Aug - Sunland Village East
Aug - Sunland Village East
*Deadline for copy for the September 2008 issue is Wednesday, August 10, 2008 by noon. 2145 S. Farnsworth Dr. • Mesa, Arizona 85209 • (480) 380-0106 • Security (602) 575-7857 Volume 3, No. 15 16 pages WWW.SVEHOA.COM August 2008 SECURITY (602) 575-7857 GOOD NEIGHBOR AWARD View of the new Palo Verde room showing a completed donor wall section. Charlie Walker If you smell some tantalizing aromas coming down the street, you probably live on Meseto Avenue, near the home of Veronica and Leonard Jarmosco. Learning to cook because he was the oldest child in the family, he continued to learn his culinary skills when he was in the army stationed in Munich Germany, with another soldier you might remember, Elvis Presley. He uses that love of cooking now to bring dinners to singles in their neighborhood, a much appreciated effort to older residents who find it hard to cook for just one person. Veronica (Ronnie) doesn’t mind his taking over the kitchen in their home (what woman in her right mind would?) as it leaves her more time to pursue her love of reading, taking photographs and crocheting. They both like to use the pool facilities, especially in our long hot summers. Getting tired of the severe winters in Michigan, the Marmoscos moved to Arizona 20 years ago, and have been in our SVE community for five years. They have two children, a boy who lives in Las Vegas and a daughter and two grandchildren who live in Queen Creek. Ronnie retired from a job as a bank receptionist and Len as a liquor salesman. He still works part time in the winter at ASU. The person who nominated this couple said that they are both so helpful to all of their neighbors. Ronnie recently spent the night and a few days in a neighbor’s home taking care of her because the doctor would not release that person without someone at home to provide care. That certainly is stepping up when needed. They also help with yard work, look after homes when neighbors are away, put out the recycle and refuse bins, and just generally are the kind of good neighbors who deserve this award. Beautiful New Look For Auditorium MEET THE STAFF Charlie Walker Meet the latest addition to the SVE office staff, De Neff (short for Delores), the new architectural secretary and “jack-of-all trades”. She was hired the 29th of May and says she loves it here. In addition to her other duties in the office, she is a notary which will now give us two office notaries to assist people in the village who need this service. Manager Dick Shinke says she is doing a good job helping Bert make our auditing system more time efficient. De came to Arizona 20 years ago from Ann Arbor, Michigan where she was born and grew up. She worked as a florist for 35years, and in a construction office for 15 years. She has three children and five grandchildren, all of whom live here. Lucky grandmother! In her spare time, which she doesn’t have a lot of, she is an avid gardener, loves to decorate her home, collects stamps and likes to paint with watercolors. She is hoping to take classes here in SVE in the fall. De is a valuable addition to our office staff with her ready smile and friendly manner. So the next time you have occasion to visit the office, be sure and give her a warm welcome to SVE. Judy Janousek The SVE Auditorium underwent a remarkable transformation in July, thanks to the creative talents of Bobbie Hughes and Sharon Schwarz. The walls were painted in soft beige with touches of blue and the shutters also received a fresh coat of paint. Panels covered in various patterns of fabric in coordinating colors were hung to add interest and help soften sound in the large room. Two attractive new clocks were also hung. Special seasonal touches will be added occasionally in colors to complement the décor. Bobbie and Sharon selected the fabric and paint choices, and presented them to several members of the Board of Directors along with John McFall who had agreed to pay for the project from Bingo proceeds. Once they were given the go ahead to begin the project, bids went out for the painting and a crew of volunteers began work on assembling and covering the panels and preparing other items needed for the transformation. The Auditorium was only closed for one week while painting was completed; and, as soon as the paint had dried, the finishing touches went up. A huge thank you to Bobbie and Sharon and their crew of helpers, Sally Rottier, Lee Sorenson, Pat and Jerry Little, Linda Gerken, Joyce Fredrickson, and Peggy Woolever. Next I’m told, this experienced group will be adding some special touches to the new Palo Verde Building. Bobbie Hughes and Sharon Schwarz Adding Finishing Touches SVE BRIEFS BOARD OF DIRECTORS’ MEETING Thursday, August 14 9:30 A.M. Auditorium PRESIDENTS’ CLUB MEETING Thursday, August 28 9:00 A.M. Mesa Verde Room NEEDHAM TWINS MUSIC AND DANCE Thursday, August 28 7:00 P.M. SVE Auditorium $6.00 in Advance • $7.00 at door • BYOB COMPUTER CLUB FIRST MEETING OF NEW SEASON Monday, September 1 9:00 A.M. Q. & A. Session 2:00 P.M. Computer Lab 2 Sunland Village East Outlook August 2008 The Sunland Village East Outlook is published on the first of each month by Miller Media Services for the SVE Homeowner’s Association. Through the support of its advertisers this publication is provided at no cost to the association or residents. Due to the limited space available the volunteer Editorial Staff and the publisher may edit or omit any submitted material for publication. For content information contact the Sunland Village East Homeowner’s Association at 480-380-0106. For advertising information call Miller Media Services (480) 361-4431 • Fax (480) 361-4293 or email [email protected]. Sunland Village East H.O.A. 2007-2008 Board of Directors Board Member Pat Chumbley Gene Trust Richard Hicks Laura Paulsen Don Courtright David Hughes Walt Handberry Term expires 2008 2008 2008 2009 2009 2009 2008 Responsibility President Vice President Treasurer Secretary Architectural Architectural Security Deaths In The Village April 13, 2008 Marlys Zimmer May 29, 2008 Irene Kay June 12, 2008 Loren Cobb June 14, 2008 Lore Ingram Weekley (former resident) June 28, 2008 Richard Leydens July 29, 2008 Carol Sombke THANK YOU NOTES FOR AUGUST I would like to thank everyone for the cards & calls when my brother passed away. Nell Riley SVE has many caring and thoughtful people and I would like to thank everyone for the cards and calls after my recent surgery. Nell Riley Notice To Contributors of Articles For The Outlook We see that the majority of the articles turned into the Outlook box in the office are written on a computer, so many of you have e-mail connections as well. To save time for both of us, we encourage you to do the following: 1. Type your article as a Word Document. This is necessary for us to be able to open your message, edit it when necessary and send it via e-mail to the publisher. Microsoft Works or other programs will not allow us to do this, only Word. 2. Include your name and phone number in case we have a problem or question. 3. Save a copy of your typed document until we reply that we have received it. 4. Send your article as an e-mail attachment to either Judy at [email protected] or Charlie at [email protected]. You may still drop your articles off in written form into the Outlook box in the SVE office, but if you have Internet access, we hope you will give this method a try. CHAPEL NOTES By Pastor Wyn Olson The Lord Jesus speaking in a parable to the righteous about the time of judgment, made the following statement recorded for us in Matthew’s gospel: “Then the King will say to those on his right, ‘Come, you who are blessed by my Father; take your inheritance, the kingdom prepared for you since the creation of the world. For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in, I needed clothes and you clothed me, I was sick and you looked after me, I was in prison and you came to visit me.’ “Then the righteous will answer him, ‘Lord, when did we see you hungry and feed you, or thirsty and give you something to drink? When did we see you a stranger and invite you in, or needing clothes and clothe you? When did we see you sick or in prison and go to visit you?’ “The King will reply, ‘I tell you the truth, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers of mine, you did for me.’” Matthew 25:34-40 (NIV) Among the people who worship and fellowship at the Village Chapel there are many who are hurting because of sickness, surgeries, sorrow or loneliness. Our Visitation Committee, under the leadership of our Minister of Visitation, is available to visit hurting people, bring them spiritual comfort and assess their needs. We are a spiritual family of brothers and sisters in Christ, who are very sensitive to the problems and needs of our friends and neighbors. It is wonderful to see how graciously and effectively people volunteer to meet these challenges. Our people willingly respond on a volunteer basis when they are asked to help. As the pastor, I have no problem obtaining a favorable response when we are faced with a crisis situation and need someone to offer assistance. It is a wonderful privilege to serve the Lord with this friendly, caring, congregation. Each Sunday we are thrilled when we are able to welcome new people into our fellowship. We would love to have you join us as we worship and serve the Lord. We meet each Sunday at 8:00 a.m. in the SVE Auditorium. It is always cool and comfortable, even on these hot summer Sundays. CIGNA HealthCare of Arizona Medicare Plans What matters most to me? The CIGNA Medicare Plans offer benefits designed for what matters most to you. CIGNA Medicare Select Plus RxSM Plans CIGNA Medicare AccessSM Plans Medicare Advantage HMO Medical Plans with Part D Prescription Drug Benefits Medicare Advantage Private Fee-for-Service Medical Plans with and without Part D Prescription Drug Benefits Q Q Q Q A known and trusted provider network $0 monthly premium and no deductible Q $0 copay for PCP visits Q $200 inpatient hospital copay...per stay, not per day! Q Comprehensive Part D prescription drug coverage Access to any doctor or hospital you choose $0 – $51 monthly premium Q $10 – $15 copay for PCP visits Q $550 inpatient hospital copay...per stay, not per day! Q Comprehensive Part D prescription drug coverage 1.800.592.9231 (TTY: 1.800.987.8816), 7 days a week, 8 a.m. – 8 p.m. Or email us at [email protected]. A Medicare Advantage Private Fee-for-Service plan works differently than a Medicare supplement plan. Your doctor or hospital must agree to accept the plan’s terms and conditions prior to providing health care services to you, with the exception of emergencies. If your doctor or hospital does not agree to accept our payment terms and conditions, they may not provide health care services to you, except in emergencies. Providers can find the plan’s terms and conditions on our website at CIGNA Medicare AccessSM, CIGNA Medicare Access Plus RxSM and CIGNA Medicare Select Plus RxSM are service marks of CIGNA Intellectual Property, Inc., licensed for use by CIGNA Corporation and its operating subsidiaries. These products and services are offered by CIGNA Corporation operating subsidiaries Connecticut General Life Insurance Company and CIGNA HealthCare of Arizona, Inc., and not by CIGNA Corporation. Each of these operating subsidiaries is a Medicare Advantage Organization with an annually renewable Medicare contract with the Federal government. 