Government of Chile Ministry of Housing and Urbanism MINVU RECONSTRUCTION PLAN “United Reconstructing a Better Chile” 27th February, 2010 - Earthquake and Tsunami Resilience Workshop 2013 in Sendai Accelera7ng Disaster Recovery Efforts to Build Disaster Resilient Society Pob. 16.7 Millions Es7mated 2012 15 Regions 345 Municipali7es 87% Pob. urban Chile 40% 4.300 km 170 km Gobierno de Chile | Ministerio de Vivienda y Urbanismo 2 Chile: a country exposed to natural disasters Government of Chile| Ministry of Housing and Urban Development 3 Chile: a country exposed to natural disasters 4 The image cannot be displayed. Your computer may not have enough memory to open the image, or the image may have been corrupted. Restart your computer, and then open the file again. If the red x still appears, you may have to delete the image and then insert it again. CHILE 27F 2010 03:34AM 8,8 Richter 134 Secs Recent experience of an event of great magnitude 6 Largest Earthquake in the world Offshore 2010, Chile Government of Chile| Ministry of Housing and Urban Development 8,8 Ritchter Scale 524 fatal victims 27F 2010 Largest urban earthquake in extension and spread Of damage 6 World largest earthquakes 1 2 3 9,5 Richter Scale. 1,655 fatal victims. Alaska, 1964, United States 9,2 Richter Scale. 128 fatal victims. Sumatra Island, 2004, Indonesia 9,1 Richter Scale. 227,898 fatal victims. 4 Coast of Northern Kamchatka, 1952, Russia 5 Coast of Honshu, 2011, Japan 6 Government of Chile| Ministry of Housing and Urban Development Valdivia, 1960, Chile 9,0 Richter Scale. No fatal victims. 9,0 Richter Scale. 15,703 fatal victims. Offshore Maule (Cobquecura), 2010, Chile 8,8 Richter Scale. 524 fatal victims. 7 27F 2010: earthquake & tsunami Magnitud / Dispersion 69,3% of municipali7es affected 27F 2010: Largest urban earthquake in extension and spread of damage. 81.3% of the urban popula7on Población urbana nacional: 15.116.435 habitantes Región Metropolitana: 41% Región de Valparaíso: 11% Región de O'Higgins: 5.2% Región del Maule: 6% Región del Biobío: 12.3% Región de la Araucanía: 5.8% 345 Municipalities in 15 regions. 239 Municipalities affected (Fuente ACHM) Government of Chile| Ministry of Housing and Urban Development 8 27th February, 2010 Extension and magnitude of the catastrophe 524 fatal victims and 31 missing Government of Chile| Ministry of Housing and Urban Development 9 27th February, 2010 Extension and magnitude of the catastrophe 40 Hospitals with severe damage and 17 completely destroyed. 75% of the Health Network of the country was affected. Government of Chile| Ministry of Housing and Urban Development 10 27th February, 2010 Extension and magnitude of the catastrophe 1,554 kilometers of roadways severely damaged Government of Chile| Ministry of Housing and Urban Development 11 27th February, 2010 Extension and magnitude of the catastrophe Destroyed 2 mayor ports and 28 fishermen coves Government of Chile| Ministry of Housing and Urban Development 12 27th February, 2010 Extension and magnitude of the catastrophe Devastating an area of more than 630 kilometers along the Chilean coastline and central valleys Government of Chile| Ministry of Housing and Urban Development 13 27th February, 2010 Extension and magnitude of the catastrophe 109,000 homes destroyed and 105,000 severely damaged (an overturn of 4 years of successful housing policy). Government of Chile| Ministry of Housing and Urban Development 14 27th February, 2010 Extension and magnitude of the catastrophe 210 bridges severely damaged or destroyed Government of Chile| Ministry of Housing and Urban Development 15 27th February, 2010 Extension and magnitude of the catastrophe 4,538 damaged schools (1 of every 3 schools located in the area of catastrophe). Including more than 1,250,000 students. Government of Chile| Ministry of Housing and Urban