here - Hawaii Automobile Dealers Association
here - Hawaii Automobile Dealers Association
The Official Publication of the Hawaii Automobile Dealers Association 2006 Annual Yearbook Edition And 1st Quarter, 2006 ) Ben (L to R a ka, St Nakao nator su, Se amit n Mas no, Er n Kan Bria a unag ic Fuk a, Joe itagaw rian K R) Se nator Clare nc Rep. e Nishimo Ryan t Yama o, Stan M a ne, S en. N samitsu, R orma n Sak ep. Jon R iki Ka amot ram o atsu, e Luz )B (L to R (L to tor , Sena Hanley yne D ye, Wa e Inou Lorrain (L to R) B ill van de n Hurk, H oward Fin ley, Sen. Ron Men or, Sen. W ill Espero , Greg Le Record number of legislators and dealers attend Dealer Day at the State Capitol Rep. Kymberly Pine (left) and Joe Nicolai Lesch INVESTING IN OUR COMMUNITIES At Servco, we recognize that the vibrancy of a community depends, in part, on the investment of business to serve the community. We believe that as a business grows, it should make a positive impact on the community in terms of its physical presence, the service it provides, and the jobs it creates. Chevy Tahoe That’s the spirit behind our new auto complex in Waipahu. service for Servco’s Toyota, Chevrolet and Suzuki customers. The new Servco Auto Leeward represents a $12 million dollar investment being built on the existing Waipahu Auto Company site at 94-729 Farrington Highway. When completed, the expansion will span 65,000 square feet, doubling the dealership’s current size. It will incorporate a new service and parts building, as well as a new car showroom, car wash and other improvements to the surrounding area. Existing structures on the property will be replaced with upgraded facilities to enhance In designing the expansion, Servco envisioned a facility that will serve the needs of Leeward Oahu’s growing communities with unparalleled service and facilities. But we also wanted to ensure that the new complex will be an asset to Leeward Oahu, fitting aesthetically into the community. It will be a source of construction jobs for the next two years and ongoing employment for Hawaii’s residents for many years to come. It’s one way Servco honors its commitment to making Hawaii a better place to live and work. S E R V C O PA C I F I C I N C . Automotive Products • Insurance Services • Consumer Products • Investments Toyota Avalon XL Suzuki XL7 In a typical week, The Honolulu Advertiser reaches 78% of new vehicle buyers, the most of any print medium in Hawai‘i.* Reach the most qualified buyers with The Honolulu Advertiser! Hawai‘i's Cars on Friday and Sunday Overdrive pump the most mileage into your business. And The Advertiser's daily ads for pre-owned vehicles drive up your sales all year long. Get the power of The Honolulu Advertiser, your number one source for autos. Call (808) 535-8153 to place your advertising today! *Source: Scarborough 2005, Rel. 1 Hawaii Automobile Dealers Association 1100 Alakea Street, Suite 2601, Honolulu, HI 96813 (808) 593-0031 • Fax: (808) 593-0569 2006 HADA OFFICERS & DIRECTORS PRESIDENT Eric Fukunaga PRESIDENT-ELECT Wayne De Luz VICE PRESIDENT Nick Cutter SECRETARY Joe Nicolai TREASURER Ben Nakaoka NADA DIRECTOR Joe Hanley HAWAII DIRECTOR Brian Kitagawa KAUAI DIRECTOR James Hanley MAUI DIRECTOR Damien Farias OAHU DIRECTOR Stan Masamitsu OAHU DIRECTOR Owen Phillips OAHU DIRECTOR Morrie Stoebner OAHU DIRECTOR Jack Jackson AT LARGE DIRECTOR Dave Chun AT LARGE DIRECTOR Dennis Short IMMEDIATE PAST PRESIDENT Joe Hanley HADA STAFF EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR Dave Rolf AUTOCAP SPECIALIST AND DIRECTOR OF SPECIAL PROJECTS Iona Melyan-Basso (L to R) Joe Nicolai, Stan Masamitsu, Eric Fukunaga, Joe Hanley and Rep. Lynn Finnegan Welcome to the 2006 HADA Yearbook Edition T of his past year certainly was an active one for HADA; here are some the highlights of 2005: 1) HADA launched an encyclopedic website featuring dealer links, manufacturer links, legislative testimony, associate member links, compliance issues and much more. Check it out at 2) HADA’s Mike McKenna was named the American International Auto Dealer Association’s National Dealer of the Year. 3) A record 600 people attended the First Hawaiian International Auto Show’s VIP Preview Night, including Governor Linda Lingle and Mayor Mufi Hannemann. 4) Some 275 people, also a new record, attended the HADA annual convention on Maui this year, hosted by Damien Farias. accounted for approximately 1 of every 5 of non-tourism related retail dollars spent in the state. 7) The 2005 Dealer Day at the Capitol drew 56 dealers and elected officials, HADA erected the 5000-word “Word Wall” and the Teachers of the Year Wall showing car recipients at the Capitol after the opening Day of the 2005 session. The project received 22 minutes of morning and evening tv news coverage. 8) HADA logged in on the rail vs. HOTLANES issue by running a 2-page ad in the Star-Bulletin. 9) HADA hosted the Western Automotive Trade Association Executives Winter conference – a threeday event attended by association executives from 20 Western states. 5) HADA again helped coordinate the 7 cars for 7 teachers project. We’re looking forward to a great 2006; our Dealer Day January 19th, certainly started it off with a bang. A record 90 elected officials and dealers attended to discuss HADA legislative issues. 6) Economic activity from vehicle sales and servicing again Eric Fukunaga 2006 HADA president HawaiiDealer is designed & published by Custom Publishing Design Group, 800-246-1637. To advertise in an upcoming issue contact Twinka Tison, 904-242-8586 or e-mail [email protected]. HawaiiDealer is published quarterly by the Hawaii Automobile Dealers Association, 1100 Alakea Street, Suite 2601, Honolulu, HI 96813 Phone: 808 593-0031 Fax: 808 593-0569 Email: [email protected] 4 2006 HADA DEALER DAY at the State Capitol January 19, 2006 Sen. Les Ihara (left) and Morrie Stoebner (L to R) Rep. Hermina Morita, Rep. Marilyn Lee, Rep. Maile Shimabukuro Rep. Dennis Arakaki (left) and Iona Basso (L to R) Eric Fukunaga, Sen. Sam Slom, Bob Gardiner and Byron Hansen 6 Rep. Ryan Yamane (left) and Damien Farias Sen. Suzanne Chun Oakland (left) and Bob Gardiner Sen. Kalani English (left) and Joe Nicolai (L to R) Alan Uyeoka, Sen. Lorraine Inouye, Dave Chun and Russ Wong Rep. Chris Halford (left) and Sen. Paul Whalen Bill van den Hurk (left) and Sen. David Ige Rep. Ezra Kanoho (left) and Ben Nakaoka 7 Stand Masamitsu (left) and Rep. Glenn Wakai Maurie Stoether (L to R) Rep. Helene Hale, Rep. Jerry Chang, Sen. Lorraine Inouye and Eric Fukunaga (L to R) Rep. Mark Moses, Joe Nicolai and Rep. Mark Takai Sen. Clarence Nishihara (left) and Stan Masamitsu 8 Rep. Marilyn Lee (left) and Rep. Pono Chong (L to R) Sen. Norman Sakamoto, Eric Fukunaga and Sen. Will Espero Dealers and legislators at Dealer Day Rep. Kirk Caldwell (left) and Joe Nicolai Sen. Sam Slom (left) and Ben Nakaoka Joe Nicolai, HADA legislative chair (L to R) Brian Kitagawa, Joe Hanley and Wayne De Luz , also Platinum Sponsor) Rep. Cynthia Thielen (left) and Joe Nicolai 9 How fast do we approve auto loans? FASTEN YOUR SEATBELTS. MIKE WARING Vice President & Dealer Center Manager Ph: 973-7560 Fax: 973-7566 [email protected] WAYNE ARAKAKI Assistant Vice President & Dealer Center Officer Ph: 973-7562 Fax: 973-7566 [email protected] EDSON TOMA Dealer Center Officer Ph: 973-7554 Fax: 973-7566 [email protected] With our most experienced auto loan officers, we can provide flexible financing and lightning-fast loan approvals. For prompt service that helps you put more people behind the wheel, call one of our auto loan officers today. CHERYL KAOHI Dealer Center Officer Ph: 973-7577 Fax: 973-7566 [email protected] Call today for: COMPETITIVE RATES FLEXIBLE TERMS QUICK LOAN APPROVALS RESPONSIVE SERVICE Member FDIC Attending for Dealer Day at the Hawaii State Capitol January 19, 2006 12:00-1:30pm. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. HADA Member Dealership/Company Dave Chun Wayne De Luz Damien Farias Howard Finley Eric Fukunaga Joe Hanley Byron Hansen Brian Kitagawa Greg LeLesch Stan Masamitsu Ben Nakaoka Bob Gardiner Joe Nicolai Morrie Stoebner Alan Uyeoka Bill van den Hurk Russ Wong Honolulu Ford Hilo/Kona Mazda/Subaru Maui Toyota Aloha Auto Group Servco Pacific Inc Orchid Isle Auto Center Bank of Hawaii Kamaaina Motors Aloha Auto Auction Tony Group Servco Pacific Inc. Bank of Hawaii JN Group Inc. Honda Windward Jackson Volvo Aloha Auto Group Jackson Auto Group Senator/ Representative Name 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. Representative Felipe P. Abinsay, Jr. Representative Lyla Berg Representative Mele Carroll Representative Jerry L. Chang Representative Lynn Finnegan Representative Helene Hale Representative Chris Halford Representative Robert N. Herkes Representative Ken Ito Representative Ezra Kanoho Representative Bertha Kawakami Representative Jon Riki Karamatsu Representative Marilyn B. Lee Representative Sylvia Luke Representative Michael Magaoay Representative Hermina Morita Representative Mark Moses Representative Scott Nishimoto Representative Blake Oshiro Representative Calvin Say Representative Maile Shimabukuro Representative Joseph M. Souki Representative Roy Takumi Representative Cynthia Thielen Representative Ryan Yamane Representative Glenn Wakai Senator Rosalyn Baker Senator J. Kalani English Senator Will Espero Senator Clayton Hee Senator Les Ihara, Jr. Senator Lorraine Inouye Senator Carol Fukunaga Senator Russell Kokuban Senator Ron Menor Senator Sam Slom Senator Shan S. Tsutsui Senator Paul Whalen Sen. Will Espero (left) and Damien Farias House/Senate District Tel. Number House District 29 House District 18 House District 13 House District 2 House District 32 House District 4 House District 11 House District 5 House District 48 House District 15 House District 16 House District 41 House District 38 House District 26 House District 46 House District 14 House District 40 House District 21 House District 33 House District 20 House District 15 House District 8 House District 36 House District 50 House District 37 House District 31 Senate District 5 Senate District 6 Senate District 20 Senate District 23 Senate District 9 Senate District 1 Senator District 11 Senate District 2 Senate District 17 Senate District 8 Senate District 4 Senate District 3 586-6010 586-6510 586-6790 586-6120 586-9470 586-6530 586-8525 586-8400 586-8470 586-6270 586-6280 586-8490 586-9460 586-8530 586-6380 586-8435 586-8500 586-8515 586-6340 586-6100 586-8460 586-9448 586-6170 586-6480 586-6150 586-6220 586-6070 587-7225 586-6360 586-7330 586-6250 586-7335 586-6890 586-6760 586-6740 586-8424 586-7344 586-9385 11 12 Congratulations to I. Kitagawa and Company, Ltd. for reaching the 100-year mile stone. (Excerpts from HADA’s letter of support, sent to the Small Business Administration) iness. The great reached the milestone of 100 years in bus ., Ltd y, pan Com and a gaw Kita I. , year This and to the family ng core values of the company’s founder accomplishment is testimony to the stro r a century ’s time. members who adhered to those values ove ulations to car dealers association offer our congrat new ed chis fran e’s stat our of bers mem e Th organization for and all of the I. Kitagawa and Company HADA board member Brian Kitagawa s. the life of a family-owned small busines reaching this extraordinar y milestone in is a term used to aina” literally means child of the land and ma’ “Ka d wor n aiia Haw the w, kno you As gawa famtime. The epic stor y of the Hilo-based Kita refer to one who has been in Hawaii a long r, he igrated to Hawaii from Japan. A year late imm a gaw Kita iro Isoj n whe 4 190 in ts ily business star ufacturers ng automobiles from now long-gone man selli into ved mo r late and s, ines bus sh fi started a s and two devasstor y of the business spans two world war e Th rt. lkha w-E Cro and tz Me o, Arg like ever, representpany lost ever ything. The family name, how tating tsunamis when, each time, the com did. start again and rebuild. And each time they to ing will ily fam a of on nati rmi dete ed the grit and und land, but it was officials offered tsunami victims high gro te Sta 6 195 in ami tsun nd seco the er Aft . With Small Busio Kitagawa, Brian’s father, took the risk located several miles outside of town. Iwa italization of $200,000 he started again. ness Association loans and negative cap sed on, adding a the second tsunami, but the company pres of tion asta dev the r afte slow e wer ings Th flourishing in Halership in Kona. Today, the company is new car line (Datsun) and a second dea renovality in Kona along with $1.75 million in faci new d bran a g din buil and y nom waii’s robust eco . tions for Kama’aina Motors Hilo location Fortitude” summed iness magazine, “One Hundred Years of The accompanying stor y in Hawaii Bus t keep the Kitagawa family from succeed ldn’ cou s ster disa ral natu and s war orld “W things up best. ing.” ance, and success, years of business determination, persever It’s an extraordinar y stor y of a hundred ful Small Business Association loan. help a by s ines bus the of life the in ture aided at a key junc Kitagawa and Comadd our comments and support as the I. to nity ortu opp the ates reci app DA HA ous SBA award. pany is considered for this most prestigi 13 HADA Associate Member Contact Information ADP Dealers Services Craig Sherwood Tel: 503-654-6300 Fax: 503-652-7447 10151 SE Sunnyside Rd. Clackamas, Oregon 97015 CARFAX Kristin Dydo Tel: 703-934-2664 Ext4184 Fax: 703-218-2853 10304 Eaton Pl. # 500 Fairfax, Virginia 22030 Dealer Consulting Services, Inc. Frank Phillips Tel: 805-347-4400 Fax: 805-922-1173 P.O. Box 1849 Santa Maria, CA 93455 AIG Hawaii Carl Nagatori Tel: 543-0436 523-9027 6 Waterfront Plaza 3rd fl. 500 Ala Moana Blvd. Honolulu, HI 96813 CARS-NET Jim Weneta Tel: 714-996-9288 Fax: 714-996-8815 310 E. Oragnethorpe Ave. #M Placentia, CA 92870 Dealers’ Financial Services Filipo Ilaoa Tel: 383-3265 Fax: 859-258-2864 46-165 Aeloa St. Kaneohe, HI 96744 Cavanah Associates Inc. Jim Cavanah Tel: 537-1970 Fax: 537-4554 1100 Alakea Street Ste. 2600 Honolulu, HI 96813 Enterprise Rent A Car Wayne Tanaka Tel: 836-0130 Fax: 836-3093 544 Ohohia St. Suite 7 Honolulu, HI 96819 Central Pacific Bank Michael Waring Tel: 973-7560 Fax: 973-7566 2002 S. King St. Honolulu, HI 96826 Expert Dealer Services James LaPelusa Tel: 818-358-1500 Fax: 818-358-1594 9623 Canoga Ave. Chatsworth, CA 91311 Chrysler Financial/Credit Steven Zanlunghi Tel: 808-658-0800 287 Kinross Dr. Walnut Creek, CA 94598-2105 First Hawaiian Bank Mel Freitas Tel: 943-4510 943-4555 P.O. Box 1700 Honolulu, HI 96806 Aiona Car Sales Patrick Aiona, Sr. Tel: 808-935-9958 Fax: 808-935-7915 134 Wiwoole St. Hilo, HI 96720 Aloha Petroleum Reggie Kamei, Jr. Tel: 522-9700 Fax: 522-9707 1132 Bishop St. Suite 1700 Honolulu, HI 96813 Alsco American Linen Division Wayne Moore Tel: 834-7500 Fax: 834-7566 2771 Waiwai loop Honolulu, HI. 96819 American Fidelity Assurance C. Steve Bolinger Tel: 405-416-8699 Fax: 877-967-8699 2000 N. Classen 6 East Oklahoma City, OK 73106 API Insurance Nancy Steinberg Tel: 800-722-2886 Fax: 847-285-3617 1002 East Algonquin Rd. Schaumburg, IL 60173 Sandy Yee Tel: 206-818-5067 Fax: 425-940-0187 3000 22nd Ave. South Seattle, WA 98144 Bank of Hawaii Byron Hansen Tel: 537-8695 Fax: 537-8622 P.O. Box 2900 Honolulu, HI 96846 14 Comerica Bank Jeff Richardson Tel: 714-433-3209 Fax: 714-433-3221 611 Anton Blvd. 4th Fl. Costa Mesa, CA 92626 Consumer Automotive Services Hawaii Dawe & Jade Glover Tel: 836-1699 Fax: 836-6900 5070 Likini St. #212 Honolulu, HI 96818 Credit Union Direct Lending James Moniz Tel: 782-4960 Fax: 626-8725 95-1070 Pikokea St. Mililani, HI 96789 Cross Check Inc. Charles Dortch III Tel: 707-586-0551 Fax: 800-863-4164 6119 State Farm Dr. Rohnert Park, CA 94928 First Hawaiian Bank Mark Flemet Tel: 844-3553 Fax: 844-3475 P.O. Box 1959 Honolulu, HI 96805 Ford Motor Company Randy Bergsrud Tel: 925-904-5834 Fax: 925-904-5886 P.O. Box 30731 Honolulu, HI 96820 Ford Motor Credit Company Walter Lawson Tel: 947-6070 Fax: 947-6068 1585 Kapiolani Blvd. Suite 922 Honolulu, HI 96814 General Motors Corporation Dave Cannon Tel: 510-710-7303 39465 Pasco Padue Prkway #3100 Freemont, CA 94538 GMAC Gary Kneifl Tel: 285-0786 Fax: 678-3157 98-1277 Kaahumanu St. PMB 409 Aiea, HI 96701 Hawaii Association of Broadcasters Jamie Hartnet Tel: 550-9226 Fax: 550-9288 650 Iwilei Rd. Suite 400 Honolulu, HI 96817 Hawaii USA Federal Credit Union Scott Kaulukukui Tel: 534-4300 Fax: 534-4349 1226 College Walk Honolulu, HI 96817 Honolulu Advertiser Jeff Green Tel. 525-7495 Fax 525-7423 605 Kapiolani Blvd. Honolulu, HI 96813 Honolulu Star-Bulletin Dennis Francis Tel: 529-4702 Fax: 545-4918 7 Waterfront Plaza Ste 500 500 Ala Moana Blvd. Honolulu, HI 96813 Horizon Lines, LLC Mike Ohashi Tel: 842-5300 Fax: 842-5395 Pier 51 A Sand Island Access Rd. Honolulu, HI 96819 Insurance Investments Peter Luke Tel: 531-9891 Fax: 536-5134 914 Ala Moana Blvd. #200 Honolulu, HI 96814 Jim Moran & Associates Linda Fisher Tel: 714-612-6176 Fax: 415-495-4443 260 King St. # 1005 San Francisco, CA 94107 KARBIZ Associates Mark & Kathy Swannie Tel: 487-7713 Fax: 487-1104 98-021 Kamehameha Hwy. Aiea, HI 96701 KGMB-TV Kristina Lockwood Tel: 973-9383 Fax: 941-8153 1534 Kapiolani Blvd. Honolulu, HI 96814 KHNL News 8 John Fink Tel: 847-3246 Fax: 847-4534 150-B Puuhale Rd. Honolulu, HI 96819 KHON - TV Dean Lucas Tel: 591-2222 Fax: 591-9085 88 Piikoi Street Honolulu, HI 96814 Kobayashi & Company Ted Kobayashi Tel: 626-683-5757 Fax: 626-683-5767 3871 E. Colorado Blvd.Ste. 200 Pasadena, CA 91107 KODATA Solutions Desmond Doris Tel: 501-372-7510 Fax: 501-372-7484 2100 Broadway Little Rock, AR 72206 Manheim’s Aloha Auto Auction Greg LeLesch Tel: 840-8917 Fax: 847-7546 1001 Ahua Street Honolulu, HI 96819 Marsh & McLennan Mason Williams Tel: 585-3500 Fax: 585-3510 P.O. Box 4238 Honolulu, HI 96812 Matson Navigation Company Gary Nakamatsu Tel: 848-1211 Fax: 845-3892 1411 Sand Island Pkwy Honolulu, HI 96819 Mazda North American Operations Russell Park Tel: 254-8133 Fax: 281-582-4364 316 Ilihau St. Kailua, HI 96734 National Kidney Foundation of Hawaii Glenn Hayashida Tel: 593-1515 Fax: 593-8096 1314 S. King Street Suite 305 Honolulu, HI 96814 Nissan of Hawaii Dave Frick Tel: 479-0404 Fax: 952-216-2112 PO Box 9099 Pleasanton, CA 94566 Northwest/Southwest Wholesale Auto Mike Petersen Tel: 503-239-2277 Fax: 503-234-8036 203 Northeast Grand