January 28, 1932 - Barrington Area Library
January 28, 1932 - Barrington Area Library
,!!f !'; ; ht4X*z Vti .^>4M4*4Mfe!uW.«l».t«A,!|w*!r«J It : il ?:• •' if" • k. • NOTICE -4 wi: ,, ,, ; * " - ^ ; 'tuH -!:•• S u l . s . T i l . e f E l l e n L 0 " k>a.;.ri:x.M,:r,x .fth,\ViUof J a ^ -1,,,-,,,-,.,!. w l U a t , *»V. r-ir..>.-x. , I-.-4...--i • - , , - , . f U k e O w i r i t y a t . . ' * * !•-.•-.;_ iioiycii *t n t the •'" •*-'• !... " 'I.,, - >>"><>" t h lW ^ T *". . 11.,.. 1 ., H . . . I . • - «>••• Br., M * 1:,:: ' «-h«re.aii ¢ , ¾ 1 - -f ;-? }!.:' I I I . - - : . .* ^ M t o NOTICE ~ ~ . - h.,-,,l,y notified that ih n c v « . t i , p o t i o n s presented f f t ' . K W ^ , ^ f or c , o s ; ( • • ; '*0 !•• "H Dundee road, and :.- ^ ^ > v - road, a race4 !• M -.-.5 t . r Thursday, J a n %* V_l"-k P- m. in the village '•'; . l.;i rrmgton. * AT0IJ8T REUTER ; Siu-.i-.l hi.1^.'....y <*..r,imi.s.H.ioner. of Barrih* :-!(": l|-:i ! ' |'nd i-. I *%'•' " f 8 T..Aii.shif>. ^ ' • " .'--H*'"'"* N'^'CCM B r i n g Results I •W" i AND-— SAVE 1 ¾ ¾ ^ ^ ^ ^ .^tW^YS Owned - • i- for aiturday 2. heads 1 5 c ep^ Let r '•"•aibfi.l^c e#. Spina ! ii^awbemet Bxi'ljBc 2fote$c ) ^ / per tloz. 2 3 c I".' r>- $1.05 >cr pjound Z C 1 1 htra Fancy lb. §Q i E R B ISHEL Kg 1 0 ibs 4 8 c ahd Filled lb. X O C 5 f o r IOC : ivia p e r l b . ^ ^ h;|Jpro|ir: 2 f o r 3 5 0 ;j|i;jy»jge Pkg. 4 3 e >kf;. for l i e bars for 1 7 c EEK J a n . ZXfld t o 28th-Inc. •ihjjiuujili JJE^ N HOLE ^ . ; 2 5 * =• 'imr^ti »r . } ... , :s. 10* W\ MANS I, (; i-*ss or Corn . . « * \m cum SIC, fXmeriran, )'.!>% Bricl^ 15* im K^iiin , •". I V 2 cans - . . 2 9 ^ in,'. %fivy,;nnfl. size . . . . 1 2 ½ ^ , tali can °10^ r . •'... ' i ' " i" J ' . 'i . . — — i . i :.1..1. r.- n „,-,tea to. p r e 8 c n t th' -<-' >•«•* for adju<Iiea tio „ " 11 ;v $2.50 A YEAR IN ADVAN Jl I, 5I>C LE CoTIBS, FIVE GflNTS . ' • . MMirt- .-:.!). /I!!., January 4," 19¾} .';:-ii.|>, Yi.iinj^ Attorney.. - " j * , ( F % view circulation Is paid.] . tlfculatlon . . -.'. that la kind Hhat, counts. U l M M J K ATION N O T i ^ ^ J'Ufl.-I.' N O T I C E is hereby * . T w o Barring,toni persons were severely hurt .in a n automobile collision February, thc.-FSr.it Baby of on highway 63-A three miles west of t i e Month Ohib iyill open i t s st cred, portal i for One new meniT thej village Saturday .night, when their b< r. The Ba rringtAn chapter of titutionl;i;<>mpletejy Liquid; machine crashed into t h e rear of a Fiijm Asks $1,800 to Complete tlie club alrecdy has f 3|ue regular Cash Reserves vacated, ear parked at the side of the Job and Set Up New irui' numbers indudini, the first; pavement. Hand Book System bi bies born n Octobsr, Novem •i»n The t w o injured persons were Mr; ber, Decembei, and January, and and Mrs. Arthur .Tahnke, 125 >T. Hfir* th s four ass. iciate m embers in* rison street. Mr. Jahnke received ff eliding! the econ<3 babies born ftirst Xa.'.fill. •hold,: Himmelbiau and Co. ill age jolt on the jaw which caused the loss in each of t h i s e months. lUtoI'l of four upper teeth and two lower audi tors, sliced almost $1,000 off the The'first h t b y born i n Febrnade of me teeth; his lips were lacerated and his priC; they were asking to complete ar jr will bft given a cheery birthfvnership of chin badly cut. H e also received, a the atidit, in a compromise offer preday party, "as a n n o u n c e ! o n page ink •if Barring- cut near his left e y e and scalp bruises. 2 of this i s s i e of H i e Review, sent 'd t« the board of trustees -MbnC mpiin.v has Mrs. Jalinke w a s not .so badly injured Wi|th gifts frofn i O l o c i l business nk as a safe but w h s , c u t over the right eye and day night through the village i t f o r will' b's i;ifts for houses. Thei Hid employe w a s severely bruised. H e r right ankle ney, but again the« trustees upheld t h j baby, fof mother],. nd for ssoJ'iates in was burned and one thumb was' intlicij • decision! that t h e job bec<tmfa her, I!.-P mi il num- jured. Both of the in jural people were Two gifts* fcill go. tlo the sec..-k f. lie bank . brought t o the Barrington General plet» d aeccording to the original cononjd baby, boi n in t h e ! month. :.-.1 i n t s H , a n ' i hospital for treatment trac ; price. The auditors asked iil,jr.! Ei ch of the jrevious iirst; babies The accident happened after t h e 800 to complete the audK and furbish i;e~ w u s born e a i l y in each month. ^o touch letailed information called f »r in the a driver, blinded by lights from un np.N^xt Monday will be.Feb uary 1. rlje llank for proa'chmgj automobile, failed to see an- the ontract, and to install a n e v f e Oil what d a ] will tlie happy n..vr tBe faet • j other car* parked a t the right of the coun ting js.Vstem layout. • evfent fall? !v -.)i.i'J and .in' jroad. According to the report" given, TJ e firm originally agr ;ed to dp jthe 1 imii with the exception of install >n its. I the,..abandoned automobile Was parked \vorl ITS and ing a- new system of hooks, -all i i e at the^ side of the highway, facing 1..i iliijposifor'y (east. Another c a r . w a s approaching cont act price of $1,000.-\ A t the pre 1:1111 o f a jfrom the east. The Jahnke car crash- yiouk. regular meeting th(sy offer>d to nationally ed into the rear of t|ie parked ma- com] lete the w o r k - a t the cost price i laiuiKement chine hurtling it into Mhe ditch at the which they said would amount to ip::.1 i Jronc in ri«ht of .the road '.ana causing <J»e prox matefy $2,700, irder of Jahnke car to go into the ditch a t the lli-ll Tl e new proposal merely rekindled I hawe every left of the road. Both automobiles the discussion which h a s previii cd - I l l 'and future upset and both were badly damaged. silUM the matter first came up l|ef»re ..)'. i-ouif liank." the io«i-(l. After (the master w a s (fisI! K KAKK^K. cussed pro atid co^i by the trustees a s 'IVji ( ' i well a s - b y several property, own ?rs who took t h e floor, a motion \ a s mad. 'nts to accept) the offfir lit the $i,!-00 s . unday Sen ice, P'ar e i..-.yl Hnrligiir but the motion was defeatwl by thc I'... I Nichtr and Cub tion a th ee to two vote. 'il' eek WiUBe Observed by Sc|)ut Troops Highway 59 May Be Routed Along e T o t h l Cffceijs1^ Stockholders, and Depositors of jthe F i r s t State Bank of Barrington and t o the petiple of eiur community^Iii n meiting of the undersigned business men, and other citizens the following w i s unanimously adopted: In viexv »1 oui pride 0¾ citizenship in Barrington— Of bur l'Utg eitablished friendship with the Chairman of the ' Boa rd-f Presfden|t, Officers and Directors of t h e First ^ t e Bank.Of our gWitituile for friendly cooperation a n d | help given by jthe institution i p the pastAnd our clonfitlence of early business*revival alid. the resumption of; early op.>j a t i o i on the part of- the First State*Bank— We;- individually and collectively wish t o pledge lib the officers and stockholder!: of the bank our unlimited support and to urge on the people of Barrington calm and unhurried decisions oil all financial matters during tlie immediate future. '•:,' 'V iPaul H . Pohlman " Harold D . K e l s e j A. W.Davy , Q. B . Paulsen AboGreengard , E . J. Langendorf H.b.A.Grebe N e w t o n O. Plagg* E d w i n Gross H . T. Schroeder Henry C. Sags L.W,McClure IryingG2Hager . Frank L . Waterman 1(v*.F.-Hoffman R; (L. Mundhenk E . F . Wichman J . W . Langdale D . B . Pomerojy yViR.Catlow . Arnold H. Sas^ i Wirt Lawrence I H.F.Miller . Thomas F; Docker^ P. R. Drover GoldStar JIot<jr Service «:E. J. Milleir C. E . Lnndwei L. As Lohman Wm. H . S m i t h J. A. McLeister A. F . Schauhle, Jr. M l H . Schreiber Calkins Brothers * ; Hi H . Calkin's.A^ W . M e y e r A. W . Meyer E s t a t e Hermhn H . Wentc M r i Majry Cameron H.Q.SoW Arnold H . Sass A. Weichelt Leslie Niemeier M. S. Frjeeman j . P. H . Bensc'her II. L . H a m m o n d C. H . Miller ^ . L . Bennett Danielsen & Wilmcring R.E.WHmering Standard Motor Co. A D . Church Frank H . p i a g g e Matthew Pecak Leah M. Plagge, Heijry H . Rieke J. C.Cadwallader Joe WoUar Dr. E . A. Beerman Dr. F . W. Lindberg, H.F..Grebe John ti. Bell Clias.Thies W . N . Sears ' . " W . C . Harnden Carrie Kendall ^V.iBi Winteringham Thcodoife Schutt G.^Stiefenhoefcr G. F . A | k i n s Griiber.kHutchings Leslie B . Paddock W.'J.Cmnon Gordon Oameron l i S . Hurt . C. Burandt llsonllerrcn Edwinlarke eorge Miller auis M iler Ej,3. H e f e r n a n Arnold Kohnert E^irlHalje i. . . i . . i H'iji i >t State Ba rumedOve Si ate Department in lition, M.H.KarkeilStates i .» , . i 41 Close i for Examinatior and n & i,leavy ustment Because I jof Withdrawals 1' U1i|e First State Bank of Barring i a tJJSOO, t<br , with dfjlosits of*ti between] olx)I |ni|d $350,000 did ,«oi: oj|en fpi for b m iiriefls Thursday moriring the r< s til; of a decision b i< t< reached jy t h o >f dircetprs Wcdnesda h. t"i n '. night the bank' dver t o thai state a(i<kitop for-cxatnination nUt j and !j|djust- ' f T h ; decision of the directojHi w a s tie]result of present low c a s h reserves f c l l p v i f g a year of steady withdraw a s . H'liich ' i n twelve m o n t h s ! from D '0. 31 1030 to Dec. 3 1 , 1031, Ibtaled $135,140.13 and in approximately 1 3 mohtlis'j amounted to nearly w per ct nt" if S the total deposits whiea were \t th > bank at' the,' heginnihg iff the # • ' ton - r# t i. > 11 s i m i l a r ;if'f..(-tcJl ipan.r Five Seek Job of Conbm\is8wmr of Cubo) Town Roads <>< 111 e fitatcmeifit a s of Dec, 3 1 j 1030 sbjojveidi total deposits of i $721,107.22. Tie: Statement a s of Dec. 3 l | 1031 s t o W d I deposits of $385,857.09. T h e fa c£ |h it t h e bank could "talll the h< ayyl withdrawal of funds, amofrhtlBg to nearly, 00= per rent in^ali|thti|r less th niji ]13' months, reflects that w e ' inst thtjon ^vas In comparatively! good vendition arid under good nnnager' m m t . jThe. withdrawals jxvertfHo a. gt eat extent the result of unfavorable bi sjiHsif conditions of 1031, j | 4 Fir$t State Bank of BitVringtoh J waji organised in 1013, carrying i ' . ' • '•''' . instiitijit oil I t i e I work of the former nrivate 1 Biijk on known a s the Barrington is :enc During t h e yVars of ,i|s ex-i S(jrx|ativeit has basis. heeh^operated . ,om f, con. Removal of Inj ured Left statement or prediction lidf been regarding the future iHtisibiliEyebjall Found Necessary ( i ' . s j d f l t h o institution. . T h e Review Ixlibvjjs! that depositors will n i t Ipse Robert;Hilton! i d i s t a n t to the prcfif any,' Of their money tjlld in ident of Jewf.1 i Tea Co., i s reeuperal ing steadily f.ro'ni' jtheJ aeffects operation, pcrfornicil n . , . 1 8 , of \('hea^i l his left eye wa's r ?moved. Mr. Ililton 's fe*e. had, been injure a week" earlier, was. playing band ball when a lens in his glasses was • ,. ^ broken and Cut th^ eyeball. ! When in fection later se-t iiju t h e surgeon charge found i t l necessary to r e m o v tfi'e eye. - A- gla«f eye- will; be^ fitte.I to the socket witiiJi a week or tw<i it was report id t Hold Auditors t o Contract 2nd I Week in Fe iruiary Tl e t r u s t w s finally agreed that', the - i), '•• audi ors be aske«l to "ompletf> the nm them An livefsary w eek will be observed (lit i nd furnish the detailed informa tion according to cjontraot, iltnd uli|on . by tlie Barringt >n boy scout troops un.-.1 iivcjr t o the , of that ^ o n t w e t the hoi rd the fM!ond week in February i n recPlan Would $ringr fulfillment I M I : : I ! h.II 1111(1 a d - ! Tentative would eopsid•*• .^an .offer o^ lhstalling pgnit on of the twenty-fecond birth. ' • • r - -h.'illlll n o t j a in \v «et ; l])f "books . at b price of day . if scouting in Arnerica. _ . State Road to West iliMr ni4)ney >re- j In line with the general program iibou : $400.., .In.'cane this' offer were of Barrington ii tnav H« t a k e n ' turned down by the audiloits. tlie tr is for tlie Northwi st '1 subu -ban council i tees would ajrain ca]l;for .grids' on Ihe Barrington troop 10 am! 2 1 will a t ..li i s t u r origi ial contract, i n tlie! latter in- tend a Sunday iervice ljneeting, will n|il lunik j Highway fift trfny be routed along :stai» K Barrington may hijve jto w i i t conduct ii Paren s Night program on F i v e persons have signified their inin, :i jvrrv li- (the west village. Jjinifs o f Barrington seveial months more before it i flnm- Monday, and w ill hold an activity tentioiis of becoming candidates for F i r - . . . . > ' n t i . i iinl j north from the northwest cornier of cial meeti ig Friday. . . i •ituation will, be clean - Hi•niiiher HI jth«. village and through the west half Tlii Sunday• s<rvice. kviil be held at the office of highway commissioner of Tlfe auditors' proposal piesentod h.iijnl. cash o f the Biltnior^.country eltib grounds*. t n. t le boa rd Mon day n igh t by Ihe 1QM af m. F | b i 7 I ill' S t Paul's Cu,ba township arid have t t k e n out pe!;ili|c .lumils ( according to a tentative map drawn y i l l a j o attorney follows:. church, All bo| scpqte will be dis- titions of candidacy f> cit-cttlate. i-:|.'.|ilh-|a-, ;up by tlie state highway department. 'Confirming' our convcrsath ii re la misse 1 from " Sii^iday pqhool early Those who have-tafcm out petitions . nj of thej! A n.-irriiigton ^Chamber of Comfive to tlie Barrington audi!, i t i s enough f i r them to reacpi S t . Paul's include: Henry Pepper, Fred Otto, k p>n thfltjj tucrc-e committee, headed by Elden our contention that t h e deta led, in fhurci a : 1 0 : 3 0 o'clocft Herbert Kahipcrt, Verne !EIobein, and j j (iieske„. president of the.organization, :ct formation called for in t h e Ontri < Parents N i g h t ' F | » . . 8 Martin Jurs. . .- - i conferred- with Charles Lamb, district conn •t'.-'be. obtained from" thi ho( ks Tlii Parents Tfight me sting will be '•" T h e office of highwny o m m i s s i b n e r hijchway'iengineer, relative to the pro- and accounts, bechuse the ntlcesist ry held in the show room of the gtan- is the only elpctive o i e v i : i the to\vnposed routing of highway 59. Accords datn for such 'information i s not- redard Slofor Co., N . Cook street,' at ship which will be oper, this year. ing to >fr ; Lamb, the route will pass cord. •d therein',' and that in order to h, irises Made in Chamber t>f 7 : 3 0 p. m. Monc ay. * The scouts will The first date for filing petitions is' within aj mite east of'Elgin; and'Will fiirn ish the detailed information itl is start with a program of talksj games, Feb.. 5 and, th'e last di [te is March 1. Cotnmerce Committed be swung east' to Barrington and on and :ontests. A 8 p. in.' they will T h e final day for witl drawing candi-' north to. Anfioch, unless jthe present Continued on [page. 5 -j for 1932 recorrmit'themselFes to the scout oath dacy i s March 7. Election- 1 will be on plans are changed. as will a great ; lumber ift boy scouts April 5, * i , . If the route is brought to Barringthrou Jhout.Amei ica. Except for the''oecasioral visits i n ton. it Is planned to run along, the ,\| list of,. Chamber of Coniinerce A nationally known', leader of boy Barrington' of candicaten for ^tate village finrii 1 lei to and. just west of , scout; will lead them i a a national arid federal offices, tlie village alid —-•'Harry Wash© Of I ake Zurich wan ! nnipii,tteentAvhich varied only slightly | the V,. ,J. & E . tracks with either a radio hook-up. A 1 parents andLfriends community have been - practically elected a direptor \ot the Lake Count) Trmt t,he cornmittceS xvhicli fun<j|ioned . viaduct or a grtule crossing taking the J.e\tr;!l of th > scouts aij A scout officials will "election qriiet." . Tlie several candi- Farm Supply Co* ait 1he nnuual meet m lt).Tll.: bals been nUpoinfcd b y ! 51den,i I'roperty Owners route over the (-. & X . W . tracks. be invited to. intend th.s program. dates who have enter, td ijhe field for ing-iheld last Thursidnj. The Review oh f]r enke, president d f ' t h e organ,t ation^ The r^ute is laid o u t - t o a point a • ( h e r A-sissud, Discovery d apjiroxjed h y t m other offif!' TS. Th( program f i r Friday night, Feb. Cuba highway: cominiiisioiicr are thegained the names bi' the new officen "short distance southeast of Elgin. T I ^ Minijilete l i s ' o f officers',; lircc12, \ rill includij install ition 6f the first. local men t o s<ek a n elective ofth the state wipreme court npReveals nd directors of tlit Farm Bureai From thifi'e to Antioclv, the route must w lb-s aiu] c<|minittee«i,is a s ^ f o l l o / s : new cub pack. I t isi tentatively fi'ce- in the coin muni ;y this- year. be decided within the next few weeks, holdijig Judge Shurtleff's decision an the - "telephow'...". jws't befon iver 0 fioeW-JF.Iden Gie^ki*. preA^ l e n t ! plann ;d t o hold his inst illation meetthe ji nconstitutionality of the congr m| as construction wtork on the road will press time, labt yrkek. H i D . Kelsej •r. ! I,,' Gies|ce, vice president; K 3.. J . ing ii the gymni slum of the Barring siona I r e d i s r i c t i n g plan, Illinois w ill : an'...I l)_y he vil- • he done next summer. of Cuba Hownshif w a s rcportw Li 111 jendorfji secretary^ Frlyil H eontipue to have 2 5 congressional dis-.- ton t chool. -The i icouts of troops 1 0 • •- t.i.rectiif;! a por- ; ' '. _^ , "• ' " - ' ' , as a director repi es« iting the south' [^liifge, itreasnrer. ' ' with one congressman elected and 21 will be oil liand tc help initiate tricts : • ;.-^e plat -rr blocks 1 ) 1 1 ^ 0 ^ — 1 1 . 71.1 Calkins,. 3 orUn 18 c» bs into tl e preliiiinary , troop] west part ,'<jf the C»iihty, . 5fr. K e l t w o elect ed from each district and : K.Uti--Hel street. Lake Zurich Library ^< hi eibeh Rinil* Miller, D r J» I efferfor-si'out work ii jBarrington. fTh$ sey had been riomilift}d, but his nom the state-atilarge. from i. 'lu-upcrty owners i Will Get 75 New Books Th t> number of Illinois represen a parents' of the b<js will be invited to Jnation was- withdrann without a r e lan, F . | C t I Fleming. L. W.'M«j Jlure, 1 Titular; fleeting j this neeting. wojrt' Being riiado t> l e Farm Bureau $. J,. Svlijwlor, II. H . W e n t e , i p . |5, tix'es in congress would not have.be en ..