fl:tlltl-- - --- --===~::::::;:; - - - ----- FOR EMPLOYEES OF THE GEMCO DIVISION OF LUCKY STORES, INC. OCTOBER 1986 NEW STORE MANAGER ADVISORY COUNCIL CREA TED ugust 14 marked the first official meeting of GEMCO's new Store Manager Advisory Council. The council, formed by Dave Bolen and Grant Cottingham, vice presidents, operations, south and north, respectively, is made up of one store manager from each district. Its purpose is to serve as a sounding board to Grant and Dave about the advisability and implementation of new orograms, policies and procedures, partici- pate in special developmental projects, and serve as a two-way communications link between the stores and upper management. Council members, who were chosen for their strong performance and leadership abilities, include: Mike Borger, Dick DeKalb, Jack Dyer, Woody Gray, Dave Locko, Will Mathwig, Bob Moore, Craig Stevenson, Doc Wright and Terry Wuertz. Members will be rotated on a regular basis to keep the ideas generated by the council fresh and new, and so that participation on the council doesn't become overly burdensome to the energies of its members. Scheduled to meet monthly, the council's first agenda items include making recommendations on Christmas store hours, restructuring the base crew schedule, and the new internal management training program. GEMCO LENDS A HELPING HAND by James J. Barnett herever there's a GEMCO store, the GEMCO Charitable and Scholarship Foundation is at work, lending a helping hand, aiding local civic endeavors, supplying needed funds to local charities and helping deserving students with college scholarship grants. This is GEMCO's commitment to the communities it serves. With the opening of the first GEMCO in Anaheim, the GEMCO Foundation in 1959 was chartered as a California corporation. The Foundation was, and is today, governed by a board Of prominent civic leaders who serve without compensation. Mr. A.E. ("Pat") Arnold, president emeritus, presided from the inception of the Foundation until his retirement in 1983. The Foundation was the medium through ,hich GEMCO established itself as not just another commercial enterprise but as a company dedicated to playing an integral part in the life of the community. As GEMCO grew, so did the Foundation. In order to localize the efforts of the Founda- tion in each GEMCO area, the board allowed for the development of regional chapters Here again, local public-spirited people who were knowledgeable of the charitable needs of the area gladly offered their services. Today there are 31 chapters, about 190 people, covering the 80 GEMCO stores throughout California, Arizona and Nevada. receives about 500-600 charity requests each year from our chapters. Each request must be screened for IRS acceptance and category approval. Checks are then processed and sent to the applying chapter's chairperson for signature and presentation. CONT'o. ON PG. 2 The Foundation's most publicized endeavor is the scholarship program. Each year every school in the vicinity of a GEMCO store is invited to enter a student in the GEMCO scholarship competition. College grants of $500 to $1500 are awarded to high school students in each district. Contrary to public opinion, it ISN'T easy to give away money! You have to work at it! The Foundation office 1 Jim Barnett, manager of the GEMCO Foundation for over a Quarter of a century, accompanied by Mary Enlow, the Foundation's office manaaer. Helping Hand Cont'd. CONT'D. FROM PG. 1 MESSAGE FROM STAN Each year, invitations and entry applications are mailed to hundreds of high school counselors and principals for GEMCO's scholarship competiton. As each contest is local, nearly 200 people are contacted to act as judges for the 31 yearly contests. Throughout the years, streamlined methods have been developed to make it possible for a small staff to efficiently handle the myriad of necessary functions. In 1983, when the growth of the company made it impossible for the Foundation to continue as a twoperson operation (Mary Enlow and myself, Jim Barnett). the Foundation was joined by Ken Sutton. Ken takes on a share of the scholarship competitions as well as handling the award presentation dinners. The Foundation operates on an annual budget of $330,000, entirely funded by GEMCO, and does not accept outside donations. Thirty-three percent of the budget is spent for charity: the scholarship program accounts for 51 %. Sixteen percent is for operating and miscellaneous expenses. The Foundation's cost to each GEMCO is less than $4,200 per year. In return, each store becomes actively engaged as a benefactor and good neighbor through the efforts of the GEMCO Charitable and Scholarship Foundation. T THE HOUSE THAT JACK BUILT by Liz Walker t's been said that" all work and no play makes Jack a dull boy" but in this puzzle, a little hard work is in order. The answer to each clue is a word, name or phrase that contains JACK. For example, the clue "Rochester's 39-er" would be JACK BENNY, while "Day of the (Wild Dog)" is JACKAL. Answers are on Page 8. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. There's nothing he can't do. A trick or two with a squash. Serve up a stack. It's a real cut-up. Many try to hit it. Puff's childish companion. Close cousin to TV's Mr. Ed. The original Big Chill. You wear it well. Peanuts, popcorn, prizes. They did it all for some H20. Wind me up and out I pop. being directed toward concentrating on the completion of those plans and projects that have already been initiated, without infusing any new projects or programs. I'm happy to say, there's every reason to be optimistic: This year we will have systems that are working for us, making our jobs easier all the time. And of course we won't have the merchandise distribution problems that crippled our success last year. Our mission for 3rd and 4th quarters will be to maximize each and every sale, continue to reduce shrink, get our merchandise onto the floor in the most efficient way possible (after all, we can't sell it when it's in the back room!), and KEEP OUR MEMBERS COMING BACK! Dear GEMCO Associates: It's easy to settle into a gloomy complacency when things haven't gone the way you wanted or expected them to. Our second quarter results were a disappointment to us all, there's no doubt. We can't undo them-but we can sure make up for them with improvement in the 3rd quarter and a great 4th quarter. The two quarters we are facing are the most important of any year, and in 1986 we have got to give them all we have and make them work! All our efforts are LUCKY continues to have great faith in GEMCO, committing major funds for our remodel, merchandise information and POS systems in 1987. Let's all make a personal commitment to give the rest of the year 110% of our efforts. With your help, it'll be a sue- ceSSfUI19)k~ Fth-reHAA-8~ MERIT SCHOLARSHIP PROGRAM ur Merit Scholarship Program was established for the sons and daughters of all of our employees, with the purpose of honoring academically talented students and helping them obtain a college education. Children of all LUCKY, INC. employees are eligible to compete for the scholarship awards, which can range from $500 to $2000 per year for up to four years of college. (National Merit Scholarship Corporation, an independent, non-profit organization which administers