Holland@VIV Asia 2013


Holland@VIV Asia 2013
Holland@VIVAsia 2013
a business publication offered by the Topsector Agri&Food
Holland@VIV Asia 2013
We are pleased to present to you the Holland@VIV Asia 2013 business publication, on
behalf of the Dutch Topsector Agri&Food. Holland is greatly represented at VIV Asia
2013. In total, 65 companies from the Dutch agrifood sector participate in this important
exhibition. They are leading world players in the whole livestock production chain, from
feed to meat.
The Netherlands is the second largest agricultural exporter in the world. This is a
position to be proud of. We realized this position through research, extension and
Innovation and cooperation
Innovation and cooperation seems to be the key words to keep our leading position in
the world. Dutch companies are joining forces to target these huge distant markets. They
jointly present the know-how in specific value chains, representing all the links in the
chain and building strong Dutch brands.
Food quality and animal welfare
Consumers are increasingly focusing on professionally raised and slaughtered meat that
is sold through retail and food chains. This has a great impact on the livestock sector
and supplying companies. Food quality and animal welfare are both an opportunity for
producers and a challenge.
VIV Asia brings together people from all over the world to jointly face challenges that lie
ahead in animal protein production in Asia and to realize the great opportunities Asia
Joan Boer
Ambassador of the Kingdom of the Netherlands to Thailand
Topsector Agri&Food
The Dutch agrifood sector, as a result of its traditional trading mentality and innovative
characteristics, is a front runner at the world food market and contributes significantly
to the Dutch economy. The agrifood sector excels in productivity, innovative thinking and
an integrated chain approach. It offers excellent products and equipment, and integrated
system solutions to contribute to sustainable food security all over the world.
The sector holds a leading position at the world export market and aims to strengthen
that position by pursueing further growth in emerging economies. To safeguard this
position the export volume has to keep pace with the food consumption demand. At
the same time, and in the light of food security challenges, the world is in need of
innovations to meet the growing demand for products with a highly nutritious value
and food security issues of affordability and availability. These export and investment
opportunities are to be seized by the Topsector Agri&Food International.
The Topsector Agri&Food is a public-private partnership developing business
opportunities for Dutch companies, supported by leading knowledge institutes,
facilitated by government instruments.
The Topsector policy aims to:
• increase added value
• produce more in a sustainable way
• use less raw materials.
At VIV Asia 2013, 65 top Dutch companies, leaders in productivity and innovation,
display their products and services. The Topsector is pleased to bring these companies to
your attention. Visit them and try to match their offerings to the opportunities in your
specific market.
For further information and contact details,
go to www.top-sectoren.nl/agri&food
and click on the button ‘International’.
About the
Holland Food Valley:
Netherlands Foreign
Investment Agency
The Agrifood Cluster
in the Netherlands
The NFIA was established more than 30 years ago and has since supported more than
2,600 companies from 42 countries in the establishment or expansion of their international
activities in the Netherlands.
Photo: NL Agency
The NFIA (Netherlands Foreign Investment Agency) is an operational unit of the ministry of
Economic Affairs, Agriculture and Innovation. The NFIA helps and advises foreign companies
on the establishment, rolling out and/or expansion of their international activities in the
Holland’s location and logistics systems, its
open innovation approach, and its wellorganized public-private partnerships offer a
favorable environment for companies
looking for business expansion or
acceleration. Add to that a mindset of
creativity, collaboration and reliability,
excellent financial conditions, and a top
technology sector in Agri&Food, and Holland
is able to guarantee the most important
drivers in ‘innovation location’ choices for
foreign investors.
Agrifood is important business in the Netherlands…
With more than 10% of the GDP and more than 20% of the industrial export, agrifood is
one of the biggest economical sectors in the Netherlands. The whole agrifood chain, from
seed to consumer, has a very strong presence in the Netherlands. In each segment there
are internationally operating world-class companies. All segments of the chain are highly
interactive. A company active in one specific segment can work together with world-class
companies in other parts of the chain. Companies invest above average in R&D, leveraging
the excellent knowledge infrastructure for their innovation portfolio.
Holland is open for foreign companies and their part in the future development of the
Dutch agrifood sector…
Holland is open for business, open for innovation, open for cross-disciplinary cooperation
and development, which all leads to business acceleration. This makes it a win-win
situation: new companies will find an unparalleled environment which supports their
new innovative activities, while the Dutch agrifood chain will grow stronger through their
The Netherlands offers a unique perspective for foreign agrifood companies!
Netherlands Embassy and Consulate General
Trade and Investment Services:
Dutch Business in Asia
The Netherlands is well-represented in several countries throughout Asia by the
Netherlands Embassies and Consulate Generals. They support Dutch companies already
active in Asia and Dutch companies interesting doing business in Asia, by the following
Information on sectors and potential business partners
Through a trade request or in-depth Business Partner Scan we provide information on
specific business sectors and potential business partners, to assess market chances.
Business opportunities
The Embassy and the Consulate General are constantly scanning for business
opportunities. Relevant leads, including tenders for programmes funded by international
financial institutions, are published on the NL Agency/EVD International website and in
their newsletters.
Trade missions and visiting programmes
On a regular basis, trade missions, visiting programmes and joint exhibition stands are
organized from the Netherlands by ministerial, provincial and municipal authorities,
Chambers of Commerce, branch organisations and other partners. Services include a.o.
Economic Briefings, Networking Events, Business Matchmaking and Roadshows to Key
Economic Zones.
Opening doors
We can facilitate meetings with the local authorities at government, provincial and local
level, or with local enterprises.
Information on rules and regulations
For example, on import, export and the establishing of legal entities. We can also refer
you to relevant government agencies or legal assistance.
VNU Exhibitions:
Boost your business
at VIV Asia 2013
VIV Asia unites professionals in animal
protein production from Asia-Pacific, Africa
and The Middle East. It is the preferred
technology showcase for the world’s
emerging markets and a meeting point to
set future directions in the production of
eggs, meat, fish and dairy. The VIV network
is unique. Increasingly, industry partners
worldwide select VIV to join forces to better
serve our industry. Most partners present
valuable initiatives at VIV Asia 2013, such
as Blue Aqua, British Pig Association,
Canadian Swine Exporters, Dutch Poultry
Centre, Global Dairy Farmers, GMP+, IEC, IPC,
Rabobank, Swine Raisers Association and
WPSA-WPC2016 Beijing.
