Clocks to weigh Beyond Standard Model Physics: Muon g
Clocks to weigh Beyond Standard Model Physics: Muon g
Clocks to weigh Beyond Standard Model Physics: Muon g-2 and the Neutrino Mass Scale Martin Fertl Nuclear Particle Astrophysics Seminar Outline • Introduction: The standard model in one picture • The new muon g-‐2 experiment at FNAL • Project 8: A frequency based neutrino mass measurement • Summary M. Fertl Yale 3/3/2016 2 The Standard Model of Particle Physics in one picture 2008 2012 2004 2015 M. Fertl 2002 Yale 3/3/2016 3 Why Beyond Standard Model Physics ? Plenty of experimental evidence that the Standard Model is not complete! Some of the questions which are not answered by the SM: • Baryon asymmetry of the Universe! Why are we here? • Dark Matter: What is it? • Dark Energy: What is it? • How do neutrinos obtain mass? Mass hierarchy of fermions! • How heavy are neutrinos at all? • Gravity is completely absent in this picture! M. Fertl Yale 3/3/2016 4 Three frontiers of particle physics Complementary approaches are needed to find the crack(s) in the SM! Beyond Standard Model Physics Highest energy and cosmology Highest intensity / exposure Direct production Lepton flavor violation of BSM particles @LHC • μ→ e, μ→ eɣ, μ→ eee, … • 0νββ,… Astroparticle physics CMB, galaxies, BAO, … New particles/interactions • WIMPs, axions,… M. Fertl Highest precision Detection experiments Yale 3/3/2016 • • • • • μ and e g-‐2 exp. ν mass scale ν oscillation experiments electric dipole moments decay correlations 5 Highest precision measurements … … often follow A. Schawlow’s advice: “Never measure anything but frequency” Hydrogen 1S-‐2S σ = 4.2·∙10-‐15 Electron g-‐factor σ = 2.8·∙10-‐13 Electron mass in u σ = 2.9·∙10-‐11 Hänsch et al., 2011 Gabrielse et al., 2008 Sturm et al., 2014 Frequency (ratio) measurements also for: Neutrino masses New approach! Muon g-‐2 M. Fertl Yale 3/3/2016 6 The cyclotron frequency in a nutshell Cyclotron motion: • Only charged particles • In non relativistic limit a ratio of precisely measured constants fc,0 = 1 eB 2⇡ me • Energy dependent (Lorentz factor) fc = fc,0 = Limits the cyclotron as accelerator M. Fertl Yale 3/3/2016 1 eB 2⇡ me + Ekin /c2 Measurement of kinetic energy! 7 Anomalous magnetic moments Relation between magnetic moment and spin of a charged lepton: µ ~ e,µ,⌧ e = ge,µ,⌧ ~se,µ,⌧ 2me,µ,⌧ From the Dirac equation (1928): Dirac ge,µ,⌧ =2 Proc. R. Soc. London A 1928 117 Kusch and Foley (1947): Phys. Rev., 72, 1256, 1947 geexp = 2.002 29(8) Anomalous magnetic moment: Schwinger (1947/48): Phys. Rev., 73, 416, 1948 M. Fertl g = g Dirac (1 + ae,µ,⌧ ) a1e loop QED ↵ = 2⇡ Yale 3/3/2016 99.6% of a! 8 The muon anomalous magnetic moment All interactions in the quantum loops add to a µ : aµ = aµ (QED) + aµ (had) + aµ (weak) + aµ (BSM) Uncertainty of SM prediction dominated by hadronic vacuum polarization! e.g. [66] DHMZ: M. Davier et al., Eur. Phys. J. C 71, 1515 (2011), [67] HLMNT: K. Hagiwara et al., J. Phys. G 38, 085003 (2011) M. Fertl Yale 3/3/2016 The recent BESIII results agree well with KLOE data! 9 Sensitivity to Beyond Standard Model Physics For the electron: (ge ) = 2.8 ⇥ 10 13 ! (ae ) = 0.24 ⇥ 10 9 So why bother measuring (a µ ) 140 ⇥ 10 9 at all? New interactions will have new contributions 2 gBSM (lepton mass) al (BSM) / 16⇡ 2 (new particle mass)2 ✓ mµ me ◆2 ⇡ ✓ 105 0.5 ◆2 ⇡ 42000 ae (BSM) = 0.24 ppb ! M. Fertl aµ (BSM) = 10 000 ppb Yale 3/3/2016 aSM µ ⇡ 750 ppb aµ 10 Experimental