the program) in order to become finalists. NMSC chooses the winners by evaluating academic record through high school, leadership qualities, extracurricular accomplishments, the school's recommendations, the student's self-description and, of course, test scores. To apply, students need to make arrangements with their high school counselor IN THEIR JUNIOR YEAR to take the PSAI/NMSQT exam. The fee to take the test is $5. FULL DETAILS ABOUT THIS PROGRAM ARE BEING SENT TO ALL EMPLOYEES INDIVIDUALLY. Semifinalists are selected based on test score results. From there, they must meet additional requirements specified by NMSC 2 IF YOU HAVE ANY QUESTIONS, PLEASE CONTACT YOUR CHILD'S COUNSELOR. T T _ NEW APPOINTMENTS In The Stores ... ecent promotions to Store Manager positions are JEFF ELROD (515) and WALLY REISBECK (537). Jeff joined GEMCO in 1973 as a warehouseman. In 1975, he became Warehouse Manager, serving in that capacity for 5112 years, at which time he moved to the floor as a Patio Department Head. He has also held the positions of Hardlines Manager, Softlines Manager and Operations Manager. Wally began his career with GEMCO in 1974 as a cartboy at LaPuente. He quickly moved up to sales clerk, working in all of the various departments. In 1977, he became a Department Head and, in 1981, a Hardlines Manager. He has also held the positions of Softlines Manager and Operations Manager. Other recent promotions include JOHN GARRETT to Assistant Store Manager, Hardlines at 535, MARY Assistant Store Manager, ANNETTE MAGETTE to Manager, Operations at FRANTZ to Assistant Store at 523, RALPH CITARELLI Manager, Operations at POTOPOFF to Assistant hardlines at 543. BETH LEWIS to Softlines at 539, Assistant Store 541, MICHELLE Manager, Softlines to Assistant Store 524, and DAVE Store Manager, general merchandise manager of Hardlines, JIM HYMAN's responsibilities, formerly vice president and general merchandising manager, Home, have been expanded to include Hardlines. Also as a part of this redefinition of roles, JOE NAUGHTON has been appointed vice president and general merchandise manager, electronics and jewelry, and will report to JIM HYMAN. MICHAEL CLARK, BRAUN HAWKINS and MARTHA HEWITT have recently completed the 8-week Assistant Store Manager-inTraining Program and have been promoted to Assistant Store Managers, Operations, at 812, 532 and 574, respectively. In the July issue, we featured an interview with DOROTHY MAGETTE. Little did we know then that we would very soon have the pleasure of announcing that Dorothy has just been appointed as GEMCO's first Divisional Merchandise Manager for Cosmetics. JACKIE HENMAN was concurrently promoted to Cosmetics Buyer, and JAN MARTIN to Cosmetics Assistant Buyer. Also promoted to Cosmetics Assistant Buyer is ROBERTA SOMMERS, replacing SALL! CALLACI, who has been promoted to Field Merchandiser. ~ At Buena Park ... In a Merchandising Department realignment following the resignation of BOB ROELL from his responsibilities as vice president and Member Service HANDLING MEMBER COMPLAINTS by Sue Mullins ow often have you heard the words, "I want to see the manager!" from a member who seems to be unhappy? How do YOU deal with members who, for one reason or another, seem to be dissatisfied with your store? There have been a number of articles written about good customer relations, but all of them share the following tips: First and foremost, REMAIN CALM. • Elevating your voice to compete with the member's doesn't accomplish anything, and you'll appear unprofessional to other members. 1 2 LISTEN objectively to what your • member is saying. As one-sided or distorted as the statement may sound, there's almost always some truth to what's being said. 3 TRY TO RESOLVE THE ISSUE so that • both the member and you feel like "winners." This step is sometimes most difficult to accomplish. You may feel as if you're giving in or compromising more than is fair. Please try to remember that, as a result of your actions, the member will probably feel better about GEMCO and return to spend many more dollars in the future. If the member is asking for something • which you don't have the authority to provide, call the manager or person most appropriate to the situation. If the member has questions you can't answer, don't guess. Again, call someone who is knowledgeable about the issue. The Member Service article in the next issue will further focus on member complaints and will include some sample complaints for you to "handle." Stayed tuned! ~ 4 3 CRYPTOQUOTE by Liz Walker Can you decipher this message? J BRMUBB SI UDFJVSGSVZ VDZSMO VX VFEE ZXR IXNFVBSMO -PDIML UJADJ Here's how to figure it out: One letter stands for another. In the following example, A is substituted for L, X for 0, etc. Single letters, apostrophes, the length and formation of the words are all hints. Example: AX Y 0 L BAA X R LONGFELLOW Answer on Page 8 EMPLOYEE APPRECIATION NIGHT WILL BE NOVEMBER 23 THIS YEAR! Read more about it in next issue of GEMCO TODAY. SERVICE AWARDS Congratulations to the following employees who celebrated their service anniversaries in July and August STORE NAME 20 YEARS .~ NAME ADLER, ALLAN ATHERTON, NANCY E. CONKIN, ILENE J. GOVATOS, ANTHONY JABLAN, JUDITH L. MANDELBAUM, ANNE MELENDY, BRYANT A. PRINCE, GEORGE F. SANDERS, GLORIA TRIPP, CHARLES R. 15 YEARS STORE PHARMACY 511 ADVERTISING PHARMACY BUENA PARK 501 531 PHARMACY 509 504 [i;} ASHLEY, HELEN BARRETO, ANDRE BECKER, EDWIN L. BENAVENTE, JOE BONTEMPO, DENISE L. BOYD, GENE T. BOYD, ROBERT A. CANO, MARY E. COX, AMI L. FAWCETT, RICHARD E. GIORGIANNI, WANDA GONZALEZ, PAMELA GUSTAFSON, DONNA E. HECHTMAN, BURTON R. KAYLOR, 01 ANN KIRKEBY, MICHAEL A. MADDOX, GABRIELLE ODOR, GEORGE L. ONO, CLARENCE T. OZIAS, THEON F. PASTRANO, DELPHINA PEASE, MARGARET A. PIMSARN, PACHAREE ROBILLAR, ANDREE RODRIGUEZ, RACHEL RUSSO, MARSHA E. SPITZER, NANCI L. 10 YEARS PICO RIVERA MONTEBELLO PHARMACY 531 PHARMACY 805 529 PICO RIVERA 805 531 525 805 528 BUENA PARK 521 523 506 812 PHARMACY 528 PICO RIVERA 520 PICO RIVERA 514 PICO RIVERA 521 524 ~I 'fm#ffi il ! ~I I, . l.' I ABUCAY, ALFONSO A. 531 AGUIRRE, PAUL 525 BARNETT, CLAUDIA E. BUENA PARK BLADE, SHANE A. 530 BLAKELY, JR., JAMES T. 812 BUENA PARK BLOES, CHARLENE 523 BUTLER, ROSETTA 538 CAMACHO, JOHN A. 804 CARBONE, MARY T. 534 CASTANDEA, ANA M. 525 CHRETIEN, KATHLEEN 508 CROW, SALLY A. 515 DIAZ, SANTIAGO PICO RIVERA ESCOBAR, RAMONA G. EWING, KATHY J. 517 FRANCO, PAUL J. 538 804 GARCIA, IRENE 522 GARIBAY, DAVID Y. 508 GIBBONS, CAROL E. 501 GILL, ROBERTO W. PICO RIVERA GOMEZ, LEONCIO 803 GRABLER, WILLIAM M. 511 HARLESS, KATHY J. S. 816 HARRITT, NANCY C. PICO RIVERA HERNANDEZ, LUZ 507 HOUGHAYLEN, GERALD E. 521 HOWARD, DEBORAH A. 531 HUNT, REGGIE S. 542 JENKINS, DENISE E. 543 JETERS, SHERRY L. 533 KOONTER, GERALD E. 807 LA PORGA, ALLEN 530 LINN, SHARON M. 511 LOCKO, WILLIAM P. 534 MARTINEZ, RICARDO 805 MAUSHUND, MARK 548 McDOUGALL, CATHY A. PICO RIVERA McGLOTHLEN, HELLEN MONK, DAVID I. 542 505 MONTES, GEORGE B. PICO RIVERA MORA, DOLORES BUENA PARK NIETO, DEBRA LONG BEACH NORSIAN, HEINZ H. PHARMACY OSWANDEL, BETTY PACKER, BARBARA J. BUENA PARK PRENDERGAST, BETTY J. 506 QUESADA, MICHAEL K. PICO RIVERA 576 RAMIREZ, ERNESTINE 543 REED, GWEN PICO RIVERA RIVERA, ANDREA PICO RIVERA RIVERA, ILSE T. PHARMACY RODRIGUEZ, MONA RUPERT, KIM L. 514 MONTEBELLO