award and an Em my Award for best new scast . Livonia, N.Y., is a geography instructor at M o nroe Community Co llege. Deborah M. Prinz '98 (A& S) of Toledo, Ohio, ea rned a Ph.D. in bio medical sciences f rom the M edical College of Ohio. Scott M. Robbins G'98 (MAN) is a mechanical eng ineer at ARUP in Cambridge, M ass. 15 Syracuse University Magazine, Vol. 21, Iss. 1 [2004], Art. 15 JeffreyS. Stone '98 (VPA) of Coconut Grove, Fla., owns BikeSomeWhere.com , which specializes in cycling components. Colin McCabe '99 (A&S/NEW) of New York City produced Jackie's in Trouble, a film shown at the Pioneer Theater in New York City. Jason Velez '98 (MAN) of Corona, N.Y., is risk ana lyst at Honeywell International in Danbury, Conn. He is pursuing an M .B.A. in finance at Fordham University. Elizabeth Ruth Morgan '99 (VPA) of Yonkers, N.Y., married Anthony Cotignola. She earned a masters' degree in guidance counseling and special education certification and is an elementary school teacher in Bronx, N.Y. Jennifer K. Binner G'99 (1ST) married Brady Hackleman. They reside in Rochester, N.Y. Ataun Boosarangsi '99 (ECS) is lead engineer, project engineering at Keyspan Energy Delivery in Waltham, Mass. Merrie Alynn Davidson G'99 (1ST) of Vilas, N.C., is an information literacy reference librarian at LeesMcRae College. Jason K. Down '99 (A&S) of Sheldonville, Mass., earned a doctor of veterinary medicine degree from Ross University in St. Kitts. Amy Eckman '99 (VPA) married ian Maurer '97. G'99 (ECS). They reside in Lakewood, Ohio, where she is a graphic designer at American Greetings and he is a software developer at Avantia. Crista C. Gray '99 (A&S) of San Antonio is assistant director of the McNair Scholars Program, a federal TRIO program, at Our Lady of the Lake University. Brian Kuchta ' 99 (VPA) of New York City st arred in Scalpel: The Musical. Lynda E. Lilyestrom '99 (A&S) of Sa n Juan ea rned a doctor of vet erinary medicine degree from Ross University in St. Kitts. Antenisca leone Malaj '99 (A&S/NEW) and husband M ark announce the birth of their son, Vito Francesco. They reside in M ount Vernon, N.Y., wh ere M alaj is a sa les planner at CNN Networks. KyleR. Nathan '99 (A&S) of New York City is a sa les planner at World Wrestling Entertainment. Jessica Donnelly Remillard '99 (A&S) and husband Paul Remillard G'o3 (MAX) announce the birth of their son, Thoma s Patrick. They reside in St. Albans, Vt., where she is a center adjud ication officer for the Department of Homeland Security and he is employed by the Department of Agricu lture. Jessica Romaniello '99 (MAN) married Christopher Sci rica. They reside in Holbrook, N.Y., where she is an accountant for Miller, Lilly & Pearce. Mark A. Starosielec '99 (A&S/NEW) married Jaclyn Baco. They reside in Buffalo, N.Y., where he is an associate att orney in the law firm of Kenney, Shelton, Li ptak and Nowak. Kari Tortorelli '99 (A&S) of Glen Cove, N.Y., is a teach er in the Syosset Public School District. Jessica Vargas '99 (ECS) married Tirtha Roy. They res ide in Plano, Texas, where she is a GSM firmware engineer for Motorola. leah Brookner 'oo (A&S) of Portland, Ore., earned a ma ster's degree in clinical psychology from Columbia University and is pursuin g a Ph.D. at Portland State University. Christie