Development 16 27th February, 2010 Extension and magnitude of the catastrophe 5 Cities with more than 100 thousand hab / 45 Cities over 5 thousand hab / More than 900 small towns and villages Government of Chile| Ministry of Housing and Urban Development 17 Summary of the damage The total cost of the disaster is estimated in US$ 30 billion, which is equivalent to 18% of the GNP (Gross National Product). damage Government of Chile| Ministry of Housing and Urban Development 18 Stages Reconstruction Plan 1. Early emergency Immediate Actions - To bury the victims and find the missing. - Restore public order and providing basic services. - Reset transportation and communications systems. Winter emergency - 80,000 emergency housing. - Educational services to 1.5 million students. - Health Network. 2. Reconstruc7on Plan (Housing 4 years) - Housing 222,000 housing solutions (MINVU) City and Territory (Planning coastal cities) (MINVU) Public works (roads, bridges, ports, etc..) (MOP) Schools (Ministry of Education) Public buildings (M. Interior) Government of Chile| Ministry of Housing and Urban Development 19 Reconstruction Plan Stages 1. Early emergency Immediate Actions - To bury the victims and find the missing. - Restore public order and providing basic services. - Reset transportation and communications systems. Winter emergency - 80,000 emergency housing. - Educational services to 1.5 million students. - Health Network. 2. Reconstruc7on Plan (Housing 4 years) - Housing 222,000 housing solutions (MINVU) City and Territory (Planning coastal cities) (MINVU) Public works (roads, bridges, ports, etc..) (MOP) Schools (Ministry of Education) Public buildings (M. Interior) Government of Chile| Ministry of Housing and Urban Development 20 THE HOUSING PROBLEM: Spread of Damage = • Different Problems • Different Loca7ons • Different Cultures Decentralized Implementa7on Government of Chile| Ministry of Housing and Urban Development 21 Problems Owner of a Repairable House 110.000 Government of Chile| Ministry of Housing and Urban Development Owner of a non-‐ repairable house 57.000 Non-‐Owner displaced Families 53.000 22 Approach • Bo]om – Up Community level Cases where each familiy is actually able to lead its own house reconstruction. • Promote community envolvement and empowerment • process. Top – Down State Level Third Party Intermediate level (EGIS) Cases where families by them selves are not able to lead the • Multi family cases (buildings/villas). • When urban regeneraion/ planning is needed. • Cases where the local actors (Municipalities, NGO, Comitees) have the means to lead the process and the complexity of the problem is not that hard. Government of Chile| Ministry of Housing and Urban Development 23 Problems Approach Bank of M aterials Self -‐ Lead Community level State -‐ Lead State Level Non-‐Repairable House Land Owner Repairable House Land Owner Subsidy Reloca7on Non-‐Land Owner Subsidy Acquisi7on Bank of M aterials + Technical Assistance Social Condominiums Repair Program (major damage) Social Condominiums for demoli7on New Developments Pre-‐Cer7fied Houses Third Party -‐ Lead Intermediate level Social Condominiums Repair Program (minor damage) Subsidy House Repair Government of Chile| Ministry of Housing and Urban Development Houses Pre-‐Cer7fied New Developments Ad – Hoc Houses Project Urban Densifica7on/ Renova7on Program 24 Problems Approach Self -‐ Lead Community level Repairable House Land Owner Non-‐Repairable House Land Owner Non-‐Land Owner Bank of Materials Par7cipa7on of material Suppliers State -‐ Lead State Level Sodimac Constructor Viña del Mar Ferretería San Fermín Ferretería 100 Third Party -‐ Lead Intermediate level Easy Ferretería La Bodega Problems Approach Repairable House Land Owner Self -‐ Lead Community level State -‐ Lead State Level Third Party -‐ Lead Intermediate