Ave. Portland, OR 97232 Oceanic Time Warner Cable Kendall Char Tel: 625-8356 Fax: 625-8561 745 Fort St. Mall #1200 Honolulu, HI 96813 Omega Special Risks, Inc. Jay Gillette Tel: 972-934-1751 Fax: 214-823-3295 4225 Office Parkway Dallas, TX 75204 Pacific Business News Kathleen McKnight Tel: 955-8100 Fax: 955-8051 1833 Kalakaua Ave. Honolulu, HI 96815 Premier Dealers Services Kendall Olson Tel: 858-810-1700 Fax: 858-292-1647 9449 Balboa Ave. #300 San Diego, CA 92123-4395 Unitek Solvent Services Blane Yamagata Tel: 222-7272 Fax: 673-3234 P.O. Box 700370 Kapolei, HI 96709-0370 Premier Select Tim Weymouth Tel: 817-335-5700 Fax: 817-335-4700 500 Main Street Suite 800 Ft. Worth, TX 76102 West Hawaii Today Rick Asbach Tel: 808-329-9311 Fax: 808-329-3659 75-5580 Kuakini Hwy. Kailua-Kona, HI 96740 PRIMUS Financial Services, Inc. Gary Gaulke Tel: 425-889-4311 Fax: 800-543-5050 401 Parkplace #510 Kirkland, WA 98033 Western Insurance Rosalie Middleton Tel: 396-4898/722-5491 Fax: 396-5094 796 Kalanipuu St. Honolulu, HI 96825 Reynolds & Reynolds Cliff Hall Tel: 877-359-9637 Fax: 559-272-6005 497 N. Clovis Ave. # 202-403 Clovis,CA 93611 Young Brothers Vic Angoco Tel: 543-9432 Fax: 543-9458 P.O. Box 3288 Honolulu, HI 96801 Soderholm Sales/Lease Erik Soderholm Tel: 834-1417 Fax: 834-1070 P.O. Box 19010 Honolulu, HI 96817 Standard Register Chris McCall Tel: 877-665-8062 Fax: 877-665-8062 251 S. Lake Ave. #510 Pasadena, CA 91101 Pacific Media Publishing Ken Berry Tel: 671-6888 Fax: 676-2504 94-539 Puahi St. Waipahu, HI 96797 TAGS, Inc. Levi Lake Tel: 485-8247 Fax: 485-0302 98-029 Hekaha St. Bldg.5 Unit 20 Aiea, HI 96701 Pasha Hawaii Transportation Lines LLC Reggie Maldonado Tel: 523-8562 Fax: 523-8630 965 N. Nimitz Hwy Ste. A3 Honolulu, HI 96817 Ultimate Warranty Corp. Randy Collier Tel: 285-0900 Fax: 373-1098 1050 Bishop St. Suite 269 Honolulu, HI 96813 Moss-Adams LLP Bob Hinton Tel: 425-259-7227 Fax: 425-259-2844 2707 Colby Ave. Ste. 801 Everett, WA 98201 15 Where Else Can You Get More Than You Asked For? ALOHA AUTO AUCTION 1001 Ahua Street Honolulu, Hawaii 96819 • Dealer Consignment Sale Every Wednesday! • 400 Vehicles Offered, Over 300 Plus Sold Each Week • Offer Your Cars To 150 Buyers Weekly • Competitive Live Bidding • Get Top Dollar For Your Units Call (808) 840-8900 Ask For Tom Foster Or Alden Akau 16 HADA Presidents 1972-2006 1972 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Robert Maxey (dec.) 1989 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Will Miyake 1973 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Dallas P. Rowley 1990 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Gerald Cutter 1974 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Max F. McMillan (dec.) 1991 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Andy Nakano 1975 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Arthur Chase 1992 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Damien Farias 1976 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ken Matsumoto 1993 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mark Oshio 1977 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Axel Silen (dec.) 1994 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Nate Alberstein (dec,) 1978 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . James Markey 1995 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Owen Phillips 1979 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Robert Guild 1996 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Nick Cutter 1980 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Karl Oberacker 1997 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Ivan Nakano 1981 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Tony Shelly (dec.) 1998 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Gary Wassel 1982 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ken Taylor 1999 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Gary Wassel 1983 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . William Geary 2000 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Joe Nicolai 1984 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Walsh Hanley 2001 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Charlie King 1985 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Dave Chun 2002 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Charlie King 1986 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Whitey Rose 2003 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Joe Hanley 1987 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Whitey Rose 2004 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Joe Hanley 1988 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Morrie Stoebner 2005 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Eric Fukunaga 2006 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Eric Fukunaga 17 We Compete Fiercely in Hawaii... with a professional team ready to take care of you, your family and your business. Health benefits and insurance is our business. Thank you, Hawaii For information Contact Your Broker or Call Ph: 808-951-4645 or Neighbor Islands 866-262-1803 Fax 866-206-5689 • w w w. i m x i n c . c o m KOBAYASHI & COMPANY With more than 30 years of accounting experience in the automotive field, Kobayashi & Co. offers specialized services to dealers and individuals including: ACCOUNTING AND AUDITING SERVICES KOBAYASHI & COMPANY Certified Public Accountants With more than 30 years of Management Consultants accounting experience in the automotive field, Kobayashi & Co. offers specialized services to dealers and individuals including: Accounting and Auditing Services • Audits, Reviews and Compilations • Buy/Sell Agreements • Budgets, Forecasts and Projections • Monthly Financial Statement Preparation • Payroll Services • Cash Management Consulting • Accounting System Design • LIFO Consultation Tax Services • Audits, Reviews and Compilations • Buy/Sell Agreements • Budgets, Forecasts and Projections • Monthly Financial Statement Preparation • Payroll Services • Cash Management Consulting • Accounting System Design • LIFO Consultation TAX SERVICES • Business and Individual Tax Planning • Corporate, Partnership & Individual Tax Return Preparation • Business Valuations • Financial, Retirement and Estate Planning • Client Representation Before the IRS and Franchise Tax Board • Estate, Fiduciary and Gift Tax Return Preparation BUSINESS CONSULTING SERVICES • Business Continuation & Succession Planning • Executive Compensation & Incentive Planning • Management Audits OTHER SERVICES • Bankruptcy & Receivership Accounting & Tax Services • Structuring Purchase or Sale of a Business • Assistance in Obtaining & Evaluating Personnel • Fraud Investigation • Litigation Support • Computer Systems Consulting 3871 East Colorado Boulevard • 2nd Floor • Pasadena, CA 91107 (626) 683-5757 • Fax (626) 683-5767 • (800) 683-4342 • E-mail: [email protected] • Business and Individual Tax Planning • Corporate, Partnership & Individual Tax Return Preparation 18 • Business Valuations • Financial, Retirement and Estate Planning HADA Auto Cap History Auto Cap - Automotive Consumer Action Program, is a voluntary complaint program operated by the Association, initiated in 1990 when Gerald Cutter served as Association president. It accepts complaint referrals from television Channel 2’s ACTION LINE, the State’s ASK 2000, the Better Business Bureau, the military and the direct calls from consumers. When it is determined that the complaint is valid, the person is referred directly to the owner or general manager of the dealership involved. As can be seen in the chart, complaints have fallen off dramatically. This procedure tends to encourage a swift resolution of all legitimate complaints. Auto Cap Complaints ��� ��� ��� ��� ��� ��� ��� 05 20 20 �� �� �� �� �� �� �� �� �� � �� �� � �� � �� � � �� �� � �� � �� � � �� �� � �� � �� � � �� �� � �� � � �� � �� � � �� �� � �� � �� � � �� � �� �� � Average New Vehicle Retail Selling Price ���������� ���������� ���������� ���������� ���������� ��������� *National average selling price data provided by National Automobile Dealers Association �� 05 �� �� �� �� �� �� �� �� � �� � � �� � �� �� � �� � � �� � �� �� �� �� ����� TIME Magazine Quality Dealers 1977 Whitey Rose, Hawaii Motors 1991 Nate Aberstein 1978 Ken Matsumoto, Pearl Harbor Volkswagen 1993 Dan Makey, Kuhio Motors 1979 David De Luz, Big Island Toyota 1994 Brian Kitagawa, Kamaaina Motors 1980 Arthur Chase, Universal Motors 1995 Mike McKenna, Windward Motor Cars 1981 Jim Markey, Honolulu Ford 1998 Charlie King, King Auto Center 1982 Tom Fukunaga, Servco Pacific 2000 Morrie Stoebner, Honda Windward 1983 Walsh Hanley, Orchid Isle Auto Center 2001 Nick Cutter, Cutter Management Company 1984 Richard Kawakami (dec.), Kauai Toyota 2002 Wayne De Luz, Hilo/Kona Mazda/Subaru 1985 Damien Farias, Sr., Maui Toyota 2003 Mike McKenna, Windward Motor Cars 1986 Frank Abrams, Valley Isle Motors 2004 Joe Nicolai, JN Automotive Group 1987 Will Miyake, Kauai Auto Center 2005 Dave Chun, Honolulu Ford 1988 Gerald Cutter, Cutter Management Company 2006 Damien Farias, Maui Toyota 1990 Dave Chun, Windward Nissan 2006 Hawaii Automobile