819373 03/08 H0354_592008/H5179_512008 819373_MesaNewsAd.indd 1 3/28/08 4:57:30 PM Sunland Village East Outlook August 2008 3 HERE’S WHAT’S HAPPENING….. Judy Janousek Join the Fun Spend a fun evening of music and dancing with the popular Needham Twins in the SVE Auditorium on Thursday, August 28 at 7:00 p.m. Tickets are available now in the office for $6 per person or they may be purchased at the door for $7. Get your friends together BYOB and enjoy a fun evening with this talented pair. Congratulations Residents!!! Give a big pat on the back and thank you to all who donated to the recent food drive held in SVE. Approximately 2,000 pounds of food and $960 was collected for United Food Bank in Mesa. For each 5 items donated, residents received a ticket that gave them a chance to win one of many prizes donated by area businesses. The drawing was held at the well-attended Omelet Breakfast on July 3rd with many folks taking home a nice gift. The real winner, of course, was United Food Bank and the families who benefit from their service. Moving Underway A flurry of activity is taking place as volunteers and staff begins the backbreaking process of rearranging rooms now that the Palo Verde Building is ready for occupancy. Read the “Manager’s Corner” article in this issue of the Outlook and you will understand why it will be several weeks before all the moves are completed. It has been said that moving is a lot like childbirth…..after a while, you forget how painful it really was. Hopefully, we will soon be enjoying the results of this painful process. Awesome Auditorium The new color scheme and attractive décor in the Auditorium are a big improvement for this well-used building. Be sure to stop by and take a look. The project was paid for in full by profits from our Sunday Night Bingo. Show your gratitude by supporting them with your play. Singers Needed Our own talented Sunland Singers have been missed for a while, but will soon be entertaining us again. Rehearsals will resume in the fall with their new director, Kenneth Seipp and several enthusiastic returning members. New voices are welcome, so if you would like to check out the group, they will meet in the Mesa Verde Room on Tuesday, September 30th at 12:30 p.m. Dedication Being Planned The committee planning the Palo Verde Building dedication on Sunday, November 16th is hard at work making arrangements for this special afternoon. Volunteers will be needed to assist with the festivities so let the office know if you would like to help, and they will pass your name on to the committee. A Good Deal on Chairs Checking cost and testing sturdy, stackable chairs for the Palo Verde Building has been going on for several weeks, with prices running $65 per chair, and up. Holy Cross Church recently received new chairs from a benefactor and were looking to sell their excellent condition used ones. Our Board of Directors took a look and agreed that they would serve us well for several years, and purchased 300 of them at $11.50 each for a total cost of $3,450. That was a huge saving, and better yet, Bocce Ball agreed to pick up the tab as well as pay for a good used electronic piano to be placed in the Oakwood Room. Stop and Take a Rest Recently all the splintered and broken exercise stations were removed from around the Mesa Verde retention area. Many walkers use this area daily and would like to see those empty spots filled with benches where they could stop for a rest or visit with others. Some research has been done and maintenance free, non-movable concrete benches can be purchased for around $200 plus delivery. It is hoped that at least two benches can be obtained at the present time. If any individual or group would like to sponsor a bench, please call Pat Chumbley at 984-3753. Check Website Often New items and information are added frequently to www. so check the site often. You can read a full copy of the monthly Outlook along with several new additions that are planned for the coming months. CALL “LEE” TO SEE!! SVE REALTOR SINCE 1990 Lee Whitley Multi-Million $ Producer RE Experience in CA & AZ International President’s Circle 602-690-5310 Homes for Sale 8020 E. Keats #291- 154,000- NORTH FACING BEAUTY! Fully Furnished! 3rd Upgraded White Wash Cabinets, Upgraded Carpet/Incl. Guest Bath, Custom Window Coverings, Plan 10 Model, All Appliances Stay, Nice Sized Den, Formica Countertops, THIS IS A MUST SEE!! August 26-28 Hondah Resort & Casino- Pinetop Sightseeing, Gambling & Meals $250 pp/dbl Sept. 17-19 Flagstaff & Grand Canyon Tour of City and Museum Sightseeing Grand Canyon Sightseeing. Stay at the Park- Yavapai Lodge -Meals $349 pp/dbl Sept. 24-Oct 4 Colorado Mesa Verde Country, San Juan Skyway, Cortez. Durango, Ouray, Telluride, ride the Durango-Silverton Narrow Gauge Railroad, beautiful sightseeing. $1024 pp dbl Sept. 27 Sedona Jazz Fest All Day Jazz Fest Ticket and Dinner Included $145 pp Oct 7 Algodones Shopping, Pharmacies, Dental $40 pp Oct 19-24 Beautiful Reno-Tahoe -Casino/Sightseeing. Stay at the Nugget; visit Virginia City and area, South Lake Tahoe Excursion aboard the M.S. Dixie. Fun and excitement for all $385 pp dbl Dec 24-26 Jingle Bells Happy Holiday Tour - Primm Valley Resort & Casino, Las Vegas Time $79 dbl Feb 4-6, ‘09 Palm Springs Follies Show - City (including Celebrity Homes) & Wind Farm Tour, Evening Fun at “Village Fest” $395 dbl - Booking deadline Jan 5 ‘09 HOLIDAY TOUR Visit my website: Lee Whitley • Farnsworth Realty 460 S. Greenfield Rd. Suite 5, Mesa 85206 Res: (480) 984-8234 Fax: (480) 641-4492 e-mail: [email protected] Cell: (602) 690-5310 Dec. 30 – Jan. 1 Rose Parade Float Viewing, Great Reserved Parade Seats, Tibbies Dinner Theater, Knotts Berry Chicken Dinner $499 pp/dbl Specializing in “Koalaty Care” 480-981-3795 6134 E Main St. Suite #106, Mesa NE Corner Recker & Main 4 Sunland Village East Outlook August 2008 Sunland Village East Association Board of Directors’ Meeting JULY 10, 2008 • Mesa Verde Room Open Session 9:30 a.m. ---Marcia Todd spoke for the Sunland Stitchers, a group of 70 members. First, they thought the Room Assignment Committee had told them they could stay in the Saguaro Room. Then they were told they could move to the Oakwood Room and their cabinets would be moved there. They were told their cabinets could not go in the room, but would be located in the storage room adjacent to the Oakwood Room. They tried to meet in the room July 9 but the acoustics in the room are too bad. They are requesting more cabinets be built to their specifications and be on rollers so the cabinets can be moved into the room. They are also asking that they be given a written agreement from the Board that they will be given the cabinets as specified and that they will be given priority for the space in the storage area. // Pat responded that the Room Committee was a study committee appointed by the Board to make recommendations regarding room usage, but the final decisions were the responsibility of the Board. The Building Committee was appointed to help oversee the construction of the building; they have nothing to do with room usage or room assignments. That is up to the Board. The Board will take the Stitchers requests under advisement. ---Jerry Little said they had been asked to build a cabinet for the Stitchers and as soon as they are caught up with their move, they will be happy to do that. ---Virginia McFall added that Pinochle had a pot luck in the Oakwood room on July 4 and agrees that the acoustics in that room are a problem and something needs to be done.// Pat responded that the building is still a work in progress. We are aware of the acoustics problem but have not had time to do anything in the building. We were given the Certificate of Occupancy from the City on June 18. Until that time, we were not allowed to put anything in the building. Virginia wondered why we had emptied the Saguaro room so soon. Pat said we needed to move the Stitchers and get them operational as quickly as our maintenance crew had time to do it. Virginia said they preferred the convenience of using a room in the Common area. Laura mentioned that there will be another Saguaro Room in the Common area as soon as the moving of the Library is completed. Virginia feels that the changing of the rooms should have been brought to a vote of the people. Pat said a vote would have brought such a variety of opinions, we would not have been able to reach a consensus. ---Bert Mersman asked where ping pong was going to be held. Pat and Gene assured him that the tables and equipment were already in a storage area of the PV Building and the tables would be rolled into the Rosewood Room when used. ---Pat Blake stated she felt the Stitchers have been unfairly treated. They wanted their cabinets in the same room where they are working and feel the cabinets should be on casters. Pat has told the Quilters that these cabinets are not stable enough to be moved around and they could tip over causing serious injury. ---Chuck De Sario addressed three issues. 