Sept 2016 Newsletter - Modesto Classic Thunderbird Car Club
Sept 2016 Newsletter - Modesto Classic Thunderbird Car Club
”Lil” Bird Drop-Ins MODESTO AREA CLASSIC THUNDERBIRD CLUB, INC. NEWSLETTER SEPTEMBER 2016 — VOLUME 36 ISSUE #9 — 35TH ANNIVERSARY EDITION Our President’s Thoughts: Where did August go? I thought July blew by, but seems like August went even faster. School is in, watch out for the students. Your schedules have probably been as busy as ours. Hot August Nights in Reno with Joe, Sandy, Jim D. Pat, and her friend was our best ever. Over 6000 cars, including lots of gorgeous T-birds, made it impossible to take it all in. We had a great turnout at English Oaks, including the Rogers, Van Dykes, Hoods, Wigles, Murrisons, Jim Darwin, Jim and Mona, the Martins (with their gorgeous Model A), Jan Peterson, and Donna and I. The English Oaks staff and clientele were very gracious as usual and appreciated the clubs participation. THANKS to all. Keith & Elaine Rogers, along with Don & Bobbi Murrison attended the Fallen Heroes car show. Keith and Elaine received a Fallen Hero award in honor of Steve May. Officers & Chairpersons President: Jim Montavon.............209 522-8830 H 209 872-1333 C Email: [email protected] Vice President: Jim Ridenour……….... 916 342-7590 C So on to September and October for more, more, more club activities. The Reedys and Rogers, with a little help from Donna, have planned our October overnighter for Chukchansi Resort. Ten have signed up, and another five rooms are still available. If you have not signed up please consider joining us! Call Dolly with any questions. Treasurer: We have eleven members, including three cars, going to the CTCI Convention in San Diego in September! Katrina Tellez………… 209 526-6103 We have four, or more, signed up for the Escalon Lion’s Club car show! We have four, or more, signed up for the Del Webb car show in Manteca in October! Most everyone has signed up for our September meeting and social at our house, and likewise for the October meeting in Knights Ferry that will be hosted by Dolly and Earl Reedy! Dolly Reedy, Elaine Rogers, and Bobbi Murrison are working on our Christmas party, and welcome any assistance. Finally we have new members, Greg and Michelle Stitt, of Ripon, with their beautiful 55 Thunderbird! I'm sure I missed or overlooked some things. Wow what an active and great club. THANKS to all of you for continuing to make our club the best! See you in September!! Jim Montavon 1 Email: [email protected] Elaine Rogers………… 209 527-2639 Secretary: CTCI: Don Cose……………… 209 835-2203 Board Members: Earl Reedy……………… 209 823-0258 Keith Rogers…………… 209 527-2639 Newsletter/Publicity: Pat Mason……………… 209 538-1130 Email: [email protected] Sunshine: Shirley Mattos………… 209 521-2498 Give-A-Way: Sandy & Joe Hood…… 209 883-1122 . October ss Two Night Tour Chukchansi Resort There are still rooms available for the two night tour to Coarsegold, and nearby Oakhurst and Yosemite on October 18h and 19th. There are five rooms left at a rate of $62.49* per night including room, tax, and resort fee; free parking, free valet, secure parking in cordoned off area of parking lot or garage, no free breakfast. SEPTEMBER 11TH, NOON Donna and Jim are hosting our September meeting at their home, 2508 Van Derk Circle, Modesto. Trip travel route coordinators are Earl Reedy and Keith Rogers. The route will be back roads, with a 115 mile drive from Modesto. Maps, directions, and details will be given to each participant. If you did not sign up at our August meeting, please give Donna or Jim a call at 209 522-8830. Tuesday evening there is no formal dinner planned, but plan to bring an appetizer to share. Restaurant recommendations will be available. Dolly Reedy & Elaine Rogers will be coordinating this social. Wednesday daytime activity coordinators are Jim and Donna Montavon. Potential activities include Yosemite and Fish Camp Train. Warbirds and Wheels Wednesday evening dinner will be coordinated by Earl and Dolly Reedy and will include the California Buffet at the Casino. September 24 & 25, from 9-5 *NOTE this special room rate is available to us as long as we book a minimum of (10) rooms. Modesto City County Airport The only flying B29 in the World, along with her entourage of WWII aircraft. Entry fee is $10 per person for the day. Includes a pass to display classic car and tour of B29. Form is on our website. Rodney Voumard 4th Janis Martin 7th Elaine Rogers 17th Terry Helton 23rd Jack Martin 27th 2 Special congratulations to Dolly and Earl Reedy who celebrated 60 years of marriage on August 25th. Earl married Dolly Sasser in 1956 in Tracy. They have lived in Manteca 31 years, Dolly and Earl became members of The Modesto Area Classic Thunderbird Club in 1987. The Dented Gas Can Award The “Dented Gas Can Award” came into existence several years ago when Roger Williams volunteered to lead nine of our club’s T-Birds to Quint in Ventura. He told everyone where to meet, when and the route they would take South. A few