Sept. Oct. 2006 - RE Olds Chapter
Sept. Oct. 2006 - RE Olds Chapter
September - October 2006 Rocket Review Page 1 Rocket Review Serving Mid-Michigan Published by Chapter - President’s Corner Membership 2 3 My First Car Homecoming Wrap 4 7 Secretary’s Report 8 Olds Parting with 9 Going Places 11 Classified Ads 15 • Eyes-On-Design pg. 5 • Proposed Bylaw Changes pg. 10 • Chapter Annual Banquet info pg. 12, 13 • Homecoming Stats pg. 13 • Chapter Merchandise Forms pg. 14 September - October 2006 Pace Car Reunion Held at Indy INSIDE THIS ISSUE: Of Special Interest: Oldsmobile Club of Americ a May 19 - 21, 2006 By Judy Badgley E arlier this year, member Steve Zaban heard about a Pace Car Reunion to be held during the Indy 500 festivities. A reunion of ALL makes of Pace Cars, Festival cars and Repli-cars was planned. Steve contacted other people he knew who owned a Pace Car and learned details of the planned reunion. This event would be held on the weekend prior to the actual Indy 500 race. Potential participants had to send a picture of their car and a story about their car along with an application. The Indy committee would review all applicants, and select the cars to participate. Doug and Judy Badgley along with Steve applied. Badgley’s son Calvin also applied. All were accepted. A road trip was planned. Calvin Cutlass Pace Cars on display at Indy would trailer his 1974 Delta 88 Hurst/Olds convertible (formerly used by Linda Vaughn during the ’74 Festival) and Steve’s 1970 Pace Car in a 2 car enclosed trailer. Doug and Judy drove their 1972 Hurst/Olds Pace Car convertible. The organizing people did a wonderful job for a first time event. All participants were given bronze badges, a gift package, and a dinner/reception in the Indy Museum. The dinner was delicious. The gift package included a special polostyle shirt commemorating the event. The badges were used as an official “pass”, which allowed access into the garage and pit areas during the festivities. The Pace Cars were all lined up inside the track area along the main road. Everybody who entered the track saw the cars. There were Continued page 6 | see Indy September - October 2006 Rocket Review 2006 R.E. Olds Chapter Board of Director s President Ken Nicholas (517) 663-2397 [email protected] Vice-President Harry Emmons 517-485-5998 no e-mail Secretary Ed Shand 517-655-4739 [email protected] Treasurer Dave Violetta 517- 669-9246 [email protected] Membership Coordinator Joe Pohl 517-323-2342 [email protected] OCA Representative Chuck Mitchell (517) 882-9757 [email protected] Newsletter Editor Webmaster Wayne Mason (517) 669-8051 [email protected] Past President Troy Collins (517) 646-0879 [email protected] Board members are elected for a one year period of time at the Annual Banquet Meeting. Officers assume their office beginning February 1st of the subsequent year in which they are elected. General Club meetings are held on the 1st Tuesday of the month at various locations, but usually at the R.E. Olds Museum in Lansing. Contact Ken Nicholas at the number shown above for more information. Oldsmobile Homecoming Car Show committee meetings are held periodically through out the year. Contact Don Cooper at: [email protected] for more information. The President’s Corner S omething the Homecoming Committee does is to have a wrap up meeting soon after the event. By doing this, everything is still fresh and vivid. No huge problems, but some speed bumps just need to be smoothed out. One of the concerns can be tracked down to one area, trophies and judging. This year, as in the past few years, the awards where not on schedule. This is no one person or groups fault. It is just a huge task. The Homecoming committee has recommended to drop trophies and judging at next years event. While it is a big change at first glance, I think it's time to move forward. I've thought for years it was the friends and the people that were the draw. I'm sure that there are those that are only there for a trophy. The committee hopes that a nice gift will help appease some concerns. While, at this date, nothing has been selected, the Notes from the Editor C omputers are wonderful tools! Yes, I know, we all have our problems with them from time to time; but think of what you can do with a computer today that may have require leg-work years ago. As an example, think of how easy it is to search for a used Oldsmobile on-line now. There are many, many web sites whose sole purpose is offering used cars or parts for sale. You can even search by zip code and locate the used Olds of choice nearest you. In conversation with Ron Severance at our last Chapter meeting, we talked Page 2 possibility looks good. Please keep an open mind and help the committee worth through this. Other trophies will still be given, such as the Founders Award and the Helen Earley Award. Other possibilities are open. One thing I've had a hard time deciding is this will be my last term as Chapter President. I feel I have not been able to dedicate the proper time to do a good job. I'm still working two jobs, 20 hours a week at Menard's, and an average of 48 hours plus at the Magnesium Factory. This leaves little or no time for friends or family. While the Chapter does not require a huge amount of time, it's just time I need for me. I was brought up to do a job well but I just can't dedicate the time needed. Hopefully one of you can jump in and help out. The Chapter is in great shape. The current Board is great and the active committees all do a great job. It's been a blast, but it's time to adjust and realign. Maybe it's time in your life for you to take on this great opportunity. Think about it. Ccccccya, Ken of the various web sites available; one of my favorites is Ron was not familiar with this site. That’s when it dawned on me that perhaps many of our members have their own favorite sites when searching for Oldsmobile cars or parts. How about sharing your favorite web site with other Chapter members? If you will send me your favorite web site(s) web address(es), I will share it with other Chapter members in the next newsletter issue. Send your favorite web sites to: [email protected]. Please do it now so you won’t forget! Your fellow Chapter members will thank you! Until next issue, Wayne