user guide - RentCheck
user guide - RentCheck
USER GUIDE A Step-by-Step Member’s Guide HOW TO INTERPRET to Obtaining Online Rental History A TENANCY and Credit HISTORY Reports onREPORT Your AND TRANSUNION Tenancy ApplicantsCREDIT REPORT TABLE OF CONTENTS Sample Report 3 Report Options Selected by the User 9 Input Provided by the User 9 Recommendation 10 Tenancy History Identification 10 Residences 11 Rent File Summary 11 Tenancy History 12 Legal Items 12 Rent Inquiries 13 Sample Credit Report Explanation Financial History (TransUnion) Identification 14 Credit File Summary 14 Credit Utilization and Trade Balance 15 Employment 15 File Summary 16 Special Messages 16 Bureau Scores 17 Banking 17 Trades and Mortgages 18 Registered Items 19 Bankruptcy and/or Consumer Proposal Legal Items Collection Information Inquiries 20 Remarks 20 19 19 20 TransUnion Credit Report Codes High Risk Fraud Alert Interpretation 22 21 How to Interpret a Tenancy History Report and TransUnion Credit Report 02 SAMPLE SaMPlE TEnanCy REPoRT TENANCY HISTORY REPORT T: 1 (800) 661-7312 F: 1 (800) 871-3380 Data Source Delivered: Date RC, EQ RC, EQ 12/14/2012 2:20:54 File Requested by: Member ID: Address: 1000 25 Bank STREET, ToRonTo, on M6k 1R4 Application Information Submitted: Subject's Name: current Address: Previous Address: Date of Birth, SIN/SSN: Fraud Scoring, BNI, RIR 737 SCOREVista: 737 Type score descripTion PO RentScore: 780 ERS: 687 RENT SCORE: 780 ERS – 687 N ScOREVista: CY Approve APPROVE RE Recommendation (Learn more about ScoReVista) RT CoDy TESTHaRVEy 33 ToRonTo n ST, UXBRIDGE, on l6P 1E6 97 TEnTH STREET, ToRonTo, on M8V 3E9 05aUG1933 y, y, n, n TYPE 730 - 990 Tenancy applicants in this category are likely to be viewed as a very low tenancy risk by most DESCRIPTION tenancy grantors. Pre-Approve 700 - 729 Tenancy applicants in this category exhibited good tenancy and/or credit are management. Subject is a VERY LOW RISK.have Tenancy applicants in this category likely to Conditional 670 - 699 Tenancy grantors may wish to review the credit and tenancy history of tenancy applicant in this category in more depth and may require additional security such as a co-signor or guarantor in order to approve tenancy applicants. Subject is a LOW RISK. Contact the subject after you verify their information 700 – 729 585 - 669 Decline 501 - 584 HIGH RISK VERY HIGH RISK N and references. Tenancy applicants in this category have exhibited good Tenancy grantors typically view tenancy applicants in this category at higher risk. While many tenancy management and viewed asavailable, a low risk tenancy. tenancy grantors still make accommodation they will likely require a co-signor and increased security deposits to compensate for higher default rates in this category. Subject is a MODERATE RISK. Tenancy grantors may wish to review the credit 670 – 699 SA MODERATE RISK M Pre-Decline be viewed as a very low risk tenancy by most tenancy grantors. TE LOW RISK 730 – 990 PL APPROVED E SCORE A Approve Tenancy grantors generally view this as a very risky group. Many prefer not to extend and tenancytohistory of tenancy applicants in this category andmay accommodation this group which may not have sufficient history orin nomore file atdepth all. others mayaccommodation require additional security such as a co-signor guarantor in order to and a extend but require higher deposits on accountorwhere legislation permits co-signor to compensate for the increase riskas associated withrisk thistenancy. category and may monitor approve tenancy applicants. Viewed a medium these accounts more closely. 585 – 669 Subject is a HIGH RISK. Tenancy grantors typically view tenancy applicants in this category as high-risk tenancy. While many tenancy grantors still make accommodation available, they will likely require a co-signor and increased security deposits (where applicable by law) to compensate for higher default rates in this category. 501 – 584 Subject is a VERY HIGH RISK. Tenancy grantors generally view this as a very high-risk tenancy group. Many prefer not to extend accommodation to this group, which may not have sufficient history or no file at all. Others may extend accommodation but require higher deposits on account where legislation permits and a co-signor to compensate for the increase risk associated with this category and may3monitor these accounts more closely. How to Interpret a Tenancy History Report and TransUnion Credit Report 03 SAMPLE TENANCY REPORT SAMPLE TENANCY HISTORY REPORT Identification (subject 1) Alias Surname TESTHARVEY HARVEYS On File 22Feb05 Last Inq 15Mar11 Given Name(s) CODY COD Street (recent on top) YONGE PO BOX 45047 400-55 STANDISH CRT 33 TORONTO ST City TOR MISSISSAUGA UXBRIDGE Date Terms NA TE M PL Company Name MoveIn MoveOut Bal AMCO INTERNATIONAL PROPERTIES LTD PROPERTY MAN (416) 922-8129 $0.00 SA 0 1 2 3 4 Result 1 167 $1,900.00 $0.00 $0.00 32 30 3 0 4 9 E Rental History (subject 1) Reptd RA Dec12 Tel Evg Post/Zip M4P 3E3 L5R 4J4 L6P 1E8 Pass Fail Ys Conditional NC Y Category Legal Inquiries Balance Damages Collections Approved Approved with conditions Declined Declined with reasons Debtor search Cancelled RE Rent File Summary (subject 1) Pr/St ON ON ON Tel Day PO Rptd Aug10 Nov09 Jan09 Birth 05Aug33 RT Residence (subject 1) Social Ins. No. 000000000 Payment Pattern 30/60/90/ #M Rt 111111111111 111111111111 0 0 0 24 01 RENT MOP (types of account/Manner of Payment) Too new to rate; just moved in, no history yet Pays (or paid) as agreed within 1-5 days. Pays (or paid) in within 6 to 30 days. Pays (or paid) in within 31 to 60 days. Pays (or paid) in within 61 to 90 days. O – Open Account (payment in full) 5 6 7 8 9 Pays (or paid) within 91 to 120 days but no action filed yet. Legal Action commenced, termination notice or application filed. Making regular payments under consent Order or mediated settlement. Tenancy termination order or judgement issued, repossession. In collection, bad debt, or write-off. 4 How to Interpret a Tenancy History Report and TransUnion Credit Report 04 SAMPLE SAMPLE TENANCY REPORT TENANCY HISTORY REPORT Legal Items (subject 1) File No. SOL-24256-88 Filed Landlord Name/Phone 03Jul05 JOSEPH IRVING/(416) 256-8876 Grounds for Reporting: Non-Payment of Rent Arrears $1,900,00 Damages $0.00 Inquiries (subject 1) Tenancy Grantor LANDLORD 1 LANDLORD 2 LANDLORD 3 Telephone (416) 344-2222 (416) 123-4657 (416) 098-7654 PO Status Code Description For Inquiries Section C = Conditions RE Description Co-Signor Guarantor approved SA M PL E TE NA NC Y Status Code C(1) C(2) Status MoveIn Date Approved Jan2012 Approved with conditions C(1) 01Dec10 Cancelled RT Date Oct2011 24Nov10 05Oct10 5 How to Interpret a Tenancy History Report and TransUnion Credit Report 05 SAMPLE SAMPLE CREDIT REPORT CREDIT REPORT Identification Primary Alias Surname TESTHARVEY HARVEYS On File 01Jun04 Last Inq 22Sep10 Given Names CODY COD Social Ins. No. 000000000 Birth 05Aug33 Telephone 4162275392 Credit File Summary 0.57% PL E CR Trade Balance: From Jun04 to May08 O Open R Revolving I Installments M Mortgage ON ON ON Occupation CASHIER WELDER WELDER City TORONTO TORONTO TORONTO Prov ON ON ON Residence(s) SA M Employers Name and Address HENRY’S HOT DOGS NATIONAL STEEL CAR SUREARC WELDING Street 123 MAIN STREET 101 456 BACK STREET 789 FRONT STREET Pass Fail Conditional RE ED IT Dec08 Sep10 Credit Utilization Employment Result 41840 240 70 718 12 0 11 0 0 0 4 98 0 0 PO Date RT Category High Credit Total Current Balance Total Past Due Total Payment Total Number of Account Negative Paid Total Number of Registered Items Bankruptcy Legal Collections Inquiries Inquiries in the last 6 months Collection HC: 41840 Bal: 240 0 240 0 0 Since Jul1998 Jul2000 Sep2004 Postal M1M 1M1 L1L 1L1 T1T 1T1 Since Dec2006 Jul1994 Oct1990 File Summary Legal= 1Jan2004 Bkrp= 1Dec2002 High= $9500 Baln= $2352 Trade= Jul1994/Feb2001 Coll= 2Dec2003 Pdue=$0 Balances Insq= 3Jul2005 Paym=$310 Inst= $2352 6Mnth= 1 Acc= 3 Rev=$0 Collnq= 1 Neg= 2 Paid= 2 Open=$0 Mort= $0 #Reg= 1 6 How to Interpret a Tenancy History Report and TransUnion Credit Report 06 SAMPLE saMPle CReDIT RePoRT CREDIT REPORT Messages ID Mismatch Alert High Risk Fraud Alert applicant’s SIN is Invalid #Hk# Consumer fraud Warnings on file Bureau Scores TransUnion RiskScore FICO® Revenue Score 687 **aleRT** 007 *aleRT** 64 lack of recent revolving account information 53 lack of recent consumer finance account information 68 Monthly payment due on accounts 57 Time since most recent retail account established 657 **aleRT** 38 serious delinquency, and public record or collection filed 18 number of accounts with delinquency 16 lack of recent revolving account information 40 Derogatory public record or collection filed 308 po rt FICO® Bankruptcy Score FICO® Application Fraud Score re Banking Open Banking Information Royal Bank of CanaDa, 9058162712 apr2006 CHeQUInG aCCoUnT 160 UnColleCTeD oVeRDRafT oR CHaRGes sTIll oWInG it Reptd BR apr2007 ed Trade Open Last H. Credit Balance PastDue CHase CaRD seRVICes, 800265365 apr1996 Jun2003 1000 0 0 InCl In BankRUPTCy BB aug2006 CIBC DealeR DIReCT loans, 8002657807 feb2001 Jun2005 7500 oC Jul2003 GeMoney, 8006613861 Jul1994 Reptd BB aug2006 e pl m Sa Mortgages cr Reptd DC Jul2005 Jul2002 1000 3RD PaRTy Coll 0/M Payment Pattern 30/60/90/#M MOP 999999999543211111111111 1 1 11 110 R9 1111111111111XXXXX111111 0 0 0 72 I1 999995432111111111111111 1 1 7 84 o9 Terms 2352 0 310/M 0 0 0/M Open Last H. Credit Balance PastDue Terms 0000000 aug2006 70000 30000 MoRTGaGe 0 200/M Payment Pattern 30/60/90/#M 432111111111 1 1 1 MOP M4 7 How to Interpret a Tenancy History Report and TransUnion Credit Report 07 saMPle CReDIT RePoRT SAMPLE CREDIT REPORT Registered Items Reptd ZZ Jan2000 Open alTeRna Bank Jan2000 Mature Amount Security Dec2003 15000 a e Bankruptcy and Insolvency Trustee BURT HoWe HoWe & assoCIaTes sMC HaM Assets 500 DIsCHaRGe JoInT 15456 Reptd Jan2004 Plaintiff's Name aBC HaMIlTon sMall ClaIMs CoURT JUDGe 13465 Rsvd Jun2005 Reptd Dec2003 Agency/Creditor's Name aRTIC seRVICes/CaBle CoMPany sep2004 Jul2003 aIC/Gas Co rt Reptd 01Dec2002 Rsvd sep2004 re Legal Items Balance 0 01Jul2004 Amount 404 sTIll oWInG 577 PaID sep2004 Balance 404 0 pl e Credit Grantor ya allIeD InTeRnaTIonal CReDIT, 8884788181 BB CIBC/PResIDenTs CHoICe DC ZelleRs, 8002632599 m Date 30Dec2004 30Dec2004 30Dec2004 30Dec2004 30Dec2004 30Dec2004 Amount 1500 saTIsfIeD Information #Hk# ConfIRMeD fRaUD VICTIM; BefoRe eXTenDInG CReDIT VeRIfy all #Hk# aPPlICanT InfoRMaTIon. ConTaCT ConsUMeR foR VeRIfICaTIon aT #Hk# HoMe: (416) 5555-1212 DaTeD 07/2005 VICTIMe ConfIRMe De fRaUD #Hk# ne Pas aCCoRDeR De CReDIT sans VeRIfIeR ToUTes les InfoRMaTIon #Hk# DU PosTUlanT De PlUs CoMMUnIQUeR aVeC le ConsoMMaTeUR DIReCTeMenT #Hk# a DoMICIle PoUR VeRIfICaTIon aU: (416) 555-1212 DaTe 07/2005 Sa Remarks Liab 75520 01Jun2003 cr Inquiries ed it collection Date 25Jul2005 01May2002 25nov1999 po Rsvd Jul2005 This completes the file for CODY TESTHARVEY THIs RePoRT Is PRIVaTe anD ConfIDenTIal. ReleasInG CoPIes To anyone InClUDInG THe aPPlICanT Is a VIolaTIon of yoUR MeMBeRsHIP aGReeMenT WITH RenTCHeCk as Well as ConsUMeR RePoRTInG aGenCy leGIslaTIon. THe aPPlICanT Can oBTaIn a CoPy of THeIR oWn CReDIT fIle By ConTaCTInG THe CReDIT BUReaU soURCe aT THe folloWInG nUMBeRs: TRansUnIon 1.800.663.9980 anD/ oR eQUIfaX 1.800.465.7166 anD/oR RenTCHeCk 1.800.661.7312 eXT 221. for support please email us at [email protected] with your Member ID 8 How to Interpret a Tenancy History Report and TransUnion Credit Report 08 SAMPLE TENANCY HISTORY REPORT EXPLANATION s a M P l e T e n a n C y R e P o R T e X P l a n aT I o n SAMPLE TENANCY REPORT Report options Selected by the User SAMPLE TENANCY REPORT T: 1 (800) 661-7312 F: 1 (800) 871-3380 Data Source Delivered: Date T: 1 (800) 661-7312 RC, TU RC, TU 12/14/2012 2:20:54 F: 1 (800) 871-3380 File Requested by: Member ID: Address: 1000 25 BANK STREET, TORONTO, ON M6K 1R4 Data Source Delivered: Date Application Information Submitted: Subject's Name: Current Address: Previous Address: Date of Birth, SIN/SSN: Fraud Scoring, BNI, RIR CODY TESTHARVEY 33 TORONTO N ST, UXBRIDGE, ON L6P 1E6 97 TENTH STREET, TORONTO, ON M8V 3E9 05AUG1933 Y, Y, N, N File Requested by: Recommendation (Learn more about SCOREVista) APPROVE SCOREVista: TYPE 737 SCORE RC, TU [1] RC, TU [2] 12/14/2012 2:20:54 [3] RentScore: 780 ERS: 687 DESCRIPTION Approve 730 - 990 Tenancy applicants in this category are likely to be viewed as a very low tenancy risk by most tenancy grantors. Pre-Approve 700 - 729 Tenancy applicants in this category have exhibited good tenancy and/or credit management. Conditional 670 - 699 Tenancy grantors may wish to review the credit and tenancy history of tenancy applicant in this category in more depth and may require additional security such as a co-signor or guarantor in order to approve tenancy applicants. Pre-Decline 585 - 669 Tenancy grantors typically view tenancy applicants in this category at higher risk. While many tenancy grantors still make accommodation available, they will likely require a co-signor and increased security deposits to compensate for higher default rates in this category. Decline 501 - 584 Tenancy grantors generally view this as a very risky group. Many prefer not to extend accommodation to this group which may not have sufficient history or no file at all. Others may extend accommodation but require higher deposits on account where legislation permits and a co-signor to compensate for the increase risk associated with this category and may monitor these accounts more closely. [1] [2] [3] 3 Member ID: 1000 lists the report options25onBANK theSTREET, sample creditON report (example; TU = TransUnion, RC = RentCheck). Address: TORONTO, M6K 1R4 lists the report types delivered. Application Information Submitted: The date and time the report(s) were generated. Subject's Name: CODY TESTHARVEY Current Address: 33 TORONTO N ST, UXBRIDGE, ON L6P 1E6 Previous Address: 97 TENTH STREET, TORONTO, ON M8V 3E9 Date of Birth, SIN/SSN: 05AUG1933 Fraud Scoring, BNI, RIR Y, Y, SAMPLE TENAN CN,YN R E P O R T Recommendation (Learn more about SCOREVista) APPROVE T: 1 (800) 661-7312 Input Provided by737 the User SCOREVista: TYPE T: 1 (800) 661-7312 F: 1 (800) 871-3380 Data Source Delivered: Date RC, TU RC, TU 12/14/2012 2:20:54 File Requested by: 1000 25 BANK STREET, TORONTO, ON M6K 1R4 Application Information Submitted: Subject's Name: Current Address: Previous Address: Date of Birth, SIN/SSN: Fraud Scoring, BNI, RIR CODY TESTHARVEY 33 TORONTO N ST, UXBRIDGE, ON L6P 1E6 97 TENTH STREET, TORONTO, ON M8V 3E9 05AUG1933 Y, Y, N, N APPROVE TYPE 737 SCORE Approve 730 - 990 RentScore: 780 ERS: 687 DESCRIPTION Tenancy applicants in this category are likely to