At any VIV in the world, you will notice a
strong touch of Holland. That’s not just
because we’re Dutch. Holland has a wide
range of the world’s best examples and
technologies on how to intensify animal
protein production in a sustainable way.
That’s our commitment, to show you
the best. Join VIV this year in Bangkok
and Moscow and next year back home in
Holland. VIV looks forward to welcoming you
at VIV Europe 2014, May 20-22 in Utrecht,
The Netherlands.
Ruwan Berculo, project manager VIV Worldwide
Dutch Poultry Centre:
Serving the poultry planet
Preferred Partners: worldwide trendsetters in poultry
Producing top quality poultry meat and eggs with guaranteed food safety and at a low
cost price takes a great deal of knowledge and skills. The companies and institutions
that have achieved this have come together in the Dutch Poultry Centre as our Preferred
Partners. Their expertise covers the entire poultry production chain. They are global
trendsetters - both individually and collectively.
The Dutch poultry industry gets its strength and reputation from the chain-oriented
approach. This is based on mutual collaboration and sharing knowledge and innovations,
giving customers the highest returns: the best product quality at the lowest cost price.
The Dutch Poultry Centre’s Preferred Partners’ products and systems have been tried and
tested worldwide.
In which areas do the Preferred Partners operate?
Dutch Poultry Centre
Dutch Poultry Centre (DPC) is the network organization of more than
70 Dutch companies active in the poultry sector. They are the world’s
innovators in their field of expertise and they are Preferred Partner of
Dutch Poultry Centre!
Dutch Poultry Centre believes it is important to share quality, knowledge
and innovation. By joining forces we strengthen the excellent reputation
of the Dutch poultry sector on a worldwide scale.
Breeding and hatchery
Feed, additives
Poultry meat and eggs
What does the Dutch Poultry Centre offer its business partners?
The Dutch Poultry Centre is your portal for expertise: from setting up a poultry meat
or egg production chain, or building complete sheds with high-tech climate control
systems, to designing and building complete slaughterhouses. We can also help you
optimize your production processes.
Pig & pork sector in P.R. China
Dutch Meat
& Feed Centre
Orange Pig
Dutch Meat & Feed Centre (DMFC) is an international business support office based in
Beijing, China. Our mission is bridging Sino-Dutch business. Our aim is to assist individual
and collective groups of companies in developing and expanding their commercial needs
in the meat, feed and dairy chains in China. Our services are solutions to help clients
enter and/or expand in the Chinese market successfully. Our unique selling point is Dutch
understanding of business demands and local knowledge of the market.
We offer three types of services that are tailored towards the specific needs of the client:
1.Business development and strategy, e.g. Network and relationship development, Delegation support, Account representation, Match making, Market strategy, Lead generation
2.Market research and consulting, e.g. Market access investigation, Market intelligence,
Feasibility studies, Regulatory exploration
3.Sector-based representation through the pork, poultry, beef, dairy or feed portal.
Companies sign up for a support package to market the excellence of their respective sector,
facilitate their internationalization strategy, and remove their trade and investment barriers
all in order to obtain a strong market position.
DMFC has both Chinese and Dutch staff, bridging the diverse business and cultural
approaches in Sino-Dutch cooperation and business deals. DMFC has strong governmentalbased contacts and is acknowledged by both Dutch and Chinese governments and
governmental organizations, making it possible to operate on a semi-governmental level.
This makes DMFC the ideal partner for all your ambitions in China.
Orange Pig is a sector-based representation of Dutch companies commercially active in
the Chinese pork chain. The companies cooperate to market and brand Dutch excellence
in pig and pork production. They offer an integrated solution to the business demands of
Chinese companies, associations and governmental organisations. Members are CID Lines,
De Heus, Fancom, HIL economic development, Holland Dragon, Hotraco Agri, ITB, MPS,
Nedap, Nooyen pig flooring, Nutreco, Topigs and Sonac. The added value of the members
is that their products and concepts will lead to higher outputs for your company. Whether
you are in need of a sustainable breeding, feeding, housing, health or slaughter solution,
through combining the high quality products and know-how of the Orange Pig members you
can implement complete (turn-key) pig projects. Orange Pig is supported by NL Agency and
coordinated by Dutch Meat & Feed Centre.
Pig & pork sector in Vietnam
Holland Pig
Holland Pig is a sector-based portal comprising Netherlands’ strongest companies in the
pork chain, matching the business demands in the development of the pig and pork sector in
Vietnam. It provides a strong collective and local visibility of the Dutch pig and pork sector.
Holland Pig companies are: MPS meat processing systems, PEJA S.E.A., VDL Agrotech, Hotraco
Agri, Fancom, Nooyen Pig Flooring, Nedap Agri, Provimi, De Heus, Sonac, and Topigs.
Holland Pig is supported by NL Agency and coordinated by Dutch Meat & Feed Centre.
Akzo Nobel Functional
Chemicals B.V.
Dutch exhibitors at VIV Asia 2013
booth no. H102.K070
Abbi-Aerotech is specialist in cooling,
ventilation and heating solutions for poultry
and dairy farms. Our brooders, heaters and
fans are well-known worldwide for their low
energy costs. The “Mirage” brooder and the
Abbi- and Aerotech fans are widely used in
Asia. New is the “MULTIHEAT” type of hot
water heater for broiler- and rearing farms.
The Abbifan 140-XG is a special dairy fan
and helping to protect against heat stress.
booth no. H104.B002
Our heaters run on propane, diesel, oil or
natural gas or run on alternative energy
sources with hot water. Abbi-Aerotech also
supplies complete climate system for farms.
