Contents - Children`s Home Society of Florida


Contents - Children`s Home Society of Florida
Through the generations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
State Board of Directors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
Message from the President . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
Message from the Chair . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
Management team . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
New beginnings … Happy endings
Christine and Camdyn . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
Daralyn’s family . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
Laura and Kaitlyn . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
Cynthia’s family. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
Divisions of CHS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
Executive Directors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
Measures of our success . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
2007-2008 Financial year in review . . . . . . . . . . . 12
2007-2008 Supporters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
Through the generations...
Most were broken and bruised, dirty and
disheveled. Some wandered the streets,
orphaned by the harsh realities of farm
accidents or disease. Others carried with
them frightening memories of abuse,
desperately hoping for security. All needed
love. Guidance. Stability.
The early years
Witnessing the growing population of homeless and abandoned children, compassionate
citizens in Jacksonville joined together on
behalf of these unfortunate orphans. Led by
Rev. D.W. Comstock, community members
formed Children's Home Society of Florida
(CHS) just after the turn of the century…just
after fires destroyed the city, virtually eliminating
philanthropic dollars. But establishing CHS in
the midst of economic turmoil didn’t deter
our leaders from caring for young ones,
securing loving families to nurture even the
frailest of children.With a $414.50 balance
in our 1904 treasury, our small yet dedicated
team found parents for 26 children.
Though funding remained the great hindrance
for progress, even our earliest leaders knew
that if they did their work well, the people
of Florida would “furnish the means and
moral support necessary for saving all of the
suffering children in the state” (Cora Seaton,
Superintendent, 1904-1910).
The silent generation
The people of Florida did not disappoint.
Without any government funding, CHS relied
solely on the generosity of donors to help
protect and nurture children. During decades
dominated by the Great Depression and
World War II, our doors remained open
to the increasing number of children coming
into care.While some families could no longer
afford to provide for their children, others
were desperate to find homes for fatherless
“war babies.” Before the era ended, our daily
family grew to 800 abandoned children.
Thanks to faithful supporters, CHS was
one of few child-serving organizations in
the country to remain financially sound
throughout these years, regarded by children’s
agencies across the nation as one of the
10 largest and most carefully conducted in
the country.
Baby boomers
CHS continued to stand strong, expanding
services, staff and reach even as the nation
faced spiraling inflation and political, economic
and social stresses. In broadening programs
to serve youth with emotional, developmental
and mental challenges, we furthered our
pursuit of family stability and permanency for
all children. Moreover, our growing concern
for child abuse and neglect steered our focus
to include a significant preventive approach,
one we continue to maintain and enhance.
Now with nearly 2,000 employees in 14
divisions blanketing Florida, we’ve strengthened
our commitment to family preservation and
child abuse prevention. In doing so, our
intensified focus on early education and care,
independent and transitional living for teens,
and preserving and empowering families
supports our dream of breaking the tragic
generational cycle of abuse and neglect for
increasing numbers of children. And just as
we have for more than a century, we continue
fulfilling our mission of Embracing Children.
Inspiring Lives.
State Board of Directors
William D. Preston
Robert Moser
Vice Chair
Clarice Brantley, Ph.D.
Samia Ferraro
Dan Lautenbach
Marty Rubin
Richard B.“Dick” Adams, Jr.
Samuel P. Bell, III
Sara Roen Brady
Michele Greene
Kent Guinn
Frank Gulisano
Richard “Dick” Lewis
Farooq Mitha
Sherry Plymale
Cindy Pullen
Miguel Viyella
Victoria Weber
John F.“Jay” Windham
Message from the President
Message from the Chair
Our work isn’t easy. Our responsibilities to protect children and
strengthen families often come with long days and emotional
journeys, but the transformations we witness overshadow any
challenges encountered along the way.
For some of us, the tough economy means cutting back on a few
extras…dinners out, vacations, perhaps cancelling our digital cable.
We may have to adjust our retirement plan or learn to live with
less financial cushion. But for many families served by CHS, the
tough economy means cutting back
on necessities…food, electricity,
Perhaps no challenge is currently more
pressing than the state of the economy,
both regionally and nationally. While
many of us revisit our own family
budgets, we must also remember our
responsibility to care for the vulnerable
children in our communities…those
who have been victimized by abuse,
neglect or abandonment.Those who rely on us for protection, for
shelter, for guidance and love.
During this time of economic healing, it’s important that we join
together for the benefit of the children entrusted to the care of
CHS. With our solid history and long-standing strength, we know
we’ll survive this time of uncertainty. But for thousands of young
ones in our care, their hope for survival hinges on the kindness
of others.
When financial hardships threaten family stability, CHS is called upon
to fortify overburdened families, to guide and educate frustrated
parents, and to protect, shelter and nurture our local children.
Now is the time to take a stand and invest not just in the future
of our children, but also in the future of our community…in the
future of our state…in the future of our country.
As you can probably imagine, the
increased burdens challenging Florida’s
families can put children’s safety at risk,
causing the critical services offered by
CHS to be even more in demand.
Not only do we continue to protect, shelter and nurture children,
but we’re also guiding more teens as they venture into a less
welcoming adult world than ever before. Further, we’re helping
parents learn to manage rising pressures while raising their young
ones in stable, loving homes.
With more children and families relying on CHS, I thank you for
supporting this great organization. As you read further in the report,
you’ll see how your generosity allows compassionate staff to help
young mothers like Christine break the cycle of abuse to give her
son the life she never had. It helps CHS find loving families for
children like Alisha and Alia, who desperately needed a safe, stable
home. And it allows us to join together in providing hope, nurturing,
guidance and opportunities to more than 86,000 children and
adults throughout Florida.
Thanks to the generosity of our donors and partners, and the
unwavering devotion of our volunteers and staff, Florida’s children
still have so much hope for brighter futures. I extend my deepest
appreciation for your support and ask that you continue your
commitment to improve the lives of Florida’s children and families,
especially as they need your help now more than ever.
On behalf of the devoted volunteers we have at CHS, I sincerely
thank you for your support and encourage you to invite your
friends, family and colleagues to experience the difference we can
make for Florida’s children. It’s through the kindness and selflessness
of our caring contributors, dedicated staff and faithful friends that
we’re able to continue bringing hope and happiness to children
and families across the state.
David A. Bundy
William D. Preston
Chair of the Board
Management team
David A. Bundy
Executive Officer
James E. Patrick
Chief Operating
Robert J.Wydra
Chief Financial
Shelley Katz
Vice President
of Operations
Andry Sweet
Vice President
of Operations
Frank Gonzalez
General Counsel
Liz Bruner
Vice President of
Development and
Joan Hughes
Vice President of
Summer Pfeiffer
Corporate Director
of Governmental
New beginnings ... Happy endings
Christine and Camdyn
Christine grew up watching her mom get
high. She witnessed brutal beatings from
boyfriends. And she watched as, time and
time again, her mother returned to abusive
relationships and a drug-addicted lifestyle.
It didn’t take long to begin following in her
mother’s footsteps. Christine dropped out
of school in seventh grade and, shortly after,
turned to drugs.
time she ever had any – she
followed them, determined to
make something of herself. “I
didn’t want him to grow up the
way I did,” Christine says of her
son, Camdyn. “As long as I’m
his mom, nothing bad is ever
going to happen to him.”
Though six months clean by then, Christine
had serious doubts about the life her baby
would have. She soon realized she was on
her own; her entire household was high, and
she needed help.
During her time with CHS,
Christine earned her GED, secured a job,
began college, received her driver’s license,
bought a car and completed the necessary
steps to move into her own apartment with
Camdyn. “I’ve accomplished more here in
two years than I have in my entire life,” she
says. She’s scared to even think of where
she and Camdyn would be without CHS.
She found it at CHS’ Transitions Home, a
residential program serving teen mothers
and their babies. For the first time in her life,
Christine felt safe sleeping at night. While the
rules were tough to get used to – it’s the first
While her days are far from easy, Christine
dreams of one day traveling the world
with her son. For now, she juggles school,
work, chores and spending quality time
with Camdyn.
At 19, she became pregnant by her drugaddicted boyfriend.
Christine credits CHS for teaching her how
to be the mom her son deserves – from
handling finances and understanding her legal
rights to burping her baby and knowing
what to do when he cries.
Aspiring to build a better life for her family,
Christine hopes to earn a master’s degree in
social work and possibly become a therapist.
Led by determination and ambition, she
knows she can help other young women,
just as CHS helped her.
Daralyn' s family
After 20 years of hoping, Daralyn thought
her dream of raising children may never
come true. So, she used her passion for
youth to volunteer at a local drug and
alcohol treatment center for adolescents;
there, she found sisters Jessica and Ashley –
young teens struggling without stability,
without love.
Once Daralyn learned they were available
for adoption, she immediately welcomed
them into her family,
relying on training and resources provided
by CHS. She learned valuable techniques
to prepare her to care for children with
frightening pasts and uncertain futures, and
her natural gift for motherhood shone.
But that was just the beginning.
Daralyn soon received a call she’d long
hoped for – two precious toddlers needed
a family.
Without hesitation, she
brought Alisha and Alia into
her growing family. After
suffering severe abuse at
the hands of their birth
parents, the little girls had
been living in separate
foster homes. Just months
later, Daralyn adopted
them as well. “They always
come in pairs,” Daralyn
says. “I like to reunite, to
keep siblings together.”
It wasn’t long before CHS called Daralyn
again.This time, she opened her home to
newborn twins born addicted to drugs, both
suffering from horrific withdrawal symptoms.
Continuing to draw upon support and
education from CHS, Daralyn cared for the
innocent babies, nurturing and loving them
while they shook and screamed.
A year later, she adopted the twins. And
though she still welcomed foster children,
she doubted she would adopt any more.
Until Angelo arrived. As Daralyn mentored
his birth mother, they both realized she
wasn’t ready to parent her baby. She soon
asked Daralyn to adopt him, too.
Now with five little ones under her roof
and her two grown daughters starting
families of their own, Daralyn will complete
her family as she finalizes the adoption of her
teen foster daughter.
“It’s like a mission,” Daralyn says. “I’ve always
wanted children, always wanted to be a
helper, a rescuer.That’s just my heart.”
Laura and Kaitlyn
After enduring the emotional agony of two
miscarriages, Laura cried tears of sorrow
when she found out she was pregnant
again. She was terrified – terrified she’d
miscarry, terrified she’d somehow hurt
her unborn baby. And more than that, as
a recovering drug addict, she was terrified
that the stress of her pregnancy would
tempt her to use again.
best life possible. And thanks to her
Healthy Start counselor, Laura’s
discovered a myriad of resources
including special programs, books
and DVDs that prepared her for what
to expect after bringing her baby home.