1. He would like at least an occasional change in the time the Board has these meetings so the residents who are still working could participate. 2. He would like to see some park benches put around the Nido retention area for the benefit of all walkers to rest or visit. He objects to the proposal of having benches only at the east end of the area when there are shaded areas between the basins that would also be helpful and comfortable. 3. The exercise room in the south end is not adequate. One of the two treadmills has been out of order for 3 weeks, and is broken on a regular basis. New equipment should be available to the south exercise room as well as the north exercise complex. Pat made note of his suggestions and will be taken under consideration. She is aware of the problems with the treadmill. ----Jeff Bowlds stated the time for the Board meetings was voted on a couple years ago, and the majority wanted morning meetings. ---Charlie Walker agreed that she would like to see the south exercise ‘closet’ enlarged. She also wanted to say that not every group or club has been catered to or has gotten their way. The Bocce Club did not want the new building so close to the Bocce courts, but it is there. It’s reality and we’re living with it. ---Ken Getman suggested we could return to the Town Hall meetings that he used to run in the evenings several times a year and suggested Mr. De Sario might consider establishing those meetings again. Pat agreed this is a good suggestion. It is a time for people to express opinions and establish a line of communication. No policy can be made at these meetings, but good suggestions can come forth. ---Pat stated for the record that we will continue working with the Quilters. They have presented their case, as the Board has. We are trying to get the best for everyone. The Saguaro Room was a community-use room, not a Quilters’ room, and the Oakwood Room is a community-use room also. Board of Directors’ meeting 10:04 a.m. August Special 2 OFFRegular Haircut $ *Valid Mon-Thurs only Specializing in Men’s and Boy’s Cuts All the Old-Fashioned Traditional Specials Mosley’s Real Barber Shop 1121 S. Higley Rd. #103 (480) 807-1314 Open Daily-Closed Sun. Hot Lather Neck Shave “High & Tights” Senior Cut........$14 Reg. Haircut.....$15 Flat Top............$16 *Not Valid with any other offer. Expires 8/28/08 Board members present were: Pat Chumbley, Gene Trust, Richard Hicks, Laura Paulsen, Dave Hughes, Donald Courtright. Walt Handberry excused. Manager Dick Schinke was in attendance. All stood for the Pledge of Allegiance. ---The minutes of the June 12, 2008, meeting need correcting. Ken Getman noted that the minutes said he spoke for Charlie Parcels, when he said he stated that he did not speak for Mr. Parcels. The minutes will be corrected. ---Treasurer’s Report – Rich Hicks. Copies of the Treasurer’s report are posted on the bulletin board outside the office. In June, our Revenue exceeded our expenses by $25,444, and the year-to-date revenue has exceeded expenses by $180,905. The report on the new building funds shows we owe our contractor a final payment of $12,681, which will be paid when several minor repairs are made to the building. Through the raising of funds from the SVE Buy-In Fees, the Community Improvement Contributions, the Brick Wall Fund, and the 2006 and 2007 Board Contributions, we have exceeded the contract amount for the building by $8,279.75. Therefore, since the building contract is now complete, this New Building Analysis report will no longer be printed. The Treasurer’s report will be filed. ---Architectural Report – Dave Hughes. In June, 6 houses and 2 condos were sold. This brings the total sales to 76 for the first six months of the year. ---Community Patrol Report – Dick Schinke. A report provided by Terri Teten shows a few calls for service, as follows: 1 found property;1 subjects disturbing;1 burglary alarm; 3 suspicious activity; 1 check on welfare of an individual; 1 agency assist; 1 City Code violation; and 1 unknown trouble. Our Security still reports garage doors being left open. Volunteers are driving around in a police car checking for open garage doors. ---Manager’s Report – Dick Schinke. We were contacted by the Fire Dept. because we have to comply with a fire code inspection in all of our buildings, for which there is a charge. This is a new program that was put in place for businesses in Mesa by the City Council in February of last year. When he asked why they did this, the unofficial response was “because we need to generate revenue.” When he complained about the $1250 charge for doing the inspection, and called several officials, they cut the charge in half. He has continued to follow up on this as to whether HOA’s need to comply with this as we are not a business, so this is ongoing. ---We have received our Certificate of Occupancy for the new building, so now we can begin the moving process of Woodshop, Lapidary, and Computers. They are all working very hard with their own labor to accomplish the moves. ---We have had the palm trees trimmed by Tree Experts, who charged $17 per tree. Most other companies charge between $35 and $55 per tree. We will contact them again in the winter to skin the trees to within a foot of the crowns. ---Around the auditorium some lights have been replaced, and the glaring white fixtures have been replaced with softer yellow bulbs. Burned out lights were replaced in the Mesa Verde building. ---An electronic piano in excellent condition has been located and purchased for $400 for the Palo Verde building.. ---The netting for the softball field will wait to be installed until fall due to the heat. The softball players will be installing it themselves. ---The painting of the auditorium has been completed, and Bobbie Hughes and her helpers are working on the rest of the remodeling. ---Chuck De Sario questioned whether we are in compliance with the laws against hiring illegal aliens.// Dick said all of our employees are legal. The contracted companies we hire should also not employ illegals. When asked, they will say they are all legal, but that may or may not be true. We are not the direct employer. The workers are hired by the companies who do work for us. ---Charlie Parcels gave some input in regard to the Fire Department code inspections. Dick responded that we are in compliance with the fire codes, but this inspection is different. Dick is just checking to see if HOAs fall under this new program. ---Pat reported that we have been successful in purchasing 300 very good used chairs from the Holy Cross Church that are stackable and have padded seats and back. We will pick up the chairs this afternoon and place them in the Oakwood Room. The cost per chair was $11.50 for a total of $3,450. New chairs cost from $60 to $80 each plus shipping and tax. We thank the Bocce Club for donating $4,000 toward the purchase of these chairs, leaving us enough balance to pay for the piano. No storage carts are needed as the chairs will be placed around the walls in the room, which may help a little on the acoustical problem. ---A double door refrigerator and a microwave/convection oven have been donated by residents for the kitchen. President’s Agenda – Pat Chumbley Old Business ---Ed Zarr reported that a flag pole for the front of the new building has been ordered, and he thanked John McFall (Bingo) for paying for this installation. ---In reference to the acoustical problems in the new building, the contractor recommended that we wait until we have moved some furniture into the building before determining what is needed. The woodshop had the same problem until they moved all their equipment in. There was a question in regard to keys for the building. There are only a couple keys right now; however, the locks will all be changed to conform to the master keys used on all of the buildings. ---Betty Elm says there is still some confusion as to the difference between the cash donations and the brick purchases. Buying a brick gets your name on the donor wall. Cash donations will get your name on the contributors’ plaque. Many people will be listed on both the wall and the plaque. The deadline for having your name on the plaque is September 30. This deadline is to insure that the two large plaques will be on display at the Grand Opening. Contributions will still be accepted anytime before or after the September 30 date. ---Bricks are still being sold every day. The brick sales presently total $68,382. Two walls have already been completed, so if you haven’t seen the walls, please check them out. They look great. We have enough bricks right now to complete about half of another wall, but we would like to have enough to complete the whole wall at one time. We can do it; we can do anything if we work together. So please buy a brick or two or three!! ---Pat’s update on the remodeling: Lapidary has had a lot of help from volunteer men and women on cleaning up the vacated woodshop room. They are working as fast as they can and doing an excellent job. They have to complete the electrical hookups they need, plus installing walls around an enclosed section, cleaning and painting the entire room, installing an exhaust system, and finally moving all of their equipment and cupboards and counters. When they complete their move, the computer volunteers will begin the work needed to prepare their lab. All of the labor is being done in-house by volunteers and help where needed by our maintenance crew. The only contracted labor will be to replace the carpet in the new office and later new flooring in the new Saguaro room. New Business ---The Board has reviewed the Lapidary and Computer Club accounts, and we are assured they are contributing as much as they can toward their own remodeling, so that is a big help to our community. We are proposing to help pay the difference to complete their remodeling. MOTION Don moved to appropriate $3,100 for remodeling the Lapidary Room. Laura seconded. The motion carried. MOTION Gene moved to appropriate $1,600 for remodeling the former Lapidary Room for the Computer Lab. Dave seconded. The motion carried. ---We need to