Roughness Sensitivity Considerations for Thick Rotor
Roughness Sensitivity Considerations for Thick Rotor
Roughness Sensitivity Considerations for Thick Rotor Blade Airfoils R. P. J. O. M. van Rooij e-mail: [email protected] W. A. Timmer e-mail: [email protected] Delft University Wind Energy Research Institute Faculty of Civil Engineering and Geosciences Stevinweg 1, 2628CN, Delft, the Netherlands 1 In modern wind turbine blades, airfoils of more than 25% thickness can be found at mid-span and inboard locations. At mid-span, aerodynamic requirements dominate, demanding a high lift-to-drag ratio, moderate to high lift and low roughness sensitivity. Towards the root, structural requirements become more important. In this paper, the performance for the airfoil series DU, FFA, S8xx, AH, Risø and NACA are reviewed. For the 25% and 30% thick airfoils, the best performing airfoils can be recognized by a restricted upper-surface thickness and an S-shaped lower surface for aft-loading. Differences in performance of the DU 91-W2-250 (25%), S814 (24%) and Risø-A1-24 (24%) airfoils are small. For a 30% thickness, the DU 97-W-300 meets the requirements best. Reduction of roughness sensitivity can be achieved both by proper design and by application of vortex generators on the upper surface of the airfoil. Maximum lift and lift-todrag ratio are, in general, enhanced for the rough configuration when vortex generators are used. At inboard locations, 2-D wind tunnel tests do not represent the performance characteristics well because the influence of rotation is not included. The RFOIL code is believed to be capable of approximating the rotational effect. Results from this code indicate that rotational effects dramatically reduce roughness sensitivity effects at inboard locations. In particular, the change in lift characteristics in the case of leading edge roughness for the 35% and 40% thick DU airfoils, DU 00-W-350 and DU 00-W-401, respectively, is remarkable. As a result of the strong reduction of roughness sensitivity, the design for inboard airfoils can primarily focus on high lift and structural demands. 关DOI: 10.1115/1.1624614兴 1. DU xx-W-xxx from the D គ elft U គ niversity of Technology 共first xx represents the year and xxx gives the thickness to chord ratio兲 2. FFA-W-xxx, Fគ lygtekniska Fគ orsoks A គ nstalten 共The Aeronautical Research Institute of Sweden兲 3. S8xx design from D. Somers 共xx is serial number兲 4. AH xx-W-xxx, D. A គ lthគ aus from Institute for Aerodynamics and Gasdynamics of the University of Stuttgart, Germany 5. Risø-A1-xx from Risø National Laboratory, Denmark 共xx gives thickness to chord ratio兲 6. and NACA 63-4xx, designed by the N គ ational A គ dvisory Cគ ommittee for A គ eronautics predecessor of NASA, USA 共xx represents the thickness ratio兲 Introduction With increasing rotor diameters, blade designers tend to use thick airfoil sections in a large part of the blade. Thick airfoils provide more structural stiffness and enable the blade designer to reduce weight, giving a reduction of fatigue loads and costs. Airfoils with a thickness of 25% are already located at midspan sections, and thickness increases towards the root, ending in airfoils of about 40% relative thickness. This thickness causes increased pressure gradients over the aft part of the airfoil upper surface that, in conjunction with leading edge contamination, may lead to early turbulent separation and a severe reduction of the maximum lift coefficient. Contamination of the blade leading edge cannot be avoided, and field measurements have demonstrated large power reductions due to that contamination. Pollution of the airfoil nose can even cause multiple stall levels of the rotor 关1兴. Both rated power and maximum power coefficient will be reduced by leading-edge contamination. The actual loss in power coefficient depends on the design of the rotor blade, i.e., the chords at the mid-span and inboard segment, the airfoil choice and the design criteria with respect to the optimal tip speed ratio. Severe nose contamination at mid-span 共0.42⬍r/R⬍0.57兲 and inboard 共0.2⬍r/R⬍0.42兲 can lead to a 共calculated兲 loss in power coefficient for each blade segment of approximately 4%, resulting in a total loss of 8% for the complete rotor running at a tip speed ratio of 8. The amount of contamination differs strongly and simulation in the wind tunnel is not always possible. The effect of roughness on the performance of several special purpose wind turbines airfoils will be addressed in this paper. In particular, the following airfoil series will be discussed: Contributed by the Solar Energy Division of THE AMERICAN SOCIETY OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERS for publication in the ASME JOURNAL OF SOLAR ENERGY ENGINEERING. Manuscript received by the ASME Solar Energy Division January 24, 2003; final revision, July 12, 2003. Associate Editor: D. Berg. 468 Õ Vol. 125, NOVEMBER 2003 Measurement data from various wind tunnel experiments as well as RFOIL predictions will be examined in this investigation. On inboard sections, the influence due to rotation cannot be neglected and the resultant delay of turbulent separation can partly compensate for the negative effect of an increased adverse pressure gradient on thick airfoils. The RFOIL code—which has been adopted to predict rotational effects—will be used to investigate the change in aerodynamic performance for the mid-span and inboard locations in the clean and fixed-transition conditions. 