Shalom Bayit Seder continues to educate about domestic abuse


Shalom Bayit Seder continues to educate about domestic abuse
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Ottawa Jewish
established 1937,
75 years
in 2012. page 5
7 5 T H A N N I V E R S A RY
1 9 3 7
volume 76, no. 12
april 23, 2012
2 0 1 2
omer 16, 5772
Shalom Bayit Seder continues
to educate about domestic abuse
By Louise Rachlis
The seventh annual Shalom
Bayit Seder for women – which
has a stated goal of bringing
awareness to the issue of domestic
abuse in the Jewish community –
took place April 1 at Agudath Israel Congregation – and its
founder is still moved by its effect
on those in attendance.
“It’s remarkable for me that
women from all walks of life come
here and say, ‘I had no idea. How
can I help? How can I help my
neighbour?’” said Yaffa Greenbaum, who held the first Shalom
Bayit Seder in her home eight
years ago. “Every year, there are
people who come forward and say
the seder has brought them new
awareness of the issue of domestic
violence in the Jewish community.
They have that spark of recogni-
tion that it’s closer than they realize.”
About 240 women, from all
segments of the Jewish community, as well as some non-Jewish
women, attended the seder.
The Shalom Bayit Seder is a
program of Jewish Family Services (JFS) of Ottawa, organized
by a lay committee chaired by
A social worker with experience in the area of domestic violence, Greenbaum had been involved with women’s seders in Los
Angeles before moving to Ottawa.
She began to collect Haggadahs
from women’s seders – she has
more than 30 – and to adapt one for
use in the Shalom Bayit Seders in
Attendance has grown each
(Continued on page 2)
The organizing committee at the Shalom Bayit Seder, April 1, at Agudath Israel Congregation. (From
left) Irit Sterner, Shalom Bayit program manager Sarah Caspi, Margaret Lederman, Marcie Aronson,
Paula Agulnik, Diane Koven, Yaffa Greenbaum and Lynne Oreck-Wener.
Guest Column
Prophets and guardians
By Daniel Gordis
Editor’s note: Daniel Gordis is the
Koret Distinguished Fellow at the Shalem
Center in Jerusalem. One of Israel’s most
respected commentators, he is the author
of 10 books and his columns appear regularly in the Jerusalem Post and New York
Times. He is also a dynamic speaker and
will give the keynote address at the Jewish
Federation of Ottawa Annual Campaign
launch, September 9, at Centrepointe Theatre.
There is, it seems, a bit of an occupational hazard to this column-writing business. It probably holds for all sorts of top-
ics, but it’s undoubtedly true when thinking aloud about Israel. Here’s the choice:
You can either plant yourself firmly on one
side of the political divide, being predictably right wing or left wing, or you
can, depending on the issue, say what you
think but appear a bit less consistent.
The advantages of the first option are
Once you are tagged as a right-winger
or left-winger, people assume they know
what you’re going to say. If you’re on their
side, they read, nodding approvingly, feeling ever so validated by yet another column that says precisely what they already
thought. And if they assume they’ll disagree, or worse, that the column will annoy
them, they can just skip it altogether or
sharpen their proverbial pencils and bang
out the inevitably dismissive talkback. Either way, though, we know what we’ll
think of an argument – and of a writer –
before we’ve even read a word. Ah, the
eternal quest for a predictable and comfortable life.
But I’ve never thought that thinking, or
citizenship – or love – works that way. If
we love our children, do we validate them
or criticize them? This is the wrong
Daniel Gordis
(Continued on page 2 )
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Page 2 – Ottawa Jewish Bulletin – April 23, 2012
Rising demand predicted for Shalom Bayit services
(Continued from page 1)
year and the Haggadah has evolved
as well, following the traditional
seder ritual, but taking passages
from a wide variety of sources that
highlight the role of women. As the
wise daughter asks, “Why do we
gather here only women tonight?”
The reply is, “The whole Jewish
people left Egypt together, all of
them women and men. But our
mothers’ voices have been absent
from our history, and we would
find them again. As it is written,
‘Then Miriam the prophetess …
took a timbrel in her hand, and all
the women went out after her in
dance.’ This night, let us celebrate
together, both their liberation and
our own.”
“Each year, I feel it’s better than
the last,” said Paula Agulnik, a
member of the committee since its
inception. “It’s an exciting experience that I’m so glad to share with
other women.”
“I find it a warm and welcoming experience,” said Barbie
Shore, attending for the second
time. “I’d like to bring my mother
here from Toronto next year.
She’d love it.”
“It has been a very interesting
experience,” said Sharon McGarry,
president of McGarry Family
Chapels. “It’s so good to see so
many young people here, and that
they’re exposed to this message.”
Leading the singing throughout
the seder were the ‘Sederettes’:
Minda Wershof, Pam Maser, Edie
Landau, Shaina Lipsey and Patsy
Royer. The seder was catered by
David Smith.
The Shalom Bayit program of
JFS works to create a safe atmosphere for families and children. It
seeks to educate all age groups in
the community about the need to
ensure healthy relationships based
upon mutual respect, about the
signs of domestic abuse and about
the individual and communal
obligation to take a stand in families where abuse is present.
“We’re here to support all
women on this day,” said Shelley
Rivier, immediate past-president of
JFS. “We forecast a 30 per cent increase in our services over the next
year as we become more visible.”
Specially designated counsellors at Jewish Family Services
offer confidential and anonymous
services for women experiencing
abuse. For more information on
Shalom Bayit services, contact
program manager Sarah Caspi at
[email protected] or 613-7222225, ext. 246.
Gordis: ‘To love Israel is to love the real Israel’
(Continued from page 1)
question, obviously, for the answer should
depend on the context. Parents who never
have a kind or defending word to say about
their child probably don’t love them
enough. But parents who never critique
their children are incompetent.
It’s true of marriage, too. None of us
would want to be married to someone who
never had a kind word to say about us or to
us, or who never made clear that they were
proud of us.
But, if all we want is that validation,
we’re probably better off buying an iPhone
4S and talking to Siri than being in a real relationship.
A functioning relationship is one in
which our partner wants us to be better than
the person we now are and can lovingly
suggest, pretty regularly, how we might get
It’s an anemic conception of love that
would describe our role as parents, spouses,
lovers, friends – or citizens, no less – as assuming a position of constant validation or
of relentless criticism.
That’s why some of us who write about
Israel take a different approach. We don’t
care about being neatly classifiable as left
or right, because to love a country is not that
different from loving a person. It means defending but also critiquing. It means loving
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unconditionally but knowing that love does
not mean overlooking serious flaws. To
love Israel, I believe, is to know the Jewish
state is not just a flag or an army or some
holy place. To love Israel is to love the real
Israel, with all its many warts and imperfections. And to love Israel is to know there
is a difference between a wart and a serious
disease; when an imperfection is so serious
as to threaten the entire enterprise, then the
most loyal thing that one can do is to insist
that Israel be better.
But this approach makes life complicated for readers because they don’t know, up
front, precisely what they’re going to get.
They will have to read, and then think.
Not everyone responds so well to that
sort of challenge. In recent weeks and
months when I’ve defended the very legitimacy of the idea of a Jewish state, or pointed to the Palestinians’ obvious disinterest in
peace, or stated my abiding belief that none
of us (tragically) is going to see this conflict
resolved in our lifetime, then one entire set
of readers trots out the “he’s a peace-talkpessimist” line. He must be in Bibi’s pocket. He doesn’t care about peace.
But the opposite is also true – critique
this government’s entirely unimaginative
mishandling of the so-called peace process,
or point a spotlight at the medieval religious
leadership that has Netanyahu wrapped
around its pinky, and the opposite camp
goes berserk. One regular reader wrote to
say that he used to like my columns, but
now I’m “beginning to sound a bit like a
Meretznik, or even worse – like Thomas
Friedman!” (Except for those three elusive
Pulitzers, I guess.)
Meretz is mostly gone, of course, but the
derisive label seems likely to outlive the
party. If you ever sound like them, then you
obviously don’t care about Israel. You’re
hostile to Judaism. Or you’re blind to the
dangers of our enemies. And, if you ever
sound like Likud, then you don’t care about
peace. And, if you occasionally sound like
both, then you don’t know how to think.
Eventually, Leonard Fein will write a column in The Forward (June 23, 2011) called
“Will the Real Daniel Gordis Please Stand
Up?” because you either seek peace (or care
about social justice) or you defend Israel.
But you obviously can’t do both. Right?
At a recent conference of the American
Jewish Committee in New York one participant noted that she prefers, instead of left
and right, the labels prophets and guardians
– for those labels each cast the other in the
best possible light.
This nomenclature reminds us that
prophets are more than mere left wing social critics – they reflect a critical dimension of the Jewish tradition, Judaism’s classic vision of social justice. And guardians
are better than “hate-mongers” or “peacepessimists,” or “Bibi-supporters,” apparently, because every people need guardians, as
does every state. To be a guardian is not to
be a dinosaur, but rather to recognize the
state we’re discussing is sacred, in desperate need of protection.
As I thought about it, though, I realized
that ‘prophets versus guardians’ still isn’t
good enough, for the distinction implies
that you’re either a prophet or a guardian.
You choose one. And then you write, vote,
agree or disagree.
But life doesn’t work that way.
We dare not force people to pick a camp,
no matter how elegant the terminology. The
Hebrew prophets railed against the injustices of ancient Israelite society, but they
were desperately concerned about the survival of Jewish sovereignty. And guardians
need to protect against not only the obvious
threats from the outside, but also against the
cancers that threaten to devour us from
within. Will the Jewish people be any better
off if Israel falls because of Jews than if it is
undermined by the Palestinians? Either
way, we’d be done for.
Genuinely loving this country means
there will be moments when we defend it
and other occasions when we bemoan its
grievous shortcomings.
Is that muddled thinking? Does that
merit the cynical demand that our real self
“please stand up”? I think not. It reflects, I
think, the real messiness of life, of love and
of hope. Imagine our world, and our discourse, if every one of us found the renewed courage to read, to think and to recognize that those with whom we instinctively tend to disagree might still have
something to teach us.
April 23, 2012 – Ottawa Jewish Bulletin – Page 3
Active Jewish Adults (AJA) 50+
Active Jewish Adults (AJA) 50+ is an independent, volunteer-driven, non-profit organization formed in 2001 to provide a range
of cultural, recreational, social and educational programs to meet the needs of people
aged 50 to 90+ in the Ottawa
Jewish community.
Although programming is key, AJA 50+
exists to enrich people’s lives as they age, to
connect people to community, to challenge
people to take on new undertakings in their
retirement, to develop new friendships and
support networks, and to stay active, contributing members of the Ottawa Jewish
Community. Programming through AJA 50+
is a means to these ends.
AJA 50+ provides programs which are
varied and imaginative to appeal to a range
of interests. Programs include tours at the
National Gallery, heritage and nature walks,
bridge and mah-jongg, computer tutorials,
and stimulating speakers on health, politics,
Jewish history and social issues. One highlight of 2010 was an AJA 50+ trip to Israel
which gave the over 50 crowd the unique
opportunity to see Israel in a way which met
AJA 50+ members gather for a program.
their interests and needs. AJA 50+ will be returning to Israel in Oct 2012.
AJA 50+, in partnership with the Soloway
JCC, hosts Creative Connections, a day out
for “older” seniors who are cognitively well
and in the age range of 74 to 97.
The group meets Tuesdays for schmoozing, chair exercises, lunch and cultural programming. Many participants arrive by Para
Transpo and there are two volunteer drivers.
Since our inception 11 years ago, membership has grown at a rapid rate to more
than 400 members today. More than 100
programs are provided yearly and participation rates are high. For some who may have
just retired from busy careers, AJA 50+ connects them with the Jewish community. New
networks have led to new volunteer pursuits
such as at
Hillel Lodge or
Fundraising Telethons.
AJA 50+ is itself dependent
on volunteers in every way
including developing programming.
The organization welcomes singles,
couples, Jews and non-Jews, those affiliated
with the Jewish community and those who
have no affiliation. Some are newcomers to
Ottawa. Membership and program fees are
modest to make the association affordable
to all.
AJA 50+ is run by an elected board of directors, which is supported by a full-time executive director and a part-time Creative
Connections co-ordinator. Partnerships with
the Soloway JCC and other organizations are
used to full advantage. Space and sustainable
funding are ongoing challenges for the organization.
Through generous donations made to
the Jewish Federation of Ottawa’s Annual
Campaign, AJA 50+ received $7,200 in
For more information about AJA 50+
please visit:
Page 4 – Ottawa Jewish Bulletin – April 23, 2012
Laureen Harper visits Jewish Youth Library
By Devora Caytak
Jewish Youth Library
Laureen Harper, the wife
of the prime minister, visited
Chabad’s Westboro Jewish
Montessori Preschool and
the Jewish Youth Library,
April 3, to participate with
the children in a matzo baking event.
From mixing and kneading the dough, to rolling it
with a rolling pin, Harper enjoyed each moment of the
matzo-baking class led by
Rabbi Menachem Mendel
Blum and his daughter,
Rabbi Blum and Mushka
also visited many other Jewish and public schools to
bring the joy and hands-on
fun of making matzo to hundreds of children.
Preschooler Lev Silverstein presented a box of the
handmade Shmurah matzo
from Israel to Harper in appreciation for visiting the
After having fun with
preschoolers and making
matzo, I gave Harper a tour
Laureen Harper participates in a matzo baking class
led by Rabbi Menachem Blum at the Westboro Jewish
Montessori Preschool, April 3.
(Photo: Issie Scarowsky)
Devora Caytak (left) shows Michoel Muchnik’s mural commemorating the MS St.
Louis to Laureen Harper during a tour of the Jewish Youth Library building, April 3.
of the building, showing her
the Hebrew alphabet and
other materials the preschoolers learn.
Most significantly, I
showed her the mural that
was commissioned to commemorate the MS St. Louis.
The mural was created and
designed by internationally
renowned artist Michoel
forts to reach out to make the
world a better, safer, kinder
and more peaceful place.
A handmade Israeli challah cover and a signed copy
of the book, So Near and Yet
So Far Klara’s Voyage on the
MS St. Louis, published by
the library, written by Sara
Loewenthal and illustrated
by Nicholas Jackson were
presented to Harper. This
When shown the library,
Harper was very impressed
by the large collection.
After the tour, Harper
had tea with 12 women on
the second floor of the
I began the tea by telling
Harper that her visit fell on
the Hebrew calendar date of
Nissan 11, the 110th anniversary of the birth of the
late Rabbi Menachem Mendel Schneerson, the Lubavitcher Rebbe.
Since 1978, proclamations have been issued annually by successive U.S. presidents designating Nissan 11
as Education and Sharing
Day in the U.S. in honour of
the Rebbe, a day to encourage everyone to redouble ef-
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(Photo: Issie Scarowsky)
book was funded by a grant
from the Ministry of Citizenship and Immigration.
Harper was also given a
copy of the letter to the
worldwide Jewish community written by Eva Sandler,
whose husband, Rabbi
Jonathan Sandler, and two
sons, Arieh and Gabriel,
were murdered in the March
20 terrorist attack at the
Ozar Hatorah School in
Toulouse, France.
Harper said the brutal
murders were such a tragedy
she wanted to cry.
Each of the women at the
tea was given a moment to
share her thoughts. Many expressed their appreciation for
the prime minister’s support
of Israel and the Jewish
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April 23, 2012 – Ottawa Jewish Bulletin – Page 5
Found Utensil
If you participated in the
Passover Kashering session
conducted by Rabbi Teitlebaum
on Sunday, April 1
outside the Soloway JCC
and have discovered
that you are missing
a silver utensil,
please contact Rabbi Teitlebaum
at 613-782-3836.
The Ottawa Jewish Bulletin, first published on October 22, 1937, is celebrating our
75th anniversary this year. Each issue in 2012 will feature a reprint from our past. Our
community-wide Chanukah edition will include a special supplement looking back on
our first 75 years.
It’s a boy!
With great love and gratitude, Simona Ioffe
and Jonah Ackerman joyfully announce the birth
of their son, Elijah Naftali, on March 19, 2012.
Elijah Naftali is named in loving memory of his
maternal grandfather, Ilya Boguslavsky, and paternal fourth great-grandfather, Naftali Hertz
Feinberg. Kvelling grandparents are Semyon
Ioffe, Liz Petigorsky, Leah Ackerman and Morris
Ackerman. Elijah is also the grandson of the late
Natalya Ioffe Z"L. Proud great-grandmothers are
Lovella (Kizell) Abrams of Ottawa and Sonia
(Goldgruber) Ackerman of Montreal.
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Page 6 – Ottawa Jewish Bulletin – April 23, 2012
Meaningful connections developed
between our community and Northern Israel
As I write this column, preparations are
in full swing for the first ever Dragon Boat
Israel Festival, May 17-18, on Lake Kinneret (Sea of Galilee). Thousands of people
from Israel, Canada, the U.S. and as far
away as New Zealand will come together to
take part in the festivities and races. Along
with the large Ottawa contingent to the Festival, several of our community members
showed incredible leadership in bringing
this festival to Israel as a new and exciting
way to partner with the people of Northern
As the chair of the Partnership2gether
Committee of the Jewish Federation of Ottawa, my focus over the past few years has
been to develop meaningful connections between people in our community and people
living in Etzbah Ha’Galil (the Galilee Panhandle), our partner region in Northern Israel. I am proud of the various initiatives
that have taken place, which have brought
people of all ages from our community to
Israel and Israelis from the North to visit
our community.
