Development - City of Aspen
Development - City of Aspen
it MEMORANDUM TO Aspen Planning and Zoning Commission THRU Jennifer FROM Sara Adams Senior Planned RE Aspen Walk 404 Park Avenue and 414 Park Circle Phelan Community Development Deputy Director Subdivision Final PUD Review Growth Management for multifamily replacement for free market multi family units and for deed restricted affordable housing units and for the development of affordable housing Residential Design Standard Variances Public hearing continued from February 15 2011 MEETING DATE March 15 2011 SPECIAL NOTE This staff report is new since the February 15 hearing and addresses the changes to the proposal It contains the following A summary of the issues raised from the last meeting with additional information provided by Staff and the Applicant Staff comments on the main issues Staff recommendation proposed motion A revised draft resolution Also attached is the original staff report of February 15 2011 This memo provides the Commission with the development proposal background and dimensional standards associated with the development so that you have this information at hand Minutes from the February 15 meeting are attached as Exhibit J SUMMARY AND QUESTIONS FROM FEBRUARY 15 2011 At the February 15 public hearing on Aspen Walk the Planning and Zoning Commission raised a number of issues that they asked be addressed in further detail The Applicant has amended the design of the project and a summary of the changes are provided below Comments from Staff follow in a separate italicized paragraph when applicable The srepresentative has provided a memo on the changes in the attached Exhibit H Applicant PROPOSED CHANGES Redesign of the architecture The Applicant has completely redesigned the skin of the building to better relate to the pedestrian scale by adding flat roofs and undulating facades A flat roof is proposed for the entire project and more glazing has been added to lighten up the architecture A new street oriented entrance was added to the free market building for a total of 4 entrances where 7 are required by Code and two projecting front porch elements were added to the free market building A one story projecting element is proposed on the side of the affordable housing building to indicate the Aspen Walk 404 Park Ave 414 Park Cir Planning and Zoning Commission Memo 11 15 03 Page 1 of 6 P1 P2 entrance to the affordable units which is accessed off of the interior courtyard The applicant represents that the project is compliant with the height requirement of 32 with the exception of the elevator shafts and facade above the parking ramp Staffhas confirmed that building meets the 32 height limitation with the exception of the elevator towers and stairway access to the rooftop and the elevation of the affordable housing building above the parking ramp entrance The applicant provided an explanation included as Exhibit I to address the Planning and Zoning s concerns about the location of the elevators According to the Aspen Commission Building Department an elevator overrun is required to be 4 ft 5 ft above the ceiling of the top floor when there is no rooftop access Street facing entrance One street facing entrance was added to the free market component of the building and one story projecting front porch elements were added to the entrances on the free market building Residential Design Standard variances are still required for street oriented entrances and first story elements as discussed below Parking One additional stacked parking space was added for the affordable housing units Parking for the free market units is unchanged There are a total of 53 parking spaces proposed 29 for the free market residential units and 24 for the affordable housing units The additional parking space for the affordable housing unit amounts to a total of24 spaces for 17 housing units including 4 stacked spaces The proposed number of parking spaces meets Land Use Code requirements The project is required to provide accessible parking spaces for this project to comply with the Building Code none of which are delineated on the plans As accessible parking spaces require larger dimensioned spaces then what is provided it will result in fewer parking spaces in the garage which needs to be resolved prior to the City Council hearing Affordable housing units French balconies were added to affordable housing units A detailed landscape plan with tables chairs a fireplace and a grill to the outdoor patio for the housing residents is proposed Out of 17 affordable housing units 9 were previously proposed to be Category 2 units The Housing Board is rethinking the Category 2 designation and may propose a mix of Category 3 and 4 rather than the previous proposal of Category 2 and 4 The Housing Board voiced concern about the ability of Category 2 qualified residents to purchase the units and to afford the HOA dues According to the Building Department the project requires 2 accessible spaces 1 van accessible space that is a total of 16 wide 8 wide space and 8 wide access way and 1 accessible space that is 13 wide each 8 wide space and 5 wide access way 2 A memo from the Housing Department is included as Exhibit K Aspen Walk 404 Park Ave 414 Park Cir Planning and Zoning Commission Memo 11 15 03 Page 2 of 6 P3 There is no change to the proposed amount of net livable area allotted to the affordable housing component of the project Category 2 units have a lower minimum unit size than Category 3 or 4 units The square footage of the units proposed on February 15 2011 is unchanged however the decision to raise Category level requires approval from the Housing Board to reduce the minimum size of the units Reducing the minimum unit size may conflict with pending code amendment language that allows a variation of the amount that the garden level units are below grade as explained in more detail in Section 3 of this memo The Commission asked staff to calculate the cash in lieu payment amount for the proposed bond required during construction before the required 17 5 housing credits are extinguished 4 at Category mitigation rates 376 or Category 1 2 780 mitigation rates 414 Park Circle currently contains Cat 1 which isproposed to be mitigated by the credits 822 4 930 STAFF RESPONSE 1 Architectural Character Residential Design Standard Variances Final PUD review addresses specific criteria regarding site design and architectural character Visual interest engagement of pedestrian movement compatibility with the neighborhood and representations of the intended use are some of the criteria for Final PUD review In addition the Residential Design Standards which also focuses on pedestrian scale and compatibility with the neighborhood are applicable to this project Both reviews generally work together toward the same solution positive pedestrian experience visual interest and architecture that contributes to neighborhood character Staff commends the applicant for redesigning the skin of the building and adding pedestrian scale elements to the design all of which better aligns with the goals of the AACP and the Residential Design Standards The neighborhood represents an eclectic mix of architecture from a variety of decades which creates a challenging context Overall Staff finds that the changes are moving in the right direction for the neighborhood Pursuant to architectural character criteria in the PUD review Staff is concerned that the perceived mass and the treatment of the building continues to read as a lodge use rather than multi family residential use and does not relate to pedestrian scale An architectural strategy to convey a residential use is to add pathways from the sidewalk to street facing entrances This type of treatment relates to the pedestrian adds visual interest and creates a more inviting experience The Residential Design Standards recognize the importance of street facing entrances and one story elements by requiring multi family projects to provide 1 street oriented entrance per 4 units and 20 of the buildings overall width is a street facing first story element that must be 6 feet from the street facing building facade and a maximum height of 10 feet According to the purpose statement of the Design Standards it is important not to close off views of the front lawn and house front porches provide outdoor living space and animation to the streetscape and one story entryways provide an appropriate domestic scale for a private residence Aspen Walk 404 Park Ave 414 Park Cir Planning and Zoning Commission Memo 11 15 03 Page 3 of 6 P4 The first story element Standard is not met on either the free market or the affordable housing buildings Staff is concerned about the impact of the proposed building mass on the neighborhood and streetscape without one story elements to break up the 3 story facade The affordable housing building does not have a one story element that meets the criteria or a street facing entrance both of which cause the building to appear more massive taller and unapproachable The garden level housing unit that faces the street has windows and a sliding glass door however there is no walkway to the unit The applicant is looking into creating an outdoor patio space for this unit which Staff finds is a positive addition to the project Adding a walkway from the sidewalk and a covered porch to the potential patio space creates a pedestrian scale and breaks up the 3 story mass of the affordable housing building The Code requirement is for the project to provide 7 street oriented entrances there are currently 4 proposed entrances that are all on the free market building Staff finds that the applicant could reasonably provide 2 more entrances 1 more for the free market and 1 for the housing for a total of 6 street oriented entrances to be as close to compliance with the Standard as possible without redesigning the interior spaces Overall Staff recommends that the project be brought into closer compliance with the Residential Design Standards which will likely also bring the project into compliance with the PUD criteria for site design and architectural character 2 Parking The proposed number of parking spaces exceeds Code requirements Staff finds that the addition of one parking space for the affordable housing units provides the lesser of 1 space per bedroom not to exceed 2 spaces per unit as required by the Land Use Code for the RMF zone district outside of the infill area The current proposal does not include any accessible parking spaces The International Building Code requires 2 parking spaces that are accessible with 1 of the 2 spaces meeting van accessibility requirements The addition of accessible spaces may reduce the number of overall parking spaces in the garage The Code requires the project to have a total of 27 spaces by maintaining an existing deficit of parking City Council included the condition that 2 electric cars are provided for use by the affordable housing residents in the garage The Housing Board as part applicant is rethinking the original intent of the electric cars and associated costs to the residents over time The Board may request that the project simply provide 2 charging stations for electric cars rather than provide the actual cars Staff recommends that the Planning and Zoning Commission make a recommendation to City Council regarding the elimination of electric cars from the project In addition Staff included a condition of approval in the draft resolution that the required accessible parking spaces are shown on the garage plan set and the actual number of parking spaces provided onsite for the project for review by City Council 3 Affordable Housing Design The applicant has updated the affordable housing units by adding French balconies to all 17 proposed units French balconies are about 6 deep and allow larger operable windows for the units Staff finds that adding French balconies to all of the units increases Aspen Walk 404 Park Ave 414 Park Cir Planning and Zoning Commission Memo 11 15 03 Page 4 of 6 P5 the amount of light and natural air provided to the residents The applicant further developed the design of the outdoor patio space above the parking garage entrance to include amenities such as a grill fireplace and tables and chairs Staff is still concerned that the combination of substandard unit sizes and limited private outdoor space for the residents does not meet the statement in the AACP that housing should emphasize quality construction and design even though that emphasis necessarily increases costs and lessens production and the AACP policy to promote a high quality of site planning and architecture in affordable housing to enhance the character and charm of Aspen Garden Level Variance The proposed code amendment language to vary the dimensional requirement that an affordable housing unit s net livable area is below grade received a recommendation from the Planning and Zoning Commission on March 1 2011 to the City Council Planning and Zoning changed some of the proposed language to focus the criteria for granting a variation on significant storage above average window area larger units than the minimum requirement and specific unit amenities such as access to outdoor space and private patios The code amendment is not yet scheduled for Council review Aspen Walk requests a variation for the partially subgrade garden level units pursuant to a proposed Code amendment Under the present Code partially sub grade garden level units are prohibited when more than 50 of finished floor is below natural or finished grade The proposed French balconies provide above average window areas for the units However Staff is concerned that the lack of private outdoor space and the proposal to vary the minimum unit size requirement do not exceed the expectations of the Housing Guidelines as stated in the proposed code amendment and therefore do not meet the potential criteria to allow subgrade units The Commission sapproval of Growth Management Review for the Development of Affordable Housing relies on the ability to vary the amount that the finished floors of the garden level units are below grade There are two options for the proposed project 1 City Council approves the code amendment language that Staff drafted which includes criteria for granting the variation that the Aspen Walk project meets or 2 the project reworks the garden level units to meet the code amendment language that the Planning and Zoning Commission recommended to City Council pursuant to Planning and Zoning Commission Resolution No 5 Series of 2011 Staff included draft language in the Resolution that would allow the project to receive Growth Management approval for the housing units conditioned on Council s adoption of language that Aspen Walk meets If Council adopts language that Aspen Walk does not meet for a variation the Growth Management approval is void the City Council review is continued and the project is returned to Planning and Zoning for a rereview pursuant to the adopted language RECOMMENDATION Staff recognizes the benefit that affordable housing provides to the community and the benefit APCHA sees in gaining new both in construction and inventory affordable housing units at no cost to the agency however development projects need to be sensitive to the scale and character of the neighborhood where they are located 3 If the 9 proposed category 2 units are raised to Categories 3 or 4 those units will be substandard size according to the APCHA Guidelines Aspen Walk 404 Park Ave 414 Park Cir Planning and Zoning Commission Memo 11 15 03 Page 5 of 6 P6 Staff finds that the project is inconsistent with the AACP and the review criteria outlined above and recommends the following changes to the proposal Improve the livability and quality ofthe Affordable