September - October 2006 Rocket Review R.E. Olds Chapter Membership Application New __________ Renewal ___________ Application Date ____/_____/_____ OCA Number _________ Birthday - Month ____________ Day ____________ Name ___________________________________________ Street ___________________________________________ City _____________________________ State _______ Zip Code ________- ______ Home Phone (_____) _____ - __________Work Phone (______) _____ - __________ E-Mail address ____________________________________ Spouse Name ____________________ Birthday - Month ___________Day _________ List of all Oldsmobiles owned: ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ You must be a member of the Oldsmobile Club of America to join the Chapter. Chapter dues are $10.00 a year or 3 years for $25.00. Send application and make check payable to: R.E. OLDS CHAPTER OLDSMOBILE CLUB OF AMERICA P.O. BOX 80101 LANSING, MICHIGAN 48908-0101 R.E. Olds Chapter is a regional chapter of the Oldsmobile Club of America, based in the Mid-Michigan area. The Chapter received its charter in 1984, and has served Olds enthusiasts in the area since then. A bi-monthly publication, ROCKET REVIEW is sent to members and offers a variety of member stories, technical information and a classified ad section. As a member of the chapter you are invited to join the group at various car show around the state and enjoy family oriented car club activities. How to Join the Oldsmobile Club of America Visit the Oldsmobile Club of America’s web site: for an application form, dues schedule and other club information and benefits. RE Olds Chapter Dues Dues are $10 for 1 year or $25 for three years, renewable each June for all members and payable to R.E. Olds Chapter. Mail to: RE Olds Chapter OCA, %Joe Pohl, P.O. Box 80101, Lansing, MI 48908-0101. A renewal form is not necessary. Your address label contains the year in which you need to renew your membership. For example, if the “RN” code after your name is “RN06”, then your dues are renewable and due in June 2006. No additional renewal reminder will be sent to you. Upcoming Events Club Meetings for 2006 are usually scheduled for the first Tuesday of the month at the R.E.O. Transportation Museum at 7 PM . Scheduled meeting dates for this year are: September 5th , October 3rd, November 7th , December 5th . August 12 , 2006 - Car Capitol Car Show sponsored by the RE Olds Museum. Noon to Dusk in 2000 block of Michigan Ave., downtown Lansing. Car parking noon to 2 PM. Info at th Page 3 Monthly Meeting Programs Needed Do you have a suggestion for a speaker or program for our monthly meetings? Someone or something that would be interesting to share with your Oldsmobile friends? Let us know your ideas. Even if you have a topic of interest but don’t know who to contact about doing a program, let us know and maybe we can find someone. Contact Judy Badgley at 517337-0444, weekdays or email: [email protected]. Happy Birthday September Birthdays - Joe Pohl 11th, Wayne Jacobs 13th, Mike Ross 14th, Dwain Hilliard & Wayne Mason 16th, Marsha Nicholas 19th, Tom Hummer 25th, Deborah Shank 27th. October Birthdays - Dave Lehnen 1st, Scott Bischoff 5th, Jim Brehm 6th, Lori Emmons 8th, Harry Emmons & Dan Mroczak 9th, Ashley Jones 11th, Shirley Place 13th, Ken Nicholas & Susan Pohl 16th, Linda Heminger 17th, Judy Badgley 28th. 517-372-0529. August 26th - Grand Rapids 28th Street Metro Cruise. More info at: or contact Mike Ross at 517-646-5630. November 11th - RE Olds Chapter Annual Banquet at Guerrazzi's, 15643 So. US 27, Lansing MI 48906. See details on pages 12 & 13. If we don’t list your birthday, send yours/spouses birthday information (month and day only) to [email protected] . In the subject line put R.E. OLDS. Or snail mail to: Wayne Mason 2713 W. Clark Rd. Lansing, MI 48906 Rocket Review September - October 2006 My First Car was a . . . ever owned especially considering the hard usage it received. We had that car until 1973 when I sold it at 63,000 miles. When I became an Oldsmobile zone rep and I had a company car, my wife Elaine drove the Valiant. Besides maintenance, W e continue with Chapter member’s stories of their first car. This will be the last in the series unless new stories are received. If interested, please submit YOUR story to the editor for publication in an upcoming issue of Rocket Review. “My father operated an Atlantic service station from 1941-64 and my Uncle owned a new car dealership from 1938-56. They were located within 4 blocks of each other along Kinsman Rd in Cleveland. I was born in 1944 and our family lived next to the service station until 1956. I started working in the service station in 1952. My mother wanted me to be a concert pianist but the tetraethyl lead in gasoline had poisoned my brain very early. I drove cars around the gas station at age 10. One afternoon in 1955 my father picked me up from elementary school in the family car, his first new car, a 1952 Kaiser Manhattan that he purchased from his brother-in-law, my uncle. When we were ½ mile from home, on a side street, he pulled over, got out, opened the passenger door to get in and said to me “you drive.” Kaisers may have been nice looking but they were slow. Even at that age I could tell. When we got home he let me drive the service station 1952 Jeep which was even slower. In the fall of 1959 my father decided it was time to replace the Kaiser. It was a rust bucket. The floor was so bad the front seat “floated.” I would accelerate hard and look at the headliner. Brake hard and hit the steering wheel. It was more fun to be a passenger. My uncle was not selling cars any more but my father went to see one of my uncle’s former salesmen who worked at a Nash dealership. Horrors-my father brought home a full size Rambler demo with a 6 cylinder engine! We have a service station. Why an economy car? I reminded my father that Ramblers were not good cars and he agreed. I begged him to please consider a Wide Track Pontiac. A few days later my father buys a 1959 Plymouth with a V8 – Wow! I was some- Page 4 what happy but 1957-59 Chrysler vehicles were not that good. GM had the best quality then. I got my drivers’ license a few days after my 16th birthday and passed the testing on my first try which was no