San Diego-Imperial Counties Developmental Services, Inc.
San Diego-Imperial Counties Developmental Services, Inc.
San Diego-Imperial Counties Developmental Services, Inc. 4355 Ruffin Road, San Diego, California 92123 ∙ (858) 576-2996 ∙ MEETING NOTICE SDICDSI Board of Directors Meeting San Diego Regional Center Board Room 4355 Ruffin Road, San Diego, CA Tuesday, October 13, 2015 12:30 p.m. 1. Call to Order/Announcements Linda Schmalzel 2. Welcome and Introductions Linda Schmalzel 3. Public Input 4. Approval of the Minutes - September 8, 2015, Board Meeting (Action Item) Linda Schmalzel 5. Chair’s Report Linda Schmalzel 6. Executive Director’s Report Carlos Flores 7. Finance Committee Report - Contracts for Approval (Action Item): APK Serene, Hannalei Developmental Services Continuum, Inc., Buena Vista Valley Home Developmental Services Continuum, Inc., Lakeside Home Developmental Services Continuum, Inc., Village House Pacifica Residential Care, Inc., Helix Home Care Verzosa’s Guest Home, Inc., Royal Crest Ranch Home - Proposed San Diego Regional Center Fiscal Year 2015-2016 Operations Spending Plan (Action Item) - Line of Credit Agreement (Action Item) Cuauhtemoc Hernandez 8. Program Services Committee Report - Purchase of Service Standards (Action Item) Kathleen McCarthy 9. Foundation for Developmental Disabilities Report Michael Bradshaw 10. Other Committee Reports 11. Adjourn The next meeting of the SDICDSI Board of Directors will be held on Tuesday, November 10, 2015 at 12:30 p.m. in the SDRC Board Room San Diego-Imperial Counties Developmental Services, Inc. 4355 Ruffin Road, San Diego, California 92123 ∙ (858) 576-2996 ∙ MEETING NOTICE SDICDSI Board of Directors Meeting San Diego Regional Center Board Room 4355 Ruffin Road, San Diego, CA Tuesday, September 8, 2015 12:15 – 12:45 p.m. Public Input on 2015 Performance Contract with DDS Dan Clark 12:45 p.m. 1. Call to Order/Announcements Linda Schmalzel 2. Welcome and Introductions Linda Schmalzel 3. Public Input 4. Approval of the Minutes - August 11, 2015, Board Meeting (Action Item) Linda Schmalzel 5. Chair’s Report Linda Schmalzel 6. Executive Director’s Report Carlos Flores 7. Finance Committee Report - FY 2015-16 B-1 Regional Center Contract Amendment (Action Item) - Contracts for Approval (Action Item): Fred Finch Youth Center Peyton’s Place - Bank Signature Card Resolution (Action Item) Cuauhtemoc Hernandez 8. Adjourn The next meeting of the SDICDSI Board of Directors will be held on Tuesday, October 13, 2015 at 12:30 p.m. in the SDRC Board Room San Diego-Imperial Counties Developmental Services, Inc. 4355 Ruffin Road, San Diego, California 92123 ∙ (858) 576-2996 ∙ BOARD OF DIRECTORS MEETING September 8, 2015 Minutes DIRECTORS PRESENT: Terri Colachis; Robert Constantine; Jonathan Copeland; Elmo Dill; Ann Featherstone; Maria Flores; Dave Hadacek; Joel Henderson; Mark Klaus; Shirley Nakawatase; Nancy Prutzman; Linda Schmalzel; Alexine Wells; Jason Whittaker; Angela Yates DIRECTORS ABSENT: Jose Cuauhtemoc Hernandez; Chris Hodge; Kathleen McCarthy; Rene Rodriguez; Lorna Swartz, M.D.; Raymond Zapata STAFF PRESENT: Michael Bell; Judy Borchert; Dan Clark; Carlos Flores; Nina Garrett; Lynne Gregory; Alan Kaplan; Neil Kramer; Christine Lux-Whiting; Seth Mader; Paul Mansell; Bonnie Sebright; Judith Wallace-Patton GUESTS PRESENT: Mark Berger; Charles Davis; Michael Hack; Melinda Lara; Evalyn Nybeck; Eugenia Ortega; Leticia Ruiz-Mylenek; Chris Shepard; Mary Ellen Stives; Connie Strohbehn; Ana Ubensmith Public Input Regarding the 2016 Performance Contract with the Department of Developmental Services (DDS): Dan Clark, Director of the Community Services Department, San Diego Regional Center (SDRC), provided written information and presented an overview of the draft 2016 San Diego-Imperial Counties Developmental Services, Inc. (SDICDSI) Performance Contract outcomes and activities. The Performance Contract with the Department of Developmental Services (DDS) is revised on an annual basis and public meetings are held in order to gather input in determining the activities that will be pursued to achieve the outcomes. The next public meeting is scheduled for September 10, 2015, at the Imperial Offices of SDRC at 6:30 p.m. Mr. Clark informed the audience that SDRC will accept public comment and input through September 25, 2015. 