Housing units Provide more street oriented entrances and one story elements to bring the project into closer compliance with the Residential Design Standards and meet the PUD criteria related to architectural character and site design Staff recommends that the Planning and Zoning Commission continue the public hearing to a date certain to address these issues however a resolution is included with this memo that is written in the affirmative approving the GMQS reviews Residential Design Standard variances and recommending approval ofFinal PUD and Subdivision to City Council as presented RECOMMENDED MOTION ALL MOTIONS ARE WORDED IN THE AFFIRMITIVE I move to approve Resolution No Series of 2011 approving with conditions the Growth Management reviews for the demolition of free market multi family units demolition of deed restricted affordable housing multi family units and the development of affordable housing Residential Design Standard Variances and a recommendation of approval to City Council for Final PUD and Subdivision for Aspen Walk Attachments EXHIBIT A Final PUD Review Criteria Staff Findings provided on February 15 20111 EXHIBIT B Subdivision Review Criteria Staff Findings provided on February 15 2011 EXHIBIT C Growth Management Review Criteria Staff Findings provided on February 15 2011 EXHIBIT D Residential Design Standard Variances provided on February 15 2011 EXHIBIT E DRC Comments provided on February 15 2011 EXHIBIT F Council Resolution No 74 Series of 2008 granting Conceptual PUD approval provided on February 15 2011 EXHIBIT G Application provided on February 15 2011 EXHIBIT H Staff memo and exhibits dated February 15 2011 EXHIBIT I Supplemental information to the application dated March 1 2011 EXHIBIT J Minutes from the Planning and Zoning Commission meeting dated February 15 2011 EXHIBIT K Housing Department memo dated March 8 2011 Please notify Staff if you require another copy of Exhibits A G Aspen Walk 404 Park Ave 414 Park Cir Planning and Zoning Commission Memo 11 15 03 Page 6 of6 P7 RESOLUTION NO SERIES OF 2011 A RESOLUTION OF THE ASPEN PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION APPROVING WITH CONDITIONS GROWTH MANAGEMENT REVIEW FOR THE DEMOLITION OF FREE MARKET MULTI FAMILY UNITS GROWTH MANAGEMENT REVIEW FOR THE DEMOLITION OF DEED RESTRICTED AFFORDABLE HOUSING UNITS GROWTH MANAGEMENT REVIEWS FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF AFFORDABLE HOUSING VARIANCES FROM THE RESIDENTIAL DESIGN STANDARDS AND RECOMMENDING CITY COUNCIL APPROVE WITH CONDITIONS FINAL PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT AND SUBDIVISION FOR ASPEN WALK COMMONLY DESCRIBED AS 404 PARK AVENUE AND 414 PARK CIRCLE LEGALLY DESCRIBED AS LOT 3 AND 5 SUNNY PARK SUBDIVISION CITY OF ASPEN PITKIN COUNTY COLORADO PARCEL NO 2737 07404705 and 2737 0741 04701 WHEREAS the Community Development Department received an application from Aspen Walk LLC and the Aspen Pitkin County Housing Authority represented by Stan Clauson of Stan Clauson Associates Inc requesting the Planning and Zoning Commission recommend approval of Growth Management review for the demolition of free market multi family units and the demolition of deed restricted affordable housing units and Growth Management for the development of affordable housing Residential Design Standard variances and a recommendation of approval of Subdivision and Final PUD to the Aspen City Council to merge the two lots into one lot to be redeveloped with two detached multi family structures containing fourteen 14 market rate dwelling units in one building and seventeen 17 affordable housing units with a shared below grade parking area and WHEREAS the Applicant requests approval by the Planning and Zoning Commission for Demolition or Redevelopment of Multi family housing Affordable Housing Growth Management Allotments Residential Design Standard Variances and WHEREAS the Applicant requests a recommendation by the Planning and Zoning Commission to the City Council for final Planned Unit Development PUD and Subdivision and WHEREAS the property is located is zoned Residential Multi Family RMF with a PUD Overlay and WHEREAS the application requested that the PUD s dimensional standards meet the underlying zone district standards of the Residential MultiFamily RMF zone district with the exception of Maximum Height and P Z Resolution Series of 2011 Aspen Walk Page 1 of 6 P8 WHEREAS the Community Development Department received referral comments from the Aspen Consolidated Sanitation District City Engineering Building Department Parking Department Transportation Department Utilities Department Fire Protection District and Parks Department as a result of the Development Review Committee meeting and WHEREAS upon initial review of the application and the applicable code standards the Community Development Department recommended the Applicant amend the proposal to better comply with the requirements of a Planned Unit Development PUD and WHEREAS during a regular meeting on February 15 2011 the Planning and Zoning Commission opened a duly noticed public hearing to consider the project and continued the public hearing to March 15 2001 and WHEREAS the Aspen Planning and Zoning Commission has reviewed and considered the development proposal under the applicable provisions of the Municipal Code as identified herein and WHEREAS the Aspen Planning and Zoning Commission finds that the development proposal meets all applicable development standards and that the approval of the development proposal with conditions is consistent with the goals and elements of the Aspen Area Community Plan and WHEREAS the Aspen Planning and Zoning Commission finds that this resolution furthers and is necessary for the promotion ofpublic health safety and welfare NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY OF ASPEN PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION AS FOLLOWS Section 1 Affordable Housing a Pursuant to the procedures and standards set forth in Title 26 of the Aspen Municipal Code the Planning and Zoning Commission hereby approves seventeen 17 Affordable Housing Growth Management Allotments from the 2010 Growth Management Year conditioned upon the approval of a pending code amendment related to Section 26 c for subgrade affordable 4 070 470 housing units The Aspen Walk project shall meet the language in the adopted code amendment as determined by City Council Growth Management allotments for the development of affordable housing for Aspen Walk are considered void if the project does not meet the adopted code amendment language In such event the project shall be deemed continued until a new review for growth management approval by the Planning and Zoning Commission is completed The applicant proposed 17 units onsite deed restricted forsale housing units 25 bedrooms and 12 032 square feet of net livable area with a mix of Category 2 and Category 4 units meeting the mitigation requirements for the 100 replacement of the existing 14 free market units Any changes to the proposed Categories shall meet the Aspen Pitkin County Housing Authority Guidelines P Z Resolution Series of 2011 Aspen Walk Page 2 of 6 P9 b In order to meet the mitigation requirements of the existing onsite affordable housing the provision of affordable housing shall be such as to provide affordable housing credits equivalent to 17 5 Full Time Equivalents FTEs to mitigate for the existing affordable housing units to be demolished Affordable housing credits equivalent to 17 5 FTEs shall be extinguished according to Section 26 540 of the Aspen Municipal Code prior to the issuance of a demolition permit for the project A bond or letter of credit may be submitted to the City equal to the cash in lieu payment for the 17 5 FTEs for Category 1 as listed in the Aspen Pi County Housing Authority Guidelines calculated at the time of building permit submittal The bond or letter of credit is subject to approval by the City Attorney and shall be held by the City until affordable housing credits equivalent to 17 5 FTEs are extinguished The credits shall be extinguished prior to issuance of a certificate of occupancy for the free market units Any change to the type of mitigation provided for the demolished affordable housing units i e affordable housing credits requires review pursuant to Chapter 26 470 Growth Management Quota System of the Aspen Municipal Code Section 2 Residential Design Standard Variances Pursuant to the procedures and standards set forth in T 26 of the Aspen Municipal Code the Planning and Zoning Commission hereby approves variances for the Residential Design Standards listed in Section 26 DBuilding Elements for 040 410 multi family residences as represented in the application Section 3 Final PUD Dimensional Standards The Planning and Zoning Commission hereby recommends City Council approval of Final Planned Unit Development PUD of subject to the following conditions in Table 2 Table 2 approved dimensional requirements r4 TR if 4 i 1 a p 1 iA tai 1 ri ii yt 774 sq 8 32 v r i ii T Y k i fi t J e tte f p 31 units in total ii 1a tt5 K E Kw 14 free market r 17 affordable housin units as per PUD plat iw ci 1 r W aim fi ti e2ji t T P Z Resolution Series of 2011 Aspen Walk Page 3 of 6 P10 5 ft as per PUD plat E 4 as per PUD plat r a n y a n fE xx 7 3 itj t1 tx 25 or 40 1 5 sq ft 967 52 spaces H EI 29 spaces including 3 tandem for free itctx PFie fy x market residential units and x r t a r 23 spaces including 2 tandem and 2 electric cars for use by the affordable housing units Section 4 Subdivision to combine Lot 3 and Lot 5 of the Sunny Park Subdivision The Planning and Zoning Commission recommends City Council approval to merge Lot 3 and Lot 5 of the Sunny Park Subdivision The newly created lot Lot 1 of the Aspen Walk Subdivision is 32 774 square feet as depicted on the survey Section 5 Engineering The Applicant s design shall be compliant with all sections of the City of Aspen Municipal Code Title 21 and all construction and excavation standards published by the Engineering Department The Applicant shall be subject to the Stormwater System Development Fee A construction management plan must be submitted in conjunction with the building permit application Park Park Avenue Circle Intersection Alignment Park Circle intersection needs to be consistent with the The alignment of the Park Ave Park Avenue Pedestrian Plan prepared in conjunction with City staff by JR Engineering This includes a shift in current roadway alignment as well as the installation of sidewalk on the eastern side of Park Avenue If a traffic impact analysis deems a decrease in level or quality of service the recommended speed table will be installed just south of the intersection The applicant agrees to pay their proportionate share of the improvements Section 6 Building Permit Soils disturbance in the 414 site is regulated per the Smuggler Mountain Super Fund site Appropriate measures will be required manage this portion of the work for the proposed development The application must meet American National Standards Institute specifically regarding accessibility prior to Council review The project shall be subject P Z Resolution Series of 2011 Aspen Walk Page 4 of 6 P11 to Aspen Municipal Code Chapter 26 575 Miscellaneous Supplemental Regulations in place at the time of land use application submittal on October 12 2010 Changes subsequent to issuance of a certificate of occupancy shall be subject to the Code in place at the time of proposed changes Section 7 Fire Mitigation This project shall meet all of the codes and requirements of the Aspen Fire Protection District This includes but is not limited to Fire Department Access International Fire Code 2003 Edition Section 503 Turning around of fire apparatus depending on site configuration IFC Section 503 5 Approved fire sprinkler and fire alarm systems shall 2 be provided IFC as amended Section 903 and 907 Detailed wildfire mitigation plans for both landscaping and structural standpoints shall be submitted Section 8 Sanitation District Requirements Service is contingent upon compliance with the District s rules regulations and specifications which are on file at the District office Section 9 Exterior Lighting All exterior lighting shall meet the requirements of the City s Outdoor Lighting Code pursuant to Land Use Code Section 26 150 Outdoor lighting 575 Section 10 Transportation The application shall be subject to the Transportation Demand Management Air Quality impact fees at the time of building permit Section 11 Parks Landscaping in the public right of way will be subject to landscaping in the ROW requirements Chapter 21 20 There shall be no plantings within the City ROW which are not approved first by the City Parks Department An approved tree removal permit will be required before any demolition development or access infrastructure work takes place Mitigation for removals will be paid cash in lieu Parks will approve a final landscape plan during the review of the tree removal permit based on the landscape estimates The building permit shall be compliant with Aspen Municipal Code Section 13 20 or on site Section 12 All material representations and commitments made by the Applicant pursuant to the development proposal approvals as herein awarded whether in public hearing or documentation presented before the Planning and Zoning Commission are hereby incorporated in such plan development approvals and the same shall be complied with as if fully set forth herein unless amended by an authorized entity Section 13 This resolution shall not affect any existing litigation and shall not operate as an abatement of any action or proceeding now pending under or by virtue of the ordinances repealed or amended as herein provided and the same shall be conducted and concluded under such prior ordinances P Z Resolution Series of 2011 Aspen Walk Page 5 of 6 P12 Section 14 If any section subsection sentence clause phrase or portion of this resolution is for any reason held invalid or unconstitutional in a court of competent jurisdiction such portion shall be deemed a separate distinct and independent provision and shall not affect the validity of the remaining portions thereof APPROVED BY the Planning and Zoning Commission of the City of Aspen on this 15 day of March 2011 Stan Gibbs Chairman APPROVED AS TO FORM James R True Special Counsel ATTEST Jackie Lothian Deputy City Clerk Exhibit A Site Plan Exhibit B Elevations P Z Resolution Series of 2011 Aspen Walk Page 6 of 6 EXHIBIT H STAFF MEMO AND EXHIBITS 2011 15 03 MEMORANDUM TO Aspen Planning and Zoning Commission THRU Jennifer Phelan Community Development Deputy Director FROM Sara Adams Senior Planner RE Aspen Walk 404 Park Avenue and 414 Park Circle Subdivision Final PUD Review Growth Management for multifamily replacement for free market multi family units and for deed restricted affordable housing units and for the development of affordable housing Residential Design Standard Variances MEETING DATE February 15 2011 STAFF RECOMMENDATION APPLICANT OWNER PFG Aspenwalk LLC 404 Park Staff recommends that the Planning and Zoning Avenue and Aspen Pitkin County Commission continue the public hearing to allow Housing Authority 414 Park Circle 15 REPRESENTATIVE Stan Clauson Stan Clauson Associates SUMMARY The Applicant requests of the Planning and Zoning Commission approval of Residential Inc Design LOCATION Lot time for the Applicant to revise the plans A site visit is proposed for noon on Tuesday February 3 Sunny Park Subdivision and Lot Standard Management and variances review for Growth multi family 5 Sunny Park Subdivision commonly replacement and the development of affordable known as 404 Park Avenue and 414 Park housing and a recommendation of approval of Subdivision and Final PUD Circle respectively CURRENT ZONING E