PSZ 19:16 (Pind. 1/13) UNIVERSITI TEKNOLOGI MALAYSIA DECLARATION OF THESIS / UNDERGRADUATE PROJECT PAPER Author’s full name : MUHAMMAD ADIB ZUFAR B. RUSLI Date of Birth : 18 DECEMBER 1992 Title : ROBOTIC HAND CONTROLLED USING MYO SENSOR Academic Session : 2014/2015 I declare that this project report is classified as: CONFIDENTIAL (Contains confidential information under the Official Secret Act 1972)* RESTRICTED (Contains restricted information as specified by the organization where research was done)* OPEN ACCESS I agree that my thesis to be published as online open access (full text) I acknowledged that Universiti Teknologi Malaysia reserves the right as follows: 1. The thesis is the property of Universiti Teknologi Malaysia 2. The Library of Universiti Teknologi Malaysia has the right to make copies for the purposes of research only. Certified by: NOTES: * SIGNATURE SIGNATURE OF SUPERVISOR 921218-01-5819 IR. DR. AHMAD ‘ATHIF B. MOHD FAUDZI (NEW IC/PASSPORT) NAME OF SUPERVISOR Date: 22 JUNE 2015 Date: 22 JUNE 2015 If the thesis is CONFIDENTAL or RESTRICTED, please attach with the letter from the organization with period and reasons for confidentiality or restriction. ii “I hereby declare that I have read this final year project report and in my opinion, this final year project report is sufficient in terms of scope and quality for the purpose to be awarded the Degree of Bachelor Engineering (Electrical – Instrumentation and Control)”. Signature : .................................................... Name : Ir. Dr. Ahmad ‘Athif B. Mohd Faudzi Date : 22 June 2015 ROBOTIC HAND CONTROLLED USING MYO SENSOR MUHAMMAD ADIB ZUFAR B. RUSLI A final year project report submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the award of the Bachelor of Electrical Engineering (Instrumentation & Control) Faculty of Electrical Engineering Universiti Teknologi Malaysia JUNE 2015 iv I declare that this final year project report entitled “Robotic Hand Controlled Using Myo Sensor” is the result of my own research except as cited in the references. The final year project report has not been accepted for any degree and is not currently submitted in candidature of any other degree. Signature : .................................................... Name : Muhammad Adib Zufar B. Rusli Date : 22 June 2015 v Dedicated, in thankful appreciation for support, encouragement and understanding to my beloved mother, father, brothers and friends. vi ACKNOWLEDGEMENT Firstly, I am very grateful to Allah that give me chance to live and continue my studies until the last part of my degree. I also grateful to Allah because give me the strength to finish my final year project on time. Secondly, I would like to give all my appreciation to my parents because they always give me spirit to continue my study to degree level and to finish my project. I also want to thanks my beloved supervisor, Ir. Dr. Ahmad ‘Athif B. Mohd Faudzi because he is really caring person. He always give me suggestion and guidance until I come out with this project. Lastly, thanks to everyone that I did not mention here that involve directly or indirectly in my final year project. May Allah bless all of you. Thanks. vii ABSTRACT Robotic hand is a system that can imitate human hand for multi degree-offreedom (DOF) motion. It can be used in the field of medical such as prosthesis hand or in industrial field as an end effector. Currently, robotic hands that can imitate human gesture based on human muscle are limited in number and potentiometer are used to detect hand movement instead of Myo sensor. The purpose of this project is to develop a robotic hand with 5 DOF that can imitate human hand gestures by using Myo sensor to detect the movement of forearm muscle. 3D printer is used to print the parts of robotic hand using acrylonitrile butadiene styrene (ABS) a common thermoplastic as its material. The muscle’s pulse is detected by Myo sensor and will determine the output gesture of robotic hand. There are 3 gestures will be studied which are fist, spread and pinch. Arduino microcontroller is used to control servo motors with the aid of computer to process human muscle signal. Servo motors were placed inside the robotic to pull the tendon, hence, imitating the gesture of human hand. The result shows that, the fist motion can be imitate by half grip at 31 N. viii ABSTRAK Tangan robot adalah satu sistem yang boleh meniru tangan manusia untuk pelbagai darjah kebebasan bergerak. Ia boleh digunakan dalam bidang perubatan sebagai tangan palsu atau dalam bidang perindustrian sebagai pengesan hujung. Pada masa kini, tangan robot yang boleh meniru pergerakan berdasarkan otot manusia adalah terhad dan kebanyakkannya menggunakan perintang boleh laras untuk mengesan pergerakan tangan. Tujuan projek ini adalah untuk membuat tangan robot yang mempunyai 5 darjah kebebasan bergerak yang boleh meniru pergerakan tangan manusia dengan menggunakan sensor myo untuk mengesan pergerakan tangan. Pencetak 3D digunakan untuk mencetak bahagian-bahagian tangan robot dengan akrilonitril butadiena stirena ( ABS) sejenis termoplastik biasa sebagai bahan. Nadi akan dikesan oleh sensor myo dan ia akan menentukan pergerakan tangan robot. Terdapat 3 pergerakkan yang akan dikaji iaitu genggam, membuka, dan mengetap. Arduino digunakan untuk mengawal motor servo dengan bantuan komputer untuk memproses isyarat yang diterima dari sensor myo. Motor servo telah diletakkan di dalam tangan robot untuk menarik tendon, justeru tangan robot dapat meniru pergerakan tangan manusia. Hasil ujikaji menunjukkan bahawa pergerakkan menggenggam boleh ditiru oleh separuh genggaman pada 31 N. ix TABLE OF CONTENTS CHAPTER 1 TITLE PAGE DECLARATION OF THESIS i ACKNOWLEDGEMENT vi ABSTRACT vii ABSTRAK viii TABLE OF CONTENT ix LIST OF TABLES xii LIST OF FIGURES xiii LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS xv LIST OF APPENDICES xvi INTRODUCTION 1.1 General Introduction 1 1.2 Problem statement 2 1.3 Research Objectives 2 1.4 Research Scopes 3 1.5 Final Year Project Report Outline 3 x 2 LITERATURE REVIEW 2.1 Introduction 5 2.2 Robotic Hand Design 5 2.3 Mechanism of Actuation 8 2.3.1 Motor 8 2.3.2 Soft Actuator 9 2.4 3 4 Controlling the Robotic Finger 12 METHODOLOGY 3.1 Introduction 14 3.2 Project Workflow 15 3.2.1 17 System Overview 3.3 Robotic Hand System Development 18 3.4 Hardware Development 19 3.4.1 Robotic Hand Development 19 3.4.2 Circuit Design 21 3.4.3 Main Component of Robotic Hand 22 3.5 Software Development 24 3.6 Summary 25 RESULT AND DISCUSSION 4.1 Introduction 27 xi 4.2 Myo Sensor Raw EMG Data 28 4.3 Gesture Imitation Experiment 30 4.4 Fist Gesture Recognition Experiment by Varying 31 Size of An Object 4.5 Fist