approach to aμ at FNAL Clock comparison of muon spin precession and cyclotron frequency s p s p g=2 g>2 Measure the anomalous spin precession frequency: ✓ ◆ Qe g 2 Qe !a = !s !c ⌘ a µ B= B m 2 m M. Fertl Yale 3/3/2016 11 The 𝜋± and μ± decay: a self analyzing polarimeter Source of polarized muons νμ π+ Analysis of μ+ spin in laboratory μ+ Analysis of μ+ spin at rest Lorentz boost: Time dilatation allows for extended observation time! M. Fertl Yale 3/3/2016 12 The last muon g-2 experiment: BNL E821 Characteristic numbers: • Dipole field B = 1.45 T • Ring diameter: 14m • µ storage region: 9 cm ⌀ • 24 calorimeter stations • 2 straw tracker stations • 𝜔c = 6.7 MHz ⟶ 149 ns… • 𝜔a = 228 kHz ⟶ 4.37 μs M. Fertl Yale 3/3/2016 13 A decay positron histogram of BNL E821 3.6·109 decay electrons, BNL E821 collab., 2001 data set, Ee > 1.8 GeV 0 to 100 μs 100 to 200 μs 200 to 300 μs 300 to 400 μs 400 to 500 μs 500 to 600 μs 600 to 700 μs M. Fertl Yale 3/3/2016 14 Current status of the muon g-2 aE821 µ,exp M. Fertl = gµ 2 2 = 11 659 208.9(54)stat (33)sys (63)total ⇥ 10 Yale 3/3/2016 10 G.W. Bennett et al., Physical Review D 73, 072003 (2006) 15 Anomalous spin precession frequency ! ~a = " Qe ~ aµ B m ✓ aµ ◆ ~ ~# 1 ⇥E 2 1 c Suppress the motional magnetic field CERNIII, BNL E821, FNAL E989 • Hot muon beam • Vertical, electrical focusing • Magic muons with ɣ=29.3 M. Fertl ~ =0 for ~ · B Small corrections for 6= magic and ~ · B ~ 6= 0 (pitch correction) Qe ! ~ a = + aµ m Yale 3/3/2016 ✓ +1 ◆⇣ ⌘ ~·B ~ ~ ≅0 16 The FNAL E989 error budget Complete error budget for FNAL E989 given in Full Technical Design Report M. Fertl Yale 3/3/2016 17 Higher precision: more observed muons • Unique accelerator chain at FNAL: accumulate 21x BNL E821 statistics • Linac and Booster: 1x 4.0·∙1012 p+/pulse • Re-‐bunching p+ in recycler ring: 4x 1.0·∙1012 p+/pulse to avoid pile-‐up • 8 GeV, 120 ns pulse length • 10ms pulse separation Courtesy: M. Convery M. Fertl Yale 3/3/2016 18 2013: Shipping the superconducting magnet M. Fertl Yale 3/3/2016 19 2014/2015: The storage ring assembly in MC1 New MC1 building: more stable foundation, temperature stability ±1°C Ring assembly time lapse video removed M. Fertl Yale 3/3/2016 20 The precision magnetic field and nuclear magnetic resonance measurements 70 ppb uncertainty of mag. field folded with muon distribution in storage region Superconducting coils 90 mm diameter muon storage region, 14 m ring diameter Excitation of free induction decay and pick-‐up M. Fertl Yale 3/3/2016 21 Magnetic field survey during the experiment Between muon operation • 17 pNMR probes • Vacuum compatible trolley • Cycles the ring once a day • Multipole decomposition M. Fertl During muon operation • 376 pNMR probes in vacuum chamber walls • Interpolate the magnetic field in time • Temperature dependence of pet. jelly! Yale 3/3/2016 22 Design of improved pNMR probes Addressed the problems of the E821 pNMR probe design after careful study 100.00 mm Serial inductor coil Base piece with double crimp connection B Outer crimp ring 8.00 mm End cap with threaded hole Petroleum jelly volume Inner conductor of capacitor Parallel inductor coil Double shielded cable Inner crimp ring PTFE tuning piece with slot • Exc. el. connection • Non corrosive pet. jelly instead of water in all probes • No Stress tuning • Factor 1.75 higher LC circuit quality factor Coordinated the production of the parts for the new probes. M. Fertl Yale 3/3/2016 23 The pNMR