be viewed as a very low tenancy risk by most tenancy grantors. Tenancy applicants in this category have exhibited good tenancy and/or credit management. Pre-Approve 700 - 729 Conditional 670 - 699 Tenancy grantors may wish to review the credit and tenancy history of tenancy applicant in this category in more depth and may require additional security such as a co-signor or guarantor in order to approve tenancy applicants. Pre-Decline 585 - 669 Tenancy grantors typically view tenancy applicants in this category at higher risk. While many tenancy grantors still make accommodation available, they will likely require a co-signor and increased security deposits to compensate for higher default rates in this category. Decline 501 - 584 Tenancy grantors generally view this as a very risky group. Many prefer not to extend accommodation to this group which may not have sufficient history or no file at all. Others may extend accommodation but require higher deposits on account where legislation permits and a co-signor to compensate for the increase risk associated with this category and may monitor these accounts more closely. RC, TU RC, TU 687 12/14/2012ERS: 2:20:54 DESCRIPTION Application Conditional Information 670 - 699 Submitted: Tenancy grantors may wish to review the credit and tenancy history of tenancy applicant in this category in more depth and may require additional security such as a co-signor or guarantor in [7] Subject's Name: CODY TESTHARVEY order to tenancyON applicants. [8] Current Address: 33 TORONTO N approve ST, UXBRIDGE, L6P 1E6 [9] Previous Address: 97 TENTH STREET, TORONTO, ON M8V 3E9 Pre-Decline 585 669 Tenancy grantors typically view tenancy applicants in this category at higher risk. While many 05AUG1933 [10] Date of Birth, SIN/SSN: Y, Y, N, Ntenancy grantors still make accommodation available, they will likely require a co-signor and [11] Fraud Scoring, BNI, RIR increased security deposits to compensate for higher default rates in this category. Recommendation (Learn more about SCOREVista) SCOREVista: Data Source Delivered: RentScore: 780 Date [4] File Requested 730 by: - 990 Approve Tenancy applicants in this category are likely to be viewed as a very low tenancy risk by most [5] Member ID: 1000 tenancy grantors. [6] Address: 25 BANK STREET, TORONTO, ON M6K 1R4 Pre-Approve 700 - 729 Tenancy applicants in this category have exhibited good tenancy and/or credit management. SAMPLE TENANCY REPORT Member ID: Address: SCORE F: 1 (800) 871-3380 Decline 3 [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11] 501 - 584 Tenancy grantors generally view this as a very risky group. Many prefer not to extend accommodation to this group which may not have sufficient history or no file at all. Others may Recommendation (Learn more about SCOREVista) extend accommodation but require higher deposits on account where legislation permits and a lists the name of the Requestor or other reference information. Thiswith information willmayalso show on your co-signor to compensate for the increase risk associated this category and monitor APPROVE accounts more closely. monthly RentCheck Invoice; these if your method of payment is by cheque. SCOREVista: 737 ERS: 687 Identifies the Member ID of the account used to perform the report. RentScore: 780 TYPE SCORE listed on DESCRIPTION Identifies the address the account for the Member ID in part [5]. name of the subject searched. Approve 730 - 990 Tenancy applicants in this category are likely to be viewed as a very low tenancy risk by most tenancy grantors. address of the subject searched. Previous address of- 729 the subject. Pre-Approve 700 Tenancy applicants in this category have exhibited good tenancy and/or credit management. Date of the Birth670 and social Insurance no. (sIn/ssn) of the subject searched (sIn is optional). Conditional - 699 Tenancy grantors may wish to review the credit and tenancy history of tenancy applicant in this category in selected more depth and may require additional security such as a co-signor or guarantor in lists the types of additional options in this report. order to approve tenancy applicants. Pre-Decline 585 - 669 Tenancy grantors typically view tenancy applicants in this category at higher risk. While many tenancy grantors still make accommodation they will likely a co-signor information against your Rentalavailable, Application to require ensure bothand entries increased security deposits to 3 compensate for higher default rates in this category. Please check the above match. If you have inputted incorrect information, you need to determine if another search in required. Decline - 584 grantors generally view this as a very risky group. Many prefer not to extend *Additional cost501will apply. Tenancy accommodation to this group which may not have sufficient history or no file at all. Others may extend accommodation but require higher deposits on account where legislation permits and a co-signor to compensate for the increase risk associated with this category and may monitor these accounts more closely. 3 9 How to Interpret a Tenancy History Report and TransUnion Credit Report 09 T: 1 (800) 661-7312 Data Source Delivered: Date F: 1 (800) 871-3380 RC, EQ RC, EQ 12/14/2012 2:20:54 File Requested by: S Member A M PID: L E T E N A N 1000 CY REPORT S A M P L E T E N A N C Y R E P O R T E X P L A N AT I O N SAMPLE TENANCY HISTORY REPORT EXPLANATION Address: 25 BANK STREET, TORONTO, ON M6K 1R4 Application Information Submitted: Subject's Name: Current Address: Previous Address: Date of Birth, SIN/SSN: Fraud Scoring, BNI, RIR CODY TESTHARVEY T: 1 (800) 661-7312 33 TORONTO N ST, UXBRIDGE, ON L6P 1E6 97 TENTH STREET, TORONTO, ON F: 1 M8V (800)3E9 871-3380 05AUG1933 Y, Y, N, N Data Source Delivered: Date RC, EQ RC, EQ 12/14/2012 2:20:54 S A M P L E T E N ARecommendation N C YFile RRequested E P Oby:R T 1000 E X P L A N AT I O N Member ID: Recommendation Address: T: 1 (800) 661-7312 Data Source Delivered: Date F: 1 (800) 871-3380 RC, EQ RC, EQ 12/14/2012 2:20:54 File Requested by: Member ID: Address: Application Information Submitted: Subject's Name: Current Address: Previous Address: Date of Birth, SIN/SSN: Fraud Scoring, BNI, RIR CODY TESTHARVEY 33 TORONTO N ST, UXBRIDGE, ON L6P 1E6 97 TENTH STREET, TORONTO, ON M8V 3E9 05AUG1933 Y, Y, N, N Recommendation (Learn more about SCOREVista) APPROVE SCOREVista: 737 TYPE RentScore: 780 SCORE [12]Application Information Submitted: Subject's Name: SCOREVista: Address: [13]Current SCOREVista: Previous TYPEAddress: 1000 25 BANK STREET, TORONTO, ON M6K 1R4 ERS: 687 730 - 990 Tenancy applicants in this category are likely to be viewed as a very low tenancy risk by most tenancy grantors. Pre-Approve 700 - 729 Tenancy applicants in this category have exhibited good tenancy and/or credit management. Conditional Recommendation 670 - 699 Tenancy grantors may wish to review the credit and tenancy history of tenancy applicant in this category in more depth and may require additional security such as a co-signor or guarantor in order to approve tenancy applicants. S APre-Decline M P L E T E 585 N A- 669 N C Y RTenancy E P Ograntors R T typically view tenancy applicants in this category at higher risk. While many tenancy grantors still make accommodation available, they will likely require a co-signor and increased security deposits to compensate for higher default rates in this category. Decline Tenancy grantors generally view this as a very risky group. Many prefer not to extend T: 1 (800) 661-7312 Data Source RC, TU extend accommodation but require higher depositsDelivered: on account where legislation permits and a RC, TU co-signor to compensate the increase risk associated and may2:20:54 monitor F:for 1 (800) 871-3380 Date with this category 12/14/2012 these accounts more closely. 501 - 584 File Requested by: Member ID: Address: 1000 25 BANK STREET, TORONTO, ON M6K 1R4 CODY TESTHARVEY 33 TORONTO N ST, UXBRIDGE, ON L6P 1E6 97 TENTH STREET, TORONTO, ON M8V 3E9 05AUG1033 Y, Y, N, N Recommendation (Learn more about SCOREVista) 3 APPROVE SCOREVista: TYPE 737 SCORE Approve 730 - 990 RentScore: 780 RiskScore: 687 DESCRIPTION Tenancy applicants in this category are likely to be viewed as a very low tenancy risk by most tenancy grantors. Pre-Approve 700 - 729 Tenancy applicants in this category have exhibited good tenancy and/or credit management. Conditional 670 - 699 Tenancy grantors may wish to review the credit and tenancy history of tenancy applicant in this category in more depth and may require additional security such as a co-signor or guarantor in order to approve tenancy applicants. Pre-Decline 585 - 669 Tenancy grantors typically view tenancy applicants in this category at higher risk. While many tenancy grantors still make accommodation available, they will likely require a co-signor and increased security deposits to compensate for higher default rates in this category. Decline 501 - 584 Tenancy grantors generally view this as a very risky group. Many prefer not to extend accommodation to this group which may not have sufficient history or no file at all. Others may extend accommodation but require higher deposits on account where legislation permits and a co-signor to compensate for the increase risk associated with this category and may monitor these accounts more closely. SAMPLE TENANCY REPORT 3 737 730 – 990 Recommendation (Learn more about SCOREVista) APPROVED Tenancy grantors may wish to review the credit and tenancy history of tenancy applicant in this category in more depth and may require additional security such as a co-signor or guarantor in order to approve applicants. Subject is a LOWtenancy RISK. Contact the subject after you verify their information and 737 780 tenancy management ERS: 687 [13] SCOREVista: references. Tenancy applicants in this category haveRentScore: exhibited good LOW RISK Pre-Decline 585700 - 669– 729 Tenancy grantors typically view tenancy applicants in this category at higher risk. While many and viewed as a low risk tenancy. TYPE SCORE DESCRIPTION tenancy grantors still make accommodation available, they will likely require a co-signor and increased security deposits to compensate for higher default rates in this category. Approve 730 - 990 Tenancy applicants in this category are likely to be viewed as a very low tenancy risk by most Subject is a MODERATE RISK. Tenancy grantors may wish to review the credit and tenancy tenancy grantors. Decline 501 - 584 Tenancy grantors generally view this as a very risky group. Many prefer not to extend history of tenancy applicants in this category in more depth and may require additional MODERATE700 - 729 Pre-Approve Tenancy applicants category exhibited good to tenancy and/or creditapplicants. management. security such asinathis co-signor orhave guarantor in order tenancy Viewed 670 – 699 extend accommodation but require higher deposits on approve account where legislation permits and a RISK as a medium risk tenancy. co-signor to compensate the increase risk associated with this categoryapplicant and mayinmonitor Conditional 670 - 699 Tenancy grantors may wish tofor review the credit and tenancy history of tenancy this these accounts more closely. category in more depth and may require additional security such as a co-signor or guarantor in order to approve tenancy applicants. Subject is a HIGH RISK. Tenancy grantors typically view tenancy applicants in this category as high-risk many tenancy grantors makeataccommodation Pre-Decline 585 - 669 Tenancy grantorstenancy. typicallyWhile view tenancy applicants in this still category higher risk. Whileavailable, many they grantors will likelystill require co-signor and increased security deposits (where applicable 585 – 669 tenancy make aaccommodation available, they will likely require a co-signor and by HIGH RISK law) tosecurity compensate fortohigher defaultfor rates in this category. increased deposits compensate higher default rates in this category. [12] Application Information Submitted: Subject's Name: Current Address: Previous Address: Date of Birth, SIN/SSN: Fraud Scoring, BNI, RIR (When declined by a tenancy grantor an Adverse Notice is provided which explains where the applicant can get help.) 737 CODY TESTHARVEY RentScore: 780 ERS: 687 33 TORONTO N ST, UXBRIDGE, ON L6P 1E6 Rent score: 780 ERS – 687 STREET, TORONTO, ON M8V 3E9 SCORE97 TENTH DESCRIPTION Date of Birth, SIN/SSN: 05AUG1933 TYPE DESCRIPTION Fraud Scoring, BNI, RIR730SCORE Y, Y, N, N Tenancy applicants in this category are Approve - 990 likely to be viewed as a very low tenancy risk by most tenancy grantors. Subject is a VERY LOW RISK. Tenancy applicants in this category are likely to be viewed as a veryapplicants low risk tenancy by mosthave tenancy grantors. Pre-Approve 700 - 729 Tenancy in this category exhibited good tenancy and/or credit management. DESCRIPTION Approve (Learn more about SCOREVista) 25 BANK STREET, TORONTO, ON M6K 1R4 APPROVE APPROVE SAMPLE TENANCY REPORT Conditional 670 - 699 APPROVE Decline Tenancy grantors generally view this as a very risky group. Many prefer not to extend accommodation to thisHIGH groupRISK. whichTenancy may not grantors have sufficient history or this no file all. Others may Subject is a VERY generally view as at a very high-risk extend accommodation but require higher deposits on account where legislation permits and a tenancy group. Many prefer not to extend accommodation to this group, which may not co-signor to compensate for the increase risk associated with this category and may monitor have sufficient history or no file at all. Others may extend accommodation but require 501 – 584 these accounts more closely. 501 - 584 VERY HIGH RISK higher deposits on account where legislation permits and a co-signor to compensate for the increase risk associated with this category and may monitor these accounts more closely. 