THE BUZZ - Greater Las Vegas Association of Realtors
THE BUZZ - Greater Las Vegas Association of Realtors
[4] SOUTHERN NEVADA REALTOR® FEBRUARY 2013 SOUTHERN NEVADA REALTOR® 0 2 . 1 3 IN THIS ISSUE 6 9 29 32 36 39 40 41 42 43 44 PR ESID ENT’S MESSAGE CEO EX CH A NG E R PA C MA JO R IN VESTORS MLX CH A N G E TR A INING SCHE DUL E JA N U A R Y IN D U CTEE S CO NTINU IN G ED U CATION SCHEDUL E SING LE FA MILY HOME REPORT CO ND O / TO WN H OME RE PORT A N N U A L MLS STA TISTICS R ENTA L LEA SED REPORT 16 FEBR U A R Y EVEN T CAL E NDAR 12 18 16 22 THE BUZZ Real Estate Topics Worth Talking About GLVAR Listings on TV, Median prices increase, High-Performance Home Symposium and more… COMMUNICATIONS Housing Market Update Prices Increased 24% in 2012, ranking as third best sales year ever. 17 RRG TIP OF THE MONTH Beware of Copyright Infingement Big fines for amending the Residential Purchase Agreement. 31 PROFESSIONAL STANDARDS The 1913 Code of Ethics REALTOR® Code of Ethics turns 100. Read the code adopted in 1913. HOW TO MAKE MONEY GOING GREEN News Updates High Performance Home Symposium coming in March and more. LEGAL The Bankruptcy Effect: What happens to the listing? More and more bankruptcy filings are impacting real estate listings and transactions. MLX c h a n g e Have You Noticed? MLXWireless now includes Realist®. 27 MLS Updating MLS Listing Data REALTORS® have the responsibility and obligation to ensure listing information is current. 29 MLS TIP OF THE MONTH Update the Estimated Close Date 33 33 35 MARKETLINX MOMENTS MLS Data Co-Op YPN LAS VEGAS Young Las Vegas REALTORS® Join the Fight YPN’s Million Dollar Pledge program to help fund the Political Survival Fund. WANT LUNCH OR DINNER ON US? 33 As you read the SNR, watch for your license number. If you find your license number hidden within an article, call the Association and let Krista Baker-Pantuso, Membership Director 702. 784.5026 know. You will then receive a gift certificate for lunch or dinner at a local restaurant. 35 PRESIDENT’S MESSAGE [ BY DAVID TINA ] GLVAR TRYING TO GET FANNIE MAE TO STOP STALLING SHORT SALES In the past few months, I’ve been hearing from Members who say Fannie Mae is stalling short sales all over town by rejecting seemingly fair offers, requiring thousands of dollars over the home’s appraised value. Basically, this government-sponsored enterprise that backs millions of mortgages across the country seems to be holding back home sales for some reason, rejecting offers from would-be buyers who need a loan to buy the house at or near the appraised value. I’m hearing reports about Fannie Mae responding to offers to buy a home at or near its appraised value by asking upwards of $40,000 more for the home than an appraiser said it’s worth. And this is not just a local issue. I’m hearing complaints from homeowners and agents across the country. In Arizona, where short sales make up a big percentage of all local home sales like they do here in Nevada, the Attorney General’s office has reportedly been receiving numerous complaints. This situation may be inflating home prices. It also seems to be discouraging traditional and first-time home buyers – the very people I thought Fannie Mae and similar governmentbacked entity Freddie Mac are supposed to be helping. For homeowners, this issue makes it harder for them to purchase a property as part of a short sale. With short sales now accounting for nearly half of all our local home sales, this is obviously a concern to all of us. If not addressed, this practice has the potential to hurt our local economy and housing market. I don’t have an immediate solution to this problem, but I want to assure you that GLVAR’s staff and Board are working on this issue. We have been contacting Fannie Mae officials, NAR staff and our state and federal government leaders and urging them to convince Fannie Mae to get back to accepting reasonable offers. Some have suggested that this practice may favor cash buyers and companies and investment groups that are buying homes in bulk to rent them or eventually sell them at a profit as local home prices continue to increase. I’m not sure why Fannie Mae is doing this, but I think that we need to do whatever we can to try to remedy this situation before it gets worse. I’ll keep you posted on our progress. As always, please contact me with any comments or questions you may have. n President David Tina can be reached by emailing [email protected] [6] SOUTHERN NEVADA REALTOR® FEBRUARY 2013 [7] SOUTHERN NEVADA REALTOR® FEBRUARY 2013 [8] SOUTHERN NEVADA REALTOR® FEBRUARY 2013 CEO EXCHANGE [ BY NELSON B. JANES ] CODE OF ETHICS CENTENNIAL Diversity, Destination, Determination – three features of GLVAR and Las Vegas that President Dave Tina is emphasizing and promoting in 2013. Dedication focuses on the Centennial of the Code of Ethics and Members’ adherence to its principles. The original Code published in 1913 can be found on page 18. Interesting to note that only male pronouns were used such as “Brother agent” at the time. It was not until 1989 - when 52 percent of Members were women – that gender-neutral phrasing was introduced. Duties to other Brokers. Today, the Code has a third section: Duties to the Public. And in 1912, a Philadelphia Member suggested that the Golden Rule form the foundation of the Code. Language reflecting the Rule can be found throughout the Codes aspirational Preamble. NAR’s Professional Standards Committee was established in 1948 and has been reviewing and revising Articles of the Code and Standards of Practice at national meetings ever since. Today, the Code is admired for its progressive attitude toward equal opportunity and fair housing, surpassing even the federal laws prohibiting discrimination against protected classes. These strides, too, were made over time. A four-year cycle of ethics training was instituted in the 1990s, with the current cycle ending on December 31, 2012. Local Associations are required to monitor the progress of each of their Members in satisfying this duty. In 1925, NAR (then known as the National Association of Real Estate Boards) mandated adoption of the Code by all Boards. Until then, local Boards could write and adopt their own Codes. Clearly, standardizing the Code on a national level made it more consistent and manageable. As REALTORS®, you can be proud that your profession was one of the first to develop a Code of Ethics. It has helped you forge your own destiny by becoming the underpinning of most state’s real estate rules and regulations. The Professional Standards process also gives you an in-house dispute resolution system that is much less expensive and time consuming than litigation. n The Code has been modified over the years to reflect changes in laws and practices. In 1910 it had two sections - one included articles dealing with Duties to Clients while the other outlined Chief Executive Officer Nelson B. Janes can be reached by calling 702.784.5000 or by emailing [email protected] [9] SOUTHERN NEVADA REALTOR® FEBRUARY 2013 BOARD OF DIRECTORS PRESIDENT David Tina [email protected] PRESIDENT-ELECT Heidi W. Kasama, ABR [email protected] Tina Africk, ABR, SFR [email protected] Mary Greenspan, RRG, CRS, GRI [email protected] VICE PRESIDENT Noah Herrera [email protected] Christopher Bishop [email