USE Located in the residential multi family R M F zone district with a Planned Unit Development PUD overlay 404 Park Ave contains 17 550 sq ft of lot area while 414 Park Circle contains 224 15 S sq ft of lot area 404 Park Circle PROPOSED LAND USE The Applicant is requesting to merge lot 3 and lot 5 of the Sunny Park Subdivision develop a residential multi family building containing subgrade parking 17 affordable housing units and 14 free market residential housing units Aspen Walk 404 Park Ave 414 Park Cir Planning and Zoning Commission Memo 11 15 02 Page 1 of 14 P1 3 P 14 EXHIBIT H STAFF MEMO AND EXHIBITS 2011 15 03 for a total of 31 dwelling units 414 Park Avenue LAND USE REQUESTS AND REVIEW PROCEDURES The Applicant is requesting the following land use approvals from the Planning and Zoning Commission to develop Aspen Walk Planning and Zoning Commission Approvals Growth Management Review for the demolition or redevelopment of multi family housing Subsection 26 1 for the demolition of free market multi family 5 070 470 residential units The Planning and Zoning Commission is the final review authority Growth Management Review for the demolition or redevelopment of multi family housing Subsection 26 2for the demolition of affordable housing units The 5 070 470 Planning and Zoning Commission is the final review authority Growth Management Review for the development of affordable housing Subsection 4 The Planning and Zoning Commission is the final review authority 070 470 26 Residential Design Standard Variances Subsection 26 D for multi family 020 410 housing The Planning and Zoning Commission is the final review authority City Council Approvals Subdivision Review Section 26 480 for the development of multi family units and the vacation of a lot line City Council is the final review authority after considering a recommendation from the Planning and Zoning Commission Final PUD Review Section 26 445 to establish dimensional requirements for the proposed development City Council is the final review authority after considering a recommendation from the Planning and Zoning Commission PREVIOUS APPROVALS Resolution No 74 Series of 2008 granted Conceptual Planned Unit Development PUD approval for Aspen Walk on October 27 2008 Council extended the conceptual approval for one year to October 28 2010 via Resolution No 84 Series of 2009 The conceptual approval is for the proposed redevelopment of 404 Park Avenue owned by PFG Aspen Walk LLC and 414 Park Circle owned by the Aspen Pitkin County Housing Authority as a single development consisting of 18 affordable housing units and 14 market rate residential units The following standards were included in Resolution No 74 Section 1 A the entire Resolution is included in the application as conditions of submitting a Final PUD application 1 Maximum Allowable Floor Area shall be no greater than 40 968 sq ft or a Floor Area Ratio of 1 28 Aspen Walk 404 Park Ave 414 Park Cir Planning and Zoning Commission Memo H 15 02 Page 2 of 14 EXHIBIT H STAFF MEMO AND EXHIBITS 2011 15 03 2 The Maximum Allowable Height shall be no greater than 32 excepting elevator shafts feet as outlined in the application 3 The Minimum Off Street Parking standards for the affordable housing units shall be 23 spaces for the 18 affordable housing units and the Applicants will provide two electric vehicles for the use of the residents of the affordable housing 4 Provision of affordable housing shall provide 100 replacement Subsection 26 for the existing free market units Additional affordable housing a 1 5 070 470 associated with the project beyond the eighteen affordable housing units proposed onsite may be provided offsite The existing affordable housing units to be demolished have been determined to house 17 5 employees CHANGES FROM CONCEPTUAL PUD APPROVAL As stated in the Land Use Code approval of a conceptual development plan shall only authorize and applicant to submit an application or a final PUD development plan in accordance with the City Council Resolution granting conceptual PUD approval The applicant has submitted a Final PUD plan that is in substantial compliance with the Conceptual PUD Resolution Changes from the dimensional standards listed in the conceptual approval are the following 1 the number of affordable housing units was dropped from 18 to 17 units to meet multi family replacement requirements regarding number of bedrooms 2 the proposed FAR was reduced to 25 and 3 height variations are requested 1 PROJECT SUMMARY The Applicants Aspen Walk LLC and the Aspen Pitkin County Housing Authority APCHA have requested approval to demolish existing buildings located at 404 Park Avenue Lot 3 Sunny Park Subdivision and 414 Park Circle Lot 5 Sunny Park Subdivision 404 Park Avenue is a 17 550 sq ft lot that contains 14 free market residential multi family dwelling units in one building 414 Park Circle is a 15 224 sq ft lot containing 11 deed restricted residential multi family affordable housing units in one building Combined both lots contain 32 774 square feet and 25 dwelling units The Applicants would like to merge the two lots and redevelop the newly created lot With two new multi family buildings and a subgrade garage accessed by ramp off of Park Circle to service both buildings 14 free market residential multi family units are proposed in one building and 17 deed restricted multi family affordable housing units are proposed in the second building The affordable housing units are proposed to be a mix of Category 2 and Category 4 for sale units The free market and the affordable housing units are proposed to have separate HOAs A total of 31 units are proposed for the Aspen Walk project which represents an increase of 6 units from the existing density The properties are located in the Residential Multi Family R MF zone district with a PUD Overlay The site is sloped with a distinct upper and lower bench demarcated by an existing retaining wall between the two lots The free market residential building is proposed to contain a total of 31 158 square feet of net livable area and the affordable housing building is proposed to Aspen Walk 404 Park Ave 414 Park Cir Planning and Zoning Commission Memo 11 15 02 Page 3 of 14 P1 5 P16 EXHIBIT H STAFF MEMO AND EXHIBITS 2011 15 03 contain a total of 12 032 square feet of net livable area A portion of the garden level of both proposed buildings is sub grade as illustrated in the building section labeled Figure 1 The proposed configuration for each building is below in Table 1 Table 1 Pro osed confi urations for each buildin er floor x rte tzy rF rra np 4 p 29 spaces for the free market residential units including 3 stacked spaces tr 23 for the affordable housing units including 2 stacked spaces and 2 electric vehicles 5 units 5 units 4@ 3 bedroom 1 424 2 322 sq ft net livable 1@ each 257 sq ft 2 4 bedroom net livable 1@ studio 1@ 1 bedroom 2@ 2 bedroom 1 4@ 3 bedroom 1 2 3 43 sq each 257 s ft 2 506 1 4 bedroom ft net livable net livable 4 units r 2@ 3 bedroom 2@ 4 bedroom 3 bedroom 6 units 5 units 2@ studio 2@ 1 bedroom 2 2 bedroom 6 units 306 sq 2 0 24 and 2 livable 242 sq 997 and 2 1 ft net ft net livable 2@ studio 2@ 1 bedroom 2@ 2 bedroom Access to roofto atio No access to roofto 14 units 17 units yl c i 158 sq 31 ft 032 sq ft 12 Bedroom count for the free market residential units are to be verified at building permit 2 Net livable area proposed for the affordable housing units is included in the growth management section of this memo Aspen Walk 404 Park Ave 414 Park Cir Planning and Zoning Commission Memo 11 15 02 Page 4 of 14 EXHIBIT H STAFF MEMO AND EXHIBITS 2011 15 03 VII iiiL111I11111 111 sEnton cnE Figure 1 Section of the proposed free market multi family building Dimensional Requirements The proposed dimensional requirements are noted below in Table 2 The highlighted cells are the proposed standards that exceed permitted requirements for the underlying zone district Table 2 RMF zone district com ared to ero osed final PUD dimensional requirements b 4 774 sq ft 32 6000 sq ft P no o Y requirement for a multifamily 31 units in total in SI 4 1 v al 3 it 11 14 free market residential 17 affordable units housin units 60 ft as per PUD plat 5ft 5 ft 33 ft 3 Sft 5ft 5ft 5 ft 5 ft a n as per PUD plat at 32 ft Aspen Walk 404 Park Ave 414 Park Cir Planning and Zoning Commission Memo 02 11 15 Page 5 of 14 P1 7 P1 8 EXHIBIT H STAFF MEMO AND EXHIBITS 2011 15 03 no regm tfor multifamily building and fire codes apply a n a n 25 or 40 1 5sq ft 967 25 1 i An l existing deficit of parking may be maintained 27 spaces are required A detailed explanation is included in the 52 spaces 29 spaces including 3 tandem for free market residential units and 23 spaces including 2 tandem and 2 electric cars arkin section of this memo for use b the affordable housin units The proposal presented before the Council is to demolish the existing the free market units at 404 Park Ave Lot 3 and the affordable housing units at 414 Park Circle Lot 5 There are two different types of mitigation required for the demolition of the existing freemarket residential and affordable housing units The following two sections are divided to address each type of mitigation provided Demolition or Replacement of Multi Familv Housing Free Market Residential Unit Replacement For approximately thirty years the City has required a certain amount of affordable housing to be developed when existing free market multifamily residential dwelling units are demolished The Land Use Code provides two mitigation options when a free market residential multi family project is demolished The Applicants propose to meet the 100 replacement option which requires the development to replace at a minimum the number of units bedrooms and net livable area of the demolished multi family building The remaining development on the site may be free market as long as there is no increase in the number of free market residential units that previously existed The applicant proposes the following onsite affordable housing units to meet the requirements of multi family replacement Table 3 Existing configuration of free market multi family units and proposed configuration of onsite affordable housing units Existing ConfigurationI Req fired Configuration for 00 replacement ijin ion Con of units 14 14 17 of bedrooms 25 25 25 3 The Land Use Code requires the lesser of 1 space per bedroom or 2 spaces per unit for properties outside the Aspen Infill area If there was no existing deficit the parking requirement would be the following 52 required spaces 28 spaces for free market residential units and 24 spaces for affordable housing units The Land Use Code does not count stacked or tandem spaces individually for multi family development therefore 47 parking spaces are technically provided on the site 21 spaces for the ah units and 26 spaces for the free market units Aspen Walk 404 Park Ave 414 Park Cir Planning and Zoning Commission Memo 11 15 02 Page 6 of 14 EXHIBIT H STAFF MEMO AND EXHIBITS 2011 15 03 net livable area 1 sq ft 300 9 1 300 9 032 12 Affordable Housing Unit Replacement While mitigation for multi family free market units requires unit density bedroom count and net livable area to be maintained the Land Use Code requires projects that demolish deed restricted multi family affordable housing units to replace the total number of employees also referred to as full time equivalents FTEs housed in the existing development The overall number of units bedrooms and net livable may be decreased or increased but there may be no decrease in the total number of employees housed in the existing development Council Resolution No 74 approving the Conceptual PUD plan states that the existing affordable housing units to be demolished have been determined to house 5 17 The applicant proposes to employees purchase affordable housing credits to mitigate for the required 17 5 employees Providing off site housing was permitted under the Conceptual approval Parking An existing deficit is allowed to be maintained when a property is redeveloped however this deficit is only for the previously existing number of units and any new units are required to meet the offstreet parking standards unless granted a variation in the requirement In a PUD the minimum off street parking requirement can be established as part of the Final PUD A total of 27 offstreet spaces are required by Code if the applicant selects to maintain the existing deficit of parking The Applicant proposes 52 onsite parking spaces including 5 stacked spaces that are allocated between the free market and affordable housing units The application meets the parking requirement Tables 4 and 5 provide detailed analyses of the existing and proposed parking Table 4 Existin arkin at 404 and 414 Park Wr 414 Park Avenue 11 14 5 404 Park Circle 14 22 10 12 9 Total 25 36 15 21 Table 5 Required off street arkin at As en Walk zis tw rialaUneawitigiivalta 44 mik Table 6 Proposed 15 New 6 12 Total 31 Total of 27 s t aces offstreet w 23 AH arkin 6 W B 2 at As F C en i stacked including 3 stacked including 29 Free market 174 1 A 25 Walk vs if no existin deficit uireme Barki a 11r t 2 1 cWI 24 AH 28 Free Market Aspen Walk 404 Park Ave 414 Park Cir Planning and Zoning Commission Memo 1511 02 Page 7 of 14 P 19 P20 EXHIBIT H STAFF MEMO AND EXHIBITS 2011 15 03 Total of 52 Total of 52 The Applicant proposes a parking allowance of 23 spaces including 2 spaces for electric vehicles for 17 affordable housing units which is 1 less than what is required if the applicant choose to not maintain the existing deficit Council mentioned parking allocation as an issue to discuss during Final Review STAFF COMMENTS PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT The intention of Conceptual Review is to discuss the initial threshold issues relating to a large development proposal and to evaluate the suitability of a development project on a particular parcel of land Review boards identify areas of concern that need to be specifically addressed during Final Review The project was heard by the Planning and Zoning Commission twice and the City Council six times before Conceptual PUD approval was granted Density affordable housing mitigation height floor area ownership and parking were the main issues identified many of which are included as conditions of Conceptual approval in Resolution No 74 see Exhibit E Staff recognizes the discussion and subsequent improvements to the project made during Conceptual review and does not find it appropriate to rediscuss the proposed density site plan floor area overall number of off street parking spaces and configuration of 2 separate buildings above grade Height variances that were not discussed during Conceptual review and architectural details and elements are appropriate for Final PUD Review In addition parking allocation and the livability of the affordable housing units were raised as concerns by City Council to be addressed during Final Review Both lots currently have a PUD overlay on them The purpose of a PUD as noted in the Land Use Code is to encourage flexibility and innovation in the development of land which A Promotes the purposes goals and objectives of the Aspen Area Community Plan B Achieves a more desirable development pattern a higher quality design and site planning a greater variety in the type and character of the development and a greater compatibility with existing and future land uses than would be possible through the strict application of the underlying zone district provisions C Preserves natural and man made features of historic cultural or scenic value D Promotes more efficient use of land public facilities and governmental services E Incorporates an appropriate level of public input to the planning process to ensure sensitivity to neighborhood and community