2 Design Approach The design of airfoils in rotor blades is a trade-off between airfoil performance 共including rotational effects兲 and structural requirements. In particular, the latter dominates the choice with respect to the airfoil thickness. Proper tools like RFOIL are essential and some of the features of this code will be highlighted next. 2.1 The RFOIL Code. The RFOIL code is a modification of the XFOIL panel code 关2兴 in the area of boundary layer mod- Copyright © 2003 by ASME Transactions of the ASME Downloaded 11 Aug 2008 to Redistribution subject to ASME license or copyright; see eling. The standard design features in XFOIL, like the mixed inverse options, are unchanged and are indispensable during the design process. Adjustments of the viscous flow calculations in RFOIL are performed in cooperation with the Energy Research Centre of the Netherlands 共ECN兲 and the National Aerospace Laboratory NLR to improve the post stall calculations and to study the influence of rotation on the airfoil performance. The strong viscous/inviscid interaction scheme in the program could be maintained because the driving equations 共continuity, momentum and kinetic energy equation兲 are of the same type. Modification of the 2-D boundary layer equations focussed on improvement of the lift curve for moderate Reynolds numbers between Re⫽1.0⫻106 and Re⫽3.0 ⫻106 . Numerical stability has been enhanced and some of the auxiliary closure relations for the turbulent boundary layer formulation are adjusted. The most important amelioration is in the closure relation for the shear lag coefficient, part of the Green’s lagentrainment equation. Now, deviation from the equilibrium flow is coupled to the shape factor of the turbulent boundary layer. This has led to a better prediction of the location of turbulent separation and results in improved lift values and pressure distributions near and beyond the maximum lift coefficient in both the clean and transition fixed conditions 关3兴. The main feature of RFOIL is its capability of predicting airfoil characteristics on rotating blades. The integral turbulent boundary layer equations have been extended for radial flow based on the Snel-Houwink model for blade rotation 关4,5兴. The three base equations are formulated in cylindrical coordinates. The two momentum equations contain a number of ‘‘inertia force’’ type terms. One equation includes the Coriolis force and the other holds the centrifugal force. An additional cross flow velocity profile has to be added and the closure relation for the radial dissipation coefficient for inner and outer turbulent boundary layer was modified to enable the Green Lag formulation in radial flow. The 3-D velocity profile of Johnston that was utilized has a triangular velocity model and does not allow velocities in the negative direction; therefore separation cannot be modeled properly. For attached flow, however, the velocity model seems to be a good approximation 关6兴. Unfortunately, securing convergence restricted the radial boundary layer terms to first and second orders 关7兴. No changes are made to the laminar boundary layer equations because the rotational influence was found to be small. A proper transition model including cross flows was not available, and therefore the original 2-D approach was adopted. It is, however, likely that transition will occur sooner on a rotating blade than on a truly 2-D blade. Also, other aspects which could influence the cross flow over the blade have been investigated. Sensitivity analyses with respect to tip speed ratio, radial gradients of the integral boundary layer equations and a different wake model have been carried out 关8兴. In particular, these analyses showed that neglecting the radial terms at low tip-speed ratios and high rotational frequencies could lead to substantial errors. Most important, however, was the outcome that rotational effects scale with the local solidity—c/r— alone, and for that reason, this term is used as input parameter for the revised code. Comparison with pressure distributions and lift curves from several wind turbine experiments demonstrated that the lift values were over-predicted and adjustment to the physical c/r value was necessary. Fig. 1 Wind tunnel and rotating experiment compared with calculated performance „solid line… both at the 30% section Fig. 3 Comparison in the rotating configuration of measurements with calculations at rÕRÄ0.55 segment †8‡ Journal of Solar Energy Engineering 2.2 Effect of Rotation. The cross sections of rotating blades are exposed to radial flow, and this may lead to deviation from the 2-D airfoil characteristics. Various experiments on wind turbine rotors have confirmed this and quite large amounts of validation data are available. Some of the experiments were carried out under IEA Annexes XIV and XVII ‘‘Field rotor Aerodynamics.’’ To demonstrate the change in airfoil performance, the results from the experimental wind turbine of the Delft University of Technology 共TU Delft兲 will be used. The rotor blade comprises the NLF共1兲-0416 airfoil and is equipped with pressure orifices along the surface at several spanwise sections to determine the flow characteristics; cn and ct. To obtain the associated inflow angle, a flow direction probe is used close to the 30% inboard section. In this investigation, the quasi-stationary results at anglesof-attack beyond 2-D stall are of interest, and therefore the data obtained during strong wind fluctuations were removed. Unfortunately, some dynamic flow behavior still remains, and this causes quite some scatter 共Fig. 1, 关9兴兲. In Fig. 1, the predicted characteristics from RFOIL and the experimental data from the field tests have been plotted. A local solidity of 2/3 of the actual value for this inboard segment is used in the RFOIL model. Two data points close to the RFOIL cn⫺ct curve are selected to compare the associated experimental pressure distributions with the RFOIL results. Fig. 2 Pressure distributions measured and calculated for the rotating situation „ReÄ1.0Ã106 … NOVEMBER 2003, Vol. 125 Õ 469 Downloaded 11 Aug 2008 to Redistribution subject to ASME license or copyright; see For these two data points, the corresponding lift values and pressure distributions compare fairly well with the measurements 共Fig. 2兲. A similar comparison has been carried out for the NACA 44xx airfoil series; the airfoils that are used in the Stork 5.0-WPX blade during the FFA experiments in the 12⫻16 m low-speed wind tunnel of the Chinese Aerodynamic Research and Development Center 共CARDC兲 关10兴. The lift performance and the pressure distributions for two selected data points at the mid-span segment compare relatively well 共Figs. 