KNZ® is short for the first Royal Dutch
Salt factory (Koninklijke Nederlandse
Zoutindustrie) founded in 1918 in the
Netherlands. The KNZ® brand is owned by
Dutch-based Akzo Nobel Company. KNZ®
focuses on free choice and quality. All our
licks are high quality, containing no artificial
colouring, flavouring, sweetener or aromatic
ingredients. Animals themselves decide how
much additional salt they need.
We make licks from very pure (vacuum)
salt, extracted in Holland. The minerals
and vitamins sources are strictly reliable
and have a GMP certificate. We use our
knowledge and experience in pressing
techniques to produce licks that meet the
highest standards. KNZ® licks are sold in
over 40 countries worldwide.
BioChek B.V.
booth no. H101.T079
AgroMax’s mission is to supply livestock
farmers worldwide with high-quality
housing equipment at the best price in
an easy, efficient and economical way.
We supply feeding-, drinking-, heating-,
cooling- and weighing systems, as well as
climate control and lighting for poultry-,
pig- and cattle houses: the complete range
of products needed for the efficient keeping
of egg and meat type poultry. Our business
booth no. H105.F011
activities extend to more than 45 countries
all over the world. In 2008, AgroMax became
the first international company offering the
full range of livestock equipment through
the internet.
BioChek, founded in 1997, specializes
in supplying veterinary diagnostic kits
for poultry and swine. We manufacture
efficient and accurate ELISA tests and for
easy data management we have developed
a comprehensive, user friendly software
package compatible with Windows. Our
ELISA antibody test kits are ready-to-use
and have BioChek reference control sera
available. This enables users to validate
the results: a key aspect in interpreting
the data. From our offices in the UK and
Holland we supply high-quality products
with professional technical support. BioChek
continues research and development, aiming
at increasing species ranges and developing
new techniques.
Bolidt Synthetic
Products & Systems
Dorset Green Machines
Dutch exhibitors at VIV Asia 2013
booth no. H103.F076
Bolidt Synthetic Products & Systems is a
renowned worldwide expert specialized in
the development, production and application
of synthetic flooring systems. With more
than forty five years of experience Bolidt has
set the standard in resin based flooring for
hatcheries, processing plants, cleanrooms
and much more. Bolidtop® floors are
durable, easy to maintain, seamless and
impermeable. These properties result
booth no. H102.K054
in our flooring solutions being widely
recommended by hatcheries, engineers
and suppliers since our flooring provides
the perfect substrate for their equipment
to be installed upon. Bolidtop® floors
are extremely supportive to hygiene and
safety. They easily comply with the HACCP
The Dorset Group is founded in 1985 and
currently has 120 employees. They are
active in three sectors. Dorset Identification
B.V. develops and produces identification
equipment and software based on Trovan®
technology. Dorset Farm Systems B.V.
develops and produces sorting systems
and feeding systems for pig farming, as
well as biological air cleaning systems.
Dorset Green Machines is a leading global
designer, manufacturer and marketer
of manure/sludge drying systems. The
technique is extremely suitable for utilizing
residual heat from environmentally “green”
powerproduction plants to turn wet or waste
products into dry valuable biomass for
renewable energy.
Dutch Farm
International B.V.
booth no. H106.J027
Denkavit specializes in the production and
application of feeds for young animals,
marketed under the brands Denkapig
(piglet feed specialties) and Denkamilk
(milk replacers for calves, lambs and goat
kids). Denkavit products meet the highest
quality specifications in terms of optimum
nutritional value and excellent digestibility,
and are the result of large-scale trials
performed at our own research farms,
booth no. H105.E010
R&D laboratory and in the field. A variety of
milk replacers and piglet feeds are available
in over 40 countries worldwide.
In addition to the parent company in The
Netherlands, the Denkavit Group consists of
three enterprises in the European Union.
Backed by 55 years of experience in
development and production and more
than 20 years activity in global registration
and marketing, Dutch Farm International
B.V. is your reliable partner in high-quality
veterinary pharmaceutical products. We
also offer a range of premium quality feed
premixes, mycotoxin binders, acidifiers, milk
replacers and antibiotic replacers under the
brand name DufaMix.
Our company is growing fast, but we are
always looking for new distributors in those
regions that are not yet serviced by our
existing partners.
Foodmate B.V.
Dutch exhibitors at VIV Asia 2013
booth no. H106.L064
Excentials is the global vehicle to export
Orffa’s unique business model outside EU. In
Excentials the unmatched sourcing strength,
high EU quality standards and scientific
product development capabilities of Orffa
meet the ever increasing requirements
of the global animal health and nutrition
market. Excentials has established offices
in India, Jordan, Argentina, Mexico, Brazil,
Vietnam and USA and has appointed
booth no. H103.G083
exclusive distributors serving around 20
countries in Latin America, Middle East
and South-East Asia. Excentials’ portfolio
contains betaine hydrochloride, nutritional
emulsifier, L-selenomethionine, microencapsulated butyrate, mycotoxin binders,
rumenprotected choline, coated zincoxide
and others. We are happy to discuss tailormade innovative products.
Foodmate B.V. is an equipment manufacturing company, established in the
Netherlands. We specialize among others
in custom-made solutions for cut-up and
de-boning systems for the poultry processing
industry. This means that we are practically
able to cut a chicken in every way. Also in
the fast food industry Foodmate is a strong
supplier. As a young company, we are proud
of the vast resources we have invested in
innovations to bring new cost-effective
solutions to the poultry industry, helping
our customers find ways to solve daily
challenges, maximize yields and reduce
Pantone 376
Pantone 298
70% black
Fancom B.V.
booth no. H103.H065
Fancom is a global leader in the
development of automation systems for
the intensive animal husbandry sector. Our
objective is to create optimal conditions,
both in animal houses and for business
management. We combine climate control,
feeding automation, biometrics and data
management in a way that production
processes can be better controlled and
booth no. H106.D021
Fancom is the creator of iFarming, a
sustainable, animal-friendly protein
production system that generates a higher
profit. Through a combination of Precision
Livestock Farming and Information
Technology it is possible to focus on
improving basic farm processes, from
climate control, automatic feeding to
biometrics data.