assembly chain an Q&A Ronaldo UW undergraduate Cole, UW undergraduate • Highly reliable probes • Built 430 pNMR probes • All shipped to FNAL for installation • 28 in use for shimming right now M. Fertl Yale 3/3/2016 Rachel, UW graduate student measured at UMass, Amherst 24 Ramping up and shimming the magnet Sept 22, 2015: First full field since 2001 M. Fertl Magnet design allows nearly decoupled adjustment of magnetic field multipoles • adjusting air gaps (dipole) • adjusting wedge shims (quadrupole) • adjust edge shims (sextupole) Yale 3/3/2016 25 28 pNMR probes on the shimming cart Shimming cart pulled by stepper motor as of Jan 2016: 400 ppm 25 pNMR probes in circular matrix 3 pNMR probes at fixed probe locations M. Fertl Yale 3/3/2016 Courtesy: Matthias Smith UW graduate student 26 The new muon g-2 experiment at FNAL collaboration 8 countries 30 institutions 150 people overall 100 physicists M. Fertl Yale 3/3/2016 27 Neutrino mass limits from laboratory nuclear beta decay experiments T2 beta decay kinematics model independent 2 m (⌫e ) = X i 2 |Ue,i | m2i 0νββ decay searches • model-‐dependent T1/2 |M|2|mββ|2 • effective Majorana mass: ∝ m = X Uei2 mi i • Probes Majorana nature of neutrino • current status: m < 0.2 0.4eV < 20 50 meV • potential reach: m • possible in 35 natural isotopes M. Fertl Yale 3/3/2016 28 Beta decay electron spectrum Effective neutrino mass imprinted on the decay electron spectrum X dN G2F m5e cos2 ✓C 2 2 = |M | F (Z, E ) p E |U | Pk (Emax Ee nuc e e e ei dEe 2⇡ 3 ~7 i,k q 2 ⇥ (Emax Ee Vk ) m2⌫i · ⇥ (Emax Ee Vk m⌫i ) Fractional decay rates for T2 10 eV: 2·∙10-‐10 1 eV: 2·∙10-‐13 Vk ) • Incoherent sum over all possible decay channels • Initial and final state population distribution • Current limit: m⌫¯e , < 2.05 eV (95% CL) Kraus et al. Eur. Phys. J. C 40, 447, 2005 M. Fertl Yale 3/3/2016 29 Electrostatic spectrometer with magnetic adiabatic conversion (MAC-E) technique 70 m long, 10 m diameter vacuum tank • Window less gaseous tritium source (1010 Bq) • Molecular T2 • Anticipated mass sensitivity: < 200 meV (90% CL) • Resolution scales like the area of the analyzing plane New technique needed for independent confirmation or to scale beyond MAC-‐E sensitivity M. Fertl Yale 3/3/2016 30 Cyclotron radiation emission spectroscopy Novel approach: J. Formaggio and B. Monreal, Phys. Rev D 80:051301 (2009) • Cyclotron radiation from single electrons • Source transparent to microwave radiation • No electron transport from source to detector • Highly precise frequency measurement fc = fc,0 = 1 eB 1 eB ⇡ 2⇡ me + Ekin /c2 2⇡ me 1 Ekin + me c 2 ✓ ◆2 Ekin + ... me c2 | {z } ! 8 4 ⇥ 10 for forEkin Ekin =100 eV 0.13% =18.6 keV P (17.8 keV, 90 , 1 T) = 1 fW P (30.2 keV, 90 , 1 T) = 1.7 fW M. Fertl Yale 3/3/2016 Small but readily detectable with state of the art detectors 31 A simulated single electron signal What are the characteristic features of a detected signal? In time frequency domain: • Sudden onset of microwave power • Slowly rising frequency • Sudden stop when e lost from trap M. Fertl Yale 3/3/2016 32 Frequency and energy resolution of CRES Energy vs. frequency resolution in 1T field: Ekin = Ekin ✓ me c2 1+ Ekin ◆ Magnetic mirror trap ⌫c ⌫c ⇡ 28 for e-‐ at tritium endpoint Ekin ⇡ 0.2 eV ! ⌫c ⇡ 28 GHz ! ⌫c ⇡ 4 ⇥ 10 ⌫c 7 ⌫c ⇡ 11 kHz Frequency resolution vs. observation time: ⌫c ⇥ tobs 1 ! tobs 2⇡ tobs cos ✓ ⇡ 20 m M. Fertl For typical P8 settings up to: 14 µs for a 1a8.8 electron for 17.8keV keVelectron and 89° pitch angle Yale 3/3/2016 sin ✓min = r Bmin ! 