3 and 4 关8兴兲. Here the angle-ofattack is derived from a blade element momentum method and these values show quite some scatter. This difference in performance can not be observed in the cn⫺ct graph 共Fig. 3, left picture兲 and it seems obvious that the method used to determine the inflow angle caused the errors. Both validations indicate that RFOIL can match rotational effects quantitatively and could be of great help in approximating the effects of rotation. 2.3 Design Considerations. The design of an airfoil for mid-span or inboard sections is a mix between aerodynamic and structural requirements. For the DU airfoils, the focus has been on the aerodynamic performance; thickness distribution, location of maximum thickness, airfoil tail restrictions and nose radius are regarded as secondary requirements. The design of the 25% thick airfoil was the start of a series of dedicated wind turbine airfoils for several blade sections. This airfoil will be used to demonstrate the main features of the design process for thick airfoils in general. Twenty-five percent thick airfoils are generally located at span positions between approximately r/R⫽0.4 and 0.6. Stall or pitch control of the wind turbine hardly affects the aerodynamic demands. The design targets are a mix of specific inboard and midspan requirements. This means that the airfoil characteristics should demonstrate: 1. A high lift-to-drag ratio for a high power coefficient to maximize the energy yield of the turbine. The corresponding design lift should be moderate to high to restrict the blade chord. This lift value should, however, have sufficient margin with respect to the maximum lift coefficient of approximately cl⫽0.2. 共A moderate design lift also guarantees that the associated angle-of-attack is sufficiently high to make running at the optimal design point feasible without a strong increase of the blade twist.兲 2. A moderate to high maximum lift coefficient to reduce the blade area 共and reduce standstill loads兲. Additional lift due to rotational effects is generally small for the mid-span locations. Stall should be of the trailing edge type. 3. Low roughness sensitivity with respect to maximum cl /cd and cl-max. This allows acceptable tolerance for production and ensures that the airfoil leading edge is insensitive to imperfections. These demands lead to the design approach that limits the uppersurface thickness to reduce upper-surface velocities. The lower adverse pressure gradient can now more easily withstand disturbances of e.g. roughness, and a strong reduction of the maximum lift can be avoided. The maximum lift-to-drag ratio is largely determined by the location of the maximum thickness, in combination with the nose radius. Deviances in the nose radius could have a great effect on the 共overall兲 performance of the airfoil and a sensitivity analysis with respect to variation in the nose radius should therefore always be part of the design process. Limiting the upper-surface thickness means that the lowersurface thickness must increase to obtain the required thickness. To achieve sufficient lift, an S-shape tail 共or an under camber tail兲 can be applied to produce aft-loading. The design of this shape is a trade-off between increasing the lift and preventing turbulent separation at low inflow angles. An aft location of the maximum lower-surface thickness reduces the aft-loading capabilities. The airfoil shapes in Fig. 5 demonstrate the result of this design approach. The depicted NACA airfoil was obtained by up scaling the coordinates of an airfoil with smaller thickness, a common procedure for these airfoil series. The DU 91-W2-250 共t/c⫽0.25兲 and S814 共t/c⫽0.24兲 airfoils are, however, designed with the objectives described above. The S814 airfoil has the smallest upper surface thickness. In order to prevent early transition and turbulent separation on the lower surface, the location of the maximum thickness for the S814 airfoil was moved forward by stretching the S-shape. The maximum airfoil thickness is at x/c⫽0.27 for the S814, while it is at x/c⫽0.31 for the DU airfoil. The latter simplifies the structural design in view of, e.g., cross-section stiffness. 3 Experimental Set-up 3.1 Wind Tunnels. The 2-D wind tunnel measurements investigated in this paper are from different tunnel set-ups, and this complicates a proper evaluation of the airfoil characteristics. Fig. 4 Pressure distributions of two selected data points from experiment and calculations at the rÕRÄ0.55 segment †8‡ Fig. 5 The shape of three approximately 25% thick airfoils 470 Õ Vol. 125, NOVEMBER 2003 Fig. 6 Comparison in the clean configuration for DU 91-W2250 measured by Delft Transactions of the ASME Downloaded 11 Aug 2008 to Redistribution subject to ASME license or copyright; see The most important tunnel characteristic is the free-stream turbulence level, and that is similar for the test facilities at Delft 关11兴 and Stuttgart 关12兴. Both are low-turbulence tunnels having a turbulence level well below 0.1% during the tests. The experiments carried out by Risø in the VELUX wind tunnel deal with a much higher free-stream turbulence level of at least 1% 关13兴. A comparison with calculations could indicate the difference in airfoil performance due to the tunnel characteristics. Figure 6 shows the difference in measured and calculated characteristics for the DU 91-W2-250 airfoil. The Delft measurements give a lower maximum lift-to-drag ratio of 11% but an equal value for the maximum lift. A similar comparison of the measurements in the VELUX tunnel with