SANTOYO, ROBERT H. SCHLOTTER, JEANNIE C. 802 545 SCROGGINS, DAN M. 574 SEARLES, WARREN W. 530 SKERRY, RONALD C. 578 TALTON, ALONZO PICO RIVERA TOVAR, VIRGINIA 519 TSUTSUI, ROSALIND 534 VALENCIA, ROSA L. 532 WARREN, NOELLA WHITE, ROBIN 512 4 STORE NAME WILLIAMS, VICKI L. WILT, ERIC M. WOODILL PHYLLIS 578 BUENA PARK 506 ~~ 5 YEARS • ,j Ii ~iH ··1 , PICO RIVERA ALMANZA, RUDY M. 538 ALMARAZ, JEFF PICO RIVERA AMBRIZ, JOSEPH 516 AMES, KENNETH 545 ATHERTON, ROY 530 ATRAT, PATRICIA A. 571 AYALA, STEVE P. 526 BAXTER, LISA D. 536 BENNETT, ANGELA 548 BENNETT, JOANA BERGKAMP, KENNETH J. 504 531 BERRY, FRANCES K. 510 BESANCON, SCOTT C. 801 BIELECKI, LINDA F. 510 BRADLEY, DARYL R. 518 BREWER, DAVID 808 BRILZ, JERRY F. 538 BURBACH, YVONNE M. 522 BUZZE, CATHY L. 505 CANALES, VALENTINA 524 CENTENO, ALICIA PHARMACY COLEMAN, BEVERLY K. CONDON, MARCIE J. PHARMACY 531 COX, PATRICIA A. 543 CRAIG, CASEY R. 511 CULBERSON, BETTY 506 CURRAN, TERESA A. 812 DANGINA, SUSANNE A. 507 DEWEY, EDWARD C. 576 DOSSEY, JUDY A. EDWARDS, DEBBIE A. 533 527 ENDARA, GUS J. 571 FELGENHAUER, JANET L. 549 FIGUEROA, MERI M. FINCH, MAUREEN J. BUENA PARK 514 FINEGAN, HEATHER 536 FINK, JAMES H. 509 FORSMAN, GRICELDA PHARMACY FULTON, ELAINE R. 543 GARCIA, RITA 801 GENDREAU, JULIE L. 542 GOMEZ, RACHEL 801 GONZALES, EARLENE M. 510 GONZALES, HENRY M. GRIFFITS, CARYL J. 573 509 GRUYTER, ANDREW L. 505 HAHNI, VERONICA 544 HAMPTON, ALIDA C. 503 HANCOCK, MELANIE 1 ,1 NAME .'< STORE 540 HARKENRIDER, lORRAINE M. HARMON, MARY ANN 547 HENDRICKSON, CANDACE A. 535 HENSON, PATRICIA A. 573 HERTZOG, DENISE 523 802 HODGES, ZORA t. HOLCOMB, MARIA 532 HOllAND, JOHN J. 806 HOLMAN, DIANA L. 800 HOWARD, BARBARA J. 542 JOHNSON, ROXANN K. 530 JOHNSTON, GALE A. 516 507 KAGIMOTO, KEITH KATOPODIS, ELIZABETH 516 KELNHOFER, RICHARD L. 550 KERR, CYNTHIA 801 571 KEVANE, lORRAINE M. KOSSOW, LISA K. 803 KWAN, SUSAN S. 505 lAUTEREN, CHRISTINE PHARMACY lEE, JR, HAROLD L. 803 lONG, DElSIE PHARMACY lOZANO, MARCELA 574 lUKAS, GAYlA J. 804 lUPERCIO, THERESA I. 534 MacDONALD, LINDA 548 MACKIE, ANN M. 806 MARQUEZ, FRANCISCO PICO RIVERA MAXWEll, SANDIE 504 McCAFFERTY, MIRIAM 547 McKEEN, SANDRA 539 MEEDER, PEGGY 515 MENDOZA, RICHARD F. 528 MilNER, KATHLEEN 544 MOHR, BRIAN C. 512 MOlAKIDES, ANDREA A. PHARMACY NAPOLES, ARISTElA 574 OGLESBEE, JOYCI: A. 570 OJEDA, JUANITA PICO RIVERA PEOPLES, DARREl A. 572 PEREZ, MOISES T. 806 PETERS, BETTE 501 L~~ STORE NAME PORCEll, CINDY t. PHARMACY POTAPOFF, DAVID E. 543 PUCH, ROSE 506 QUARTO, PAUL 515 QUIRING, REBECCA l. 544 RAMIREZ, VERONICA M. 576 RICE, JOY D. 527 ROBERTS, FRANK 525 RODRIGUEZ, VIVIAN D. 532 ROMlEY, KRISTINE S. 546 ROWLETT, lYRAE A. 571 SAMAlA, ROBIN S. 545 SCHACKART, MICHAEL 570 SKALSKY, DEBRA L. BUENA PARK SLEMAN, DAVID A. 519 SMITH, LISA A. 516 SNOW, DANNIEllE 529 SOFFNER, ARTHUR J. 545 STERRITT, KEVIN W. 511 STEYER, MARK W. 518 STRATTON, THERESA t 520 SULLIVAN, BLANCHE D. 543 SUlLl, MONA B. 501 TABARES, JOSE 574 TERREll, PAMELA G. 520 THOMSON, CRAIG W. 541 TIBBETS, KEllY 516 TICKNER, KATHLEEN PHARMACY TOSCANO, LISA 526 TRENT, RONALD G. 531 TURCHIN, EDWARD PHARMACY TUTT, DEBBIE A. 548 PHARMACY TZENG, lAN C. UllMANN, HEIDI 516 UMPlEBY, RANDAll l. 523 PHARMACY URIBE, TERI t VELASCO, MANUEL BUENA PARK WALKER, KATHLEEN P 532 WENZElBURGER, ERIC S. 524 575 WOlFSHOHl, HEIDI WYNNE, JANEllE t BUENA PARK YBARRA, YVONNE 506 GEMCO ENEMY NO.1 EMCO has initiated a War on Shrink program. We have identified our prime suspect as being a sly and cunning SHRINK MONSTER, who devours GEMCO's profits. We presently have an ongoing training and awareness program to insure that all employees are well equipped to fight the ongoing battle with shrink. Awareness and teamwork are our Number One defense. The SHRINK MONSTER has many disguises: his presence has been associated with profit losses in the following areas: • • • • • Merchandise theft Damaged merchandise Currency handling Paperwork errors Unsafe conditions and work habits Everyone's assistance is needed to help identify and eliminate the SHRINK MONSTER! HELP GEMCO STAMP OUT SHRINK! GEIICD Keep the SHRINK MONSTER where he belongs !! 1..11. eflf1}e " f1}~ °u ":111 ""'" .·/<r.iO · Sf c08' o, .j.].. <rJ' -'1<., . vca,s'> <;;lS' :Po . 0 '6~ ":"~J. N. I.' ,.; 1,19') <JJ ~j \ ••... ~ '1:.'<. "() e.~ C:" ~~~W __ This is a photograph of the scene in Extremeties in which GEMCO's membership card appears. 5 IV ~'IJ -':10· u6'; ' 1/1,.. ,.., GEMCO MAKES THE MOVIES! GEMCO recently made a cameo appearance in the hot new film, Extremeties, starring Farrah Fawcett. A scene in the film shows a close-up of the wallet that belongs to Marjorie Easton (the character played by Fawcett). And what do you suppose was in that wallet, right behind her driver's license? Why, our very own GEMCO lifetime membership card! T INTERVIEW WITH SAM PARKER ne of the first things that would strike you while talking with Sam Parker, GEMCO's new president, is that he is clearly a fact-oriented, strategic thinker. A little further into a conversation with him, however, you'd begin to detect a second pattern underlying that analytical manner. You'd hear phrases like" need to communicate," "teamwork" and "developing people," again and again. And by the end of your discussion, it wouldn't surprise you a bit to learn that Sam Parker's successful reputation lies primarily in the fact that he is first and foremost a people person. Only 43 years old, Sam has worked in retail for pretty much the last 27 years, beginning as a clerk in a midwest variety store at age 16. After earning his business degree, he went into the Navy, where he ran the Naval Post Exchange ("PX"). After the service, Sam went back to school to earn his M.B.A. in Finance, following which he began a career with Jewel Companies, a large Chicago-based retail company. He began as a management trainee in one of their food divisions and quickly progressed through operations and merchandise ranks until, in 1981, he was appointed president and chief executive officer of their Sav-On division. He was just 38 years old. As Sam was accomplishing one challenge after another, there was still one he had yet to realize-an ambition to sail his 36-foot sailboat around the world. And, after serving as Sav-On's president for four years, he decided it was time to "retire" to do just that. About that time, however, he was invited to join LUCKY, Inc. Well aware of the changes the company was facing, he knew that LUCKY would make good use of his experience and would provide an exciting new challenge. He accepted the offer. Sam Parker joined LUCKY as president of the Automotive Division and helped the people in that organization achieve a significant turnaround in profits following several years of intense change and restructuring. This July, Sam was asked to join GEMCO Communications and Teamwork are Absolutely Essential for Gemco at this polnt. as president and chief operating officer, reporting to Stan Brenner, chairman and chief executive officer. We talked to Sam to get to know the man behind the reputation, and found him to be very friendly and candid. Here are some of the thoughts and observations he shared about GEMCO and about himself. HOW DOES GEMCO COMPARE TO COMPANIES YOU'VE WORKED WITH IN THE PAST? Most retailing is basically similar. It is sirn- 6 ply the art of buying and selling product. What and how your business