Through the Partnership2gether initia-
tive, we in Ottawa partner with five smaller
communities from across Canada to develop and sustain projects and connections to
Northern Israel.
Over the past three years, we have sent
to Israel three groups of young adults aged
25 to 35, totalling 50 people, to participate
in social action projects with their Israeli
peers. There, these young adults had opportunities to make lasting friendships with Israelis their own age, experience first-hand
the projects our community funding has
helped to create and develop a deep connection to Israel – the land and its people.
We have also brought some of these Israelis back to Ottawa to participate in social
action projects here. Some of these projects
have included building a community garden
on the Jewish Community Campus, working on some home improvements for Tamir
and painting a mural together with Tamir
Similar visits have happened between
school-aged children. Ottawa Jewish Community School students have visited Israel
and we have invited Israeli school children
and teachers into our community, our classrooms and our homes for visits.
The recent opening of the brand new
medical school in Safed in Northern Israel
is a very exciting and new development for
the people of the Galilee – and for us, too.
The towns and communities of Northern Israel have constantly faced the challenge of
being far from the centre of the country,
which means they often experience difficulties in accessing resources, schools, jobs
and amenities. A medical school in the
North translates into new research and medical jobs in the region, opportunities for
young people to study and build their futures closer to home. For us in Canada, it
provides new opportunities to connect with
Israel through possible future medical student exchanges and other avenues not yet
After a recent mifgash (meeting) in Ottawa, Hadar Zafrir, one of the Israeli social
action mission participants, wrote about her
visit in an Ottawa Jewish Bulletin guest column (Reflections by an Israeli participant
in the Social Action Mission, March 19).
“The close connection between Israeli
Jews and Diaspora Jews is two-sided and
essential. Diaspora Jews serve as our
spokespeople and supporters in the hostile
world and we serve as a supportive crutch
for the distant Jewish communities …
“My connection with Ottawa is certainly
not over. I am looking into the possibility of
returning there to live and experience the
community at close range, to volunteer
there and to earn my master’s degree in one
of the local universities.
“After graduating, I will return to Israel
and I may be able to implement, even a little, the manner of the supportive Ottawa
community in my small community in
Amid the rumours, serious discussion is taking place
One of my favourite programs in early
childhood was The Three Stooges. I think I
got my start on puns and word play with
Moe, Larry and Curly and one of their
plays-on-words I can still recall is “Do not
believe roomers [rumours], always check
with the landlord!”
Well, there are many rumours floating
around these days involving the landlords and those responsible for what we
would call ‘community resources.’ Some
of the speculation on what was, what is,
what could be, and what should be, has
graced these pages.
At this stage, it is fair to say that nothing definite has been firmed up. But what
is clear is that there is lots of discussion, as
there should be, since there are so many
possibilities, and the issues are so important, even critical. If you hear rumours that
certain deals have been made, or that certain strategies are going forward, chances
are, at least at this stage, the rumours are
What is not false, what is not subject
to debate, and which should be roundly
applauded, is that serious discussion is
taking place. I cannot remember a time in
all my years in Ottawa when so much
discussion, usually in a most respectful
atmosphere, has developed between so
many diverse components of the community.
All of this augurs well for the future.
Until we reach some agreements, there
will likely be some bumps on the road,
which, when we look back in retrospect,
From the
Reuven Bulka
Machzikei Hadas
will, hopefully, just seem like passing hiccups. Although there is no pressing need
for a rush to decide on anything, there is,
nevertheless, a need to keep the conversations going, with a view to achieving sooner rather than later what is best for the
Now that the conversations are in relatively high gear, lots of people are weighing in with their suggestions, as they
should. Personally, though I have heard
many ideas, I have no clue as to which
ideas will carry the day, the year, or the
millennia. But there are many people in
the community who are putting in lots of
time and effort on this and who deserve
our appreciation, no matter whether these
ideas resonate or seem problematic.
We are not the only community wherein
these types of discussions are evolving.
Though the timing of the talks may be related to unique realities that have unfolded
relatively recently, the talks have a sense
of inevitability attached to them. The
world is changing, the Jewish world is
changing and, as a people who take our responsibility seriously, we must do our best
to prepare for tomorrow.
While we think we have a clue about
what tomorrow will look like, that can
change on a dime. No one can say with absolute certainty that the classroom of learning, especially higher learning, will need
fancy or even non-fancy buildings. Online
learning may render many of the present
day structures unnecessary.
Economic realities are likely to necessitate solutions that address the economic
straits that affect many people. We are already at a point at which many people
have a difficult time with the costs related
to being Jewish. Synagogues all over are
feeling this economic pinch. We ignore
this at the peril of guaranteeing more
empty seats and concomitant diminishing,
even disappearing interest in Jewishness.
Education at all levels is likewise facing
demographic and economic challenges.
So, there is a lot on our collective plate
to contemplate. The next few years will be
interesting, but, hopefully, they will bring
our community even more closely together
in the common cause of assuring our posterity.
Owned by The Ottawa Jewish Bulletin Publishing Co. Ltd., 21 Nadolny Sachs Private, Ottawa, K2A 1R9.
Tel: (613) 798-4696. Fax: (613) 798-4730. Email: [email protected]. Published 19 times a year.
© copyright 2012
PUBLISHER: The Ottawa Jewish Bulletin Publishing Co. Ltd.
EDITOR: Michael Regenstreif
ADVISORY COMMITTEE: Seymour Diener, chair; Anna Bilsky; Stephen Bindman; Mark Buckshon; Jack Cramer; Diane Koven;
Louise Rachlis; Michael Wollock.
The Bulletin cannot vouch for the kashrut of the products or establishments advertised in this publication unless they have the
certification of the Ottawa Vaad HaKashrut or other rabbinic authority recognized by the Ottawa Vaad HaKashrut.
Local subscription $30.00. Canada $36.00. International $50.00. $2.00 per issue.
We acknowledge the financial support of the Government of Canada, through the Publications
Assistance Program (PAP), toward our mailing costs.
ISSN: 1196-1929
email: [email protected]
April 23, 2012 – Ottawa Jewish Bulletin – Page 7
A day to celebrate the remarkable Jewish state
These are very busy weeks in Ottawa’s Jewish community – indeed, in
Jewish communities everywhere.
By the time you read this, both
Passover and Yom HaShoah will be behind us (we’ll have a report on Ottawa’s
Erev Yom HaShoah commemoration on
April 18 in our next issue).
But coming up quickly will be the National Holocaust Remembrance Day Ceremony, rescheduled this year to Monday,
April 23, 3:30 pm, at the Canadian War
Museum, and Yom Hazikaron, to be
marked Tuesday April 24, 7:00 pm, at the
Soloway Jewish Community Centre, and,
then, Yom Ha’Atzmaut.
While Yom HaShoah and Yom
Hazikaron are solemn days, their sadness
will quickly turn to great joy as we mark
the 64th Yom Ha’Atzmaut, the anniversary of the founding of the modern
State of Israel in 1948, this year on
April 26.
Ottawa will mark the day with two
special events: the raising of Israel’s flag
in front of City Hall at 11:30 am, and a
community-wide party at the CE Centre
beginning at 5:00 pm.
Two years ago, just before Yom
Ha’Atzmaut, Rabbi Steven Garten wrote
in these pages about the significance of
Yom Ha’Atzmaut for all of us in the
Jewish community – no matter where we
might fall on the political or religious
spectrum (From the Pulpit, April 5,
“Yom Ha’Atzmaut should be our community’s Olympics,” wrote Rabbi Garten.
“It should be our opportunity to celebrate the survival of the Jewish people
manifest in the miracle of Eretz Yisrael.
“Yom Ha’Atzmaut should be the one
time of the year when those who want to
cede land for the establishment of a
Palestinian state, and those who want to
hold on to captured land, can sing ‘Am
Yisrael Chai’ together.
“Yom Ha’Atzmaut should be when we
recite ‘Tefilat L’Medinat Yisrael’ together
and it should not matter … how we
choose to be Jewish …
“On Yom Ha’Atzmaut, we should be
able to say ‘I am a lover of Israel,’ re-
gardless of whether we belong to Peace
Now or Betar …
“When one celebrates a birthday, it is
a time to acknowledge achievements ...
[It] is a moment to reflect on how far one
has come, not how far one has to go to
reach perfection.
“Israel’s birthday is such an occasion.
Israel has taught the world how to make
the desert bloom and has shared that
knowledge with the world.
“Israel has absorbed people of many
nationalities and has helped them learn to
accept a shared identity. It offers that
model, though not perfect, to nations still
struggling with disparate immigrant
“Israel has built an educational system, a health care system, an economic
infrastructure that started with nothing
and now is producing Nobel Prize-winning scientists, world renowned authors,
skilled workers and even a few Olympic
medal winners …
“We … have one heck of an achievement to be proud of. I hope that you’ll be
there … for the Yom Ha’Atzmaut celebration … and join in one heck of a
birthday party.”
In keeping with what Rabbi Garten
had to say about Yom Ha’Atzmaut being
an inclusive day for all Jewish people,
I’d like to call your attention to Daniel
Gordis’ guest column on pages 1 and 2,
the first of six columns by Gordis, which
we’ll be featuring in the Bulletin over
the next several months in advance of his
visit here to speak at the Jewish Federation of Ottawa Annual Campaign kickoff
on September 9.
A central point to Gordis’ column is
that to truly love Israel is to both accept
the country for what it realistically is and
to strive to make it what it can be – that
to criticize the sitting government or specific policies is not an act of disloyalty to
Israel; it is, often, an act of love and a
duty of citizenship.
I was reminded of that in recent days
reading about legendary 60 Minutes interviewer Mike Wallace following his
death at age 93.
Attacked by some over the years as a
“self-hating Jew” for reports critical of
Israel, Wallace maintained his support for
the “ideal of Israel” while also claiming
the duty, as a journalist, to report accurately and “let the chips fall where they
So, to everyone, have a joyous Yom
Ha’Atzmaut. I’m looking forward to seeing you at City Hall and the CE Centre.
A time when reporters thought being right
was more important than being first
As the 40th anniversary of my first
days in a newsroom approaches, I can’t
help but feel like a dinosaur. Imagine, in
1973, my first television report was on
black and white film.
In any profession, the question is often
asked whether it was better then or is it
better now.
Before going any further, I am aware
of going back on a lifelong promise.
When I was young, and in the business,
seeing and hearing retired journalists say
“how much better it was in their day,” I
made a promise that, after I was done
with the business, I would not look back
publicly on what was. I guess I’ll have to
get over breaking the promise.
Over the past decade-and-a-half, technology has revolutionized journalism
more than ever before. Today, anyone can
record video with a cell phone.
In practical terms, the instant the airplanes hit the twin towers in New York
City, videotaped shots of them from
countless angles heralded a new kind of
journalism. Today, no event of any significance goes by without video evidence.
This is a huge leap forward in a world
where a picture is worth a thousand
In my day, satellite technology was a
huge breakthrough. During the Vietnam
War, reporters had to get their film on a
plane to Hong Kong, and then on to either London or Vancouver in order to get
it on Canadian television. At best, whatever was broadcast was a day old. With
satellites, and their considerable expense,
television reports could be sent to Canada
in as close to real time as anyone could
have ever dreamed of.
But, today, with Internet technology,
anyone can send a report from a laptop at
no expense from almost anywhere in the
world. This access, this ease with which
information can be sent and received, is
With the advent of social media, news
is more interactive. That is a good thing
since every news organization should be
interested in feedback. While media have
always paid lip service to caring about
what their readers and listeners think,
now they really do have to care.
So far, my report card is positive, although I see some things that may be
Today’s reality is that anyone can be a
reporter. Anyone can create a website.
Anyone can tweet and be believed. Anyone can say anything that can carry
weight and influence thought. It used to
be that reporters feared lawsuits. I’m not
sure people who have websites or tweet
fear anything. It is as if the ever-growing
mass of information makes it harder to
differentiate between what is true, what is
false and what is libellous.
What is out there is now often repeated in mainstream media. But isn’t being
right important anymore? When information gets repeated, without being
checked, you run the risk of reporting
things that are simply not true. It appears
that no one can stop the flood of information. It’s impossible to filter it. Too much,
too fast, and the facts, too often, fall victim.
It is not to say journalists of any era
didn’t make mistakes. The difference, in
my day at least, was that, while mistakes
may have been made, when I made them,
it was unacceptable. It was a period of
time when reporters thought being right
was more important than being first.
I can appreciate how fast and efficient
today’s news business is. I can understand that a lot of information, in many
varied forms, broadcast 24 hours a day,
seven days a week, can be considered a
positive in comparison to the days of
daily newspapers and only two major TV
newscasts at 6:00 and 11:00 pm.
But, before the advent of 24 hour
news networks and instant news, reporters and editors used to have virtually
all day to work on their stories. They had
the time to develop their stories, to talk to
whom they had to talk to, and then double check everything. They had time for
thought and analysis. They had time to
make sure they were right before they
wrote anything or said anything on television.
Sure, great progress has been made,
but journalism is now a very different
business. When I studied it at Carleton
University, there was a rule we all understood. Any spelling mistake would result
in a failing grade. The rigour of being
right was considered that sacred.
Page 8 – Ottawa Jewish Bulletin – April 23, 2012
Guest Column
We are Temple Israel
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By Lorne Rachlis, President
Temple Israel of Ottawa
It is with a renewed sense of hope
for the future of Judaism in Ottawa in
which we note that the needs and
dreams of synagogues and other Jewish organizations are finally a matter
for public discussion.
We would especially like to thank
Mira Sucharov, Jason Moscovitz,
David Kardish, Dani Schwartz and
Bernie Shinder for addressing these
important issues in their columns and
letters in recent editions of the Ottawa
Jewish Bulletin.
Temple Israel has always seen itself
as an integral part of this community.
We are very proud of the roles our
members take in Jewish community
life. Debbie Halton-Weiss is chair of
the Jewish Federation of Ottawa, Bob
Wener is chair of the Soloway Jewish
Community Centre (JCC), Christine
Kessler is president of Tamir and
Mark Palmer is Tamir’s executive director. These are all Temple members
contributing their time and skills to
leadership roles in the Jewish community.
Many other Temple members contribute to Jewish life in Ottawa. A
quick look through the March 19 issue
of the Ottawa Jewish Bulletin finds
Temple members who are teaching at
the Soloway JCC, helping organize a
Passover fair fundraiser, organizing a
concert in Temple’s ongoing music series and participating in a charitable
knitting project. This is typical of the
involvement of Temple members in
community affairs.
We continue to attract both affiliated and unaffiliated Jews to our Friday
evening, Saturday morning and biweekly Thursday morning services,
and to our many cultural and educational activities and programs. For example, more than 200 adults and children participated in our Purim spiel,
and nearly 100 adults attended the
Megillah reading. The Temple Israel
Religious School is open to everyone
and has a current enrolment of 90. We
have an active youth group, also open
to all, regularly attracting 30 to 40
young people to its events.
With 360 member families, we
have outgrown the facility built 35
years ago for 100 families. Our historic involvement in the broader Jewish community motivated our desire to
relocate Temple Israel to a new build-
ing on the Jewish Community Campus. We wanted to bring liberal Judaism closer to the centre of Jewish
life in Ottawa, in keeping with the vision enunciated in the Jewish Federation of Ottawa’s 2007 special symposium, Building Ottawa’s Jewish Future. Our intent was to enhance Jewish
continuity in a world of ever-increasing non-affiliation and intermarriage.
We are deeply saddened that we were
unable to reach an accommodation
with the Federation.
In order to strengthen and sustain
Judaism in Ottawa, we believe it is the
Federation’s responsibility to help the
Ottawa Jewish community move forward in a way that recognizes and supports its growing pluralistic nature.
We will continue to reach out to
others to explore possible partnerships
and possibilities for co-location. It is
our hope that productive and co-operative conversations can be held between all the Jewish institutions considering new homes, so that we can all
turn our visions into reality.
While we wait for others to respond
to our outreach, Temple Israel will
continue to search for a new home for
our sacred community.
Members of National Holocaust Monument
Development Council announced
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By Michael Regenstreif
A morning event was held, April 2,
at the Canadian War Museum, to announce the composition of the National Holocaust Monument Development
Council, a group of volunteers who
will spearhead a fundraising campaign
to cover the cost of planning, construction and maintenance of the monument.
As minister responsible for the National Capital Commission, Foreign
Affairs Minister John Baird will be responsible for the planning and construction of the National Holocaust
Monument and will be advised by the
council during the planning and design
Members of the council will be
Rabbi Daniel Friedman of Beth Israel
Synagogue in Edmonton, Toronto
lawyer Ralf E. Lean, Montreal philanthropist Alvin Segal and Canadian
Society for Yad Vashem National Chair
Fran Sonshine.
The announcement was made on
Baird’s behalf by Minister of State
(Democratic Reform) Tim Uppal. It
was a private member’s bill, sponsored
by Uppal and passed by Parliament in
2011, which established the National
Holocaust Monument.