goals and objectives A PUD allows variation in the site s dimensional requirements to encourage flexibility and innovation but does not allow variation in the permitted uses of the site The Applicants are requesting to vary the allowable height limit for this project With the exception of height the project meets the dimensional requirements for the underlying RMF zone district 5 Code requires the lesser of 1 space per bedroom or 2 spaces per unit 52 required spaces 28 spaces for free market residential units and 24 spaces for affordable housing units Aspen Walk 404 Park Ave 414 Park Cir Planning and Zoning Commission Memo 11 15 02 Page 8 of 14 EXHIBIT H STAFF MEMO AND EB 15 03 1 Staff recognizes the community demand and the Aspen Pitkin County Housing Authority s goal to develop affordable housing within the City limits of Aspen however staff does not interpret the housing goals as maximizing the quantity of affordable housing units on a site but rather finding a balance between quantity and quality units for a positive livable experience As stated in the AACP housing policy should emphasize the development of neighborhoods and community not just units Staff is concerned about the quality and livability of the units the overall affordable housing experience and the impacts on the neighborhood The only outdoor communal space for the housing units is proposed above the parking ramp in the northeastern corner of the property that faces the windows of a housing unit see Figure 2 below Staff questions the usability of this space and the proposed location Balconies are not provided and there is no rooftop access there is very limited positive outdoor communal space for the housing residents to enjoy Figure 2 view of the affordable housing building parking ramp and outdoor communal space above the ram FM building AH Buildine Communal space for AH residents K Ramp to parking garage Aspen Wk Plann 404 and ark Av e Zon 414 Park r Commission Memo 11 15 02 Page 9 of 14 P21 P 22 EXHIBIT H STAFF MEMO AND EXHIBITS 2011 15 03 As mentioned the number of parking spaces exceeds the code requirement which allows a redevelopment to maintain a deficit of parking However there is another issue to discuss in addition to the code requirement Parking allocation is an issue identified during Conceptual PUD review When looking at the total number of proposed parking spaces and the allocation between the free market and housing units it appears that the allotment leaves the affordable housing units deficient 1 space and the free market units over 1 space refer to Table 6 for details Furthermore 2 electric vehicles are proposed for use by the affordable housing units that will occupy 2 of the spaces allocated to housing units Staff is concerned about the impact of off street parking allocated to the housing units on the neighborhood The neighborhood does not seem equipped to absorb any additional onstreet cars Developing 2 separate buildings on the site to reduce impacts of the mass on the neighborhood was included in the Conceptual approval During Conceptual approval the applicant reduced the proposed floor area and density to comply with the underlying RMF zone district The height of the buildings was reduced by proposing a garden level that is partially subgrade Conceptual PUD approval notes that the maximum allowable height shall be no greater than 32 feet excepting elevator shafts The detailed plans in the Final PUD application show that height variances are needed for both proposed buildings in addition to the elevator shafts and stairways Staff finds that the height variances requested for the elevator shafts and access stairways are appropriate as noted in the Conceptual PUD approval The height of the north elevation of the affordable housing building is measured from finished grade of the parking ramp which explains why that portion of the building is over the 32 height limit Staff finds the height variance request for the housing building to be an appropriate trade off to providing off street parking subgrade Two height variances are requested for the free market residential building the northwestern corner of the building measures 36 2 and the southwestern corner measures 37 Staff finds that it is not appropriate to grant a height variance for the free market residential building The two and a half story building is already larger than most multifamily buildings in the neighborhood and allowing a height variance will exacerbate the size of the building and its impact on the surrounding context Staff finds that the purpose of PUD review to achieve a more desirable development pattern a higher qualify design and site planning and a greater compatibility with existing and future land uses is not met with the proposed height variances for the free market building Staff strongly recommends that the application drop the height of the free market building to meet the 32 height limit in the RMF zone district Figure 3 Northwest elevation of proposed project The housing building is to the left and the free market building is to the right AH BUILDING FREE MARKET BUILDING Aspen Walk 404 Park Ave 414 Park Cir Planning and Zoning Commission Memo 11 15 02 Page 10 of 14 P23 EXHIBIT H STAFF MEMO AND EXHIBITS 2011 15 03 The Architectural Character section of Final PUD review emphasizes compatibility of the neighborhood and appropriate relationships between the architecture and intended use of the building Staff finds that the overall design conveys a heaviness and vertical emphasis that is inconsistent with the eclectic low scale architecture in the neighborhood The proposed Mountain Contemporary style is often found in lodges located in tourist zone districts to attract visitors that associate a Rocky Mountain vacation with large log timbers heavy stone veneer and big central fireplaces The Park Circle neighborhood is largely residential with small scale multifamily single and duplex homes scattered around the base of Smuggler Mountain Both buildings designs do not include a street facing entrance or one story elements that create a positive pedestrian experience these elements require a variance from the Residential Design Standards addressed below and relate to the residential nature of the neighborhood Staff finds C it f n u s that the proposed architecture does not relate to the multi family use of the buildings and does not contribute to the existing built environment of the neighborhood Staff recommends that the applicant restudy the architectural elements and materials to better relate to the intended use and to bring the design into compliance with Design Quality goals of the AACP which states We favor diversity tempered by context sometimes historical sometimes not as opposed to arbitrariness Context refers first to region then town neighborhood and finally the natural and manmade features joining a particular development site Decisions regarding scale massing form materials texture and color must be first measured by context Contextual appropriateness transcends style alone Staff recommends that the applicant improve the quality and livability of the affordable housing units reallocate the parking spaces to provide 1 more space to the housing units drop the height of the free market building to comply with the underlying zone district and redesign the architectural details and materials to reflect the neighborhood context and intended use Aspen Walk 404 Park Ave 414 Park Cir Planning and Zoning Commission Memo 11 15 02 Page 11 of 14 I 14 P24 EXHIBIT H STAFF MEMO AND EXHIBITS 2011 15 03 SUBDIVISION The application proposes to combine Lot 3 and Lot 5 of the Sunny Park Subdivision into 1 lot renamed Lot 1 of the Aspen Walk Subdivision and to redevelop the lot with 2 new buildings and 1 large subgrade parking area as outlined above Stafffinds that the Subdivision criteria are largely met as outlined in Exhibit B with the exception of the entire project s compliance with the Aspen Area Community Plan GROWTH MANAGEMENT REVIEW As outlined above the project requests three growth management reviews multi family replacement for the demolition of free market residential multi family units multi family replacement for the demolition of deed restricted affordable housing multi family units and the development of affordable housing The project proposes to provide onsite mitigation in the form of 17 units for the 100 replacement of the free market multi family demolition component and to provide mitigation in the form of housing credits for 17 5 FTEs for the replacement of the affordable housing demolition component Conceptual Resolution No 74 approves the concept of offsite mitigation for the 17 5 employees Council recognized the impacts of increasing the density ofthe project on the neighborhood and directed the applicant to evaluate offsite mitigation options other than on site units The Code requires housing credits to be purchased and extinguished upon issuance of a Development Order The 17 proposed affordable housing units require growth management review for the development of affordable housing This Section of the Code requires affordable housing to meet specific criteria related to compliance with the Aspen Pitkin County Housing Authority APCHA Guidelines including mitigation requirements ownership requirements affordable housing credit eligibility and the requirement that 50 or more of the unit s net livable area is at or above finished or natural grade whichever is higher The Aspen Walk project proposes some garden level affordable housing units that are 2 or 3 feet below grade while more than 50 of the units volumes are above grade however the units do not meet the current criterion noted in italics above Similar to design variances for Accessory Dwelling Units Staff proposes a code amendment that permits the percentage of the unit s net livable area that is at or above finished or natural grade to be varied at the discretion of the Planning and Zoning Commission through the Special Review process The Code amendment is scheduled to be reviewed concurrent with the Aspen Walk project In the case of Aspen Walk there is a clear advantage to allowing 2 or 3 foot subgrade spaces a small amount in Staff s opinion in exchange for a lower building height and increased density on site to meet mitigation requirements Please refer to Exhibit C for a detailed discussion The Code amendment is written in consideration of all future projects that may seek a variance from this criterion Staff finds that the proposed Aspen Walk building meets the proposed criterion for granting a variance to allow the garden level units to be between 2 and 3 feet below grade Staff finds that the growth management criteria are met conditioned on approval of the proposed code amendment for both on and off site housing mitigation Staff included a condition in the Resolution that requires the applicant at a minimum to extinguish the housing credits for 17 5 FTEs at the time of issuance ofdemolition permit with the option to provide a bond or letter of credit equivalent to cash in lieu payment for the 17 5 FTEs to ensure that the Aspen Walk 404 Park Ave 414 Park Cir Planning and Zoning Commission Memo 11 15 02 Page 12 of 14 P25 EXHIBITH STAFF MEMO AND EXHIBITS 2011 15 03 demolished affordable housing units are not dependant on the entire project receiving a final certificate of occupancy RESIDENTIAL DESIGN STANDARD VARIANCES All residential buildings are required to comply with the Residential Design Standards with specific standards applying only to multi family residential buildings Many of the concerns that Staff referenced in the PUD discussion above are reiterated in the Residential Design Standards for multi family buildings The project requires variances for first story elements and street facing entrances The purpose of these standards is to preserve established neighborhood scale and character and to ensure that Aspen s street and neighborhoods are public places conducive to Neighborhood character is largely established by the relationship between front walking facades of buildings and the streets they face The street facing facades of the proposed buildings have three story elements as opposed to the required one story element i e a front porch There are two street facing entrances for the free market residential building and no street facing entrances for the affordable housing building Please refer to the illustrations provided in Exhibit D for more detail Staff recognizes the topographical restrictions of the sloped site and the resulting garden level however the adverse impacts that the proposed architectural elements will have on neighborhood character and the pedestrian experience are concerning and inconsistent with the goals of the Design Standards and the AACP as outlined in Exhibit A It may be unrealistic for the project to comply with the Design Standards however Staff recommends that the architectural elements are redesigned to be better aligned with the intent and purpose of the Standards and provide an appropriate design for the context ofthe neighborhood REFERRAL AGENCY COMMENTS The City Engineer Fire Marshal Water Utilities Department Aspen Sanitation District Parking Department Transportation Department Building Department Housing Department and the Parks Department have all reviewed the proposed application and their requirements have been included as conditions of approval when appropriate DRC comments are included as Exhibit E to the memo RECOMMENDATION Staff finds that the project is inconsistent with the AACP and the review criteria outlined above and recommends the following changes to the proposal Reduce the height of the Free Market Residential building to comply with the 32 height limit in the RMF zone district Improve the livability and quality of the Affordable Housing units Reallocate the parking spaces Restudy the architectural details and materials as outlined above Provide more street oriented entrances and some one story elements to bring the project into closer compliance with the Residential Design Standards Aspen Walk 404 Park Ave 414 Park Cir Planning and Zoning Commission Memo 11 15 02 Page 13 of 14 P26 EXHIBIT 11 STAFF MEMO AND EXHIBITS 2011 15 03 Staff recommends that the Planning and Zoning Commission continue the public hearing to a date certain to address these issues however a resolution is included with this memo that is written in the affirmative approving the GMQS reviews Residential Design Standard variances and recommending approval of Final PUD and Subdivision to City Council as presented RECOMMENDED MOTION ALL MOTIONS ARE WORDED IN THE AFFIRMITIVE I move to approve Resolution No Series of 2011 approving with conditions the Growth Management reviews for the demolition of free market multi family units demolition of deed restricted affordable housing multi family units and the development of affordable housing Residential Design Standard Variances and a recommendation of approval to City Council for Final PUD and Subdivision for Aspen Walk Attachments EXHIBIT A Final PUD Review Criteria Staff Findings EXHIBIT B Subdivision Review Criteria Staff Findings EXHIBIT C Growth Management Review Criteria Staff Findings EXHIBIT D Residential Design Standard Variances EXHIBIT E DRC Comments EXHIBIT F Council Resolution No 74 Series of 2008 granting Conceptual PUD approval EXHIBIT G Application Aspen Walk 404 Park Ave 414 Park Cir Planning and Zoning Commission Memo 11 15 02 Page 14 of 14 tr ri P27 STAN CLAUSON ASSOCIATES INC RECEIVED landscape architecture planning resort design MAR 01 2011 12 North Mill Street Aspen Colorado 81611 t 970 4 2323 L970 925 1628 920 info corn @scaplanning com scaplanning www CITY OF ASPEN COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Vet 1 March 2011 Ms Sara Adams