calculations for the FFA-W3-241 airfoil shows less agreement 共Fig. 7兲. The calculations give a 33% higher lift-to-drag ratio and a 19% higher maximum lift coefficient (⌬cl⫽0.32) than what was measured experimentally. The high free-stream turbulence level could cause early transition, resulting in increased drag and a reduced maximum lift coefficient. RFOIL sometimes tends to over predict the airfoil characteristics for a certain class of airfoils; therefore calculations have been carried out for a similar design—FFA-W3-211 共relative thickness Fig. 7 Comparison for FFA-W3-241 measured by Risø †13‡ Fig. 8 Comparison for FFA-W3-211 measured by FFA †14‡ 21.1%兲—measured in the low-turbulence tunnel of the Royal Institute of Technology 共KTH兲 in Stockholm 关14兴 at a Reynolds number of 1.8⫻106 共Fig. 8兲. Now, the RFOIL characteristics are in better agreement with the measurements, resulting in a difference of the maximum lift-to-drag ratio of 9.5% and of 5% for the maximum lift (⌬cl⫽0.08). It appears that the high turbulence intensity in the VELUX wind tunnel adversely affects the maximum lift-to-drag ratio and maximum lift measured for airfoils in the clean configuration. The effect of the high turbulence level is expected to be much smaller in the configuration with transition fixed. 3.2 Roughness Simulations. Contamination at the leading edge of the blade nose will, in general, lead to premature transition of the laminar boundary layer and result in early turbulent separation. This is especially important when the pollution is on the upper surface, because early separation there could affect the maximum lift capacity. To simulate this in the wind tunnel, transition is usually fixed by putting a roughness strip or zigzag tape on one or both sides of the airfoil. The critical roughness height Reynolds number based on distributed roughness should be at least 600 according to the method of Braslow 关15兴. The applied grit roughness causes only transition and will hardly increase the momentum thickness of the starting turbulent boundary layer; therefore the smallest increase in drag and smallest reduction in maximum lift will be achieved. A more standard approach is the application of zigzag tape with a height of 0.35 mm 共Fig. 9, ttape /c⫽0.00058) having a critical Reynolds number of approximately 200. This means that a much lower tape height 共compared to grit roughness兲 would be sufficient to trigger transition. The very effective zigzag tape will now lead to a significant increase in momentum thickness of the turbulent boundary layer and the influence on the airfoil characteristics will be more severe than it would be with grit roughness. This complicates the comparison of some of the airfoil performance data, even when transition is fixed at the same chord location. The effect of roughness on the upper surface at x/c⫽5% could give a fair indication of the ability of the airfoil to cope with a thick turbulent boundary layer on the suction side. Experiments with zigzag tape at the blade nose carried out on a NEG Micon 700/44 turbine showed that the drop in power level was similar to previous measured power curves 关1兴. However, since the roughness configuration differs 共the tape on the wind turbine is fixed at x/c⫽0.0% and applied between 0.55R blade span and the tip兲, it is still difficult to make a proper comparison between a full-scale wind turbine and wind tunnel experiments. Leading edge contamination on wind turbine blades also affects the flow on the pressure side of the airfoil. In general, the favorable pressure distribution will diminish the effect on the airfoil characteristics. Nose roughness on thick airfoils with huge aft-loading tails could, however, lead to early turbulent separation at moderate angles-of-attack, effectively decambering the airfoil. Decambering of the aft part of the airfoil sometimes reduces the 共maximum兲 lift. The importance of the critical roughness Reynolds number implies that the airflow velocity plays a role as well. Increasing the undisturbed air velocity results in a reduction of the required roughness height. Applying the same zigzag tape means that the negative effect on the performance could be even larger and evaluating the roughness sensitivity of different airfoils will become more difficult. 4 Overview of 2-D Airfoil Performance in Clean and Rough Condition Fig. 9 The shape of the ZZ-tape applied at the Delft measurements „thicknessÄ0.35 mm… Journal of Solar Energy Engineering 4.1 Test Results for 25% Thick Airfoil Class. The design approach described in paragraph 2.3 is in contrast to the traditional way of deriving thick airfoils and the consequences can be observed in the performance for the DU 91-W2-250, S814 and NACA 63( 421) -425 airfoils. The Reynolds number in the experiNOVEMBER 2003, Vol. 125 Õ 471 Downloaded 11 Aug 2008 to Redistribution subject to ASME license or copyright; see ment was 3.0⫻106 , which is well below that of 100-m wind turbine rotors where Reynolds numbers close to Re⫽7.0⫻106 occur. 4.1.1 Clean Configuration. All measurements on the DU 91W2-250 关16,17兴, S814 关18兴 and NACA 63( 421) -425 关19兴 airfoils were carried out in the Delft wind tunnel. In the clean configuration, only a small difference in performance between the airfoils can be observed 共Fig. 10兲. The lift-to-drag ratio is almost the same for these airfoils and the effect of any differences here on the turbine power coefficient can be neglected. The associated design lift coefficient is the largest for the DU airfoil, and this will lead to slightly smaller blade chords on an optimally designed blade with the same tip-speed ratio. The maximum lift coefficient of the special purpose designs—DU and S—is about 0.1 higher than the NACA airfoil; this can be attributed, in part, to the aft-loading design approach used for these airfoils. Other special purpose airfoils in this class are AH 93-W-257, FFA-W3-241 and Risø-A124. The