PL Catalogue
PL Catalogue
Professional Learning Catalogue Semester 1, 2016 Contents Message from the Executive Director and Deputy Director .............. 1 About AISWA ..................................................................................... 2 AISWA Professional Learning.............................................................. 3 Governance and Leadership............................................................... 4 Teaching and Learning...................................................................... 30 Curriculum.................................................................... 32 Literacy......................................................................... 37 Numeracy..................................................................... 46 Early Childhood............................................................. 52 ICT Capability Services.................................................. 58 STEM & AMPLIFY.......................................................... 65 Inclusivity and Wellbeing.................................................................. 68 Publications...................................................................................... 78 2016 Calendar (Events by Date)....................................................... 84 Notes................................................................................................ 91 Semester Calendar........................................................................... 92 Message from the Executive Director Dear Colleagues Welcome to the AISWA Professional Learning Catalogue. Over the years AISWA has always planned professional learning opportunities for schools and their teachers, leaders and governing body members, which will lead to school improvement and better outcomes for students. It is hoped this catalogue which outlines the range of offerings for Semester 1, 2016 is useful as a reference for all schools and their communities. While there will be additional professional learning opportunities publicised during the year, this publication represents the range of offerings that will be presented by AISWA over the next 6 months. We invite you to look through the catalogue, see what you need and join us to work together for excellence in schools. As we all know the path of school improvement is never ending and one of our roles is to work with schools to support your progress along that path. Valerie Gould Message from the Deputy Director Dear Colleagues Welcome to the 2016 school year. This publication presents a comprehensive range of professional learning for teachers and leaders in Western Australian Independent Schools across all levels of schooling. The professional learning opportunities are offered in line with the key agendas of the Melbourne Declaration, The Western Australian Curriculum, National Quality Standards and the Australian Institute for Teaching and School Leadership. The breadth and diversity that is available to teachers and leaders provides the opportunity for all students to succeed at school and contribute to their worlds beyond schooling. The offerings contribute towards imparting the skills and capacities young people need to be productive members of the workforce and their communities, give young people access to a broad swath of knowledge and ideas and inculcate the desire and ability to learn throughout life. I look forward to your participation in the work of AISWA as it serves you this year and beyond. Ron Gorman About AISWA Professional Learning The Association of Independent Schools of Western Australia (AISWA) was established in 1962 as a non-profit organisation to support, represent and promote the interests of Independent Schools. AISWA is incorporated under the Industrial Relations Act. AISWA creates and delivers high quality Professional Learning (PL) so that schools can keep up with the ever-changing educational landscape. AISWA’s constituent members include over one hundred and fifty five Independent Schools. Its member schools educate over 75,000 students accounting for just over 16% of Western Australian school enrolments. These schools employ over 5,500 teaching and over 3,500 non-teaching staff. Our Vision For Independent Schools to be acknowledged and recognised as valued providers of education in Western Australia. Our Mission To promote a strong Independent School sector which offers high quality education appropriate to the needs of Western Australian children. To fulfil our vision and mission, the association has developed a Strategic Plan that will support schools in the independent sector and lead to increased recognition of the value the Independent School sector provides to all Western Australians. AISWA Website AISWA provides a comprehensive suite of PL experiences to suit the complex and diverse needs within the Independent School sector - a one-size-fits-all approach simply does not apply. These PL experiences include school-based training, seminars, hands-on workshops, conferences, network meetings, study tours, online courses, licenced/partnership training initiatives and one-on-one consultation. AISWA PL is developed or negotiated by AISWA’s team of consultants to support the wide range of professional needs of school staff including teaching, leadership, governing, administrative and support personnel. Using this Catalogue This catalogue is divided into 3 categories: • • • Governance and Leadership Teaching and learning Inclusive Education For quick reference the following abbreviations have been used: AISWA’s brand new website is now live, offering member schools and their staff continued access to AISWA support services, Professional Learning and member only online resources in a more convenient and intuitive way. PRICE: M – members MC - Members Catholic NM – non members Visit: Some AISWA courses are only offered to member schools. TARGET AUDIENCE: PreK Pre-Kindergarten K-2 Early Childhood Middle Primary 3-6 7-10 Secondary 11-12 Senior Secondary Please ensure that you check out all events on the AISWA website for up to date information and registration. “The most effective leaders see learning as central to their professional lives.” AITSL (2014) Governance & Leadership “Leaders embody the power of education to make a difference in the lives of individuals and to society, now and in the future.” Adapted from AITSL (2014) AISWA provides professional learning and support to school leaders to help them to develop and support teaching that maximises impact on student learning. Governance School Leadership, Registration & Compliance Valerie Gould Executive Director E: [email protected] P: 9441 1618 Ron Gorman Deputy Director E: [email protected] P: 9441 1620 Niki Preston Personal Assistant to Executive Director E: [email protected] P: 9441 1611 Stacey McKenzie Personal Assistant to Deputy Director E: [email protected] P: 9441 1603 Janet Wilmot Leadership and Teacher Quality Consultant E: [email protected] P: 9441 1604 Gary Robinson Registration and Compliance Consultant E: [email protected] P: 9441 1608 Nicola Davidson Leadership and Teacher Quality Consultant E: [email protected] P: 9441 1679 Therese Bamford Registration and Compliance Consultant E: [email protected] P: 9441 1662 Greg Wells Aboriginal Schools Consultant E: [email protected] P: 9441 1670 Anne Crawford Administrative Assistant E: [email protected] P: 9441 1626 Allison Omar Administrative Assistant E: [email protected] P: 9441 1664 Briefing the Board Conference ICT Study Tour & ISTE Conference, USA The annual ‘Briefing the Board’ Conference provides attendees with a variety of inspirational keynote speakers and an array of workshop choices covering topics such as governance, school finances, school registration, school leadership development, legal topics, dealing with tricky people, curriculum areas, strategic and succession planning. The AISWA ICT Study Tour was developed for Principals and ICT leaders of AISWA member schools wishing to further their personal and professional awareness of current best practice in international ICT education programs. This tour coincides with the International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE) Conference. This year the guest keynote presenter will be Mr Andrew Fuller, Clinical Psychologist, speaking on ‘Unlocking your child’s genius’ and one of the guest workshop presenters will be Prof Stephen Smallbone presenting ‘Creating child safe schools: ‘Designing out’ sexual abuse’. TARGET AUDIENCE: School Governors, Principals and Senior Staff. WHEN: 2 April 2016 PRICE: M: $220 NM: $330 In both Denver and San Francisco, the host city of the ISTE conference, delegates engage with schools that demonstrate exemplary use of technology. Further, the study tour includes a showcase of innovative and ICT leading schools together with insights to the future of technology in education when visiting industry leaders such as Google, Adobe, BrightBytes, Apple and Microsoft to undertake various professional learning opportunities. WHEN: 20 - 30 June 2016 CONSULTANT: Peter Crosbie & Meika Birch-Davis PRICE: M: $3,500 TARGET AUDIENCE: Principals and ICT Leaders CONSULTANT: Valerie Gould and Niki Preston School Leaders Study Tour, USA Engagement with Asia Study Tour, China On this tour, delegates will spend time in the presence of great leaders in education in Yong Zhao (Portland, Oregon) and George Otero (Santa Fe, New Mexico), and observe best practice in school, community and business settings. They will meet with organisations and schools who are combining years of education experience and new research to develop learning programs and community relationships which will foster the untapped gifts and skills of every student. Educating students “out of the basement” (Yong Zhao, Briefing the Board, 2014), and empowering families and communities to be successful in all that they endeavour to achieve, is our goal. PLACES STILL AVAILABLE In partnership with the Confucius Institute at the University of Western Australia and following the success of the 2014 Study Tour to China, AISWA invites Principals and school leaders to attend the 2016 AISWA International Study Tour to China. WHEN: 10-23 April 2016 This unique opportunity will allow school leaders to gain a greater understanding of the Asian region, contributing to the Australian Curriculum’s cross‐curriculum perspective of Asia and Australia’s engagement with Asia. The tour is specifically geared to the education sector in China, with a view to gaining a better insight into the possibilities of interaction between Western Australian schools and Chinese schools. PRICE: M: $5,000 WHEN: 24 September - 1 October 2016 CONSULTANT:COURSE FACILITATORS: Valerie Gould & Niki Preston Dr Yong Zhao (Portland) & Dr George Otero (Santa Fe) PRICE: M: $3,000 TARGET AUDIENCE: Principals, Leaders and Senior School Staff CONSULTANT: Ron Gorman & Stacey McKenzie TARGET AUDIENCE: Principals and School Leaders 8 Governance and Leadership Governance and Leadership 9 WHEN: 8 & 9 April, 1 July, 5 August & 7 October PRICE: M: $500 (5 days) CONSULTANT: Janet Wilmot TARGET AUDIENCE: Anyone considering a leadership role in an Independent School. Please note that this course builds upon each day and participants should therefore attend the full course to gain maximum benefit. Aspiring Leaders Middle Leaders - Secondary This is the sixth year that this highly successful course has been offered. The program for 2016 has been designed based on the feedback received from participants over the years and will be flexible in order to respond to the needs of the group. This 3-day course will cover four discrete modules: The course will be facilitated over five days and is suitable for those who are currently in middle leadership roles, teachers who aspire to leadership and for new leaders. It aims to provide participants with the tools, frameworks and knowledge required in a leadership position today. Previous participants have commented on the fact that the course is both an inner and an outer learning journey as a great deal of importance is placed on self-reflection. Attention is paid to the development of self as well as to numerous other aspects of leadership. The course will cover a brief introduction to contemporary leadership theory and change management. It will also include whole school planning using the National School Improvement Tool as well as an in depth examination of the AITSL Lead Teacher Standard from the Australian Professional Standards for teachers and the Australian Professional Standard for Principals. The course will require time for pre-reading, for reflective thinking and ongoing journaling and for preparing a short presentation for the final session. Coaching will be available to course participants between the sessions. Module 1 Contemporary roles and functions of Middle Leaders Module 2 Leading the teaching and learning WHEN: 23 March 2016 19 May 2016 19 August 2016 Please note that you will need to enrol for each day separately. Women in Educational Leadership Network Meetings WHEN: 22 March 2016 20 May 2016 18 August 2016 Please note that you will need to enrol in each day separately. PRICE: M: $100 (per day) TARGET AUDIENCE: This 3-day program is aimed at those who have either a named or unnamed middle leadership position in the primary school. This includes deputies and literacy, numeracy, subject, and year level coordinators. It may also be of interest to those who are mentoring and supporting the work of colleagues. The focus is on the shifting role of those in these crucial positions of middle leadership. This course will cover four discrete modules and participants are welcome to attend any one or all three days. CONSULTANT: Nicola Davidson 10 Module 3 Developing self and others Module 4 Taking care of yourself and others TARGET AUDIENCE: This 3-day program is aimed at those who hold a Head of Department role. It may also be of interest to those who are mentoring and supporting the work of colleagues, such as deputies and secondary year coordinators. The journey of this three day course is to reflect on the Head of Department role, prioritising and integrating some of the newer functions. This course will cover four discrete modules and participants are welcome to attend any one or all three days. CONSULTANT: Nicola Davidson This 3- day course will cover four discrete modules: Module 2 Leading the teaching and learning Module 4 Taking care of yourself and others PRICE: M: $100 (per day) Middle Leaders - Primary Module 1 Contemporary roles and functions of Middle Leaders Module 3 Developing self and others WHEN: 8 March 2016 (Speaker - The Honourable Dr Elizabeth Constable) 19 May 2016 18 October 2016 PRICE: M: Free CONSULTANT: Janet Wilmot WHO ARE THESE MEETINGS FOR: These afternoon network meetings are for anyone interested in gender equality and the role of women in educational leadership. The meetings are held at various member schools in the metropolitan area in Terms 1, 2 and 4 with a conference or summit being held in Term 3. The meetings usually allow for networking from 4.30pm to 5.00pm followed by a speaker from 5.00pm to around 5.30pm. The meeting concludes with refreshments and further networking opportunities. Venues and speakers for these meetings will be advised closer to the date of each meetings. Communication will be with network members and flyers will be sent to member schools to advise the details of the meeting. ‘As many teachers, particularly women, do not consider leadership roles until it is suggested to them by someone else, the identification and development of potential leaders needs to be formalised, rather than just being left to chance.’ Lacey (2005, p4) PRESENTERS: Various speakers at each meeting Governance and Leadership Governance and Leadership 11 PRICE: M: The AISWA course is provided free to those teachers who complete it and register at UWA. Failure to do so will incur a $400 fee. UWA courses are $2625 per 6 credit point unit CONSULTANT: Janet Wilmot COURSE FACILITATORS: Professor Simon Clarke, University of Western Australia (UWA), AISWA and UWA staff UWA Master of Educational Leadership Professional Standard for Principals 2016 • Administrative Leadership (AISWA delivered) • EDUC5612 Leadership for Learning Leading Improvement, Innovation and Change 2017 • EDUC5658 Education Policy (first semester holidays) • EDUC5636 Assessment and Measurement (second semester school holidays) The course focuses on taking an in-depth look at the professional practice of leading improvement, innovation and change of the Standard. During the day this will be unpacked in relation to today’s context as well as looking at some of the most recent research in the area. The day aims to provide participants with the time to reflect on their practice, to provoke their thinking and to share with colleagues. 2018 & 2019 • Elective Unit • EDUC5631 Approaches to Research • EDUC5620 Dissertation This professional practice covers a wide range of issues, each of which demand more attention than one day will allow. Participants will be introduced to a range of tools and professional readings to use if they wish to follow-up some of the issues discussed during the day. TARGET AUDIENCE: Anyone interested in educational leadership who has a Bachelor’s degree requiring 4 years of full-time study or 3 year undergraduate degree plus a DipEd and at least 2 years of professional experience in education. WHEN: AISWA - Administrative Leadership - Wednesday 20, Thursday 21 & Friday 22 January & Monday 11 April 2016 UWA – Friday 15 and Saturday 16 July and Friday 7 and Saturday 8 October 2016 (last Friday and Saturday of the school holidays) Venue and times to be confirmed by UWA The AITSL Leadership Profiles will also be used. WHEN: 15 July (during Term 2 school holidays) PRICE: M: $100 CONSULTANT: Janet Wilmot Classroom Observation and Collegial Coaching Professional Standard for Principals Developing Self and Others During the day there will be time to analyse and explore this statement, what it means and looks like in practice. Time will also be devoted to the greater detail and what the practice looks like at increasing levels of proficiency as described in the leadership profiles. There will be a focus on effective team building as well as on performance management and the giving and receiving of feedback. Participants will look at various ways in which to build capacity in others. Some time will be spent examining personal health and well-being and setting personal learning goals as busy lifestyles often leave little time for focusing on oneself. WHEN: 14 July (During Term 2 school holidays) PRICE: M: $100 CONSULTANT: Janet Wilmot 12 TARGET AUDIENCE: Developing self and others is one of the professional practices of the Australian Professional Standard for Principals. This 1-day professional learning opportunity is for those in leadership roles who wish to explore this professional practice and how it is described in the Leadership Profiles. The course is not exclusively for Principals and senior leaders but also for middle leaders or those who are working at the highly accomplished or lead teacher stage of the Australian Professional Standards for Teachers. Governance and Leadership TARGET AUDIENCE: The program for this day is designed for Principals and other school leaders who wish to unpack this professional practice as cited in the Australian Professional Standard for Principals (‘the Standard’) in some detail and to reflect on their practice in this area. Participants will also use the Leadership Profiles to enable the professional practice to be seen in greater detail and at increasing levels of proficiency. This program will look at six models of classroom observation and provide opportunities for participants to reflect on which of these best suits their context. Participants will learn key skills and practices to build a shared understanding of what it looks like to improve the quality of their teaching using the Classroom Observation Profiles developed by AITSL. The program will also provide the opportunity to investigate the introduction of a collegiate cognitive coaching model. WHEN: 2 May & 3 May (Session 1) 27 June & 28 June (repeat) 5 September & 6 September (repeat) PRICE: M: $200 (2 days) CONSULTANT: Nicola Davidson The program is designed around a series of workshops which involve developing understandings of practical strategies and useful resources, in addition to furthering understandings of the change process and how to manage this in context. TARGET AUDIENCE: This course is aimed at those who want to introduce or enrich the value of classroom observation and conversations which are happening in their school. Regular observation and feedback on performance is one of the most powerful ways to build teacher practice and capacity across a school. This program will be most beneficial if 2 or 3 key teachers can attend and work together to plan for improvement. Governance and Leadership 13 Graduate to Proficient Portfolio Development Days for the National Certification of Highly Accomplished and Lead Teachers This course aims to develop the capacity of Early Career Teachers (ECTs) through an in-depth exploration of the common issues and problems of practice for ECT. Participants will be guided to develop a portfolio of evidence to demonstrate their journey from the Graduate to the Proficient stage of the Australian Professional Teacher Standards, which is required for full teacher registration. WHEN: Mentors only - 17 February 2016 Mentors (1/2 day) and Graduates 18 February Graduates only - 19 February, 12 April, 25 July & 3 October Heads of School are asked to assist their graduate teachers to enrol in this course as soon as possible. It is a requirement of this course that all participants have mentors who are required to attend Day 1 on Wednesday 17 February and half a day on Thursday 18 February. WHEN: 13 April 2016 4 July 2016 $75 (Mentors only – 1.5 days) TARGET AUDIENCE: This course is designed to meet the needs of early career teachers as they work towards the proficient career level of the Australian Professional Standards for Teachers. There is also some training available for the Mentors of Early Career teachers within the course. CONSULTANT: Nicola Davidson Graduates will be required to attend five full-day sessions, three during the school terms, one in the July holidays and the final session in the October holidays. CONSULTANT: Nicola Davidson PRICE: M: $500 (Graduates only – 5 days) WHEN: 15 February 2016 (afternoon) 26 July 2016 (afternoon) PRICE: M: Free CONSULTANT: Nicola Davidson 14 Attendance at all sessions will be expected and participants will be asked to seek the support of their Principal or Head of School. 