surprise. I proved that the Plymouth had problems: new rear tires and front brake shoes every 7-8,000 miles. My father didn’t complain but I knew he knew. The grille emblem was the pilgrim ship Mayflower. I called the car the Mayflower too but for a different reason. Explanation available in person since this is a “family” newsletter. Advance to May 1965. I was driving either the 1959 Plymouth or a 1961 Jeep. My father was finally declared disabled from multiple heart attacks. We had closed our service station in December 1964 and I went to work in a Sohio service station. My father gave me his first disability check which was payment retroactive for 2 years, and I sold the 1961 Jeep to my employer. Total net was $2400. I wanted a new car without payments. I wanted a Chrysler vehicle since now they had the best quality, best brakes, handling, etc and a 5 year/50,000 warranty. I wanted a Barracuda but discovered I needed $ 350 more. My best friend was also going to buy a new car for cash. We found a Chrysler-Plymouth dealer who agreed to a sweet deal if we bought at the same time. We ordered and took delivery of “sleepers” – mid trim level Valliant’s with all the high performance options. Mine had an automatic transmission so if needed my parents could drive it and the other had a 4 speed manual transmission. I could easily out accelerate a 442 that had an automatic transmission but could not out run one with a manual transmission. That Valiant was the most reliable car I have one exhaust system and two sets of brake shoes, the only repair was a voltage regulator one year before we sold it. We sold it to my mother-in-laws’ neighbor who used it for commuting in metro New York. Four years later he sold it to his wife’s beautician who drove it until it had 150,000 + miles. It never needed a major repair. One too many collisions in its last year did it in. My first Oldsmobile was a 1963 88 that I bought used for my father in 1966 from the Oldsmobile dealer I worked at in Cleveland Heights. It had 60,000 + miles, burned engine oil, mis-fired and the transmission shifted rough. The used car manager thought the Rotor Hydramatic needed an overhaul as most did by that mileage but I knew the car, unlike most, was properly maintained. I convinced him to sell it to me for what he “stole” it for. I replaced the valve stem seals, tuned it up and properly set the transmission throttle valve linkage. It ran very well after that $25 parts investment. My father loved that car. He gave it back to me just before he passed away in 1969. I drove it to work at Oldsmobile in Lansing while a “trainee.” I was so lucky. Whenever the 88 needed parts I could find them at Salvage. (Salvage sold employees surplus parts from new car production and the parts warehouse.) Examples: a gas tank $5, spark plugs 25 cents, shock absorbers $1.) I wish Salvage had front fenders because they were getting rusty and so was the rest of the car. I enjoyed driving the 88. Unlike the Valiant I could drive over a dime and not tell you what year it was minted. It was a good high speed cruiser. On a trip to Cleveland I got a 75 mph speeding ticket while on the Ohio Turnpike. I think that if the car still had Ohio license plates I would have only received a warning. I sold the car to another trainee when I was transferred to the field.” From Jerry Garfiled Rocket Review September - October 2006 Page 5 Eyes-On-Design Car Show A Toronado Triumph By Joe Pohl D AYBREAK, FATHERS DAY JUNE 18, 2006, I PICK UP MY SON IN LAW, BRETT, IN MY 1966 DUBONNET TORONADO. WE HEAD TO THE GROUNDS OF THE EDSEL AND ELEANOR FORD HOUSE ON LAKE ST. CLAIR IN GROSS POINT SHORES, MICHIGAN, TO PARTICIPATE IN THE "EYES ON DESIGN" CAR EVENT SPONSORED BY THE DETROIT INSTITUTE OF OPTHAMOLOGY. THE TRIP COVERS ABOUT 100 MILES AND WE REACH THE GROUNDS AT ABOUT 8 O'CLOCK. WE ARE GREETED BY THE EVENT PERSONNEL, GIVEN A CONTESTANT BAG, AND DIRECTED TO OUR PLACE OF SHOW. AFTER PARKING THE CAR, A LICENSE PLATE WITH NAME OF OWNERS AND VEHICLE TYPE IS MOUNTED ON A POST IN FRONT OF THE CAR. WE GO TO THE FOOD TENT FOR COFFEE AND ROLLS, AND TO RELAX A BIT AFTER THE TRIP. (AGE IS CREEPING UP). WE GET OUT THE LAWN CHAIRS, AND GET SET FOR THE DAY. BRETT, WHO IS AN EXCELLENT PHOTOGRAPHER, CIRCULATES THROUGH THE GROUNDS TAKING PHOTOS OF THE FIELD. IT WOULD BE DIFFICULT TO DESCRIBE ALL OF THE DIFFERENT VEHICLES ON DISPLAY. HOWEVER, THERE WERE CONCEPT CARS FROM G. M., HONDA, AND OTHERS. SEVERAL ROLLS SILVER CLOUDS WERE BEING SHOWN. AFTER LUNCH, WE RETURNED TO THE TORO AND FOUND THAT FOUR FLAGS WERE PLACED AT EACH CORNER OF THE CAR, AND A BIG GOLD RIBBON WAS ON THE WINDSHIELD. FURTHER INVESTIGATION FOUND A NOTE IN THE CAR STATING THAT THE CAR HAD BEEN GIVEN THE "BEST OF SHOW" AWARD. WE WERE BOTH SHOCKED BY THIS, AND HAD TO TALK TO AN OFFICIAL TO VERIFY THAT WE WERE NOT DREAMING. AFTER ABOUT TWO HOURS, WE WERE GIVEN DIRECTIONS TO PULL THE TORO UP IN FRONT OF THE HOUSE, BEHIND A CORD, A PIERCE ARROW, A LAMBROGHINI, A NASH, AND A FERRARI. I WAS STILL IN SHOCK, AND TRIED TO START THE CAR WITHOUT IT BEING IN PARK OR NEUTRAL. THE SAFETY SWITCH WORKED, AND I JUST ABOUT HAD A HEART ATTACK WHEN THE CAR WOULD NOT CRANK. BRETT HOLLERED TO PUT IT IN PARK, AND WE WERE OFF. FIVE CARS WERE PARKED AROUND THE DRIVE WITH THE TORO PLACED RIGHT IN FRONT. A BEAUTIFUL CRYSTAL FIGURINE WITH A MARBLE BASE WAS PRESENTED TO THE CAR (AND ME), AND PHOTOS WERE TAKEN FOR ABOUT A HALF HOUR. WE THEN LEFT THE GROUNDS, AND PROCEEDED TO DRIVE THE 100 MILES BACK HOME. BRETT TELLS ME THAT IT RAINED MOST OF THE WAY HOME, BUT EVEN THOUGH I WAS DRIVING, I WAS STILL IN SHOCK (I GUESS), AND I HARDLY NOTICED THE RAIN. WE DROVE ABOUT 200 MILES ON THE TRIP, AND THE TORO JUST PURRED ALL THE WAY. IT SHOULD BE NOTED THAT THE "EYES ON DESIGN" EVENT IS UNIQUE IN THAT THE AWARDS ARE MADE FOR CLASSIC DESIGN, AND THE TORONADO WAS THE WINNER. I LIKE TO THINK THAT MY CAR WILL COMPARE WELL WITH OTHERS IN OVERALL CONDITION, BUT IT WAS THE PEOPLE WHO DESIGNED THE TORONADO WHO DESERVE THE AWARD. September - October 2006 Rocket Review Indy | Page 6 continued from page 1 about 150+ cars on display. The Indy Museum had their collection of Pace Cars on display as well. The display was impressive with all of the different cars. It was nice to see some of