buys and sells may differ, but being a successful retailer always involves dealing with the needs of people, both employees and customers. Good communications and helping people to function as a team are critical to success. There is a lot of similarity in the operations of GEMCO, LUCKY Automotive and Sav-OnI'd say about an 80% overlap-which allows a direct transfer of many of the skills I had acquired in past experiences. As for the other 20%, and the fact that GEMCO is a more complex operation, well, that's what makes it a challenge. I think probably just as important as the operational similarities is the close parallel in the stage of development of each organization. Sav-On experienced many major changes quite similar to what GEMCO has been going through during the past year. My job at Sav-On was to help guide the organization through that change and to improve its marketing visibility and profits. Through that experience, I learned to recognize some of the obstacles that face an organization and its people in a period of change. Needless to say, I learned what to do-and, just as importantly, what not to do. WHAT DO YOU VIEW AS THE MAIN OBSTACLES FACING GEMCO? We've really left most of the major obstacles behind-it's just that we're still not finished experiencing their effects. Over the years, we've experienced a lot of success at GEMCO. Unfortunately, success oftentimes lulls an organization into complacency. Change is not a high order of priority. Stand- l ingstill doesn't work in any industry, least of all retailing. It's like wearing the same wardrobe, without ever updating it, replacing the worn items. Eventually, your clothes begin to split at the seams here and there, becoming threadbare and obsolete. In GEMCO's case, we weren't investing enough in state-of-theart information systems, merchandising approaches, training and development programs and store capital to keep us fresh and competitive. When we started to realize our mistakeand that was as far back as five or six years ago-we tried to correct it too fast, perhaps overestimating the ability of the organization to handle the changes and still run the business day to day with acceptable profitability. I cite the example of our much-needed conversion to central checkout. We simply did a bad job of executing this important change. HOW SO? We attempted the change without fully considering the learning curve of our employees and members and without developing appropriate scheduling procedures. We accompanied the conversion with a major reduction in workforce, and unfortunately paid a price for it with poor member service. We have since reinstated some of the work hours and flexibility into the store. And I think that's paying off already, in better member service. The big issue is not a stragetic one. Strategically, we're going in precisely the right direction. The big issue is running the business day by day more effectively. My initial impression is that we are at about 80% effectiveness. We need to achieve 100% effectiveness. Good strategies cannot be successful without outstanding execution. WHAT ABOUT GEMCO'S PROSPECTS FOR THE FUTURE? I think they're excellent. As I said, strategically, we're right on course. I think we're now moving at a pace which allows our people to execute that strategy and to better serve our members. GEMCO is unique. We really DO have lower overall prices than our direct competition, as well as wider assortments, one-stop shopping convenience, and hopefully MUCH better customer service. We also have several other important strengths we can capitalize on: Our approach to selling major appliances is unique for a discount retailer, as is our presentation of apparel. In the hardlines area, the rules are a bit simpler: maintain low prices, a wide assortment, member service as appropriate, and instock conditions at all times. All in all, I think GEMCO is a unique and viable marketing concept. WHAT WOULD YOU SAY ARE GEMCO'S MOST PRESSING ISSUES? need to remember it's people, not systems, that run a business. GEMCO has the highest cost of business of any discount store in the country, which makes it very tough to compete with welloperated chains like TARGET. The bulk of this cost, as with any retailer, is in employee wages and benefits. It's hard to compete effectively with the kind of expense load we carry. We need to figure out a way to be more productive, to get our operating costs on a competitive basis. Fourth, and perhaps most importantly, we need to be able to execute strategies and programs in a superior manner. We must achieve that 20% improvement in our effectiveness. What makes this more difficult is that our members have come to expect certain levels of member service from GEMCO and won't tolerate less than that. We've got to recommit ourselves to more than competitive levels of member service. SO, WE HAVE TO BE MORE CREATIVE? Yes, but creativity takes you just so far. We also have to be realistic. The solutions we're looking at right now are more STRUCTURAL, such as how to get product on the shelf at the lowest possible cost. Right now, we're double- and triple- handling much of our merchandise; we need to work out more efficient procedures. We're also taking care of other structural problems. Promotional Price Look-up will be in all the stores within a couple of months, eliminating the need to price and reprice sale items. That will help. Scanning will be implemented in 1987 and will also help. We're also looking at our other costs-utilities, supply costs, etc. Strategically, the thing that will make or break us in the future is in how well we can reduce our cost of doing business while improving member service. WHAT ARE YOUR SPECIFIC PLANS FOR GEMCO OPERATIONS? One, consider the feasibility of new ideas before we implement them. I think it's important to support new ideas but we need to be practical in what we expect and can implement. The people carrying out these ideas need to be given the required support, guidance, and training. Two, we need to communicate much better and start working as a team again. We need to reliven the attitude of "we" instead of" me," of being patient to get things done and impatient if they're not done right. Three, we need to do more and more training and development of our people. I talk about the need for better systems, but we 7 DO YOU REALLY THINK COMMUNICATION IS ALL THAT IMPORTANT? Yes, I do. I think it's one of the most important things we can do at GEMCO if we're going to get anything accomplished. I think that, in the middle of so much change these past few years, we sometimes forgot to communicate with each other. We've started to fix that. For example, once a month, district managers will sit down with the buyers and various other support people to talk about common opportunities, common problems and how best to solve those problems. We have a manager's council that's more than just a gesture. It's a group of store managers who will consult with management on a variety of topics affecting the stores. We've asked our store managers to meet with group managers and assistant store managers regularly to review the business. When you consider the challenges of our business, it's a small investment. Communication and teamwork are absolutely essential for GEMCO at this point. HOW DO YOU