Gesture Recognition Experiment by Varying 33 Weight of An Object 4.6 5 6 Measuring Grasping Force 34 CONCLUSION 5.1 Introduction 38 5.2 Recommendation for future works 39 PROJECT MANAGEMENT 6.1 Introduction 40 6.2 Project schedule 40 6.3 Cost estimation 42 REFERENCES APPENDIX A - B2 44 46-51 xii LIST OF TABLES TABLE NO. TITLE PAGE 3.1 Specification of Arduino UNO 23 3.2 Specification of servo motor 24 4.1 Data of repeatability experiment 31 4.2 Data of relationship between size and imitation 32 experiment 4.3 Data of relationship between weight and imitation 33 experiment 6.1 1st semester Gantt chart 41 6.2 2nd semester Gantt chart 42 6.3 Cost estimation to develop a robotic hand 43 xiii LIST OF FIGURES FIGURE NO. TITLE PAGE 2.1 Otto Bock Hand 6 2.2 Design of Shadow hand 7 2.3 Bending soft actuator by using two chambers 10 2.4 Bending soft actuator by using two different braided 11 angle 3.1 Flowchart of project progress 15 3.2 Flowchart of robotic hand system 16 3.3 Overview of Robotic Hand System 18 3.4 Middle finger drawing 19 3.5 Palm drawing 20 3.6 Arm drawing 20 3.7 Robotic Hand design assembly 20 3.8 Schematics diagram of servo motors 21 3.9 Myo sensor 22 3.10 Arduino UNO 23 3.11 An example of servo motor 24 xiv 3.12 Console for Myo data conversion 25 4.1 Gestures detected by Myo sensor 28 4.2 Raw EMG data for tap gesture 29 4.3 Raw EMG data of finger spread gesture 29 4.4 Raw EMG data for fist gesture 30 4.5 Diameter of a cylinder 32 4.6 Measuring the weight of the cylinder 34 4.7 Hand Dynamometer 35 4.8 Graph of grasping force without load 35 4.9 Graph of grasping force with 1.25 kg load 36 4.10 Graph of grasping force with 2.5 kg load 37 xv LIST OF ABBREVIATION DOF - Degree-of-Freedom DOA - Degree-of-Actuation EMG - Electromyography DC - Direct Current CAD - Computer Aided Design IMU - Inertial Measurement Unit IDE - Integrated Development Environment ABS - Acrylonitrile Butadiene Styrene PEC - Parallel Elastic Component xvi LIST OF APPENDICES APPENDIX TITLE PAGE A CAD drawing 46 B1 Arduino coding 48 B2 Myoduino coding. 50 1 CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION 1.1 General Introduction Robotic is a branch of technology that deals with the design, construction, operation and application of robots. It is develop from a combination of electrical engineering, mechanical engineering and computer science. The main function of robot is to simplify human work and also as an assist for human in hazardous environment such as diffusing bomb, mines and piping cleaning. One of robotic branch is robotic hand. Robotic hand can be divided into two categories which is end effector and prosthetic hand. End effector is applied in industrial field, mainly in assembly line, while prosthetic hand used in medical field as replacement of actual human hand. Throughout history, robotic hand become more similar to human in term of its design and ways to manage task. It is always desired to develop robotic hand that can imitate human hand gesture complexity, function and high degree-of-freedom (DOF). Although many sensor have been used to control robotic hand, but, there is only a few robotic hand that using human muscle activity directly as input. Sensor that is used to detect human muscle activity is electromyography (EMG). Usually, EMG sensor is used in medical field to identify neuromuscular diseases or to study human kinetics. 2 1.2 Problem Statement To control a robotic hand, physical measurement need to be used as input signal. Currently, potentiometer and limit switch are used as input signal. The disadvantages of both sensor is, it cannot be used to control a complex motion such as making gesture and also the signal given is not taken directly from human. This problem can cause the robotic hand to be low at its function compared to human hand. Connection between potentiometer and limit switch to the robotic hand is done through wire. This will make the system to be complicated for the end user. Therefore, to encounter this problem, Myo sensor is implemented as a controller for the robotic hand. Myo sensor with a built in EMG sensor is used to detect muscle activity or pulse. Pulse generated from one gesture to another is different. This is because, different muscle is used to make a different gesture. The pulse generated from making a gesture is then used to control the robotic hand. 1.3 Research Objectives The objectives of this project are: 1. To develop robotic hand that can imitate human gesture 2. To implement myo sensor as robotic hand controller. 3. To conduct gesture imitation experiment and study Myo sensor performance. 3 1.4 Research Scopes There are several things need to be covered under the project scope. The scope consists of hardware and software element which are: 1. Develop a robotic hand with five DOF. 2. Construct a mechanism to move the hand by using five servo motors. 3. Design a control box to control the movement of servo motors. Arduino UNO is used to control all movement of servo motors. 4. Implement myo sensor as robotic hand controller. 5. Convert the signal transmitted by myo sensor into a signal that can be read by Arduino UNO. The signal is converted by using a laptop. 6. Develop a program for Arduino UNO. The program is develop to control all five servo motors. 7. Set the gesture that robotic hand can imitate to four set only. The gesture that can be imitate are fist, spread, rest and tap. 1.5 Final Year Project Report Outline This report contains five chapter which is Chapter 1, Chapter 2, Chapter 3, Chapter 4, Chapter 5 and Chapter 6. Chapter 1 represent the introduction of this project. It discuss about background of robotic hand system, problem statement, objective and scopes of the project. Chapter 2 discuss the previous works that others has done related to this project. This chapter mainly discuss about design of the robotic hand, actuator that robotic hand use and controller of robotic hand. 4 Chapter 3 shows the methodology of the project. It represent the steps to build robotic hand system. This chapter can be divided into several parts which is hardware development, software development and also list of components use to develop the robotic hand. Chapter 4 discuss the result of the project. There are several experiment has been set up to test the reliability of myo sensor as controller of robotic hand. All data is gathered and analyzed in this chapter. Chapter 5 is the summary and conclusion of this project. Recommendation for future works also included in this chapter. Chapter 6 represent the schedule of this project. The schedule is tabulated in Gantt chart. This chapter also consist of cost estimation to develop the robotic hand. 5 CHAPTER 2 LITERATURE REVIEW 2.1 Introduction This project is focused on development of robotic hand, implementing myo sensor as robotic hand controller and testing the reliability of myo sensor as controller. Literature review was carried out to gain knowledge and improve skills needed in order complete this project. This chapter focuses on previous research that are related to this project. 