- r.'--iiliiii sion of ' . . . . . . . ,HiHings,ijlt>hi, \ B^ell. \ j i... t : n i •r,,r in i T h e l j i k e Zurich public library, nffecied by the change, hut the stite T i e cnmmittcnfi a r e ' n s follox^k: .Uifllfc 5 e a r l y a hund'rod ^1 »a'ke-county far I'have been divided W o ' 2 7 ' « n - Thr^e Barrio 3 twi Men oh • r ';• «>«-IH'l-!. which . sponsored by thcr Lake Zurich Com- WOllli Ptogran: , i.nd Social—MartU H , TSWfi, under the .leajtlorsliip of W gress ional districts with n o congrep-..- i>hit• w a s origin- tnunity Woman's d u b l will receive 7 5 ^hihibeK c h , : Robert Hilton, Distrii ( Sennit Council S l a y e r , president oft. he Bureau, and tt-large to be elected. !»-ii!ion w a l pre- new books atid magazines from the liH, C. Gilkerson, fjarir advisor, are in il ill >rl (?. If. Keltam, 9 . R . Pat TIIB immediate effect in Barringtbn brary extension service of Illinois diirby It. ( V llagj» Le«;ii.1iUion a»\l JM\ I'higge. ing the next three months, according is t h | t under the new plan, which I n s Hujir»i CalkinsJ A. P . Church, and 100 Personsj Heat Ijiret Pro Rockforu' this] week attending the an 10 cimerit-HEinll J . Miller/ c h . { i l f . ' P . r ilijrniigh as.^ •Mm U Bell, all |of B a n ihgton,* were niinl meeting of the [llinois Agriculgram of Parent-Teachers to a recent letter from the service been judicially east aside* Barring:..! A. \ V .Hartge, Iifftieisl Rj W . Muir. v Ermtt'tt A. t u r a l asHociritlbn, * .m i Wednesday, t d v n elected t o the Mecutiye board of the headquarters a t Springfield. ; ( -.tin,'; Palatine, Elii, nnd Gubn tiji^h, lt>h. Mutidheitk. I Associal on Nortel iwjest mibm ban council Of the Thursday and Friday .!•••. Mrs1. B . Jackson ReWlre, cholrmaii , ship* would have been in the sa no (JOoi tilAd? anil Rural A c t i v a t e s — .-..]„.I-I v n e r s in of the library extension committee, re- dlstr ct, which of courKe means tint Boy JcMita of A nerica hit. the annual On Wctinestoy. W J. Swnyer, K. l.:n i' b e e n MNSIXHSed Iiplfcrilinu' c h , : Frank ijnnlelmeet! tig held In he Dcs Plntnes Cpntlarris, WillaM I>arr.ill, A . D.. Smith illhge of Barrington and the n ; n < Mio % ports an increased • enrollment at tho ... . . . Il ('ilki»H, Irving Ilnglr." ' l i : . . . t h e I properrTegrithnnl ehnr<[h Thurtday. I n adand H. C. Gll|ter8 in attended t|ie busir, Kindergarten trnlnirgjafi the,'l>n'ekLake"Zurich library, 0 4 cards' havhiff jorlt; of. Its mtrrouiidlnir terrltclry TiaiiKpoi-falioitand Pu'blic U«litle« '•MIMIpljf, it was r dltloii tobftlng n j member of the exec- ground for a child's into al develop- inesH sesHlons of t ie a lbsldlary organbeen Issued recently. A t presftut, the WOtll' I have been in n single distrl H \V +I-F, C. Fleming. Hi.; F h. B n i m a n , V . S< is had utive cminell, Mr. C n l k h s will be; ment was idisVHisHcd bj Miss Dorothy izatioim of the sti tc i sHOciatfon. library'IN open from 2 to'B-'pV m. cneli The old plan, which will remain in «1<MI«.WO|IH, Kr.. Robert Wttfk,|A. ][* 77'Teet' Ijrontage e h i l r win of com ilrig dnr ng the .year; On Thursday a larg»crowd attended McGauIojr n t the-first m a t i n g ; o f the Wwlnesdny. 'Hie hours will lie ohaiineil effect divided the 'village' of Borrlig. ,. ilx -tmmu \' , I •'\ .ic«'i| ien 55.21 usHoelotion, the biiHineHK iYissliius, at Which Karl to two evenings n week whenever m>f* ton uto two districts. AH of fcflkc Th mi ns M. V? iltiShh o l . Park Ridge local '•: 'Par^ntrToacherii' Pi ihllcity m id Kxtenin,! .-Activftlen— •'•"Ve I.all leen as.(3. Siiiitlvpreslitleiit of the jl. A. A., w«q . slifited proHdent of j the council held n t the Barrington school auditorllclent reqijoKtH for nddltfouallvour.il cotin y will remain In the old Te4th 1 «lien;j, ie should to stoneed A. I , Wohi^er of Vm ium Thursiluy ev'e.nliijr. |About 1 0 0 delivered a very'lute resting addresH, I'J. T'.'MrtilttB*. o»W; F . ( ? . P u n d f * R a y ' n.i-, are received. I dfstr ct, I'..i- o n l y ' 1ii7 feet, and at-the evening hnilqitet Kx-Gover Mleste, Kmll V. Wetten, A. W<" Plnlni's In I reci Ignition of the work persons were present, i ] M, |('lj\'le. Collp^atlou, Pinks' and 1 v o w n e r s id been that Mi-. Welwte has do 10 for «coutMlna McCnuley rtreijiMed! the Impor- nor Frank 0 . Lowdou deliverwi the -'-.I. it xv«« pointed Ing or jliin dlstrl't. Fred Gllllck, rep- tance of bringing out each child's in- main address jtV'ttt oil page 5 III OBt 1mied 1 rehVii at^lvo. on tlio innthnnl council, dividuality by devoting! somo hours to lITeeleil by fche recpreseited jilm with the tllver beaver work which would be an expression of Ili.r.M.- Id'HtkK are 'nwnrl for dlstl iijtulshed service t o the child's thoughts. , A t • tho begin- Civic League Id Hold ! r Camui, \h*. Oi time ning of class work each ir ornlng, she boyh( od. That wun the first Confidence Meeting M:i<:.|. i l>»rxvalilt that (his nward h]|ae| been ^ a d e t o anysnid, she permits each elflld^o do the w. N: W h y left-hand operation!? way, was one of thet.v. Kngllsh nnd .1.% .Kilxx-f)rii one in this area kind of work which inofct appeals .to A meeting of t ie 1 Harrington civic Horn, 1That question is asked by ninny Dutcli engineers were schooled In left :.»d .Tnme I O t l e r officers IMected a]|; the meet- him—he may draw, model clay, build league will bo held in. he school house Snet- imssengers riding for the Hr«r t i m e on ; hand operation und bnllt all roads or ing v e r e 3. R , Page of Park Ridge, blocks, work with t>an]d, qny tjypc of Friday evening, Hugh Calkins, presiHfU;^ Consequently, wten the Chicago nnd North Western rail- that system. U c e president'; [Fred I . Ollllck, of activity which i s constructive and dent of the orgaijlant on, announced. l r basement C.ifaited e-trncking w a s started on wllnt way, or by those patrons who sudden- douh 1 D c s D a i l i e s , vice president; Dr. Paul which will express h i s own Ideas. The Barrington Civic league i s com.•.u-einent i l W a l ly realize' that the "extra" track or Is nj»w the Galena division of t h e Allen of ]Nil e s Center, vice president; rive ;Bur|rlng'ton ^.wage dwposal "Children's reactions to experiences 'oscd of represenjativea ^f the varl•f Barrington, ly. tracks seen out the window are on the Nort i Western toward* Oak Park afid W a l t i r Boireau of Arlington Heights, ctaie llstwl otj t h e trial ealj A th« aro often surprising," the speaker deus Barrington «ivi( organissations .^- near the Xorthright; and it's n o t strange that con- Wesl Chicago in 1855, switches and t i c e president; Fred I . Gillock of will not beficard clared." One little child, listening to such, a s the Chamber of, Commerce, s t i t e su'i^eme Icourt «rauted l>y the ductors', trainmen and information equlj meat were desigmnl -for opefntiion< 1 Park Ridge, repr isfjntatlvr on the n a - a tinkling tune from the phono- Lions club, Barrinjgton Woman's chili, durii gltnel 'I> ebr|>ary 'teim,' coffrary oppoiite to the right-hand system clerks are asked that question almost, llonal council; Gsorge F e r d e r of Park grin ph, said, "(hat music sounds just etc 1 ,' to a repir't 'circulated ^locally, j 'ii p a g e f»'•' • '. ' daily, for the Chicago and North praci iced on other ' railroads of <!hc idgt, treasurer ; Milton Ohlson, of like jthe gold fish swi^nsl" T|ie topic for discussion will be j | VI lege;'Attorney Moloney hftH J a Western railway ia'the only left-hand U n i t d Stntes today. B y 1882 dtiuilea Center, c h i i r m a n of civic sergii.en until March 3 5 jto file ttj hildfe 19 drawings, "Confidence in-Barrinrton." - ^ V. Sales and An exhibit of, children'' ble-t; acking had been , started OH all operated railway in the United States.' ice; H. . G . W i r r o f l a r k Ridge, of tlie .cttse.. ]In thtt^meantime some done during the. fiist week of suburban divisious of the rood, ( h a i n n a n of court of h o i o r ; F . H, b e s of the village. boaVlJ and •V.\icc Compan Closes Tlie answer i s easy, a n official of thref kindergarten work and' thi rest a t the in w mt is known a s the Chicago suChange of Personnel in Hehd<r of Park Ridge, chairman of the company explained.' H e related seiitatlvel of the plaintiff grouL end of the first semester, revealjed the burb in erritory. cubbing; R . G. Jones o f Park Ridge, t h e - h i s t o r y of double tracking, in muke'a fiiialeffort to-settle the tlatter Local Telephone Exchange o h ; <f cofurt. ' \ V -^MI..S and S k | i c e Co; A l mg with construction and laying c h a i n l a n of finance; Dr. O . F . Jor- effect of kindergarten training. I T h e 1 -" America. I t w a s n o builder's .whim 1 "-''ay of*last wnek and of rails r o c s the.plajnning of stations, don oE Park Rid :e, chairiiian of good first were vague, rath.tr formless (VI tether ] th* controversy. i s that started, t h e North Western :,,a A change in personnel of the Bar'"'l and difwjntimietil drawings while the latter showed the ou ; of court oj-in'court] w i l l 1101 opera-, and, by 1882 many stations' i n ther>aditg; E . | E . Frignslzi of Park ' l k -:lles plan to satisfy double-tracking f o r , left-hand development of muscular control, a rington exchange of the Illinois' Bell th< f a c t ' h a t Barrington will h 'tion nor supexstitution that kept the| Chicngo suburban territory had. been Eidgc, chairman at publicity; Charles •fling tn J. \ CSrueling, built Since commuters frequency I'. P ( p e of Park Ridge, chairman of sense of imagery, and th> expression Telephone Co. w i | l become effective i m o r o v e O t t sb^cr system ,at L s y s t e m from being changed. I t w a s be-J' February 1 when A.' E . B a t c m a n of i Arrive a t the station several miiiu e s s . « stDuting; It. P. S u n d e l i u s o f Park of ideas. w l i c l j wi II, be] no small item, m cause most United States railroads] before train time in the morning a i d l i t l g e chairmtn of Jeadeiship trainMiss Lenore TorgrimsOn, remedial Chicago will become chief J in place- of ilil; to the; opinion, of 1 most •'•1- olitiiine'd a posiwere operated that way i n the 10th 1 A , 'H. Anderson, jn-ho will be' transhave need of a .waiting room, whi e a t •;r ami Col >f Chiii ig*; P. • O. Pr )Ctpr of Arlington teacher, w a s j t h e second ipeaker. She wjl 0 havio L gife.n the situati. century and the North Western did night they head for home immediate y, Fleiglts, chairman of troop organiza explained the need .of patience i n the ferred to Elgin. "I ; •i-tribiitor's 'o( Frigith night. I [ J ,- '• '-' not find • sufficient reasons for changMr. Bateman hajs 1 icen' 1 mplo|yed in nlmo it all stations were built t o fjei ve t o n ; and V , J t . B r o w n o : Arlington training of backward children and market for 1 is local \jiothet )a.W wiiit for which Mbrjef ing when the others dJd. i t i e Chicago district office > f the comf the rack on tlie unbound m o v e m e i t . enumerated methods i n helping Bucb wi 1 he doe I in .the. call wginrih i f Feb, "l 'l io liquidite and Started i n 1S55 . I N a t i r a l l y , when other railroads start- l e i g l t s , W . ] ) . Amaden and* A. L . 'i-k,children attain a normal scholastic p i n y . Mr. Anderjsoil'has been wire 13 Isj that k l d t i v e , to the Lake S i r i c h ..-.When the railroads of the country ed c i a n g i n g from left t o .right hand XTehser of D * Plaines, 'J,iC. Bauchief in Borringtjm for about 18. Itjle liottom| rights. Both t h e $ p t e f l > ' Mr - h a s been ih liusiness ifirst started building lines many of] 4 a n and Mauri a Fribci^r 'of N i l e s standard. 1 open tion late in t h e 10th ceniu y , l i i:> It. "The hardest thing foj- a a child i e and! thej Barringtbn c a s x l h a v e child i to njonths. tor several years and them were financed byf English and the forth Western o l i c i a l s n o t i n l y Center, Louis M U e r and R e v jr. p . U O n F r i d a y mphjr attjended t h e 1,. ,!.n appealed,] to,] the suprem. s p u r t learn i n school i s reading," said M i s s buKinesx s|le«essful]y; Dutch capital. T h e Gajena and Chihad {he reversing of g' d t c h e s and t lie Staffc rd of P a At ine, and 'V.tit.Got Torgrimson "and for that h.. 'lections and c redit ift; r e a s m . lrincheon. T h e nriihlpal speaker of folloxHngl decijiiomi handed &mi b y cago Ifnion railway, parent road' o f !p man if Park Ripge, members of the - I tlie'day w a s C ' v . ; Gregory, editor o f Judg., l E W o r t f Shttrtl^ff ,In J r c t d t <l to -SlrJ!!pa ueling's the 'Chicago a n d N o r t h Western raileuecu ive boarl. Continued on page 5 Prairie Farmer. Continued ori page 5 court a t ("nj'a.ukegan. '.•. tf •-. F i n f r i n i'. h^-' •,ft 1 if ' . 1 n -- esident Name Committees for \ten**GIL; Three Blocks Are • ^Subdivided lor--. Assessing Purpose Harry Wtw o ts Elected ireditor of Far Supply Bqrrikgton Will Still Remain in I Two District s t De3aib|W(>rk of Kindergarten and unit u HP )J 4. ^1 i Suburban Depots Chief Reason * I V" C. &N.'ltf. Retains Left Operation Sewer Case Brie potiQueln Hig:^ Wfirit TUl'MatfM 1 •\' [l" ^"- 1 m*A 5 f 15:;;: •A .>'• 1 .., xtL ..M^UH -"- '"' ' -*" *-'"' d i U i . mmUUM *MLliliiiLiii mm "1 Personal Stationery for Mother and Father For both the mother and father of the first and second babies in February yye will print 100 sheets of personal stationery with envelopes to match Call and leave your name at our office. BASRINGTON REVIEW MOlriE] The next two] months an to be business borjn babies in thi Barring! oi rtisen icnts whose name s listed in thi man psLge of ad re -TP girl is ?oing to m e a gift I toy ©r • ' firsl ' " borfi in each of hese months. Official reminds at the j e clerk's offi :e, where ir ,h shojuld be rep >rted VlJlbige and recorded, will decide :th< baby. tiny baby is eiligiblie if the pari ts resid ington, lake Zurich, Fos River. Grove r within Barrington and' Cuba )own K -. ships bir within Ela to mship south and west of Gilmer, or within Palatine t u n s h i p west rf the village of Palatine. All babies w i t h n the distrct can and should be registered with the ] la) ring ton villi ige clerk to be eligible. Will it be a boy or a girl? Thnt makes no difference. The new arrival will rt ceive a subs tantial welcome in the form of the many gi fts described on this page.] A similar page of this kind Mfill appear pricr to each of the next three months. 1. chandise bought fo|r the r baby. °1 t • ' • . . ' - Accept Our ' Conjvijatulbtibnls S c t a b l e Bros. & Collins Buick—Oakland—Pontiac | Sales and Service Barrington Fj oW#|"s and bloqming plants are the uiivejijsal symbo|l of affection and happiness contribution jto this festal event going to ask mother to chjoosfe a growing plant from ouri stlpre with our congratulations^ \ :1 • Congratulations to the parents of February's j "First Baby" Illinois Has Served Barrington Wellioi Over 25 Years And when mother finds it conyei wi! invite her to our shop tor a si peo and hair cut with our on pi m»nts. PEC AIL'S 203 E. Station St. Cleaning and Tailoring Shop Baby Will Need Many Tfomfesfrom Our Store There will be many things "baby willneed from our store—suchl as talcs, cream: and feeding utensils. ;. As out welcoming gift we have made up an Assorted package for the^lucky mothei • to call for at her convenience, Barrington Tire jind Battery S r*ice Joe Waller, Prod. 1CI8S. Hough St. Barring B^rri^gton Ivofy I Enamelec rJpW S|yLE (Nursery Chair > With this pri?e gods jir conjiiratulations. to the, fond nifether, |; ipud father I and' lucky bapy.' E Home Furnishing 1(4 E). MainS^; For tl jePvf ud Ffrliieriid "_S ... AsiOut Guests FJD k s ! meet the family r e s t a u r a n t is med for its: home cooking--the place, where fanrilies eat oii 1&eir eWnniga and Sun days out. Nov A that baby has arrived {there will b6 friany times! when din §er\ but will i teem raj good to Mjther, and to iiitrodiiiiejyou bojth ta, our famous neala we invite you, a^ottr guests, to parti ike of our chicken dinner ant; acc<stt bur congratulations on tneff mew. aiivjkl. -,''- j; '• er ojPthe First Baby :].. This credit slip on the purchase ojf oyercbat, or can t e any^ work done ih.-pi applijj / suit Spiled -shop; ^W^Scw i- D T w R. *,. Wi WE WILL Febnja P A" ,| i2M Cr^ ktS ;^%Sy&i3j; IIJ^T EHDItESMU^ft Telephone Barf Mia^s,Prop.! 211 E. Main St. Barrington, 111. Wfe-CALL'AND , , , ^ , ^ SW,,,,., lit^S^iwrttar: Fltthb Mother jof the F i M Baby f Februia | f W& Have a I willihaye a Special € ift jj'or the first) baby- to bis bicfrn after the |first of each mo which may be obtaiied the happy paijents i::Lthfe: will visit iny Baby Gdofdi Department ia m I*ost me ul little article forthe>fcaby'# rponi j Fi edlund Draft Co. Service You Will Like" Main St. Barrington, 111. Illinois Id ShoVMyMNri4 in the IN ew Arrivals i Registjfati Distric .-** , PJLA0 41 S. Northwest Highway BARBERSHOI Barrington, 114 E. Main S t We'll clean it all i pi If or baby's first ride free of. charge. c tsFlowem Stone,Niemeier,&Th Bring in th$ C|ar for a IF FTS A BOY we will Press b^d's Suit. IF I T S A GIRL we will Press Mother's Dress • V —with our compliments Febniaj 'y er • it Here's, a Prize for t i e Sec<j »1 ^Growi^ Pl^tit for , • 1 Dad's car will need a change of oil soon after baby arrives. If he will bring ift to our garage we will give him one gallon of out best grade oil with our best wishes. Annoumemi .o Barrington, Ulinois Dad add afotherr- A Break For Dad • tyqtbh for *i Catlow 1 heatre Bldg. Ban ington, 111 i As soon after F\ pruiry 1st afe#ssib |tll6 Review w|l pi jlish the nair e if the first babytopeiorn | the district 't S. Lipofsky & Sons C<«k and Stati ! " ' i i in course when dad celebrates; ft the new arri|al lie will want to look his Beat, w i will help him dre »s up by furnishing him with one of our latest creations in neckties. February we will give a 15 JEWELER , 137 Park Avenue j Barrington, Illinois . Th6 lAtt' ' <war 6i baby born in the month of J. €. Cadwallader ' To make't e celebration; want mother to accept o ir candy with' our cc To the mother of the first Call for it any time at i ^Otttr fH '» per cent discount on ail mer • • M «•—* When Dad Celebrates "A Gift that Lasts for Baby" ^ 2 Pound B< r o e d e r 1 l ^ ^ ^ r © 3pi >. Hardware, DAYLIGHT STORE ;i umbing, Heating ait;*-; Mabel Smith . %, «C liitiei-'jpfrie^ ^yoiir 6 nhg W be a"i event that mother *§ alwaj rem imber. F a t h e r m t: ie: res will be jhappy to care foi' >ui? co]4rrtki jort ai d well-being, and ;\«1 (^ant'-a, art m'thlSi'.;;;f. .:, -"'vi-^ -i:;«<We will give a crec of mj on a radio that w 11 ling jrou '•tov:jriiwtej^; •««.!':. i..' Itove t|n .'keep^^^^arn^ 'i., on b washing machine wast ; yflW-dothe&.':r'^r'';i' Orr we will give y< ijti wortjh of merchandise that [mothei' '7toay^fe^-':,;^.j ir^efWtft. ^i^dka^U^ ;;-,:>:Bartin|ftpji, m \. M 1 \ IftflSi tewteii: MM\MMA MiSMmMMgi IKIllSMKaMlllMliMk^i^ >-••. ..;-.