2008 Annual Report


2008 Annual Report
2008 Annual Report
Saint Therese of New Hope
Saint Therese at Oxbow Lake
Mission Statement:
Saint Therese, a Catholic organization
serving seniors of all faiths,
is dedicated to the well-being
of each individual.
Therefore, if there is any consolation in Christ, if any comfort of
love, if any fellowship of the Spirit... let each of you look out not
only for your own interests, but also for the interests of others.
— Philippians 2:1- 4
Dear Friends,
The vision that became Saint Therese was born out of partnerships. Over 40 years ago, a local businessman, a spirited
Benedictine nun, and a gentle priest from Saint John’s pooled their resources, talents, and visions to create a truly
special place for Catholic seniors to enjoy the autumn of their lives.
Today, partnerships are even more important in helping Saint Therese’s mission and vision thrive. Partnerships help us
be innovative and more efficient. This becomes increasingly important as baby boomers age, we face rising costs and
falling reimbursements, and a good nursing staff is harder to find.
Partnerships, like those we have with numerous churches and schools, help us provide better individualized care and
continue the spiritual services that make us who we are. This is what brings families to Saint Therese and makes it
possible for them to place the well-being of their loved ones in our hands.
Our recent partnership with College of St. Catherine and Catholic Eldercare addresses the nursing shortage head-on.
St. Kate’s students will receive clinical on-site experience in our Care Center, while Saint Therese staff serve as
mentors and clinical partners. This means the College of St. Catherine will be able to teach and graduate more nursing
students each year who are specifically trained in geriatric care.
Thanks to a partnership with rural and semi-rural nursing homes, we were able to receive funding for our highly
successful BESTAge Fitness Program. Through another partnership with 24 nursing homes and senior housing
organizations, we save money through the power of group purchasing. A third partnership with large metro senior
care organizations provides an opportunity to share best practices, which improves care.
One of our most enduring and important partnerships is with you, people who have supported our work over the years.
Thank you so much. We will continue to work hard to be deserving of this partnership long into the future.
Francis D. Hagen
Chair, Saint Therese Board
Barb Rode
President and Chief Executive Officer
Best Life, Best Age
As a result of a bout with cancer, 86-year-old
Katherine Fisher had to sell her home in Northern
Minnesota and move to New Hope to be near her
family. In a rather short period of time, Katherine lost
her home, her friends, and much of her independence.
When she first came to Saint Therese’s Care Center,
she was feeling pretty frightened and depressed.
“What will I do now?” she wondered. “I want to do
something with the rest of my life. I don’t want to
just be a patient.”
Fortunately, Katherine discovered the BESTAge Fitness
Program. In 2007, Saint Therese received a grant to
start an exercise program for the residents and tenants.
BEST stands for Balance, Endurance, Strength, and
Training. Katherine was one of our first clients.
At first Katherine was reluctant. The exercises were
really hard for her; she almost gave up. But everyone
was encouraging her to stick with it—her kids, her
nurse, and even her doctor, so she kept at it. “Soon,
I realized this was going to help me,” she said, “and
I fell for it like a ton of bricks. I love this!”
Now, Katherine works out almost daily. She participates
in exercise classes and spends time on the NuStep®
machine. She also encourages other residents to
participate in the program. Katherine says she enjoys
the company during the exercise classes and the
encouragement and kindness of all the instructors.
Katherine’s coach and Saint Therese staff member
Matt Koelewyn says Katherine is a great example:
“Katherine always has a great attitude. She works
hard and encourages others during the exercises.”
All that hard work has really paid off. Her muscle
strength in her arms and legs has doubled, and her
endurance has increased by 50%. She can spend 20
minutes on the NuStep® at the highest setting, which
would be a good workout for someone half her age.
Katherine says her workouts have helped her do
everything better and have improved her attitude.
“The exercise makes me want to be helpful to others and
gives me something to look forward to.”
Partners in Nursing
Saint Therese is pleased to announce an exciting new
partnership with Catholic Eldercare and the College
of St. Catherine in St. Paul aimed at addressing the
growing national shortage of long-term-care nurses.
“What I’ve heard about senior care and what I’ve seen and
experienced are totally different,” says Hayat Osman, one
of the students. “I want to work with seniors most definitely.
They’re so nice and appreciative.”
Nearly two dozen College of St. Catherine nursing
students are spending most of their academic year
away from the college campus and receiving their
Jackline Ongechi, another student, says she’s gaining
confidence and will graduate very well prepared. “I’ll be
more confident and ready to take care of patients, clients
or residents without
feeling overwhelmed or
intimidated by the
challenges,” she says.
training at the two senior care campuses. The students
are immersed in the real world, experiencing the
demands and joys of long-term care nursing by
observing experienced senior care staff.
“This partnership is wonderful,” says Saint Therese
of New Hope’s Director of Nursing, Stacy Lind, RN.
“The students are able to develop relationships with
the residents and their families and gain experience in
a challenging arena that requires strong technical
skills for the complex care needs of the patients.”
Although there is much
talk nationally about the
need for partnerships like
this, we are one of the
first to actually implement
one. Saint Therese and
Catholic Eldercare are
among the affiliates of
Catholic Senior Services,
the Archdiocesan
network established to
help develop additional
senior care resources.
As such, the providers are
on the cutting edge of innovations to enhance service
to a rapidly growing and vulnerable population.
“In this field, providers are constantly looking at ways
to enhance our delivery of care,” says Saint Therese
CEO Barb Rode. “This partnership is one example and
it’s one that will likely spread throughout our field
as the senior population continues to grow. It’s a
wonderful thing to be a part of and enhances the care
that our elders receive.”
While the program is still in its infancy, the students
are embracing senior care through this direct exposure,
which helps dispel negative stereotypes about aging.
Partners in Caring
BOB RUDIN knows just about everyone at Saint
Therese at Oxbow Lake, and they know him. Whether
it’s a tenant, maintenance staff, nursing staff or
Sister Marie, Bob knows almost everyone by name
and has something to tease them about.
For almost two years now, Bob’s wife Pat has lived
in Oxbow Lake’s memory care apartments. Although
Bob still lives in the couple’s home, he is a regular
fixture at Oxbow Lake, coming almost daily to look
after his wife of over 50 years.
At first, moving Pat to Oxbow Lake was very difficult
for Bob, but caring for her at home was just no longer
an option. “It broke my heart,” Bob said, “But now,
I know she couldn’t be in a better place. The care
and the love... we’re like family, and I really feel at
home here.”
Bob and his children, who are also very involved,
speak very highly about all of the nursing staff,
and they appreciate the level of involvement and
communication. There are formal, annual care
conferences, but staff also notify family whenever
there is a significant change in Pat’s condition or
when they just want to see how things are going.
Bob speaks weekly with Cheryl or Julie (Pat’s nurses),
and he feels like they really listen to him and care.
When a new medication left Pat very lethargic,
Cheryl was Bob’s advocate with the doctor and got
the medication changed.
For their part, the staff appreciate Bob’s friendly spirit
and willingness to help. Bob goes on outings with the
tenants and helps with occasional projects. He is always
there to give a smile or lend a helping hand.