level Social Condominiums Repair Program (major damage) Non-‐Repairable House Land Owner Non-‐Land Owner Problems Approach Repairable House Land Owner Self -‐ Lead Community level Non-‐Repairable House Land Owner Non-‐Land Owner Bank of Materials + Technical Assistance State -‐ Lead State Level Third Party -‐ Lead Intermediate level Government of Chile| Ministry of Housing and Urban Development 27 Problems Approach Repairable House Land Owner Self -‐ Lead Community level Non-‐Repairable House Land Owner Non-‐Land Owner Bank of Materials + Technical Assistance State -‐ Lead State Level Third Party -‐ Lead Intermediate level Government of Chile| Ministry of Housing and Urban Development 28 Problems Approach Repairable House Land Owner Non-‐Repairable House Land Owner Non-‐Land Owner Self -‐ Lead Community level State -‐ Lead State Level Small CAP Empresas Constructoras Companies Third Party -‐ Lead Intermediate level 13% Medium Empresas CChC Large CAP Companies Pre-‐Cer7fied Housesç 87% Government of Chile| Ministry of Housing and Urban Development 29 Problems Approach Non-‐Repairable House Land Owner Repairable House Land Owner Small CAP Empresas Constructoras Companies Self -‐ Lead Community level Medium Non-‐Land Owner Empresas CChC Large CAP Companies 78% 22% State -‐ Lead State Level New Developments Third Party -‐ Lead Intermediate level Government of Chile| Ministry of Housing and Urban Development 30 Problems Approach Repairable House Land Owner Non-‐Repairable House Land Owner Non-‐Land Owner Self -‐ Lead Community level State -‐ Lead State Level Third Party -‐ Lead Intermediate level Government of Chile| Ministry of Housing and Urban Development Urban Densifica7on/ Renova7on Program 31 Housing Reconstruc7on General Principles and Leassons Learned Poli7cally Risky, but….. Principle #1 Governments should lead the process. Lead does not mean do. In the event of a Major Catastrophe… Principle#2 Crete a set of flexible solu7ons with decentralized execu7on. Not a centralized agency with standard solu7ons. Problems Repairable House Land Owner Approach Bank of Materials Community level Government Level Intermediate level Non-Repairable House Land Owner Social Condominiums Repair Program (major damage) Repair Subsidy Government of Chile| Ministry of Housing and Urban Development Non-Land Owner Subsidy for acquisition or construction Acquisi7on Subsidy DIY-Construction Social Condominiums for demoli7on New Developments Urban Densifica7on Renova7on Program Pre-‐Cer7fied Houses 37 Slower and Harder, but…. Principle#3 Whenever you can, try not to displace families. The closer the be]er. It is more expensive, but…. Principle #4 Focus on the vic7ms and not in the buildings. You may be able to solve two problems simultaneously. Family # 1 Family # 2 Familia 1 Familia 2 53.000 It may be complicated, poli7cally dangerous, but… Principle#5 Transparency and Openness. You will be gaining people’s trust. Tracking System Innovation (obrasreconstruccion.minvu.cl) 1. National Report (every 6 months) 2. Housing Report (every month) 3. Online tracking system 4. Online control system for beneficiary families Government of Chile| Ministry of Housing and Urban Development 47 National Report All areas Government of Chile| Ministry of Housing and Urban Development 48 Housing Report General monthly progress Government of Chile| Ministry of Housing and Urban Development 49 Tracking System Innovation (obrasreconstruccion.minvu.cl) Government of Chile| Ministry of Housing and Urban Development 50 Control System For beneficiary families Government of Chile| Ministry of Housing and Urban Development 51 It may be slower, but it is theirs house… Principle#6 Let people Choose. It actually increases the quality and size of the houses. Bank of pre cer7fied projects Principle#7 It´s Time to innovate If not now, when Flood Resilient