•• t-.*', : mt Static i St. wm^mmimmmmm •pi SSSHSBBBBSpi 55,t?£5^wri^i^i^i^^«^i^^Mw>wwi^^yrt^^^c^w^ »ffi **4**M.iW*H^M4&iK4($^r-**>*• tH»V1t><4xW.-Ml|iW^f»: » * 1 •1 Vt I B LRRINGTON REVIEW, BA EtR INGTON ILLINOIS, THURSDAY, JAN^JAkt 28, 1932 Ml answered* wJi|dlly, "t,hatf|i Otto Frank and daughterB, with. Mrs. An! If she didn't want i t comeback, ! T h e address led hlj^i 4o iid dingy out or a bag ai^d nrow. it right" out u-oman. Tula w a l rather Anderson, Mrs, Hokenieyer, anii [Janet wh r did she t)rrite that way? Why but perfectly neat li tlfe oi offlce wlhere of the.window !i It fell In the mud Hnry looking woman— ] Blau, visited Mr. and Mrs. ^V'illjam a typewritten sign arihoUnced that that w a s left In t i e gutter on this 1 iiember-rslie had a df>ik|^ult o n not Just go?" Hokemeyer at Diamond Lake jind multigraphlng of the higliest qual side. 1 wouldn't have thought much and' a motor bonnet What way, sir?" II ,,-..1.1 Kf.I <ey, Mrs. Misses Anna nnd Lena SelivWrHiau ity would be executed promptly and about it you know, but she looked cone bnck' •jShe said, i hope to at Gilmer.' ' ° | Mildred, !'| il.-ulilWlT. She w a s evidently v'sulnlfc ng the am 'I must have you for II little,' 'with especial accuracy^ A brisk, Mr. and 'Mrs. Jake Sehacfer and M l l ' l - ' » " , ' ohn, ."Jr., mad, it struck me a t the time. little scene to fhe best-ojf 'Iter ahllbut! she also said thi t she w a syqung-old lady answered his knock ,','. iM'»n in il Klmer Mr. and Mrs. Fred Logman of' Clin «:•- I " ' I ' /3T" rfectly furious, toe looked! And Ity. 0 frij htened to (Jeatli, sal a Mi. Wells, mrid sent a keen g-ay-eyjed glance :•.-,{ 11 l i i r t l l ' ay parly tonj la., spent Saturday with the for then I s a w mother coming "She w a s all. alone?"' ii. • IKiJIif I ippojd of mer's brotheC. Henry Schaefyr. Sunthlrough him, alo vly. . along and I ran, down to help her "Oh, yes, nirialone. Tl day," Mr. an. I Mrs. John Smith and ..-. —kjy evi uing. Frightened to death tie1 wom"Can you describe I the pin, oyer. So just as w e stepped' on fioing along' looking for e,i;ab w a s 1»T fares, and l-'rniik- L I K schuitc daughter, Sh rley, and Jean Sfhae-fer an repeated, " 'frightened to death!' please?"- she asked, this' side I remeu bered the green ! he ran out and stopped Mr. and of Joliet visited at the Sehacfer home. vll'T with; JostphiiieDsskaiii Bacon Oh, dear me! Dear me ! And. poor "I can do better than that," said button, and I locked down, nnd "From which place?" . .iw'f. George Deider attended the reunion Mr. White on the flat (f his back! Mr. Motherwell pleasantly, "I'll there it w a s ! I thojght it w a s quite "I couldn't say a t all, might Copyright l>y \ \ - I T W l > rk man of dinenr of the Allendale home for boys Bui if she si Id she'd come back, show it to you," and he) took from a pretty at first—I'm dreadfully short-- lfave been ariywheret," Appleton and Company , . . - - i.f V ii'nk K i r - at Lake Villa Sunday. (WNU Berylc*)] sir--" • billfold a colored disk cut from sighted without my glasses—till Ii. H e studiied her fifty. seemed Mrs. Frank Schramm of (Gryital r. that's all some illustration. I : , i .' saw those dreadful snakes. ' So realj 16 have endless leisure, wel," said the very h i t c t t Of young V Y . i h i T Si Lake and Mrs. Milton Ahrensjof Al"Is that It, j t y ^ y [chancer he looking—ugh! ' M d h e r wanted! to| loan., yonjng mai|ij "t|ut «u }pos|e sh|e can't? . , , - 1 s ,.f Mr. and gonquin visited Mrs. Rose Grimm Sh< said she hbpec ltd' con e. ba6k. in wired. " '.-- j. .". . !, •'..',' . ;• Sunday throw it away on i ccount of gerinsj Thursday. SYNOPSIS "There—just about i . that Thiit's a Httllfe dlnjererit, ybu see. fhe young lady's features relaxed, and everything, ni id then, a s she! soman's cbmlhg out, 1 sh1 ' say," i , .|'_', Puis i- of f h i Mr. and Mrs. Walter Rankin. |ilr. I'har- and Mrs. Lyle Lawson and daughter, h \ 'Well, rm'glid to get; tbjat off my says, it couldn't have been worth: the said suddenly, OHAPTER I.—In concern o\ier tha There may be some] fuijny business Dorothy Ann, Miss Iline Stark, and flii appearance of ,th» yq mg and her», you kno\l. Wh^n ji thought-she mind," she sa d, ar d going to a much, for a woman to throw It; He looked. His j u ^ p r o p p e d iVI'Il t e ' o f ' S t . ~ewf"~3Sgber, all of Kingston, Were be uitlful wife of his Wealthyjlrieiid, haq no jewels fe t Wry i ifferent bluck dispatch: box on Her work away like that. Bi it all the same r Crmdall White, Aaron Olaenisler en. a ! t h e h o m e i.if Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. L e e ga fea Matherwell, private i n ^ s t l g a - About It. Bu: with kll th at",, junk ta >le desk she opened it and came here!!" he said. ^now a toi, to, find her. A aoU' trohn t£e on ler-4well, i ihe, niusj; havq known back with a piij the size of a dollar, do think it's worth mbrp th,an—'! Kil.-V Srimlay. S Smith. Mrs. Vera Johnson M Chi- mljsingr She paused and Hushed. His sis- man over tjhere-t-t tlrintpfflf hop woman warns her husqand in<l Kel- cago is making an extended visit with np; to-call i« the police, aay'.ng " '.I.III-PII all that, when she wn•te: 4 t»ld taothfert'd hear froin it," ter had liked It, anyway! ^, / uver and.seje hlin -ttood y, Miss 'a >ped. to come back," . J •. .:' Imiii] o at the Mrs,- Smith. *-'."•. j £ e swung ti the saf> dor, hav- she said, wltl some satisfaction, "I told inother I thought, it was [leshman, I'll be in agi; \4\ about r < . i f l i T m on. Mr; and Mrs. Herman Sch«*rf jind (IHAPTEn H.-^Mrs, White Ing tumbled the boxes back! In it. Vbut 'she said if'was irizy. I knew worth nearer twenty-five than ftvei" hat multlgraplilng." I 'liiraRO allrd at sifti and Walter Volling of Whueo|ida. yo mger than her husband, and ''^ow, w;her i w a s s l e g ^Ing it wasn't worth | siicH n lot, of course;, she said. • "Look at.all the work bn de fotiort haa| been the talk '-'of. , , H e wa^ gbiio. :i,, ill S t inly Hill visited with Mr: and Mm. Henry Vjoll-' Yo|rk. Her leaving him la un< xplftlnWelnesday?" {he asked "Vras sh -but it was so unusual"jj was sure It itrv' . ; , ' . ••'•. .'..• ing Sunday. j ab e. She la known to ha-e with wis in the 'amiiy or something;'' , (TO 8 B cbNTlNUi: "I'm sure it is," he agreed, 'Ufa a remarkable Jewel, thje 'IMe- Vpsst at all?" 1 , . - 1 - - P i i ke, Mj.ss The Misses Lillian and Lydia R<jek- he: du ia'a Head," but her maid, ' :ogjtes" kirs. White has been worried for. 'That's th > idea, exsctly," he said,. worth -that to my sister t o get Iff. I 1,,,-IIUO.' X rs. Viola enbach sficnt the. week-end at home. ha 1, thinks she had little elscf Of , .l'i. M I K I / : I IN/ Leo Mr. and Mrs. Frank Gratwo and va ue. Qlaencer and Motherw >11 l o h - a o n e weeks, dr, but can't say *'ny sister v 111 be tpojdelighted for back! She wanted me.to—•" nii er the idea of . kldnnplug, but \ ih}, and it's no good asking me," .' 'In liiTI! a I'd Zels- Mrs. Clara Werner and Frank Grnwso, th. re hat been no demand O r ran- she said, fucln 5 him ob itina :ely. "I w<rds. I can't thaixi you etjough. ,, "Oh," I couldn't think of it— W ien did you find it She missed please!" cried the inultlgrapher, emJr., visited Mr. and M r s . Albert Hey- •01».' ' . ' ' .-..]•;• l-,lu:tr«l I orn nnd heek at Green Gables Monduy even- . CHAPTKU Illi—It Is found '.fthkt know you're here helping Mr Glaen It Wednesday, about noon, barrassed. "I told mother anyN T H E hvloctiojij !'..'. ii I . m i Iwrr. of ing. Mrs. White has air her jewel-y n-lth zjerj nnd I'd in lp you a11 I could, if " ' _ That's U! That's It! tlte multlbody'd be glud to tj ay for the three her. CoBgeshall talks m'ya'ti rlo isly niercImn»Use ' am ,:,.I M«l Lee-Holland and his mother, Mrs. of her mlHtressi being "worrUd," " John t ili- had any ways j© ' 4 » ' ^Mf grupher crted '1 told mother that insertions, and it didn't c<jst me .the plana ing of the W . I I i.:i iii Si hwnli of Herman Holland of Rlgin, arid Mr. InslHts she knows nothing of nia< lame's go n g . off, sir,: This Jui it because lioever itook It got anything. I was sure^ it was a famWhereabouts vice our patrons aVjifj i; ',r. I!:ilnM s of Pe- am} Mrs. I-eltoy Gross of Mundolein thai I mean lajsn't—r II sV'ear to mid and thn it a\vuy, when she fty piece!' .• i In- K r ns home spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. G. fered a wide cljo-Ice, lefore anybDdjy, poll Be oi other found what it Was, tl at doesn't say H e bowed politely. Holland and family. ono element of our lsu. Iittdlea ljave their jvorrles, t jwasn't valriable to somebody !j .1 ; "As i t happens/', h e said, "nfy But•"•wliiiTs: bapuenetrfS her, sit? ! ' ! r i ( T I'H lii'ii a d d Mr.' and Mrs*. Diek Eiehman and j is the same for allLi my lady lias i|ot been uppose, you see, she thought it was firm h a s quite a bit of multlgrapliWiint's happened to her? - Wlei*e [i*. Wells, and . : , « . i l l . s at the s. n of-Chicago spent Saturday Avith , reverent,, sympntheti p lir n idf, to say : lerself, fi r'sou ie time. Ing to do, every n o v nnd then. Y o u \v< uld she go? And why ahoul li't Mi. K r a i ! k I.HKi's'- the. former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. 4 ' ' - - •• '.''."'; teution, which disting sin send us word? You mean t h e f t s iut it's jgot not hlng to.d> wltlidreiulmay be sure I shall remember this, \Villiam Eichman, Sr. j . 'Real?" he staminerejl, es our Service Whotl tlils, and ilsapiieiirliig be in no word at.all?" l'i! things like I . i :"r a m i Klorenee Missf Virginia Sigwijlt sjiw Al Jol^'Emerald or sometlilng. The Idea, MISS—MlBS-T-" I;"'-:-- ';.*; : is the simplest or He looked her Straight In the sifc tvi y and all. I know nothing what- that size! That's vrhat I [always S'anii',1 I'epper soii ijr "The Wonder'Bart Saturday "Fleshmiin," she said gratefully, most elaborate, night. '-about-till i'."' Yes, there hafj," he said, "bu|t|tt e* say about that Imitation stuff—they "Pve ftlways satlsfhjd, I thiok." •; . U " , r M . - O raw cnHA group of relatives gathered at doesn't do u8 much.good. If >j>u " l u t my deir womun, you c a n t Aijake it too bl^, don't [they? Chl? H e paid for the j three Insertions ,n / , 1 - , 1 , „ • ( ' Il nie Fri- the Simons home Tuesday 'evening to ha re any idea, Coggeshall, the reppsiibly judge " nese, Isn't It?' she ask^d. i"I mean briskly., •*-".' celebrate. Mr. Simon's birthday an- m< test ghost of a n idea a s ta '' Sxcuse me!, sir, i cari Judge about of course, it's meant fob that." "WJhat, did this tli|ef look like, by 11....,1.1 K.! Isey and niversary, j this," said ill e maid obstinately, have- gone, "Yes," he aWered. "I believe the way?" he, asked,;.:.•'.'• wl ere she might h{f\ I • ! 1 ' l i v l l i s , and Mr. j Clarence Suetsinger attended a di"uhl'-you Would agree with i me, dl- it is. But my sister didn't throw I "t hadn't myfglasS.es! A H ! could could get any word . 1 to he^, n ^ !' K .!.•. a n d la lighter. rectors' meeting of the Lake County FUNBAAL DIRBr recily you knt|v bf'tliat Phi sure. it away—she fost iit." say. was-that she w a s white a s a Protective attsociaf ioii at yo lr. chance t o help her." •. , : , - 1 - l i t the hoine Farmers' Lady Assistant} shetlwert on, almost It's this way, "Oh, yes, yjour si'stei[.'lost It all Bheet, and liad a grein ribbon around $he looked drearily back.at tilldi \; \V i'i.infi>r( of I'ala- Grayslake Monday evening. q|ite| honestl'k he pleadingly,an AMBULANCE SEE' right, but the, one that st;ole It threw her head. And s h e looked dreadful!" Yes, sir. But I haven't," she sjafd. ' Mr. ;and M M . Steve Kubasvowska ' she! din t coiiiepack, was certain. He took out of h i s pocketbook a nnd daughters of Chicago and Albert It away,!' she corrected him. "I H4 scowled. 208 S. Cook Stl elsey of : l'>.)ll< Sir, I'll telliybu nnd ten to oiie you'll was sitting in the window, watching little photogravure bf! a popular acAll right," he said shortly, • • -i '.,, Kits i n Monday, Greve.r. of Waiikegan speiit Sunday BARRINGTON, I Now;' these Jewels, She's. got laiijih a t It—11gentleman iwojuld," out for mother. And a woman came tress whose resemblance t o d e l t a 1 • m'-t Jt:i nssen of with Mr. nnd Mrs. William Graber. Telephones: Btrrint Mr1,, and Mrs. Chris Nickolz of Car* thim, of course. TJopk then) i'lth she added bilterlW. r "Buti if she out from; over there «omewhere-r-I White w a s well l|nown In N e w • • i In' l n . « e of. Mr. • Palatine 228,' 1 ink R dbeb (and yqujthinksile mean! to) didn'jt'; notlce^t-and Junjpedi Into a .York.. :-•'-','Friday pentejrsville. a r^~ guests a t the home her—undoubtedly." l.:..',..hlllt; f then ^he'd neyi ?• forgivi me In Hod's of.their daughter, Mrs. Charles Rud"Did s h e look iike that?" he taxi; that hardly stopped. I sort of No, sir," said die maid definltjely, || !, . : " , | l . i , 4 11 business sinski, this week. watched her Ifor a doment,, and asked, . site; didn't do that!, sir, Tint! I world, if I'd tsli you, Bir! : \V Mrs^ Arthur Froelich j and daugh- knnv. I went straight down to the know that t < u s e ; t 1's thjit kind what did she do but take js^meijiing . . . . - i. u .i - n i ' M i ' i i i U v. "Goodness^ eft.!" Hiss. FlesUmazi of thing! But nothing like you V ' V • • .1 .1:11 Kujr: inn,' Mr. ter and Mrs. August Frbelich visited fr< nt door with her, and all s h e Waiikegan friends Wednekdajr. thirk," she e^nc^d, jbokjng keenly at '.'• i •••'•, !'.!••.M-.'n nn< children Mr. and1 Mrs. Itoy Lpomia enters ha I w a s her beaded bag o n ; l|er him ,; |. ; - , . - 1 , . il . | , . l i n s i i i of Chiwrist and a square box with the big tained'the Bridge Playersj Wednesday .-,.• .•. - • • \ J i : , - . ' < o f Mr. and 1 here wafe jtanielthink convincing on. 'X paperweight that broke, ' hat M-- \ . ' I'-l.-.-iilijnoT. aboiit her. S ie was u> fool, this I'd ddne up myself, the evening beV - '. • '['!,:ir.>v-- ' ui ; Chienno foie. She was to take It to the wonan, • - !., ,-.11:1 Ki- in Shady " Vhy did) ,|o|u tell me at all, Je^ reler's herself^ and talk it oferi ll. I 1 new the package, for I'd tleil it then:?" h e a s k e l hei. V.'•! 1',-rifiiril ZelMdorf "because J shouldn't be honest, mjself." . ' • ' ' . ' • • , . j M:,1 M r - C i ' i rte Zelsand not," she mswered promptly i' ' , - \ | . , i .i-.iv n f t i ' i ' i i o o h . Then she had them on her someEntertains S. P. G. Club And she'|i iprgtoi a lot of things 1 on for T• -•••' • V I - ..I'.TJtl Miss Betty Pratt entertained the wl^ere." 1 !• • - . - ' , . a m i h i s onditionOn her?' the maid repeated sciirn- lately, Mr. Vdls, >nd let a lot I f S. P. G. j club at her home Tuesday evening.' ; All present enjoyed a very fttljly. "Will j'ou tell me. where, dr7 thir gs go, and- -ana—why didn't slle .! ' ' -.1:- : | . : i t i r I at the pleasant time. Delicious . refreshments The way the ladies dress nownd iys, meition to tu nbohitl hose jewels, -.'•;.- • ' . | ( „ ,'< suffering Wfre served. wliere would you put what. (anie out n6« ? And -' vh sreflre ;t hey ?" -•• - j i .-ii i n of these boxes? Bunched out [Ike 1 Her face iv<rk<jd painfully. "She hasn't(iraWi an? checks," h e Dr. John Ross attended a-medical- tihjt, indeed!" i staff meeting and luncheon at the Vic-WeU, unyhow—" he said. "Sow sale, watching her. "TJhere's a big tory Memorial hosiiital in Wntikegnn see] here. Either she wanted, to run bah nee a t t i e bank." < )h, It's n ot that P*^ sjhe cried imThursday. Dr. Ross, who is a well- a^' iiy, or she didn't. If she wui ted known surgeon, lectured on fractures. to-r-well, that's that. I don't s e e patiently,'.at d [thfirii "4'ap't you do A\ ..Ai.,1,--,- ( lul) M e e t The, Ladies Auxiliary-of the Fed- tin t there's anything more to be something, p r V i i "]'ra afrali |,t he'll havfe to do a lit11..1,.,.- iniinitteKperiited church met at the home of said. Or done. We'll know, suon ''M- ,1:111111! ry meet- Miss Bcli|i> Taggert iind Miss .Maggie tle somethii B foil us, ttrst, Coggeen*Ugh. If .she didn't (which I beThere wercv 8fi I Znrirh C< mmunityj "Driers Thursday. shall," he «li s\ er'ed dry|iy. "I muet Mrs. Earle Lages- lieite) then she wants to get bhck, tele ihone M . < llaenzer. I ', ,1-:,1:1 V II ft f noon at members present. chulte will entertain the group Thurs]M r. Giae4jte|r Hstendd in --'.rather j '--.'. fiin thy' with Mrs. Fanny Pratit. 3IisB: notllceable II nee to his young •;,-. .-1 t h Public day, Feb. .4, Charles; Wightmnn of Gi nyslake Ml llll.'IT ng talk il|i> Tom|8ky> of CryHtal Lakej was fHe id's com ni nidation, at the Gene Prior hope Sun- Luc • l i . a i n l M ss Mary called also. Mrs* Pratt returned ji iritha '"Sie artlflle tnat veWs' wanted guest . 1:-..C.nsl •at ion.''' day. the I'JinhornH for a visit in Chicng >. for repair, ilr.lj dopt seem t!o be lb .••ii a m i M Frn.iiMr. n«jd Mri*. J*hn Dobiwr spent Mis, Edwin Droin spent S a t u f d ^ the closet ;fou ai|ggesfed—no, sir, :- ii I b y '! rs. Lee Monday with relatives at MindelclH, in Waukegari. notl lng whiit( ver 1 —absJlutely cer•I.i. - : i t i ^ s i eral seMrs.; Alice Bnseley is sp^m iiig the illam Johns and;.Joseph S-, itaas W. tain yes, sir. I * d | must have taken • -'--.