4 October 2016 PRICE: M: $50 This is a day of practical workshops and participants are asked to bring along artefacts of practice that they are thinking of including in their applications so that they are able to develop their own portfolios. The day will cover: • An information session on Stage 1 of the certification process and situating your practice • Selecting artefacts to demonstrate high level practice • Writing annotations for artefacts • Lead initiatives (for Lead Teachers) • Writing statements of claim • Managing the process (referees and support) • Ways of presenting portfolios (electronic or hard copy). TARGET AUDIENCE: This 1-day program is for expert teachers who are intending to apply for National Certification as a Highly Accomplished or Lead Teacher. The workshops focus on readying annotated artefacts of practice (portfolio) and other components of the Stage 1 submission. National Certification - Highly Accomplished and Lead Teacher (Information Session) Dealing Effectively with Poor Employee Performance National Certification of Highly Accomplished and Lead Teachers has three primary purposes: • Recognise and promote quality teaching • Provide an opportunity for teachers to reflect on their practice • Provide a reliable indication of quality teaching that can be used to identify and recognise Highly Accomplished and Lead Teachers. Effective management of poor employee behaviour is based on a number of very clear premises: • the school has a clearly defined, published and well understood vision and mission (the ethos); • the school has employee behaviour policies in place to ensure that the vision and the mission are ENACTED by all staff within the parameters of the school’s ethos; and • all staff know, understand and ACCEPT the policies and guidelines regarding employee behaviour and the clear link to the school ethos. AISWA is the certifying authority for teachers from Independent Schools in Western Australia and provides information sessions; workshops on developing and annotating submissions of evidence; and advice on preparing for site visits. TARGET AUDIENCE: This session is for expert teachers who are keen to stay in the classroom but who are looking for the next challenge in building their practice. This is a national accreditation program. National certification based on the Australian Professional Standards for Teachers is voluntary and will ensure that teachers, in every system and sector, have access to a rigorous and transparent process that recognises Highly Accomplished and Lead Teachers and is portable throughout Australia. Governance and Leadership WHEN: 4 July 2016 PRICE: M: $50 MC: $75 NM: $120 CONSULTANT: AISWA Industrial Officer During this session we will unravel each of the components above and examine how staff are managed and led - particularly when their behaviour may seem to place them at odds with the school ethos. Further we will examine a fair and transparent performance management process that will create an emphasis on improvement, learning and development in order to achieve the overall school strategy. TARGET AUDIENCE: Principals and School Leaders. Governance and Leadership 15 WHEN: 19 February, 13 May, 5 August & 28 October 2016 PRICE: M: $165 per day Inclusive Leadership 2016 Series Leading Pastoral Care in Schools Driving the way forward for inclusive schools - What all school leaders need to know Australian school student care is regarded among the best in the world but the same cannot be said for staff care programs. Back by popular demand, following on from the Inclusive Leadership series of 2014, we offer a further opportunity to embark upon the next level towards Inclusive Leadership in managing the change required in pursuing a culture of inclusivity in schools. Topics covered will be student voice, the most efficient and effective use of para professionals, from Good to Great and Differentiation. Why have so few Australian schools made wellness a major priority for their staff albeit their school community? TARGET AUDIENCE: This is a four part series with a focus on visionary leadership for Principals, school leaders, Deputy Principals and Head of Departments to further explore inclusive leadership and change management in order to facilitate a culture of inclusivity within your school. Inclusion is not a strategy to help people fit into the systems and structures which exist in our societies; it is about transforming those systems and structures to make it better for everyone. Inclusion is about creating a better world for everyone. CONSULTANT: Michelle Bishop Diane Richler, past president, Inclusion International COURSE FACILITATORS: Dr Ben Whitburn, Ruth Philips & Kylie Bice WHEN: 27 April 2016 (Session 1) 26 July 2016 (repeat Session 2) PRICE: M: $75 CONSULTANT: Janet Wilmot This is a two part series with a focus on visionary leadership for Principals, school leaders, Deputy Principals and Head of Departments to further explore inclusive leadership and change management in order to facilitate a culture of inclusivity within your school. Topics covered will be student voice, and the most efficient and effective use of para professionals in your school. PRICE: M: $165 per day COURSE FACILITATORS: Dr Ben Whitburn & Ruth Philips 16 WHEN: 4 August 2016 PRICE: M: $100 CONSULTANT: Nicola Davidson CONSULTANT: Michelle Bishop Governance and Leadership TARGET AUDIENCE: School leaders and health champions who are dedicated to the notion of building affordable staff, student and community wellness capacity. Please note this is an introductory course which will develop according to interest. Human Resources and Teacher Registration Board By invitation only WHEN: 18 February & 24 August 2016 The presenter will also discuss how School Strategic Plans and AITSL standards can be great allies for long term change in making your school one of choice for teachers. COURSE FACILITATORS: Janet Wilmot & Brian Plowman Inclusive Leadership Masterclass TARGET AUDIENCE: Following on from the Inclusive Leadership series of 2012 and 2013, we offer previous participants a further opportunity to embark upon the next level towards Inclusive Leadership in managing the change required in pursuing a culture of inclusivity in schools. This 2-day series is for those leaders who have previously attended the Inclusive Leadership series and by invitation only. The presenter will share a narrative of how a large Independent School tackled the improvement of staff wellbeing and brought change to school culture within two years. Strategies for developing your school staff wellbeing action plan will be workshopped. This jointly run session by AISWA and the TRBWA aims to provide clarity around: • Categories of teacher registration • Requirements for teacher registration • Requirements of the Teacher Registration Act • Overview of disciplinary matters • Performance development vs performance management • Developing Codes of Conduct • The Staff of School (Standard 4 of the Standards for Non-government schools). TARGET AUDIENCE: This short course is aimed at HR Managers, Deputy Heads and Principals of small schools who manage and maintain systems for teacher registration and performance management of staff. COURSE FACILITATORS: Nicola Davidson, Mick ten Haaf & Rozana Kemp (TRBWA) Governance and Leadership 17 Principals as Literacy Leaders (PALL) Developing a Whole School Approach to Mental Computation with Dr Paul Swan This course is a highly valued and comprehensive research-based project that was developed to assist Principals and those in literacy leadership to develop knowledge, skills and tools to positively improve teaching and learning in literacy in their workplace. This is likely to be the last time this is offered by AISWA. WHEN: 21 & 22 March, 3 June, 19 August & 4 November 2016 PRICE: M: $1200 (per school for up to 3 participants) TARGET AUDIENCE: Principals, Deputy Heads, Heads of Department, literacy leaders, English leaders and teachers looking to enter the leadership area of literacy. PALL is a powerful structure of evidence based work that should be compulsory for all school leaders. Principal, Bass Valley Primary School MC: $1,500 NM: $2,400 CONSULTANT: Christopher Witt & Sophia Sabaiter WHEN: 26 February & 13 May 2016 PRICE: M: $200 (2 days) CONSULTANT: David Dunstan COURSE FACILITATORS: Tony Townsend (Griffith University) & Anne Bayetto (Flinders University) COURSE FACILITATORS: Dr Paul Swan Principals as Numeracy Leaders (PANL) WHEN: 22 & 23 February, 30 March & 27 May PRICE: M: $1,200 (per school for up to 3 participants) CONSULTANT: David Dunstan & Peter Farmer TARGET AUDIENCE: Principals, Curriculum Leaders and key teachers of early numeracy. 18 Module 1 Module 2 Module 3 Module 4 Leadership of teaching and learning in numeracy Numeracy content—the numeracy ‘big ideas’ (Concentrating on ‘Number’ from the Australian Curriculum) Developing whole school approaches to numeracy using quality evidence Designing interventions in numeracy AISWA numeracy consultants will support leaders throughout 2016 and beyond. Governance and Leadership TARGET AUDIENCE: Previous PANL 2012 – 2015 participants. Schools participating in this course are strongly encouraged to register the school leader / Principal / Head of Primary, a key numeracy person, and a Middle Primary / Year 4 teacher. These participants would attend together for the two days. PANL (Principals as Numeracy Leaders) to LENI (Leading Engaging Numeracy Interventions) with Dr Paul Swan PANL has been created to lift whole school performance in numeracy in all schools, whatever their context. It aims to enhance school leaders’ efficacy in instructional leadership and knowledge of essential numeracy content. PANL will assist the design of whole school planning for numeracy intervention and improvement, based on quality evidence gathering and interrogation. AISWA PANL 2016 is a comprehensive leading numeracy project designed to assist Principals and school leaders to develop knowledge and skills to improve teaching and learning in numeracy. Participants are guided through four well-spaced professional development modules that are listed below. The 2-days will reveal a model for mental computation, with a focus on estimation and number sense understandings. This research based model will include the following dimensions: • Mental strategies/basic facts to developing fluency • Working memory • Properties of number • Efficient mental strategies • Place value • Disposition • Tools • Maths language. WHEN: 25 February 2016 PRICE: M: $110 for the first participant and $90 for each additional participant CONSULTANT: David Dunstan This 1-day PANL ‘refresher’ will address the following areas: • What we have learned from 5 years of PANL • A brief look at the modified trajectories • Introduction to some new trajectories • Helping teachers own the data. (Disciplined dialogue and a brief 2015 NAPLAN overview} • Managing change • An introduction to 3 interventions: a) Language and Literacies of Mathematics b) A Whole School Approach to Mental Computation c) Place Value - developing teachers’ PCK. COURSE FACILITATORS: Dr Paul Swan TARGET AUDIENCE: Previous PANL 2012 – 2015 participants. Governance and Leadership 19 Knowing and Understanding Boys in Every Classroom 21st Century Learning Design Over two days participants work together in a collaborative and supportive environment to: • Identify and define key 21CLD skill sets • Understand how 21CLD links with the Australian Curriculum • Design lessons that enable students to develop 21CLD skills • Explore how the program has been successfully implemented within schools • Devise a whole-school strategic plan for 21CLD implementation. These sessions will focus on the six essential lessons our boys need from us: to persevere, to be independent, to cooperate with and respect adults, to imagine and explore their world, to be mindful and to develop compassion for others. Clark’s seminars are known for their humour, sincerity, real-life solutions and tips and for the candour and perspective he brings around schools, education and working with boys in your classroom. In 2016 he will return to his ‘true love of educating the young’ and will take on the role of Head of the Preparatory School at Guildford Grammar. WHEN: TBA - After school during Terms 2 & 3 PRICE: M: $50 CONSULTANT: Janet Wilmot COURSE FACILITATORS: Clark Wight TARGET AUDIENCE: These afternoon sessions over 2-hours are for anyone wanting to explore ways to connect with the boys in their classes from those in the early years to those who are teenagers. Knowing and understanding boys in our classrooms can, at times, require perspective. Anyone looking for solutions and a deeper understanding of the boys they teach will enjoy this opportunity to learn and discuss classroom teaching and learning with a focus on boys, their key development stages and behaviours and strategies for engaging them in their learning and for dealing with the expected and unexpected at school. An online discussion with fellow participants six weeks later will provide participants with the opportunity to share their successes and discuss overcoming any roadblocks they may have encountered. WHEN: Term 2 and other dates TBA PRICE: M: Free NM: $400 CONSULTANT: Peter Crosbie COURSE FACILITATORS: AISWA 21CLD Certified Trainers Teaching ESL Students in Mainstream Classrooms (TESMC) 2016 WHEN: 28 April, 6 May, 23 May, 10 June & 24 June 2016 PRICE: M: $300 MC: $450 NM: $550 CONSULTANT: Sophia Sabatier 20 Module 1: ESL students and learning in a second language Module 2: Language and learning and the role of scaffolding Module 3: Oral language: How the task shapes the talk Module 4: Using oral language: Interpreting and producing oral texts Module 5: Working with written and visual texts Module 6: Working with written and visual texts at the text level Module 7: Developing knowledge of language Module 8: Assessing written texts Module 9: Programming and whole-school models of support for ESL students TARGET AUDIENCE: This programme is for those who wish to lead their schools in the delivery of EAL/D programs K-12. This is a nine-module course, over five days that equips participants with the necessary background to understand the needs of EAL/D students and to implement policy and procedural change so that these students receive adequate provision within the school system. Governance and Leadership For more information about 21CLD visit the Microsoft Educator Network website: TARGET AUDIENCE: Discover the how as a leader you can to implement 21CLD in your school. This 21st Century Learning Design (21CLD) workshop, is for leaders interested in assisting teachers at their school to redesign their existing lessons and learning activities to build students’ 21st century skills. EPICT Facilitators Certification Course During the 2-day EPICT Facilitator Certification Course (FCC), participants will learn how to guide, moderate, lead and manage the e-learning parts of the EPICT professional learning program. The EPICT PL courses are realised through blended, flexible learning where the methodology applied is team-based and involves processoriented, problem-based learning, peer mentoring and individual/team-based activities. As certified EPICT Facilitators, participants return to their schools to assist colleagues in improving their professional ICT knowledge and practice. WHEN: Term 2 Dates TBA PRICE: M: Free NM: $500 CONSULTANT: Peter Crosbie For more information about the EPICT professional learning program visit TARGET AUDIENCE: The EPICT Facilitators Certification Course is for teachers experienced in the integration of ICT in teaching and learning. It is recommended that participants first acquire the EPICT Licence or Portfolio qualification (or similar competencies) before undertaking the course. COURSE FACILITATORS: AISWA EPICT Certified Trainers Governance and Leadership 21 Leadership for Effective School Improvement: Using the National School Improvement Tool (NSIT) Leadership Program for Early Childhood Teachers and Leaders There will be a focus on developing a deep understanding of the role of the early childhood educator in leading advanced pedagogical practices and creating a successful learning organisation. Leadership for Effective School Improvement: Using the National School Improvement Tool will provide participants with knowledge of the latest research around school effectiveness, increased skills in making judgments about their school and where it stands in terms of the domains of the NSIT. It will provide a clear direction of what to do next in their schools. During the day there will be an opportunity to examine the nine domains of the NSIT in detail and to explore effective ways to use the Tool to make observations and gather evidence broadly about the school’s practices. There will also be the opportunity to work on developing an improvement plan, to set goals to think about strategies for improvement. TARGET AUDIENCE: Following the success of this 3-day course in 2015, it is being offered again in 2016 to teachers and leaders in Pre-Kindergarten/Kindergarten to Year 2 settings who are interested in developing their leadership knowledge, understanding and skills. WHEN: 1 April, 17 May & 17 August PRICE: M: $300 (3 days) Management is about arranging and telling. Leadership is about nurturing and enhancing. Celebrate what you want to see more of. Thomas J Peters CONSULTANT: Janet Wilmot WHEN: 30 March 2016 PRICE: M: $100 COURSE FACILITATORS: Janet Wilmot, Anne Hey and other leaders in this area CONSULTANT: Janet Wilmot Using Data for Effective Leadership Pedagogical Leadership in Early Childhood This master class will begin with an explanation of the central components of any evaluation (identifying the intended outcomes of an initiative, planning the activities to attain the outcomes, and determining the indicators of success). Kirsty Liljegren is Director of the ELC at Cornish College (VIC), internationally renowned as a centre for excellence. Hear about Kirsty’s journey as an EC leader, how she has fostered an empowering ELC culture of professional debate, dialogue, and ongoing learning and inquiry. Development of a collective vision, support of change processes and pedagogical transformation. YOU WILL GAIN: • Building a supportive, empowering ELC culture • Development of a collective vision • Help in supporting educators with pedagogical change • Ideas for strengthening connections with families and community • Connections with some elements in National Quality Standard