the other marquees that paced the race. During the weekend we were allowed to roam through the pit area and see all the race teams working on their cars for the qualifying runs. We could watch as they went through tech, made adjustments, and then run their laps. The Indy cars run at 200+ mph and they look like a blur going by. It was a thrill indescribable. Doug and Judy spent a lot of time watching the pit crews “tweaking” the cars for the run. All of the engines are the same, but the way a car is set up is what makes the difference in lap times. Steve decided to devote a good amount of his time to collecting autographs. Saturday was a difficult day to get signatures, as everybody was concentrating on qualifying well for the race; however, Steve was still able to get a few autographs. Steve does not carry an autograph “book”, he has them sign his shirt. Sunday was a much better day for signing! Everybody that had already qualified for the race was much more relaxed. By Sunday, Steve was focused! He had specific signatures he wanted to get; his real “trophies” were A.J. Foyt’s and Danika Patrick’s autograph. Doug Badgley (back to camera) looks on as Danica Patrick’s crew prepares her back-up car for time trials. Sunday at 6pm all of the Pace Cars that participated were allowed to run a parade lap around the famous track. It was a great weekend! “Most Quotable” quote -- Steve was really excited chasing around getting signatures and meeting the racers. He had commented that he wasn’t sure he had recognized some of the people. He took a break and came to sit with us in the grandstands to watch the Indy cars run. He was telling us about everyone he had seen and showing us the signatures on his shirt. He said “I got Scott Harrington’s autograph and he isn’t even here!” What he meant was, Scott wasn’t racing at Indy this year. Steve Zaban (right) approaches A.J. Foyt (center) for his autograph. All makes of past Indy Pace Cars, such as the 1948 Chevrolet at left, participated in the Pace Car Reunion at the Brickyard this past May. At right, the Borg Warner trophy that will be awarded to the Indy 500 winner, sits glistens in the morning sun. Rocket Review September - October 2006 Page 7 2006 Oldsmobile Homecoming Wrap-up H omecoming 2006 is now just a memory. It was another record-breaking show in many areas. • 459 show cars REGISTERED • 32 "For Sale" cars REGISTERED • 75 vendors using 135 spaces REGISTERED • Over 90 degree temperatures • 18 on the organizing committee • NO road construction on the roads around us WOW!!!!!! We must be doing something right, as the show continues to grow. Next time you see a committee member, say "thanks". They not only work on the show all year, they "get-it-together" for show day. Most of the committee devotes their time and their family's time from 5pm on Friday night until 5pm on Saturday night! Fall is now approaching and we will begin planning the 15th Annual Homecoming scheduled for JUNE 16, 2007. PLEASE SAVE THIS DATE TO HELP. Over 100 workers are needed to continue to make this show a success. first 500 show car registrants. Trop h i e s f o r " B e s t- of- Show", "Founder's Award", and "Helen Earley Award" will be retained. The 2006 organizing committee was a diverse group; seven members have been on the committee since the beginning. In addition to veteran committee members, several first-time volunteers contributed to the success of the 2006 Homecoming. New ideas mixed with experience and wisdom created a perfect combination. Now, we need your help for next year's show! In particular we need someone to handle registrations. After MANY years of service, Cathy Keesaer is leaving registration. Cathy has done an outstanding job and we all appreciate her devotion. In addition to needing someone to handle registration duties, the committee has concluded we should have "apprentices" in all committee areas. Back-up committee people are needed to work side-by-side with veterans to insure another successful Home- coming event; we never know when an emergency might occur that prevents a committee member from performing their tasks. Please contact a committee member and volunteer. We will have our first meeting for the 2007 show in October. Thanks to all of you who helped, it takes everybody to make the Oldsmobile Homecoming the "BEST OLDSMOBILE SHOW IN THE WORLD!" 2006 COMMITTEE Doug & Judy Badgley Don & Eva Cooper Harry and Lori Emmons Alan Goshka Ashley Jones Cathy Keesaer Wayne Mason Chuck Mitchell Ken & Marsha Nicholas Terry Pinkney Joe & Shirley Place Scott Whittaker Steve Zaban The 2007 show will feature the Curved Dash Olds and celebrate 110 years of Oldsmobile. One of the planned changes for the 2007 event includes eliminating ballot voting. The committee has decided to pool money formerly designated for a registration gifts and trophies, and purchase a REALLY nice commemorative gift to present to the The many Oldsmobiles of Homecoming 2006 517-337-0444 517-627-6697 517-485-5998 517-622-2070 517-645-7366 517-655-3158 517-669-8051 517-882-9757 517-663-2397 517-676-4473 517-543-6445 517-622-4378 517-655-2421 Rocket Review Secretary’s Report R.E. Olds Chapter General Session Meeting July 11, 2006 7:00 PM Ken Nicholas brought the meeting to order at 7:00 PM There were 27 present at the meeting. Presidents Report: Ken welcomed the members and guests. The chapter was well represented at the national’s with a number of members attending. Next years national in 2007 will be held in Bowling Green, Kentucky, the 2008 national will be hosted in Detroit and in 2009 nationals at the Seven Springs Resort in Champion, Pa. Vice Presidents Report: Harry Emmons was unable to attend the meeting Treasurers Report: Dave Violetta provided the treasurers report. The starting balance as of May 31, 2006 was $17,447.23. The revenues for the month of June were $10,951.00. The expenditures for the month of June were $8,419.17 leaving a balance of $19,979.06. Jim Harsant motioned to accept the treasures report. Judy Bagley seconded the motion. The membership accepted the motion. Secretaries Report: The minutes from the June 6, 2006 General Session meeting were read and opened for discussion. Mike Ross motioned to accept the minutes as read. Joe Pohl seconded the motion. The