-I I ' o i i i m i te,\, in- weVk witli relatives a t Woodstock. Wednesday at •Waukesha,"' Vis: t h e n hjsrseif-ye«l ilr, obviously— spe; 'roelich. v I n MI. A • Teij MJorey and Harold Hapke of 4" ron Huntoon has returned f roni of (ourfie, thaf aljters the situation $° ; ' ' • : ' • r , '" Inrgaref Waukeshil, Wis., were callers here ii.I M i - < the^ Libertyville Condejl hosjital -•^1 Imagine t i e llaily I met this • l i n i i ' i i l i i l l •ing the Wednesday. wh<re he recently underwent a pha- moriing could be] o f - a little more Mr. and Mrs. Ray Seymour, Mr. jor operation. ' j j and -Mrs^ Wattie Converse arid Mr. and Mrs. Homer Cook were!,re; heij than jihie's: Wlllirif to; b0 at 2#r, Vttiiul W f i h l i n ; [n Chi«iigo nnd Mrs.[Alvin Case attended the fu- ceri visitors at the Fred Kueplef pre* ent, but I (bh't djest air i|f hereo f ( ouirse I uaaeiSBtn'nd that money MrMilton I ! 11,1:Isinski, neral of Fred.Monahan in Chicago. honle in Grasylake.," Il , ) - 1 i i - k i a n i l * I;niighter, Mr.-and Mrs, Ray Do\VelI.are spend- .' Xr. and Mrs. 3, L. Harris and sjons, is in > object—l advei tlsed to that efi't- Mr-. K 'ii ie•r Rud- ing I the wtek with relatives at Aurora. Rol crt and Charles spent St^ndaj at fect this mjomlng'f-] les,"Jt think We offer Ihe facilities (if this infetitiition and • '. ' i t l - l l l l c i l •hie, wedMiss Lillian Tidinnrah, accompanr Mil vaukee, Mrs. Halrris r'emaii|iing we thallf heikr ligaln; mj(self.| Good iv,ii, I.,,,.,; tke nnd ied by Mfrs. Maud North of Chicago] wit by, slr."| the personal services -d our offf^ei[s and d|a sick relative. , - - in t'h l e p i g o Sat- and| Miss Mary Bascley Of Park Ridge,) Us- came balck to tile, bedroom. I oy Clark iahd Rudy SwobotlaJ of. :• • i.ucitfe is pas- sjieiit -Wednesday with Mrs. John Mc- Chi :ago called at the F;rank C rectors to the peopl^ (rflBarrin^jtoh aildwilj Cogi;edhall ^jvasfsitting jijist a^ he had IIUI-ITLIC. Bride a t Carpentersvillei . .| . hon Sunday. •' left her. gladly be! helpful in evety w a y Mrs. Louise Wei-den, Clayton WcrJr, and Mrs. .Oldfield and family of "I muat get along, now," he said den, and the John Brown family were Chi cagq spent [Sunday at the flrior kindly, picklnr up his bag. . "I'll ^-- Rirtlulay I'artjl guests at the golden wedding anni- hOn e. . T i . : : , w i t i ' r t , ined the versary of Mr. and Mrs. John Clax- *• ,I)hn Gaul and Warren LoOmifJ of look 'a later. M coursi It depends •'. .'iiiii<; i n honor of ton of near McHenry Monday. Bairington called on L. H. Cyiphcr on j o u , you k n m , whether tjhis gets I'l:^,-' wore warded out or n o t " Glenn Blackburn called on James Sin day. u ^ 1 - . Annai Gieske, JKoser at the Libertyville hospital Sat\ ery well, tflr," she bald listless- i fl|r. and Mrs. Joseph Klupar and Tin' hos tei is* served urday. James is recovering from a ly, "you may depend thejr'U get i Jimmie of Chicago, spent Sun son '. !"!!..uin K til games. serious appendix operation. notl ing oirt of me, sir. I'lltoehere. at the Vincent Davlin home. day Miss Lora Harrison and Earle HarCllyde Peck of Chicago spent Sun- T h e e might b« a messrge for me." • i: C.-.irsi-. Arini Id drove rison, accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. day at the Herbert Schroeder horn f. down itUh-e Mr. Wells w>nt lightly] J1 -': :i liiisini's-s Ihiiirsday. Frank Harrison of Chicago, attended i J rs. Marshall Smith and Mrs, An stali s, bag ! n , land, BARRINGTON; '•'•"• linxter and Sliss the funeral of Charles Harrison, a na ?ase Were Liberty|ville callers i?atyijra?" he "Tfou'll bp Here, will : "t KvanstonT visi isi ted With relative, at Ringwood, 111., Tuesday urd ly, muttered to hljnself, "ik<|w-(-I wonHerbert Thomas who underjwent a i ll'iiry K r o p p Friday. Earle Broughton, Victor Carr, {and der?" Ki-.;.|. ,,f c\uc,180 visit- major operation in the fall, has again * Eaile Harrison *pent Saturday in been taken to! the hospital for medical Chi jflgo. ; f . ' . - . i l h o m o . JS i n day. l>"-'liih of \1 aukegan examination. \ r. and Mrs. Paul Hicks of LibeirtyCH/PTER I / OFFICERS ANDIDIRECTOGS Mr. and Mrs. William Lenzen of vill spent Sunday with the, formjer's '•''l i;i'lalives' Vh nrsday ''••" W'vman's ,.-rlih meet- Grayslake spent Sunday with Mr. and motBier. Mrs. Doretta Hicks, ll THE doik of ttitl next house Mrs. Fred Rudsinski and family. JOHN C. PLAGGE, President ••' '• : ! : • • . . ! i . I arold Hapke of Waukesha sjhent lie met an idle-k >kinjr youth M:- I're.l K ri p p and Mr. and Mrs. James Carr spent Snr day and Monday with .his parejnts, Wltli 'a hat btx, who GlEO, A. LAGESCHULlTE, Vice PreeiloTjen! Mr. and Mrs. George Hapke. " p i i t i j e d ' Hr. and Thursday evening in Chicago, J.M,FRIEDLANDER,VicePre8id(4t M--' Blr. and Mrs. James Carr sjbent he watched a game or, li-!.-r of rill tine to Clyde Cnrr of Barrington spent SatM CHARLES A. ELdNER, Cashier "There'll be a lidy.comjtg out Sm day with the Harold Allen family - n •; iv -afternooji where urday with home folks. said, RAY M. JURS; i jsst. Cashier : fairly sooh, I think, Billy," tie s •' ^'illiam Hen4ers. , Tony Miller is confined to his home- in ^aukegan. |j A. U. HUNT, Ai ist. Cashier I Haley of Milwaukee w a s a "dor't lose her." j •l'i"-. ( I i ' o r e p Sniith and with foot trouble. "Ifo, sir," i |aid tlie m«ssenge;r I'.!-..i h y of Xt lindelein George Foote called on James guebt a t the Frank Dickson hpme boy, still wljistllBg. MrJ| Wells , "'' ;'V"iiiiix w i t h ; the for- Koser at the Libertyville hospital Tht rsday. a [iss perniee Powers called on Jlirs, stop ?ed at a n ;wsstland and bought M'--- Hose II,,:It: Hid and Thursday. i John CJ Plagge Mrs. Bert Leonard and Mrs. Will- Chcrles Snyder and James Koseif at an deven' o'chek special. ' Sitting 1 1:| George A ule - IHKI Alum Volling iam Ehninger of Round Lake called the] Condell hospital I in I}iberty|ille in I corner drug 'stoie he swam •sday. Treasjii^er,. M i l j o i i S i a t l . , . a i Arling- on the letter's sister, Mrs. Celia DerF.M.Iiasch { through the sta of advertlpements ' 'inil:iy. ord has been received [here (President, Carle well J.Bl.Cirdwell ry, Friday. . It effered him, stoppiig suddenly ^-^ f-ark Morpn*' f ChiA.ssistant Treasu: -er,. ewel Tea Co.; Inc. Mrs. Bessie Hallock, Mrs. Paul Mri. Mary Ames of Waukegan J.Mj. Eriedlander wltl a1 "By Geirge!" 1 •' 'In.' Payton liilinie Mon- Br^ncheon., Mrs. Delia Petersen, and stri eken with a paralytic Jtftroke I i Vice President,; ewel Tea Co., Inc. H.J. Taylor 1 'ound—We loesday, green brooch Mr]:. Frank Dickson attended the we«k, EdwarlO. Groff wltl woman's Bead. .Returned to Rtrs. Fred Tho'mns and,['' Clannca Ziii-ii-h !.i,i J. A . F & A. Woman's club meeting at Grayslake R. W. Muir Th( mas visited the former's son, Jler- owner on proppr la^nti|flcatlpn" [he - i " i , i l meeting at their Friday. ,W.H. Sodt Manager, 0 . L, ber at the Lake) County hospital Sat rea(]< ' '^niiiK. G i l «»ts were Mrs: Harry Matthews and Mrs. BlAssistant General Sales Mam u rer, C. W- ^aylor r. Wells jujmpejl Into a tlaxl, but 'I"- Winicondifi Lounsv me* Esping attended a bridge party urd ly. His, condition as regardet a s F. C, Fflemfog Assistant Administrative Deriartm snt,, ewel Tea Co.; Inc. He llti not dive to the. address :i'illi* luil^'en. i n oyster and luncheon a t the home of Mrs. seri BUS. Sir. and Mrs. Hugh Held and llfrs, given In the paper Is stead! he got ' : s , ' l after tho j neetirig. Ca*l Kulin a t Crystal Lake Thursday. \ .Innn is ill w|?th a seMrs. Fanny Pratt entertained the Ma garet Ripkey and, daughter, Q: ace out at ft decent, if rather secondI'l-oiuliilis. Wednesday Afternoon Bunco club at of ' Chicago, spent Sunday a t the ffeo. rate hotel on the W<st side and f---'-i Anili-mon of Chji erne rged from ts v i ushi oom mtboi^t i|cago has her> homej here last week. Mrs. Mof- Bla ekburn home. Hr 3 [rs, Lester Kingaley of Lake Zur- spe< tacles or n insti i; ihej whtc|h made ' A '-""i" after' a we«k's visit fitt will eWertain on Feb. 3 . Mrs. Hoke: teyer, at Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Einhorn and son. ich and Mrs. Edith Peck motor«| to ft n *t dlfferen :e i i hli apptarance. 'h- } ! ^•r ; ''Inn home. • PrMtyy. Mrs. Howard Judson of Chicago, spent Libertyville Wednesday* I. Cuba Township ,3 MEDUSA' HEAD MOTHER iPU Pound B o x of ! I |'iJRc &eister*g iu UP m^ht <Eat% t;eif ration complete we 2-11). box of (KM- compliments; !to ;; ri't'pUa mmmm .1 I n after Februas possible the will publish ifie' of the first be born in the Wtitch for the Announcement DAklEtdE WILLMEP ! Jr3/.t( for the Second Wauconda 0aby rtapirlid NEW STYLE Sur- ety! ( ' h a i r r/.f K'IJ''-'- our congratu-, !'<i>: d mother, p^oudf 'Al>v. . |GGE iiarriishing Co. * ! • ; Barringtoit, 111. • JFortheProucl •i i Father and Mother Baljy in February \VILL}GJVE A S irking i^Souii ressive Pomm This bank is in ]an extremely liquid condition and eiijoys ugb its connections posi< bv ion of being able to meet possible emerger tcy. r jCr^dit Slip it slii^jcan be applied ., ([•Chase Of any sjiit pr hr can be applied on done jn our shop. S(ihwarz ^1 LOR Lake Zurich "T Flj^^T NATKlNAli j. e Barring ton 536] L AND DELIVER Fi^st Ed A : , yoijr comfng will be mo trier will always reher and the rest will qatx for your comfort ~\ anc} \ve want a part '< . i- . :; ' ' .'• ' V ' K?ve accredit o f $ 1 0 i that; will s i n g y o u or ori a s t o v € t o warjm, or on'.. ft v -machine to w a s h hem,. i' Ifeivcj you $2 w o r t h handis<i that m o t h e r ; t. Hdwe. Store . and 206 E. Station St. ringt on, Illinois s K 1 ft. ' iiinA'r ^L, <*M*iiiiMjMkaiMkiJLkL*Miiijiab*im aMiiii ifHH m 1' BARRINGTON REVIEW, BAR KINGTON ILLINOIS, THURSDAY, JANUARY 28, 1932 aud Mr. Hardacri had. spent Sunday as {uests of Mr. obd Mrs. K . Tcngleff. Broadway Star8 in Operetta at Erlanger Theater She'll Ltarn Anotller opttmlst is the lass who ( I • ^x. thinks the ftoy ffltnd w ho honks Air. and A[rsf J A. Stellar and son, the from th B curb Instead of r aging i Churlcs, anl Mi. and Mrs. R . H . doorbell will turn out t he the Airs. Ijfo Patell and daughter, Mary Dau*son, all of Bloomington, spent kind of husband who'll a ways put Liens Ladies Entertain* a t Jane, of | Chicago wei}e guestsr Satur- from Mondiiy to Wednesday a t the Entertained On her rubbers for her' tpd serve Birthday I ) T h a t evejr-delightful Oscar Straus day ,and Sunday of-'iBr. and Mils. Ho- home of Mr and Mrs. William To|ft, her breakfast In bed. Cincinnati Mrs. Earl .Sehwemm, 515 S ijlougn Mrs. Emil N ft/. 124 Coolidjje ave- : 311 Station street. operetta, ''Tbi jchocolat|e Soldier," hart Berghprn, 514 : *rair*e ai enue Enquirer! nue, entertains at a birthday dinner street, -'wife hostess t o the Lions with Vivieniie Segal and Charles PurLadies Bridge club Monday 'vlening. to her Sunday a s a e<\urfcesy to her" mother. Mrs, Alien A d i m s returned Air- and Mrs, Keiiiieth| So i warts * ijook t o . t h e ^ttta cell, t w o well-known Broailwayj favorAwards wen* won by Mrs. L. |\V. Mc re Mrs. >Iohn Wejolow.ski and her son. and daughter, Winif *d pf (p licago, honle in A u -ora Sunday| after having ites, co-starred, comes to the li**flnger Clure, Mrs. J . \V. Langdfcle, Mrs.. A. There I s o past whiqh is gone forJunior Noftz! | The following guests were dinner guests Sunday ft the spefit three iveeki a t the home of Mr. and Mrs. Eijman >S. ! L. Robert*»n, home of Air, and Airs. Wpiam Hart- and ! Mrs. John Horn, 5 0 2 Grove theater, Chicago*, on Sunday, |Jan. 3 1 . ever. But there is ri future which enjoyed the. da j in the Xoftz h o m e : Smith. Thev libretto of the 6|jerejttd ;was is still diiir own.—RoUJertsun. ••I. jen, '316 Franklin sti fet Mr. and Mrs. John -Wesolowski and ave ue; adapted by Bermauer a r d Jaeobson daughter, Elcjmor. and g r a n d 500 Club William Grugel, Stiss Rh^4 Alc- Miss Cora H o l e i n of Pontiac Spent frpm Geiirge Bernard Shjw"s "Arms daughter, Lucille Mnrckoff: Mr. and ind the |AIarf." T h e English ttanslaMeets ¥hm and Hall Erfiij all of Athens, Saturday a i d Sunday with her par Mrs: William I| art jen: Mr. and Mrs. tion w a s made by Stanisiilius Stange. Airs. L. E. Murphy1, 515 folvisiori Alich., were guests SJiWilay it the Edward W-esohj i\ski ami children, all and lilrs. Hehrj' Holjein, Shaw wrote "Arms anjl the Alan" street, was hostess to the 5p0 club Edward Oati home, 20» S. Doofc street ent«,, Mr. of Barrington^ and Mr. and Mrs. 40Q Grove a venu*. long before the late World war. H i s Thursday afternoon. Airs. A. E. Kee- Air. Grugeji formerly Ijtved in BjirringKenneth Schviartz and daughter, ler and Mrs. Alurphy recei ed the opinion of martial heroe|s and" hero ton. i • ' ' • . ' ' Winifred, of Chicago, and Mr. andawards fojr high scores. . Stiss Mint Knapp returned to Au- worshipers might |iavc been altered Mrs. Fred Krejunke. Irori Friday Sjftir having spent sev- by what he learned durii g and after roiK k and i, era] days , w ith Mrs. Nellie Schultze, that conflict, pu't his' earlier! attitude - Mr. .'and Mrs. ics Kntertains at son, Ralph, ormer reside ats a f Bar* 12£l W . Lindoln .f venue. was such a s moved.hira to pen a causEntertains at l! inner Birthday Luncheon, rington but row-of Chicago, cajled on tic satire on military opcratious' and Party Airs! William . Sodt. 281 \ t . Alain Barrington frit nds S i S d a y . I] is Captain Mr. and Jllrs. tErnjan S. Smitn, aci commanding officers. Mrs. P . ' K. ] Drover. 120 Coolidjre street, will entertain at a o>n« o'clock r>± * J » run conpanied by Mrs. L e e Smiley"and Bluntschli; or Lieutenant'Bumerii, ns avenue, w a s hostess Friday at a birthluncheon this, afternoon in honor of ' Air. and Jlrs. J, Pjentiep, J W M i f ^ F erri ilaHy spent Saturday a t he is called in tlie operetta, ridihiles day dinner in bonor of Mrs. F . C. her sister. Airs. A. G. Gieske Covers S. H6ugh str.eet, enttlrtainjed a group, tHej Great Li ikes Naval Trailing Sta- the bravery of, all men «t arms. r Kirchman. T i e following guests Will be laid for twelve guest: i, of friends at bridge Thursday even- tion a t Waukegan. Straus' stire is tuneful —never trivwere present: JJrs. W. L. Olmstead, ing, • .1 I ial or commonplace. ' His famous "Afy Mrs. William Skinner, Mrs. John. Bell, Mrs. A. Weiehelt. Mrs. James Bunco Club Jfahw Blaikke, 5 3 3 Summit Istreet, Hero" number Is one thut is encored t. Smiley.j 5$4 Groic ave- visited his iathe|r at Edward, Wis., and encoreilj. Airs Gunthorp, Mr,s, M. Freeman. Mrs. Entertained gr< uh of las week-find. Airs, Arthur -Waggoner, 144dN. lin- nue, will be hostess Miss Segal and Mr. l^uicejl, tlie two Howard Hiirnihn, Mrs. A; K. iWc|ty, lh»n< r Fristars, are well fittted for Iheir roles in Mrs. J . A . Fllloon, Mrs. WilHsjm ger avenue, was hostess to th; Bunco teachers a t a six o'c Evans, and Alius' Corn Silker. Mrs. club Thursday afternoon., Awards day evening. Mr. and Mrsl Arthur Waggoner, this international favorite., Aliss rpSeOlmstead and Mrs. Skiuner assisted wenti to" Miss Louise Kuckut k, Mrs 144 N . Hagor avenue, sjicnt Sunday gal has bceijij one of Broadway's" «I prima douiias for several ears. She "'" Airs. Wright Catlo w arid, cl Udren, with friendH in Aurora. . i 1 . Very little a s h . the hostess. A t oeii\l evening followed Frank Partridge, and Mrs. H. W. \Vright, Jr., and B e t y Aixn, enjoyed hs played leading roles in Oh, Lady, the dinner.. Th» honor guest wa» the Blood. 2 . j Quick a n d responsive, a visit with Airs'. Callow's diotber, Lady," "Tiie! Little Whopqi|i»r," "Tunrecipient' of II lovely bouquet of Jjirs. J. W Davis, wife of a former • witii s t e a d y flow o f h e it. ( Airs. Sarah Alarshall a t IMoo4eheart ess," ZiegPinochle Club gerine'I"' "Tlte Yankee Print flowers. - pas tor. of thci !3alem church, gave an last week-end. Meets feld's "Follivs," (four editions), "The * 3 . Makes very little s noke, int( resting ajid tducatipnal talk over Florida Gii'l," "Castles n the Air," Airs. A. Sclierf entertained jhc Pin soot or dirt. Raptlst Mission. iry Society staliori WMI k Friday on "The1 Rela- "The Deser. Song" and "The Three >ehle club Thursday afternoot. Airs. 1 thorp, ¢ 2 Di Air. and Airs. E . II Meets at Castle Home tioi ship Betv-ecii Church and Sthool." Aliusketecrs.-' 4 . Naturally clean in ground She lately returned Mrs. IT. I*. Castle, 5»r» «rove ave- XV. J. Drauden, ^Mrs. Ida.-Mo; er, and vision street, entortai>< d the Follow and hand picked t o nsure from Holly wood, where uhe did conSir A' Harry Wewetzer receivec prizes. and I Irs, J . ing guests Sunday: Sir! nue, will he hifStess _ti> the Baptist absolute cleanliness. Allrs. Harold Grebe, 10» N. jHarri- siderablo screen work. Cl arenceDavis, and Air. and Mrs Missionary society Tuesday. Feb. .¾. Alk Puijcsll's attractions in which Miller and daughter, 15nid, all <f Chi- son street, at tended the.symphqny or5 . Dense and firm in strucThe Hfternooit will be given over to a Enjoy Family che itra program" at Orchestra i Hall, he playedi the leading male roles inRa ymond cago, tfnd Air. and Al i s . Night ; ture Stores well ovei long patriotic program, in which Mrs. C. Chicago, Tuisdajy afternoon. clude "Aiaytihie," "Oh iflease." with period. Very little fin i coal The members and friends of Hie Wilke and son, Jiay[ pf Ar] ington R, Drussel and Mrs. \V. X. .Sears will Beatrice Lillic; "The Alagic Alelodj:," found in storage. discuss the su iject : "Kesolved that FirsJ: Alcthodist church will cdehrate IIcightA A'rs. F i - W Lindbcrg arid daughter, '•M{inte Cridto,:Jr.," '.'Poo" Little Rich - ,. v > I » World Disnrnif ment Would 1'revent "Family Nfght" Jn the ehiirsh par^ Leene, 115 N . Harrison street, return- Girl," "The Rose Girl" and many 6 . A size for every pu -pose. War." Mrs. SI>nrs will take thrt af- lors Friday evening. A 6:30 o'clock Air. and Airs. Ed. I ines, accc mpan- ed I Saturday from a visit of two weeks others. |> firmative and Mrs. Drussel the nega- dinner, served by the Alissior ary so- ied by Air. Lines' moth;r, who is 0 2 wit i:'relative!; in' Ottawa! ? . Coal is not droppe 1 and Othws of prominence in the cast ciety, will be followed by a program tive. Several n iiisicnl numbers will be years old, all of Hebrfm, ai|id Airs, AL I shattered in loading to cars incltide Allan Rogers, nlso n Broadgiven, by the Misses 'Alildred Bie.fb.ele and social hour. Holcombe- of Autora and i t is carefully fort ed to gut sts of dud I'hebe Drussel witli Mis* Phyllis , remove all fine coal. Air, and M r * A . C. Ljincb, .1: !G , W, I Tjhe Misses Nelta and Lillian Sch'ae- way favorite; Sarah j Edwards, Marfer a'hd brother, Earl, 1.