2.2 Robotic Hand Design Hand design can be separated into several classification. It can be categorized mainly based on the function of the hand itself. As example, prosthetic hand is designed to be used by the user as replacement of their actual hand. Human hand is a complex system with high degree-of-freedom and have the ability to identify the object it touch [1]. The design of the robotic hand is depend on the developer whether 6 to design a full functioning robotic finger or limited number of functioning robotic finger. Earlier design, Otto Bock Hand or the VASI Hands can be used to demonstrate the function of prosthetic hand with low number of DOF. Both hands are easy to use. Power supply comes from batteries and the activity of muscle in the remnant limb are detected using myo-sensors. Kinematically, Otto Bock Hand was designed with single DOF and uses a simple mechanism with two rigid finger and a thumb to grasp an object. Because of its simple mechanism, this hand has a limitation which is, it cannot grasping an object that are not in cylindrical shape. This hand can only grasp an object that have approximately same diameter with its inner curvature of finger and thumb. However, not all object have the shape of a cylinder. In order to grasp an object that are in irregular shape, more force needed for the hand to hold the object in position. The user also will have difficulty to hold the object because of its single DOF design. The user need to find the right orientation before grasping an object. Otto Bock hand have a weight of 540 g and can produce 140 N output force [2]. Figure 2.1 shows the design of Otto Bock hand. Figure 2.1: Otto Bock Hand [2] Recently, design for prosthetic hand become more similar to human hand. The controllability, functionality, DOF and cosmetic become more human like. Cyberhand is a prosthetic hand with 16 DOF and 1 Degree of Actuation (DoA) [3]. Each finger have three DOF composed of its three phalanxes, a total of 15 DOF for five finger. One DOF were integrated for the thumb for abduction and adduction control which make a total of 16 DOF. The hand consist of position sensor and tendon tension sensor 7 to determine finger position and measure the force that will be given when grasping an object. The drawback of this design is each finger joint cannot be actively and independently controlled. Advanced design of prosthetic hand were develop by Shadow company [4] [5]. Figure 2.2 shows a design of Shadow Hand and the actuator that the hand used. Shadow hand have high number of DOF with approximately close to human hand in term of shape and size. This hand use soft pneumatic actuator to move the finger with minimal use of motor. The soft actuator composed of two material, expendables rubber tubes and surrounded with plastic braiding. The actuator can pull force up to 70 kg at 4 bar with a contraction of 30% from its initial length. (a) (b) Figure 2.2: Design of Shadow hand and its actuator a) Shadow hand and, b) Shadow hand soft actuator [4] [5] Festo company has developed a hand (ExoHand) for industrial and medical purpose. The shape of this is like an exoskeleton of a human hand. ExoHand has almost all the physiological degree of freedom. This hand can be used for industrial and medical purpose (rehab). Double acting cylinder are used to move the finger. The drawback of this design is its large size and need a lot of compressed air to operate. Another design of a robotic hand named RL1 hand is a robotic hand with 3 fingers [6]. The hand is designed so that the finger can adapt to the object its grasp. Movement of the finger is done by a DC motor. To control the hand, a string of 8 character will be sent through a computer. The weight of this hand is 250 g. This arm was developed to help people with amputee hand. 2.3 Mechanism of Actuation There are many ways to actuate the robotic finger. The conventional way to actuate the finger are by using a direct current (DC) motor. DC motor always used because of its availability in the market and also its simple mechanism of work. The literature review was carried to understand the conventional actuator of robotic hand and also to improve understanding on all type of actuator. 2.3.1 Motor Jung, S.-Y., et al. have proposed a motor driven prosthetic hand. The motor is used to pull a tendon and a spring is used to oppose the pulling force given by the motor [7]. The hand is develop with three finger actuated by the tendon (wire) at each finger. All finger possess a DC motor with 1/192 gear ratio. An addition of a servo is placed at thumb for adduction or abduction process. Cyberhand [8] is one of the prosthetic hand design that use motor as its actuator. Earlier design composed of three finger only, which is thumb, index and middle finger. The actuation system is slightly similar with the design proposed by Jung, S.-Y., et al., the different is, Cyberhand use DC motor for all actuation including the abduction or adduction of thumb. A total of four motor is used to actuate the hand. One motor for each finger and a motor at the base of thumb for adduction or abduction process. Later design have a more similar shape to human hand [3]. It have all five finger with one motor for each finger and an addition of one motor at the base of thumb for adduction or abduction movement. A 9 total of six motor is used for this design and a cable at each finger act as human muscle. The cable is pulled by motor to enable the movement of finger. A magnetic incremental encoder is implemented to determine the position finger. This hand was designed as underactuated system. The reason it is design as underactuated system are because it can decrease the number of actuator needed, to let torque distribution between joint, enables adaptive grasp and simplify the design. 