ZERO Automation - Clemco Industries Corp.
ZERO Automation - Clemco Industries Corp.
Automated Air Blast Systems Position and Aim ZERO Automation can save you time and money — our systems are the choice of production managers around the globe to meet the demand for higher, more efficient work processes and output. Managers choose ZERO Automation for jobs that call for precision and repeatability, impossible in manual operations. ZERO Automation can significantly reduce the risk of repetitive motion injuries by minimizing the operator’s role in the blasting process. Our systems will enhance your efficiencies and boost your throughput capacity, alleviating production bottlenecks. From simple nozzle oscillation to purpose-built enclosures, ZERO Automation combines proven technology with the latest parts handling and control devices. Each system is designed and built to suit our customer’s application — even the paint color can be custom-specified. While automated systems require a greater initial investment than manual cabinets, depending upon your application, your investment can quickly pay for itself in labor savings and efficiencies. With a variety of available technologies, ZERO Automation can be designed to accommodate most budgets. The complexities of air use, blast control, media delivery, and recovery are easily handled by a PLC (Programmable Logic Controller) providing precise application of manufacturing processes from titanium drill bits to jet engine turbines. ZERO Automation combines the sophistication required by the application, the desired production rate, and the budget. Our available technologies include multi-axis robotics, both for parts handling and nozzle articulation, proximity sensors, video monitors for real time visual inspection, and multistage cabinets to clean, then automatically finish parts in a single pass. Planning Our free sample processing service helps you determine if automation is right for your operation. You supply representative parts and we process them using various parameters — media, pressure, angle, distance, part movement, blast duration. We encourage customers to visit our lab to participate in processing their parts. Following processing, we return the parts, along with a detailed report on how each was processed. Once sample processing demonstrates that blasting can produce the desired result, our sales engineers divide the process into its basic elements. • positioning the part — create parts handling compatible with existing systems • aiming the nozzle(s) — fixed, oscillating, or robotic-arm mounted • managing the media — effectively recover and clean the blast media • controlling the process — simple cycle timers, PLCs, or custom software M O TO R S G F I L E S G F O O T B A L L H E L M E T S G F U E L I N J E C TO R PA R T S G F U S E H O U S I N G S G G KNIVES G BULBS G MAILBOXES G MOLDED PLASTICS G NAIL SETS G NUCLEAR FUEL E R AT I O N E Q U I P M E N T G R O C K E T H O U S I N G G R U B B E R B U M P E R S G S H U T T E R S G S AW B Manage and Control Managing Media To be cost effective, an automated blast system must efficiently and effectively utilize the appropriate technology to recover and clean the blast media, and return it to the blast system for re-use. Technology Application Cyclone Reclaimer Separate fine to medium mesh and lightweight media from dust and debris. Works with most media, including glass bead, aluminum oxide, and plastic. Air-Wash Separator Separate coarse and heavy media from dust and debris. Used with steel grit and shot. Often includes a scalping drum to screen particles by size. Silicon carbide media through multiple blast nozzles ensure uniform material removal from glass billets. Vibratory Separator/ Screen clean media by mesh size, Classifier and remove dust and oversize particles. Used wherever operating mix is critical. Magnetic Separator Remove ferrous particles from non-ferrous media or remove non-ferrous particles from steel grit or shot. Dense-Particle Separator Remove high-density particles that could damage a delicate surface. Used with lightweight media (plastic, starch, etc.) Media Monitoring Includes assorted technologies, from automatic media-add sensors in hoppers to sophisticated particle-stream controls in the metering system to precisely control the volume and quality of the blast media. Powered pinch roller conveyor holds and moves parts through the blast process G E A R S G G L A S S WA R E G G O L F C L U B S G G U N PA R T S G H E AT I N G E L E M E N T S G I B E A M S R O D S H