“Canada has been a strong leader in
Council member Fran Sonshine, Senator Linda Frum, Minister of State Tim
Uppal, Heritage Minister James Moore, council members Rabbi Daniel
Friedman, Alvin Segal and Ralf E. Lean at the announcement of the composition of the National Holocaust Monument Development Council, April
2, at the Canadian War Museum.
the fight against anti-Semitism and all
forms of racism,” said Minister of State
Uppal. “The National Holocaust Monument Development Council’s work
will recognize the important contributions to our country of those who survived these horrific events and will honour the memory of those who were
victims of the Holocaust. We must
never forget what happens when humanity and fundamental human rights
are discarded, as this is the only way to
ensure it will never happen again.”
The federal government will match
– up to $4 million – the funds raised by
the council for the monument, which
will be located in the National Capital
Region at a site to be determined.
April 23, 2012 – Ottawa Jewish Bulletin – Page 9
Guest Column
More than trees
Oliver Javanpour
New projects show JNF range
Some of KKL-JNF’s new projects show the range of benefits that JNF brings to Israel. Interestingly, there are no
tree-planting initiatives in the latest new project list, although trees are almost always planted in JNF projects and
these are no exception. I’d like to tell you about two projects, one Canadian and one a joint Australia and New
Zealand initiative.
The Larry Hurtig Shechafim Schoolyard is a new Canadian initiative. It honours Larry Hurtig, from Winnipeg, who
passed away in October 2010. This project is his 2008 Winnipeg Negev Dinner project. It took a neglected schoolyard
and turned it into a beautifully landscaped play area with a
roofed playground, a greenhouse for growing vegetables, an
herb garden, and a zoo corner with bunnies and ferrets. All
these features enrich the lives of children with medium to
high levels of cognitive impairment who attend the
Shechafim Special Education School.
The project had a special meaning for its sponsor. Mr.
Hurtig had an autistic son and was a co-founder of the
Shalom Residences, an organization that runs group homes
and apartments for the intellectually challenged. Mr. Hurtig
served as founding president of the Shalom Residences
Foundation for more than 20 years.
Last Tu Bi’Shevat, the school held tree planting activities
with KKL-JNF, and the children planted trees with their own
hands, building more greenery into this wonderful space.
This is important because the children are at school every
day from 8:00 in the morning until 6:00 in the evening, including vacations and holidays. The yard makes this home
away from home a space that both students and their families can enjoy.
The ANZAC Trail is quite a different project and is sponsored by JNF Australia and JNF New Zealand. It retraces
and commemorates the route the ANZAC horsemen took
when they conquered Be’er Sheba. Some 11,000 ANZAC
fighters rode more than four nights from the Gaza district,
passing wide of Be’er Sheba to surprise the Turks from the
east on October 31, 1917. After an intense battle, 800 Australian mounted soldiers stormed into the city and captured
it. The route from the Western Negev to Be’er Sheba will describe the battles for the Negev in the First World War. Ten
sites along the route will be fitted with signs explaining the
ANZAC Trail and the story of the First World War in the
Negev. KKL-JNF will carry out relevant landscaping at
three main sites: the Be’eri gullies, Eshkol Park and Golda
Park. I think the relevant landscaping includes planting
I often focus on water, trees and agriculture, but JNF projects cover almost every aspect of life. As with our own
Negev Dinner projects and other projects sponsored by JNF
Ottawa, we appreciate the spark of inspiration that donors
bring to our work. JNF can help turn ideas that are special to
our donors into real life benefits for Israel.
Sefer Bar/Bat Mitzvah Inscriptions
Tara Avirit Sabloff, by her loving parents, Rena and
Mitchell Sabloff; and Jordan Loves, by his loving parents,
Cathy and Ron Loves.
On a daily basis you can plant
trees for all occasions. An attractive card is sent to the recipient.
To order, call the JNF office
Community gradually ceded
ownership of building
to Beth Shalom over 10-year period
By Mitchell Bellman
cured in the very recent past. As well, the community has
President and CEO
not invested in the operating costs or capital repairs of the
Jewish Federation of Ottawa
Chapel Street facility other than the original investment in
In the April 2 edition of the Ottawa Jewish Bulletin, repairing the building in 1998.
Bernie Shinder raised the question about who is entitled to
the proceeds of the sale of the property owned by Congre1809 Carling Avenue
gation Beth Shalom at 151-153 Chapel Street (Mailbag,
(at Broadview)
Congregations and community). Given the significant increase in property values on Rideau Street in the very recent past, I think it is a question on many people’s minds.
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Vaad Ha’Ir shared the use and ownership facility for close
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to 50 years until September 1998, when the new Jewish
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Community Campus opened.
The issue of how to separate this joint use and owner613-695-6001
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ship was very significant and took several years to resolve
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on mutually satisfactory terms.
The community leadership was aware that, once the
Jewish Community Centre and Vaad Ha’Ir vacated the
building, Beth Shalom would be left with a facility much
larger than it needed and the corresponding operating cost
burden. Further, the building had fallen into disrepair over
many years as the community’s interest was to build a new
Jewish Community Centre rather than invest in an old and
dated facility.
Despite the challenges it would face once the Jewish
Community Centre moved, Congregation Beth Shalom
decided it wanted to remain in its facility on Chapel Street.
The Vaad Ha’Ir leadership at the time came to an agreement with the synagogue that both the community and
Beth Shalom would invest in bringing the building up to a
state of repair that would allow the synagogue to succeed.
The community’s investment in the building was in
recognition that the building’s upkeep needs had not been
Insurance & Financial Services
kept current and it was unfair to place that entire burden
on the synagogue.
Mark S. Borts, B. Comm., CFP, CLU, CH.F.C, RHU
The community leadership did not want the synagogue
Telephone: 613 565 6275
to take the community’s investment of those capital funds
Facsimile: 1 866 267 5635
and then be able to benefit from selling the facility immeCell: 613 851 1198
diately afterwards. As such, an agreement was reached
[email protected]
that the community would have a declining ownership inSuite 350-117 Centrepointe Drive, Ottawa, Ontario K2G 5X3
terest in Beth Shalom over a period of 10 years. That period has now expired and
the community no longer
has any ownership interest
in 151-153 Chapel Street.
It should be noted that it
was impossible at the time
Every Sunday
Rabbi’s Lecture Series
of the agreement to antici9:30-10:30
on the Torah
pate the significant increase
Lecture Series
in land values that has oc-
What’s happening at
Congregation Beth Shalom
Players Needed
Raquetball group
needs to add
an experienced
player or two.
Please call Rick
at 613-722-7474
[email protected]
10:30-11:30 am
Critical Thinkers of the Conservative Movement
Sunday, April 22
PJ Library
10:00 am-12:00 pm
Community Preschool Event
Tuesday, April 24
Torah on Tap with Chazzan Benlolo
for interns/grad/med/law students
Heart and Crown, 5:30 pm
Watch for more
Saturday, May 12
10:00-11:30 am
Everyone is Welcome!
Watch for more upcoming events Everyone is Welcome!
For more information, please contact the synagogue
at 613-789-3501 or [email protected]
Page 10 – Ottawa Jewish Bulletin – April 23, 2012
Guest Column
Temple Israel
Friday Kabbalat Shabbat Services, 6:15 pm
Saturday Shabbat Services, 10:15 am
Minyamin 1st and 3rd Thursdays, 7:30 am
Sunday, April 22, 2:00 pm
Yom Hashoa Commemoration “Megillat Hashoah,
The Shoah Scroll,” with Cantorial Soloist Barbara Okun.
Selections will be presented by the Temple Singers.
All are invited.
Sunday, April 29, 2012, 7:00 pm
The Status of the Middle East, with guest speaker Bob Rae,
Interim Leader of the Liberal Party of Canada.
Building on his recent meeting with Israeli Prime Minister
Benjamin Netanyahu and his continued engagement with
Israelis and Palestinians, Bob Rae will discuss his view on the
transformational changes occurring in the Middle East and the
impact this will have on the resolution of the Israeli-Palestinian
conflict and on Canada’s role in the Middle East.
Friday, May 11
Kabbalat Shabbat
Bring Your own Dinner
6:15 pm
7:00 pm
For more info please go to
1301 Prince of Wales Drive,
Ottawa, ON K2C 1N2
Would you like to advertise
in the Ottawa Jewish Bulletin?
Contact Barry Silverman
613-798-4696, ext. 256
Beth Shalom negotiated
ownership of Chapel Street property
By Ian Sadinsky
Ottawa Jewish
Historical Society
In his letter to the editor
(Congregations and community, April 2), Bernie Shinder raised an important issue
about the disposition of the
proceeds from the sale of
151-153 Chapel Street. I
think a little history is important to put this issue in
As president of Congregation Beth Shalom from
1996 to 2000, I was responsible for negotiating with the
Jewish Community Council
of Ottawa/Vaad Ha’Ir – now
the Jewish Federation of Ottawa – for what would happen to the synagogue when
the Jewish Community Centre and other community offices vacated the premises
to move to the new Jewish
Community Campus.
Very few people, includ-
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Ownership of the building at 151-153 Chapel Street was gradually transferred to
Congregation Beth Shalom over a 10 year period beginning in 1998.
(Photo: Michael Regenstreif)
ing many current Beth
Shalom members, realize
that, until 1998, Beth
Shalom was a tenant of the
building responsible for 23
per cent of the maintenance
costs. When the Vaad decided to move, it showed little
interest in the future of
the synagogue and its membership. In a bold move,
supported by my executive
and board, I offered to purchase the property from the
Vaad. Although I am not
skilled in real estate, I imagined that, if the synagogue
eventually had to move, the
land and building might
have some value (although I
must say I didn’t think it
would be anywhere near
what is on the table right
After considerable negotiations with community leaders, a deal was struck in
1998. When the Vaad left
Chapel Street, Beth Shalom
would immediately become
50 per cent owner of the
property, but responsible for
all of the costs of maintaining the building (not a small
undertaking). Each year for
10 years, Beth Shalom would
receive an additional five per
cent stake in the ownership
until 2008, when it would become the sole owner.
In the interim, Beth
Shalom found tenants for the
lower level of 151 Chapel
Street (Ottawa Torah Institute), the gymnasium, and
the office space and other
space at 153 Chapel Street.
Beth Shalom earned its
windfall by taking a calculated risk and maintaining
what some considered a decaying property for 14 years.
Was it the deal of the century or was it blind luck by a
congregation fighting to
hold on to its history and its
legacy? Whatever the reason, Beth Shalom acquired
full ownership of the property from the community in a
transparent and collegial
It should be noted
that, during the same period,
the Vaad passed on the opportunity to purchase the former synagogue building on
King Edward Avenue that
was used as the Jewish
Memorial Chapel before the
purchase of the building
on Cuba Avenue. Many of us
still regret the lack of vision in finding ways
to preserve this important
Jewish historic property. The
price in 1998 was about
This brings us to the present. I am no longer a member of Beth Shalom, so I do
not feel entitled to talk about
what the synagogue should
do in the future. But, as a
past president, I do know
that the leadership and membership will weigh all options for ensuring that the
congregation does what is
best for the community as
well as for its own membership.
As president of the Ottawa Jewish Historical Society and as a former longtime
member of Beth Shalom – I
now attend another synagogue that was created by
Beth Shalom – I would be
untruthful if I did not say
that it was with some regret
that I heard of the sale. It is
hard to deal with change,
particularly when so much
of your personal history is
involved. But life is full of
changes, and every generation has to decide where it
wants to go in the future. But
the past should not be forgotten and the Ottawa Jewish Historical Society would
like to work with Beth
Shalom to do a visual record
of the facility for the
archives and to acquire any
assets of historical value that
would not be transferred to a
new location.
Bernie Shinder raised an
important issue. I hope others will also come forward
so the community-at-large
will understand the historical facts leading up to this
current situation.
April 23, 2012 – Ottawa Jewish Bulletin – Page 11
Yom Ha’Atzmaut celebration and flag raising move to new locations
By Pamela Rosenberg
Soloway JCC
The biggest community-wide
party of the year and the annual Yom
Ha’Atzmaut flag raising ceremony
are moving to exciting new locations
for Israel’s 64th birthday.
This year’s Yom Ha’Atzmaut celebration takes place Thursday, April
26, 5:00 pm, at the CE Centre, 4899
Uplands Drive, and will feature entertainment by Professional Entertainment Group, music, carnival
games and bouncy castles for the
An Israeli buffet by Creative
Kosher Catering will be available for
purchase and a feature-length documentary film, Israel Inside: How a
Small Nation Makes a Big Difference, will have its Ottawa premiere. notes
the film “explores the positive characteristics of Israeli society from a
humanistic, psychological and emotional perspective … and tells the
story of the Israeli people – whose
resilience has propelled Israel to the
forefront of world innovation and
“All we ever hear about is conflict in Israel, but Israel is a country
where high-tech and innovation
thrives,” said Penni Namer, Vered
Israel Cultural & Educational Program manager. “Israel is a developed country at the vanguard, and
this film shows that.”
Narrated by Tal Ben Shahar, Israel Inside, as further noted at, looks at
the “daily challenges ranging from
limited resources to security needs,”
and showcases how “Israel has made
significant advancements in the
fields of science, environment, medicine and technology.”
The screening, sponsored by
State of Israel Bonds, is free and will
take place at 5:30 pm in a room at
the CE Centre.
The party will also feature a continuous slide show featuring pictures
of community members in Israel.
For Penny Torontow, who is
chairing the Yom Ha’Atzmaut cele-
bration for the sixth time, it is “extremely important that we in Ottawa
celebrate Israel, show our support
for our homeland, and a united community to the outside world.
“It means everything to me ... Israel is in my heart and soul … most
of my family lives there and I look
forward to being there as well,” said
Admission to the Yom Ha’Atzmaut celebration is free, but a nonperishable food item or monetary
donation to the Ottawa Kosher Food
Bank is appreciated. Parking at the
CE Centre costs $7.00.
The Yom Ha’Atzmaut Flag Raising Ceremony will take place Thursday, April 26, 11:30 am, at Ottawa
City Hall’s Marion Dewar Plaza,
110 Laurier Avenue West.
This will be the first time the an-
nual flag raising ceremony has been
moved from the Jewish Community
Campus to a public space.
“Ottawa’s Jewish community
takes great pride in this annual flag
raising event as a prelude to the Jewish community’s largest communitywide celebration,” said Mitchell
Bellman, president and CEO of the
Jewish Federation of Ottawa. “The
community should be very proud to
raise the Israeli flag at Ottawa City
Hall and proudly declare our pride at
celebrating Yom Ha’Atzmaut in the
nation’s capital.”
Miriam Ziv, Israel’s ambassador
to Canada, will be present, along
with other dignitaries and Jewish
community leaders. A bus will leave
the Jewish Community Campus at
10:45 am to take people to and from
City Hall for the event.
On Tuesday, April 24, at 7:00 pm,
the community is invited to gather at
the Soloway JCC for Yom
Hazikaron, Israel’s memorial day for
fallen soldiers and victims of terror.
A screening of the documentary film
A Hero in Heaven will follow the
Yom Hazikaron ceremony.
As noted at,
the film honours the memory of
Michael Levin, “one of three soldiers
killed on August 1, 2006 in clashes
with Hezbollah in the southern
Lebanese village of Aita al-Shaab. An
immigrant from the United States, the
Philadelphia native had been living in
Israel for … four years.”
For more information about these
programs, visit or
contact Penni Namer at pnamer@ or 613-798-9818, ext.
Machzikei Hadas event to address persecution of Christians
Recent years have seen increasing levels of
systemic discrimination and oppression aimed
at Christian minorities throughout the Arab and
Muslim world, as well as in countries such as
India and China.
Foreign Affairs Minister John Baird and Citizenship, Immigration and Multiculturalism
Minister Jason Kenney will address this issue,
at an April 23 event at Machzikei Hadas, to inform the community about such discrimination
and oppression, to stand in solidarity with the
oppressed and to provide ideas and suggestions
on what individuals and groups can do to help
stop it.
Other panelists in hand will include human
rights activist and former MP David Kilgour;
Conservative MP Mark Adler; Reverend Majed
El Shafie, founder of One Free World International, a Toronto-based human rights organization that focuses on the persecution of religious
minorities; and Reverend Rob Parker of National House of Prayer in Ottawa.
The event will be hosted by Rabbi Reuven
Bulka who has organized the evening as a way
for the community to “stand together, speak out,
take action and make a difference.”
Standing Together – Stopping Persecution of
Christians will take place Monday, April 23,
7:00 pm, at Congregation Machzikei Hadas,
2310 Virginia Drive.
Secular Jewish Seniors Connect to their Heritage
at Embassy West Senior Living
After a 10 million dollar renovation,
the Landmark Embassy West Hotel, has
been converted into Embassy West
Senior Living (EWSL) - a luxury
assisted-living home that offers a Full
Time Doctor, Physiotherapy Center and
Continuum of Care.
Jewish holidays. The Rabbi is also
involved with all Jewish residents in
discussions of meaning and spiritualism through Judaism. The activities connecting the seniors to their heritage and
religion has helped the Ottawa Jewish
seniors at EWSL.
The Owner of Embassy West Senior
Living is Sharon Goldman, originally
from Montreal, daughter of wellknown Canadian builder Sam Greenberg, founder of the Shul of
Bal Harbour in Miami, Florida, and
granddaughter of Zalman Gurevitch,
founder of Beth Rivkah Academy in
Montreal. Like the rest of her family,
Sharon has a passion to bring meaning
and quality of life to Jews and is trying
to help Ottawa’s secular Jewish seniors
at Embassy West.
Rose is a resident at Embassy West.