membership approved the motion. Newsletter Report: Wayne Mason advised the membership that there is only one more “my first car” article for the next issue of the newsletter. Please send your article to Wayne if you have one. The cost of the news letter runs $1900.00 per year or $19.00 per member. The dues are currently September - October 2006 $10.00 and it may become an issue in the future. There are 13 members that have dues that are current overdue payment. It was suggested that the newsletter be distributed to those at the meeting to save the cost of postage. The suggestion was tabled as a “nuisance” item because it would not be worth the extra work involved for such a minimal savings and to keep mailing the newsletter to all members. The web site: The homecoming photos should be posted on the website by the end of August. OCA Representative Report: Chuck Mitchell had no additional information to report. Membership Chairman Report: Joe Pohl reported there were 8 paid members and three new members registered for the month of June. A Mr. Wenzel, Mr. Sherman and Mr. Johnson. Old Business: Helen Earley memorial: Judy Badgley presented the draft drawing of the Helen Earley portrait. Some comments from the members were that the portrait did not look like Helen. . The book being held is too large and takes away from Helen as the main focus. The artist will make the “Setting the Pace” book held in her hand fuzzier so it didn’t look like a photo and bring the attention to Helen. The forehead and mouth doesn’t represent a good likeness. The artist will be shown a different picture of Helen at the museum so he can draw the portrait more to her likeness. The portrait should be completed by the chapter’s November meeting. The presentation to the R.E. Olds museum will be at their annual RE Olds meeting in December. Homecoming: The show was big and hot. The committee met and is recommending some changes for show next year. The balloting is a nightmare it took 4 hours to count the ballots. It also cost $3,000 for trophy’s and gifts. The committee is proposing that the first 500 registered gets a nice commendatory gift instead of having class trophies. Page 8 Next year would be the Oldsmobile 110 th anniversary. There will still be specialty trophies (long distance, Helen Early etc.) It’s proposed to be adopted for the 2007 show. Since there are no “class” trophies, we need to plan activities to keep people there through the end of the show. Joe Pohl presented the motion, Wayne Mason seconded the motion. The membership passed the motion with 25 in favor and 2 against. Terry Pinkney presented the Homecoming Financial Report. The net profit was in line with what was in the forecast. Bylaw change request: Troy is having difficulty getting the information from the board members. This will be a topic for next month’s meeting. New Business: Annual Banquet and meeting: There is a need for a chairperson to head the annual banquet. Judy Badgley and Eva Cooper will head the event. Guerazzi’s was recommended and accepted by those present. The planned date is November 18 th.The minutes were revised to state the new date for the annual meeting is November 11th. Nationals: OCA is developing a special class for race vehicles for judging at the nationals. Ken is requesting any input from the members for the qualifications for a “race car” class. Special event: Mike Ross talked to the sponsor for the 28th street in Grand Rapids cruise on Saturday August 26th. If anyone wants to attend the event they should contact Mike. If there is enough interest the event coordinator will reserve a special spot for the club. Archive: Dave Violetta requested to have a formal archive system for record keeping of financial and minutes of meetings and other events involving the chapter. The board will have this as a topic item in their next meeting. Chapter trailer: Judy Badgley noted that the trailer is getting dull Continued page 10 | see Minutes Rocket Review Olds Parting with Willis and Troy T his seems to be like a broken record, but we haven’t had time to go anywhere for parts. We still have Spring Lake and Ravenna yards to get to. However, we have spent bucoo dinaros having our stuff brought to us. Being stuck at home hasn’t slowed us from getting on EBay, and in “Doc’s” case, off the phone. So what follows is how we got in more trouble without leaving home. Willis’ Alabama Find Willis, AKA Doc, AKA Mr. Brownie, leads off with a couple of cars that had been down in Alabama. It wasn’t that he needed them, they just had a zillion dollars worth of parts that he didn’t want some one else to get first. Also, in his “Doc” persona he has become an international parts locator and entrepreneur of “can’t find and will pay any price for” parts. In addition to this, he has his Ram air cleaners and air scoops for 66 and 67 muscle cars. Even though he seems a little wrung out at times and his hair is grayer and thinner, he tells me he loves every minute of it. If you can squeeze a few September - October 2006 Page 9 minutes from him, I’m sure he’ll tell you more about it. Anyway, there’s a couple of pictures of the Alabama cars within this article. Next comes one Willis’ Alabama Find II from me that I found o n E-bay. For me, who long ago ran out of space for awaiting tear down while the Toro what I have now, it was another sits outside behind the garage. story of the “Devil” on one Anyway, there is a garage shot shoulder and the “Angel” on the picture of it within this article. other. Since I haven’t sung in church choirs for a while, you know This brings us to our last vehicle who won don’t you? This time it which you have heard about for was a ‘40 70 series coupe over in two articles now. In case you Holly, NY. It had the following forgot by now, I’ll give you a hint must have items: A complete (New Castle, PA). This is one unbroken grill (the last one in super that’s been waiting about a year to shape on E-Bay went for over $800 get to leave its (soon to be greenbacks), a three bar grill guard divorced if its not out of here) (only saw one in owners. Once again it had those magazines), a “must have” parts that Willis or complete 230 CI someone needed. Due to all the straight six things I mentioned at the beginning engine (you