“Everybody is attuned to the care of the
tenant, no matter what their position,”
Bob says, “Even the housekeeping staff
has a loving attitude.”
Bob agrees that partnership is a great word to describe
the relationship between Saint Therese and his family.
“Everybody is attuned to the care of the tenant, no
matter what their position.” He recalls a time when
one of the housekeeping staff noticed that Pat was
having trouble walking and wondered if she was okay.
“Even the housekeeping staff has a loving attitude,”
Bob says. “That is really something.”
“If there was a better place, I would
send Helen there,” George says. “But
there just isn’t a better place.”
George and Helen met in 1940 at a Knights of
Columbus dance. In 1941, George enlisted in the
military and went into the horse cavalry in Texas.
In 1943, George and Helen married. After attending
officer’s school, George was sent overseas, where he
served admirably for a year before getting injured and
returning home.
George and Helen lived in Golden Valley for almost
50 years. George worked as an insurance underwriter
and Helen worked for a printing company. George
says that they were blessed with a wonderful marriage:
“I can’t think of a single time that we had a squabble
and didn’t kiss and make up before going to bed.”
Several years ago, Helen was diagnosed with Alzheimer’s.
When George could no longer care for Helen, they moved
to Saint Therese and their partnership came full circle.
Helen lives in the Palliative Care Unit of the Care
Center and George lives next door in the apartments.
He visits Helen almost every evening.
George says that it means a great deal to be so close to
Helen and he has been very happy with the care at
Saint Therese. He also says that they do a very good job
of consulting him about Helen’s care. Although George
and Helen did not have any children, they have a
niece who is very involved. She and George attend
monthly care conferences and get regular updates.
partnership with Saint Therese began almost 40 years
ago when Helen’s friend recruited her to join the
Auxiliary. Helen became known for the Krum Kaka she
donated every year to the Auxiliary’s Boutique. George
says that he and Helen used to make 10 or 12 dozen
Krum Kakas, which were then sold for $.75 apiece.
They also attended our Associate Dinner together for
many years until Helen became too ill to attend.
George, his niece Karen, and Helen’s care team.
In addition, George and Helen have continued to
make regular gifts to the Saint Therese Foundation to
support our work. George says he now has a special
appreciation for the importance of our mission. “If
there was a better place, I would send Helen there,”
George says. “But there just isn’t a better place.”
“I love hearing the people’s stories,”
Pat says, while Jeri nods in agreement.
“It feels good if you can make one of
the ladies smile.”
Volunteers Keep Residents
Many people don’t realize that the Beauty Shop is
one of the busiest and most important spots in the
Care Center. It’s the social center of the building,
and many ladies eagerly come early to sit and visit
before their appointments. Our staff work hard —
washing, setting, cutting and drying an average of 33
people per day. And many of the residents cannot
get to their appointments on their own. That is where
Susie, Pat, and Jeri come in.
For the past three years, Jeri Thorne and Pat Mettille
have been volunteering in the beauty shop most
Tuesday mornings. They help with everything from
transporting residents, taking out curlers or sweeping.
Last year, Susie Simon joined the gang. Although she
has another job, Susie comes every Tuesday morning
and most of the day on Thursday to help in the
beauty shop. In addition, she comes occasionally on
Sundays to help with Jokerino.
They make quite a team and have a reputation for
being a little rambunctious. “We have a lot of fun,”
Jeri says. “We like to joke around and laugh.” Susie,
Pat and Jeri all agree that the wonderful staff are
one of the reasons they love volunteering at Saint
Therese. “They express so much gratitude to us,” Jeri
says. All three also love being around the residents.
“I love hearing the people’s stories,” Pat says, while
Jeri nods in agreement. “It feels good if you can make
one of the ladies smile.”
Each year, we partner with over 500 volunteers who
contribute 20,000 hours of assistance to Saint Therese.
They are so important to our success!
Partners in Faith
Spiritual partnership lies at the very core of everything we
do at Saint Therese. Our residents and staff come here
knowing that, whatever their faith, they will be
able to continue and be supported in that journey at
Saint Therese. There are opportunities for worship,
prayer groups, support groups, pastoral friendship and
comfort, and so much more.
A group of St. Raphael's
school students visiting
with a resident.
Sr. Annette Esbolt (back left)
with a group of New Hope
tenants who make rosaries
for missionaries in Central
and South America.
Without several very important partnerships, this might
not be possible. Our longest partnership is one we
share with St. Paul’s Monastery and St. John’s Abbey.
From the very beginning, they embraced the dream of
a Catholic nursing home and continue to provide us
with amazing sisters and priests, who provide prayerful
guidance to our clients and families.
In just a few short years, Saint Therese at Oxbow
Lake has also developed a strong relationship with
St. Gerard’s Catholic Church. Their pastoral staff say
daily Mass and help with other important pastoral
care needs. We also partner with several Christian
churches whose pastors provide their services for our
weekly ecumenical services.
In addition to those partnerships, we have special
relationships with so many churches and religious
schools who share their time and talents with Saint
Therese and strengthen our ability to serve others.
For almost all of our 40 years, we have had a special
friendship with St. Raphael’s Church and School
in New Hope. Their pastor, Reverend Mark Juettner,
serves on our board and the students volunteer
with our residents.
Partners in Giving
The excellent care and services that make Saint
Therese so special are due, in large part, to generous
support from the community.
Saint Therese serves people of all financial backgrounds;
in fact, over 60% of our Care Center residents receive
financial assistance through the government. The
government determines the rate structure that provides
for the basics of long-term care. The Saint Therese
Foundation helps fill the gap left after government
funding drops off, raising critical charitable dollars
that provide the services, programs, and facilities that
make Saint Therese such a wonderful place to
call home. Gifts to the Foundation are used to fund
innovative programming, pastoral care, nursing
scholarships, capital improvements, and much more.
Saint Therese acknowledges the individuals, corporations,
foundations, and associations for their generous gifts.
These gifts were provided between July 1, 2007 and
June 30, 2008. Every effort is made to ensure the
accuracy of the names listed here. Please contact the
Office of Development at 763-531-5459 to correct
any errors or omissions.
Photo courtesy of Stephen Chollar
Gifts & Pledges
($10,000 or more)
Carl & Eloise Pohlad Family
Vern Dehmer
Frana Companies Inc.
Peter & Patricia Frechette
Albert F. Kosek*
Doug & Patricia Lewis
Mike & Susanne Scherer
Saint Therese Auxiliary
Gifts & Pledges
($5,000 - $9,999)
The Saint Therese
Foundation Annual Golf
Classic Events netted
over $75,000 from 2007
to 2008 for Saint Therese
programs and services.