QA 6 & 7. WHEN: 16 March 2016 PRICE: M: $120 MC: $160 NM: $200 CONSULTANT: Rebecca Duncan The focus of the class is on appraising data so that school leaders can be sure that they are firstly collecting the right data, and secondly, that they are using and interpreting it correctly. Deciding which data sets to collect to determine success of an initiative is fundamental to effective evaluation. WHEN: 12 July (during Term 2 holidays) PRICE: M: $100 CONSULTANT: Janet Wilmot COURSE FACILITATORS: Dr Sandy Heldsinger, Assessment Community TARGET AUDIENCE: Early Childhood Leaders 22 TARGET AUDIENCE: This 1-day workshop is for school leaders and leadership teams who are interested in unpacking the National School Improvement Tool (NSIT) and how it can be used to inform practice. This workshop is more suited to those who are not familiar with the NSIT than those who are currently using it to inform their school improvement plan. Governance and Leadership This program will cover: • Planning evaluations • Selecting data sets to use • Choosing methods for analysing the data collected • • Appreciating the limitations of data and avoiding the pitfalls Developing a school culture that not only values assessment and evaluation, but one that also values expert use of data. TARGET AUDIENCE: This 1-day program is for school leaders who want to learn how to evaluate school programs and student growth in learning. Leadership teams who intend to further develop a school-wide culture of data and evidence-based decision making may also consider sending the teachers who will be supporting this work in their schools. Governance and Leadership 23 WHEN: 16 March 2016 PRICE: M: Free CONSULTANT: Nicola Davidson PLEASE NOTE: This is an information session only. Details of further training on the use of the online system and the associated costs will be presented during this information session. Appretio Information Session Administrative Leadership Appretio is an online Professional Review and Development System that can be customised by schools to suit their needs. Appretio assists schools to develop, implement and evaluate a customised performance and development process. It provides a transparent, rigorous and comprehensive process for determining: • Whole school and individual professional learning needs • Leaders’ and teachers’ professional growth • Changes in school culture resulting from implementation. This program aims to cover the major factors that impact on the administration of schools at this time. These include: Appretio enables teachers to gain feedback on their performance and to participate in professional learning that is targeted to their needs. The online system provides reports for teachers and the School Board. The impact of implementing Appretio can be evaluated using survey tools that are included in the system. Schools using Appretio will meet the Australian Government requirement to implement a schoolbased system that incorporates all the guiding principles in the Australian Teacher Performance and Development Framework. • • • TARGET AUDIENCE: This session is directed at Principals and members of the school executive teams. Appretio is an online Professional Review and Development System developed by AISNSW and is available to schools in the Independent sector in WA and Queensland. • • • WHEN: 5, 6 & 7 July 2016 PRICE: M: $300 (3 days) CONSULTANT: Janet Wilmot COURSE FACILITATORS: AISWA Consultants and executive staff members together with outside consultants National Quality Standard (NQS) for Early Childhood Education and Care PRINCIPAL TRAINING WHEN: 21 & 22 March (only dates to be offered in 2016) PRICE: M: $120 (2 days) CONSULTANT: Anne Hey & Wendy Gorman 24 This program will: • Familiarise participants with the National Quality Standard • Provide participants with a tool to measure the quality of their early childhood program • • Governance and Leadership • • • • • Australian Professional Standard for Principals, Australian Professional Standards for teachers and the National School Improvement Tool Financial management and planning What leaders should know about teachers and the law Recruitment and training of staff Having the difficult conversation Managing critical incidents. TARGET AUDIENCE: This 3-day intensive course is deliberately placed during the July holidays to enable teachers who aspire to leadership and those currently in school leadership positions to attend. The focus is on the State and Federal Government initiatives that shape decision-making and management in schools and on areas of knowledge that one might not gain from one’s current role. Participants will have the opportunity to reflect on the multiple facets of their role as public ambassador, gatekeeper, minder, historian and general mine of information. The workshops will focus on practical strategies for improving effectiveness and satisfaction in the Personal Assistant role. There is a focus on furthering knowledge and skills as well as opportunities to share practical knowledge and tips. TARGET AUDIENCE: This program is a repeat of programs offered in 2014 and 2015 and intended participants will be school leaders who are newly appointed to their leadership roles and have yet to access the training. From 1 January 2016 all schools are required to deliver programs for the early years, birth to 8 years of age that meet the NQS. Through participation in this program, participants are provided with the tool to measure the quality of their early childhood program. • Personal Assistants to Leadership Roles Elaborate the requirements of the NQS in relation to the existing school registration process Equip school leaders with the knowledge to make fair and valid judgements against the Standard. The 2-day training program is to enable Principals and Heads of Primary to assume the responsibility for carrying out the school self-assessment process against the National Quality Standards for Education and Care (NQS). National trends, directions and funding of Independent Schools Registration Roles and responsibilities of school Boards Dilemmas of practice Building teacher capacity Protective behaviours WHEN: 26 August 2016 PRICE: M: $100 CONSULTANT: Nicola Davidson While the final program is yet to be finalised some of what we plan to cover is: • Understanding the ever-changing educational landscape - school registration, child protection, teacher registration, critical incident management • Clarifying the role - managing the relationships, communicating effectively, managing difficult conversations • Events Management - planning and preparation, tips and tricks • Enhancing your leadership skills. TARGET AUDIENCE: This 1-day program is a new course for key support people to school leadership. This program acknowledges the crucial contribution made by Personal Assistants both to the smooth running of the school and as the first public face encountered by parents and the community. Governance and Leadership 25 Half-Day Legal Seminar Creating Safer Independent Schools This session, presented by lawyers from Lavan Legal, will provide information regarding three legal topics that impact schools. Specific topics to be addressed will be determined closer to the event to ensure the most relevant issues impacting schools are covered. In previous years, the half-day Legal Seminar has included a range of topics such as: family law, occupational safety and health, redundancy procedures, The Privacy Act, Critical Incidents and reporting to DES, human resources, duty of care, and disciplinary action for staff. The training focuses on schools developing a culture of safety as a defining feature of a Child Safe Organisation. The package assists schools with mitigating risk and enhancing systemic response to inappropriate and unprofessional behaviour, and most importantly, about supporting the community to become and promote a safe environment for children. TARGET AUDIENCE: Principals and school executive staff. WHEN: 10 August 2016 WHEN: 24 May 2016 PRICE: M: $120 1 November 2016 (repeat) PRICE: M: $100 MC: $100 COURSE FACILITATORS: Lavan Legal: • Ian Curlewis, Partner • Michael Jenson, Senior Associate • Alec Weston, Associate CONSULTANT: Mick ten Haaf, Michelle Bishop, Tania Wray & Maggie Balfe This day-long seminar will cover a range of funding and financial issues that school leaders should understand. Topics covered will include: • The funding of non-Government schools by both State and Federal Governments • Understanding school finances • School budgets and financial planning • Accountability to both Governments and other organisations like Australian Charities and not-for-profits Commission • How schools plan for future growth and expansion CONSULTANT: Janet Wilmot COURSE FACILITATORS: Valerie Gould and various speakers from the Association of School Business Administrators (ASBA) 26 The recent review of the DSE found that schools require a greater understanding of effective policies and practices in relation to students with disabilities. This 1-day workshop will unpack the current legislation governing enrolling and catering for students with disabilities and learning difficulties. There will be an opportunity for participants’ questions to be answered. PRICE: M: 100 TARGET AUDIENCE: This is a new program in 2016 and has been designed to provide school leaders and those who aspire to leadership with some insight into, and knowledge of, the financial management of the school. In 2015 AITSL prepared a report, putting forward five key recommendations to improve the preparation of future school leaders. One was ensuring that aspirants receive the right sort of training at the right time. Governance and Leadership TARGET AUDIENCE: The Association of Independent Schools of New South Wales developed this comprehensive training package to assist schools in forming appropriate responses to child protection matters. This training is designed for leadership, and involves considerable case study analysis and opportunity for school plan development. It is highly recommended that several leaders, if not the whole leadership team, attend. You may also wish to consider inviting a member of the Governing Body. Disability Discrimination Act (1992) & the Disability Standards for Education (2005) Financial Management for School Leaders WHEN: 8 July 2016 Topics that are dealt with in the training include: • Child safe organisations • Legislation • Understanding child abuse • Safer recruitment in education • Developing a culture of safety, • Policy, procedures, code of conduct including values, behaviours and and professional boundaries culture • Self-audit of the cchool. WHEN: 16 June 2016 13 September 2016 (repeat) PRICE: M: $35 MC: $50 NM: $80 You Will Gain: • A greater understanding of relevant legislation • An outline of the legal framework surrounding disabilities • An enhanced understanding of the policies and procedures for students with disabilities • Information on the consultation process and resources. TARGET AUDIENCE: All CONSULTANT: Michelle Bishop, Mick ten Haaf, Tania Wray, Maggie Balfe & Claire Sly Governance and Leadership 27 Implementing Effective Documented Plans Full Fee Paying Overseas Students (FFPOS) A 2 hour workshop for developing and implementing effective documented plans. Documented plans assist both staff in making reasonable adjustments, modifications and accommodations to support students with their learning and wellbeing. This FFPOS Network Meeting has been planned to provide schools with up-to-date information regarding matters relating to the enrolment of Full Fee Paying Overseas Students in CRICOS schools as well as to provide an opportunity for open discussion, collegiality and the sharing of current practices. AISWA also invites attendees from member schools to share and present current practice with their colleagues. You Will Gain: • • • • WHEN: 16 May 2016 5 September 2016 (repeat) Resources to assist with developing and implementing documented plans Increased knowledge of professional and legal obligations in making reasonable adjustments Practical advice about writing, implementing, monitoring and reporting Examples of SMART goals. TARGET AUDIENCE: All PRICE: M: $35 MC: $50 NM: $80 Up-to-date information regarding matters relating to the enrolment and on-going requirements of Full Fee Paying Overseas Students, from AISWA Consultants and guest speakers such as Steve Page from the Department of Education Services and Bruce Needham from the Department of Immigration and Border Protection. WHEN: 10 March 2016 TARGET AUDIENCE: School Registrars PRICE: M: Free CONSULTANT: Michelle Bishop, Mick ten Haaf, Tania Wray, Maggie Balfe & Claire Sly CONSULTANT: AISWA Industrial Officer Nationally Consistent Collection of Data School Students with Disability This seminar will outline the process for schools in meeting the requirements for submission of data for Nationally Consistent Collection of Data on School Students with Disability (NCCD). This data collection agreed to by the Federal and State Ministers for Education, commenced in 2013 in a phased implementation approach, with full implementation required by all Australian schools in 2015. You Will Gain: • • • • • WHEN: 16 March 2016 PRICE: M: $35 CONSULTANT: Michelle Bishop, Mick ten Haaf, Maggie Balfe, Tania Wray & Claire Sly 28 Background knowledge about the NCCD model Guidance in collecting evidence and documentation Knowledge of the levels of adjustment and Disability Categories Guidance in how to decide categories and levels of adjustments An understanding of the expectations of the Disability Loading under the NPSI. TARGET AUDIENCE: All Governance and Leadership Governance and Leadership 29 The Melbourne Declaration (2008) drives educational outcomes Australia wide and young Australians are at the centre of its Educational Goals: Goal 1: Australian schooling promotes equity and excellence Goal 2: All young Australians become: Teaching & Learning • successful learners • confident and creative individuals • active and informed citizens. Achieving these educational goals is the collective responsibility of governments, school sectors and individual schools as well as parents and carers, young Australians, families, other education and training providers, business and the broader community. Adapted from the Melbourne Declaration (2008) English Curriculum Mark Newhouse Curriculum Manager E: [email protected] P: 9441 1639 Glenda Leslie Curriculum Consultant Science E: [email protected] P: 9441 1628 Karen LeRaye Curriculum Consultant Performing Arts E: [email protected] P: 9441 1668 Kate Reitzenstein Curriculum Consultant Languages E: [email protected] P: 9441 1605 Kristen Clapé Curriculum Consultant Health and Physical Education E: [email protected] P: 9441 1667 Maree Whiteley Curriculum Consultant Humanities and Social Sciences E: [email protected] P: 9441 1630 Ana-lisa Randall Administrative Assistant E: [email protected] P: 9441 1652 VET WACE & VET EAL/D Exam Writing Workshop (Year 11&12) Scaffolding WACE Forum Adolescent Literacy This is an opportunity for heads of VET curriculum in the senior secondary school This workshop will guide participants through the process of writing examinations for year 11 and 12 students following the EAL/D examination design brief. Attention will be given to the construction of multiple choice and short answer questions, text selection and analytical marking keys. The course provides secondary teachers with practical classroom strategies that will support their students with the reading demands necessary for them to be successful in the workforce. It takes 3 elements of the Big 6 in reading essential for adolescents: comprehension, vocabulary and oral language. WHEN: 15 February 2016 YOU WILL GAIN: • The latest research on reading improvement • Practical classroom strategies for immediate use • The Scaffolding Adolescent Literacy VET book. PRICE: M: $25 MC: $40 NM: $60 CONSULTANT: Sophia Sabatier PHASE OF SCHOOLING TARGETED: 11-12 TARGET AUDIENCE: Teachers to network, provide feedback and hear from the executives of SCSA and TISC. YOU WILL GAIN: • Answers to your questions about WACE • The latest information about what’s changing • Information about university entrance and ATAR • Updates on VET • Perspectives from other school leaders. WHEN: 14 March 2016 PRICE: M: $50 WHEN: 3 March 2016 PRESENTERS: Allan Blagaich - CEO 9 May 2016 (repeat) School Curriculum and Standards Authority (SCSA) PRICE: M: $100 MC: $120 NM: $180 Tertiary Institutions Service Centre (TISC) CONSULTANT: Christopher Witt & Di Edwards AISWA PHASE OF SCHOOLING TARGETED: (Foundation 7-10 11-12 & General) TARGET AUDIENCE: All VET Wayne Betts - Executive Officer Mark Newhouse - Manager of Curriculum Wade McLeod - VET Consultant AISWA CONSULTANT: Mark Newhouse PHASE OF SCHOOLING TARGETED: 11-12 TARGET AUDIENCE: Curriculum Leaders Teaching and Learning - Curriculum 33 Cross-Curriculum Priority Sense of Place Exploring Aboriginal (Noongar) Culture This workshop will immerse you in Noongar culture with a mix of theory and practice. The essential aspects of this cross-curriculum priority will be explored and you will learn how respect and appreciation for the natural environment has shaped Aboriginal society and their sustainable use of resources. Connecting Students to the World A whole-day workshop that provides teachers with the opportunity to share and explore curriculum resources and classroom programs that develop students’ global competence, knowledge and understanding of Asia and Australia’s engagement with Asia. Languages & Cross-Curriculum Priority Creating and Communicating in the Target Language Educator and resource developer, Nadine Fraize, presents a hands-on, interactive whole-day workshop offering a range of new ideas for the Languages classroom. With a focus on keeping students engaged and challenged, Nadine will use this year’s workshop to explore storytelling and linking learning to the cross-curriculum priorities. YOU WILL GAIN: • Access to resources that enable opportunities for students to develop global competencies and Asia capabilities • Knowledge of how to engage with ICTs to connect students and classrooms around the world • Knowledge about innovative classroom practice occurring nationally. YOU WILL GAIN: • Practical fun ideas for language learning • Examples of using a Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL) approach • Access to digital teaching and learning resources. WHEN: Kings Park, Perth - 18 March 2016 WHEN: 22 April 2016 WHEN: 25 May 2016 WA Museum, Albany - 24 March 2016 PRICE: M: $40 MC: $40 NM: $40 26 May 2016 (repeat) YOU WILL GAIN: An insight into: • The traditional Noongar way of life and their connection with the land • The importance of social structures with the community, such as cultural protocols, respect for elders and gender roles • Curriculum links and useful resources to bring Noongar culture into your classroom. PRICE: M: $50 NM: $70 CONSULTANTS: Maree Whiteley, Pat Kershaw & Roni Forrest PHASE OF SCHOOLING TARGETED: PP-2 3-6 7-10 TARGET AUDIENCE: Teachers, Curriculum Leaders, Arts Specialists 34 Asia and Australia’s Engagement CONSULTANT: Kate Reitzenstein & Maree Whiteley PHASE OF SCHOOLING TARGETED: K-2 3-6 7-10 11-12 TARGET AUDIENCE: Teachers, Curriculum Leaders, Middle Leaders, Principals Teaching and Learning - Curriculum PRICE: M: $130 MC: $160 NM: $210 CONSULTANT: Kate Reitzenstein PHASE OF SCHOOLING TARGETED: 3-6 7-10 TARGET AUDIENCE: Teachers History ICT Capability Stories of Place - Conference A conference day of maritime storytelling featuring award-winning writers and historians. Journey from geographical locations around the world to the Western Australian coast, where the past meets the present and hear stories of exploration, discovery and adventure to ignite your own sense of place and inspire your students. Learn how historical objects, questioning and research come together as our expert writers share their passion and skills. The keynote speaker will be Gary Crew. Other writers include Norman Jorgensen and Mike Lefroy. This conference day is co-sponsored by the History Teachers Association WA (HTAWA) and WA Museum (Fremantle and Shipwreck Galleries) to coincide with the 400th Anniversary of Dirk Hartog’s expedition and the 25th Anniversary Edition of Gary Crew’s Strange Objects. YOU WILL GAIN: • Knowledge of WA maritime history to enhance your own understanding and inspire your students • Practical insights into the historical inquiry process from professional historians and writers • History and Geography skills through workshop activities • The opportunity to experience a walking tour