Her daughter, Myrna Lightman, says,
“The staff at the Embassy West have a
warmth that I haven’t seen in other residences. My mom is a ‘touchy-feely’
person and everyone from the top on
down is never too busy to give her a
hug or kiss. The quality of care is wonderful. The nursing staff are efficient, respectful, and skilled. They treat each
resident as though they are a family
With the help of Chabad Rabbi
Chaim Boyarsky, EWSL has weekly
Oneg Shabbat and celebration of all
Myrna continued, “My mother is not
a religious woman, but, growing up in
Montreal meant she was always surrounded by Yiddishkeit. When she first
came to Ottawa, she felt a terrible void.
We were coming back into the building
and I pointed out the mezzuzahs at the
front doors. Her spirit rose dramatically
after that. The Embassy has Rabbi
Boyarsky come every Friday for Oneg
Shabbat, in which my mom now actively participates.
“The Jewish holidays are celebrated.
Even non-Jewish residents enjoy learning about their significance. Along with
the Christmas trees, Channukah symbols were also hung, and there was a
menorah lighting in the lobby every
day. Connections to the Jewish faith
through participation in celebrations
of holidays and Shabbat, including
Challah-baking, cooking latkes and
hamantashen makes Rose feel like she
truly belongs.”
Rabbi Chaim Boyarsky, visits the residents each week for Oneg Shabbat and
has a one-on-one relationship with each
of our Jewish residents. He described
the activities at Embassy West as, “We
try to give the Jewish seniors a taste of
Jewishness, by providing them with
holidays programs, Jewish songs, Kiddush, Hamotzee, and lots of Jewish
pride. We also do Holiday programs; for
example, a sample Passover Seder before Passover, Chanukah parties and
everything we can to incorporate the
memories of their heritage and culture
into their daily life.”
All Ottawa seniors are welcome to join
Embassy West’s Oneg Shabbat on Fridays
at 2:30 pm and should contact Michelle
at [email protected].
To see the residence, or if you have
any further questions, please contact [email protected].
Tel 613.729.4321 ext. 1.
Page 12 – Ottawa Jewish Bulletin – April 23, 2012
Film about Mossad founder Reuven Shiloah at SJCC
By Maxine Miska
Soloway JCC
The Mossad, Israel’s intelligence agency, forged in the conflicts and realignments of the Second World War and established in
1949, was led by former covert operatives who had built intelligence
networks throughout the Middle
East and Europe. Reuven Shiloah
became the first head of the Mossad
after many years of intelligence
work in pre-state Israel.
Shiloah’s son, Dov Shiloah, will
speak about his father’s seminal
role in the creation of the Mossad
and introduce the screening of a
documentary film, Reuven Shiloah:
The Mossad’s First, May 6, at the
Soloway Jewish Community Centre
Shiloah was born in 1909, the
son of an Orthodox rabbi. At university, he studied Arabic, realizing
that Jewish survival in Ottoman
Palestine would be enhanced by understanding and communicating
with the Arab population. After pursuing Middle Eastern studies at Hebrew University, Shiloah was recruited by the Haganah and began
undercover work in Iraq posing as a
teacher and, later, as a journalist. He
collected intelligence and was part
of a network that clandestinely
brought Iraqi Jews to Israel.
Shiloah gradually created broader intelligence networks within
Palestine and with the British military command. His ties to British
intelligence convinced them to deploy Haganah paratroopers behind
Nazi lines in the Second World War.
Shiloah understood the rising
importance of the United States
during the war and created ties with
the OSS (Office of Strategic Services), the War-era predecessor of
the CIA (Central Intelligence
When the State of Israel was established then-prime minister
David Ben-Gurion appointed
Shiloah to head the military and political department of the Ministry of
Foreign Affairs and, together, they
created the prototype for the
Shiloah’s missions entailed far
more than spying. He negotiated the
ceasefire between Israel and Jordan
after the 1948 war and travelled to
the U.S. to co-ordinate intelligence
In 1949, Ben-Gurion approved
Shiloah’s plan to establish the
Shiloah was the first director of
the Mossad. After his resignation in
1952, he returned to the Ministry of
Foreign Affairs and was stationed at
the Israeli Embassy in Washington
for four years. He continued working as a diplomat until he passed
away in 1959 at age 49.
Reuven Shiloah: The Mossad’s
First, narrated by his son Dov, presents period footage of pre-state
Israel and recounts Shiloah’s success before the War of Independence in obtaining the Arab
League’s invasion plans to attack
the Jewish settlements. The story of
Shiloah’s life retains an elusive
quality befitting a man who was a
master of the unstated and hidden in
diplomacy and intelligence.
The screening of Reuven
Shiloah: The Mossad’s First and the
discussion with Dov Shiloah will be
Sunday, May 6, 7:00 pm, at the
Soloway JCC. Admission is $5.00.
The program is sponsored by the
Vered Israel Cultural & Educational
For information, contact Penni
Namer at [email protected]
or 613-798-9818, ext. 243.
Kivi Barnard, Sam Glaser to headline
JET’s Jewish Unity Live event
By Rachel Gray
for JET
JET (Jewish Education through Torah) has announced that acclaimed motivational speaker Kivi
Bernhard and musician Sam Glaser will headline Jewish Unity Live 2012, May 16, at the National Gallery of
Bernhard, an Orthodox Jew and successful entrepreneur, is the author of Leopardology: The Hunt for
Profit in a Tough Global Economy, a book about critical business thinking inspired by the hunting techniques of the leopard, Africa’s most successful predator.
A captivating speaker, Bernhard will share his experiences and thoughts on the relevance and value of
being a Jew in the modern world.
Glaser, named one of the top 10 Jewish performers
in the U.S. by Moment magazine, has released more
than 20 albums and performs around the world. He
performs in about 50 North American Jewish communities annually and has sung at the White House.
As well as being a popular performer, Glaser devotes much of his energies and talents to community
work, directing and teaching music at Jewish schools
and summer camps, and acting as a cantor-in-residence
at Jewish retreats and youth Shabbatons.
Glaser’s compositions are described at as “complex and catchy, wise and witty,
youthful and seasoned,” and his fan base comes from
all ages and Jewish denominations.
Miriam and Charles Taub and Sabina Wasserlauf
and John Kershman will be honoured at the event.
The Eighth Annual Jewish Unity Live event, including a dessert reception, takes place Wednesday,
May 16, 7:00 pm, at the National Gallery of Canada,
380 Sussex Drive. Tickets are $36 and are available
online at or by calling the JET office at
613-798-9818, ext 247.
April 23, 2012 – Ottawa Jewish Bulletin – Page 13
Page 14 – Ottawa Jewish Bulletin – April 23, 2012
Chabad Student Network celebrates its first Torah
By Sammy Hudes
for Chabad Student Network
The Chabad Student Network
of Ottawa (CSN) celebrated,
March 25, the acquisition of its
first Torah.
More than 100 students from the
University of Ottawa, Carleton University and Algonquin College, as
well as other guests, including
Mayor Jim Watson and Rabbi
Reuven Bulka of Congregation
Machzikei Hadas, escorted the
Torah in a short parade, with much
singing and dancing, from the University of Ottawa to the nearby
Rohr Chabad House.
The Torah, which is close to 60
years old, had not been kosher for
an extended period of time, as many
of its letters had faded away. However, it was rewritten over the past
CSN chose to dedicate the scroll
in memory of the 1.5 million Jewish
children who perished in the Holocaust. Another tragedy that very
week, the murder of three children
and a rabbi at the Collège et Lycée
Ozar Hatorah in Toulouse, France,
was also remembered.
“Anyone who has kids was
shaken up. But our resolve is we’re
not going to be deterred,” said
Students and community members march behind the Torah en
route from uOttawa to the Chabad House, March 25.
Larry Hartman carries the Torah as the celebratory parade leaves
the University of Ottawa for the Chabad House, March 25.
Rabbi Chaim Boyarsky, co-director
of CSN. “We’re going to grow
stronger and bigger and greater.
We’re not going to bend.”
Watson, who said the Torah
event was unique in comparison to
any he had previously been to,
“We in Ottawa stand together
and we are committed to being an
accepting and inclusive communi-
ty,” he said. “Regardless of what
faith we are, let us stand strong for
ourselves and others against those
preach hatred and intolerance.
“We still have to be vigilant
against those who preach hatred
and intolerance and who are antiSemitic … There are still evil people in the world that will do evil
things if we are not strong as a community and don’t stand up and
speak out against hatred and
racism,” the mayor said.
“The backbone of the Jewish
faith, the Torah, is the basis of Jewish existence and a symbol of eternity and eternal life,” added Watson. “It’s a link to your history and
it will become a link to your future.”
Rabbi Boyarsky said the public
celebration was symbolic of Jewish
“There is a profound connection
between the Torah and the Jewish
people,” he said. “The Torah has al-
ways been part of Jewish life. It is
up to us to learn it, live it, breathe it
and really make it part of our lives.”
University of Ottawa law student Rebecca Rosenstock, citywide president of CSN, said she
was pleased with the turnout for the
Torah dedication.
“It’s an event that doesn’t happen very often, so it was really
unique. It was great to see so many
people come out, and the specialness of having a new Torah made it
great. We really appreciate the support from the community,” she said.
April 23, 2012 – Ottawa Jewish Bulletin – Page 15
Agudath Israel Chocolate Seder
The Chocolate Seder, April 1, at Agudath Israel provided an opportunity for children
in to celebrate, learn about Passover, and eat lots of chocolate.
Passover at OJCS
Grade 4 and 5 students participate in a classroom model seder as they prepared for
Passover. Grade 1 students also held a classroom seder while Grades 2 and 3 students
welcomed parents, grandparents and siblings to a model seder in the school gym.
NCSY Chocolate Seders
Sir Robert Borden High School students enjoy a Chocolate Seder at their Jewish Culture Club. Students go through all 15 steps of the seder to learn about the meaning
of Passover and its message for today, but each step involves chocolate of some
kind replacing the traditional foods. NCSY also ran Chocolate Seders at Merivale,
Glebe, Canterbury, Lisgar and John McCrae High Schools.
OJCS Science Fair
The Grade 7 and 8 student winners from the Ottawa Jewish Community School Science
Fair went on to represent the school at the Regional Science Fair, held March 23 at Carleton University. (From left) Ben Koksky, Allegra Pearl, Marlin Pearl, Rachel Schneiderman, teacher Brian Lamb, Justin Rapp, Max Silverman, Zach Goldstein and Tara Sabloff.
OMJS graduate serving in IDF
Chabad Hebrew School at Kosher Food Bank
Following a food drive at Chabad Hebrew School, Grade 7 and 8 students volunteered at the Ottawa
Kosher Food Bank. With the students are Karen Fainstein (far left) of the Kosher Food Bank and Rabbi
Menachem Blum (far right) of Chabad Hebrew School.
Ottawa native Tobin Kaiman (left), a graduate of Ottawa Modern
Jewish School (OMJS) now serving in the Israeli army, is seen with
Izze Rosenberg, a volunteer teacher’s assistant at OMJS, who was
on a FROSTY trip to Israel. Tobin met with the FROSTY group from
Ottawa’s Temple Israel and Toronto’s Holy Blossom Temple and answered questions about army life.
Page 16 – Ottawa Jewish Bulletin – April 23, 2012
In support
of the Bess and Moe
Greenberg Family
Hillel Lodge
In the Joseph
and Inez Zelikovitz
Long Term Care Centre
Card Donations
Card donations go a long way to improving
the quality of life for our residents. Thank you
for considering their needs and contributing to
their well-being.
On behalf of the residents and their families,
we extend sincere appreciation to the following
individuals and families who made card donations to the Hillel Lodge Long-Term Care Foundation between March 14 and April 4, 2012 inclusive.
Tania Firestone Family Fund
In Memory of:
Vivian Caplan by Claire and Irving Bercovitch
Friedberg and Dale Families Fund
In Memory of:
Jack Weinman by Elaine Friedberg and Bob Dale
Steffi Halton by Elaine Friedberg and Bob Dale
Tadesse Mekonen by Elaine Friedberg and Bob Dale
In Honour of:
Rabbi Ely and Mrs. Sheli Braun mazal tov on your
33rd wedding anniversary by Elaine Friedberg, Bob and
Jonathan Dale
Joseph Ginsberg Family Endowment Fund
In Memory of:
Sue Slack by Lynn Greenblatt
Unlike a bequest or gift of life insurance,
which are realized some time in the future, a
named Honour Fund (i.e., endowment fund) is
established during your lifetime.
By making a contribution of $1,000 or more,
you can create a permanent remembrance for a
loved one, honour a family member, declare what
the Lodge has meant to you and/or support a
cause that you believe in.
A Hillel Lodge Honour Fund is a permanent
pool of capital that earns interest or income each
year. This income then supports the priorities
designated by you, the donor.