2.3.2 Soft Actuator Soft actuator is an actuator made of rubber or silicon with internal chamber(s). It can be categorized into two which is pneumatic driven and hydraulic driven. Pneumatic driven soft actuator is driven by a compressed air same as pneumatic cylinder. Other than that, it has the ability to stretch and contract. By manipulating this ability, new ability which is bending can be produce [9]. Design of soft actuator can be with or without fiber reinforced. The earliest design is McKibben type invented by a physician, Joseph L. McKibben. McKibben type soft actuator is a contraction type soft actuator. The actuator developed by using a hollow cylindrical rubber covered with shell braided with a closing at both end. This design have being studied for over a decades. Although this design have high pulling force, but, it is highly non-linear. A controller need to be developed in order to compensate the high non-linearity of this actuator [10]. For fiber reinforced soft actuator, the degree of the fiber being knitted plays a major role in determining the motion of soft actuator [11] [5]. There are many design had been proposed and studied to know the effect of knitted angle. K.Iwata et al. concluded that the effective angle of his actuator is 23.5 for contraction and 66.5 for stretch. Figure 2.3 shows the design of K.Iwata et al. He use two separate soft actuator and hold them together to produce bending motion. Faudzi, A.M., et al.use almost the same method in his research [9]. Figure 2.4 shows the design used by Faudzi, A.M et al.. The different between Faudzi, A.M et al. and 10 K.Iwata et al. model is, his use only one soft actuator. The actuator is divided into two part of equal size. The first part is knitted with angle that will produce contraction. The other part is knitted with angle that will stretch. The purpose of this study is to make a bending motion. From the study, it have been proved that, two different angle knitted in the same actuator can produce a bending motion, but, the effective angle for contraction and stretch will be different compared to the single actuator for single angle of knitted fiber. This study also proved that, number of fiber knitted will not affect the soft actuator bending angle. Figure 2.3: Bending soft actuator by using two different chambers [11] 11 Figure 2.4: Bending soft actuator by using two different braided angle [9] Another design of fiber reinforced pneumatic soft actuator is the fiber knitted axially or horizontally alongside the actuator [12] [13]. This design were developed using natural latex rubber as the actuator’s tube to make the contraction rate higher and more similar to human muscle. The design without ring shows that the maximum expansion of the tube is larger than other parameter. Because of large maximum expansion, there is a possibility that the actuator might break under high pressure. So, ring(s) were inserted into the actuator to make the contraction rate more stable. Next, the developed muscle were being analyse based on Biomechanical Muscle Model established by Hill. Hill model can be used to predict force, length and velocity of a muscle. The analysis is done based on two-element muscle model because parallel elastic component (PEC) can be ignored if the muscle are not stretched beyond its physiological range. From analysis, the characteristic of this model is approximately the same as human muscle especially when 0.1 MPa were applied. 12 2.4 Controlling the Robotic Finger There are many ways used to control the robotic finger. One of it is, by using a camera [14]. Camera will captured the vision. The captured vision is extracted to get the user’s hand gesture and the background will be ignored. The gesture is used as input to control the movement of robotic finger. This type of controlling method have a low precision compared to the glove based controlling method, but the advantage of this method is, it give more freedom to the user. The user does not need to wear anything as the data glove. Coquin, D., et al. share the same method by using a camera. The different is the user need to wear a data glove that have sensors implemented in it [15]. The sensors function is as recognition for the camera to detect the gesture of the user’s hand. Brethes, L., et al. also proposed camera to detect the user’s hand gesture. The different of his method from the other is the system will detect the user hand gesture by filtering the captured vision based on colour [16]. There is a limited number of prosthetic hand that used EMG sensor to detect movement activity. In case of amputation, the muscle in forearm is still remain. For normal people, this muscle are used to move their finger while for people with amputated hand, this muscle activity still can be read by using EMG sensor [17]. Input signal from the EMG sensor is use to move the prosthetic hand. Peleg, D., et al. had amplified the EMG signal up to 2500 times. This is because, signal receive from the sensor is too small. Bitzer, S. and P. van der Smagt introduce a system to identify opening and closing actions of the human finger by using surface EMG [18]. The method introduced does not affected by position of user arm. Because of its stability, the method is suitable to be used in active prosthesis with a high number degrees of freedom. Then, the method is tested by using a robotic hand with four-finger. Allen, P.K., et al. propose a robotic hand system that uses joint position and force sensing to accurately compute finger contacts and applied forces for grasping tasks [19]. Mainly, this design propose a robotic hand system that can compute its force by using a strain gauge and a visual tracker. The strain gauge sensor function is 13 to detect the force of grasping and the visual tracker is used to identify the location of all finger. 14 CHAPTER 3 RESEARCH METHODOLOGY 3.1 Introduction In this chapter, the methodology used to achieve the objectives will be discussed. As an overview, the system consists of three main parts which are the myo sensor, the control box and the robotic hand. The function of myo sensor is to detect muscle pulse of its user. Different sets of gesture will give different sets of muscle pulse. The pulse detected is used as an input for the controller box with the aid of laptop to convert the pulse into a signal that can be read by Arduino UNO. Arduino UNO is placed inside the control box. Arduino UNO will move the servos according to the pulse detected. Two tendon is attach between each finger of the robotic hand and servo. The total tendon used are ten tendons. The function of tendon is to move the finger accordingly with the movement of servo. As a result, the finger of robotic hand can be move according to the muscle pulse of myo’s user. Four gestures have been sets. The gesture that can be imitated by the robotic hand are fist, rest, spread and tap. 15 3.2 Project Workflow Figure 3.1 illustrated the workflow of the whole project while Figure 3.2 shows the flowchart of robotic hand system. After literature review is done, the project move to the next steps which are developing robotic hand and implementing Myo sensor as robotic hand controller. The workflow of the project