with a Fremantle historian • Access to online resources, featured publications and a meet and greet (book signing) session with the writers. WHEN:PRICE: 22 July 2016 M: $100 NM: $150 Pre-Service: $50 CONSULTANT: Maree Whiteley & Pat Kershaw PHASE OF SCHOOLING TARGETED: 4-6 7-10 TARGET AUDIENCE: Teachers The ICT General Capability Integrating Technology Purposefully The Australian Curriculum demands the integrated use of ICT across the curriculum in K-10. This workshop will familiarise attendees with the requirements of the ICT Capability; some AISWA tools designed to plan for effective and visible implementation; and resources that can be used across the curriculum. YOU WILL GAIN: • A comprehensive overview of the ICT Capability and Professional Standards – useful planning tools • Insight into ICT links across the AC subjects – where to focus attention to get best value • Knowledge of trends in ICT use and resources, examples from schools • Involvement in a discussion and planning time. WHEN: TBA - Half Day PRICE: M: $40 MC: $60 NM: $100 CONSULTANT: Jan Clarke PHASE OF SCHOOLING TARGETED: ALL TARGET AUDIENCE: All Teaching and Learning - Curriculum 35 General Capabilities English Programming and Assessment The workshop takes participants through a backward design process. This process begins with goal setting utilising the achievement standards from The Australian Curriculum. Templates, tools and strategies are provided to facilitate planning a unit of work with assessment tools embedded through the teaching and learning cycle. The context is English and literacy but is applicable in any learning area. YOU WILL GAIN: • A greater in-depth knowledge on the Australian Curriculum • An effective strategy for planning with the Australian Curriculum and curriculum mapping • The ability to collect useful assessment data on students to inform future learning goals. WHEN: TBA Students as Global Citizens This workshop will outline how to implement Project-Based Learning (PBL), through authentic tasks, to enhance students Critical thinking, Literacy, Ethical Understanding and Intercultural Understanding. Integrated units are examined where global issues in human rights and social justice are used for students to argue, using evidenced-based perspectives and producing a digital resource. YOU WILL GAIN: • Knowledge about different models of inquiry learning • A practical insight into how to implement Project-Based Learning (PBL) in your own classroom situation • A curriculum overview and how to plan using interdisciplinary links • Free, online global education resources to start your own PBL with your students. PRICE: M: $20 MC: $25 NM: $40 WHEN: TBA CONSULTANT: Christopher Witt and Di Edwards PRICE: M: $60 NM: $80 PHASE OF SCHOOLING TARGETED: CONSULTANT: Maree Whiteley & Pat Kershaw PP-2 3-6 7-10 TARGET AUDIENCE: Teachers, Curriculum Leaders, Middle Leaders 36 Taking Action PHASE OF SCHOOLING TARGETED: 5-6 7-10 TARGET AUDIENCE: Teachers, Curriculum Leaders Teaching and Learning - Curriculum English Literature Bites Free after-school workshops where highly skilled classroom teachers demonstrate approaches to introducing good literature as a vehicle for delivering engaging language, literacy and literature with a focus on the general capabilities of critical and creative thinking and ethical understandings. The sessions offer insights into applying strategies such as effective questioning. YOU WILL GAIN: • Opportunities to share units of study in primary and secondary contexts • Teacher notes associated with texts • A collection of resources to use in the classroom. WHEN: TBA PRICE: M: Free CONSULTANT: Kath Lawrence PHASE OF SCHOOLING TARGETED: 3-6 7-10 TARGET AUDIENCE: Teachers, Curriculum Leaders, Education Assistants Literacy Sophia Sabatier Literacy Coordinator E: [email protected] P: 9441 1606 Christopher Witt Literacy Consultant E: [email protected] P: 9441 1671 Di Edwards Literacy Consultant E: [email protected] P: 9441 1623 Jill Millar Literacy Consultant E: [email protected] P: 9441 1683 Kerry Handley Literacy Consultant E: [email protected] P: 9441 1660 Julie Broz Literacy Consultant & AISWA Services Coordinator E: [email protected] P: 9441 1610 Kathryn Lawrence Literacy Consultant E: [email protected] P: 9441 1669 Pat Kershaw Literacy Consultant E: [email protected] P: 9441 1637 Alyce Forbes Administrative Assistant E: [email protected] P: 9441 1617 The Essential EAL/D Exam Writing Elements of Teaching Workshop EAL/D Students (Year 11&12) This workshop is designed to outline the issues that EAL/D students face when being taught in mainstream classes. The workshop will introduce participants to strategies for inclusive and effective teaching of EAL/D students in their class. WHEN: 4 February 2016 WHEN: 15 February 2016 PRICE: M: $25 MC: $40 NM: $60 PRICE: M: $25 MC: $40 NM: $60 CONSULTANT: Sophia Sabatier PHASE OF SCHOOLING TARGETED: ALL TARGET AUDIENCE: Teachers This workshop will guide participants through the process of writing examinations for year 11 and 12 students following the EAL/D examination design brief. Attention will be given to the construction of multiple choice and short answer questions, text selection and analytical marking keys. CONSULTANT: Sophia Sabatier PHASE OF SCHOOLING TARGETED: 11-12 TARGET AUDIENCE: Teachers Secondary English Network Meetings These meetings are held once a term for English HOLAS and senior secondary teachers. They provide information, opportunities to network with other schools and to experience guest speakers with expertise in their subject content and pedagogy. YOU WILL GAIN: • Collegiality through networking • Professional development through discussion and networking • Knowledge of accepted pedagogy and practice to improve teaching and learning experiences. WHEN: 15 February, Term 2, 3 & 4 TBA PRICE: M: Varying cost depending on Speaker Approx. $80 CONSULTANT: Di Edwards PHASE OF SCHOOLING TARGETED: 11-12 TARGET AUDIENCE: Heads of Learning Area (English), Teachers The Big 6 - Critical Elements for Beginner Readers A 3-day professional learning package, spaced across the term, to support teachers from Kindergarten to Year 2 in the explicit teaching of reading. Learn the theory, developmental progressions and explore practical activities to support the development of oral language, phonemic awareness, phonics, fluency, vocabulary and comprehension. YOU WILL GAIN: • Latest research into the Big 6 – elements • An understanding of the progressions of each element • Examples of practical activities • A ‘how to’ on fitting it all into daily routines • Assessment criteria for the Big 6 Elements. WHEN: 22 February, 16 March & 30 March 2016 PRICE: M: $195 MC: $250 NM: $325 CONSULTANT: Julie Broz PHASE OF SCHOOLING TARGETED: K-2 TARGET AUDIENCE: Teachers, Curriculum Leaders 38 Teaching and Learning - Literacy Igniting High Order Thinking Reading (H.O.T. Readers) A 2-day research-based workshop which provides engaging activities to support students to think beyond the literal level to inferential and evaluative levels of comprehension using Visible Thinking frameworks. Time will be dedicated to exploring the concepts of questioning, inferring, synthesising and evaluating. YOU WILL GAIN: • Practical activities to teach deeper thinking based on the 4 main comprehension strategies • A knowledge of how to co-design learning intentions and successful criteria • A collection of resources to use in the classroom. WHEN: Term 1: 23 February & 14 March Term 2: 10 May & 26 May (repeat) Term 3: 11 August & 30 August (repeat) Term 4: 18 October & 10 November (repeat) PRICE: M: $150 MC: $200 NM: $250 CONSULTANT: Kath Lawrence, Jill Millar & Julie Broz Scaffolding Adolescent Literacy The course provides middle years and secondary teachers with practical classroom strategies that will support their students with the reading demands of their learning area. It takes 3 elements of the Big 6 in reading essential for adolescents: comprehension, vocabulary and oral language. YOU WILL GAIN: • The latest research on reading improvement • Practical classroom strategies for immediate use • The Scaffolding Adolescent Literacy book. WHEN: 24 February 2016 PRICE: M: $100 MC: $120 NM: $180 CONSULTANT: Christopher Witt and Di Edwards PHASE OF SCHOOLING TARGETED: 7-10 11-12 TARGET AUDIENCE: All PHASE OF SCHOOLING TARGETED: 3-6 7-10 TARGET AUDIENCE: Teachers, Curriculum Leaders, Education Assistants Teaching and Learning - Literacy 39 Scaffolding Adolescent Literacy VET EAL/D Resources Where are they and how do I use them? The course provides secondary teachers with practical classroom strategies that will support their students with the reading demands necessary for them to be successful in the workforce. It takes 3 elements of the Big 6 in reading essential for adolescents: comprehension, vocabulary and oral language. Teaching students for whom English is an Additional Language or Dialect (EAL/D) can be challenging for teachers. These workshops are aimed to address some of the key concerns teachers have and provide ideas and resources for assisting EAL/D students to meet the content demands of the Australian Curriculum. YOU WILL GAIN: • The latest research on reading improvement • Practical classroom strategies for immediate use • The Scaffolding Adolescent Literacy VET book. YOU WILL GAIN: • Ideas and resources to meet the demands of EAL/D students. • Knowledge of outside agencies for EAL/D students • The latest information about resources available. WHEN: 29 February 2016 WHEN: 3 March 2016 WHEN: 4 March 2016 PRICE: M: $80 MC: $100 NM: $140 9 May 2016 (repeat) PRICE: M: $25 MC: $40 NM: $60 CARE School Literacy Scaffolding Adolescent Writing Network Meetings These meetings are held once a term for the literacy teachers at the CARE schools to provide the time for them to network, not only about the literacy demands of their very challenging students but also the social, emotional and behavioural issues they face every day. YOU WILL GAIN: • Collegiality through networking • A shared pool of resources • The opportunity to share ideas regarding social, emotional and behavioural issues. WHEN: 26 February 2016 1 April 2016 PRICE: M: Free CONSULTANT: Di Edwards PHASE OF SCHOOLING TARGETED: 10 11-12 TARGET AUDIENCE: Teachers The course provides middle years and secondary teachers with practical classroom strategies that will support their students to create quality texts and become better communicators. The program takes participants through the Gradual Release of Responsibility model that scaffolds the learning for students. YOU WILL GAIN: • The latest research on writing improvement in secondary classrooms • Practical classroom strategies for use across all learning areas and a range of genres • The Scaffolding Adolescent Writing book. CONSULTANT: Christopher Witt and Di Edwards PHASE OF SCHOOLING TARGETED: 7-10 11-12 TARGET AUDIENCE: All PRICE: M: $100 MC: $120 NM: $180 CONSULTANT: Christopher Witt & Di Edwards PHASE OF SCHOOLING TARGETED: (Foundation 7-10 11-12 & General) TARGET AUDIENCE: All VET CONSULTANT: Sophia Sabatier PHASE OF SCHOOLING TARGETED: ALL TARGET AUDIENCE: Teachers Creative and Critical Thinking and Ethical Understandings through Literature This bookclub project is designed to help students become more critical and creative readers. With a focus on how we can help them to question and make critical responses, the project explores how literature can help them grow, behave and take action in their lives out of school as responsible and active citizens. YOU WILL GAIN: • A collection of resources of quality literature to use in the classroom • An understanding of a wide repertoire of meaning making strategies for student use • Understandings of how to foster a community of learners. This is likely to be the last time PALL is offered by AISWA. YOU WILL GAIN: • A blueprint for leading literacy • Tools and research on effective intervention methods • Knowledge in literacy (reading) research • Tools and documents for whole school data collection • Collegial support. WHEN: 21 & 22 March, 3 June, 19 August & 4 November 2016 PRICE: M: $1200 MC: $1500 NM: $2400 4 August, 1 Sept, 29 Sept 2016 (repeat) CONSULTANT: Christ Witt & Sophia Sabatier PRICE: M: $130 MC: $170 NM: $250 CONSULTANT: Kath Lawrence & Di Edwards PRESENTERS: Tony Townsend, Griffith University & Anne Bayetto, Flinders University PHASE OF SCHOOLING TARGETED: PHASE OF SCHOOLING TARGETED: 7-10 TARGET AUDIENCE: Teachers, Curriculum Leaders, Education Assistants Teaching and Learning - Literacy A comprehensive, research-based programme that was developed to assist Principals and literacy leaders to develop knowledge, skills and tools to positively improve teaching and learning in literacy across the school. WHEN: 17 March, 12 May & 16 June 2016 3-6 40 Principals as Literacy Leaders (PALL) ALL TARGET AUDIENCE: Principals, Teachers, Curriculum Leaders Teaching and Learning - Literacy 41 Sharp Reading: Meeting needs and making reading manageable Sharp Reading has been developed by Hilton Ayrey and Brian Parker who are teachers and teacher trainers from Christchurch, New Zealand. Sharp Reading is based on the most up to date research in literacy and is the culmination of 10 years of action research at the New Zealand Graduate School of Education, including ongoing engagement with schools. Workshop Focus: Sharp Reading, Stage 1&2, Decoding Strategy Instruction (K-3) 21 March 2016 Set students up for success through simple routines that embed mental strategies for decoding text. Through supporting meaning and scaffolding the skills for word attack, students internalise strong, transferrable strategies to decode text across contexts. Workshop Focus: Sharp Reading, Stage 3, Comprehension Strategy Instruction (Years 3-10) 22 March 2016 Whether working one-to-one, in small groups, or with the whole class, this approach to reading comprehension instruction is simple and effective. Comprehending at a sentence level engages students in active reading and deepens their understanding of the text, motivating them to practise the reading strategies they need to succeed. Workshop Focus: Sharp Reading, Stages 4-5, Comprehending for deeper understanding with ‘The Deep Five’ routine (Years 3 – 10). As students progress through school, they encounter increasingly complex texts providing challenges for both students and teachers. Remove the risk, focus the Stage 3 strategy, and add deep comprehension strategies to sentence level comprehension, developing students’ ability to analyse and think critically about the text. A pre-requisite for Stages 4-5 workshop is the Stage 3 workshop. Workshop Focus: Sharp Reading, Struggling Older Reader + SevenPlus (Years 3-10) Learn to use simple scaffolds to build independence in decoding and comprehension skills. Students who are struggling to cope with increasingly demanding levels of text as they progress through primary and into high school, will benefit from this intervention routine. YOU WILL GAIN: • An understanding of how to explicitly teach reading through Guided Reading • Routines for each stage of reading • Support materials • Access to online tutorials • Assessment templates to track individual students. WHEN: Decoding Strategy Instruction (K-3): 21 March 2016 Comprehension Strategy Instruction (3-10): 22 March 2016 Other dates offered throughout Semester 1, 2016 How Language Works Teaching ESL Students - Mainstream Success in literacy and learning is a comprehensive and innovative PL program for educators seeking to extend their understandings about language and literacy. YOU WILL GAIN: • An understanding of the workings of the language system explicit in constructing knowledge across all learning areas • A comprehension of the patterned ways meanings are made within and across genres • An understanding and use of the differences between spoken and written language, both as a teaching and a learning tool • The ability to assess language explicitly and efficiently • Assistance in promoting a teaching and learning cycle that provides opportunities for an explicit focus on language. PRICE: M:100 $ MC: $120 NM: $140 WHEN: 6 April, 12 May, 27 May, 13 June & 30 June 2016 CONSULTANT: Jill Millar, Kerry Handley & Chris Witt PRICE: M: $450 MC: $600 NM: $900 PHASE OF SCHOOLING TARGETED: CONSULTANT: Sophia Sabatier & Pat Kershaw K-2 3-6 7-10 TARGET AUDIENCE: Teachers PHASE OF SCHOOLING TARGETED: ALL Classrooms Language in learning across the curriculum is an innovative professional development program for all teachers working with students who are learning through a language that is not their primary language. YOU WILL GAIN: • An understanding of the languagerelated needs of ESL students and develop teaching practices in a holistic and explicit manner • Teacher awareness of how to accommodate the cultural and linguistic diversity and experiences of ESL students • An opportunity to develop collaborative working relationships. WHEN: 28 April, 6 May, 23 May, 10 June & 24 June 2016 Speaking and Listening in the Classroom Research tells us that we need to ‘talk our way into understanding’. A focus on listening and speaking improves reading and writing. This workshop will look at how to purposefully integrate speaking and listening into classroom activities across curriculum areas. WHEN: 5 May 2016 PRICE: M: $25 MC: $40 NM: $60 CONSULTANT: Sophia Sabatier PHASE OF SCHOOLING TARGETED: ALL TARGET AUDIENCE: Teachers PRICE: M: $300 MC: $450 NM: $550 CONSULTANT: Sophia Sabatier PHASE OF SCHOOLING TARGETED: ALL TARGET AUDIENCE: Teachers TARGET AUDIENCE: Teachers 42 Teaching and Learning - Literacy Teaching and Learning - Literacy 43 Crash Course in Grammar This course explores strategies teachers can use with students to develop their understanding of how language is used across learning areas and will support teachers to meet the general capability of literacy across the curriculum in the Australian Curriculum. Knowledge and activities are drawn from courses such as How Language Works (DECS SA, 2011) and Teaching ESL Students in Mainstream classrooms (DECS SA, 2007). YOU WILL GAIN: A range of activities and games that: • Introduce functional grammar • Explore language in different genres (text types) • Improve students’ academic writing and comprehension of classroom texts. Vocabulary Their Way Words Their Way Literature Bites Narrative Writing Persuasive Writing This workshop will cover the three levels of vocabulary development for students and practical strategies to ensure that they develop the vocabulary necessary for success in upper primary and senior school. Free after-school workshops where highly skilled classroom teachers demonstrate approaches to introducing good literature as a vehicle for delivering engaging language, literacy and literature with a focus on the General Capabilities of Critical and Creative Thinking and Ethical Understandings. Do your students know how to bring a story to life? This 1-day workshop explores strategies that will support students to develop writing skills to enable them to become “confident communicators, imaginative thinkers and informed citizens” (ACARA, 2013). Do your students know how to disagree but don’t know how to convince someone of their point of view? This 1-day workshop explores strategies that will support students to develop writing skills to enable them to become “confident communicators, imaginative thinkers and informed citizens” (ACARA, 2013). The sessions offer insights into applying strategies such as effective questioning. YOU WILL GAIN: • Knowledge about the structural and language features of narrative text, including an in-depth breakdown of the phases of a narrative text • A range of ideas for developing character, setting and mood • An understanding of the demands of writing as examined in the Australian Curriculum and in NAPLAN • Ideas for games and resources that can be adapted to suit students from different year levels. WHEN: 20 May 2016 PRICE: M: $70 MC: $140 NM: $160 CONSULTANT: Sophia Sabatier PHASE OF SCHOOLING TARGETED: 5-6 7-10 TARGET AUDIENCE: Teachers PRICE: M: $70 MC: $140 NM: $160 CONSULTANT: Sophia Sabatier PHASE OF SCHOOLING TARGETED: 7-10 TARGET AUDIENCE: Teachers PRICE: M: $30 MC: $45 NM: $65 YOU WILL GAIN: • Opportunities to share units of study in primary and secondary contexts • Teacher notes associated with texts • A collection of resources to use in the classroom. WHEN: TBA PRICE: M: Free CONSULTANT: Kath Lawrence PHASE OF SCHOOLING TARGETED: 3-6 CONSULTANT: Pat Kershaw & Sophia Sabatier PHASE OF SCHOOLING TARGETED: 7-10 TARGET AUDIENCE: Teachers, Curriculum Leaders, Middle Leaders 44 WHEN: 17 June 2016 5-6 WHEN: 13 May 2016 3-6 This