She even found an online support
group for women who were pregnant
while recovering from drug addictions.
But then she learned about CHS and the
Healthy Start Program, which educates,
counsels and helps women throughout their
pregnancy and first few years of motherhood.
Through her involvement, Laura learned how
to manage her stress, focus on her health and
discover new outlets for releasing anxiety.
Throughout her pregnancy, Laura
knew she could count on her
Healthy Start counselor for
support, education and resources.
Whenever she had questions,
her counselor always found
the answers.
“If I wasn’t in Healthy Start, I don’t know
what my stress could’ve caused,” Laura
admits. “It taught me that it’s not about me
anymore; it’s about the baby. She’s the
number one in my life and always will be.”
But perhaps most important to
Laura is how much her counselor
truly cares; vivid recollections of
past conversations and her sincere concern
for Laura and Kaitlyn remain immeasurable.
With baby Kaitlyn now the center of her
world, Laura’s determined to give her the
“CHS was such a big help to me…and it’s
a big help to the community,” Laura says.
“It really changed my life. I’m happy. I have
my child, she’s beautiful and she loves me.
Everything is about her.”
Story photos courtesy of Lisa DeCoursey Photography.
Cynthia' s family
Cynthia readily admits she shouldn’t have
left her young children home alone. And
after being convicted of child neglect, she
paid the price, losing them for nearly two
years. But it wasn’t until her two youngest
came back home that she realized just how
much time had passed…and just how
much she needed a hand.
“There was a readjustment period,” she
explains. “My girls were away … we lost all
bonding.” And shortly after they returned,
Cynthia was forced to quickly find a new
home on limited income and decreasing
wages.Thanks to CHS, she didn’t have to
do it alone.
While working with Cynthia to strengthen
her parenting skills and redevelop the bond
with her daughters, CHS quickly connected
the family with local resources to secure
a new home.To help Cynthia provide a
brighter future for her family, her CHS social
workers assisted her in finding a new job
and enrolling in higher education. But more
than that, they provided guidance on family
building and bonding, from reading and
doing homework together to playing games
and disciplining appropriately.
“The help was never-ending,” Cynthia says.
“You never hear about a program like
this…until you’re in it.They changed my life.”
Moreover, CHS helped Cynthia’s new husband
find a steady job with good benefits – just
in time to provide for his growing family.
Cynthia’s four children already
call him “Pa,” and he hopes to
eventually adopt the two
youngest.Though her older
children live with their birth
fathers, they’re thrilled to have
“Pa” in their lives as well.
future, and she’s learned to never take her
family for granted.
With the support of CHS, Cynthia’s selfesteem has blossomed, equipping her with
the confidence and determination to be “a
better person, a better mother to my children
and a better partner to my husband,” she
explains. “It’s a whole new beginning.”
For Cynthia, life finally seems to
be falling into place.Through CHS,
she’s found local resources for
financial, moral and family support.
She’s learned how to provide the
boundaries her children craved.
She’s learned to dream of a joyful
Divisions of CH s
With more than 100 locations covering the state, CHS serves children and families throughout Florida.
Executive Directors
Cynthia Blacklaw
Western Division
1300 N. Palafox St.
Suite 103
Pensacola, FL 32501-2678
(850) 266-2700
William H.“Buster” Coleman
Emerald Coast Division
914 Harrison Ave.
Panama City, FL 32401-2528
(850) 747-5411
David Overstreet
North Central Division
1801 Miccosukee Commons Drive
Tallahassee, FL 32308-5433
(850) 921-0772
Kymberly Cook
Buckner Division
3027 San Diego Road
Jacksonville, FL 32207-3691
(904) 493-7744
Christine Davenport
North Coastal Division
2400 S. Ridgewood Ave.
Suite 32
South Daytona, FL 32119-3073
(386) 304-7600
Tara Hormell
Central Florida Division
1485 S. Semoran Blvd.
Suite 1402
Winter Park, FL 32792-5508
(321) 397-3000
Lawrence Brooks
Treasure Coast Division
415 Avenue A
Suite 101
Fort Pierce, FL 34950-4260
(772) 489-5601
Stephen Bardy
South Coastal Division
3333 Forest Hill Blvd.
West Palm Beach, FL 33406-5812
(561) 868-4300
Teresa Miles
Brevard Division
3270 Suntree Blvd.
Suite 100
Melbourne, FL 32940-7532
(321) 752-3170
Jennifer Anchors
Mid-Florida Division
605 NE 1st St.
Suite F
Gainesville, FL 32601-3318
(352) 334-0955
Kelly Miles
Gulf Coast Division
8306 Laurel Fair Circle
Suite 160
Tampa, FL 33610-7367
(813) 740-4266
Jackie Gonzalez
Southeastern Division
800 NW 15th St.
Miami, FL 33136-1412
(305) 755-6500
Rebecca McGuire
Intercoastal and Southwest Divisions
Intercoastal Division
401 NE 4th St.
Fort Lauderdale, FL 33301-1151
(954) 453-6400
Southwest Division
1940 Maravilla Ave.
Fort Myers, FL 33901-7135
(239) 334-0222
Measures of our success
CHS creates forever families for children through public, traditional
and international adoptions.We find parents for children – not children
for parents – making every effort to match the parenting potential
of the family with the individual needs of the child. Our goal is to
ensure each adoption provides a child with a loving home for life.
Children and adults receiving adoption-related services . . . 5,194
Finalized adoptions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,090
During fiscal year 2008, CHS finalized more than 27
percent of Florida’s record-setting 3,674 public adoptions
involving children from foster care.
Reuniting families
Promising confidential lifetime maintenance of all adoption records,
CHS offers our birth parents and adoptees the opportunity to
reunite, if both parties consent, as well as the ability to access
and update medical and background information. Reunification
often provides closure and answers for all members of the CHS
adoption triad.
Inquiries received . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,082
Clients served . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 221
Group/residential home care
CHS provides safe homes for children unable to live with their parents,
caretakers or in a foster home. Our group homes offer children a
large, lively “family” nurtured by dedicated staff members who listen
to their hopes, encourage their dreams and guide their decisions.
Children served . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 672
Days of care . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72,605
Permanency, foster care and related services
Our social workers guard the safety and well-being of youngsters in
the state’s child welfare system by securing safe, appropriate homes
for them. We also train, license and support foster parents and
provide temporary out-of-home placement for children removed
from their homes due to abuse, abandonment or neglect.
Children and parents served . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18,000
Licensed homes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 640
Days of care . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 230,041
Independent and transitional living
While preparing for independence, older foster teens participate in
training programs to develop skills necessary to live self-sufficiently,
succeed and grow. Independent living classes and monitored
transitional living arrangements teach teens good decision-making,
budgeting, job skills, daily living skills, nutrition and self-support.
Youth served . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 526
Runaway and homeless youth
We provide shelter, counseling and services such as food pantries,
clothing closets, and health and personal hygiene products to
runaway and homeless youth. Our safe, nurturing environment
coupled with a valuable support system offers hope and stability
to troubled teens and adolescents.
Youth served . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2,204
Early education and care
Our licensed childcare centers encourage proper growth and
development in children while preparing them for academic
success and strengthening family relationships. We also serve niche
populations with specialized programs that nurture children infected
or affected by HIV/AIDS and protect youngsters from inappropriate
courtroom experiences. All of our centers provide children with a
safe environment and promote self-sufficiency in the parents.
Children and family members served. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 454
Hours of care . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43,439
Our two-year $400,000 grant from the W.K. Kellogg
Foundation helped fund Ready by 5 to promote school
readiness in abused and neglected children. Our infant
and toddler mental health experts and child development
specialists were part of a community collaborative
to promote success in school and other settings. Our
partnership with Florida State University provided
specialized training for CHS staff as well as objective
evaluation and research findings.
Developmental early intervention
Through our Early Steps Program, we offer an array of services to
families with infants and toddlers who have health challenges or
developmental delays. Designed to enhance the child’s development
while providing hope and support for the family, this program includes
evaluation and planning, physical and speech therapy, home-based
teaching, nursing and medical services, assistive technology, nutritional
planning, vision and hearing services, family counseling, and transportation.
Children and parents served . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2,860
Healthy child development
Our voluntary home-visiting programs, Healthy Start and Healthy
Families, support expectant mothers and families with young
children. We offer emotional support, education, referrals to other
valuable resources and more. Our goal is to promote positive
parenting skills, child development, child health and other aspects
of family growth to prevent child abuse and neglect while
encouraging strong family relationships.
Children and parents served . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12,316
Home-based and family-centered services
In-home services reinforce family values, resolve conflicts and
improve communication among family members in their natural
environment. Our programs strengthen parenting skills and household management, integrate families into the community, and create
safe, stable, nurturing homes.Through this supportive process, we
provide parents with tools necessary to cope with the daily stresses
of family life.
Children and parents served . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11,247
Through our MODEL Mentoring Program, we match trained
volunteer mentors with children and teens who have an incarcerated
parent. Adult mentors regularly spend time with the youth, offer
friendship and advice, and serve as positive role models. Mentors
provide the special attention and care these youth need to help
reach their full potential, effectively solve problems and grow to
become successful adults.
Children and families served . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2,354
Mentor matches . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 743
Social development and prevention services
CHS staff assesses needs of children and families, often in neighborhood and school settings, to link them with appropriate programs.
We focus on personal and social development, community resources
promoting self-sufficiency and family stability, and services that
strengthen families and educate parents to decrease the likelihood
of child abuse and neglect.
Children, youth and parents served . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9,666
Child protection teams
Our child protection teams assist law enforcement and the
Department of Children and Families with investigations of child
abuse and neglect by providing comprehensive multidisciplinary
assessments of children reportedly victimized. Sensitive to the
trauma children have experienced, our teams offer comfort,
security and privacy during assessments in technologically advanced,
child-friendly centers. While our trained forensic interviewers gently
talk with traumatized children, appropriate parties observe the
interview at a remote location.This state-of-the-art system protects
the majority of child victims from sharing their experiences more
than once and ensures privacy and confidentiality.Throughout the
process, we provide support and resources while making recommendations for families to attain proper diagnoses and treatment
to prevent future crises.
Children served . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4,370
Emergency shelter
Abused and neglected children find safety and love through
temporary shelter and care in a warm, homelike environment. We
gently help start the healing process for these traumatized children
while working with foster, adoptive and birth families to select safe,
appropriate, permanent homes.
Children served . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,148
Days of care . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37,297
Mental health and counseling services
While serving families with children who are emotionally troubled
or have behavioral disorders, we provide therapeutic support for
personal growth and development, as well as intensive support for
serious or chronic mental health issues. A CHS team of coordinators,
therapists and case managers provides guidance and specialized
training to birth, adoptive and/or foster parents, intensive therapy
for children, or linkage to mental health services.