3 Thisisisa arecommendation recommendationonly only after reviewing factors relating to this subject. This after reviewing allall factors relating to this subject. [12] A recommendation categorized into five types of decisions you can make: Approve, Pre-Approve, [12] AConditional, recommendation categorized into five types of decisions you can make: Approve, Pre-Approve, Pre-Decline, and Decline. Pre-Decline, Decline. [13] Conditional, The SCOREVista 737 is and a recommendation only and takes in consideration the Credit Scores and [13] The SCOREVista 737 isReport, a recommendation only factors and takes in consideration Credit Scores and Rentcheck's Tenancy as well as other in the Rent Bureau the Reports. Rentcheck's Tenancy Report, as well as other factors in the Rent Bureau Reports. Credit Scoring Option must be included in your 3 report package to receive SCOREVista. To add SCOREVista, please email to included [email protected] or Credit Scoring Option must be in your report package receive SCOREVista. To add SCOREVista, please email to [email protected] or visit SAMPLE TENANCY REPORT A RiskScore is only generated if there are active trade lines within the last 6-12 months. A RiskScore is only generated if there are active trade lines within the last 6-12 months. TENANCY HISTORY IDENTIFICATION SAMPLE TENANCY REPORT SAMPLE TENANCY REPORT Surname TESTHARVEY TESTHARVEY On File 22Feb05 Given Name(s) CODY CODY Last Inq 15Mar11 Social Ins. No. 000000000 Birth 05Aug33 Tel Day Tel Evg Rental History [14] - Identification Surname [15] Given Name(s) TESTHARVEY TESTHARVEY Residence (subject 1) Rptd Street (recent on top) Jan09 33 TORONTO ST Aug10 YONGE PO BOX 45047 SA M P L E T E400-55 NAN CY REPORT Nov09 STANDISH CRT City TOR MISSISSAUGA UXBRIDGE Pr/St ON ON ON Post/Zip M4P 3E3 L5R 4J4 L6P 1E8 Ys Rent File Summary (subject 1) Category Legal Inquiries Balance Identification (subject 1) Damages Surname Collections TESTHARVEY Approved TESTHARVEY Approved with conditions Declined OnDeclined File Last Inq with reasons 22Feb05 Debtor search 15Mar11 Cancelled Date Result Pass 1 167 $1,900.00 $0.00 $0.00 Social Ins. No. 32 000000000 30 3 0 Tel Day 4 9 Given Name(s) CODY CODY Residence (subject 1) Rental History (subject 1)top) Rptd Street (recent on City Pr/St YONGE PO BOX 45047 TOR ON Company Name 400-55 STANDISH CRT MISSISSAUGA ON MoveIn MoveOut Bal Terms 33 TORONTO ST UXBRIDGE ON RAAMCO INTERNATIONAL PROPERTIES LTD C/O GATEWAY PROPERTY MAN (416) 922-8129 $0.00 Rent File Summary (subject 1) Fail Conditional Tel Evg Post/Zip M4P 3E3 Payment Pattern L5R 4J4 30/60/90/ L6P 1E8 Aug10 Nov09 Reptd Jan09 RA Dec12 Ys 111111111111 111111111111 0 0 0 #M Rt 24 01 Category Date Result Pass Fail Conditional RENT MOP (types of account/Manner of1 Payment) Legal Inquiries O – Open Account (payment in167 full) Balance $1,900.00 Damages $0.00 0 Too new to rate; just moved in, no history yet 5 Pays (or paid) within 91 to 120 days but no action filed yet. Collections 1 Pays (or paid) as agreed within 1-5 days. 6 Legal Action$0.00 commenced, termination notice or application filed. Approved 32 2 Pays (or paid) in within 6 to 30 days. 7 Making regular payments under consent Order or mediated settlement. Approved with conditions 30 3 Pays (or paid) in within 31 to 60 days. 8 Tenancy termination order or judgement issued, repossession. Declined 3 4 Pays (or paid) in within 61 to 90 days. 9 Declined with reasons 0 Debtor search 4 Cancelled 9 Rental History (subject 1) Reptd RA Dec12 Company Name MoveIn MoveOut Bal Terms RAAMCO INTERNATIONAL PROPERTIES LTD C/O GATEWAY PROPERTY MAN (416) 922-8129 $0.00 4 Payment Pattern 30/60/90/ #M Rt 111111111111 111111111111 0 0 0 24 01 RENT MOP (types of account/Manner of Payment) O – Open Account (payment in full) 0 Too new to rate; just moved in, no history yet 1 Pays (or paid) as agreed within 1-5 days. 2 Pays (or paid) in within 6 to 30 days. 3 Pays (or paid) in within 31 to 60 days. 4 Pays (or paid) in within 61 to 90 days. 5 Pays (or paid) within 91 to 120 days but no action filed yet. 6 Legal Action commenced, termination notice or application filed. 7 Making regular payments under consent Order or mediated settlement. 8 Tenancy termination order or judgement issued, repossession. 9 In collection, bad debt, or write-off. SAMPLE TENANCY REPORT 4 (subject 1) [18]Identification [19] On File Last Inq [15] Given Name(s) 22Feb05 [14] Surname 15Mar11 TESTHARVEY TESTHARVEY Birth 05Aug33 [16] Social Ins. No. 000000000 CODY CODY Residence (subject 1) Tel Day [16] Social Ins. No. 000000000 CODY CODY [17] Birth 05Aug33 [20] Tel Evg [17] Birth 05Aug33 [14,15] [19] DateTelofDay last inquiry on name. On Filethe full Last Inq of the subject searched. Tel subject's Evg [18] Lists [19]name [20] Rptd Street (recent on top) City Pr/St Post/Zip Ys 22Feb05 15Mar11 [16] SIN/SSN of the subject searched. [20] Contact number(s) Aug10 YONGE PO BOX 45047 TOR ON M4P 3E3of the subject searched. Nov09 STANDISH CRT MISSISSAUGA ON L5R 4J4 [17] Date of Birth of400-55 the subject searched. Jan09 33 TORONTO ST UXBRIDGE ON L6P 1E8 Residence (subject 1) [18] Date of first credit inquiry. Rptd Street (recent on top) City Pr/St Post/Zip Ys Aug10 YONGE PO BOX 45047 TOR ON M4P 3E3 Rent (subject 1) [14,15] Lists theFile full Summary name of the subject [19] of last inquiry on subject's name. Nov09 400-55 CRT searched. MISSISSAUGA ONtheDate L5R 4J4 Review the filed date and theSTANDISH lastSTinquiry whether subject isPass active in making payments, Category Datedate to ensure Result Conditional acquiring Jan09 33 TORONTO UXBRIDGE ON L6P 1E8 Fail [16] SIN/SSN of the subject searched. [20] Contact number(s) of the subject searched. Legal 1 credit and recent activity. [17] Date of Birth of the subject searched. Inquiries 167 Rent File Summary (subject 1) Balance $1,900.00 [18] Date of first credit inquiry. Damages $0.00 Category Collections Legal Date Result $0.00 1 Pass Fail Conditional Approved 167 32 is active in making payments, acquiring Review theInquiries filed date and the last inquiry date to ensure whether the subject Approved with conditions Balance $1,900.00 30 credit and Damages recent Declinedactivity. $0.00 3 Declined with reasons Collections $0.00 0 10 4 How to Interpret a Tenancy History Report32and TransUnion Credit Report 10 Debtor search Approved Cancelled Approved with conditions Declined Declined with reasons Rental History (subject 1) Debtor search Cancelled Company Name 10 30 3 0 4 9 9 Payment Pattern SAMPLE TENANCY REPORT SAMPLE TENANCY HISTORY REPORT EXPLANATION s a M P l e T e n a n C y R e P o R T e X P l a n aT I o n Identification (subject 1) Residences On File 22Feb05 [21] SAMPLE TENANCY REPORT Surname TESTHARVEY TESTHARVEY Given Name(s) CODY CODY Last Inq 15Mar11 Social Ins. No. 000000000 Birth 05Aug33 Tel Day Tel Evg Street (recent on top) YONGE PO BOX 45047 400-55 STANDISH CRT 33 TORONTO ST City TOR MISSISSAUGA UXBRIDGE Pr/St ON ON ON Post/Zip M4P 3E3 L5R 4J4 L6P 1E8 Last Inq 15Mar11 Street (recent on top) PON BOX S A M P L E TYONGE ENA C 45047 Y REPORT 400-55 STANDISH CRT Residence (subject 1) Rptd Aug10 Nov09 Jan09 Given Name(s) CODY CODY Ys Social Ins. No. 000000000 Birth 05Aug33 Tel Day Tel Evg Residence (subject 1) Rptd Aug10 Nov09 Jan09 Identification (subject 1) On File 22Feb05 Surname TESTHARVEY TESTHARVEY 33 TORONTO ST City TOR MISSISSAUGA UXBRIDGE Pr/St ON ON ON Post/Zip M4P 3E3 L5R 4J4 L6P 1E8 Ys Rent File Summary (subject 1) Category Legal Inquiries Balance Damages Collections Approved Approved with conditions Declined Declined with reasons Debtor search Cancelled Date Result 1 167 $1,900.00 $0.00 $0.00 32 30 3 0 4 9 Pass Fail Conditional Rent File Summary (subject 1) Rental History (subject 1) Reptd RA Dec12 Company Name MoveIn MoveOut Bal Terms RAAMCO INTERNATIONAL PROPERTIES LTD C/O GATEWAY PROPERTY MAN (416) 922-8129 $0.00 Payment Pattern 30/60/90/ #M Rt 111111111111 111111111111 0 0 0 24 01 RENT MOP (types of account/Manner of Payment) O – Open Account (payment in full) 0 Too new to rate; just moved in, no history yet 1 Pays (or paid) as agreed within 1-5 days. 2 Pays (or paid) in within 6 to 30 days. 3 Pays (or paid) in within 31 to 60 days. 4 Pays (or paid) in within 61 to 90 days. 5 Pays (or paid) within 91 to 120 days but no action filed yet. 6 Legal Action commenced, termination notice or application filed. 7 Making regular payments under consent Order or mediated settlement. 8 Tenancy termination order or judgement issued, repossession. 9 In collection, bad debt, or write-off. [21] 4 Category Date Result Pass Fail Legal 1 Inquiries 167 lists the current and last known addresses for the subject searched. Balance $1,900.00 Identification (subject 1) Damages $0.00 Collections $0.00 Surname Given Name(s) Social Ins. No. Approved 32 If both the name and address do not match the results shown in the reports, you TESTHARVEY CODY 000000000 Approved with conditions 30 TESTHARVEY CODY the subject to ask for documentation to verify their current address. Declined 3 Declined with reasons 0 On File search Last Inq Tel Day Debtor 4 22Feb05 15Mar11 Cancelled 9 Residence (subject 1) 1) Rental History (subject Rptd Street (recent on top) Company Name City Pr/St 33 TORONTO ST (416) 922-8129 PROPERTY MAN UXBRIDGE $0.00 Aug10 YONGE PO BOX 45047 TOR ON Reptd MoveIn MoveOut Bal Terms Rent File Summary Nov09 400-55 STANDISH CRT MISSISSAUGA ON RA RAAMCO INTERNATIONAL PROPERTIES LTD C/O GATEWAY Jan09 Dec12 [22] SAMPLE TENANCY REPORT Identification (subject 1) Surname TESTHARVEY TESTHARVEY On File 22Feb05 Given Name(s) CODY CODY Last Inq 15Mar11 Social Ins. No. 000000000 Birth 05Aug33 Tel Day Tel Evg Residence (subject 1) Rptd Aug10 Nov09 Jan09 Street (recent on top) YONGE PO BOX 45047 400-55 STANDISH CRT 33 TORONTO ST City TOR MISSISSAUGA UXBRIDGE Pr/St ON ON ON Post/Zip M4P 3E3 L5R 4J4 L6P 1E8 Ys Rent File Summary (subject 1) Category Legal Inquiries Balance Damages Collections Approved Approved with conditions Declined Declined with reasons Debtor search Cancelled Date Result 1 167 $1,900.00 $0.00 $0.00 32 30 3 0 4 9 Pass Fail Conditional Rental History (subject 1) Reptd RA Dec12 Company Name MoveIn MoveOut Bal Terms RAAMCO INTERNATIONAL PROPERTIES LTD C/O GATEWAY PROPERTY MAN (416) 922-8129 $0.00 Payment Pattern 30/60/90/ #M Rt 111111111111 111111111111 0 0 0 24 01 RENT MOP (types of account/Manner of Payment) O – Open Account (payment in full) 0 Too new to rate; just moved in, no history yet 1 Pays (or paid) as agreed within 1-5 days. 2 Pays (or paid) in within 6 to 30 days. 3 Pays (or paid) in within 31 to 60 days. 4 Pays (or paid) in within 61 to 90 days. 5 Pays (or paid) within 91 to 120 days but no action filed yet. 6 Legal Action commenced, termination notice or application filed. 7 Making regular payments under consent Order or mediated settlement. 8 Tenancy termination order or judgement issued, repossession. 9 In collection, bad debt, or write-off. 4 ON Conditional Birth will 05Aug33 need to go back to Post/Zip Payment Pattern 30/60/90/ M4P 3E3 L5R 4J4 L6P 1E8 111111111111 111111111111 0 0 0 Tel Evg Ys #M Rt 24 01 Rent File Summary (subject 1) RENT MOP (types of account/Manner of Payment) [23] Conditional Category Date Result Pass Fail O – Open Account (payment in full) 1 Legal Inquiries 167 0 Too new to rate; just moved in, no history yet 5 Pays (or paid)$1,900.00 within 91 to 120 days but no action filed yet. Balance 1 Pays (or paid) as agreed within 1-5 days. 6 Legal Action commenced, Damages $0.00 termination notice or application filed. 2 Pays (or paid) in within 6 to 30 days. 7 Making regular payments Collections $0.00 under consent Order or mediated settlement. 3 Pays (or paid) in within 31 to 60 days. 8 Tenancy termination order Approved 32 or judgement issued, repossession. 4 Pays (or paid) in within 61 to 90 days. 9 In collection, bad debt, or write-off. Approved with conditions 30 Declined 3 Declined with reasons 0 Debtor search 4 Cancelled 9 Rental History (subject 1) Reptd Company Name MoveIn MoveOut Bal 4 Terms Payment Pattern 30/60/90/ #M Rt RA section offers RAAMCO INTERNATIONAL PROPERTIES LTD C/O GATEWAY balances, damages, collections etc., related to This a complete history of all legal, inquiries, Dec12 PROPERTY MAN (416) 922-8129 111111111111 111111111111 the subject's past tenancy. Three categories (Pass, of $0.00 Fail, Conditional) 0 0 0are displayed with 24 the availability 01 the check boxes, which can be used to determine if the subject's tenancy history is acceptable for approval. RENT MOP (types of account/Manner of Payment) O – Open Account (payment in full) [22] [23] 0 Too new to rate; moved in, no history yet Pays (or paid) within 91 to 120 days but no action filed yet. summarizes thejustrental history results on the 5subject. 1 Pays (or paid) as agreed within 1-5 days. 6 Legal Action commenced, termination notice or application filed. Users check off 6the criteria which they will use toregular identify anunder approved/declined subject. 2 Payscan (or paid) in within to 30 days. 7 Making payments consent Order or mediated settlement. 3 Pays (or paid) in within 31 to 60 days. 4 Pays (or paid) in within 61 to 90 days. 8 Tenancy termination order or judgement issued, repossession. 9 In collection, bad debt, or write-off. 4 11 How to Interpret a Tenancy History Report and TransUnion Credit Report 11 Identification (subject 1) Surname TESTHARVEY TESTHARVEY On File 22Feb05 Given Name(s) CODY CODY Last Inq 15Mar11 Social Ins. No. 000000000 Birth 05Aug33 Tel Day Tel Evg Residence (subject 1) Rptd Aug10 Nov09 Jan09 Street (recent on top) YONGE PO BOX 45047 400-55 STANDISH CRT 33 TORONTO ST City TOR MISSISSAUGA UXBRIDGE Pr/St ON ON ON Post/Zip M4P 3E3 L5R 4J4 L6P 1E8 Ys SAMPLE TENANCY HISTORY REPORT EXPLANATION Rent File Summary (subject 1) S a m p l e T e n a n c y R e p o R T e x p l a n aT i o n Category Legal Inquiries Balance Damages Collections Approved Approved with conditions Declined Declined with reasons Debtor search Cancelled Date Result 1 167 $1,900.00 $0.00 $0.00 32 30 3 0 4 9 Rental History [24] Reptd Identification (subject 1) Surname TESTHARVEY TESTHARVEY Given Name(s) CODY CODY Last Inq 15Mar11 Social Ins. No. 000000000 Birth 05Aug33 Tel Day Tel Evg RA Dec12 Residence (subject 1) Rptd Aug10 Nov09 Jan09 Street (recent on top) YONGE PO BOX 45047 400-55 STANDISH CRT 33 TORONTO ST City TOR MISSISSAUGA UXBRIDGE Pr/St ON ON ON Post/Zip M4P 3E3 L5R 4J4 L6P 1E8 Ys Rent File Summary (subject 1) Category Legal Inquiries Balance Damages Collections Approved Approved with conditions Declined Declined with reasons Debtor search Cancelled Date Result 1 167 $1,900.00 $0.00 $0.00 32 30 3 0 4 9 Pass Fail Conditional Company Name [28] Terms [26] MoveOut [27] Bal RAAMCO INTERNATIONAL PROPERTIES LTD C/O GATEWAY PROPERTY MAN (416) 922-8129 $0.00 [25] MoveIn Conditional Company Name MoveIn MoveOut Bal Terms RAAMCO INTERNATIONAL PROPERTIES LTD C/O GATEWAY PROPERTY MAN (416) 922-8129 $0.00 Payment Pattern 30/60/90/ #M Rt 111111111111 111111111111 0 0 0 24 01 111111111111 111111111111 0 0 0 [30] #M 24 [31] Rt 01 O – Open Account (payment in full) [32] 0 Too new to rate; just moved in, no history yet RENT MOP (types of account/Manner of Payment) O – Open Account (payment in full) 0 Too new to rate; just moved in, no history yet 1 Pays (or paid) as agreed within 1-5 days. 2 Pays (or paid) in within 6 to 30 days. 3 Pays (or paid) in within 31 to 60 days. 4 Pays (or paid) in within 61 to 90 days. Payment Pattern [29] 30/60/90/ Ratings (Rt) Legend of Payment) RENT MOP (types of account/Manner Rental History (subject 1) Reptd RA Dec12 Fail Rental History (subject 1) SAMPLE TENANCY REPORT On File 22Feb05 Pass 1 2 3 4 5 Pays (or paid) within 91 to 120 days but no action filed yet. 6 Legal Action commenced, termination notice or application filed. 