Mary Bann
Patrick & Roseann Boran
Theresa M. Brodeur
Charity, Inc
Anne Dubois
Elizabeth C. Quinlan Foundation
Clara D. Foell
Edward P. Hudoba
Dennis & Rita Lewis
Doug & Dell McAninch
North Clinic
Bob & Dorothy Ollmann
Barb & Rick Rode
Gary & Carolyn Scherer
Ann H. Schweim
John & Donna Skagerberg
Dave Wilkie
Gifts & Pledges
($2,500 - $4,999)
Catholic Community Foundation
Jerry & Ursula Choromanski
Dr. Wm. Christopher Downey &
Jeannie Shapiro Downey
Ellen & Jerry Gallagher
Goodin Company
Janet & Kenneth Howe
Stephen Imholte & Rachael
Madonna Kettler
John & Michelle LeBlanc
North Memorial Health Care
Jerry Peterson & Jayne CareyPeterson
Piper Jaffray & Co.
Frances Scherer
Saint Therese Family Council
Dr. Ron & Joan Villella
Washburn McReavy Funeral
Chapels & Cremation
Gifts & Pledges
($1,000 - $2,499)
Helen Adams
Dr. Joseph & Jane Amberg
Donald & Shirley Beck
Bill & Bea Beddor
Rand Brugger
Art Bruss
Ann & Rick Cronin
Jon Dickerson
Mae Ertelt
Financial Concepts, Inc.
Eugene & Mary Frey
R. Jean Gray
Suzette Gregorich
Francis & Darleen Hagen
Susan Haller
Lucille Hartwig
Healthcare Purchasing
KKE Architects
M.C. “Kessie” Korzenowski
Dennis E. Lamm
LarsonAllen LLP
Brad & Stacy Lind
Lindquist & Vennum PLLP
Anne & John Lohmann
Frances MacIver*
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Mahony
Mall of America
Dr. John C. & Pat Manion
Donald & Kathryn* McCourtney
John & Paula McCrossan
Andrea & Larry McGough
McKesson Medical/Surgical
Metro Sales Inc.
James & Kathleen Michaelson
Sally & Don Moorhead
Gifts and Pledges
($1000-$2499), continued
Mary Lou Nelson
North Memorial Medical
Center Staff
Lawrence O’Shaughnessy
Robert & Mildred Rand
RBC Dain Rauscher Foundation
Charles and Alice Rice
Sam’s Club
Roger & Irma Scherer
Scherer Brothers Lumber Co.
Dr. Nick & Erin Schneeman
Jim & Lucia Seidel
Marion Short
George & Helen Smrstik
Ed Stark
Technical Life Care
Dr. & Mrs. Wayne Thalhuber
Julie Thomas
Donald & Dolores Traxler
Twin City Tile & Marble
Wells Fargo Foundation
Jack & Jane Whiteford
Gifts & Pledges
($500 - $999)
AC Carlson Brand Source
Mark & Karmen Anderson
Diana Beaudoin
Amy Black
Blanski Peter Kronlage & Zoch PA
C.S. McCrossan
Eleanor Caputa
Sharon & Bill Cassen
Reverend Robert T. Cassidy*
Sam Catapano
Mark & Janet Choromanski
Collins Electrical Construction
William & Anne Cook
Doug & Ann Cooley
Richard M. Dahinden
Bob & Marilyn Devereaux
John & Nancy Downey
Dymanyk Electric, Inc
Encompass Group
Joseph & Eileen Ennen
Lawrence E. Etzel*
Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund
Mr. & Mrs. Patrick F. Flaherty
Timothy & Teresa Foster
Richard J. Frey
Rosemarie Gleason
David & Marie Goblirsch
James & Maria Hagen
Linda & Jerry Hansen
Tony Hawk
Jerry & Lorrie Hirman
Hoffmann & Swintek
David M. Hoffmann
Rose M. Hoffmann
Thomas & Mary Hokr
Horizon Agency, Inc.
Jack & Bessie Fiterman
Joerns Healthcare
Eloise Kaliher
Ronald & Jane Kalin
Alice Kelly
Anne Dolan Kelly
Patricia Kielmeyer
& Roger Dickinson
Knights of Columbus #3656
Terry & Deb Kopp
Lisa & Craig Kuffel
Jan Lahni
Litho Tech
Dinah J. Martin
Daniel McGraw
Merwin Home Medical
Greg & Julie Merz
Bob Moore
Beth & Joe Naughton
Richard & Susan Ness
Roger Newinski
Thomas & Mary Ann Newinski
Vic & Carlotta Newinski
Mary Jane L. Piazza
Barbara Piculell
Al & Billie Reger
Margaret G. Schramm
Saint Therese Tenants
Reverend James Stromberg
Dr. & Mrs. C. Dwight Townes
Karin Van Dyke
James N. Walker
Michael Warden
& Donna Carlson
Thomas & Marie White
Dolores S. Williams
Gifts & Pledges
($100 - $499)
Paul & Marlene Altendorf
Marie Altman
Ameriprise Financial
James & Thelma Kay Anderson
Molly Anderson
Ruth Armstrong
Aspen Waste Systems
Thomas & Janis Atkins
Denise & Stephen Barnett
Bearant Electric
Ave and Tim Beaupre
Kirk Bell
Monica Bell
Bertelson Total Office Solutions
Robert K. Bezanson
Albert Blazevic
Robert & Suzanne Blewett
Dorothy Bliss
Mark & Marie Borgen
Sandy & Tom Boudewyns
Susan & Kyle Brendefur
Priscilla Brewster
Jay B. Brisse
Mr. & Mrs. Richard E. Brooks
Nancy Burke
Stacey & Stephan Cady
Campbell-Sevey, Inc.
Mary Ann Carter
Terry Cassidy
Catholic Eldercare Foundation
Eileen Champeau
Mary Chatelaine
Ray Choromanski
Christian Brothers CretinDerham Hall
Lawrence & Therese Commers
Donald & Carmen Conlin
Patricia A. Connelly
Gertrude & Thomas Connoy*
Martha & John Conrad
Thomas & Denise Cook
Patricia Cooksey
Lawrence Cramer
David W. Cress
Dennis & Mary Crowe
Patricia Dancisak
Mary David
John & Lorraine Degnan
Robert & Margaret Delmore
Roger & Judy Deters
Jaquelin Dodson
Monica Doran
James & Pat Duffy
Catherine A. Echert
Walter & Edith Ernst
Fairs Garden Center
Farmington Health Services
Wilmine L. Farrell
Felhaber, Larson, Fenlon & Vogt
Hubert & Genevieve Ferguson
Michael & Susan Finn
Mrs. Margaret B. Flanary
Kaye Foley
Fredrikson & Byron, P.A.
George Frey
Janet Fricke
Madeline Galka
Kathleen & Robert Galway
Michael & Linda Ganje
Jacqui Gardner
Gearty-Delmore Funeral Chapel
Earl & Virginia Geiger
Francis & Dolores Genosky
Gentle Transitions
Maria Gfroerer
Dr. John Giebenhain
William Giesen
Janet M Gilbertson
Amy & Gary Glasscock
Marcella C. Gordon
Mae Gorrell
Graves, McKenna, Lundeen &
Almquist, PLLP
Dolores Grogan
Douglas & Sheila Grow
Growth Resource Partners, LLC
Lois J. Gruenenfelder
Tonya & David Haase
Fran & Terri Hagen, Jr.