Children and family members served . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7,204
Thanks to a four-year $1.6 million grant we received
from the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services
Administration, CHS’ Trauma Recovery Initiative helps
children who’ve suffered multiple traumatic events such as
child abuse, loss of a parent, severe injury or illness.We’re
proud to partner with the University of South Florida for
the program’s research and evaluation components.This
national grant allows CHS to be one of Florida’s two
projects in the National Child Traumatic Stress Network
operated in conjunction with Duke University and the
University of California, Los Angeles.
Family visitation
Maintaining family relations while a child is in foster care is critical
for the child’s well-being and development. We provide safe,
comfortable settings for visits with parents, siblings and other family
members, promoting healthy relationships and reunification when
appropriate. CHS staff and trained volunteers oversee all visits and
provide role modeling for positive family interactions.
Children and parents served . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3,458
Total children and adults served* . . . . . . 86,156
Total days of care . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 382,382
*Total children and adults served is conservatively calculated based upon
the assumption that, in addition to the child client, at least one additional
family member is served through our placement and in-home programs.
Generous individuals donate valuable time and talent to assist
CHS as we provide quality care and services to Florida’s children
and families. Our devoted volunteers rock crying babies to sleep,
help youth with homework, organize and support fundraising
events, participate in board meetings and strategic planning
sessions, solicit contributions, and advocate to elected officials
for funding and support. Each volunteer is critical to our success,
enabling us to continue providing children and families with hope
for a brighter tomorrow.
Individual volunteers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6,570
Total hours. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 139,129
Total dollar value of volunteer time† . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $2,714,406
Estimated dollar value of volunteer time is based on figures from
Financial year in review 2007-2008
The strong financial health of CHS is testimony to sound planning and hard work by board and staff members, and to the generosity
and vision of donors and funding organizations.
Devoted to the highest level of fiscal responsibility, CHS, as stated in our organizational values, is committed to serve as a “diligent,
responsible steward” of financial resources.To ensure continued fiscal integrity and compliance with all accounting standards, the
accounting firm of McGladrey and Pullen, LLP, annually audits CHS financial records.
Revenue and expenses
Contributions and fundraising revenue
Service contracts
Program fees
Other operating revenue
Operating revenue
$ 112,238,957
Operating expenses
$ 109,231,277
Operating results
The following non-operating expenses
are due to financial market losses and
changes in federal regulations regarding
pension plans.
Non-operating revenue/(expense)
$ (5,430,909)
Decrease in net assets
$ (2,423,229)
Expense by program type
Adoptions and foster care
Child- and family-centered support
Group care, child and parent education
Child abuse and neglect prevention
Behavioral health
Other programs
Resource development
Support services
Total expense
$ 113,298,002
Your dollars making a difference
Here are just a few ways your contributions change lives:
provides one day of care for one child in a group home
provides a family with a full year of child abuse prevention and family strengthening services
$1,416 provides one year of Independent Living services for one youth (not including housing costs)
$2,107 recruits, trains and supports one foster family for one year
$2,665 matches one child with a MODEL mentor for one year
$4,300 finds a loving adoptive home for an infant and ensures confidential counseling for the
birth mother OR rescues one child from an abusive home
*Numbers reflect the average cost for the service. Actual figures may vary slightly according to region.
All contributions to CHS are tax-deductible as allowed by law. CHS is a 501(c)(3) private, not-for-profit organization.
We sincerely thank our supporters who joined the drive against child abuse
by purchasing or renewing a “Stop Child Abuse” specialty license plate.
Every tag purchased provides $25 to protect Florida’s children through
prevention programs offered by CHS and the Florida Network of
Children’s Advocacy Centers.Through 2007, sales and renewals of these
specialty plates generated more than $660,000 to protect our children.
Help us reach $1 million in 2010.
When you help drive the fight against child abuse with our specialty
license plate, you take a stand for children and protect innocent young
ones from suffering by the hands or negligence of those who are
supposed to love them most. Every three minutes, the Florida
Child Abuse Hotline receives another call reporting child abuse
or neglect.Together, we can change that.
You can easily buy or renew
your “Stop Child Abuse”
license plate online at
or by visiting your local tag office.
The “ Stop Child Abuse”
license plate – protecting
Florida’s endangered children.
$50,000 and above cumulative givers
We extend heartfelt thanks to our faithful supporters that have generously and consistently donated to CHS over the years.The following individuals,
organizations, corporations and foundations have each contributed at least $50,000 collectively throughout the years, including at least one donation
during the fiscal year from July 1, 2007, through June 30, 2008. Your ongoing kindness allows us to continually serve Florida’s children and families.
Alaqua Women’s Club Fashion
The Allstate Foundation
Alonzo Mourning Charities, Inc.
Ms. Jennifer G. Altman and
Dr. Adam J. Rubinstein
Amaturo Family Foundation, Inc.
American Express
Mr.Thomas R. Andrews
Anonymous (7)
Mrs. A.W. Avent
Mrs. Janet Baines
Mr. and Mrs. David A. Baker
George M. Baldwin Foundation
Bank of America
Mrs. Lois Miner Barrick
Mr. Richard Bassett
John E. & Nellie J. Bastien Memorial
Baxter International Foundation
Dr. and Mrs. William Blackburn
The Briar Corporation
Monique Burr Foundation
Canterbury School
Carnival Cruise Lines
Cervera Real Estate, Inc.
The Chadbourne Foundation
Children’s Home Society of Florida
The Francis and Miranda Childress
Foundation, Inc.
Ms. Myra C. Christy Trust
Citigroup Foundation
CMC Group, Inc.
Community Foundation for
Palm Beach and Martin Counties
Community Foundation of Broward
Community Foundation of
Tampa Bay, Inc.
Mrs. Patricia M. Conrad
Cordis Corporation
Crystal Springs Preserve, Inc.
Dade Community Foundation
Darden Restaurants Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Edward N. Dayton
Mr. and Mrs. John L. Dean, III
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence DeGeorge
Jack and Betty Demetree Family
Dr. Phillips, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Lynn R. Drayton
Jessie Ball duPont Fund
Eckerd Family Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. David Ertel
Essian Construction, LLC
Dame Celia Lipton Farris
Mr. and Mrs. Michael W. Fisher
Florida Marlins Community
Foundation, Inc.
Mr. Henry Fong
Dr. and Mrs. Harry J. Free
Friends of Joshua House
Foundation, Inc.
Gainesville Ford
Joseph and Sherrie Garfield
Charitable Foundation, Inc.
GFWC Florida Federation of
Women’s Clubs
Mr. and Mrs. William A. Goddard
The Lucy Gooding Charitable
Foundation Trust
Leo Goodwin Foundation, Inc.
Mrs. Evelyn Grader
Greenberg Traurig, LLP
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Greer
Mr. and Mrs. James R. Griffiths
Carole and Frank Gulisano
David C. Hammers
The Hayford Family Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. E. Wilson Hinson, Jr.
Holland & Knight, LLP
Mr. and Mrs. James L. Hutchings
International House of Pancakes
Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Ireland, II
Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Jacoby
John’s Island Foundation
Junior League of South Brevard, Inc.
Kappa Alpha Chapter of Kappa
W. K. Kellogg Foundation
Kiwanis Club of Greater Brandon
Mr. and Mrs. Rudolph A. Kraft
Ms. Sharon Kranys
The Kugelman Foundation
Mrs. Helen M. Lane
Charles A. Lauffer Trust
James Annenberg La Vea Charitable
The Dorothea L. Leonhardt Fund
of the Communities Foundation
of Texas, Inc.
Lost Tree Village Charitable
Foundation, Inc.
F.E. Lykes Foundation, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Warren W. Lovell, III
Marion County Roadbuilders
Maroone, An AutoNation Company
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Martin
Ms. Pamela C. Masters
Mr. and Mrs. Mac McGehee
D.W. McMillan Foundation
Michelin Golf Classic, Inc.
The Ambrose Monell Foundation
Martha G. Moore Foundation, Inc.
The Jim Moran Foundation
David A. & Mildred H. Morse
Charitable Trust
MPS Group
Naples Children & Education
Ocean Waters Management,
Charles A. Bray and Joseph H.
Orlando Magic Youth Foundation,
A Fund of the Robert R.
McCormick Tribune Foundation
Orlando Sentinel Family Fund,
A Fund of the Robert R.
McCormick Tribune Foundation
Ounce of Prevention Fund of Florida
Palm Beach Country Club
Foundation, Inc.
Ms. Donna Parlapiano
Publix Santa Dollars Customer
Publix Super Markets, Inc.
Publix Super Markets Charities, Inc.
Quantum Foundation, Inc.
R & W Enterprises Group, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Roger R. Raepple
Royal Caribbean Cruises, Ltd.
Scheidel Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Schneider
Season to Share Fund, Inc.
Selders Foundation Trust
Smart City Telecom
Southwest Florida Community
Foundation, Inc.
Stop Child Abuse License Plate
Sun-Sentinel Children’s Fund,
A Fund of the Robert R.
McCormick Tribune Foundation
SunTrust Banks, Inc.
Sutton Properties
The Ralph and Eileen Swett
Carl S. Swisher Foundation
Target Stores
Mr. and Mrs. James S.Taylor
Mrs. Mary Virginia H.Terry
Dave Thomas Foundation for
Mrs. I. Lorraine Thomas
Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Thompson
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Throckmorton
Treasure Coast Homeless Services
Tree House of Tallahassee
Universal Orlando Resort
Urban Meyer Scramble for Kids
Mr. and Mrs. Miguel Viyella
Volusia County Medical Society
Kids Alliance
Wachovia Corporation
Wachovia Foundation
Wal-Mart Foundation
Dr. Diane Walder
Wendy’s International, Inc.
Westgate Resorts Foundation
White & Case, LLP
Estate of Ethel H. Williams
Wings of Hope Foundation
$1,000 and above multi-year supporters
We thank our generous contributors that have kindly committed a multi-year pledge of at least $1,000 to help protect children and strengthen
families in Florida. The following individuals, organizations, corporations and foundations are active supporters that have pledged a multi-year gift
or made a gift toward an existing commitment during the fiscal year from July 1, 2007, through June 30, 2008.
Accredited Surety & Casualty
Company, Inc.
Mr. Greg Anderson
Mr.Thomas R. Andrews
Mr. and Mrs. Steve Bacalis
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Baker
The Balmoral Group
Bank of America Charitable
Mr. Skip Bateman
Mr. and Mrs. William Bibby
Dr. and Mrs. William Blackburn
Ms. Lori C. Booker, APR
Mr. and Mrs. David F. Brennan
The Briar Corporation
Mr. and Mrs. Walter H. Brinkman
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence B. Brooks
Mr. and Mrs. Carter B. Bryan
Mr. Fred Buchsbaum
Ms.Vanessa Woodard Byers
Dr. Kate M. Callahan
Mr. Cesar E. Calvet
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Campbell
Mr. and Mrs. Wilson Z. Carley, Jr.