protected] Keith Lynam,GRI homesinsouthernnevad@ Krystal Sherry [email protected] TREASURER Robin Yates, GRI, SFR [email protected] MLS CHAIRMAN David Brownell [email protected] CALV PRESIDENT Tedd Rosenstein, CCIM [email protected] Cheryl Smith, CRB, CRS, RRG [email protected] IMMEDIATE PAST PRESIDENT Kolleen L. Kelley, RRG,SFR [email protected] Janet Carpenter, SFR [email protected] CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER Nelson B. Janes [email protected] Vandana Chima RRG, SFR, RSPS [email protected] Leroy “Buck”Schaeffel, ABR, CRS Neil Schwartz, CRS, GRI, SFR, RRG [email protected] [email protected] Jaime Velez [email protected] ED I T OR I AL S T AF F WEBSITES AND HOTLINES N A T I O NAL ASSOCIATION OF RE A LTORS N EVA DA RE AL E STATE D IVISI ON LEG A L H O TL INE S UE S AUND ERS (NVAR in Reno) 800.748.6999 E di t o r N EL S O N B. JAN E S Articles appearing in Southern Nevada REALTOR ® do not necessarily carry endorsements of The Greater Las Vegas Association of REALTORS ® (GLVAR), its Board of Directors or its Members unless indicated as approved by the GLVAR. Southern Nevada REALTOR ® is edited and produced exclusively by GLVAR. C o mmun i c ations D irector T IF F A N Y J AM E S 7 0 2 .7 8 4 .5 0 3 8 ® (to access and over 2 million New & Resale Homes) N EVA DA A SSOCIATION OF R EA LTORS ® | [email protected] The Greater Las Vegas Association of REALTORS ® 1750 E. Sahara Avenue Las Vegas, NV 89104 702.784.5000 | Fax: 702.784.5060 | Art Director K IP T A YL OR 7 0 2 .7 8 4 .5 0 0 6 G r aph i c D e signer A L EK S A N DAR BLAGO JE V I C GLVAR makes no endorsement, promise or warranty of any kind with respect to advertisers and the products or services provided by advertisers in the Southern Nevada REALTOR ®. GLVAR shall not be liable for any claims, damages, expense and/or losses of any kind arising from the use of any advertiser’s product or service. Publisher reserves the right to reject or discontinue any advertisement at its sole discretion. FOR INFORMATION ABOUT SNR’s “INTERACTIVE” ADVERTISING contact Tiffany James at 702.784.5038 or [email protected]. [ 11 ] SOUTHERN NEVADA REALTOR® FEBRUARY 2013 BUZZ COMMUNICATIONS THE REAL ESTATE TOPICS WORTH TALKING ABOUT [ BY TIFFANY JAMES, COMMUNICATIONS DIRECTOR ] GLVAR LISTINGS ON TV When® launched the® Channel they selected GLVAR as its first beta market. Cox Cable subscribers who have access to the Cox On-Demand feature are able to view listings through the Free Zone option. Visit page 14 for more info. COL L E G E D ORM S F OR L E T Private real estate companies are being asked to take over the management of on-campus housing. M E D IAN P RICES IN CRE AS ED GLVAR’s area-wide housing statistics report median home prices increased by 24% from December 2011 to December 2012. G S E S RE JE CTIN G OF F E R S GLVAR leadership- in response to reports that Fannie Mae is rejecting short-sale offers at near appraised values by raising asking prices by upwards of $40,000- is working with Fannie Mae officials, NAR and federal government leaders to convince Fannie Mae to get back to accepting reasonable offers. A ME R I C A N TA X PAY E R RE LI E F A C T O F 2 0 1 2 EX T E N D E D Congress helped short-sellers and homeowners receiving loan modifications by extending tax relief for one more year that forgives mortgage debt in such transactions. C OD E OF ET H I C S T U RNS 1 00 N E W QUAL IF IE D M OR TGAGE RUL E NAR achieved a significant 2013 marks the100th Anniversary of the NAR Code of Ethics. Take a step back in history and visit page 18 to read the first draft. victory in obtaining a safe harbor in the QM rule for loans underwritten to the automated standards of the GSEs, FHA, VA and RHS. [ 12 ] SOUTHERN NEVADA REALTOR® FEBRUARY 2013 H I GH-P ERF O R M A N C E H O ME SYM P OS I U M GLVAR’s Green Committee partnered with the Green Alliance to present an all-day event featuring the latest in high-performance home trends. Visit page 30 for more information. Beware of Copyright Infringement TA G YOUR PH O T O S Leverage the use of tags with appropriate keywords on all your images to help drive up your SEO. Sites like Flickr and Wordpress have made it easy to tag images. FISCAL CLIFF DEAL DELAYS IRS Last-minute fiscal cliff negotiations in Congress put the pressure on the IRS to create new forms and modify old ones. You may be ready to file your taxes, but the IRS isn’t ready for you. The Residential Purchase Agreement used in Zipforms® (and sold in the GLVAR Real Store) is copyrighted work from GLVAR. No section of the GLVAR RPA may be independently amended, re-written, or otherwise modified by any agent or Broker. This includes digitally completing a blank in the form and removing the underline. If parties wish to amend the RPA, the new terms should be stated in an addendum or in paragraph 25 (additional terms). All agents should be aware that in the past some agents or brokers have modified the GLVAR RPA and changed the terms it contains. It would be a mistake to assume that the contract has not been modified. Read the entire contract (especially the key terms) every time. Copyright infringement is punishable under Federal law by a statutory fine of up to $30,000. If the copyright holder can show the infringement was done willfully, the fine is up to $150,000. n [ 13 ] SOUTHERN NEVADA REALTOR® FEBRUARY 2013 COMMUNICATIONS HOUSING MARKET UPDATE Prices Increased 24% in 2012, Ranking as Third Best Sales Year Ever [ BY TIFFANY JAMES, COMMUNICATIONS DIRECTOR ] Local home prices increased again in December, finishing 2012 with prices 24 percent higher than they were at the beginning of the year, according to statistics pulled from the Multiple Listing Service. “Rising home prices were the big story of the year,” said 2013 GLVAR President Dave Tina, a longtime local REALTOR®. “It was also a good year for local home sales, ranking as our third best sales year ever. And we could have sold more existing homes in 2012 if we had more homes on the market. We ended the year with about a five-week supply of available inventory.” GLVAR’s statistics through December 2012 show a dramatic transition from foreclosures to short sales – which occur when a lender agrees to sell a home for less than what the borrower owes on the mortgage. The percentage of existing homes sold as part of a short sale set a new record in December, accounting for 45.8 percent of all sales. Foreclosures, which made up more than half of all sales a few years ago, accounted for only 9.5 percent of all sales in December 2012. Tina expects the steady stream of short sales to continue in 2013, since Congress voted in early January to extend the Mortgage Forgiveness Debt Relief Act by one year to Dec. 31, 2013. After that date, any amount of money a bank writes off in agreeing to sell a home as part of a short sale will become taxable when sellers file their income taxes. With prices increasing and inventory low, local REALTORS® are reporting a rise in the number of homes sold by “traditional” sellers – as opposed to lenders, who are responsible for the short sales and foreclosures that have dominated the local housing market in recent years. The total number of local homes, condominiums and townhomes sold in December was 3,624. That’s up from 3,293 in November, but down from 4,250 total