Higgs Mass and the Scale of New Physics
Higgs Mass and the Scale of New Physics
Higgs Mass and the Scale of New Physics Michael M. Scherer Institute for Theoretical Physics, University of Heidelberg in collaboration with Astrid Eichhorn, Holger Gies, Joerg Jaeckel, Tilman Plehn and René Sondenheimer May 4, 2015 @ MPIK, Heidelberg JHEP 04 (2015) 022 or arXiv:1501.02812 Phys. Rev. D 90 (2014) 025023 or arXiv:1404.5962 Outline • Introduction ‣ Higgs Mass Bounds ‣ Vacuum Instability ‣ The Scale of New Physics • Standard Model as Low-Energy Effective Field Theory ‣ Gauged Higgs-Top Model ‣ Impact of Higher-Dimensional Operators ‣ Generation of Higher-Dimensional Operators • Conclusions [Brout, Englert; Higgs; Guralnik, Hagen, Kibble, 1964] The Standard Model and the Higgs r0#~#1/me# • Discovery of the [Brout, HiggsEnglert; @ LHC: Higgs; Guralnik, Hagen, Kibble, 1964] ATLAS collaboration (2012) CMS collaboration (2012) [ATLAS collaboration, 2012] [ATLAS collaboration, 2012] MH ≈ • Standard model: ‣ effective theory ‣ physical cutoff ⇤ ‣ “New Physics” beyond ⇤ • [CMS collaboration, 2012] [CMS collaboration, 2012] 125 GeV Range of validity of SM? p = ~c/G ⇡ 1019 GeV ‣ Gravity effects: ⇤ ⇠ MPl ‣ Landau pole in U(1)hypercharge: ‣ Higgs potential… ⇤ > MPl Higgs Mass Bounds Hambye & Riesselmann (1997) Krive, Linde (1976) Maiani, Parisi, Petronzio (1978) Krasnikov (1978) Politzer, Wolfram (1978) Hung (1979) Lindner (1985) mh Wetterich (1987) Lindner, Sher, Zaglauer (1989) Ford, Jones, Stephenson, Einhorn (1993) Altarelli, Isidori (1994) Schrempp, Wimmer (1996)… 125 ure 2: Summary of the uncertainties connected to the bounds on MH . p The upper 2 4 ·for vev mass related to Higgs uncertainties coupling andinvev: • Higgs h = bound d area indicates theissum of theoretical the M mupper H = 175Upper [12]. The upper corresponds related to edge Landau pole to Higgs masses for which the • GeV bound Higgs sector ceases to be meaningful at scale Λ (see text), and the lower edge Standard Model Running Couplings matching at the heavy quark pole masses Mc = 1.5 GeV and Mb = 4.7 GeV. Results from ges of energies are only given for Q = MZ0 . Where available, the table also contains the ns of experimental and theoretical uncertainties to the total errors in αs (MZ0 ). in the last two columns of table 1, the underlying theoretical calculation for each meand a reference to this result are given, where NLO stands for next-to-leading order, NNLO xt-to-leading-order of perturbation theory, “resum” stands for resummend NLO calculations de NLO plus resummation of all leading und next-to-leading logarithms to all orders (see S 2]), and “LGT” indicates lattice gauge theory. ‣ Running strong coupling α : ‣ Standard model running couplings: Bethke (2007) 1.0 SM couplings 0.8 Buttazzo et al. (2013) g3 yt g2 0.6 g1 0.4 0.2 0.0 102 Energy scale yb m in TeV l 104 106 108 1010 1012 1014 1016 1018 1020 RGE scale m in GeV . Summary of measurements of αs (Q) as a function of the respective energy scale Q, from en symbols indicate (resummed) NLO, and filled symbols NNLO QCD calculations used in ve analysis. The curves are the QCD predictions for the combined world average value of 4-loop approximation and using 3-loop threshold matching at the heavy quark pole masses eV and Mb = 4.7 GeV. t b 1.0 Figure 1: Renormalisation of the SM gauge couplings g1 = 5/3gY , g2 , g3 , of g3 Higgs quartic coupling and of the Higgs ma and couplings (y , y , y ), ofy the 0.8 e 17, all results of α (Q) given in table 1 are graphically displayed, as a function the All parameters are ofdefined in the ms scheme.group We include two-loop thresholds a renormalization β functions e Q. Those results obtained in ranges of Q and given, in table 1, as α (M ) only, are not this figure - with one exception: the results fromand jet production in deep inelastic scattering three-loop RG equations. The thickness indicates the ±1 uncertainties in s Z0 plings s 0.6 nted in table 1 by one line, averaging over a range in Q from 6 to 100 GeV, while in figure 17 esults for fixed values of Q as presented in [67] are displayed. Mechanism for Lower Higgs Mass Bound • Higgs potential: µ 2 4 H + H4 2 4 U 2 4 · vev y mt = p · vev 2 mh = U SSB p vev • Running Higgs self-coupling: 4 =- + top loop + gauge contributions Higgs loop Higgs loop 4 • Choose top loop kEW RG flow = 0 at ⇤UV : ➡ minimal value of Higgs mass ⇤UV RG scale 4 SM couplings running couplings The beta function for any coupling g is defined as g = dg/d log k. In these conventions the lization group equations the Higgs self-coupling the top YukawaModel y, and the strong coupl LowerforMass Bound in the 4 , Standard dard Model read 1 3 3 d 4 2 2 4 2 2 4 2 2 2 5 = = 12 + 6 y 3y 3g + g + 2g + (g + g 4 4 4 2 1 2 2 1) 4 2 d log k 8⇡ 2 16 dy y 9 2 9 2 17 21.0 2 1.0 = y Buttazzo 8gset al. (2013) g2 g1 y y = 2 dyt logg3k 16⇡ 2 4 12• Vacuum instability 0.8 0.8 µ 2 3 4 4 d gs gs 2 H + H crosses zero in ‣ 4 2 4 = = 11 n . 