Senior Planner City of Aspen Community Development Department 130 S Galena Street 3rd Floor Aspen CO 81611 Re Supplemental Submission Final PUD Application AspenWalk Dear Sara On behalf of our clients and in connection with the Final PUD application for AspenWalk please accept the enclosed supplemental submission Highlights of the redesigned building shown in the enclosed supplemental submission include Lighter redesign of the exterior architecture which meets the 32 ft height limitation New street facing one story entry elements in the form of porches on the Free Market building Revised street oriented entrance for the Affordable Housing units and an additional entrance for the MarketRate units One 1 additional subgrade parking space dedicated to the Affordable Housing units and French balconies provided for all Affordable Housing units The materials enclosed as part of this supplemental submission are as follow Two 2 sets of 24x36 and ten 10 sets of 11x17 of Architectural Sheets Sheets A 1 0 COVER SHEET through A 9 4 ROOF LEVEL EXTERIOR LIGHTING PLAN Two 2 sets of 24x36 and ten 10 sets of 11x17 of Civil Sheets Sheets C01 SITE GRADING AND DRAINAGE and C02 COMPOSITE UTILITY PLAN Ten 10 copies of the Revised AspenWalk FAR and Net Livable Calculations daiuu 1 March 2011 Ten 10 copies of the Garage Storage Unit Typical Section and Elevation dated 25 January 2011 unmodified from previous submissions Sheets A5 0A5 2the Free Market and Affordable Housing Elevations show a 32 ft offset of the proposed or existing grade which illustrates how the building meets the stated 32flat ft and stair the roof is height iimitction With the exception of the elevator cores now t sir Sara Adams Senior Planner Supplemental Submission AspenWalk 1 March 2011 One area of topography has been interpolated for the height study This area of interpolation is indicated with a solid red line on Section 1 A5 0 A plan view of the roof plan set over existing and proposed grade will be provided by Friday which will further illustrate how the building is within the height limitation and how the interpolation of the topography was arrived at Please do not hesitate to contact us with any questions Very truly yours Patrick Rawley STAN CLAUSON ASSOCIATES INC Enclosure Cc Tom Klassen Tom Salmen Stan Clauson Ken Bryan O P29 r1 i Memo STAN CLAUSON ASSOCIATES INC ti landscape architecture planningresort design 4 412 North Mill Street inro @scaplanning com Aspen Colorado 8e611 D To Sara Adams Senior Planner CC Tom Klassen Tom Salmen Tom McCabe From Stan Clauson Associates Inc Date 21 January 2011 Re AspenWalk P Z Review Concerns 15 February 2010 9a5 r97092 o 49 p3a3 wwwscaplanning corn R ECEIVED MAR 042011 DEVEI CITY OF ASPE COMMUNITY In with staff following the PZ initial AspenWalk Anal PUD hearing on 15 February 2010 six key areas of concem were identified These were 1 Provision of parking and the location of batterypowered vehicles within the parking 2 Request for modification of street facing entrance residential design criterion 3 Location of elevators within buildings 4 Revisions to architecture to create a lighter more contemporary design 5 Affordable housing livability including balconies outdoor spaces snowmelt and access to light and ventilation and 6 Building height We are providing below additional information in response to these concerns along with architectural drawing showing a complete revision of the building architecture It should also be noted that on 2 March 2011 the applicant s representatives met with the Aspen Pitkin Housing Authority Board The Board has requested some revisions to this joint venture project These revisions generally include an increase in the category level of the development without affecting either the overall floor area or number of affordable units to be provided on site For this reason the resulting units will be somewhat smaller than the category minimums although identical with the originally proposed unit sizes It is our understanding that the APCHA Board believes that this higher category level even if it entails some reduced size units will produce a very livable affordable housing development that is consistent with the Housing Authority goals Other requests from this APCHA Board meeting have been incorporated in the material below 1 Parkinq The epsting parking condition in the neighborhood is very informal and the provision of subgrade parking as proposed by the Applicant will represent a considerable improvement of the existing parking conditions The parking structure presented in the revised plans shows a total of 53 spaces a total of 29 free market parking spaces 2 07 spacesunit and 24 affordable housing parking spaces 1 4 parking spacesunit This is consistent with the APCHA Joint Development Agreement which specified one parking space per affordable unit and 2 spaces per free market unit While the code would allow the Applicant to maintain the current parking deficit currently experienced on the site the Applicant is in fact meeting and exceeding the requirements of the underlying zone district that of 2 spaces per free market unit and 1 space per affordable housing unit despite the fact that the PUD could allow greater flexibility in parking count Based on a City Council request during the Conceptual PUD approval process the Applicant had agreed to commit to providing two electric cars dedicated for the use of the affordable housing units The original intent was that the electric cars would be parked in one of the stacked parking spaces provided in the affordable housing parking Because it will be likely that at least some of the residents of the affordable housing units will not have a vehicle of their own these cars would provide a readily accessible means of transportation for noncar owners in addition to the public transportationdon located immediately adjacent toin t have the two the development As these cars would be used primarily by those who a car spaces P30 which the cars sit would not detract from parking availability of the other residents However the Transportation Department did not favor this solution because they felt it would encourage vehicle use as opposed to public transportation At the 2 March 2011 APCHA Board meeting the Board recommended that we delete the provision of electric cars believing that these vehicles would be a burden on the affordable HOA They recommended instead providing two outlets that could be used for charging electric vehicles that might be owned by occupants Since the provision of two electric vehicles was a condition of Conditional PUD approval a P Z recommendation in this regard would be appreciated 2 Street Facing Entrances The current submission has made certain modifications to the street facing entrances An additional entrance has been added to the free market building which means that each entry into the free market building serves 4 units or less Additionally all garden level free market units can be accessed for the street level The entrance on to the affordable housing building has been modified to be more oriented to the street Additionally this and all entrances have received an architectural treatment which will aid in identifying the entrances to visitors and pedestrians passing on the street Street facing first story elements have been added along the free market building in the form of porches These elements intended to meet the requirements of the residential design standards provide a certain pedestrian friendly experience to the building These elements extend from the building and thus do not have a habitable space located directly above meeting the requirement that first story elements not have habitable space above the designated first story element 3 Location of Elevators The location of the elevators and the associated elevator overruns is dictated by the general design of the building The applicant believes that the current locations of the elevators are the most appropriate and convenient to the future residents of the buildings While the proposed development is being reviewed under the previous Part 500 Supplemental Regulations section of the L C a new Part 5W Supplemental Regulations section was recently enacted which places U further requirements and restrictions on the measurement of elevator and stair enclosures The new more restrictive requirement states that elevator and stair enclosures may extend up to ten 10 feet above the specified maximum height limit if set back from any street facing facade of the building a minimum of fifteen feet and the footprint of the elevators or stair enclosures are minimized and combined to the greatest extent possible The proposed development meets this newly enacted portion of the code with the current configuration of the elevator and stair enclosures 4 lightening of Archlecture In addition to the complete architectural plan set provided on 1 March 2011 the Applicant has provided renderings of certain representative views of the building showing the revised exterior architectural treatment of the buildings A 3 Dimensional flyover is currently being produced and will be available for review at the scheduled hearing The heavy timber elements and the variety of roof pitches which were used in the previous architectural designs have been replaced with lighter more modern features The roof has been modified to be completely flat with the exception of required elevator and stairway enclosures The flat roof ensures that both buildings are entirely under the 32 foot height maximum with the exception of the one area where the grade is lowered to provide entry to the underground garage Additionally the flat roofs and varied materials on the facade create a much cleaner and lighter appearance of the buildings Larger and more visible window treatments along with glazed railing treatments provide a greater sense of openness to the building The Applicant believes that these changes have created a feeling that the building is less massive and heavy Further the Applicant believes that the architectural style is similar to some of the many varied Page 2 P31 architectural styles present in the neighborhood and that the proposed development will improve the neighborhood by replacing the deteriorating sub standard structures currently located on the site 5 Affordable Housing livability The Applicant has and continues to work closely with APCHA to ensure that the affordable housing units are livable The APCHA board has had discussions concerning the desire to modify the categories of the affordable housing units to be all categories 3 and 4 This would on the face of it necessitate fewer units being provided in order meet the minimum square footage requirement for the category 3 4 units There is however an option to reduce the unit sizes up to 20 upon recommendation from the APCH board Accordingly nine 9 of the proposed seventeen 17 affordable units that were specified to be Category 2 units will fall somewhat below the minimum net livable for Category 4 units It is our understanding that this recommendation will be forthcoming in time for the scheduled P Z hearing The floor area reduction by virtue of an increase in category will still provide exactly the same square footage as previously provided for each individual unit With the revised architecture all affordable housing units will have a French balcony which will provide an ability to step out of the unit and will also allow a generous French door opening which will ensure light and ventilation of the unit Additional design work has been completed which will be demonstrated in the revised flyover of the outdoor spaces accessible to the residents of the affordable housing building These spaces particularly the patio on the north eastern portion of the building have been designed to contain a built in gas grill a fire pit and additional landscaping which will ensure that this space is a functional and pleasant location for the residents of the affordable housing to meet and socialize The interior walkway has also received additional design work intended to make the courtyard an area available for more passive experiences The units being proposed are a vast improvement over the existing units and meet all requirements of the code The garden level units far from being dungeon like are located subgrade approximately 23 feet the same amount that the free market garden level units are located subgrade Standard windows will be provided and additional opportunities exist for the provision of patios on some of the units The interior spaces have been thoughtfully designed In particular the studio units which are large as studio units go have been designed so that the experience will be more like a one bedroom unit 6 Building Height The height of the existing structures located at 404 Park Avenue and 414 Park circle varies but is generally 28 32 feet The proposed building will not exceed 32 feet in height except in the area of the driveway cut as anticipated from Conditional PUD approval Certain manmade cuts in existing grades primarily for the provision of parking spaces have had interpolated pre development grades used for the purposes of height measurement as provided for in the Land Use Code Drawings have been provided to staff showing how the height of the building fully meets the 32foot height standard with the one exception noted Conclusion This is a significant publicprivate partnership project which will result in much additional deedrestricted affordable housing the provision of affordable units that are considerable better than most of the units within the affordable housing roster and an upgrading of older deteriorating structures to the benefit of the neighborhood We hope that the P Z will recognize these significant benefits and work with us to provide a project that is economically viable and an asset to the community Page 3 P32 V vi v STAN CLAUSON ASSOCIATES INC landscape architecture planning resort design Memo a y To Sara Adams Senior Planner CC Tom Salmen Tom Klassen 412 North Mill Street Aspen Colorado 81611 0 97 2323 1 97o 8 5 2 9 92o 1628 Info scaplanning com cam wwwscaplanning From Stan Clauson Associates Inc Date 7 March 2011 Re Additional Outdoor Patio Design AspenWalk Final PUD Application 4 Attached is a plan showing additional design work on the north eastern patio as well as on the internal courtyard Two additional perspective drawings of these areas are also attached which further explain the intent of this additional design work The north eastern patio is intended as an active gathering space for the affordable housing residents It features a builtin gas grill with a builtin fireplace Appropriate outdoor sofas or other outdoor furniture can be included in front of the fireplace and are shown in the attached perspectives Tables are also shown that can be removed or arranged to suit the particular gathering This patio space will have a certain degree of flexibility of use appropriate for cocktail gatherings or for small group or individual use Columnar junipers are shown in planters as there will be no possibility to have free vaults extending below into the service areas located below on the garage level These planters will provide screening from the unit located adjacent to this patio area Sufficient landscaping will be included along the property line to create a sense of enclosure and screening for neighbors to the north The internal courtyard also known as the AspenWalk is intended for a more passive experience The pavers set at an angle will create a meandering effect through the courtyard The pavers also will tend to loosen and melt into grass which will be planted on the fringe of the walk next to the building Intimate spaces are created in the geometry of the courtyard creating areas where a bench and a chair