Framelco is a leading innovative company in
the worldwide animal nutrition market with
production sites in The Netherlands and
Ireland. The Fra ® N-line monoglycerides of
fatty acids rapidly reduce - and sometimes
even completely replace - the use of
antibiotics in animals. The glycerides of
butyric acid positively affect intestinal
health, resulting in better digestibility, better
feed conversion, reduced mortality and
improved general health. The Fra ® E-line of
multi-enzyme products makes feeding more
efficient and formulation easier. In 2013,
Framelco introduces the new Nano line of
products called the Fra ® N-line. Fra ® N-line
products are treated by combining a unique
coating technique based on nanotechnology.
Globe Fine Chemicals
Holland B.V. (GFC)
Dutch exhibitors at VIV Asia 2013
booth no. H104.B002
Nutrifeed is a leading manufacturer of
milk replacers and dairy ingredients
for young animals. All products are
based on high-quality dairy ingredients
supplied by Nutrifeed’s parent company
FrieslandCampina, which also ensures
reliability of supply. The excellent raw
materials combined with Nutrifeed’s
nutritional expertise guarantee a healthy,
natural product range for young animals.
booth no. H105.F023
Our expertise spans the physical, chemical
and nutritional properties of milk proteins,
fat dispersion, spray-dry technology and
young animal physiology. Whey streams are
dried in spray-drying towers, with an option
to enrich these products with vegetable
fat. At our blending facility we customize
premium milk replacers and fat filled dairy
products for calves, piglets and lambs.
Globe Fine Chemicals is an international
trading company and worldwide distributor
of feed additives. We are specialized in
vitamins, amino acids, pharmaceuticals,
proteins and minerals. With offices in
Holland, China, Colombia and Costa Rica, we
are a constant and reliable supplier to our
customers around the world. We are able
to either ship from our own warehouses in
Holland or directly from China by shipping
full, combined or LCL containers. A greater
part of our products is being sourced in
China. GFC is a GMP+ approved company.
We are always searching for new market
opportunities and newly developed products.
Gasolec B.V.
booth no. H102.L049
Gasolec B.V. is a specialist in heating and
lighting for the intensive livestock industry.
We manufacture monochromatic lights
and gas-fired infrared heaters. Heaters
can be customized to the needs of local
markets. Our products are supplied all over
the world, from South Africa to Siberia and
from Indonesia to the United States. We
supply high-quality products through our
dealer network, import- or trade companies
booth no. H106.F060
and turnkey suppliers. Our philosophy is
to deliver value for money and to ensure
long-time relationships by offering strong
sales support, service and maintenance. Our
flexible production process enables us to
realize short delivery times.
HAMECO AGRO INT. B.V. was founded in
1993 as an exporter of feed additives and
veterinary medicines. The Hameco products
are produced in fully computer controlled
production units according the highest
standards and meet strict regulations
according to the GMP+ standards. High
quality raw materials from all over the world
are mixed into well-balanced formulas, using
our latest ideas about animal nutrition and
production methods. We export our products
to more than 20 countries in East Europe,
Middle East, Asia and Africa.
HatchTech B.V.
Hendrix Genetics
Dutch exhibitors at VIV Asia 2013
booth no. H102.L024
HatchTech is a global market leader for
incubation equipment. Our guiding principle
is to provide superior chick quality. This is
the foundation of our business culture and
practices, from research and development,
product and project engineering, to customer
service. Our research-based knowledge
of incubation, chick transportation and
brooding enables us to develop outstanding,
yet user-friendly products for the global
booth no. H103.H019
poultry industry. Today, the HatchTech
portfolio features three key product groups:
HatchTech (Incubation Technology),
HatchTraveller (Chick Transport) and
HatchBrood (Brooding Control). Together,
these offer the ideal environmental
conditions at every stage of chick production.
One concept for all stages!
Hendrix Genetics is a pioneering, valueadding provider of breeding and genetics for
animal production. We have maximized our
roots in farming to develop the multispecies
breeding solutions of today. We are dedicated
to generate solutions that solve the
challenges of today and tomorrow. We will
continue to push collaboration to achieve
scientific progress that is tailored to shifting
agriculture and aquaculture markets,
both locally and globally. Hendrix Genetics is
set with strong foundations of expertise and
resources that will support the development
of sustainable and innovative solutions.
With respect and care for people, animals
and the environment, it is clear that Hendrix
Genetics is ready and dedicated to delivering.
Hato B.V. Lighting
booth no. H103.H060
booth no.H103.H019
Hato’s high quality lighting solutions create
a respectful environment for humans
and animals. We have almost 25 years
of experience in the agricultural lighting
industry. Now it is time to introduce a new
LED product portfolio. As a specialized
manufacturer of poultry lighting, we base
our new LED products on our extensive
experience and feedback of our international
network in the poultry segment. All LED
products offer long life time and excellent
light characteristics. We also present our
award-winning innovation, the Hato GalliLuxmeter.
Hypor is one of the world’s largest
suppliers of high quality pig genetics. With
a clear strategy and organization, Hypor
accommodates customers in the main
pork producing countries worldwide with
genetic solutions supporting profitable pork
production. Solutions, defined as genetics
to produce least cost pork that meets local
market pork production and meat quality
requirements. In strategically located high
health nucleus herds around the world dam
and sire lines are produced with superior
swine genetics in large populations. Hypor
is first-to-market to implement a full
Genomic Selection breeding program that
enhances accuracy in genetic selection
for pig breeding. Hypor can routinely offer
customers breeding stock selected on
Genomic Breeding Values.
Hotraco Agri B.V.
Impex Barneveld B.V.
Dutch exhibitors at VIV Asia 2013
booth no. H101.S041
Hotraco Agri specializes in the design and
construction of automation systems that
create, monitor and -if necessary- adjust
the optimal operational environment
in poultry- and pig housing. With our
computers, poultry and pig farmers can
control a wide range of processes, such as
ventilation, heating, cooling, feeding as well
as weighing. Computers control among
others temperature and ventilation level,
booth no. H102.K058
humidity, CO2 level, wind speed and air
inlet. This contributes to animal health and
welfare and improves production results.