shape and the performance of the AH 93-W-257 is quite similar to the DU 91-W2-250 airfoil, but the maximum lift-todrag ratio is a bit lower. The FFA and Risø airfoils are approximately 24% thick, similar to the S814 airfoil. Both airfoils were tested in the VELUX tunnel at a relatively low Reynolds number. The shapes of the airfoils are plotted in Fig. 11. The main difference is at the nose, where the FFA airfoil is thicker and has a much larger nose radius. This could cause a reduction of the pressure peak at the nose and consequently lead to a significant difference in the post stall region. The maximum lift, however, is not affected and is the same for both airfoils. The larger lift-to-drag ratio is in favor of the Risø airfoil 共Fig. 12兲. The lift-to-drag ratio obtained from the experiments in the VELUX tunnel is relatively low, compared to the measurements in the Delft and Stuttgart wind tunnels, and could be caused by an increase in drag as a result of the higher turbulence level. lift curve, while this is no longer the case for the NACA airfoil 共Fig. 13兲. For the NACA airfoil, turbulent separation at the trailing edge already starts near 5.0 deg angle-of-attack and moves gradually to the leading edge, resulting in a strong reduction of the lift in stall. This poor performance for the fixed transition case is not that surprising because the designs of the NACA airfoils were never aimed at their use in wind turbine rotors. A fair comparison between the DU 91-W2-250 and the S814 airfoils is difficult due to differences in roughness type. The zigzag tape applied to the DU airfoil is much thicker than the grit roughness on the S814 airfoil and, therefore, an additional increase of the momentum thickness can be expected on the DU airfoil. This leads to early turbulent separation and may account for the lower maximum lift for the DU airfoil. Table 1 gives an overview of the performance for the 25% thick airfoil class in the clean and rough configuration. In the Risø experiments 关20兴, transition was fixed on the upper and lower surface at 5% and 10%, respectively. The loss in maximum lift compared with the clean configuration for the FFA-W3241 and Risø-A1-24 airfoil is 15% 共Compare Figs. 12 and 14兲. The degradation in maximum lift-to-drag ratio is the smallest for the Risø airfoil 共36%兲 and is 40% for the FFA airfoil. These reductions are small compared to the other airfoils and they are a bit strange because a considerable roughness height was applied on both sides of the airfoil. Keeping in mind the fact that the high turbulence level attributes to a high drag in the clean configuration, the outcome is less surprising. Overall, the 24% thick RisøA1-24 performs very well despite the fact that the measurements were carried out at a lower Reynolds number and at a much higher turbulence level; the maximum lift coefficient in the rough configuration is equal to that of the DU airfoil. 4.1.2 Rough Configuration. In the fixed-transition configuration, the difference in airfoil performance becomes quite substantial and the special purpose airfoils achieve better performance. The DU and S814 airfoil clearly show a maximum in the Fig. 12 Performance for two 24% thick airfoils „clean configuration, VELUX tunnel… Fig. 10 Performance for 25% thick airfoils in the clean configuration „S814 is 24% thick… Fig. 11 The airfoil shapes of two 24% thick airfoils 472 Õ Vol. 125, NOVEMBER 2003 Fig. 13 Airfoil performance for three ‘‘25%’’ thick airfoils with simulated roughness Transactions of the ASME Downloaded 11 Aug 2008 to Redistribution subject to ASME license or copyright; see Table 1 The effect of roughness on the airfoil performance for „about… 25% thick airfoils clean Configuration airfoil Re⫽3.0e6 DU 91-W2-250共1兲 NACA 63421-425共1兲 AH 93-W-257共2兲 S814共1兲 Re⫽2.0e6 DU 91-W2-250共1兲 Re⫽1.6e6 FFA-W3-241共3兲 Risø-A1-24共3兲 Re⫽1.5e6 DU 91-W2-250共1兲 AH 93-W-257共2兲 ‘‘rough’’ L/Dmax cl-max L/Dmax cl-max 127.6 120 120.7 114.1 1.37 1.277 1.41 1.408 61.8 39 55 61.4 1.16 0.803* 1.04 1.357** 121.6 1.375 81 90.5 1.37 1.36 48.5 57 1.16*** 1.17*** 113.8 113 1.4 1.46 51.8 46.4 1.06 1.03 共1兲 Delft 关16,17兴. Stuttgart 关12兴. 共3兲 Risø 关13,20兴. *At kink in lift curve. **Grit roughness at upper surface x/c⫽0.02 and lower surface x/c⫽0.10. ***ZZ-tape at x/c⫽0.05 upper surface and at x/c⫽0.10 on lower surface. 共2兲 4.2 Test Results for 30% Thick Airfoil Class. Airfoils of 30% thickness are located at the inner 40% of the blade. The design considerations here are driven by both aerodynamic optimization and structural requirements. In particular, the location of the maximum thickness and, to a lesser extent, the thickness of the upper surface depend on the structural design requirements. Figure 15 shows three dedicated wind turbine airfoils. The shape of the DU airfoil represents the design approach described in section 2.3. The upper-surface thickness is slightly increased com- pared to the DU 91-W2-250 in order to obtain a higher maximum lift coefficient at the cost of increased roughness sensitivity. The location of the maximum thickness and the lower-surface pressure distribution are optimized such that the flow on the pressure side stays attached for positive lift values. 4.2.1 Clean Configuration. The number of measurements for airfoils with Reynolds number close to Re⫽3.0⫻106 is limited. Only characteristics of the DU 97-W-300 and AH 94-W-301 airfoils are available for a Reynolds number of 2.5⫻106 ; while the characteristics of the FFA-W-301 airfoil are available at a maximum Reynolds number of Re⫽1.6⫻106 共Figs. 