1. Call to Order Linda Schmalzel, Chair, Board of Directors, welcomed everyone in attendance and called the meeting to order at 12:49 p.m. 2. Public Input There was no public input. 3. Approval of Board of Directors Meeting Minutes Ms. Schmalzel referred the Directors to the draft minutes of the August 11, 2015, Board of Directors meeting and asked for approval. MOTION: M/S/C that the Minutes of the August 11, 2015, Board of Directors meeting are approved as submitted. 4. Chair’s Report Ms. Schmalzel extended her thanks and praise for a job well done on the Foundation Day at the SDICDSI Board of Directors Meeting Minutes September 8, 2015 Page 2 of 3 Races fundraiser event. 5. Executive Director’s Report Carlos Flores reported that as of the end of August 2015, the total SDRC caseload is 23,988. Mr. Flores reported on the Association of Regional Center Agencies (ARCA) meetings that were held on August 21 and 22. Mr. Flores stated that John Doyle, Chief Deputy Director, and Brian Winfield, Acting Deputy Director, reported for DDS on the plan to close the three remaining developmental centers, the revised Home and Community Based Services waiver application, and the new rules requiring that Medi-Cal managed care insurance plans assume responsibility for coordinating and funding Applied Behavioral Services (ABS) for persons with Autism Spectrum Disorder. Mr. Flores provided an update on the legislature’s extraordinary session focused on funding for developmental services and Medi-Cal. Only informational hearings have been held so far. Mr. Flores reported on the rallies which were held last week across the state in response to the lack of action being taken by the governor and legislature to provide adequate funding for developmental services. 6. Finance Committee Report Angela Yates reported on behalf of Treasurer Temoc Hernandez. Ms. Yates referred the Directors to the fiscal year (FY) 2015-2016 DDS B-1 contract summary. The Finance Committee recommended that the Board of Directors authorize the Board Chair to sign the FY 2015-16 B-1 contract amendment. MOTION: M/S/C that the Board of Directors authorizes the Board Chair to sign the FY 2015-2016 B-1 contract amendment. Ms. Yates reported that the Finance Committee discussed the proposed contracts with Fred Finch Youth Center and Peyton’s Place. The Finance Committee recommended that the Board of Directors approve the contracts for services. MOTION: M/S/C (Klaus, abstained) to approve the contracts for services with Fred Finch Youth Center and Peyton’s Place. Ms. Yates referred Directors to the Finance Committee’s resolution authorizing the Board Chair, Linda Schmalzel, to be signatory for all existing corporate accounts. The Finance Committee recommended that the Board of Directors approve the resolution. MOTION: M/S/C to authorize the Board Secretary to sign the following resolution: “Resolved that the Chairperson, Secretary, Treasurer is authorized, to enter into deposit account, funds transfer, and Global Treasury Management Services agreements with Bank, and to designate from time to time who is authorized to withdraw funds, initiate payment orders, execute service agreements and otherwise give instructions on behalf of the Corporation with respect to its deposit accounts and treasury management services. Serving Individuals with Developmental Disabilities SDICDSI Board of Directors Meeting Minutes September 8, 2015 Page 3 of 3 The Bank Depositor and Global Treasury Management Services Agreement is the binding obligation of the Corporation. This authorization is in addition to any other authorizations in effect. This resolution is retroactive to January 13, 2015.” 