Our systems are supplied worldwide. We
provide solutions for a large variety of
climatological environments. The knowledge
from experience is applied to our systems
and products on a daily basis.
Impex Barneveld B.V. is a pioneer and
specialist in drinking equipment for poultry,
pigs and livestock. Expertise, experience
and continuous research and development
of our drinking systems for the poultry and
pig industries form the basis of our wide
product range. Each product leaving our
factory is guaranteed for its reliability and
long-life. The 100% service of our technical
department ensures optimal functioning of
our drinking systems. Impex has distributors
in more than 90 countries throughout the
world. We have our own U.S. subsidiary,
Impex Gainesville Inc., in Gainesville,
Georgia. The Dutch Ministry of Economic
Affairs honored Impex Barneveld B.V. with
the “Dutch Export Award”.
Innovatec B.V.
booth no. H103.J019
Since 1991, Innovatec has been a leading
provider of innovative solutions for the
modern hatchery industry. Our mission is to
provide our customers with expert advice on
the various steps of implementing hatchery
automation in their own hatchery by
reducing costs, shortening the process time
and ensuring quality.
Innovatec’s development, manufacturing
and service center is located in Utrecht,
the Netherlands. Our dedicated Dutch team
and our network of agents and partners
serve customers all over the world. Innovatec
has developed a complete range of hatchery
automation, from single units to fully
integrated systems. Our solutions involve
quality, cost reduction and the power to
realize growth of our customer’s hatcheries.
Jansen Poultry
Dutch exhibitors at VIV Asia 2013
booth no. H103.H019
ISA is the world´s leading breeder of brown
and white egg layers, which thrive in both
traditional and alternative production
systems and in different climatic conditions.
ISA is committed to support egg producers
around the world with making a profitable
business, and we are furthermore driven
to make egg production more sustainable
so that future generations after us can
continue to enjoy the consumption of eggs.
booth no. H101.R032
To summarize our ambition in three simple
words: Eggs Earth Earnings. To fulfill our
ambition, we have embarked on a mission
to breed layers that are capable of laying 500
first quality eggs per hen housed, without
compromising on egg quality or daily feed
intake. Our ongoing progress gives us great
confidence that our mission is well within
Jansen Poultry Equipment is a world-leader
in turnkey poultry housing systems for
breeders, broilers and layers. We develop
innovative products and have patented
our laying nests and many other solutions
to improve poultry houses. Our extensive
product range includes roll-away nests,
aviary and colony systems, egg packing and
egg transport systems, rearing systems and
systems for manure drying.
We prioritize quality, reliability and a high
standard of service. The newest development
of Jansen Poultry Equipment is the
innovative EasyLoader®, an animal-friendly
lifting system to load the broilers into crates
with a minimum of human intervention.
This new patented system decreases the risk
of injuries and damages of the birds during
Kepro B.V.
Intracare B.V.
booth no. H104.A059
booth no. H105.C010
Intracare develops practical and innovative
solutions for livestock: poultry, pigs, cattle
and fish. One of our leading products is Intra
Hydrocare, a cleaning product and disinfectant based on hydrogen peroxide, stabilized
with chelated silver. Intra Hydrocare
recently received a PT5 registration for
disinfecting drinking water for poultry.
Poultry farmers are guaranteed that they can
safely and efficiently use Intra Hydrocare in
drinking water. Intracare also offers liquid
nutritional supplements, fully developed
and extensively tested in-house. They have
more than proved their added value in daily
practice in more than 70 countries. Intracare
invests largely in practical knowledge. Our
products are manufactured with the utmost
Kepro produces a wide range of both sterile
and non-sterile generic veterinary medicines,
known and appreciated all over the world.
The range includes water soluble powders,
oral liquids, injectables and specialties
such as boluses and antiparasitics. Farming
practises differ from region to region and
even from country to country. Our policy of
working with exclusive national importers
has always enabled us to apply a local
touch in our dealings with each country. We
use this local knowledge to develop tailormade solutions for local livestock needs.
Our production process is subject to GMP
standards. Kepro’s policy is to establish and
maintain long term relationships based on
reliability, security, quality, competitiveness
and excellent service.
Marel Stork Poultry
Moba B.V.
Dutch exhibitors at VIV Asia 2013
booth no. H103.F002
Marel Stork Poultry Processing B.V. is
the leading global supplier of innovative
poultry processing equipment, integrated
systems and service support. We provide
inline solutions for each process stage and
every capacity level, with a strong focus on
innovative technologies and service. Our
wide product range includes live bird supply,
stunning, killing, scalding, de-feathering,
evisceration, giblet harvesting, chilling,
booth no. H102.J032
quality grading, cut-up and deboning. Marel
Stork also provides solutions for X-ray bone
detection, marinating and portioning, further
processing, weighing, grading and all kinds
of batching solutions, end of line equipment,
complete production control software, spare
part service and preventive maintenance
Moba is a global organization that offers
total solutions for making egg grading,
packing and processing more efficient. The
dialogue with our customers is as effective
as possible due to co-operation with a
world-wide network of agents. The result: a
tailor-made solution for each customer. It
enables us, too, to improve our equipment to
the benefits of all customers. Today, packing
of products requires higher levels of safety,
hygiene and ease of operation. Our response:
machines which outperform the demands
of the customer. All designs and specific
components are produced “in house”. Highly
advanced computer techniques ensure that
the route from design to product is taken as
efficiently as possible and ensures optimal
quality and precision.
Marel Townsend
Further Processing
booth no. H103.F002
booth no. H106.F060
With a strong focus on end-product, we
translate our thorough knowledge of food
and process technology into innovative
machines and systems for portioning,
coating, heat treatment and saussage
making. The Townsend Further processing
range spans everything from meat
preparation to end-of-line solutions for
poultry, meat or fish.
MILLERSON B.V. is a supplier of premixes and
protein concentrates. For our products we
choose only the best available raw materials
according the highest quality standards. Our
products are formulated according to the
latest EU standards and are giving a wellbalanced final feed. We have a GMP+ quality
certification. Our concentrates are easy-touse in simple mixing units. In general, our
concentrates have an inclusion rate of
5 - 15% in the final feed. In addition,
MILLERSON can offer you organic acid
mixtures to control micro-organisms in raw
materials and animal feed.