7 Making regular payments under consent Order or mediated settlement. 8 Tenancy termination order or judgement issued, repossession. 9 In collection, bad debt, or write-off. 4 [24] [25] [26] [27] [28] [29] [30] [31] [32] Pays (or paid) as agreed within 1-5 days. Pays (or paid) in within 6 to 30 days. Pays (or paid) in within 31 to 60 days. Pays (or paid) in within 61 to 90 days. 5 6 7 8 9 Pays (or paid) within 91 to 120 days but no action filed yet. Legal Action commenced, termination notice or application filed. Making regular payments under consent Order or mediated settlement. Tenancy termination order or judgement issued, repossession. In collection, bad debt, or write-off. Date item was reported to Rentcheck. Date subject moved into landlord's unit. Date subject moved out of the landlord's unit. 4 arrears owing as of date reported. Rent payment ($ per period, m=monthly, B=bi-weekly, W=weekly). The first line of payment pattern shows monthly ratings for 24 months; leftmost number = current month. The second line shows the number of times subject has been 30, 60, or 90 days past due with this account. months Reviewed – the number of times or months the subject has been reported. The first character is a letter – Rental accounts will always be type open (o); the rating number can be matched to the rating legend; see [32]. The ratings legend explains the account type and ratings numbers for a period of 24 months. This section reports rental history collected from members and reporting only members through various methods. You can report delinquent tenants by emailing [email protected]. SAMPLE TENANCY REPORT Legal Items Legal Items (subject 1) SAMPLE TENANCY REPORT Legal Items (subject 1) File No. SOL-24256-88 Filed Landlord Name/Phone 03Jul05 JOSEPH IRVING/(416) 256-8876 Grounds for Reporting: Non-Payment of Rent Arrears $1,900,00 [33] File No. [34] Filed [35] Landlord Name/Phone SOL-24256-88 03Jul05 JOSEPH IRVING/(416) 256-8876 [38] Grounds for Reporting: Non-Payment of Rent Damages $0.00 Inquiries (subject 1) Date 15Mar11 24Nov10 24Nov10 05Oct10 Tenancy Grantor LANDLORD 1 LANDLORD 2 LANDLORD 3 LANDLORD 4 Telephone (416) 344-2222 (416) 123-4657 (416) 566-7060 (416) 098-7654 Status MoveIn Date Approved 01Apr11 Approved with conditions C(1) 01Dec10 Approved with conditions C(2) 01Dec10 Cancelled Status Code Description For Inquiries Section [36] Arrears $1,900,00 [37] Damages $0.00 C = Conditions Status Code C(1) C(2) Description Co-Signor Guarantor approved Inquiries (subject 1) Date 15Mar11 Tenancy Grantor LANDLORD 1 Telephone (416) 344-2222 Status Approved MoveIn Date 01Apr11 24Nov10 05Oct10 LANDLORD 3 LANDLORD 4 (416) 566-7060 (416) 098-7654 Approved with conditions C(2) Cancelled This section offersLANDLORD information on past court orders reported toconditions the Rental 24Nov10 2 (416) 123-4657 by Landlords Approved with C(1) History 01Dec10Database. 5 [33] [34] [35] [36] [37] [38] 01Dec10 case FileCode number of legal item. Status Description For Inquiries Section Date legal item was filed with the court. C = Conditions landlord whom filed the legal item. Status Code Description arrears owing reported. C(1) Co-Signor C(2) approved Damages amount Guarantor reported. Grounds for Reported legal item. 12 How to Interpret a Tenancy History Report and TransUnion Credit Report 12 SAMPLE TENANCY HISTORY REPORT EXPLANATION s a M P l e T e n a n C yS ARMeP LPE oT ERNTA NeC YX RPElP OaRn T aT I o n Legal Items (subject 1) File No. Filed Landlord Name/Phone 03Jul05 JOSEPH IRVING/(416) 256-8876 Grounds for Reporting: Non-Payment of Rent SOL-24256-88 Rent Inquiries [39] Date Legal Items (subject 1) Filed Landlord Name/Phone 03Jul05 JOSEPH IRVING/(416) 256-8876 Grounds for Reporting: Non-Payment of Rent Arrears $1,900,00 Damages $0.00 Tenancy Grantor LANDLORD 1 LANDLORD 2 LANDLORD 3 LANDLORD 4 Telephone (416) 344-2222 (416) 123-4657 (416) 566-7060 (416) 098-7654 Status MoveIn Date Approved 01Apr11 Approved with conditions C(1) 01Dec10 Approved with conditions C(2) 01Dec10 Cancelled Status Code Description For Inquiries Section C = Conditions Status Code C(1) C(2) [40] 15Mar11 24Nov10 24Nov10 05Oct10 Inquiries (subject 1) Date 15Mar11 24Nov10 24Nov10 05Oct10 Damages $0.00 Inquiries (subject 1) SAMPLE TENANCY REPORT File No. SOL-24256-88 Arrears $1,900,00 Description Co-Signor Guarantor approved [41] Telephone Tenancy Grantor LANDLORD 1[26] LANDLORD 2 LANDLORD 3 LANDLORD 4 (416) 344-2222 (416) 123-4657 (416) 566-7060 (416) 098-7654 [42] Status [43] MoveIn Date Approved 01Apr11 Approved with conditions C(1) 01Dec10 Approved with conditions C(2) 01Dec10 Cancelled Status Code Description For Inquiries Section C = Conditions [44] Status Code C(1) C(2) [45] Description Co-Signor Guarantor approved 5 [39] [40] [41] [42] [43] [44] [45] Date of previous inquiry on subject. list of landlords who have been previously searched the subject. Contact information for landlords. status Code for approved/Declined with conditions and reasons. Move in Date granted by landlords. status Code for approved/Declined with conditions reasons. Description for status Codes. This information is obtained when users go in to report the application status for their applicants. Under the Status column, if they have been approved with conditions or declined with reasons, the status codes to match are found after the Rent Inquiries section as shown in [44]. 5 13 How to Interpret a Tenancy History Report and TransUnion Credit Report 13 SAMPLE CREDIT REPORT EXPLANATION s a M P l e C R e D I T R e P o R T e X P l a n aT I o n SAMPLE CREDIT REPORT Financial History (TransUnion) – Identification Identification SAMPLE CREDIT REPORT [46] Primary Alias [45] Surname TESTHARVEY HARVEYS [49] On File 01Jun04 [50] Last Inq 22Sep10 Identification Primary Alias Surname TESTHARVEY HARVEYS On File 01Jun04 Last Inq 22Sep10 Given Names CODY CODY Social Ins. No. 000000000 Birth 05Aug33 Telephone 4162275392 Credit File Summary Category High Credit Total Current Balance Total Past Due Total Payment Total Number of Account Negative Paid Total Number of Registered Items Bankruptcy Legal Collections Inquiries Inquiries in the last 6 months Collection Date Credit Utilization 0.57% Result 41840 240 70 718 12 0 11 0 0 0 4 98 0 0 Dec08 Sep10 Pass HC: 41840 Trade Balance: From Jun04 to May08 O Open R Revolving I Installments M Mortgage Fail Conditional 0 240 0 0 ON ON ON Occupation CASHIER WELDER WELDER City TORONTO TORONTO TORONTO Prov ON ON ON Postal M1M 1M1 L1L 1L1 T1T 1T1 Since Dec2006 Jul1994 Oct1990 File Summary Legal= 1Jan2004 Bkrp= 1Dec2002 High= $9500 Baln= $2352 Trade= Jul1994/Feb2001 Coll= 2Dec2003 Pdue=$0 Balances Insq= 3Jul2005 Paym=$310 Inst= $2352 6Mnth= 1 Acc= 3 Rev=$0 [48] Birth 05Aug33 [51] Telephone 4162275392 Credit File Summary Since Jul1998 Jul2000 Sep2004 Residence(s) Street 123 MAIN STREET 101 456 BACK STREET 789 FRONT STREET Social Ins. No. [47] 000000000 Bal: 240 Employment Employers Name and Address HENRY’S HOT DOGS NATIONAL STEEL CAR SUREARC WELDING Given Names CODY CODY Collnq= 1 Neg= 2 Paid= 2 Open=$0 Mort= $0 #Reg= 1 SAMPLE CREDIT REPORT 6 [45] [46] [47] [48] [49] [50] [51] Category Date Inquiries Inquiries in the last 6 months Sep10 Result Pass Fail Conditional 41840 240 70 718 12 0 11 0 0 0 4 98 0 matches the information in this section; 0 High Credit Total list the name(s) of subject. Current Balance Total list the alIas of the subject. Pastall Due Total Payment sIn/ssn of the subject searched. Total Number of Account Negative Date of Birth of subject searched. Paid Date the file was created for subject. Totalof Number of Registered Items Bankruptcy Date of last inquiry on subject's credit file. Legal Contact information of subject. Collections Dec08 ensure Collectionthe information inputted in against the subject S A M P LifE the C Rreport E D I Tyou R Eare P Olooking RT otherwise at does not belong to the customer you searched, you need Utilization HC: 41840 toCredit cross reference to make0.57% sure you have entered in everything correctly.Bal: 240 Trade Balance: From Jun04 to May08 O Open R Revolving Identification I Installments Surname Given Names M Mortgage Primary TESTHARVEY CODY Alias HARVEYS CODY 0 240 0 0 Social Ins. No. 000000000 Employment On File Summary Last Inq credit File Employers Address 01Jun04 Name and 22Sep10 HENRY’S HOT DOGS NATIONAL STEEL CAR SUREARC WELDING Credit File Summary SAMPLE CREDIT REPORT Primary Alias Surname TESTHARVEY HARVEYS Last Inq 22Sep10 Given Names CODY CODY Social Ins. No. 000000000 Birth 05Aug33 Telephone 4162275392 Credit File Summary Category High Credit Total Current Balance Total Past Due Total Payment Total Number of Account Negative Paid Total Number of Registered Items Bankruptcy Legal Collections Inquiries Inquiries in the last 6 months Collection Date Credit Utilization 0.57% Result 41840 240 70 718 12 0 11 0 0 0 4 98 0 0 Dec08 Sep10 Pass HC: 41840 Trade Balance: From Jun04 to May08 O Open R Revolving I Installments M Mortgage Fail Conditional Bal: 240 0 240 0 0 Employment Employers Name and Address HENRY’S HOT DOGS NATIONAL STEEL CAR SUREARC WELDING ON ON ON Occupation CASHIER WELDER WELDER City TORONTO TORONTO TORONTO Prov ON ON ON Since Jul1998 Jul2000 Sep2004 Residence(s) Street 123 MAIN STREET 101 456 BACK STREET 789 FRONT STREET Postal M1M 1M1 L1L 1L1 T1T 1T1 Since Dec2006 Jul1994 Oct1990 File Summary Legal= 1Jan2004 Bkrp= 1Dec2002 High= $9500 Baln= $2352 Trade= Jul1994/Feb2001 Coll= 2Dec2003 Pdue=$0 Balances Insq= 3Jul2005 Paym=$310 Inst= $2352 6Mnth= 1 Acc= 3 Rev=$0 Collnq= 1 Neg= 2 Paid= 2 Open=$0 Mort= $0 Occupation CASHIER WELDER WELDER [52] Category Date Residence(s) High Credit Total Current Balance Total Street City Prov Past Due Total 123 MAIN STREET 101 TORONTO ON Payment 456 BACK STREET TORONTO ON Total Number of Account 789 FRONT STREET TORONTO ON Negative Paid Total of Registered Items File Number Summary Bankruptcy Legal= 1Jan2004 Bkrp= 1Dec2002 Coll= 2Dec2003 Insq= 3Jul2005 Legal High= $9500 Baln= $2352 Pdue=$0 Paym=$310 Collections Dec08 Trade= Jul1994/Feb2001 Balances Inst= $2352 Inquiries Sep10 Inquiries in the last 6 months Collection Identification On File 01Jun04 ON ON ON #Reg= 1 SAMPLE CREDIT REPORT 6 Credit Utilization [52] [53] Since Jul1998 Jul2000 Sep2004 Result 41840 240 Postal 701M1 M1M L1L718 1L1 T1T 12 1T1 0 11 0 0 6Mnth= 0 1 Acc= 43 Rev=$0 98 0 0 Birth 05Aug33 Telephone 4162275392 Pass Fail Conditional Since Dec2006 Jul1994 Oct1990 Collnq= 1 Neg= 2 Paid= 2 Open=$0 Mort= $0 [53] #Reg= 1 SAMPLE CREDIT REPORT 0.57% 6 Trade Balance: From Jun04 to May08 O Open R Revolving summarizes I Installments the financial history M Mortgage HC: 41840 Bal: 240 0 240 results on the subject. 0 0 Users can check off the criteria which they use to identify an approved/declined client. Employment This section offers a complete history of allOccupation illegal inquiries,Since balances, financial, collections, etc. related to Employers Name and Address the subject's past Credit. Three (Pass, Fail and conditional) are displayed with the availability of HENRY’S HOT DOGS ON categories CASHIER Jul1998 NATIONAL STEEL CAR can be used ON to determine WELDER Jul2000 check boxes, which if the applicants Credit history is acceptable for approval. SUREARC WELDING ON WELDER Sep2004 Residence(s) Street 123 MAIN STREET 101 456 BACK STREET 789 FRONT STREET City TORONTO TORONTO TORONTO Prov ON ON ON Postal M1M 1M1 L1L 1L1 T1T 1T1 Since Dec2006 Jul1994 Oct1990 File Summary Legal= 1Jan2004 Bkrp= 1Dec2002 High= $9500 Baln= $2352 Trade= Jul1994/Feb2001 Coll= 2Dec2003 Pdue=$0 Balances Insq= 3Jul2005 Paym=$310 Inst= $2352 6Mnth= 1 Acc= 3 Rev=$0 Collnq= 1 Neg= 2 Paid= 2 Open=$0 Mort= $0 SAMPLE CREDIT REPORT 14 #Reg= 1 How to Interpret a Tenancy History Report and TransUnion Credit Report 14 6 Identification Primary Alias Surname TESTHARVEY HARVEYS On File 01Jun04 Last Inq 22Sep10 Given Names CODY CODY Social Ins. No. 000000000 Birth 05Aug33 Telephone 4162275392 Credit File Summary SAMPLE s a M P l e C R e D I T R e P o R T e X P l a n aT I o n CREDIT REPORT EXPLANATION Category High Credit Total Current Balance Total Past Due Total Payment Total Number of Account Negative Paid Total Number of Registered Items Bankruptcy Legal Collections Inquiries Inquiries in the last 6 months Collection Date Result 41840 240 70 718 12 0 11 0 0 0 4 98 0 0 Dec08 Sep10 credit Utilization and Trade Balance SAMPLE CREDIT REPORT [54] Credit Utilization SAMPLE CREDIT REPORT Identification Primary Alias Surname TESTHARVEY HARVEYS On File 01Jun04 Last Inq 22Sep10 Given Names CODY CODY Social Ins. No. 000000000 Credit File Summary Category High Credit Total Current Balance Total Past Due Total Payment Total Number of Account Negative Paid Total Number of Registered Items Bankruptcy Legal Collections Inquiries Inquiries in the last 6 months Collection Date Credit Utilization 0.57% Result 41840 240 70 718 12 0 11 0 0 0 4 98 0 0 Dec08 Sep10 Pass HC: 41840 Trade Balance: From Jun04 to May08 O Open R Revolving I Installments M Mortgage Fail Conditional Bal: 240 0 240 0 0 Employment Employment Employers Name and Address HENRY’S HOT DOGS NATIONAL STEEL CAR SUREARC WELDING ON ON ON Occupation CASHIER WELDER WELDER City TORONTO TORONTO TORONTO Prov ON ON ON On File Since Jul1998 Jul2000 Sep2004 Postal M1M 1M1 L1L 1L1 T1T 1T1 Since Dec2006 Jul1994 Oct1990 File Summary Legal= 1Jan2004 Bkrp= 1Dec2002 High= $9500 Baln= $2352 Trade= Jul1994/Feb2001 Coll= 2Dec2003 Pdue=$0 Balances Insq= 3Jul2005 Paym=$310 Inst= $2352 6Mnth= 1 Acc= 3 Rev=$0 Collnq= 1 Neg= 2 Paid= 2 Open=$0 Mort= $0 HC: 41840 0 240 0 0 Given Names CODY CODY Last Inq Fail #Reg= 1 SAMPLE CREDIT REPORT 6 [54] [55] Bal: 240 Social Ins. No. 000000000 NATIONAL STEEL CAR ON WELDER Jul2000 0.57% Category Trade Balance: From Jun04 to May08 Date High Credit Total O Open Current Balance Total R Revolving Past Due Total I Installments Payment M Mortgage Total Number of Account Negative Paid Employment Number of Registered Items [56] Total Employers Name and Address Bankruptcy HENRY’S HOT DOGS ON Legal NATIONAL STEEL CAR ON Collections Dec08 SUREARC WELDING ON Inquiries Sep10 Inquiries in the last 6 months Collection HC: 41840 6 employment SAMPLE CREDIT REPORT Identification Primary Alias Surname TESTHARVEY HARVEYS Last Inq 22Sep10 Given Names CODY CODY Social Ins. No. 000000000 Birth 05Aug33 Telephone 4162275392 Credit File Summary Date Credit Utilization 0.57% Result 41840 240 70 718 12 0 11 0 0 0 4 98 0 0 Dec08 Sep10 Pass HC: 41840 Trade Balance: From Jun04 to May08 O Open R Revolving I Installments M Mortgage Fail Conditional Bal: 240 0 240 0 0 [56] [57] [58] Employment Employers Name and Address HENRY’S HOT DOGS NATIONAL STEEL CAR SUREARC WELDING ON ON ON Occupation CASHIER WELDER WELDER City TORONTO TORONTO TORONTO Prov ON ON ON Since Jul1998 Jul2000 Sep2004 Residence(s) Street 123 MAIN STREET 101 456 BACK STREET 789 FRONT STREET Postal M1M 1M1 L1L 1L1 T1T 1T1 Since Dec2006 Jul1994 Oct1990 File Summary Legal= 1Jan2004 Bkrp= 1Dec2002 High= $9500 Baln= $2352 Trade= Jul1994/Feb2001 Coll= 2Dec2003 Pdue=$0 Balances Insq= 3Jul2005 Paym=$310 Inst= $2352 6Mnth= 1 Acc= 3 Rev=$0 Collnq= 1 Neg= 2 Paid= 2 Open=$0 Mort= $0 #Reg= 1 SAMPLE CREDIT REPORT 6 Identification Primary Alias Surname TESTHARVEY HARVEYS Last Inq 22Sep10 Given Names CODY CODY Social Ins. No. 000000000 Birth 05Aug33 Telephone 4162275392 Credit File Summary Date Credit Utilization 0.57% Result 41840 240 70 718 12 0 11 0 0 0 4 98 0 0 Dec08 Sep10 Pass HC: 41840 Trade Balance: From Jun04 to May08 O Open R Revolving I Installments M Mortgage Fail Conditional Residence(s) ON ON ON Occupation CASHIER WELDER WELDER R Revolving I Installments File Summary M Mortgage Legal= 1Jan2004 Bkrp= 1Dec2002 Coll= 2Dec2003 Insq= 3Jul2005 High= $9500 Baln= $2352 Pdue=$0 Paym=$310 Employment Trade= Jul1994/Feb2001 Balances Inst= $2352 Employers Name and Address Occupation HENRY’S HOT DOGS ON CASHIER NATIONAL STEEL CAR ON WELDER SUREARC WELDING ON WELDER Postal HC: 41840 M1M 1M1 L1L 1L1 T1T 1T1 0 240 0 0 6Mnth= 1 Acc= 3 Rev=$0 Since Jul1998 Jul2000 Sep2004 Bal: 240 Fail Conditional Bal:Since 240 Dec2006 Jul1994 Oct1990 Collnq= 1 Neg= 2 Paid= 2 Open=$0 Mort= $0 #Reg= 1 SAMPLE CREDIT REPORT 6 City TORONTO TORONTO TORONTO Prov ON ON ON Coll= 2Dec2003 Pdue=$0 Balances Postal M1M 1M1 L1L 1L1 T1T 1T1 Insq= 3Jul2005 Paym=$310 Inst= $2352 Since Dec2006 Jul1994 Oct1990 6Mnth= 1 Acc= 3 Rev=$0 Collnq= 1 Neg= 2 Paid= 2 Open=$0 Mort= $0 SAMPLE CREDIT REPORT 6 Street 123 MAIN STREET 101 456 BACK STREET 789 FRONT STREET City TORONTO TORONTO TORONTO Trade= Jul1994/Feb2001 File Summary Legal= 1Jan2004 Bkrp= 1Dec2002 High= $9500 Baln= $2352 Trade= Jul1994/Feb2001 Prov ON ON ON Prov ON ON ON Postal M1M 1M1 L1L 1L1 T1T 1T1 Legal= 1Jan2004 Bkrp= 1Dec2002 Coll= 2Dec2003 Insq= 3Jul2005 Lists currentHigh= and$9500 past residences, with datePdue=$0 of occupancy. Paym=$310 Baln= $2352 Since Jul1998 Jul2000 Sep2004 Residence(s) Street 123 MAIN STREET 101 456 BACK STREET 789 FRONT STREET Result Pass 41840 0 240240 70 0 718 0 12 0 11 [58] Since 0 0 Jul1998 0 Jul2000 4 Sep2004 98 0 0 Since Dec2006 Jul1994 Oct1990 File Summary Bal: 240 0 240 0 0 Employment Employers Name and Address HENRY’S HOT DOGS NATIONAL STEEL CAR SUREARC WELDING Conditional Residence(s) SAMPLE CREDIT REPORT Category High Credit Total Current Balance Total Past Due Total Payment Total Number of Account Negative Paid Total Number of Registered Items Bankruptcy Legal Collections Inquiries Inquiries in the last 6 months Collection [57] Occupation CASHIER WELDER WELDER Street City lists current and past employers. Credit Utilization 0.57% 123 MAIN STREET 101 TORONTO lists of the subject searched. 456 position BACK STREET Trade Balance: From Jun04 to May08 TORONTO 789 FRONT STREET lists time at current and pastTORONTO employers. O Open Residence(s) On File 01Jun04 Fail Street City Prov Postal Since Past DueSTREET Total 101 123 MAIN TORONTO ON M1M 70 1M1 Dec2006 Payment 718 456 BACK STREET TORONTO ON L1L 1L1 Jul1994 Total Number of Account 12 789 FRONT STREET TORONTO ON T1T 1T1 Oct1990 Credit Utilization Percentage Negative 0 Identification Paid percentage of High Credit (HC) available to the subject, 11a total of all open high credit amounts an This TotalSummary Number of Registered Items 0 File Surname Namesby the Balance owing (Bal) which Socialis Ins. No. total of Birth the all unpaid accounts all open account balances, isGiven divided Bankruptcy 0 Primary TESTHARVEY CODY 000000000 05Aug33 Legal= 1Dec2002 Coll=of 2Dec2003 Insq= 3Jul2005 6Mnth= Collnq= 1 Legal 1Jan2004 toBkrp= 01 represented expenditures produce a ration total available over total owing by a percentage. separately Alias HARVEYS CODY High= $9500 Baln= $2352 Pdue=$0 Paym=$310 Acc= 3 4 Neg= 2 Paid= 2 Collections Dec08 displayed are the amounts for open accounts and high credits for your scrutiny. Trade= Jul1994/Feb2001 Balances Inst= $2352 Rev=$0 Open=$0 Mort= $0 #Reg= 1 Inquiries Sep10 98 On File Last Inq Telephone Inquiries in the last 6 months 0 01Jun04 22Sep10 4162275392 Collection 0 SAMPLE CREDIT REPORT Category High Credit Total Current Balance Total Past Due Total Payment Total Number of Account Negative Paid Total Number of Registered Items Bankruptcy Legal Collections Inquiries Inquiries in the last 6 months Collection Birth 05Aug33 Telephone SUREARC WELDING WELDER Sep2004 Percentage the subjectON has utilized their available credit. Credit Filethat Summary The percentage is calculatedDate by dividing the sum of HC by sum Category Resultof BC. Pass Residence(s) High Total 41840 S A Credit M P of L EtheC period R E D I of T the R E accounts P O R T in the credit file summary. summary Current Balance Total 240 Credit Utilization Credit File Summary On File 01Jun04 Conditional Employers and22Sep10 Address Occupation Since 01Jun04 4162275392 This section offers Name the number of open,ON revolving, installment and mortgage accounts against subject. HENRY’S HOT DOGS CASHIER Jul1998 Residence(s) Street 123 MAIN STREET 101 456 BACK STREET 789 FRONT STREET 0.57% [55] Trade Balance: From Jun04 to May08 O Open R Identification Revolving I Installments Surname M Mortgage Primary TESTHARVEY Alias HARVEYS Birth 05Aug33 Telephone 4162275392 Pass #Reg= 1 Balances Inst= $2352 6Mnth= 1 Acc= 3 Rev=$0 Collnq= 1 Neg= 2 Paid= 2 Open=$0 Mort= $0 #Reg= 1 SAMPLE CREDIT REPORT 6 15 How to Interpret a Tenancy History Report and TransUnion Credit Report 15 Legal Collections Inquiries Inquiries in the last 6 months Collection 0 4 98 0 0 Dec08 Sep10 Credit Utilization 0.57% HC: 41840 Trade Balance: From Jun04 to May08 O Open R Revolving I Installments M Mortgage Bal: 240 0 240 0 0 SAMPLE s a M P l e C R e D I T R e P o R T e X P l a n aT I o n CREDIT REPORT EXPLANATION Employment Employers Name and Address HENRY’S HOT DOGS NATIONAL STEEL CAR SUREARC WELDING ON ON ON Occupation CASHIER WELDER WELDER City TORONTO TORONTO TORONTO Prov ON ON ON Since Jul1998 Jul2000 Sep2004 Residence(s) Street 123 MAIN STREET 101 File Summary 456 BACK STREET 789 FRONT STREET Identification Primary Alias Surname TESTHARVEY HARVEYS Last Inq 22Sep10 Given Names CODY CODY Social Ins. No. 000000000 Bkrp= 1Dec2002 [59] Legal= 1Jan2004 Baln= $2352 [60] High= $9500 [61] Trade= Jul1994/Feb2001 Birth 05Aug33 Telephone 4162275392 Credit File Summary Category High Credit Total Current Balance Total Past Due Total Payment Total Number of Account Negative Paid Total Number of Registered Items Bankruptcy Legal Collections Inquiries Inquiries in the last 6 months Collection Date Credit Utilization 0.57% Result 41840 240 70 718 12 0 11 0 0 0 4 98 0 0 Dec08 Sep10 Pass HC: 41840 Trade Balance: From Jun04 to May08 O Open R Revolving I Installments M Mortgage Fail Conditional ON ON ON Occupation CASHIER WELDER WELDER City TORONTO TORONTO TORONTO Prov ON ON ON Coll= 2Dec2003 Pdue=$0 Balances Insq= 3Jul2005 Paym=$310 Inst= $2352 6Mnth= 1 Acc= 3 Rev=$0 Collnq= 1 Neg= 2 Paid= 2 Open=$0 Mort= $0 #Reg= 1 SAMPLE CREDIT REPORT Bal: 240 0 240 0 0 6 Provides a snapshot of all activity on the consumer's credit report. Employment Employers Name and Address HENRY’S HOT DOGS NATIONAL STEEL CAR SUREARC WELDING Since Dec2006 Jul1994 Oct1990 File Summary SAMPLE CREDIT REPORT On File 01Jun04 Postal M1M 1M1 L1L 1L1 T1T 1T1 Since Jul1998 Jul2000 Sep2004 Residence(s) Street 123 MAIN STREET 101 456 BACK STREET 789 FRONT STREET Postal M1M 1M1 L1L 1L1 T1T 1T1 Since Dec2006 Jul1994 Oct1990 File Summary Legal= 1Jan2004 Bkrp= 1Dec2002 High= $9500 Baln= $2352 Trade= Jul1994/Feb2001 Coll= 2Dec2003 Pdue=$0 Balances Insq= 3Jul2005 Paym=$310 Inst= $2352 6Mnth= 1 Acc= 3 Rev=$0 Collnq= 1 Neg= 2 Paid= 2 Open=$0 Mort= $0 #Reg= 1 SAMPLE CREDIT REPORT [59] 6 [60] [61] Total number of legal items; with date of most current. Total number of bankruptcies; with date of most current. Total number of collections; with date of most current. Total number of inquiries; with date of most current. number of inquiries in the last six months. number of inquiries that are collection inquiries. Total high credit to the consumer. Running balance on the available credit. Total past due. Total payments. number of accounts number of accounts that have negative rating, including Manner of Payment (MoP) of 2,3,4,5,7,8,9. number of accounts paid. Date of oldest account opened and date of most current account opened. Breakdown of total running balances: Installment, Revolving, Open, Mortgage Total number of Registered Items. SAMPLE CREDIT REPORT Special Messages Messages SAMPLE CREDIT REPORT [62] ID Mismatch Alert [63] High Risk Fraud Alert Messages ID Mismatch Alert High Risk Fraud Alert Applicant’s SIN is Invalid #HK# Consumer Fraud Warnings on File Bureau Scores TransUnion RiskScore FICO® Revenue Score FICO® Bankruptcy Score FICO® Application Fraud Score 687 **ALERT** 007 *ALERT** 64 Lack of recent revolving account information 53 Lack of recent consumer finance account information 68 Monthly payment due on accounts 57 Time since most recent retail account established 657 **ALERT** 38 Serious delinquency, and public record or collection filed 18 Number of accounts with delinquency 16 Lack of recent revolving account information 40 Derogatory public record or collection filed 308 Bureau Scores Banking Reptd BR Apr2007 TransUnion RiskScore FICO® Revenue Score Open Banking Information ROYAL BANK OF CANADA, 9058162712 Apr2006 CHEQUING ACCOUNT 160 UNCOLLECTED OVERDRAFT OR CHARGES STILL OWING Trade Reptd DC Jul2005 Open Last H. Credit Balance PastDue CHASE CARD SERVICES, 800265365 Apr1996 Jun2003 1000 0 0 INCL IN BANKRUPTCY BB Aug2006 CIBC DEALER DIRECT LOANS, 8002657807 Feb2001 Jun2005 7500 OC Jul2003 GEMONEY, 8006613861 Jul1994 2352 Jul2002 1000 3RD PARTY COLL 0 0/M Payment Pattern 30/60/90/#M MOP 999999999543211111111111 1 1 11 110 R9 310/M 1111111111111XXXXX111111 0 0 0 72 Terms 0 0 Open Last H. Credit Balance PastDue Terms 0000000 Aug2006 70000 30000 MORTGAGE 0 200/M 0/M I1 999995432111111111111111 1 1 7 84 O9 Payment Pattern 30/60/90/#M 432111111111 1 1 1 M4 Mortgages Reptd BB Aug2006 Applicant’s SIN is Invalid #HK# Consumer Fraud Warnings on File These are MOP [62] SAMPLE CREDIT REPORT 7 [63] 687 **ALERT** 007 *ALERT** 64 Lack of recent revolving account information 53 Highlights Lack of recent consumer information that may include: examples of optional products. specificfinance creditaccount file conditions 68 Monthly payment due on accounts 57 Time since most recent retail account established FICO® Bankruptcy Score input address 657 **ALERT** appears if current does not match any addresses on returned file; 38 Serious delinquency, and public record or collection filed If input social Insurance number not match the file social Insurance number; 18 Numberdoes of accounts with delinquency 16 Lack of recent revolving account information If there are four or more inquiries within the last 60 days, or if the input surname does not match returned file. 40 Derogatory public record or collection filed FICO®information Application Fraud 308is compared against information of known and potential frauds. The in Score the inquiry If such a match occurs against the input address, phone number or sIn, a warning message is generated Banking further investigation. prompting Reptd BR Apr2007 Open Banking Information ROYAL BANK OF CANADA, 9058162712 Apr2006 CHEQUING ACCOUNT 160 UNCOLLECTED OVERDRAFT OR CHARGES STILL OWING Trade Reptd DC Jul2005 Open Last H. Credit Balance PastDue CHASE CARD SERVICES, 800265365 Apr1996 Jun2003 1000 0 0 INCL IN BANKRUPTCY BB Aug2006 CIBC DEALER DIRECT LOANS, 8002657807 Feb2001 Jun2005 7500 OC Jul2003 GEMONEY, 8006613861 Jul1994 Mortgages Jul2002 1000 3RD PARTY COLL 2352 0 0 0 0/M Payment Pattern 30/60/90/#M MOP 999999999543211111111111 1 1 11 110 R9 310/M 1111111111111XXXXX111111 0 0 0 72 I1 999995432111111111111111 1 1 7 84 O9 Terms 0/M 16 Payment Pattern Credit Report 16 How to Interpret aLast Tenancy History Report and TransUnion Open H. Credit Balance PastDue Terms 30/60/90/#M MOP Reptd BB Aug2006 0000000 Aug2006 70000 30000 MORTGAGE 0 200/M 432111111111 1 1 1 M4 SAMPLE CREDIT REPORT EXPLANATION s a M P l e C R e D I T R e P o R T e X P l a n aT I o n SAMPLE CREDIT REPORT Messages BureauIDScores Mismatch Alert Applicant’s SIN is Invalid #HK# Consumer Fraud Warnings on File High Risk Fraud Alert Bureau Scores SAMPLE CREDIT REPORT Messages ID Mismatch Alert High Risk Fraud Alert [64] TransUnion RiskScore [65] FICO® Revenue Score Applicant’s SIN is Invalid #HK# Consumer Fraud Warnings on File Bureau Scores TransUnion RiskScore FICO® Revenue Score FICO® Bankruptcy Score FICO® Application Fraud Score 687 **ALERT** 007 *ALERT** 64 Lack of recent revolving account information 53 Lack of recent consumer finance account information 68 Monthly payment due on accounts 57 Time since most recent retail account established 657 **ALERT** 38 Serious delinquency, and public record or collection filed 18 Number of accounts with delinquency 16 Lack of recent revolving account information 40 Derogatory public record or collection filed 308 Banking Reptd BR Apr2007 Open Banking Information ROYAL BANK OF CANADA, 9058162712 Apr2006 CHEQUING ACCOUNT 160 UNCOLLECTED OVERDRAFT OR CHARGES STILL OWING Trade 0/M Payment Pattern 30/60/90/#M MOP 999999999543211111111111 1 1 11 110 R9 2352 0 310/M 1111111111111XXXXX111111 0 0 0 72 I1 0 0 0/M 999995432111111111111111 1 1 7 84 O9 Payment Pattern 30/60/90/#M 432111111111 1 1 1 M4 Reptd DC Jul2005 Open Last H. Credit Balance PastDue CHASE CARD SERVICES, 800265365 Apr1996 Jun2003 1000 0 0 INCL IN BANKRUPTCY BB Aug2006 CIBC DEALER DIRECT LOANS, 8002657807 Feb2001 Jun2005 7500 OC Jul2003 GEMONEY, 8006613861 Jul1994 Jul2002 1000 3RD PARTY COLL Terms [66] FICO® Bankruptcy Score Mortgages Reptd BB Aug2006 Open Last H. Credit Balance PastDue Terms 0000000 Aug2006 70000 30000 MORTGAGE 0 200/M MOP [67] FICO® Application Fraud Score 687 **ALERT** 007 *ALERT** 64 Lack of recent revolving account information 53 Lack of recent consumer finance account information 68 Monthly payment due on accounts 57 Time since most recent retail account established 657 **ALERT** 38 Serious delinquency, and public record or collection filed 18 Number of accounts with delinquency 16 Lack of recent revolving account information 40 Derogatory public record or collection filed 308 SAMPLE CREDIT REPORT Banking 7 Reptd BR Apr2007 SAMPLE Open Banking Information ROYAL BANK OF CANADA, 9058162712 ACCOUNT 160 UNCOLLECTED OVERDRAFT OR CHARGES STILL OWING C R E D I T Apr2006 R E P OCHEQUING RT These are Trade examples of optional products [64] [65] [66] [67] Payment Pattern ReptdTransUnion Open Risk score displayed Last H. Credit Balance Terms 30/60/90/#M MOP are The numerically withPastDue four explanation factors. These factors DC CHASE CARD SERVICES, 800265365 999999999543211111111111 displayed order based on their relative1000 impact on0 the final0 score. when a Messagesin Jul2005 Apr1996 Jun2003 0/M an “alert” message 1 1 11 110 occurs R9 INCL IN BANKRUPTCY credit file contains MoP 7 orApplicant’s greater,SIN a negative public record, a collection, or previous bankruptcy. ID Mismatch Alert is Invalid High Risk Fraud Alert projection model. #HK# Consumer Fraud Warnings on File This BB is a revenue CIBC DEALER DIRECT LOANS, 8002657807 1111111111111XXXXX111111 Aug2006 Feb2001 2352 0 310/M 0 0 0 72 I1 This is a bankruptcy loss ratio Jun2005 model. 