0.6 gs 0.6 f g2 2 d log k 16⇡ 3 ➡ instability of Higgs vacuum g1 0.4 p 0.4 2 10 Yukawa coupling is linked to the top mass as y = 2m /v while the Higgs mass is given by m ‘Scale of New Physics’ ~ 10 GeV t ‣0.2 H tributions0.2 from dimension-6m inoperators. [Typically, these TeV l4 coupling parameters or the related l 0.0 g3 mt and m , are evaluated at the scale of the top pole mass to be translated into the pole m H y b 0.0 FIG. 3. Height of the potential barr gs and the 10 top, according to the on-shell scheme.] The two gauge couplings are g2 10for SU (2)L a 8 17 2 100 10 1011 1014 Yukawa: 1020 104 106 108 1010 1012 1014 1016 1018 1020 105 depends strongly on top ‣ 2 (1)Y . The number of fermions contributing to the running of the strong is nf . In the RG scale k incoupling GeV RGE scale m in GeV [ 1e+18 o We explicit higher dimensional operators are present. However, if they are generated by Standar[ 1.2 Gabrielli et al. (2013) Bezrukov et al. (2014) 0.6 g2 g1 mass, we find 0.4 the following values of the SM parameters: 0.4 r are g1 (MPl ) =0.20.6168 run0.2 g2 (MPl ) = 0.5057 alidll 4 0.0 0.0 ysics 0.1184 3 (MZ ) g3 (MPl ) = 0.4873 5 + 0.0002 10 15 20 25 per0.0007 ✓108 log1010HmêGeVL ◆1014 11 100 105 ticle Mt y (M ) = 0.3823 + 0.0051 173.35 µnew, GeV 0.6 running couplings ment runningSM couplings Couplings 1.0 1: Renormalisation of the SM gauge couplings g1 = 5/3gY , g2 , g3 , of the top,1.0bottom 1e+16 d to g 3 ouplings (yt , yb1.0 , y ), ofy the Higgs quartic coupling and of the Higgs mass parameter m. g3 new 0.8 0.8 1e+14 g3 the ms scheme. We include two-loop thresholds at the weak scale y ameters are defined in ctor. 0.8 ee-loop uncertainties in Mt , Mh , 3 . 1e+12 yt The thickness indicates the ±1 atu- RG equations. 0.6 0.4 1e+10 0.2 1e+08 (56a) (56b) 1e+06 l 0.0 30 17 10 0.0021 35 40 3 (MZ ) 20 10 0.1184 4 0 (56c) 100 (56d) 10 5 0.01 10 8 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.05 1017 1020 yt-ytcrit11(µ=173.2 GeV) 14 10 10 i a O b o c t o n i i h e Scenarios at the Scale of New Physics both the scale k as well as the field value, such that @ ~ 1010 GeV several scenarios are possible: V (k = ⇤; H) = VUV V (k = 0; H) = Ve↵ . 1. New degrees of freedom appear that In render Higgsthepotential stableproperties - dark matter? this manner, (meta-)stability of the e↵ective potenti in a scale-dependent manner. 1040 Gabrielli et al. (2013) note another subtlety in the comparison between -10 and non-perturbative -10 approaches. The perturbative approach usually -10 -10 True minimum @ H ~ 1025 GeV? independent regularization scheme. To avoid large threshold e↵ects on -10 stop the running of the couplings at the appropriate mass scales. Mo -10 to H. This suggests to approximate Metastability of Higgs vacuum?masses are proportional 2. Stable minimum might appear for large field values Finally, let us ➡ ➡ 40 50 60 70 VHhLêGeV4 ➡ Small tunnelling rates to stable minimum? 80 90 -10100 Ve↵ 1 = V (k = H, H) ⇡ 4 4 (H) H 4 , 5 10 15 20 25 2 as is usually done in the perturbative approach. In Eq.(2.12) we have log HhêGeVL the running Higgs self-coupling at the scale kEW . Using the identifi Gabriellifield et al. (2013) FIG.to 2: The SMterm Higgs potential as a function the essentially the first ine↵ective the square brackets of theofsecond Higgs (e.g. ~H6,reproduce H8, …) render potential stable 2 2 4 Higgs field strength, V (h) = µ h + H (h) h . The Higgs Let us check thismass explicitly, parameter is approximated as a constant and the run10 1.2 Include higher powers in 1.0 ➡ SM Couplings We 3. d to new ctor. atument r are runalidysics perticle and 0.8 ning quartic coupling is evaluated at 1-loop level, where the g Do not appear in perturbatively renormalizable Higgs Lagrangian V (k ) ⇡ V scale + is Vset by the field strength h. The global minimum at 3 e↵ yt ➡ 0.6 EW g Appear in effective theories with finite Λ 2 g1 0.4 ➡ 0.2 ➡ 0.0 top UV 26 ✓ positive 2(from ◆ low ⇠ 10 GeV is generated by H running h 2 2 µ (⇤) c2 ⇤ 2at this 1scale. The 2⇤at the elec- 2 4 4local minimum UV to high energy) = H + y H log 1 + + 2y ⇤ 2 troweak by2the negative Higgs mass parameter. 2 scale is caused 64⇡ y2H New physics appears at higher scales l Link to particle models? 5 10 BSM 15 20 25 physics 30 35 40 log10 HmêGeVL when approaching underlying theory ✓ ◆ 2H 2 i y 4 (⇤) 4 10? GeV > 10110+ GeV 4⇤4 log + H 2 2⇤ 4 ✓ ◆ toward negative values (from high to low2 scale). Howh 2 µ (kEW ) 2SM contains 1 2⇤ with its large 4also 4 the top quark 2 2 2 = ever, the H + y H log 1 + + 2y ⇤ H 2 the Higgs boson.y 2As Yukawa coupling 2 64⇡to H 2 explained in ✓ ◆i the last section, at2 low near the EW scale the 2 energies y H 4 (⇤) 4 4 Stability & Higher-Dimensional Operators approximate weak-scale potential briefly recalling issueinduce of vacuum stability arises and what Does thehow topthe loop an instability in the potential? µ2 (⇤) c2 ⇤2 2 (⇤) 4 4 ) ⇡ V + V = H + H + positive terms, (2.1 lays. We refer toVe↵a(kpotential as stable if it is bounded from below, top EW UV 2 4 alone, but requires the full UV-potential. As simple example, we includ able. A stable potential can exhibit several minima, where aa local and will in never toofan unstable e↵ective a finite UV-cutoff Λ: potential at the weak scale. A closer loo • Vacuum stability aspresence in lead Eq.