^6 Coolidge ion Palmer, Edinond Aliilcahy John Lake street Sunday. Lines at the piano. Miss Lucille Thursday Club I Ask your neighbor about . aveiue, acconipauied by the Alisses Dunsmurei and Theodore y o n Tassel. Sheesley will •ad a p a t r i o t i c selec- Entertained 1 Genuine Zeigler Goal. E x - • Pehrl and Irina Benson, 2 0 0 W . LinThere is also a mixed group of chorMr. and Airs W . P Topping of feltion. , Airs, A. L. Robertson, 131 V Alain I amine i t in our bins, t r y i t , coli avenue, were guests Sunday a t isters' totaling 3 0 in number and u street, Was hostess to' the Tiursday gin [will be dinner gu< it^ a ; the home I « n d y o u will find these seven of Air. and Airs, R. \ Linjes, 242 ^V. the home .of Rev. and|j. Airs. "Edwin special orchestra of 20, under the diclub at a one o'clock luncheon .Th Sawyer Bible Cposs pointsof quality very ev ;dent. Schiefer i n . !?laiiifield." -' rection of! Alax Fichandler. day. The afternoon was .spent at Alain street, Friday fentertained ' Alatinee^ will be given on WednesMrs. Geortrt1 filler. 1(V~ E. Station .bunco, with prjizes going to Al«. Car•:R BV.. and Jlfrs. V . J Boehring and day, and Saturday. • Kfr. and Mrs. Eoifl i nroy 1 aind street,, a ml Mrs J, M Gun thorp, 212 rie Kendall, Airs. D . C. Sc iroede'r. Alis i Ren a $k'hae,fer : of Naperville Eli Herrenlof Chicago werb guists of Franklin street were joint hostesses and Airs. Anna Otis. During the quarter beginning Octowerb guests Sunday of Miss SchaeAir. and Mrs.'.' Wilson i Hjeri'^H 314 Sawyer Bible ' to members of the fer'ii parents, Mr. j and Mrs. Charles ber 1, andj ending December 3 1 , 15)31, W. Russell street, Sunday. class a t a p a r t i ' at the Aliller home Mr4. Cannon Entertains the amount of $1,207.03 was, earned Sclnefcr, 649 Grpvje avenue. - Monday evening, After a short biisi- Bridge Club in interest on the .moneys (follected Air. arid Mrs. Arthur Truak and ness. meeting t :ie twenty-five guests Mrs. R. C. Cannon, 20S -V . Lake during the;quarter, according to SecreAirs. Morrjis orton of Pontiac were entertaine by the following street, entertained at bridge Friday son, Glen, of Crystal Lake, spen : Sun- spciii Saturday and Sunday nt the t a r y of Stjate William j ; Stratton. moving picture*. presented by Air.evening; Prizes'were awarded.to Airs. day a t the home o.f Air.' a i t f AJrs. -A, home of her jirot^ieir and sister-in-law, Od.ntliorp: :«>.(» XI 1-hinds i 1-. ('niiada. II. At. Lines'. M r s . Witlard Abbott, L. Truaxv 4 2 0 W . Alain street Mr. Iand Mrs ' Jdhn Cadwallader, 4 1 9 Winter Sports Canada, a inl The and Mrs. Alta Bennett. Airs. Walter E. :: Tijlside avenue. .., Air. and Airs Geolge MilleK 107 P i l g r i m s . T h i s program w;i i i n l i ' i - c s t - Seaverns was a guest of the elib. i E. Station street, "entefftained o group ing as well as Educational, Airs. Henrp Shacffer of Pontiac Aliss Annette Sheel and Aliijs Lejnrt >f friends Sunday afternoon am even was J guest Saturday and Sunday ing. Air. and Airs.' Ilenrjj K t h l m a n Leigh,li, 250 ,W. Lake street, en ertain Gleaner ('lass 'of lei sister and brother-in'-lawy- Mr; ed a group of friends-at brid ;e Sat and family of Libertyvpll^ \^erc nmong and [A^rs. Freiji Schaefer, 522jS..Hough Entertained the guests. T h e Gleaner class of the St. Paul imlnv evening. ,'AIiss' Anitbel Leonstreet. nlenstnt irafberinirl' 1 " 1 '' l , n l ' Miss-Althca Clirtstiai soil rechurch enjoyed 1 ' '*'_ _. 1,...:,....1 , 1 ; . . , . _ : . . A . . r.._ 1.:..1. _-: .. Airs. Delia Cady, '. ; l i • -E.' Iincoln CAMPBELL'S a t the home of Edward Ost, 208 cetved tlie prices for high scoieS. Air. and Airs. William Dotte.rr.er, avenue, will leave for O.skkosh Wis., S. Cook street. Thursday evehin; e 549 Division street, and Air. and Mrs. Air. and Afrs. Walter Croo. 323 Saturday to spend ten |days Jit t?> iSaiidfort Riete, 3i37 W . Alain street, Following th fliusiiii'ss sessinn. a s W; Lake street, entertained !it 500 home of Airs S. B . H | r d i n g cial hour was pussed in. games, and reivisi ed a t th( home of Air. and Airs, freshments were served by the hostess', Satunjay evening.. The guesls were Air. and. Mrs. "Willifanol $peais. and Alar Bowma n in R(|eiiie, Wis., Sunassisted by Mrp ,W. C. Foelschow. a grmp of friends from Oak Pjark sons of Strbnghurst arrived \ \ ednes- day. M r s . L o u i s I'm i and AIr>. Uiulolph day for an ejxtendeei "is|t Kvitl Alrs. Air. rind'Airs. Frank Bnuinjin and Kocher. Mr. and M ins, Marion Taylor, 3 3 8 daughter, lima. Ray Buck ami. How Spears' parents, Air, i ntj Mrs, F. J, .dike strict,, returned from JoiinW Berghom', 4;13 S: Hou;lV street Air. aid Wienecke, of Eln townshi >; were N e w -Class : Berghorn has- been quite ill >r the fonv |ille*i Sunday ofter having spent guests at a waffle supper .at t i e home .Organized of.-Air. and Airs. Raymond Bjnu-iuuii, past two 'wjwks, but nis cbndit|ion i s the past mohth" with Afrs. Taylor's Mrs. J. .1. Engels'miin, WS Division o0"> Piuirie avenue, Thursday pan nts. somewhat improved at present. street, met her 'Smiilav school 'class at H (!-.o'clock- i|irgiiiii-/.iiliiiii diniier in j' Aliss Olive. Hriescle, Hid niece Gale Alto Muuie Gossell of- Chicago TheW. (', T.'f. met at thi hoiiU* of th<^ Siile'm chnr« 'dining room TfiursMiss Anna Selloefer, 155 : \V Main Rrae, of Highland Pa k, were ljucsts speiit Saturday u.nd tStinday witlf her day evening. T e new class' WHS orSatiu'day and Sunday of Mr. and parents, Mr. jnd Utk. August Gossoll, gimized with yiarjorie Kemper as street Tuesday evening. AII[H R. G. Airs. William Sodt, 231 W. J.Main 338 W. Lakii street. t'biggc had charge of the rogram president and !•yel.vn Peterson, secrestreet. ta-ry and treasu N>r. They plaii to do which included talks on good citizenM rs. J , J, 'Jngelsmnii, Irvin Engclsship and law observance, follmved by missionary worl for the' Retbany OrAir. ond Airs. Elmer Reese an]# son, man And Mil's, li. E. Yconjun spent a '.round table discussion. 1 LBS. 9C . phanage in Betiniiy. Ivy., this year. Frederick ,of Woodsto 'k were 1 inner Wet nesday 11 ChlcaJjo with. Mrs. guests Sunday at the lumie of A% and EMK Ismail's father, 0, K. Modderon. 2-LB.B9X: i ^ c i Tho Altrui Society of the jllaptlst Mr«. Franlt Alartens, |l40 Nort Attend Family a vechurch wil meet in the church parlors nue. lUIIHIItlllllllllllltllllllilllllllllllllllllllllllllillll IIIIIIIIIIHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIINIIttlllWHH 1 CAN'S 3 3 c GMthrrinft Friday evening for the regular luisi' Airs, lladlev Hates and sous. L23 ness ami social program. 2 CANS M C InviUthns >• Mr. itnd Airs'. Clayt in Tlffuiiy ami Wnverly road. attended n familv daughters of Alundole (nests gathering Hiimlnjy at the liomn of Airs. n were Veddi Announcements A group of Amerlcab lifglo iVtix- of Afrs. H. K. Broc|way, 28)() IV. Rates' sister in Chicago. The occuiliary members met at tho U •rkleGel^tfn DenertALL FLAV6US PKG. §Q m\e of Lake street Sunday. sion was n bivt iday dinner In honor 1 lirthAnnouncements p p l e B u t t e r SULTANA UHAND 28;OZ.JAIII§C of Ali-s. Julius :!inion-on. Mrs. Bates' Airs. George Kuebler, 609 S Cook Mr. and Afrs, Geor trot her. There were eighteen rein'- street, Tuesday evening to sew carpet :ltt,agct, 3 0 8 RJJDJSOUB, PITTED ' ' I I tmirhhig Cards rags f(,r the war veterans at Speed- W. Alain streei, were nests Aijnday lives present. way hospital. This warf the third of Airs Hager's b,rothef and his famQuaker Maid Cherries ,. NO. 2 CAN 1 7 c ( brrect St&tionery gathering for this purpose^ mi ich. in ily in Algonquin. Entertains at FancyQuality Pumpkin X NO. 2¼ CANS 17c terest being shown in the woi k. The Birthday Oinnei Printed or Engraved aujciliary members wish to thjnk nil Airs. Gilbert HnTdacte of Hij bland Airs S. II. K iunpert. ~m division Iona Peaches 8LH'^EsB . •'' NO. 2½ CANS 17« D who have donated material. Park spent Alonday with h | r parents, strwt. entertaiiijWI at n six o'clock Barrington Publ. Co. Monte Tomatoes . . NO. 2 CAN 1 | c Air, and Airs. John1 Sclikemln, 113 W . • dinner Saturda i n honor of Air. Airs. Mirni Henderson, 6 1 0 Alain street. Airs. Hai-dacre TVI [100 N . Cook Street . Cook I' 1 *r vl, s ^rert Kampert's birtlJday. The following ojit of town'gue|ts Were present: Air. street spent Tuesday in Alihfaukee, turning from Crystal iiake wheie she SimiimiimiiiiiiiiiiimaiHiiii N it lutium itminiiMiiii itrmnututh uttimietiiiiniMHti » t ^ ' . i: and Airs.',Walter Oram and family Wis, • . . and Air. ajid Mis. Norman Orain. ail of Chicago. ,•' Air. a^nd Airs. Charles 1 Forsl erg of Park Rjdg;e and Air. and Airs. Seorge Olson of Oak Park were guest» Sun Kntertains Missionary' day of Mr. aud Airs. Earl Sch vemm,. Society r>l"> Si-IIoiugh «street. | Mrs William pvans. 206 Coolidgc ai-enue. will enti rtain the Missionary Airs. Maude Castle and son, society of the M thodisf church Wed- ciM-sten-i of Arlington Heights Winwere ne-sday. Feb. 3, i t 2:30 o'clock. Airs. guests 'gjundsy- of Air. and M r 4 R u s M. Freeman wi 1 review 'the third si II Brot-kwiiy, «25 S. Hough -s treet chapter of the ftudy book. "Christ Comes1 to the Village." The following Barrington : riends' will be | among the guests at a one Pedro Clab Meets :o*clock luncheon to be given bj Airs, at Sehwemm Home Jack Lewis of Chicago Thursday Mrs, August Sehwemm, ,21" W . Airs. Walter Cannon, Airs. D . B PoniMain stpreet. wils hostess Saturday eroy, AIi).s. J . A. AlcLeister, am Airs. evening to the Pellro club. Prizes were Harry Ifoglund. ! awarded to Airs. iFred Kuckuck, Mrs. C. T . Ryner, Alls X. Waggoner. C. T. Ryner, A. Yroggoner. anil Rov Pepper, CM>s - Society •- Personalis ; Corpi rafoa*' Limit '. T l 4 soyltai^,,' lorporaUon: ha\e no souls" is i^ttilbuted' (to I icliatti Co,ke,! fauipus Br^ilsh lawyer, "•The, (corpbratlons innot cotiiinljt t«j. son nor be o'till; ed, nor, lie fscota. niualtated, fbjr ley hnvii no i0Ul&.» Henc^ the5 so "Cbrpn atloDi h|ave noysonls ave anli I no.Niej tj> kl^k." ; activities lot Sch°4te R^»NI*^ r-.--.1 by Piipite j-i^-l Lafeeschult<j|& H a g e r , Inc. Phones 5 and 450 BARRINGTofc ILL. 2 *t tl Li Navy Beam E »cel Soda Cra4k«ri I «1 Monte Fruit Salad is NO. Pel Monte Bar tlett Peart %*o Gx|a|)efii»uit Size 80 1 0for3 ^ c LajS Fan^y Fruit :. 3 lbs. V Fancy Winesap 3 lbs. V FRESfl MEATS •k Shoulder Roast . Native Pot Roast oi Reef Round o r S w i s s Steak . Fancy Bacon Squares . Spring Lamb Shoulder Roast lb. Sttl Oked HaniS Winner Brand lb. 130 Th^ Safe anii C|iii<;k Way Foursome Club Meets M w . Ted Alctflal^. 3 1 5 X . Ela street, w a s hosf« s s to the | Foursome eiub. Tliursday : ifternoon. | Pinochle Was the tliversioh of the ; afternoon with' prizes going to Mrs \1fesle^y Nelwin. Airs. L°uis tliller andf AIijs. AleOnbe. I Bkrrington Woman V C M Plans are Wing ma<lc to hold! meetings to train the Girf Scout ca itains for their work. These meeting; will be led by Aliss Olive Winn. Eiougli captnins are being selected so that by the time the patrols are firmed there will be t w o captains for] patrol. Entertains at • T h e Scholarship Loan committee Pfatochle r and the Finance, committee have Mr. and Mrs. Dale Alagill, 302 E.-plan* for a bridge party t o bo Liberty street, entertained a l four for the benefit of t h e Bcholarshipj tables of pinochl -Saturday e1 enlng. fund a t Biltmore Country e l u h ' l hur* High scorn) were von by Mrs. Andrew day. Febi 18. There will'he ije Grom, Miss Matde Gossell. meuts and appropriate prizes! Kuhfman, and n.fWestcnberir,' — P R E S S COMM1TTBE. o. n. ^ Q Chjai^! for ("oll^ctibns dr I^elftrory fMDAY JXOU can haye .jfouij . .r;. . . . , , BxpjreJ3s shipments WHITE HOUSE EVAPORATED djeliyered an i pi eke 1 up at yiiur d<lor anywhere in the corpj>i?at|ej lijrnits of f arrinjgjton free of charge. This newi sfervibe Eliminated the nlecessity, of your havihg to eal for 0r t ri^g y}>uf^ ijarcels to the railWi ijj expr sss office. • • • . . . AND SATURDAY SPECIALS! 4 as 22 e j BORDEN'S/CARNATION OR O TAL.L. | A { -i PET EVAPORATED: MILK Scot Tissue O CANS ;• ; 4^^^^7^3 Bropn^s i NO. S SIZE . , . EACH 49C Ivory Flakes . LARGE PKG. 1 9 c li flf^Sbap i<"- ^ . ' ^ " • • - ' . ' - v ^ ' ) 0 t^M^m: . 10 BARS 32c I M M M a PACIFIC TEA CO.; Middle Western DI i iiiiiigfilailiiiilgj mi mMi _Ak |TKfe e ^ :w -.^n=.ft - s** 2 S h « w t 7tOO-9t»0 f. % ••' i » 11 h ' • ^ • ^ S-JSlU'5^Pt«1 W ^gi^ors.haie^o*|ij'1l1>e] SATUR^Y, JA^. $0 TitaVr OIK A Hardy NKS» Positively.a PJinic Their, Second T h i s Is a Hhb v i AdmisuS Lisnitli OlllWljthe Wlmlo family in isc-a>.' SUNDAt, lANUARi' 31 5iActisfof io to rtmeiid, thisvaudrentation 'SCBEbx We^ersonally . i ylUc I k K I S o a jnnilr. M W ^^r^oLthO^M te S^ot-doR^i«4»T^ ;n^trt^«v»^'vitb•<,^,, «xl "tcndM Che U ' o m f l n ' M i M 1.1k on interior dcUratlnk m . \ S Th^ frf-nmon c l n ^ M tM »rs ^wlnv mi'l Tlnirsday: T^e^ tho S ' U l d be harder t h ^ t ^ 7 dan. Ml* I H n p h W J « k « v - g H l O^ Her hud In their moufhs. .Wh^n tt«* •VouRh drops." Jkiss Hlnrjblifff. V jittlo s«sj>fcious of J b e i*ce»^it] t)w ooiiph drops, As;1^8^a8 m not pprmitiwL thoy hOpj« %», **& with couch drops. Those ipojirv i~ " • i' '"i'^'dj Rry froshmon! TIIP freshman." M>i's V.V* 1* ? *9 LYN [MILLER LEOlf EHR0L. starring BEN LYON El CONT^Nl 01 / ^ : 3 0 - 1 ^ ^ - 1 0 -35« Eyenjln^ —25c !>0c f r iv^ON^iu the TOMATO SO M . vw-y entertaining ^Ti/wcn.i.ownotWt^r^n, THI:ATRE H^te are peven advantages of buying Zeijjler d ^h h , assembly , P « e * » f ^ - ^ ^enbythe.Frl.ttnW^ 5 / NORMA S ROBER RER ind 0Nj|iOMERV j I, Mullkvrre liefi*— Don't i', briiiR IN i l l l | i H Kill tlKj^io nil M,"# fuwic—'ihid-n,jiA !(» \vjdi»|l t»l ('UK IUIW Z It 1 Mti (niiicyl) Catch :atch!0an .milk in the. h*ri|Httkire ^ a a i . boys each take titjfinsjjin Winjini; 'nifk to school. ' : [ .-. J." .',. '•• Evor/one w a s |vo4i«|iierin«i wliy. day dresses w e r f WOTO l|jr;;al! « fre'slimen Rirls 1 4 ^ JFrfdajr,; „ >b< curiosity was relieved wheft jtl fy wntod an «itores»t>S proj! rajn, In ...assembly. The pfrbgttirn. iWW«N several vocal' wunAc •> by -1 h§ j? ,nnd a short play; ent Itted \fy h.^"S cal Trnjredy." /AfterMllo jil^graia the girls, the coridi and LCll 'fS&..~ Base -n basketball teams leach -,.;.;fi^ talk tclliiiR w h a t ' t h e y 'ih'titoc ed;--"f< nt Hie same with Rhrrifigj^r . Everybody .nt 1 la itijr'if "• trts. studying lately for tftcj'-ssen^s ei'_*i inatious which arc t o ' h i k e ' p i a r e week on January 27'amli fS t r i o r s said tlwy .,vrn«ild<eiijifr la o,f <-oni bread and, butter^ill;J.i their strennon.s semester o£; t.'{bo h tijeir history work books'. * Sevorjat boys a r c pifricfl? in the Ryni during' t^i> Maybe if this practice' P will have some 'good a m i t f i r ho? It has been said thnt N'ovm'a ji; V>'t Gordon Rtnnn'. and .Tani's° ] U S R 4 the best, .ami some tof f^e o t i f t are trying to bo as^got d"iir b e AH iyet there have been rio|| « 1 . cnftnalliics.. , i' ., -\ Tljeri' ware S»ur- '» ktu«l ei^tfej * h froml the sophomofo diis>( %titii they were as folta'ws: Pejirl PojEtlj Hutli JohiiKoh, .loh n 'Mfc-ijriL'Wheeler Colliim,* ... . r^ -i (Jliiilys Krop]) Hrrd Peajri]; Juniors, .were bo(h[ ahwnt ••" l«u\t on account of flh'wfc. Glidy > nbsonf TFImfsday r ml' VtAti -oh dny. .. ^ '.;,•' ' p Eliwilieth I Hoffnifyer , » h ^ | i * (rom.whnol till W i JVCP m il Oraimnar School N^IH;-.. Mrs. n«?h>r «n i\\ ntl«» J -.... (iosw4ller, w..r.>MiM-i, t< iiii<-iipr (Irove s<.|,i,„i ,,,,,1 M i ^ l - W a f t i . "f Wiimlliiwn sehoi I -visitejl mitt ni"\ II, Wwlnesdny"^iornl^[ ! Eriihvv nfTenioon yt(i wit ly surprised wn(%rt Him dropped in to-nny' "«eilo,>^' . Kiln Ituesehinff, nneijc^tft; r l ^ l w . .„„ teo nna dtuhy Iloeften, rt fifth «hi«W:j completed :V> W M k s of pcifKH-t" M ...InR-'' ;,, iU.K.-? foll , ^i}^ °winff were' Weithlr oh ftr, V l ri R t n e u r t 'Soo| ' '" " H #*# ' . ^ i « n.te^binK.' Lillian!! ^ o f i e Leurssen, Phyl^ Maude Updsinski, 'Frftnld^i f r a n * Heybeek. Junior B " . Jjn «vnffen. Marilyn Prehmi Bauer. (Hive R u d s W k i , Itrf L"hrf fj->^IMI*>tlftufa , «Aj£fcKl. .( il»TI'mH^nt^l"!J«»«ril3 h M I ^ A r t r ^ l t * ! * ' ^ ' BA RRINGTON REVIEV \ BAJIRI SfGTON, ILLINOIS, THURSDAY, JANUAIY 28,1932 — m m ^ j m ^mmmrn—i—— 4ctivit.es of ' I ^ k e Zttrich A Sch<*>> Recorded! h\ Pupils Friday, n :l,i- Kreslima boys Tl P proIMIIUS style whow. .p.jjntlW; o n :X .( iiftcrnooii. pvensevernI II n d ;-.\-i-s, ,v,| i-vt-n !i buth..prV-ntcl. After ,! v V ' i l l Ht'h'CtlOIIH Tlie Val>'!l.l-l'l! ),.-1 r c!aw ,,,r. lias tyon ujitln> bn ;etl»ill I*',* - V« ... i J i.t ,-l Kriilii) i\wlit S«n, Spencer Loomis, Maida Bauer, Herbert Gehrke and Shirley F o x . P u ills* neither tardy nor absent dur;he past month w<ere: Donald ing Young, Betty Geary, Arietta Loomis, Charles Froelich, Elaine Leuthesser, Elea lor Gehrke, Earl Young, Helen Gartner, Lydia " Lohman, -Harvey Bauer, Dana R a e B l a u , and Helen Symtjhe. Arietta Loomis took part in an assembly program at E l a high school Friday morning. Grade I hare begun a n e w reader. Grade I V gave a talk on the picture, "Liberty Bell's First Note" a t school Thursday afternoon with pupils of the first three grades acting as judges. Donald Y^ung stiknl first, while Arietta Loomis ana James Harkness tied for second. B e t t y Geary w a s ihird. | Janes Harkness celebrated his tenth birthday anniversary at school Friday afternoon. T h e children sang a birthday greeting and gave him a big hand. > , Dana R a e Blau and Edwin Irion led tt e first grade in getting the most hundreds*. Suburban Depots Chief Reason Why C. & N. W. Retains Left Operation ,,,., spouse ri'd\l>y lniue nin'fiJ I hut th r* (tirls^ Continued from p n g c 1 ,i lines to sorvi* „4s!