sales in December 2011. Compared to November, single-family home sales during December increased by 10.4 percent, while sales of condos and townhomes increased by 8.5 percent. Compared to one year ago, home sales were down 14.3 percent, while condo and townhome sales were down 16.5 percent. As for prices, the median price of single-family homes sold in December was $149,000, up 2.1 percent from $146,000 in November and up 24.2 percent from one year ago. Local home prices haven’t posted this kind of appreciation since at least 2004. Meanwhile, the median price of local condominiums and townhomes sold in December was $76,000, up 2.7 percent from $74,000 in November and up 29.8 percent from one year ago. Median price is the middle price where half of the numbers are higher and half are lower than that amount. The total number of homes listed for sale on the declined in December, with a total of 14,601 single-family homes listed [ 16 ] SOUTHERN NEVADA REALTOR® FEBRUARY 2013 for sale at the end of the month. That’s down 6.6 percent from 15,637 homes listed for sale at the end of November and down 24.1 percent from one year ago. A total of 3,477 condos and townhomes listed for sale on the MLS at the end of December was down 5.1 percent from 3,662 condos and townhomes listed at the end of November and down 14.4 percent from one year ago. As for the number of available homes listed for sale without any sort of pending or contingent offer by the end of December, the MLS stats reported 3,688 single-family homes listed without any sort of offer. That’s down 4.2 percent from 3,849 such homes listed in November and down 58.2 percent from one year ago. For condos and townhomes, the 1,251 properties listed without offers in December represented a 2.7 percent increase from 1,218 such properties in November, but a decrease of 31.7 percent from one year ago. In December, 55.2 percent of all existing homes sold in Southern Nevada were purchased with cash. That’s up from 52.7 percent in November. Meanwhile, 45.8 percent of all existing local homes sold during December were short sales. That’s up from 41.2 percent in November and up from 26.6 percent one year ago. It surpassed the previous peak of 44.8 percent set in September 2012. Bank-owned homes accounted for 9.5 percent of all existing home sales in December, down from 10.7 percent in November. The median price of bank-owned single-family homes sold in December was $140,000, up from $139,001 in November. The median price of single-family homes sold as part of a short sale in December was $139,800, up from $130,000 in November. These statistics pulled from the MLS include activity through the end of December 2012. GLVAR distributes such statistics each month based on data collected through its MLS, which does not necessarily account for newly constructed homes sold by local builders or for sale by owners. Other highlights include: • The monthly value of local real estate transactions tracked through the MLS during December increased by 10.6 percent for single family homes to more than $541 million. For condos and townhomes, the total value of all sales in December was nearly $69 million, up 7.2 percent from November. Compared to one year ago, total sales volumes in December were up 6.2 percent for single family homes and up 8.1 percent for condos and townhomes. • In December, 68.9 percent of all homes and 71.8 percent of all condos and townhomes sold within 60 days. That compares to November, when 69.9 percent of all homes and 73.6 percent of all condos and townhomes sold within 60 days. n [ 17 ] SOUTHERN NEVADA REALTOR® FEBRUARY 2013 PROFESSIONAL STANDARDS SPOTLIGHT THE 1913 CODE OF ETHICS [ SUBMITTED BY JACQUIE KETCHERSID, PROFESSIONAL STANDARDS MANAGER ] You may have been a REALTOR® for one year or several years. You may have only practiced in this location or held a license in several cities. There is one business practice that has governed all REALTORS® from the first day they take their oath in any part of the country for over 100 years – A Code of Ethics. Have you ever wondered what the first code of ethics looked like? Here is a copy adopted in 1913. (Pearl Janet Davies - “Ten Decades” 1913 through 1919 Chap. IV., Part 1. Page 34.) Text of NAREB’s Code in Earliest Form (1913) The rules in full as presented at Winnipeg and unanimously adopted, are as follows: The Duty of Real Estate Men Toward their Clients 1. The real estate agent should be absolutely honest, truthful, faithful and efficient. He should ever bear in mind that he is an employee that his client is his employer and is entitled to the best service the real estate man can give his information, talent, time, services, loyalty, confidence and fidelity. 2. A real estate agent should be conservative in giving advice and where he is not reasonably well posted should refrain from giving his opinion of value. 3. A real estate agent should inspect his client’s property, if possible, before offering it for sale, and he should always inform the buyer if he has not done so. [ 18 ] SOUTHERN NEVADA REALTOR® FEBRUARY 2013 4. An agent should not depreciate the price of property unless the price is too high; he should ask that the price be reasonable and tell the owner that it must be so if he expects his agent to make an attempt to sell it. 5. An agent should have the sole agency, in writing, if it is property he is willing to make a special effort to sell. 6. An agent should advocate either the real consideration to be shown in a deed to property, or one dollar and other valuable considerations. 7. An agent should not give special information to inquirers over the telephone or otherwise, unless they are willing to give their names and addresses. Let them understand he deals in the open and expects them to do likewise. 8. An agent should not ask for a net price on property, unless he intends to buy it himself and so notifies his client. 9. An agent should request his client not to discuss price with the prospective buyer, but persuade his client to refer the matter to the agent, thus strengthening the agent’s position with the buyer, and thus helping the agent to make a better deal for his client. competitor’s proposition. 5. An agent should give an honest opinion concerning a competitor’s proposition when asked to do so by a prospective purchaser, even though such opinion will result in a sale by the competitor. 6. An agent should refuse to put a “For Sale” or “For Rent” sign on property on which his competitor already has his sign, providing the placing of such sign was through the authorization of the owner. 7. If an agent can not efficiently handle a proposition he should refer the matter to some competitor who can. 8. An agent should solicit cooperation of the members of the board in selling sole agency listings unless he has a deal on or has some particular buyer in sight to whom he expects to make a sale, and he should always be ready and willing to divide the regular commission equally with any member of the board who can produce a buyer for any of his clients. 9. An agent should invoke friendly arbitrations by the real estate board, rather than action through the courts of law, in settling differences between himself and other agents. 