(2.1), meta-stable while global minimum is stable. Asany argued induce in ⇤the presence a fi at thethe contribution fromand thecannot top loop below theinstability cuto↵above, scale reveals the of formal 2 (⇤) µ 4 (⇤) 6 (⇤) ar the ➡dominant factor in the renormalization group evolution of 2 4 6 To understand this in more detail, let us consider a o sub-leading terms H + H + H . start with stable bare potential VUV = Ve↵ (⇤) = 2 2 4 8⇤ fective potential the2 understood electroweak scale k ⇡ kEW ⇡ 0 ✓ at 2be ◆ . Indeed, the whole issue of stability already Z ⇤ can 1 y H 3is essentially As we have seen, (⇤) by the measured value of the de Hi 4 2 when appropriate. shown in(2.7). Ref. [15] the fermion 4 = /(8⇡ dq· q· · log 1 + Asfixed ➡ the consider: nsidering term 4 =Vtop3y ) + in Eqs.(2.2) and 2 2 4⇡ 0 2q 2 (⇤) is fixed the infrared. For sufficiently large ⇤ it is negative. Similarly µ contribution tohthe e↵ective ✓ potential ◆ for any finite cuto 2 2 unction toward the ultraviolet, this term drives the quartic self1 For 2⇤ 2 infrared. 2 4 the 4 2 2 2cuto↵ reg v = 246=GeVy in ⇤the simple momentum-space H + y H log 1 + + 2y ⇤ H 2 2 2 2 16⇡ 64⇡ y = HΛ): 2 2scale 2 . As2 expected, e values at some highit scale. This ispotential the usual argument for the ➡ top loop contribution to effective @ EW (k << is typically large and positive, µ (⇤) ⇠ O(0.01)⇤ V c ⇤ H + positive t EW 6 (⇤) top 2 ✓ ◆ i 2H 2 y 4 4 he Higgs potential if the by undetermined V ⇡ new Higgs and freepotential parameter. Its value is essentially by measurem 4⇤ log 1is+ yapproximated ⇤ 2 2 42 2⇤ V = c ⇤ H +c H log + ... scale top because 2 it is csuppressed 4 0. We where start from a stable bare potential VU 2 > infrared, by the large ⇤. 4 k EW 4 | {z } UV-potential y ⇤ in Eq.(2.1) with quadratic and quartic Higgs terms. T 26 (⇤) 2 positive 4ensures Choosing that the grows at large = c ⇤ H + c H log + . . . . (2.1 positive terms 4 n appears to be in conflict with2 non-perturbative lattice simula4 k approximate weak-scale potentialfield theory. In principle, making it a viable bare potential forEW a quantum ➡ Higgs @ EW scale: arguments thatpotential the interacting part of the topsmall loopvalue is non-negative 2 (⇤) > 0, the po achieved with an arbitrarily of (⇤). Since µ 6 where we normalize the contribution such that Vtop (H = 20) = 0. In the last line w 2 µ (⇤) c ⇤ 2panel 2of Fig. 4 (⇤ has a qualitatively similar form to the red curve in the left (kEW ) ⇡The VUVadditional + Vtop = H + to 2th adopt the general notation V ofe↵Eq.(2.9). logarithmic contribution 2 value H 6= 0. 4Ch minimum at H = 0 and a global minimum at a large field quartic potential term contributes to the Higgs mass as [14, 22] and will never lead to an unstable 2 e↵ective potential at ⇤ 1 2⇤ 4 (⇤) > (⇤) = 4 (⇤) +6c4 yfrom log 4the top ⇡ 2 (⇤) . (2.1 ➡ contribution to–quartic loop below the GeV cuto↵ MH ≈ 125 4 (kthe EW )contribution 8 – term: at 3µ kEW 8 sub-leading terms removes thethe second minimum atofHthe 6= 0Higgs for negative only minim 4 (⇤). The This is nothing but renormalization self-coupling. For a sufficient ➡ Large Λ forces us to choose λ4(Λ) < 0 to obtain measured ✓ ◆ Z ⇤Higgs mass! 2 2 atscale H = ⇤0,the as shown by the blue curveforces in1 Fig. we are mainl y H large cuto↵ above top contribution us 2. to In choose a negative high-sca 3this paper Vtop = dq q log 1 + minimum. In the course of the RG flow, al Stabilizing the UV potential from below shown in Fig. 3 do occur, depe • No instability induced by top loop! Qualitatively, this behavior can be un es the full UV-potential. As a simple example, we include a 6 term • However: have to chose unstable Φ potential @ Λ to reproduce M = 125 GeV in Eq.(2.14), which can be applied to an µ2 (⇤) Idea: include higher-dimensional operators! 4 (⇤) 4 6 (⇤) 6 • 2full UV-potential. for decreasing k, grows the same ti alone, but requires the simple we include at a term VUV = Ve↵ (⇤) = H + H + As2 a H . example, (2.13) 4 2 4 8⇤ as in Eq.