Dealers Association Committee Members Exec. Committee/Auto Show Committee Eric Fukunaga, Chair Joe Nicolai Joe Hanley Wanye De Luz Nick Cutter Advertising Committee Convention Committee Joe Hanley, Chair Wayne De Luz Bill van den Hurk Morrie Stoebner Mark Caliri Maui - Damien Farias Kauai - James Hanley Kona/Hilo - Brian Kitagawa DealerServices Committee Dave Chun Damien Farias, Chair Nick Cutter Eric Fukunaga Wayne De Luz, Chair Bill van den Hurk Ken Stanford Marty Barger Mike McKenna Joe Nicolai James Hanley By-Laws Committee Nominating Committee Joe Nicolai, Chair Joe Hanley Morrie Stoebner Charlie King Roy Kitagawa 21 HADA Dealer Members Aloha Auto Group Limited Bill van den Hurk Tel: 833-9000 Fax: 833-3444 2841 N. Nimitz Hwy. Honolulu, HI 96819 BMW of Honolulu Dennis Short Tel: 597-1225 Fax: 592-0285 777 Kapiolani Blvd. Honolulu, HI 96813 Cutter Ford Waipahu Patrick Ah You Tel: 564-9740 Fax: 564-9212 94-177 Farrington Hwy Waipahu, HI 96797 Island Chevrolet - Hilo Alan Clark Tel: 808-961-5222 Fax: 808-933-4607 1177 Kilauea Ave. Hilo, HI 96720 Aloha Hyundai/Kia Airport Bill van den Hurk Tel: 833-9000 Fax: 833-1777 2841 N. Nimitz Hwy. Honolulu, HI 96819 BMW of Maui Andrew Trumbo Tel: 808-877-4269 Fax: 808-877-2696 410 Koloa Street Kahului, HI 96732 Cutter of Maui Charles O’Steen Tel: 808-442-9600 Fax: 808-442-9620 25 S. Kahului Beach Rd. Kahului, HI 96732 Island Chevrolet - Kona Alan Clark Tel: 808-933-4610 Fax: 808-933-4617 75-5570 Kuakini Hwy. Kailua-Kona, HI 96740 Aloha Kia Waipahu Andy Resendes Tel: 677-4500 Fax: 678-3144 94-081 Farrington Hwy. Waipahu, HI 96797 Cutter Management Co. Nick Cutter Tel: 529-2000 Fax: 529-2010 1100 Alakea St. PH2 Honolulu, HI 96813 Cutter Mazda of Waipahu Aiyaz Dean Tel: 564-9533 Fax: 564-9520 94-135 Farrington Hwy. Waipahu, HI 96797 Island Dodge Roy Kitagawa Tel: 808-877-0031 Fax: 808-871-7805 110 S. Hana Hwy. Kahului, HI 96732 Aloha Kia Maui Howard Finley Tel: 808-877-4545 Fax: 808-877-7771 89 East Wakea Kahului, HI 96732 Cutter Ala Moana Volkswagen/ Mazda Gary Scheuring Tel: 564-9100 Fax: 564-9140 800 Ala Moana Blvd. Honolulu, HI 96813 Cutter Pontiac,Buick,GMC Aiyaz Dean Tel: 564-9500 Fax: 564-9520 94-119 Farrington Hwy. Waipahu, HI 96797 Island Honda Anne Oishi Tel: 808-873-8081 Fax: 808-873-6777 110 S. Hana Hwy. Kahului, HI 96732 Five Star Subaru Cheston Bactista Tel: 836-9111 Fax: 836-9122 3179 N. Nimitz Hwy. Honolulu, HI 96819 Jackson Auto Group Jack Jackson Tel: 836-2441 Fax: 440-1578 2945 N. Nimitz Hwy. Honolulu, HI 96819 Hawaii Mitsubishi Robert Chappel Tel: 488-0610 Fax: 485-2679 98-075 Kam Hwy. Aiea, HI 96701 Jackson Volvo Russell Wong Tel: 521-5151 Fax: 538-7252 704 Ala Moana Blvd. Honolulu, HI 96813 Hilo (Kona) Mazda Subaru Wayne De Luz Tel: 808-961-4411 Fax: 808-961-0018 1 Keaa St. Hilo, HI 96720 Jaguar of Honolulu Garry Brechin Tel: 592-5100 Fax: 592-5111 818 Kapiolani Blvd. Honolulu, HI 96813 Honda Windward Morrie Stoebner Tel: 247-8544 Fax: 247-5840 45-671 Kamehameha Hwy. Kaneohe, HI 96744 Jim Falk Motors of Maui Paul Kaiser Tel: 808-270-2600 Fax: 808-270-8610 260 Hana Hwy. Kahului, HI 96732 Honolulu Ford Dave Chun Tel: 532-1700 Fax: 532-1411 1370 N. King St. Honolulu, HI 96817 JN Group, Inc. (Chevrolet/ Mazda) Joe Nicolai Tel: 831-2500 Fax: 831-2594 2999 N. Nimitz Hwy. Honolulu, HI 96819 Aloha Kia Hilo Mort Kizel Tel: 808-935-3500 Fax: 808-935-3539 226 Kanoelehua Ave Hilo, HI 96720 Audi of Hawaii Brad Nicolai Tel: 585-6600 Fax: 585-6611 1069 S. Beretania St. Honolulu, HI 96814 Big Island Honda Jerry Cousin Tel: 808-961-5505 Fax: 808-326-2489 124 Wiwoole St. Hilo, HI 96720 Big Island Suzuki Victor Trevino Tel: 808-961-3015 Fax: 808-961-2076 175 Wiwoole St. Hilo, HI 96720 Big Island Toyota/Scion Hilo Victor Trevino Tel: 808-935-2920 Fax: 808-961-2076 811 Kanoelehua Ave. Hilo, HI 96720 Big Island Toyota Kona David De Luz, Sr. Tel: 808-329-8517 Fax: 808-329-9610 74-5504 Kaiwi St. Kailua-Kona, HI 96740 22 Cutter Chevrolet Brad Eisen Tel: 564-9050 Fax: 564-9052 711 Ala Moana Blvd. Honolulu, HI 96813 Cutter Dodge (Dillingham) Rick Stunkard Tel: 564-9310 Fax: 564-9311 735 Dillingham Blvd. Honolulu, HI 96817 Cutter Dodge (Pearl City) Doug Sandlin Tel: 564-9640 Fax: 564-9661 905 Kamehameha Hwy. Pearl City, HI 96782 Cutter Dodge/Jeep/Chrysler Waipahu James Clark Tel: 564-9900 Fax: 564-9920 94-149 Farrington Hwy. Waipahu, HI 96797 Cutter Dodge/Jeep/Chrysler Waipahu James Clark Tel: 564-9950 Fax: 564-9980 94-245 Farrington Hwy. Waipahu, HI 96797 Cutter Ford Isuzu Aiea Patrick Ah You Tel: 564-9210 Fax: 564-9212 98-015 Kamehameha Hwy. Aiea, Hi 96701 Infiniti of Honolulu Marty Barger Tel: 836-0848 Fax: 836-5532 2845 Kilihau St. Honolulu, HI 96819 Kaimuki Toyota John Kakazu Tel: 564-1500 Fax: 564-1548 3282 Waialae Ave. Honolulu, HI 96816 continued on the following page Kamaaina Motors Brian Kitagawa Tel: 808-935-3741 Fax: 808-969-1712 P.O. Box 4789 Hilo, HI 96720 Mercedes Benz of Honolulu Fletcher Jones, Jr. Tel: 592-5145 Fax: 592-5120 818 Kapiolani Blvd. Honolulu, HI 96813 Scion, Servco Rod Saunders Tel: 564-2400 Fax: 564-2423 2850 Pukoloa St. Ste 101 Honolulu, HI 96819 Valley Isle Motors Jim Falk Tel: 808-877-3673 Fax: 808-877-0320 221 Puunene Ave. Kahului, HI 96732 Kauai Toyota Scott Yonesaki Tel: 564-1900 Fax: 808-245-7831 4337 Rice Street Kahului, HI 96766 Mid-Pac Auto Center James Hanley Tel: 808-245-3673 Fax: 808-246-1040 3050 Hoolako St. Lihue, HI 96766 Servco Lexus of Honolulu Alan Young Tel: 564-1201 Fax: 521-5302 650 Kapiolani Blvd. Honolulu, HI 96813 Waipahu Auto Brian Horikami Tel: 564-1035 Fax: 564-1037 94-729 Farrington Hwy Waipahu, HI 96797 King Auto Center Charlie King Tel: 808-245-4788 Fax: 808-245-6722 4330 Kukui Grove St. Lihue, HI 96766 New City Nissan John Uekawa Tel: 524-9111 Fax: 540-3292 900 Ala Moana Blvd. Honolulu, HI 96814 Servco Pacific Inc. Eric Fukunaga Tel: 564-2332 Fax: 564-2830 2850-A Pukoloa St. Honolulu, HI 96819 Windward Dodge/Crysler/Jeep Trey VeDova Tel: 233-6000 Fax: 233-6070 46-177 Kahuhipa St. Kaneohe, HI 96744 King Windward Nissan Bill Mickelsen Tel: 235-6433 Fax: 247-6548 46-568 Kahuhipa St. Kaneohe, HI 96744 Orchid Isle Auto Center Joe Hanley Tel: 808-935-1191 Fax: 808-935-5960 1030 Kanoelehua Ave. Hilo, HI 96720 Service Motors Brian Horikami Tel: 564-1035 Fax: 622-5558 105 S. Kamehameha Hwy. Wahiawa, HI 96786 Windward Ford Mike McKenna Tel: 266-7000 Fax: 262-4413 725 Kailua Rd. Kailua, HI 96734 Kona Auto Center Pat Fitzgerald Tel: 808-329-4408 Fax: 808-329-7499 76-6353 Kuakini Hwy. Kailua-Kona, HI 96740 Portia of Hawaii Garry Brechin Tel: 591-1911 Fax: 592-5111 730 Ala Moana Blvd. Honolulu, HI 96813 Subaru of Honolulu Greg Burgess Tel: 591-3075 Fax: 591-3083 P.O. Box 2420 Honolulu, HI 96804 Windward Toyota Clyde Miyataki Tel: 564-1486 Fax: 564-1487 45-655 Kamehameha Hwy. Kaneohe, HI 96744 Kona Mazda Subaru Wayne De Luz Tel: 808-329-5274 Fax: 808-334-0014 75-5793 Kuakini Hwy. Kailua-Kona, HI 96740 Pflueger Acura Owen Phillips Tel: 942-4555 Fax: 941-7203 1450 S. Beretania St. Honolulu, HI 96814 Tony Group Stan Masamitsu Tel: 680-7190 Fax: 483-5443 94-1299 Ka Uka Blvd. Waipahu, HI 96797 Windward Mazda Mark Caliri Tel: 266-8000 Fax: 262-7289 105 Oneawa St. Kailua, HI 96734 Kuhio Motors Dan Mackey Tel: 808-245-6731 Fax: 808-245-8436 3033 Aukele St. Kahului, HI 96766 Pflueger Buick, GMC Dan Keppel Tel: 592-4500 Fax: 592-4411 1234 S. Beretania St. Honolulu, HI 96814 Tony Honda Steve Schaper Tel: 680-7100 Fax: 488-8803 94-1299 Ka Uka Blvd. Waipahu, HI 96797 Land Rover of Honolulu Garry Brechin Tel: 592-7400 Fax: 592-5111 730 Ala Moana Blvd. Honolulu, HI 96813 Pflueger Cadillac, Hummer Dan Keppel Tel: 592-4500 Fax: 592-4411 1234 S. Beretania St. Honolulu, HI 96814 Tony Hyundai Stan Masamitsu Tel: 680-7190 Fax: 483-5443 94-1299 Ka Uka Blvd. Waipahu, HI 96797 Lexus of Maui Robert Chu Tel: 564-1801 Fax: 564-1820 445 Kele St. Kahului, HI 96732 Pflueger Honda Kevin Keppel Tel: 528-7200 Fax: 536-2820 777 Ala Moana Blvd. Honolulu, HI 96814 Tony Nissan Larry Moody Tel: 680-7150 Fax: 676-1915 94-1299 Ka Uka Blvd. Waipahu, HI 96797 Maui Toyota Damien Farias Tel: 808-877-2781 Fax: 808-871-2851 320 Hana Hwy. Kahului, HI 96732 Saab Hawaii Johana Mason Tel: 735-2488 Fax: 734-1083 3030 Waialae Ave. Honolulu, HI 96816 Tony Volkswagen Westly Amor Tel: 680-7170 Fax: 483-8655 94-1299 Ka Uka Blvd. Waipahu, HI 96797 McKenna Motors Kailua-Kona Gary Green Tel: 808-334-0004 Fax: 808-334-0606 75-5633 Palani Rd. Kailua-Kona, HI 96740 Saturn of Honolulu Michael Johnson Tel: 836-7007 Fax: 834-6234 2901 N. Nimitz Hwy. Honolulu, HI 96819 Toyota City Dennis Tengan Tel: 564-1101 Fax: 564-2849 2850-A Pukoloa Street Honolulu, HI 96819 23 Calendar of Upcoming Events January 18th (Wed) Opening of the Legislature HADA’s represented in House Chamber Seating February 6th (Mon) Hilo AFIP Course 8am-12 noon (basic) 1-5pm. (senior) at the Nani Loa Hotel January 19th (Th) Dealer Day at the Capitol (12 noon-2pm. Rm 329) February 7th (Tu) Hilo AFIP Course 8am-12 noon (basic) 1-5pm. (senior) at the Nani Loa Hotel January 19th (Th) 1st HADA 2006 Board of Directors meeting 10-12 noon (YWCA) February 1st (We) Maui AFIP Course 8am-12 noon (basic) 1-5pm. (senior) at the Maui Beach Resort February 2nd (Th) Maui AFIP Course 8am-12 noon (basic) 1-5pm. (senior) at