Cino 'oo (NEW) of Montclair, N.J., teaches French at Dorchester Elementary School. Stephanie l. Clark 'oo (MAN) of Baltimore is an attorney at Fedder & Garten. Gretchen Con nard G'oo (LAW) of Hackensack, N.J., is an attorney at Harwood Lloyd. Milagros Cruz 'oo (VPA) married MichaelS. Campbell. They reside in Col umbia, Mo., where she is an opera singer. Christine G. DiRienzo 'oo (A&S) of Philadelphia is an immunology doctoral candidate at Thomas Jefferson University. Megan Stull Eden 'oo (A&S) of Silver Spring, Md., is an associat e at Willkie Fa rr & Gall agher. Richard James Ellsworth 'oo (MAN) of New York City is employed by Bear Stearns. Jennifer Foody 'oo (VPA) of Liverpool, N.Y., is a m arketin g bank officer at Alliance Bank. Donald H. Freer Jr. G' oo (MAX) is a postu late in the Society of St. Francis at Little Portion Friary in Mt. Sinai, N.Y. Shannon laGuerre 'oo (A&S) of Coconut Creek, Fla., is a legislative aide at the Florida House of Representatives. Kristi Olds 'oo (A& S/ NEW ) married Daniel Faccend a. They reside in Danbury, Conn., where she is a reporter for News 12 Connecticut. Jonathan D. Rees G'oo (ECS) of Northumberland, Pa., is a high school teacher an d director of information syst ems at Northu mberland Christian School. Reid Scott (formerly Weiner) ' oo (VPA) of Los Angeles st ars in the ABC sitcom, It's All Relative. Joshua A. Sussberg ' oo (NEW) of New York City is an attorney at t he law firm of Weil Got sha l & M anages. Robert M . Woold ridge 'oo (NEW) of Ph il adelphia is an account manager at WXTU-FM. Pamela Caldwell '01 (EDU) of Live rpool , N.Y., is a teacher at Dr. Weeks Elementary in Syracu se. Hilary A. Connors '01 (A&S/ IST) of Louisvil le, Ky., is a member of GE Consumer Products' hum an resources leadership program. Shirell Dixon ' 01 (1ST) of New York Cit y is pursuing a degree in diagnostic m edica l sonography at New York University. luke Gabello '01 (ECS) of Rochester, N.Y., is a softwa re enginee r at Eastman Kodak Com pany. Evan Kessler ' 01 (NEW) of New Yo rk City is an associate produ ce r at VH1 . ---~~.., Norah Zis ' 99 (HD) married Brian Kartagener ' 98 (NEW). They reside in Hoboken, N.J., where she is bookings editor for W M agazine and Wom en's Wear Daily and he is a vid eo editor for UPN-9 New s in New York City. Hilary Mariassy '99 (NEW) of New York City is a senior public relations associat e at Ernst & Young. Jessica lyn Martin '99 (VPA) of Charlestown, M ass., is product m anager at Graphique de France. Emily Apel 'oo (NEW) is a reporter for WGME-TV in Portland , Maine. Christopher J. Alvarez 'oo, G'01 (EDU) of Arlington , Va., is a math t eacher and field hockey coach at Washington-Lee High School. Michael J. Harrigan G'oo (LAW) of Lincoln, Neb., is a court ana lyst for the Fourth Judicial District Court of Nebraska. Dina ltani 'oo (A&S) of Burlingt on, Vt., is an epidem iolog ist for the state of Vermont. Kelly Kirchhoff ' oo (NU R) of Jersey City, N.J., is a registered nurse in the bone m arrow transplant unit at Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center in New Yo rk City. Kaseem ladipo 'oo (ECS) of Atl anta is head coac h of t he m en's varsit y soccer t ea m at the Lovett School. Tony lopez '01 (ECS) is elect rica l engineer senior at Motorola in