is described as below. Figure 3.1: Flowchart of project progress 16 Start No Myo sensor detect muscle pulse Yes Convert the signal into Arduino readable signal Arduino move servos based on signal received Servo move the hand according to gesture done New gesture? Yes No End Figure 3.2: Flowchart of robotic hand system 17 Figure 3.1 shows the flow of work that has been done. Firstly, a title which is “Robotic Hand Controlled Using Myo Sensor” is proposed and literature review related to the title is carried out. Then, hardware and software part is developed separately but almost at the same time. At this stage, hardware and software parts is being tested separately. Next, the hardware and software part is being integrated to become a complete robotic hand. The system integration is tested and correction were made. After that, three experiment were set up to determine the reliability of Myo sensor as the robotic hand controller. Lastly, all data is recorded and documented. Figure 3.2 shows the flowchart of the robotic hand system. Firstly, myo sensor will detect human muscle pulse. Different sets of gesture will give different sets of muscle pulse. Then, with the aid of a laptop, the pulse detected by myo sensor is converted into a signal that are readable by Arduino. Converted signal is then fed to Arduino via serial communication. Arduino will control the movement of servo motors based on the converted signal. The system will be in loop until there is no gesture to be detected. 3.2.1 System Overview From Figure 3.2 and Figure 3.3, the system operate by utilizing several components. Firstly, myo sensor is used to identify human muscle pulse. Different sets of gesture will give different sets of muscle pulse. Then, the muscle pulse is transmitted to a laptop via Bluetooth connection. The function of laptop is to convert data transmitted by myo sensor into a data that can be read by Aduino microcontroller. After the data is converted, the data is sent to Arduino via serial connection. Arduino received the converted data which correspond to the gesture that the user made. From the received data, Arduino will move the servo. Five servo is used to move the robotic hand. Two tendon is attached between a servo motor and a finger. The function of tendon is to open and close the finger of the robotic hand. Different sets of gesture will 18 turn on different sets of servo motors. Myo sensor will update the gesture that the user made from time to time. Figure 3.3: Overview of robotic hand system 3.3 Robotic Hand System Development The system development can be divided into two part which are hardware development and software development. Hardware development focusing on developing the robotic hand, designing the circuit of control box, mounting of the actuator and assembly the robotic hand. Meanwhile, the software development focusing on conversion of muscle pulse and developing an Arduino program to control movement of servo motors. 19 3.4 Hardware Development Hardware development section can be divided into two parts which are developing robotic hand and designing a circuit of control box. 3.4.1 Robotic Hand Development The robotic hand is designed in Solidwork, a Computer Aided Design (CAD) software. The hand was divided to several parts which are finger, palm and forearm. Figure 3.4, Figure 3.5 and Figure 3.6 shows an example of CAD of the robotic hand and Figure 3.7 shows the finished assemble of robotic hand design. A built-in servo motors mounting inside the forearm as shown in Figure 3.6 was included in the design. Five servo motors are used for this design. The mounting also consist of ten track for the tendons. Two tendon were paired with a servo. The function of tendon is to move the finger by taking pulling force from servo motor. One tendon is used to close the finger and the other tendon to open the finger. Finished designed is then printed by using a 3D printer. Detailed design is shown in APPENDIX A. Figure 3.4: Middle finger drawing 20 Figure 3.5: Palm drawing Figure 3.6: Arm drawing Control box 3D printed hand Built in servo motors Figure 3.7: Robotic hand design assembly 21 3.4.2 Circuit Design FritzingTM software was used to design the circuit of servo motors. After completed the design, the circuit is then tested on proto-board. Proto-board is used to to test the circuit with the hand. A well functioned circuit is then soldered on donut board and a box is made as a controller box. Figure 3.8 below shows the schematic diagram of the circuit. Arduino Uno is used to control all five servo motors. It will control the servos based on the input received from Myo sensor. Different input will caused a different movement of servo motors. The programming part will be discussed in software development section and APPENDIX B1 and APPENDIX B2. Figure 3.8: Schematics diagram of servo motors 22 3.4.3 Main Component of Robotic Hand Robotic hand is developed by combining several electrical components. The main components are: 1. Thalmic’s Lab Myo sensor 2. Arduino UNO 3. Servo motors 4. 6V battery In this project, Thalmic’s lab Myo sensor is used as controller of robotic hand. Figure 3.9 below shows the sensor used to detect human hand muscle. The hand will detect human or user gesture based on its muscle pulse. This sensor built up from eight sets of EMG sensor and nine inertial measurement unit (IMU) sensor. EMG sensor is a sensor to detect human muscle activity which will be the main sensor used for this project. While, the function of IMU sensor is to identify position. IMU sensor also can be used to sense acceleration made by the user. But, the usage of IMU sensor is not included under the scope of this project. Figure 3.9: Myo sensor As shown in Figure 3.10, Arduino UNO acts as a brain for this system. Arduino UNO need aid from laptop to convert the signal given by Myo sensor into a signal that it can read. Different gesture of human hand will give a different signal. From Myo sensor signal, Arduino UNO will control the movement of servo motors. Arduino 23 UNO is selected because of its small size and it is more economic compared to other microcontroller. Table 3.1 shows the specification of an Arduino UNO. Figure 3.10: Arduino UNO Table 3.1: Specification of Arduino UNO Description Value Operating voltage 5V Input voltage 7-12V Digital I/O pins 14 Analog input pins 6 DC current per I/O pins 40mA DC current for 3.3V 50mA Flash memory 32KB Clock speed 16MHz Five servo motors is assigned to move the robotic hand. Figure 3.11 shows an example of servo motor used for this project. Each servo motor will move one finger. From Figure 3.8, servo motor J1 will move thumb, J2 will move index finger, J3 will move