(.-thafl lioyn cbiinj liiK of their signal system to •oiitjiiler- but also hnd the problem of snii'll., i.'.yV Willi )l KIIHII' ehaiif lug all suburbun stations, Since ivjilt » s! on* o( tjie ndvantagOH of rlglit-hnnd opprn were about equal iked by the nd .,11,,1)1- ami junior vantoRcK of the left-hand system, the \\ ..man's club meet' expei se in changing w a s not thought lli.'V i'i»ji>vp«l t h e jimtif ed, ii a h UK ill w h i c h ,,:. i i; •>> Mr- Lake Shore L a s t Tht» old Lake Shore railroad, now i l i m i s Ins : W e d a pa t of the N e w York Central sys••<-.. T h e y I h m i K h t tem, cbnnged from left-hand to right !• t h a n t h e ; w e r e hand operation in t|ie first decade of , n - 1 - . l i i i m i i 1 E n g l i s h the SOth century leaving the North .•,;'• a-Ki-.t I I r m i n e . Western alone nmong United States William whdt t h e y railroads as n "left-handed" one. .-' : When.tb y saiil There is diuadvantnge.to left-hand M ... Iliiu'liliff w i l l n operation. I t is signalling. Right: i lie iiecevS nty of hand operation permits wayside sig. W l"US '1« mm it nals to be built along side of the . I,,,[,IM| t o " ret hy" trnck in the direction of traffic; loft, liun- hand operation makes this impractical TIMI-I' |>"i xvith the large engines now used. The • >•• s lire tosting North WeKtern h a s taken care ofithis '••II'" I'lllSH The difficulty i n some instances by buildn l.u-iiiK*llH the ing overborn! signal bridges. Recently the installation of continuous auto> • ii.!i-riinr \ v l V K l l l l - ion tin control on the fiOO 'miles main ',• - i n h y n i l >f the Hue lietween Chicago and Omaha has thereby • Kr.ilay. Hiut the elimipnted alt signals, and signal disadvantage on ,..1 n l i - i i llif•\ l i r e - elimihnted : ^ | ' i ' - z r a m ill t h e that section of the North Western. One Distinct Advantage ,r-l Ml I nttsi ti-,1 o f ; Hut there is nlso n distinct ndvnn- i - h v t i n ' L'HVIIp 1 - • ' ih-,1 " T l i . Musl- Inge to left-hand operation, the North contended. I t places • r I hiIH-M^I im In tWestiMU official •• :-11.1 I...V of the [the engineer on the inside of the track - ,. li -.'.iv.' a short i w h e i " he may see his right-of-way Ilaviifg the engineer In the • ,, \ •• i.t.-nih-il i n d o I clear y. ! center of a diiliible-tracked stretch is 1:...:.1../..11 ' ' l l i , - ! i 'I licelt uidviii|tngeou» in the snmc manner ns •• • .-.,, ,-.,1,. i- i \ , i m - hii\ii|g an nutomobile driver on the • :•' ,kV plan • next left in "kwping-to-thc-rigiit" trnlllc. -'7 ii,.1 L'S; Th-> "One thing certain, weigh ndviin: ' i .'li |..y i in,'ill , t«K« s <>f one system against iidvmi• -. i n . i ' l liter t rages of the other as ymi may." he . - i .,1 h i mr on said "The Chicago untl North Western railway will continue to be the I ! . I ' - ' I I !.',' HiXlllK only railroad operated completly left1 -• li.MllI hour handed probably for .ninny, yours to .- l.,..„s • Mi w e come." I . i i n a l i ' i i r ' inxrrs I, inti-ri-sti'il. • | , a i l t h e iirnt o f ; V K- •• Tjf ••tl |L ••it ' I : \,.iinii) I'.ii,.-. •:•.- = •i I ,: '|V i ^ l i n I i: \.\ I I n 1 r hoys i III- better •,ii mr M'liniis tin. .,th Work in Opportunity Room and Kindergarten Told at P.-T. A. Meeting inli-iils pres dent Nai les Coi Committees Three Blocks Are R ^-Subdivided for Assessing ^urpos Continued from page 1 l a mI for Chamber of Commerce Continued from pa#e 1 . trusti es and the plat a s submitted 1 y Mr) iValbaum w a s accepted. A . 13. Lines appeared before the board a i d asked that an easement for a s e w i r line «onnecting h i s property and ru \ning through a neighbor's lot 1« draw i up and placed on the village rccor. Is. The village attorney w a s i i strut' ed to draw \\t> the easement ai d prese it it for s t a t u r e of the p e p sons concerned. Tin matter of moving the fire siren to th< north side of the North Wesjt ern t neks w a s brought up and a d cision rendered in favor of leaving It location. Trustee in t i e present Schrojeder presented nn estimate en the c i s t of moving the siren and r>routii g the wires, the estimate amou iting to $300. To Repair Sewer Pump , Tin village engineers presented a repor on the sewer situation ii| Jew *I An auxiliary pump w a s used Park near he ITough street, bridge to pump ho effluent into Flint creek In ordir t o \ d e ermine the cause for the "back up"Nrater 1 . N o leaks were found In I t wits the engineers the iy«tem, conte itldn thnt the pump w a s nut pump ng to\cnpuclty and upon rocor i ineiul itlon oK x tlm board tho pumpi will I o taken u p for cleaning and r ' pairs Tin street ('onimlftee w a s lifvtrucl* ed by tho board to buy gravel and till in ho es wherever found necessary ft r tboro ighfnni in tho outlying, strc^'U Tin lihrjiry board w a s instructed that 11 bllht accrued in the operation of thjtf library be - paid through tile. villng treasurer upon approval of tlicvlllng lionrd. Trustees Reject Village Auditors' Compromise Continued from page 1 neces'nry thnt the records be 'brokep downl and recohstructcd "It is because of finding this Hit lit tion hat w e are asking that w e I e paid idditionnl comp n nHation for furnisliii; g the detailed information cal ed foi "W believe that you should hnv|e called for in thjc r)ie i iforination contn ct, and that In addition thereto you f hould iifstnll n system of at count ng. "Tl e actual cost of the work thujs far d Mic, aside from any charge for overln ad oi' profit, amounts to about $ 2 , 2 « 00, and it will probably cott Uu ad itionnl $7.r)0,0(K) to complete til IMidir. furnish the delnllc<l infonm tion, i ml an accounting system layou "In order to show our nhsolut good 'tilth and our desire to be pei • tcctly fair in the matter, w e nro wil ing l< complete the iitidit and furnis the (I1 tailed informal ion called 1'of, down to April HO, lti'M, mid in add tion hereto, to furnish an nccoun ysteni layout and supcrviFQ i»iK the i inking of the entries on tli new system forms for the period frmi April 30, 1031 down to m i l including December 31, 1081, by yon officei 4 or employes, VBUC1I supervision to be furnished from* time to time n the e itries' arc being made, or unt 1 tlie sii mo have been ^omjileted, for tli sum i " .$1,800.00. "W believe the trustees, u a n t t h , in this matter, and that if be fa they v4 ill give this matter their earnest consideration they will agree that on offer s more than fair "W will appreciate it-Jf you \vi preset t this letfer to the board truste « at the next regular meeting. Very truly yours, Arnold, Himnielblnu & Co." nlisent Continued from page 1 M'd i> . I't.arl r.ihliiinii. more help is needed along thnt line I !(n llauri and than iimy other. The child is often \v. ,'t. handicapped by one or> more things— i-i anil Pear Senne, poor health, a limited vocabulary, nn •It: h ii ah-ent last week unstable emotional background, or re•5 '-••<-. C l a d j s w as tarded mental development. i"\, Pearl ojn Fri'Ju case of retarded mental develop•Iment iv;e must wait for time to solve l|.."::i,,.y|.| wft h s t ' i i t the P rolileiu but the other handicaps ,r '•' : . - ! u.-ek. can he" overcome by patient xvork in the schoolroom. A child who is slow Radip Service Department '.' iimn.ir School Notes to lea rn must he given easy things to at Schroeder Hardwiar^ V. ' . '.a.-hi-r of tli I-ong read j t first and must be mado t o feel i,i ... Mi-s Watts, ieiicJier Unit he is being successful in grapp.-', v ling tfith IMM reading. | A day by day A liew radio service 1 department ')••• •'- vi-iti.<i n.^uii.s ichart, •ii.! I which shows his progress, is a will b> added to the Schroeder Hnrt;.'innrning •K great source of encouragement. More i' «.- wen. pUnsimt diflicu r lessons arc introduced grad- ware i 'o. beginning this ii^eek-cnd, a< cordin: t o announcement made by I . i i \. Mm T A. Simpson ually. In brief, patience, frequent A. Sc iroeder. This department wil I :11-11...| -in . i i ; h l l i T i i d e r , repetitions, and encouragements are be urn er the supervision ^f a, comfyc ifl,| I a lit'th e r a i l r • have neede-1 to overcome reading errors' and t e n t , r i d i o man and will be equippe, I ' ^-' ..1 p e r f e c t spell- proble ns." to service radios of all makes. AnMrs, Wirt Lawrence, president of nounctment of the new service ar,neither ibsent the n>wly organized P . - T . A., pre- pears on another page oi this issu* f..iirth month of sided it the meeting, which w a s con- of Tli4 Review. eluded by a social hour. f Lillian I'l-clmi. M.iPhyllis iauer. BIRTHS Kraiiklin 'lining, .Mr. and Mrs. Walter Lesner of • lm:i,>r Hoegni. AI- Stat ion street are the parents of a ''••••• i{. . •' Pi-ehni. (Jeran) son, b irn January °.2.nt the Barfingi'.i..-; , , -iiis-ki. I Judy n,,,.. 'on Grneral hospital. •• l . | - - M TT T -U-k-*—U-T ANYTH1N0\ELECTRICAL • ••••• _^ajjii_1J1^iSL_WH4aj_ii-A^jjte^j •• W a t e r , in Mfddl< A 8 « , | Drunk O n l y a s P e n a n c e In ibis voluinleJ 'The; English Medieval. Feast" jwijlliam Edward Mead sets forth a' myriad of curious facts about, jthe eating habits of those valiant tre lctiermen. the Anglo-Saxons of the Middle agea Gasfronomical habits of the period, he shows, were based more often on necessity atfsta{ from, conditions under whi&i they live than from national Mlosrncrasles, out many of them survlvi • in some form in the present-dajy ncipes. It is staggerin; tc copipute the amount of bevera ;es : (water excepted) that was regarded then as an average day's ratio i in a single household. At oie 'east lasting a week In the hotnei of he Archbishop Neville, broth<r of the "kingmaker," for instance! tlie guests were Sirovided with' the equivalent 'of 3,000 dozen of wlie and 75,000 gallons of ale, he sta :es.f The small household of the e a l of Northumberland nccoi nted annually for 1,1001 dozen oflwli|e pnd 42,000 gnl tons of nle. Water In those! ItiJnes was drunk only as a petiancvt nd-was known commonly ns "rot-gut stuff;" Since sanitation wus entirely outside the ken of the wisest of the Jige, and the quality of ary vater ttised for drinking likely to be ejvti'omely Inferior, It was a w serti«{»({hprecaution to Ignore, it J Leave* Smal| Prefit The average cost jto the government of handling each letter is 1.73 cents., \ p enerab e Welsh Ch ur'ch lAflir beliife' cl iscd.'for 75 years, a I church ne ir Llysdulai|, Wales, wjios; a g e Is tin known, ut has a T y e l r Ir-centuKv pulpit, ms been openc 1. WORLDS CREATES Ii ^Jr ! U %u 0H3EiLiC] ID U$EHOLD AIJTO& SPECI X' IES A $IG Bi G A N l o r a Dl ME Sqhroeder ard^ar|e Co. 202 S Cook St. BURRINGTI; x, IlLLIlKOIS Jmt phone your order Barring ten 548 4 100 W. MainS - 1 ^ngton, II Birr 1f We are pleased' to announce that iwe have established a Hadioi 'Service Department at our store which will be in charge of a first class radio mechanic who Is capable of repairing all makes and hook-ups. efficiently, Phone 3fi Just phone yofif trouble* to us and we will call ani Pnil examine your radio ian) give you an estimate on the repair work. Mr. Herman Runlkis of Detroit w r i t e s : , " A few. liars of thanks from a rheumatism sufferer —my first hottlc of Kruschcn Salts took all fho aches and swellings out »f my Joints—with my firsi bottle I went on a diet and lost 22 pounds and now I feel like a Schroder Hardware Company , i 'I i I ii % ii , 200 S. Cook St. Barrlngton, 10. HUDSON r. 1 V 1 BREAKS ^IT^I THE PAST i - i * and gives you in these new cars A PlU-VIEW OF THE FUTURE . • / ' "*, ,1 , i, k, v » • '' A word nobly t o thril^ the spirit and to quicken, th<i pulse—PApEM/ KERl A car richly t o deserve the word—the 1932 HUDSON Eight! i POWER —flowing I , FINISH-, tlarUy CHARACTER "•"an inand brilliance of color comple- genui fyofengineertngdesiguland menting interiors in pastel tones anlm egrityofmaterialsandcon. —for thefirsttime a\tistic unity strut, ton tojustify the industry **< in the automobile: admo tltion: "WatthMndsonV' BEAUTY •~difintd in lh» hngir, lower, nmpint "ipttdi and itrtamt" inspired by the tdrplame'e grace: fm wm^mm^m.^'gem-lihe in steadiness and quiet, 101 full horsepower at 3600 r.p.m.t from the most able high-speedl hith-comprosston eight on ike road today: •' h\ PROGRESS-, veritable M | VALUE-* the eye and by wealth of equipment ]nuovatious demo, titration, literally by hunof'astonishing convenience, and dreds ofdolUrs the most motor nolf to be expected Of other cars car ft r the money that jou can for months to come: buy. M You are not asked unreservedly to accept this estimate of the new Hudson. Indeed, w e prefer that you do not. until you have seen land ext mined with care the cars themselves. When you have done that, you will underMAJOR SBMBS—/,32" who[olbnso. Thete richly styled large, impoiin£ eara are replete with every eon* vfinienee and the many extras that add so muoh to comfort end pride of ownership. Listing flrom $1445 to $1595. , ,-H 1 STBRLINO SnnfBs—126\' wheelbase.STAN >1RO %I«IBS—<i/y" wheemst.. Especially designed to meet the 'Com il|ete in ev|ery essential derequii omenta of tbosej who desire tail vita many betterments pat to] •q ex :ra roomy and luxurious oar be hi d in* other' ears priced huriwith appointments )n keeping. dredi of dollars blgber, tbis i*riss Listin ( front $1275 to $1295. will i ppeal to a valt army of buyers. Lilting from $995 to $1098. ALL PRICES F. O. BJ DBTROIT INFORMATION »101 Horsspowsr at MOO r. p. m. Hu Ison Spatd* 85-90 Milea ho HcXir Silent Second Speed 55 Miles *Rlds Controie *LsteralSpriigSeatCuibions SimpliAMStlMtlve Free Wh isllng Syoobro-Meab Tjrtnsnria* sipa Silent CsnstantMeah Second Gear *Star» tlx, Self-Start ir and Anti-Stall 'tajck-WeJoa tristrument P|«iel Tnermoitatlo Carburetor Heat Control Anri-FIood Cboke 14 Spark lYngNew Moi labia {tMUMCobrf »nd Black <. ( } * These, and a t impressive, list of other IfMtlnstvo features at ne i ttracost, Illustrate the completeness of lUdtn mi itandart'tqntpmm . HUDSON BIGHT STANDARD SBDAN MVS PA3IBNOBR8 .119" WHBBLBAflE . fiOM P.O. B. DBTROIT HUDSON Hrt<fao „ h ^ r Car Co., k i w i . , Ml«*> BARMNGTON HUDSON-ESSEX CO. 303 E Main Street ; | Tel., Barringfon 25 OPEN DAY AND NIOHT •*•"" : • \ . > 1 V. 1 ! stand why, With proud confidence, we wish these :ars to make thei|* own impression; Y m will be welcome in any Hudson st owroom, whether yeu intend purchasing a motor car at tbi time or in time! to come. .; I'to Fredl und Jkkjg Co i .^uftnesS Nptlceq Bring : i e « n | | THREE SPLENDIIJ NEW SERIES OP GREATER tjlJBHTS "8ervlc* You Will LU^e1 I For Sick i ladios BRAND NTS ENAMELS ISHES INS SHESz< ^ NERS- IT* A j^few Hdspital How One Man Lost 22 Pounds R j * i*.; • 1- District! 6 ;l^' School, district Ji. s planning a (Tat^e-n ine partjy foiv^)ii<[h we^Vill « » • a Valentine, box. It will b ^ e c q i ited by two of' the pu;tils appointed b y ^ Hard S.Kinncr,' [»re/ident it1 t h e AcliievemWit club. /The {arty! w u t start at t|"o o'clock. Relrbshn snhi w i l be served. / ' 1j j I IVe are tnnkiug .Valentinn s afl< w e .an going tp draw mamas so none will be slighted.! W e alstj jwfil pl»y « M I L . 1 fhe boys' a r e org mizing; i b«» ball tei m. A s ,tvC expec; many [.tamec V e f w i l elect.captain alj Our Achjlevei l e n t meeting Friday, and.he will ftialii t h e lineups, W e hav<e some jgobd, j|ro»V pe ts, . ' -U- RobeWt Bj [ American Oyft«-i PearlUtt The American variety of oyster used as fopd is said by the bureau of fifiheflesr never; to produce pearls of a marketable valjue. The pearlmaking material It secretes Is not of the gem qua-lit new man," SCHOOL, NteVtS ,./ Lacly's Ejruclite "Haw-d'y-Do'* At a literary tea , party, D. B. JLawrenctj took me a:rpsa the room to Introduce me to his wM«f who, Interrupting her conlvwsatloo: with another woman, bearhed at me very largely and said: 'What do you make of life?" "Co ate, come." said her husbaud. Our discussion continued for several hours. Lawrence's Idea of im-l morta I life' was not sc methlng which would start after deiith, but "a living reality within us, going on even no^f, all the time, though Intermittently clouded over py the iHusiotf of tlme:7—William Gerhard! in the Saturday Review. Beginning Frida y, Jjah 29, w e i will make one free d ill very each day of all orders sent t D orphpned to obr store before 2 p.m. 'his service will «lve residerts of 1nke Zurich and leurroundinc territory a coin nlete1 registered d.rujr s tore service with! no extra charge far dellverj I. W. L^geichult^ uu >MM.—Wa T o lose fat S A F E L Y and quickly take one half tcusjp'ooiiftil of Kruschcn H e a l t h f u l Huntidiiy H u p l d l t y In houses should he Malts in a RJass* 'or l o t water in the from 30 to 50 per cent, but in most morning before llreul fast F o r your health's Hike ask for and house) It Is prpbably 20 pfr cen^t or lower-too dry fc[r health. The dcy- get Kruschcn—tne| cost for a bottle that lasts 4 week's It but a trifle at er the nlr the m< re dlfficplt It Is to any drugstore iri 'the world and if heat i house, as nolsUird In the nlr aflj'r the first bottle am are not joy cn,rrles nnd retn ns boat, If frost fully satisfied with results—money formi; freely on the Insh a of the back. Frodlnnd DniK Co.I nnd all good gljiss there Is pi obably ei nugli hit- druggists will be l^hu to. supply you m (lit j . If there Is no slgt , ]of frost, tiia a I ;• Is too dry and residen s cf (the rural conimuhity beiv^em Lake Zurich and Barring tpn 29, 1932,1 will be in Barrirgton daily, and at youi'slervice to do Electrical Work ^' Station Si reek or 622 Grove Avenue Bar ington, Illinois Institution f o Study of H u m a n Intelligence Thi most curl ms museum In the worlt Is In Vierna. It Is a'tached to a scientific Institute f>r the study of human nteJligeijice and Its exhlb ts consist entirely of brains. AlreaJy the tnuieum :ohta{ns .the brain i of ninny |pien who achieved grent eminence 'In tlelr day, and nenrli 1,000 pcfrsonal flow living huve bequeathed | tliclr brains to tt. Tin- brain of the i|ivenage European miin weigls about1 forty-five ounce 8, nnd that of a womnn forty ounces. Genera ly speaking, the more Intellect!!! I Its owner Hie licnvt»r the bruin. Byron's brnln weighed (H)| ouncps, Kant's (M, and that )f the greiit UUHBIUU. Turgonlev, 07 ounces, Tlu weight ol the bruin can be culculuted with | extraordinary nccuraci' from inc isuromentis of the skull. It lias thus bjeen possible to find I IOW many typjes of primitive men compared,-is regard^- brains, with lumun beings of todajy. "Mls»Ing 11 iiks," such us the a|)p-nluft of Juva, the I'ekln man, nnd'the I'lltdown man, had |very tight brains:; but t le people vibo llvedl 20,000 or Sp.OOt years ajo nnd inade jthe \voud!i-fuI (Hut implements found In stpie parts >>t France, or the beuutlfu.l paintings discovered lu Spanish caves, h id brainsj as he^ivy as th ose of mot ern men. Bull the Iw&yltpt prftln pn record -It velghed seventy-flve ounces— belonged to an Idiot! Lake Zurich People jAnnouncfemeht on BEOINNINO Firiday, January, \IUWAIR groumltf—B, A. Sihroectet, c h . ; Howard I . Castle, r l W . | H | t j e , Henry Lipoftky, B . P . (Jraber. T r a l e Practices! and Cliirities—H. H. Winte,»ch.; \Af N . Lap direr, E . P . AVichnian1, H . T. gcliroed^jr H . Fredltind. Ger eral Commi tee—C. E . Billings, ch.; ( eorge J. M i l e r , Roy l£lepper, A. J . Ewing, Thomau Dockers Boy Scout Ci>mmitteeJ-John L . Bell, eh.; Rev. (f. R, ftrussel, Rev. Hermi inn Koenig, P . R. Dpover, , E . J . Parke «—J^—-4—L, —> ¢1 .'v Hi f , V T': K 'i !"