16a and 16b兲. The performance for the DU-97 and AH-94 airfoils is rather similar except for the maximum lift coefficient, which is 0.11 higher for the DU airfoil. The aft-loading tail of the DU airfoil is probably responsible for this 共Fig. 15兲. The characteristics of the FFAW3-301 airfoil show a considerably lower maximum lift coefficient and a large reduction in lift-to-drag ratio caused by a relatively high drag. The higher turbulence level at the VELUX wind tunnel experiment may be responsible for this. 4.2.2 Comparison With Rough Configuration. The difference in Reynolds number, variation in roughness location and wind tunnel set-up makes a fair comparison of the characteristics difficult 共Table 2兲. The performance of the DU 97-W-300, AH 94-W-301 and FFAW3-301 airfoils with fixed transition but at different Reynolds numbers is demonstrated in Fig. 17. The huge differences in drag polar are partly due to the variation in test set-up. A fair comparison for the degradation in maximum lift-to-drag ratio with the clean configuration for the DU 97-W-300 and AH 94-W-301 airfoils—having the same roughness conditions—is still realistic because the influence of the Reynolds number is expected to be small. For the DU airfoil, the transition-fixed condition leads to a Fig. 14 Measured data for two 24% thick airfoils with transition fixed at upper „xÕcÄ0.05… and lower surface „xÕcÄ0.1… Fig. 15 The airfoil shapes of three 30% thick airfoils Journal of Solar Energy Engineering Fig. 16 „a… Characteristics for three 30% thick airfoils in the clean configuration „FFA data is at ReÄ1.6eÃ106 …. „b… The liftto-drag ratio and the lift for three 30% thick airfoils in the clean configuration „FFA data is at ReÄ1.6eÃ106 …. NOVEMBER 2003, Vol. 125 Õ 473 Downloaded 11 Aug 2008 to Redistribution subject to ASME license or copyright; see Table 2 2-D performance for 30% thick airfoils clean Configuration airfoil Re⫽3.0e6 DU 97-W-300共1兲 Re⫽2.5e6 DU 97-W-300共1兲 AH 94-W-301共2兲 AH 93-W-300共2兲 Re⫽2.0e6 DU 97-W-300共1兲 Re⫽1.6e6 ** NACA 63-430共3兲 FFA-W3-301共3兲 Re⫽1.5e6 AH 93-W-300共2兲 AH 94-W-301共2兲 ‘‘rough’’ L/Dmax cl-max L/Dmax cl-max 98.1 1.56 53.2 1.17 95.6 98.2 65.8 1.547 1.43 1.16 28.6 0.67* 91.7 1.546 48.4 1.09 50.6 43 1.05 1.31 21.7 29.8 0.53* 0.834 62.1 92.5 1.25 1.46 24.5 28.7 0.71* 0.69* 共1兲 Delft 关21兴. Stuttgart 关12兴. Risø 关13兴. *At kink in lift curve. **zz-tape at x/c⫽0.05 upper surface and at x/c⫽0.10 on lower surface. 共2兲 共3兲 degradation in L/D-max of 47% at Re⫽2.0⫻106 compared to a degradation of 69% for the AH 94-W-301 at Re⫽1.5⫻106 . The DU airfoil, and, to a lesser extent the FFA airfoil, show a clear 共local兲 maximum lift coefficient, while this has 共almost兲 vanished for the AH airfoil. This trend is comparable with the lift curves in Fig. 18 for the AH 93-W-300 and the NACA 63-430 airfoil. The FFA-W3-301 airfoil has additional roughness on the pressure side, and this will affect the performance of the airfoil as well. In the Delft tunnel, measurements have been performed on a quite similar configuration 共Fig. 19兲, and the additional degradation of the airfoil performance appears to be negligible. Therefore, the comparison between the DU, AH and FFA airfoil for this rough configuration is regarded to be reasonably fair. The DU 97-W-300 airfoil combines a high maximum lift in the clean configuration with an acceptable degradation in lift when the airfoil nose is contaminated. The drop in maximum lift is considerable (⌬cl⫽.39 and ⌬cl⫽.46 at Re⫽3.0⫻106 and 2.0 ⫻106 , respectively兲 but acceptable in view of the large airfoil thickness. 4.3 Test Results for 35% and 40% Thick DU Airfoil. Extremely thick airfoils, with a relative thickness of 35% or more, are located near the root of the rotor blade and structural requirements strongly affect the aerodynamic design of these airfoils. The upper- and lower-surface thickness become more or less the same and the maximum thickness location moves to a more aft chord location. The thick suction side will now increase the airfoils’ susceptibility to roughness effects considerably, while the lower surface has to be redesigned with respect to the aft-loading tail, resulting in a reduction of the lift contribution. At the inboard Fig. 17 Characteristics for 30% thick airfoils in the ‘‘rough’’ configuration „DU at ReÄ2.0Ã106 , FFA at ReÄ1.6Ã106 and AH at ReÄ1.5Ã106 … Fig. 19 The effect of additional transition „at xÕcÄ0.2… on the lower surface of the DU 97-W-300 airfoil Fig. 18 The lift performance two for 30% thick airfoils in the ‘‘rough’’ configuration „AH at ReÄ1.5Ã106 , NACA at ReÄ1.6 Ã106 … 474 Õ Vol. 125, NOVEMBER 2003 Fig. 20 Measured and calculated lift performance for DU 00W-350 and DU 00-W-401 at ReÄ3.0Ã106 „clean and transition fixed condition, solid lineÄcalculations… Transactions of the ASME Downloaded 11 Aug 2008 to Redistribution subject to ASME license or copyright; see locations, aerodynamic requirements are, in general, limited to a high maximum lift coefficient at a relatively high angle-of-attack. Another issue that cannot be neglected at these locations is the influence of rotation and this should be incorporated in the design phase. 4.3.1 Measurements. Figure 20 presents the performance of the clean and transition-fixed configurations for two DU airfoils with a maximum thickness-to-chord ratio of 35% and 40.1%. These tests were performed in the Stuttgart wind tunnel. The 35% thick airfoil shows a relatively high maximum lift coefficient in the clean configuration, in contrast to the thicker DU 00-W-401 airfoil, where increased thickness at the suction side now leads to early turbulent separation. Up to maximum lift and in the nearstall region, RFOIL calculations with free transition are in fair agreement with the measurements. In the transition-fixed configuration, the differences between calculations and measurements are larger, but the trend in lift performance is still rather good. Especially striking is the kink in the lift curve for the 40.1% thick airfoil. In the measurements, transition has been fixed by application of bump tape 共h⫽0.5 mm兲 at 2% of chord on the upper surface and at 10% of chord on the lower surface. The same transition locations are adopted in the calculations. In this condition, the flow around the DU 00-W-401 airfoil