course will outline the spelling programme Words Their Way that was created in the USA by four academics and which has been adapted by Pearson Publishing for Australian sounds, spellings and curriculum demands. It is based around the Confucius idea “I see and I forget. I hear and I remember. I do and I understand”. Participants will learn about the developmental nature of spelling, how to implement an ‘inventory’ and then, if they choose, stay to create some resources. Teaching and Learning - Literacy 7-10 TARGET AUDIENCE: Teachers, Curriculum Leaders, Education Assistants WHEN: TBA PRICE: M: $30 MC: $45 NM: $65 CONSULTANT: Pat Kershaw PHASE OF SCHOOLING TARGETED: 3-6 7-9 TARGET AUDIENCE: Teachers, Curriculum Leaders YOU WILL GAIN: • Knowledge about the structural and language features of persuasive/ argumentative text, including an indepth breakdown of the phases of a persuasive text • An understanding of the demands of writing as examined in the Australian Curriculum and in NAPLAN • A range of persuasive devices for emotive and logical writing, which will be explored through a variety of resources • Ideas for games and resources that can be adapted to suit students from different year levels. WHEN: TBA PRICE: M: $30 MC: $45 NM: $65 CONSULTANT: Pat Kershaw PHASE OF SCHOOLING TARGETED: 3-6 7-9 TARGET AUDIENCE: Teachers, Curriculum Leaders Teaching and Learning - Literacy 45 AISWA School Workshops: Check the Clues Numeracy David Dunstan Numeracy Coordinator E: [email protected] P: 9441 1681 Peter Farmer Numeracy, NAPLAN and Data Consultant E: [email protected] P: 9441 1678 Kristin Humphreys Numeracy Consultant Hayley Miller E: [email protected] Administrative Assistant P: 9441 1673 E: [email protected] P: 9441 1625 Kim McHugh Numeracy Consultant E: [email protected] P: 9441 1682 During this 45 minute workshop you will sort clue cards in groups to solve a common problem. This cooperative learning strategy will focus on the language of maths. The card format helps to reduce the literary demands for word problems. The tasks are linked to the Australian Curriculum content descriptors and the proficiencies of problem solving and reasoning. YOU WILL GAIN: • Hands-on experience in using the ‘Check the Clues’ cooperative learning pedagogy • A free copy of both the ‘Check the Clues’ books. WHEN: School Request PRICE: Free AISWA School Workshop Money Smart Teaching Playing with Place Value ASIC’s 60 minute MoneySmart Teaching workshop provides educators with the knowledge, skills, strategies and teaching materials to teach consumer and financial literacy - a core life skill. There are modules for both primary and secondary educators. The modules are free and provide interactive professional learning and feature expert interviews, case studies in schools, and scenarios. Place value is one of the big ideas in mathematics which needs to be understood well. In this hands-on workshop we will play with a variety of materials that will develop a better understanding of the aspects of place value and the difference between an additive and multiplicative place value task. YOU WILL GAIN: • Awareness of the many teacher resources and units of work that are available in the MoneySmart website • Units of work for Maths, Science and English • An opportunity to build both personal and professional financial literacy capacities. A Place Value Year Planner will be used by participants to map their place value journey. YOU WILL GAIN: • A complete Place Value Year Planner set • A ‘Playing with Place Value’ book and some place value materials • A menu of activities that can be readily used in the classroom. CONSULTANT: David Dunstan WHEN: School Request WHEN: School Request PHASE OF SCHOOLING TARGETED: PRICE: Free AISWA School Workshop PRICE: Free AISWA School Workshop CONSULTANT: David Dunstan CONSULTANT: David Dunstan PHASE OF SCHOOLING TARGETED: PHASE OF SCHOOLING TARGETED: PP-2 3-6 7-8 TARGET AUDIENCE: Teachers, Curriculum Leaders ALL TARGET AUDIENCE: Teachers 1-2 3-6 7-8 TARGET AUDIENCE: Teachers. Curriculum Leaders Teaching and Learning - Numeracy 47 AISWA School Workshops: Exploring Fraction and Decimal Activities Linked to the Australian Curriculum Participants will use a variety of materials to develop fraction and decimal understandings that are linked to the Australian Curriculum. Exploring constructs, such as fractions as an operator, will help to build participant content knowledge. YOU WILL GAIN: • Experience of hands-on activities that will include paper folding to build fraction walls • Knowledge of using number lines to build fraction estimation skills • A comprehension of connecting fractions and decimals using cards and card sorts • A copy of “Revealing What Students Think – Diagnostic Task for Fractional Numbers”. Mathematics Teaching, Principles, Pedagogy, Engaging Students in Proficiencies, Plenaries Problem Solving and & Problem Solving Reasoning Tasks Participants will solve open-ended problems, engage in contextual mathematical tasks and get immersed in KenKen to connect with the Australian Curriculum proficiencies. YOU WILL GAIN: • Hands-on activities that can be readily used and differentiated for classroom use • A greater awareness for the problem solving and reasoning proficiencies • Quality tasks that are both engaging and fun. WHEN: School Request PRICE: Free AISWA School Workshop This workshop focuses on teachers using a range of quality tasks that action the Australian Curriculum proficiencies of fluency, problem solving and reasoning. Teachers will build an awareness for sound mathematics teaching principles. As a result of this hands-on workshop, it is hoped that effective mathematics practices will take place in the classroom. YOU WILL GAIN: • A variety of plenary activities that can be incorporated into the mathematics lesson structure • A greater understanding for the AC proficiencies using a cooperative learning approach • A “Check the Clues” book and “Ten Minutes Tops” CD valued at $50. These meetings are held once a term for the numeracy teachers at the CARE schools to provide the time for them to network, not only about the subject demands of their very challenging students but also the social, emotional and behavioural issues they face every day. YOU WILL GAIN: • Collegiality through networking • An opportunity to share of resources • A change to share ideas regarding social, emotional and behavioural issues. WHEN: 18 February 2016 30 March 2016 PRICE: Free CONSULTANT: David Dunstan WHEN: 16 February 2016 CONSULTANT: Di Edwards CONSULTANT: David Dunstan PHASE OF SCHOOLING TARGETED: PRICE: M: $90 MC: $120 NM: $150 PHASE OF SCHOOLING TARGETED: PHASE OF SCHOOLING TARGETED: TARGET AUDIENCE: Teachers, Curriculum Leaders CONSULTANT: David Dunstan & Kristin Humphreys TARGET AUDIENCE: Numeracy Teachers 1-2 PP-2 3-6 3-6 7-10 TARGET AUDIENCE: Teachers, Curriculum Leaders PHASE OF SCHOOLING TARGETED: PP-2 3 TARGET AUDIENCE: Teachers 48 CARE School Numeracy Network Meetings Teaching and Learning - Numeracy 7-10 11-12 Principals as Numeracy Leaders (PANL) PANL is a comprehensive leading numeracy project delivered by AISWA consultants to assist Principals/school leaders develop knowledge and skills to positively alter teaching and learning in numeracy. Participants are guided through the four professional development modules listed below. YOU WILL GAIN: • A potential lift in whole school performance in numeracy • Smart Tools • Enhancement of school leaders’ and teachers’ knowledge of essential early number content and leading change practices • Assistance with the design of whole school planning for numeracy intervention and improvement, based on quality evidence gathering and interrogation. WHEN: 22 February , 23 February, 30 March & 27 May 2016 PRICE: M: $1,200 per school for 2-3 participants CONSULTANT: David Dunstan & Peter Farmer PHASE OF SCHOOLING TARGETED: PP-2 3-6 TARGET AUDIENCE: Principals as Numeracy Leaders to Leading Engaging Numeracy Interventions This 1-day PANL ‘refresher’ workshop will address what we have learned from five years of PANL. There will be a focus on the language and literacies of mathematics, mental computation and a menu approach to developing place value understandings. YOU WILL GAIN: • A review of the modified trajectories • An introduction to some new trajectories • Processes to help teachers own the data. (Disciplined Dialogue and a brief 2015 NAPLAN overview) • An improved management of numeracy interventions. WHEN: 25 February 2016 PRICE: M: $110 for the first participant and $90 for each additional participant CONSULTANT: David Dunstan PHASE OF SCHOOLING TARGETED: ALL TARGET AUDIENCE: Principals, Curriculum Leaders Teaching and Learning - Numeracy 49 National Assessment Developing a Whole School Approach to Mental Computation Fractions: Making This 2-day workshop will reveal a model for mental computation, with a focus on estimation and number sense understandings for developing a whole school approach to mental computation. The following mental computation components will be addressed: • Working memory • Properties of number • Place value • Disposition • Tools • Maths language. The focus of the project will be on developing a culture of PL through teacher activated research, implementation and reflection. This PL will be shaped by teachers as they reflect and determine their needs to build their capacity to effectively teach mathematics in the context of fractions. The format of ‘teachers as researchers’ will be designed to empower teachers in the teaching of mathematics. YOU WILL GAIN: • An understanding of using basic facts and mental strategies in developing fluency • An understanding the importance of maths language and number properties. WHEN: 26 February & 13 May 2016 PRICE: M: $110 for the first participant & $90 for each additional participant per day CONSULTANT: David Dunstan PHASE OF SCHOOLING TARGETED: ALL TARGET AUDIENCE: Teachers, Curriculum Leaders 50 Understanding the Common Denominator YOU WILL GAIN: • A variety of quality fraction tasks that can be used in the classroom • An opportunity to assess the students’ understanding of fractions • Networking opportunities with colleagues to potentially develop units of work for fractions. WHEN: 11 March, 20 May & TBC for term 3, 2016 PRICE: M: Free + relief payment up to $200 per person per day Playing with Place Value Place value is one of the big ideas in mathematics which needs to be understood well. In this hands-on workshop we will play with a variety of materials that will develop a better understanding of the aspects of place value and the difference between an additive and multiplicative place value task. A Place Value Year Planner will be used by participants to map their place value journey. PHASE OF SCHOOLING TARGETED: PRICE: M: $100 MC: $120 NM: $150 TARGET AUDIENCE: Teachers CONSULTANT: David Dunstan TARGET AUDIENCE: Teachers, Curriculum Leaders Teaching and Learning - Numeracy This 4-day workshop focuses on ‘what does early numeracy look like in the Australian Curriculum?’ WHEN: 21 March 2016 PHASE OF SCHOOLING TARGETED: TARGET AUDIENCE: Teachers, Curriculum Leaders EAL/D students are often very competent in mathematics, but their ability to understand the language that expresses the algorithms might not be sufficiently developed for them to understand what is required. This workshop aims to develop teachers’ awareness of the language that is used and to provide some strategies for enabling EAL/D students to have greater access to mathematics. WHEN: 24 March 2016 PHASE OF SCHOOLING TARGETED: 3-6 Essential Elements of Early Numeracy (EEEN) YOU WILL GAIN: • A complete Place Value Year Planner set • A ‘Playing with Place Value’ book and some place value materials • A menu of activities that can be readily used in the classroom. CONSULTANT: David Dunstan 1-2 EAL/D Students and the ‘Language’ of Maths 1-2 3-6 7-8 PRICE: M: $25 MC: $40 NM: $60 CONSULTANT: Sophia Sabatier ALL The workshops will be a handson exploration in an open, friendly environment. You will walk away with a collection of mathematical resources ready to use in the classroom. Valuate This 2 hour, in-school workshop is designed to help schools use NAPLAN data to improve student learning. Most useful for leaders responsible for student academic improvement and data management as well as for teachers to use NAPLAN data to inform their teaching. YOU WILL GAIN: • Solid early numeracy foundations that are essential for children’s later mathematical understandings • Knowledge to effectively implement diagnostic tasks and tools • Differentiation strategies to cater for the needs of every student • Hands-on math activities designed to engage and challenge young learners. YOU WILL GAIN: Processes to: • Analyse data to improve quality teaching and learning • Improve whole school planning • Target outcomes for cohort and individual students • Map and audit curriculum documents • Link school-based assessments data • Analyse school performance over time. WHEN: 1 & 2 March, 5 April & 10 May 2016 WHEN: School Request PRICE: M: $400 MC: $600 NM: $800 PRICE: Free AISWA School Workshop CONSULTANT: Kristin Humphreys & Anne Hey CONSULTANT: Peter Farmer PHASE OF SCHOOLING TARGETED: PHASE OF SCHOOLING TARGETED: PP-2 3 TARGET AUDIENCE: Teachers K-2 3-6 7-10 TARGET AUDIENCE: Principals, Leaders, Teachers 51 Early Childhood Wendy Gorman Early Childhood Coordinator E: [email protected] P: 9441 1641 Anne Hey Early Childhood Consultant E: [email protected] P: 9441 1680 Rebecca Duncan Early Childhood Consultant E: [email protected] P: 9441 1648 Samantha Wynne Early Childhood Consultant E: [email protected] Anne Crawford Administrative Assistant E: [email protected] P: 9441 1626 Hayley Miller Administrative Assistant E: [email protected] P: 9441 1625 Essential Elements of Early Numeracy (EEEN) This 4-day workshop focuses on ‘what does early numeracy look like in the Australian Curriculum?’ The workshops will be a handson exploration in an open, friendly environment. You will walk away with a collection of mathematical resources ready to use in the classroom. YOU WILL GAIN: • Solid early numeracy foundations that are essential for children’s later mathematical understandings • Knowledge to effectively implement diagnostic tasks and tools • Differentiation strategies to cater for the needs of every student • Hands-on math activities designed to engage and challenge young learners. WHEN: 1 & 2 March, 5 April & 10 May 2016 PRICE: M: $400 MC: $600 NM: $800 Early Years Learning Framework for Pre-Kindergarten to Pre-Primary Educators This is a repeat of AISWA’s EYLF sessions for PK to PP educators held between 2011-2015. This 2-day, intensive course will only be offered once in 2016. Supporting PK to PP teachers and early childhood leaders to deepen their understanding of early childhood pedagogies and the Early Years Learning Framework. YOU WILL GAIN: • A deeper understanding of EYLF and early childhood pedagogies • Experience of practical activities, discussion, reflective practice • A shared pool of real-life examples from classrooms • The chance to participate in practical activities, discussion & reflective practice. WHEN: 3 March & 12 May 2016 PRICE: M: $220 MC: $320 NM: $370 CONSULTANT: Kristin Humphreys & Anne Hey PHASE OF SCHOOLING TARGETED: CONSULTANT: Rebecca Duncan PP-2 PHASE OF SCHOOLING TARGETED: 3 TARGET AUDIENCE: Teachers PreK K-PP TARGET AUDIENCE: Teachers, Curriculum Leaders Going Deeper: Pedagogical Documentation This workshop is aimed at educators already familiar with using documentation as a tool for making visible the thinking and learning of young children. It will explore the pedagogy of documentation as a means of negotiating the curriculum with children, a way to foster the process of learning and as a tool for assessment. YOU WILL GAIN: An understanding of: • Pedagogy of documentation • How to use documentation as part of the planning process and as assessment for learning • How and what to document • The role of teacher as researcher in documentation • Different types of documentation. WHEN: 8 March 2016 PRICE: M: $50 MC: $150 NM: $200 CONSULTANT: Samantha Wynne PHASE OF SCHOOLING TARGETED: PreK K-2 TARGET AUDIENCE: Teachers, Curriculum Leaders Teaching and Learning - Early Childhood 53 Little Scientist Workshop - Air Module 2: Air The core approach of the Little Scientists approach is the learning and research undertaken by the children and the adult involvement in supporting the children’s inquiry. This workshop will reflect on the successes and challenges of implementation of the Little Scientist approach. Please make sure you have attended Module 1: ‘Water’ before you attend Module 2: Air. YOU WILL GAIN: • Scientific knowledge about air phenomena • Different ways of formulating questions and how this can lead to different investigations • Little Scientist resources to support implementation. WHEN: 9 March 2016 10 March 2016 (repeat) 18 May 2016 (repeat) 27 July 2016 (repeat) PRICE: M: $50 MC: $195 NM: $250 CONSULTANT: Wendy Gorman & Glenda Leslie PHASE OF SCHOOLING TARGETED: PreK-K TARGET AUDIENCE: Teachers, Education Assistants 54 Pedagogical Leadership in Early Childhood Little Scientist Workshop - Water Consulting with Children Module 1: Water Talking and Thinking Floorbooks Benefit Risk Analysis Supporting risky activities outside and beyond the gate The Little Scientists initiative encourages and enables qualified educators to actively include scientific, mathematical and technical content in Kindergarten and Pre-kindergarten classrooms. The Little Scientist program is run under licence from FROEBEL Australia Limited and in cooperation with the German “Little Scientists’ House” Foundation Clare Warden developed Talking and Thinking Floorbooks as a way of increasing children’s oracy and as a way for children to document their learning. Teachers use the Floorbooks as part of their reflection on the children’s learning and as a planning tool for future. This course will introduce you to Floorbooks, Talking Tubs and Thinking Trees. This is a Clare Warden endorsed course. Benefit Risk training supports educators in creating a positive learning environment that enables children to thrive. This course will demonstrate how educators can support children to be self-risk assessors who are resilient and thoughtful about their own personal safety and can make choices. YOU WILL GAIN: • Building a supportive, empowering ELC culture • Development of a collective vision • Help with supporting educators with pedagogical change • Ideas for strengthening connections with families and community • Connections with some elements in National Quality Standard QA 6 & 7. YOU WILL GAIN: • Conceptual understanding of the properties of water • Reinforcement of the pedagogical approach of inquiry learning • Simple ways to increase the provision of science in your classroom • Little Scientist resources to support implementation. WHEN: 16 March 2016 WHEN: 23 March 2016 11 May 2016 (repeat) YOU WILL GAIN: • Knowledge of how to implement Floorbooks into your day • A way of being responsive to children’s ideas and voice • A planning and recording methodology to support Nature Pedagogy • Stories from classroom practitioners in how they use Floorbooks in their classroom. YOU WILL GAIN: • The latest research on the importance of risk in a child’s development • An understanding of hazards, risk and challenge • Processes to conduct a benefit risk analysis • A Benefit Risk Analysis template • The change to participate in a number of risky activities such as fire lighting, whittling and bush craft. Kirsty Liljegren is Director of the ELC at Cornish College (Vic), internationally renowned as a centre for excellence. Hear about Kirsty’s journey as an EC leader, how she has fostered an empowering ELC culture of professional debate, dialogue, and ongoing learning and inquiry. Development of a collective vision, support of change processes and pedagogical transformation. PRICE: M: $120 MC: $160 NM: $200 CONSULTANT: Rebecca Duncan PRESENTER: Kirsty Liljegre (VIC) PRICE: M: $140 MC: $200 NM: $200 CONSULTANT: Wendy Gorman & Glenda Leslie CONSULTANT: Wendy Gorman & Samantha Wynne PHASE OF SCHOOLING TARGETED: PHASE OF SCHOOLING TARGETED: PreK-K PreK TARGET AUDIENCE: Teachers, Education Assistants TARGET AUDIENCE: Curriculum Leaders, Middle Leaders WHEN: 31 March 2016 PRICE: M: $50 MC: $195 NM: $250 PHASE OF SCHOOLING TARGETED: K-2 WHEN: 18 March 2016 Teaching and Learning - Early Childhood This is a Clare Warden endorsed course. K-2 TARGET AUDIENCE: Teachers, Curriculum Leaders, Education Assistants PRICE: M: $140 MC: $200 NM: $200 CONSULTANT: Wendy Gorman & Maria Marsh PHASE