FEEL ABOUT INTERNAL PROMOTION VS OUTSIDE RECRUITING? My philosophy is that if we do our job right, and that means recruiting the right people into entry-level jobs who can, with training and experience, grow into greater responsibilities, then we should be able to grow the business mainly through internal promotion. However, I think it's important to be able to assure all GEMCO associates that the people charged with leadership roles at GEMCO are the most qualified people possible, regardless of their backgrounds. The first question I will ask when filling a job is, who do we have internally as a qualified candidate for that position? But if we don't have a qualified candidate, we will not hesitate, in the best interests of the business and our employees, to look outside. WHAT FUTURE CHALLENGES DO YOU SEE FOR YOURSELF? Being the president of GEMCO will keep me busy and challenged for a long, long time, I have no doubt. But, after that? I don't know. I've always wanted to sail around the world... ~ Everybody's Business Flood the Market Laundered Money THE WATER MODEL OF FINANCE by Jerry Fister discovered the following in a book called A Whack on the Side of the Head, about creative thinking, written by Roger VanOeck. As an example of how we use metaphors in life (describing something by comparing it to something else that is more familiar), Mr. VanOeck stated that "Whenever I do any work with bankers or accountants, they talk about what they do as though they were plumbers. And no wonder! They use the "Water Model of Finance" to describe their work: Take a Bath Solvency Deposits Sinking Fund Pump Money In Capital Drain Frozen Assets Float a Loan KEYS TO SUCCESS veryone wants to succeed. We all admire the "successful person." But how do we measure success and how do we determine when we have achieved it? I think of success as a journey and not a destination. A "successful person" is just a person who has had a number of individual successes. My definition of success is progressively realizing a worthy goal. A recent book, The Great American Success Story, by Gallup, found that successful people share the following characteristics: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Common sense Specialized knowledge in their field Self-reliance General intelligence Ability to get things done Leadership Knowledge of Right from Wrong Creativity Self-confidence 10. Oral expression 11. Concern for others 12. Luck Answers: Gallup also noted that most successful people have a happy home life, a love of reading and a desire to excel. Successful people also were able to deal with the inevitable failures along their road to success. As Paul H. Dunn once said, "It matters not if you try and fail, and try and fail, and try and fail again. But it matters much if you try and fail, and try and fail, and fail to try again." We can be successful in our personal lives and in our professional lives if we are willing to plan and work for it. And GEMCO can continue to be a successful company if we all work for it. We have a plan, we have leadership and we have the GEMCO family of employees. Now, let's make it happen! 8 Answers to puzzle on page 2 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. Jack of all trades Jack o'lantern Flapjacks Jack knife Jackpot Little Jackie Paper Jack ass Jack Frost Jacket Cracker Jacks Jack and Jill Jack-in-the-box Answer to puzzle on page 3 A HUNCH IS CREATIVITY TRYING TO TELL YOU SOMETHING. -Frank Capra) AROUND THE COMPANY Compiled and edited by Debbie Howie • ere is a clip from a recent issue of the ,. CHICO ENTERPRISE RECORD newspaper: Extra Warranty Pays Off - I think GEMCO is an excellent place to shop. I went in there and bought a microwave two years ago. I had to have it fixed last month and found out that the warranty was over in a year. I also found out that GEMCO covers the second year on the warranty. I believe they should receive a lot of consideration. Congratulations to RICK SCHLACHTER, son of LINDA SCHLACHTER, accounts payable clerk at GEMCO Victorville (DISTRICT 6). Rick was awarded the U.S. Achievement Academy Award in Math, a membership in the Society of Distinguished American High School Students, and a $600 college scholarship. Every year, "Supersoil" sponsors a fishing trip for all GEMCO store managers. This year, about 35 people left on a Saturday night from San Pedro to try their luck at catching fish off of Catalina Island. For a little added incentive, each person put $5 into a jackpot to be given to the person who caught the largest fish. ROLF GEHRUNG (manager, DISTRICT 7) caught his halibut about 3:30 a.m. while everyone else was still sleeping. It won him the $125 jackpot! On July 11-13, GEMCO held a Sidewalk Clearance Event. All stores were asked to put up a hot dog and Coke stand, to be staffed by a local charity, with 50% of the proceeds to be donated to that charity. Our Cathedral City store (DISTICT 6) donated $638 to the Boys and Girls Club of Cathedral City. The store Manager Charlie Caton was proud to donate the money to the' 'future foundation of our nation." The boys and girls who worked at the booth did a fantastic job, especially considering the 1100 weather. The following picture and caption appeared recently on the front page of the Modesto Bee (DISTRICT 1): GEMCO 512 has spirit! The employees of Walnut Creek (DISTRICT 2) decided to kick off the new uniform program by having a "Blue Friday Buffet." It was a very successful start to the new GEMCO Look. MICHELE MADEROS (group manager, Home Furnishings), CHERI DUBOIS (group manager, Housewares and HBA) and MERLE KLUG (receptionisUbackup store secretary) organized the buffet and promoted employee participation. Employees were able to show off their creative cooking talents, which are considerable! Congratulations to BRYANT MELENDY, who retired from 531 (DISTRICT 1) on July 29 after 20 years service with the company. Bryant, who has worked as Sundries Department Head, Drugs Department Head, Reserve Stock and in Sporting Goods, will be starting his retirement with a visit to his son in Tennessee. Best wishes to you, Bryant, for a long and happy retirement! A recent note from the Childrens Hospital of Orange County (DISTRICT 8): "We of the Parent-to-Parent Infant Support Group at CHOC wish to thank all of the wonderful people at the Fountain Valley GEMCO for inviting us to participate in your July 11-13 Sidewalk Sale festivities by allowing our group to maintain and operate the store's hot dog booth. Both managers RICH HIBBEN and PAUL TUTTlE were extremely helpful as were all the young men and women who regularly checked on our needs and kept us supplied with the necessary items. GEMCO is to be commended for its publicspirited attitude by allowing non-profit groups to participate in this activity. It's support such Yippee-ti-yi-yippee! Michael Nunoz, 17, steers his latest wayward herd of shopping carts across Standiford Avenue back to its home turf at the GEMCO store. Nunoz. a courtesy clerk and cart herder for the store, periodically rounds up the stragglers which have strayed off toward the McHenry Club Apartments. Nunoz said his job has its rewards-plenty of time outside and lots of exercise during round-up's. 9 as this that encourages volunteer organizations to continue to function. Keep up the good work! , KIMBERLY