Edward & Margaret Hagerty
Faye Hall
Michelle Downey Harrington
Thomas & Mary Hartkopf
Terrance & Renee Hartman
Roark Haver
George & Jeanine Hawkins
Greg & Cindy Heigel
Wayne & Marjorie Hergott
S.D. Herman*
Gerald & Lee Herron
Mary M. Hogan
Virginia R. Hogle
Iona M. Holland
Dean Holmes
Bronwen & Peter Hudleston
Anne Hughes
Renae & Ken Jacobson
Barbara & Al Jedneak
Larry & Renee Jordan
Reverend Mark Juettner
Thomas R. Juettner
Helen Julkowski
Raymond & Theresa Jungwirth
Donald & Mary Juntilla
William & Lois Keegan
Robert & Margaret Keppel
Michael & Jeanne Kimble
Leonard Kimmes
Calvin & Carol King
Helen M. King
Richard & Anne Klein
Knights of Columbus 4451
Carol L. Koeppel-Olsen
Ann Kons
Valeria Kraemer
Susan & Thomas Kreiner
Michael & Agnes Krenn
Mike & Bernice Krutzig
Donald & Frances Lamm
Troy Langsdale
Mark Larson
Dorothy Leathers*
John & Therese Lebens
Katherine Lee
Muriel F. Lehto
Voigt & Mary Jean Lenmark
David & Jean Leveque
Ed & JoAnn Linn
Jerome Linn
Judy Linn
Levy & Nora Lira
Si & Harriet Lou
Steve Lucas
& Barbara Schweiger
Stella Lunieski
Joyce Lupinek
Dick Lynch
Mary Lytle
Mackall, Crounse & Moore, PLC
Leonard W. Mackner
Clair & Sharon Madsen
Christine Mages
Khalid & Marilyn Mahmud
Jean F. Mahon
Dolores Manthey
Mark’s Interior Remodeling
Clarence & Jean Martin
Dr. & Mrs. Robert Maxeiner, Jr.
Mary Jo & Timothy McCauley
Stephen K. McCracken
Jane McCrossan
James & Mary McHugh
Thomas & Mary McKeown
Vernon & Shirley Meinen
Frank & Catherine Meister
Florence & Robert Meyer
Elizabeth Michelich
Erma Molan
Sandy Mozey
Virginia H. Mulcahy
Arthur Mulvey
Dennis & Judy Mulvey
Charles Neerland
& Maureen Kelly Neerland
Stephen & Barb Nelson
Dr. George & Ann Nemanich
Dennis & Sharon Newinski
Northwest Respiratory Services
Georgietta Oberembt
Scott & Carol O’Brien
Edith J. O’Connell*
Edward O’Donnell
Donald Olsen
Clifford & Marguerite Olson
Corrine S. Olson
Kay Olson
OmniCare Pharmacy
Ann & Howard Orn
OTF Resources
Sherman & Gisela Otto
Bill & Dorothy Paggen
Bob & Mickey Pajor
William & Susan Parsonage
Caroline & Kurt Partoll
Bishop Richard E. Pates
James Pattee
Jennie Pawlicki
Percy J. Perius
Patricia & John Peschman
Susan Peterson
John J. Petrie
Mary Ann Pikula
Arthur J. Popehn
Patricia & Cliff Popp
Loisanne D. Prazich
Gloria Raasch
Ruth Rademacher
Nancy & Richard Rainville
John Reger
Father James Reichert
Roman Renner
Peter & Char Rice
Robbie’s Carpet Service
Kathleen R. Rock
Richard & Patricia Rodney
Rose Mary Ryan
Al & Phyllis Salsberg
Howie & Lorrie Schaber
Rose Schaffer
Gregory & Linda Scherer
James Scherer
John & Jane Scherer
Matthew Scherer
Dale Schoonover
George & Evelyn Schultz
Charles & Roberta Schumacher
Thomas & Janice Segar
Eugene Selenski
Walter Sellman
Susan & Peter Severance
Jerome Shapiro
Lavonne Skelton
Mary & Peter Sluka
Yale Smiley
Rosemarie Sochacki
Stacy Sochacki
Sodexho Senior Services
Margaret Standal
Patrick & Jilliane Stapleton
Clare Stawarski
Grace Steidler
Milton Stellrecht*
Sara Sterling
Jack & Eileen Stewart
Jeff Storms
Sally & Jim Strand
Thomas Streff
Dr. Richard E. Streu
Glenn & Anne Swenson
Dorothy Szymanski
Evie Taylor
Margaret M. Temple
Raymond & Carol Terhaar
The Jacob GroupDBA Allstate Insurance
Dick & Martha Theilmann
Gerald & Elaine Theis
Margaret Theis
Irma Thies
Geri M. Timperley
Marjorie M. Tourje
Mary Trainor
Lorraine D. Trombley
Clayton & Adele Tutland
Gifts and Pledges
($100-$499), continued
U.S. Bancorp Foundation
U.S. Foodservice
UHL Company Inc.
Neal & Sharon Van Fossan
Audrey Verlo
Richard Verlo
Elaine Dzubak Villafana
Mary Warne
Mary Wehmann
Beverly Weyandt
Martha Wicklund
Joseph & Wilda Williams
Vincent & Marion Williams
Sherrie Willis
Greg Winkler & Jane Mannon
Jean Winkler
Dwight & Muriel Wirz
Rachel Wobschall
Chuck & Penny Wojciak
Gertrude Wons*
Paul Wozny
Maureen (Mike) Zachmann
Ann Zajac
Gifts & Pledges
($1 - $99)
Donald Adams
AFSCME Local 34
William & Sandra Akers
Aziz & Katy Al-Khabbaz
Charles & Viola Amundsen
Allen & Lois Anderson
Gervae Anderson
Harriet Anderson
Janet & Roger Anderson
Kay Anderson
Lonnie & Kathleen Anderson
Ramona J. Anderson
Bonnie Anderson Rons
Stan & Marlys Anderson
Velma Anderson
Angeline Andrew
Terry & Nancy Andrew
Karen Angelson
Marlys Armstrong
Judy Arnold
Mary Lou Arnold
Richard Arnold
& Leslie Bifulk Arnold
Sandy Arnold
Pat Arthur
Adeline Ashenbach
Norma Ayers
Larry & Barb Baer
Sheila & Stephen Bakke
Delores T. Bakula*
Gary Barott
Pat Bauer
James & Lucille Baukner
Norman & Susan Beardsley
Barb Bedford
Milo & Jean Bednar
Mary Behrenbrinker
M.D. & R.E. Bell
Kathleen Beltrame
Deborah Bement
Marie Bender
Gerald & Phyllis Benson
Mark & Janice Berg
Ann Beuk
Andrea & John Bidwell
Ernest & Bernice Bishop
Ronald & Anne Bisson
Cecelia Bistner
Carl Bjornstal
Gerald & Geraldine Blanski
Lillie Bluml
Margie Boardman
Vern & Lois Boes
Francis & Esther Bohnenstingel
Doris Bolles
Della Borders
Joe Boston
Carol Brendal
Roger & Sandra Brenny
Margery Brewster
Richard Brion
Richard & Sharon Brodeur
Jim & Theresa Brotts
Lois Brown
Scott Brown
Louise Bruhn
Helen H. Buckley
Carla Bulman
Juanita Burke
Robert & Darlene Busch
Leroy Butler*
Mary T. Caldwell
Lorraine Campbell
Anthony Cardinal
Alice Carlson
Judith Carlson
Karen & Terry Carlson
Loren & Michelle Carlson
Theresa & Ross Carlyon
Ray & Renny Cassidy
Janice Catherwood
Judy Catton
Joseph & Barbara Cavanaugh
Carol L. Chase
Carolina Click
Russel & Rose Cole
Irene Coleman
Donald & Loretta Combs
Evelyn M. Commers*
Kathleen Connoy
Catherine Cook*
Florence M. Cook
Margaret Corbett
Eugene Cotone
Sophie T. Coughlin*
Joseph & Dorothy Coury
Nancy Covington
Lucille A. Crane
Paul Creagan, Jr.