7. Foundation for Developmental Disabilities Report Michael Bradshaw announced that the Foundation Day at the Races fundraiser event sold out for the second year in a row and is expected to be the most successful to date. 8. Adjournment/Next Meeting There being no other business, the meeting was adjourned at 1:19 p.m. The next meeting of the Board of Directors is scheduled for Tuesday, October 13, 2015, at 12:30 p.m. Approved by the Board of Directors on October 13, 2015 Serving Individuals with Developmental Disabilities San Diego-Imperial Counties Developmental Services, Inc. 4355 Ruffin Road, San Diego, California 92123 ∙ (858) 576-2996 ∙ FINANCE COMMITTEE MEETING 4355 Ruffin Road, Suite 302 San Diego, California 92123 September 8, 2015 11:00 a.m. AGENDA 1. Call to Order 2. Approval of Minutes from August 11, 2015 Finance Committee Meeting 3. Fiscal Year 2015/2016 Regional Center B-1 Contract Amendment (Attached – Action Item) 4. Approval of Purchase of Service Contracts (Attached – Action Item) - Fred Finch Youth Center (HQ0332) - Peyton’s Place (HQ0731) 5. Bank Signature Card Resolution (Attached – Action Item) 6. Old Business 7. New Business 8. Adjourn Committee Members: Bud Bush Joel Henderson Cuauhtemoc Hernandez (Chair) Chris Hodge Alexine Wells Wade Wilde Angela Yates Serving Individuals with Developmental Disabilities San Diego-Imperial Counties Developmental Services, Inc. 4355 Ruffin Road, San Diego, California 92123 ∙ (858) 576-2996 ∙ FINANCE COMMITTEE MEETING MINUTES 4355 Ruffin Road, Suite 302 San Diego, California 92123 September 8, 2015 11:00 a.m. Members Present: Ann Featherstone, Joel Henderson, Linda Schmalzel, Alexine Wells, Wade Wilde, and Angela Yates (Acting Chair) Members Absent: Cuauhtemoc Hernandez (Chair), Chris Hodge Staff Present: Mike Bell, Dan Clark, Carlos Flores, and Michael Rath The meeting of the Finance Committee of the San Diego-Imperial Counties Developmental Services, Inc., (SDICDSI), was called to order by Angela Yates, Acting Chair, at 11:05 a.m. 1. Approval of Minutes: The draft minutes of the August 11, 2015, Finance Committee meeting were approved. 2. Fiscal Year 2015/2016 Regional Center B-1 Contract Amendment: The committee discussed the details of the Fiscal Year (FY) 2015-2016 B-1 Regional Center contract. On August 19, 2015, the Department of Developmental Services (DDS) issued the letters of intent for the FY 2015/2016, B-1 contract allocations to regional centers. In the preliminary allocation San Diego Regional Center (SDRC) received $218,677,866 for purchase of services and will receive an additional $59,587,122 for the B-1, for a total of $278,264,988. SDRC received $33,606,836 in the preliminary allocation for operations and will receive $10,624,883 more in the B-1 allocation for operations, for a total of $44,231,719. SDRC will receive $2,318,905 in the B-1 contract amendment for CPP. The total SDRC B-1 contract is $324,815,612. M/S/C to recommend that the Board of Directors authorize the Chairperson of the Board to sign the FY 2015-2016 B-1 contract amendment. 3. Purchase of Services Contracts for Approval: The committee discussed the purchase of services contracts between the San Diego Regional Center (SDRC) and Fred Finch Youth Center (HQ0332) and Peyton’s Place (HQ0731). M/S/C to recommend that the Board of Directors approve the purchase of services contracts between SDRC and Fred Finch Youth Center (HQ0332), and Peyton’s Place (HQ0731). 