(2.1), fixed by vev = 246 GeV free turns positive then the scale depen by the measured value of first, the Higgs mass in parameter 4 (⇤) is essentially fixed µ (⇤) (⇤) (⇤) 2 = V (⇤) = H µ+(⇤) is fixed H +by requiring H . (2.13) sufficiently large ⇤ itV is negative. Similarly 2 4 8⇤ RGmomentum-space evolutioncuto↵ infixed our approximation, cf. the infrared. For the simple regularization, by Higgs mass 4 UV H 6 2 UV 2 e↵ 4 4 6 6 2 As we have seen, fixed by the measured value of the Higgs mass in 4 (⇤) is essentially 2 2 ge and positive, µ (⇤) ⇠ O(0.01)⇤ . As expected, 6 (⇤) is 2the only the infrared. For sufficiently large ⇤ it is negative. Similarly µ (⇤) is fixed by requiring ameter. Its value is essentially undetermined by measurements in the v = 246 GeV in the infrared. For the simple momentum-space cuto↵ regularization, it isitsuppressed theand large scale ⇤. is typically by large positive, µ2 (⇤) ⇠ O(0.01)⇤2 . As expected, 6 (⇤) isVthe UV only (⇤) positive that thepotential UV-potential growsundetermined at large fieldbyvalues, stable new and ensures freeλparameter. value is is essentially measurements in the 6(Λ) → UVIts • positive le bare potential for it a is quantum field principle, this can be infrared, because suppressed bytheory. the largeInscale ⇤. 2 (⇤) > 0, the potential then arbitrarily smallndvalue of (⇤). Since µ Choosing (⇤) positive ensures that 6 • remove 2 6minimum for λ4(Λ) < 0: the UV-potential grows at large field values, ly similar the bare red curve in the panel offield Fig.theory. 2 withInaprinciple, local makingform it a to viable potential for left a quantum this can be achieved withminimum an arbitrarily Since µ2 (⇤) > 0, the potential then = 0 and a global at a small largevalue field of value H 6= 0. Choosing 6 (⇤). has a qualitatively similar form to the red curve in the left panel of Fig. 2 with a local 2 ⇤ minimum at a large field value H 6= 0. Choosing 2 a global minimum at H = 0 and (⇤) (2.14) 6 (⇤) > 4 3µ2 (⇤) 6 (⇤) > 2 4 (⇤) ⇤2 2 (2.14) H The perturbative approach starts from the usual Higgs potential, generalized to an e↵ective potential by allowing a dependence on the momentum scale k of all parameters. RG Flowforof Generalized Potentials Including higher-dimensional operators it reads ✓ 2 ◆n 2 X µ(k) 2 H µ2 (k) 2 2n (k) 4 (k) 4 6 (k) 6 Ve↵ (k) = H + = H + H + H + ··· , 2n 4 2 2 k 2 2 4 8k n=2 (2.1) • RG flow from UV to IR: Vint êk 4 Vk êk 4 Vk êk 4 VUV êk 4 VIR êk 4 –3– VUV êk 4 VIR êk 4 Vint êk 4 Hêk Hêk • unique minimum between Λ and kEW • smaller λ6(Λ) • EW minimum forms in the IR @ 246GeV • ‘meta-stable’ behavior for intermediate k rting from a stable potential in the UV di↵erent flows to the IR EW minimum forms in the IR @ 246GeV • minimum are possible. In the left panel we show a situation wher during the whole flow between from stability k=⇤ topotential the point where the electrow distinguish of UV and IR potential! rresponds to region I in Fig. 6. For smaller initial values of co turns positive first, then the scale dependent potential is always stable during the Stability with Higher-Dimensional RG evolution in our approximation, cf. left panel in Fig. 3.Operators On the other hand, if V UV V eff H H 2 Figure 2. Left: Sketch of the possible shape of V with µ (⇤) > shapes 0 but 4 (⇤) < 0. Potentials UV • UV potential and effective potential can have quite different are stabilized by 6 (⇤) smaller (red) and larger (blue) than 24 (⇤)⇤2 /(3µ2 (⇤)), respectively. Right: Sketch of di↵erent possible shapes of the e↵ective potential Ve↵ (k ⇡ 0) that may occur presence of higher-dimensional operators modifies UV potential in general way •depending on the size of 6 (⇤), all corresponding to a stable UV-potential with a single minimum at H ⇡ 0 as the blue curve in the left panel. Note that the resolution of this sketch is not high higher-dimensional contribute to RG flow from of renormalizable operators two •enough to display the operators o↵set of the electroweak vacuum H = 0, the corresponding minima appear as one at H = 0. • take this into account with scale-dependent effective potential Veff(k;H): both the scale k as well as the field value, such that V (k = ⇤; H) = VUV • and V (k = 0; H) = Ve↵ . (2.15) – 10 –of the e↵ective potential can be followed In this manner, the (meta-)stability properties follow (meta-)stability properties in scale-dependent manner in a scale-dependent manner. ➡ Finally, let us note another subtlety in the comparison between the perturbative need non-perturbative approach → functional RG and non-perturbative approaches. The perturbative approach usually relies on a mass- Gauged Higgs-Top Model already observe a similar perturbative flow toward negative 4 at high scales [9]. The running of the top Yukaw coupling to smaller values in the ultraviolet is included when we add an SU (3) gauge sector. Correspondingly, w Gauged Higgs-Top Model - 1-Loop Running investigate the Euclidean action defined at the UV-cuto↵ scale ⇤ 2 3 nf Z ny X X 1 1 y 2 / j + ip 5 S⇤ = d4 x 4 Fµ⌫ F µ⌫ + (@µ ') + Ve↵ (⇤) + i ' j j5 , ( jD 4 2 2 j=1 j=1 1.0 SM couplings running couplings y with an SU1.0 (Nc ) gauge field (Nc = 3), a real scalar ', Dirac fermions the covariant derivative D j for