middle finger, J4 will move ring finger and J5 will move pinky finger. Servo motors will move the finger by pulling tendons attach between motor and finger in 24 clockwise and counter clockwise direction. Table 3.2 shows the specification of servo motor used for this project. Figure 3.11: An example of servo motor Table 3.2: Specification of servo motor 3.5 Description Value Speed 0.12sec/60⁰ (no load) Torque 4.4 kg.cm Voltage 6V Dimension 40.7x20.5x39.5 mm Weight 43g Rotation angle 180⁰ Software Development MyoDuino is a console made by developer to convert muscle pulse signal received from myo sensor into a signal that can be read by Arduino. Figure 3.12 shows the interface for MyoDuino. It will show the current gesture that the user made. After 25 converting the muscle pulse signal, Myoduino will sent the signal to Arduino via serial communication. Detailed coding regarding Myoduino is shown in APPENDIX B2. Figure 3.12: Console for myo sensor data conversion By using the data sent by Myoduino, an Arduino is programmed to move servo motors according the current gesture that the user made. All programming has been done in Arduino IDE. The language for Arduino IDE basically based on C++ language. Detailed coding of Arduino is shown in APPENDIX B1. 3.6 Summary This chapter has discussed the methodology of this project. The robotic hand was developed by using a 3D printer based on the CAD drawing. Finished printed part is then assembled by using a glue. Allen key screw was used as the joint for the palm and wrist to reduce the friction when movement occur. A 3D printer is used as the joint for all finger because the dimension of the joint is too small to fit in a screw. 5 servo motors is integrated inside the arm of the robotic hand. Then, the software part is developed. Firstly, the data transmission of myo sensor is tested. After complete converting the data into a signal that can be read by Arduino, software and hardware 26 part were integrated and coding of Arduino to move servo motors based on converted data were developed. The reliability of myo sensor as the robotic hand controller was analyzed. The analysis will be discussed in the next chapter. 27 CHAPTER 4 RESULT AND DISCUSSION 4.1 Introduction This chapter discuss about the experiments that had been carried out to test the reliability of Myo sensor as robotic hand controller. Three experiment had been carried out. The first experiment is to determine the repeatability of robotic hand imitating a gesture. Second experiment is done to study the relation between diameter of a cylinder and imitation of gesture. The last experiment is to study the relation between weight of a cylinder and imitation of gesture. Gesture that can be imitated are fist, finger spread, rest and tap as shown in Figure 4.1. For the second and third experiment, only fist gesture will be used. 28 (a) (b) (c) (d) Figure 4.1: Gestures detected by Myo sensor a) Fist gesture, b) Finger spread gesture, c) Tap gesture, d) Rest gesture 4.2 Myo Sensor Raw EMG Data Figure 4.2, Figure 4.3 and Figure 4.4 shows Myo sensor raw EMG data. All graph shown the data of muscle pulse versus samples taken. Muscle pulse taken is in mili voltage. The data is taken from muscle activity by making gesture which will produce an electrical pulse. Different sets of gesture will produce a different sets of electrical pulse. Then, the pulse is used to control the robotic hand based on the gesture that the user had made. 29 Muscle pulse (mV) VS Samples 150 100 50 -50 1 77 153 229 305 381 457 533 609 685 761 837 913 989 1065 1141 1217 1293 1369 1445 1521 1597 1673 1749 1825 1901 1977 2053 2129 2205 2281 2357 2433 0 -100 -150 emg1 emg2 emg3 emg4 emg5 emg6 emg7 emg8 Figure 4.2: Raw EMG data for tap gesture Muscle pulse (mV) VS Samples 150 100 50 -50 1 66 131 196 261 326 391 456 521 586 651 716 781 846 911 976 1041 1106 1171 1236 1301 1366 1431 1496 1561 1626 1691 1756 1821 1886 1951 2016 2081 0 -100 -150 emg1 emg2 emg3 emg4 emg5 emg6 Figure 4.3: Raw EMG data of finger spread gesture emg7 emg8 30 Muscle pulse (mV) VS Samples 150 100 50 -50 1 82 163 244 325 406 487 568 649 730 811 892 973 1054 1135 1216 1297 1378 1459 1540 1621 1702 1783 1864 1945 2026 2107 2188 2269 2350 2431 2512 2593 0 -100 -150 emg1 emg2 emg3 emg4 emg5 emg6 emg7 emg8 Figure 4.4: Raw EMG data for fist gesture From Figure 4.2 and Figure 4.3, the pulse generated for tap and finger spread have almost the same pulse. Only the last part of the graph differentiate both gesture. Because of its slight different, Arduino may get an error reading. But, from the repeatability experiment, the error does not affect the robotic hand system. While from Figure 4.4, fist gesture, the pulse generated is totally different from other gesture but the Myo user need to use more force so that Myo sensor can detect the gesture easily. If less force were used, Myo sensor tends to detect the gesture that being made as rest gesture. 4.3 Gesture Imitation Experiment This experiment was done to observe the repeatability of robotic hand imitating a gesture. Fist, finger spread and tap gesture is used. The user of Myo sensor will make one of the gesture and imitation from robotic hand is recorded. As shown 31 in Table 4.1, the experiment can be divided to three sets and average of all sets are taken. Table 4.1: Data of repeatability experiment Gesture Set 1 Set 2 Set 3 Average Fist 19/20 18/20 18/20 55/60 Finger spread 20/20 18/20 20/20 58/60 Tap 18/20 17/20 17/20 52/60 This experiment was done to determine the repeatability of fist, finger spread and tap gesture. 20 samples are taken for each gesture. For Set 1, finger spread gesture with 20 imitation out of 20 sample is the most gesture that robotic hand can imitated. While for Set 2, fist and finger spread gesture have the same number of imitation by the robotic hand. Both gestures were imitated 18 times out of 20 samples taken. For Set 3, finger spread is the most imitated gesture with 20 times imitation out of 20 samples taken. From average, finger spread is the most gesture imitated by the robotic hand. The significant of this study is to observe the repeatability of robotic hand system. From the study, it can be conclude that finger spread gesture is the easiest gesture that can be imitated by the robotic hand. This is because, the muscle that move during finger spread gesture is almost the same with muscle during hand at rest. So, myo sensor detect this gesture easily compared to other gesture. 