days before departure he received numerous telephone calls all focused on scheduled stops for gas, food, hydration, and potty breaks. Followed by questions about where and how long. Roger developed a schedule that allowed for hourly stops. It was a fun trip and Roger said he The first T-Birds rollin off the asenjoyed leading the group South. Roger admitted his 57 T-Bird had a high performance 390 engine that was a gas guzzler. Stopping every hour was perfect as he always needed gas. At the business meeting following the trip Roger was awarded with a beat up old gas can which added insult to his need to gas up every hour. Thus the “Dented Gas Can Award” came into existence. Past recipients of this “prestigious” award include Monty Montgomery and Jim Ridenour. At our August meeting Jim Montavon became the latest recipient. It seems that after our July meeting, as Jim and Donna were driving home, Tweety Bird broke down. Jim could not start the car and called Keith Rogers for help. After some serious diagnostics they found the problem… the car was out of gas. 3 Jim & Keith trying to start Tweety Bird Diana May Temperatures soared to over 103 degrees on August 13th, but it did not stop over 100 cars from showing up the Stanislaus County Sheriff’s complex for the Fallen Hero’s Car Show. Keith and Elaine Rogers were honored to be selected by Diana May as the recipient of the Fallen Hero Award honoring her husband, Steve May. Steve was injured in the line of duty fourteen years ago, and in a coma for seven years before his passing. The Walker Ranch in Waterford provided a cool retreat from the hot August weather. With shady oak trees, a river, lots of cool green grass, food and drink, the Waterford Lyon’s Club once again delivered a good venue. Jim Ridenour and Mona Stebbing, along with Don and Bobbi Murrison, represented our club with their beautiful T-Birds. 4 Hello fellow T-Birders, Man has it been a long hot summer. Fortunately, we are on the down slope of the dog days of summer. As a club I believe we have had at least one T-bird in just about every car show in the area and even a few outside the area like Bakersfield and Reno. I know personally I have only attended three car shows so far this year; however , I am registered for three more and I know there will be a few others that will be coming between now and the end of the year. Of course the “BIG” show coming up is the CTCI convention this year being held in San Diego from September 13th through the 18th. Also coming up in September is the Autumn Cruise in Escalon (a club favorite) and a new show “Warbirds and Wheels” where we will be parked on the tarmac near WWII aircraft. Now moving into October (another Club Favorite) we have the Del Webb, Rods and Roadster Car Show in Manteca. These and other car shows can be found on our website at In closing I would to thank all of you who have volunteered to coordinate these individual events by contacting attendees and making arrangements for travel and hotel and all the details involved with a car show or event. It sure makes the life of a VP much easier. Jim Ridenour, Vice President 5 August 19, 2016 Nine T-Birds Strong Jim Ridenour Cruisin’ In Jim Darwin, Sandy & Joe Hood, Jan Peterson Donna Montavon & Tweety Bird Jan Peterson & Jim Montavon Jan & Don Wigle, Katrina Tellez, Don & Bobbi Murrison Keith Rogers, Jack & Janis Martin The guys fixing an overheating problem and Roberta VanDyke 6 1955 Black Thunderbird Owned by Marlon & Terry Helton After selling my first 32 Ford, driving a “normal car” was just too boring. One day while driving past Pete Tersei’s car lot I spied a gray 1955 T-Bird. Pete had bought the car for the soft top to add to his 55 T-Bird. A half hour later I owned that 55 T-Bird. I owned the car for five years until one night, coming home from an all night poker game, a fire hydrant got in my way. Then I found a 1955 T-Bird but it had the wrong transmission, rear end, and other numerous problems. That is when I put together the red 1955 most of you have seen me drive. During one of the early Kiwanis Concourse Shows, Jan Peterson pointed out one of Tony Volk’s cars and gave me a sales pitch as to why I should buy it! I told her a black car without air-conditioning, “No Thanks!” A couple of years later a friend at work asked about finding a T-Bird and I told her about Tony Volk’s black 1955. A short trip to Turlock, a brief test drive, and she was convinced she had to have it! Two years later she was forced to sell it and I found that black car “without air conditioning” in my garage. Since that time the black car has traveled to several QC events, three tips to Seattle, and two trips to Oregon . The most exciting memory was a trip into the Jordan Valley in Idaho. Ten miles of gravel roads, at 10 to 12 miles per hour, is a “not fun” memory never to be forgotten. 