redo all the locks in the Palo Verde building to conform to the master keys for all the buildings in the community. The locksmith has been contacted to determine the cost. MOTION Rich moved to appropriate $4,300 for new locks and keys for the Palo Verde building. Dave seconded. The motion carried. Comments ---Our sincere thanks to the following: Bingo/John McFall for purchasing the entire flag installation in front of the Palo Verde building for $4,475 and for painting the interior of the auditorium, the Bocce Club for their check for $4,000 to pay for the chairs and piano to go in the Oakwood Room, the Woodshop for $628 to pay for the second roller shade installed in the Palo Verde kitchen, the Singles Club for their $812 donation to be used where needed in the new building, Lois Morrison, the Computer Club, and Paul & Carole Thovson for their donations. ---Last month we appointed a committee for the dedication ceremony in November. Ed and Sylvia DeBrule were appointed, but due to a death in the family, they are on leave of absence and will become active on the committee later. Lona Christoffers has also been appointed to this committee. ---We have been looking for park benches and getting prices. We have located some concrete benches that are very heavy and durable for around $200 plus a delivery charge. We are looking for two at the present time for the corners on the east side (Periwinkle) of the retention area. Any individual or club willing to contribute toward a bench and perhaps have your name on a plaque applied to the bench or benches, please let us know. ---The 50/50 drawing totaled $50. Connie Zimmerman won $25 and $25 goes into the building fund. ---Dee is in the back of the room selling the ‘No Soliciting’ signs. They are also available in the office. Price $1. ---We received a thank you note from the United Food Bank for our generous contribution. We also thank all those who gave money or food. ---Virginia McFall asked if we had a box in the office for the collection of box tops for the Boulder Creek School. These coupons are on cereal boxes and Campbell’s soup cans. There was a thank you in the paper for $2,000 in coupon points donated by Sunland Village East. Apparently Lois Morrison has been collecting for that cause. A box will be placed in the office for contributions. ---The meeting adjourned at 11:01 a.m. Respectfully submitted, Laura Paulsen, Secretary Sunland Village East Outlook The Manager’s Korner Dick Schinke Remodeling of rooms and moving of clubs is in full swing. It was difficult to get started because we were all waiting for the final Palo Verde building inspection approval. The computer club wanted to begin moving into the old lapidary, lapidary couldn’t move until the wood shop vacated their room, but wood shop couldn’t complete their move until the final PaloVerde building inspection. The library wanted to begin work to move into the old office. The office wanted to get into the Saguaro Room, but had to wait until the Palo Verde building was inspected so that the Sunland Stitchers could move into the new building. Now, somehow, we have been able to get started and most of the move is progressing with very few problems. However, I think we will all be real glad to see this job completed! We are progressing on schedule and will have everything completed by the time our winter visitors return. If anyone has any questions about our progress, just call the office. CONDO II NEWS Wanda Katzman This will be short as around me nothing is happening. I know the grass is being cut, the garbage picked up, the palm trees were trimmed, some are even still golfing, but our street is very quiet. Maybe that is good as there are no obvious problems. The street looks very nice, as usual. Word is out that the restaurant will open in August. Sally has moved to Fellowship Square, Al was in town to tell us Bev will have her back surgery this month, and Monte called from Montana to say she will be moving into #234 as soon as her house there is sold. I have an address for Bev if anyone would like it. Gayle and John had grandchildren visiting. You can tell I am looking for news. Do let me know if you have news for our street. BITS AND PIECES Charlie Walker August is a slow month for national holidays but be sure to celebrate National Senior Citizens Day on the 21st. Others of little note this month are: Nat’l Lighthouse Day on the 7th (now this is a biggie for Arizona), and Nat’l Watermelon day on the 3rd (this is one I might consider). Don’t forget that the Summer Olympics begin in Beijing, China on the 8th. Please do not call me while the various events are going on or I shall probably be very short with you. Other than the Olympics, this is a good month to haul out all those books you have been putting off reading. Did you ever stop and thank Percy Spencer for making it possible to operate your TV with a remote control or run your microwave oven? OK all you sports fans, who first came up with those vertically striped black and white shirts for the officials? Twas a Detroit referee named Lloyd Olds in 1921. Ever wonder why in the world those Kamikaze pilots wore helmets? Forget about those bend and touch the floor exercises. If God wanted me to touch my toes, he would have put them on my knees (or even my waist would have handier). When two egotists meet it’s an I for an I. File this under weird holidays: every August in Bunol, Spain is the world’s biggest food fight with rotten tomatoes! After two hours, the local firefighters hose down all the participants. Think I’ll just skip this one. Another Did You Know item: The strongest muscle in the body is the tongue (and we will entertain no comments from the male population of SVE). Though life may not be the party we hoped for, we might as well dance while we’re here. This month’s quotable quote: You can easily judge the character of a man by how he treats those who can do nothing for him. James D. Miles Next to General & Family Dentistry Dr. Katerina Goncharova, D.D.S. CVS Pharmacy at : General & Family Dentistry By Appointment Sossaman : & Guadalupe r best Look you and r best Feel you Dr. Katerina FREE 2nd Opinion Consultations. FREE Limited Exam w/ X-Rays (4 Bite Wings) & Intra Oral Pictures Don’t wait till it hurts ! 20% senior discount for patients without dental insurance. - Crowns - Bridges - Veneers - Inlays - Tooth Color Fillings - Root Canals - Teeth Whitening - Dentures - Cleaning Phone (480) 986-5860 Website: August 2008 2853 S. Sossaman Rd. #A-110 Mesa, AZ. 85212 5 New Residents/ Changes For Directory -BBLAIR, Donald & Joan 480-284-4655 7929 E. Navarro Avenue Sherrill, NY Principal/Secretary -KKRUEGER, Linda 480-699-1048 8020 E. Keats Avenue, #285 Tilmon, TX Teacher- Activity Director [email protected] -MMORGAN, Judy E. 480-926-0938 8106 E. Kilarea Avenue Visalia, CA/Gilbert, AZ Instructional Aide- Houston Elementary Gilbert, AZ Sunland Village East 2008/2009 Season Entertainment Date Tickets go on sale 7-3-08 Omelet Brunch $8 8-28-08 Needham Twins Show & Dance $6 advance/$7 door 9-18-08 Juelz $5 10-23-08 Oktoberfest 11-22-08 End of Summer Party 11-27-08 Thanksgiving Dinner 12-10-08 Golf Cart Parade (Free) 12-16-08 The Duttons Christmas Show (Sunsationials Fundraiser) $20 1-13-09 Chris Pendleton & David Levesque (Concert Series) 1-27-09 Larry Linkin with accompanying Musical Trio (Concert Series) 1-29-09 Dinner with Anders Magic $20 2-10-09 The Barbary Coast Dixieland Band (Concert Series) 2-19-09 Raymond Hildebrand (Formally “Paul & Paula” sang Hey Paula) $10 2-24-09 Mac Frampton & special guest, Tenor Sam Hagen (Concert Series) 3-10-09 New Odyssey (3 men-36 instruments) (Concert Series) 3-12-09 Dinner with “Kenny Hess” $20 3-19-09 Michael J & The Mighty Cash Cats (Tribute to Johnny Cash)$10 3-24-09 Jimmy Travis (Comedian/Singer/Guitarist) (Concert Series) 12-31-09 Jerry Prunty Missouri Opry (Prime Rib Dinner, Show & Dance) Updated 4-3-08 6 Sunland Village East Outlook August 2008 Hand & Foot Canasta Louise Grove Hand & Foot Canasta is being played each Wednesday afternoon starting at 12:30 P.M. in the Mesa Verde Room. 50 cents/game – optional. All are welcome to play. We will teach anyone wanting to learn. Any questions, call Louise (480) 357-9912. COMPUTER CLUB Bits and Bytes Beverly Selvage Come join the excitement at the Computer Club meeting on Monday, September 1st in the Mesa Verde Room, starting at 9:00 A.M. We will need lots of help setting up our new Computer Room. The members who attended the Southwest Computer User’s Annual Conference in San Diego, have come back with some great ideas and information on new software. Even though Joe Zagar has been on the road this summer, he has kept up our great Website and the newsletters. Go to SVECC.COM for the latest news. We will meet September 1st with a full days schedule beginning at 9:00 A.M. with Q. & A. and at 10:15 there will be a program by Joe Zagar on E-mailing Photos and Attachments. At 2:00 P.M. there is a Computer Club Lab planning meeting with input from all attending members. Be sure not to miss this session, as it is important for all of us. SVE GENEALOGY Jean McLane The summer seems to by flying by heat and all. I’ll get a breather from hot hot to maybe a little cooler as we head to Montana for a couple weeks. School and a small family reunion well be fun along with a little research. The July FHSA newsletter just arrived so I’ll pass along a little info that might be of interest. There are two excellent websites showing scans of antique maps and you can zoom in for details. The first is mostly European Maps, but includes others, plus heraldry and a few books: www.maproom. org . Another is Rhymer Map Collection: www.stub. . This has antique maps from all over the world. It’s easy to spend hours on these sites. If you would like a basic Research Checklist to mark the documents you have searched, and ideas for more places to look Try: submitted by Beth Horton. If you have trouble with the Rhymer collection try spelling Rhyiner. Remember we meet twice a month on the first and third Wed. in the Mesa Verde Room. The first Wed. is the research trip to the Family History Library here in Mesa. We gather on the patio at 8:30am and carpool to the library for the day. The third Wed. we meet at 9am for our scheduled program. Gene Trust is great about sending an e-mail reminding you of times, topics and dates so make sure he has your correct address. For more information please call Gene 373-6052 or Diane at 986-5699 or Jean at 986-0002. KEEP COOL AND HAPPY SEARCHING Alzheimer Support Group Located within the Fountain of the Sun Golf Resort Looking to Downsize One More Time? Marge May & Jan Vineyard The Alzheimer Support Group meets in the Saguaro Room on the third Thurs of the month at 1:00- 3:00pm. Our next meeting will be on August 17. If you have any questions or just need to get information please attend these meetings. Facilitators are Marge May and Jan Vineyard. Please call 325-2380 for more information. Newly Renovated Studios & 1 Bedrooms Available For Immediate Move-In Residents have Zero Deposit * full access to Rents From $645/mo.