ec Post I - Henderson Libraries` Digital Collections


ec Post I - Henderson Libraries` Digital Collections
HELPS CITY CLERK - Dianne McFadden looks
on as City Clerk Genevieve Harper shows her the
prOce~/Jre in the City Clerk's office. Miss McFad.
den, according to Mrs. Harper, has been a bene.
fit to her office. She is working under ~e neigh.
borhood youth corps under the iederal gover:n ..
ment for 17 weeks during the summer.
FIX PA~K EQ~IP~ENT - Clark Neilson, 18, of 123- Grove
shown with Park Maintenance man M' k
P k
street, IS
for use. Neilson is one of 31 youngpe~C Iey ~r s as they repair a mower
for 14 weeks with the neighborhood YO~t~ assigned to the City of Henderson
:r (,I..\. ,,\ \ 5 I l'l.l,6'
Final tfoUii~
I ofthall
Council Favors
I$15 Mil ion r~/l ~
'Water Bond /f/t;&
Henderson May 0 r Bob
Hampton and City Councilman went on record Tuesday
I night as f.alVoring the $15 milIlion water bond issue which
will come up £or vote of Clark
County residents on July 27.
Hampton read a resolution
which had been prepared previously, and it was unanimously approved by the CJo;ijnI cn. Councilman Paul Marsh·
all said he felt it would effect
the economy of the whole
area if the bond is not apprOlVed. He said he felt the approval of the bond issue is of
im.portan~e to everyone.
HE DERSON - The third I
and final round of play in the
city's adult softball league begins Monday. Games are play-
ec Post
Dan Taylor
was named chairman 01 the
HAPPY BIRTHDAY - Chief of Police George Crisler looks pleased as he
cuts his birthday cake at the police station last Friday. Helping. in the, celebration of his 61st birthday are, left to right, Judge Earl DavIs, Assistant
Chief of Police Floyd Osborn, George Campbell, and Justice of the Peace
Delwin Potter. Mayor Bob Hampton also dropped in along with other di.gni<J t<..1 y 15> /r-.£ Staries.
ed at City Park field one, with
starting time at 8 p.m.
The schedule follows, with the
fir t leam li ted being the
home team : June 28 - Desert
Sporting Goods vs. Palm Mortuary, 29 • SaIeway vs. Titanium Metals, 30 - Town House
VS. Desert, July 1 - SaIeway
vs. Palm, 2 - Titanium vs.
Town House, 6 - Desert vs.
Safeway, 7 - Palm vs. TiLanlurn, 8 - Town House vs. Safeway, 12 - Palm vs. Town House,
13 - Titanium v. Desert 19 Palm vs. Desert, 20 - Titanjum
vs. Safeway. 21
Desert vs.
Town House, 22 - Palm vs.
SaIeway, 26 - Town House vs.
Titanium, 27 - Safeway vs. Desert, 28 • Titanium vs. Palm,
29 - SaIeway "5. Town House,
August 2 - Town House vs.
Palm, 3 • Deseri vs. Titanium.
On August 5 a playoff game
will be held between the lsi
and 3rd place teams, and on
August 6 between the 2nd and
4th place teams.
I Final playoff games arc scheduled for Augu t 18, 19 and 20. 1
Henderson Recreation Board
at the first meeting of the newly-appointed group held Wednesday night.
Taylor, widely recognized
and commended for his recreational activities, was one of
three members reappointed to
the board by City Council last
A new board member. Estes
McDoniel, was n arne d vice