Meyn Food Processing
Technology B.V.
MSD Animal Health
Dutch exhibitors at VIV Asia 2013
booth no. H103.E032
Meyn Food Processing Technology BV is
a worldwide supplier of equipment and
systems for the poultry processing industry.
Meyn’s Wall-to-Wall solutions provide all
the data and control systems required to
maximize the performance of our customer’s
processing equipment and the quality of
the end product. Whatever the line speed
or bird size, our solutions allow to achieve
top-level productivity, yield and efficiency,
booth no. H104.B048
reducing labor to an absolute minimum.
Our philosophy is ‘think global, act local’:
that is why we have developed a strong
global network of regional and local support
centers, engineers and parts distributors.
Customers can 24/7 rely on our fast, effective
and personal customer support. All around
the world.
MSD Animal Health, known as Merck
Animal Health in the United States and
Canada, is the global animal health business
unit of Merck. MSD Animal Health offers
veterinarians, farmers, pet owners and
governments one of the widest ranges
of veterinary pharmaceuticals, vaccines
and health management solutions and
services. MSD Animal Health is dedicated to
preserving and improving the health, well-
being and performance of animals. It invests
extensively in dynamic and comprehensive
R&D resources and a modern, global supply
chain. MSD Animal Health is present in more
than 50 countries, while its products are
available in some 150 markets.
Nedap Livestock
MPS Red Meat
Slaughtering B.V.
booth no. H102.K048
MPS Red Meat Slaughtering is the world’s
leading specialist in facilitating the first
stage of the meat preparation process:
the slaughtering process. We work closely
with our customers to develop, install
and commission slaughter lines for pigs,
cattle, calves and sheep. MPS Red Meat
Slaughtering is a full-line supplier, which
means that we design, manufacture and
install process equipment, transport
booth no. H102.L059
systems and control systems that meet
the customer’s requirements. MPS Red
Meat Slaughtering produces slaughter lines
including the various component parts that
are highly efficient, hygienically designed,
economical to maintain and easy to operate.
For more than 30 years Nedap develops,
produces and markets automation systems
for meat- and milk producers all over
the world. Nedap facilitates automation,
optimization and the exchange of chain
information relating to a diversity of
processes on the livestock farm, based on
electronic individual animal identification.
Our technology makes individual animal
welfare, -health and production manageable.
Nedap enables individual attention for
pregnant sows in group housing with pig
feeding stations. Recently we introduced
Nedap Performance Testing and Nedap
Farrowing Pen Feeding, products enabling
individual attention for animals in more
locations on the pig farm.
Nijhuis Water
Technology B.V.
Pas Reform Hatchery
Dutch exhibitors at VIV Asia 2013
booth no. H103.F082
Nijhuis Water Technology specializes in the
design and construction of industrial waste
water treatment, recycling and “wasteto-value” projects with more than 2,200
references worldwide. Nijhuis is active in
more than 50 countries around the globe
through a network of subsidiaries, agents
and distributors. Nijhuis Water Technology
is a knowledge-based company, equipped
with the innovative technologies and serves
booth no. H103.G032
all industrial markets. Today’s focus is
on creating value from water and waste,
using the latest technologies and advanced
designs. Integrated waste water and biogas
projects are amongst our specialties.
Depending on our customer’s demand, we
supply turnkey-, partial solutions or single
Pas Reform is an international company
which has specialized in the development
of innovative hatchery technologies for
the poultry sector since 1919. We earned
our position as one of the world’s leading
hatchery technology suppliers, through
decades of research into the biological
and physiological aspects of embryo
development. This, combined with a
thorough understanding of the poultry
production chain and a dedicated focus on
the future, has produced market-leading
Smart™ incubation technologies, hatchery
automation and climate control systems
Perstorp Performance
Ottevanger Milling
Engineers B.V.
booth no. H104.D048
Ottevanger Milling Engineers is one of the
leading European companies specialized in
the design and manufacture of equipment
and installations for the grain-processing
and mixed-feed industry. Over the last few
decades Ottevanger has carried out a large
number of projects worldwide, from basic
design to turnkey delivery: equipment and
installations for mixed feeds, premixes,
additives, fish food, pet food, flour mills and
booth no. H106.C050
the processing of grains and seeds. Ongoing
research, active development and innovation
ensure that we retain our leading position
in the international market. With every
design, Ottevanger takes into account the
strictest environmental regulations and
safety requirements, for example adequate
facilities for air purification, sound- and heat
The Perstorp Group is a world leader in
several sectors of the specialty chemicals
market. Perstorp’s business unit Performance
Additives focuses exclusively on developing
and supporting the sales of reliable and
innovative feed additives. R&D is carried out
in our own laboratories as well as in
acknowledged independent research
institutes and universities. R&D activities
and product innovation lead to feed additives
that maintain the nutritional value of feed
and promote feed hygiene. Strict quality
control procedures are maintained in our
own manufacturing facilities, which in
addition to ISO standards are certified
according to Fami-QS and/or GMP+, to
ensure high product quality and the uniform
content of formulations.
Pigtek Europe
Redox Water
Technology B.V.
Dutch exhibitors at VIV Asia 2013
booth no. H102.L075
More than 40 years of experience in
equipment for pig production! The expertise
can be recognized in practical use by the
well-engineered products.
PigTek® offers a
broad spectrum of innovative equipment
solutions. The range of products comprises
modern housing solutions for sows, piglets
and finishing pigs, various slats, feeding
systems, filling systems, heating, ventilation
and cooling systems. booth no. H103.H018
We are particularly proud of innovations in
the field of electronic feeding systems, which
have been developed for practical use and
are now well-established.
Redox Water Technology B.V. is specialized
in the treatment of industrial effluents, for
almost thirty years. Our installations are
suitable for primary, secondary (biological)
and tertiary waste water treatment. We
supply among others a wide range of screens
for the separation of solids from processand waste water, sedimentation units,
flocculation and flotation units as well as
biological waste water treatment systems.