can be located This area will present an attractive view for passing pedestrians on the sidewalk The design illustrated by these drawings well ensure inviting and useful outdoor areas are provided for the residents of the affordable housing units Please note that every effort Is made to provide accurate and complete intormalion She findings within this analysis are based on our best undemanding of the client sintent and our understanding of land use code provisions that address those Intentions No warranty Is expressed or impried as to the suitability or accuracy of this Information This analysis must be confirmed through a formal Preapplication Conference with public agency staff Stan Clauson Associates Inc shall not be responsible for any consequential damages arising from any service or action performed City Planning Zoning Meeting Minutes P33 February 15 2011 Comments 2 Minutes 2 Conflicts of Interest 2 Aspen Walk 404 and 414 Park Final PUD Code Amendment Affordable Housing percentage above grade 2 1 13 P34 City Planning Zoning Meeting Minutes February 15 2011 Stan Gibbs called the regular meeting Tuesday February 15 2011 to order at 4 35 in Sister Cities meeting Room P Z members excused were Jasmine Tygre LJ Erspamer and Jim DeFrancia PZ Commissioners in attendance were Bert Myrin Cliff Weiss Michael Wampler and Stan Gibbs Staff in attendance Jim True Special City Counsel Sara Adams Community Development Jennifer Phelan Deputy Community Development Director Jackie Lothian Deputy City Clerk MINUTES Cliff Weiss moved to approve the minutes of February 1st seconded by Michael Wampler All in favor APPROVED MOTION Declarations of Conflicts of Interest None stated PUBLIC HEARING Aspen Walk 404 and 414 Park Final PUD Stan Gibbs opened the public hearing on Aspen Walk 404 and 414 Park Final PUD Review Sara Adams provided the public notice Sara Adams said the applicant requests approval of the Residential Design Standard Variances and Growth Management Review for multi family replacement and the development ofaffordable housing and a recommendation to City Council of approval of Subdivision and Final PUD The property is located at 404 and 414 Park Circle and zoned RMF PUD 414 Park Circle contains 15 224 square feet and is owned by Aspen Pitkin Housing Authority and 404 Park Circle is owned by PFG Aspenwalk LLC and contains 17 550 square feet of lot area The applicant is requesting to merge the 2 lots and develop a residential multi family building containing subgrade parking and it is determined that 17 5 FTEs were required for this project The buildings would be demolished and redeveloped into 14 free market units at 404 Park Circle and at 414 Park Circle there will be 17 deed restricted units for a total of 31 units which is an increase of 6 units from the existing density Adams said the Planning and Zoning approvals were final for 1 Growth management Review for demolition or redevelopment of free market multi family residential units 2 Growth Management Review for the demolition of affordable housing units 3 Growth Management Review for the development of affordable housing 4 Residential Design Standard Variances for multi family housing P Z recommendations for City Council approvals are 1 Subdivision Review for 2 P35 City Planning Zoning Meeting Minutes February 15 2011 redevelopment of multi family units and the vacation of a lot line and 2 Final PUD Review to establish dimensional requirements for the proposed development Adams said that staff was concerned about height the height limit in the RMF Zone was 32 feet This project needed height variances for the affordable housing building and 2 height variances were requested for the free market residential building Staff is concerned about the quality and livability for the affordable housing units the only outdoor communal space for the housing units is proposed above the parking ramp in the northeastern corner ofthe property that faces windows of a housing unit Adams said they were meeting all the minimum requirements for unit size multi family free market is met In the deed restricted that is going to be demolished the determination was 17 5 FTEs were housed so they have to replace 17 5 FTE spaces There is a recommendation from the housing board and they find that the criteria have been met for the affordable housing for growth management There is a criteria that 50 ofthe net livable space be above grade in this case the first floor ofthe affordable housing units are about 2 to 3 feet below grade so it won t meet this standard Adams said there was a code amendment on the agenda tonight that will address this the proposed language in the code amendment will allow the Zoning Commission to permit Aspen Walk to have these partially sub grade units This code amendment was to allow for some flexibility to be 2 to 3 Planning feet below grade and hopefully it will be a positive experience Adams said that all residential development has to meet the Residential Design Standards and specific standards apply to multi family buildings The purpose is to preserve neighborhoods style and character and make places conducive to walking and comfortable for the neighborhood There are 2 street facing accesses for the free market units but there aren tany for the affordable housing units Staff thought not having street facing entrances made the building seem monolithic and somewhat unapproachable Staff feels the building could be brought into closer compliance to be more compatible with the neighborhood Adams said overall staff finds that the project is inconsistent with the AACP specifically the housing design quality sections of the AACP and recommend PZ continue the hearing to allow the applicant to readdress the following 1 Reduce the height of the free market residential building to comply with the 32 foot height limit in the RMF zone district 2 Improve the livability and quality of the Affordable Housing Units 3 Reallocate the parking spaces 4 Restudy the architecture details and materials and 5 Provide more street orientated entrances 3 P36 City Planning Zoning Meeting Minutes February 15 2011 and some one story elements to bring the project into closer compliance with the Residential Design Standard Variances Stan Clauson Stan Clauson Associates representing the applicant and with him is Ken O Brian from O Brian Architects Clauson utilized power point to show the context of the project showing the free market component and the affordable housing portion Lot 5 is the Smuggler Apartments owned by APCHA and Lot 3 is the 404 Park the property extends somewhat into the Midland Avenue Park Avenue and a similar circle that intrudes onto lot 3 although it is not essential to this property they have offered a land exchange with the city for Park Avenue to be completely on City property Clauson said the parking in this area is informal head in parking to the buildings partially in the rightofway partially on private property Clauson said reviewing what has happened in our original application in 2007 our conceptual PUD application and that had all the housing mitigation on site so that had 25 deed restricted units and 14 free market units at that time With concerns from the public and comments from Council we reduced that to 18 deed restricted and 14 free market units with a concept that 100 of the additional would be provided off site Clauson said the current amended proposal is for 14 free market units 17 affordable housing units 25 affordable bedrooms and over 12 000 square feet of affordable housing on site Clauson said the unit sizes as they evolved within the housing guidelines are larger than the unit sizes currently on site The entire site is to be developed with an underground garage with 52 parking spaces 23 spaces for affordable housing plus 2 electric vehicles and 29 spaces for the 14 free market units and are happy to adjust the figure say 28 spaces for the market rate units and 24 spaces for the affordable housing units Clauson said that the onsite condition is better in the summer than in the winter because of snow storage in the spaces You enter the parking garage from a ramp from Park Circle and there is trash storage at the base there is mechanical and water service connections sub grade The elevator and stair towers are placed in the most efficient position for the units 2 meet the entrance on the street and 2 do not and it is an efficient layout ofthe units Clauson said there was a considerable amount of bike storage and additional storage facilities over each parking stall Clauson showed the landscape plan and showed the entry to the affordable housing stair and elevator tower they believe the entry off the courtyard has a nice feel to it and doesn tdetract from the property There would be curb and gutter around the perimeter of the property sidewalks and street trees there would no longer be head in parking There is a less formal walkway to the back and connecting through to 4 City Planning Zoning Meeting Minutes February 15 2011 the passage through and is well screened from the adjacent buildings there is plenty ofactivity to have sidewalks in this area there were 3 plans proposed Clauson said they have done site grading studies there are some drainage issues that would be remedied with appropriates drainage inlets along the curb and gutter section The Midland Park drainage will be fixed with this project and they have done a substantial amount of engineering about that Clauson said there was only one place that they were going to seek a technical height variance because they were excavating along the side for the garage and is created by the sloping entrance to the subgrade parking garage The height limit is 32 feet and this site has been benched for the development that exists on the site right now Clauson said they have to measure from the contours as they exist and they are manmade contours from the benching for the 2 units a 5 and inch variance can be granted by this board as part of the PUD process without any deterrent to someone standing in the street Clauson said he didn tthink anybody standing in the street could tell the difference between 32 feet and 32 575 feet where you are seeing 34 and 35 feet there is a bench that exists as you move from the level ofthe 414 Park Circle Building to the 404 Park Avenue Building that was a retaining wall that failed a couple of years ago and wasn tremoved Clauson noted there were 2 associations created and worked out with the housing board and a percentage of the affordable housing to the free market so the affordable housing would have reduced homeowners dues Clauson said the new affordable units were larger and better than anything that exists on that site or even in many of the adjacent buildings No Growth Management allotments are being used there no additional free market units being brought in they are within walking distance to the core accessible to RFTA it stops right in front of the door This is a public private partnership between APCHA and the developers and it is a design which reflects the neighborhood the neighborhood is pretty eclectic The garden unit on the affordable side contains one less unit where they have combined units to create a 3 bedroom unit in order to get the bedroom count up to code The current code requires that 50 of the finished floor area be above grade and they puzzled over that because the code was written over basement or sub grade units served by light wells and emergency access there was a code amendment that eliminated that sub grade space and we expected that would actually permit garden units 50 of the floor area has to be above grade and if you think about that it creates a 2 level unit or some kind of walkout where the level is decreasing it really cuts down the possible number of units that can be at this level Clauson said the free market units on the first floor 5 P37 P38 City Planning Zoning Meeting Minutes February 15 2011 were partially subgrade and the affordable housing units on the first floor and again they are exactly the same there is no difference in the livability in the free market or the affordable housing units on the first level Clauson said the code amendment is different from the one that they originally proposed Clauson said this is the architecture as proposed and consists of stone timber some flat roof elements and some pitched roof elements it also gives you the opportunity to see curbs and gutters Clauson showed some illustrative drawings of a change in architecture this is the entry to the affordable housing and street side entry with the affordable units on the left and the free market on the right Clauson said they could redesign the building in this manner and if PZ likes this better the APCHA board like the existing architecture Cliff Weiss asked Stan Clauson if he represented the Aspen Walk project when it came before P Z in 2007 Stan Clauson replied that he did Bert Myrin asked staff about the height exception for elevator shafts does that apply to just the free market or also the affordable Sara Adams asked ifhe was referring to the condition that was in the conceptual resolution Myrin asked if the affordable one had rooftop access Adams said it was just the over run and did not include roof top access for the affordable housing Ken O Brian said that the height above the elevator was for someone servicing the elevator to have room to work on it while it was in service Myrin said on page 5 of the staff memo it talks about the parking deficit is that because of the PUD process or can you suggest something otherwise Adams replied the code allows an existing redevelopment to maintain their existing deficit through the PUD process you can establish parking requirements Adams said the applicant is meeting the parking requirements regardless if there was a deficit or not she said that she wanted to point out that there is an existing deficit Myrin said if we found that there was not parking on the street would it be appropriate to suggest more parking Adams responded that the purpose of the PUD was to allow flexibility by varying standards ofthe underlying zone district for community benefit and neighborhood compatibility Jennifer Phelan said to consider with the PUD you can determine the parking standard however it does say using the underlying zoning as a guide and the other thing you should consider is ifthey are meeting the parking standard why would you require this person to provide more parking when someone across the street might do something by right and would not be provided this Myrin said because it opens up as a PUD he asked why the code used just a minimum and then vary from that and notice that this area has no on street parking Stan Clauson responded that currently there are parking spaces at 414 Park Circle with a real parking area but 6 P39 City Planning Zoning Meeting Minutes February 15 2011 the others are just head in and there are 20 spaces at best and get shaved down to about 18 when there is snow storage so we are moving from 18 to 52 spaces so there is a huge jump in providing parking for that neighborhood and the development Myrin said it was a concern because it went from 27 bedrooms to 70 bedrooms and using 21 on street spaces and he asked if they could speak to that versus just the code Jennifer Phelan said as a PUD you could determine the parking requirement it is a site specific review that you need to look at Sara Adams said that they have done a good job at being creative in the garage Myrin asked if the garage goes beyond the building walls Clauson replied that it does in the sense that the garage goes beneath this landscaped area but in general the outer perimeter of the building defines the outer perimeter of the garage Myrin said on page 8 there were 4 reviews and he asked how those