Dr. Enrique Casero
Mr. and Mrs. Sid Cash
Chepenik Financial Services, Inc.
The Francis and Miranda Childress
Foundation, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Mark David Clark
Mr. Charles Clarkson
Tracey and Jeremy Cohen
Mrs. Patricia M. Conrad
Mr. Mike Cornelius
Mr. and Mrs.Thomas Corr
Mr. and Mrs. John Cowling
Kenneth and Kathy Cristol
Mr. Ron Cross
Commissioner and Mrs. John Dailey
Ms. Deborah Daniels
Mr. Steven S. Davis
Mr. and Mrs. Edward N. Dayton
Ronald and Shelli De Roos
Mr. and Mrs. John L. Dean, III
Mr. Christopher Decent
Jack and Betty Demetree Family
Mr. and Mrs. C.E. DePuy, Jr.
Ms. Donna Di Giacomo
Mr. Michael Dillon
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Dockerty
Mr. David R. Dotherow
Ms. Mayanne Downs
Swantje Drescher
Mr. Marcus E. Drewa
Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Dupree
Mr. James Eaton
Mr. and Mrs. H.L. Eidel
Mr. and Mrs. Brad R. Emmons
Ms. Helen Escobar
Mr. Robert F. Evans, Jr.
Mr. Brett Ewing
Ms. Ana Fajardo
Mr. William L. Faulk, Jr.
Mr. Stephen Ferry
Luke and Nancy Fichthorn
Mr. and Mrs. Ryan Foley
Mr. and Mrs.Timothy B. Gaskin
Mr. Arnold Gibbs
Mr. and Mrs. Charles R. Glasheen
Global Impact
Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Golub
Gene and Lisa Goodmaster
Ms. Janie L. Gould
Mr. and Mrs. James R. Griffiths
Mr. Fred Guitton
Mr. and Mrs. James Hair
Mr. and Mrs. William R. Hardaker
Ms. Jamie Jo Harris
Ms. Rosemary Hayes
Mr. and Mrs. Mark J. Heise
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick C. Higgs
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Holmes
Mr. and Mrs. F. Logan Holz
Mr. and Mrs. Edward K. How, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. William Hurtt
Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Ireland, II
Mr. and Mrs. Cy H. Jenkins
Mrs. Carla Bell Johnson
Mr. and Mrs. Corbin Johnson
Mr. Kevin Johnson
Mr. and Mrs. Steve Kapustka
Mr. John Kizziah
Mr. Sherman Klaus
Dr. and Mrs. Jerry Knauer
Mr. Christopher Kraft
Kraft Nissan
Stuart and Hope Kramer
Ms. Debra Lacy
Mr. and Mrs. James M. Lane
Mr. and Mrs. Dan J. Lautenbach
Dr. and Mrs. Edward Lazo
Mr. and Mrs. Luke Leitz
The Dorothea L. Leonhardt Fund
of the Communities Foundation
of Texas, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. M. Richard Lewis, Jr.
Ms. Patricia Loy
Ms. Jeanne V. Maron and
Mr. Howard A. Caplan
Ms. Leila McClure
Mr. and Mrs. Mac McGehee
McLaughlin Family Fund, Inc.
Mr. Will Messer
Mrs. Kathy D. Miller
Mr. and Mrs. John D. Milton, Jr.
Morcom Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Dan Morris
Ms. Janet L. Morris
Mr. and Mrs. Sheldon A. Morris
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Mullins
Mr. Jack Olmstead
Mr. Michael A. Pecchio
Mr. and Mrs.Thomas L. Peterson, Jr.
Physician Associates
Mr. Sean Pittman
Pools by Bradley
Mr. and Mrs. S. Russell Powell
Progressive Plumbing
Ms. Mycki Ratzan
Mr. and Mrs. David C. Rauh
Mr. Ron and Mrs. Lois Rawson
Mr. Anthony Recio
Mr. and Mrs. James Reese
Ms.Tina Regan
Regency Centers Corporation
Mr. Randolph and Mrs. Louise Rill
Mr. Jose L. Roces
Dr. and Mrs. Garrison Rolle
Ms. Ida W. Rood
Ms. Cindy Rosenbloom
Roy’s Club, Inc.
Mr. Marty Rubin
Mr. Christopher R. Rudasill
Mr. James R. Rychlicki
Mr. Moses L. Salcido
Stanley and Judith Sandefur
Mr. and Mrs. John A. Sanders
Conrad and Joanne Santiago
Mr. Rocky Santomassino
Scheidel Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. William J. Schilling, Sr.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Schneider
Mr. and Mrs. James E. L. Seay
Ms. Joyce Sellen
Ms. Wendy Shafranski
Mr. David Shaw
Mr. and Mrs. Alan C. Sheppard, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. William A. Shetler
Sihle Insurance Group, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Alford C. Sinclair
Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Sirmans
Mr. and Mrs. Crit Smith
Ms. Maria Smith-Dupuis
Stein Mart, Inc.
Mr. Jacob A. Stephens
Mr.Tony Stiffler and
Ms. Stephanie Yelenosky
Mr. and Mrs. Gary Stilwell
Suncoast Combined Federal
Sutton Properties
Ms. Andry Sweet
Mrs. Allison E.Tant and
Mr. Barry Richard
Ms. Doris Tant
Dr. Josette Thebaud
Judge Brad Thomas and
Ms. Susan Cox
Dr. and Mrs. Harry L.Tucker
UBS Foundation
Mr. and Mrs.Thomas M. Van Berkel
Mr. Hardy Vaughn
Ms.Victoria L. Weber and
Mr. David L. Powell
Ms. Kathy Willis
The Winston Family Foundation
Mr. and Mrs.Timothy Wolff
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Wydra
Mr. Joseph A.Yarid
Mr. Paul Zacharski
Zimmerman Family Foundation
Thank you to our 2007-2008 donors
We thank the following individuals, organizations, corporations and foundations that have embraced our children and supported CHS programs
and services by contributing $1,000 or more during the fiscal year from July 1, 2007, through June 30, 2008. With your help, we are changing
lives and building stronger families in Florida.
♥ Indicates membership in our CHS Annual Fund launched November 2007 to commemorate CHS’ 105th year of service to Florida’s children.
To join the CHS Annual Fund, visit or e-mail [email protected].
and above
Mrs. Janet Baines
Friends of Joshua House
Foundation, Inc.
Treasure Coast Homeless
Services Council
Anonymous (2)
Monique Burr Foundation
Jack and Betty Demetree Family
Jessie Ball duPont Fund
W.K. Kellogg Foundation
The Ralph and Eileen Swett
Mrs. I. Lorraine Thomas ♥
$25,000 - $49,999
American Express
Mr.Thomas R. Andrews
Dr. and Mrs. William Blackburn
Children’s Home Society of Florida
The Francis and Miranda Childress
Foundation, Inc.
Community Foundation for
Palm Beach and Martin Counties
Convergys Corporation Golf
Florida Marlins Community
Foundation, Inc.
John’s Island Foundation
James Annenberg La Vea Charitable
Marion County Roadbuilders
D.W. McMillan Foundation
MY 107.3 and TK 101
Orlando Sentinel Family Fund,
A Fund of the Robert R.
McCormick Tribune Foundation
Palm Beach Country Club
Foundation, Inc.
Progressive Plumbing
Publix Super Markets, Inc.
Stop Child Abuse License Plate
Dave Thomas Foundation for
Universal Orlando Resort
Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Ball
Bank of America
Baxter International Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. William Becker
Bingo Paradise, Inc.
Board of County Commissioners,
Miami-Dade County
Mr. Ronald L. Book
Carnival Cruise Lines
CLC Foundation
Cordis Corporation
Mr. and Mrs. John L. Dean, III
Dr. Phillips, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. H.L. Eidel
Dame Celia Lipton Farris
Joseph and Sherrie Garfield
Charitable Foundation, Inc.
George E. Warren Corporation
Mr. and Mrs. William A. Goddard
Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Goodes
The Lucy Gooding Charitable
Foundation Trust
Gene and Lisa Goodmaster
Greenberg Traurig, LLP
The Hayford Family Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Ireland, II ♥
Ms. Helene Levitz
F.E. Lykes Foundation, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Mac McGehee
Michelin Golf Classic, Inc.
The Ambrose Monell Foundation
The Jim Moran Foundation
David A. & Mildred H. Morse
Charitable Trust
Ocean Waters Management,
Charles A. Bray and Joseph H.
Orlando Magic Youth Foundation,
A Fund of the Robert R.
McCormick Tribune Foundation
Paul Palank Memorial Foundation, Inc.
Publix Santa Dollars Customer
Quantum Foundation, Inc.
Scheidel Foundation
Scripps Howard Foundation
Season to Share Fund, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Matthew J. Smith
Sun-Sentinel Children’s Fund,
A Fund of the Robert R.
McCormick Tribune Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Throckmorton
Treasure Coast Wine Festival, Inc.
Urban Meyer Scramble for Kids
Wings of Hope Foundation
$10,000 -$24,999
Mr. and Mrs. Emilio Alonso-Mendoza
Alonzo Mourning Charities, Inc.
Amadeus North America, LLC
Amaturo Family Foundation, Inc.
Anonymous (4)
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Baker
George M. Baldwin Foundation
Bank of America Charitable
Mrs. Mary J. Bastian ♥
Bilzin, Sumberg, Dunn, Baena,
Price and Axelrod, LLP
Charles Breiling Trust
The Briar Corporation
Canterbury School
Ms. Myra C. Christy Trust
City of Fort Myers
Community Foundation of Broward
Community Foundation of Greater
Lakeland, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph P. Corr
Crystal Springs Preserve, Inc.
Delta Eta Chapter of Kappa Delta
Dennis’ Auto Body
Mr. and Mrs. Peter A. Dupuis
Eckerd Family Foundation
The Educational Foundation of
Albert E. and Birdie W. Einstein
Fund, Inc.
Elite Continuing Education,
Mr. Todd K. Mowl
Executive Women Outreach, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Falk
Florida Power & Light
Mr. and Mrs. Gary Frazier
Gainesville Ford
Mr. and Mrs.Timothy B. Gaskin
GFWC Florida Federation of
Women’s Clubs
Gold Coast Beverage Distributors
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey S. Gordon
Mrs. Evelyn Grader
Greene Charitable Trust
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Greer
Mr. and Mrs. James R. Griffiths
Mr. and Mrs.Thomas Grudnowski
Hobe Sound Community Chest, Inc.