The systems are used in the poultry-, meat-,
fish-, dairy-, palm oil-, food & beverage-,
paper- and petrochemical industry. The
installations are designed, developed and
manufactured in our head offices in The
Reed Business
International AgriMedia
booth no. H101.R002
Founded in 1984 by Mr. L.F. Prinzen, Prinzen
began with maintenance and service of egg
handling equipment within the domestic
market. Prinzen soon started to develop its
own machines to satisfy a niche market of
specialist hatching egg packers and simple
transfer. In the next 20 years, the company
grew to become a market challenging
provider of successful egg handling and tray
handling equipment.
booth no. ML.MH05
With customer consultation and efficient
manufacturing, Prinzen offers perfect egg
handling solutions for a wide variety of
processes. To increase market share in a
developing global market, Prinzen decided to
join the Venco Groep in 1999.
World Poultry covers the latest developments
on efficient management, research findings,
and international trends in production,
trade and technology. WorldPoultry.net,
worldpoultry.mobi and the e-newsletter are
dedicated to poultry farming. AllAboutFeed
focuses on the worldwide developments
in feed milling technology, feed additives,
ingredients, nutrition and feed management.
AllAboutFeed.net, AllAboutFeed.mobi and
the e-newsletter provide readers with the
feed news, blogs, event updates and all
magazine articles. Pig Progress is a platform
for knowledge exchange from reliable global
sources. PigProgress.net, PigProgress.mobi
and the e-newsletter are dedicated to pig
farming and its affiliated industries.
Schils B.V.
Dutch exhibitors at VIV Asia 2013
booth no. H105.K011
Schils BV is an international producer of
milk replacers and is specialized in young
animal nutritional products. Schils B.V. is
located in The Netherlands and part of the
VanDrie Group. To help develop and grow
piglets, calves, lambs, goats and buffaloes,
we focus on the innovative development
and sales of milk replacers, skimmed milk
powder, skimmed milk powder replacers,
semi-finished milk-based ingredients, whey
fat concentrates for feed mills and feed
formulators all over the world. We offer our
customers the opportunity to assemble a
specific product to their demand. Quality
Control and R&D are assured by the overall
Safety Guard system of the VanDrie Group.
The worldwide network of distributors and
end users is maintained by an intensive
International B.V.
Sonac B.V.
booth no. H106.Y021
booth no. H105.F019
Ropapharm International is a young,
innovative company that develops,
produces and sells a completely new range
of animal medicines and feed additives,
based on internationally registered patents.
Ropapharm International offers the market
a new concept, a new approach and a new
insight into the use of these medicines
and feed additives. Our range contains
only products of pure and organic nature.
These range of products are 100% natural
feed additives for livestock and companion
animals, which can be included in the feed,
water, orally or used for other purposes.
SONAC is part of VION Ingredients, one of
the core activities of the Dutch VION Food
Group. VION Ingredients is one of Europe’s
largest processors of animal by-products.
Sonac’s main objective is to maximize
added value of animal by-products released
during meat production. All raw materials
are derived from animals approved for
human consumption. Sonac processes these
raw materials of animal origin into high
quality and versatile ingredients such as fat,
proteins, minerals, and specialties for use
in different markets. Sonac contributes to
the environment and the sustainability of
the entire livestock sector. Sonac produces
valuable and essential ingredients for the
production of aqua feed.
Dutch exhibitors at VIV Asia 2013
Stienen BE
TOPIGS International
booth no. H102.K052
booth no. H102.L071
The right volume of air, at the right speed,
at the right place for livestock, regardless
of housing type, outside climate or housing
system. This is the secret of a healthy
climate. Stienen BE offers a complete range
of housing computers, air-control units,
fans, alarm systems and management
software. Our systems are easy to use
and to understand. We invest in R&D,
complete technical knowledge, experience
and contacts in the agricultural world.
This is how we fulfill the changing market
requirements. We believe in the importance
of our reliability, technical advancement and
long-term investments.
TOPIGS is a global leader in pig breeding
and artificial insemination, active in over
50 countries and is the leading company in
its field. By working with local subsidiaries,
joint ventures and distributors, TOPIGS
meets the needs of local markets. We have
our own nucleus breeding farms to supply
the domestic and international markets with
tailor-made, high-quality porcine genetics.
TOPIGS stands for progress in pigs.
Research, innovation and genetic
improvement are the cornerstones of our
company. We realize our research and
development program in partnership with
leading universities and research institutes
around the world. By continuously improving
our products, we support our clients in
achieving maximum results.
Ten Kate Vetten B.V.
booth no. H102.K074
booth no. H105.D045
We produce high-quality animal fats
and proteins for the food and animal
feed industries and for manufacturers of
technical products. The history of our familyowned company dates back to 1920. From
the outset, our key selling points have been
trust, innovation and sustainability. These
qualities have allowed us to grow into one of
the largest producers of edible animal fats
and proteins in Europe.
Our company Crown Meat is a specialist
supplier of pork meat products for the food
industry. Our customers can rest assured
that all our raw materials, products and
production processes are certified according
to the stringent criteria in terms of quality
and food safety.
TPI-Polytechniek is a supplier of polyurethane components for agricultural ventilation systems. The total program is produced
in our own production facilities.The polyurethane is a strong and durable material
and ensures an optimum insulation. We
continuously develop our products to keep
abreast of the market developments. Our experienced sales team ensures adequate sales
support. We guarantee short delivery-times.
TPI-Polytechniek recognizes the power of a
professional international dealer network.
Our sales team is gladly supporting these
dealers in the sales and project management
of ventilation systems throughout the world.
TU-MasterLine /
Betech Molding B.V.
Dutch exhibitors at VIV Asia 2013
booth no. H105.E018
As of December 2012 Betech Molding B.V. has
continued the activities of Trade-Unlimited
B.V. The well-known TU-MasterLine™ and
TU-BudgetLine™ applicators will continue
to be the product lines of Betech Molding
B.V. From now on all metal and plastic
parts are going to be produced inside the
Betech group which does guarantee a very
secure and reliable supply chain. This will
guarantee a very strong partner for your
supplies of animal health applicators. The
TU-MasterLine™ and TU-BudgetLine™
applicators are durable and reusable and
do have a much longer life time than others
available on the market.