4.4 Fist Gesture Recognition Experiment by Varying Size of An Object This experiment was done to study the relationship between sizes of an object and imitation of gesture by the robotic hand. Fist gesture is focused in the experiment. Fist gesture is used to lift a cylinder. Cylinder with different diameter is selected as 32 the object. The weight of all cylinders is fixed to 100 gram. Table 4.2 shows the data collected to find a relationship between size of an object and the ability of robotic hand to imitate human gesture. Table 4.2: Data of relationship between size and imitation experiment Diameter of cylinder Repetition Gesture imitated (cm) (Times) (Times) 4.5 10 0/10 7.5 10 0/10 8 10 1/10 15 10 1/10 The diameter of cylinder used are 4.5, 7.5, 8, and 15 centimeters. For each size, the gesture were repeated for 10 times and imitation by the robotic hand is observed. For cylinder with 4.5 and 7.5cm of diameter, the robotic hand does not imitate the gesture. Zero gesture were imitated out of 10 repetition that had been done. While for cylinder with 8 and 15 cm of diameter, the robotic hand imitate the gesture for once out of ten samples taken. This is because, more force is used in the beginning of lifting the cylinder. After adjusting to the size of the cylinder, the muscle will be in relax condition compared to the beginning of lifting. Myo sensor detect the relaxed muscle and read it as rest gesture. Figure 4.5: Diameter of a cylinder 33 4.5 Fist Gesture Recognition Experiment by Varying Weight of An Object This experiment also focused on fist gesture. It is done to study the relationship between weight of an object and imitation of gesture by the robotic hand. A cylinder is used as the weight. The diameter of the cylinder was fixed to 7.5cm. Table 4.3 below shows the data of relationship between different weight cylinder and the ability of robotic hand to imitate human gesture. Five different weight were used. Figure 4.6 shows the process to weigh a cylinder. First, measure the weight of the cylinder. The weight of the cylinder is 90.13 gram. Then, a water is put inside the cylinder to give a different weight. The weight of the cylinder is not included as the manipulated variable. Only the weight of water inside the cylinder was taken into consideration. Table 4.3: Data of relationship between weight and imitation experiment Weight of cylinder (gram) Repetition Gesture imitated 100 10 0/10 200 10 0/10 300 10 0/10 400 10 1/10 500 10 1/10 10 repetition were done for each weight. For cylinder with weight of 100, 200 and 300 gram, robotic hand does not imitate the gesture even once. The robotic hand only imitate the gesture for cylinder with weight of 400 and 500 gram. But, for both weight, the hand only imitate for a few moment. The reason is, the user used more force before adjusting to the weight. After a few moment, a suitable force is given. The suitable force is less compare to the beginning of grasping. Myo sensor detect the less force as if the hand is in rest gesture. 34 Figure 4.6: Measuring the weight of the cylinder 4.6 Measuring Grasping Force This experiment also focused to fist gesture. It is done to determine the grasping force needed so that fist gesture can be imitated. Hand dynamometer, a strain gauge based sensor was used to measure the force given by grasping action. This experiment can be divided into two part which is grasping without load and grasping with load. Figure 4.7 shows the force sensor used in this experiment. A box is placed at the top of the sensor. The box was used as a container to place the load. 35 Figure 4.7: Hand Dynamometer Figure 4.8 below shows the graph of grasping force without load. The minimum force needed so that the robotic hand can imitate fist gesture is around 31 N and higher. The robotic hand cannot imitate the fist gesture if the applied force is lower than 31 N. Figure 4.8: Graph of grasping force without load 36 Figure 4.9 below shows the graph of grasping force when 1.25 kg of loads is placed at the top of the Hand Dynamometer sensor. From the figure, the average force needed to lift the Hand Dynamometer sensor is 5 N. When 1.25 kg is applied, 14 N of grasping force is needed to lift up the sensor with load. At this point, the robotic hand still not imitate the fist gesture. Figure 4.9: Graph of grasping force with 1.25 kg load Then, the value of the load is doubled to 2.5 kg. Figure 4.10 shows the graph of grasping force with 2.5 kg of load. The grasping force needed to lift up the sensor with 2.5 kg of loads is 32 N. At this point, the robotic hand can imitate the fist gesture. 37 Figure 4.10: Graph of grasping force with 2.5 kg load As conclusion, robotic hand can imitate fist gesture by applying a grasping action, but, the grasping force needed is 31 N and higher. The robotic hand cannot imitate fist gesture if the grasping force applied is lower than 31 N. The minimum load needed to produce a grasping force of 31 N and higher is 2.5 kg. 38 CHAPTER 5 CONCLUSION 5.1 Introduction As a conclusion, the prototype of the robotic hand has been successfully developed to achieve the three objectives: 1. To develop robotic hand that can imitate human gesture. 2. To implement Myo sensor as robotic hand controller. 3. To conduct gesture imitation experiment and study Myo sensor performance. Literature review on robotic hand system was successfully done by referring to previous projects and researches conducted by others. A robotic hand system control by using Myo sensor were successfully developed. Based on the experiment done, it can be concluded that, the robotic hand can imitate 3 gestures which is fist, spread and pinch. Spread gesture has the highest repeatability amongst the three gesture. Other than that, it also can be concluded that, the current design is not suitable to be used for grasping action. Experiment 2 and Experiment 3 shows that the robotic hand cannot do the grasping action. Based on the experiment, Myo sensor cannot detect muscle activity if low force was used for the grasping action. 39 5.2 Recommendation for future works The robotic hand system were successfully with a few limitation in hardware development and software development. For hardware development, it is recommended to: 1. Use a molding technique instead of 3D printer to make the parts of the robotic hand. By using a molding technique, the part produce is more durable compare to 3D printer parts. 