Mr. Richard Jones
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald O. Jones
Junior League of South Brevard, Inc.
Kappa Alpha Chapter of Kappa
Delta Sorority
Mr. and Mrs. Howard Kessler
Ms. Sharon Kranys
The Kugelman Foundation
Charles A. Lauffer Trust
The Dorthea Leonhardt Fund
of the Communities Foundation
of Texas, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Levin
Lost Tree Village Charitable
Foundation, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Warren W. Lovell, III
Mr. and Mrs.Tony Lurie ♥
Majestic International Investment
Maroone, An AutoNation Company
Mr. and Mrs. Craig Menin
Morgan Keegan & Company, Inc.
MPS Group
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Mullins
MWH Constructors
National Children’s Alliance
Natural Life Collections, Inc.
Neiman Marcus
North Broward Hospital District
Ocean Bank
Palm Gainesville Chevrolet
L.W. Pierce Family Foundation
Private Client Group at National
Publix Super Markets Charities, Inc.
Thomas C. Quick Charitable
R & W Enterprises Group, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Roger R. Raepple
Rockwell Foundation
Dr. and Mrs. Garrison Rolle
Mr. Neal Rubin
Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Schneider
Selders Foundation Trust
Sihle Insurance Group, Inc.
Smart City Telecom
Mr. and Mrs. Peter F. Snawerdt, III
Southwest Florida Community
Foundation, Inc.
SunTrust Banks, Inc.
Carl S. Swisher Foundation
Switzer Brothers Charitable
Target Stores
Team Florida of the All American
Football League
Mrs. Mary Virginia H.Terry
Mr. and Mrs. Miguel Viyella
Wachovia Corporation
Wachovia Foundation
William R. Watts Foundation, Inc.
WellCare Healthy Communities
Margaret & R. Parks Williams
$5,000 -$9,999
The Children’s Trust
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Christy
Chrysalis Community Foundation
City of Gainesville
City of Tallahassee
CMC Group, Inc.
Tracey and Jeremy Cohen
Community Foundation of
Tampa Bay, Inc.
Comprehensive Health
Management, Inc.
Mr. Mike Cornelius
Mr. and Mrs.Thomas Corr
Covelli Family Limited Partnership
Craft Equipment Company
Mr. and Mrs. Jay Curtis
D P Limited, Inc.
Dade Community Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. William DeBrule
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence DeGeorge
Mr. C.E. DePuy, Jr.
Mr. Joseph Derry ♥
Dr. Diane Walder, P.A.
Mr. and Mrs. Richard E. Dillon
Mr. and Mrs. Lynn R. Drayton
Swantje Drescher
Mr. Marcus E. Drewa
Mr. and Mrs. Edward C. Dweck
Mr. James Eaton
Embry-Riddle Aeronautical
EMC Corporation
Emerald Coast Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Brett Ewing
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Fabrikant
Mr. William L. Faulk, Jr.
Luke and Nancy Fichthorn
Florida Association of Realtors
Florida State Employees’ Charitable
Frazier Group
Gartner, Inc.
Mr. Larry Godwin
Leo Goodwin Foundation, Inc.
Ms. Michele M. Greene
Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas D. Hafner
The Halperin Foundation
Mr. David C. Hammers
Mr. and Mrs. William R. Hardaker
Harris Foundation
Anthony R. Abraham Foundation, Inc.
Alhadeff & Sitterson, P.A.
Ms. Jennifer G. Altman and
Dr. Adam J. Rubinstein
AMB Codina Beacon Lakes c/o
Codina Group
Lee and Penny Anderson
Mr. and Mrs. Ed André
Anonymous (6)
AT&T Florida
AutoNation USA
The Betty and Leo Balzereit
Barclays Global Services Singapore
Mrs. Jenny Barnette
J.H. Baroco Foundation, Inc.
Mrs. Lois Miner Barrick
Bayshore Technologies, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Herman F. Becker
Becker Trading Company
Margaret R. Binz Foundation, Inc.
BJ’s Charitable Foundation
Mrs. Janet Boyle
Boys & Girls Club of the Big
Bend, Inc.
Brackett Family Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Carter B. Bryan
Buchanan Ingersoll & Rooney, PC
The Burgoon Family Foundation, Inc.
Mr. Frank Carter
Vince Carter’s Embassy of Hope
Mr. and Mrs. Sid Cash
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Castellano
CenterBank of Jacksonville, N.A.
Central Florida Association for
Women Lawyers
Cervera Real Estate, Inc.
Chapman Family Foundation, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Ashley Hoffman
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Holmes
Holy Trinity Episcopal Church
Hotwire Communications, Ltd.
Mr. and Mrs. John L. Hundley ♥
IECA Foundation
Junior League of Daytona Beach, Inc.
Junior League of the Palm
Beaches, Inc.
Kaplan Higher Education
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Knapp
Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Kohl
Ladd Aliff Insurance
Mr. and Mrs. Aurel Lahaye
Mr. and Mrs. Dan J. Lautenbach
Mr. and Mrs. Luke Leitz
Mary J. Lindsley Fund
Mainline Information Systems
Marmot Foundation
McLaughlin Family Fund, Inc.
Medtronic Foundation
Mellon United National Bank
Ms. Barbara F. Menendez
Mercedes-Benz of Orlando in
Merrill Lynch Financial Data
Services, Inc.
Merrill-Stevens Yachts
Mr. Will Messer
Martha G. Moore Foundation, Inc.
Morcom Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Steven Najjar
Jim and Betty Nance
Northrop Grumman Corporation
Nova Southeastern University,
H. Wayne Huizenga School of
Business and Entrepreneurship
Office of the Sheriff, Lee County
Mr. Jack Olmstead
OSI Restaurant Partners, LLC
Mr. Donald R. Palo
Mr. and Mrs. James A. Patterson
Peoples First Community Bank
Victor Posner Foundation, Inc.
Rachlin Foundation, Inc.
Gary and Helen Raser,The Limu
Mr. and Mrs. J.P. Raymond
Ring Power Corporation
Dr. Daniel Rivlin
Rotary Club of Orchid Island
Charitable Foundation
Royal Caribbean Cruises, Ltd.
Ryder System, Inc.
Rywant, Alvarez, Jones, Russo
and Guyton, P.A.
Sabal Trust Company
Sam’s Wholesale Club Locations
Stanley and Judith Sandefur
Lewis G. Schaeneman, Jr.,
Foundation, Inc.
Schmidt Family Foundation
Mrs. Sookey Schwartz
Mr. and Mrs. David Shacter ♥
Mr. and Mrs. H.W. Shad, III
Dr. and Mrs. John Shaw
Mr. and Mrs. Filiberto Sierra
Silvester Foundation, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Alford C. Sinclair
Mr. and Mrs. Crit Smith
Stearns Weaver Miller Weissler
Stein Mart, Inc.
Suncoast Combined Federal
Mr. and Mrs. Fred E. Sutton
Sutton Properties
Sweetbay Supermarket
Mr. and Mrs. Melih O.Tan
Ms. Doris Tant
Taplin, Canida & Habacht
The TJX Foundation, Inc.
Tower Hill Insurance Group
Tree House of Tallahassee, Inc.
Tri-City Electrical Contractors, Inc.
United Automobile Insurance
U.S.Trust/Bank of America
Volusia County Medical Society
Kids Alliance
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce C. Wardell
Waste Management of Dade
Ms.Victoria L. Weber and
Mr. David L. Powell
Weil, Gotshal & Manges, LLP
Westgate Resorts Foundation
Dr. Jack Widrich Foundation, Inc.
Estate of Ethel H. Williams
Ms. Kathy Willis
The Winston Family Foundation
Mr. Mark Womack
Wright Construction Group
Wycliffe Charities Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. E. Richard Yulman ♥
Zimmerman Family Foundation
$2,500 -$4,999
Acosta Sales and Marketing
Company, Inc.
Adorno & Yoss Employees
Charitable Foundation, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Alfredo Aguirre
Alachua County
All Saints Church of Winter Park
The Martin Andersen - Gracia
Andersen Foundation, Inc.
Anonymous (6)
AST Capital Trust Company of
Mr. and Mrs. James Ayers
Dr. and Mrs. William E. Bagwell
Lieutenant Colonel (Ret.) and
Mrs. John C. Baker
John E. & Nellie J. Bastien Memorial
Bill Bryant and Associates, Inc.
The Herb Block Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Keith J. Blum
Dr. and Mrs. Michael A. Bortner
Bosshardt Realty Services
Mr. and Mrs. Larry Brashears
Bright House Networks, LLC
Mr. and Mrs. Lee M. Brown
C M Consulting Group Corporation
Cain & Bultman, Inc.
The Cantonis Company
Cape Coral Community Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Wilson Z. Carley, Jr. ♥
Case Management Associates
The Chadbourne Foundation
Cheval Women’s Club
Cincinnati Bell Technology Solutions
Cisco Systems
City of Lakeland
Mr. George Cloutier and
Ms.Tiffany M. Spadafora
Hanna S. and Samuel A. Cohn
Memorial Foundation
Combined Federal Campaign Northeast Florida Southeast
Georgia Region
Community Foundation of Brevard
Computer Sciences Raytheon
Construction Executives
Association, Inc.
Convergys Corporation
Mr. and Mrs. J. Pat Corrigan ♥
Mrs. Jeanne H. Coulter
Mr. and Mrs. John Cowling
CRESA Partners, LLC
Crescent Height, Inc.
Mr. Charles L. Cromer
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Curtis
Dale Sorensen Real Estate, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Salvatore J. Davide
Mr. and Mrs. Edward N. Dayton
Daytona International Speedway
Mr. and Mrs.Vincent J. DeAngelo
Dell, Inc.
Mr. Franklyn DeMarco, Jr.
William C. Demetree, Jr.,
Foundation, Inc.
Digité, Inc.
Donadio and Associates,
Architects, P.A.
DuBow Family Foundation, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Z. Duke
Mr. Glenn and Mrs. Abby F. Dupree
Eastern Financial Federal Credit
Elegance by the Sea
Energy Insurance Mutual
Essian Construction, LLC
Ms. Elaine Fabrikant
Faith, Hope, and Charity Society
Falcone Group, LLC
Families with Children from China
of Northeast Florida
Fidelity Information Services
Financial Business Services, LLC
Mr. and Mrs. Jon Fiore
First Housing Foundation, Inc.
Mr. Randy Fitts
Flagler Development Group
Florida Bank of Jacksonville
Mrs. Kerin Fredman ♥
Dr. and Mrs. Harry J. Free ♥
Galaxy Home Solutions, Inc.
GE Consumer Finance
GE Volunteers Foundation
Goldstein Schechter Koch
GPI Southeast, Inc.