fit into the 6 reviews Adams replied they would fit into your final PUD recommendation and the architectural elements are reiterated in the Residential Design Standard Variances Myrin asked what was meant about the livability of the units and if it had to do with balconies common space or is there more to it Adams replied the rooftop space and they were concerned about the units meeting the minimum net livable size for the categories and they were right on the size and there was concern because there aren toutdoor balconies there aren tyard spaces for people to get out oftheir units and what the impact will be on the neighborhood and the overall impact ofjust living in those stacked units Myrin asked if there was a dollar amount for the cash in lieu for the 17 units Jennifer Phelan responded that they were not proposing cash in lieu Once the buildings are removed and the housing units out of our stock we would ask for cash in lieu as kind of a bond that would be subject to the City Attorney s approval Myrin asked again the dollar amount for that Adams replied that she hasn calculated that The applicant has agreed to pay the TDM fee the t transportation demand management fee and that is the demand on infrastructure according to the traffic studies that have been included Myrin said the council resolution on page 57 of the packet mentions 2 electric cars is there a long term replacement plan for these cars he said he was trying to figure out if that was a sustainable program over time Clauson replied that there was not a replacement plan built into the project and would be presumably maintained through the HOA and if the HOA choses to allocate to this and have a fund of some kind 7 P40 City Planning Zoning Meeting Minutes February 15 2011 Myrin said there was mention to the 2 spaces for the electric cars in the affordable spaces O Brian said as the applicant thought that the affordable housing unit people would be using the electric cars Clauson said that there would be more than 1 parking space for every unit and considerable access Adams said per code it is the lesser of 1 per bedroom or 2 per unit when calculating your parking requirement for multi family outside the infill area it is one per bedroom or two per unit Myrin asked if guest or service vehicle parking were included in this or was it street parking Adams replied it was not required in the code Myrin asked about the trees on the Midland side of the buildings and asked the setback from the property line Clauson said there was a mixture ofAspens and Blue Spruce to provide a fairly dense screen along the area where the excavation is down into the parking garage Clauson said there were many smaller shrubs and Aspens to provide some screening of this patio area from the adjacent areas the plantings are fairly close to the property line O Brian said the setback was 10 feet up to the transformer and then it was 5 feet Myrin asked why the 5 a inches couldn tbe taken out of the building Clauson said by dropping the building you are dropping the parking garage and the ramp is now at 12 and snow melted and you don twant it to be too steep Myrin asked the ceiling heights and ifthey could be dropped O Brian replied the heights were at 10 feet floor to floor for both the free market and the affordable so they couldn t really be dropped anymore Michael Wampler asked about the heights and Sara said something about 46 feet from the bottom of the parking ramp and asked the net difference from where it is now and where it is going to be and what was the height of the existing building Wampler said that he would like to know the net difference is in height Phelan said that they were only 2 story buildings Clauson said that 414 Park was about 24 feet Wampler said so this will be 16 feet Clauson said it was at 32 feet if you did not have the ramp into the parking garage you would have 32 feet Wampler said so it would be 8 feet higher he asked for story poles Clauson said that they put story poles up last time Wampler asked why there weren tbalconies on the affordable housing units Clauson replied that they discussed this with APCHA and they thought it was okay not to have balconies Clauson showed French balconies on the one side of the affordable housing with very generous door but were not deep enough to jut out and not enough to put a chair or a barbeque on and they have a railing O Brian said the deck was a foot and a half Wampler said that right now the road has a considerable hump in it where the affordable housing was Wampler asked ifthe road was going to be re graded Clauson replied no 8 P41 City Planning Zoning Meeting Minutes February 15 2011 Wampler said that he was offended by the 4 elevators and how far they stick up do we really need 4 or can we get away with 2 Clauson replied they needed 4 to service the locations and the elevators meet the code requirements Wampler asked how many more off site units are needed Adams replied units for 17 5 FTEs Wampler said that there were 70 bedrooms between the affordable and free market and 52 spaces down below and so where are the 18 or more additional cars going to park because there were serious issues with parking in this area Weiss said affordable housing had 25 bedrooms that he counted and proposed were 23 parking spaces is the 1 to 1 free market as well as affordable housing Adams said the code said 1 space per unit with a maximum of 2 spaces per unit Stan Gibbs asked what tandem stack was Sara Adams replied it was a parking place long enough for 2 cars back to font if you were in the front space you would not be able to get out and those spaces counted as 1 space Gibbs asked Stan Clauson if they explored having the cut for the ramp to the parking garage on the other side of the building so it wouldn t be such a deep cut Clauson replied they explored a variety of entrances and this was designed to be of the greatest value to the adjacent building Gibbs asked if the credits were not available could they do cash in lieu Adams replied that she put in the resolution if credits were not available they would have to come back to PZ to change to cash in lieu Stan Gibbs voiced concern for the code amendment and why they didn twork on that first so we knew what we were dealing with it feels like we are doing thisjust for this project Gibbs said he would have felt more comfortable with the code amendment on its own merits Gibbs asked how many people would like to speak on this project Only 3 people raised their hands Public Comments 1 Marcia Goshorn said she was on the APCHA Board addressing the code amendment it really wasn tjust for this project and APCHA go with the code amendment because people were coming in with dungeon space and windows that were egress but didn tget a whole lot of light Goshorn said these were livable units with light The affordable housing rooftop was taken out at the request of the neighbors and the patio space was actually better and the balconies end up as storage space and have to be shoveled in 9 P42 City Planning Zoning Meeting Minutes February 15 2011 the winter Goshorn said that the architecture if you walk toward Park Circle and Highway 82 there were newer things in that neighborhood Goshorn likes the idea that the building might last for a long time and the people that have lived there for years have the first option for buying in Goshorn said that there were assessments for the capital improvement funds to be based on replacement of the car share vehicles but the bus was right there 2 Cindy Houben said that she lived at Midland Park and was on the HOA Board and they have not reviewed this phase ofthe project as a group and meet tomorrow night and hope to review this at that time Height was a concern in terms ofthe relationship to the Midland Park area they thought the height limit was 32 feet and she asked what will the new roof elevations look like with the elevator and stairwell shafts Also the outdoor space for the residents is in an area that will be shaded and not get a lot of sun and the spillover effect in the neighborhood Houben said they do not allow dogs in their neighborhood because of the tightness and even though our street is private it is used to access Smuggler Houben said that she didn tknow if this project in the free market or affordable housing units were going to allow dogs and asked where those dogs would go Architecture wise it does seem to be more internalized than streetscape which is different from the surrounding buildings They have an incredible night sky so they were concerned about lighting for this project and the construction management plan because it was a tight site Houben said snow shedding off the roofs onto the Midland Park property because ofthe new park they have and in the winter they have snow sledding Curb and gutter in that neighborhood would seem pretty suburban and other features that could be considered rather than an actual gutter maybe a green swell Houben said that the housing categories were 2 and 4 3 Jay Maytin said that he asked the height at one point and the setback from the ground Clauson replied that the height from the flat grade would be 32 feet O Brian said there was a 10 foot utility easement Maytin said that he lived at the Tailings and he saw the story poles and the view will change for the Tailings Parking is a concern for this commission and have talked about the PUD could set the amount of parking required for this project Maytin said the driveway safety with a 12 grade of the ramp with the sidewalk there has to be some kind of safety mechanism there because you cannot see coming up a ramp especially kids Is it possible to have some sound absorption in that parking ramp because at 12 grade a car coming up there is going to be loud for everybody that lives in the area Maytin said that he would like to see a lighting plan as part of the final because this needs to be 10 P43 City Planning Zoning Meeting Minutes February 15 2011 addressed The street corner could handle the rooftop equipment better because of the natural grad ofthis land Maytin said the mass and scale of this building is not acceptable 4 Tom McCabe said that mass and scale was brought up years ago and he had all the square footages from the area and he can bring that back and the aerials of the buildings Commissioner Comments Bert Myrin said that he would like to see this continued for architectural elements the parking allocation could be appropriate for cars parking pushed beyond and it was not appropriate to grant height variances Myrin said that Council had 6 sessions and they came up with the limitation of 32 feet height limit Myrin agreed with the street facing entrances to make the building feel welcome Myrin wanted to know more about the elevators and if they could be done from the lower level instead ofthe roof The lighting was of concern and the code might not be enough and the noise from the HVAC in the garage Cliff Weiss said when this came before PZ in 2008 he supported it and went to Council and spoke on the project sbehalf because there were a lot of things that P Z suggested and the applicant at the time complied Weiss said a lot of the compromises that were made are gone so this will never get his support now Let s start with the elevators those things only make the building look taller bigger and uglier move them to the back and remove the stone Weiss said that all the work that they did the first time around is gone the height that you gave for the north side is questionable and the diagram said 39 to 41 feet and that was compromised the first time There was an interesting design the first time and it s gone Weiss said the categories 1 and 2 was what the applicant sold him on and that was why he went to bat for them at Council and now you are category 2 and 4 McCabe said that Smuggler was category 1 Weiss said it was their selling point the last time Weiss said there are no buildings in that neighborhood that are 12 000 square foot or 31 000 square foot Weiss said he called that architecture National Park it is very heavy for that neighborhood these are huge buildings but yes there are starter castles but they are not 12 000 or 31 000 square foot Weiss said that he didn t understand if he owned a free market unit and he flew into town why he needed 2 parking places Weiss said he has always felt those who live here permanently need more parking places Weiss voiced concern for the exit ramp because buses come down that street and when it is icy that is a nasty street he was concerned about actually being able to see do you have line of sight to be able to see those buses Weiss said that it seemed like in the original proposal they were replacing 11 P44 City Planning Zoning Meeting Minutes February 15 2011 25 units with 25 units are they exchanging bigger units for less Weiss said he could not vote this as it is Mike Wampler concurred with what Cliff and Bert said Wampler said that he was struggling with the height and mass This was out of character and it was just too tall and he can tgo with this parking Wampler said he was okay with cat 2 and 4 and it was still employee housing Wampler said he hated the elevators Stan Gibbs said he will not repeat the comments with which he agrees and will focus on the height variance was pretty explicit from Council at 32 feet this seems just unnecessary Gibbs said he was in line with what staff has said on the Design Standard Variances and he cannot see where you would go in especially to be in character with that neighborhood to have an obvious entrance The building is heavy it feels like it should be in the commercial core as lodging it doesn overly t look like a residential motif he would explore the pictures ofthe alternatives Right now the building doesn tfeel like it fits in that neighborhood there is way too much wood way too much stone and too imposing The features have to much more petite in that neighborhood Gibbs was also concerned about parking the argument about bedrooms is more important for parking demand than the number of units especially for families Gibbs said that he would like to see a full 25 units for affordable housing He understood the transportation was excellent in this neighborhood but going from 71 bedrooms is going to be a burden on parking you have to assure that there won tbe any on street parking with HOA agreements MOTION Cliff Weiss moved to continue to March 15 Bert Myrin second All in favor APPROVED Stan Clauson pointed out that this was a public private partnership that has been long in the development there are some things that we can do and some that we t Clauson said that they can can texpand parking they can reallocate it it is a full plate of parking plus bicycle storage plus other things that need to go into the basement level Clauson said so there isn t any way to expand those 52 spaces beyond 52 spaces with respect to the elevators they are required to have that head height many there is a design that makes them look more diminutive If they put them at the back of the building then the entrance is at the back of the building if you put them at the front ofthe building then the entrance is at the front ofthe building Clauson said with respect to the height this is exactly the same building that we presented before the only difference is that staff has asked us to measure it based on existing top the benched condition rather than a diagonal line that flows along the street so that has changed some of the height measurements but basically 12 P45 City Planning Zoning Meeting Minutes February 15 2011 this is a 32 foot building in every respect Clauson said they will look at the way in which the building is designed and try to come up with something that is more appropriate There is a lighting plan and certainly there is no intention to light up