read about my Troy’s Treasure adventure in finding a 230 head for the engine in my 60 series 4dr), a set of trumpet horns (last time seen, never), a complete set of stainless (no dents), a banjo steering wheel and a clock (you always need extra’s). Willis was kind enough to receive it from our new found car hauler friend Al of this article, Willis turned to Al Maize as I had taken Moms to Vegas Maize to go and get it (being a for her (really old but can’t print) family man, Willis didn’t want the birthday. It’s in the garage now responsibility of a possible divorce on his hands). As with the other vehicles above, there’s a picture of this one within this article. Next issue, we’ll tell you about our trip to one of our vendor’s birthday bash and the great cars we saw there. Till Later, Happy Oldsing Willis’ New Castle Find Rocket Review September - October 2006 Minutes | continued from page 8 and should be wheeled and waxed. She motioned that the trailer be maintained so it would not deteriorate. Don Cooper seconded the motion. The membership approved a not exceed $150.00 budget to check the trailer out and clean and wax it. Bylaw Change Proposal Editor’s note - During the year, one of our Chapter members, Mike Ross, proposed changes to Article 14 of our current bylaws, which specifies how our Chapter bylaws can be changed and the method of voting on proposed changes. The bylaw committee, chaired by Troy Collins, met and discussed Mike’s proposed changes. On this page, you will find proposed bylaw changes assembled by the committee, using some of Mike’s original ideas for change. In addition, our current bylaws are printed here so that you may compare current language with the proposed language. The proposed bylaw change will be a topic of discussion at the September 5th General Membership meeting of the RE Olds Chapter, 7 pm at the RE Olds Museum in downtown Lansing. Per our current bylaws, a vote will be taken at a subsequent General Membership meeting, most likely our October 3rd General Membership meeting. Questions concerning these changes can be directed to Troy Collins at (517) 646-0879. Joe Pohl was invited to the Eyes on Design show in Dearborn. He won best of show for the 1966 Toronado. Joe Pohl made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Dave Violetta seconded the motioned. The motion was carried. Approved Chapter Expenditures: Current Bylaws, Article 14 14.1 Before presenting a change in the bylaws to the general membership for vote, the proposed change must be approved by a simple majority of the Board. 14.2 The membership will be provided a written copy of the proposed changes a minimum of fifteen days prior to a General Membership meeting, at which members will review and discuss the proposed By-Laws changes. At a subsequent General Membership meeting members shall vote on the proposed changes. 14.3 A simple majority “yes” vote of members present will approve the proposed changes in the bylaws. ***** Proposed Bylaws, Article 14 14.1 Before presenting a change in the bylaws to the general membership for vote, the proposed change must be presented to the Board for review. After Board review, the proposed bylaw change will be sent to the membership for discussion, along with the Board’s recommendation. Page 10 The membership approved a $150.00 not to exceed amount to refurbish the trailer Respectfully submitted: Ed Shand Secretary. The minutes were approved by the membership at the August 1, 2006 meeting. Thank you Vicki May who brought in some treats for the meeting. 14.2 The membership will be provided a written copy of the proposed change a minimum of thirty days prior to the general membership meeting at which the proposed bylaw change will be reviewed and discussed. 14.3 Proposed final changes to the bylaws will be sent to each active member who will have a minimum of 30 days to vote on the proposed change by a mailed ballot. For those members who do not vote by mail, a voice vote will be taken at the next general membership meeting. 14.4 A simple majority of total “yes” votes cast either by mail ballot or in-person voting will approve the proposed change in the bylaws. ***** Historical note - In the most recent updating of our bylaws, approved by the membership in October 2005, Article 14 of the bylaws was not changed. To the bylaw committee’s knowledge, the current wording found in Article 14 is as originally established by the founders of our Chapter. Rocket Review September - October 2006 Going Places with Joe & Shirley W ell, here we go with another crazy trip with the Places!! On Thursday July 26, we were loading our ‘69 Hurst Olds in the toyhauler trailer with the wench, and it wouldn’t pull the car up. So we charged the battery and got it in the trailer. (After calling the place where we got the trailer from and asking them what was wrong with it!) We were heading to Canada for the Canadian Olds Nationals. We had made reservations with the Days Inn through the Canada Olds Car club for a room for three nights, Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. The car show was at Balls Falls by Niagara. We left Friday morning and got to the motel about 5:30pm. That’s when the fun (I use that the term lightly) began. The outside of the motel should have been a clue; the facade was fixed with plywood where pieces had fallen off, and painted the same color as the building. I told Joe, “Maybe they’re waiting to get it fixed.”…Boy was I wrong!! So we go to the desk and give them our name; they pull up our file and say, “One queen bed.” I said, “No, two beds.” “Well, we have all of your Olds car club people together.” I said, “I still want two beds.” So they took fifteen m i n u t e s r e-p r o g r a m m i n g t h e computer, “because so many people were changing rooms!!!” And, they had us down for only two nights. Clue number Two!!! We got our room (with two beds!) then found out that this motel has booked more than half the motel for - get this - A DOG SHOW AT THE MOTEL!!!!! A dog show, not of little dogs, but Golden Retrievers!! Big dogs and puppies. Oh ya, the show ring was only a few feet outside our room window!!! The management told us they don’t bark, and that the dogs are very well behaved. Clue number Three. All Dogs Bark, including the dog in the room across the Hall!! Oh, I haven’t told you about our Lovely Room (you know that’s not true). Clue number . . . well you get my drift!! Floor needed sweeping; Bed cover needed washing; Toilet needed scrubbing, (black ring in there, yuk!) Bathtub needed replacing, (Rust holes through the tub!)