Grand Bank & Trust of Florida
Alan and Pam Green Family
Carole and Frank Gulisano
HandsOn Jacksonville
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Hennessy, Jr.
Hewlett-Packard Company
Highland Tractor
Mr. and Mrs. David Hirsch
Dr. Steven Hochwald and
Ms. Michele S. Kavanagh
Holland & Knight, LLP
Holy Land Stone Company, LLC ♥
Hopping Green & Sams, P.A.
Mr. Elliott S. Horne
Infinite Energy, Inc.
ING Investment Management
Ingham and Company
International Society of Palm Beach
Jacksonville Suns
John’s Island Community Service
League, Inc.
Mrs. Diane Johnson
Dr. and Mrs. John P. Johnson
Mr. and Mrs. Keith Kite
Mr. Richard I. Kroop
Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Kustal
Ladies Annual Fish-Off, Inc.
Mr. Robert Lecce
Mr. and Mrs. Lewis S. Lee, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. H. Irwin Levy
Mr. and Mrs. M. Richard Lewis, Jr.
Liberty Bank
The Liman Foundation
Mr. David MacEachern ♥
Mr. and Mrs. Carlos Maldonado
Mr. Al Maloof
Marine Bank and Trust
Ms. Jeanne V. Maron and
Mr. Howard A. Caplan
Dr. and Mrs. Julian Marquez
Ms. Jacqueline McCall
David and Wynne McFarlin
Mellon Bank, N.A.
Merck Partnership for Giving
Meridian Management Corporation
Merrill Lynch-Merrill Lynch Trust
Miami Parking Authority Department of Off-Street
Mrs. Kathy D. Miller
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Park Moorer
Mr. and Mrs. Sheldon A. Morris
Mr. and Mrs. R. Michael Murray
Mrs. Karen Gergick Nutt
Mr. and Mrs. Russell W. O’Brien
Old South Construction, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Randy O’Neal
Orchid Insurance Agency, Inc.
Orlando Harley-Davidson
Orlando Magic
The Orthopaedic Institute
Our Lady Star of the Sea
Owen Ames Kimball
Mr. Fred Peterson
Prentice Foundation, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. William D. Preston
Prudential CRES Commercial
Real Estate
PSS World Medical, Inc.
Ms.Tina Regan
Regions Bank
Rexel, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Robinson
Rock Creek
Rogers Towers, P.A.
Rose Private School, LLC
SandCherry, Inc.
Schooners Last Local Beach Club
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Y. Schram
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Scott
Dr. Robert and Mrs. Maria Seelman
SESCO Lighting, Inc.
SheaHomes, Inc.
Silk Laser & Aesthetics Center
Mr. and Mrs. John E. Slaughter, Jr.
Ms. Caryl Sorensen
Southwest Airlines
Space Age Air, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Peter J. Spillis
St. Columbkille Thrift Store
Steve Counts, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis J. Straw
Mr. and Mrs.Tim Stroyne
Sun Microsystems
Ms. Andry Sweet
Mr. and Mrs. Seward Sweet
The Talcott Family Foundation, Inc.
Mrs. Allison E.Tant and
Mr. Barry Richard
Target Corporation
Jeffrey and Deborah Theroux ♥
Rose Ann Tornatore, Wholesale
Lighting, Inc.
Tran Construction
Mr. and Mrs. Russell Van Sickle
Mr. and Mrs. Sam Van Voorhis
Mr. Peter D.Verbeeck
Mr. Ned A.Voska, II
Mr. and Mrs. Carl Walls
Wal-Mart Foundation
Dr. and Mrs. Sheldon Warman
David Weekley Family Foundation
Theodore and Renee Weiler
Foundation, Inc.
WELBRO Building Corporation
Wendy’s International, Inc.
Dr. Jack Widrich Foundation, Inc.
Ms. Mayda G. Williams
Mr. John F. Windham, Jr.
Aon Corporation
Mr. and Mrs. Rand V. Araskog
Mr. and Mrs. Bo Arble
Arizona Chemical Company
Mr. Alan Ashlock
Austin, Bovay & Gillman, P.A.
Mrs. A.W. Avent
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Avera
$1,000 -$2,499
AAA Auto Club South
Abdoney Orthodontics
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Abedon ♥
Accredited Surety and Casualty
Company, Inc.
Ms. Clara M. Adams
Mr. Glenn A. Adams, Esq.
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Adams
Dr. K. Wayne Adkisson
Aerosonic Corporation
Mr. Benigno F. Aguirre
Akerman Senterfitt Attorneys
At Law
Mr. and Mrs. A. Edward Allinson
Allstate Giving Campaign
American Cement Company, LLC
American Heritage School
Jennifer, Giselle and Livié Anchors
Anderson & Associates, P.A.
The André Family Foundation, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Christian J. Angle
Anonymous (8)
Drs. Brad A. and Odilie Bagwell
Mr. Francis P. Bailey, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. David A. Baker
Baker Distributing Company
Mr. and Mrs. John Ball
Ms. Linda A. Baltz
Bank Atlantic
Bank of America Private Wealth
Mr. and Mrs. Robert I. Barrar, Jr.
Mr. Skip Bateman
Mr. Jeffrey Baxter
Bay Area Emergency Physicians, LLC
Mrs. Helen A. Bayles
Mr.Troy Beasley and
Ms. Stephanie Henley
Richard E. and Lillian M. Becker
Family Foundation, Inc.
James Ford Bell Foundation
Ms. Lisa K. Bell
Mr. Harry Bender
Dr. and Mrs. Michelot Benjamin
Mr. H. Allen Benowitz and
Mrs. Jo-Ann Rauch
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Bernstein
Bethune-Cookman College
Mr. and Mrs. William Bibby
Mr. Mitchell A. Bierman
Big Bend Community Based Care
Big Bend Environmental Services, Inc.
BioDerm, Inc.
Ms. Kathleen A. Birmingham
Bogan Supply Company, Inc.
Boos Development Group, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Bou-Sliman
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin W. Bowyer
Boyd Development Company
of Ocala, Inc.
The Law Firm of Boyd, DuRant
& Sliger, P.L.
Ms. Joanna Bratt
Brewer Paving and Development
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Briggs
Mr. and Mrs. Walter H. Brinkman
Mr. David Bronstad
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence B. Brooks
Broward Realty Corporation
Ms. Doris H. Brown
Ms. Guia Brown
Buckeye Plumbing, Inc.
Buigas, Asztalos & Associates, LLC
Ms. Diane Burda
Mrs. Patty A. Burnette
Edyth Bush Charitable Foundation
Bush Gator Transmission and
Auto Repair
Mr. and Mrs. Robert T. Butler ♥
Mr. and Mrs. Donald E. Campbell
Mr. and Mrs. James S. Campbell
Mr. Scott Campbell
Mr. and Mrs. Don Campion
The Capital Group Companies
Charitable Foundation
Mrs. Miriam Carlson
Carpet Shop, Inc.
Ms. Carolyn Carrano
Mr. and Mrs. Michael A. Carrillo
Carroll and Company, CPAs
Ms. Joan S. Carter
Carvajal Consulting & Management
Carwill Foundation
Mr. and Mrs.Thomas Cassidy
Ms. Adeline Cassin
CEON Corporation
Certus Knowledge
The Gene O. Chadsey Trust
Mr. Dennis Chan
Dr. Silas J. Charles
Mr. and Mrs. Alan Chatman
Mr. Michael and Mrs.Terry Cherniga
Mr. and Mrs. Bernard H. Cherry
CHIP Supply, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. George Christou
Citrus Health Network, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. James Clamons
Major and Mrs. Mark Clawson
Climatic, Inc.
Coastal Ear, Nose & Throat, P.A.
Sidney & Alma Coates Trust
Coggin Automotive Group
Auxiliary groups
We thank the following volunteer groups dedicated to bettering
the lives of children and families through their continuous support
of CHS programs and services during the fiscal year from
July 1, 2007, through June 30, 2008.
Business Professionals for CHS - Intercoastal Division
Chefs Auxiliary Board - Emerald Coast Division
Children's Home Society Adoption Auxiliary - North Central Division
Children's Home Society Auxiliary - Western Division
Children's Home Society Council - Southeastern Division
Children's Home Society Emissaries - Southeastern Division
Children's Home Society Gainesville Auxiliary - Mid-Florida Division
Circle of Friends - Treasure Coast Division
East Broward Auxiliary - Intercoastal Division
First Coast Alliance - Buckner Division
Flagler County Auxiliary - North Coastal Division
Friends of Joshua House Foundation, Inc. - Gulf Coast Division
Gold Coast Guild - South Coastal Division
Michelin Golf Classic Committee - Gulf Coast Division
Nelle Smith Guild - South Coastal Division
Palm Beach Guild - South Coastal Division
Silver Coffee Committee - Gulf Coast Division
West Broward Auxiliary - Intercoastal Division
Women’s Guild - Brevard Division
Coldwell Banker Residential Real
Estate Cares
Central Florida Combined Federal
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Commander
The Community Services
Foundation of Broward County
Compass Bank
Computer Associates, Inc.
Cone Distributing, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. John P. Connelly
Mrs. Patricia M. Conrad
Mrs. Stephania Conrad
Continental Trust Mortgage
Mr. James M. Cooper
Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Cooper
Ms. Sandra Copland
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Cordero
Mr. and Mrs. Edward R. Corristan
Mr. and Mrs. Steve Counts
Ms. Karen Creed
Kenneth and Kathy Cristol
Crom Corporation
Crotty, Bartlett & Kelly, P.A.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Crown ♥
Mr. and Mrs. Edward E. Crutchfield
Crystal Lake Home Owners
Mr. David Cullum
The Daphne Seybolt Culpeper
Memorial Foundation, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Richard E. Curran
Cygnet Private Bank
Daoud’s Fine Jewelry
Mr. and Mrs. Brosius D’Arcy
Darden Restaurants Foundation
David Walters Yachts
Mr. Glen S. Davis
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald L. Dawkins
Ronald and Shelli De Roos
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Dean
Mr. John H. Dearhammer
Mr. and Mrs. Gabriel Dejoie
Deland Breakfast Rotary
Dell Direct Giving Campaign
Dialectic Capital Management, LLC
Mr. and Mrs. Michael DiCondina
Ms. Donna Di Giacomo
Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Dixon
D-Mar General Contracting and
Development, Inc.
Mr. Ben W. Doan
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Dockerty
Mr. and Mrs.Thorne Donnelley, Jr.
Dora Landscaping Company
Dr. and Mrs. Jerry A. Dorsch
DOS Imaging
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Doty
The Eccola Foundation
Eileen Kramer, Inc.
Eisman & Russo, Inc.