Houses 3D industrializad houses 57 THE URBAN PROBLEM: Intensity of Damage in the Coastline. • People afraid about repopula7ng the coast. • Planning process is usually slower than what people need. • Investment need to be coordinated among many different agencies. Government of Chile| Ministry of Housing and Urban Development 58 27th February, 2010 Extension and magnitude of the catastrophe Hundreds of fishermen boats lost Government of Chile| Ministry of Housing and Urban Development 59 27th February, 2010 Extension and magnitude of the catastrophe Coastal cities completely wiped out by the tsunami Government of Chile| Ministry of Housing and Urban Development 60 View of Constitución before the earthquake and tsunami Government of Chile| Ministry of Housing and Urban Development 61 View of Constitución after the earthquake and tsunami Government of Chile| Ministry of Housing and Urban Development 62 Dichato Dichato 8th principle Build resilient ci7es ì Each location counts with 3 different products 1. RISK STUDIES ì Risk studies elaborated by SERNAGEOMIN and Universidad Católica and Universidad del Biobío ì Risk zoning and landslide 2. MASTER PLANS AND MITIGATION PROJECTS ì Master plans for each location include a plan of urban infraestructure and mitigation projects ZONING AND POLYGONS FOR SPECIAL SUBSIDIES 3. ì definition of zones of exclusion and poligons where will be possible to construct tsunami resilient houses with special subsidies Government of Chile| Ministry of Housing and Urban Development 66 ì Product 1: Risk Studies m Tsunami simulation studies conduced for the city of Dichato Reduce the high of the waves with mitigation projects from 5-9 mts. to 1,5-2 m. m/s Reduce the speed of the waves with mitigation projects from 8 m a 1,5 m. Situation the 27F Situation with Mitigation These models confirm that with tsunami mitigation works is possible a viable and safer reconstruction in the area exposed to inundation in Dichato. Government of Chile| Ministry of Housing and Urbanism 67 ì Product 2: Master Plans and Mitigation Projects The master plans incorporate mitigation projects that will improve the security and identity of the affected locations. Example of execution of Urban Mitigation Projects in Dichato Preliminar profile of mitigation infraestructure, wall and park, against the risk of tsunami in Dichato, that reduce the high and energy of the wave. Government of Chile| Ministry of Housing and Urban Development 68 Master Plans for 25 coastal cities ì Product 3: Special Subsidies ì Example: Special subsidies for tsunami resilient building codes. A house in Dichato Resistant tsunami houses in Dichato Risk zoning and special polygon in Dichato. Master Plans for 25 coastal cities Cobquecura Tumbes Lo Rojas Cocholgue Llico Tubul Quidico I. Sta. María Perales Tirua Isla Mocha Talcahuano Lebu Coliumo Master Plans for 112 inland cities 180 Heritage Recovery Area were declared Government of Chile| Ministry of Housing and Urban Development 70 In the anermath of a large Scale Catastrophe, you may be focus on the emergency, but.. Principle #9 Create long term risk managment ins7tu7ons. You will be saving even more lives Chilean urban planning History 1541 -‐1567 • Capitanía General de Chile • Virreinato -‐ Gobernación -‐ Provincias -‐ Cabildos • Fundaciones Ciudades y Fuertes 1550 1598 Desastre de Curalaba 1650 2000 1997 Desarrollo Urbano Condicionado 1700 1975 1978 Subsidio Habitacional 1976 D.L.1.305 Restructuración y Regionalización del MINVU 2003 Ley de Financiamiento Urbano Compar]do 1810 Primer Congreso 1786 Reformas Borbónicas: Creación de Intendencias San]ago, Concepción, Chiloé 1778 Virreinato del Rio de la Plata 1600 2007 Programa Barrios HISTORIA 1680 Recopilación de las Leyes de Indias 1750 1800 1950 1965 Ley 16.391 Creación del Ministerio de Vivienda y Urbanismo 1994 Plan