Schaumburg, Ill. Catherine A. M acaulay '01 (EDU) of New York City is an elementary science specialist at Hunter Col lege Elementary School. Frank Mickens 'o1 (NEW) of Gree nsbo ro, N.C., is a report er at W FMY-TV. Jacqueline V. Namfua G'01 (N EW) of Brooklyn w rote A River's Journey t o the Sea: A Collect ion of Poem s (Trafford). SPR I N G 200 4 http://surface.syr.edu/sumagazine/vol21/iss1/15 61 16 et al.: Alumni Journal Going Once, Going Twice ... Patricia Gee 'o2 (M AN) of New York City is an associat e at Thom pson Financial Services. Amy Kaplan 'o2 (VPA) of Glendora, L ast January, the renowned Syracuse Snowman painting created by folk artist Warren Kimble '57 was auctioned on eBay and purchased by a loyal alum for $8,650. Profits from the sale will benefit the SU cheerleading squad, which Kimble once captained. ''I'm so pleased to be able to enha nce the cheering program and assist the squad with travel and equipment expenses," Kimble says. "I couldn't be happier with the sale. " The image has evolved into a Syracuse icon since it began appearing on T-shirts, cards, and flags in 2000. Prints-handsigned by Kimble and donated by his publisher, Wild Apple Graphics-are on sale for $15 at the Office of Alumn i Relations. For more information or to purchase a print, call 1-800-SUALUMS (782-5867) or e-mail sualumni@syr. edu. Scott M. Patterson '01 (NEW) of Albany, N.Y., is a news reporter at WTEN-TV. Kenisha Bonner '02 (VPA) of Syracuse is a claim s adjust er at Progressive Insura nce. Jared Paventi G'01 (NEW) of Zachary Bruno '02 (VPA) of New Liverpool, N.Y., is public relations advocacy coord inator for t he Alzhe imer's Association of CNY. York Cit y is a g raphic designer. Michael Caldwell '02 (A& S) is pu r- York City is employed by Sotherby's Intern ationa l Rea lty. suin g a profess ional trainin g degree in mode rn and contemporary dance at t he School of Toront o Dance Theat re. Rebecca Schnall '01 (A& S) is se nior Alice E. Cl ifford 'o2, G'o3 (SW K) of coordi nat or of corporate communications at SIRIUS Sat ellit e Radio in New York City. San Luis Obispo, Ca lif., is student development coordinat o r at Ca lif orn ia Po lytec hni c Stat e University. Angela Ranieri '01 (VPA) of New Nathania IT. Shipley '01 (A&S) of Brunswi ck, M aine, is a laborat ory t echnician in t he environmenta l laborat ory at Wright -Pierce. Jesse W. Taylor G'o1 (A&S) of Westm in st er, Colo., is a senior chemist at Elt ro n Research in Bo ul der. Leslie Baum 'o2 (A&S) of Bet hl ehem, Pa., is a customer service represent ative at Avent is Past eur. Alice S. Bavis 'o2 (N EW) of Sa lisbury, M d., is a report er and prod ucer at W BOC-TV. Allison Bellins '02 (A&S) of Washi ngto n, D.C., is an environm ent al analyst at SRA Int ern at ional. Alisann Blood 'o2 (NEW) of Jersey City, N.J., is exec ut ive assist ant to t he genera l m anager at Elektra Ent erta inment Group in New York City. 62 S Y R A C U S E U N I V E R S I T Y Published by SURFACE, 2004 - .,..