Maureen Cuddigan
Jean Cunningham
Eric & Michaeleen
Howard & Lois Dahlgren
George & Eleanor Dahlheimer
Katherine Daignault
David & Kathleen Dalsin
Gerald & Frances Davis
Ernest & Catherine Dawson
John Day
Rosann Decker
Donna Diepolder
Mary Ann & Stephen Dietman
Art & Lois Dini
Mr. Jerome T. Ditter
Thomas & Joyce Dodd
Jim & Maria Domingo
Marie Donahue
Pat & Wolf Donahue
Jerry & Cathy Dorholt
Mary Ann Doyle
Paul Du Charme
Gerald & Lou Ann Dufour
Michael & Sharon Dukinfield
Gerard & Margaret Dupont
Durand’s Woodworking
Marilyn H. Duxbury
James & Kathryn Dziedzik
Mary Jane Eckel
Peter Eckerline
Betty Elling
Laurie Encinas
Paul & Margaret Enck
Katrina Erickson
Mary Eskelson
Becky Farniok
Ardner Fasching
Edward & Eileen* Favreau
Fred & Julie Faxvog
M.J. Fedge
Dorothy Fern
Fran & Barbara Feyereisen
Sharon Fitzgerald
Barbara A. Florence
Margaret Franson
Mary Anne & Robert Frick
Celestine Fricke
Debra F. Friend
Darlene Gallus
Kevin Ganje
Robert & Katherine Gardner
Pat Garin
F.M. Gaudreau
Alexander & Julia Gelardi
Jane Gleason
Loretta Gliniany
Lucille E. Gmach
Judy Golz
Arona Gordhamer
Florence Gorski
Carol Graczyk
Sheila & Jack Grams
Anthony Graziano
Amy & Michael Greengard
Dale & April Groettum
Kathleen Groettum
David & Diane Gust
A.A. & G.G. Gustafson
Paul Gustafson
Beryl M. Halldorson
Matthew & Kimberly Haller
Craig & Janet Hamilton
Richard & Joy Hammer
Barb Hanle
William Hannan
James Hannasch
Joan Hansen
Cindy & Brian Harper
Martha Harris
Theresa Hart
Marjorie Hastings
Marijane Hauer
Vicki Haupt
Sr. Lois Hauwiller
Helen Hazel
Tim & Martha Healy
Janet Hegna
Betty V. Helbling
Anne M. Hennen
Eldon & Anne Hentges
Alice & Thomas Heroux
Janet Herron
Gail Heyda
Conrad Hlavacek
William & Judith Hoff
Thomas & Arlene Hofflander
Joan Hogan
Donna Hol
Albina Horsch
Mary House
Margaret C. Howard
Elizabeth Hruska
Ruth Huber
Barbara Huether
Jeanette Hughes
Mary K. Hughes
Michael & Mary Hughes
Sandra Hughes
Terrance Hulsing
& Tammy Dupre
Joan Hurley
Gloria Husby
Michael & Kim Huttner
Dolores Hynes
Florence Hyser
IBM Matching Grants Program
Paul Inden
Edithann Jackson
Gary Hymel & Gail Jaeger-Hymel
Emily A. Jakubiak
Mark Jaruszewski
Mary & John Jelinek
John & Dina Jeremiah
Neil & Joanne Jeremiah
Richard Jewett
Eleanor Johnson
Harold & Carol Johnson
Kenneth Johnson
Kurt & Carole Johnson
Mark & Rachel Lee Johnson
Marlys & Darell Johnson
Mitchell & Thelma Johnson
David & Jeanne Johnston
Sally Jones
Adelaide Junck
Darlene Kaden
Josta Kalasmiki
Raymond & Elizabeth Kasenga
Bill & Joella Kath
Patricia A. Kaufenberg
Kevin Keenan
Cheryl L. Keene
Robert W. Keith
Frank & Carol Keller
Donald & Mary Kellett
Clara Kelly
Mary Ann Kelly
Gerald & Judith Kernagis
Anne Kieser
Mary & Mark Kimitch
James King
Robt. King
Eileen Klatt
Linda & Jonathan Klem
Margaret M. Knox
Gertrude Kodet
Eve Koegl
Arthur & Pearl Kraemer
Timothy Kreft & Sarah Rowe
Penny & Chuck Krieger
Kathryn Krom
Thomas G. Krueger
Agnes Kukacka
Dr. & Mrs. Warren L. Kump
Vicky Kunshier
William & Dolores Kuth
Billie LaClare
Julie Laflamme
Robert & Charlotte Lake
Douglas Lamb
Bruce & Caroline Larson
Curtis Larson
Ed & Mary Larson
Helen Latzke
Joseph & Mary Leo
Thomas Leonard
Gary & Juliann L’Herault
Clyde Libby
Roger & Carol Lind
Randy & Diane Lindaman
Thomas & Carol Lindborg
G.E. & M. Lindgren
Rodman & Shelly Little
Dependence & Janice Littlefield
Jay & Shannon Lotthammer
David & Mercedes Lux
Rosanna Lynn
Mary Ellen Macho
Marquel & Hans Madsen
Dianne Makozak
Carolyn Malicki
Bernandine Marks
Daniel & Laura Marks
Doris Martin
Agnes Masica
Cynthia Matson
Janelle & Peter Mattson
Leona & Paul Mazzacano
Jim McCann
Joan McCarthy
Dolores McCarty
M.E. McGannon
Frank & Virginia McGoldrick
Deborah McKeown
John & Esther McLaughlin
John & Patricia McLeod
Susan McMahon
Peter & Jill Meade
Dellrose Meehl
Andre Meisner
Frank & Catherine Meister
Becky & Greg Mengelkoch
Gertrude A. Meuers
Virginia Meuers
Jeanne Meyer
Mary Ann Mickelson
Midwest Rubber Service
& Supply
Elsie Mikkala
Don & Patricia Miller
Betty Lou (Dooher) Miller
Janice Miller
Renee & Earl Miller
Margaret & Wayne Milner
Jerry & Janice Moen
Ron & Sharon Moen
Ned & Mary Mohan
Michael & Karen Mohs
Jessie R. Montano