the Maui Beach Resort February 3rd (Fri) Kauai AFIP Course 8am-12 noon (basic) 1-5pm. (senior) at the Kauai Beach Hotel February 4th (Sat) Kauai AFIP Course 8am-12 noon (basic) 1-5pm. (senior) at the Kauai Beach Hotel February 8th (We) Oahu AFIP Course 8am-12 noon (basic) 1-5pm. (senior) at the Hilton Hawaiian Village February 9th (Wed) Oahu AFIP Course 8am-12 noon (basic) 1-5pm. (senior) at the Hilton Hawaiian Village February 11th-14th NADA Convention in Orlando Florida February 25th (We) HADA By-Laws committee 1100 Alakea St. #2601 HADA conference table March 9th (Th) HADA Exec. Committee meeting 10am – 12 noon 1100 Alakea April 5th (We) Auto Show VIP Party 6-8pm. April 6th -9th (Th-Sun) First Hawaiian International Auto Show May 11th ((We) HADA Board of Directors meeting 10-12 noon 1100 Alakea St June Meet’ n greet Congressional Delegation on location (TBA) July 13th (Th) HADA Exec. Committee meeting 1100 Alakea Corp. Tower 2nd fl. Conference room July HADA support with tables at Foodbank’s Patriots Celebration August 8th (Tu) TMQDA Dealer of the Year Deadline for nominations August 24th (Th) HADA Board of Directors meeting 1100 Alakea St. 2nd fl. 10am-12 noon September 7 Cars for 7 Teachers Award Ceremony September 7th (Th) HADA Exec. Committee meeting 10am-12 noon 1100 Alakea St. 2nd fl. October 4th (We) HADA Board of Directors meeting at Kauai Marriott Resort – Nawiliwili Room October 5th HADA Convention starts 6:30pm. Reception at Kauai Marriott Resort in the Puna Court October 6th HADA General Meeting Approve By-Laws revisions 8-11am in the Kauai Ballroom I October 6th-9th HADA Con vention at the Kauai Marriott Reosrt October 7th Kauai Marriott Resort HATS Auction November 7th (Tu) Election Day December 7th (Th) HADA Exec. Committee meeting 10am-12 noon 1100 Alakea St. 2nd fl. September Primary Election Day ���������� ���������������������������������������� ����������������������������������������� �������������� ��������������������������������� ������������������������������������������ ����� ���������� � ����������������������������������������������������� ���������������������������������������������������� ������������ ����������� ������������������������������������������������ ������������������������������������������������������ ������������������������������������������������� ����������������������������� ��������������������������������������������������� 24 ��������������������������������������������������������� ������������������������������������������������� ���������������������������������������������� Hawaii Dealers, which can you afford to lose? A) Your Customers B) Your Profit C) Your Reputation D) None of the above The bottom line is: • We prepare, implement and execute a written business plan to make you more money. • We educate your management team to help you maintain your solid reputation. • We install processes and procedures to increase your CSI levels. “We Do It Better!” © 2005 Jim Moran and Associates, Inc. (808) 223-9228 It’s not just talk…We Deliver! Need auto insurance in minutes? We can fix that. Instant Auto Coverage from AIG Hawaii. Never lose a sale again. With the Convertible Auto Policy (CAP) program, any potential car buyer can get immediate auto For more information on CAP or AIG’s auto insurance policy, call us today. insurance coverage. Approval of every application is guaranteed and is confirmed in a matter of minutes. CAP PROGRAM FEATURES: PHONE HOURS: 8:00 am - 10:00 pm 524-8633 Oahu: Neighbor Islands Toll-Free: 1-888-673-9222 ◗ Guaranteed application approval ◗ Instant confirmation ◗ Affordable fixed rate ◗ Convertible to a standard AIG 6-month policy The AIG Hawaii Family of Companies. FOUR FACTS THAT WILL CHANGE HOW YOU SPEND YOUR AD DOLLARS. WE’RE THE LEADER IN USED CAR BUYERS WE’RE THE LEADER IN DEALER SATISFACTION The old days of car shopping are gone. The is #1 in dealer satisfaction.* Internet has surpassed newspaper classifieds as We deliver the highest overall value, the largest the #1 place people go to find a car. And the number of monthly used #1 Web site on the Internet is, vehicle leads and the highest- leading the way with over 8 million shoppers rated customer service in the every month. business. No wonder so many dealers are smiling. WE’RE THE LEADER IN USED CAR SALES WE’RE THE LEADER IN PARTNERSHIPS is a car-selling giant. We contribute Leaders partner with leaders. As we continue to more used car sales than our two closest our exclusive relationships with AOL, Univision, competitors combined, CompuServe, Netscape and, we delivering more traffic, proudly announce our newest partner: Yahoo! Autos. more leads and more This partnership alone will put your vehicles in front profit. of an additional 22 million shoppers. No other accounts for more than $50 billion in annual sales. source provides this kind of exposure. � #1 in overall value � #1 in lead generation � #1 in customer service � #1 consumer brand Still using the newspaper as your main vehicle to reach car buyers? It’s time to run with For more information, call 1-808-306-6677. is a proud sponsor of University of Hawaii Sports. ©2005 is a trademark of TPI Holdings, Inc. and is used under license. *2004 MORPACE International, Inc. Dealer Image Study. F or over 70 years, our employees have been providing members with outstanding service excellence. We continue to provide financial services to Hawaii’s Educators, Students, Parents, Business People and their families. For more information, visit any of our branch locations on Oahu and Maui: Main Branch 1226 College Walk Kaimuki Branch 3660 Waialae Ave. Kaneohe Branch Aiea Branch Windward Mall Aiea Shopping Ctr. Ala Moana Branch 771 Amana St. Kahului Branch Kaahumanu Shopping Center Office Bldg. Waipahu Branch Waipahu Town Ctr. Mililani Branch Mililani Shopping Ctr. Kapolei Branch 920 Kamokila Blvd. Hawaii Kai Branch Hawaii Kai Executive Plaza I � 534-4300 � (800) 379-1300 Dealer Center’s Dane Shimabuku and Robyn Kaleiohi-Ford Hawaii Auto Outlook Comprehensive Information on the Hawaii Automotive Market ™ Hawaii Auto Outlook First Quarter, 2006 Volume 5, Number 1 Comprehensive Information on the Hawaii Automotive Market Small Decline Predicted for Hawaii New Vehicle Market in 2006 First Quarter, 2006 Volume 5, Number 1 ing. The net household savings rate Now the good news! 2006 New Vehicle Market Forecast the second of 2005 turned Auto Outlook is predicting that newforduring Thankfully, not all of the traffic signals Small Decline Predicted Hawaii Newhalf Vehicle Market in 2006 retail light vehicle registrations in Ha- negative, meaning that consumers for the Hawaii new retail light vehicle 2006will Newdecline Vehicle less Market Forecast Auto dipped in spending. net household savthe good into The savings to support spend- Now waii than 2% from market are news! red. In fact, many are Outlook is predicting thatthe newexpected retail ings Tell-tale rate during the second halftrends of 2005 not all the traffic ing. signs of these are Thankfully, 2005 to 2006. Despite bright green. Asof we have signals contended light vehicle registrations Hawaii will turned evident negative, at meaning thatdealerships, consumers for Hawaii new time, retail light likely Hawaii drop, the market shouldin still remain forthe quite some the vehicle impressive declinebased less than from 2005 to 2006. dipped into worthiness savings to support spending. market are red. Inserved fact, many arethe bright as credit of prospective strong on2% historical standards, new products up by manuDespite the expected drop, thebelow marketthe buyers Tell-taleissigns of these trends are likely to green. As weishave contended incentive for quite for increasingly a deterrent with registrations falling just facturers a powerful should still remain on hisevident at Hawaii dealerships, creditthat some time, theto impressive newnew prod-vehicle new vehicles. Theasfact impressive 70,000strong unitbased level. Big selling consumers enter the torical market standards, with registrations falling worthiness of prospective is down ucts servedInupother by thewords, manufacturers is a shoppers are alsobuyers upside Three share is projected to many market. increasingly, just below impressive 70,000 unitthis on increasingly a deterrent selling new the powerful for consumers enter(a their trade-ins, onlytocompounds decline 0.8the market share points vehiclesincentive are purchased out oftowant level. less Big Three market projected vehicles. The fact that many shoppers are the new vehicle market.a In other words, not year, severe thanshare theis1.9 point situation. desire to purchase new vehicle) to decline 0.8 market shareispoints this of also upside down on their trade-ins, only increasingly, purchased out of drop last year. Following a review need (the vehicles currentare vehicle is wearing year, less severe than the 1.9 point drop compounds the situation. want (a desire to purchase a new vehicle) key forecast determinants. out). Indeed, a recent consumer surMost economists believe that these last year. Following is a review of key not need (the current vehicle is wearing vey by CNW Marketing Research trends will likely lead to the brakes forecast