-,.,...._... Julia M . Cotton '02 (NEW) of East Greenwich, R.I., is a pu blic relat io ns specialist at Lockheed M artin Corp. Heather Diloreto '02 (ECS) of Rockville, Md., is a project eng ineer at Corman Co nstruct io n. Michael Dirksen '02 (VPA) of Sherm an Oaks, Ca lif., o pened Roger and Tom, a Los Angeles show w ritten and d irected by and starrin g a group of SU alumni from t he classes of 2000 - 03Carissa Fontanella G'o2 (A&S) m arried Robert Bracero Jr. They reside in End icott, N.Y., where she t eaches English as a second language at John so n Cit y Hig h Schoo l. Calif., is a graphic designer at Derma logica. Nancy B. Lamothe 'o2 (A&S) of Houst on is an account representative at lvis ion Marketing. Lisa Mueller 'o2 (A&S) of Brook lyn, N.Y., is a t eacher at the Hig h School f or Leadership & Public Service. Jeremy Munn '0 2 (ARC) of Bost on and partner Andrew Watkins '02 (ARC) co-founded Design-Lab, an arch itecture, graphic desig n, and phot ography company. Mary Percacciante G'o2 (EDU) of Utica , N.Y., is a counselor at Mohawk Valley Community Co llege. Michelle Pereira 'o2 (EDU) of M id lothian, Va., is a second-grade teacher in t he Chesterfield County School District. Cynthia Ann Permoda 'o2 (ECS) married Jason Dominic Plumpton '01 (ECS). They reside in Cice ro, N.Y., w here she is emp loyed by Lock heed Martin Corp. and he is employed by Robson-Woese. Gregory M. Robinson G'o2 (EDU) of Ce ntreville, Va., is a bio logy t eacher in the Fairfax County public schools. f ina li st in the Globa l Student Entrepreneur Awards. Justin Clark '03 (VPA) of Sa understown, R.I., placed second in the Int ernationa l Trombo ne Associatio n Bass Trombone Yaxley Co mpet ition in Helsinki, Fin land. He is pursuing a mast er's degree at the M anhattan School of Music. April Cottrell '03 (MAN) of Fredericksb urg, Va., is assist ant store m anager at Koh l's Department Store. Meghan N. Honea G'o3 (LAW) of Ma nchest er, N.H., is an attorney in t he law f irm of M cl ane, Graf, Raulerson & M iddleton. Don Raymond Knutson ' 03 (M AN) of Alexa ndria, Va ., is an int ern al auditor at th e U.S. Army Audit Age ncy. Melissa J. Kurek '03 (A&S) of Washington, D.C., is a program assist ant at the Population Instit ut e. Jessica Ljungvall '03 (A&S) of Syracuse is assistant manager ofTe lefund in SU's Annual Giving Office. Jaime Winne 'o2 (NEW) of A. Michael Pierson G'o3 (MAX/LAW) Arlington, Va., is a media relations officer for arts, sciences, hum anities, and pub lic policy in t he Office of Communicat io ns at Georgetown University. of Washin gton, D.C., is an attorney for the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission. Katherine Beatty '03 (A&S) of Washington, D.C., is a youth policy associat e f or Joh nson, Bass in & Shaw. M ichael Berner G'o3 (MAX/ LAW) m arried Erika Ebert. Th ey reside in Columbus, Ohio, where he is an associat e at t he law f irm of Vorys, Sater, Seymou r, & Pease. Angela Brownrigg G'o3 (LAW) m arried Rya n Eavy. They res ide in Chica go, wh ere she is pursuing a deg ree in child law f rom Loyola University Law School. Brian C. Bushell '03 (MAN) of Hill sdale, N.J., CEO of M emory Foam Factory, w as ho nored at t he Co llegiate Entrepreneurs Organizat ion conference as a M aria G. Sansone '03 (NEW) of Ma nhattan is a VJ for t he MTV· owned College Television Network. Pamela J. Schultz '03 (A&S) of Alexa ndri a, Va., is project director f or t he Grand Lodge Fraternal Order of Police in Washington , D.C. Christopher M . Snow '03 (A&S) of Woodbury, Minn., covers t he Natio nal Hockey League's M innesota