!! Joe and I decide to go out and clean the car up for the next day. We back the car out but not all the way. Clean it up and went to put it back inside the trailer and the battery won’t work. So with the help of some migrant workers from Trinidad, we push it back inside!! We go back to our so called room for the night….And now there’s barking dogs at 10:30 at night and no one answers at the desk when you call. (Go figure.) Wake up next morning to…You guess it barking dogs! Joe got up to check on things, (and get a new battery!!)! I got dressed and wonder why there were Page 11 people talking in front of our window. I open the curtains a little and its raining cats and dogs (just a pun), but its raining and a few people and their kids are standing under the eves by our window out of the rain. Now we have WET DOGS in the motel!!!! And it smells like, let me see, WET DOG?!!! (We also found out all the other motels are booked up)!! We left and went to the show sight for a while, sold some homecoming t-shirts, then went back to the motel. Henry, our friend from Canada and his sister-in-law, Pauline, wanted to take us to the new casino in Niagara, so we took off in our truck….. Did I forget to mention that Joe just had foot surgery two weeks before, And was on crutches? Well, with Henrys wonderful directions we made it there! We were going to eat at the casino, but the line was too long, (really long!!).So Henrys said there was a Buffet a couple blocks away that we could walk to. Joe had left his crutches in the truck but thought he could make it. Well, we never did find the Buffet and ended up at a Denny’s that cost $37.00 for a breakfast and chicken strips& fries!! (Canadian) We had a good time though. The next day was better. And the sun was shining! (The dogs were happy, too!!! They were everywhere!!) The Car Show was nice. They had about 65 cars. One couple came all the way from Nova Scotia. Joe and I DID NOT STAY ANOTHER NIGHT! We pack up and got out of the “DOGGY MOTEL”. We went to London and stayed at a Holiday Inn. It was so nice!!! The funny thing is, I was telling the desk clerk that we just stayed in the motel from (you know where!!) and he ask us where it was. I told him the location, and he knew all about it because he stay there once -- for two hours!! Oh Well!! Joe and Shirley Place Rocket Review September - October 2006 Page 12 R. E. OLDS CHAPTER 2006 ANNUAL BANQUET ELECTION OF OFFICERS • • • • Saturday, November 11, 2006 Doors open 6 p.m. * Dinner served at 6:30 p.m. Guerrazzi’s Restaurant (lower level) 15643 So. US 27, Lansing, MI 48906 (in DeWitt Twp, north of State Rd.) The Chapter’s annual meeting and election of officers will be held after dinner. If any members are interested in running for an officer’s position, please contact Ken Nicholas, President, at 517/663-2397 or Ed Shand, Secretary, at 517/655-4739 or Joe Pohl, membership Coordinator, at 517/323-2342. We will be having an “Indoor Oldsmobile Model Car Show” during the evening. Bring an Oldsmobile model or Oldsmobile display (hand-made or store bought) for the show. We will have display tables available. There will be judging and Peoples Choice Award. It’s time to “shine and show” your small Oldsmobile. Join us for food, fun and friends! BUFFET DINNER Pork loin Braised Swiss Steak Au Gratin Potatoes Salad bar Chef’s choice vegetables Hot Bread and Butter Fresh fruit tray Hot apple Crisp Coffee or tea Cash bar Cost: $10.00 per person The Chapter has agreed to help with the cost of the meal by contributing $5.00 per meal. The price on the form has been reduced by this amount. ?-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Cut here and mail with your check Name ______________________________________________ Phone No. _______________________ Number attending _____ X $10.00 = ________ Send check payable to: R. E. Olds Chapter Mail to: Eva Cooper, 13500 W. State Road, Grand Ledge MI 48837 Questions: Eva Cooper 517 / 627-6697 or 517 / 290-8451 or email: [email protected] Rocket Review September - October 2006 Map to Annual Banquet at Guarrazzi’s November 11, 2006 6:30 pm Page 13 H HELP WANTED! ave you always wanted to become more active in our Chapter but didn’t know what to do or where to start? Boy, do we have opportunities for you! If you think of our Chapter members as being part of a team, then think about this- Teams share the burden and divide the grief. Teamwork divides the task and doubles the success. With those thoughts in mind, we are trying to lighten the load of some of our Chapter officers by spreading their work load. Hence, we are looking for volunteers to head up each of the following tasks: A. Chapter golf shirt order coordinator, (vendor located in Dewitt) B. Chapter meeting programs coordinator. C. Be a phone tree caller to remind members of meetings. Here is your chance to become more involve. Please contact Judy Badgley at 337-0444 if interested. By the Numbers . . . F or those who like numbers, here are some stats from the 2006 Homecoming show. You already know the totals, but here are some additional interesting facts. Almost 59% or 269 of our show cars pre-registered for the event. It has been said by those who have worked registration before that this is a record for our preregistration. Show cars from fourteen states, plus Canada participated in this year’s event. The break-down of state participation is as follows: Michigan 344, Illinois 27, Ohio 26, Indiana 22, Canada 15, Wisconsin 9, Pennsylvania 4, Iowa 2, North Carolina 2, New York 2, Texas 2, Colorado 1, Florida 1, New Hampshire 1, Virginia 1. The number of entries in each class was another interesting story. Class 16, 1970 - 1972 Cutlass (nonconvertible) contained the most entries at 27. Class 18, 1970 - 1972 442 & performance (nonconvertible), held the next highest total for a class with 24 entries. The ‘70 through ‘72 Cutlass body style was well represented in the show. The least number of entries in a class was found in Class 23 and Class 39. Class 23 included 1973 1980 RWD Omega & Starfire, while Class 39 exhibited Olds powered vehicles. Both classes contained only one entry each. A break-down of numbers for all classes is shown below. Class 16 18 19 33 25 11 17 22 3 6 36 40 5 24 8 12 7 15 20 9 Total 27 24 22 22 20 17 17 17 16 16 16 16 15 15 14 14 13 12 12 11 14 31 4 34 37 21 30 2 13 32 28 29 35 1 27 10 26 38 23 39 10 10 9 9 9 8 8 7 7 7 6 6 6 5 5 3 3 3 1 1 September - October 2006 Rocket Review R.E. Olds Name Badge Order Form Name:_______________________________________ Address:_____________________________________ Magnetic attachment is standard. City: _______________ State: _______ Zip_________ If you want Print Name(s) below exactly how you want pin attachment check box below. it to appear on your name badge. 