Catherine & Richard Montville
Jean Moody
David & Nancy Mooers
Diana Moore
Ardyce Moos
Terry & Sharon Moriarity
Leola Morrissey
Joan L. Mossey
Gerald & Pamela Muelhbauer
Patricia Mulcahy
Ralph & Marilyn Muller
David & Deborah Murphy
Mary Ann Muszynski
Duane & Judith Muyres
Corinne Myers
Norma Nagle
Dan & Barb Naughton
Joan Neaton
Gifts and Pledges
($1-$99), continued
Mary Ann Nelles
Arlene Nelson & Sandra Fetter
Arthur & Charlene Nelson
Carol J Nelson
Darryl & Joyce Nelson
Jim & Dixie Nelson
Stella Nelson
Benay Nerud
Caroline Nester
James & Jill Neumann
Ed Newinski
Richard & Elaine Newstrom
Lillian M. Niggeler
Regina Niichel
Thomas & Laurie Nilsson
Laurie Nitzberg
John Nolan
Doug & Jane Norris
Douglas & Martha Novack
Bernice O’Brien
Gertrude* & Robert* O’Brien
Tom & Sue O’Connell
Michael Oihus
Melissa Okerson
Bruce Olsen
Robert & Marlene Olsen
Roger & Jane Olsen
Thomas & Jeneal Olsen
Jeanette Z. Olson
Todd & Rebecca Olson
Lucille Otto
Annette Ozer
Jessa Parker
Bonnie Pattee
Mario Pattee
Sally Paulus
Patricia A. Pavlak
William Pederson
Michael & Victoria Pepek
Donna Perrier
Arlene S. Peterson
Stella Peterson
Susan & Joel Peterson
Timothy J. Peterson
Kathleen Pfleghaar
Christopher Phelan
& Elizabeth Bloom
Dolores Phipps
Priscilla Pince
Paul & Jean Pohle
Janice Pomerleau Howell
Juliana Potyondy
Susan & Jack Powers
Claudia Price
Sid & Sally Prieto
Proforma Promotions & Printing
Ronald E. Puhek
John Quinn
Michael Quinn
Sr. Marie Rademacher, OSB
Patricia P. Raffesberger
Edwin Raker*
Mary J. Raker
Edward R. Ratner
Eileen Reardon
Betty Redding
Jerome & Carole Reid
Frances Reiser*
Esther Rekow
Fred & Darlene Retzinger
Lena Richter
Laurene A. Rick
Sarah Rodeberg
James & Darla Roehl
Ellen Romanko
Roof Spec, INC.
Gerald & Stephanie Roth
Bill & Peggy Roush
Roy C, Inc.
Patricia Rudin
Robert Rudin
Richard & Nina Rudolf
Eileen Ruffenach
Rush Creek Sunshine Club
Andrew & Carol Rusinko, Jr.
Charles Ruud
Rosemary & Albert Rymanowski
Donald & Sally Sallen
Fred & Merna Salmon
John & Barbara Saunders
Margaret Schatz
Gretchen Scherer & Jamin Luebke
Dr. Gregory Schissel
Sr. Doris Jean Schmid
Tyler & Kari Schmidtz
Mary Schoenborn
Frances Schreifels
Michael & Marcia Schumacher
Michael L. Schwab
Norma Scott
Edith M. Sculley
Charles & Dolores Seashore
Nancy & Walter Sellman
Vernette Senden
George & Ruby Sermeta
Dave & Pat Serreyn
William & Sharon Shea
Victor & Marie Shepherd
Denise & Alphonse Simonett
Jim & Patricia Skaja
Helen Skallman
Shirley Skelly
Peggy & Pete Snustad
Karen M. Soderholm
D.A. & L.L. Soderquist
Larry & Lynnette Sorenson
Irene Spack
Harry Spillum
Elizabeth Spletzer
Bob Spooner
P.A. Stahlhandske
Forrest & Lola Stapel
Allan E. Stapleton
Donna J. Stelmaszewski
Nancy Stolhanske
Patricia Stout
Jim R. Stramel
Tom & Fran Strauch
Gerald & Rita Stuth
Luella Sullivan
Mary Sullivan
Linda Swanson
Elizabeth Swanson
Steve Swanson
Richard W. Switzer
Patrick Taffe
Dorothy Tell
Margarita Tennessen
Richard & Betty Tetzlaff
Harold & Catherine Theisen
Phyllis Thomforde
Richard & Carol Thompson
Marquel Madsen
& Phyllis Thoreson
Zita Thorsen*
Beth Thorson
Tom Timmons
Doris & Gerald Titterud
John & Marie Tobin
Dale Trombley
Dorothy Trombley
Mary Turgeon
University of Minnesota School
Social Committee
Phyllis Vakoc
Mrs. Raymond F. Vavrosky
Mary & James Vierling
Richard & Anne Vosika
Vernon & Marguerite Walentiny
Sharlene Walerius
Douglas J. Walker
Joy Walker
Janice & William Walsh
Mary & Lee Walters
Roy & Audrey Warter
Alice & Walter Way
Ernestine & Betty Weber
G.F. Weber
Glen & Lynne Weber
Leona Weber
M.E. Weight
Carl S. Weiser
Grace R. Wells
Wellstar Health Systems
Charlotte & Robert Wenger
Georgia West
Becky Westbrock
Barbara Wheeler
Richard & Marcia Whiteford
Edward & Connie Williams
Joseph & Barbara Williams
John & Donna Winberg
Viola Wise
Diane Wood
Alan Woolworth
& Marion Williams
Kathryn Wornson
Leslie & Mary Anne Young
Roger A. Zabinski
Marlene Zachman
Jim & Mary Zangs
Margaret Zawacki
Dorothy Zelenak
Edward & Labelle Zeller
Joseph & Marilyn Zimmerman
Pat & David Zurawski
*denote deceased
If we have omitted or misspelled
your name, we sincerely
apologize. For corrections,
please call 763-531-5459 .
