P-G LINK - Pandora Gilboa


P-G LINK - Pandora Gilboa
410 Rocket Ridge
Pandora , Ohio 45877
Phone: 419-384-3225
Fax: 419-384-3230
Email: pg.noacsc.org
Quiz Bowl Members
The P-G Quiz Bowl team has been busy already this fall,
practicing and participating in two invitational tournaments, WTLW’s Whiz Quiz and WBGU’s Brain Game.
The broadcast dates for these contests are below.
Amelia Arthur
Audrey Farthing*
Austin Decker
Bailey Moore*
Brandon Schmersal*
Bre Geren
Carter Nofziger
Cole Alexander*
Courtney Benroth
Thursdays at 9:00pm, Saturdays at 7:00pm, Sundays at 2:30pm
Destini Fenbert*
Emma Deitering
Hannah Brooks*
Hunter Larcom
P-G vs. Elida
February 11, 2016
April 7, 2016
Jason Walther
P-G vs. Paulding
February 13, 2016
April 9, 2016
Jordan Guthrie
February 14, 2016
April 10, 2016
Julia Stock
Katie Doseck
March 10, 2016
May 5, 2016
Kayla Rieman*
P-G vs Paulding
March 12, 2016
May 7, 2016
Keri Burkhart
March 13, 2016
May 8, 2016
Korri Basinger
Kyle Verhoff
March 24, 2016
May 26, 2016
Logan Ladden
P-G vs. St. Mary’s
March 26, 2016
May 28, 2016
Lydia Lugibihl*
March 27, 2016
May 29, 2016
Nick Norton
Sam Deitering
Serena Maag*
P-G Quiz Bowl on WBGU’s Brain Game
Tom Schulte
January 28th at 9:00pm
Wade McCullough
Regular season matches against other Putnam County schools are held after school *denotes Seniors
P-G Quiz Bowl on WTLW’s Whiz Quiz
every Wednesday from January 6 to March 2. The county tournament is scheduled
for March 10.
Breakfast Reminder:
We serve breakfast every
morning. Any student can
come get a breakfast. If
your child has qualified for
a free or reduced lunch,
that also qualifies them for
a free or reduced breakfast.
A very special thank you on behalf of the entire District for your strong showing of support for our levy renewal during last November’s election. This support will enable Pandora-Gilboa schools to continue providing our students with the quality education and
opportunities that they deserve. We also appreciate the support you demonstrated during the holiday season; it was great to see so many of you attend special events held at the
school including Grandparent’s Day and Christmas concerts. The reason Pandora-Gilboa
schools continue to be so successful is because of the dedication and support of all stakeholders (students, staff, parents, and community members).
On Thursday, December 17th, Pandora-Gilboa Engineering and Design (PGED) received a
special visit from Ohio Senator (District 1) Cliff Hite. Senator Hite’s visit was in response
to PGED designing and sending the Senator a specialized set of coasters. Senator Hite
visited with the engineering class for about 45 minutes; he was fascinated by our students and the work they have generated. The students did a tremendous job explaining
how they operate their business; including demonstrating the CNC benchmill, 3D printer, and laser printer. Through the course of the visit; Senator Hite was so impressed with
items the class shared with him that he ordered three additional items for himself. What
an honor for PGED to have a set of their coasters in Ohio’s statehouse. The purpose of
Senator Hite’s visit, from my perspective, was to demonstrate why local government
should control local public schools. The engineering class/club is completely a local initiative, as are our high school Bio-medical program and Rockettech classes/club. These
programs exhibit what can be accomplished when innovative teachers and creative students are able to explore education without the interference of federal and state governments. We are very fortunate here at Pandora-Gilboa to have an entire staff who work
very hard to provide our students with the best education possible;
we all can be very proud of the work our staff and students accomplish.
P-G Students
Principal News
P-G Food Tent
Quiz Bowl
Rocket Reader
Yours in Education,
R. Todd Schmutz
Help our P-G Students become Rocket Readers
Pandora-Gilboa is a Project MORE school, which uses volunteers to serve as reading mentors to help our students become better
readers. I welcome all community members, parents, grandparents, senior citizens, family members, and friends to come and be reading buddies
with our students. Come and mentor for one 20 minute session or many
20 minute sessions each day during school hours. I am willing to work
with your schedule so you can come and help our Rocket Readers. If you
are interested in volunteering, please contact Mrs. Vennekotter by
email: [email protected] or by phone: 419-384-3225 ext.170
At the December 21st Board meeting, the P-G Board of Education took action on the following items:
Accepted the Treasurer’s Report
Amended the health insurance contribution in the collective bargaining agreement with OAPSE local 52
Amended the health insurance contribution in the collective bargaining agreement with PGEA
Hired study table tutor
Accepted donations for Jr. high football program
Hired head boys’ track coach
Approved OSBA membership fees for 2016
Accepted the amounts and rates as determined by the Budget Commission
Principal’s Notes
Katherine Gratz
1st Grade
Teacher: Mrs. Morris
Jodi Schroeder—EL/MS
Climbing the Ladder
to Freedom!