AGAN From: Children's Clerkl814 To: Group Mgr Home Furn.l814 DAVID J. AGNEW From: (new hire) To: Loss Prevention Agent PEOPLE ON THE MOVE FOLLOWING IS A LISTING OF PROMOTIONS AND HEW HIRES THAT OCCURRED IN JUNE AND JULY. Best wishes to the following employees in their new assignments with GEMCO. LISA C. FUNARO From: Ladies Clerkl811 To: HswrslLifestyl Grp Mgr/811 ANDY GARCIA From: Hardware Cierkl80? To Spts/Auto/Hdwr Grp Mgr/80? JEFFREY AGUILAR STEPHEN BERTONCIN JOHNNY C. DOMINISAC DELIA GARCIA From: Audio Clerkl821 To: Home Entertainment Mgr/821 From: Store CierklS03 To: Backroom Manager/S03 From: PatioiToys Group Mgr/801 To: Member Service Mgr/S19 From: Cosmetics Cierkl80? To: Ladies Group Manager/80? JEAN ALEXANDER ROBERT BETTS JR. From: Domestics Clerkl811 To: Domestics Grp Mgr/811(Act) From: P.O.S. Store Trainer To: Member Service Mgr/S01 DIANNE DONALDSON NORMAN GEBO From: Jewelry Sales ClerklS38 To: Jewelry Manager/503 From: Group Manager/502 To: Group Manager(key)/S72 YVONNE DOSS EARLENE GONZALES From: Clerical To: Asst. Data Control Supvr From: Domestics Clerkl801 To: Domestics Group Mgr/801 DAVID ALTRINGER RICHARD BJELKE From: (new hire) To: Loss Prevention AgenV81S From: (new hire) To: Loss Preven. Agent/SSO RICHARD ANKER MIKE BLEVENS From Cash Office CierklS75 To: Cash Office Manager/S27 CAROLYN DUNSMORE KATE GOODLET From Grp Mgr-HBNHswrs/S17 To: Stock Crew Mgr/S17 From: Jewelry/Dia. Sales/820 To: Ladies Group Mgr/820 From: (new hire) To: Loss Preven. AgenV81S THURMAN ASH PAUGH TERI BODELL From: Loss Preven. AgenVSOS To: Loss Preven. Store Mgr/S06 From: MenS/Child Grp Mgr/S79 To: ASM·Softlines/S79 DENISE DYE BENEDICT GOSSO From: Cash Office Cierkl54S To: Member Service Rep/S4S From: ASM·Operations/S78 To: Regional Pers/Trng Coord ROGER ATKINS BRUCE BONAR LEROY CARTER C. GRANT COTIINGHAM From: Night Stock Clerkl818 To: Home Entertain. Mgr/818 From: (new hire) To: ASM-in-Training From: Special Assignment To: VP., Regional Director GLORIA ELlXSON WES GRAHAM From: Domestics Group Mgr/S01 To: ASM-Hardlines/S72 From: ReceptionisV578 To: Store Secretary/S76 From: Cashier/540 To: Member Service Rep/540 SAUNDRA ELSNER SALVATORE GRAY From: Loss Preven. AgenVS41 To: L.P. Store Manager/511 From: Recreation Clerkl800 To: Backroom Manager/S39 HENRY AVILLA VINCENT BONES VICKI CARY TERRI CRAIGHEAD From: (new hire) To: Loss Prevention AgenVSOS From: (new hire) To: Loss Preven. AgenVS24 From: ReceptionisV526 To: Store Secretary/S28 From: Data Processing Supvr To: Data Entry Programmer JOHN BAKER TRACY BOWDEN RUTH CASADEN PAUL CRAYTON From: Cashier/S7S To: Member Service Rep/S7S From: Programmer/Analyst To: Sr. Programmer/Analyst From: (new hire) To: Loss Prevention Agent DARLENE EMERY TIMOTHY GREENAN From: Mgr Trainer/S41 To: Member Service Mgr/SOS From: Mens/Childs Clerkl523 To Sports/Hdwre Grp Mgr/S23 From: Stock Crew Manager/821 To: ASM·Hardlines/S28 RONALD BAKER JR. CARL BROWN ANITA CASTRO ANNA CRVARICH From: (new hire) To: Loss Preven. AgenVSO? From: Cashier/S7S To: Member Service Rep/S7S From: Member Service Rep/S78 To: Member Service Mgr/810 JAMES ESQUER RONALD E. GREEN From: Loss Prevention AgenVS14 To: Loss Preven. Store Mgr/S43 From: (new hire) To: Loss Prevention Agent From: (new hire) To: Store Manager-in-Training ELLEN EVANS JANE GROZENSKI From: Store Secretary/538 To: Regional Operations Secy From: (new hire) To: Loss Preven. AgenVS03 SEAN BARKER KEVIN R. BROWN PAIGE CHAFFEE VICKY CULVER From: HBA CierklS19 To: Member Service Rep/S19 From: Patio Group Mgr/S21 To: ASM-Hardlines/S43 From: Data Maint. Clerkl816 To: Sports/Hdwre Grp Mgr/816 From: Domestics Clerk To: Domestics GM ROBERT BARNES LlNOA BROWN KATHY CHICKLENIS THOMAS O. OALY From: Audio Clerkl812 To: Home Entertainment Mgr/812 From: (new hire) To: Personnel Rep/819 From: (new hire) To: Loss Preven. AgenVS72 From: Member Service Rep/S4S To: PatioiToys Group Mgr/545 NARDA FARGOTSTEIN DALE HAAS From: (new hire) To: Programmer/Analyst From: (new hire) To: Creative Director/Adver. STEPHEN BARRETO ANNE MARIE BULGER RICHARD CHRISTENSON SUSANNE D'ANGINA From: (new hire) To Loss Prevention AgenVS11 From: (new hire) To: Procedures Writer From: Sports DH/574 To: Stock Crew Mgr/S37 From: Stock Crew Clerkl812 To: MenS/Childs Group Mgr/812 DEBBIE FAST CINDY HAMAN From: PatioiToys Grp Mgr/S01 To: Stock Crew Mgr/S01 From: Housewares CierklS12 To: Stock Crew Manager/512 WILMA BARTLETI JAMES F. BURNS FRANK CHUNG LANETIE DAVIS From: Cashier/S36 To: Member Service Rep/S36 From: Loss Preven. AgenVS22 To: LP. Store Mgr/S22 From: (new hire) To: Programmer/Analyst From: Ladies ClerklS04 To: Domestics DH/S04 JOHN FElL JACKIE HARPER From: Camera Sales/524 To: Fine Jewelry Mgr/512 From: Membership CierklS29 To: Member Service Rep/529 TONJA BASTRUP THOMAS BYRD RALPH CITARELLI REGINALD DAVIS From: Member Service Rep/S41 To: Member Service Mgr/S16 From: Loss Preven. AgenV536 To L.P. Store Mgr/S36 From: Backroom Mgr/S03 To: ASM-Homeworld/524 From: (new hire) To: ADCS Analyst ROBERT FELDMAN WILLIAM R. HARTLEY From: Patio CierklS39 From: (new hire) To: Sports/Hdwre Group Mgr/S3~ To: Loss Preven. AgenV804 ROBERT A BATCHELOR DOLORES CALDERON DAVID CLARK VICKI DAVIS From: Sr. Programmer/Analyst To: Project Leader From: Cash Office CierklS02 To: Cash Office Manager/S02 From: (new hire) To: Loss Preven. AgenV80S From: P.T. Production Artist To: FT. Production Artist PAUL K. FELT BRAUN HAWKINS From: (new hire) To: Loss Prevention Agent From: ASM·in·Training To: ASM-Hardlines/532 RICHARD BATII STON I RAY CAMACHO IRVON CLEAR IRENE DEAN From: Store Manager/S37 To: Hardlines Merchandiser From: Central Station Supvr To: Central Station Sr. Supvr From: (new hire) To: Project Engineer From: Small Electrics CierklS24 To: Housewares DH/S24 RONDA FINISTER DEBBIE HEINZ From: Price Change ClerklS04 To: Store Secretary/S38 From: Membership CierklS29 To: Member Service Rep/S29 RICHARD E. COLLIER CLIFTON DELL From: (new hire) To: Loss Prevention Agent NORA LYNN FITIINGER KEVIN HENRY From: Sr. Programmer/Analyst To: Project Leader From: Mens Cierkl80S To: Domestics Group Mgr/80S From: (new hire) To: Loss Preven. AgenVS79 MARC FLASHNER JOHN HERRERA From: PatioiToys Grp Mgr/S14 To Stock Crew Manager/536 From: HBNCosmlHswrs DH/S11 To: Stock Crew Manager/S11 SHELDON BEDRIN BRIAN CAMPAGNA From: Store Mgr·in·Training To: Store Manager/S09 From: Patio DH/810 To: Stock Crew Manager/810 KAREN L. BELEZZUOLI TIMOTHY CANNON DAVID COLLI FLOWER JOSEPHINE DEMERS From: Domestics CierklS12 To: Domestics DH/810 From: HBNStaVCandy DH/S24 To: Stock Crew Manager/524 From: Jewelry CierklS20 To: Home Entertain. Mgr/S37 From: (new hire) To: MenS/Childrens GM/S28 KATIE DIAZ BRIAN R. BERARD DIANE CANOVA RONALD COPE From: (new hire) To: Project Engineer From: Ladies CierklS26 To: Group Manager/S26 From: Stock Crew/S03 From: ChildS/Mens Grp Mgr/514 To: Sports/Hdwre Group Mgr/S04 To: ChildS/Mens Grp Mgr(key)/S14 OMAR FONSECA ROSALYN HISLE From: (new hire) To: Loss Preven. AgenVS14 From: (new hire) To: Loss Prevention Agent MICHAEL BERECOCHEA ROBERT CAPLES LARRY D. COPUS JIMMY R. DIERMEIER From: Member Team III (Temp) To: Remodel Team III Member From: Pharmacist To: Pharmacy Managerl136 TONI FORCE From: Receiver/81S To: Backroom Manager/81S From: ASM-Operations/821 To: Store Manager/S14 From: Loss Preven. AgenVS46 To: LP. Store Manager/808 