•'•" ' ' . . . I . - ^ - 1. BAIHINGTON REVIEW, BAI^RINGTQN, ILLINOIS, THURSDAY, JANUARY 28,1932 BARRINGTON REVIEW E S T A B L I S H E D 1885 • LESLIE W. .lilcCLUIl B, Editor and Publisher Chu ch Nem Wandering Froip This to1 That W i l L T B I l R. W I N T B R I N O H A M Business Directbr and Foreman; OUR ! r 'I IJBRARt NEW,2? f p W lU S v i i- " . ; . ' Vv ! •• :'.V • ,. ., CONTR nc Fei Aijoior o f fPKACnCAJU A t l Q T l O N Copyright, 1911, \f) Jfoyte, Jr. ARTICLE NO. IS I IearUk—10t7 Tho informatory doublolg.itltl «n :iub«-*-J,9»4 important factor In Auctlo,! «nti Con Jlamopi ^ _ „T Ifttwitlt trtt'et, 1¾¾ pr^ienti win* jlf^rN^hf Ipadei loitiof ,1 and pqullng quastloM of IWddltig, Pi Whin tod doftl deal ir examp e, s«|)po»o tho in,yoi hold *lx( , •olHuUor iiio irHmp aridjeeond li« ftljloufilef «p«dei(.IUiobllRntorlfu >'"»:«'» hw (iiforiiuiforyJ.wTtli what t; w o f hand thatiultoVBrparinM m h'iii»|i mill thoitld th«dealer'! nttrtnor imko» bid? thaobligaum laluit m lym wli«iv There ItstlHcotiildorttblo<IffoMiiceof the no truif p haaibee d Hl'Inl.iSiicli' opinion ttmoiig tho expart i at. to the a bid give? psrtnllr ei \k .Jiii'inijiilloiv' proper procedure In .thb Mtutt,ien,.tat that you hive nj jus the writer litis very defln! to ideal Ih and ibat IfifoltniiiClohf |n iy lie -¾}. regard to It. There era ft ur d itlnet valuable, tfcpee p( hahde at eltltef Auction or Pi lei i r / Contract which iliould bobld by the , ¢. V J»s ealer'* partner over an I ntemmtory Cluba 4 ^ 1 0 , , . oublo of one no trump. F rati with a* Diamonds-:", i and aa good aaanorlglna no trump, 'Spadeii-»-7,,f,H ealer's partner ihould re Ibuble. For ejtample, with a hand of thjis typet « lYf'! H|6arta-r.A,4.2 .1 ». Cpbs — K» 7,4 : A' f ; Bin and JSM* ^ { I / J mi S : Z Diantonds—J. 10,3, W L*%.S^adea-^K, 10,9 The redouble is a poweifiil weapon '\M» acttrej rubber ga ifc, 7. <lcah and when properly used and ti e source of bid o n e n o t r u m p a n d , eld iblednvhat or riany big penalties. After a| redouble,' should Y n b w b i d a t « M d Auction W vn Pas»d partner should double any ibid made 'ty&S&M*^*' and Z bid t^o spades,: M i A doubled and tr^ for penalties. Second: If the dealer's pirtner holds what should Y n o y bi j | , | as good as an original bid i n] a suit, he ,f From the foregoir ;|< Iscussion it should bid ijwo in the suit over the; should be Obvious th tf^ should bid hearts over the d< Ibl **Hehassix double, For example, with) a hand of two hearts and therefore ai obligatory t liis type, bid two clubs: take-out of Ihe no trur p.j ftermakini! Hearts]—10, 4 , 3 , 2 the mistake 'Of passir ;, f swever, the Clubsi-A.K.J,*,^ right thin A for Him 5 <f> is .not so . Diamonds—^^10, 7. ->.; obvious. When B i so passed the Spades—9,2 >,:/. double, it Was evjden th t he, did w because he was certaii of efcati^Z's' By so doing, you give ttie exai one' aO trump bfd. • ti, t :hcr words formation t o your partner that Have as good as an original bid in-that both A and Js have tM ated strong s lit. It is the only way y >u can' give hands. Z's subseque ti >id of two t lis exact information at d for that spades merely indicate th therealized reason} the opportunity sh mid not be hw no trump bid wo lid iro.bably. be defeated and that he igu id he had a lost. •!. -. • '" v'-"-r I ••'. chance to get < it c trouble by Third: If the deafer's_par tner holds a better bidding apades.' ; ; . 8:t-up minor suit, he snoi Id bid two •J. A'a dbutilp of, two pac » indiated n o trump oyer the double. B or example, h;fefcX)uJd defeat fhat bi< soJY wa» vith a hand of this'type, qid two no confronted!with,a c ffi< trump:' .•' \ '• The fact that he had hric It problem, Hearta — 7 , 6, 2 an argument agains - spades was Iding three 0 u b s —10,4.,3 hearts; but his-outsi ej I ind was to Diamonds — A, K, Q, | , 7 weak that there Was li tie •Spadea-^-J, 4; . •' forZtojnaketwoispa el. Here again you have the Opportunity hand, Y had,astrong icjart suit and, if to give this exact informat on to part- hispartner had high ( irdi in the other ner and you can only do so] by bidding suiu; he woiild have o< d chance to the two no trump. makft hfa bra. For tl eaioas, the | Fourth: If the dealer's pirttier holds writer is of the opini ti it V should a hand which 'justifies a major suit bid three hearts ove two spade teke-out of the no trump rrespective bid at either Auct on ntiact.lt is of the double, it should alto be bid over a close question at d s . the value of the double, For example with this bidding such hanlsi t o ce )ver the type of hand, bid two spades: double.Thenyppton' get nt( trouble. (now fencing, now In pla<|c,'protects' far better |ire|jim (1 '-.^'jw|fl,l*,l> 1'oa,,• miles of right-of-way n Illinois, open; *hV winter- \m bee i • before; I^ttl^WpN ' ;""TT^''!M., : |ta>rli1H»»i» - • f l f H 1 ] * ' ;,,.„ ;;it N ,„ r IMI weckwh^.t* ITiedMa. KrMar'ftiab^'fl^ til i mt ^^:1::.¾..¾¾ ' . L m.ri t'oiich t'lafk h.it a ch mrt . «II i * «•«iii5d in \foVMi " , , . 1 of aJtlc hut (Ii fiuil. „ ;'Xoftl5M«-roon^|«|re J ; iVuch for t h e m ; Tfc^Ffa' J* o n,{f hitting jiltliffl W* mid.' throe field goals t h r ^ g h M SS.. Thorp. W o i r n n d ^ i i | e r 5™ coring, Tbla J ^ t : ^gf Wltl, «onio defeats differed *y l i e r n l n„d Uydeii puts B » " « j " : ^ , Z\ Pl*«.»n t«>c K o r t h w ^ > ! w Klgin Gets Late S^lrt Tl.« Klgin "-B" team wa>« cpmf of plenty of big boys, bii th^ ilie Broriks g e t * 17 Ho-7 lea I 0.^1 in the first, h'nlf. Elgin put »n afi i n the last qunrtcr-but-«iaatyi ntnved it off and ..enhic, tbrhugH a five point margin. Ha|r5rj3J •8nd Hill Grabenkort: I«l' t | f , , j w .- with live and four .basketis H*r '•ly(' ,,-: 1' .The Ponies also .vonlwtji games <>f the week-end.; *$iyr -trnulrle in disposing of Ela 3$ to-1 Friday night, but theyjlet 4pic& sjiji away from them aiv|E«iB, i man's basket broke t i e j t?» 'to with o"ly a minute left [tp g<N,. favjrj "final fiore was 27 \o 25: Si,— , la the Ponies. Their Win OVCB Ela se thorn into at least a titi for* m place with the undefeated Lib ville seconds lending thy paok f Tlie box Rcofcs': i.lj .FG ] Brctm lios, 27 ...i •. 0 : jWillinnm, .f ... '1' sWaggoiH'r, f ... 1 jWolf, «' lTh<>n>, K <fv o iMeiiter, K [Miller, f .*, o Lmidwer, • f ... • .-..0i t» UtM'HO, (• . I) ti Grnhi'iikorl, g, :.'o--! 0 Aiiderwiii, u .,. -.-).•; tv^ Ilolh, ir ..:.„.-.... . -(1,-1 . 0 LiiPoiiiie; g ,.. .,:()11 '-o:.' >'KlltlllllHIl,' If . :;x\ Totii'bt".. ,.:. 3:' ,.,..:,121 V.bu l.'t"'••• , . llranding, f ... .." Oli'He. f ::.i ,.;... AIIINOII, f * , : . , . , ;..: ll-'j Ileckmnti, r . ..". I'etersou, g :.-,.(,..4 I'A'Ur^Nrii., |f ••, ...r..f...!:.(t)': . ( ' • . - : n :*: •A i o- H\ --' o otj; -i* 'l\.tnN ^..^....ajv? Barringtorfsi With UbertyVi Conference Touraey Held Liberty ville; finals Saturday NigltC i The nnmml NV>rtliWes.t Coiifri • touriiament wilfejje held-:at| L i t ville o„ Thurisday, Friday' a i d . 8 day of tliiw week, Tw^^gftraes wi Played oii.Tfiursda'y.^iight'and'-thi! winnerN of ithese, together w i t h from tho other s i x Wtjfereiic* s e will Ni„<fP n four i?6un(|:Batt}e o n -flayjiiglir^ The'semi-Jihals w i l H i- -" 8 , , l r , l»y afteErffion arid the fin* : I Saturday ni R lit::'' - |. " : The drawings provide ' five gj V wh "' 1 »>ight 1*11 bo Pail^l'nat >or the outcome o f almost alf of [ <«» mh-ettnln,- . l > . p « i r i h g s art•wnviHe nnd I^yden. Eln and': ;•""••» nuconda. and Wnrrcni^Li to,, Heights and Antiocli. and a : win 'I • ? '"'rtt-Barrinntoiv'SeA w »h I/ilmrtvvilb>: "L^* WHiicata arc ^ ^ ^ B»^ington md w . w l f e \ h # ^ »"•• iH'sideK/: They J are UUAM in the conference race «„d lavt »^trlmmrdPalathieqot«i5ir . « "» 'den of it jieir B^qr'ibs?' Pi ..fJJJ,'- trouble j„ t«kiiWiPa> -.• £ 2 , ^ , ^ «'W?rfn«.:in coinwii ,m.iR,. it ImeMittajij .•'-.: A ^ 2 ^ ^ - ^ - Witi* ^^atj,lHhobte,westoffci " r , ? ' ^ tan I forouh. andfcT 5 1 Vvtu^^f' ' ^^Vr hs?ir , "PM* Jn iK,rt ^.fil^^l*" ^TZ^^,*^?:* «ke» K1? Br™*' n Kes8ler ' ,ai£iMMiW& ' AUCti LETTER 4 mm tiAKRINOToS REVIEW • Uiow to play WASHINGTON By Rational Editorial Assojclat,lion Balanced Budget a t Institute I METHODIBI EPISCOPAL Special to The Review) flowing tho year 1 0 8 1 with a balTho Barrington Community drchestn , undur tho dlPublished every Thursday .afternoon at Barrington, o'clook anced budget, wntf the fheerful niesminoU, and Entered aa Second-class matter a t the B a r rectlon o W . . . N . Sears, ivlll play nt, the 7 : 1 0 THE, MOST I M P O R T A N T little NPrvlca. If not worshiping olKewhwre, ^-e nrko you tos»g> tho trust MW of the Art Institute rinftonpoittollce under Act of March, B, 187Q. hiind of liolltlclnns in tho country toIn this help IIH to on joy the waning and to us, oomo wltl o! Ohlcngo jiiavo to tho governing day, is'tho domocrntlc policy comniltespecially attractivo way, 'mnko I l l s irilse B|orlni»," Member oil moi liters nt (lielr annual meeting Inst too which fiinotlons nt tho:ra|)itol, On At th lOiiUI n, m. hoiip, wa Invito yoi to a heartN A T I O N A L E D I T O R I A L AHHOOIATION sdiiy, . Extrnctn from the, nniiiml their ulionldcrs tout the fate of liniior'm clh >lr mid Tut enlng woibhlp Morvlco with Our oxt'tilteiit •IIO'WH! I L L I N O I S P R H J 8 AHSQOIATION i<epirt{ fpnlpl li'd by Director Hohtirt tnnoii lealsliitlfiii, ,KVPH tho ci'ltlcs In a wrmon for tho»o ymmtit t linos. tho nvlmlillcnn camp hnvo COIKHMIIHI ' , Oardtt of hank*, resolution* of condotonp*, obituary (Hillre i NCIIOOI, Oi.'lO it, |m„ Nowlnli IMaggf. Nilipm'iii" li. irnralKvfnllow:"I'IIP Art Inatllutti linn for wivturnl flint t h i w mm, tln\ linnrd of Htriiti»«,v, poetry, memorial*, and all iiojlcit* of cntarthlnmenta or tfinliMitl ilid Ilnwitt'd Hni'iilcn, ««KIKU|I1| mipoHiit mdunt, ymrit liwMJi fiimpelN•.tff^.WMtrlfl^i m hnv« f iiH'tliincd iidmlriilily sliiofl flip t o d a t y and ohirch NUIKH t»t(il imvtlim given f<fr iiwiunlftfy A M I : fl it, i in,, llw jyounj |i«opl«'a m ?l«jo, ««t vitltm iitiit In ;foi't!Bo iipwled Im tipllKWI'llN 'UNHHilKMl WilliI'fll Of t'll.B iijiilly .NiitiniW iitti 4 flilJO ni \\h\ w\v Maeflt wjll bf chawed for Kt'ltln IKHIMI of l'opi'imentnt'lveH, The fnct.l» •4«—"—"*T (iliiifch I fight wlili « coy mul'dlsh flmiw "it»r "Piotl, |»ri) 'piiitmls II III Ntil If fttlll|tlOliH, () tf1 tlinl ihl! futiiro of flii'li1 piiKv de|MMii|n. nx||«ii(tllui'itHi luring the f t r n m t ye it All voinnjunlcntlono sliouM lie. nddrewti'd to the lilt It nt Inn Faith urn ICiiii," " (lomoi|j[«u noml no IIIIIHW woi»» for ;lns iiiicts $00,000 l(is» tlitui rnoi'a on lliclr Jiidgiiu'iit t inn o1| (.lie thrin (hi* llrlng Niiiiitwlc itiHi mid n »IIHI |(1 llltMS, tint t In 10I2H Anmiitl i'wcl|its fi'nii HiHmlleil high (vitniiinnil n t tlieli )m> 1 H, i m E H M A t f , I 1IHt itnr mttlc fit i litliiwiiient fiiiidH-..whlcni llfliiinl iiiirty bmi Uiiim'terN. With- vltiil 100 NOKTIlfcoOK HT. nAIUUNOTON, ILIj, ^^^^^^______Jt_l__ij2jiiErn • 1 (imii iMII -"— wm » I M ^ I W * * " » ' l"" "' - - - ^ ^ I. itillilit litivip linen apiillfil to the \»if iioii'|)iii|tlMitn omhi'KiMR'y ieglHliilloii fuf HAItlllNGTON EVAMJISLIOA^ :% •UrVkl BR IN cliiiw of wni'N of iit't, In Iho ivnuniiu t*AU\L < nii«t(»(l slii;tn law lli^i jmrtlsHii TELEPHONE, BARRINGTON NO. 1 tn\ $200, M10, ni't> tiseili for geuei'iil qui'Ktloji iiKiilii .fftlsim Its lieiid, In OrottVHaU. sliniilng Itwlsltftlvo pollidoM tliey itmy inn ntouii nee, Uedt'llits. from nieii»her» agree lieiii't itiii^ soul, with the iiidtlves A. m. Dlvlnij services every Bunduy fit 10 MORK ABOUT THE AUDITORS I luktivn fnl on off n ml itmnlclpnl tax Mhli Bible ilass and Hundnyl school at 0:4 J a. ti. of uiidei'lyljig plans ndvuiicwl by their Before going into a discussion of the argument 1«;» Tho iJiithornn church Extends to all who are at the fun lis ret efvcil through the sriutli phi* brethurji tij harass and defeat the reboai'd.hiiv^ linen shared with a mM publicans hut the pulley group must tween the amounting firm of Arnold, HimihelbhiU arid present tjno without a church homo a s MWO IH Ration ItiHllitutkiil t|m Shcdd Actiunriuin, and weigh t'ho |ci')ii«C(iiieiic(iH. jCo. and the v llngc board, wo arc going to relate an inci- to attend its services and classes. thelefoito groiitly reduced. W o enteretl D. C. HENMO, l a s t >r. dent of a fiat fight between two youths which w e witupot the ciirreitt^ year, with a budget 1302 Ni 14th A^ enuo defi'it <f,„!|26iOOO, toward which nessed 14 years ago in a m i l i t a r y . c a m p . Onp boy, withTIIEJ SWORD ,OF DAMpCLES MelrofcPark, ] 11. Preildeni Po|.ter' Palmer contributed never.'eyoked more fear'tllmn *be ajftcrout what is kbown as a "fighting heart," hak the speed, 16,000. T h o u g h the^inost rigorous mnth of the nntion-iwide wage cuts'by punch,.etc., which were giving him a decided edge over intirnal ecoiomles nnd unexpecti FIRST BAPTIST the railroad: workers. Congress has tte£.other lad Who lacked th ese essentials for boxing. Thje Bible jiehool, 9:36; SloVning worshpl, 10:3|5; IvniDrs nbn recui ring receipts the trustees ai(e been sitle-steppirig what J s .obviously happy to reportlto thcgoverhjng memother lod, however, hod a "fighting heart" > and would and B . Y P. U., 0:45; Evening service, |7:30. ber i a com ition which isValmost the ineyrtoble—--a sizeable Muictipn of not quit. F i l a l l y , during i lull i n the scrap, a friend he theme: unl Hie nmonir Chicago institutions— salaries /of 000.0001 on igotyrnment I n ••the morning the pastor will spcal on of the kid w i o was gettinc the worst of the argument "The Wa; to the Kirigdoml' , and in the ereninif, ":rollOw- a hilnncid budget for the year ending payrolls. It has b|cn rather! pathetic suggested the! two "quit e*en." The boy who had the ing the Old Trail." Deilmbe • 31, 1931. , \ to watch them dodge around the issue Our cl oirs will furnish special music; nnd.ull t ie cbn• w to the gamer but poorer t. i«: ¢118 :omnry, in most annual by resorting to<\ pariinnientary tricks.. fight all but I won, ran ov hyn ns. reports, ;o erd With a summary i>f fn- The house ap propitiations • committee,! fighter and si ik his hand as a sign of tru< :e—quitting gregation join in the sinking of the g* spel Visitors are always welcome. stitijtiori:;l needs- and nn appeal for which has beeii drafting bills for goviad virtually von the fight. In Dther words even-after he support. jThu jtr^mtces feel that such eriimeiit expei diturps, could not proCHARLJIS R. D R t S S S L , Past he compromi <d when he had everything tin his own an jppej 1 a_t thisj time would ; be both vide the. seriaw and house |? ith a loopside, and did lot need to compromise, hole. Th^ word hap been passed thdt sclffsh ai|d ui wlisei" Now to gel back to Arm Id, Himmelbhiu and Co., that FIR 3T CHURCH Q? CHRIST, sciENnsr curtailment• of'- government .projects uafido contract with the boardj of trustees firm made a and reduced allotments' to d« partments East Stain Street Less Sickness to audit the vi llage books at a flat rate of lijOOO. A repwill note bridg» tho gap. Additional Sundafr service, 10:45 a. m. the firm inspected the records before the T|heffefluf ncy,. of sickness causing savings will comVonly by ^vny of payresentative o Sunda ' school, 9:30 a. in. disi bility for more than one week poll slashes for federal employes, and competitive b r of $1,000 was) submitted. Arnold, H i m Janua y 31—Subject • Love. ami ng a group of more than 150,000 the'workers are fairly,well organized. melblau and, lo.'s bid w a s lot ,the lowest one submitted, Be Goldei T e x t : I I .Corinthians 13 4 1 . - B e ]ierfect but apparent) tjhc trustees WCTO satisfied that t h e com be of goo 1 comfort, be ofone mind, liv i ih peacs; and ind istria I workers during the third The wage reductions accepted by the qutrter >f 1 ) 3 1 was 2 per cent less organized railroad Workers affects-1,p a n y Was reliable. the God <f love and peace! ^ ihall be with you. 100,000 citizens and means, c-f saving t After spending several v e c k s on the books, the audit pofsky h a i ih t h e corresponding p e i o d of The reading room, 1JI E. Station (street N " ore reported Hint the job u a s complicated, and records building,: trill be opentotl|cpublic from % to 5 p. nil each 103), the United States public health of about $250,000j,000. s e r ice b'atej] jJan.^O. Additknal in.„ ..