2. Use a string with higher tensile force as the tendons. The current string has a tensile force of 50 lbs. It is recommended to use a higher tensile force so that the string will not stretch and the repeatability of the system will be increased. While for the software development, it is recommended to: 1. Sent the data directly to the microcontroller without the aid of laptop. This is because, the robotic hand system will be more flexible if it is not attach to a laptop. Some application such as prosthetic hand need to be flexible for the end user. 2. Use raw EMG data from the myo sensor. The current robotic hand system use a pre-set gesture. The advantage of using a raw EMG data is, the robotic hand system can make more gesture and the system will be more human like. 40 CHAPTER 6 PROJECT MANAGEMENT 6.1 Introduction Project management is carried out to achieve all project goals with effective project, planning, organizing and controlling resource within a specified time period [20]. The main constraints of this project are research scope and research time to achieve the required specifications. Based on the stated constraints, project schedule had been tabulated on Gantt chart. To ensure a minimal project cost while achieve the required specifications, cost of all components had been estimated. 6.2 Project schedule Table 6.1 shows project schedule for Semester 1 tabulated in Gantt chart. Most of the work that has been done in the first semester is proposing a title and literature review. Study about previous works is important to get a better understanding about the project. It is also important because, a solution to encounter the problem based on 41 previous works can be prepared. Other than that, much effort has be spent to understand a robotic hand system by referring to previous works that others has done. Besides, one of the important thing in develop a robotic hand system is the selection of actuator. For this project, a servo motors has been selected because it is the most suitable actuator for the specific hand design. Then, all components needed for the hand development is listed. Table 6.1: 1st semester Gantt chart Activity Weeks 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 1.Propose a title 2.Do research and literature review 3.Find a suitable hand design 4.Find a suitable actuator 5.List all component 6.Draw flowchart for the system 7.Preparation and presentation Gantt chart for the second semester is shown in Table 6.2. Most of the time has been spent on hardware implementation and software implementation. Both are the crucial part for this project. After that, a full functioning robotic hand is develop 42 by integrating the hardware and software parts. Then, the reliability of myo sensor as the robotic hand controller is tested. Data gathered from the testing is then being analysed. Table 6.2: 2nd semester Gantt chart Activity Weeks 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 1.Hardware implementation 2.Software implementation 3.Integrate hardware and software 4.Testing and analysis 5.Presentation 6.Thesis preparation 6.3 Cost estimation Table 6. 3 demonstrates the list of component and cost estimation to develop a robotic hand. The most expensive part is myo sensor. This is because myo sensor is a sensor integrate of 8 sets of EMG sensor and 9 sets of IMU sensor. 43 Table 6. 3: Cost estimation to develop a robotic hand No. Component Quantity Price per unit Price (RM) (RM) 1. 3D printed hand design 1 - - 2. Myo sensor 1 900.00 900.00 3. Servo motor 5 37.10 185.50 4. Arduino UNO 1 101.80 101.80 5. 6V Battery 1 24.40 24.40 6. Donut board 1 3.00 3.00 7. Acrylic 1 18.00 18.00 8. Single core wire 1.5mm 1m 1.00 1.00 9. Switch 1 0.40 0.40 Total 1234.10 Costing to make a 3D printed hand model is none because the hand was printed at several lab in Faculty of Electrical Engineering (FKE). There is no charge given to FKE’s students to print a 3D model. 44 REFERENCES 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. Jones, L.A. and S.J. Lederman, Human hand function. 2006: Oxford University Press. Toledo, C., et al. Upper limb prostheses for amputations above elbow: A review. in Health Care Exchanges, 2009. PAHCE 2009. Pan American. 2009. IEEE. Carrozza, M.C., et al., Design of a cybernetic hand for perception and action. Biological cybernetics, 2006. 95(6): p. 629-644. Kochan, A., Shadow delivers first hand. Industrial robot: an international journal, 2005. 32(1): p. 15-16. Tuffield, P. and H. Elias, The shadow robot mimics human actions. Industrial Robot: An International Journal, 2003. 30(1): p. 56-60. Cabas, R., L.M. Cabas, and C. Balaguer. 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Arduino promming to control the movement of servo motors #include <MyoController.h> // Use MyoController library #include <Servo.h> // Use servo library Servo servothumb; // Define thumb servo Servo servoindex; // Define index servo Servo servomajeure; // Define middle servo Servo servoringfinger; // Define ring servo Servo servopinky; // Define pinky servo MyoController myo = MyoController(); void setup() { servothumb.attach(2); // Set thumb servo to digital pin 2 servoindex.attach(3); // Set index servo to digital pin 3 servomajeure.attach(4); // Set middle servo to digital pin 4 servoringfinger.attach(5); // Set ring servo to digital pin 5 servopinky.attach(6); myo.initMyo(); // Set pinky servo to digital pin 6 // Initialize myo sensor } void loop(){ myo.updatePose(); ( myo.getCurrentPose() ) { --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------case rest: servothumb.write(85); servoindex.write(85); servomajeure.write(83); servoringfinger.write(90); servopinky.write(85); break; --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------case fist: 49 servothumb.write(28); servoindex.write(27); servomajeure.write(0); servoringfinger.write(34); servopinky.write(27); break; --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------case fingersSpread: servothumb.write(110); servoindex.write(121); servomajeure.write(120); servoringfinger.write(120); servopinky.write(110); break; --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------case doubleTap: servothumb.write(28); servoindex.write(27); break; } delay(100); } 50 APPENDIX B2 CODING OF MYODUINO 1. Coding for myo controller #include "MyoController.h" MyoController::MyoController(){ msgChar=String(""); } MyoController::~MyoController(){ } bool MyoController::initMyo(){ Serial.begin(9600); return true; } bool MyoController::updatePose(){ if (Serial.available()){ storageStr = String(""); while(Serial.available()){ storageStr = storageStr + char(Serial.read()); delay(1); } msgChar = storageStr; Serial.print(msgChar); } if(msgChar.indexOf("rest")>=0) { current_pose_=rest; } else if (msgChar.indexOf("fist")>=0){ current_pose_=fist; } else if (msgChar.indexOf("waveIn")>=0) { current_pose_=waveIn; 51 } else if (msgChar.indexOf("waveOut")>=0) { current_pose_=waveOut; } else if (msgChar.indexOf("fingersSpread")>=0) { current_pose_=fingersSpread; } else if (msgChar.indexOf("doubleTap")>=0) { current_pose_=doubleTap; } else { current_pose_=unknown; } } Poses MyoController::getCurrentPose(){ return current_pose_; }