4. Bank Signature Card Resolution: The Board of Directors elected Linda Schmalzel as the Chairperson of the Board of Directors to replace Shirley Nakawatase. Her term as Chair became effective on February 1, 2015. It is necessary for the Board of Directors to approve a formal resolution authorizing the Chair to be signatory for all existing corporate bank accounts with MUFG Union Bank (the “Bank”). The resolution is: SDICDSI Finance Committee Minutes September 8, 2015 Page 2 of 2 “The Chairperson, Secretary, Treasurer is authorized, to enter into deposit account, funds transfer, and Global Treasury Management Services agreements with Bank, and to designate from time to time who is authorized to withdraw funds, initiate payment orders, execute service agreements and otherwise give instructions on behalf of the Corporation with respect to its deposit accounts and treasury management services. The Bank Depositor and Global Treasury Management Services Agreement is the binding obligation of the Corporation. This authorization is in addition to any other authorizations in effect. This resolution is retroactive to January 13, 2015.” The corporate secretary will certify that the resolution was duly adopted by the Corporation’s governing body and remains in effect; all signatures or initials appearing on the agreement are those of the persons authorized in accordance with the resolution. M/S/C to recommend that the Board of Directors approve a formal resolution authorizing the Chair to be signatory for all existing corporate bank accounts with MUFG Union Bank (the “Bank”). 5. Old Business: The regional center has $33 million in cash in MUFG Union Bank. 6. New Business: MUFG Union Bank will begin charging the regional center fees for the unused portion of the line of credit. 7. Adjourn: There being no further business, the Finance Committee meeting was adjourned at 11:40 a.m. The next meeting will be held on Tuesday, October 13, 2015, at 11:00 a.m., at 4355 Ruffin Road, Suite 302, San Diego, California 92123. Approved by the Members of the Finance Committee on October 13, 2015 San Diego-Imperial Counties Developmental Services, Inc. 4355 Ruffin Road, San Diego, California 92123 • (858) 576-2996 • MEMORANDUM DATE: September 1, 2015 TO: PROGRAM SERVICES COMMITTEE FROM: Kathleen McCarthy Chairperson RE: Meeting Notice/Minutes The Program Services Committee will meet on Tuesday, September 8, 2015 at 11:00 a.m. at the San Diego Regional Center, Suite 310. AGENDA 1. Introductions 2. Review and Approval of the July 14, 2015, Minutes (Enclosed) 3. ILS Services 4. Other ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Enclosure: Minutes xc: Jonathan Copeland Maria Flores Shirley Nakawatase Nancy Prutzman Lorna Swartz, M.D Cameron Stone Carlos Flores Judy Wallace-Patton Judy Borchert Kim Hosburg U:\Word Processing\PSC\PSC_agenda_9-8-15.docx Serving Individuals with Developmental Disabilities San Diego-Imperial Counties Developmental Services, Inc. 4355 Ruffin Road, San Diego, California 92123 • (858) 576-2996 • Program Services Committee Minutes September 8, 2015 Committee Participants: Jonathan Copeland; Maria Flores; and Nancy Prutzman Guests: Melinda Lara, TMI Staff Participants: Judy Wallace-Patton, Judy Borchert, and Kim Hosburg 1. Introductions: Nancy Prutzman, Acting Chair called the meeting to order at 11:09 a.m. Introductions were made. 2. Minutes: The minutes of the July 14, 2015, meeting were reviewed and approved as written. 3. Independent Living Services (ILS): Judy Wallace-Patton provided an overview of Independent Living Services (ILS). She explained the circumstances under which SDRC would consider purchasing ILS services under the Purchase of Service (POS) guidelines. On January 1, 2015, new legislation was passed which allows regional centers to purchase ILS services for clients who live in the home of their parent, family members or others. The focus of the new legislative language is to enable individuals to acquire or maintain skills to live independently or to achieve greater independence within his/her home. SDRC staff met with representatives of vendored ILS agencies to discuss the new legislation, review draft changes to SDRC’s POS standards and receive input. Judy reviewed the draft recommended changes with the Committee, who voted to support the changes and present the recommended changes to the POS standards to the full Board for approval. Following approval by the Board, the recommendations will be submitted to