10. An agent should always exact the regular real estate commission prescribed by the board or exchange of which he is a member, and should always give his client to understand at the beginning that he is entitled to such, and expects it. 10. He should not disregard the rights of other agents. He should never take the position with an owner that he will not work through his regular agent, or that he will not try to sell his property to a live buyer he may have unless he handles the entire deal and gets all the commission. THE DUTY OF A REAL ESTATE MAN TO OTHER REAL ESTATE MEN 1. An agent should respect the listings of his brother agent and cooperate with him to sell, provided the other agent has the most suitable place. 11. He should not put his name in the newspapers in connection with a deal unless really representing at least one of the parties and receiving a part of the commission, for such publicity is a sham, and the result is to the disadvantage of all. 2. An agent should advise an owner to renew a selling contract with some other agent rather than solicit the agency himself, provided the other agent has made a reasonable attempt to sell the property during the life of his contract. 3. An agent should always be loyal, square, frank end earnest in the matters that require the cooperation of brokers, and should always speak kindly of his competitors, refusing to pass judgment on others from hearsay evidence. 4. An agent should not advertise anything but facts, and should be careful not to criticise by any method a 12. When a sale or exchange is handled by two agents each agent shall be given due credit in the report of such sale or exchange. 13. He should not relay property, which means he should not submit to one agent that which he obtains from another agent, unless in exceptional cases and then he should let the third agent know that he does not have the property directly. For in case he relays, he represents neither side, and is not entitled to the same consideration as either of the other agents. n [ 19 ] SOUTHERN NEVADA REALTOR® FEBRUARY 2013 LEGAL THE BANKRUPTCY WHAT HAPPENS EFFECT: TO THE LISTING? [ BY DEANNE M. RYMAROWICZ, ESQ. ] Nevada’s bankruptcy filing rate fell almost 20 percent from 2010 to 2011, but Nevada still led the nation in per-capita bankruptcy filings. The downward trend continued in 2012, with 12,860 Chapter 7 cases filed statewide, a decrease of 29 percent. It remains unclear how Nevada will compare with other states once all the 2012 statistics are reported, but it’s fair to say that Nevada’s bankruptcy court remains among the busiest in the country. It seems that more of those bankruptcy filings are impacting real estate listings and transactions. This article will seek to provide a basic understanding of bankruptcy; its effect on the listing agreement; its potential effect on a pending transaction where the seller/debtor has already signed a purchase agreement; and what exactly those “bankruptcy premiums” have to do with it all. WHAT IS BANKRUPTCY? Bankruptcy is a federal process that allows a person or a business entity to eliminate or reorganize their debts. The three most common types of bankruptcy are a Chapter 7 liquidation, where the debtor’s eligible debts are eliminated; Chapter 11 which is for business reorganization; and Chapter 13 which allows an individual to reorganize debt. In a Chapter 13 case, the debtor retains possession of his/ her property but must make monthly payments over three to five years to repay some or all of the debt. Chapter 7 cases typically have the most impact on a real estate listing or transaction, and therefore are the focus of this article. Upon filing the bankruptcy petition, a “bankruptcy estate” is formed, and all of the debtor’s non-exempt property becomes property of the bankruptcy estate. The U.S. [ 22 ] SOUTHERN NEVADA REALTOR® FEBRUARY 2013 trustee appoints a trustee to take possession of—and sell— any property belonging to the debtor that is not exempt under state law. The trustee uses any proceeds gained in the liquidation of the non-exempt property for the benefit of the estate, to pay back some of the debts. The trustee will not sell a primary residence if the debtor expresses a desire to remain in the home and is, for example, working on a loan modification. But, if the debtor was considering walking away or selling anyway, the Trustee may consider selling. WHAT PROPERTY IS EXEMPT? In a Chapter 7 bankruptcy, the debtor is allowed to keep certain property that is protected under NRS 21.090. Go to to read NRS 21.090. Exempt property includes: WHAT SHOULD A LISTING AGENT KNOW? Communication between the listing agent and the seller is crucial. When taking the listing, the listing agent should inquire if the seller is considering or has ever considered filing bankruptcy. If so, the agent should make the seller aware of the consequences of filing bankruptcy during the listing period or during escrow, remembering that once the bankruptcy is filed, the Trustee has control and signs all contracts. Listing agents should require that the sellers inform the agent if they do file bankruptcy. • • • • • Works of art, musical instruments and jewelry not to exceed $5,000 in value, and all family pictures and keepsakes; Necessary household goods, furnishings, electronics, wearing apparel, other personal effects and yard equipment, not to exceed $12,000 in value; Professional libraries, equipment, supplies, and the tools, inventory, instruments and materials used to carry on the trade or business of the judgment debtor for the support of himself and his family not to exceed $10,000 in value; One vehicle if the judgment debtor’s equity does not exceed $15,000 or the creditor is paid an amount equal to any excess above that equity; and The debtor’s homestead (primary residence); only equity is non-exempt up to the statutory limits. A home with no equity is non-exempt and would become the property of the bankruptcy estate. In other words, the seller loses the ability to convey—and list—the property. As such, any listing agreement previously entered into would be voidable, since the seller cannot perform. Remember, the GLVAR listing agreement includes a “warranty of ownership” provision. “The seller has no say in it anymore,” said Shelley Krohn, a bankruptcy attorney and one of nine trustees in Las Vegas. The only person who can sell the property after bankruptcy is filed is the trustee, after court approval of the sale. WHAT DOES THE DEBTOR WANT TO DO WITH THE HOUSE? A debtor who pledged property as collateral for a loan will need to pay something to the creditor for the right to keep the property. When filing the petition, the debtor must decide whether to “redeem” the property (pay the creditor the current replacement value of the property), “reaffirm” the debt (agree on new contract terms with the creditor), or “surrender” the property. Many times, the seller will be thinking about filing, go ahead and list the home anyway, and then “something will happen that throws them over the edge, and they’ll file,” said Krohn. “If I were the listing agent, I would contact the trustee immediately, explain the property is already listed and ask, ‘would you retain me to do it?’ The trustee may let them continue,” Krohn says, “but they’re not bound to it because the [listing agreement] contract is executory.” The trustee must approve or reject all executory contracts entered into by the debtor. An executory contract is one where some performance remains to be accomplished. If the trustee rejects the listing agreement, the trustee will list the property with his or her agent of choice. Krohn said she uses REALTORS® she has trained in short sales. CAN A SHORT SALE OCCUR IN BANKRUPTCY? According to Krohn, “Most Trustees will not bother to do a short sale unless there’s a carve-out for the unsecured creditors. Either the buyer or the lender can pay it, it doesn’t matter.” In a short sale, the seller has zero net proceeds. Therefore it would not benefit the bankruptcy estate without some source of proceeds. This is where the “bankruptcy premium” comes in, where there is an additional charge for purchasing the property disclosed in the MLS listing. “It’s completely voluntary, and sometimes the lender will pay it, but I can’t sell the house without the carve-out,” CONTINUED ON PAGE 25 [ 23 ] SOUTHERN NEVADA REALTOR® FEBRUARY 2013 [ 24 ] SOUTHERN NEVADA REALTOR® FEBRUARY 2013 LEGAL CONTINUED FROM PAGE 23 said Krohn. “The trustee is not a collection agent for the mortgage company.” The debtor still benefits by having the debt cleared, and no HOA dues or other liens hanging over their heads. Lenders like bankruptcy short sales because they have a court order approving the sale. Krohn added that the buyer needs to be aware that a bankruptcy estate short sale will be “as is” with no closing costs or home warranties, and in addition to lender approval, court approval is required. WHAT HAPPENS IF A PETITION IS FILED DURING ESCROW? Like the listing agreement, a purchase agreement entered into by a seller/debtor would be considered an executory contract that must be accepted or rejected by the trustee. It is the same situation—the seller can no longer convey the property post-petition, and the trustee must take over and get court approval of the sale if the trustee accepts the agreement. “If a seller is already in escrow and it’s close to closing, let it close,” says Krohn. “Otherwise, once the bankruptcy is filed, everything comes to a halt.” Of course, the agent should also advise the seller to communicate fully with their bankruptcy attorney as to the status of the listing or escrow, to better prepare for filing the petition. Because every situation is different, any time a seller files bankruptcy and the property is already in escrow, the buyer’s agent should advise the buyer to consult an attorney to determine the buyer’s rights and any effects the bankruptcy will have on the purchase. n Deanne Rymarowicz is GLVAR Legal Counsel. The information contained herein is not intended to give legal advice or to address specific legal or ethical situations. Legal questions should be directed to your legal counsel or the NVAR Legal Answerline at 1-800-748-6999. CHAPTER 7 BASIC STE P S EVERY CASE IS DIFFERENT; THIS IS A SIMPLIFIED VIEW OF AN OFTEN COMPLEX PROCESS. THE AVERAGE CHAPTER 7 CASE TAKES FOUR MONTHS TO COMPLETE AFTER FILING. 1. Complete pre-petition paperwork, information gathering and coursework 2. File Petition Automatic Stay! 4. Hold the 341 Creditors Meeting 5. Marshal and sell nonexempt assets to pay debts 6. Discharge 3. Assign a Trustee 7. Case closed [ 25 ] SOUTHERN NEVADA REALTOR® FEBRUARY 2013 [ 26 ] SOUTHERN NEVADA REALTOR® FEBRUARY 2013 MLS UPDATING MLS LISTING DATA [ BY BOB MANNING, MLS COMMITTEE MEMBER ] As a listing agent do you have the responsibility and obligation to ensure that the information about your listing is current? While your listing is on the market, you have the responsibility and obligation to update the information in the MLS every time information material to the listing changes. Let’s look at an example where material information about a property changed and no action was taken by the listing agent. Listing Agent A has had the property listed since August 2008 and expiring in June 2010. Agent A then relists the property in June 2010, as a short sale, with a list price of $1,390,000. During the next 2 years and 3 months, Agent A adjusts the list price of the property downward to $399,999. In September 2012 Agent A receives an offer to purchase the property and the offer is accepted and escrow is opened. Approximately 75 days later, escrow is cancelled and the property is returned to ER status. In December 2012 the property is shown by Agent B and the buyer wants to make an offer. Agent B attempted to contact Agent A for more information concerning the property by leaving two phone messages and sending two e-mails to Agent A. Finally, Agent A responds to one of the e-mails by saying, “This property has been foreclosed on and will no longer be available to purchase. The bank will hire another agency to put it on the market as an REO. Thanks for your inquiry.” Agent B reviewed the information in the MLS about the property and noted that the NOD (notice of default) field was blank. Agent B then reviewed the information at the Clark County Recorder’s Office and noted the following: • A NOD was filed in July 2012 • A NOS (notice of sale) was filed in November 2012 Agent B informed his client of the bad news. The client was very unhappy and wanted to know why there was not information concerning the NOD in the MLS information. In your opinion, did listing Agent A update the MLS with information that was material to the property? Below are two references that may assist you in making your determination. The answer to this question is a short one, YES. MLS POLICIES TO AVOID FINES OR OTHER PENALTIES LISTING OFFICES MUST G. Correct Information in System: Be sure that all information entered into the computer is correct. Secretaries or assistants are not responsible for errors, the listing agent is responsible. All listing information placed in the Multiple Listing Service must remain current and listings must be updated when unavailable information becomes available. CONTINUED ON PAGE 29 [ 27 ] SOUTHERN NEVADA REALTOR® FEBRUARY 2013 [ 28 ] SOUTHERN NEVADA REALTOR® FEBRUARY 2013 MLS CONTINUED FROM PAGE 27 CODE OF ETHICS Article 2 REALTORS® shall avoid exaggeration, misrepresentation, or concealment of pertinent facts relating to the property or the transaction. REALTORS® shall not, however, be obligated to discover latent defects in the property, to advise on matters outside the scope of their real estate license, or to disclose facts which are confidential under the scope of agency or non-agency relationships as defined by state law. (Amended 1/00) REALTORS® POLITICAL ACTION COMMITTEE (RPAC) MAJOR INVESTORS UPDATE THE ESTIMATED CLOSE DATE If you receive a MLS violation for an estimated close date, remember this date is different from your listing expiration date. The estimated close date is the approximate date a pending or contingent sale will close. If the property doesn’t close, be sure to revise to a later date. And don’t forget, you also receive a three day reminder from MarketLinx regarding your approaching estimating close dates. Keep track of these dates and look out for the reminders to avoid costly fines. [ 29 ] SOUTHERN NEVADA REALTOR® FEBRUARY 2013 ST E R LI N G R • Standard of Practice 12-8 The obligation to present a true picture in representations to the public includes