7 Modesto Area Classic Thunderbird Club Calendar Date/Place/Time Event Host For Event/Details September 10th, Manteca First Annual Cancer Society Contact: Mark 209 402Car show, 1260 Phoenix Dr 4150 th September 10 , Escalon 23rd Annual Lion's Club Car Doug @968-8473 Show th Sept 11 , Noon Jim & Donna Business Meeting Jim & Donna Montavon, Montavon’s Home 2508 Van Derk Circle, Modesto September 17th- Downtown Hamilton's Main Street For info call Gene Adams Hughson 12 to 6 Classic Car Show 883-9291 th September 17 , 9-1, Manteca Manteca Fire Chief's Third 209 476-8310 Fire Department Annual Car Show, 1465 West Lathrop Rd. th September 18 , Fruityard National Marfan Founda- Call Linda or John Walsh, tion 523-4479 September 13-18, Crowne Pla- CTCI Convention Registration: za Hotel, San Diego Form on our website September 24, Coulterville Coyote Festival Car Show and festival For more information call 209-878-3015 September 24, Santa Cruz, 9-3 Thunderbirds on the Wharf Entry form on our website September 24 -25, Modesto Airport, 9-5 Warbirds and Wheels, 700 Entry form on our website. Tioga Drive, Hanger 1-S [email protected] Entry fee is $10 per person in car. October 8th, Del Webb, Manteca Rods, Roadsters and Cruis- Entry form and map with ing Cars Car Show directions on our website, October 9, Noon, The River's Edge Restaurant, Knights Ferry October 18-19, Club Tour to Chukchansi Resort October Business Meeting/ Dolly & Earl Reedy Tour November 13th, Noon, Famiglia Bistro Ristorante, 2501 McHenry Avenue, Modesto December 11th, Noon Club two night tour – Dolly & Earl, Donna & Jim, Rooms $62.49. Details on and Keith & Elaine page 2 of newsletter. November Business Meeting Keith & Elaine Rogers Christmas Party - Famiglia Bobbi Murrison, Elaine Bistro Ristorante Rogers, Dolly Reedy 8 Modesto Area Classic Thunderbird Club Minutes Papapolloni Mediterranean Bar & Grill, Oakdale, CA August 14, 2016 - Meeting called to order at 12:15 pm Thank you to Ruben and Katrina Tellez for hosting the meeting. There were 34 members and 1 guest in attendance. Reports Treasurer: Elaine Rogers – June/July Expenses: Printing $12.99/15.71, Mailing $7.12/8.01, Website $180.00 for six months. – Income: Give Away $110.00. License plate holders available for $20.00 each. CTCI: Don Cose – Nothing to report. If any member(s) would like to submit an article to CTCI featuring their car Pat Mason is offering to help write and submit the article. Secretary: Katrina Tellez – Correction noted, the misspelling of Reedy in the July minutes; with no other errors reported a motion was made by Jim Ridenour, seconded by Keith Rogers to approve the July minutes as printed in the August newsletter; passed. Sunshine: Shirley Mattos – Everybody had a birthday - no one got a divorce … Cards were sent to August birthday members, and to Anniversary couples. Happy 60th Anniversary to Earl and Dolly Reedy, congratulations! Earl said especially for Dolly for putting up with him for 60 years! ACCC: Keith Rogers – With great consideration, Keith had nothing to report. Newsletter/Publicity: Patricia Mason – Website updated, August meeting ad in Modesto Bee. Meetings/Tours: Jim Ridenour – Meeting sign-up sheets circulated: September 11, at Jim and Donna Montavon’s home; October 9, Hosts Earl and Dolly Reedy at Rivers Edge Knight’s Ferry. CTCI Int’l. Over-night caravan - Jim Darwin changed the stop to Tehachapi, as he was not able to find suitable accommodations in Barstow. Tour sign up sheet circulated; October 18-19, to Oakhurst with a room rate of $62.99 (book your own room); possibly a drive to Chukchansi Casino and Resort or into Yosemite Park, details TBA. Car Shows: AUGUST 19 – English Oaks 5-7; 20th – Waterford $50.00 registration/Walker Ranch 6-10 p.m.; 21st Turlock Fair Grounds – Summer Turlock Swap; 26-27th – Alameda Fairgrounds, Pleasanton Good ‘Guys 30th West Coast Nationals; September 10th Gallo Picnic at the Pops, (music event, no cars) Gallo Winery gate opens at 4/starts at 7:30; October 8th – Del Web in Manteca. See website/calendar for more events. Old Business: Jack and Janis Martin thanked members for their donations to purchase the Blue Diamond Nut Basket, which is loaded with great nut stuff. Marlon and Terry Helton will be delivering the gift basket to CTCI International in San Diego. Jim Montavon, along with the board, reviewed a formal income and expense summary prepared by Keith and Elaine Rogers. It was determined that the proposed raise of $10.00 for membership dues would be sufficient. A motion was made by Jim Ridenour to increase membership dues to $35.00 per year effective January 1, 2017; seconded by Keith Rogers; passed. New Business: None Meeting concluded and closed at 1:50 pm. Respectively submitted by Secretary: Katrina Tellez Give Away: Joe Colvard – Thermometer - T-shirt ~ Patricia - Hot August Nights Chair ~ Roberta – Fuzzy Dice ~ Joe Colvard – Cap ~ Jan Wigle – Thermometer – Pin ~ Earl – Knife ~ Joe Colvard – Wine ~ Jack – Coasters – Window Cleaner ~ Jim Darwin - Thermometer ~ Jim Ridenour – T-shirt ~ Keith – Coasters ~ Jim Montavon – Carburetor Cleaner ~ Joyce – Air Fragrance. 9
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