the Department of Developmental Services (DDS) for review and approval. MOTION: M/S/C that the revised Independent Living Services (ILS) section of the Purchase of Service (POS) Standards be presented to the Board of Directors for approval. Read, reviewed and approved 10/13/15 U:\Word Processing\PSC\2015\mins_PSCmins_9-08-15.docx Serving Individuals with Developmental Disabilities San Diego-Imperial Counties Developmental Services, Inc. 4355 Ruffin Road, San Diego, California 92123 • (858) 576-2996 • CLIENT ADVISORY COMMITTEE MINUTES September 8, 2015 Members Present: Jason Whittaker, Jonathan Copeland, Michael Hack, Debbie Marshall, and Elmo Dill Staff Present: Judy Borchert, Paul Mansell Guests Present: Melinda Lara, TMI Call to Order: Jason Whittaker, Chairperson, called the meeting to order at approximately 1:34 p.m. Minutes: The minutes of the July 14, 2015, meeting were reviewed, corrected and approved with one correction. (There was no CAC meeting in August, 2015.) Review of the 2015 SDRC Performance Contract: The majority of the meeting was dedicated to the review of the SDRC 2015 Performance Contract. After extensive discussion the following were suggestions and input: Since employment is such an important statewide initiative, the CAC recommends that there be an outcome focused on increasing employment opportunities for persons with developmental disabilities. It is also recommended that Outcome 3, Activity A be revised to add the word “safe”. Contract with a nonprofit organization to develop and help people access safe and affordable housing. It is also recommended that under Outcome 3, an Activity be added which states: Maximize the use of community resources that provide supports to individuals living independently so they can successfully maintain their homes in the community. CAC members also recommended that DDS consider adding an outcome addressing the area of “client health” in 2016 Performance Contract. Employment Reform: CAC Input: The DDS Consumer Advisory Committee would like SDRC CAC members to answer several questions about how to better the employment services or programs for people with ID/DD. This will be facilitated during the October meeting. Self Advocate Announcements. Paul reviewed the “Self Advocacy Tip Sheet” that he recently developed. He explained the importance of the five principles of self-advocacy and encouraged CAC members to share the “Tip Sheet” with their respective self advocacy groups. (See attached) Paul and Debbie also reminded CAC members that the “Wellness Leadership Symposium for Self Advocates,” is scheduled for October 5, 2015, from 9:30 a.m. -12:30 p.m. at the Mission Valley Library on Fenton Parkway. For questions or to register please contact Debbie Marshall at SCDD at (619) 688-4236. Jason Whittaker closed the meeting at approximately 2:30 p.m. Read, reviewed and approved on 10/13/15 T:\CM_Admin\SDAAL\Word Processing\CAC\CAC Minutes 090815.docx Serving Individuals with Developmental Disabilities San Diego-Imperial Counties Developmental Services, Inc. 4355 Ruffin Road, San Diego, California 92123 ∙ (858) 576-2996 ∙ MEMORANDUM DATE: July 7, 2015 TO: Members, SDICDSI Legislation Committee Mark Berger; Maureen Carasiti; Robert Constantine; Ann Featherstone; Kathleen McCarthy; Molly Nocon; Jason Whittaker; Raymond Zapata FROM: Chris Hodge, Chair, Legislation Committee RE: July 14, 2015, Legislation Committee Agenda The SDICDSI Legislation Committee will meet on Tuesday, July 14, 2015 at 10:00 a.m. in the 3rd Floor Conference Room (Suite 306) at the Peterson Office Building. The following is the proposed agenda: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. c: Call to Order Approval of the May 12, 2015 Meeting Minutes Chair’s Report Update of legislative activities a. State budget update Legislation review (see attached) SDRC’s Tracked Bills SBX2 1 (Beall) – Action Item (see attached) Announcements Adjournment Linda Schmalzel, SDICDSI Chair Carlos Flores Neil Kramer