* Fountain * of the Sun amenities & Rent Freeze Until 12-31-2010* services at no Stop In Today additional cost.** 3 MONTHS FREE For a Free Tour Independent, Luxury Living for 55+ Active Adults 650 S. 80th Street | Mesa, AZ 85208 480.986.0185 *Available on select units. Some restrictions apply. Offer subject to change. ** Limited exclusive Country Club memberships available for an annual membership fee. Next to General & Family Dentistry Dr. Katerina Goncharova, D.D.S. CVS Pharmacy at : General & Family Dentistry By Appointment Sossaman : & Guadalupe r best Look you and r best Feel you Dr. Katerina FREE 2nd Opinion Consultations. FREE Limited Exam w/ X-Rays (4 Bite Wings) & Intra Oral Pictures For patients of all ages. 20% senior discount for patients without dental insurance. - Crowns - Bridges - Veneers - Inlays - Tooth Color Fillings - Root Canals - Teeth Whitening - Dentures - Cleaning Phone (480) 986-5860 Website: 2853 S. Sossaman Rd. #A-110 Mesa, AZ. 85212 Sunland Village East Outlook August 2008 Red Hat Society News Lapidary/Silversmith Club Paul Thovson Club members are working hard to get the new room ready for all the equipment from the old shop. We have been blessed with a large number of volunteers doing electrical work, wall repairs, painting, removal of cabinets, pulling nails, constructing walls, and a multitude of other projects. So far, volunteers who don’t mind getting a little dirty have accomplished all of the work. One of our big projects involved getting rid of 20 years of accumulated sawdust. There are always a lot of surprises when you start working on things that were built 20 years ago. Construction styles and code requirements were a little different at that time so we have been trying to update things to meet the current codes. Donations of a window, electrical materials, and numerous other items have helped keep the overall costs down. The SVE Board agreed to provide up to $3000 to cover costs of the move and the Club will contribute approximately $3000. Doing all of the construction in-house will help keep the costs down and give the Club members a sense of pride and accomplishment. We are keeping a photographic record of the move and these photos will be posted in the new shop for our grand reopening. One picture below shows Barb & Jack Burnett and Penny Pence taking apart cabinets in the old shop and the other picture shows the start of construction of a dividing wall in the new shop. INVITATION TO SCRABBLE PLAYERS Anyone (whether a permanent or winter resident) interested in joining a group of Scrabble Players is welcome. We play once a week at 1PM on Tuesday afternoon in the small card room (facing Lakeview Ave.). We play for the challenge and the fun. Don’t be intimidated, even if you haven’t played in a while. We would love to have more members. Just show up and join us. Contact Person: Marilyn Glogoss 986-4632 Patti Scarborough There was love in the air as twenty eight Red Hat Ladies entered the Mesa Verde Room on June 25th. Group 3 hosted this tea with a “wedding theme”, It was elegant! The tables were decorated with white flowers, lace doilies, pearls, wine glasses, a decorated sheet cake & trays of fruit, including PASSION fruit. Great job ladies. At the May tea, Alice Heppler, the group leader, reminded us that June use-to-be the month for brides & asked each of us to bring a wedding picture to the June tea. These pictures were displayed on the head table among white & silver decorations. We had so much fun trying to guess which Red Hat sister was on the arm of each good looking guy. We went from lace & pearls in June to dirt & grime in July. Several of us enjoyed lunch & the play “Oliver” on July 2nd, at the Broadway Palm Dinner Theatre on Brown Road. We are making plans to return to Broadway Palm in Aug to see “Honky Tonk Angels” Ladies, check with the leader of your group for more information. The Red Hat Society meets the fourth Wed of each month at 10AM in the Mesa Verde Room. When you join us, please remember to bring a cup, teabag, paper & pen. The next tea is Aug 27th hosted by Group 5. Social Bridge Hosts For August 2008 Mary Jean Crider TUESDAY AFTERNOON Mary Ann Carlson, 986-5007 WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON Delores Triplett, 986-4364 THURSDAY EVENING Marge & Lee Bergstrom, 357-3906 FRIDAY AFTERNOON Marilyn Schlieper, 380-7896 Switching to High Definition Digital Television? Why Pay More For Less Save $$$$ with DISH Network! Plus receive a FREE $50 Gas card if you call by August 31st Courtesy of Epic Marketing SAVE UP TO $450 WITH DISH NETWORK FREE for 3 Months & * Professional Installation FREE PlatinumHD for 3 Months FREE Standard * (a $30 value) (with purchase of an America’s Top package with HD package) FREE Activation DishHOME Protection Plan FREE For 9 Months (up to 4 rooms) 0 $5 d re it C ill rst B on your fi (a $99 value)* * (a $53 value) *with commitment for 12 Months for a Penny “DISH is much better, and less expensive than cable. The DVR is so easy to use. We record all of our favorite shows. The customer service is the best we have ever had.” – Mike and Cheryl Curtis Sun City LOCAL CHANNELS AVAILABLE TO OVER 97% OF U.S. HOUSEHOLDS. All prices, packages and programming subject to change without notice. Programming payments are non-refundable. = Free Spanish audio feed. 1 = Available at no cost to all DISH Network customers. Requires singledish antenna configuration. Additional fees may apply for existing DISH Network customers to upgrade their dish antenna. 2 = Available at no additional cost to DISH Network customers with subscription to qualifying programming. Requires DISH 500+ or DISH 1000+ antenna. Additional fees may apply for existing DISH Network customers to upgrade their dish antenna. 3 = Requires purchase of additional dish antenna to view. 4 = Available in: Ohio, Michigan, Iowa, Wisconsin, Minnesota, Illinois and sections of Pennsylvania and Indiana. 5 = Available in: Georgia, Mississippi, S. Carolina, Tennessee and sections of N. Carolina. “We love DISH Network! We save over $20 every month and we upgraded from our old cable television.” – Thelmajean & Dennis East Mesa 480 -255- 6729 CALL NOW! 7 “I’ve never had a high definition picture so clear! DISH Network has the best television service that I have ever received.” – Joan East Valley Promotional offers: requires participation in Digital Home Advantage with 24-month commitment. After free period, customer must call to downgrade or then-current price will apply. HBO and Starz: Customer receives a credit for each of the first 3 months. PlatinumHD offer: Customer who subscribes to America’s Top 100 with BronzeHD, America’s Top 200 with SilverHD or America’s Top 250 with GoldHD and adds PlatinumHD will receive a $10 credit for each of the first 3 months. Cinemax offer: Requires qualifying programming and AutoPay with Paperless Billing. If AutoPay with Paperless Billing is removed, Cinemax will be removed from the account. Digital Home Advantage: Requires 24-month qualifying programming purchase, Social Security Number, valid major credit card and credit approval. If qualifying service is terminated prior to end of 24-month period, a cancellation fee equal to the lesser of $240 or $10 per cancelled month of service will apply. Equipment must be returned to DISH Network upon termination of qualifying service. Limit 4 tuners per account. Monthly package price includes an equipment rental fee of $5.00 or $7.00 for first receiver, based on selected model. A monthly equipment rental fee of $5.00 or $7.00 will be charged for each receiver beyond the first, based on selected model. A $5.00/mo. additional outlet programming access fee applies for each dual-tuner receiver; fee will be waived monthly for each such receiver continuously connected to Customer’s phone line. HD programming requires HD receiver and HD television (sold separately). Customer must subscribe to qualifying HD programming or a $7.00/mo. HD Enabling fee will apply. Number of HD Video on Demand channels will depend on available programming and receiver model. Lease upgrade fee will apply for select receivers based on model. $5.98/mo DVR Service fee applies for each DVR receiver. Offer ends 1/31/09 and is available in the continental United States for new, first-time DISH Network residential customers. All prices, packages and programming subject to change without notice. Local and state sales taxes may apply. Where applicable, equipment rental fees and programming are taxed separately. All DISH Network programming, and any other services that are provided, are subject to the terms and conditions of the promotional agreement and Residential Customer Agreement, available at or upon request. Local channels packages by satellite are only available to customers who reside in the specified local Designated Market Area (DMA). Local channels may require an additional dish antenna from DISH Network, installed free of any charges with subscription to local channels at time of initial installation. Social Security Numbers are used to obtain credit scores and will not be released to third parties except for verification and collection purposes only or if required by governmental authorities. All service marks and trademarks belong to their respective owners. HBO® and Cinemax® are service marks of Home Box Office, Inc. Starz and related channels and service marks are the property of Starz Entertainment, LLC. © 2008, Trost Consulting. All rights reserved. 