7500 Bureau Scores fICo® application fraud score model rank orders applications by their 999995432111111111111111 likelihood of being fraudulent. OC GEMONEY, 8006613861 TransUnion RiskScore Jul2003 Jul1994 FICO® Revenue Score Mortgages FICO® Bankruptcy Reptd Open Score BB Aug2006 0000000 Banking FICO® Application Fraud Score Messages Reptd BR Apr2007 Applicant’s SIN is Invalid #HK# Consumer Fraud Warnings on File Bureau Scores TransUnion RiskScore FICO® Revenue Score FICO® Bankruptcy Score FICO® Application Fraud Score 687 **ALERT** 007 *ALERT** 64 Lack of recent revolving account information 53 Lack of recent consumer finance account information 68 Monthly payment due on accounts 57 Time since most recent retail account established 657 **ALERT** 38 Serious delinquency, and public record or collection filed 18 Number of accounts with delinquency 16 Lack of recent revolving account information 40 Derogatory public record or collection filed 308 Banking Reptd BR Apr2007 Payment Pattern 30/60/90/#M 432111111111 1 1 1 O9 MOP M4 Open Banking Information ROYAL BANK OF CANADA, 9058162712 Apr2006 CHEQUING ACCOUNT 160 UNCOLLECTED OVERDRAFT OR CHARGES STILL OWING Open Banking Information ROYAL BANK OF CANADA, 9058162712 Apr2006 CHEQUING ACCOUNT 160 UNCOLLECTED OVERDRAFT OR CHARGES STILL OWING Trade Trade Reptd DC Jul2005 Open Last H. Credit Balance PastDue CHASE CARD SERVICES, 800265365 Apr1996 Jun2003 1000 0 0 INCL IN BANKRUPTCY BB Aug2006 CIBC DEALER DIRECT LOANS, 8002657807 Feb2001 Jun2005 7500 OC Jul2003 GEMONEY, 8006613861 Jul1994 Jul2002 1000 3RD PARTY COLL 0/M Payment Pattern 30/60/90/#M MOP 999999999543211111111111 1 1 11 110 R9 1111111111111XXXXX111111 0 0 0 72 I1 999995432111111111111111 1 1 7 84 O9 Payment Pattern 30/60/90/#M 432111111111 1 1 1 M4 Terms 2352 0 310/M 0 0 0/M Mortgages Reptd BB Aug2006 1 1 7 84 Banking SAMPLE CREDIT REPORT ID Mismatch Alert High Risk Fraud Alert 687 **ALERT** Jul2002 1000 0 0 0/M 007 *ALERT** 3RD PARTY COLL 64 Lack of recent revolving account information 53 Lack of recent consumer finance account information 68 Monthly payment due on accounts 57 Time since most recent retail account established 657Last **ALERT**H. Credit Balance PastDue Terms 38 Serious delinquency, and public record or collection filed 18 Number of accounts delinquency Aug2006 70000 with 30000 0 200/M 16 Lack of recent revolving account information MORTGAGE 40 Derogatory public record or collection filed 308 Open Last H. Credit Balance PastDue Terms 0000000 Aug2006 70000 30000 MORTGAGE 0 200/M SAMPLE CREDIT REPORT 7 MOP Reptd Open SAMPLE CREDIT REPORT Last Banking information includes theSERVICES, following data: DC CHASE CARD 800265365 Jul2005 Apr1996 Jun2003 H. Credit Balance 7 PastDue 1000 0 INCL IN BANKRUPTCY 0 7500 0 Terms 0/M Payment Pattern 30/60/90/#M MOP 999999999543211111111111 1 1 11 110 R9 Industry code, name and telephone number of credit grantor, date the credit information was reported to TransUnion, BB DEALER DIRECT LOANS, 8002657807any closed for cause information. 1111111111111XXXXX111111 date the account wasCIBC opened, narrative describing Aug2006 Feb2001 OC Jul2003 GEMONEY, 8006613861 Jul1994 Jun2005 2352 Jul2002 1000 3RD PARTY COLL 310/M 0 0 0/M 0 0 0 72 I1 999995432111111111111111 1 1 7 84 O9 Payment Pattern 30/60/90/#M 432111111111 1 1 1 M4 Mortgages Reptd BB Aug2006 Open Last H. Credit Balance PastDue Terms 0000000 Aug2006 70000 30000 MORTGAGE 0 200/M MOP SAMPLE CREDIT REPORT 7 17 How to Interpret a Tenancy History Report and TransUnion Credit Report 17 Messages ID Mismatch Alert High Risk Fraud Alert Applicant’s SIN is Invalid #HK# Consumer Fraud Warnings on File Bureau Scores TransUnion RiskScore FICO® Revenue Score 687 **ALERT** 007 *ALERT** 64 Lack of recent revolving account information 53 Lack of recent consumer finance account information 68 Monthly payment due on accounts 57 Time since most recent retail account established 657 **ALERT** 38 Serious delinquency, and public record or collection filed 18 Number of accounts with delinquency 16 Lack of recent revolving account information 40 Derogatory public record or collection filed 308 SAMPLE CREDIT REPORT EXPLANATION Bankruptcy Score S a m p l e C r e d i t rFICO® ep o r t e x p l a n at i o n FICO® Application Fraud Score Banking TradesReptd and Mortgages BR Apr2007 [68] SAMPLE CREDIT REPORT Messages ID Mismatch Alert High Risk Fraud Alert Trade Applicant’s SIN is Invalid #HK# Consumer Fraud Warnings on File Bureau Scores TransUnion RiskScore FICO® Revenue Score FICO® Bankruptcy Score FICO® Application Fraud Score 687 **ALERT** 007 *ALERT** 64 Lack of recent revolving account information 53 Lack of recent consumer finance account information 68 Monthly payment due on accounts 57 Time since most recent retail account established 657 **ALERT** 38 Serious delinquency, and public record or collection filed 18 Number of accounts with delinquency 16 Lack of recent revolving account information 40 Derogatory public record or collection filed 308 Reptd DC Jul2005 Open Last H. Credit Balance PastDue CHASE CARD SERVICES, 800265365 Apr1996 Jun2003 1000 0 0 INCL IN BANKRUPTCY BB Aug2006 CIBC DEALER DIRECT LOANS, 8002657807 Feb2001 Jun2005 7500 OC Jul2003 GEMONEY, 8006613861 Jul1994 Banking Reptd BR Apr2007 Open Banking Information ROYAL BANK OF CANADA, 9058162712 Apr2006 CHEQUING ACCOUNT 160 UNCOLLECTED OVERDRAFT OR CHARGES STILL OWING Open Banking Information ROYAL BANK OF CANADA, 9058162712 Apr2006 CHEQUING ACCOUNT 160 UNCOLLECTED OVERDRAFT OR CHARGES STILL OWING [ 69] Payment Pattern [ 70] MOP Terms 30/60/90/#M 999999999543211111111111 0/M R9 1 1 11 1110 1 11 110 R9 Trade 0/M Payment Pattern 30/60/90/#M MOP 999999999543211111111111 1 1 11 110 R9 2352 0 310/M 1111111111111XXXXX111111 0 0 0 72 I1 0 0 0/M 999995432111111111111111 1 1 7 84 O9 Reptd DC Jul2005 Open Last H. Credit Balance PastDue CHASE CARD SERVICES, 800265365 Apr1996 Jun2003 1000 0 0 INCL IN BANKRUPTCY BB Aug2006 CIBC DEALER DIRECT LOANS, 8002657807 Feb2001 Jun2005 7500 OC Jul2003 GEMONEY, 8006613861 Jul1994 Jul2002 1000 3RD PARTY COLL Terms Mortgages Reptd BB Aug2006 Open Last H. Credit Balance PastDue Terms 0000000 Aug2006 70000 30000 MORTGAGE 0 200/M Payment Pattern 30/60/90/#M 432111111111 1 1 1 MOP M4 SAMPLE CREDIT REPORT Jul2002 1000 3RD PARTY COLL 2352 0 310/M 0 0 0/M 1111111111111XXXXX111111 0 0 00 072 0 72 I1I1 999995432111111111111111 1 1 7 1841 7 84 O9 O9 Payment Pattern 30/60/90/#M 432111111111 1 1 1 M4 [ 71] Mortgages 7 Reptd BB Aug2006 Open Last H. Credit Balance PastDue Terms 0000000 Aug2006 70000 30000 MORTGAGE 0 200/M MOP Provides an ongoing historical and current record of the consumer's buying and payment activities. Trade information includes the following data: [68] SAMPLE CREDIT REPORT industry Code name and telephone number of the credit grantor 7 payment pattern date the credit information was reported to transUnion date the account was opened date of last activity on the account the high credit or credit limit on the account Balance owing as of date reported amount past due as of date reported terms of payment showing the dollar amount owing and payment frequency Frequency codes are: D – Deferred P – Single Payment W – Weekly B – Bi-weekly [69] [70] R – Tri-annually S – Semi-annually Y – Annually payment pattern gives a detailed history of payment ratings for a maximum of 24 months. it reads from right to left with the most current verified entry to the left on the first line. the line below gives a summary of the historical status of the ratings for the total number of months the credit grantor has been reviewing the account. type of account (r, i, o, m) and manner of payment at which the account is currently reported (See breakdown for more details). R – Revolving [71] A – Semi-monthly M – Monthly E – Bi-monthly T – Quarterly O – Open I – Installment M – Mortgage a narrative is used if the account is in some type of dispute or requires an explanation of the credit condition of the account. For mortgage information, the name and telephone number of the credit grantor are not displayed. the open date is not displayed. 18 How to Interpret a Tenancy History Report and TransUnion Credit Report 18 SAMPLE CREDIT REPORT EXPLANATION s a M P l e C R e D I T R e P o R T e X P l a n aT I o n SAMPLE CREDIT REPORT Registered Items Registered Items SAMPLE CREDIT REPORT Registered Items Reptd ZZ Jan2000 Open ALTERNA BANK Jan2000 Mature Amount Security Dec2003 15000 A E Bankruptcy and Insolvency Rsvd Jul2005 Reptd 01Dec2002 Trustee BURT HOWE HOWE & ASSOCIATES SMC HAM Assets 500 DISCHARGE JOINT 15456 Liab 75520 01Jun2003 Reptd Jan2004 Plaintiff's Name ABC HAMILTON SMALL CLAIMS COURT JUDGE 13465 Amount 1500 SATISFIED Balance 0 01JuL2004 Rsvd Jun2005 Reptd Dec2003 Agency/Creditor's Name ARTIC SERVICES/CABLE COMPANY Jul2003 AIC/GAS CO Amount 404 STILL OWING 577 PAID Sep2004 Balance 404 Sep2004 Reptd ZZ Jan2000 Open ALTERNA BANK Jan2000 Mature Amount Security Dec2003 15000 A E Legal Items Rsvd Sep2004 Bankruptcy and Insolvency Collection 0 Rsvd Inquiries Date 25Jul2005 01May2002 25Nov1999 Credit Grantor YA ALLIED INTERNATIONAL CREDIT, 8884788181 BB CIBC/PRESIDENTS CHOICE DC ZELLERS, 8002632599 Reptd Trustee Assets HOWE & ASSOCIATES RSMC E PHAM ORT DISCHARGE JOINT 15456 Plaintiff's Name ABC HAMILTON SMALL CLAIMS COURT JUDGE 13465 Amount 1500 SATISFIED BURT 500 as liens. This item Jul2005 is not rated. It 01Dec2002 gives full details of HOWE registration including security. Also known Remarks Date 30Dec2004 30Dec2004 30Dec2004 30Dec2004 30Dec2004 30Dec2004 Information #HK# CONFIRMED FRAUD VICTIM; BEFORE EXTENDING CREDIT VERIFY ALL #HK# APPLICANT INFORMATION. CONTACT CONSUMER FOR VERIFICATION AT #HK# HOME: (416) 5555-1212 DATED 07/2005 VICTIME CONFIRME DE FRAUD #HK# NE PAS ACCORDER DE CREDIT SANS VERIFIER TOUTES LES INFORMATION #HK# DU POSTULANT DE PLUS COMMUNIQUER AVEC LE CONSOMMATEUR DIRECTEMENT #HK# A DOMICILE POUR VERIFICATION AU: (416) 555-1212 DATE 07/2005 SAMPLE CREDIT This completes the file for CODY TESTHARVEY THIS REPORT IS PRIVATE AND CONFIDENTIAL. RELEASING COPIES TO ANYONE INCLUDING THE APPLICANT IS A VIOLATION OF YOUR MEMBERSHIP AGREEMENT WITH RENTCHECK AS WELL AS CONSUMER REPORTING AGENCY LEGISLATION. THE APPLICANT CAN OBTAIN A COPY OF THEIR OWN CREDIT FILE BY CONTACTING THE CREDIT BUREAU SOURCE AT THE FOLLOWING NUMBERS: TRANSUNION 1.800.663.9980 AND/ OR EQUIFAX 1.800.465.7166 AND/OR RENTCHECK 1.800.661.7312 EXT 221. For support please email us at [email protected] with your Member ID SAMPLE CREDIT REPORT A – Consumer Goods Legal Items B – Inventory Rsvd Sep2004 8 Reptd Jan2004 C – Equipment E – Other securities D – Assignment of book debts Collection Registered Items Reptd Rsvd Reptd Jun2005 ZZ Jan2000 Sep2004 Agency/Creditor's Name Open Mature COMPANY Dec2003 ARTIC SERVICES/CABLE Bankruptcy and/or consumer Proposal ALTERNA BANK Registered Items Open ALTERNA BANK Jan2000 Mature Amount Security Dec2003 15000 A E Bankruptcy and Insolvency Rsvd Jul2005 Reptd 01Dec2002 Trustee BURT HOWE HOWE & ASSOCIATES SMC HAM Assets 500 DISCHARGE JOINT 15456 Liab 75520 01Jun2003 Legal Items Rsvd Sep2004 Reptd Jan2004 Plaintiff's Name ABC HAMILTON SMALL CLAIMS COURT JUDGE 13465 Amount 1500 SATISFIED Balance 0 01JuL2004 Rsvd Jun2005 Reptd Dec2003 Agency/Creditor's Name ARTIC SERVICES/CABLE COMPANY Jul2003 AIC/GAS CO Amount 404 STILL OWING 577 PAID Sep2004 Balance 404 Sep2004 0 Inquiries Credit Grantor YA ALLIED INTERNATIONAL CREDIT, 8884788181 BB CIBC/PRESIDENTS CHOICE DC ZELLERS, 8002632599 Remarks Date 30Dec2004 30Dec2004 30Dec2004 30Dec2004 30Dec2004 30Dec2004 Dec2003 Balance 404 Security A 0 Date Credit Grantor Rsvd Reptd Trustee 25Jul2005 YA01Dec2002 ALLIED INTERNATIONAL CREDIT, 8884788181 Jul2005 BURT HOWE 01May2002 BB CIBC/PRESIDENTSHOWE CHOICE & ASSOCIATES 25Nov1999 HAM S A M P L E DCCZELLERS, R E D I8002632599 T R SMC EPO RT Assets 500 DISCHARGE JOINT 15456 Liab 75520 01Jun2003 Rsvd Reptd Plaintiff's Name Amount Date Information Sep2004 Jan2004 ABC 1500 30Dec2004 #HK# CONFIRMED FRAUD VICTIM; BEFORE EXTENDING CREDIT VERIFY ALL HAMILTON SMALL CLAIMS COURT Will be maintained on consumer's file in compliance with provincial regulations. SATISFIED 30Dec2004 #HK# APPLICANT INFORMATION. JUDGE 13465 CONTACT CONSUMER FOR VERIFICATION AT 30Dec2004 #HK# HOME: (416) 5555-1212 DATED 07/2005 VICTIME CONFIRME DE FRAUD 30Dec2004 PAS ACCORDER DE CREDIT SANS VERIFIER TOUTES LES INFORMATION Collection Includes date revised, #HK# dateNEreported, name and address of trustees, assets, liabilities, date 30Dec2004 #HK# DU POSTULANT DE PLUS COMMUNIQUER AVEC LE CONSOMMATEUR DIRECTEMENT Registered Items Rsvd Reptd Agency/Creditor's #HK# A DOMICILE POUR VERIFICATIONName AU: (416) 555-1212 DATE 07/2005 Amount with date.30Dec2004 Jun2005 ARTIC SERVICES/CABLE 404 Reptd OpenDec2003 Mature COMPANY Amount STILL OWING ZZ ALTERNA BANK Sep2004 Jul2003 AIC/GAS CO Dec2003 Jan2000 Jan2000 15000 577 PAID Sep2004 Balance 0 01JuL2004 Legal Items Remarks Collection Date 25Jul2005 01May2002 25Nov1999 AIC/GAS CO Balance 0 01JuL2004 E Inquiries Bankruptcy and Insolvency SAMPLE CREDIT REPORT Reptd ZZ Jan2000 Jan2000 Jul2003 Amount Amount 404 STILL OWING 15000 577 PAID Sep2004 Liab 75520 01Jun2003 Information #HK# CONFIRMED FRAUD VICTIM; BEFORE EXTENDING CREDIT VERIFY ALL #HK# APPLICANT INFORMATION. CONTACT CONSUMER FOR VERIFICATION AT #HK# HOME: (416) 5555-1212 DATED 07/2005 VICTIME CONFIRME DE FRAUD #HK# NE PAS ACCORDER DE CREDIT SANS VERIFIER TOUTES LES INFORMATION #HK# DU POSTULANT DE PLUS COMMUNIQUER AVEC LE CONSOMMATEUR DIRECTEMENT #HK# A DOMICILE POUR VERIFICATION AU: (416) 555-1212 DATE 07/2005 This completes the file for CODY TESTHARVEY THIS REPORT IS PRIVATE AND CONFIDENTIAL. RELEASING COPIES TO ANYONE INCLUDING THE APPLICANT IS A