Serving Individuals with Developmental Disabilities San Diego-Imperial Counties Developmental Services, Inc. 4355 Ruffin Road, San Diego, California 92123 ∙ (858) 576-2996 ∙ LEGISLATION COMMITTEE MEETING July 14, 2015 Minutes MEMBERS PRESENT: Chris Hodge, Chair; Robert Constantine; Ann Featherstone; Jason Whittaker; Kathleen McCarthy; Molly Nocon MEMBERS ABSENT: Mark Berger; Maureen Carasiti; Raymond Zapata STAFF PRESENT: Neil Kramer 1. Call to Order Chris Hodge welcomed everyone in attendance and called the meeting to order at 10:10 a.m. 2. Approval of the May 12, 2015 Meeting Minutes Chris Hodge referred the members to the draft minutes of the May 12, 2015, Legislation Committee meeting and asked for approval. The Legislation Committee Minutes of the May 12, 2015 meeting were approved. 3. Chair’s Report Chair Chris Hodge thanked the members of the committee and our community partners for all their hard work with the recent advocacy efforts. Although Governor’s budget for fiscal year 2015-2016 did not include any increase for funding for our providers or the regional center system, he is hopeful that we can make a positive impact by continued advocacy with our local leaders who have been assigned committees in the special session. 4. Update of Legislative Activities a. Neil Kramer directed the committee to review Carlos Flores’ Executive Director’s report on the Fiscal Year 2015-2016 State Budget Update. b. Neil Kramer reported that the Governor called for two Extraordinary Sessions of the Legislature. One of the sessions is devoted to Medi-Cal and services for people with developmental disabilities. Locally, Assembly Members Brian Maienschein and Eduardo Garcia have been selected to serve on the Assembly Public Health and Developmental Services Committee. In addition, Senator Joel Anderson has been selected to serve on the Senate Public Health and Developmental Services Committee. c. Neil Kramer will work with Executive Director Flores and ARCA to develop an outreach plan with our local legislators who have been assigned to serve on the committees. d. Neil Kramer provided the committee a summary of the July 9, 2015 Assembly Extraordinary Session hearing. Separate hearings involving Medi-Cal and developmental services will be scheduled for the week of August 17, 2015. He will continue to monitor the progress of the Special Session and provide updates to the committee. SDICDSI Legislation Committee Meeting Minutes July 14, 2015 Page 2 of 3 e. Mollly Nocon reported that on June 17, 2015, rallies were held across the State. Locally, a rally was held outside the offices of Speaker Toni Atkins, Assembly Member Weber, and Assembly Member Gonzalez. There were approximately 400 participants at the San Diego rally and several individuals had an opportunity to discuss concerns with Speaker Atkins’ staff. Ms. Nocon also reported that several television news agencies covered the rally. 5. Legislation review AB68 (Waldron) AB314 (Waldron) AB449 (Irwin) AB662 (Bonilla) AB1147 (Maienschein) AB1335 (Atkins) SB479 (Bates) SB490 (Beall) Medi-Cal Watch Limited Conservatorship Watch ABLE Act Watch Public Accommodation; disabled adults, changing facilities Watch Heath Facilities, Pediatric day health and respite care facilities Support Building Homes and Jobs Act Support Healing arts; behavior analysis; licensing Watch Regional Centers; audits Watch 6. SBX2 1 (Beall) - Action Item Neil Kramer provided the committee a summary of SBX2 1 authored by Senator Jim Beall. The legislation increases funding across the board by 10%, provides a stop-gap to halt the ongoing erosion of services and oversight. Also, by requiring minimum wage increases be funded, it ensures that California’s state and local evolution on wages be properly recognized. Concurrently, by expanding that funding to exempt employees, this bill ensures an honest and comprehensive accounting is made. Lastly, the mandate that the Department of Developmental Services develops a 10-year