Ruth and Irving Aaron Family Fund
In Memory of:
Jack Baylin by Ruth and Irving Aaron
Irving Taylor by Ruth and Irving Aaron
In Honour of:
Esther and Irving Kulik Mazal tov and best wishes on
Sean’s engagement to Becky by Ruth and Irving Aaron
Ann Brozovsky Mazal tov on the engagement of
Bobby to Susan and Chani and Bram being honour by Torah
Academy with love by Ruth and Irving Aaron
Malcolm and Vera Glube Endowment Fund
In Memory of:
Minnie Milson by Malcolm and Vera Glube
Doris Leibovitch by Malcolm and Vera Glube
In Honour of:
Sandra Slover Congratulations on your special birthday by Malcolm and Vera Glube
Elsa and Norman Swedko Congratulations on the
birth of your granddaughter Phinley Jordana by Malcolm
and Vera Glube
Nell Gluck Memorial Fund
In Honour of:
Ruth and Dale Fyman Mazal tov on the birth of your
granddaughter Naomi Hadassah by Henry and Maureen
Berl and Rebecca Nadler Mazal tov on Tova’s engagement to Seth by Henry and Maureen Molot
Stacey and Michael Goldstein Mazal tov on the birth of
your son, Moshe by Manny Gluck and Cherlye Hothersall
Maureen Molot Happy special birthday by Manny
Gluck and Cheryle Hothersall
Adele and Jeff Sidney Mazal tov on the birth of your
granddaughter, Chana by Manny Gluck and Cheryle
Adam Dodek Mazal tov on being granted tenure by
Henry and Maureen Molot
In Memory of:
Minnie Milson by Henry and Maureen Molot
Maurice Ryant by Manny Gluck and Cheryle Hothersall
Vivian Caplan by Manny Gluck and Cheryle Hothersall
Bill and Leona Adler Memorial Fund
In Memory of:
Maurice Ryant by Marilyn Adler
Minnie Milson by Marilyn Adler
Sue Slack by Marilyn Adler
In Honour of:
Morag Burch Congratulations on becoming a “Grand
Mother” by Marilyn Adler
Evelyn and Irving Greenberg Fund
In Memory of:
Minnie Milson by Evelyn Greenberg
Irving Taylor by Brian J. Cohen
Samuel and Jean Akerman Memorial Fund
In Memory of:
Minnie Milson by Sheila and Larry Hartman
Moe Greenberg and Elissa Greenberg Iny Fund
In Memory of:
Vivian Caplan by Elissa and Avraham Iny
Boris and Dolly Blacher Family Fund
In Memory of:
Joe Lieff by Boris Blacher and family
In Honour of:
Sarah Beutel and Steve Morgan and family Happy
Passover by the Blachers
Gunner Family Fund
In Memory of:
Minnie Milson by Sol and Estelle Gunner
In Honour of:
Carol and Laurie Pascoe Mazal tov on the birth of
your grandson by Sol and Estelle Gunner
Nordau and Roslyn Kanigsberg Family Fund
In Memory of:
Sylvia Slack by Nordau and Roz Kanigsberg
Irving Taylor by Nordau and Roz Kanigsberg
Doris Leibovitch by Nordau and Roz Kanigsberg
Minnie Milson by Nordau and Roz Kanigsberg
Dorothy and Maurie Karp Endowment Fund
In Honour of:
Claire and Irving Bercovitch and family Happy and
healthy Passover by Dorothy Karp
Norma and Phil Lazear and family Happy and
healthy Passover by Dorothy Karp
Irvin Cutler and family Happy and healthy Passover
by Dorothy Karp
Morris and Lillian Kimmel Family Fund
In Memory of:
Sue Slack by Kimmel, Kaiman and Levine families
In Honour of:
Sylvia and Charlie Levine by Morris Kimmel, Brenda
and Nathan Levine and family
Marilyn and Fred Small by Morris Kimmel, Brenda
and Nathan Levine and family
Bernie Farber Mazal tov on your recent award by
Morris Kimmel, Steven and Shelli Kimmel, Janet and Steve
Kaiman and Brenda and Nathan Levine and families
Claire and Irving Bercovitch Happy and healthy
Passover by the Kimmel, Kaiman and Levine families
Debi and David Shore Happy and healthy Passover by
the Kimmel, Kaiman and Levine families
Marty and Rickie Saslove Happy and healthy
Passover by the Kimmel, Kaiman and Levine families
Harvey and Judy Slipacoff Happy and healthy
Passover by the Kimmel, Kaiman and Levine families
Franceen Shier Happy and healthy Passover by the
Kimmel, Kaiman and Levine families
Ina and Stanley Devine Happy and healthy Passover
by the Kimmel, Kaiman and Levine families
Nancy Pleet Happy and healthy Passover by the
Kimmel, Kaiman and Levine families
Natalie and Tom Gussman Happy and healthy
Passover by the Kimmel, Kaiman and Levine families
Joan and Russell Kronick Family Fund
In Memory of:
Sue Slack by Joan and Russell Kronick
Minnie Milson by Joan and Russell Kronick
Vivian Caplan by Joan and Russell Kronick
Sonia Rawicki Agulnik Music Therapy Fund
In Memory of:
Minnie Milson by Paula and Manny Agulnik
Sue Slack by Paula and Manny Agulnik
Shelley and Sidney Rothman Family Fund
In Memory of:
Sue Slack by Shelley Rothman and family
Irma and Harold Sachs Family Fund
In Memory of:
Minnie Milson by Irma Sachs
Stephen and Debra Schneiderman
Family Fund
In Memory of:
Maurice Ryant by Stephen and Debra Schneiderman
Minnie Milson by Stephen and Debra Schneiderman
Vivian Caplan by Stephen Schneiderman
Sue Slack by Stephen and Debra Schneiderman; and by
Stacey and Stephen Rich
Doris Leibovitch by Stephen and Debra Schneiderman
Linda Devries by Debbie and Stephen Schneiderman
In Honour of:
Carol and Laurie Pascoe Mazal tov on the birth of
your first grandson by Stephen and Debra Schneiderman
Label and Leona Silver Family Fund
In Honour of:
Label and Leona Silver Mazal tov on your 60th anniversary by Stephen Silver; by David Silver; by Eldon
Moses and Ruth Friedman
Eldon Moses Mazal tov on your engagement to Ruth
Friedman by Label and Leona Silver
Sarah and Arnie Swedler Family Fund
In Memory of:
Gary Kaman by Arnie Swedler and Rhoda Zaitlin
Evelyn Thomson by Arnie Swedler and Rhoda Zaitlin
Roslyn and Myles Taller Family Endowment Fund
In Memory of:
Toba Robarts by Mildred Kronick; and by Roz Taller,
Jodi and Mayo, Julia, Selina, Alexa and Eriana
Minnie Milson by Roz Taller
Ethel and Irving Taylor Family Fund
In Memory of:
Irving Taylor by Brian J. Cohen
Milton and Mary (Terry) Viner Family Fund
In Honour of:
Label and Leona Silver Best wishes on your 60th wedding anniversary by Millie, Fran and Stephen Schaenfield
Sylvia Kaiman and Joel and Gaye Taller Mazal tov
on the birth of your great grandson and grandson by Millie,
Fran and Stephen Schaenfield
In Memory of:
Minnie Milson by Millie, Fran and Stephen Schaenfield
In Observance of the Yahrzeit of:
Gordon Viner beloved brother by Millie, Fran and
Stephen Schaenfield
David Schaenfield beloved father-in-law by Millie,
Fran and Stephen Schaenfield
R’fuah Shlema:
Mr. and Mrs. Rubin Silver and family Speedy recovery and good health by Millie, Fran and Stephen Schaenfield
Eric Weiner and Arlene Godfrey Family Fund
In Memory of:
Maurice Ryant by Carol and Larry Gradus; by Miriam
Weiner; and by Eric Weiner and Arlene Godfrey and family
Minnie Milson by Eric Weiner and Arlene Godfrey and
family; and by Miriam Weiner
Sue Slack by Eric Weiner and Arlene Godfrey; and by
Miriam Weiner
In Honour of:
Ann Max Mazal tov on your grandson’s safe arrival
with love by Carol and Larry Gradus
Carol and Laurie Pascoe Mazal tov on Jake’s safe arrival with love by Carol and Larry Gradus
Leon Gluzman Best wishes for a very happy birthday
by Carol and Larry Gradus
Carole and Norman Zagerman Family Fund
In Honour of:
Norman and Myrna Barwin Mazal tov on your 50th
anniversary by Carole and Norman Zagerman and Andrea
R’fuah Shlema:
Risa Taylor by Carole and Norman Zagerman and
Andrea Arron
Capital Campaign
In Memory of:
Sue Slack by Marlene Levine and Andrew Siman; by
Myra and Lester Aronson; by Sandra Palef and Nissim
Avraham; by Bonnie and Paul Bowering; by Enid Slack and
Ron Kanter; and by Harvey Slack and the Honourable
Laurier L. LaPierre
(Continued on page 17)
Here’s a good opportunity to recognize an event or convey the appropriate sentiment to someone important to you and at the same time support the Lodge. Card orders may be
given to Bev at 728-3900, extension 111, 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Monday to Thursday, 8:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. Friday. You may also e-mail your orders to [email protected] or online donations can be made through All orders must include name, address, postal code, and any message to person receiving the card; and, amount of donation,
name, address and postal code of the person making the donation. Cards may be paid for by Visa, Mastercard, American Express, Cheque or Cash. Contributions are tax deductible.
April 23, 2012 – Ottawa Jewish Bulletin – Page 17
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(Continued from page 16)
Recreation/Music Fund
In Memory of:
Minnie Milson by Yale and Dee Gaffen
Feeding Fund
In Memory of:
Minnie Milson by Carol and Larry Gradus; and by
Harold and Lisa Sandell
Sue Slack by Harold and Lisa Sandell
Doris Leibovitch by David and Sharon Appotive
Linda Devries by Joy, Seymour, Jess, David and
Jared Mender
In Honour of:
Morag Burch Congratulations on becoming a first
time grandmother by Sally Matook
Aviva and Leo Lightstone In honour of the marriage
of their daughter Nava to Jonathan Hoffman by Dale and
Ruth Fyman
Ritual Fund
In Honour of:
Dale and Ruth Fyman Mazal tov on the birth of your
granddaughter Naomi Hadassah by Molly Hirsch and Eric
Therapeutics Fund
In Memory of:
Doris Leibovitch by Yale and Dee Gaffen
Ted Jacobsen Best wishes on your special birthday
by Natalie and Tom Gussman
Carol and Laurie Pascoe Mazel tov on the birth of
your grandson by Rosalie and Harold Schwartz; by David
Spring; and by Steve and Roz Fremeth
Sol Shabinsky Happy 80th birthday by Bill and Jane
Ingrid Levitz Happy Pesach by Marion Silver and
Alan Brass and family
Eric Levin Happy special birthday by Julie Kanter
Ian Sadinsky and Joan Bercovitch Mazal tov on the
birth of your grandson, Jaxon Ryan Martin by Golda and
Ned Steinman and family
Evelyn Greenberg Thinking of you by Gold and Ned
Esty Bybelezer Mazal tov on the birth of your great
grandson by Norma and Stanley Goldstein
Dr. Hyman Kaufman Happy and healthy Passover
by the Residents, Board and Staff of Hillel Lodge
Sally Stoller Levine Happy and healthy Passover by
the Residents, Board and Staff of Hillel Lodge
Inez Zelikovitz Happy and healthy Passover by the
Residents, Board and Staff of Hillel Lodge
Harriet and Irving Slone Happy and healthy
Passover and happy 85th birthday to Irving with love by
Barbara and Larry Hershorn
Sally and Elliott Levitan Happy and healthy
Passover by Clair Krantzberg
Dundee and Lyon Levitan Happy and healthy
Passover by Clair Krantzberg
Ros Wollack Mazal tov on Bobby’s engagement by
Golda and Ned Steinman and family
Avrum Rapoport by Karyn Simon; by Larry and
Anna Rubenstein, by Linda, Michael and Robin Senzilet;
Friends of Melissa Berlin, and by Roxanne, David, Jacob
and Helena Cohen
Ethel Murray by Claire and Irving Bercovitch
Alice Fishbain by Karyn and Bernie Farber
Maurice Ryant by the Residents, Board and Staff of
Hillel Lodge; by Jean Naemark; by Ingrid Levitz; and by
Sandi and Raoul Korngold
Minnie Milson by the Residents, Board and Staff of
Hillel Lodge; by Ingrid Levitz; by Sylvia, Morton and
Harris Pleet; by Bob and Maggie Lederman and family;
by Natalie and Tom Gussman; by Danny and Rhonda
Levine and family; by Rabbi Scott Rosenberg and Amy
Goldman; by Etta Karp; by Michael and Judy Aranoff; by
Vera and George Gara; by Libby and Stan Katz; by the
Shore and Sauve families; by Mark Wolynetz; by
Ginsberg Gluzman Fage and Levitz Chartered Accountants; by Evelyn Lieff; by Jack and Annette Edelson; by
Yael Karol; by Bluma Dieks Goldenberg and family; by
Sam Zunder and family; by Harold and Rosalie Schwartz
and family; by Mark and Yanda Max; by Nomi and
Harold Colt-Max and family; by Andrea Schwartz; by
Carol and Laurie Pascoe and family; by Sandi and Raoul
Korngold; by Tracy and Cantor Bielak; by Jean Naemark
and family; by Golda and Ned Steinman; by Barbara and
Larry Hershorn; by Joyce and Farrand Miller; by Cally
and Sid Kardash; by Marilyn and David Binder; and by
Raezelle Gustave and Laurie Goldmann
Shirley Winer by Lydia Hjartarson; by Bob and Maggie Lederman and family; and by Alma Norman
Vivian Caplan by Ingrid Levitz; by Jack, and
Annette Edelson, Natalie and Mark; by Sam and Sandra
Zunder and family; and by Barb Fine and Steve Levinson
Anita Dubinsky by Jill and Allan Bellack; and by
Golda and Ned Steinman
Sue Slack by the Residents, Board and Staff of Hillel
Lodge; by Fran and Mort Ross; by Charles Schachnow;
by Harold and Rosalie Schwartz and family; by Ingrid
Levitz; by Carol and Laurie Pascoe and family: by Danny
and Rhonda Levine and family; by Bernice and Bernie
Blumenthal; by Karen and Ron Fainstein; by Sandi and
Raoul Korngold; by Sam and Sandra Zunder and family;
by Harriet and David Good; by Belle Gitterman; by the
Silberman and Berstein Families; by Ozzie and Sheela
Silverman; by Arlene and Norman Glube; by the
Cooperberg and Ben-Shach Families; by Glenda and
David Moss; by Sam and Ellen Gelman; by Betty and Irv
Nitkin; by the Ottawa B’nai Brith Bowling League; Esther
Ages; by Debi Ages; by Lysette and Louis Kohn; by
Karen and Harry Presser; by Shelley Harris-Ublansky and
Joel Ublansky; by Steve and Roz Fremeth; by Julie
Kanter; by Barb Fine and Steve Levinson; by Louis and
Marjorie Goldmaker; by Cally and Sid Kardash; by Nan
and Jack Wiseman; by Seymour and Aviva Diener; by
Bev, Bryan, Alison and Rob Glube; by Felice and Jeff
Pleet and family; Brenda, Ray and Matt Ryan; by Frank
and Maria Spagnolo and family; by Frank and Elizabeth
Abeth Schimizzi; by Graziano and Elisa Schimizzi; and
by Pat and Rosa Sergi
Doris Leibovitch by Steve and Roz Fremeth; and by
Cally and Sid Kardash
Irving Taylor by Golda and Ned Steinman
Jack Weinman by Lorna and Carl Raskin
Father of Egi Tadesse by Golda and Ned Steinman
and family
Inez Zelikovitz by the Residents, Board and Staff of
Hillel Lodge; and by Edie Landau
Page 18 – Ottawa Jewish Bulletin – April 23, 2012
AJA 50+ announces spring and summer programs
By Dena Speevak
for AJA 50+
After a giddy first few months
in retirement, many of us start to
survey the landscape for new op-
portunities. If you are one of the
hundreds who have discovered
AJA (Active Jewish Adults) 50+,
you know there’s something about
AJA 50+ that inspires renewal, ca-
Merivale High School
Jewish Culture Club
Meagan Hollinger presents Bram Bregman of NCSY with a
token of appreciation from Merivale High School’s Jewish Culture Club recognizing the recent tribute dinner held in his hon(Photo: Irv Osterer)
our by Ottawa Torah Academy.
maraderie and growth at this stage
of life.
AJA 50+ has recently launched
our own website at
where you can now view the latest
program guide by clicking on the
‘What’s Happening’ link.
Following a very successful
trip to Israel two years ago, AJA
50+ is returning to Israel from October 10 to 22. This tour will be
geared specifically to the interests
of active seniors and will be guided by scholar-in-residence Rabbi
Steven Garten. For information,
click on ‘Special Events’ on the
website or e-mail Annette Paquin
at [email protected].
AJA 50+ programs this spring
and summer will include nature
and birdwatching walks, architectural and heritage tours, garden
tours and other day trips and golf
outings. As always, there will be
much to stimulate the senses and
intellect, including concerts, art
gallery visits, a tour of the CBC
with Laurence Wall, and lectures
such as Capital Cases for an insider’s view of the Ottawa legal
Bridge lessons are always popular. This season, Liz Schwartz
will teach intermediate bridge and
Jewish Education
in Ottawa
In homes
the week of
May 21, 2012
• Exciting new changes in education in Ottawa
• Our day schools & supplemental schools
Limited number
of advertising spots
in this section
For advertising info,
Barry Silverman
613.798.4696, ext. 256
[email protected]
Barbara Crook speaks to AJA 50+, April 4, about Palestinian Media
Watch and the Middle East peace process.
(Photo: Michael Regenstreif)
Julia Rowlands will teach beginners’ bridge. You can also take advantage of classes in canasta,
mah-jong, Chinese brush painting
and watercolour painting.
In partnership with the
Soloway Jewish Community Centre (JCC), AJA 50+ will offer a
course on Yiddish writers entitled
From the Shtetl to the Goldene
Medina with Rabbi Garten and a
study of Israel-Palestinian rela-
tions with Carleton University political science professor Mira
To learn more and meet members, come to Registration Day,
Tuesday, May 1, between 9:30 am
and noon at the Soloway JCC.
For information about membership in AJA 50+, contact
Dan Sigler at 613-224-6110 or
[email protected], or
Two furnished bedrooms to rent
in a quiet, beautiful new home in West End Ottawa
(McKellar Park neighborhood). These rooms would be
ideal for students or a young couple.
We are looking for mature, compassionate individuals
who are interested in living in a home with a humorous
and personable young adult with special needs. We (his parents)
want to create a warm and loving home environment for this young
man. No care of special needs will be required. As there will be
round the clock care, all that is necessary is the time and willingness
to foster a friendship with this young man and his care team.
• Room and Board: $100 per month per bedroom
• Bedroom sizes:
Bedroom 1: 11 x 13.5 feet
Bedroom 2: 10 x 15.5 feet
• Availability: As early as June 2012
• Two year minimum commitment preferred.
• Love of music would be an asset.
• Kosher or vegetarian required.
• Males or females welcome.
• Two singles or one couple could be accommodated
Contact: [email protected]
April 23, 2012 – Ottawa Jewish Bulletin – Page 19
Page 20 – Ottawa Jewish Bulletin – April 23, 2012
The Other Europeans explore the
intersection of Jewish and Roma music
The Other Europeans
Here for you
(613) 990-7720
Employment Opportunity
Director of Congregational Learning
Temple Israel, Ottawa, Ontario
The new position of Director of Congregational
Learning will provide our Reform congregation with
vibrant, cohesive and integrated programs that reach
out to our members, the local Jewish community and
the Ottawa community at large.
The successful candidate will possess a minimum
of a Bachelor’s degree in Education. (A Master’s degree and a specialization in Jewish learning will be
considered an asset.) The successful candidate will
have experience in creating and leading programs that
integrate temple, school and community life; in training and supervising teaching staff; and in delivering
and evaluating programs that foster engagement and
affiliation. Experience in delivering multi-faceted
programming for all age groups and experience in
change management will be considered assets.
Temple Israel (Ottawa) has 360 member families
and is the city’s only Reform Congregation. We are a
vibrant Jewish community dedicated to Torah,
Tzedakah and Avodah.
It is anticipated that the position will be filled by
July 2012, and duties will commence no later than
September 2012. Enquiries and applications should be
directed to the Executive Director. Deadline for receipt of applications is midnight 31 May 2012.
Temple Israel
1301 Prince of Wales Drive
Ottawa, ON K2C 1N2
Tel 613-224-1802 • Fax 613-224-0707
Email: [email protected]
The Other Europeans are 14 musicians from eight different
countries in Europe and North America – eight of whom form
a klezmer ensemble and six of whom comprise a lautar ensemble. Lautar is the music of Eastern European Roma (Gypsies). Some of the selections on Splendor, a splendid two-CD
set recorded live at the Yiddish Summer Weimar 2009 in Germany, feature one or the other of the two ensembles, or parts
thereof, while much of the album has all 14 of the musicians
playing together.
The Other Europeans project has been spearheaded by pianist and accordionist Alan Bern, perhaps best known for his
work as a member of Brave Old World, a band at the forefront
of the creation of new Jewish music over the past couple of
decades. Other members of the Klezmer Ensemble include
clarinet and saxophone player Christian Dawid; Matt Darriau
(of the Klezmatics), on kaval, piccolo, clarinet and saxophone;
and Mark Rubin, who started his career as a member of the altcountry duo Bad Livers, on tuba and bass.
Among the members of the Lautar Ensemble are cimbalom
player Kalman Balogh, accordionist Petar Ralchev and trumpeter Adam Stinga.