VIOLATION OF YOUR MEMBERSHIP AGREEMENT WITH RENTCHECK AS WELL AS CONSUMER REPORTING AGENCY LEGISLATION. THE APPLICANT CAN OBTAIN A COPY OF THEIR OWN CREDIT FILE BY CONTACTING THE CREDIT BUREAU SOURCE AT THE FOLLOWING NUMBERS: TRANSUNION 1.800.663.9980 AND/ OR EQUIFAX 1.800.465.7166 AND/OR RENTCHECK 1.800.661.7312 EXT 221. For support please email us at [email protected] with your Member ID SAMPLE CREDIT REPORT 8 Inquiries Bankruptcy and Insolvency revised and discharges Balance 404Security 0 A E This completes the file for CODY TESTHARVEY THIS REPORT IS PRIVATE AND CONFIDENTIAL. RELEASING COPIES TO ANYONE INCLUDING THE APPLICANT IS A VIOLATION OF YOUR Date Credit Grantor Rsvd Reptd Trustee Assets LiabA COPY MEMBERSHIP AGREEMENT WITH RENTCHECK AS WELL AS CONSUMER REPORTING AGENCY LEGISLATION. THE APPLICANT CAN OBTAIN 25Jul2005 YA ALLIED INTERNATIONAL CREDIT, 8884788181 BURT 500 75520AND/ OFJul2005 THEIR OWN CREDIT01Dec2002 FILE BY CONTACTING THE HOWE CREDIT BUREAU SOURCE AT THE FOLLOWING NUMBERS: TRANSUNION 1.800.663.9980 BB CIBC/PRESIDENTS CHOICE OR01May2002 EQUIFAX 1.800.465.7166 AND/OR RENTCHECK 1.800.661.7312 EXT 221. For support please email us at [email protected] with your01Jun2003 Member ID HOWE & ASSOCIATES DISCHARGE JOINT Legal Items 25Nov1999 SAMPLE CREDIT REPORT Legal Items Remarks Registered Items Reptd ZZ Jan2000 Open ALTERNA BANK Jan2000 Mature Amount Dec2003 15000 Security A E Bankruptcy and Insolvency Rsvd Jul2005 Reptd 01Dec2002 Trustee BURT HOWE HOWE & ASSOCIATES SMC HAM Assets 500 DISCHARGE JOINT 15456 Liab 75520 01Jun2003 Legal Items Rsvd Sep2004 Reptd Jan2004 Plaintiff's Name ABC HAMILTON SMALL CLAIMS COURT JUDGE 13465 Amount 1500 SATISFIED Balance 0 01JuL2004 Rsvd Jun2005 Reptd Dec2003 Agency/Creditor's Name ARTIC SERVICES/CABLE COMPANY Balance 404 Sep2004 Jul2003 AIC/GAS CO Amount 404 STILL OWING 577 PAID Sep2004 Collection 0 Inquiries Date 25Jul2005 01May2002 25Nov1999 Credit Grantor YA ALLIED INTERNATIONAL CREDIT, 8884788181 BB CIBC/PRESIDENTS CHOICE DC ZELLERS, 8002632599 Remarks Date 30Dec2004 30Dec2004 30Dec2004 30Dec2004 30Dec2004 30Dec2004 Information #HK# CONFIRMED FRAUD VICTIM; BEFORE EXTENDING CREDIT VERIFY ALL #HK# APPLICANT INFORMATION. CONTACT CONSUMER FOR VERIFICATION AT #HK# HOME: (416) 5555-1212 DATED 07/2005 VICTIME CONFIRME DE FRAUD #HK# NE PAS ACCORDER DE CREDIT SANS VERIFIER TOUTES LES INFORMATION #HK# DU POSTULANT DE PLUS COMMUNIQUER AVEC LE CONSOMMATEUR DIRECTEMENT #HK# A DOMICILE POUR VERIFICATION AU: (416) 555-1212 DATE 07/2005 This completes the file for CODY TESTHARVEY Rsvd Date Sep2004 30Dec2004 30Dec2004 30Dec2004 30Dec2004 Collection 30Dec2004 30Dec2004 Rsvd Jun2005 Will be maintained Sep2004 on THIS REPORT IS PRIVATE AND CONFIDENTIAL. RELEASING COPIES TO ANYONE INCLUDING THE APPLICANT IS A VIOLATION OF YOUR MEMBERSHIP AGREEMENT WITH RENTCHECK AS WELL AS CONSUMER REPORTING AGENCY LEGISLATION. THE APPLICANT CAN OBTAIN A COPY OF THEIR OWN CREDIT FILE BY CONTACTING THE CREDIT BUREAU SOURCE AT THE FOLLOWING NUMBERS: TRANSUNION 1.800.663.9980 AND/ OR EQUIFAX 1.800.465.7166 AND/OR RENTCHECK 1.800.661.7312 EXT 221. For support please email us at [email protected] with your Member ID SAMPLE CREDIT REPORT 8 DC ZELLERS, 8002632599 SMC HAM 15456 SAMPLE CREDIT REPORT Reptd Plaintiff's Name Amount Information Jan2004 ABC 1500 8 #HK# CONFIRMEDHAMILTON FRAUD VICTIM; BEFORE EXTENDING SMALL CLAIMS COURT CREDIT VERIFY ALL SATISFIED #HK# APPLICANT INFORMATION. JUDGE 13465 CONTACT CONSUMER FOR VERIFICATION AT #HK# HOME: (416) 5555-1212 DATED 07/2005 VICTIME CONFIRME DE FRAUD #HK# NE PAS ACCORDER DE CREDIT SANS VERIFIER TOUTES LES INFORMATION #HK# DU POSTULANT DE PLUS COMMUNIQUER AVEC LE CONSOMMATEUR DIRECTEMENT #HK# A DOMICILEAgency/Creditor's POUR VERIFICATION AU: (416) 555-1212 DATE 07/2005Amount Reptd Name Dec2003 ARTIC SERVICES/CABLE COMPANY 404 OWING consumer's file inAIC/GAS compliance with provincial regulations. STILL Jul2003 CO 577 PAID Sep2004 Balance 0 01JuL2004 Balance 404 0 This completes the file for CODY TESTHARVEY Includes date revised, date reported, plaintiff's name, court, amount, balance, and comments. Inquiries THIS REPORT IS PRIVATE AND CONFIDENTIAL. RELEASING COPIES TO ANYONE INCLUDING THE APPLICANT IS A VIOLATION OF YOUR Date Credit Grantor MEMBERSHIP AGREEMENT WITH RENTCHECK AS WELL AS CONSUMER REPORTING AGENCY LEGISLATION. THE APPLICANT CAN OBTAIN A COPY 25Jul2005 YA ALLIED INTERNATIONAL CREDIT, 8884788181 OF THEIR OWN CREDIT FILE BY CONTACTING THE CREDIT BUREAU SOURCE AT THE FOLLOWING NUMBERS: TRANSUNION 1.800.663.9980 AND/ OR EQUIFAX 1.800.465.7166 AND/OR RENTCHECK 1.800.661.7312 EXT 221. For support please email us at [email protected] with your Member ID 01May2002 BB CIBC/PRESIDENTS CHOICE 25Nov1999 DC ZELLERS, 8002632599 Remarks SAMPLE CREDIT REPORT Date 30Dec2004 30Dec2004 30Dec2004 30Dec2004 30Dec2004 30Dec2004 Information 8 #HK# CONFIRMED FRAUD VICTIM; BEFORE EXTENDING CREDIT VERIFY ALL #HK# APPLICANT INFORMATION. CONTACT CONSUMER FOR VERIFICATION AT #HK# HOME: (416) 5555-1212 DATED 07/2005 VICTIME CONFIRME DE FRAUD #HK# NE PAS ACCORDER DE CREDIT SANS VERIFIER TOUTES LES INFORMATION #HK# DU POSTULANT DE PLUS COMMUNIQUER AVEC LE CONSOMMATEUR DIRECTEMENT #HK# A DOMICILE POUR VERIFICATION AU: (416) 555-1212 DATE 07/2005 This completes the file for CODY TESTHARVEY THIS REPORT IS PRIVATE AND CONFIDENTIAL. RELEASING COPIES TO ANYONE INCLUDING THE APPLICANT IS A VIOLATION OF YOUR MEMBERSHIP AGREEMENT WITH RENTCHECK AS19 WELL AS CONSUMER REPORTING AGENCY LEGISLATION. THE APPLICANT CAN OBTAIN A COPY OF THEIR OWN CREDIT FILE BY CONTACTING THE CREDIT BUREAU SOURCE AT THE FOLLOWING NUMBERS: TRANSUNION 1.800.663.9980 AND/ OR EQUIFAX 1.800.465.7166 AND/OR RENTCHECK 1.800.661.7312 EXT 221. For support please email us at [email protected] with your Member ID How to Interpret a Tenancy History Report and TransUnion Credit Report 19 SAMPLE CREDIT REPORT 8 SAMPLE CREDIT REPORT Registered Items Reptd ZZ Jan2000 Open ALTERNA BANK Jan2000 Mature Amount Security SAMPLE CREDIT REPORT EXPLANATION Dec2003 15000 s a M P l e C R e D I T RBankruptcy e P o and RReptd TInsolvency e X PTrustee l a n aT I o n Rsvd Jul2005 Assets 500 DISCHARGE JOINT 15456 Liab 75520 01Jun2003 Plaintiff's Name ABC HAMILTON SMALL CLAIMS COURT JUDGE 13465 Amount 1500 SATISFIED Balance 0 01JuL2004 Agency/Creditor's Name Mature ARTIC SERVICES/CABLE COMPANY Dec2003 AIC/GAS CO Amount Amount 404 STILL OWING 15000 577 PAID Sep2004 01Dec2002 BURT HOWE & ASSOCIATES RHOWE EPO RT SMC HAM Reptd SAMPLE CREDIT A E Legal Items Rsvd Sep2004Information Jan2004 collection Collection Registered Items SAMPLE CREDIT REPORT Rsvd Reptd Jun2005 ZZ Jan2000 Sep2004 Registered Items Reptd ZZ Jan2000 Open ALTERNA BANK Jan2000 Mature Amount Dec2003 15000 Security A E Bankruptcy and Insolvency Rsvd Jul2005 Reptd 01Dec2002 Trustee BURT HOWE HOWE & ASSOCIATES SMC HAM Assets 500 DISCHARGE JOINT 15456 Liab 75520 01Jun2003 Legal Items Rsvd Sep2004 Reptd Jan2004 Plaintiff's Name ABC HAMILTON SMALL CLAIMS COURT JUDGE 13465 Amount 1500 SATISFIED Balance 0 01JuL2004 Rsvd Jun2005 Reptd Dec2003 Agency/Creditor's Name ARTIC SERVICES/CABLE COMPANY Balance 404 Sep2004 Jul2003 AIC/GAS CO Amount 404 STILL OWING 577 PAID Sep2004 Bankruptcy and Insolvency Inquiries Collection 0 Rsvd Inquiries Date 25Jul2005 01May2002 25Nov1999 Credit Grantor YA ALLIED INTERNATIONAL CREDIT, 8884788181 BB CIBC/PRESIDENTS CHOICE DC ZELLERS, 8002632599 Reptd Trustee Date Credit Grantor Jul2005 on consumer's 01Dec2002 HOWE Will be maintained file inBURT compliance with provincial regulations. 25Jul2005 YA ALLIED INTERNATIONAL CREDIT, 8884788181 S A M P L E C R E D I T R HOWE E P O&RASSOCIATES T Remarks Date 30Dec2004 30Dec2004 30Dec2004 30Dec2004 30Dec2004 30Dec2004 Reptd Open Dec2003 ALTERNA BANK Jan2000 Jul2003 Information #HK# CONFIRMED FRAUD VICTIM; BEFORE EXTENDING CREDIT VERIFY ALL #HK# APPLICANT INFORMATION. CONTACT CONSUMER FOR VERIFICATION AT #HK# HOME: (416) 5555-1212 DATED 07/2005 VICTIME CONFIRME DE FRAUD #HK# NE PAS ACCORDER DE CREDIT SANS VERIFIER TOUTES LES INFORMATION #HK# DU POSTULANT DE PLUS COMMUNIQUER AVEC LE CONSOMMATEUR DIRECTEMENT #HK# A DOMICILE POUR VERIFICATION AU: (416) 555-1212 DATE 07/2005 01May2002 This completes the file for CODY TESTHARVEY THIS REPORT IS PRIVATE AND CONFIDENTIAL. RELEASING COPIES TO ANYONE INCLUDING THE APPLICANT IS A VIOLATION OF YOUR MEMBERSHIP AGREEMENT WITH RENTCHECK AS WELL AS CONSUMER REPORTING AGENCY LEGISLATION. THE APPLICANT CAN OBTAIN A COPY OF THEIR OWN CREDIT FILE BY CONTACTING THE CREDIT BUREAU SOURCE AT THE FOLLOWING NUMBERS: TRANSUNION 1.800.663.9980 AND/ OR EQUIFAX 1.800.465.7166 AND/OR RENTCHECK 1.800.661.7312 EXT 221. For support please email us at [email protected] with your Member ID BB CIBC/PRESIDENTSSMC CHOICE HAM Assets 500 DISCHARGE JOINT 15456 Legal Items Rsvd Remarks Reptd Plaintiff's Name Amount Sep2004 Jan2004 ABC 1500 Date Information HAMILTON SMALL CLAIMS COURT SATISFIED 30Dec2004 #HK# CONFIRMED FRAUD JUDGEVICTIM; 13465 BEFORE EXTENDING CREDIT VERIFY ALL 30Dec2004 #HK# APPLICANT INFORMATION. CONTACT CONSUMER FOR VERIFICATION AT 30Dec2004 #HK# HOME: (416) 5555-1212 DATED 07/2005 VICTIME CONFIRME DE FRAUD Registered Collection Items 30Dec2004 #HK# NE PAS ACCORDER DE CREDIT SANS VERIFIER TOUTES LES INFORMATION 30Dec2004 #HK# DU POSTULANT DE PLUS COMMUNIQUER AVEC LE CONSOMMATEUR DIRECTEMENT Reptd Open Mature Amount Rsvd Reptd Agency/Creditor's Name Amount 30Dec2004 #HK# ABANK DOMICILE POUR VERIFICATION AU: (416) 555-1212 DATE 07/2005 404 ZZ ALTERNA Jun2005 Dec2003 ARTIC SERVICES/CABLE COMPANY Jan2000 Jan2000 Dec2003 15000 STILL OWING Sep2004 Jul2003 AIC/GAS CO 577 PAID Sep2004 8 Inquiries Bankruptcy and Insolvency This completes the file for CODY TESTHARVEY Inquiries Rsvd Reptd Trustee SAMPLE CREDIT REPORT Mature Amount Security Dec2003 15000 A E Bankruptcy and Insolvency Rsvd Jul2005 Reptd 01Dec2002 Trustee BURT HOWE HOWE & ASSOCIATES SMC HAM Assets 500 DISCHARGE JOINT 15456 Liab 75520 01Jun2003 Reptd Jan2004 Plaintiff's Name ABC HAMILTON SMALL CLAIMS COURT JUDGE 13465 Amount 1500 SATISFIED Balance 0 01JuL2004 Rsvd Jun2005 Reptd Dec2003 Agency/Creditor's Name ARTIC SERVICES/CABLE COMPANY Jul2003 AIC/GAS CO Amount 404 STILL OWING 577 PAID Sep2004 Balance 404 Sep2004 Legal Items Rsvd Sep2004 Legal Items Collection 0 Inquiries Date 25Jul2005 01May2002 25Nov1999 Credit Grantor YA ALLIED INTERNATIONAL CREDIT, 8884788181 BB CIBC/PRESIDENTS CHOICE DC ZELLERS, 8002632599 Remarks Date 30Dec2004 30Dec2004 30Dec2004 30Dec2004 30Dec2004 30Dec2004 Information #HK# CONFIRMED FRAUD VICTIM; BEFORE EXTENDING CREDIT VERIFY ALL #HK# APPLICANT INFORMATION. CONTACT CONSUMER FOR VERIFICATION AT #HK# HOME: (416) 5555-1212 DATED 07/2005 VICTIME CONFIRME DE FRAUD #HK# NE PAS ACCORDER DE CREDIT SANS VERIFIER TOUTES LES INFORMATION #HK# DU POSTULANT DE PLUS COMMUNIQUER AVEC LE CONSOMMATEUR DIRECTEMENT #HK# A DOMICILE POUR VERIFICATION AU: (416) 555-1212 DATE 07/2005 This completes the file for CODY TESTHARVEY THIS REPORT IS PRIVATE AND CONFIDENTIAL. RELEASING COPIES TO ANYONE INCLUDING THE APPLICANT IS A VIOLATION OF YOUR MEMBERSHIP AGREEMENT WITH RENTCHECK AS WELL AS CONSUMER REPORTING AGENCY LEGISLATION. THE APPLICANT CAN OBTAIN A COPY OF THEIR OWN CREDIT FILE BY CONTACTING THE CREDIT BUREAU SOURCE AT THE FOLLOWING NUMBERS: TRANSUNION 1.800.663.9980 AND/ OR EQUIFAX 1.800.465.7166 AND/OR RENTCHECK 1.800.661.7312 EXT 221. For support please email us at [email protected] with your Member ID SAMPLE CREDIT REPORT 8 Assets Balance 0 01JuL2004 Security Balance 404 A E 0 Liab Date Credit Grantor Jul2005 01Dec2002 BURT HOWE 500 THIS REPORT IS PRIVATE AND CONFIDENTIAL. RELEASING COPIES TO ANYONE INCLUDING THE APPLICANT IS A VIOLATION75520 OF YOUR 25Jul2005 AGREEMENT YA ALLIED INTERNATIONAL CREDIT, 8884788181 HOWE & ASSOCIATES DISCHARGE JOINT 01Jun2003 MEMBERSHIP WITH RENTCHECK AS WELL AS CONSUMER REPORTING AGENCY LEGISLATION. THE APPLICANT CAN OBTAIN A COPY CIBC/PRESIDENTS CHOICE SMC HAM 15456 OF01May2002 THEIR OWN CREDITBB FILE BY CONTACTING THE CREDIT BUREAU SOURCE AT THE FOLLOWING NUMBERS: TRANSUNION 1.800.663.9980 AND/ DC ZELLERS, OR25Nov1999 EQUIFAX 1.800.465.7166 AND/OR8002632599 RENTCHECK 1.800.661.7312 EXT 221. For support please email us at [email protected] with your Member ID Registered Items Open ALTERNA BANK Jan2000 Liab 75520 01Jun2003 25Nov1999 DC ZELLERS, 8002632599 Includes date revised, date reported, agency name and creditor's names (if provided), amount, balance, and comments. SAMPLE CREDIT REPORT Reptd ZZ Jan2000 Balance Security 404 A E 0 SAMPLE CREDIT REPORT Rsvd Reptd Plaintiff's Name Amount Remarks Sep2004 Jan2004 ABC 1500 Date Information HAMILTON SMALL CLAIMS COURT SATISFIED Displays the users who #HK# haveCONFIRMED viewed the consumer's credit file for credit-related purposes. 30Dec2004 FRAUD13465 VICTIM; BEFORE 8EXTENDING CREDIT VERIFY ALL JUDGE #HK# INFORMATION. CONTACT FOR VERIFICATION AT inquiry, the30Dec2004 industry code of APPLICANT the inquirer, their name and CONSUMER telephone number. 