financial sustainability plan will serve as a long-term framework to ensure the sustainability of the service system – including rate reform – and the rebuilding of the promise of the Lanterman Act. A motion was made by Molly Nocon to support SBX2 1. Kathleen McCarthy seconded the motion. The motion to support the legislation passed unanimously. Serving Individuals with Developmental Disabilities SDICDSI Legislation Committee Meeting Minutes July 14, 2015 Page 3 of 3 7. Announcements a. No announcement were made 8. Adjournment There being no other business, the meeting was adjourned at 11:00 a.m. The next meeting of the Legislation Committee is scheduled for Tuesday, August 11, 2015, at 10:00 a.m. at the Peterson Office Building, Suite 306. Approved by the Legislation Committee on August 11, 2015 Serving Individuals with Developmental Disabilities San Diego-Imperial Counties Developmental Services, Inc. 4355 Ruffin Road, San Diego, California 92123 ∙ (858) 576-2996 ∙ VENDOR ADVISORY COMMITTEE Thursday, July 23, 2015 10:00 a.m. SDRC Main Headquarters, Board Room, Suite 101, San Diego, California 92123 AGENDA 1. Call to Order/Introductions Mark Klaus 2. Approval of Agenda/Additions Mark Klaus 3. Approval of 5/28/15 Minutes Mark Klaus 4. Self-Determination Carlos Flores 5. SDICDSI Board Updates Mark Klaus 6. Budget/Fiscal Issues Michael Bell 7. Day Program Future Committee Dan Clark 8. 2015 Legislation All 9. DDPN Update Wendy Forkas 10. Announcements All 11. Adjourn Mark Klaus 2015 Meeting Dates – Remaining Schedule: 4th Thursday, 10 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. SDRC Main Headquarters 9/24/15 11/19/15 (3rd Thursday) SDCAA\Reports\Vendor Adv Cmte\2015\2015 05 28 Agenda.Docx Serving Individuals with Developmental Disabilities San Diego-Imperial Counties Developmental Services, Inc. 4355 Ruffin Road, San Diego, California 92123 ! (858) 576-2996 ! Vendor Advisory Committee Minutes July 23, 2015 IN ATTENDANCE: Arc of San Diego Employment & Community Options Home of Guiding Hands Living Independently is for Everyone Noah Homes Safety Alert San Diego Regional Center SCODD San Diego Imperial Office St. Madeleine Sophie’s United Cerebral Palsy Unyeway YMCA CRS David Schneider Wendy Forkas Mark Klaus Kevin McPartland; Estreanda Fulford Molly Nocon Suzanne Taylor; Shawn Sherwood Carlos Flores; Dan Clark; Michael Bell; Judy Wallace-Patton; Michael Rath; Mary Ellen Stives Tom Carr Dave Carucci Carrie Hancock Veronica Klinger 1. Call to Order/Introductions: Mark Klaus called the meeting to order at 10 a.m. Introductions were made. 2. Approval of Agenda/Additions: An additional item was added to the agenda as #4— Self-Determination. The agenda was approved as amended. 3. Approval of Minutes: The minutes of May 28, 2015, were approved as written, with the correction of Dave Schneider’s name in the minutes. 4. Self-Determination: Carlos Flores reported that the Department of Developmental Services (DDS) anticipates finalizing the Self-Determination Waiver by August 7, 2015, at which time it will be open for 30 days for public comment. It will then be sent to Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) who will have 90 days to respond. Carlos Flores and Mary Ellen Stives convened the first meeting of the San Diego Regional Center Self-Determination Advisory Committee and this committee plans to meet again in October 2015. 5. SDICDSI Board Update: Mark Klaus discussed the fact that there had been revisions to the Board By-Laws related to board committees and their focus. The Executive Committee will be responsible for creating committees on task forces and choosing members. The Board approved the Strategic Plan, which has specific focus areas. Carlos Flores will send the Strategic Plan to Mark Klaus for distribution to the Vendor Advisory Committee. It will also be placed on the San Diego Regional Center website. San Diego Regional Center has experienced a 6% growth from last year and is currently serving Serving Individuals with Developmental Disabilities 23,742 active clients. A new unit (Unit 28) will be added, which will serve Early Start and young children. The Foundation Day at the Races is coming up and information regarding this event is on the Foundation website. Carlos Flores clarified that the Foundation and the SDICDSI Board are becoming more separate and that the Foundation will move from a Type 1 supporting organization to a Type 2 supporting organization. It will then support providers, as well as the Regional Center and will expand its board membership to have 50% service providers. 