Wild for the Minneapolis St ar Tribune. Celeste Stahl '03 (A& S) of M edina, N.Y., is enrolled at Des Moines University Coll ege of Osteopathic Med icine and Surgery. Kimberly Wayne '03 (1ST) is assist ant women's lacrosse coach at James M ad ison University in Ha rrisonburg, Va. M AGA Z IN E 17 Syracuse University Magazine, Vol. 21, Iss. 1 [2004], Art. 15 In Memoriam Notice~ of.deaths mu~t be accompanied by a copy of an obituary or memorial card. Send to: Alumni Ed1tor, Alumni News; 820 Comstock Avenue, Room 308; Syracuse NY 13244-5040. fax 315-443-5425. ' 1919 Edith F. Valley Mendenhall 1922 Roslyn Weisberg Cominsky, William C. Stevenson 1923 Jackson K. Outlaw 1924 Harriett Smith Marshall 1925 Erma Lewis Schilling 1927 Helen Gaynor Raleigh 1928 Carolyn Rath Pfeiffer, Lois Demarest Tutschek 1929 Nathan K. Bernstein, Anne Muraven Ostomel, Anita Horton Wadhams Dorsha Zambrowsky Wallman ' 1930 Harold C. Gosnell, Walter G. Hardacre, Florence S. Kelsey, Mary Boland Mischler, Donald C. Newton 1931 Esther Tumposky Bernstein, Au rei Sexton Brown, DonaldS. Grover, Annabelle Lewis Peavey, Henry W. Sherry 1932 Margaret Seigel Asher, Pasquale L. Cerone, Eleanor Campbell Harris, Kathleen Breiner Martin, John A. Norton, Helen Engelhardt O'Shea 1933 Evelyn E. Fleming, Mary Holmes Hathaway, Ada Watson Lind, Irwin H. Peckham, Harold T. Randles, Walter E. Short, Norman M . Weltmann 1934 Teresa Caselle Hack, Robert H. Herrick, Dorothy Stokes Keiser, Anne Miller Lo hff, S. Gilbert Prentiss, Emil J. Quayle 1935 Harry A. Brown, Jerry J. Del Balso, Jane Weaver Downing, Bernard Manischewitz, James E. Shenton 1936 Ronald T. Kishpaugh, Margaret Jones Williamson 1937 William Kosoff, Paul C. Vespa 1938 William S. Ashute, 0. Jack Burkland, Charles F. Doyle, Ruth Rulison Gagnon, W. Thomas Schaa rdt, Mary M cChesney Shaw, John A. Sullivan Jr. 1939 Graydon C. Bliss Jr., Harlan G. Carson, Thurl M . Goff, Henry R. Gottlieb, Barbara Leet Lynch, Wayne R. Merrick, Barbara G. M essner, Mary Graves Polomik, Caroline Earl Purcell, Jane Hutten loch Purfield, New ell W. Rossman Jr., Seymour Roth, Donald E. Ryan, Leon J. Wilkin s 1940 Helen B. Angeloff, Jacob Brodzinsky, Lillian Adams Fagnant, William A. Heater, Charlotte Longley Orr, Theodore R. Palmer, Stephen Putziger, Virg inia Wakema n-More 1941 Wesley M. Harris, Robert C. Hayes, Lois Drake Jensen, Oscar B. Millard, Helen Karp Ruth berg, Robert R. Smith, Eliza beth Doust Weems, Jane Keeffe Worden 1942 Charles W. Adams, Jea nne Filiatrault Hastings, Blanche M . Hicks, Margaret Shevlin Norberg, Han Pyo-Wook, Alexande r Cowden, Bernard I. Markowitz, Mary Jane Lindsley O'Brien 1957 Loren M. Fletcher, Fred Labhard 1958 Laurence C. Parfitt Jr. 1959 Thomas P. Bergin, C. Francis Driscoll, Philip H. Jago, Seiji Sugawara F. Sadowski 1943 Grace Wetmiller Beaulieu, Thomas M. Beckley, Esther Klock Bitzer, M. Spencer Clark, Ruth Greene Isaacs, Chester S. Kubus, Stanley R. Lemler, Wa lter L. 1960 Joseph B. Brauer, Paul C. Sauerh afer, John R. Sims, Roger W. Walter 1961 Joyce L. Burns 1962 Thomas J. Mangan II 1963 John J. Amirthanayagam, Robert J. Mills, Patricia Kelley Murphy, John F. O'Connor, Frederick E. Wetherell, David P. Worley 1944 Ralph L. Beard, Charles F. Faulter, Jane Wolfer Ford, Constantine H. Heleotis, Esther Briggs