determinants. Most economists that these during trends out). Indeed, a recent survey purbears this out, as consumer a new vehicle being applied to believe retail spending Key Indicators Point to Decline will likely to the brakes CNWrose Marketing Research chase significantly onbears consumer Notlead a panic stop, being just aapplied slow- by As mentioned in the past several re- 2006. Key Indicators Point to Decline to retailasspending duringtake 2006.the Notnecesa this out,lists as a for new2006. vehicleAnd purchase roseis no wish there households leases of Hawaii Auto Outlook, it is down As contention mentioned inthat the retail past several re- in sary panicsteps stop, just a slowdown as households lists for as sign that on thisconsumer trend wish is abating, to alleviate debt. In addition significantly our spending leases ofand Hawaii Outlook, it is ourin to takecutbacks the necessary steps to alleviate debt. And there isbecome no sign that thisadept trendat manufacturers more in retail spending, other 2006. general, newAuto vehicle purchases contention that spending In addition for to cutbacks in retailsales spending, abating, as the manufacturers become more key attributes that buynew vehicle this iscombining particular, will retail ease duringin general, 2006. concerns and new vehicle purchases in particular, other concerns for new vehicle sales this adept at combining the key attributes that ers are looking for-styling, flexibility, Households have accumulated signifi- year are high energy prices, a slowwill debt ease during 2006. Households have year areinhigh energy prices, a slowdown are fit looking flexibility, interior and for-styling, finish, performance, down economic growth, and higher buyers cant over the past several years significant debt over the past interest in economic growth, and higher interest interior fit economy. and finish, performance, and and fuel toaccumulated feed continued expansion in spendrates. several years to feed continued expansion rates. fuel economy. The Hawaii New Retail Light Vehicle Market — At a Glance THIRD QUARTER, 2005 Market Share Rank Make 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Toyota/Scion Honda Nissan Ford Chevrolet Dodge Mazda Lexus Hyundai Mercedes 24.0% 11.2% 11.0% 10.0% FOURTH QUARTER, 2005 Market Share Rank Make 1 2 3 4 6.8% 5 4.4% 7 4.9% 2.4% 2.4% 2.0% 6 8 9 10 Toyota/Scion Honda Nissan Ford Chevrolet Dodge Mazda Mercedes Lexus Hyundai 25.1% 12.2% 10.2% 9.2% Change in mkt. share 1.1% 1.0% -0.8% -0.8% 6.8% 0.0% 3.5% -0.9% 5.1% 2.8% 2.6% 2.2% 0.2% 0.8% 0.2% % change in registrations vs. '05 Small Summary Decline 1. Predicted for Hawaii New Vehicle Market Top Ten Scoreboard Summaryin 2. 2006 Quarterly Review 6.0% 4.0% 2.0% 2.0% 0.0% -2.0% -4.0% -2.2% -6.0% -1.0% -3.6% -8.0% -10.0% 1st Q 2nd Q -0.2% The three summaries provide an overview of the Hawaii new retail light vehicle market. The table above The three summaries provide an overview of the shows Hawaii the newTop Ten sellers the state during the above Third shows and Fourth of retail lightinvehicle market. The table the Top Quarters Ten 2005,inand in market share. Quarterly sellers the the statechange during the Third and Fourth Quarters Review of 2005, presents predicted change registrations during each and the the change in market Quarterly Review presents thequarter of this year versus 2005. The Annual Review table on the predicted change in registrations during each quarter of this year right shows our forecast for 2006, and actual figures for 2004 versus 2005. The Annual Review table on the right shows our and 2005. Detailed forecasts all brands areDetailed on page 4. forecast for 2006, and actual figures for for 2004 and 2005. Source for AutoCount, an Experian Company. forecasts forhistorical all brandsdata: are on page 4. Source for historical data: AutoCount, an Experian Company. 3rd Q 4th Q Summary 3. Annual Review and Forecast TOTAL 2004 70,457 2005* 70,732 Forecast 2006 69,823 % ch. '05 to '06 -1.3% Car Light Truck 30,437 40,020 31,258 39,474 31,351 38,472 0.3% -2.5% Big Three Japanese European Korean 22,123 39,879 6,200 2,255 20,850 41,148 5,832 2,902 20,029 41,294 5,551 2,949 -3.9% 0.4% -4.8% 1.6% * Data for December, 2005 was estimated. 10/18/05 11:51 AM Page 1 2 Lo 4 H ca a tio wa ns i i ! 061048 v2 At Enterprise, You Always Know Where You Stand. We’re More Than Just 80 Convenient Neighborhood Gas Stations. One call connects HADA Members to: Volume Fleet Card Fueling Discounts To Motor a d v eOils, r t i sHydraulic e i n t hOils is & mGreases agazine Volume Delivery of Gasoline & Diesel Fuel please contact: $ave-A-Dollar Gas Charge Cards Tw i n k a Ti s o n Custom Publishing Design Group There’s a place where the number one priority is you. That’s why no matter what the season, no matter what the reason, you can always count on Enterprise. 904-242-8586 e-mail: [email protected] (808) 522-9761 • [email protected] Pick-up is subject to geographic and other restrictions. ©2005 Enterprise Rent-A-Car Company. 061048 9/05 DP Just dial \[ for the location nearest you. Size:9.875 x”2.437 4c non-bleed Output at 100% dp Hawaii Auto Outlook Page 2 HAWAII BRAND SCOREBOARD Hawaii Brand Scoreboard Hawaii Market Predicted to Drift Lower Over Next Three Years Unit Sales Potential Based on National Market Share The graph below provides an indicator of brands that provides are popular Hawaii The graph below aninindicator the National standard), and of(relative brandstothat are popular in Hawaii (relative to the National and those that are not. Here’sstandard), how it works: those areselling not. brands Here’s how it For thethat top 30 in the state, works: For theshare top of 30the selling brandsisin each brand’s U.S. market the state, each brand’s share of the multiplied by retail registrations in the U.S. market is multiplied by retail state during the months of 2005. registrations in first the 11 state during the first 11 months of 2005. This yields a This yields a “target” for the state market. Actual registrations are subtracted “target” for the state market. from Actual this target to arrive at the Unit Potential registrations are subtracted from this target to Brands arrive atatthe the Unit of Potential estimate. bottom the estimate. at the of the graph (i.e.,Brands Chevrolet, Ford,bottom and Chrysler) graph (i.e.,unitChevrolet, Ford, have a high potential in the state,and Chrysler) have a high unit potential in meaning that registrations would need to the state, meaning that registrations increase by a significant number forby statea would need to increase significant number for state market market share to equal National. Brands at the top of the graph (Toyota/Scion, share to equal National. Brands at the Nissan, Mazda, Mercedes, Lexus, top of Honda, the graph (Toyota/Scion, Nissan, Honda, Mazda, negative Mercedes, and Mini) have a “significant Lexus, and Mini) have a “significant potential,” indicating that they are strong negative potential,” indicating would that they sellers in the state. Registrations are strong sellers in the state. have to decline in order for state market Registrations would have to decline in share toforequal National. order state market share to equal National. Hawaii Retail Market Hawaii Retail MarketPotential—based Potential—basedon onregistrations registrations for for 2005 2005 (Increase or decrease in registrations required for brand to equal National market share in the state) Toyota/Scion Nissan Honda Mazda Mercedes Lexus Mini BMW Suzuki Isuzu Infiniti Kia Jaguar Mitsubishi Acura Audi Volkswagen Volvo Saturn Subaru Lincoln Hyundai Cadillac Jeep GMC Dodge Pontiac Chrysler Ford Chevrolet -10,000 -8,000 -6,000 -4,000 -2,000 0 2,000 4,000 6,000 8,000 Introducing… The NEW TAGS System It’s Almost Like Having DMV Right In Your Office! � TRACKING Improved Productivity � FORM PRINTING Applications • Registrations Bill of Sales Power of Attorney � REPORTS Improved Resource Management TAGS H AWA I I I N C . Revolutionizing Vehicle Registration � MANAGEMENT Cost Analysis � RESEARCH Improved Customer Service Visit Us at: � SUPPORT/ UPGRADES Prepare for the Future! NOW YOU CAN… � License New Cars! � Issue Plates! � Print Registrations! � Manage & Maintain All Used Car Titles! All T his With Just An Internet Connection TAGS HAWAII INC. 98-029 HEKAHA ST., BLDG. 5, UNIT 20, AIEA, HAWAII 96701 PHONE: 808.485.8247 • FAX: 808.485.0302 • MAUI: 808.873.0737 Hawaii Automobile Dealers Association 19 First Quarter, 2006 Page 3 County Close-Up County Close-Up First Quarter, 2006 Page 3 Maui Only New Vehicle Market to Post Increase During Fourth Quarter Maui Only New Vehicle Market to Post Increase During Fourth Quarter County Close-Up table on right provides a sum- a TheThe table on the the right provides New Vehicle MarketsFourth SummaryQuarter Maui Only New Vehicle Market to Post Increase During mary of eachofof Hawaii’s retail lightfour summary each offour Hawaii’s Local Markets Statewide The table the rightmarkets. provides a New Vehicle Markets Summary retail lighton vehicle vehicle markets. This unique localized This Hawaii Kauai Maui Oahu Total summary of eachinformation of Hawaii’s four unique localized provides Local Markets