information presented, provided, or displayed on REALTORS®’ websites. REALTORS® shall use reasonable efforts to ensure that information on their websites is current. When it becomes apparent that information on a REALTORS®’ website is no longer current or accurate, REALTORS® shall promptly take corrective action. (Adopted 1/07) n G OL D E N R Article 12 REALTORS® shall be honest and truthful in their real estate communications and shall present a true picture in their advertising, marketing, and other representations. REALTORS® shall ensure that their status as real estate professionals is readily apparent in their advertising, marketing, and other representations, and that the recipients of all real estate communications are, or have been, notified that those communications are from a real estate professional. (Amended 1/08) CHRISTINE McNAUGHT *NANCY ANDERSON LEROY SCHAEFFEL LILLIAN SPENCER RPAC HALL OF FAME MEMBER * Tier 1 - Total lifetime contributions of $25,000 or more ** Tier 2 - Total lifetime contributions of $50,000 or more ***Tier 3 - Total lifetime contributions of $75,000 or more For information about how you can contribute to one of the best investments in real estate, visit the REALTOR® Action Center at Contributions are not deductible for income tax purposes. Contributions to RPAC are voluntary and are used for political purposes. You may refuse to contribute without reprisal and the National Association of REALTORS® or any of its state associations or local boards will not favor or disfavor any member because of the amount contributed. 70% of each contribution is used by your state PAC to support state and local political candidates. Until your state PAC reaches its RPAC goal 30% is sent to National RPAC to support federal candidates and is charged against your limits under 2 U.S.C. 441a; after the state PAC reaches its RPAC goal it may elect to retain your entire contribution for use in supporting state and local candidates. [ 30 ] SOUTHERN NEVADA REALTOR® FEBRUARY 2013 HOW TO MAKE MONEY GOING GREEN HIGH PERFORMANCE HOME SYMPOSIUM [ BY SHARON EXARHOS, GREEN COMMITTEE CHAIR ] SAVE THE DATE: HIGH PERFORMANCE HOME SYMPOSIUM – Friday, March 13, GLVAR, 7:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. Guest Speakers: Amanda Stinton, Manager, NAR’s GREEN Designation, NAR and Stacey Crowley, Director, Nevada State Office of Energy. Learn what consumers want and why energy efficiency technology has the answers. You will hear from speakers and panelists who are experts in their field. Pertinent subjects include appraisals, greening the MLS, current rebates and financing, trends, and the value of being a GREEN REALTOR®. There will be a variety of vendors. The fee for GLVAR Members is $25 or $30 for non GLVAR members. To register please contact Samantha Walker, GREEN Committee Liaison at [email protected] or call her at (702) 784-5059. WHAT IS YOUR GREEN IQ? Watch for and use the new terms used for “green” homes. The number one word is “high performance.” Additional descriptive terms are: energy efficient, net zero energy, sustainable, adaptive, passive house, smart home, regenerative, generational housing and transformational. Please also note, the terms “traditional home” and “conventionally built” are associated with lower energy efficiency. By becoming more familiar with the “green” language you will be helping both your buyers and sellers. COUPONS THAT SAVE YOU MONEY ON YOUR NEXT CAR WASH Go to and click on the tab at the top that says “Coupons & Rebates”. Look for the title, ”Use a Water Smart Car Wash,” click on “Get Car Wash Coupons.” I surveyed all the car wash sites and the coupons range in savings from $1 to $4 for the basic car wash. Some of these sites offer you larger discounts if you pick a higher option. CURRENT REBATES FOR POOL COVERS, RAIN SENSORS, SMART CLOCK IRRIGATION Also, at the website click on the tab at the top “Coupons & Rebates”. Look for the titles: “Pool Cover Coupons,” “Smart Irrigation Clock Rebate,” and “Rain Sensor Rebate”. Each one offers a range of coupons featuring instant rebates and locations of participating retailers. The offers give specific instructions explaining the rebate process. Not only will you save money by getting a rebate, you will also save in the water not lost to evaporation or a leak. Speaking of leaks, page also offers you instructional videos on how to isolate a leak as well as how to fix that leak. I hope you will share the rebates and savings with others. YOUR GREEN COMMITTEE INVITATION Our next meeting will be on Friday, February 8, at 1:00 p.m. in GLVAR’s downstairs board room. Ellen Ross, Vice Chair of the GREEN Committee and I invite you to attend and become a Member of this committee. Ellen’s email is [email protected]. You do not have to be a GREEN REALTOR® to join this committee. The Mission of the GREEN Committee is parallel with the National Association of REALTORS® (NAR) which is to drive National’s goals to the local market. The scope, in part, is providing GLVAR Members with the knowledge and awareness of high performance building principles (both residential and commercial). Additionally we strive to provide current information and education regarding green features and benefits to GLVAR Members and the public in a variety of venues. I value your suggestions or questions, please feel free to contact me at [email protected]. n [ 31 ] SOUTHERN NEVADA REALTOR® FEBRUARY 2013 [ 32 ] SOUTHERN NEVADA REALTOR® FEBRUARY 2013 MLXCHANGE HAVE YOU NOTICED? MLXWireless now includes Realist® [ BY KATHY HEANEY, CORELOGIC MARKETLINX ] Realist was introduced to GLVAR members in August 2012. Recently we added this functionality into the MLXWireless product. MLXWireless can be accessed by going to las. on your phone or tablet device. Depending on your wireless device, this information can be located either on the top right above the listing photo, or under the tax info section, below the property information. We have classes at GLVAR on Realist®. To sign-up, go to We also have our Computer Labs where no reservation is required. These are held on Monday and Friday from 9:00 to 11:00 a.m. and 1:00 to 3:00 p.m. Contact us at 702-735-0478 or email us at [email protected] n MLS DATA CO-OP MLS Data Co-op is an exciting map centric search tool that is available in Fusion and MLXchange that allows agents to search GLVAR property data in partnership with various cooperating associations. For example, you can search for beach front property in South East Miami Florida (SEF). This tool allows agents to search GLVAR listing, tax and foreclosure data. Agents can print, email, save search criteria and do one of the easiest comparable market analyses (CMA). It automatically maps the properties and gives you the ability to edit the final properties in your CMA. Data Co-op has many other features so be sure to locate the Table of Contents gadget window and select up to 20 sources of public and private information. For more information on these and the many other features available on the Data Coop system, you are invited to attend a Data Co-op training class. Register at www.lasvegasrealtor or call 702-784-5050. [ 33 ] SOUTHERN NEVADA REALTOR® FEBRUARY 2013 READ MORE APP DETAILS PAGE 2 [ 34 ] SOUTHERN NEVADA REALTOR® FEBRUARY 2013 YOUNG PROFESSIONALS