I E L D S G N U T S & B O LT S G P I P E S G P O S TA G E M E T E R S G R A D I ATO R S G R E F R I G B L A D E S G S PA R K P L U G S G S P R I N G S G S TA I N L E S S S T E E L T U B I N G G S TA I N L E S S S T E E L G Automation Applications Manufacturing & Remanufacturing Automobiles, Trucks and Motorcycles Shot peen engine components, springs, calipers, and other highstress parts to enhance fatigue strength and reduce fret cracking. Peen cylinder walls after honing to improve oil retention. Peen injector nozzles for greater strength. Clean corrosion from raw materials and rebuilt components. Clean and finish castings. Deflash plastic parts. Deburr metals and degloss plastics and composites to reduce reflective glare. Etch tracing data onto glass and metal components. Consumer Products Prep parts for coating. Deflash plastic parts. Depaint products for rework. Blend and finish dissimilar materials. Remove tool marks from stainless steel products. Aerospace Shot peen landing gear and other high-stress components. Aerospace and Appliance Use lightweight non-aggressive media to remove paint or powder coatings from parts to allow corrosion control inspection or rework. Fabrication and Machine Shops Remove rust and mill scale from raw stock and prep weld joints. Tube and Pipe Clean or peen ID and OD. Deburr threaded couplings to eliminate galling and binding. Glass and Stone Etch designs and lettering onto surfaces. (Eliminates caustic solutions.) Mill thick glass blocks to remove residual stress. Clean glass molds to ensure consistent products. Electronics Etch chips, deflash circuit boards, and clean contacts. Oversized sections of industrial pipe have the rust and mill scale removed prior to fabrication. Copier rollers are prepped for coating using aluminum oxide in a fully automated blast system. Parts are prepped for paint in a straight-line belt conveyor machine, which is integrated into the production line. This is a fully automated load, blast, paint and drying system. AIRPLANES G ALUMINUM CASTINGS G ARTIFICIAL HIP JOINTS G BUCKLES G BLUE JEAN G B U S E S G C A R S G C A S T I N G S G C A S T A U TO W H E E L S G C I R C U I T B O A R D S G C I R C U I T B R O L L S G C O U N T E R TO P S G C R A N K S H A F T S G C L U T C H D I S C G C U LT U R E D M A R B L E S I N Special Guns, Nozzles, and More Clemco makes an unmatched variety of nozzles, and specialty tools to cover just about any part you need to process. Wide-spray nozzles produce a larger, more uniform blast pattern. Angle nozzles, rotating nozzles and pipe blast nozzles go where conventional nozzles can’t reach. Sophisticated blast nozzle manipulation is achieved through the use of this articulated robotic arm Nozzles can be easily arrayed to suit work piece processing requirements Clemco components are fabricated to achieve optimal flexibility. This rotating blast nozzle array keeps reconfiguration of workpieces to a minimum by allowing 360° coverage. This sophisticated blast nozzle boom maintains a precise distance as it cleans space shuttle booster rockets between missions. Sound Attenuation Custom Fixturing Depending on your requirements, our engineers can locate and muffle the air inlet and exhaust and apply sound-deadening foam to reduce noise levels outside the cabinet. Clemco can provide custom fixtures for masking or holding parts that move through the cabinet. Alox Kits Your investment is protected from aggressive media with rubber curtains for the cabinet, lined flex-hose for the recovery system, and rubber lining for the reclaimer. N S G B O AT P R O P E L L E R S G B R A K E C A L I P E R S G B R A K E PA D S G B R A S S - W O R K G B R I C K S B R E A K E R B O X E S G C I R C U L A R S AW B L A D E S G C L A S S R I N G S G C O O K WA R E G C O P I E R N K TO P S G C Y L I N D E R H E A D S G D I E S G D O O R K N O B S G D R I L L H E A D S G E L E C T R I C Parts Handling Tailored to the Application Continuous table automation features acoustical foam for noise control; rotary nozzle head drive and reclaim fill door are easily accessed from above; safety cage provides full protection. An automated indexing cabinet for tall, linear parts features a part-holding clamp system and light curtain safety device to shut down the machine if an operator or object should move into the rotating table area. Through-feed conveyor machine with powered rollers and oscillating nozzles automates the blasting of heavy parts. The interior of tubular material is easily handled and blasted with this machine. A special