is massively separated on both the lower and upper surfaces, and this effectively results in a change in the airfoil camber. At angles-of-attack left of the kink in the lift curve, the airfoil resembles a blunt streamline body with a horizontal lower surface 共due to the separated flow on the pressure side兲 and a cambered upper surface. This results in positive lift values. On the right hand side of the kink, at e.g. 5.0 deg incidence, the opposite appears; here early separation prevents the suction side from contributing to the lift. For the 2-D configuration, the huge airfoil thickness limits the aerodynamic design opportunities with respect to roughness sensitivity. The kink in the lift curve can be avoided by removing aft loading, but the downside is a strong reduction of the maximum lift in the clean configuration. More important at these inboard sections, however, is the influence of rotation. Delay of turbulent separation will automatically reduce the huge separated areas near the kink and will change the lift curve. This issue will be addressed in Section 6. Table 3 2-D performance with vortex generators on the upper surface Configuration airfoil Re⫽2.0e6* DU 91-W2-250共1兲 ⬙ DU 97-W-300共2兲 Re⫽1.6e6** Risø-A1-24共4兲 FFA-W3-241共4兲 ⬙ FFA-W3-301共3兲 ⬙ NACA 63-430共3兲 ⬙ clean position VG 共x/c兲 L/Dmax cl-max 20% 30% 20% 30% 66.4 73.9 63.2 69.1 1.9 1.89 1.97 1.88 20% 20% 30% 20% 30% 20% 30% 47.1 45.6 59.1 38.7 39.2 31.9 45.6 1.805 1.543 1.54 1.636 1.36 1.3 1.37 ‘‘rough’’ L/Dmax cl-max 53.2 1.93 41.9 44.4 51.6 1.77 1.38 1.43 32.2 1.02 36.5 1.13 共1兲 Delft 关22,16兴. Delft 关22兴. Risø 关13兴. 共4兲 Risø 关20兴. *zz-tape at x/c⫽0.05 upper surface. **zz-tape at x/c⫽0.05 upper surface and at x/c⫽0.10 on lower surface. 共2兲 共3兲 the vg and mixing with the outer flow can no longer be performed. The delay of turbulent separation leads to higher maximum lift values and increased stall angles. An overview of the airfoils and several vg options are listed in Table 3. The maximum lift in the Delft experiments is close to 2.0 5 The Effect of Vortex Generators on the 2-D Airfoil Performance Thick airfoils in rotor blades are often equipped with vortex generators 共vg兲, in particular on stall-controlled turbines 共Fig. 21兲. For these turbines, additional lift at large inflow angles on the inboard and mid-span locations is required to achieve a reasonably low rated wind speed. This performance should, however, be maintained when the blade is polluted. Vortex generators extend the lift curve by suppressing turbulent separation through mixing of the outer flow with the boundary layer by means of small vortices. Stall is reached when turbulent separation is in front of Fig. 21 A sketch of the vortex generators applied at the wind tunnel tests. Dimensions are in mm Journal of Solar Energy Engineering Fig. 22 The effect of vortex generators „xÕcÄ0.2… on the performance of the DU 97-W-300 airfoil Fig. 23 The effect of vortex generators „xÕcÄ0.2… on the performance of the Risø-A1-24 airfoil NOVEMBER 2003, Vol. 125 Õ 475 Downloaded 11 Aug 2008 to Redistribution subject to ASME license or copyright; see and considerably higher than in the clean configuration 共compare with Tables 1 and 2兲. The increase in maximum lift with vortex generators at x/c⫽0.2 is more than 20% for the DU 97-W-300 airfoil 共Fig. 22兲. The downside, however, is an increase in drag caused by the wake from the vanes of the vortex generator. In the Delft data, the presented drag is an average value of this regular wavy pattern. The higher drag reduces the maximum lift-to-drag ratio by some 30%, and this will result in a reduction of the power coefficient. The same trend can be observed from the Risø experiments at a slightly lower Reynolds number. In case of the RisøA1-24 airfoil with vortex generators at x/c⫽0.2, the percentages for maximum lift increment and the reduction of lift-to-drag ratio are 25% and 48%, respectively 共Fig. 23兲. The increment in maximum lift and the reduction in lift-to-drag ratio depend very much on the airfoil shape and the location of the vortex generators. A more aft location of the vg will result in a smaller increase of the maximum lift and a smaller reduction in (L/D) max compared to the clean configuration. The fact that the parameters 共maximum Cl and maximum L/D兲 are higher in the Delft experiments could indicate that the tunnel performance characteristics have an effect on the airfoil performance with vortex generators as well. In the transition-fixed condition, the lift performance of the DU 97-W-300 is hardly affected 共Fig. 24兲. The thicker boundary layer results in a higher drag and, therefore, a reduction of the lift-todrag ratio 共i.e. 16%兲. The performance with the transition fixed by zig-zag tape at x/c⫽5% is even better than in the condition without vortex generators; both maximum lift and lift-to-drag ratio are higher 共77% and 10%, respectively兲. For the Risø measurements, fixing the transition 共on both upper and lower surfaces兲 always leads to a considerably lower maximum lift value. This is a bit surprising, but it may be that the height of the vg that was used is Fig. 24 The effect of ZZ-tape „xÕcÄ0.05… on the performance with vortex generators at xÕcÄ0.2 Fig. 25 The effect of ZZ-tape on the airfoil performance with vortex generators 476 Õ Vol. 125, NOVEMBER 2003 not sufficient under these test conditions and mixing with the outer flow was not fully successful. The 30% thick FFA-W3-301 airfoil with vg’s at x/c⫽0.3 gives a reduction in maximum lift of ⌬cl⫽0.34 and a lift-to-drag ratio of only 32.2 共Fig. 25兲. Except for the Risø-A1-24 airfoil, all the airfoils perform better 共for both maximum lift and maximum lift-to-drag ratio兲 in the ‘‘rough’’ configurations with vortex generators attached than without them. 6 Performance Due to Rotation The influence of rotation depends on the spanwise location and can be modeled in RFOIL by variation of the local solidity factor. Fig. 26 The influence of the spanwise position for the clean configuration „ReÄ3.0Ã106 , solid linesÄcalculations… Fig. 27 The influence of rotation for the configuration with fixed transition at ReÄ3.0Ã106 „solid linesÄcalculations… Fig. 28 Calculated difference in 3-D lift between clean and fixed-transition for 2 airfoils at the inboard blade position for ReÄ3.0Ã106 Transactions of the ASME Downloaded 11 Aug 2008 to Redistribution subject to ASME license or copyright; see A blade geometry for a 750 kW to 1.0 MW rotor with geometrical c/r of 0.29 共representing an inboard location兲 and c/r of 0.12 共representing a mid-span location兲 is used to investigate the sensitivity with respect to the span position. 