OF SCHOOLING TARGETED: K-2 Fairytime Nature Pedagogy: Theory and Practice Through the experience of building fairy houses participants will be introduced to components of Nature Pedagogy. The day will include Talking Thinking Floorbooks, Benefit Risk Analysis, links to the curriculum and ideas for linking your indoor, outdoor and beyond spaces. YOU WILL GAIN: • An understanding of Nature Pedagogy • A chance to participate in hands-on experiences outdoors • The development of practical skills to teach to students • Ideas to develop a unit of work in your outdoor space • Motivation to ignite your creative domain. WHEN: 3 May 2016 PRICE: M: $50 MC: $195 NM: $250 CONSULTANT: Wendy Gorman PHASE OF SCHOOLING TARGETED: PreK K-2 TARGET AUDIENCE: Education Assistants TARGET AUDIENCE: Teachers, Education Assistants Teaching and Learning - Early Childhood 55 Early Years Learning Early Years Learning Framework for Yr 1 & 2 Framework for Education Assistants This is a repeat of AISWA’s Connecting the EYLF and Australian Curriculum for Yr 1 & 2 educators held between 2014-15. Will only be offered once in 2016. This intensive workshop is designed to support Yr 1 & 2 teachers to make connections between the EYLF and WA Curriculum, whilst demonstrating potential ways to address Quality Area 1 of the National Quality Standard. Deepens understandings of early childhood pedagogies for the first years of schooling. YOU WILL GAIN: • A deeper understanding of EYLF and EC pedagogies in Yr 1 & 2 • Connections between the EYLF and Western Australian Curriculum • The chance to participate in practical activities, discussion & reflective practice. WHEN: 19 May & 28 July 2016 PRICE: M: $120 MC: $170 NM: $320 CONSULTANT: Rebecca Duncan PHASE OF SCHOOLING TARGETED: 1-2 TARGET AUDIENCE: Teachers, Curriculum Leaders 56 The NQS and EYLF define all early childhood practitioners who work directly with children in early childhood settings as ‘educators’. This encompassing view endorses the important role Education Assistants (EA) play in providing quality education to young children. This workshop is specifically targeted to support EAs to implement the EYLF. YOU WILL GAIN: • A deeper understanding of the EYLF • An understanding of the EA roles as ‘educators’ • An opportunity to explore areas of the EYLF (relationships with children, learning through play, intentional teaching strategies, learning environments) • The chance to participate in practical activities, discussion & reflective practice. WHEN: 2 June 2016 PRICE: M: $60 CONSULTANT: Rebecca Duncan PHASE OF SCHOOLING TARGETED: PreK K-2 TARGET AUDIENCE: Education Assistants Creating a Statement of Our Philosophy for Early Childhood A 1-day PL to examine what you believe and how this is visible in practice in your early childhood years, an important starting point for Quality Improvement in the early years. YOU WILL GAIN: • An understanding of a range of evidence based theories and how they relate to education practice • A chance to develop thinking through robust discussion with participants • Strategies to use with school based teams to construct a personalised philosophy statement • The opportunity to draft a statement of philosophy personal to your school. Getting Started with Inquiry in PP-2 Kath Murdoch, an internationally renowned consultant and author in the field of inquiry-based learning, will lead this 3-day workshop. Designed to support PP-2 educators who are new to, or in the early stages of, teaching in inquiry-driven ways. YOU WILL GAIN: • An understanding of the essential elements of an inquiry-based approach • Assistance in promoting teaching with an inquiry mindset • A shared pool of examples from real classrooms • The chance to participate in practical activities, discussion & reflective practice. Planning Journeys of Inquiry in the Early Years Early Years Learning Framework Modules In-school workshops Kath Murdoch, an internationally renowned consultant and author in the field of inquiry-based learning, will lead this 1-day workshop. Explore a model for planning and teaching inquiry that builds students’ understandings and interdisciplinary skills. Reflect on your own planning and enhance the quality of units of inquiry planned for students. Schools that are unable to send an entire early childhood team to our 2-day EYLF professional learning sessions may like to consider a series of EYLF modules, which can be run over a full day or after school. These sessions are largely offered at no cost to member schools, but are subject to the availability of our consultants. Depending on numbers, schools may be asked to join with others. WHEN: 23 June, 24 June & 13 October 2016 EOI have now closed. Should you wish to waitlist for this PL, please contact Rebecca Duncan [email protected] YOU WILL GAIN: Practical examples will be shared and the following questions explored: • How can I find out what students already think and feel about a concept? • How can I gather and use students’ questions in productive ways? • How do I best support students in independent inquiry? • How can I assist students to demonstrate their understandings during an inquiry? PRICE: M: $250 WHEN: 14 October 2016 CONSULTANT: Rebecca Duncan PRICE: M: $180 PHASE OF SCHOOLING TARGETED: PRESENTER: Kath Murdoch PRESENTER: Kath Murdoch PreK PHASE OF SCHOOLING TARGETED: PHASE OF SCHOOLING TARGETED: WHEN: 2 June 2016 10 August 2016 (repeat) PRICE: M: $60 MC: $100 NM: $150 CONSULTANT: Anne Hey K-2 TARGET AUDIENCE: Teachers, Middle Leaders Teaching and Learning - Early Childhood PP-2 TARGET AUDIENCE: Teachers (by invitation only) PP-2 TARGET AUDIENCE: Teachers (by invitation only) YOU WILL GAIN: • An optional, online survey is available to help determine which modules would best suit your team • An understanding of how selected modules should connect with identified priorities in your school’s Quality Improvement Plan (QIP). WHEN: Request a copy of the brochure outlining available modules via Rebecca Duncan ([email protected]) PRICE: M: Free CONSULTANT: Rebecca Duncan PHASE OF SCHOOLING TARGETED: PreK K-2 TARGET AUDIENCE: Teachers, Curriculum Leaders, Education Assistants Teaching and Learning - Early Childhood 57 ICT Capability Services Peter Crosbie Manager of Learning Technologies E: [email protected] P: 9441 1636 Meika Birch-Davis Project Officer - Digital Media, Marketing and Online Learning E: [email protected] P: 9441 1665 Milan Vasic Project Officer - Contracts and Website E: [email protected] P: 9441 1614 Jan Clarke ICT Integration Support Consultant E: [email protected] P: 9441 1627 Hayley Miller Administrative Assistant E: [email protected] P: 9441 1625 Scootle - digital resources online The ICT General Capability How to use the free digital resource repository Integrating Technology Purposefully Scootle is a free repository of thousands of digital resources linked directly to AC content. It also provides collaboration facilities. This workshop explores how to create really useful digital packages and collaborative spaces for student use. Scootle helps teachers embed the ICT capability in daily teaching and learning. YOU WILL GAIN: • An overview of the range of resources, games and media offered • Skills to find, appraise and manage the resources and shared spaces • The chance to practice creating collections of resources and collaborative spaces • Techniques for using resources for flipped learning. WHEN: TBA - Half Day PRICE: M: $40 MC: $60 NM: $100 CONSULTANT: Peter Crosbie PHASE OF SCHOOLING TARGETED: ALL TARGET AUDIENCE: All The Australian Curriculum demands the integrated use of ICT across the curriculum in K-10. This workshop will familiarise attendees with the requirements of the ICT capability; some AISWA tools designed to plan for effective and visible implementation; resources that can be used across the curriculum. YOU WILL GAIN: • A comprehensive overview of the ICT capability and Professional Standards – useful planning tools • Insight into ICT links across the AC subjects – where to focus attention to get best value • Knowledge of trends in ICT use and resources, examples from schools • Involvement in a discussion and planning time. Augmented Reality Mixing Real and Virtual Learning Spaces Many schools use hand-held devices in classrooms but how many teachers use them in a truly mobile way? Augmented reality apps can trigger the delivery of teaching/learning content to students while they are ‘out and about’. This workshop explores 4 different ways you could use this to advantage for both curriculum, engagement … and some exercise! YOU WILL GAIN: • An overview of AR apps using QR codes, images and GPS locations as content triggers • Practical skills for building content in each. • Ideas for using them across the curriculum. This is a BYO mobile device workshop that includes a 2 km walk to experience the apps. WHEN: TBA - Half Day WHEN: TBA - Full Day PRICE: M: $40 MC: $60 NM: $100 PRICE: M: $100 MC: $120 NM: $150 CONSULTANT: Jan Clarke CONSULTANT: Jan Clarke PHASE OF SCHOOLING TARGETED: PHASE OF SCHOOLING TARGETED: ALL TARGET AUDIENCE: All 3-6 7-10 TARGET AUDIENCE: Esp. T&E, HASS, Science, Languages, PE Teaching and Learning - ICT Capability 59 MinecraftEdu MinecraftEdu: The Next Step iPads in the Classroom MinecraftEdu is a classroom friendly remix of the original Minecraft game. It offers features especially designed for classroom use plus school or cloudbased hosting that makes collaboration and management easy. There are many cross-curriculum resources available for MinecraftEdu. This workshop is run by teachers who currently use it. An Intermediate level workshop An introduction for new users This full day workshop would suit teachers who have already explored the basics of using MinecraftEdu and want to learn more about ways to integrate this powerful learning, problem-solving and collaboration tool across the curriculum. Basic competency with movement, building and mining will be expected. Many schools are using iPads in teaching and learning. This may be a new challenge for teachers, even if they are familiar with the technology for personal use. This workshop will provide an introduction to using and managing iPads in classrooms and an opportunity to build skills and confidence. YOU WILL GAIN: • Pedagogy and curriculum links related to gaming • Help in setting up a cloud Edu server • A chance to explore MinecraftEdu and learn the basic skills for playing • Access to the AISWA MinecraftEdu server for personal practice for one month • Engagement with a range of resources. YOU WILL GAIN: • A quick revision of basic skills • Help in managing student collaboration • Help with creating worlds • Guidance in planning an integrated program to get the maximum value from the gaming experience • Playtime, with expert support and advice. YOU WILL GAIN: • A chance to explore basic skills • Resources to assist in making app choices • General advice about management and deployment • Guidance in exploring a wide range of useful apps • Tips for ways to transfer work to and from iPads. WHEN: TBA - Full Day WHEN: TBA - Half Day PRICE: M: $100 MC: $120 NM: $150 PRICE: M: $40 MC: $60 NM: $100 CONSULTANT: Jan Clarke CONSULTANT: Jan Clarke PRESENTERS: Mathew Woodbine and Stephen Ford (from Swan Christian College) PHASE OF SCHOOLING TARGETED: Introduction to gaming and its curricular benefits WHEN: TBA - Full Day PRICE: M: $100 MC: $120 NM: $150 CONSULTANT: Jan Clarke PRESENTERS: Mathew Woodbine and Stephen Ford (from Swan Christian College) PHASE OF SCHOOLING TARGETED: 3-6 7-10 TARGET AUDIENCE: All 60 PHASE OF SCHOOLING TARGETED: 3-6 ALL TARGET AUDIENCE: All 7-10 TARGET AUDIENCE: All Teaching and Learning - ICT Capability App Smashing (iPad) Creating rich multimodal texts The process of creating multimodal texts is one of the richest and most engaging ways to integrate ICT across the curriculum. It is applicable to every subject because of the relevance for literacy, critical and creative thinking and presenting/sharing content. Why stop at one app when you can smash a variety together for great outcomes? YOU WILL GAIN: • Familiarity with iPad apps for creating multimodal (multimedia) texts • A chance to explore animation, presentation, tutorial creation, imaging, audio, e-pub, diagram, concept mapping, video and comic creation apps • Example frameworks/templates for planning your own activities • Presentation design tips. WHEN: TBA - Full Day PRICE: M: $80 MC: $100 NM: $150 CONSULTANT: Jan Clarke PHASE OF SCHOOLING TARGETED: ALL TARGET AUDIENCE: All App Smashing (MacBook) App Smashing (Windows) Creating rich multimodal texts Creating rich multimodal texts YOU WILL GAIN: • Familiarity with iLife, web-tools and free Mac friendly apps for creating multimodal (multimedia) texts • A chance to explore animation, presentation, tutorial creation, imaging, audio, e-pub, diagram, concept mapping, video and comic creation apps • Example frameworks/templates for planning your own activities • Presentation design tips. YOU WILL GAIN: • Familiarity with WIN apps and web-tools for creating multimodal (multimedia) texts • A chance to explore animation, presentation, tutorial creation, imaging, audio, e-pub, diagram, concept mapping, video and comic creation apps • Example frameworks/templates for planning your own activities • Presentation design tips. WHEN: TBA - Full Day WHEN: TBA - Full Day PRICE: M: $80 MC: $100 NM: $150 PRICE: M: $80 MC: $100 NM: $150 CONSULTANT: Jan Clarke CONSULTANT: Jan Clarke PHASE OF SCHOOLING TARGETED: PHASE OF SCHOOLING TARGETED: The process of creating multimodal texts is one of the richest and most engaging ways to use ICT across the curriculum. It is applicable to every subject because of the relevance for literacy, critical and creative thinking and presenting content. Why stop at one app when you can smash a variety together for great outcomes? ALL TARGET AUDIENCE: All The process of creating multimodal texts is one of the richest and most engaging ways to use ICT across the curriculum. It is applicable to every subject because of the relevance for literacy, critical and creative thinking and presenting content. Why stop at one app when you can smash a variety together for great outcomes? ALL TARGET AUDIENCE: All Teaching and Learning - ICT Capability 61 Office 365 for Education Inking Your Thinking Using Win 8/10 tables for Understand how Microsoft Office 365 can educational outcomes effectively support teaching, learning and administration in your school. Explore how Office Online, OneDrive and Sites can be used for collaboration between students and staff. This would be a useful PL for staff in schools that have recently deployed Office 365. YOU WILL GAIN: • An overview of resources, games and media offered • An understanding of services available and how they can be used to incorporate blended learning. • A hands-on Yammer session for safe, social learning. • Experience with OneNote Class Notebook Creator, Sway, Snip, Mix, Mosaic, Teacher Dashboard & Office. WHEN: TBA - Half Day PRICE: M: $60 MC: $70 NM: $100 CONSULTANT: Peter Crosbie PRESENTER: Steven Payne PHASE OF SCHOOLING TARGETED: ALL TARGET AUDIENCE: Teachers, Curriculum Leaders 62 Explore the cognitive and pedagogical value of “inking” (interacting with the screen using stylus) in this hands-on workshop using the Microsoft Surface Pro 3. Experiment with the tools and cross-curriculum apps that are available for Windows OS – apps and desktop. BYOD or use AISWA’s tablets. YOU WILL GAIN: Strategies and processes to: • Find, use and evaluate Windows 8/10 apps and discuss their use for learning and teaching. • Explore how the Surface Pro 3 combined with Office and digital ink supports learning and creativity. • Discover how OneNote can be used to collaborate, research and create learning experiences. • Use Office Mix to easily create interactive resources and flip the classroom. OneNote Class Notebook Revolutionise classroom content management OneNote Class Notebook creator lets a teacher quickly set up a personal workspace for every student, a content library for handouts and a collaboration space for students. It helps teachers save time, be more efficient, collect homework, set quizzes, exams, and handouts. Come and explore this useful, versatile app. YOU WILL GAIN: Strategies and processes to: • Explore the features of the Class Notebook and relate these to pedagogy • Create multimedia examples to see the potential of the product • Set up a class notebook to exchange teaching materials, feedback and comments • Learn about the cognitive value of digital handwriting. WHEN: TBA - Half Day WHEN: TBA - Half Day PRICE: M: $60 MC: $70 NM: $100 PRICE: M: $60 MC: $70 NM: $100 PRESENTER: Steven Payne PRESENTER: Steven Payne PHASE OF SCHOOLING TARGETED: PHASE OF SCHOOLING TARGETED: ALL TARGET AUDIENCE: Teachers, Curriculum Leaders ALL TARGET AUDIENCE: Teachers, Curriculum Leaders Teaching and Learning - ICT Capability Adobe Photoshop Adobe InDesign iMovie Masterclass Beginner to intermediate Creating publications for print and web Video composition and editing on MacBook Learn how to use Adobe Photoshop to modify images and produce creative artworks. The workshop would suit computing, art or design teachers and school administration staff looking to learn skills for improving the visual elements of print or online publications. The small group format will allow the presenter to meet individual needs. YOU WILL GAIN: Knowledge to: • Navigate Photoshop interface, the tools and properties • Modify images via crop, clone, adjust exposure, change colours, annotate, use filters (special effects) • Work with layers to build complex compositions • Export to other file formats and applications. WHEN: TBA - Half Day PRICE: M: $60 MC: $70 NM: $100 CONSULTANT: Jan Clarke PRESENTER: Zina Cordery PHASE OF SCHOOLING TARGETED: ALL TARGET AUDIENCE: Teachers, Curriculum Leaders This workshop would suit teachers or school publications staff who are interested in the creation of quality documents for print and web – such as flyers, brochures, magazines, newspapers and books - using the InDesign tools. The small group format will allow the presenter to meet individual needs. YOU WILL GAIN: Knowledge to: • Create rich typographic layouts using InDesign’s typesetting tools • Assemble photos and artworks into designs • Create styles to instantly change the look and feel of designs • Package and pre-flight files for commercial print. WHEN: TBA - Half Day PRICE: M: $60 MC: $70 NM: $100 CONSULTANT: Jan Clarke PRESENTER: Zina Cordery PHASE OF SCHOOLING TARGETED: ALL TARGET AUDIENCE: Teachers, School publication staff Creating video narratives (or reports, tutorials, presentations) is a demanding but enjoyable activity for students. The pedagogical benefits of working through the full process of “digital storytelling” are many. iMovie is the MacBook’s standard video editing tool. We will explore all its features and study visual literacy skills (English). YOU WILL GAIN: • Familiarity with all the basic tools, settings and functions of iMovie • A understanding of elements of visual literacy for editing & filming • Knowledge of using multiple video track effects (e.g. green screening) • An ability to add and edit audio • Resources to use with classes • Practical experience making a welledited movie. WHEN: TBA - Full Day PRICE: M: $80 MC: $100 NM: $150 CONSULTANT: Jan Clarke PHASE OF SCHOOLING TARGETED: 3-6 7-10 11-12 TARGET AUDIENCE: Teachers, School publication staff Teaching and Learning - ICT Capability 63 Website and Blog Creation - Wiz & Wordpress Building a website or class blog is an excellent way to address all the different elements of “ICT capability“ as well as creating a vehicle for demonstrating subject content knowledge, and design skills in an engaging way. These are free and simple tools and a good place to learn the basics. Bring your own media and create an authentic example for teaching. YOU WILL GAIN: • An opportunity to create storyboards and apply key principles of web design • Guidance in using templates as a starting point • An understand the concepts and the language of online environments • A grounding in building customised web pages and add blog elements. WHEN: TBA - Full Day PRICE: M: $80 MC: $100 NM: $150 CONSULTANT: Jan Clarke Connecting Students to the World Google has produced an ecosystem of free apps for education - Classroom, Gmail, Drive, Calendar, Vault, Docs, Sheets, Slides, Sites – as well as how these can work with other Google apps. All these apps can be used across the curriculum. This workshop would be of particular interest to teachers new to using Chrome Books. A whole-day workshop that provides teachers with