Regulador Metropolitano de San]ago 1850 1925 1936 Caja de Habitación Popular 1900 1920-‐1930 Primer Plan Regulador de San]ago 1931 Ley General de Urbanismo y Construcciones 1953 Creación de la CORVI 1960 Plan Regulador Intercomunal de San]ago 1959 DFL 2 1833 Cons]tución de 1833 Reorganiza administración 1891 territorio: • Decreto de provincia – Creación de departamento – Municipalidades delegación -‐ • Ley de la Comuna distrito Autónoma 1928 Terremoto de Talca 1925 Cons]tución de 1925 1906 Consejos de Habitaciones Obreras 72 Institutional/Regulatory changes take advantage of political times Before 27th February earthquake and tsunami Talca, 1928. Chillan, 1939. Valdivia, 1960. 27 F, 2010. 8,3°. 8,3°. 9,5° 8,8° Ins]tu]ons Regula]on -‐ Reconstruc]on Corpora]on (CORVI’s predecessor) (1939) -‐ CORFO (1939) -‐ Urban Transforma]on Law (1929)* -‐ Urbanism and Construc]on Law. (1931) Ministry of Housing and Urban Development (1965) -‐ Civil Protec]on Agency (in Parliament discussion) -‐ Na]onal Early Warning System (2013) -‐ Urban Plan actualiza]on (Risk zones, mi]ga]on projetcs). -‐ Territorial management instruments (PRES/PRUS) -‐ Technical building standars *every city with more than 20,000 inhabitants, must have an Urban Plan. Government of Chile| Ministry of Housing and Urban Development 73 PROGRESS TODAY Unidades 240.000 230.000 220.000 210.000 200.000 190.000 180.000 170.000 160.000 150.000 140.000 130.000 120.000 110.000 100.000 90.000 80.000 70.000 60.000 50.000 40.000 30.000 20.000 10.000 0 2010-‐03 2010-‐04 2010-‐05 2010-‐06 2010-‐07 2010-‐08 2010-‐09 2010-‐10 2010-‐11 2010-‐12 2011-‐01 2011-‐02 2011-‐03 2011-‐04 2011-‐05 2011-‐06 2011-‐07 2011-‐08 2011-‐09 2011-‐10 2011-‐11 2011-‐12 2012-‐01 2012-‐02 2012-‐03 2012-‐04 2012-‐05 2012-‐06 2012-‐07 2012-‐08 2012-‐09 2012-‐10 2012-‐11 2012-‐12 2013-‐01 2013-‐02 2013-‐03 2013-‐04 2013-‐05 2013-‐06 2013-‐07 2013-‐08 2013-‐09 2013-‐10 2013-‐11 2013-‐12 2014-‐01 2014-‐02 2014-‐03 Historical Evolution of Housing rebuiliding process Started and Finished Units 222.418 Iniciado Total programa Terminado 218.228 175.430 Fecha de inicio Asignado 75 Housing reconstruc7on current status (Delivered, under construc7on and started houses) 222 thousand 79% 175 thousand Delivered houses 77 thousand 98 thousand New houses Repaired houses 19% 43 thousand 2% 4 thousand Under Construc]on Started 40 thousand 3 thousand New houses Repaired houses 3 thousand 1 thousand New houses Repairable houses -‐ 2010-‐2014 UF 3.100.706.964 500.000 77 2014-‐03 900.617.970 2014-‐02 1.500.000 2014-‐01 2.000.000 2013 2013-‐12 2.500.000 2012 2013-‐11 2013-‐10 2013-‐09 2013-‐08 2013-‐07 2013-‐06 2013-‐05 2013-‐04 2013-‐03 2013-‐02 2013-‐01 2012-‐12 2012-‐11 2012-‐10 2012-‐09 2012-‐08 2012-‐07 2011 2012-‐06 2012-‐05 2012-‐04 1.000.000 2012-‐03 2012-‐02 2012-‐01 2011-‐12 2011-‐11 2011-‐10 2011-‐09 2011-‐08 2011-‐07 2011-‐06 2011-‐05 2011-‐04 2011-‐03 2011-‐02 2011-‐01 2010-‐12 UF Anual budget expenditure USDMM 2014 800.622.620 200 MM Urban planning reconstruction ü 25 Master Plans developed for main coastal ci7es ü 112 Master Plans developed for inland ci7es, towns, and villages ü Heritage Recovery Plans developed for 180 zones of historic preserva7on Government of Chile| Ministry of Housing and Urban Development 78 Our main challenge “What makes a natural event in a disaster is the degree of vulnerability, that is to say, in which extent a geographic area, a community or a structure is able to face the negative effects of the event.” Status Report of the ci0es of La0n America and the Caribbean 2012 Towards a New Urban Transi0on ONU Habitat Our main challenge is to plan and prepare our cities for the future, considering the underlying risks of our geography, such us eatrhquakes, volcanos, floods, and , mass remotion. Government of Chile| Ministry of Housing and Urban Development 79 Thanks.