KENNETH BERGKAMP ROBERT CARDARELLI RONNY CORONA RANDY DISNEY From: Sports DH/S04 To: Stock Crew Manager/S04 From: (new hire) To: Loss Preven. AgenVSOS MIYUKI FUJIMOTO GREGG HOOK From: Stock Crew Cierkl80S To: Home Enter. Group Mgr/80S From: (new hire) To: Remodel Team IV Member From: (new hire) To: P.T. Camera Operator From: Jewelry Sales CierklS41 To: Jewelry Manager/S20 10 From: LEE HOMAN Hardware Group Mgr/819 To: Stock Crew Manager/819 1-' J LEONARD HOWLETT MARY BETH LEWIS MARY MULCAHY TAD QUINLAN DAVE SHElTUN MARIO S. TORRES From: Loss Preven. AgenV577 To: L.P. Store Manger/577 From: Member Service Mgr/B16 To: ASM-Softlines/539 From: Ladies DH/578 To: ASM-SoftlineS/B10 From: Remodel Team Mbr Team I To: Asst Team Leader Team I From: (new hire) To: Remodel Team Mbr Team II From: Draftsman To: Senior Draftsman CHARLES HUNT LARRY L1ERAS MICHAEL MULCAHY DESON REDD ELIZABETH SHIPKEY PEGGY TORRES From: Stock Crew Manger/541 To: ASM-Hardlines/575 From: Loss Preven. AgenV504 To: L.P. Store Manager/509 From: (new hire) To: Loss Preven. AgenV577 From: (new hire) To: Loss Preven. AgenV507 From: Personnel Rep/B19 To: Personnel Administrator From: Loss Preven. AgenV524 To: L.P. Store Manager/524 HOWARD JACOBS JAMES W. LINDSEY KEVIN MURPHY JODI REEDER SABRINA SIEVERT From: (new hire) To: Loss Prevention Agent From: PI Night Recovery/B01 To: PI Member Srvc Rep/B01 From: Loss Preven. AgenV519 To: L.P. Store Manager/B03 From: Mens DH(Act)/B09 To: Mens DH/B09 From: Mens/Childs Grp Mgr/B11 To: ASM-Softlines(Act)/B11 JOE JARAMILLO LINDA LLAMAS IRENE NAIR AUDREY REGAN DAVID SIMS From: Loss Preven. AgenV576 To: L.P. Store Manager/505 From: Loss Preven. AgenV574 To: L.P. Store Manager/574 From: Cashier/537 To: Member Service Rep/537 From: Cash Office Clerkl542 To: Cash Office Manager/542 From: (new hire) To: Remodel Team Mbr Team IV TERI JESSUP REGINA LOPEZ FRED NELSON WALLY REISBECK JOHN SIVERSON From: Stock Crew/520 To: Domestics Group Mgr/520(A( From: (new hire) To: Personnel Rep/821 From: (new hire) To: Remodel Team Mbr. Team III From: ASM-Operations/574 To: Store Manager/537 From: Backroom Clerkl578 To: Stock Crew Manager/578 PAULA TROll From: Member Service Rep/576 To: P.O.S. Trainer JESUS UCCLES From: Stock Crew Manager/502 To: ASM-Hardlines/529 ROY UYEDA From PharmacisV141/B21 To: Pharmacy Manager/141/B21 KURT VAN CLEAVE ANGELICA JIMINEZ DENNIS LORENCZ GORDON NELSON LAURELEE TERI REITSMA BEVERLY SNIDER From: Toy Clerkl536 To: Member Service Rep/536 From: Project Mgr - Store Plan To: Retrofit Mgr - Engineering From HBAlHwrs Group Mgr/541 To: Stock Crew Manager/576 From: (new hire) To: Loss Preven. AgenV507 From: Loss Preven. AgenV546 To: L.P. Store Manager/546 DENNIS JOHNSON WALTER LYMAN JR. DARLENE NIELSEN JUDY REYNOSO JOY SNYOER From: Hardware Clerkl575 To: Sports Group Manager/575 From: (new hire) To: Loss Preven. AgenV550 From: (new hire) To: Programmer/Analyst From: Stock Crew Clerkl511 To: HBAICosm/Hswrs Grp Mgr/511 From: Domestics Grp Mgr/801 To: Stock Crew Manager/801 JUOY JOHNSON DIANE LYNCH GARY NOVOTNY EDUARDO G. REZA CHRISTOPHER A. SOZA From: Cash Office Clerkl535 To: Cash Office Manager/535 From: (new hire) To: Loss Preven. AgenV817 From: Programmer/Analyst To: Sr. Programmer/Analyst From: Loss Preven. AgenV576 To: Civil Restitution Coord. From: (new hire)' To: Loss Preven. AgenV546 BEVERLY C. KELLING MIKE MaciSAAC MARINA ORTIZ BECKY L RICHARDS JACKIE SPENCER From: Domestics DH/544 To: Stock Crew Manager/544 From: Group Manager/527 To: Member Service Mgr/527 From: HBAICandy/StaVHswr GM/801 To: Member Service Manager/801 From: P.T. Cashier/B11 To: PI. Member Srvc ReplB11 From: Stock Crew Mgr/514 To: ASM-Hardlines/519 ROBERT KELLY JR_ WIL MADDUX STEVE OWENS CAROL ROBLES ROBERT ST. GEORGE From: (new hire) To: Programmer/Analyst From: HBAICandy/StaVHswrs Cosm/804 To: Backroom Mgr/804 From: SportsiHdwre DH/541 To: Stock Crew Manager/516 From: Patio Clerkl504 To: Patio DH/504 From: Childrens Group Mgr/575 To: Member Service Mgr/575 From: (new hire) To: Programmer/Analyst SHARI WEDELL ELENA KETTLER SHAUNA MAHLER RUDY PADILLA CASSANDRA ROGERS TIMMY STELL From: P.T. Budget Analyst To: F.T. Budget Analyst From: Jewelry/Camera Clerkl503 To: Home Entertain. Mgr/503 From: Softlines Clerkl541 To: Domestics Group Mgr/541 From: Patio Clerkl533 To: PatiolToys Grp MgrIB03 From: Loss Preven. AgenVB10 To: L.P. Store Manager/510 From: (new hire) To: Loss Preven. AgenVB17 DEBRA WESTERFIELD From: (new hire) To: PatiolToys Grp. Mgr/530 DEWEY VAN HAASTERT From: L.P. Store Manager/577 To: District L.P. Manager JACOB WANHALA From: Hard Goods DH/574 To: Member Service Mgr/574 THOMAS E_ WARDEN From: (new hire) To: Loss Prevention Agent DANIEL WATERS CAROLYN KIDD DIANE MARLOWE TED M. PADRES MARTIN ROGERS JAMES STEPHENSON From: Warehouse Marker/536 To: Cash Office Manager/519 From: Night Recovery/548 To: Member Service Rep/548 From: PatioiToys Grp Mgr/526 To: ASM-Softlines/501 From: Hardware CierklB19 To: SportsiHdwre Grp Mgr/B19 From: Loss Preven. AgenV51B To: L.P. Store Manager/809 From: (new hire) To: Loss Preven. AgenV537 ZACH WHALEY JOYCE KIERSTYN MICHAEL MARRS NANCY PALMA PHILLIP D. ROGERS KAREN STEVENS From: Warehouse/Dock Worker/810 To: Stock Crew Manager/B10 From: Loss Preven. AgenV534 To: L.P. Store Manager/534 From: Sm EleclStaVSund DH/806 To: Stock Crew Manager/BOO From: Housewares Clerkl503 To: Member Service Manager/503 From: (new hire) To: Loss Preven. AgenV507 From: Cashier/550 To: Member Service Rep/550 KEN WHITTENBERG MICHAEL KILBURN MICHELLE MARTIN KARLA D. PAYNE RENEE ROJAS JON STOKES From: Production Analyst To: Operations Analyst II From: Member Service Rep/801 To: Ladies/Access Grp Mgr/B01 From: (new hire) To: Loss Preven. AgenVB21 From: Clerkl510 To SportslHdwre From: Loss Preven. AgenV508 To: Central Station Supvr./B.P. HYUNSOOK KIM CONNIE MAYS JULIE PERINI DE LOURDES RUIZ WILLIAM STOKES From: (new hire) To: Sr. Programmer/Analyst From: AlP Clerkl550 To: Store Secretary/550 From: Credit Officer Clerkl576 To: Cash Office Manager/576 From: Asst Buyer-Ladies To: Adver. Coord. Apparel From: Patio DH/810 To: Member Service Mgr/535 MIKE KLINGSPORN JAMES McLAIN MARTIN PETERSON PAUL SALCEDO JOHN STORMS From (new hire) To: Loss Prevention Agent From: Receiver/572 To: Backroom Manager/575 From: Programmer/Analyst To: Sr. Programmer/Analyst From: (new hire) To: Loss Preven. AgenV538 From: (new hire) To: Loss Preven. AgenV502 Grp Mgr/510 VICKIE L KOLLMEYER MARILYN MERGELE PATRICIA PETERSON HECTOR C. SANDOVAL KEVIN W. STROING From: Sr. Programmer/Analyst To: Project Leader From: (new hire) To: Camera Operator/Adver. From: Personnel Rep/816/539 To: Member Service Mgr/B16 From: (new hire) To: Layout ArtisVAdvertising From: Audio Clerkl542 To: Home Entertain. Mgr/531 GARY KURTH DANIEL V. MEYER DOLORES PFEFFER KELLY SANTIAGO GREGORY SWARD From: Home Enter. Clerkl548 To: Home Entertain. Mgr/548 From: (new hire) To: Store Manager-in-Training From MenS/Childs Grp Mgr/509 To: ASM-Softlines/509 From: Ladies Group Mgr/807 To: ASM-SoftlineS/B07 From: (new hire) To: Remodel Team Mbr Team IV CHARLES LATTA DEBORAH MILLER JEFFREY PINKSTON JEFF SCHETTLER DEBBIE SWIFT From: Pharmacist To: Pharmacy Manager/170 From: Home Furn. Grp Mgr/B21 To ASM-Softlines/520 From PatiolToys Grp Mgr/541 To: Stock Crew Mgr/541 From: Stock Crew Manager/B01 To: ASM-Hardlines/B07 