nf flavors, Higgs-top model g3 yt including the Ve↵ . We assume that ny < nf of the fermi 0.8 0.8 strong coupling gs , and the e↵ective scalar potential species are heavy and shall have a degenerate large Yukawa coupling y. The remaining nf ny flavors ha g2 0.6 negligible Yukawa couplings. The e↵ective scalar potential 0.6 is now expanded in terms of dimensionless couplin g1 2n as 0.4 0.4 ✓ 2 ◆n 2 X 0.2 µ(k) 2 ' 2n (k) 0.2 V (k) = ' + . ( e↵ m in TeV 2n 4 l 4 2 k 2 g3 l n=20.0 0.0 102 yb 104 106 108 1010 1012 1014 1016 1018 100 5 108 10 potential shown in 1020 This potential should be compared to the Standard Model RGE scale m in GeV study beta functions for the self-interaction 4 and the '6 -coupling an (infinite)1.0series of possible higher-order couplings. 1.0 1011 1014 1017 1020 Eq.(1). As part of the potential w 6 . Here we restrict ourselves to the first RG scale k in GeV running couplings running couplings re 1: Renormalisation of the SM gauge couplings g1 = 5/3gY , g2 , g3 , of the top, bottom g3Higgs quartic gauged Higgs-top model gaugedcoupling Higgs-top couplings (yt , yb , y ), of the andmodel of the Higgs mass parameter m. g3 0.8 toy model 0.8 Because our doesWenot reflect thethresholds weak gauge structure Model, the gauge couplin arameters are defined in the yms scheme. include two-loop at the weak scale yof the Standard + fiducial coupling g1 andRG g2 equations. do not appear. However, we±1know that ininthe Model they have significant e↵ects: first, t hree-loop The thickness indicates the uncertainties Mt , Standard Mh , 3 . 0.6 0.6 g F gauge couplings give a significant positive contribution to 4 , balancing the negative top Yukawa terms for sm ckvalues mass, we the followingthey values slow of the down SM parameters: 0.4 and thereby a↵ect the increase of 4 toward lar offind40.4 ; second, the growing top Yukawa fieldg1 (M values. Since the variation of the weak coupling at large(56a) energy scales is modest, we account for its e↵ec Pl ) =0.20.6168 0.2 by gincluding a finite contribution in the beta functions for 4 (56b) and y, parametrized by a fiducial coupling gF an 2 (MPl ) = 0.5057 l l 4 0.0 g3 (MPl ) = 0.4873 + 0.0002 3 (MZ ) 0.1184 0.0007 ◆ ✓108 11 20 1014 1017 3 (MZ10 Mt 10 ) 0.1184 yt (MPl ) = 0.3823 + 0.0051 RG scale173.35 0.0021 k in GeV GeV 0.0007 ✓ ◆ Mt 100 105 4 0.0 (56c) 100 (56d) 105 108 1011 1014 RG scale k in GeV 1017 1020 Standard Model as a Low-Energy Effective Theory E↵ective field theory and higher-order couplings • Potential at UV scale: all operators compatible with symmetries induced potential at ⇤: all operators compatible with symmetries! ¯6 6 ¯8 8 4 4 (⇤) 4 6 (⇤)i = 6¯ ⇤i 4 ⇠ O(1) V⇤ = 4 + 8 + 16 + 4 ... with VUV = 4 H + 8⇤2 H + ... in the IR: canonical scaling: • Towards IR: irrelevant operators follow canonical scaling Branchina & Messina (2013) λ6 3.0 Gies et al. (2013) becomes tiny very fast! 2.5 2.0 on0mass bounds ‣ Nevertheless: assumption:impact for i > 4: i (⇤) = 1.5 on maximal UV extension ‣ Or: impact m 1.0 H 0.5 6 10 14 18 100.00 10 10 10 10 Main idea k/GeV 200 Ê 150Ê • Mechanism to go below lower mass bound: becomes tiny very fast 0.12 λ4) ) negligible for M h0(⇤)? 1. Choose Higgs-self-coupling < at UV scale new)physics)induces)) 0.10 generalized)Higgs)poten9al) No. [IR observable?] 0.08 6 2. Choose Φ -coupling > 0Holland, → potential stable suggested in [Fodor, Kuti, Nogradi, Schroeder, 2008] λ6) is 0.06 running couplings Fodor et al. (2008) Ê Ê Ê Ê Ê Ê Ê Ê Ê Ê Ê Ê Ê Ê Ê Ê Ê Ê Ê Ê Ê Ê Ê Ê VUV 100 50 8 10 12 14 Log@10, LêGeVD 6 without Φ -coupling 16 18 VUV 0.04 RG [Branchina, Messina, 2013; Gies, Gneiting, Sondenheimer, 2013] ➡ Obtain smaller Higgs-self-coupling in the IR 0.02 0.00 ➡ Higgs mass -0.02 lower than lower bound! 5 9 13 17 10 10 10 Λ) 10 RG scale in GeV 10 with Φ6-coupling • momentum shells regularization. Di↵erent choices of Rk correspond to di↵erent regu2 Gauged Higgs–top model larization schemes. Functional RG for Gauged Higgs-Yukawa Model Even though the Wetterich equation a simple one-loop it is an exact Nonperturbative tool:vacuum functionalstab RG The aim of this paper is has to investigate Higgsstructure, mass bounds and equation as there exists an exact equivalence to the full functional integral. The key the presence of higher-dimensional operators (2)and a finite ultraviolet cuto↵. In a Use functionalingredient RG method asis an tool to obtain for this thatappropriate the propagator in the loop ⇠ (β kfunctions: + Rk ) denotes1 the full (2) 1 @t k =renormalization Tr @t Rk ( k + R k) to the standard perturbative running, we use functional group 2 propagator at the scale k. From the full solution of Eq.