Cumulative Giving
$250,000 and above
Barbara and David A. Koch
Saint Therese Auxiliary
The Wasie Foundation
$100,000 - $249,999
Anonymous Donation
Jerry and Ursula Choromanski
Elizabeth C. Quinlan
Sarah Fagan*
Mary Elizabeth Lahiff*
George & Patty Maas
Gerald & Henrietta Rauenhorst
Mike and Susanne Scherer
$50,000 - $99,999
Charity, Inc
Eleanor Dolphin*
Dorothy Flynn*
Peter & Patricia Frechette
Eugene & Mary Frey
Ellen & Gerald Gallagher
Jacqui Gardner
Francis & Mary Geurs*
Elizabeth Hidding*
Lorraine Joyce*
Grace Legg*
Doug and Patricia Lewis
John and Margaret Linstroth*
Robert E. & Marilyn* Moore
Frances Scherer
James and Lucia Seidel
Dr. James & Catherine
Helen Simons*
Stanley Wasie
$25,000 - $49,999
Bill & Bea Beddor
Mr. & Mrs. Ray Bros*
Anne Carroll*
Mary Feltl*
Stanley Feltl*
Frank & Ruth C. Hetman
Rev. Leonard Hirman*
Beatrice Hokanson*
Edward P. Hudoba
H.S. Kedney*
Leonard Kimmes
Dr. Warren & Patty Kump
Dennis & Rita Lewis
Rudolph Linn*
Gladys Luhmann*
Howard Marshall*
Donald & Sally Moorhead
W. E. and Mary Mullin*
Thomas & Mindy Nonnemacher
North Memorial Health Care
Josephine O’Laughlin*
Robert & Dorothy Ollmann
Lawrence O’Shaughnessy
Josephine Rosol
Dr. Jerome Scherek*
Katherine Sheehan*
John & Donna Skagerberg
Martha & Robert Tickle*
Helen Zanger*
$10,000 - $24,999
Margaret Aalbu*
Donald & Shirley Beck
Frances Blake*
Josephine Blum*
Patrick & Roseann Boran
Alvena S. Bremner*
Theresa M. Brodeur
John & Mary* Byron
Carl & Eloise Pohlad Family
Catholic Community Foundation
Ann & Rick Cronin
Crystal Full Service Travel
Crystal Lions Club
Crystal State Bank
Vern Dehmer
Robert & Margaret Delmore
John & Eleanor Donovan
Ernest F. & Virginia Dorn, Sr.*
Dr. Wm. Christopher Downey
and Jeannie Shapiro Downey
Julia Gertrude Ellis*
Frank Fetzner*
Ellen Finnegan*
Patrick & Beverly Flaherty
Florence Florance
Frana Companies Inc.
Andrew Froehlich*
R. Jean Gray
E. Colleen Hanlon*
Ann Harhai*
W. L. Hayes*
S.D. Herman*
David M. Hoffmann
Rose M. Hoffmann
Vincent & Ruby Johnson
Joanne D. Jones
Anne Dolan Kelly
Pauline Kelly*
Albert F. Kosek*
Larry Kveton
Mrs. Russell Lambert*
Fred Lang
Ed Leiter*
Eleanor Leuthe*
Bill & Marilyn LeVahn
Hazel Little*
Dr. John C. & Pat Manion
Verna Matyshoke*
Charles McCall
Donald & Kathryn* McCourtney
Andrea & Larry McGough
John McKinnon*
Frank & Martha McNally*
Ruth A. Mullin
Rose Nelson*
Elizabeth Nockels*
Otto Bremer Foundation
Jerry Peterson &
Jayne Carey-Peterson
Joseph Raskop*
Anne Reardon*
Thomas & Mary Reardon
Alice Reisberg
Lucille Richards*
Raymond & Judy Richelsen
John & Katherine Ritchie*
Barb & Rick Rode
Saint Therese Family Council
Scherer Brothers Lumber Co.
Gary & Carolyn Scherer
Clarence & Julia Scherer*
Iona Schmitt*
Margaret G. Schramm
Marion Short
The Minneapolis Foundation
Thomas & Kathleen Moore
Rose Totino*
Donald and Dolores Traxler
Jerry & Gloria Wahl
Dolores S. Williams
Mary Zepp*
Saint Therese Heritage Society
The Heritage Society recognizes those
who have taken the important step of
supporting Saint Therese by including a
gift in their will, estate plan, or another
form of deferred giving. Members of the
Heritage Society guarantee continued
excellence in care and programming for
the elders in our community.
Esther Bajunpaa
Donald & Shirley Beck
Bill & Bea Beddor
Jerry & Ursula Choromanski
Anne Dancik
Robert & Margaret Delmore
Clara Foell
R. Jean Gray
Lucille Hartwig
Lee Heutmaker
Mary House
Edward Hudoba
Anne Hughes
Eloise C. Kaliher
Anne Dolan Kelly
Helen King
Barbara & David Koch
Kessie Korzenowski
Kay Kramer
Dr. & Mrs. Warren L. Kump
William Laughlin
John & Michelle LeBlanc
Muriel Lehto
Dennis & Rita Lewis
Judy Linn
Blanche Matthews
Bob & Marilyn* Moore
Lawrence O’Shaughnessy
Mike & Susanne Scherer
James & Lucia Seidel
Dick & Betty Sharp
James & Josephine Sharp
John & Donna Skagerberg
George & Helen Smrstik
Marion Tombers
Mary Turgeon
Jerry & Gloria Wahl
Dolores Williams
* denotes deceased
We remember those
who have passed away.
Clementia Anderson
Frances Blake
Josephine Blum
Catherine Boynton
Alvena Bremner
Mr. & Mrs. Ray Bros
Elizabeth Busch
Frances Cap
Helen Carroll
Anne Carroll
Helen Casey
Reverend Robert Cassidy
Thomas Chudyba
Anna Dennis
Eleanor Dolphin
Alice Duffy
Msgr. Henri DuLac
Gertrude Egbert
Julia Gertrude Ellis
Frances MacIver
Howard Marshall
Verna Matyshoke
Rosemary Matz
Mary McAlpin
Rosalyn McCabe
Mary McGraw
John McKinnon
Frank McNally
Margaret Morris
W. E. & Mary Mullin
Marlene Muske
Rose Nelson
Elizabeth Nockels
Josephine O’Laughlin
Elizabeth B. O’Shaughnessy
Ruth Ostlund
Joseph Raskop
Anne Reardon
Margaret Reiss
Lucille Richards
Verlie Roy
Jerome Scherek
Iona Schmitt
Mathilda Schuller
Catherine Shandorf
Katherine Sheehan
Helen Simons
Walter & Helen Sochacki
Hildgegard Tollefson
Blanche Walsh
Helen Zanger
Mary Zepp
Saint Therese Named Endowment Funds
Saint Therese gratefully recognizes the following people who were the
very first to establish named endowment funds at Saint Therese:
Sarah Fagan
Shirley Fairbanks
Mary Feltl
Stanley Feltl
Frank Fetzner
Ellen Finnegan
Dorothy Flynn
Norma Fricke
Andrew Froehlich
Ann Gangelhoff
Francis & Mary Geurs
Fred Gonyea
Bob Grant
Johanna Haberland
E. Colleen Hanlon
Ann Harhai
Elizabeth Hidding
Agnes Hildman
Beatrice Hokanson
Elizabeth Jaegers
Mark Johnson
Lorraine Joyce
Mary Kasbohm
H.S. Kedney
Frances Kelley
Pauline Kelly
Alvina Kemmetmueller
Marguerite Klein
Elizabeth Koester
Agnes Kolbinger
Leona Krenn
Mary Elizabeth Lahiff
Alice Lahiff
Ed Leiter
Kenneth LeMire
Philomene Lenz
Eleanor Leuthe
Josephine Levendowski
Rudolph Linn
Hazel Little
Gladys Luhmann
The Edward and Julie Hudoba Family Fund
The Frances and Munn Scherer Family Pastoral Care Fund
The Jerome and Ursula Choromanski Pastoral Care Fund
In order to help ensure our success long into the future, Saint Therese
has established a named endowment fund. For a minimum gift of
$25,000 in either a current, pledged or deferred gift, a donor may
establish a permanently endowed, named fund. The fund is maintained
in perpetuity, and can be named to reflect the wishes of the donor. The
donor may also restrict the earnings of this fund to support a specific
program or purpose. Donors who establish named endowments
become members of our Pillar Society at one of these levels:
$1,000,000 and over in cash, pledge
or deferred
$100,000 - $249,999 cash /pledge
$200,000 - $499,999 deferred
$500,000 - $999,999 cash /pledge
$750,000 - $999,999 deferred
$50,000 - $99,999 cash /pledge