Historically, as Walter Zev Feldman mentions in his liner
notes, Jewish and Roma musicians had little, if any, interaction
in most areas of Eastern Europe, except in Greater Hungary,
primarily in the 18th century, and in Moldova, particularly in
the province of Bessarabia, from the 18th century until the
Holocaust. The music also crossed over to North America with
Jewish immigrants in the late-19th and early-20th centuries,
but declined in both America and Moldova by the 1950s – in
America due to assimilationist tendencies, and in Moldova due
to the Soviet policy of creating a Moldovan ethnic music that
was, as Feldman notes, “free from Jewish influence.”
The repertoire the Other Europeans explore on Splendor –
which they perform brilliantly – is the klezmer and lautar
music played in Bessarabia before the Second World War.
Whether in the smaller klezmer and lautar groupings or in the
combined forces of the full ensemble, the music is compelling,
exciting and beautiful.
Among my favourite selections from the klezmer repertoire
are “Khaiterma,” a delightful classic that features Darriau on
clarinet bouncing his notes off Rubin’s slap-bass playing; and
the two-part “Klezmer Suite #1,” particularly the wild second
My favourite lautar selection is the two-part “Lautar Clarinet Suite #1,” which begins in a slow, contemplative mode before picking up steam. The piece almost seems classical.
And, of course, the tracks featuring all of the Other Europeans are a constant delight. Among the most beautiful and exciting pieces is the album-ending concert encore of “Sârba de
la nord.”
The similarities and contrasts of the Jewish and Roma influences in this music are fascinating. Alan Bern has done a
sensational job of tying it all together in the Other Europeans.
Kat Goldman
Gypsy Girl
In 2004, Kat Goldman was a promising Toronto-based
singer and songwriter preparing to move to New York where
her music was causing a stir. Goldman’s first CD, The Great
Disappearing Act, had been released in 2000 to critical acclaim and “Annabel,” a song from that album, found favour
with a number of other artists, including the Winnipeg band,
The Duhks, who recorded it on a Juno-nominated CD. The
song also inspired the Giller Prize-nominated novel, Annabel
by author Kathleen Winter.
But the move to New York never happened because Goldman was seriously injured when a car crashed into a bagel
shop she was visiting, necessitating multiple surgeries and two
years of rehabilitation. She came back with a second CD, Sing
Your Song, in 2007, and has now released the lovely Gypsy
Girl, her third.
Reflecting the transitory implications of her album’s title
track, Goldman now divides her time between Toronto and
Boston, where she studies English literature at Harvard and
Boston Universities. Some of the songs were recorded in
Boston and some in Toronto; all of them written with poetic
craftsmanship and compelling melodies enhanced by arrangements that blend both folk and pop influences.
Among the highlights are “World Away,” inspired by her
intertwined lives as a Toronto singer and songwriter and
Boston student; “Letter From Paris,” in which she seemingly
escapes or hides from both identities; and, perhaps, best of all,
“Gypsy Girl,” in which she sings about the compulsion to
move and to travel and to explore new places that drives so
many artistic souls.
April 23, 2012 – Ottawa Jewish Bulletin – Page 21
Kibbutz dreams and kibbutz realities
When I was 10, my grandmother took me to Israel for
three weeks to visit my aunt and uncle on Kibbutz Beit
Hashita in the Lower Galilee. Known for its olive and pickle factory, Beit Hashita was considered a success story. It
was a large and thriving kibbutz, motivated by Labour
Zionist ideology, and was one of the last to give up its children’s houses. Amia Lieblich immortalized life on the kibbutz in her book Kibbutz Makom, a case study of a single,
anonymous collective, but widely known to be about Beit
I was thrilled by the freedom afforded kids to run around,
gather informally to play basketball in the afternoons, and
take part in communal holiday celebrations. In wintry Winnipeg, our holidays were celebrated in climate controlled
synagogues and carpeted living rooms. On Beit Hashita, the
counting of the Omer was marked outdoors, in the fields, to
great fanfare.
Ten years later, while studying for a year at Hebrew University, I connected with Kibbutz Urim, in the Northern
Negev. I was eager to have a kibbutz experience to round out
weekday life on Mount Scopus. Many of us had been connected to the Habonim Dror youth movement and Urim took
us in as honorary student members. We were provided with
a spacious flat, each of us had an ‘adoptive family’ to visit
and bond with and we were assigned to a work branch. Almost 20 years later, the young family I connected with now
has grandchildren and we have enjoyed regular visits in Israel, Washington, Ottawa, Vancouver and, of course, on
That year, I considered making aliyah, settling on a kibbutz, and pursuing an academic – and, possibly, even a political – career. As an extrovert, I enjoyed the constant flow
Values, Ethics,
of people and personalities. I didn’t give much thought to the
repetitiveness of much of the work, nor to the economic constraints of kibbutz life. In fact, I relished the redemptive feeling of engaging in regular manual labour in the long chain of
Zionist pioneers. I happily painted beams in the metalwork
shop – it wasn’t until just last year that my kibbutz brothers
explained to me what the beams were for – so content was I
in the process and unconcerned with the outcome. Of course,
a highlight was practising my Hebrew over tea and toast
breaks, and dancing to 1980s and ‘90s hits at the late night
Beit Hashita has since been privatized and Kibbutz Urim
is struggling to hold onto a middle ground between the ideals
of capitalism and socialism. Many kibbutzim are working to
adapt to significant challenges, including aging populations
that need to be cared for and children who can no longer be
counted on to remain once they’ve grown. Some kibbutzim
are bringing forth a special category of membership in which
the member owns his or her own salary but retains voting
rights on relevant matters. Others are expanding their property to include the purchase of homes outright by non-members, who are granted some communal privileges but none of
the financial obligations. And an entirely different model, the
urban kibbutz, is sprouting up around the country, in which
participants often work in the field of education and engage
in other social action pursuits.
Last spring, we stayed with my kibbutz family, who have
since left Urim for another kibbutz where they are not members. And, last month we took our kids to visit cousins on another kibbutz near the Dead Sea. Our kids were positively
struck by the continuous outdoor freedom the children enjoy.
“Can we make a kibbutz in the Glebe?” my daughter
When I spent weekends on the kibbutz while studying at
Hebrew University, we would sign up on the communal carsharing sheet in the dining hall for lifts back to Jerusalem. I
never gave much thought to the continual negotiation that
kibbutz life requires, particularly for members who wished
to study or work off the kibbutz. I took my desire to pursue
a PhD for granted and never gave much thought to the idea
that kibbutzniks had to apply for permission to take time
away from kibbutz work to pursue a graduate degree or a career in the city.
Still, I loved the physical freedom of kibbutz life and the
easy familiarity of seeing the same faces and watching the
same kids grow up together. I loved picking pecans from the
tree outside our flat, eating pomelos from the field, and riding a combine harvesting potatoes sprouting from the red
earth. I was grateful to be a tiny part of the Israeli pioneering
dream of creating a New Jewry, one who was able to help reconstitute the Jewish nation through dint of physical labour
– even if only for several memory-building months.
Mira Sucharov, an associate professor of political science
at Carleton University, blogs at
Canada no longer captive to the U.S. market
On April 2, while visiting Washington, Prime Minister
Stephen Harper said Canada is no longer “captive” to the
U.S. energy market. The comment was a result of the rejection Canada faced from the Keystone XL oil pipeline
Having been kept captive through discriminatory policies, as well as pressures by various administrations over
the years, Canada has had but one major oil customer: the
United States of America. Under pressure this election year,
U.S. President Barack Obama decided to forgo all the potential jobs the pipeline could have brought to the U.S. and
fell in line with the pseudo-environmental lobby funded by
deep-pocketed U.S. oil interests.
Harper’s comment reflected an awakening fed by the
protectionist attitude of Obama and the Democratic Party
We in Canada were dealt yet another blow by the United States with our entry into the U.S. and Asia-Pacific region free trade agreement, hitting stumbling blocks linked
to highly protectionist American policies opposing Canada’s farm supply management systems.
The Obama administration seems willing to hold Canada captive again over tariff protection that benefits fewer
than 20,000 dairy and poultry farmers. The administration
and the president have delivered the message repeatedly,
most recently on at least two occasions, in November and
now again in April, giving new meaning to the concept of
negotiating from a position of weakness for the Obama administration.
Also on April 2, Bank of Canada Governor Mark Carney, speaking in Waterloo, Ontario, delivered a significant
message for Canadian business that emerging markets are a
key to export growth. This is also part of our recent collective awakening regarding the evolution of relations with
our largest trading partner.
While he indicated that external “headwinds” have
forced him to keep interest rates low, he pointed out the
United States economy is still having difficulty recovering
from its deep financial crisis. His message on Europe was
not much brighter. He noted that it had “moved from the
acute to the chronic.”
While Carney, as Bank of Canada governor, can’t be politically motivated, we can see a unified message being signalled to our business leaders that our traditional customers
in the U.S. will no longer be able to afford us, or even need
us, for a long time. Businesses, manufacturers and exporters need to focus elsewhere and forget about waiting for
“a more favourable exchange rate.”
This attitudinal change resulting from our slow awakening, our realization that our energy market has shifted,
should lead manufacturers and innovators to target emerging markets with business cultures that may be different
from our own, but have needs that Canada can fulfil.
This shift in attitude is not good news for our next-door
neighbour weighted down by its slow-growing protectionist economy.
“We cannot be, as a country, in a situation where really
our one, and in many cases only, energy partner could say
no to our energy products,” said Harper while being interviewed at Washington’s Woodrow Wilson International
He further indicated that Canadian oil is sold at a discount because our country is a captive supplier.
“For us, the United States cannot be our only export
market. That is not in our interest, either commercially or
even as I say in terms of price,” said Harper.
Releasing ourselves from captivity seems to be the key
to our economic growth and progress.
We are facing huge opportunities in emerging markets
such as China and India. Knowing where the emerging
markets are doesn’t help us as much as knowing how to tap
them. As businesses, we need favourable policies, both nationally and with our international trading partners, which
allow us to compete in this global market. The Harper government’s budget, delivered March 29, had a perfunctory
tip-of-the-hat to business with some innovation funding,
most of which would eventually be earmarked for academic institutions, but where the money will probably escape
the grasp of those who could really use it to develop marketable products.
As Carney said, “This is an adjustment that one can’t
change overnight, but it’s something we believe needs to be
Carney also stressed the need for continuing investment.
“Business investment has picked up quite smartly, but it
needs to sustain, for competitive imperatives and really to
take advantage of the opportunities that are out there.”
As we deal with our release from captivity to the American market, we need to move quickly, with laser-like focus
and very little distraction. As a small country with limited
business and manufacturing capability, we cannot afford
any more fatalities such as Nortel or RIM, which peaked
early, but were ultimately unable to sustain themselves.
Oliver Javanpour is a public policy and international
relations adviser in Ottawa.
Page 22 – Ottawa Jewish Bulletin – April 23, 2012
The Gospel according to Shmuley
Kosher Jesus
By Rabbi Shmuley Boteach
Gefen Publishing House
241 pages
Rabbi Shmuley Boteach, the self-declared “America’s
rabbi,” author of Kosher Sex, has ventured into what would
seem risky territory for an Orthodox rabbi.
His new book, Kosher Jesus, seeks to reclaim Jesus as
an observant Jew who never claimed to be divine, as a rabbi
and as a fighter against the Roman oppression of his people. Unluckily for his Orthodox credentials, but luckily for
his prospective book sales, the book has been declared
heretical by Rabbi Immanuel Shochet, a respected Torontobased Chabad Lubavitch rabbi. (Rabbi Boteach began his
career as a Chabad emissary, but is no longer associated
with the movement.)
Rabbi Boteach cites the writings of the late scholar
Hyam Maccoby as his main source in the book. Maccoby
attributed the creation of Christianity to Paul – who never
met the actual Jesus, but had a vision of the resurrected and
crucified Christos. While this is not a novel idea, Maccoby
was particularly tendentious in his view of Paul as a convert
to Hellenistic Judaism who had a special interest in transforming the heroic Galilean rabbi into a demigod that even
non-Jews could access through faith. In this way, actually
observing Jewish kashrut and other laws would not be
necessary. In Macoby’s interpretation, Paul and the evangelists go further in placating the Romans by minimizing the
role of Pilate and blaming the Jews for the Crucifixion of
Rabbi Boteach sees Kosher Jesus as countering the negative image of the Jews that resulted and was thus a main
contributor to traditional Christian anti-Semitism.
Unfortunately, Rabbi Boteach is no scholar and any perusal of the literature will show that some of his and Maccoby’s ideas are not well grounded and not proven. The
book, however, is an easy read and is presented as the truth,
no questions asked. The style of writing is simple and
straight forward, as in a TV show or a commercial. Rabbi
Boteach has a certain facility with this type of communication and knows how to garner attention.
Yet, in some ways, it is Rabbi Boteach’s communication
skills that have led him into trouble. The attention-grabbing
title itself could lead one to believe that it is the Christian
Take a hike – it’s a good thing
Need a change from the gym? Hiking is an excellent way
to enjoy a workout in the great outdoors. Hiking typically
takes place on a trail that has some rough terrain and requires
moderate to heavy exertion – quite different from walking on
a flat, smooth surface such as pavement.
During March break, my 11-year-old son Joshua and I
spent a week in Phoenix, where my passion for hiking was
reignited and his was sparked. The mountains in this desert region are brown, rocky and dotted with cacti. Piestewa Peak,
rated as a moderately difficult hike, rises up from the heart of
My sister-in-law, nephews, Joshua and I began our ascent
before 7:00 am in order to beat the midday heat. Although I’m
quite fit, I found the trail more difficult than I’d anticipated.
Most of the 1.2 mile trail has a rather steep incline, with uneven surfaces and rocks jutting out at different angles. At
some points, I had to use my hands to pull myself up over
boulders. I enjoyed the challenge.
The desert heat, coupled with the physical exertion of an
uphill trek, made me stop several times to catch my breath.
My heart was pounding. Piestewa Peak is nature’s gym! Some
very fit runners who go there regularly were running all the
Subscription about to lapse?
Call 613-798-4696,
ext. 256 or 242.
Book Review
way to the top. Several seniors told us they hike Piestewa
every weekday morning. Hiking is a wonderful way to stay in
shape at any age.
A mountain is a metaphor for life. If you can make it to the
top, you can achieve anything. My sister-in-law and I took an
hour to get to the summit. The boys got up much faster. We
rested for a few minutes, enjoyed the panoramic view of the
city, and replenished ourselves with water, bananas and almonds. Hiking down was easier but still required paying attention to our footing.
Fortunately, I wore hiking shoes. Without proper footwear,
one can easily stub a toe or twist an ankle. I also used Nordic
walking poles I bought last summer when I went hiking with
my husband in Slovakia. Using poles for walking and hiking
is popular in Europe and is slowly catching on in North America. Because the contact between the poles and the ground
provides one’s upper body with resistance, I sometimes use
poles to convert a simple urban walk into a full body workout.
You burn more calories using poles, and there’s less perceived
exertion, so you can go longer.
I would recommend a moderately challenging hike, like
the one I did in Phoenix, for people who are reasonably fit.
Deconditioned people, or those with joint or balance issues,
would find this level of difficulty unsuitable. On one of the
days that we hiked Piestewa, there was a news report in
Phoenix that someone had fallen and had to be airlifted to a
hospital. Apparently, that’s a fairly common occurrence.
Many of the people who get injured are tourists who come unprepared. There was also a report that, tragically, a 55-yearold man died of a heart attack while hiking Piestewa in the afternoon heat.
version of Jesus that is kosher. Indeed, the cover design of
the book increases that possibility as it shows the right side
of a living man, wearing an ancient robe, with a hole in his
open palm. Isn’t that the Christian vision of a risen crucified body? Doesn’t that give the title, Kosher Jesus, a particular meaning?
In the book itself, Rabbi Boteach goes out of his way to
explain how a Jewish version of Jesus would be very different and he details why Jews could never accept Jesus the
way Christians do. But one can readily see why those fighting against proselytizing would instantly react to this presentation in a negative way and why Rabbi Shochet found
the book dangerous.
Rabbi Boteach has said he was trying to build a bridge
to Christian evangelicals who are strong supporters of Israel with this book. He makes an impassioned appeal to
them on the basis of “American values,” which he manages
to portray as being more Jewish than Christian!
While the portrait he gives of Jesus as an early Zionist
ready to fight the Romans may appeal to this audience, rabbinic tradition has generally viewed the Zealots as part of
the problem of sinnat chinom (mindless hatred) that caused
the destruction of the Second Temple.
The tendentious presentation of Paul, the evangelists and
the Church fathers as anti-Semitic falsifiers of Jesus’ words
might also rub people the wrong way despite Rabbi
Boteach’s consistent proclamation of love and outreach in
bringing us the good news of Jesus as a Jew.
Given the limitations of the book, however, it emerges as
just another Gospel where the central figure looks and
sounds a lot like the author.
on Fitness
The second day we hiked, our time to get to the summit improved. The next day, I was curious to try a different mountain, so I called my friend who lives in Phoenix. She is in her
70s, but very active. She took Joshua and me to Shaw Butte
where we joined her friends for their weekly hike. The Shaw
Butte trail is a neglected gravel road that is now used for hiking. It has a smoother, more manageable surface than
Piestewa’s rugged trails. Still, it was uphill all the way and
very good exercise. Descending Shaw Butte was fun for me
because it was perfect for running.