adaptor seals the connection between the blast hose and tubing to contain the blast media ensuring a clean work area. A catch cabinet captures spent media for reuse. G O L F C L U B S G G U N PA R T S G H E AT I N G E L E M E N T S G I B E A M S G K N I V E S G B U L B S G M A I B O LT S G P I P E S G P O S TA G E M E T E R S G R A D I ATO R S G R E F R I G E R AT I O N E Q U I P M E N T G R O S P R I N G S G S TA I N L E S S S T E E L T U B I N G G S TA I N L E S S S T E E L S I N K S A N D D R A I N S G TO O Shot peening machine with custom paint, vertical nozzle oscillation and vibratory classifier precisely and simultaneously processes the interior and exterior of parts. Special pressureblast tumble-belt machine uses nozzle traverse mechanism for parts cleaning. ILBOXES MOLDED PLASTICS NAIL SETS NUCLEAR FUEL ROD SHIELDS NUTS & O C K E T H O U S I N G R U B B E R B U M P E R S S H U T T E R S S AW B L A D E S S PA R K P L U G S O L S TO R S I O N B A R S T R A I N S T R O P H I E S T R U C K S T U R B I N E Z I P P O L I G H T E R S Machine Tool Honey Tenneco ts Precision Componen Precision Pro Teledyne hting North American Lig erica g pin am St o cr Chemring North Am Mi melta Ci ils rfo Ai C PC Pipe blast unit features powereda Sikorsky Aerospace Tumble-belt cabinet for batch Hond h ric od Go rotation and horizontal nozzle Thomas & Betts Dynamics blast cleaning of rparts. Source Powe ion lat oscillation. tel ns Co Inergi GE Engine Services lsil So y log no Westinghouse ch te Te Praxair s nic tro em Ch Bell Helicopter 3M terpillar Ca A US tta Fabrication re Be ord Pacific rray Corp Mu ide rb Ca Union Pratt & Whitney ins Engine mm Champion Cu ns So g& Arrow Automotive s ne rli Ai n ica Amer Weir Minerals ited Airlines Un Se r ne l ar -W rg Bo on Lexmark Internationa ectric El xie Di tec Am Speidel Xerox Caterpillar s Eaton ng Ri ed rv Art Ca Richards Medical n to ter es Ch AW Matrix Science Delta Airlines ft ra rc Ai l Percussion Bi na Natio s Indian Rubber ew ph Ne & ith Sm Uniform Tubes Milwaukee Tool Southwest Plating McGraw-Edison shire Ball Bearing mp Ha w Ne Honeywell ol St Croix Machine To Pre sa Me ir We Tenneco ustries Teledyne hting Lig n ica er Am rth No Micro Stamping Luxfer Gas PCC Airfoil US Synthetic Sikorsky Aerospace a nd Ho Goodrich General Dynamics oducts Pr on Constellat isi ec Pr Inergi onents GE Engine Services l lsi So y Composite Technolog rth America No g rin Chemtronics em Ch a Bell Helicopter 3M lar Caterpil Beretta USA Weatherford P tts Be & as Murray Corp Thom Indexing turntable shot peening system e Union Carbide y ne hit W & with vertical nozzle oscillator, vibratoryEngine att Pr Cummins ns separator, precision indexer. & So ssberg and Mo F O Arrow Automot e us ngho erican Airlines Am ls ra ne Mi Weir United Airlines rg-Warner Bo n to ur llib Lexmark Inte Ha cation Dixie Electric Amtec el eid Sp Xerox Caterpillar rved Rings Ca t Ar Richards Medical rts Pa mpion esterton Ch W A ce ien Matrix Sc Delta Airlines l Aircraft na tio Na Percu s mo Ther Indian Rubber metel & Nephew ith Sm s be Tu Uniform Milwaukee Tool -Edison South aw Gr Mc ine r Turb mpshire Ball Bearing Ha w Ne ell yw Hone ol St Croix Machine To sa Me ir We es tri Tenneco PM Indus Teledyne n Lighting ica er Am rth No Micro Stamping Luxfer Gas tic PCC Airf he nt Sy US loc Sikorsky Aerospace a nd Ho Goodrich General Dynamics oducts Pr on Constel isi ec Pr Inergi mponents GE Engine Services l lsi So y Composite Technolog rth America No g rin Chemtronic em Ch melta Bell Helicopter 3M lar Caterpil Beretta USA Weatherford tts Be & as Murray Corp Thom urce Distributed by: Union Carbide ney hit W & att Pr Cummins Engine ssberg & Sons Mo F O Arrow Autom se ou estingh erican Airlines Am ls ra ne Mi Weir United Airlines Borg-Warner n to ur llib Lexmark I Ha brication Dixie Electric Amtec el eid Sp Xerox Caterpillar rved Rings Ca t Ar Richards Medic rts Pa hampion Chesterton W A ce ien Sc Matrix Delta Airlines nal Aircraft tio Na Pe s mo er ISO 9001:2008 certified. Clemco is committed to continuous product improvement. Specifications are subject to change without notice. Th Indian Rubber ermetel & Nephew ith Sm s be Tu © 2011 Clemco Industries Corp. • One Cable Car Drive UniformMO 63090 • Phone (636) 239-4300 • Fax (800) 726-7559 ol • Washington, Milwaukee To -Edison aw Stock No. 23536 Job No. ing 2140-1011 So Gr Mc ine olar Turb Hampshire Ball Bear w Ne ell yw ne Ho ol St Croix Machine To ir Mesa We es tri us Tenneco PM Ind Teledyne ool erican Lighting
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