Elcon Electric
Elias Brothers Painting &
Waterproofing, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Elmore
Engco, Inc.
The Equine Chronicle
Mr. and Mrs. George W. Etheridge, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. R.K. Evert ♥
Mr. Richard Fairbanks
Mr. and Mrs. Jose P. Fanjul
The Farwell Group, Inc.
Ms. Jacqueline Faulk
Mr. and Mrs. J.S. Faulkner
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Feuer
Ms. Elizabeth Finch
First American Title Insurance
First Guaranty Bank & Trust
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Fisher
Mr. and Mrs. Michael W. Fisher
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey R. Fitzsimmons
Mr. and Mrs. Karl F. Flammer
Florida Aluminum & Steel
Florida Association of Broadcasters,
Florida Association of Physicians of
Indian Origin, Inc.
Florida City Gas-AGL Resources
Florida Food Service
Florida Osteopathic Medical
Florida Podiatric Medical Association
Mr. and Mrs. Ryan Foley
Foley & Lardner, LLP
Mr. Henry Fong
Mr. and Mrs. Miles A. Forman
Mr. and Mrs. William Foster
Fowler White Boggs, P.A.
Fowler White Burnett, P.A.
FPIC Insurance Group, Inc.
Fraternal Order of Eagles
Ms. Jennifer Friedman
Friendly’s Restaurant
Front Paige, Inc.
Gannett Foundation
Gaskin-O’Leary Insurance
Gator Exchange Club of Gainesville
Geico Direct
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence P. Geinosky
Mr. and Mrs. David F. Geiser
Dr. and Mrs. Mark A. Gelbard
General Dynamics
General Electric Company
Mr. Arnold Gibbs
Mr. and Mrs.Thomas E. Gibbs
Dr. and Mrs. James C. Gibson
Mr. James A. Gillis
Mr. and Mrs. Charles R. Glasheen
Global Impact
Mr. and Mrs. Fredrick H. Gohl
Ms. Justina Gonzalez-Marti
Dr. and Mrs. Robert Gordon
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Grabowski
Mr. and Mrs. Lamont Graves
Greater Escambia Community
The Greater Title Services, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Gremillion
Mr. Mark Grof
Emma Carey Groh Trust
Mr. Fred Guitton
Gulliver Schools, Inc.
Dr. and Mrs. Joseph Gurri
Mr. and Mrs. J. Kevin Hahn
Ms. Myra K. Igo Haley
Ms. Melissa I. Hamer
Hamlet Construction Company
Mr. and Mrs. Murray Hamner
United Way agencies
Designated support from our friends flows to CHS through
several United Way organizations to help us provide necessary
services and resources to Florida’s at-risk children and families.
Thank you for your contributions during the fiscal year from
July 1, 2007, through June 30, 2008.
Greater Kalamazoo United Way
Heart of Florida United Way, Inc.
Town of Palm Beach United Way
Triangle United Way
United Way of Bergen County
United Way of Brevard County, Inc.
United Way of Broward County
United Way of Central and Northeastern Connecticut
United Way of Central Florida, Inc.
United Way of Central Indiana, Inc.
United Way of Charlotte County
United Way of Citrus County
United Way of Collier County, Inc.
United Way of Delaware
United Way of Eastern Fairfield County, Inc.
United Way of Escambia County, Inc.
United Way of Greater Rochester
United Way of Hernando County
United Way of Indian River County
United Way of Lake and Sumter Counties, Inc.
United Way of Lee, Hendry and Glades Counties
United Way of Manatee County
United Way of Marion County, Inc.
United Way of Martin County
United Way of Metropolitan Chicago
United Way of Miami-Dade County
United Way of New York City
United Way of North Central Florida
United Way of Northeast Florida
United Way of Northwest Florida, Inc.
United Way of Okaloosa-Walton Counties, Inc.
United Way of Palm Beach County, Inc.
United Way of Pasco County
United Way of Sarasota County, Inc.
United Way of Southeastern Pennsylvania
United Way of St. Johns County
United Way of St. Lucie County
United Way of Suwannee Valley
United Way of Tampa Bay
United Way of the Big Bend
United Ways of the Greater Tri-State Area
United Way of Volusia-Flagler Counties, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Joe C. Hancock
The Daniel R. and Anne M. Harper
Foundation, Inc.
Ms. Jamie Jo Harris
Ms. Debora Hartman
Ms. Joanne Hatton
Mr. James A. Hauser
Hawks Landing Property Owners
Mr. and Mrs. Frank T. Hayes, Sr.
Ms. Rosemary Hayes
Mr. Kenny R. Hayslett
Mr. Randy Hedgcock
Mr. and Mrs. Mark J. Heise
Henderson, Franklin, Starnes &
Holt, P.A.
Mr. and Mrs. Carl L. Hensley
The Highland Mint
Mr. and Mrs. Michael S. Himmel
Hinson Oil Company
Mr. William Holland
Ms. Hayden Hosford
Ms. Patricia B. House
Mr. and Mrs. Edward K. How, Jr.
Hufty Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. R. Douglas Hulse
Ms. Barbara B. Hurley ♥
Mr. and Mrs. James L. Hutchings
Charles D. Hyman & Company
Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Impey
Information & Computing Services
Innovative Curbs, Inc.
Insight Financial Credit Union
Interline Brands
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Inzer
Mr. Manuel J. Iraola
Mr. Clarence E. Irwin
Dr. and Mrs. Martin Isenman
Jacksonville Greyhound Racing
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Jacoby
Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Jacoby
Mr. and Mrs. William G. Jahnes
Mr. Asiya E. Jazuddin
Dr. Robert E. Jewett ♥
Jewish Communal Fund
JIC Realty, Inc.
JJW Construction, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Eric H. Johnson
Mr. and Mrs. F. Ross Johnson
Johnson & Johnson Family of
Companies/Matching Gifts
Goldie V. Johnson Irrevocable Trust
Mr. Bruce Jones
Mr. and Mrs. Russell W. Jones
Ms. Anna Joykutty
Junior Service League of DeLand, Inc.
Ms. Esther C. Jurado
Mr. Mahdi Karim
Mr. and Mrs. Donald K. Karnes
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Katcher
Kinsey Contractors, Inc.
Keating/Moore Construction
Dr. Margaret A. Kelleher
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Kellogg
Mr. and Mrs. Ellis Kern
Kids ’R’ Kids at Meadow Pointe
Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas Kirkbride
Kiwanis Club of Leesburg, Inc.
Mr. John Kizziah
Ms. Kathy Knowles
Dr. and Mrs. Ronald B. Koch
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Koenig
Ms. Charlotte A. Kozlin
L&D Manufacturing, Inc.
Lake Bonnet Fellowship Church
Mr. David G. Lambert
Landon Development Corporation
of Florida
Lani’s Antiques & Collectibles
Ms. Mindy M. Lanigan
Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Lassen
Lauderdale-by-the-Sea Chamber
of Commerce
Lawrence A. Moens Associates, Inc.
Mr. Richard and Mrs. Karen Lazzarini
The Leader Foundation
Le Petit Papillon Montessori School
Mr. Mark Lee and Mr. Gary R.
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Lee
Leffler & Heaney, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. David K. Leininger
Mr. and Mrs. Paul N. Leone
Mr. and Mrs. Howard Lester
Ms.Teresa Levin
Liberty Property Trust
Lichlyter Consulting, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Lieber
Mrs. Bernice S. Lieberman
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Lietz
Lions Club of Miami
Loggia, LLC
Mr. and Mrs. J.W. Lotspeich ♥
Luxe Care, Dr. Lloyd Bennett
Diane Lynn Family Foundation, Inc.
Mad Dog Design and Construction
Magic Transport, Inc.
Dr. Michael E. Mahla
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Manley
Mr. and Mrs. George Mann
Marchand Faries Financial
Management, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Marden
Mariner Middle School
Mr. and Mrs.Thomas M. Mark
Barbara Massey Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Robert V. Matthews
Mr. and Mrs. Gary C. Mayerick
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Mayes
Mr. James McClellan
Ms. Leila McClure
Mr. and Mrs. John McConnell
Dr. and Mrs. John W. McDonald
McNulty Charitable Foundation, Inc.
Melbourne Internal Medicine
Associates, P.A.
The Melting Pot
Mr. and Mrs. Leonardo Mendoza
Mr. and Mrs. Lee F. Mercier
Mr. and Mrs. William Meyer
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Michael
Microlumen, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank J. Middendorf
Miguel Chinchilla Varona &
Associates, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Craig Millard
Mrs. Sydell Miller
Miller Electric Company
Mills-Price & Associates, Inc.
Roseann Minnet Campaign Account
Mr. and Mrs.William L. Montgomery ♥
Ms. Sue-Ellen Mosler
Dr. and Mrs. H.J. Mottice
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth R. Murray
Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Nabors
Naples Hotel Development/
Hampton Inn Estero
National City
New Management Services
New York Life Insurance Company
Mr.Tom Nixon
Mr. S.Todd Nordstrom
Northern Trust Bank
Mr. and Mrs. Shaun Nowrouzi
Mr. and Mrs. William Nutting
Ocala Equine Hospital
Mr. and Mrs. Nels P. Offerdahl
On Top of the World Communities
One Eighty Consulting, Inc.
Owen Title Company, Inc.
Dr. and Mrs. C. Keith Ozaki
Panama City Parrot Head Club
Parrish Builders, Inc.
Parrish Medical Center
Patterson Dental Supply, Inc.
Paul’s Termite and Pest Control
Ms. Clair Pease
Mr. and Mrs. Steven E. Peterson
Mr. and Mrs.Thomas L. Peterson, Jr.
Peterson and Smith Equine Hospital
Mr. and Mrs.Timothy Petty
Mr. and Mrs.Tony Phelps
Mr. Craig Phillips
Physician Associates
Picard-Dannheisser Family
Mr. and Mrs. Brian A. Pilgram
Pinch A Penny, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Pinder
Pittman Law Group, P.L.
Ms. Barbara Pitts
Ms. Judith M. Ploszek
Mr. Maurice Polkowitz
Pools by Bradley
Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Poppel
Mr. and Mrs. Hank T. Porcher
Ms. Lisa Portnoy
Ms. Patton G. Potterfield
Praxeis, LLC
Presealed Systems, LLC
Mr. and Mrs. Jose A. Prieto
Prudential Network Realty
Pucci Family Foundation, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Martin A. Purcell
The Ransome Group
Ms. Mycki Ratzan
Mr. and Mrs. David C. Rauh
Mr. Charles E. Ray
Mrs. Joan Readding
Regency Centers Corporation
Regions Bank
Mr. and Mrs. Davis Rembert
Renaissance Charitable
Foundation, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Reveley
Lilly F. Rex
Mr. Mark Ricci
Mr. and Mrs.Victor Richards
Richmond American Homes of
Florida, LP
John and Valli Ritenour
The River of Life Christian Worship
Center, Inc.