NETWORK OF LAS VEGAS YOUNG LAS VEGAS REALTORS® JOIN THE FIGHT YPN LAS VEGAS MILLION DOLLAR PLEDGE YPN of Las Vegas is proud to promote their Million Dollar Pledge program. The goal is to collect $1,000,000 during a ten year time span from 2012-2022 for the Political Survival Fund (PSF). Funds from this important program are used to support candidates at the local, state and national level who understand and support REALTOR® issues. PSF is your best insurance against poorly designed small business and commercial real estate legislation. Join the YPN of Las Vegas mission to raise awareness of this important program and take the pledge today. Members can contribute at any level at one time or by setting up convenient monthly installments. For more information and to submit your pledge visit UPCOMING YPN OF LAS VEGAS COMMITTEE MEETINGS YPN Las Vegas is proud to present our upcoming Committee speakers: Thursday, February 14, 2013 George McCabe, the Public Relations Director for B&P Public Relations will give a presentation on public relations 101 for REALTORS®. He will teach you how to use the PR tools already provided to you by GLVAR to help position you as an expert in your business. Thursday, March 14, 2013 Kay Collis, has been a member and advocate of Toastmasters for 21 years.Toastmasters International is a nonprofit, educational association that has helped more than four million people through its communication and leadership program. There are more than 180,000 members in 9,000 clubs in 70 countries throughout the world. For more information about YPN of Las Vegas please contact YPN Chairwoman Shyla Magee at shylamagee@ n 2013 ME E T I N G S CHE D U L E The Young Professional Network of Las Vegas Committee meets the SECOND THURSDAY OF EVERY MONTH AT GLVAR in Classroom A from 1:00 – 2:00pm February 14 • March 14 • April 11 • May 9 June 13 • July 11 • August 8 • September 12 October 10 • November 14 • December 12 [ 35 ] SOUTHERN NEVADA REALTOR® FEBRUARY 2013 MEMBERSHIP CONGRATULATIONS JANUARY INDUCTEES I AM A REALTOR® I PLEDGE MYSELF To protect the individual right of real estate ownership and to widen the opportunity to enjoy it; To be honorable and honest in all dealings; To seek better to represent my clients by building my knowledge and competence; To act fairly towards all in the spirit of the Golden Rule; To serve well my community, and through it my country; To observe the REALTORS® Code of Ethics and conform my conduct to its lofty ideals. RICHARD ADKINS ERIC M. CHAMBERLAIN AUDREY DORENBAUM HARRY G. GOLDEN JULIANNE N. ATKINSON CHELSEA CHIPELLO JOY DORFMAN RICH A. HART LAURA BAILEY ANDREA M. CONWAY JIM R. DOYEL SHANNON HEARNS AMANDA K. BARRON NEIL S. COOPER DIANE R. EDDINS TERI S HILL KAYLI BJORNSEN JOSEPH E. COSTELLO VELEDA L. ENGLISH JOSEPH HOGIN BROOKE BROWN KELLY COSTELLO TRUMAN T. FLEMING JASON R. HOLLEY LORI A. BROWN MATTHEW J. COSTELLO DALE G. FLOYD ALANA HORTON YVETTE BROWN JASON D. CRAWFORD CHRISTINA M. FREI LIZBETH HUYNH DEVEN CARLOCK MEDONIO DANAO KEVIN T. GAMMON CYNTHIA JEZZARD BRITTANY M. CARTER JOHN DOMINICK JANE GARRAS CHERYL A. JONES REALTY EXECUTIVES EXPERTS KELLER WILLIAMS REALTY SOUTHWEST KELLER WILLIAMS SOUTHERN NEVADA KELLER WILLIAMS SOUTHERN NEVADA NEW WEST PROPERTY MANAGEMENT WINDERMERE PRESTIGE PROPERTIES GAVISH REAL ESTATE PRUDENTIAL AMERICANA GROUP MAJESTIC PROPERTIES RHODES RANCH REALTY ROSSUM REALTY UNLIMITED PRUDENTIAL AMERICANA GROUP RE/MAX ADVANTAGE PRUDENTIAL AMERICANA GROUP PROVINCE REAL ESTATE KELLER WILLIAMS WARDLEY REAL ESTATE ELITE REALTY COSTELLO REALTY & MGMT RSVP REAL ESTATE SERVICES COSTELLO REALTY & MGMT KELLER WILLIAMS REALTY SOUTHWEST COSTELLO REALTY & MGMT MAJESTIC PROPERTIES REALTY ONE GROUP, INC. VISION REALTY GROUP GOLDEN REAL ESTATE & INV, LLC WARDLEY REAL ESTATE Century 21 Martinez & Associates ALL VEGAS VALLEY REALTY [ 36 ] SOUTHERN NEVADA REALTOR® FEBRUARY 2013 LAS VEGAS REAL ESTATE & INVESTMENTS COLDWELL BANKER PREMIER PRUDENTIAL AMERICANA GROUP PULSE REALTY GROUP LLC GAVISH REAL ESTATE REALTY PROFESSIONALS OF LAS VEGAS REALTY ONE GROUP, INC. REALTY ONE GROUP, INC. CENTURY 21 MARTINEZ & ASSOCIATES URBAN NEST REALTY CELINE KIM DARREN R. MORTENSON SUNDIE L. SAPIEN LEE W. WEN XTREME REALTY REALTY OF AMERICA INVESTMENT CODY LEWIS SUZANNAH R. NOONAN MARIA T. SARAVO-CARLSON DENORA D WILKERSON CENTURY 21 AADVANTAGE GOLD REALTY ONE GROUP INC. MELANIE LEWIS VITALIY OSADCHIY CRAIG SIMMONS FORTRESS REAL ESTATE SERVICES PRUDENTIAL AMERICANA GROUP PROMINENT REALTY GROUP LLC LIANG LIANG GREGORY M. PAIELLI STEPHEN SKUBA KRIS WILLIAMS REALTY ONE GROUP INC. PRUDENTIAL AMERICANA GROUP KENNY LIN TERI PARSONS MICHAEL P. SULLIVAN SANDY A. WILLIAMS REALTY ONE GROUP INC. REALTY ONE GROUP, INC. SYNERGY SOTHEBY’S INTERNATIONAL REALTY SYNERGY SOTHEBY’S INTERNATIONAL REALTY BENTAL INTERNATIONAL REALTY LLC JERILYN LUBITZ KELLER WILLIAMS REALTY SOUTHWEST ANDREW LUNSFORD EXIT LAS VEGAS REALTY CENTER JOSEPH MAGGIO KELLER WILLIAMS REALTY SOUTHWEST MARIA I. MARKS SOUZA10.COM WARDLEY REAL ESTATE AMERICAN REALTY & PROPERTY MANAGEMENT LLC PRUDENTIAL AMERICANA GROUP SIMPLY PROPERTY MANAGEMENT KEY REALTY KING OF CONDOS INC. KAT PASQUARELLI BIREN TALATI PROMINENT REALTY GROUP LLC REALTY ONE GROUP, INC. KRISTINA PAULUS DANA M TALKINGTON REALTY ONE GROUP, INC. PRUDENTIAL AMERICANA GROUP ROBERT PAWLUK WAYNE TANG GOLDEN REAL ESTATE & INV, LLC NATIONWIDE REALTY LLC MATTHEW C. PETERS SUSAN TESMER KELLER WILLIAMS REALTY SOUTHWEST GAVISH REAL ESTATE DEBRA MARTINEZ-PALAFOX MARCELO E. RAMALLO MICHAEL THOMAS DONNELLE MCCLAIN MICHAEL J. REBARCHICK BETTY THURBER COLLEEN MCDONALD TRAVIS REINTJES RYAN TSELIKIS JUSTIN D. MILLER STEPHEN RISING RICK E. TURLEY HECTOR MONTANO TINA ROBNETT RUOMEI WANG TANNER MORTENSEN JULIA SALOMON CHIPS W. WELDON FAR REALTY GROUP WARDLEY REAL ESTATE FIRST REAL ESTATE COMPANIES ALL VEGAS VALLEY REALTY SELLSTATE DELUXE REALTY KELLER WILLIAMS MARKET PLACE KEY REALTY US REALTY & PROPERTY MANAGEMENT REALTY ONE GROUP, INC. FORTIS RESIDENTIAL REALTY PRUDENTIAL AMERICANA GROUP REALTY ONE GROUP, INC. KELLER WILLIAMS MARKET PLACE WARDLEY REAL ESTATE PRUDENTIAL AMERICANA GROUP LANDMARK REALTY RE/MAX WINNER PRUDENTIAL AMERICANA GROUP [ 37 ] SOUTHERN NEVADA REALTOR® FEBRUARY 2013 WINDERMERE PRESTIGE PROPERTIES DIANA WINDER-HEDGEMA GOLDEN REAL ESTATE & INV, LLC AARON R. WOLSKI GAVISH REAL ESTATE LESLIE YEATES KELLER WILLIAMS SOUTHERN NEVADA YONI YON REISS PROPERTIES [ 38 ] SOUTHERN NEVADA REALTOR® FEBRUARY 2013 02. 