From: Domestics Group Mgr/521 To: Member Service Mgr/521 CASSANDRA LAVALLIE BRENDA MILLS LISA POLING WILLIAM SCHRODER GERALYN A. TAYlOR From: (new hire) To: Loss Preven. AgenV528 From: Domestics DH(act)/578 To: Ladies DH/578 From: P.T. ReceptionisV515 To: P.T. Member Srvc Rep/515 From: SportsiAuto/Hdwr GM/570 To: Member Service Mgr/570 From: (new hire) To: 3rd Party Admin.lPharmacy BONNIE SCIARRA BREIT THISTLE From: Stock Crew CierklB01 To: Sports/Hdwr Group Mgr/801 GRACE WIELANOT From: Group Manager/515 To Group Manager(key)/515 TERI WIGERT From: Credit Manager/520 To: Member Service Mgr/522 SHARON L WILLIAMS From: (new hire) To: P.O.S. Coordinator MARY JEAN WILLIS From: Credit ClerkiBOO To: Cash Ofc Mgr(Act)/BOO MYRA J_ WILSON From: Membership/521 To: Store Secretary/521 WILLIAM WOLF From: Receiver/501 To: Backroom Manager/501 JOHN WOLTER From: Sports Group Mgr/506 To: Stock Crew Manageri572 LARRY LEACH GRACE MITCHELL CHERYL PREDIGER From: Operations Manager To: Computer Operations Mgr From: P.T. Credit Clerkl515 To P.T. Member Srvc Rep/515 From: Stock Crew Clerkl521 To: Domestics Group Mgr/521 MICHAEL LEAVINS LES MOOERS ALLAN PROCEL KIMBERLY SEMPSON RONALD THOMPSON EDWARD YRIGOLLEN From: L.P. District Gtr Supvr To: L.P. District Manager From: Hardware Glerkl810 To HBAlHswrs Group Mgr/B10 From: Jewelry ManagerlS77 To: ASM-Homeworld/811 From: (new hire) To: Loss Preven. AgenV819 From: (new hire) To: Loss Preven. AgenV510 From: Loss Preven. AgenV545 To: LP Store Manager/529 From: Credit Office Clerkl506 . To: Member Service Rep/506 From: Jewelry Clerkl527 To: Home Entertain. Mgr/527 ROBERT LEE LETICIA MORIN MARGARET PRUETT PATRICK SHEEHAN SCOTT TILLINGHAST From: Pharmacisti075/575 To: Pharmacy Mgr/175/475 From Cashier/539 To: Member Service Rep/539 From: Cashier/537 To: Member Service Rep/537 From: (new hire) To: Remodel Team Mbr Team IV From: SportS/Auto/Hdwre GM/512 To: Member Service Mgr/512 11 MAYLENE WOODS From: (new hire) To: Production ArtisVAdver. . ZENATY, MICHAEL From: Hardware Clerkl512 To: Sports/Hdwre Grp Mgr/512 SOLUTION TO STORE OPERA TIONS PUZZLE id you know that there are at least 434 words in "Store Operations"? Neither did we, until we took out our pens and went to work. And, with the help of our friends, notably Alan Hovivian, jewelry manager at Woodland Hills, who contributed a whopping 360 words, we came up with the following list. Compare it to your own list-perhaps you found some that we didn't even find! lJ Letter "A" aero air airs ante anterior an ant ants arose arris arson arteries artist artists art arts as aspen aspire ass assent assert asset astir astra at ate atone atones atop attire naps nares erasers erases eras err errant (31) Letter ear earn earnest earns ears ease eases East Easter eat eaten eats enter enters entrap entraps near oar oars oasis orate aast oraters "I" oat oater on one ones onset onto oops open opener openers openess opens operant operas operate operates operation operations operator oration orator in inept interest interests ion ions irate ire is it its (11) entreat Letter entreats erase eraser nap nape "N" nest nests net nets nip nips nite nites nitro no noise noises noose nooses nope nor nose noses not note notes "0' operetta opine option options or Letter neat "E" pears per poise poor pores port ports pose poses posse prostrate post posts potatoe potatoes pot pots prior priors pro pronto pros proton protons opera narrates neap nears (25) Letter operators (31) narrate ore ores orient ornate osteo otter otters (42) Letter "P' pair pairs par part parts pear rains raise raises rap rape rapes raps rare rat rate (30) Letter "R" rain rates ration rations ratio ratios rats reap reaps rear rears reason reasons reopen reopens rest rests ripe ripen riper satin satire satires sat sea sear rise risen rises roar roars roast seas roasts rooster roosters roost root roots rope ropes rose roses rot rots rotten (49) Letter sane sans sap saps sate "S" seat seats see seen seep seeps seer sees sent sin sins sip sips sire siren sirens sires sister sisters sitar sit site sites sitter sitters snip snipe snipes snoop snoops snoot snore snores snort snorts snot so soap soaps soar soars soe soes so ires son soon soot sop sore sores sort sorter sorters sorte sorts span spar spare spares spars spat spats spear spears spent spin spine spines spinster spins spire spires spit spits spoon spoons spore spores sport sports Three cheers for the following GEMCO sluggers recently commended by members for their outstanding "FAN" style member service. District 1 BETSY TURNEY, major appliances sales clerk at GEMCO 507 (Sacramento). This member commends her for her" .sales ability," and her" depth of knowledge about the various models available." ~O-U••. ..••. District 4 ALBERT BERMEJO, audio manager at Woodland Hills. A satisfied member" really appreciated such good service." STEVE HOZINKSY, store manager at North Hollywood "His courtesy and prompt attention re-established my confidence in doing busines with GEMCQ" exclaimed a member. District 5 MALINDA JONES, grocery clerk at GEMCD 541 (Fullerton) was described as "a very nice person (who) does an excellent job of bagging groceries." MARGARET SENTES, domestics clerk at Bellflower. for going out of her way to help. A true "FAN" stare stares stars start starts stat state states station stations steep steer steers stein step steps stern stet stint stir stirs stone stones (139) Letter tarps ties tars tin tire tires to toast toasts toe tart taste taster tasters tastes tatter tea tear tears teas tease teases teat tee teen teens tees ten tense tent tents tess test tests lie tier tiers "T" tan tans tap taps tar tarp toes ton tone tones tons too top tops tore torn toron tort torte tortes tortoise torts tot tote totes tots train trainer trainers trains trait traits trap traps treat treats tress trip trips (76) EDITORIAL STAFF •• ~ ~ ~ stains stair star stoop stoops stop stops store stores strain strainer strainers strains strait straits street streets strip stripe stripes strips GEIICO-- > JEAN BOWERS, front desk clerk at Modesto was described as " constantly smiling and happy. a definite asset to your store" spot spots stain nominated her for a "Kind and Thoughtful Award" District 7 GLENDA HEWDRY, cashier at National City. Two happy members sent their compliments money by being aware that an item was on sale. to Glenda for saving them STAFF REPORTERS Margaret Sharpe Administration Kathy Poore, 809 District 1 Gail Travers, 578 District 2 Cathy Metheny, 546 District 3 Alice Massey, 536 District 4 lIa Hoover, 576 District 5 Gale Purves, 812 District 6 Nancy Ryman, 571 District 7 Nancy Petros-Black, 572 District 8 Mary Hadley, 819 District 9 STAFF PHOTOGRAPHERS Michale Gulley (Tempe) Larry Padilla (Sacramento) David Colliflower (LA/Orange County) PUBLISHED BY THE GEMCO DIVISION OF LUCKY STORES Employees are invited to submit their story ideas to the reporter in their area or to: Debbie Howie GEMCO Personnel Buena Park NORMA CLANCEY, sporting goods clerk at Encinitas was described as a "true Gem," both "knowledgeable and helpful." District 9 © To the whole crew at Rowland Heights: "Thank you for a fine store and such nice employees," who signed as "a satisfied member." 12 commented this person 1986 GEMCO STORES \
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