While Phoenix has numerous peaks with magnificent
vistas, you don’t have to travel to a different country to
have a wonderful hiking experience. There are many trails
right here in Ottawa-Gatineau. You can find a lot of information about them on such websites as
Wherever you go, be sure to err on the side of caution. Go
prepared with layered clothing and appropriate footwear, adequate water and food, and, optionally, poles. Hike with other
people, bring a cell phone (it may not work everywhere) and
choose a route that is well suited to your fitness level. Happy
trails to you!
[email protected].
April 23, 2012 – Ottawa Jewish Bulletin – Page 23
Our future is in your hands
Ottawa Jewish
To make a donation and/or send a tribute card,
call Jessica Borenstein (613-798-4696 ext. 274)
e-mail: [email protected] • website:
Join us in building our community
by supporting these local agencies
In memory of:
Avrum “Avie” Rapoport by Leila and Stuart
Ages and family.
Geety Freedman by Sunny and Johnny Tavel.
Minnie Milson by Mitchell Bellman and
Nicola Hamer.
Sylvia (Sue) Slack by Cindi and Mark Resnick
and family.
Birthday wishes to:
Sol Shabinsky by Marilyn and William
In memory of:
Sam Szpirglas by Cindi and Mark Resnick and
The Board of Directors of the Ottawa Jewish Community Foundation
acknowledges with thanks contributions to the following funds as of January 31, 2012.
In memory of:
Minnie Milson by Joel and Barb Diener.
Sylvia (Sue) Slack by Joel and Barb Diener.
In memory of:
Irving Taylor by Lois and Bob Abelson; and by
Tracey Kronick and Al Abelson.
In memory of:
Minnie Milson by Donna and Bernard
Birthday wishes to:
Helen Polowin by Mike Dover and Debora
Dover-Paisley and families.
In memory of:
Irving Taylor by Lily Feig.
Ethel Murray by Lily Feig.
In memory of:
Sylvia (Sue) Slack by Carolyn, Stephen,
Jonathan, Suzanne and Aaron Appotive; and by Eric
Happy Passover to:
Sandra and Jacie Levinson and family; Peter and
Pam Stelcner and family; Peter and Debra Szirtes
and family; Sandi and Eddy Cook and family;
Sandy Goldberg and John Jussup and family; Allan
and Michelle Kufsky and family; Lawrence and
Sharon Weinstein and family; Elissa Lieff and
David Resnick and family; Norman Lieff and
Francie Greenspoon and family; Mark and Cindi
Resnick and family; Andy and Joany Katz and family; Irving and Claire Bercovitch and family; Bruce
Bercovitch and Karin Bond and family; Jason and
Sabrina Bercovitch and family; Phil Firestone and
Susan Caplan-Firestone and family; Ida Firestone
and family; Bob and Lindsay Firestone and family;
Norman and Elsa Swedko and family; Irving and
Beverly Swedko and family; and Brian and Alicia
Bailey by Sam and Susan Firestone and family.
Mazal Tov to:
Elsa and Norman Swedko on the arrival of their
granddaughter Phinley Jordana Boulet by Sam and
Susan Firestone.
Happy Passover to:
The Katz family by Betty Baylin.
Norman and Isabel Lesh by Betty Baylin.
In memory of:
Norman Beiles by Gita and Gerry Pearl.
Mazal Tov to:
Noah Bellman on his Bar Mitzvah by Donna
and Bernard Dolansky.
In memory of:
Irving Taylor by Claire and Irving Bercovitch.
Happy Passover to:
Pearl Orenstein by David and Judith Kalin and
In memory of:
Doris Leibovitch by Deborah Cohen and family.
In memory of:
Vivian Caplan by Sandi and Eddy Cook.
Jennifer Berezowski by Sandi and Eddy Cook.
Sylvia (Sue) Slack by Sandi and Eddy Cook.
Doris Leibovitch by Sandi and Eddy Cook.
R’Fuah Sh’lemah to:
Sandra Levinson by Sandi and Eddy Cook.
Mazal Tov to:
Steve and Sue Rothman on the birth of their
granddaughter Naia by Sandi and Eddy Cook.
Robert Houston by Sandi and Eddy Cook.
Birthday Wishes to:
Sol Shabinsky by Sandi and Eddy Cook.
Happy Passover to:
Sylviane Borenstein; Carol and Stanley
Kershman; and Barbara Crook and Daniel Greenberg by Sandi and Eddy Cook and family.
In memory of:
Naomi Bulka a special lady by Earl and Bruria
In observance of the Yahrzeit of:
Frank Florence by A.L., Ann and Leanne Smith.
In memory of:
Irving Taylor by Alfred and Kaysa Friedman.
Norman Beiles by Alfred and Kaysa Friedman.
Joe Cassey by Alfred and Kaysa Friedman.
Birthday wishes to:
Sol Shabinsky by Alfred and Kaysa Friedman.
Mazal Tov to:
Sunny and Johnny Tavel on the marriage of
Ross to Mary by Alfred and Kaysa Friedman.
Condolences to:
Len and Sandra Albert on the loss of your father
by Fran and Sid Gershberg.
Birthday wishes to:
Leon Gluzman by Trevor Shannon and family.
In memory of:
Trevor Teitus by Ron and Marilyn Goldberg.
In memory of:
Irving Taylor by Dina and Herb Gosewich.
Continued on page 24
Page 24 – Ottawa Jewish Bulletin – April 23, 2012
In memory of:
Ethel Murray by Barbara and Sydney
Irving Taylor by Barbara and Sydney
Charles Baker by Barbara and Sydney
In memory of:
Sylvia (Sue) Slack by Linda and Murray
Greenberg and family.
Irving Taylor by Linda and Murray Greenberg
and family.
Evelyn Thomson by Debbie, Norm and Vicky
Condolences to:
Eji Tadesse on the passing of his father by
Natalie and Tom Gussman.
In memory of:
Irving Taylor by Natalie and Tom Gussman.
Anniversary wishes to:
Monica and Alvin Stein by Larry and Sheila
In memory of:
Doris Leibovitch by Pauline Hochberg.
In memory of:
Irving Taylor by Deanna Sadinsky, Arthur Karp
and Carol Cloutier and families.
In memory of:
Vivian Caplan by David and Joy Kardish.
In memory of:
Vivian Caplan by Roz and Arnie Kimmel.
In memory of:
Vivian Caplan by Sandra Zagon.
Mazal Tov to:
Larry Lithwick and Denise Bisson on the birth
of their grandchild by Sandra Zagon.
Birthday wishes to:
Carol Froimovitch by Clair Krantzberg.
In memory of:
Rhoda Abbey by Sydney Kronick and Barbara
Condolences to:
Myles Taller and family on the loss of Toba by
Debi and Neil Zaret; and by Sydney Kronick and
Barbara Sugarman.
Mazal tov to:
Graciela and Buddy Steinberg on Jessica’s en-
The Chair and Board of Directors
of the
Ottawa Jewish Community Foundation
cordially invite all fund holders and members
of the Community to attend the
OJCF Annual General Meeting
Wednesday, June 13th, 2012
Doors Open: 7:00 pm
Call to Order: 7:30 pm
Dessert Reception to follow proceedings
G.J. Cooper Scholarship Award Presentation
Zelikovitz Family Social Hall of
The Joseph and Rose Ages Family Building
21 Nadolny Sachs Private
RSVP prior to May 28th, 2012 is appreciated
to Rebecca Nagrodski
at 613-798-4696 ext 252 or at [email protected]
A copy of the meeting materials will be available
on our website prior to the AGM.
“Our Future is in Your Hands”
gagement to Harley from Debi and Neil Zaret.
Speedy recovery to:
Shirley Cohen by Debi and Neil Zaret and family.
Happy Passover to:
Elliott and Sally Levitan and family by Sydney
Kronick and Barbara Sugarman; and by Richard
and Alice Kronick and family.
Evelyn Lieff and family by Sydney Kronick and
Barbara Sugarman.
Henry Molot and family by Sydney Kronick and
Barbara Sugarman.
Charlie and Seryl Kushner by Richard and Alice
Kronick and family.
In memory of:
Irving Taylor by Edie Landau.
Birthday wishes to:
Ethel Kesler by Stan and Libby Katz.
In memory of:
Minnie Milson by Norman and Isabel Lesh.
In observance of the Yahrzeit of:
A very dear Zaida, Daniel Hansen by Norman
and Isabel Lesh and family.
Mazal Tov to:
Claire and Irving Bercovitch on Bruce’s engagement by Norman and Isabel Lesh and family.
In memory of:
Jack Weinman by Ron and Ruth Levitan.
Stan Hyman by Ron and Ruth Levitan.
Doris Leibovitch by Ron and Ruth Levitan.
Speedy recovery to:
Nathan Wesler by John and Estelle Liberman.
In memory of:
Joseph Lieff by Sunny and Johnny Tavel; and by
Tina and Howard Pleet.
Irving Taylor by Evelyn Lieff.
Birthday wishes to:
Bernice Resnick by Evelyn Lieff.
In memory of:
Doug Ritz by Yvonne and Harvey Lithwick.
Birthday wishes to:
Ethel Malek by Eileen Landau and family.
In memory of:
Sylvia (Sue) Slack by Ann May and family.
In memory of:
Doris Leibovitch by Debbie Halton-Weiss and
Ron Weiss; by Helen and Rick Zipes and family; by
Carol and Laurie Pascoe; Mitchell Bellman and
Nicola Hamer; by Donna and Bernard Dolansky; by
Susan and Gillie Vered; by Leonard Shore and Jane
Ehrenworth; and by Roz and Arnie Kimmel.
In memory of:
Mario Edery by Percy and Shelley Ostroff.
Sylvia (Sue) Slack by Percy and Shelley
Doris Leibovitch by Percy and Shelley Ostroff.
In memory of:
Irving Taylor by David and Joy Kardish.
In memory of:
Gerty Budovitch by Sunny and Johnny Tavel.
Speedy recovery to:
Suzanne Boggild from Phyllis and Alan Rackow.
In memory of:
Sylvia (Sue) Slack by Penny and Gordon
In memory of:
Minnie Milson by Anita Rosenfeld and Florence
Doris Leibovitch by Florence Rosenfeld.
Anniversary wishes to:
Evelyn and Norman Potechin by Florence and
Anita Rosenfeld and Jocelyn Slack.
Happy Passover to:
Evelyn Greenberg and family; Brent and Risa
Taylor and family; Charles and Rose Taylor and
family; Charles and Malca Polowin; and Susan and
Mark Korn and family by Sheldon and Corinne
Taylor and family.
In memory of:
Norman Beiles by Sheldon and Corinne Taylor.
Gloria Roseman by Sheldon and Corinne Taylor.
Mazal Tov to:
Stephen and Susan Rothman on the birth of their
granddaughter Naia by Sheldon and Corinne Taylor.
In memory of:
Doris Leibovitch by Shelley Rothman.
Birthday wishes to:
Sol Shabinsky by Zelaine and Sol Shinder and
family; by Ethel and David Malek; and Bea and
Murray Garceau.
Mazal Tov to:
Laya and Sol Shabinsky on the engagement of
Adam and Sharon by Zelaine and Sol Shinder.
Andrea Borer on the engagement of Adam and
Sharon by Zelaine and Sol Shinder.
Happy Passover to:
Mr. and Mrs. Norman Lesh and family; Mr. and
Mrs. Daniel Kimmel and family; and Mr. and Mrs.
Continued on page 25
April 23, 2012 – Ottawa Jewish Bulletin – Page 25
Arnold Kimmel and family by Carol-Sue and Jack
Shapiro and family.
Mazal Tov to:
Leonard Shore and Jane Mirsky on Amanda’s
In memory of:
Vivian Caplan by Leonard Shore and Jane
In memory of:
Doris Leibovitch by Jack and Sarah Silverstein.
Speedy recovery to:
Sam LeBauer by Lester and Myra Aronson.
In memory of:
Sylvia (Sue) Slack by Noreen Slack and Gerald
Redmond; by Daniel and Marilyn Kimmel; by
Mitchell Bellman and Nicola Hamer; by Rona and
Ron Eisenberg and family; by Sheila and Stephen
Zinman; by Myra and Lester Aronson and family;
by Donna and Eric Levin; by Darryl Duncan; by
Bonnie and Paul Bowering; by Maurice Young; by
Sharon Appotive; by Jeff Appotive; by Felice and
Solly Patrontasch; by Sheldon and Corinne Taylor;
Heidi and Steve Polowin; by Debi and Neil Zaret
and family; by Gloria and Dan Zwickler; by Dr.
Steven Poleski and Ms. Sandra Pollack; by Marty
and Ellie Black; by Leonard Shore and Jane
Ehrenworth; by David and Sharon Appotive and
family; and by Ann and Phil Morganstein.
In memory of:
Irving Taylor by Doris and Richard Stern.
In memory of:
Earl Greenberg by Beverly and Irving Swedko.
In memory of:
Millie Milson by Carol-Sue and Jack Shapiro;
by Bess Swedlove.
Happy Passover to:
Mr. and Mrs. David Kardish and family; Mr. and
Mrs. Sol Shinder and family; Rabbi and Mrs.
Arnold Fine and family; Mr. and Mrs. Allan Baker
and family; Rabbi Scott Rosenberg and Amy
Goldman and family; and Cantor and Mrs. Daniel
Benlolo by Carol-Sue and Jack Shapiro and family.
Anniversary wishes to:
Evelyn and Norman Potechin by Sally Taller.
In memory of:
Doris Leibovitch by Sally Taller.
In observance of the Yahrzeit of:
Jack Smith by Leslie and Maureen Smith.
In memory of:
Irving Taylor by The Stein, Cohen and Sinzilet
Families; by Colonnade Development Inc.; by Len
and Barbara Farber; by Beverly Shapiro; by Robert
Kerzner; by Murray and Bryna Cohen; by Susan
Poplove, Ed Freeman and family; by Harriette and
Saul Brottman; by Marilyn and Ron Goldberg; by
Jennifer Martin; Jeffrey and Felice Pleet; by Sam
and Dora Litwack; by Evelyn Eisenberg; by Allan
and Maria Taylor; by Leslie and Martin Wiseman
and family; by Sheri Krell; by Carol and Laurie
Pascoe; by Dr. Kevin Librach; by Jackie and Kevin
Barwin and family; by Heidi and Steve Polowin; by
Susan and Gillie Vered; by Rakesh Sondhi and the
Scotiabank Ottawa East Branch; by Donna and Ivan
Betcherman; and by Gary and Jody Roodman.
Mazal Tov to:
Jane Steinberg on the birth of her grandson by
Avalee and Ron Prehogan.
In memory of:
Minnie Milson by the Weisman-Taylor family.
Birthday wishes to:
Irving Slone by Stuart and Carol Levine.
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In memory of:
Earl Greenberg by Susan and Joel Greenberg.
Sarah Dichter by Barbara and Gerald Thaw.
Happy Passover to:
Dorothy Nadolny and family; and Mr. and Mrs.
Stan Hitzig and family by Barbara and Gerry
In memory of:
Sarah Dichter by Lise, Mark, Alayna and Bryan
In memory of:
Sylvia (Sue) Slack by Susan and Gillie Vered.
Birthday wishes to:
Sol Shabinsky from Stephen and Gail Victor.
Sandra Slover by Stephen and Gail Victor.
In memory of:
Sylvia (Sue) Slack by Stephen and Gail Victor.
Doris Leibovitch by Stephen and Gail Victor.
In memory of:
Doris Leibovitch by Ruth and Joe Viner.
Sylvia (Sue) Slack by Ruth and Joe Viner.
Jack Baylin by Ruth and Joe Viner.
In memory of:
Vivian Caplan by Evelyn Lieff.
Providing support for services and programs
that directly benefit women and children.
In memory of:
Sylvia (Sue) Slack by Rhoda and Joe Levitan
and family.
Doris Leibovitch by Rhoda and Joe Levitan and
Birthday wishes to:
Leiba Krantzberg by Rhoda and Joe Levitan and
Mazal tov to:
Carol and Laurie Pascoe on the birth of Jake
Louis Pascoe.
Birthday wishes to:
Evelyn Potechin by Len and Mary Potechin.
Anniversary wishes to:
Evelyn and Norman Potechin by Len and Mary
Mazal Tov to:
Robert Houston on being honoured by the
Advocate Society by Laurie Nadolny and Bill Green.
In appreciation to:
Lisa Rosenkrantz by Lawrence and Carol
Pascoe; and by Byron Pascoe.
In memory of:
Sylvia (Sue) Slack by Laurie Nadolny and Bill
R’fuah Sh’lemah to:
Neil Bordelay by Millie Weinstein.
In memory of:
Vivian Caplan by Laurie Nadolny and Bill
In memory of:
Steffi Halton by Jackie and Kevin Barwin.
Mazal Tov to:
Allegra and Marlin Pearl on winning 2nd place
in the OJCS Science Fair and student of the month
awards by the Pearl/Marcovitch family.
Birthday wishes to:
Sol Shabinsky by Debi and Neil Zaret and family.
Condolences to:
Heather Baldwin by Helen and Rick Zipes.
David Follows and family by Helen and Rick
Mazal Tov:
Sue and Steven Rothman on the birth of their
granddaughter Naia by Rick and Helen Zipes.
Joel and Sarah Rothman on the birth of their
daughter Naia by Rick and Helen Zipes.