(C.1), for instance, all correlation R methods as a tool to compute the running of an extended set of operators. all quantum fluctuations in presence of higher-dim operators ⇤ RG trajectory: = = UeffLet + ... ‣ allows to include k !0 functions can be computed. set up a toy model that allows us to study the essential features of the Standard ain perturbative expansion of thestability. Wetterich equation reproduces perturbation RG k interpolates between k with ‣ flowing action ΓWhile thescale context of vacuum theory to any order, flow equation also be used to extract non-perturbative As a the starting point, wecan briefly recapitulate the main features of the Standard information [43]. Following the Wilsonian scale action k conmicroscopic ! introductory ⇤)idea, : the ! dependent S[ ]we use k [ ]sections at one-loop action level. In(kthe H for the actual Higgs tains not just relevant or marginal couplings, but encodes e↵ects of high-scale quantum while ' denotes a general full e↵ective action (k !real 0) :scalar ]For !which [ ] can play the role of the Higgs k [ field fluctuations in the presence of higher-order operators. practical calculations, this inofour toy model. we arrive our toy model quantitatively reprodu infinite series operators in theOnce e↵ective action at is truncated. In thewhich present context, ‣ FRG flow equation: Standard Model, we our willapproximation again use H of forthe theexact corresponding a useful ordering scheme defining flow is givenscalar by an Higgs field. 1 (2) 1 [ ] = action STr{[in terms [ ] + R ] (@oft Rthe . To next-to-leading expansion of@ttheke↵ective of derivatives field. k k )} k 2 2.1 Standard Model running Wetterich (1993) order this gives 2 3 The perturbative approach starts from the nf ny usual Higgs potential, generalized to a X X ZH 1 ZG a aµ⌫ 5 4 4 2 ¯ ¯ / p = d x V + (@ H) + Z i D + i ȳ H + Fµ⌫ F scale , k of all para tive potential by allowing for a dependence on the momentum µ j j j j j j ‣ truncation: k 2 4 2 j=1 Including higher-dimensional operatorsj=1 it reads (C.2) ✓ 2 ◆n the wave function renormalizations. For the flow of the e↵ectiv 2 2 X where thecouplings potential V and , the (bare) Yukawa couplings ȳ as well as all wave function renorj µ(k) 2 H µ (k) 2 2n (k) 4 (k) 4 6 (k) 6 V (k) = H + = H + H + HFo+ weZobtain -functional defining a -function for every field value H. ‣ effective potential: malizations The gauge-part of the action is also supplemented 2n 4 2 H,e↵,G areak-dependent. 2 k 2 2 4 8k Z e.g., n=2 contribution. by a gauge-fixing Fadeev-Popov us writeand down this flowghost of the e↵ective potential explicitly: Inserting this ansatz into the Wetterich equation and2expanding both sides in terms FRG flow of ofeffective potential: of this basis operators leads to the -functions, i.e. the flow equations for the Yukawa 6 1 d V (H) 6 = V (H) = d log k 32⇡ 2 4 1 + k4 – 31 – ⌘H 6 V 00 (H) k 2 ZH –3– 4 ny X j=1 Nc 1 1+ ⌘ j 5 ȳj2 H 2 2k2 Z 2 j 3 7 7 . 5 Functional RG for Gauged Higgs-Yukawa Model Nonperturbative tool: functional RG • Use functional RG method as an appropriate tool to obtain β functions: @t k 1 = Tr @t Rk ( 2 ⇤ RG trajectory: operators ‣ allows to include all quantum fluctuations in presence of higher-dim k !0 ‣ flowing action Γk with RG scale k interpolates between microscopic action (k ! ⇤) : full e↵ective action (k ! 0) : ‣ FRG flow equation: 1 @t k [ ] = STr{[ 2 (2) k [ ] + Rk ] k[ k[ 1 ] ! S[ ] ]! [ ] (@t Rk )} . Wetterich (1993) ‣ Threshold contributions allow for dynamical mass generation by SSB pert. RG FRG SSB SSB SSB (2) k + Rk ) = = R 1 Ueff + . . . Functional RG for Gauged Higgs-Yukawa Model Nonperturbative tool: functional RG • Use functional RG method as an appropriate tool to obtain β functions: @t k 1 = Tr @t Rk ( 2 ⇤ RG trajectory: operators ‣ allows to include all quantum fluctuations in presence of higher-dim ‣ flowing action Γk with RG scale k interpolates between microscopic action (k ! ⇤) : full e↵ective action (k ! 0) : ‣ FRG flow equation: 1 @t k [ ] = STr{[ 2 (2) k [ ] + Rk ] k[ k[ 1 k !0 (2) k + Rk ) = = R Ueff + . . . ] ! S[ ] ]! [ ] (@t Rk )} . 1 Wetterich (1993) β functions for model couplings… …(e.g. reproduce 1-loop β functions from PT, include threshold effects, higher-dim operators,…) Gauged Higgs-Top Model - Higher-dimensional operators VUV = 4 (⇤) 4 4 H + 6 (⇤) 6 H 2 8⇤ + ... • Potential at UV scale: completely stable with unique minimum at H=0 1.0 4 (⇤) = 0.058 y 6 (⇤) = 2.0 0.8 running couplings running couplings 0.8 g3 1.0 0.6 0.4 0.2 0.0 100 l4 l6 108 1011 1014 RGE scale k in GeV 1017 1020 4 (⇤) = 0.05 y 6 (⇤) = 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0.0 105 g3 100 l4 l6 105 108 1011 1014 1017 1020 RGE scale k in GeV ure 4: Running couplings including 4 and 6 , corresponding to Eq.(7) with mh = 125 GeV. The bare pote Potential 2ndscales. Minimum during(⇤) RG=flow0.05 Potential completely duringand entire RGremain flow bound ‣from sfy ‣the stability conditionstable of Eq.