8 August 2008 Sunland Village East Outlook The Sunland Singers Active Singles of SVE Charlie Walker Ellie Ostrom Got the mid-summers blahs?? Come to our Singles Club and we will show you a few “cool” things to do this month. Wednesday, August 6 we will be attending the Free Movie at Super saver Cinema in Superstition Springs Mall Area. Meet at the parking lot at 12 noon for carpooling. Remember if you do not drive—a real bargain considering gas prices today. Sign up for this event by July 30 or contact Betty Boren, phone 9842750. We will try something new and different on Sunday, August 10. An Aloha Luncheon Party in the Mesa Verde Room from 2-4pm. Look in the back of your closet and bring out those old MuMu’s or brightly colored Hawaiian type shirts or any other bright clothing and join us. We will have a little entertainment, games and a great Hawaiian inspired lunch for only $4.00 per person. Please sign up and pay by Aug. 6. Contact person is Mary Watson, 986-8944. Another always-popular event is the Early Dinner at Old Country Buffet on Thursday, August 28, at 6628 E. Southern Ave. Sign up by August 20. Meet at parking lot for car-pooling at 3:00, driving fee $1.00. Contact person is Mary Watson, 986-8944. Our Sunshine Chairman for August is Marj Norstrom, 380-5310. Contact her if you know of any single who is ill or has other needs we can help with. We meet at 6:30pm Wednesday evenings in the Mesa Verde room for various games and cards. We invite all singles (Men and Women) in the village to come for a visit. If you would like to join the SVE Active Singles, our dues are only $8.00 per year. Do something new and different this long and very hot summer. You will meet some really great fun and “cool” people, and we’ll help you overcome those summer blahs. All vocalists out there who have yearned for your fifteen minutes of fame (well, maybe five minutes), here is your chance. Kenneth Seipp, the new director of the Sunland Singers is inviting those singers interested in performing solos with the group to contact him. There will be solos at the SVE street fair on November 22, the Christmas concert on December 18th, and the spring concert in March. Dr. Seipp can re beached at [email protected]. So get out the song that best shows off your talents as a headliner and contact Dr. Seipp for your chance to be an SVE star. Sunland Stitchers Freda Klein & Marcia Todd We wish to honor Arzilla Domann-a faithful quilter for many years. She passed away May 29 and the Stitchers gave her husband Walt a quilt to remember us by. Since May the Quilters have been offered the Rosewood Room which our membership is too large to accommodate, so the Oakwood Room was the last available space to us. This would be very nice if we could utilize the East wall space as opposed to filling a 10X10 storage space with 8 feet cabinets which also needs to be shared by other groups. Our cabinet space is still lacking a 4ft. rolling cart for essential tools. With the news of our move to the Palo Verde building came a packing date. On July 1st, Pat Blake was in charge. Who ever was in the room needed to empty the equipment and material from the cabinets. Joanne Martinek, Marcia Todd, Ferne Cohen, Sue Commer, Barb Nicholson, Doris Orthmann,Vera Smith & I worked hard to get boxes and bags filled and out to Pat’s car. She and Marcia took several carloads to her house. On July 9th we emptied Pat Blake’s house of Stitchers supplies and loaded up the East storage room at the Palo Verde Building. The echoing around in the Oakwood Room was so bad we ended up huddling in the West storage room so we could hear each other talk. Sunsationals Tap Club News Glenda Gearhart The Sunsationals tap dancers are back at work this month. Our girls are returning from their vacations and practicing their moves for next year. The costumes are almost finished and we are excited! Our all new Dance Revue will be right here in the SVE Auditorium March 3rd and 7th, 2009. We will also be performing again, at the Chandler Center for the Arts, March 11th thru the 13th, 2009. We are still looking for a few new dancers. New beginning classes are starting in November. Come join us! You do not have to commit to performing, just come and learn to tap! If you are interested call Glenda Gearhart 480-299-7382 or Alicia Hall 480-354-7151. WOODSHOP NEWS Earl Burdick We are in the new WOOD SHOP, we are not operational but working feverishly to get there. The officers want to give a GREAT BIG THANK YOU to all the people who are helping to setup the new shop. The turn out has been phenomenal. We knew it would take a tremendous amount of work to get established again but little did we realize it would be beyond tremendous. With all the summer time residents pitching in, by the time you read this we will be fully operational. Drop in and take a look or start your project. The SVE Book Club Marilyn Glogoss The book Club will meet on Tuesday, Sept. 2nd at 10am in the Saguaro room (or in the old library if the proposed changes have been made). The first book for the 2008-2009 year is MY SISTERS’ KEEPER by JODI PICOULT. It is about a couple whose child needs a bone marrow transplant and how they decide to conceive another child with the hope of providing a match. The story is told from the sibling’s point of view. Everyone is welcome to come and join in the discussion. Sunland Village East Outlook SVE FHE Family Home Evening Group Darlene Rich The monthly meeting of the FHEG for August will be held on the usual second Monday, August 11th at 6PM. Our meetings are held in the Mesa Verde Room. Anyone who wishes to attend is invited. Our usual format includes a potluck meal followed by some type of activity, program or entertainment. We will be having a Hawaiian Luau this month with a complete Hawaiian food buffet including pulled pork and lots of good fruit salads. Ernie & Junene Briggs host this time and they have a great program as well as a fabulous menu planned. Our potluck dishes will be assigned, so if you are not contacted before time, please call for an assignment. Call Darlene Rich at 986-6985 if you would like to attend. This will also help us get a more accurate count of tables to set. So, practice your hula movements and brush up on the Hawaiian songs you know. You may need them. Until then, Aloha! August 2008 9 STRETCHING CLASS BOCCE CLUB NEWS Saturday stretching classes have been cancelled until September 6,2008, due to the remodeling of the Saguaro Room. Starting Saturday, September 6th, we will be meeting in the Palo Verde Building at the usual time, 7:30 am to 8:30am. Please tell all of your friends, both male & female, of the above changes. Here’s a bit of information you might find interesting. Some of the guys have informed us that their golf scores have shown an improvement after attending these Saturday exercises. Join us in our new, larger room, and feel better for it. Enjoy your time off. Judy Castro We know the summer heat is too much for people to be out doing much of anything. But just so everyone in the village is aware that there is open bocce down at the courts, behind the Mesa Verde Room, most evenings. So if you can stand the heat after the sun goes down we welcome everyone to play. Our Jam Sessions are ongoing also on Fridays between 1 and 3. Everyone is invited to come and join in on the fun. We have nominal priced treats to enjoy. Try to stay cool and safe. Have a great summer. SUMMER WATER VOLLEYBALL Bob Oganovich NEW HOURS: 7-9 pm MONDAY, THURSDAY AND SATURDAY Wife says you can’t hear. But you say you can hear a pin drop at 20 feet. Maybe you’re both right. You hear sounds but you don’t always understand what is being said. Sound familiar? Isn’t it about time you did something about this? When you couldn’t see clearly you got glasses didn’t you? What are you waiting for? Why suffer? Why make others suffer? We are Desert Hearing Care and we have been changing lives for the better since 1968. Our guarantee to you is simple. A thorough and complete hearing evaluation; a discussion of our findings along with your hearing, lifestyle and budget needs; and a recommendation of the best hearing solution for you. We are an independent, locally owned and operated practice offering professional hearing care services and all major brand hearing instruments. Not just one or two brands like the franchise, warehouse or mall operators. Our staff are not only licensed but also certified to fit the latest in state-of-the-art hearing devices. We have four offices right here in the East Valley— call for the location nearest you and make your private, no charge or obligation, patient-centered appointment to find out what is best for you. 40 Years Of Caring! We’ll explain to you why you hear the pin drop but don’t always understand the wife. In the process we’ll solve your hearing problem so that your quality of life improves too. Professional Hearing Care with Experience… Right in Your Neighborhood! Do This Next: 1. Call us directly for an Appointment and FREE Hearing Test and receive a Special Discount—Plus get a FREE $25 Gas Gift Card with purchase OR (480) 985-2544 Convenient East Valley Locations Call for the location nearest you! 2. Call anytime to request a FREE “Guide to Hearing Loss & Hearing Aids” 888-985-7198 (24 hour recorded message) 3. Enjoy a new sense of hearing possibilities. 10 Sunland Village East Outlook August 2008 2008/2009 Sunland Village East Dance Schedule Night Dances 7-10PM August 28, 2008 Nov 8, 2008 Dec 31, 2008 Jan 17, 2009 Feb 21, 2009 March 21, 2009 Dec 31, 2009 Needham Twins Roadrunners Kandu Needham Twins The 8 Tracks Needham Twins Jerry Prunty Missouri Opry The Oasis 4-6PM (Happy Hour) April 7, 2008 The Roadrunners Nov 3, 2008 Needham Twins Dec 1, 2008 Hilery Jan 5, 2009 Larry Charon Feb 2, 2009 Roadrunners April 6, 2009 Roadrunners SVE CERAMICS Some of us have been involved in Ceramics 45years or more. Have you ever wondered how and who created this great pastime? 