In memory of:
Doris Leibovitch by Rony and Dekel Podolsky.
Contributions may be made online at or by contacting Jessica
Borenstein at 613-798-4696 extension 274,
Monday to Friday or by email at [email protected]. Attractive cards are sent to
convey the appropriate sentiments. All donations are acknowledged with a charitable
receipt. We accept Visa, MasterCard and
In Appreciation
We would like to thank all of our family and friends for their
donations, cards, meals and expressions of sympathy on the loss
of our dear wife, mother, grandmother, Ethel Murray. Your
thoughtfulness was appreciated during this time.
Abe, Lisa, Ian & Isaac Murray
Page 26 – Ottawa Jewish Bulletin – April 23, 2012
Jewish students made their presence felt this year on campus
Passover doesn’t simply – well, for lack of a better term
– pass over for students once it’s finished.
Despite having final papers to write and exams to study
for, Passover forces us all to take a seat at the seder table and
consider what and why we’re celebrating, rather than solely
doing it out of tradition or habit.
More than a holiday, it’s a time for reflection – and that
mentality lingers long after the yontif ends.
For Jewish students, our people’s history of oppression
and redemption isn’t the only thing we have to reflect on during the month of April. April marks the last month in our academic calendar.
While we recall the hardships the Jewish people endured
when they were enslaved in Egypt and rejoice at their freedom, we can also acknowledge that, on a much lesser scale,
we students have just been released from the shackles of our
You see, university courses and extra-curricular activities
can be more than just time consuming. They can take over
your entire life leaving practically no time for anything else,
including the Jewish community.
In other words, when you haven’t slept all week, you’re
less likely to join Rabbi Chaim Boyarsky for a Shabbat dinner at the Chabad House; attend the Purim kegger Hillel and
the Jewish fraternity, Alpha Epsilon Pi, are throwing; or
make it out to see a Jewish speaker who’s coming to campus.
And that’s in a good week, when you don’t have several
other conflicting commitments.
I’ll admit that, at this point in the school year, my eyes
glaze over when I skim a list of events on Facebook, and I’m
now only capable of half listening when people suggest I
partake in certain activities.
It’s the standard college experience: we spread ourselves
thin, and burn ourselves out. But, in the process, have we
neglected our Judaism? It took the Passover season to make
me realize that yes, I have.
On the first night, a new school friend asked if I’d be at
Rabbi Chaim’s that Friday evening. She’d gone to her first
Shabbat dinner there the week before and I doubt she even
knew to expect a Passover seder this time around.
She is Jewish, but wasn’t raised in a Jewish home and has
little knowledge of the religion.
The spark in her eyes when she told me she was beginning to explore her Judaism – her excitement and fascination
– was captivating. Her tone said, “Don’t you see how awesome this is? How could you not come?”
I guess, as veterans of the Jewish community, we start to
take our opportunities for involvement for granted. I hadn’t
been to Shabbat at the Boyarskys’, who run the Chabad Student Network, all year
I was going to Montreal for the seders to see my family,
but I hadn’t done anything on campus to honour the holiday – and it wasn’t the first holiday I’d ignored this year.
And, while I know that’s not a crime, Hillel Ottawa President Alex Izso brought up an interesting point at the Hillel
and Israel Awareness Committee (IAC) year-end recognition
After several years of involvement with Hillel, Izso said
there was a moment when she wanted to take a break and just
be a “normal student.” But then, she said, she realized she
couldn’t do that, because she isn’t a normal student. As Jews,
none of us are.
It’s our responsibility to stand up, defend and represent
our community properly. If we don’t, the stereotypes get free
Reflecting on the year that passed, Hillel updated and improved its website, and the Hillel Holler newsletter. While
minor, these are significant aspects of how the Jewish community is portrayed – to Jews and to non-Jews – on campus.
IAC was successful in keeping the Carleton Undergraduate Students’ Association (CUSA) neutral.
A referendum question proposed by Students Against
Israeli Apartheid (SAIA) asked students to vote on whether
CUSA should support divestment, specifically targeting
companies they claim are involved in Israeli occupation.
When IAC member and CUSA councillor Yaelle Gang
amended the question at council so it asked if students wanted a binding socially responsible investment policy without
singling out Israel, SAIA pulled the question altogether, saying it was stripped of its spirit.
In the CUSA election for next year, Hillel advocated for
the A Better Carleton slate, which put forward a neutral platform as opposed to a divestment-heavy one, and they swept
all of the executive positions.
Plus, Hillel and the IAC’s own Zane Colt was elected undergraduate student representative to Carleton’s Board of
But it wasn’t all success. SAIA’s original divestment
question made it to the Graduate Students’ Association
plebiscite and passed. The kicker: Only 300 of 3,000 graduate students voted. Another kicker: State-owned Iranian television station, Press TV, picked up the story.
But, for better or worse, Jews have had a presence on
campus this year, and that’s all we can really ask for: the
voice we never had in the times we were oppressed and enslaved.
Has using your Jewish voice dropped to the bottom of a
long list of priorities? There’s always next year
Speaking euphemistically, what if we called someone an I-word?
I was sitting minding my own business when I suddenly
felt a sharp stabbing pain in my elbow and became acutely
aware that a funny bone is neither a bone nor funny.
This led me to further reflect that changing the name of
something does not change its nature, even though, socially,
we humans seem to think it does. If someone were to actually call another person ‘N-word,’ would anyone not know
what that meant? Would it soften the blow? “Wassup, mah
What if, from now on, it became forbidden to call someone an ‘idiot’? Instead, we would only be allowed to call
someone an ‘I-word,’ which would be understood to mean
exactly the same thing as ‘idiot.’ This course of action has
the added attraction that it opens up new possibilities for
meaning when one buys an iPhone or an iPad, the exact opposite of a smart phone or a smart pad. Oops! Quick, change
the marketing plan!
There are all kinds of substitute words or euphemisms:
Crud! Good gosh almighty! Cripes! Shucks! Frak!
Nor is this a minor phenomenon. Politicians of all stripes
are masters of circumlocution to avoid using unacceptable or
negative words. Remember when ‘pro-life’ meant anti-abor-
Humour me,
tion and ‘pro-choice’ meant favouring abortion on demand?
Nowadays, we ‘explore for energy’ although we used to drill
for oil. And, no doubt, we feel much more secure since the
police have started doing ‘electronic intercepts’ rather than
wiretapping. It’s amazing what a change of term may seem
to accomplish even though nothing has really changed.
If you ask someone in the Boycott, Divestment, Sanctions
movement against Israel, they might tell you they do not
want to destroy Israel. They just want to replace it with an
Arab state with the same name!
Indeed, the word ‘anti-Semitism’ was once a better
sounding euphemism for Jew-hatred. Supporters of anti-
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in the Ottawa Jewish Bulletin.
Semitism would explain their opposition to Jews was based
on a scientific analysis of culture. In those days, it was possible to say, “I am not for Jew-hatred, but I am proud to say
I support anti-Semitism.” Sadly, Hitler and the Holocaust
made anti-Semitism into such a bad word that almost everyone will now deny supporting it. On the other hand, it has become possible to say, “I am not for anti-Semitism, but I support anti-Zionism,” which, while having the potential to
mean something purely political, is often used as a euphemism for opposition to Jews. Hence, when Stalin and the
Soviets railed against Zionists and their nefarious plots,
somehow all the Eastern European communist parties knew
what they meant and started to remove Jewish communists
from power!
If anti-Zionism ever became unacceptable as a term, another expression would surely rise to convey a similar notion.
Once, a group demonstrating in front of the Israeli Embassy yelled out in Arabic, “Death to the Jews!” The Ottawa
police informed the organizers this was hate speech and
against the law because it promoted hatred against a group.
The next day, the group changed their chant to “Death to Israel!” in English. This was OK because it targeted a state and
not “an identifiable group.”
While our hate laws did not eliminate hatred, they did
help those who feeling hatred to better express themselves!
We should all remember that what used to be called ‘cool’
is now often called ‘hot.’ This is a cautionary tale for those
who put all their eggs in the political correctness basket.
Even if you go to great lengths to avoid terms that have had
negative connotations in the past, you just might end up saying what others wish to understand.
April 23, 2012 – Ottawa Jewish Bulletin – Page 27
‘The amber elixir of life’
If I go to Canadian Blood Services this week to donate a
pint, it’s highly likely my veins will be flowing with a viscous amber liquid, rather than the usual red stuff!
The amount of maple syrup I have consumed in the past
few weeks is shocking. I have been craving it like crazy. I
have it in my oatmeal in the morning. It gets drizzled on my
fruit and yogurt at lunch and at night I slather it on squash,
boneless chicken thighs and salmon. I make salad dressing
Maple and Cayenne Glazed
Serves 4
Created by Anne Burrell
2 (3-pound) chickens, wing tips,
spine and breast plate removed, cut in half
Extra-virgin olive oil
Kosher salt
1 cup real maple syrup
2 teaspoons cayenne pepper
Preheat the oven to 400 F.
Make a small hole in the extra skin on the legs and
poke the end of the drumstick through to form a perfect package. Toss the chicken generously with olive
oil and salt, to taste. Arrange the chicken on a sheet
tray or baking dish lined with parchment paper. Roast
the chicken until it is about 3/4 of the way done, about
20 to 25 minutes. The skin should start to brown and
While the chicken is roasting, combine the maple
syrup and cayenne in a small saucepan over medium
heat. Cook until the syrup is reduced by about 1/2 to
3/4 or until it is very thick and syrupy.
After the chicken has roasted for 20 to 25 minutes,
brush each piece generously with the reduced syrup.
Continue to roast for another 10 to 12 minutes, brushing the skin with the syrup 1 or 2 more times while
cooking. The skin should start to become very dark
and sticky. If the skin starts to get too dark, cover it
loosely with aluminum foil. Transfer the chicken to a
serving platter and let rest about 10 minutes before
with it and even have taken to having a shot of it in my tea
before bed.
Maple syrup, the real stuff, is quite high in manganese
and zinc, so perhaps my cravings are my body’s way of letting me know I have a deficiency of these nutrients. When
I mentioned this to my doctor, she laughed and said it was
highly unlikely. Still, I wonder.
While all of you were giddy with excitement during that
warm spell we had in mid-March, I was suffering from a
moderate panic/anxiety attack. An early spring can wreak
havoc on the maple syrup yield. Sure enough, when I
checked the 2012 Preliminary Maple Syrup Crop Report –
yes, there is such a document – signs were pointing to a
smaller crop than usual this year (70 per cent) and an expected price increase of about five to seven per cent.
The last bottle from my 2011 cache was used to produce
12 dozen maple walnut macarons for our family seders.
Maple syrup buttercream sandwiched between delicate little cookies made with ground walnuts, egg whites and
Acorn Squash
with Sweet Maple glaze
This recipe comes from
Serves 4
2 tablespoons extra-virgin olive oil
2 tablespoons light brown sugar
2 tablespoons real maple syrup
2 small acorn squash (1 pound each), cut in half,
seeds removed
Kosher salt and freshly ground black pepper
Preheat the oven to 425 F.
Mix the olive oil, brown sugar and maple syrup together in a small bowl. Put the acorn squash, cut side
up, in a single layer on a baking sheet. Brush the glaze
on the flesh of the squash and season with salt, and
pepper, to taste.
Put the squash in the oven and roast it until tender
and golden brown, about 40 to 45 minutes. Remove the
squash from the oven and transfer it to a serving dish.
Top with butter and serve.
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with Love
Cindy Feingold
sugar. I will share the recipe with you in next year’s
Passover column.
Here are a few of my current favourite ways of enjoying
the amber elixir of life!
Apple, Dried Cherry
and Pecan Salad
with Maple Dressing
This recipe comes from the September 2002 issue
of Bon Appétit magazine.
1/4 cup mayonnaise (light is fine)
1/4 cup pure maple syrup
3 tablespoons champagne vinegar
(or other white wine vinegar)
2 teaspoons sugar
1/2 cup vegetable oil
1 10-ounce bag of mixed salad greens
2 Granny Smith apples, cored,
cut into matchstick size strips
1/2 cup dried sour cherries
1/2 cup chopped, toasted pecans
For the dressing, whisk together the mayo, maple
syrup, vinegar and sugar in a bowl to blend. Gradually
whisk in oil until mixture thickens slightly. Season to
taste with salt and pepper. Dressing can be prepared
three days ahead and refrigerated. Rewhisk before
For salad, toss greens, apples, cherries and 1/4 cup
pecans in a bowl. Toss with about 4 tablespoons dressing. Divide among salad plates and sprinkle with remaining pecans.
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call Barry Silverman
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* Must have been married within the previous six months
Page 28 – Ottawa Jewish Bulletin – April 23, 2012
April 23 to May 6, 2012
Motorin Munchkins for children 5 and under, sponsored by
the Family Life Centre. Children
must be accompanied by an adult,
9:00 am to noon. Info: 613-7989818, ext. 294.
Mommy and Me Playgroup
for babies and toddlers up to 3
years of age, Rambam Day
School, 31 Nadolny Sachs Private,
11:00 am to 12:00 pm. Info: 613806-7700.
Apr 27
May 4
7:44 pm
7:53 pm
Israeli Folk Dancing, no partner necessary, Ottawa Jewish
Community School, 31 Nadolny
Sachs Private, 7:00 pm. Info:
[email protected].
Playgroup for babies and toddlers, sponsored by the Family Life
Centre. Children must be accompanied by an adult, 9:00 to 11:30
am. Info: 613-798-9818, ext. 294.
Shabbat Shalom for children
5 and under, sponsored by the
Family Life Centre. Children must
be accompanied by an adult, 9:30
to 11:00 am. Info: 613-798-9818,
ext. 294.
National Holocaust Remembrance Day Ceremony, organized by the Canadian Society for
Yad Vashem, Canadian War Museum, 1 Vimy Place, 3:30 pm. Bus
transportation from SJCC avail-
able at 2:45. To reserve a seat on
bus: 613-798-4696, ext. 253.
Event RSVP and info: 416-7851333.
Shalom Ottawa community
television program on Roger 22.
6:00 pm. (Repeats April 25 at 6:30
Standing Together - Stopping Persecution of Christians
hosted by Rabbi Reuven Bulka,
Machzikei Hadas, 2310 Virginia
Drive, 7:00 pm. Info: 613-5219700.
Yom Hazikaron Ceremony to
honour Israel’s fallen soldiers and
victims of terrorism including a
screening of “A Hero in Heaven,”
7:00 pm. Info: 613-798-9818, ext.
Boomers and Beyond Lunch
Program, sponsored by Jewish
Family Services and Congregation
Beit Tikvah. Topic: “Dental Health
For more community listings,
Select “Click to see
more months”
for Older Adults,” 15 Chartwell Avenue, 12:00 pm. Info: 613-7231800.
Flag Raising Ceremony for
Israel’s 64th Independence Day,
sponsored by the Jewish Federation of Ottawa, Vered Israel Cultural and Educational Program
and the SJCC. Ottawa City Hall,
Marion Dewar Square, 110 Laurier Avenue, 11:30 am. Info: 613798-9818, ext. 243.
Yom Ha’Atzmaut, celebrating
Israel’s 64th Independence Day.
View the premiere of Israel Inside:
How a small nation makes a big
difference. Entertainment for all
ages and Israeli buffet for purchase, CE Centre, Hall 1, 4899
Uplands Drive, 5:00 pm. Info:
613-798-9818, ext. 243.
Love, Terror and an American
Family in Hitler’s Berlin, by Eric
Larson, Agudath Israel Congregation, 1400 Coldrey Avenue, 7:30
pm. Info: 613-829-2455.
Jewish Federation of Ottawa Members’ Meeting for
representatives of member
agencies. Entire community is
invited, 7:00 pm. Info: 613-7984696, ext. 236.
Special Evening with Professor Irwin Cotler, MP: the
TOV Committee of Agudath
Israel Congregation invites the
community to hear Mr. Cotler on
Social Action: If Not Now ...
When? (Hillel), 1400 Coldrey Avenue, 7:00 pm. Info & RSVP:
Screening of Reuven
Shiloah: The Mossad’s First,
documentary about Reuven
Shiloah’s seminal role in the creation of the Mossad, including
introduction by and discussion
with his son Dov, 7:00 pm. Info:
613-798-9818, ext. 243.
JET’s 8th Annual Jewish Unity Live Gala,
featuring guest speaker Kivi Bernhard,
and musical entertainment by Sam Glaser.
National Gallery of Canada,
380 Sussex Drive, 7:00 pm.
Info: 613-798-9818, ext. 247.
Malca Pass Book Discussion Group: Dr. Sid Kardash will
review Garden of the Beasts:
Unless otherwise noted, activities take place at The Joseph and Rose Ages Family Building, 21 Nadolny Sachs Private.
This information is taken from the community calendar maintained by the Jewish Ottawa InfoCentre. Organizations which would like their events to be listed, no matter where they are to be held, should send the information to InfoCentre coordinator Benita Siemiatycki via e-mail at [email protected] or fax at 613-798-4695. She can also be reached by telephone at 613-798-4644. Accurate details must be provided and all events must be open to the Jewish public.
Condolences are extended
to the families of:
Dr. Eva Deri
Doris Leibovitch (née Herscovitz)
Leonard David Zacharoff
May their memory
be a blessing always.
is offered
as a public service
to the community.
There is no charge.
For a listing
in this column,
please call
ext. 274.
Voice mail is available.
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