Statewide Market Summary information provides a valuable perspective retail light vehicle markets. This a valuable perspective on market Fourth Quarter, '04 Hawaii Kauai Maui Oahu Total 1,900 795 1,739 11,126 15,560 on market performance, a barometer unique localized information providesto Market Summary performance, and aandbarometer Fourth Quarter, '05 1,846 748 1,945 11,059 15,598 a evaluate perspective onyour market tovaluable evaluate the performance of the performance ofdealeryour Fourth Quarter, '04 1,900 795 1,739 11,126 15,560 Percent change -2.8% -5.9% 11.8% -0.6% 0.2% performance, andtable a into barometer to dealership. is four divided 1,846 748 1,945 11,059 15,598 ship. The tableThe is divided parts.into Fourth Quarter, '05 evaluate the performance of your Light Truck four parts. The first, Market Summary, Percent changeMarket Share -2.8% -5.9% 11.8% -0.6% 0.2% The first, Market Summary, shows total dealership. Thenew table is divided into Fourth Quarter, '04 65.4% 65.2% 63.8% 53.9% 57.0% shows total retail light vehicle new retail The light first, vehicle registrations during Light Truck Market four parts. Market Summary, Quarter, '05Share 64.1% 68.9% 60.4% 50.7% 54.4% registrations during the Fourth Quar- Fourth Quarter, 65.4% 65.2% 63.8% 53.9% 57.0% shows new light vehicle the Fourth Quarters of 2004 and Change (share'04 points) -1.3 3.7 -3.4 -3.2 -2.6 ters oftotal 2004 andretail 2005, and2005, percent Fourth 64.1% 68.9% 60.4% 50.7% 54.4% registrations during thesecond Fourth change. The second and third parts Fourth Quarter, '05 and percent change. The andQuarthird Big Three Market Share -1.3 3.7 -3.4 -3.2 -2.6 ters of 2004 andshare 2005,forand percent show market light trucks Change (share points) parts show market share for light trucks Fourth Quarter, '04 28.3% 35.2% 34.8% 26.5% 28.1% change. The second and third parts and the Big Three. The fourth part Big Three Market Share Fourth Quarter, '05 29.7% 33.7% 39.0% 26.7% 28.9% and the Big Three. The fourthlight part shows show market share trucks shows market shareforfigures for the Fourth Quarter, '04 28.3% 35.2% 34.8% 26.5% 28.1% Change (share points) 1.4 -1.5 4.2 0.2 0.8 and the Big Three. The fourth part market figures the top 10 selling in top 10 share selling lightforvehicle brands Fourth Quarter, '05 29.7% 33.7% 39.0% 26.7% 28.9% shows market share figures for the lightstate vehicleduring brands 2005. in the state the Theduring top rated Change Market(share Sharepoints) for Top 10 Selling Brands in State 1.4 -1.5 (2005) 4.2 0.2 0.8 top 10 selling light vehicle brands in county is shaded. Toyota/Scion 23.4% 26.6% 21.7% 25.4% 24.7% 2005. The top rated county is shaded. the state during 2005. The top rated Market (2005) NissanShare for Top 10 Selling Brands 11.5% in State 10.9% 8.9% Observations: county is shaded.Registrations declined Toyota/Scion 23.4% 26.6% 21.7% Honda 15.7% 12.7% 11.3% Observations: Registrations declined in three of the four markets, with the Nissan 11.5% 10.9% 8.9% Ford 12.1% 13.7% 18.7% Observations: Registrations only increase inmarkets, Maui with (updeclined 11.8%). in three of the four the only Honda 15.7% 12.7% 11.3% Chevrolet 6.9% 7.8% 5.0% inLight three truck of themarket four markets, with the share increased increase in Mauiin(upMaui 11.8%). Light truck Ford 12.1% 13.7% 18.7% only increase (up 11.8%). Dodge 7.3% 8.1% 8.5% 3.7% share points in Kauai, but de- Chevrolet 6.9% 7.8% 5.0% market sharemarket increasedshare 3.7% share points Light truck increased Mazda 7.2% 4.6% 2.9% clined in the other three markets. Big Dodge 7.3% 8.1% 8.5% 3.7% share points in Kauai, but deLexus 0.1% 0.2% 2.6% in Kauai, but declined in the other three Three market share was up 4.2 points Mazda 7.2% 4.6% 2.9% clined in the other market three share markets. Big Hyundai 0.9% 5.1% 2.2% markets. Big Three was up in Maui Lexus 0.1% 0.2% 2.6% Three market share up Company. 4.2 points Mercedes 0.7% 0.4% 1.1% Source: AutoCount, an was Experian 4.2 points in Maui Hyundai 0.9% 5.1% 2.2% in Maui Source: AutoCount, an Experian Company. Source: AutoCount, an Experian Company. Market Tracker Mercedes 0.7% 0.4% 1.1% 11.3% 25.4% 9.5% 11.3% 7.9% 9.5% 6.8% 7.9% 4.1% 6.8% 3.7% 4.1% 3.1% 3.7% 2.4% 3.1% 2.7% 2.4% 2.7% 11.0% 24.7% 10.7% 11.0% 10.0% 10.7% 6.6% 10.0% 5.2% 6.6% 4.1% 5.2% 2.5% 4.1% 2.3% 2.5% 2.2% 2.3% 2.2% Market Tracker Japanese and Market Tracker European Brand Market Share Increases Slightly Change inShare New Retail Light Vehicle Market Share Japanese and European Brand Market Share Increases Slightly Japanese European Market Increases Slightly The graph on and the right tracks the Brand G M Fo rd F or C hr C d ys h le ry r sl er Ja pa J a n. p an To . yo T ta oyo ta H on H da o nd a N is N sa i n s sa n O th O er t he r Eu ro E u . r o. VW VW BM W BM W M B M B Fo rd F or d O th O er t he Ko r re K an or ea n -0.8 M Source: AutoCount, an Experian Com- -1.0 3 Bi g brandAutoCount, share was unchanged. Source: an Experian Company. 3 First Half ‘05 (Jan thru June) to Second ‘05 (July thru Dec) The graph composition on the right tracksofthe the changing Change in New Retail Light VehicleHalf Market Share The graph on theAs right tracksonthe 2.0 state’s market. shown the changing composition of the state’s First Half ‘05 (Jan thru June)1.8to Second Half ‘05 (July thru Dec) changing composition of theof graph, theshown Big Three (consisting market. As on the graph, the 2.0 state’s market. As shown on the 1.8 “traditional domestic” brands) lost 1.5 Big Three (consisting of “traditional graph, the Big Three (consisting of 0.5 market share points from the “traditional domestic” brands) lost domestic” losthalf 0.5 market first to thebrands) second of last share year. 1.5 0.5 market share points from the Ford and the Chrysler market points from first to thelost second half 1.0 0.8 first to the second half of last year. share, while GM’s share lost was up of last year. Ford and Chrysler Ford and Chrysler lost does market 0.8 points. (Big Three not 1.0 0.8 marketwhile share, while GM’s share wasup upby 0.5 share, GM’s share was include import brands owned 0.3 0.8 (Big Three does not 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.8 points. points. (Big Three does include GM and Ford, such asnot Volvo and 0.1 0.1 0.5 include import brands owned by 0.0 0.3 Saab.) Japanese market import brands owned bybrand GM and 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.0 GM and Ford, such as Volvo and 0.1 0.1 share increased 0.2Saab.) points, Ford, such as Volvo and Japa-with 0.0 Saab.) Honda Japanese (including brand Acura) market increas- 0.0 nese brand market share increased 0.2 share increased points, brand with ing 1.8 points. 0.2 European -0.3 -0.3 -0.5 Honda (including Acura) increaspoints, with Honda (including Acura) share was up 0.3 points, while Ko-0.5 -0.5 -0.6 ing 1.8brand points. European brand -0.3 -0.3 rean was unchanged. increasing 1.8share points. European brand -0.5 -0.7 share was up 0.3 points, while Ko-0.8 -0.5 Source: AutoCount, an Experian Company. -1.0 -0.5 share was up 0.3 points, while Korean -0.6 rean brand share was unchanged. -0.7 G Bi g Brands pany. included above: Big 3: GM (Buick, Cadillac, Chevrolet, GMC, Hummer, Oldsmobile, Pontiac, and Saturn), Ford (Ford, Lincoln, and Mercury), Chrysler (Chrysler, Dodge, and Jeep). Japanese: Toyota (Toyota, Lexus, and Scion), Honda (Honda and Acura), Nissan (Nissan and Infiniti), Other (Isuzu,included Mazda, Mitsubishi, and Suzuki). European: VWGMC, (Audi,Hummer, Bentley, Oldsmobile, and Volkswagen), BMW Rolls Mini),and MBMercury), (Mercedes Brands above: BigSubaru, 3: GM (Buick, Cadillac, Chevrolet, Pontiac, and(BMW, Saturn), FordRoyce, (Ford, and Lincoln, Brands above: Big 3:Jeep). GM (Buick, Cadillac, Chevrolet, GMC, Hummer, Pontiac, and Korean: Saturn), Ford (Ford, Lincoln, Chrysler Benz), Fordincluded (Aston Martin, Jaguar, Land Rover, and Volvo), Other (Ferrari, Lotus, and Maserati). Hyundai and Kia.and Mercury), Chrysler (Chrysler, Dodge, and Japanese: Toyota (Toyota, Lexus, andOldsmobile, Scion), Honda (Honda and Acura), Nissan (Nissan and Infiniti), Other (Chrysler, Dodge, and Jeep). Japanese: Toyota (Toyota, Lexus, and Scion), Honda (Honda and Acura), Nissan (Nissan and Infiniti), Other (Isuzu, Mazda, Mitsubishi, (Isuzu, Mazda, Mitsubishi, Subaru, and Suzuki). European: VW (Audi, Bentley, and Volkswagen), BMW (BMW, Rolls Royce, and Mini), MB (Mercedes Subaru, and Suzuki). European: VW (Audi, Bentley, and Volkswagen), BMW (BMW, Rolls Royce, and Mini), MB (Mercedes Benz), Ford (Aston Martin, Jaguar, Land Benz), Ford (Aston Martin, Jaguar, Land Rover, and Volvo), Other (Ferrari, Lotus, and Maserati). Korean: Hyundai and Kia. Rover, and Volvo), Other (Ferrari, Lotus, and Maserati). Korean: Hyundai and Kia. Hawaii New Retail Car and Light Truck Registrations - History and Forecast Hawaii Auto Outlook Hawaii Auto Outlook Registrations Market Share (%) Hawaii New Retail Car and Light Truck Registrations - History and Forecast Hawaiiby: Auto Outlook Published Forecast % change Forecast Change Registrations Market Share (%) Published Auto Outlook, by: Published 2006Forecast '05 to '06 2006Forecast '05 to '06 Change5 GreatAuto Outlook, Inc.Inc. % change2005 