13,000 years ago the origin of ceramics was used by Hunter-Gatherers. The use of ceramics spread across Northern Europe from China to Europe between 12,000 and 6000 years ago. The potter’s wheel came next and the rest is history. When the molds came about is Chapter 2. Come and join us where it is cool and you have companionship while making neat things. Sunland Village East Outlook August 2008 11 Regular Weekly Activities Sunday 8am 9am Monday Men’s Golf / Tennis 7:30am Aerobics 8am Horse Shoes 8am Lapidary/Silversmith 8am Sports Court Volleyball 7:50 &9am Water Exercise,S. Pool 9am Computer Club 9am Computer Q&A (MV) 9am Ceramics Classes 9am Woodshop 9am Cameo Life Stories (CR) 9&10 am Water Exercise, N. Pool 10am Shuffleboard 10:15 am Computer Club 10:15am Beginner Computer (MV) Chapel (A) Fellowship (A) 6:45pm 7pm 7pm Bingo (A) Partners Bridge (O,C) Mixed Billiards 1pm 1pm 1pm 1pm 1-4pm 1pm 1 pm 1pm 2pm 2pm 2-4pm 3:30pm 7pm 7pm 7pm 7pm Bunco (O) Men’s Pinochle Quilters (S) Ceramics Woodshop Silversmith/Lapidary Quilters Men’s Poker (PR) Computer Club (MV) No-Tap Bowling Water volleyball N. Pool Superstition Senior Bowling- Mesa East Bowl Mixed Pinochle (O,C) Mixed Billiards Bocce Ping Pong (S) Tuesday Ladies’ Golf / Tennis 7:50 &9am Water Exercise, S. Pool 8am Men’s Billiards 8am Horseshoes (Pits) 8am Sports Court Volleyball 9am Over Eaters (C) 9-12 Silversmith/Lapidary 9am Woodshop 9am Ceramics 9am Stain Glass AC 9am Tap 9&10 Water Exercise, N. Pool 12:30pm 1pm 1pm 1pm 1pm 1pm 1pm 1pm 1pm 1pm 6:30pm 7pm 7pm 7pm 7pm Ladies’ Billiards Men’s Pinochle Duplicate Bridge (CR) Silversmith/Lapidary Woodcarving Woodshop Ceramics Ladies Bridge (O&C) Scrabble Men’s Poker (P) Men’s Poker (P) “500” Cards (MV) Ladies & Gents Bridge (O) Bocce Bunco (CR) Wednesday Men’s Golf / Tennis 7:30am Aerobics (A) 7:50 &9am Water Exercise, S. Pool 8am Sports Court Volleyball 9am Silversmith/Lapidary 9am Acrylic/Oil 9am Ceramics 9am Woodshop 9&10 Water Exercise N. Pool 10am Blood Pressure 10am Shuffleboard 12:30 1-4pm 1pm 1pm 1pm 1pm 1pm 1pm 1pm 1pm 2pm 6:30pm 6:30 7pm 7pm 7pm Hand & Foot (MV) Ceramics Ladies & Gents Bridge (O&C) Choir Stained Glass Men’s Pinochle (P) Silversmith/Lapidary Woodshop SVE Golf Club Assoc. Quilters (S) Mixed Bowling League Active Singles Cards & Games (MV) Ladies Texas Hold em’ Practice Bridge (C) Mixed Cribbage (O) Bocce Thursday Friday Ladies Golf / Men’s Golf / Tennis 8am Men’s Billiards 7:50 &9am Water Exercise, S. Pool 8am Sports Court Volleyball 8am Horse Shoes 9am-Noon Open Painting 9am-Noon Round Dance 9am Woodshop 9am Ceramics 9&10 Water Exercise, N. Pool 9-12pm Chess (CR) Tennis 7:30am Aerobics (A) 12pm 12:30pm 1pm 1pm 1pm 1pm 1pm 1pm 1pm 2-4pm 1pm 6:30pm 7:00pm 7pm 7pm Village 9ers’ Ladies Golf Ladies Billiards Duplicate Bridge (O) Ceramics Silversmith/Lapidary Woodcarving Woodshop Men’s Pinochle (P) Choir in the Mesa (MR) Water volleyball N. Pool Men’s Poker (P) Ladies & Gents Bridge (O&C) Bocce Game Night 7:50 &9am Water Exercise, 8am 9am 9am 9am 9am 9&10 9-12 10am 1pm 1pm 1pm 1pm 1pm 1pm 6pm 7pm 7pm S. Pool Saturday 7:30am 8am 10am Stretching Class (S) Men’s Billiards Shootout Shuffleboard Sports Court Volleyball Lapidary Ceramics Woodshop Tap Water Exercise, N. Pool Open Painting Ping Pong (S) Ladies & Gents Bridge (O) Jam Session Ceramics Men’s Pinochle (P) Mah Jongg (C) Lapidary Woodshop Mixed Poker (P) Pinochle (O) Bocce 1pm 1pm 2-4pm 7-9pm 7pm Ladies Poker Round Dance Water volleyball N. Pool Water Volleyball (NP) Euchre (O) The only website that caters to the Real Estate needs of the community. Bill Barker, Sunland Village East Expert Since 1992, Close to 1000 Homes Sold In SVE. • Online Visual Tours of Bill Barker Listings • Information on all SVE Multiple Listing Service (MLS) properties • Access to Bill Barker Exclusive Listings • Links to SVE HOA & SVE Computer Club • Access to search all of the Phoenix Metro area properties • Local Area Links 480-926-3400 Visit our website at Licensed Assistants: Kent Norgard, Jim Barker & John Barker (also Tour Of Homes Call 480-926-3400. Put our services to work for you!! View SVE properties listed with Bill Barker every Tuesday @ 10:30 A.M. Meet at the community re-sale board. Call (480) 926-3400 for more details. (NO AGENTS PLEASE) Every Bill Barker Closing Includes a Contribution to The Habitat For Humanity. ND/MN Roots & Work Ethic. Visit Our Website, Visual Tours of Properties Available For Your Viewing. or 12 Sunland Village East Outlook August 2008 August 2008 Sunday Monday LEGEND A&C: Arts & Crafts Act: Activity Center AUD: Auditorium Tuesday 10 AUD Nondenominational Chapel 1pm MV SVE Singles Party 6:45pm AUD Bingo 10:30am Rose Woodshop Mtg 2:30 MV Sun Runners RV 11 18 24 1pm 5pm 25 8am AUD Nondenominational Chapel 6:45pm AUD Bingo 9:30pm O 5 6pm MV Singles 12 9:30am O Knitting 4pm MV Family Home Evening Group AUD Nondenominational Chapel 6:45pm AUD Bingo Saturday 1 4 17 8am Friday 2 1 pm AUD JAM 4:30 pm AUD Couples Golf Social 5 pm MV Neville Natal Pot Luck AUD Nondenominational Chapel 1 pm MV Singles Christmas in July 6:45pm AUD Bingo 8am Thursday CR: Card Room MV: Mesa Verde O: Ocotillo P: Poker Room S: Saguaro 3 8am Wednesday Knitting Oak Garden III mtg Rose Horseshoes 19 6 13 3pm 6pm Rose Golf I mtg MV Singles 26 20 7 MV Presidents Club AUD Needham Twins A realtor that works for you! RETIRE IN THE COMFORT OF YOUR HOME WITH A BANK OF AMERICA REVERSE MORTGAGE Kevin Bosley GRI Residential Specialist 480-415-8286 [email protected] •Multi Million Dollar Sales 1999-2008 •New Construction, Town home, Re-Sale Experience •Straight Talk & Follow Through •Free Market Analysis •All of Model Home Center available resources •Sunland Springs Village Resident Bill Mott Equity Loan Officer 480.855.8075 [email protected] Credit is subject to age and property qualifications. Bank of America, N.A. Member FDIC. Equal Housing Lender ©2008 Bank of America Corporation MV Bocce Social 9 15 16 21 22 23 29 30 28 9am 7pm 6pm 14 1 pm S Alzheimer’s Support Group 1 pm AUD JAM 3pm Oak Golf Condo II 4:30pm AUD Couples Golf Social 31 Professional • Experienced • Courteous 8 9:30am AUD Open Session 10am Oak Garden Condo I & II mtg 10:00am AUD Master Board Meeting 1 pm AUD JAM 1pm Rose Golf Board Mtg 4:30pm AUD Couples Golf Social 27 10am MV Red Hat Social 1pm AUD JAM 4:30pm AUD Couples Golf Social 1 pm AUD JAM 4:30pm AUD Couples Golf Social Sunland Village East Outlook August 2008 13 SUNLAND VILLAGE EAST ACTIVITY LIST ACTIVITY BILLIARDS Cactus Chicks – Women’s Billiards Billiard Club Wednesday Superstition League – 8 Ball Thunderbird League – 8 Ball BOWLING Mixed League Superstition Senior No Tap Bowling League CARDS/GAMES “500” Cards Games Night Bridge Social Bunco Cribbage Chess Club Duplicate Bridge Mah-Jong Ladies Poker Euchre Hand & Foot Pinochle Practice Bridge Men’s Pinochle Mixed Poker Men’s Poker DANCE Round Dancing CabaretDances “The Oasis” Happy Hour Dance Sunsationals Tap Dance GOLF Couples Golf Ladies Golf Village 9er’s Men’s Golf EXERCISE & HEALTH Aerobics (Floor) Blood Pressure Overeaters Anonymous Water Exercise – North Pool Water Exercise – South Pool ARTS & CRAFTS & HOBBIES SVE Artist President Ceramics Oil Painting (New Instructor) Knitting Lapidary/Silversmithing Open Painting Quilting/Sunland Stitchers CONTACT PHONE Corrine Hustad George Strole John West Chuck Thompson 986-9405 357-1444 984-5760 984-4476 Jerry O’Dell Tony Morello Delores Burianek Ruth Morello Vicki Beebe 357-9411 380-6884 984-6455 380-6884 986-0005 Dolores Holtz 986-6038 Mary Jean Crider Afternoon Bennie Maio Judy Janousek Jack Blair Jeff Bowlds Jean Hartley Gerrie Mustard John McFall Louise Grove Mary Miller Dan Bolda Wayne Silk Harry Mustard Harry Mustard 357-9621 357-4117 380-9624 380-4160 984-5309 984-9592 357-2626 373-9740 357-9912 380-4831 380-2223 984-7862 357-2626 357-2626 Howard Thompson Jerry Driscoll Jackie & Steve Marlatt Glenda Gearhart 380-1012 358-9730 984-9268 357-3507 Andy Bormeth Mickey Igo Marilyn Glogoss Gary McLean 984-2535 380-2253 986-4632 354-2485 Sallie Widder Elaine Austin Connie Oslin Judy Janousek Phyllis Swadburg 986-8532 380-3441 357-5454 380-9624 380-3430 Nellie LeVesque Sue Edholm Mat Uhl Betty Pratter Dave Simpson Claris Olson Bev Hasslinger, President 699-9123 373-6854 602-820-1358 358-0743 354-8598 357-2550 984-0926 ACTIVITY Stained Glass Water Colors Wood Carving Wood Shop Arts & Crafts SPORTS & OUTSIDE ACTIVITIES Bocce Ball Danish Club Horseshoes Men’s Softball Pickle Ball Ping Pong Water Volleyball Shuffleboard Sports Court Volley Ball Sun Runners RV Club Tennis Club Trail Blazers Hiking Club SVE SPONSORED ACTIVITIES Bingo Ladies Luncheon OTHER CLUBS & ACTIVITIES Library Committee Pancake Breakfast Sunshine Committee Chapel Study Alzheimers Welcome Committee Book Club Canada Committee Jam Session (Bocce) Choir Computer Club Friendship Circle Genealogy Red Hat Society Scrabble Shalom Club Singles Club Square and Compass Veteran’s Club Village Chapel CONTACT PHONE Freda Klein, Vice President Caroline Larrance (Summer) Bob Protz Elaine Dube Jeff Wallgren Ike Brake 984-8596 373-9113 984-4323 984-6491 380-3835 380-3016 Charlie Walker Ardyce Henriksen Pat Ward Donald Young Fred Beck Gene Trust Bob Oganovich Mike Withrow Mary Casale 986-8517 986-8650 380-4246 948-1135 755-2284 373-6052 357-9303 474-4217 373-8573 Bob Werth Darlene Brown Mildred Gammell Jim Barnum Ben Comer 794-1405 373-6362 380-9915 986-9767 380-7954 John McFall Barb Merner 373-9740 984-3827 Louise Grove Gus Hippe Rachel Rediger Loretta Wellman Ed Malone Carole Thovson Jack Burnett Marg May Sharon Schwarz Jean Shaw Shirley Hershey Gail Coulsen Bill Decker Karen Bader Delores Bruno Marg Nordstrom Jean McLane Sharon Strand Marilyn Glogoss Al Fischer Margaret Marshall Fred Madsen Bob Miazga Jack Burnett Pastor Olson 357-9912 983-2725 380-2895 380-9840 984-8092 357-2729 986-9469 325-2380 325-6705 380-4682 380-8142 984-0867 984-0598 357-2504 986-6284 380-5310 986-0002 380-8997 986-4632 380-6867 354-7795 380-5302 357-0570 986-9469 984-2228 PLEASE CONTACT THE ACTIVITIES DIRECTOR WITH ANY CHANGES. Revised: March 1, 2008 14 August 2008 New Installations, Preventative Maintenance and Repair Sunland Village East Outlook Sunland Village East Outlook Alterations D O R O T H Y ’ S ALTERATIONS SVE resident year-round. 