$100,000 - $199,999 deferred
$250,000 - $499,999 cash /pledge
$500,000 - $749,999 deferred
$25,000 - $49,999 cash /pledge
$50,000 - $99,999 deferred
Consolidated Balance Sheet:
St. Therese Foundation, Inc. and Affiliates
Financial Summary
For the Fiscal Year Ended June 30, 2008
Sources of Revenue and Support
1% 5%
Nursing Care
Housing rent
and services
Assisted living
and home care
Other revenue
How Dollars Are Spent
Program expense
Plant and
property expense
$ 3,826,017
$ 50,781,119
Revenue and Other Support
Nursing Care
Housing Rent and Services
Assisted Living and Home Care
Rehabilitation Services
Contributions (see note below)
Other Revenue and Support
Total Revenue and Support
$ 18,031,913
$ 34,293,344
Program Expense
Plant and Property Expense
Fundraising Expense
General and Administrative
Payroll taxes and Employee Benefit
Depreciation and Interest
Total Expense
$ 19,401,396
$ 33,634,953
Operating Income
Fundraising expense
Depreciation and
Liabilities and Net Assets
Current Liabilities
Long-Term Liabilities
Net Assets
Total Liabilities and Net Assets
Consolidated Statement of Operations:
Payroll taxes and
employee benefits
$ 8,969,269
$ 50,781,119
General and
Current Assets
Assets Limited as to Use
Property and Equipment
Other Assets
Total Assets
Loss on inventory impairment
Investment income
Unrealized loss on investments
Change in Unrestricted Net Assets
$ 658,795
$ (143,798)
$ 545, 807
$ (250,439)
$ 810,365
Note: Additional contributions of $257,712 were received, but
use is restricted to future periods and not reflected in current year
Please contact Mike Warden, CFO, at 763-531-5000 with questions
regarding this financial summary.
Our IRS Form 990, Return of Organization Exempt From Income Tax is
available at www.guidestar.org.
Partners in Leadership
The Board continues to work actively in overseeing
operations, managing finances, assisting with fundraising
and focusing on short-term and long-term strategic
planning for the organization. The Board members
volunteer their time to Saint Therese. We are grateful
for their help and support.
Francis D. Hagen
(Board Chair)
Jerry Peterson
(Vice Chair)
Patrick J. Boran
Wayne Thalhuber, M.D.
William Beddor
Mary F. Frey
Ellen Gallagher
Vincent Johnson
Anne Dolan Kelly
Richard A. Klein
Warren L. Kump, M.D.
Donald Moorhead
Robert Ollmann
Charles E. Rice
Lucia Seidel
Donna Skagerberg
Joseph Amberg, M.D.
John P. Byron
Sharon A. Cassen
J.J. Choromanski
Pat J. Connolly
Wm. Christopher Downey, M.D.
Stephen J. Dupont
Kaye Foley
David M. Hoffmann
Stephen Imholte
Reverend Mark R. Juettner
Donna Kane
John C. Manion, M.D.
Gregory T. Merz
Clifford G. Olson
Michael Scherer
Sr. Joan Schneider, OSB
Jennifer Shaltz
Rachael Wobschall
Saint Therese Foundation
wishes to acknowledge and
thank all of the people who
have served as Foundation
Board Chair over the years.
We are grateful for your
J. J. Choromanski
Elizabeth Hidding*
Donald Moorhead
Richard Klein
Vincent Johnson
William Beddor
Andrew Froehlich*
Marcella Gordon
Michael Scherer
Francis Hagen
*denotes deceased
Community Benefits
For all of our 40 years, Saint Therese has taken pride
in the fact that it has always been a good neighbor and
member of the community. As a non-profit organization,
Saint Therese strives to help others within our
immediate neighborhood and beyond. We believe it
is also important to communicate our outreach and
support of the greater community as part of our mission.
Documenting this work is an essential element for
earning public trust and validating our status as a
non-profit organization. During the 2007-2008
fiscal year:
Saint Therese has provided over $1.2 million dollars
of free care as a result of Medicaid reimbursement
not covering the entire cost of care. Over 60% of
our residents receive Medicaid reimbursement.
We receive over $20 a day less than the actual cost
of providing the care. If we were to make cuts to
recover these expenses, we would compromise care
of our residents.
To foster education and help train future leaders in
our industry, we contribute $12,000 a year to the
University of Wisconsin – Eau Claire to sponsor a
student administrator.
Our staff participated in trade and professional
associations to expand their skills and to advocate
for social fairness. This is also a way we can share
our experiences and knowledge to benefit others.
Saint Therese has donated 75 copies of its toolkit,
SeniVision, to Twin Cities Catholic Parish Nurses
and the Faith Community Nurse Network of the
Greater Twin Cities to help them counsel their
constituencies about geriatric care.
Saint Therese is a host for social work students from
the University of Minnesota–Twin Cities.
Spiritual care is at the center of our mission. Our
extensive pastoral care services include staff, liturgical
costs, and more. Saint Therese allocates funds for
this program, which are not reimbursed by the state.
Our staff recruited blood donors for the Red Cross.
Staff members volunteered their time and blood for
this worthy cause.
Saint Therese has a charitable program that can
assist tenants with services if the tenant has to apply
for waivered services for care.
Tenants and staff members in our communities hold
a food drive at various times throughout the year to
help families in need in our surrounding communities.
Saint Therese donated to various community partners
to strengthen their work. Some of these partners
included North Memorial Medical Center, Golden
Valley Rotary, Community YMCA, Churches of
St. Vincent and St. Gerard, and North Memorial
Community Foundation.
“In my mom’s final years and days you have
given her so much of yourselves. My heart is
full of love and gratitude for all of you. I can’t
imagine a better group of people anywhere.”
— Susan, family member of a resident
Saint Therese Contacts
Barb Rode President/CEO
barbr @ sttheresemn.org
Denise Juday Barnett Administrator
djb @ sttheresemn.org
Dinah Martin Campus Administrator Oxbow Lake
dinahm @ sttheresemn.org
Sue Brendefur Senior Housing Director New Hope
sueb@ sttheresemn.org
Saint Therese
Foundation Contacts
John LeBlanc
Director of Development
johnl@ sttheresemn.org
Christine Mages
Events Manager
chrissym@ sttheresemn.org
Gretchen Scherer
gretchens@ sttheresemn.org
Candace Pawalsky
Database Coordinator
candacep @ sttheresemn.org
Editor: Gretchen Scherer
Designer: John Seymour-Anderson at Triangle Park Creative
Saint Therese Home, Inc.
8000 Bass Lake Road
New Hope, MN 55428