30Dec2004 #HK# HOME: (416) 5555-1212 DATED 07/2005 VICTIME CONFIRME DE FRAUD Collection 30Dec2004 #HK# NE PAS ACCORDER DE CREDIT SANS VERIFIER TOUTES LES INFORMATION Rsvd Reptd Agency/Creditor's Name Amount 30Dec2004 #HK# DU POSTULANT DE PLUS COMMUNIQUER AVEC LE CONSOMMATEUR DIRECTEMENT Jun2005 Dec2003 30Dec2004 #HK# A DOMICILEARTIC POUR SERVICES/CABLE VERIFICATION AU:COMPANY (416) 555-1212 DATE 07/2005404 STILL OWING Sep2004 Jul2003 AIC/GAS CO 577 PAID Sep2004 Inquiries Balance 0 01JuL2004 Includes the date of the Balance 404 0 This completes the file for CODY TESTHARVEY Date Credit Grantor THIS REPORT IS PRIVATE AND CONFIDENTIAL. RELEASING COPIES TO ANYONE INCLUDING THE APPLICANT IS A VIOLATION OF YOUR 25Jul2005 AGREEMENT YA ALLIED CREDIT, 8884788181 MEMBERSHIP WITHINTERNATIONAL RENTCHECK AS WELL AS CONSUMER REPORTING AGENCY LEGISLATION. THE APPLICANT CAN OBTAIN A COPY 01May2002 BB CIBC/PRESIDENTS OF THEIR OWN CREDIT FILE BY CONTACTINGCHOICE THE CREDIT BUREAU SOURCE AT THE FOLLOWING NUMBERS: TRANSUNION 1.800.663.9980 AND/ 25Nov1999 DC ZELLERS, 8002632599 OR EQUIFAX 1.800.465.7166 AND/OR RENTCHECK 1.800.661.7312 EXT 221. For support please email us at [email protected] with your Member ID Remarks Remarks SAMPLE CREDIT REPORT Date 30Dec2004 30Dec2004 30Dec2004 30Dec2004 30Dec2004 30Dec2004 Registered Items Reptd ZZ Jan2000 Open ALTERNA BANK Jan2000 Mature Amount Dec2003 15000 Security A E Bankruptcy and Insolvency Rsvd Jul2005 Reptd 01Dec2002 Trustee BURT HOWE HOWE & ASSOCIATES SMC HAM Assets 500 DISCHARGE JOINT 15456 Liab 75520 01Jun2003 Legal Items Rsvd Sep2004 Reptd Jan2004 Plaintiff's Name ABC HAMILTON SMALL CLAIMS COURT JUDGE 13465 Amount 1500 SATISFIED Balance 0 01JuL2004 Rsvd Jun2005 Reptd Dec2003 Agency/Creditor's Name ARTIC SERVICES/CABLE COMPANY Jul2003 AIC/GAS CO Amount 404 STILL OWING 577 PAID Sep2004 Balance 404 Sep2004 Collection 0 Inquiries Date 25Jul2005 01May2002 25Nov1999 Credit Grantor YA ALLIED INTERNATIONAL CREDIT, 8884788181 BB CIBC/PRESIDENTS CHOICE DC ZELLERS, 8002632599 SAMPLE CREDIT REPORT Information #HK# CONFIRMED FRAUD VICTIM; BEFORE EXTENDING CREDIT VERIFY ALL 8 #HK# APPLICANT INFORMATION. CONTACT CONSUMER FOR VERIFICATION AT #HK# HOME: (416) 5555-1212 DATED 07/2005 VICTIME CONFIRME DE FRAUD #HK# NE PAS ACCORDER DE CREDIT SANS VERIFIER TOUTES LES INFORMATION #HK# DU POSTULANT DE PLUS COMMUNIQUER AVEC LE CONSOMMATEUR DIRECTEMENT #HK# A DOMICILE POUR VERIFICATION AU: (416) 555-1212 DATE 07/2005 Remarks Date 30Dec2004 30Dec2004 30Dec2004 30Dec2004 30Dec2004 30Dec2004 Information #HK# CONFIRMED FRAUD VICTIM; BEFORE EXTENDING CREDIT VERIFY ALL #HK# APPLICANT INFORMATION. CONTACT CONSUMER FOR VERIFICATION AT #HK# HOME: (416) 5555-1212 DATED 07/2005 VICTIME CONFIRME DE FRAUD #HK# NE PAS ACCORDER DE CREDIT SANS VERIFIER TOUTES LES INFORMATION #HK# DU POSTULANT DE PLUS COMMUNIQUER AVEC LE CONSOMMATEUR DIRECTEMENT #HK# A DOMICILE POUR VERIFICATION AU: (416) 555-1212 DATE 07/2005 This completes the file for CODY TESTHARVEY THIS REPORT IS PRIVATE AND CONFIDENTIAL. RELEASING COPIES TO ANYONE INCLUDING THE APPLICANT IS A VIOLATION OF YOUR MEMBERSHIP AGREEMENT WITH RENTCHECK AS WELL AS CONSUMER REPORTING AGENCY LEGISLATION. THE APPLICANT CAN OBTAIN A COPY OF THEIR OWN CREDIT FILE BY CONTACTING THE CREDIT BUREAU SOURCE AT THE FOLLOWING NUMBERS: TRANSUNION 1.800.663.9980 AND/ OR EQUIFAX 1.800.465.7166 AND/OR RENTCHECK 1.800.661.7312 EXT 221. For support please email us at [email protected] with your Member ID SAMPLE CREDIT REPORT 8 CONS GEN #HK# This completes the file for CODY TESTHARVEY Consumer statement allows for comment from the consumer regarding information on their file. THIS REPORT IS PRIVATE AND CONFIDENTIAL. RELEASING COPIES TO ANYONE INCLUDING THE APPLICANT IS A VIOLATION OF YOUR other MEMBERSHIP AGREEMENT WITH RENTCHECK AS WELL AS CONSUMER REPORTING AGENCY LEGISLATION. THE APPLICANT CAN OBTAIN A COPY OF THEIR OWN CREDIT FILE BY CONTACTING THE CREDIT BUREAU AT THE FOLLOWING TRANSUNION 1.800.663.9980 Consumer is a confirmed or potential victimSOURCE of fraud and has a NUMBERS: protective warning on file. AND/ OR EQUIFAX 1.800.465.7166 AND/OR RENTCHECK 1.800.661.7312 EXT 221. For support please email us at [email protected] with your Member ID SAMPLE CREDIT REPORT 8 20 How to Interpret a Tenancy History Report and TransUnion Credit Report 20 TRansUnIon CReDIT RePoRT CoDes TRANSUNION credit Report codes CREDIT REPORT CODES industry of classification types of account kind of business code automotive a open accounts o Banks and Trust Companies B Revolving or option (30 days) R Clothing C Installment (fixed number of payments) I Department/Retail D Mortgage finance/Personal f Grocery G usual manner of payment Home furnishings H Too new to rate; approve, but not used 0 Insurance I Jewelry J Pays (or paid) within 30 days of billing; pays account as agreed 1 Contractors k lumber, Building Material,Hardware l Pays (or paid) in more than 30 days, but not more than 60 days 2 Medical and Related Health M Pays (or paid) in more than 60 days, but not more than 90 days 3 Credit Card and Travel/entertainment n oil Companies o Pays (or paid) in more than 90 days, but not more than 120 days 4 Personal service other than Medical P account is at least 120 days overdue but is not yet rated a “9” 5 finance Companies other than Personal finance Q Real estate and Public accommodations R Making regular payments under consolidation order or similar arrangement 7 sporting Goods s Repossession 8 farm and Garden suppliers T Bad debt, placed for collection; skip 9 Utilities and fuel U Government V Wholesale W advertising X Collection services y Miscellaneous Z M How to Interpret a Tenancy History Report and TransUnion Credit Report 21 21 TRANSUNION HIGH RISK FRAUD ALERT INTERPRETATION HIGH RISK FRAUD HIGH RISK FRAUD ALERT INTERPRETATION CODE HIGH RISK FRAUD ALERT MESSAGE 41, 51 61, 71 . . . . address is a PO rental box Address matches a list of corporate/franchise rental box locations Purchase from Canada Post monthly 40, 50 60, 70 . . . . address is a mail drop Address matches HRFA’s list of independent mail drop Purchase from list brokers semi- 42, 52 62, 72 140, 141 142, 143 144, 145 146, 147 148, 149 . . . . address is a(n) . . . . Address matches a list of commercial/institutional non- Purchase from list brokers semi- 44 CODE 41, 51 61, 71 HIGH RISK FRAUD ALERT MESSAGE . . . . address is a PO rental box (non-Canada Post) locations WHERE DOES THE INFORMATION COME FROM? WHAT DOES IT MEAN? Address matchesannually a list of corporate/franchise rental bo locations residential addresses on the HRFA database 40, 50 . . . . address is a mail drop Address matchesannually HRFA’s list of independent mail drop institutional address 60, 70 locations (non-Canada Post) hotel/motel credit counseling service 42, cashing 52 . . . . order address cheque or money serviceis a(n) . . . . night club72 62, storage facility 140, 141 institutional address (household/commercial/ lockers) 142, 143 hotel/motel airport truck stop 145 or plaza credit counseling service 144, nursing home 146, 147 cheque cashing or money hospital/clinic 148, 149 club telephone answeringnight service storage facility Apartment building – address should have unit (household/commercial/ number airport 43, 53 63, 73 81, 91 100, 110 121 WHAT DOES IT MEAN? ALER . . . . address . . . . truck stop or plaza . . . . SIN . . . . nursing home . . . . telephone . . . .hospital/clinic reported as misusedtelephone 44 43, 53 63, 73 81, 91 100, 110 121 Address matches a list of commercial/institutional nonresidential addresses on the HRFA database order service Address matches address of multi-unit building, such as HVMR (high volume mail receiver) list purchased from Canada Post monthly Address, SIN or telephone number matches an address, SIN or telephone number on the HRFA file reported used in a confirmed true name or credit fraud Confirmed fraud or attempt to perpetrate a fraud – supplied to the database by the fraud department of a known consumer credit grantor lockers) an apartment building, on the HRFA database answering service Apartment building – address should have unit number TransUnion Confidential – Internal Use Only . . . . address . . . . . . . . SIN . . . . . . . . telephone . . . . Address matches address of multi-unit building, such a an apartment building, on the HRFA database 2009-06-03 Address, SIN or telephone number matches an addres SIN or telephone number on the HRFA file reported used in a confirmed true name or credit fraud reported as misused TransUnion Confidential – Internal Use Only 2009-06-03 How to Interpret a Tenancy History Report and TransUnion Credit Report 22 TRANSUNION HIGH RISK FRAUD ALERT INTERPRETATION HIGH RISK FRAUD ALER CODE HIGH RISK FRAUD ALERT MESSAGE 45, 55 65, 75 105, 115 . . . . Address . . . . WHAT DOES IT MEAN? . . . . SIN . . . . . . . . telephone . . . . CODE HIGH RISK FRAUD reported as misused (by victim) 82, 92 122 . . . . telephone reported as misused (actual company) 41, 51 . . . . address is a PO 61, 71 80, 85 86, 87 90, 95 96, 97 120, 125 126, 127 83, 84 93, 94 123, 124 101, 111 102, 112 103, 113 104, 114 40, 50 60, 70 Address, SIN or telephone number matches an address, SIN or telephone number identified by the victim as having been used in a confirmed true name fraud. The consumer’s file with TransUnion contains a statement indicating that the consumer has been a victim of true name orM credit fraud ALERT ESSAGE WHAT DOES IT Telephone number matches a number in the HRFA 142, 143 legitimate company . . . . address is a mail drop hotel/motel When a victim (consumer) calls TransUnion’s FVAD (Fraud Victim Assistance Department), the information provided is loaded into the HRFA database MEAN? Confirmed fraud or attempt to database in a matchesperpetrate fraud – supplied by the rental bo rental box that has been identified as used Address a list ofacorporate/franchise confirmed true name or credit fraud. The telephone fraud department of a known locations number has been confirmed as belonging to that of a consumer credit grantor . . . . telephone is a . . . . cellular number 52 cellular number . . . . address is a(n) Bell 42, Mobility 62,AT&T 72 cellular number Rogers Telus cellular numberinstitutional address 140, 141 Microcell cellular number WHERE DOES THE INFORMATION COME FROM? ... Address matches HRFA’s list of independent mail drop Telephone number matches a list of various nonWireless cell ranges are provided by locations (non-Canada Post) residential telephone numbers on the HRFA database the companies listed. Pay phones for Ontario and Quebec are provided by . Address matchesBell a list of commercial/institutional Canada. Telephone answering residential addresses thenumbers HRFA are database serviceon phone purchased from list brokers semiannually. non- 144, 145 credit counseling service payphone telephone service cashing or money 146, answering 147 cheque order service night club applicant’s/co-applicant’s SIN isfacility retired (deceased) The SIN is associated with a deceased person storage (household/commercial/ lockers) applicant’s/co-applicant’s SIN is invalid The Social Insurance Number entered does not pass airport the mod-10 validity check truck stop or plaza nursing home applicant’s/co-applicant’s SIN was issued before The month and year in which the SIN was issued is prior hospital/clinic date of birth to the date of birth telephone answering service 148, 149 Provided by various consumer credit grantors Algorithm built into the HRFA database Algorithm built into the HRFA database applicant’s/co-applicant’s SIN was reported lost or The consumer to whom the input SIN belongs has by the victim (consumer) to 44 Apartment building – address should have unit Address matchesReported address of multi-unit building, stolen reported that their SIN was lost or stolen our Fraud Victim Assistance number an apartment building, on Department the HRFA database 43, 53 63, 73 81, 91 100, 110 121 . . . . address . . . . . . . . SIN . . . . . . .TransUnion . telephone . . . . – Internal Use Only Confidential such a Address, SIN or telephone number matches an addres SIN or telephone number on the HRFA file reported 2009-06-03 used in a confirmed true name or credit fraud reported as misused TransUnion Confidential – Internal Use Only 2009-06-03 How to Interpret a Tenancy History Report and TransUnion Credit Report 23 TRANSUNION HIGH RISK FRAUD ALERT INTERPRETATION HIGH RISK FRAUD ALER 106, 116 applicant’s co-applicant’s SIN has not yet been issued The SIN has not yet been issued by the federal government Algorithm built into the HRFA database CODE HIGH RISK FRAUD ALERT MESSAGE WHAT DOES IT MEAN? 41, 51 61, 71 . . . . address is a PO rental box Address matches a list of corporate/franchise rental bo locations 40, 50 60, 70 . . . . address is a mail drop Address matches HRFA’s list of independent mail drop locations (non-Canada Post) 42, 52 62, 72 140, 141 142, 143 144, 145 146, 147 148, 149 . . . . address is a(n) . . . . Address matches a list of commercial/institutional nonresidential addresses on the HRFA database institutional address hotel/motel credit counseling service cheque cashing or money order service night club storage facility (household/commercial/ lockers) airport truck stop or plaza nursing home hospital/clinic telephone answering service 44 Apartment building – address should have unit number Address matches address of multi-unit building, such a an apartment building, on the HRFA database 43, 53 63, 73 81, 91 100, 110 121 . . . . address . . . . . . . . SIN . . . . . . . . telephone . . . . Address, SIN or telephone number matches an addres SIN or telephone number on the HRFA file reported used in a confirmed true name or credit fraud TransUnion Confidential – Internal Use Only reported as misused 2009-06-03 TransUnion Confidential – Internal Use Only 2009-06-03 How to Interpret a Tenancy History Report and TransUnion Credit Report 24 TRANSUNION HIGH RISK FRAUD ALERT INTERPRETATION HIGH RISK FRAUD ALER CODE HIGH RISK FRAUD ALERT MESSAGE WHAT DOES IT MEAN? WHERE DOES THE INFORMATION COME FROM? 130 current postal/phone number is inconsistent The HOME phone number entered does not geographically overlay with the HOME address that has been entered Algorithm built into the HRFA database 200, 210 220 input address/phone SIN is past its threshold The address, telephone and/or SIN was used on multiple TransUnion inquiries within the time frame set by the customer Algorithm built into the HRFA database 49, 59, 69, 79, 107, 179, 212, 213, 214, 71 The 61, address/Phone/SIN has been reported in a Bust Out 215, 216 CODE HIGH RISK FRAUD ALERT MESSAGE WHAT DOES IT MEAN? 41, 51 . . . . address is a PO rental box Address matches a list of corporate/franchise rental bo 40, 50 60, 70 . . . . address is a mail 42, 52 62, 72 140, 141 142, 143 144, 145 146, 147 148, 149 . . . . address is a(n) . . . . ADDRESS warnings may refer to: -current -previous -work -ship to -bill to locations The current or previous address, phone number and/or Confirmed fraud or attempt to SIN was reported as being associated with a known perpetrate a fraud – supplied by the drop Address matches HRFA’s list of case of Bust Out fraud fraud department of aindependent known consumerPost) credit grantor locations (non-Canada Address matches a list of commercial/institutional nonresidential addresses on the HRFA database TELEPHONE warnings may refer to: institutional address -current hotel/motel -previous credit counseling service -work cheque cashing or money order service night club -ship to storage facility -bill to (household/commercial/ lockers) airport truck stop or plaza nursing home hospital/clinic telephone answering service 44 Apartment building – address should have unit number Address matches address of multi-unit building, such a an apartment building, on the HRFA database 43, 53 63, 73 81, 91 100, 110 121 . . . . address . . . . . . . . SIN . . . . . . . . telephone . . . . Address, SIN or telephone number matches an addres SIN or telephone number on the HRFA file reported used in a confirmed true name or credit fraud TransUnion Confidential – Internal Use Only 2009-06-03 reported as misused TransUnion Confidential – Internal Use Only 2 03 –47 Colborne St | Toronto ON M5E 1P8 E [email protected] | W F 1.800.871.3380 or 416.365.1987 | T 1.800.661.7312 x222 RC040 04–14 | © PRINTED IN CANADA mail drop 2009-06-03 How to Interpret a Tenancy History Report and TransUnion Credit Report 25