the opportunity to share and explore curriculum resources and classroom programs that develop students’ global competence, knowledge and understanding of Asia and Australia’s engagement with Asia. YOU WILL GAIN: • Familiarity with each of the GAFE apps • Ideas for combining them into relevant projects that address teaching and learning • Ideas for collaborative activities • A practical application of new knowledge. WHEN: TBA - Half Day PRICE: M: $60 MC: $70 NM: $100 CONSULTANT: Jan Clarke PRESENTER: Daniel Budd (CCGS) PHASE OF SCHOOLING TARGETED: PHASE OF SCHOOLING TARGETED: ALL TARGET AUDIENCE: Teachers, Curriculum Leaders 64 Google Apps for Education ALL TARGET AUDIENCE: Teachers, Curriculum Leaders YOU WILL GAIN: • Access to resources that enable opportunities for students to develop global competencies and Asia capabilities • Knowledge of how to engage with ICTs to connect students and classrooms around the world • Knowledge about innovative classroom practice occurring nationally. WHEN: 22 April 2016 PRICE: M: $40 MC: $40 NM: $40 CONSULTANT: Kate Reitzenstein & Maree Whiteley PHASE OF SCHOOLING TARGETED: K-2 3-6 7-10 11-12 TARGET AUDIENCE: Teachers, Curriculum Leaders, Middle Leaders, Principals Teaching and Learning - ICT Capability STEM AMPLIFY Peter Crosbie Manager of Learning Technologies E: [email protected] P: 9441 1636 Ron Gorman Deputy Director E: [email protected] P: 9441 1620 Glenda Leslie Curriculum Consultant Science E: [email protected] P: 9441 1628 David Dunstan Numeracy Coordinator E: [email protected] P: 9441 1681 Jan Clarke ICT Integration Support Consultant E: [email protected] P: 9441 1627 Julie Broz Literacy Consultant & AISWA Services Coordinator E: [email protected] P: 9441 1610 Alyce Forbes Administrative Assistant E: [email protected] P: 9441 1617 Julie Broz Literacy Consultant & AISWA Services Coordinator E: [email protected] P: 9441 1610 Stacey McKenzie Special Project Coordinator E: [email protected] P: 9441 1603 STEM Amplify The Australian Government has committed an extra $12 million to focus on and increase student uptake of science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) subjects in primary and secondary schools across the country. Amplify is an ambitious new initiative from AISWA and Innovation Unit Australia. Our aim is to increase the proportion of Australian students who are deeply engaged in their learning, through the development of teaching, learning and assessment practices that promote engagement. The focus on STEM subjects is about ensuring Australia’s young adults are equipped with the necessary skills to meet the needs of the workforce, to drive forward Australia’s economy and to produce STEM literate citizens capable of making informed decisions on local and global issues. STEM education is an integrated, interdisciplinary approach to learning that provides hands-on and relevant learning experiences for students. STEM teaching and learning goes beyond the mere transfer of knowledge, it engages students and equips them with critical thinking, problem solving, creative and collaborative skills, and ultimately establishes connections between the school, work place, community and the global economy. Over the coming year, and beyond, we will work with interested schools to establish a ‘community of practice’. We will provide the professional learning, support and work with the ‘community of practice’ to develop and implement bold new professional practices that engage students in meaningful learning. AISWA is dedicated to inspiring teachers with professional development and support to deliver contemporary programs using contemporary pedagogy. Communities of practice create opportunities for collaboration and partnership across different contexts. They enable schools to: Along with inspiring students by encouraging curiosity and creativity through inquiry-based learning to engage students in topics and projects linked to ‘real-world’ applications. • • • AISWA will continue to provide professional learning to teachers, such as: • • • • • 66 Faraday Challenge Days STEM Planning Day and mapping out Scope and Sequences STEM MakerSpace Ongoing workshops and guest speakers Network meetings Teaching and Learning - STEM & AMPLIFY WHAT IS A COMMUNITY OF PRACTICE? A community of practice is a group of educators with a shared passion, concern, or belief (domain) who will engage in a process of collective learning in order to develop new practices that engage students in powerful learning. Collaboratively they will learn with and from one another in order to generate new insights, practices and evidence. In this community, the design of new practices becomes richer through the diversity of those involved. Each member brings a wealth of different perspectives, professional knowledge, context and experience to the collective wisdom, challenging participants to test assumptions, immerse themselves in new knowledge and consider ideas and strategies they might not normally have the opportunity to explore. A community of practice values and builds the shared repertoire, resources, knowledge and experiences of all participants to overcome the barriers and take advantage of opportunities they may encounter along the journey towards designing new practice. There are many great reasons for schools to engage in this work together. • share activities and resources (intellectual and physical) that might not otherwise be possible as a single school help to accurately calculate and manage risk expand opportunities to be creative about common challenges develop a more robust evidence base for their work. Valerie Hannon, Innovation Unit Director Teaching and Learning - STEM & AMPLIFY 67 Inclusivity and Wellbeing The Melbourne Declaration on Education Goals for Young Australians state that ‘all Australian governments and all school sectors must provide all students with access to high-quality schooling that is free from discrimination’ Everyone wants to feel that they belong and are valued in their school community as it a centrally important place for young people - where they learn academic knowledge and the skills of friendship, building relationships and social justice principles. AISWA endeavours to support schools and teachers to meet these essential elements of school inclusivity and wellbeing. Research has shown that students who feel more accepted, included and involved in their school are more likely to be engaged in classroom learning, in extracurricular activities, in interpersonal relationships, and in the wider school community (McMahon, Parnes, Keys, & Viola, 2008). Inclusive Education School Psychology Service Michelle Bishop Manager of Inclusive Education & ASPS E: [email protected] P: 9441 1619 Maggie Balfe Inclusive Education Consultant E: [email protected] P: 9441 1612 Paul Russell Lead Psychologist E: [email protected] P: 9441 1674 Larissa Roy Senior Psychologist E: [email protected] P: 9441 1676 Toni Tomlin Senior Psychologist E: [email protected] P: 9441 1629 Michael ten Haaf Inclusive Education Consultant and Senior Child Protection Consultant E: [email protected] P: 9441 1633 Bas Snijder Psychologist E: [email protected] P: 9441 1640 Mandy Marett Senior Psychologist E: [email protected] P: 9441 1635 Wendy Vasquez Senior Psychologist E: [email protected] P: 9441 1615 Dana Hotchkin Provisional Psychologist E: [email protected] Roger Coghill Senior Psychologist E: [email protected] P: 9441 1622 Sue Mulholland Administrative Assistant E: [email protected] P: 9441 1632 Charl Pretorius CARE School Clinical Psychologist E: [email protected] P: 9441 1638 Claire Sly Inclusive Education Consultant E: [email protected] P: 9441 1643 Elizabeth Zelestis CARE School Clinical Psychologist E: [email protected] P: 9441 1644 Tania Wray Inclusive Education Consultant E: [email protected] P: 9441 1672 Michele McErlain Administrative Assistant E: [email protected] P: 9441 1666 Julie Townsend Senior Psychologist E: [email protected] P: 9441 1675 Katy Dias Senior Psychologist E: [email protected] P: 9441 1677 Siobhan Joly Psychologist E: [email protected] Tammy Bolton Psychologist E: [email protected] P: 9441 1634 How to Make an Online Application Masterclass Inclusive Leadership Inclusive Leadership Series 2016 P.A.R.T Refresher Training For Special Education Funding Invitation Only This series focuses on developing a whole school culture of inclusivity and personalised learning. Led by Kylie Bice, Ruth Philips and Dr Ben Whitburn, experts in the area of inclusion and change management. The series will consist of four 1 day sessions over the year. Participants are expected to attend all four sessions. Refresher Training for Predict, Assess and Respond To Aggressive/Challenging Behaviour (PART). A 2 hour workshop outlining the process for submitting the online application for State Government, special education per capita funding in 2016. YOU WILL GAIN: • An understanding of the technical requirements for submitting an online application for State Government, special education per capita funding for students with disabilities. • Opportunities to network with other school professionals. WHEN: 11 February 2016 PRICE: M: Free Following on from the previous Inclusive Leadership series in 2012&13, this 1-day masterclass will enable previous participants to further improve their school’s culture of inclusivity via the Inclusive Education School Assessment Tool. Participants will have the opportunity to work with education experts, Dr Ben Whitburn and Ruth Philips. YOU WILL GAIN: • Reflections on whole school strategic planning towards • Effective staff development • A grounding in the efficient and effective use of paraprofessionals • Help in engaging with the student voice. CONSULTANT: Michelle Bishop WHEN: 18 February & 4 August 2016 PHASE OF SCHOOLING TARGETED: PRICE: M: $330 ALL TARGET AUDIENCE: Principals, Teachers CONSULTANT: Michelle Bishop, Tania Wray & Claire Sly PRESENTERS: Ruth Philips, Dr Ben Whitburn PHASE OF SCHOOLING TARGETED: ALL TARGET AUDIENCE: Principals, Curriculum Leaders, Middle Leaders 72 Inclusivity and Wellbeing YOU WILL GAIN: • Guidance in creating an inclusive culture within a school • Effective staff development • A grounding in efficient and effective use of paraprofessionals • Help in engaging with the student voice. WHEN: 19 February, 13 May, 5 August & 28 October 2016 PRICE: M: $330 This is an accredited coursed developed by PART trainers. WHEN: 22 February 2016 16 May 2016 (repeat) 8 August 2016 (repeat) 31 October 2016 (repeat) PRICE: M: $35 CONSULTANT: Michelle Bishop, Tania Wray, Claire Sly, Mick ten Haaf & Maggie Balfe PHASE OF SCHOOLING TARGETED: ALL TARGET AUDIENCE: All Working Collaboratively to Maximise Student Outcomes Using Visual Support and Strategies Many students who struggle with auditory skills, have strong visual skills. Providing visual supports and the associated strategies within the learning environment assists with planning and organization, and reducing anxiety; comprehension, processing and communication skills; independence, offer choice and encourage decision making; promote positive behaviour, selfadvocacy and emotional development; teaching routines and social skills. YOU WILL GAIN: • An understanding of what a “visual” is and the diversity of supports • Knowledge of both high and low tech visual supports and strategies • Tools to enhancing student access to the curriculum. WHEN: 25 February 2016 CONSULTANT: Michelle Bishop, Tania Wray & Claire Sly PRICE: M: $35 MC: $50 NM: $80 PRESENTERS: Ruth Philips, Dr Ben Whitburn & Kylie Bice PHASE OF SCHOOLING TARGETED: CONSULTANT: Maggie Balfe ALL TARGET AUDIENCE: Principals, Curriculum Leaders, Middle Leaders Mandatory Reporting of Child Sexual Abuse All registered teachers must report to the Mandatory Reporting Service of CPFS if they, in the course of their work form a belief based on reasonable grounds that a child is being or has been sexually abused. The information session will cover child sexual abuse, child abuse indicators, grooming behaviours and roles and responsibilities regarding reporting of child abuse. WHEN: 26 February 2016 11 March 2016 (repeat) 1 June 2016 (repeat) PRICE: M: $35 MC: $50 CONSULTANT: Mick ten Haf / Claire Sly PHASE OF SCHOOLING TARGETED: ALL TARGET AUDIENCE: All GUEST SPEAKER: Kelly Savage, Independent Living Centre PHASE OF SCHOOLING TARGETED: ALL TARGET AUDIENCE: Teachers, Education Assistants Inclusivity and Wellbeing 73 Youth Mental Health First Aid This 14-hour course teaches adults how to assist adolescents who are experiencing a mental health crisis or developing a mental health problem. The course is suitable for adults working with adolescents (those aged between 12 and 18 years), however, it can also be relevant for those helping people who are a little younger or older. Participants will learn about adolescent development and the signs and symptoms of these mental health problems, where and how to get help and what sort of help has been shown by research to be effective. WHEN: 15 & 22 March 2016 or 17 & 24 May 2016 Nationally Consistent Nationally Consistent Collection of Data Collection of Data For School Students with Disability Working Effectively with Education Assistants Implementing Effective Documented Plans For School Students with Disability As teachers we invest time and energy in planning, designing and implementing learning resources for all students. Including your Education Assistant in this process should maximise student outcomes, and provide the opportunity to be flexible and creative within a differentiated setting within both primary and secondary classrooms. A workshop for developing and implementing effective documented plans. Documented plans assist both staff in making reasonable adjustments, modifications and accommodations to support students with their learning and wellbeing. Moderation Workshop - The Federal and State Ministers for Education have agreed to the Nationally Consistent Collection of Data model on School Students with Disability (NCCD). This data collection commenced in 2013 in a phased implementation approach, with full implementation by all Australian schools in 2015. This Moderation Workshop is designed to give key school personnel an increased level of confidence and consistency when collecting evidence and making decisions about student data for the NCCD. There will be a focus on data collection and documentation to support discussionmaking around levels of adjustments. PRICE: M: $150 MC: $150 WHEN: 16 March 2016 CONSULTANT: Paul Russell PRICE: M: $35 PHASE OF SCHOOLING TARGETED: CONSULTANT: Michelle Bishop, Mick ten Haaf, Maggie Balfe, Tania Wray & Claire Sly 7-10 11-12 TARGET AUDIENCE: All PHASE OF SCHOOLING TARGETED: PreK K-2 3-6 7-10 11-12 TARGET AUDIENCE: Principals This seminar will outline the process for schools in meeting the requirements for submission of data for NCCD. This data collection agreed to by the Federal and State Ministers for Education, commenced in 2013 in a phased implementation approach, with full implementation required by all Australian schools in 2015. YOU WILL GAIN: • Background knowledge about the NCCD model • Guidance in collecting evidence and documentation • Knowledge of the levels of adjustment and Disability Categories • Guidance in how to decide categories and levels of adjustments • An understanding of the expectations of the Disability Loading under the NPSI. Inclusivity and Wellbeing WHEN: 18 March 2016 WHEN: 16 March 2016 PRICE: M: $35 MC: $50 NM: $80 PRICE: M: $35 CONSULTANT: Claire Sly CONSULTANT: Michelle Bishop, Mick ten Haaf, Maggie Balfe, Tania Wray & Claire Sly PHASE OF SCHOOLING TARGETED: PHASE OF SCHOOLING TARGETED: K-2 3-6 7-10 11-12 TARGET AUDIENCE: All 74 YOU WILL GAIN: • A sample of evidence based practices • Guidance in examining alternative strategies • Help in developing planning and feedback mechanisms to improve teaching and learning. ALL TARGET AUDIENCE: Principals, Teachers, Curriculum Leaders, Middle Leaders YOU WILL GAIN: • Resources to assist with developing & implementing documented plans • An increased knowledge of professional and legal obligations in making reasonable adjustments • Practical advice about writing, implementing, monitoring and reporting • Examples of SMART goals. WHEN: 16 May 2016 5 September 2016 (repeat) PRICE: M: $35 MC: $50 NM: $80 CONSULTANT: Michelle Bishop, Mick ten Haaf, Tania Wray, Maggie Balfe & Claire Sly PHASE OF SCHOOLING TARGETED: ALL TARGET AUDIENCE: All P.A.R.T Training - Predict, Assess and Respond To Aggressive/ Challenging Behaviours The course focuses on understanding, planning and preparing for challenging behaviours exhibited by students. Participants will gain skills in communication, evasion, avoiding aggressive incidents and debriefing after a crisis, as well as the legal implications around restraining students. YOU WILL GAIN: • A grounding in crisis communication and debriefing after a crisis • Techniques of evasion, releases from holds and safe restraints • An understanding of the legal ramifications of any aggressive interaction • Help in the preparation and planning to avoid aggressive incidents and debriefing after a crisis. WHEN: 19 & 20 May & 11 & 12 August 2016 PRICE: M: $330 CONSULTANT: Michelle Bishop, Tania Wray, Claire Sly, Mick ten Haaf & Maggie Balfe PHASE OF SCHOOLING TARGETED: ALL TARGET AUDIENCE: All Inclusivity and Wellbeing 75 Creating Safer Keeping Safe Independent Schools Child Protection Curriculum The training focuses on schools developing a culture of safety as a defining feature of a Child Safe Organisation. YOU WILL GAIN: • Guidance in assisting schools with mitigating risk • A chance to enhance a systemic response to inappropriate and unprofessional behaviour • An enhanced capability of supporting the community to become and promote a safe environment for children. Keeping Safe aims to help children and students from preschool to senior secondary learn to recognise abuse and develop ways of protecting themselves from abuse. Keeping Safe covers rights, relationships, responsibilities and ethical behaviour. The effectiveness of the workshop depends on engagement of the whole school in fostering care, respect and cooperation, and promoting rights, responsibilities and the dignity of cultural and social diversity. WHEN: 24 May 2016 WHEN: 25 May 2016 1 November 206 (repeat) PRICE: M: $70 MC: $70 PRICE: M: $100 MC: $100 CONSULTANT: Maggie Balfe CONSULTANT: Mick ten Haaf PHASE OF SCHOOLING TARGETED: PHASE OF SCHOOLING TARGETED: ALL TARGET AUDIENCE: All ALL TARGET AUDIENCE: All Disability Discrimination Act (1992) & the Disability Standards for Education (2005) The recent review of the DSE found that schools require a greater understanding of effective policies and practices in relation to students with disabilities. This 1-day workshop will unpack the current legislation governing enrolling and catering for students with disabilities and learning difficulties. YOU WILL GAIN: • A greater understanding of relevant legislation • An outline of the legal framework surrounding disabilities • An enhanced understanding of the policies and procedures for students with disabilities • Information on the consultation process and resources. WHEN: 16 June 2016 13 September 2016 (repeat) PRICE: M: $35 MC: $50 NM: $80 CONSULTANT: Inclusive Education Consultants PHASE OF SCHOOLING TARGETED: ALL TARGET AUDIENCE: All 76 Inclusivity and Wellbeing Teaching Year 11 & 12 Preliminary/ Foundation Courses to Students with Disabilities Preliminary and Foundation courses can be taught in isolation or concurrently with another year 11 / 12 course. This PL will support you to: • Investigate the alternatives for students • Study the SCSA courses for students with a disability • Analyse the course aims and content. YOU WILL GAIN: • Strategies to teach two courses concurrently • Advice and support to start to plan and implement the courses • An opportunity to examine proposed courses for your school. WHEN: 17 November 2016 PRICE: M: $35 MC: $50 NM: $80 CONSULTANT: Michelle Bishop, Tania Wray, Claire Sly, Mick ten Haaf & Maggie Balfe PHASE OF SCHOOLING TARGETED: 11-12 VET TARGET AUDIENCE: Teachers, Curriculum Leaders Inclusivity and Wellbeing 77 Publications AISWA Publications provide resources to assist with programming, ongoing development of pedagogical practices and insights into professional teaching and learning practices. The publications offer many practical ideas across many learning areas as well as showcasing a number of collaborations with respected academics. Further publications are being developed to add to this impressive range. To view the full range of publications