1.____________________________________________ 2.____________________________________________ 3.____________________________________________ 4.____________________________________________ Page 14 O Chapter Jackets rder forms for ordering an RE Olds Chapter Jacket can be found on our Chapter web site, Just click on the Chapter Merchandise link at the top of our home page and you will find forms for not only Chapter Jackets, but also Chapter Name badges and Polo shirts. So, just in case you don’t want to cut up your newsletter to order Chapter merchandise, use the handy forms on our Chapter’s web site. Happy Shopping! No. badges ordered _____ x $5.00 = _________ I will pick up badge at monthly meeting. Or Please mail badges to me. Add shipping _________ ($1.50 per order) Total _________ Please make checks payable to: R.E. Olds Chapter Please send order form along with check or money order to: Ron Severance 2233 Hampden Dr. Lansing, MI 48911-1636 R.E. Olds Chapter Polo Shirt Order Form Quality Polo shirt (white or maroon) with Chapter logo, approx. 3” high, embroidered on top left chest. Jerzees brand, 2-button, 50/50 poly cotton with stain resistant finish offered at Chapter cost in men’s sizes below. See a photo of this shirt on our Chapter Web site, Click on the “Chapters Merchandise” link, then “Chapter polo shirts.” Name:____________________________________________ w! Ne Address:__________________________________________ City: ____________________ State: _______ Zip_________ Circle size(s): S M L XL 2X 3X I will pick up from Judy. Or Please mail shirt to me. White shirt ($18) _________ Maroon shirt ($20) _________ Add $2 for 2X_________ Add $3 for 3X_________ Add shipping _________ ($5 per order) Total _________ Please send order form along with check or money order to: R.E. Olds Chapter Attn: Judy Badgley 304 S. Clippert St. Lansing, MI 48912-4606 Please make checks payable to: R.E. Olds Chapter Rocket Review Classified Ads Classified ads must be received by the editor on or before the first Tuesday of publication month’s (February, April, June, August, October, December) Cost of ad is “0” for members and $ 6 . 0 0 f o r n o n- members. Photos welcome. Ads will be run once unless you call the Editor and request that it be run again! For Sale - 1929 F-29 Two Door Sedan - Nearly all original, nice condition ready to show or drive or it can be restored. Solid original wood, interior, top. Additional information at (best viewed using Internet Explorer) September - October 2006 Page 15 For Sale - 2004 Final 500 Bravada Number 410 of 500. Shines and looks like new, 13,800 miles. Options include 6 disc in-dash CD player, Bose premium sound system, sunroof, side-impact air bags, polished aluminum wheels, heated seats, memory pkg, power adjustable pedals, cargo shade, net and mat, and rain sense wipers. $25,500. Contact Wayne Mason at: 517-669-8051 or cell: 517-719-0834 or email to: [email protected] for more info. Etc . . . A thank-you note was received from the R.E. Olds Transportation Museum, thanking our Chapter for our $25.00 donation to the museum in memory of long-time Chapter member Dean Patterson, who passed away in February of this year. ***** For Sale - 1988 Cutlass Brougham Gold in color. 52,000 miles.307 cu in engine with 4 bbl. Cruise control. $6,900 or B.O. Very nice car. Call 517 882-8864. ***** FOR SALE: Lansing built 1965 Oldsmobile Cutlass 2dr Holiday Coupe. 80,000 original miles, 330 V-8 with 4bbl carb. 2-spd ST-300 auto trans. Has been repainted at some point the original Target Red. Original red interior, no rips, factory air (not dealer installed), ps/pb. No rust anywhere on the car. Runs great. Olds SSIII wheels. Have shop manuals, assembly manual, original wheels with wheel covers and extra transmission that all go with the car. Additional photos available. Contact Bill Brandt at (517) 627-3981, or [email protected] $11,900. As Deborah Horstik, the Museum’s Executive Director, stated in the thank-you letter, “Your gift enhances our ability to better fulfill our mission in preserving the history of Ransom Olds.” Notice to All Members The RE Olds Chapter is planning to publish a Chapter Roster, to be distributed to all members, and would include information as shown in the example below: Jack & Jill Smith 123 Main St. Lansing, MI 48911 Ph. (517) 222-0009 [email protected] If you do not want your name to appear in this roster, please notify the Chapter in writing by September 30, 2006, at Chapter address on back cover. No requests for partial information will be included; i.e. If someone wants their name and address in the roster, but not their phone number and/or email address, we will not honor that request. Individual requests for custom information becomes too burdensome to manage. This roster will be distributed to, and for the use of RE Olds Chapter members only. When received, members shall not use the roster for any commercial purpose, or share its contents with anyone outside the RE Olds Chapter. Questions on this roster may be directed to Wayne Mason at (517) 669-8051. New Members! Rick & Tamara Wenzel of Saginaw Doug & Sandra Johnston of Lansing Robert & Phyllis Shorman of Perry Rocket R.E. OLDSReview CHAPTER September - October 2006 Page 16 OLDSMOBILE CLUB OF AM E R I C A P.O. BOX 80101 LANSING, MI 48908-0101 Rocket Review Thank Our Sponsors - Support them with your support! September - October 2006
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