the building Clauson said there was some concern that the building would block views from the Tailings this was clearly worked out with Council to provide the Tailings with the same views that they have now Clauson said the square footage meets the code it is exactly the density that the code describes at 1 5 FAR Clauson said that he hoped that you will consider the project as a whole in terms of the benefits and the work that has been put into it MOTION Cliff Weiss moved to continue for 15 minutes Michael Wampler second All in favor Cliff Weiss said an inviting entrance didn tmean you had to move the elevators to the front an inviting entrance means that you can get from the sidewalk to the entrance and it looks like an entrance Public Hearing Code Amendment for Affordable Housing percentage of livable area above grade Stan Gibbs opened the Public Hearing MOTION Michael Wampler moved to continue the Code Amendment to March I seconded by Cliff Weiss All infavor Adjourned at 7 15 pm Jackie Lothian Deputy City Clerk 13 P46 I C MEMORANDUM TO Sara Adams Community Development Department FROM Cindy Christensen Housing Department DATE March 8 2011 RE REDEVELOPMENT OF 404 PARKAVENUE AND 414 PARK CIRCLE ISSUE The Aspen Pitkin County Housing Authority Board of Directors APCHA Board is currently renegotiating the Joint Development Agreement JDA with PFG AspenWalk LLC and reconsidering some of the recommended categories for the 17 affordable housing units to be constructed on site The applicant had recommended all Category 2 and 4 units in the development application At the Housing Board meeting held March 2 2011 the Housing Board directed staff to review the categories and see if a Category 3 and 4 mix would meet the BACKGROUND minimum square footage requirements under the permitted 20 reduction criteria as stated in the Aspen Pitkin County Employee Housing Guidelines Guidelines The Guidelines require that the Housing Board review and approve variations to the minimum square footages of any deed restricted project Staff reported to the Board that all of the units specified as Category 2 in the application do meet the minimum net livable square footage under the 20 reduction criteria when applied to Category 3 and 4 The Housing Board considered the proposed square footages and they agree that the reductions easily meet the criteria stated below and satisfy Category 3 and 4 square footage minimums The conditions under which square footage reductions may be made are listed below Significant storage Above average natural light Efficient and flexible layout Site amenities Location within the project If the applicant can achieve higher density of deed restricted units with this variance The code requires the satisfaction of a large number of objectives and as a result the development contains an underground parking structure elevators and other items to satisfy those requirements These components will result in higher on site association dues Staff and the Housing Board are in agreement that this type of development would better serve higher category buyers ones that are able to pay the higher dues Recent changes to the code coupled with concerns about onsite mass and scale have also resulted in the replacement of all eleven Smuggler Mountain Apartments currently onsite to an offsite location As part of the new JDA the Housing Board is requiring that all of the FTE s associated with the replacement of the Category Criteria for Aspen Walk Joint Development Page 1 P47 Smuggler Mountain Apartments be housed at no higher than Category 2 and that the units satisfy the 17 5 FTE obligations in the form of studios one bedroom or twobedroom unitsmitigation credits The Housing Board has not yet approved a preferred category mix but will be reviewing and approving the Amended and Restated Joint Development Agreement at their regular meeting to be held March 16 2011 The Agreement will cover the recommended categories and the required form of mitigation for the offsite 17 5 FTE s The Housing Board will also be requiring that the 17 5 FTE s be covered by a bond or line of credit in the amount needed to satisfy Category 1 paymentin lieu fee The Board also discussed a request by the Community Development Department for balconies and a rooftop garden for the affordable housing units The Board has not yet reached a decision on these suggestions These two issues will be discussed at their meeting on March 16 2011 and those recommendations will be forwarded The Board had no issues with the plan that was proposed RECOMMENDATION Staff will offer several possible category combinations for the 17 deed restricted onsite units to the Housing Board for their decision Category Criteria for Aspen Walk Joint 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11 O x V 1 x 2 4s a VI Z 1 C x a s o N tG g 8 g b NN 8 us X a pN a anu OM 0 1 g r Products Stepl tes 158 Series L158 F158 5 Ft Description The 158 Series of Steplites is a low profile brick size site fixture with incandescent fluorescent and LED lamp options It is appropriate in a variety of interior or exterior locations The rugged construction engineering excellence and quality make these fixtures ideal for specification in most public areas Construction Fixture housing is constructed from dieformed 16 gauge steel finished with a white polyester coating Faceplate is cast aluminum with metallic aluminum polyester coating gasketed and retained by stainless steel screws Diffuser omitted in non weatherproof louver faceplate models is frosted tempered glass set in silicone sealant in weatherproof models Reflector is constructed of die formed semispecular aluminum Optional junction box is cast aluminum with polyester coating cETLus listed Incandescent type IC models furnished without glass diffuser suitable for dry or damp locations only in any wall construction Nontype IC incandescent models suitable for wet locations in concrete pour block wall construction only Fluorescent and LED models suitable for wet locations any wall construction Electrical Fixture is wired for either 40W T10 incandescent 25W for IC application one 7W 9W compact fluorescent lamp or LED Ballast is standard 120V 277V optional low ambient Pivoting fluorescent socket eases relamping Low voltage model provides single contact bayonet socket for use with low voltage circuit transformer not included Optional junction box allows 8 wire thruwiring four in and four out Provided with two z tapped conduit entrances in the bottom and one z conduit entrance in each side 39 amber or white color LEDs in three rows JOB NAME Type CATALOG NUMBER Steplites 158 SERIES 1 8 V2 2 1 6 165mm 216mm Specifications 3 3 4 Construction 95mm J Fixture housing is constructed from die 4 i 4 6 102mm 0 0 3 O r 8 86mm 3 4 197mm 3 7 e formed 16 gauge steel finished with a white polyester coating Faceplate is cast aluminum with metallic aluminum polyester coating gas keted and retained by stainless steel screws Diffuser omitted in non weatherproof louver L J faceplate models is frosted tempered glass set 16 15 33mm in silicone sealant in weatherproof models 8 37 98mm Reflector is constructed of die formed semi specular aluminum Optional junction box is cast aluminum with polyester coating listed cETLus Incandescent type IC models furnished without glass diffuser suitable for dry or damp locations only in any wall construction Non type IC Incandescent models suitable for wet locations in concrete pourlock wall construc tion only Fluorescent and LED models suitable for wet locations any wall construction Electrical Fixture is wired for either 40W T10 incan descent 25W for IC application one 7W 9W compact fluorescent lamp or LED Ballast is standard 120V 277V optional low ambient Catalog Numbers Pivoting fluorescent socket eases relamping Faceplate Louver Lamp Glass Low voltage model provides single contact bayonet socket for use with low voltage circuit One 25W T10 medium base incandescent type IC T 158 IC One 40W T10 medium base T 158 T 158G transformer not included F 158 F Lion box allows 8 wire thruwiring tour in and T 158LV T 158G LV One 7W One or incandescent 9W G23 base compact fluorescent lowvoltage SC bayonet base incandescent 1586 Electronic ballast requires CFT7W2G7 and LW 158 CFO13WG24q 1 four out Provided with two Ye tapped conduit entrances in the bottom and one Y conduit LA 158 Amber LED Optional junc entrance in each side White 39 amber or white color LEDs in three rows Options Junction Box Bottom or back mounted junction box for feedthru Add suffix J Bronze Faceplate Satin finished red brass faceplate Add suffix B Weatherproof For exterior applications Not for Alternate Faceplate Calor Black or white 16 Add suffix models Add suffix W BLK or WHT Sharp Cutoff Louver except 1158 Reduces Ballasts 277V ballast Add suffix illumination pattern Add suffix Electronic ballast fluor Add suffix SCL 277 Mounting Housing has flange with holes for mounting LE COLE EB Tamperproof Screws Tamperproof alien head faceplate screws Add suffix TP C W Cole Company Inc 2560 N Rosemead Boulevard South El Monte CA 91733 1593 Fax 626 9253 443 626 443 2473 info @colelighting com com colelighting www Tel F10 N Project Name Type OceanWalk Round Catalog Number HID CF a m Dimensional Drawings H FA E Fixture e 8L us OWk2 w COG The OceanWalk B Max Watts Lbs 8 36 or 42 100 W 40 8 36 or 42 100 W 40 A OWK1 6 or OWK2 6 or 0 F2 B Round series of architectural bollards combines Finish Durable Quali Guard textured thermoset polyester powder contemporary styling with durable vandal resistant construction and coat available in a selection of architectural or custom colors Finish is smooth low level 360degree symmetrical illumination with available cutoff optics and is an excellent choice for walkways entrances promenades plazas courtyards driveways and landscaped areas guaranteed for two 2years Lens Clear high impactresistant acrylic with silicone gaskebng for a weathertight seal An intemal light shield is available Housing Extruded aluminum housing in 6 and 8 diameter sizes Heavy duty cast aluminum base plate concealed within shaft Is designed for standard anchor bolt mounting to a concrete base 3 8x 12 galvanized anchor bolts come standard Optional Vandal Resistant Base available Size Model OWK 1 Round Flat Optics Source Wattage Paracline HID PS Specify height Reflector 50 P 36 PR 50 6 Top Round 6R36 42 6R42 Boma Top 8 Round Specify height 36 u 70 Stack Louver 100 Reflector 100 J 42 8R42 Bronze Fusing S 1 AB BZ Seedy voltage Single mime fuse CF CF ersalvo 26x2 45 Black 2 BK 240 White 3 WH Options SF120 SF277 Double In line ruse DF208 DF240 DF480 Internal Light Shield LS Forest Green CF only ales 90 min 4 FG 480 Grey GY Cold Weather Battery Pack CF only Gives 90 minutes of Illumination during power outages Rated to 20t M Tap Silver Metallic MUltidev SL a specified CLDPK Vandal Resistant Base eonly Custom Color VRB CC 321T 347 Base Template Base Template 6 Round Bollard 8 3282 d illumination 9 EBP ballast 277 unless unless only II Cutoff Grill 208 5 26DT COG COG Finish Mounting Anchor Base Emergency Battery Pack Fluorescent Refractor GR5 electronic transformer operates at 120 thru 277 volts 50 to 60 Hz with a 90 power factor and is rated for 20 C operation 120 unNoltaage 26 V Glass Ballast HID Premium HPF regulating autotransfonmer available in High Pressure Sodium orPulse Start Metal Halide CF Ahigh performance 277 Compact Type sources 50 to 100 watts are offered including Pulse Start Metal Halide for superior efficiency lumen maintenance and color rendition Voltage SLR 8R36 Lamp Aselection of Compact Fluorescent 26 to 42 watts and HID light HPS 70 2 OWK Optics Choice ofspecularaluminum paradine reflector aluminum stack louver prismatic glass refractor or 45 cutoff grill 8 Round Bollard TOG only Bo y l n 327782 2sa 0 1 i ss V I C l sodium COG 42TTx2 x2 cr compare cent Fluorescent tC S D oWemllxemal ele HtnM4KBess VW I SY Porfcrmeoce In A Whole New Light 1 1 u r Visionaire Lighting Page 1 of 2 LLC Home Rep Utilities Find a Rep Projects Photometrics Literature Contact Us NF AN1INC ONA IFHS Performance M A Whale New PRODUCTS Light About Us Products Visionscapes BOLLARDS y v Aria a 1 Pavilion Sahara tr Sonus t Santa Maria t OceanWalk Round y d OCEANWALK ROUND OceanWalk Square Specification Sheet Endurascape The OceanWalk Catalina combines contemporary styling with durable vandal resistant construction and smooth low level 360degree symmetrical LED Round series of architectural bollards illumination with available cutoff optics rornec The OceanWalk Round is an excellent choice for walkways entrances promenades plazas courtyards driveways and landscaped areas CONTACT US Find out how Lighting can Visionaire customize your fighting selurnns contact us a 2fRl Lens Clear high impact resistant acrylic with silicone gasketing for a weathertight seal An internal light shield is available Housing 8 diameter extruded aluminum housing Heavy duty cast aluminum base plate concealed within shaft is designed for standard anchor bolt mounting to a concrete base 378 x 12 galvanized Anchor bolts Optional Vandal Resistant Base Specification Sheet CF HID available for 8model Finish Durable Quali Guard textured thermoset polyester powder coat Available in a selection of architectural or custom colors Finish is guaranteed for two 2 years Optics Choice of specular aluminum parachne reflector aluminum stack louver or 45 cutoff grill provides symmetrical Type V light distribution a I 4 Lamp LED High lumen output VisionBarr LEDs are utilized offering a minimum estimated life of 60 000 hours CF Compact Fluorescent source available in 26 to 42 watts HID 50 to 100 watts offered including a Pulse Start Metal Halide option for superior efficiency 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compliant Takes one 100 watt bulb not included 10 1 4 high 11 wide Extends 13 1 2from the wall In Stock Compare at 134 99 Item Ships in 1 to 2 Days This Item Ships FREE LAMPS PLUS Price 89 91 http www com LampsPlus 1800 7821967 Offer applies only to shipments made to the 48 continental US States THIS IS THE NEW TYPE B FIXTURE WHICH REPLACES THE PREVIOUS TYPE B FIXTURE THAT IS SHOWN EARLIER IN THIS PDF THIS IS ALSO TO BE USED AS THE NEW TYPE J FIXTURE http www htmisprintoutproductPrintProductPhotos com lampsplus aspx ShortSKU M5 24 6 2010 Wall Type downlight luminaire BEGA Product Housing Three piece diecast aluminum supplied with universal mounting bracket for installation over a 31 or 4 octagonal wiring box A round rotation plate allows the housing to be precisely leveled or rotated after installation Swivel adjustment from horizontal arm allows for up to 12 tilt Project Voltage Color Options Modified Enclosure Tempered clear glass 1 4 thick retained by one piece die cast aluminum step baffle frame secured by stainless steel screws threaded into stainless steel inserts Internal full semi specular optical system Fully gasketed for weather tight operation using a molded silicone rubber U channel gasket Electrical Lampholders Incandescent are medium base porcelain with nickel plated screw shell supplied Incandescent rated 600V Available 120V only Finish Available in four standard BEGA colors Black BLK White WHT Bronze BRZ Silver SLV To specify add appropriate suffix to catalog number Custom colors supplied on special order UL listed suitable for wet locations Protection class IP54 r 9 a Lamp 538 6535 1 75W PAR 30 Lumen 1050 A 8 4 7 CD 6 3 Wang box 538 Small opening wiring box included BEGA 10 Updated 7 1000 BEGA Way com Carpinteria CA 93013 805 684 0533 FAX 805 5669474 www bega us Copyright BEGAUS 2010 61 A a p l Z Q 1 F 1181 N F i i i i ti J 1 0 MM MAtdinfreaAt 1 ii 1 1 I Asa i 2 M G 11 ii tg79 a al ro V a t kJ a Ii i 1 q Sn I 7 i t vt I 4 Pe i 3t1Ji nat ury leg 1 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