85 Bmax 33 The apparatus: the outside 50 K cold head Low noise cryogenic amplifiers Ben Laroque, UCSB graduate student Isolation vacuum system 83Rb/83mKr gas system Super conducting magnet, 52 mm bore M. Fertl Yale 3/3/2016 34 The apparatus: the inside WR42 waveguide 83mKr supply lines Electron spin resonance modulation coil Upper bathtub trap coil Upper Kapton window Gas volume Harmonic trap coil Lower Kapton window Lower bathtub trap coil WR42 waveguide tickler port WR42 waveguide short M. Fertl Yale 3/3/2016 35 The microwave detector • Cryogenic preamplifiers (50K physical temp.) • Double stage frequency mixing (24.2 GHz, 0.6 GHz to 1.2 GHz) M. Fertl Yale 3/3/2016 36 The first light in the detector energy changing gas collisions sudden onset of power linearly rising frequency M. Fertl Yale 3/3/2016 37 A cyclotron radiation emission spectrum of 83mKr conversion electrons 15 eV FWHM 50 eV Asner et al., Physical Review Letters, 114, 162501 (2015) M. Fertl Yale 3/3/2016 38 Press coverage M. Fertl Yale 3/3/2016 39 Axial motion: side band generation Magnetic bottle introduces a degeneracy between kinetic energy and pitch angle! eB fc = m + Ekin /c2 ✓ cot2 ✓ 1+ 2 ◆ Axial electron motion ⟶ Modulation of cyclotron frequency ⟶ Side band generation VERY PRELIMINARY! M. Fertl Yale 3/3/2016 40 The near future of Project 8 Demonstrate CRES with continuous beta spectrum of T2: Build a tritium compatible waveguide cell with larger active volume M. Fertl Demonstrate critical technology developments for scale up • Magnetic field volume: MRI magnet • Improved magnetic field control Yale 3/3/2016 41 Improving the ESR measurement setup ESR measurement used for relative magnetic field comparison, based on DPPH 80 MHz Source: snsm/classes/chem435/Lab7/ Jared Kofron, PhD Thesis, UW, 2015 DPPH M. Fertl Yale 3/3/2016 42 New coax cable ESR measurement setup DPPH BDPA 0.4Vrms on field modulation, variable microwave power Megan, UW undergraduate • Replace dielectric in waveguide cable with glue/BDPA radical mixture • Close outer conductor • Install in a small electro magnet (mod. coils) M. Fertl Yale 3/3/2016 43 The Project 8 collaboration D. M. Asner, J. L. Fernandes, E.C. Finn, A. M.Jones, J. R. Tedeschi, B. A. VanDevender Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Richland, WA P. J. Doe, A. Asthari, M. Fertl, J.N. Kofron, E.L McBride, M. L. Miller, R. G. H. Robertson, L. J. Rosenberg, G. Rybka, M. G. Sternberg, M. Wachtendonk, N.L. Woods University of Washington, Seattle, WA J.A. Formaggio, D. Furse, P. Mohanmurthy, N. S. Oblath, D. Rysewyk Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA L. de Viveiros, B. H. Laroque, M. Leber, B. Monreal University of California, Santa Barbara, CA R. Bradley National Radio Astronomy Observatory, Green Bank, WV Th. Thümmler Karlsruher Institut fuer Technologie, Karlsruhe, Germany S. Böser Universität Mainz, Mainz, Germany M. Fertl Yale 3/3/2016 44 Summary and Outlook A new muon g-‐2 experiment is rapidly coming online at FNAL! • Redesigned, built, and delivered 430 pNMR probes to measure the spatial distribution and the time stability of the magnetic field • First muons expected in the experiment early FY17 Project 8 has demonstrated cyclotron radiation emission spectroscopy • Successfully built the prototype experiment • Developing the next stage of the experiment with molecular tritium Thank you! M. Fertl Yale 3/3/2016 45