(14) thus belowdevelops at all lower Left: 4 11 ⇤) = 2.0 andUV ⇤= 5 · 10by GeV. of Right: = 2) 0.050 and 6 (⇤) ‣= Min 0.8 and ⇤ =only 1019 GeV. @ H=0 metastable cutoff orders magnitude ‣ Extend 4 (⇤)(~ ‣ Small λ6 sufficient to stabilize UV potential studies required… ‣ Further rators. In between these two scales an e↵ective field theory description within the model is still possible, new physics would presumably have to set in beyond 1012 GeV, in order to control the strong running o mh (MPl ) ⇡ 129GeV mexp ⇡ 125GeV h Λ for observed Higgs mass 135 l4 HLL=0 conventional mass bound ~ 129 GeV l4 HLL=- 130 125 l4 HLL=0, l6 HLL=0.5 115 l4 HLL=-0.01, l6 HLL=0.05 l4 HLL=-0.05, l6 HLL=0.8 105 1010 1012 1014 LêGeV 1016 l4 HLL=- 0 metastable phase dip into possible l4 HLL=0, l6 HLL=2 110 10 relax mass5bounds/increase UV cutoff l4 HLL=0, l6 HLL=0 120 108 l4 HLL=0 15 Dmh in % mh êGeV Higgs Mass Bounds 1018 -5 -10 10 generalized UV 8 potentials 10 10 1012 1014 LêGeV re 5: Infrared value of the Higgs mass (left) and the relative shift mh measuring the departure fr shifts at of 1-5% viable ⇤. We show di↵erent UV boundary conditions as i ‣ (right), r bound as level a function of seem the UV-cuto↵ Stability regions Ê 1019 L@GeVD 1017 1015 10 13 Ê ¨III Vint êk 4 mh = V êk125V GeV êk k 4 VIR êk 4 UV VUV êk 4 VIR êk 4 Vint êk 4 Ê Ê Vk êk 4 4 Hêk II Hêk Vk êk 4 VUV êk 4 V êk Figure 3. Starting from a stable potential in the UV di↵erent flows V êk to the IR Ê minimum areÊpossible. In theÊ left panel we show a situation where the electroweak Ê Ê 11 ÊÊ Ê Ê remains stable during the whole flow from k = ⇤ to the point where the electrow 10 Ê forms. This corresponds to region I in Fig. 6. For smaller initial values of 6 cor Hêk Ê region II in Fig. 6, we observe a meta-stable behavior of the scale dependent poten 9 10 intermediate values of k, which then disappears. The electroweak symmetry bre 0.0 0.5 are not formed 1.0 until later. 1.5 2.0 We call this behavior pseudo-stable. Figure 3. Starting from a stable potential in th l6 HLL the electroweak minimum are possible. In the left Eq.(2.14) is violated first, a second appears and flow the minimum remainsminimum stable during the whole from k = ⇤a of magnitude at full to stability (green) ‣ Moderately small λ6(Λ) extend UV cutoff by 2 orders corresponds region I in Fig. Fo become meta-stable for someforms. rangeThis of RG scales, cf. right panel in 6.Fig. region IIofinthe Fig.full 6, we observe awill meta-stable - allows for more orders ‣ Pseudo-stable region (blue) a reliable (meta-)stability analysis potential require behav to go 6of magnitude intermediate values of k, which then disappears. simple polynomial expansion of the e↵ective potential around one minimu ➡ extend FRG study are not formed until later. We call this behavior int 4 IR 4 I ability regions as a function of ⇤ and . In region I (green) the pot n region II (blue) the For UV-potential is stable, while the potential i completeness let us note what happens when we continue to ➡ possibility effectiveIII potential at k the ≈ 0 behavior mediate scales v <energy k of<meta-stable ⇤; inIndependently region (red) UV-potential vi scales. of the high-scale discussed above, Eq.(2.14) is violated first, a second minimum Models for High-Scale Physics the renormalization group flow of the SM couplings shown in Eq.(7). To compute the allowed hno determines its value at ⇤. We obtain such a scenario, we do not need to consider a UV-complete theory for the heavy states beyo High-Scale Physics he model can come with Models an inherent for cuto↵, ⇤BSM ⇤. This 6 corresponds3to a hierarchy of 3 e↵ect (⇤) heavy + 216scalars, + Nagain (⇤b S HS 4 (⇤)which which the Standard Model is superseded by a model 12y containing will (⇤) = 6 • how to generate suitable higher-dimensional high-scale 2 (⇤) +physics? a more fundamental model close to the Planck scale. couplings 4 (16⇡ 2from + 9y 45 (⇤)) 4 • induce potential with λ4<0 and λ6>0 In our simple model we couple the additional scalar to the Standard Model through a Higgs po sitive aNSnegative Higgs quarticcutoff, coupling, which simpleYukawa model: introduce heavy scalars with inherent e.g. @ΛBSM =MPl is the • top o the e↵ective potential ofand Eq.(6), ds, each reduce the pseudo-fixed point2 value. As the4 top Yukawa coup 2 2 H S S S 2 portal: Accordingly, 14 tive contributionHiggs increases. a +sufficiently and positive Ve↵ = HS mS + S large . 2 2 2 4 ⇤ -point value 6 , which is then depleted toward lower scales. In contrast, 0.010 S, the heavy scalar is stable and could constitute (a pa Due to the reflection msymmetry S ! 