Longbothum, Ida Meehan, Thomas B. Watts 1964 Stephen M. Goldfarb, Stephen G. Killorin, Alden E. Tangorra Prucnal 1945 Anne Raleigh Bou squet, Eric Brunger, Daniel F. Dawson, Helen Demitroff, Williams I. Purtell Jr. 1946 Robert P. Boudreau, Donald R. Davidson II, William D. Ludwig, Dale W. Patton, Robin Stahl Reagan, Jeanne Morse Schwartz 1947 John T. Connell 1948 C.B. Charles, Eleanor Russell Feidler, George T. Parker Jr., Ernest H. Reed, Mary Doyle Sylvester, Elizabeth J. Thompson, Jerome J. Tobias, Graydon W. Yaple 1949 RobertS. Caryl, Wilbur C. Cowell, Joseph J. Fanelli, Joel Forbes, Albert C. Gleason, Maynard G. Gottschalk, Edward J. Hackett, Robert E. Inman, George L. Johnson, John B. Koliche, Leo R. Kowalczyk, WalterS. Lyon, Richard C. Miller, Leon Morgenstern, George J. Mulligan, Sally Cowan Stout, Nancy A. Tice, Albert T. Trudell, Frank Lawrence Vault 1950 Harold A. Fairchild Jr., Albert C. Finch, MartinS. Graicerstein, Mary C. Landrigan, Miles G. Moon Jr., Lawrence A. Norris, George D. Orr, Carl F. Peters, Donald E. Reichert, Eugene W. Thun 1951 Franklin F. Clark, Rosalie Scherzer Friedman, John L. Kelly, George K. Michalec, John E. Schneider Sr., Leibert D. Sedgwick, Ellen Mooney Thompson, Page Altobellis Twichell 1952 Alice Miller Beckma n, Barbara Adams Dudziak, Harvey R. New comb, Bennett L. Robinson, Donald N. Rose, Ruth Wind Spector, Virginia E. Votti 1953 Marilyn Schoon Blanding, Jack A. McEnroe, James Michael, Mark E. Preminger, William G. St emmler Jr. 1954 Samuel J. Cassidy, Edith Speng ler Gaylord, W esley G. Gridley, Paul P. M ello, Jean Wasson Pappas, Robert C. Storey 1955 Kurt Gorwitz, Loi s Cohn Kwasman, Francis E. Lewis, Suzanne Rhein Marcus, Margaret Ford McMahon, Elliott J. Topalian, Frank H. Wertalik 1956 Gerald F. Smith 1965 John J. Dooley, John B. Franklin, Will iam J. Gerry, Helen C. Kelly, Donald K. Zellner 1966 Jere J. Hallenbeck, Katherine Bilotti Mariani, Esther Brewer Mietz, S. Barry Sherlock, William R. Stewart 1967 Stephen W. Lind emann 1968 Bonnie August, Mary Filosi Humphrey 1969 Phyllis Jones Ryan , Bonnie A. St. Andrews 1970 Gary E. Albers, Ralph A. Fimmano, Thomas J. Rajac, Michael J. Sherlock, Ronald G. Short 1972 Peter J. Bid nick, Charles J. Kehoe 1973 George H. Blaustein, Borghild J. Lichtenberg, Janet E. Montgomery, David E. Mufson, David Sandier 1974 Lawrence R. Durling, Mark E. Fineman, Patricia Hollman McClanahan, Maitland E. Symons Jr. 1975 Charles Harpe Ill, PaulL. Kingston, FrankL. McNeill, Louis R. Nucci, Albert M. Paldino, Joanne Reddick 1976 StephenS. Davison, Sarah Anderson Dietrich, Patrick J. Shaughnessy, Marjorie D. Wells 1977 Rolf A. Faste, Roslyn C. Forbes-Adigweme, Robert D. Moeser 1978 Vivian Havens Gillespie, Paul P. M athews, Muriel S. Wood 1979 M ark Q. Snyder 1981 Maria Paikert Collins 1982 Leonidas Tromvoukis 1983 Donald F. Webster 1984 Ma rtha J. Carmen 1987 Jean Cordon 1988 John C. Harman, Cathy Chamness Hille 1990 DavidS. Burgess, Cindi Augarten Pila, M ary Jane Von Braunsberg 1991 James A. Willi amson 1992 M argaret Savoca Boyce 1993 Edward E. Boyce 1994 John J. LaManche 1996 Syaiful E. ldris, Maryann Kummert Scruton 1999 Beth S. Hauptman 2001 Kiki Heung-Ki Yiu 2002 Kamika Watkin s M cDonald SPR I NG http://surface.syr.edu/sumagazine/vol21/iss1/15 2 004 63 18