6. Budget/Fiscal Issues: Michael Bell reported the following: Fiscal Year 2014/2015 Regional Center Purchase of Services Status Report The Purchase of Services spending plan is composed of two sources of funds: the A Contract Purchase of Services allocation of $248,649,602 plus an additional estimated allocation of $12,000,000 for ICF SPA reimbursements. The combined POS allocation is $260,649,602. POS expenditures through May 31, 2015 are $239,627,206. Total Projected expenditures for Fiscal Year 2014/2015 are $265,188,568. The projected deficit is $4,538,966. Operations Spending Plan The Fiscal Year 2014/2015 Operations Allocation is $42,372,201. Net Operations expenditures through May 31, 2015 are $36,181,663 and the projected total net expenditures for Fiscal Year 2014/2015 are $42,372,201. The operations spending plan is projected to be balanced at year-end. Cash The regional center has approximately $29.5 million in the bank. 7. Day Program Future Committee: The Day Program Future Committee met yesterday and will meet again on September 16, 2015, at 1 p.m. at the SDRC Main Headquarters, 4355 Ruffin Road, Suite 100-101, San Diego. This committee is actively discussing changes based on federal law and CMS. Topics discussed were the individualization of services, the importance of involving families in transition planning, tailored day services, rate issues, etc. 8. 2015 Legislation: Legislators are on hiatus currently. The special session regarding potential rate increases will resume. Currently, there are a number of bills (SBX2_1, SBX2_3, and SBX2_4) that have the potential to impact rates. One calls for a 10% increase, another for using the monies related to Developmental Center closures to fund services for persons with developmental disabilities and another that would dictate that if additional funds are found they go to the system that supports persons with developmental disabilities. That bill may require a new tax. Serving Individuals with Developmental Disabilities There was also discussion about the minimum wage and the potential to impact providers. 9. DDPN Update: There is currently a membership drive that is happening. Wendy Forkas indicated that the Leading the Charge event is being planned and they are seeking to confirm that it will be on August 3, 2015, at the Doubletree in Hazard Center. There was discussion regarding putting up a billboard criticizing the lack of legislative sup[ort for rate increases to providers and discussion that CDSA is exploring a lawsuit regarding the affect to providers on the minimum wage increase related to exempt employees. 10. Announcements: Mary Ellen Stives announced that the State Council on Developmental Disabilities has a new Executive Director, Aaron Carruthers. Get Safe will be providing personal safety training for self-advocates on August 10, 2015, at the Ballard Center. Molly Nocon announced that Noah Homes is currently building two new homes. There was discussion regarding the MTS issue of persons needing an I.D., as well as their bus pass. MTS officials declined meeting with this group. 11. Adjournment: The meeting was adjourned by Mark Klaus at 11:17 a.m. 12. Next Meeting: Thursday, September 24, 2015, 10 a.m. MINUTES APPROVED BY VENDOR ADVISORY COMMITTEE ON 9/24/15 DC/bjl SDCAA\Reports\Vendor Adv Cmte\2015\2015 07 23 Minutes.Docx Serving Individuals with Developmental Disabilities