available and to make purchases please visit: Coming Soon Math Tales - Teacher stories of improving mathematics lessons IESAT - Inclusive Education School Assessment Tool ‘Math Tales’ is an AISWA publication that highlights the journey of teachers improving their mathematics lessons and practice. The book is structured around best practice and pedagogy of teaching mathematics. Members Only A Tool to Assist School Leaders Assess the Incluivity of Their School Environment. Edited by: Ruth Phillips, Kylie Bice and Michelle Bishop Members Only The Resource has been created to assist Independent Schools in Western Australia with the inclusion of students with disability, including enrolment, policy development, participation and provision of services. Participants participating in the project are from Year 1- Year 7 from a range of AISWA schools. PRICE: M: $20 PRICE: M: $40 PHASE OF SCHOOLING TARGETED: PHASE OF SCHOOLING TARGETED: AS A READER OF THIS PUBLICATION, YOU WILL GAIN: • Ideas of best practice and pedagogy for teaching mathematics • Insights and visual representations of classroom work samples. ALL TARGET AUDIENCE: Principals, Leaders Students with Disability ALL TARGET AUDIENCE: Principals, Leaders Nature Pedagogy This publication shares the stories of nine schools who attended an AISWA initiated study tour to northern England and Scotland to visit a range of early learning environments with an emphasis on Nature Play. The publication provides a research base, curriculum links and supporting documentation for a wider audience of educators to explore the role of nature and nature play. PRICE: M: $30 NM: $40 PHASE OF SCHOOLING TARGETED: K-2 TARGET AUDIENCE: Curriculum Leaders, Teachers, Education Assistants I wonder how stories get around? This publication is an outcome of a collaborative project between AISWA and Edith Cowan University. The publication supports teachers’ understanding and knowledge in relation to young children’s writing development, and how to positively influence the learning of children. PRICE: M: $20 NM: $35 PHASE OF SCHOOLING TARGETED: K-2 TARGET AUDIENCE: Teachers Check the Clues This book has been created to encourage young children to use their Problem Solving and Reasoning skills, two of the Proficiency Strands of the Australian Curriculum. Written with direct links to the mathematics vocabulary required to solve the problem, children work cooperatively in groups, learning valuable mathematics content along the way. This publication was designed as a sampler to show how cooperative group problems may be linked to the Australian Mathematics Curriculum. This first book in the series is designed to focus on the early years. The individual cards have been linked to specific content in the Australian Curriculum. PRICE: M: $20 NM: $30 PHASE OF SCHOOLING TARGETED: PP-2 3 TARGET AUDIENCE: Teachers 80 Publications Publications 81 Check the Clues 2 This publication was designed to help older students solve word problems. Students work in groups of four to narrow down the possibilities and obtain a solution. The problems match different content from the Australian Curriculum, Number, Algebra, Geometry, Statistics and so on. Links to the Australian Curriculum, teachers notes and answers are provided. PRICE: M: $20 NM: $30 PHASE OF SCHOOLING TARGETED: 4-6 7-8 TARGET AUDIENCE: Teachers The Places You Could Play with the Go Australian Curriculum When English meets History Early Years Learning Seven Schools, Framework: In Action Seven Stories The Places You Could Go is a compilation of the experiences of teachers who, through a book club approach, encouraged students to think more critically and creatively about the books they read. The focus was on the questions they asked and the ethical issues that arose from them. This exciting new publication is designed to support the implementation of the Australian Curriculum in Pre Primary to Year 2, and beyond. Quality playbased pedagogies provide an engaging and effective context in which students develop dispositions and skills to become ‘successful learners’ who are ‘creative, innovative and resourceful’ (Melbourne Declaration, 2008, p8-9). AISWA’s resource aims to support early childhood educators to find an appropriate balance between play-based learning and intentional teaching as they address the Australian Curriculum. When English Meets History is an exciting resource package that supports the implementation of the Australian Curriculum: English and the Australian Curriculum: History. The resource comprises of 14 case studies showcasing the journey of classroom teachers integrating English and History to create historical narrative. Because the teachers’ context were so different, the stories are very different and so offer an array of ideas for blending literature with history. This fabulous resource book showcasing outstanding early childhood pedagogy in Western Australian independent schools has now gone to its fourth print run. PRICE: M: $20 NM: $35 PHASE OF SCHOOLING TARGETED: PRICE: M: $20 NM: $35 PHASE OF SCHOOLING TARGETED: 1-2 3-6 7-10 TARGET AUDIENCE: Teachers PHASE OF SCHOOLING TARGETED: PP-2 TARGET AUDIENCE: Teachers, Education Assistants PRICE: M: $20 NM: $35 2 3-6 7-10 TARGET AUDIENCE: The 280 page book, researched by AISWA consultant, Rebecca Duncan, is full of photographic examples of the Early Years Learning Framework. The book is accompanied by a CD with many supportive documents for programming and planning and is a useful resource for teachers working in Pre-Kindergarten, Kindergarten, Pre-Primary and Year 1. PRICE: M: $60 NM $110 PHASE OF SCHOOLING TARGETED: PreK K-1 TARGET AUDIENCE: Teachers, Education Assistants Through the knowledge, understandings and skills of the Australian Curriculum: History, the ‘Historical Inquiry through The Arts and Languages - Seven Schools, Seven Stories’ project enabled teachers and students to use a multi-disciplinary approach to tell a story. The aim of the project was to draw inspiration from the content found in each year level and integrate one of the Cross curriculum priorities, for example, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander histories and culture OR Asia and Australia’s engagement with Asia. This teaching and learning resource is suitable for teachers of all levels of experience from a range of subject areas such as History, The Arts and Languages. It provides a series of case studies showcasing collaborative project-based inquiry learning from Year 3 to Year 12. PRICE: M: $10 NM: $10 PHASE OF SCHOOLING TARGETED: 3-6 7-10 11-12 TARGET AUDIENCE: Teachers - History, The Arts and Languages 82 Publications Publications 83 DATE 2016 Calendar (Events by Date) COURSE TARGET AUDIENCE • • • • • 4-Feb FEBRUARY Essential Elements of Teaching EAL/D Students Teachers 11-Feb How to Make and Online Application - For Special Education Funding Principals, Teachers 15-Feb EAL/D Exam Writing Workshop (Year 11 & 12) Teachers 15-Feb Teachers • • 16-Feb English Network Meeting National Certification - Highly Accomplished and Lead Teachers (Information Session) Mathematics Teaching, Principles, Pedagogy, Proficiencies, Plenaries & Problem Solving Graduate to Proficient - Mentors only Graduate to Proficient - Graduates only New Graduates • •• • •• •• 84 17-18 Feb 18-19-Feb, 12-Apr, 25-Jul & 3-Oct 18-Feb & 24-Aug 18-Feb 19-Feb, 13-May,5-Aug & 28-Oct 22 & 23-Feb, 30-Mar & 27-May Inclusive Leadership Masterclass CARE School Numeracy Network Meetings Teachers New Graduate Mentors Principals, School Leaders, Deputy Principals & HoD Teachers Principals, School Leaders, Deputy Principals & HoD Principals as Numeracy Leaders (PANL) Principals, Curriculum Leaders & Key Teachers • 22-Feb • 22-Feb, 16 & 30-Mar The Big 6 - Critical Elements for Beginner Readers • 23-Feb & 14-Mar Igniting High Order Thinking Reading - H.O.T. Readers • •• 24-Feb • • • •• • 25-Feb Strengthening Classroom Practice 26-Feb CARE School Literacy Network Meetings 26-Feb 26-Feb & 13-May 29-Feb Mandatory Reporting of Child Sexual Abuse Developing a Whole School Approach to Mental Computation with Dr Paul Swan Scaffolding Adolescent Writing 25-Feb Lead Teachers Inclusive Leadership 2016 Series Predict, Assess and Respond To Aggressive/ Challenging Behaviour (PART) Refresher Training Scaffolding Adolescent Literacy PANL (Principals as Numeracy Leaders) to LENI (Leading Engaging Numeracy Interventions) TARGET AUDIENCE MARCH DATE 15-Feb COURSE All Teachers, Curriculum Leaders Teachers, Curriculum Leaders, Education Assistants All Previous PANL Participants Teachers, Education Assistants Teachers All Previous PANL Participants All Category: • Governance & Leadership • Teaching & Learning • Inclusivity & Wellbeing • • • • • • • 1&2-Mar,5Apr & 10-May 3-Mar 3-Mar & 12-May 4-Mar • • • • • • • •• •• Essential Elements of Early Numeracy (EEEN) Teachers Scaffolding Adolescent Literacy - VET Early Years Learning Framework for Pre-Kindergarten to Pre-Primary Educators ACARA Resources All Teachers, Curriculum Leaders All Teachers, Curriculum Leaders Leaders Teachers, Education Assistants Teachers, Education Assistants 8-Mar Going Deeper: Pedagogical Documentation 8-Mar Women in Educational Leadership Network Meetings 9-Mar Little Scientist Workshop - Module 2: Air 10-Mar Little Scientist Workshop - Module 2: Air (repeat) 11-Mar, 20May & TBA 11 Mar Fractions: Making Understanding the Common Denominator Teachers Mandatory Reporting of Child Sexual Abuse (repeat) All 14-Mar WACE Forum Curriculum Leaders 15 & 22-Mar Youth Mental Health First Aid All 16-Mar Appretio Information Session Principals & Executive Staff 16-Mar Nationally Consistent Collection of Data - Moderation Workshop Principals 16-Mar Nationally Consistent Collection of Data - School Students with Disability All 16-Mar Pedagogical Leadership in Early Childhood Early Childhood Leaders Teachers, Curriculum Leaders, Education Assistants Teachers, Curriculum Leaders, Arts Specialists Principals, Teachers, Curriculum Leaders, Middle Leaders Teachers • 17-Mar, 12Creative and Critical Thinking and Ethical Understandings through Literature May & 16-Jun • 18-Mar Sense of Place - Exploring Aboriginal (Noongar) Culture: PERTH • 18-Mar Working Effectively with Education Assistants • • • 21-Mar Playing with Place Value 21-Mar SHARPReading - Decoding Strategy Instruction (K-3) 21 & 22-Mar National Quality Standard (NQS) for Early Childhood Education and Care •• • • • 21 & 22-Mar, 3-Jun, 19-Aug Principals as Literacy Leaders (PALL) & 4-Nov 22-Mar Middle Leaders - Primary 22-Mar SHARPReading - Comprehension Strategy Instruction (3-10) 23-Mar Little Scientist Workshop - Module 1: Water Category: • Governance & Leadership • Teaching & Learning • Inclusivity & Wellbeing Teachers Principals & Heads of Primary Principals, Deputy Heads, HoD, Literacy Leaders & Teachers Middle Leaders Teachers Teachers, Education Assistants 85 DATE COURSE • • • • 24-Mar Sense of Place - Exploring Aboriginal (Noongar) Culture: ALBANY 30-Mar CARE School Numeracy Network Meetings 30-Mar Leadership for Effective School Improvement 31-Mar Benefit Risk Analysis • 31-Mar Consulting with Children - Talking and Thinking Floorbooks • • • • • 86 TARGET AUDIENCE Teachers, Curriculum Leaders, Arts Specialists Teachers School Leaders Teachers, Education Assistants Teachers, Curriculum Leaders, Education Assistants APRIL 1-Apr CARE School Literacy Network Meetings 1-Apr, 17-May Leadership Program for Early Childhood Teachers and Leaders & 17-Aug 2-Apr Teachers Teachers and Leaders School Governors, Principals & Senior Staff Briefing the Board Conference 6-Apr, 12 & 27-May, How Language Works 13 & 30-Jun 8 & 9-Apr, 1-Jul, 5-Aug & Aspiring Leaders 7-Oct Teachers Leaders • 10-23-Apr School Leaders Study Tour, USA Principals, Leaders & Senior School Staff • 13-Apr Portfolio Development Days for the National Certification of Highly Accomplished and Lead Teachers Lead Teachers Teachers, Curriculum Leaders, Middle Leaders, Principals School Leaders & Health Champions • 22-Apr Connecting Students to the World • 27-Apr Leading Pastoral Care in Schools • 28-Arp, 6 & 23-May, 10 & 24-Jun Teaching ESL Students in Mainstream Classrooms (TESMC) 2016 All MAY • • • • 2-3-May Classroom Observation and Collegial Coaching School Leaders 3-May Fairytime Nature Pedagogy - Theory and Practice Education Assistants 5-May Speaking and Listening in the Classroom Teachers 9-May Scaffolding Adolescent Literacy - VET (repeat) • 10-May & 26-May Igniting High Order Thinking Reading - H.O.T. Readers (repeat) • 11-May Little Scientist Workshop - Module 1: Water (repeat) All Teachers, Curriculum Leaders, Education Assistants Teachers, Education Assistants Category: • Governance & Leadership • Teaching & Learning • Inclusivity & Wellbeing •• • • • • • • • • • • • • • DATE COURSE TARGET AUDIENCE 16-May All 17 & 24-May Implementing Effective Documented Plans Predict, Assess and Respond To Aggressive/ Challenging Behaviour (PART) Refresher Training (repeat) Youth Mental Health First Aid (repeat) 18-May Little Scientist Workshop - Module 2: Air (repeat) 19-May Middle Leaders - Secondary 19-May 19 & 20-May, 11 & 12-Aug 19-May & 28-Jul 20-May Women in Educational Leadership Network Meetings Training For: Predict, Assess and Respond To Aggressive/ Challenging Behaviour (PART) Middle Leaders - Primary Teachers, Curriculum Leaders Middle Leaders 20-May Vocabulary Their Way Teachers 24-May Creating Safer Independent Schools School Leaders 25-May Creating and Communicating in the Target Language Teachers 25-May Keeping Safe Child Protection Curriculum All 26-May Creating and Communicating in the Target Language (repeat) Teachers 16-May Early Years Learning Framework for Year 1 & 2 All All Teachers, Education Assistants Middle Leaders Leaders All JUNE • • • •• • • • • 1-Jun Mandatory Reporting of Child Sexual Abuse (repeat) All 2-Jun Early Years Learning Framework for Education Assistants Education Assistants 2-Jun Creating a Statement of Our Philosophy for Early Childhood Disability Discrimination Act (1992) & the Disability Standards for Education (2005) Words Their Way Teachers, Middle Leaders ICT Study Tour & ISTE Conference, USA Principals & ICT Leaders Getting Started with Inquiry in PP-2 Teachers Classroom Observation and Collegial Coaching School Leaders • • • • • • 4-Jul 16-Jun 17-Jun 20-30-Jun 23-24-Jun & 13-Oct 27-28-Jun All Teachers JULY Principals & School Leaders 5-7-Jul Dealing Effectively with Poor Employee Performance Portfolio Development Days for the National Certification of Highly Accomplished and Lead Teachers Administrative Leadership 8-Jul Financial Management for School Leaders School Leaders 12-Jul Using Data for Effective Leadership School Leaders 14-Jul Professional Standards for Principals - Developing Self and Others Principals & School Leaders 4-Jul Category: • Governance & Leadership • Teaching & Learning • Inclusivity & Wellbeing Lead Teachers Teachers and Leaders 87 DATE COURSE TARGET AUDIENCE 22-Jul Stories of Place - Conference 26-Jul Leading Pastoral Care in Schools Teachers School Leaders & Health Champions • Request Check the Clues • 26-Jul National Certification - Highly Accomplished and Lead Teachers (Information Session) Lead Teachers • Request Early Years Learning Framework Modules: In-school Workshops • 27-Jul Little Scientist Workshop - Module 2: Air (repeat) Teachers, Education Assistants • • • • • Request Engaging Students in Problem Solving and Reasoning Tasks Request Exploring Fraction and Decimal Activities - Linked to the Australian Curriculum Teachers Request Money Smart Teaching Teachers Request Playing with Place Value Request Valuate Teachers Principals, Leaders & Teachers • • AUGUST 88 • 4-Aug Human Resources and Teacher Registration Board • 4-Aug, 1 & 29-Sept Creative and Critical Thinking and Ethical Understandings through Literature (repeat) • • • 8-Aug HR Managers, Deputy Heads and Principals Teachers, Curriculum Leaders, Education Assistants 10-Aug Predict, Assess and Respond To Aggressive/ Challenging Behaviour (PART) Refresher Training (repeat) Half-Day Legal Seminar 10-Jun Creating a Statement of Our Philosophy for Early Childhood • 11 & 30-Aug Igniting High Order Thinking Reading - H.O.T. Readers (repeat) • • • 18-Aug Middle Leaders - Primary Teachers, Middle Leaders Teachers, Curriculum Leaders, Education Assistants Middle Leaders 19-Aug Middle Leaders - Secondary Middle Leaders 26-Aug Personal Assistants to Leadership Roles Personal Assistants •• • •• • 5-Sep All 5-6-Sept Classroom Observation and Collegial Coaching Disability Discrimination Act (1992) & the Disability Standards for Education 13-Sep (2005) (repeat) 24-Sept-1-Oct Engagement with Asia Study Tour, China 14-Oct OCTOBER Portfolio Development Days for the National Certification of Highly Accomplished and Lead Teachers Planning Powerful Units of Inquiry 18-Oct Women in Educational Leadership Network Meetings 18-Oct & 10-Nov Igniting High Order Thinking Reading - H.O.T. Readers (repeat) • • • 4-Oct • • 31-Oct • 1-Nov Predict, Assess and Respond To Aggressive/ Challenging Behaviour (PART) Refresher Training (repeat) NOVEMBER Creating Safer Independent Schools (repeat) COURSE TARGET AUDIENCE IN-SCHOOL COURSES ON REQUEST Teachers Teachers, Curriculum Leaders, Education Assistants Teachers DATES TBA • • • • • • • • • • • • • TBA 21st Century Learning Design School Leaders TBA Adobe InDesign - Creating publications for print and web TBA Adobe Photoshop - Intermediate Skills TBA App Smashing (iPad) - Creating rich multimodal texts Teachers, Publication Staff Teachers, Curriculum Leaders All TBA App Smashing (MacBook) - Creating rich multimodal texts All TBA App Smashing (Windows) - Creating rich multimodal texts) TBA Augmented Reality - Mixing Real and Virtual Learning Spaces TBA EPICT Facilitators Certification Course TBA Google Apps for Education TBA iMovie Masterclass - Video composition and editing on MacBook TBA Inking Your Thinking - Using Win 8/10 tables for educational outcomes TBA iPads in the Classroom - an introduction All Esp. T&E, HASS, Science, Language, PE All Teachers, Curriculum Leaders Teachers, Publication Staff Teachers, Curriculum Leaders All TBA Knowing and Understanding Boys in Every Classroom • TBA Literature Bites Leaders Teachers, Curriculum Leaders, Education Assistants • • • TBA MindcraftEdu - Introduction to gaming and its curricular benefits TBA MindcraftEdu: The Next Step (Intermediate) TBA Narrative Writing All • TBA Office 365 for Education • TBA OneNote Class Notebook - Revolutionise classroom content management Principals & Executive Staff SEPTEMBER Implementing Effective Documented Plans DATE All School Leaders All Principals & School Leaders Lead Teachers Teachers All Category: • Governance & Leadership • Teaching & Learning • Inclusivity & Wellbeing Category: • Governance & Leadership • Teaching & Learning • Inclusivity & Wellbeing All Teachers, Curriculum Leaders, Education Assistants All All Teachers, Curriculum Leaders Teachers, Curriculum Leaders Teachers, Curriculum Leaders 89 • • • • • • 90 DATE COURSE TBA Programming and Assessment TBA Scootle - Digital resources across the curriculum TBA Secondary English Network Meetings TBA Taking Action TBA The ICT General Capability TBA Website and Blog Creation - Wiz & WordPress TARGET AUDIENCE Teachers, Curriculum Leaders, Middle Leaders All NOTES HoD, Teachers Teachers, Curriculum Leaders All Teachers, Curriculum Leaders Category: • Governance & Leadership • Teaching & Learning • Inclusivity & Wellbeing 91 SEMESTER ONE, 2016 FEBRUARY 2016 92 MARCH 2016 APRIL 2016 MAY 2016 JUNE 2016 JULY 2016 1 Mo 1 Tu 1 Fr 1 Su 1 We 1 Fr 2 Tu 2 We 2 Sa 2 Mo 2 Th 2 Sa 3 We 3 Th 3 Su 3 Tu 3 Fr 3 Su 4 Th 4 Fr 4 Mo 4 We 4 Sa 4 Mo 5 Fr 5 Sa 5 Tu 5 Th 5 Su 5 Tu 6 Sa 6 Su 6 We 6 Fr 6 Mo WA Day 6 We 7 Su 7 Mo Labour Day 7 Th 7 Sa 7 Tu 7 Th 8 Mo 8 Tu 8 Fr 8 Su 8 We 8 Fr 9 Tu 9 We 9 Sa 9 Mo 9 Th 9 Sa 10 We 10 Th 10 Su 10 Tu 10 Fr 10 Su 11 Th 11 Fr 11 Mo 11 We 11 Sa 11 Mo 12 Fr 12 Sa 12 Tu 12 Th 12 Su 12 Tu 13 Sa 13 Su 13 We 13 Fr 13 Mo 13 We 14 Su 14 Mo 14 Th 14 Sa 14 Tu 14 Th 15 Mo 15 Tu 15 Fr 15 Su 15 We 15 Fr 16 Tu 16 We 16 Sa 16 Mo 16 Th 16 Sa 17 We 17 Th 17 Su 17 Tu 17 Fr 17 Su 18 Th 18 Fr 18 Mo 18 We 18 Sa 18 Mo 19 Fr 19 Sa 19 Tu 19 Th 19 Su 19 Tu 20 Sa 20 Su 20 We 20 Fr 20 Mo 20 We 21 Su 21 Mo 21 Th 21 Sa 21 Tu 21 Th 22 Mo 22 Tu 22 Fr 22 Su 22 We 22 Fr 23 Tu 23 We 23 Sa 23 Mo 23 Th 23 Sa 24 We 24 Th 24 Su 24 Tu 24 Fr 24 Su 25 Th 25 Fr Good Friday 25 Mo ANZAC Day 25 We 25 Sa 25 Mo 26 Fr 26 Sa 26 Tu 26 Th 26 Su 26 Tu 27 Sa 27 Su 27 We 27 Fr 27 Mo 27 We 28 Su 28 Mo Easter Monday 28 Th 28 Sa 28 Tu 28 Th 29 Mo 29 Tu 29 Fr 29 Su 29 We 29 Fr 30 We 30 Sa 30 Mo 30 Th 30 Sa 31 Th 31 Tu 31 Su 93