Valley Parkway Auto Outlook, Suite 234 Valley 5 Great Valley Parkway 2005 2006 '05 to '06 2005 2006 '05 to '06 5 Great Parkway -1.3% TOTAL 70,732 69,823 Malvern, PA 19355 Suite 234 234 Suite Phone: 800-206-0102 Malvern, PA PA 19355 Malvern, 19355 DomesitcTOTAL Brands 20,850 70,732 20,028 69,823 -3.9% -1.3%29.5 28.7 -0.8 EMail: [email protected] Phone: 800-206-0102 Phone: 800-206-0102 JapaneseDomesitc Brands Brands 41,148 20,850 41,294 20,028 0.4% -3.9%58.2 59.1 29.5 28.71.0 -0.8 EMail: [email protected] EMail: [email protected] Editor: Jeffrey A. Foltz EuropeanJapanese Brands Brands 5,832 41,148 5,552 41,294 -4.8% -0.3 0.4% 8.2 58.28.0 59.1 1.0 Editor: Jeffrey A. Foltz R-0.3 e p r o d u c t i Editor: o n , iJeffrey n c l u dA. i nFoltz g Korean Brands 2,902 5,832 2,949 5,552 1.6% -4.8% 4.1 European Brands 8.24.2 8.00.1 photocopying of this publication inc l u d i n g R e p r o d u c t i o n , i n 1.6% 1.3 4.11.2 4.20.0 0.1 or in part, is prohibited without Acura Korean Brands 886 2,902855 2,949 -3.5% whole photocopying of this photocopypublication in Reproduction, including the express permission Auto without Audi 353 368 4.4% 0.5 0.5 0.0 Acura 886 855 -3.5% 1.3 1.2 0.0 whole or in part, isofprohibited ing of this publication in whole or Outlook, Inc. Any material quoted the express permission of Auto BMW Audi 1,329 1,237 -6.9% -0.1 353 368 4.4% 1.9 0.51.8 0.5 0.0 in part, is prohibited without the must be Outlook, attributed to Hawaii Auto Inc. Any material quoted Buick BMW 196 1,329171 1,237 -13.0% -6.9% 0.3 Outlook, published by Auto Outlook, 1.90.2 1.80.0 -0.1 express permission of toAuto must be attributed HawaiiOutAuto Inc. on behalf of HADA. Unforeseen Cadillac Buick 347 -4.8% -13.0% 0.5 look, Inc. Any material quoted must 196330 171 0.30.5 0.20.0 0.0 Outlook, published by Auto Outlook, events may affect the forecast Inc. on behalf of HADA. Unforeseen be attributed to Hawaii Auto OutChevroletCadillac 4,692 4,497 -4.2% -4.8% 6.6 -0.2 347 330 0.56.4 0.5 0.0 projections presented in Hawaii Auto events may affect the forecast look, published by y, Auto Outlook, Chrysler Chevrolet 820 4,692769 4,497 -6.2% -4.2% 1.2 -0.1 Outlook. Consequentl Auto 6.61.1 6.4 -0.2 projections presented in Hawaii Auto Inc. onInc. behalf HADA. Unforeseen Outlook, is notofresponsible fory, Auto Dodge Chrysler 3,688 3,565 -3.3% -6.2% 5.2 -0.1 820 769 1.25.1 1.1 -0.1 Outlook. Consequentl management decisions based on the events may affect the forecast pro-for Inc. is not responsible Ford 7,062 3,688 6,671 3,565 -5.5% -3.3%10.0 -0.4 Dodge 5.29.6 5.1 -0.1 ofOutlook, content Hawaii Auto Outlook. jections presented in Hawaii Auto management decisions based on the GMC 1,149 7,062 1,121 6,671 -2.4% -5.5% 1.6 Ford 10.01.6 9.60.0 -0.4 content of Hawaii Auto Auto Outlook. Outlook. Consequently, OutHonda GMC 7,621 1,149 7,583 1,121 -0.5% -2.4%10.8 10.9 Copyright Auto Outlook, Inc. 1.6 1.60.1 0.0 look, Inc. is not responsible for manFebruary, 2006 Hummer Honda 196 7,621232 7,583 18.4% -0.5% 0.3 10.80.3 10.90.1 0.1 Outlook, agement Copyright decisionsAuto based on Inc. the February, 2006 Hyundai Hummer 1,646 1,694 2.9% 18.4% 2.3 196 232 0.32.4 0.30.1 0.1 content of Hawaii Auto Outlook. Haw ai i A ut o O ut lo ok is Infiniti Hyundai 688 1,646626 1,694 -9.0% -0.1 2.9% 1.0 2.30.9 2.4 0.1 distributed free charge alllo ok is Haw ai iof A utOutlook, o to O ut Isuzu Infiniti 217 -11.1% 688193 626 -9.0% 0.3 1.00.3 0.90.0 -0.1 Copyright members of Auto the all distributed free Ha of charge February, 2006 Automobile Dealers Association. Jaguar Isuzu 227 -19.0% -0.1 217184 193 -11.1% 0.3 0.30.3 0.3 0.0 members of the Ha waii The publication is sponsored and Jeep 974 1.9% -19.0% 1.4 Automobile Dealers Association. Jaguar 227993 184 0.31.4 0.30.0 -0.1 Hawaii Auto is distributed supported by publication theOutlook Association. The is sponsored and Kia 1,256 1,255 -0.1% Jeep 974 993 1.9% 1.8 1.41.8 1.40.0 0.0 free of charge to all members of the supported by the Association. Land Rover 149 1,256153 1,255 2.8% -0.1% 0.2 Kia 1.80.2 1.80.0 0.0 Hawaii Dealers AssoHawaii AutoAutomobile Outlook is published Lexus Land Rover 1,788 1,928 7.8% 149 153 2.8% 2.5 0.22.8 0.20.2 0.0 ciation. The publication is sponsored and edited by Auto Outlook, Hawaii Auto OutlookInc., is published Lincoln Lexus 300 1,788287 1,928 -4.3% andindependent supported byautomotive the Association. 7.8% 0.4 2.50.4 2.80.0 an0.2 and edited by Auto Outlook, Inc., Mazda Lincoln 2,865 2,651 -7.5% -4.3% 4.1 -0.3 market firm. Opinions 300 287 0.43.8 0.4 0.0 research an independent automotive expressed in research Hawaii firm. AutoOpinions Mercedes 1,553 2,865 1,544 2,651 -0.6% -7.5% 2.2 Mazda 4.12.2 3.80.0 -0.3 market Hawaii Auto Outlook is published Outlook are solely those Auto expressed in of Hawaii Auto Mercury Mercedes 205 1,553190 1,544 -7.5% -0.6% 0.3 2.20.3 2.20.0 0.0 and edited Auto Outlook, Outlook, Inc.,byare and are not ofInc., Outlook solely those Auto Mini 411 -5.4% -7.5% 0.6 Mercury 205389 190 0.30.6 0.30.0 0.0 an independent automotive market necessarily shared byandtheare Outlook, Inc., not Mitsubishi 566 -17.4% -0.1 Mini 411468 389 -5.4% 0.8 0.60.7 0.6 0.0 Hawaii Automobile Dealers research firm. Opinions expressed necessarily shared by the Nissan Mitsubishi 7,777 7,329 -5.8% 11.0 10.5 -0.5 566 468 -17.4% 0.8 0.7 -0.1 Association. in Hawaii AutoAutomobile Outlook are Dealers solely Hawaii Pontiac Nissan 467 7,777422 7,329 -9.6% -5.8% 0.7 -0.1 11.00.6 10.5 -0.5 those of Auto Outlook, Inc., and are Association. Hawaii Porsche Pontiac 187 -5.8% -9.6% 0.3 not necessarily shared by the Hawaii 467176 422 0.70.3 0.60.0 -0.1 Automobile Automobile Dealers Association. Saab 117 -14.3% Hawaii Porsche 187100 176 -5.8% 0.2 0.30.1 0.30.0 0.0 Dealers Automobile Saturn Saab 754 3.6% -14.3% 1.1 117781 100 0.21.1 0.10.1 0.0 Hawaii Association Dealers Subaru Saturn 674 -7.9% -0.1 754621 781 3.6% 1.0 1.10.9 1.1 0.1 Automobile Association Suzuki Subaru 554 8.1% -7.9% 0.8 674599 621 1.00.9 0.90.1 -0.1 Dealers 1100 Alakea Street Toyota/Scion 17,512 18,441 5.3% 26.4 Suzuki 554 599 8.1%24.8 0.8 0.91.7 0.1 Association Suite 2601 1100 Alakea Street Volkswagen 931 17,512895 18,441 -3.9% Toyota/Scion 5.3% 1.3 24.81.3 26.40.0 1.7 1100 Alakea Street Honolulu, HISuite 96813 2601 Volvo Volkswagen 473 -14.1% -0.1 931406 895 -3.9% 0.7 1.30.6 1.3 0.0 Suite 2601 Honolulu, HI 96813 Others Volvo 102 -2.9% -14.1% 0.1 Honolulu, HI 96813 473 99 406 0.70.1 0.60.0 -0.1 808-593-0031 808-593-0031 HistoricalOthers Data Source: AutoCount, an Experian 102 Company 99 -2.9% 0.1 0.1 0.0 808-593-0031 ForecastHistorical Projections: Auto Outlook Data Source: AutoCount, an Experian Company Forecast Projections: Auto Outlook 2005 Background on Data Source for Vehicle Registration Statistics Presented in Auto Outlook Background on Data Source for Vehicle Registration Statistics Presented in Auto Outlook Background on Data data Source for Vehicle Registration Statistics Presented in Auto Outlook Exclusive source for new vehicle registration presented in Hawaii Auto Outlook is for AutoCount, an registration Experian Company. Exclusive source for new vehicle registration data presented in in Exclusive source new vehicle data presented AutoCount specializes in AutoCount, providing detailed new and used Hawaii Auto Outlook is an Experian Company. Auto Hawaii Auto Outlook is AutoCount, an Experian Company. vehicle sales and registration statistics for dealers, leading AutoCount specializes in providing detailed andsales used Count specializes in providing detailed new and used new vehicle auctions, marketing/advertising companies, and auto finance vehicle sales and for registration statistics for dealers, leading and registration statistics dealers, leading auctions, marketinstitutions. Consider AutoCount as your companies, source for sales data finance For more information on Auto Count, call 407.770.5900 or visit auctions, marketing/advertising and auto ing/advertising companies, and auto finance institutions. Concovering institutions. your local market. AutoCount’s extensive new andfor used AutoCount’s web site: Consider AutoCount as your source sales data For more information Auto Count, call 407.770.5900 or visit sider AutoCount as your source for sales data covering your local vehicle sales information can make a difference for new yourand covering your local market. AutoCount’s extensive used AutoCount’s web site: market. AutoCount’s extensive new and used vehicle sales infordealership. vehicle sales information can make a difference for your mation dealership. can make a difference for your dealership. By understanding what their customers want and by relying on the seamless support of Matson. At Matson, we’ve proudly supported Hawaii’s Auto Dealer community for decades. We sail more ships from more West Coast ports to more of Hawaii than any other carrier. By partnering with the Hawaii Auto Dealers Association, Matson has helped Hawaii’s auto market prosper. We value our many Auto Dealer relationships and look ® forward to continuing our proud tradition of service to the citizens of Hawaii. Brought to you by Matson For more information, call our Customer Support Center at (800) 4-MATSON or visit