共For larger rotors the local solidities tend to be slightly smaller.兲 Figure 26 demonstrates the effect of rotation on the lift curve for the 30% thick DU 97-W-300 and 35% thick DU 00-W-350 airfoils in the clean configuration. The increase in maximum lift beyond 2-D stall for the mid-span section is small and is rather similar for both airfoils. At the inboard location, the increase in maximum lift coefficient is significant, resulting in an additional lift coefficient due to rotation for the 30% and 35% thick airfoils of 0.45 and 0.75, respectively. This is an increase in lift of 28% and 54%, respectively. The same trends in lift performance can be observed near the blade root for the configuration with fixed transition 共Fig. 27兲. The change in lift curve for the thick 35% airfoil at the inboard section is remarkable. Turbulent separation on lower and upper surface is strongly delayed, and the resulting lift curve has a more familiar shape. This longer attached flow also results in a large reduction of the drag for inflow angles beyond 2-D stall 共not shown兲. At the inboard section with a geometrical c/r of 0.29, the degradation in lift performance in the ‘‘rough’’ condition is strongly reduced due to blade rotation. The difference in lift curve between the clean and transition-fixed condition for the DU 97-W-300 airfoil has almost disappeared and the maximum lift of the airfoil becomes nearly insensitive to contamination at the nose 共Fig. 28兲. A comparable behavior was observed in Fig. 24, demonstrating that suppression of trailing edge separation due to rotation is similar to suppression of trailing edge separation with vortex generators located at x/c ⫽0.2. The delay of turbulent separation due to rotation also results in a considerable lift increase for the DU 00-W-350 airfoil. In the transition-fixed condition, the lift is about ⌬cl⫽0.25 smaller over almost the entire range of inflow angles compared to the clean condition but the drop is much less than in the 2-D configuration. As a result of this very strong reduction of roughness sensitivity due to rotation effects, the design of inboard airfoils can focus on high lift and structural demands only. An increased thickness of the upper surface can be applied, simplifying the blade shape near the root and possibly leading to a reduction in stress forces. 7 Conclusions This paper compares the performance for the DU, FFA S8xx, AH, Risø, and NACA airfoil series for both clean and transitionfixed configurations. The impact of vortex generators on the airfoil performance is examined, and the RFOIL code is used to estimate the influence of rotational effects on the airfoil performance. The following conclusions have been reached: • To meet the aerodynamic requirements for a mid-span blade section, the airfoil shape tends to a relatively small uppersurface thickness and an aft-loading lower surface tail. • The measurements indicate that, in the 25% thick airfoil class, the special purpose airfoils: DU 91-W2-250, S814 and Risø-A1-24 have the best overall performance and lowest roughness sensitivity. These airfoils have: - High lift-to-drag ratios 共127.6 for DU 91-W2-250兲 for a high power coefficient. - High maximum lift, close to cl⫽1.4 共necessary for a relatively high power output兲. - A limited reduction in maximum lift due to leading edge pollution (⌬cl⫽⫺0.05⇔⫺0.21 depending on the kind of roughness兲 • There are various measurements of 30% thick airfoils, but a proper comparison is complicated by differences in tunnel characteristics, Reynolds number and applied roughness. The DU 97-W-300 seems to offer the best compromise with respect to the aerodynamic and structural requirements. Journal of Solar Energy Engineering • Structural demands for 35% and 40% thick airfoils lead to increased upper surface thickness. Low roughness sensitivity in the 2-D configuration becomes impossible for these airfoils. • Vortex generators on the airfoil reduce the sensitivity to roughness and lead to better overall rough performance of the airfoil. Application of vortex generators is favorable, in particular, on stall-regulated turbines on inboard and mid-span sections. • At inboard locations, the influence of rotation may change the airfoil characteristics strongly, compared to 2-D performance, and should therefore be included in the design process. The RFOIL code is believed to serve as a valuable tool to investigate this effect. • Rotational effects may reduce roughness sensitivity, depending on spanwise locations. The requirements for roughness sensitivity can be alleviated and structural demands become the primary design driver. Acknowledgment We thank GE-Wind Energy for providing some of the airfoil test data and Mr. Dan Somers for providing the S814 characteristics. References 关1兴 Corten, G. P., and Veldkamp, H. F., 2001, ‘‘Insects Cause Double Stall,’’ 2001 European Wind Energy Conference, Copenhagen, Denmark, pp. 470– 474. 关2兴 Drela, M., 1985, ‘‘Two-Dimensional Transonic Aerodynamic Design and Analysis Using Euler Equations,’’ Doctor Thesis, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Boston, MA, USA. 关3兴 Rooij, R. P. J. O. 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