Twinpack B.V.
Uniqfill Air B.V.
booth no. H102.K066
The HatchCargoSystem® is the only system
in the world for transporting hatching eggs
without using heavy steel trolleys.
Due to the patented stacking system, the
hatching drawers can be stacked mutually,
either manually or automatically.
HatchCargoSystem® enables you to load
30% more eggs on the same car compared
to the traditional transport trolley. You will
never have to collect, clean and disinfect
booth no. H102.L053
empty trolleys. The BAR-code or RFID-tag
enables tracking & tracing up to 150 eggs.
HatchCargoSystem® maximizes ventilation
during the hatching process. The hatching
drawers of HatchCargoSystem® are
compatible with almost all pre-hatching
trolleys. Twinpack co-operates with
Prinzen Aalten B.V. on the automation of
www.hatchcargosystem.com www.twinpack.nl
Uniqfill has a leading position in the world of
emission reducing systems in the intensive
livestock farming-, poultry and industrial
sectors. Our strength lies in the combination
of innovation, customized solutions and high
service levels. We manufacture and install
high-quality air scrubbers suitable for every
situation, aiming to achieve the highest
emission reduction at the lowest costs. Air
scrubbers are systems that extract large
volumes of ammonia, odor and dust
particles from the air emitted from buildings
used to house animals. To achieve the
optimal effect the layout of the house or
factory, the ventilation system and the air
scrubber must be perfectly harmonized.
Van Aarsen
International B.V.
Vencomatic B.V.
Dutch exhibitors at VIV Asia 2013
booth no. H103.E074
Van Aarsen International is specialized in
feed milling technology and has globally
gained over 60 years of experience. We have
a wide knowledge and experience in every
area of the compound feed industry and
have developed into one of the world’s
leading companies in design, construction
and manufacturing of high-quality feed
milling equipment and installations. Due to
its engineering and project management
booth no. H101.R002
capabilities, Van Aarsen is able to carry out
feasibility studies and to design and
construct feed milling projects worldwide
with a great diversity of high-quality
innovative machinery. We control the entire
technical process, that can be adapted to
every client-specific situation.
Vencomatic is a global supplier of innovative
and sustainable housing and egg collection
systems for the poultry sector. Vencomatic
was founded in 1983 by Mr. Cor van de Ven.
He was the first to enter the market with a
roll-away nest for broiler breeders with the
possibility to automatically collect hatching
eggs. Since its foundation, Vencomatic
established itself as an innovator in the
poultry sector and operates in various areas
of the poultry sector: hatching egg
production, table-egg production and broiler
production. With its knowledge and
expertise, Vencomatic supports poultry
managers to get the best results and top
performances and offers complete and solid
solutions for every situation.
VDL Agrotech
Viscon B.V.
booth no. H101.S040
VDL Agrotech (member of VDL Group)
manufactures and supplies equipment for the
global intensive modern livestock industry.
The product range comprises feeding and
drinking systems, climate control and
cooling and drying systems. Engineering
projects is our specialty. VDL Agrotech
designs, supplies and builds complete
turnkey projects worldwide. All projects are
designed in accordance with the local
booth no. H103.J023
climatical circumstances to best meet the
needs of the customer. The VDL Group
includes companies specialized in metal
working but also in plastic injection moulding
as well as assembly of equipment. Having
the production facilities within the VDL
Group enhances the important quality
control and flexibility.
Viscon develops, produces, installs and
services high-quality hatchery automation
that, in combination with our logistic design,
gives you the right tools for this task. Since
1998 we are active in the poultry industry
and have developed and standardized a
complete range of hatchery automation
equipment, for low-as well as high-volume
hatcheries. All our machines and systems are
of a modular construction, which makes it
easy to combine them into a fully automated
production line or replace machinery in
an existing production line. A full range
of equipment from egg reception to chick
delivery can be supplied, suitable for any
brand of incubation system and adapted for
breeders, layers and broilers.
Vostermans Ventilation
B.V. / Multifan
Dutch exhibitors at VIV Asia 2013
booth no. H101.R040
Vostermans Ventilation B.V. develops,
manufactures and distributes fans and
control equipment for agricultural and
industrial applications. Vostermans
Ventilation headquarters is based in The
Netherlands and has business centres in
France, Malaysia and the United States. Axial
fans of the brand Multifan are known and
valued for efficiency and trustworthiness
and are used for poultry, pork, dairy and
greenhouse applications. Motors and
impellers are produced in-house and the
correct motor-impeller combination results
in optimal performance. Multifan products
are well-known for consistent high quality,
durability and longevity with worldwide
WPSA World’s Poultry
Science Association
booth no. ML.MH04
About this publication
‘Holland@VIV Asia 2013’ is a publication issued
by the Dutch government.
The World’s Poultry Science Association is a
long established (1912) and unique
organization that strives to advance
knowledge and understanding of all aspects
of poultry science and the poultry industry.
Its major role is to encourage, and help
facilitate, liaison among research
scientists and educators, and between those
in research and education and those working
in the many diverse sectors of the industry.
With a large and truly international
membership approaching 7,600 and 80 local
WPSA branches.
Concept, composition & editing
Handig Communicatie, Loosdrecht,
The Netherlands
Design & art direction
Dutch Portfolio, Utrecht,
The Netherlands
Printing (on FSC paper)
Ecodrukkers, Alphen aan den Rijn,
The Netherlands
Netherlands Embassy and Consulate General
in Vietnam,
Topsector Agri&Food,
Netherlands Foreign Investment Agency,
VNU Exhibitions, VIV Asia,
Dutch Poultry Centre,
Dutch Meat & Feed Centre,
Orange Pig, Holland Pig
Articles may be reprinted or reproduced only with
the acknowledgement of the Ministry of Economic
Affairs. No rights may be derived from the contents
of this publication.