Riverside National Bank
Rizzetta & Company, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Marc Roberts
Ms. Remedios Rodriguez
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Charles Rogers
Mr.Todd Rohr
Mr. Luis E. Rojas
Rolfe & Lobello, P.A.
Ron Sachs Communications
Dr. and Mrs. James M. Ronaldson
Ms. Ida W. Rood
Ronnie & Jerrold Rosenbaum
Family Foundation, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. E. Burke Ross, Jr.
Rotary Club of Daytona Beach
Rotary Club of Panama City Beach
Rotary Club of Vero Beach
Rotary Club of Vero Beach Sunrise
Jerry and Susan Roth
Judy and Bryan Roub
The Royal Palms of St. Lucie
Mr. Marty Rubin ♥
Ruden, McClosky, Smith, Schuster
& Russell, P.A.
Mr. Barney S. Rush and
Ms. Marjorie Shaw
Mr. Frank Rushing
Mr. and Mrs. Richard P. Russ
Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Ryals
Ms.Tricia Saad
Sachs & Sax, P.A.
Dr. Robert M. Sackeim
Mr. Moses L. Salcido
Mr. and Mrs. Paul H. Sallwasser
Sam’s Club Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Sandor
The Sansing Foundation, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Sargeant, III
The Saunders Foundation
Harold & Bette Wolfson Schapiro
Foundation, Inc.
Mrs. Miyuki Scheidel
Mr. and Mrs. Marcus P. Schmitz
Mr. and Mrs. Michael E. Schultz
Mr. and Mrs. Steve Schultze
Scottsdale Academy, Inc.
SeaWorld Adventure Parks
Mr. and Mrs. James E. L. Seay
Sebastian Fishin’ Chics, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. Seelman
Ms. Juanita Seneca
Mr. and Mrs. Leonardo Sessa
Shands Healthcare
Ms. Meghan Shea
Mr. and Mrs. Alan C. Sheppard, Jr.
Mr. Michael J. Sherwood
Mr. Arthur W. Silvester
Mr. and Mrs. Antonio Silvestro
W.H. Simon & Company, P.A.
Singhofen & Associates, Inc.
Mr. Bryant B. Skinner, Sr.
Mr. Charles Sloan
Mr. and Mrs. D. Culver Smith, III
Edward C. Smith Charitable
Annuity Trust
Mr. and Mrs. John Snyder
Society of Debutante Charity
Cotillion, Inc.
Ms. Marsha Soffer
Sony Electronics, Inc.
South Broward High School
Sperry & Associates, Inc.
St. Columbkille Catholic Church
The St. Joe Company
Mr. and Mrs. Bob Stamen
Mr. and Mrs. Richard A. Stark
Scott and Donna Stearns
Mr. F.M. Steffens and
Mrs. Marjorie F. Goldman
Stellar Foundation
Stetson University Greenfeather
Steve Allen Construction, Inc.
Stewart & Evans, P.A.
Mr.Tony Stiffler and
Ms. Stephanie Yelenosky
Ms. Michele Stocker
Studer Charitable Giving
Sunvest Global, LLC
Dr. Lawrence Sutton
Mr. and Mrs. Robert M. Sweeting
Symantec Corporation
Talcor Commercial Real Estate
Tallahassee Democrat
Tallahassee Kappa Delta Alumnae
Tallahassee Neurological Clinic, P.A.
Tallahassee Pediatrics
Tallahassee Surgical Associates
Talquin Electric
Tanglewood Community Church
Target Copy
Mr. Frank S.Taylor Trust
Mr. and Mrs. Harry C.Taylor
Mr. and Mrs. James Taylor
Temple Beth Shalom
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Thompson
Mr. and Mrs. John Thompson ♥
Thompson, Goodis,Thompson,
Groseclose & Richardson, P.A.
Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Timmons
Mr. and Mrs. Richard P. Tonkinson
Ms. Zoe A.Torres
Mr. William J.Torrey
Mr. James M.Tousignant
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Tramont
Tramont, Guerra and Nunez, P.A.
Mrs. Barbara B.Trimble
Mr.Victor G.Trivett
Dr. and Mrs. Harry L.Tucker
Mr. Joe Tumlin
Mr. Scott Turner
UBS Financial Services, Inc.
Uhlfelder and Associates, P.A.
United Methodist Women of
First United Methodist Church
United Space Alliance
Unity Church in Jensen Beach
Unity of Daytona
Mr. and Mrs. Leo Vecellio, Jr.
Velde Ford, Inc.
The Villages
The Wackenhut Corporation
Mrs. Robin M. Wahby
Dr. and Mrs. Dan Ware
Washington Mutual, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. James L. Weaver
Mr. William P. Weber
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Weisman
Wescar Management Corporation
White & Case, LLP
White Sands Jeep Club
Mr. Mark Whitehead
Dr. and Mrs. Dale Wickstrum
Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Wieckowski
The Israel Rose Henry and
Robert Wiener Charitable
Mr. and Mrs. Steven Wilder
Williams Wholesale Seafood, Inc.
Mr. Norbert Wilmering
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey G. Winn
Wisteria Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Wood ♥
Mr. and Mrs. Les Wood
Mr. and Mrs. Orator Woodward
Mr. and Mrs. Marc Wuensch
Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Wydra, Jr.
Mr. Joseph A.Yarid
Mr. Leonard E. Zedeck
Leonard E. Zedeck Charitable
Mr. and Mrs. Jordan Zimmerman
Mr. and Mrs. Bob Zoeller
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Zotto
Zotto Enterprises, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Zucker
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Zunk
$5,000 and above gift-in-kind contributors
We thank the following individuals, organizations, corporations and foundations for donating items or services valued at $5,000 or greater during the
fiscal year from July 1, 2007, through June 30, 2008. We appreciate your desire to help Florida’s children and families through supporting our critical
programs and services.
A Gift For Teaching
ABC Fine Wine & Spirits, Inc.
Air Canada
Alegre Fashions, Inc.
American Culinary Federation,
Palm Beach County Chapter
Asphalt, Inc.
ASRC Aerospace Corporation
Aventura Mall Marketing Fund, Inc.
The Avenues Mall
Mrs. Jenny Barnette
Ms. Donna Benton
Big Bike Riders Association
Bijar Oriental Rug Gallery
The Boeing Company
Mr. Frank Carter
Vince Carter's Embassy of Hope
Centex Homes
The Church of Bethesda-By-The-Sea
Clark Properties
Clear Channel Radio
Colonial Properties Trust
Ms. Debra Concepcion
Crispin Porter + Bogusky
Daytona Beach Area Association
of Realtors, Inc.
Mr. Marco Figueiredo
First Coast Apartment Association
Florida Film and Tape
Florida Marlins
Florida Marlins Community
Foundation, Inc.
Ms. Isabela Francisco
The Fresh Market
Friends of Joshua House
Foundation, Inc.
Gainesville Harley-Davidson &
Buell, Inc.
Gause and Son Jewelers
GE Network Solutions
Mr. James Gibson
Golden Door
Mr. MacDonald Haskell
Hometown News
Interval International, Inc.
Jacksonville Sheriff's Correctional
Jacksonville Sheriff's Office
Mr. Michael Johansen
Mr. Richard Jones
Junior League of the Palm
Beaches, Inc.
K-Country 93.7 FM
Ms. Laene Keith
Keith Watson Productions, Inc.
Kids in Distressed Situations, Inc.
Kreps/De Maria, Inc.
Lana Marks
Lauderdale Imports, Ltd.
Ms. Doloris M. Lewis
Lipham Music Company
The Liquor & Wine Shoppe
at Jonesville
Lite 96.1 WEJZ
Maroone Chevrolet of Greenacres
Melbourne Central Catholic
Junior/Senior High School
Mercy Hospital
Merit Floors, Inc.
Mr. Harry Michael
Mike Erdman Toyota
Moulton Properties, Inc.
MY 107.3 and TK 101
Neiman Marcus
Mr. James F. Nobles
North Broward Preparatory Schools
Northrop Grumman Corporation
Numara Software, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs.Timothy L. O'Brien
Ocala West Marine Corps League Toys for Tots
Our Kids
Our Lady of the Rosary Catholic
Palm Beach Post
Park West Gallery
Mrs. Deanna Parker
Ms. Donna Parlapiano
Pink Purse Society
The Ponte Vedra Recorder
Ponte Vedra Women's Tennis
ProGifts Promotional Products
Project Linus
Ms.Vicky Rodriguez
Ms. Michelle Ronan
Sanders Jewelers at Haile Market
Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Schneider
Scripps Treasure Coast Publishing
Silver Threads Quilting Guild
SnJ Painting & Drywall
Soles for Souls
Stein Mart, Inc. - Dignity U Wear
Stride Rite
Studio Percussion
Syniverse Technologies
SYSCO Food Services - Jacksonville
Temple Beth Emet
Tiffany & Company
Tim Webber:The Coordinator
Toshiba Business Solutions
Toys for Tots - Panama City
Ultimate Resorts
United States Postal Service
Universal Orlando Resort
Universal Studios
Mr. Frits Van Eeden
The Villages Woodworkers Club
Vineland Elementary School
Williams Family YMCA
Mr. and Mrs. Dontrelle Willis ♥
WJXT-TV Channel 4
The Yachts of Seabourn
Ms. Louise Yariv
Our Mission
Embracing Children. Inspiring Lives.
Our Vision
We envision Children's Home Society of Florida as a state and
national leader in providing high-quality, community-based solutions
to meet the needs of individuals, families and communities.
Our Values
We are committed to the highest standards of quality in our
programs and operations. We promote courtesy and dedication
in our environment and utilize our quality improvement system
to meet changing client and customer needs.
We will maintain loyalty to our Mission and the highest standards of ethical and
professional character within a supportive work environment. We work honorably
and justly in all our work and service.
We provide leadership in the development of research-based, solution-driven
programs for children and their families, and we encourage creative visionary
ideas from our staff, our volunteers and our community.
We will maintain respect for the worth and dignity of all persons with whom
we work and serve. We are committed to teamwork, patience and congeniality
that encourage inclusion from stakeholders and the people we serve.
We will maintain employment policies and provide services that promote cultural
diversity and capitalize on the strength of our geographic and programmatic
diversity while pursuing our Mission.
We will be diligent, responsible stewards of financial and human resources while
maintaining resources to address the needs of our clients and constituents.
Non-Profit Org.
US Postage
Orlando, FL
Permit No. 506
Corporate Office
1485 South Semoran Boulevard
Building 6, Suite 1448
Winter Park, FL 32792