50+ years experience. Hemming, replace zippers and buttons, mending. Call Dorothy at 480-699-7845. Cleaning Services Dick Shaw Carpet Cleaning I clean traffic paths better! No nickel or dime price. 7 steps. Everything included. Try Me Special only $20 per room. 480-718-5427 CARPET & TILE CLEANING Insured & Bonded Quick, no obligation quotes. Ability, Service, Integrity. Visit www. themasterstouchcleaning and click on the Carpet Cleaning Icon or call Bryan at 480-324-1640 today. Windows Squeegee Clean: No puddles-no mess-24 hr service. You will be delightedguaranteed. We clean sun screens, rain gutters, ceiling fans, light fixtures & more. We repair/replace sun screens and do power washing. Call Rich 480-205-2082. House Cleaning & Windows Honest, dependable and reasonable. 10+ years experience. Ref. Roxy 9640922. HOUSE & WINDOW CLEANING 7th year serving Sunland. 30 pages of testimonials from 2007 & 2008 alone! Insured, Bonded visit www. themasterstouchcleaning or call Joann at 480-324-1640 Our low prices will surprise you! Caroline’s Cleaning Service FREE Estimates. Bi-Weekly, Weekly, Monthly, OneTime. Move-In, Move-Out. Homes, Model Homes, Office Complex. We provide all cleaning equipment & supplies. Call 480-208-0031. Jim’s Handy Helper Service Handyman, General Household Maintenance including faucets, shut off valves, commodes, disposals, ceiling fans and more. Call Jim 480-688-7756. A resident of Sunland Village. CLEAR CHOICE WINDOW CLEANING Great RateSuperior Service. No Job Too Small or Too Large. ReferencesCall Brian for FREE Estimate. 602-509-5152. “Just Call Mike” Home Maintenance & Repair. Plumbing, Electrical, Water Heaters, Disposals, R.O. Systems, Fans, Lights, Switches, Sockets, Irrigation Timers & Valves, etc. Mesa 480-628-2757. Health Services In-home Services Tailored to Your Needs: Companionship, Bathing & Grooming Assistance, Meal Prep, Light Housekeeping, Laundry & Linen Changing, Errands & Transportation. Up to 24hour care. Insured, Bonded & RN Supervised. Call Senior Helpers today at (480) 5452787. Home Services ELECTRICIAN Licensed Bonded Insured ROC#234192 Lighting, Ceiling Fans, Spas, Remodels, Video, Voice, Data, Lines, Main Panel Repair or Replacement. All Work Guaranteed. Harris & Sons Electric 480-233-5691 480-204-4457 For ELECTRICAL or PLUMBING problems, call Bob. 480-358-0851. Sunland Village East Resident. Landscaping Pure Cold Air Conditioning & Heating Licensed, Bonded, Insured Residential-Commercial All brands of Air Conditioners. Install, Repair, Replace. Reasonable Rates. BBB Member. Usually same day service. Electric Service also. George Richards 480-226-0523. Ludwig Handyman Old-Fashioned German Craftsmanship. Over 20 years experience-Carpentry, Plumbing, Dry Wall, Roofing, General Repairs. 480-2881685; cell 480-225-8793. Leonard Tile—Quality Tile and Stone Installation. Floors, Showers, Counters, Backsplashes and more. Superb, friendly service. Senior Discount. 25 years experience. Licensed/ Bonded. Call 480-755-3318 for a FREE ESTIMATE. Mark’s Handyman Services If we can’t fix it-it’s not broken. Specializing in carpentry, drywall, painting, cabinet refinishing, garage floor coatings & much more. Senior Discounts & additional 10% with ad. 480-628-3473. MCCARTY PAINTING SERVICES. Professional quality work, since 1984. Trust all your painting needs to someone who cares. Free Estimates. Call Loren at 480985-2754 or 602-397-0158. Licensed-Bonded-Insured. Orion Services We do it all! Roof repairs and coatings (30 years experience), cooler repairs, plumbing, electrical, painting, deck coatings, any handyman project. Senior discounts. 480-650-6671. Mike LICENSED·BONDED·INSURED Fix it/Handyman Sprinkler Repair-Plumbing-ElectricalCarpentry-Security Doors Installed-Senior DiscountsSenior Quality Work. Call Walt at 480-380-0491. Home Remodeling and Rain Gutter Specialist AZ Rooms, Dual Pane Replacement Windows, Aluminum & Vinyl Siding & Trim Seamless Raingutters-30colors Very Reliable-Licensed & Bonded. LIC #114475 George – 820-8711 We love small jobs. HUBBY FOR HIRE Handyman Services. Insured. No job too small. ALL areas; remodel, electrical and plumbing. 480-390-1622 Gene Rootes Garage Floor Coatings Flagstone-Vinyl Chip-and more. Solid Colors-Cool Deck Call George 820-8711 We Love Small Jobs August 2008 NED’S PRO PAINTING Interior · Exterior Precision Detailed Application FREE Color Consultation. FREE Estimates. Economy Pricing. If all of the above appeals to you, please call Ned 480-296-8962 R.O.C 184452 GARAGE DOOR REPAIRS Free Service Calls. Senior Discount. Always Open Garage Door LIC# ROC 182785 Bonded/Insured 480-703-9963 DesigningArizona Landscape Sprinkler repair, complete desert landscaping, trimming, blowing, removals, Low Prices for Seniors, Free Estimates 480-380-9966 ROC # 243110. Bonded & Insured. David’s Clean-up and Tree Services Yard Clean-up, Tree Topping, Pruning, Trimming or Removal. Stump Grinding, Spread Rock, Palm Trimming. All work guaranteed. FREE Estimates. 480-641-6356. Dave’s Landscape Maintenance Trees, cactus, hedges, rocks, fertilize, etc., any type landscape. Quality at a price you can afford. Free Estimates (In Base Zone). 480962-4856. Cell 480-688-4572. Residential-Commercial. Serving the East Valley. Water Systems, Tree and Bush Trimming, Sod, Planting, Lawn Maintenance, Planting, Gravel Spreading/Removal, Tree & Cactus Removal. Palm Tree Trimming/Removal. Custom Landscaping/Lawn Design, Monthly Service. Call for FREE Estimate. Danny Riddell 480-495-8719 or 480-2062484. Licensed & Insured. JARRETT LANDSCAPE SERVICE Rock Landscaping, Re-rocking, Restoration, Landscape, Remodeling, Planting, Trimming, Cleanups, Cactus & Tree Removal, Stump Removal, Irrigation Systems, Hauling, etc. Reliable Friendly Service. Licensed-BondedInsured. R.O.C. # 216520 Call Gary 982-5623. Free price quotes. Superb cleanup at every job. 15 SPRINKLER & DRIP REPAIR Solving all your irrigation Problems. Leaks, timers, valves additional lines, etc. Skillful Work done right. Reasonable and Reliable. 480-250-5594. Vacation Rental Escape The Heat Kihei Maui 1 bedroom main floor Condo. Sleeps up to 4, Queen beds. New furnishing last summer. All Linens and kitchen needs. Across the street from Beach. 6 free tennis courts on site. $125/night, discounts 14 nights or more. Call 780-459-5153 Email: [email protected] Miscellaneous Doggie Day Care My clean home/yard. Care for your precious ones-sm/ med. Must be current with lic. & shots-and sociable with other dogs. Mrs. Palmer 480980-7247 Mary Kay Cosmetics Ruth Nugent 480-357-1849 SVE RuthNugent1 Skin care regime with special solutions—reduce fine lines and wrinkles, exfoliate, protect, safe for delicate skin, summer sheer. Gift sets! “PINK SALE.” For advertising information call Miller Media Services (480) 361-4431 Fax (480) 361-4293 or email ads@ READER NOTICE: Under Arizona law, all residential and commercial contractors are required to be licensed by the state unless they fall under the handyman exemption for projects which require no building permit and are less than $750 for the total contract price. In addition, homeowners using licensed residential contractors may have access to the Residential Contractors Recovery Fund if the contractor is unable and/or unwilling to perform the job and if alternative dispute resolutions available through the Registrar are unsuccessful. For more information or to verify the license status of an Arizona contractor, call (602) 542-1525, (888) 271-9286 (toll-free outside Maricopa County) or visit Call Mickey Williamson Travel Consultant 480-373-9687 or 480-225-8697 for all your travel plans. We have day tours, overnights and 3 to 30 day TOURS and CRUISES all over the world. Sporting events, musicals and theater. We have complete services to suit each client’s needs. I’ll arrange airfares, transfers and accommodations. You relax and enjoy a wonderful vacation. Bon Voyage! 16 Sunland Village East Outlook August 2008 Live life your way. Call or visit a Brookdale community today! Choosing a Brookdale Senior Living community means that you have made a conscious decision to pursue life on your terms. As a Brookdale resident you will always have that opportunity. Our communities offer many lifestyles and care options to meet your needs – even if those change over time. We also provide… Vibrant social environments • Rehabilitation, fitness and education opportunities • Flexibility to transfer between Brookdale communities as needs change • Access to continuing care as needed • Exceptional amenities…and much more. In a Brookdale community it’s your life to live. It’s our job to help you live it worry free. PARK REGENCY CENTRAL BROOKDALE PLACE PARADISE VALLEY INDEPENDENT LIVING PERSONALIZED ASSISTED LIVING EAST (602) 953-3600 PERSONALIZED ASSISTED LIVING (480) 855-7100 PERSONALIZED ASSISTED LIVING ALZHEIMER’S & DEMENTIA CARE CLARE BRIDGE TEMPE (480) 948-6950 STERLING HOUSE PEORIA PERSONALIZED ASSISTED LIVING (623) 583-1704 FREEDOM PLAZA RETIREMENT COMMUNITY ALZHEIMER’S & DEMENTIA CARE INDEPENDENT LIVING PERSONALIZED ASSISTED LIVING 6220 East Broadway Road Mesa, Arizona 85206 (480) 985-8900 MESA FREEDOM INN SUN CITY WEST PERSONALIZED ASSISTED LIVING STERLING HOUSE MESA 6060 East Arbor Avenue Mesa, Arizona 85206 CLARE BRIDGE SUN CITY WEST ALZHEIMER’S & DEMENTIA CARE (623) 975-4000 TUCSON CLARE BRIDGE ORO VALLEY ALZHEIMER’S & DEMENTIA CARE SANTA CATALINA VILLAS (623) 876-2416 (623) 584-2338 (480) 777-9334 (520) 544-4300 INDEPENDENT LIVING PERSONALIZED ASSISTED LIVING ALZHEIMER’S & DEMENTIA CARE REHABILITATION & SKILLED NURSING CENTER PERSONALIZED ASSISTED LIVING ALZHEIMER’S & DEMENTIA CARE (480) 345-7171 STERLING HOUSE CHANDLER FREEDOM INN SCOTTSDALE WEST INDEPENDENT LIVING PERSONALIZED ASSISTED LIVING ALZHEIMER’S & DEMENTIA CARE REHABILITATION & SKILLED NURSING CENTER (480) 807-6600 INDEPENDENT LIVING PERSONALIZED ASSISTED LIVING ALZHEIMER’S & DEMENTIA CARE REHABILITATION & SKILLED NURSING CENTER (520) 742-6242 FREEDOM INN VENTANA CANYON PERSONALIZED ASSISTED LIVING (520) 577-6940 STERLING HOUSE EAST SPEEDWAY PERSONALIZED ASSISTED LIVING (520) 722-8841 PHOM3-ROP03-0608 Apartments available — Summer Specials won’t last long. Stop by for a visit and stay for lunch.
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