13 YOUR Education Source for Real Estate in Southern Nevada CONTINUING EDUCATION SCHEDULE EDUCATIONAL OPPORTUNITIES TIME COURSE TITLE CE# & CREDIT *PRICE MON/February 4 9:00 am 12:00 pm Preparing Contracts the Right Way the First Time CE.5106000-RE (3) Contract $20.00 MON/February 4 1:00 pm 4:00 pm What Every Licensee Should Know 2013 - Legislative Law CE.5463001-RE (3) Legislative Law $12.50 THU/February 7 1:00 pm 4:00 pm Anti-Trust for REALTORS® - RRG CE.5284000-RE (3) General $30.00 FRI/February 8 9:00 am 12:00 pm Real Estate Update 2011 CE.5322000-RE (3) Legislative Law FRI/February 8 1:00 pm 4:00 pm I Am A Contract CE.3896000-RE (3) Contract TUE/February 12 1:00 pm 4:00 pm Managing Ethical Risks - RRG CE.3729000-RE (3) Ethics $30.00 TUE/February 19 9:00 am 12:00 pm Foreclosure: The Process - The Markets - The Law CE.3522000-RE (3) General $20.00 TUE/February 19 1:00 pm 4:00 pm Helping Clients/Customers Facing Financial Difficulties CE.3929000-RE (3) General $20.00 TUE/February 19 5:30 pm 8:30 pm Diversity Training Skills for Better Clients CE.3575000-RE (3) Ethics $20.00 WED/February 20 9:00 am 12:00 pm Understanding Today’s Mortgage Loan Process CE.5281000-RE (3) General FREE WED/February 20 1:00 pm 4:00 pm Agency, Are You a Knowledgeable, Competent Real Estate Agent CE.3809000-RE (3) Agency $20.00 WED/February 20 5:30 pm 8:30 pm 2011 Nevada Law Update CE.5323000-RE (3) Legislative Law $20.00 THU/February 21 9:00 am 12:00 pm Know Your Contracts CE.5523000-RE (3) Contracts $20.00 THU/February 21 1:00 pm 4:00 pm How to Nail Your Listing Presentation CE.5333000-RE (3) General $20.00 24 HOU R CE DAY / DATE SPECIAL $00.00 $10.00 For BOTH $20.00 Classes! GET ALL 8 CLASSES FOR $120. If you are a Broker or Property Manager, replace with a General class from the 24 Hour schedule. FRI/February 22 9:00 am 12:00 pm The Rules & Regulations of Property Management CE.3687000-RE (3 Property Management $20.00 FRI/February 22 1:00 pm 4:00 pm Disciplines, Challenges & Rules of Broker Management CE.3580000-RE (3) Broker Management $20.00 MON/February 25 1:00 pm 5:00 pm Fundamentals of Commercial Real Estate CE.2708000-RE (3) General $20.00 TUE/February 26 1:00 pm 4:00 pm The Law of Foreclosure & Foreclosure Alternatives - RRG CE.5271001-RE (3) General $30.00 WED/February 27 9:00 am 12:00 pm What Every Licensee Should Know 2013 - Agency CE.5464001-RE (3) Agency $12.50 THU/February 28 9:00 am 12:00 pm Expect Ethics CE.3503000-RE (3) Ethics $20.00 * P R I C E S S H O W N A R E F O R GLV A R M E M BE RS . N O N -M E M BE R: $30.00 O R $35.00 PE R CL AS S . C A NC ELLA TI O N I S R E Q U I R E D W I TH I N 48 H OU RS O F T HE CL AS S T O RE CE I VE A RE F U N D. S O RRY N O E XCE PT I O N S . TH E S E C O U R S E S A R E A P PRO VE D BY T HE N E VADA RE AL E S T AT E CO M I S S I O N . COURSE, TIME & DATE SUBJECT TO CHANGE ➠ CLICK H ERE FOR CURRENT INFORMATION, TO REGISTER & NEXT MONTHS SCHEDULE [ 39 ] SOUTHERN NEVADA REALTOR® FEBRUARY 2013 SINGLE FAMILY HOME REPORT [ DECEMBER 1- DECEMBER 31, 2012 ] NEW LISTINGS EX ISTIN G SING LE F AMIL Y H OMES SALES PRICE RANGE 2 BDRMS 3 BDRMS 4+ BDRMS TOTAL UNITS S/FAM UNITS $49,999 or Under 20 31 7 58 51 $50,000 to 59,999 6 32 8 46 43 $60,000 to 69,999 14 47 5 66 51 $70,000 to 79,999 24 55 20 99 74 $80,000 to 89,999 18 97 22 137 93 $90,000 to 99,999 17 77 37 131 81 $100,000 to $119,999 24 250 58 332 210 $120,000 to $139,999 25 288 127 440 268 $140,000 to $159,999 21 208 130 359 253 $160,000 to $179,999 17 134 117 268 221 $180,000 to $199,999 9 73 114 196 149 $200,000 to $249,999 17 121 209 347 227 $250,000 to $299,999 10 47 116 173 144 $300,000 to $399,999 4 40 121 165 160 $400,000 to $499,999 2 18 53 73 67 $500,000 to $999,999 3 10 42 55 55 $1,000,000 to $2,999,999 0 1 14 15 22 $3,000,000 to $4,999,999 0 0 1 1 4 $5,000,000 and Over 0 0 0 0 1 231 1,529 1,201 2,961 2,174 MEDIAN PRICE 110,000 130,000 190,000 149,000 156,950 AVERAGE PRICE 132,571 148,074 236,593 182,768 213,011 TOTALS LISTED VS. SOLD 70,000 60,000 50,000 40,000 30,000 20,000 10,000 0 41% 2008 67% 2009 59% 2010 LISTED 69% 2011 2012 SOLD FOR MORE COMPREHENSIVE STATISTICAL REPORTS ➠ 91% CLICK HERE [ 40 ] SOUTHERN NEVADA REALTOR® FEBRUARY 2013 CONDO/TOWNHOME REPORT [ DECEMBER 1- DECEMBER 31, 2012 ] NEW LISTINGS EX ISTIN G CONDO/T OW NH OMES SALES PRICE RANGE 1 BDRM 2 BDRMS 3 BDRMS TOTAL UNITS CONDO UNITS $49,999 or Under 53 62 11 126 109 $50,000 to 59,999 8 46 16 70 65 $60,000 to 69,999 11 49 17 77 81 $70,000 to 79,999 2 57 20 79 67 $80,000 to 89,999 1 32 22 55 54 $90,000 to 99,999 1 14 24 39 36 $100,000 to $119,999 0 21 31 52 39 $120,000 to $139,999 2 25 18 45 19 $140,000 to $159,999 1 9 5 15 15 $160,000 to $179,999 0 7 5 12 16 $180,000 to $199,999 1 4 2 7 8 $200,000 to $249,999 0 3 2 5 11 $250,000 to $299,999 0 1 1 2 1 $300,000 to $399,999 0 0 0 0 1 $400,000 to $499,999 0 0 1 1 0 $500,000 to $999,999 0 1 0 1 0 $1,000,000 to $2,999,999 0 0 0 0 0 $3,000,000 to $4,999,999 0 0 0 0 0 $5,000,000 and Over 0 0 0 0 0 80 331 175 586 522 MEDIAN PRICE 43,750 71,000 90,000 71,000 70,000 AVERAGE PRICE 50,537 80,620 95,983 81,101 81,404 TOTALS LISTED VS. SOLD 20,000 15,000 10,000 5,000 0 28% 2008 61% 2009 65% 2010 LISTED 79% 2011 SOLD FOR MORE COMPREHENSIVE STATISTICAL REPORTS ➠ CLICK HERE [ 41 ] SOUTHERN NEVADA REALTOR® FEBRUARY 2013 90% 2012 ANNUAL MLS STATISTICS TOTAL UNITS SINGLE FAMILY CLOSINGS 4000 3500 2008 3000 2009 2500 2010 2000 2011 1500 2012 1000 500 0 Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec 1000 900 TOTAL UNITS CONDO/TOWNHOME CLOSINGS Jan 800 2008 700 2009 600 2010 500 400 2011 300 2012 200 100 0 Jan Feb Mar $200,000 $152,924 Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec $165,998 AVERAGE PRICE $160,000 $120,000 $64,056 $70,899 $80,000 2011 Year End Average 2012 Thru December $40,000 $10,000 $0 Single Family Condominium FOR MORE COMPREHENSIVE STATISTICAL REPORTS ➠ CLICK HERE [ 42 ] SOUTHERN NEVADA REALTOR® FEBRUARY 2013 RESIDENTIAL RENTAL LEASED REPORT RESIDENTIA L RENT AL UNIT S L EAS ED [ DECEMBER 1- DECEMBER 31, 2012 ] PRICE RANGE $500 or Under 2 BDRMS 3 BDRMS 4+ BDRMS TOTAL UNITS S/FAM UNITS 20 1 0 21 25 $501 to $800 332 82 7 421 373 $801 to $1,000 144 376 61 581 525 74 457 223 754 765 $1,001 to $1,300 $1,301 to $1,500 23 78 103 204 269 $1,501 to $1,700 10 36 63 109 127 $1,701 to $2,000 17 26 39 82 116 $2,001 to $3,500 17 19 61 97 122 $3,501 to $5,000 0 0 7 7 15 $5,001 to $8,000 0 1 4 5 10 $8,001 to $10,000 0 0 0 0 0 1 3 1 5 0 TOTALS 639 1,079 569 2,287 2,347 MEDIAN PRICE 795 1,065 1,300 1,075 1,100 2,024 1,230 1,565 1,535 1,239 $10,001 and Over AVERAGE PRICE LISTED VS. LEASED 3,000 2,500 NEW LISTINGS LEASED 2,347 2,289 2,000 1,500 1,000 500 AVERAGE PRICE December 2011 January 2012 February 2012 March 2012 April 2012 May 2012 June 2012 July 2012 August 2012 September 2012 October 2012 November 2012 December 2012 MEDIAN PRICE $1,307 $1,447 $1,347 $1,621 $1,299 $1,235 $1,222 $1,491 $1,323 $1,308 $1,821 $1,324 $1,535 December 2011 January 2012 February 2012 March 2012 April 2012 May 2012 June 2012 July 2012 August 2012 September 2012 October 2012 November 2012 December 2012 0 LISTED LEASED FOR MORE COMPREHENSIVE STATISTICAL REPORTS ➠ CLICK HERE [ 43 ] SOUTHERN NEVADA REALTOR® FEBRUARY 2013 $1,095 $1,095 $1,080 $1,095 $1,095 $1,100 $1,100 $1,100 $1,095 $1,095 $1,100 $1,095 $1,075 FEBRUARY2013 SUNDAY MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY ML XC X C HA N GE T R A IN IN G S C HED U L E PPAAGE GE032 0 • C E ED U C A T IO N S C HED U L E PPAAGE G E039 0 1 2 8 9 15 16 22 23 10:00am Market Conditions Open Forum 3 4 5 11 12 17 18 24 25 10 SATURDAY 3:00pm Zipform Training 6 7 13 14 19 20 21 26 27 28 10:00am MLS Open Forum 8:00am Brokers’ Breakfast/Forum ROCKY MT.REGION XI CONFERENCE (SANTA FE, NM) CALENDAR SUBJECT TO CHANGE ➠ ® CLICK HERE FOR CURRENT INFORMATION REALTOR® TRADEMARK Did You Know… When you are asked what you do for a living, describe your profession before you use the term REALTOR® to indicate you are also a member of a local board and committed to a strict Code of Ethics. For example, say, “I am a real estate broker and also a REALTOR®.” [ 44 ] SOUTHERN NEVADA REALTOR® FEBRUARY 2013 [ 45 ] SOUTHERN NEVADA REALTOR® FEBRUARY 2013