0.0006 = 10 GeV 1.0 the fluctuations s by of the heavy scalar. This implies that while the gener 0.005 l g matter relic density. This massive scalar field adds new0.0004 loop terms to the beta functi l HL Ladditional =0 0.8 0.000 y l for HL L => 0.56m it is6 , bounded from below, is not always large enough to yield a potentia contributing only k . To decouple the massive modes below m we include thresho 0.0002 S S 0.6 -0.005 2 2 n 2 0.0000 e↵ects, the loop terms ca orm 1/(1 + m /k ) with an appropriate power n. Including µ threshold s. The size coupling still decides whether th 0.4 S of the quadratic Higgs -0.010 l n the0.2FRG scheme, as shown in App. C. If we allow for NS mass-degenerate scalar fields with t -0.0002 stable, or features a global minimum at vanishing Higgs field. -0.015 l -0.0004 become portal0.0interaction, the one-loop beta functions of our toy model, Eq.(7), l -0.020 is nevertheless possible to generate initial corresponding to10 a st 100 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 conditions 10 10 10 10 10 2 point such correctly. then solve the pseudo-fixed equation RG)scale k in that GeV1 the Higgs mass comes out RG scale k in GeV We 15 RGN scale k in GeV 4 (⇤BSM 14 S 4 2 2 4 HS nishing field values. As an example, ⇤ 6=+ 10 y(⇤ = its2 value nat + 2ny Nc y 4 we + 9 use c gF +GeV, where which determines ⇤. obtain yN c yWe 4 8⇡ 4 4(1 + m2S /k 2 )3 0.25 ysical Higgs mass of 125 GeV. This (⇤) can be reached by 0.030 6 value 3of 3 4 12y (⇤) + 216 (⇤) + N (⇤) m = 10 GeV S HS 3 4 14 GeV: 1 N 0.025 (⇤) = . λ6 at 10 ‣1.0 Generated 0.20 S g 6 6 2 3 HS l HL L = 0.255 2y+ 9y 2 (⇤) 4 (16⇡ + 45 (⇤)) table with the measured Higgs mass value, we need = 2 + 2n N y + 6n N 108 + 90 . 0.8 potential 4 6 y c y c 6 4 6 4 0.020 2 y 2 2 4 l HL L = 2.0 0.15 14 3 4 fund BSM l4 HS * 6,HS fund BSM l6 running couplings S * 6 4 6 6 10 14 18 10 12 14 16 18 10 12 14 16 18 4 14 3 4 6 HS fund fund 16⇡ 2(1 + m /k ) l6 * S l6,HS 0.015 0.10 A positive top Yukawa and a negative Higgs quartic coupling, which0.010 is the case of interest for the Hig 0.4 3 coupling grows toward the infra 0.05 bounds, each reduce the pseudo-fixed point value. As the top Yukawa 4 6 0.005 S HS 0.2 0.00 l4 negative contribution increases. Accordingly, a sufficiently large and positive value of HS is needed l6* for a 0.000 0.0 l6 fixed-point value 14 ⇤6 , which is then depleted toward lower scales. In contrast, driven to increasingly -0.05 -0.005 10 4 is 6 10 100 10 10 10 1018 1010 1012 1014 1016 1018 10 1012 1014 1016 1018 values by the fluctuations of the HS heavy scalar. This implies that while the generated value of 6 provides a p RG scale k in GeV RG scale k in GeV RG scale k in GeV 0.6 l4 running couplings S N & 24 , ➡ induce stable potential with λ <0 and λ >0: ➡ for small number of new states need sizeable portal coupling xample corresponding to ⇠ 2 and 3 additional scalars. This large valu Summary & Outlook • measured Higgs mass very close to lower bound mh(Λ = MPl) • perturbative analysis: Higgs potential loses stability around 1010 GeV L@GeVD • Ê this statement can be relaxed: 1019 1017 Ê ¨III Ê 1015 13 10 1011 ÊÊÊ ‣ higher-dimensional operators at UV scale Λ II Ê Ê Ê Ê Ê Ê Ê 1.5 2.0 Ê I Ê 9 10 0.0 0.5 l6 HLL 1.0 ‣ non-perturbative treatment allows for more general values of higher-dim couplings ✓ Higgs masses below lower bound are possible Figure 6. Di↵erent stability regions as a function of ⇤ and 6 . In region is stable everywhere; in region II (blue) the UV-potential is stable, whil pseudo-stable for intermediate scales v < k < ⇤; in region III (red) the the unique-minimum condition. Our simple model includes the e↵ects of bosons only in the running of 4 . In Appendix E, we model the electro the full Higgs potential. The corresponding region III is then somewhat So far, we have restricted ourselves to absolutely stable ba minimum at vanishing field values. Next, we turn to bare pote below, but showing two minima. Presumably, this property also h potential. However, since we employ a polynomial expansion of only study the renormalization group flow around the electrowea Future studies based on a di↵erent expansion will have to shed global renormalization group flow of the e↵ective potential. As already discussed in Sect. 2.3, even a very small positive va to ensure stability. However, the point H = 0 is typically only case. The phenomenological viability of this scenario requires tha the minima is sufficiently slow. To ensure this we enforce the con App. B), 8k. 4 (k) > 0.052, ✓ with completely stable potential, we can extend UV cutoff by 2 orders of magnitude ✤ Question: What type of physics can predict higher-dim operators of suitable size? ‣ we have investigated simple SM extension with heavy scalars to non-perturbative ‣ required parameter choices in simple model are at border With this choice, the limit therefore essentially reduces to the usu the meta-stable region 022 as obtained in the absence of any 6 . JHEP 04 (2015) and arXiv:1501.02812 Our numerical study based on a more advanced approxima Rev.that D 90 (2014)with 025023 and arXiv:1404.5962 App. Phys. C shows already moderately small values 6 ⇡
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