Mrs. Trippett’s 7th grade reading
class just finished reading several books
dealing with the issue of slavery during
the Civil War. The
class was then given the task of
working together,
using a ladder, to
show what they
learned from each
of the novels. Lexie Neuenschwander and Bryan
Pugh were nominated by their
classmates to lead
the project. All
students signed up
to work on a specific task. The
novels they read included The Underground Railroad by Allison Lassieur, Day
of Tears by Julius Lester, and Nightjohn
by Gary Paulsen.
Jeff Wise—HS
The elementary and middle school students and staff
hope you had a wonderful holiday season! It is exciting to
be returning to school for a second semester of school .
Our students and teachers worked very hard this first
semester of the school year. They committed themselves
to learning and teaching. I have witnessed many successes by the students through their dedicated work. It is very
encouraging to see the growth of each student in many
This growth was observed through the most recent
standardized test called Ohio's State Tests. Last spring,
our third through eighth grade students completed the
PARCC mathematics test. Our fourth through
eighth grade students completed the PARCC English language arts test. The fourth and sixth grade students completed the AIR social studies test; as well as the fifth and
eighth grade students completed the AIR science
test. These results have been attached to the students'
second quarter report card to be shared with parents. In
receiving these test results, please feel free to contact your
child's teacher or myself with any questions.
As a reminder for the colder days to come this winter,
please dress your student appropriately to participate during outdoor recess. Our students benefit from playing
outside and getting fresh air throughout the day. I ask
that you consider the weather and conditions outdoors so
our students have gloves, hats, boots, etc. when needed.
Finally, kindergarten registration is taking place now
through March 4th. Please contact the office about enrolling your child for 2016-17 school year.
The faculty and staff at PGHS hope all of you had a wonderful Christmas and holiday season! We are glad to be
back in session working with our students toward academic excellence.
The faculty at PGHS is excited to report that on December
7 the National Honor Society inducted fourteen new members. These students demonstrated excellence in scholarship, service, leadership, and character, and we are proud
of their accomplishments. The list of students we inducted follows: Kelsey Basinger, Korri Basinger, Sarah Baumgartner, Sarah Beechboard, Katie Doseck, Jordan Guthrie,
Jordan Hopkins, Presley Hovest, Thomas Schulte, Gunner
Stall, Kalista Thain, Zane Traxler, Kyle Verhoff, and Jason
Walther. Congratulations to all!
Finally, while I know the winter weather is upon us, I
highly encourage you to come to the school and watch a
basketball game! Our boys’ team, our girls’ team, and our
cheerleading squad are composed of dedicated studentathletes who work hard to be competitive and to learn
about sportsmanship and teamwork while excelling in the
classroom. Plus, our pep band is there for home boys’
games to provide you with the best sound in the county!
They will gladly appreciate your support. Good luck Rockets!
Best regards,
Jeff Wise
Jodi Schroeder
I am on the search for…
Approximately 200 volunteers!
Time to prepare for P-G Food Tent 2016
I cannot begin to express how thankful I am for the abundance of
volunteers every year!! This food tent has been in operation since the
early 1950s and it is up to us to keep it going. It takes a village to operate this food tent. We are blessed to be surrounded by a community that believes in giving back!! I hope that our students and teachers
can count on you!!
The funds go to GREAT students and AWESOME teachers! The funds help purchase items for the
classroom to keep learning fun! The funds also go to the Athletic Boosters and to the Music Boosters. Every
child is influenced in one way or another by the funds raised.
Officer Montgomery and his K-9 partner, Officer
Grizz, visited Mrs. Montgomery’s kindergarteners
Please mark your calendars – June 20 – 25, 2016 – When we will once again prepare and open the
food tent for business!! If you are interested in volunteering, please contact me at 419-235-6487. It is definitely not too early to start the scheduling process!!
Kathi Amstutz