-_. _!ljj i t that the totai expense t o th t n e n e t r € B U poorly kept, week day and from 7 to i9 p. m on Sntui clay. formation mi ide. available in the serthen* for wor done and fo • work necessary t o complete '! SENATOR S W E 0 N FESS of vice's 8tatemSnt follows (|)hiofri-undoubtedly' a sincere andthe job'was ,738.13. Thev added in their letter'to the ST. I 4 N N E : S • 1 his frequency also was 15 piij- cent well-meaning legislator. Unfortunately, board that th y would not lsk for more than enough t o SundaK Low Mass. 8 at. m. and 10 i. m. b e h w the ^nafderice rote for t lie cor- lie has the knock of blundering into pay their ow expenses. T h e board refused t o p a y the Week dajrs, Low Mass T'a. m. V responding period of I9&9.; T i e fre- p oiltical pit-falls which leave him the figure and o lered tne woifk completed a t the original Devothns in honor of he Sacred ^Heirt, first Friday qucficy of homindustrinl injuries, worse for the slip of the toiigue. H i s 91,000 contract price. "' ' hov ever, wap stihiewhnt higher dur- pssitlon as- chairman of the republican of each m >nth. Mass at ii. m. N o w a compromise has been offered by the auditors. ing the recent quarter-year' than in national committee naturally singles Confef dons, Saturday, f: p. m. F o r $ I , 8 0 0 . tljie firm would, complete the auditing and inthe same peiiod of either of the,two h m out for attack by tbc opposition. ,/ Baptlsjm by appointment stall a bookkeeping system, the--estimated cost of which pre reding years] presumably »hl ac-Their, criticisms frc expected and REV. iom J A.. DUFFI0Y, Pastfcr. would be $-10¾). r On Monday night the trustees refused eoiilit of tbe longer time to whitih men tiken accordingly, The Fcss. baiters the $1,800 figure by a three to t w o vote. I t w a s rcportctf are "exposed jto accident outside the are as vociferous ajmong hit? political SALEM .ElVlANGELlCAl. t h a t the board a« a whole favored offering the auditors facfory,. a s Jhcy spend fewer hours ti|ibesman. Tito progressive republi-4 Tho. pastor, Rev. P. H. Bteuscher wi' I have fcr Sun- in It. cans take partfoulnr delight in henp $ 1 , 0 0 0 for thesaudit as per contract and $100 for the hew day morn ng worship Hnrvice {the sermon subject, "Gntli1 or rc8plnitoi|y disease as, n group Irtir ridicule on the stocky Oh loan. It is •bookkeeping system. > ' ' / Boefirlnger, i ttidcnt the decrease wn* 8 per cent fr»m the written on the wall of party councils However, 11» that not In itself a c o m p r o m i s e ? / Should ering Day by Day." R<fv.. 'V. X will .occupy the inilplt In theeverting iwrvlco 10.¾) to the W a t period, and |ifl perthat FCHN. will stop down from dlreet-qsHlstant, •the board he forced to give Arnold, lllmmclblan and Co. Ing the party after, the noinlnntlng Ills subject will >o "Undllut«<r Ptfliyer.' T h e (ten: from 11)20 ;t« 1030. Y<tr each a contract fori Installing a new bookkeeping) system, In at 7:30. convention in June order to get a completed audit for $1,000 which the fir«n church cfolr will sing i | Imtli morn! ng and t vonlng of Iho three nerods under reylew is/ regfirded (is cpklomlc-free Is hound by contract to jlo for exactly that figure? '"! services. mong tl o bsplratory dlseaw*, Chu ret school at 0:30, i, m, ClaBsqa hftVo Ixen iirIf the firm failed t o 4 properly estimate the cost (if pn(|iinioi)ift (all forms) iwhlbled the ranged for all aged,. If ycju arc not. nitendjrig iundny iiudlting the records, why should the vIllaRJe engage It ino|t Kj^ectnciilnr decrenKe. tl t» rnto for another Job? W h y should' the trustees "quit even" school an ywhore else wo Vould gladly welcomo wn you In forj fhoi tjilrjl (Iimrtor of ! 1 0 3 | being # our Sund ly school, w h e n they hil| e everything on their o w n side? low than half of what It w a sill the Christ an Endeavor meetings will tie held alt 0:45 snr i<> period of [1020. Intlucusn w a s In tercstlng prograru artrbcihg planned tor thoso rep arte 1 nt 11, slightly lower"rt te 'dut' P^n ing ih<| recent |quartcr than in the nice lugs, AND ABOUT THE BOARD! thi'it qjinrter of, 1030* but nt i much P. II, BEUSOHER, Minister, lo«|op' iliite- t tan| in the ,corres londlng While we uivc .criticised the trustees a lid upheld them iiilrter of 1H20 on different Hibjects, w e are now going t o agree with ST. PAUL 15VANGEUC4L them, on one mbjeet. At the,-meeting Monday night, the Sunday, Jan. 31 trustees were criticized for holding private meeting. W e 9:30.1 . in., Bible school 10 Million School C b i l d n n believe that any group of public officials h a s a r i g h t . t o 10:30 n. th., English looming worKl ip. chool en i ollment increased 5,(100,hold private meetings in order to. investigate^ discuss I Thursday, Feb.' 4 00( between 1020 and 1030 in the matters, and form opinions. Official action nhbttld and 2 p, ti., Monthly hly meet ng of the Wnman'n Union. Un ted States, causing tho v a r i e s must lie taken a t public meetings'. However, w e s e e 8 p. ii..,'. Monthly meet: ng of the Sen or < leigu< T.;CJ tyjf« of Miools throughout the counabsolutely ' nothing wrong in o n e trustee* inviting t h e ITosford < f the high school faculty will d diver an address try to pitovile facilities fW iO per others t o h i s home—with the public excluded—or t h e on "Was lington." cent mora students,, (he federal office whole group i leetfrig in n privnte office, to disculss or ip II. E . K O E M G , Pastor. «f education announced in a Statisti vestigate s o n v matter of public importance. T h e resnlt cal statemenj: summnriziiig the enrollof this discuss ion or investigation^ or conference c a n only SAiNT JAMES public be acted on nt the public meetings, in our opinion; but Dumlee, 111. Jaiiuctry 21, every public jody that h a s ever accomplished' anything 8:00 ..oil, Holy Comaunion. 1st ijnd 3jrd £ undays Toilay; the) statement assertsj, seven h a s held private meetings. out of cvejry ten Americans between 5 f Choral EJucharist. 10:45 a. m., 2nd and 4 th Sundays; Mori ing Prayer am 2 0 yea i s of age attend school T h : following additional infoi mation and Sera on. con cernihg c nrollment in proportion, Ohnrp l School, 9:30 a m. SHOOTING THE PIANIST to lopuiatibr, by age, and geographic S. R. S. GRAY, ]3ect>r. William i^llen White in Emporia Gazette: Since div sions w a i supplied : March 4. i02i When Herbert Hoover stood on the steps 1'or the Tlnited States a s a .tvhol*, 1 of the white house and swore to enforce the laws and of :he 17, 2((0,566 persons from 7 t o maintain tho (jonstitution of the United States, every mean & years of 'age, 16,398,400, o r 0 5 , 3 think possible has happened to this country. Came the P<J! cant, attended school a t the end of dawn of thedevil's own day. Drouth, depression and the decade. 1 his w a s a n advani e from the 90.6 per |cent i n 1920. calamity tii poi i calamity rose up for which he had no liiore responsihility than he has for the wind or the tides. As a result, t liis country is in a Sad way and sfr i s the The l o o k W o r m club I eld i t s f r s t iaeeting \ ^ednesThe Story of Thomas Paine ' world., It is phase Of the war. W e don't organize and day a t (ii e o'clock, As the coun|try pays , tribute to murder ten njillion men on this planet i»nd p u t out of The r ffieers elected vere Mary CniiuHi, pre ddeht; Gecrge Washington during this year,' commission fit teen million more and saddle fifty billions William Wilson, secretai y ; Shirle r,' Ltons, tre tsurer; ma; king the 200th anniversary of his of debt upon :he w«rld, without consequences., Waps ot and Ruth Calkin«, scribe Mrs. Biirrid?e i s clul i sponi-j bin b, the United States George*Washthat magnitude do not stop when the boys ceaso firing. sor. Th« officers a l l ace >i ted their i poi itidb i ar d the^l ing ton i Bice itennial commission, reThe late war will be going on pretty well through into took char;e o f the meetink miids ns that it is well to mark with the 1040's w I en Hoover is gbno from the White house There are going to be j tes of ten cer ts a mon h, an son e thought the anniversaries of oth >r patriots without whose l loy^al and his succet•*~~sor is in his second- term, with that money we-sha entertkin t h i W i met clul help George Washington might never But Horbett Hoover has done, in this great ijmergeney and The Story Hour at! different intervals, ^ie also have been able to achieve what he did. the things for which he w a s sent o f Heaven, expect to visit the club I i Wilmette. One of these is Thomafl Paine, who He kept nit even ktel nt the whito house, Tho o >ject of the "Bob( Worm Clul is to i roraote was born on January 20. one hunlie has or^nnized t h e worh} ifoir peace. better rci ding among the is ihool child ren dred and ninety-five years ago. This He hoscu down taxes a s n o Other president h a s ever Iola i chreiber,. Pauline Berger, i nd RoHimhiy Jen remnrknble man was the son of a cut them dow^ sen were chosen to give i selection if iwemf an I short Quaker wliio lived Jn Thotford, Englender his counwl and a t h i s suggestion the hourly Innd, -a Htny-mnker by trade, Mke all stories. wage nealo of labor w a s ninlntalned even though the anHttirdy Rngllhli yeomen, the father- e*V The n eetlng was then ndjonrnod aual wage w«« cuti down by-the depression, m'ctPd Ida aon to follow tjie family R U T H CALKW S, Ho did ni that could be done, which w a s precious calling, but young ThomnN soon tired orW; wide rrosli of agriculture, ro stabllim little, In the'Vol of making stays and boetimo an" egIcesi' . agricultural Brie 'ARIPP CUT MIGH IEIP clRoinan. Aftm- n turn nt this, lie He has kitnt a baiikerSi pniiic from devilstuting t h e At a inie when so many of our bn<ic AmeHoan In tried'teaching In London. But alcountry in t'lite of depression, j dtistrleV ire wrestling anxiously for nt w outlet), it i s ready he had shown ] evidences of on Ho has orjmnlwd the latent credit if the land in o n e sheer (fcoi omlc madness ia continue "the wtrtmekl pollejj] Intelligence far out of the ordinary, ministering corpora t ion. of protec ion that has ev>r been enactg I In thd United and* hadi gained tho acquaintance of Under an organiimtion t set up by IU leadership In States" a id which has bffcii one of tho t tost iggri ivatlng Denjamiji franklin, i then living In : r i l , ,--v every Amerlci n city funds are growing into the hundreds Influences In accentuating and. prolonging the ivojrll trade Bnglnndj, of millions ' dollars to furnish emergency work for reaction. If We want to do our part fn 'rest irlftf world In 1714, Paino cmigrotf'd to Amerevery unnemployed •d American thi« winter, prosperitj, wo must pull down our ow i tariff larriers ica, beai Ing' a letter of recommendaAnd his latest'act'is i .to further mobilize thajt latent ns a firs step toward clearing the tride chant els ion tion from FrankHii, | and soon obtained credit Into a homo building corporation to put life into whose un ibstructed flow t h e prosperity |>f th|e wofld de tho editurship iof The PennBytvanla Magasin>, published in Philadelphia. the building cades. • ] , ' pends.T-I ctroit News. Even the n the American ^iir was full Everything that man can do he has done. H e h a s of the spirit of independence, and done It bray elly. H e has d^ire it wisely, with a n in/ellecThe 1 talworth company' will concen rate the|manti- Paine nut nerely swung into the tnaj honesty hat shrank from demagogy. Hlilo^r will facture ofj brass valves and fittings) formerly han lied in movemeit bjut .rapidly forged to mark him forj great figure in this world of these times. the Bosto l plant, i n Kejwanee, 111., and Breelnsbu g, P a . place of leadership. It appeared that . I t is the American habit t o shoot the pfcnist when,' Machinery just such and equipment necessary for be t lain! enance his genii s was Waiting for 1 we don't like the tempo or the t«ne. N o w i s a good time an opportunity, land, using bis magaof the ne v department l a n o w arriving it tl e K iwanee zine! as ii meant] of expression, Paine to break the' habit. For heaven's sake gentlemen, quit works., I iewanee will benefit b y this a tion as it wiU launched the first of those writings snooting the, pianist, he i s doing htt best, mean inc eased working hours per w e e : f o t th< brass that soot inflamed the country with And let tie dance g o on. valve and] finishing depajrtment o f the |Cew^nee works. enthusiasm for freedom. • ,_! K w . Fahertjj and WitthJ .JLL'..... 1J.L. . • - ..^fe. — ;t^s#"|5'""JS?! 'V."«I zzzzzzzzz .^"'••F-^Tip'*?" 1¾^¾ mm *w& ' ' • ' • • » • : m ^ti^^^ i^^:: SAfcRiS&M ,^11:1 THURSDAYT JANUARY mmt\ MK(. • "iv--::';/:.::?* ZHow to play Britfa AUCTION J CONTRACT BarrinUton Second Place} in (oii^rence Race Vypne Ferguson :TlGAl, AUCTION BR] DOB* assm a[u{ K|.,,„ »IJV' Afford 'Eh I ittlc opposition to 10, 7 ii* - . 1 , 9 , 4 . i o >nt!s -— Q, 6 ' ' " « - J . " »o,7. ¢ , 4 , 4 vif » l.ni'.i (Juintets > >u h.ilrj six or more hearts or t is obliK.}tory for you to birf t -u t over partner's no trump and ( ' ? I if. it ion is just as s t r o n g m e n e n » trump has been doubled. Such 1 • <s partner exact information i luve a justifiable^take-out information may be very Ml Problem r » s - Q . J , 9,8,7,5' J s - - 10,9 i m o n d s — 9, 2 i i t s — 7,6, 4 - Y : A B : Z H v nut IT t ' r •»• JU.I^H over the two spade 1 litr Auction or Contract. It is (•!;•» '• . :. U'I-II J.ilirrty- 1 In p.-u-l<. in w u .1 .- -<\ J I'M 1. d tn k«>(i the t<m<la 1'i.ti- 1 ha n they have ever f. £ ya v II 1 1 11 1 jit I U) II I) I) 0 Mji'h hands at once over the 1 i iii y,)ii don't get into trouble. . j •) I !' k 11 (I. 11 u 11 (1 0 :<> i Cadvvallader Pin Team Still First in Lions League .tell. •'.-•. linger—ir.-igpp ..... Paulson . Wollar .-.. E. Kfiller Langdale) II. Sass .. 153 165 140 157 144 151 47« 468 442 469 144 295 764 766 2294 Cndwallade Pohlninn,; ........199 144 168 % i l r . w - t ('onference Schwemm .... .199 153 156, 231 ' ' • • ' ! '*• In-Ill nt Liherty- W, (Mitlow .. ..-.133 106 106 l-'rnlfiy and S n t u r - Tiindberg -, 'Two xamesr will be N. Plagge :..-. .:.145 127 ; '' •'••••^ ni^lit and the tvfo Cndwallnder .154 154 154 511 508 364 212 272 4Q2 Held at .-....157.....140 153 .....161 ...144 I.ihtrty* il!e; P'ina% , Saturday v/ay wit 1 out t h e '";" ', " . too late t( c h a n g e ,;''''' . '• Over to ga». It can j' : ^ s'. sily. Simply b u r l i e r " in- - '!'' ejf Jpur 1 t n : \l. 150 115 A. Sass .,......:...177 126 111 • 1 • (i i J. Cntlow .:. U S 138 143 •'••Mil,- hv<«; games L. Miller 1 4 4 . 1 6 0 139 - i-ii.lleil - n a t u r n l s Beermun 151 121 160 1 396 414 399 .443 438 Totals 674 2090 155 120 153 172 113 122 496, 420 383 133 }32 137 97 403 385 Totals .........753 693 641 2087 -dniost all pf them '•';• J ^ n r i i i g i T a r e 'Beu- p i|; •j. you •"•• il'>[)i'i| to bent • " in the t o u r n a '"••y mi' undefeated ' ' ' "'•• mid last week " ' l"'!.i'ii>.- (Ml to 13 which 'l-ii- si-oriiijj pow?r, '' ''"' "ther hand bad •';'-. :n taking Ifalatine. ' "-n.-iii-f in c o m p a r a t i v e '."'' '""i tell" jiiid t h e h ' ' .<•"•>; can a t l e a s t . j. r.i„ ],. '.,,.'_ I: -,., Public Heating contrac- '• . - - ' : n ; . W • \ 684 .....721 095 Pomefoy-^ .. ........109 .-.......187 Davy .,. ;i08 Greengard Heffeninn Sehreibei- 1..:..:133 Pomeroy :...+ .156 •• Ai.iii.ih, and at„.S:30. Church ''•.)' i'.nn:t<<!i .hooks -rip- >n in g a s h o u s e nearest 2329 ' I ' M much a s gjes;u30%, ' • .;' , " ...764 815 ' -:,-1-11. Khi ami .PalaI'-I Warren, ArliiiR- begin to enjoy m mediately. v. not a s ' present 1 Totals Night : - , ' i i l i . r with teanta Totals .....:..,830 ' 1 -unferi-nee schools ' - f u n d hattle Ion F r i Beerronu— ' * ---1111 li mils wijl he on ""."' •"!' :ni(i the final's 1H1 F. Plagge ....,...131 ' ,, MPANY <L NOIS llari^is u{! Mnt^ikci^m. Mi::: !h.« ,^JM AL Hinv ey . Zltzi inn C.'nrr ..... Beer 11011 To als :..126 145 .:.138 188 ...157 201 :..148 150 ......753 792 803 Thursday, Jan. 21 Hh rrliigtBii ronn Garb Burt Milt.-JiMcC ty •„.... - - -^- 'i Jf\mif :G«r>:'i0fli-|M'i-:--..' Itevlewr H K N R Y j . OKARM^I l'" "llano Tun tif »nd Repslrlti I A W V E RIlulldlnt S WestOonwsy WMhinfton Street 1111717 CHICAGO, ILL. T«I., Randol ?h 0350 " CARt, ILLINOffl ", to 8p score with the DPS Plnincs heav|weiglitH Thursday, but won from , the strong Dundee quintet l 9 to 10 on l | 6 FriiTdy. Both games w«i[e iout of town? Ilrfln-on will meet Lake Zurich at the Hitter's gym Friday tsvenlng, Jan, 29. 'Ihe oponlng gnmi! will ho hetwenn lenmi consisting of ,bo.vH of grammar Hclmill iige from Lnko Zurich and the B(>iiH|>iiytllc> Orphans home. .178 168 20()1 ...138 147 -.191 220 ,:..149 100 ...206 184 E tpet t work ok all /rtproduclm \i\ snit or send a card direct - CALL riagge Home FurnlsMng 0< Howard P. Castle, Bvenlngk 525 drove Ave., Tel., Barrington 502 PHARMACISTS ARTHUR J HAGGENJOS AtToai im-p&iAw;. ^ FREDLUND DRUG C 0 . . "'.V'.-' .'"<•')" : Barringtjn, Phone 403 100 W. Main Street , BARRINGTON; ILL. CHICAGO OFFICE Business Notices Bring Results 2,402 2,358 2,347 2,259 if :.L^r--^..iLji.l>L:JiL Barrington, Hud ipn-Esiojt BUg» 301 IS. Alain St. ,^ DR. EARL KL INWAGI1TER A: J D S U R G E O N ABOVE PfeERt ESS MARKET HOI 8:30 to 10 1:Q0 to 2 7.00t!o 8: Sundays by 40 bowel trouble RS QOa.m. ' "" p.m. iO evening, appointment • PUBLIC SERVICE COMP/LNY 6 F NORTHERN [LUNOIS Serving 6,000 square miles—po cities,,towns <md communities- • wttb C as and Etectriaty ^ammmM sin • GORDON CAMERO .J02^JOook street1 Tel. Barrington 2 FOR COUNTRY ^[OME^ ES^TAT^S ARMS: ACRB^ COtateACTQRS 3BBS3BBQB CALKINS BROS. C o u t s J Subdivision W rk , Lhndscapinjr, Roads^ Rrlvei Swimming pooli, Dams, Lak< ,/ Tennis Courts, Bowling Qreei 1 HARRINGTON, ILL. CALKINS, phono 551 A. S. CALKINS. Phono ATTORNEYS AT-I^VW 105 W. Adims (St. CHICAGO Telephone, Franklin FREDERICK P. |3^U»TZ Barrington, Photte JUSTICE OF TftA iPEAOE ' (Coot County)! DR. W I L L I A ^ SANDELL n ^^».%*«<t^yffe^^Cl.l..l[iLWrW<WWgj HE BOARD Of' DIRECTORS of p u b l i c Service C o m t i my of Northern Ulii lois lias! declared t e regu ar quarter ly (ividend of $ 1 3 0 p e r : hare c n t h e Con tpa ny's 6 % Preferred S t o c | , $1.7^ per shaw o n the i% Preferred Stoc c, and $2.00 per share o n t h e C o m m o n $tock, Stock, payable February 1,1932, t o stockholders i record, at the close of business : Januaiy 15, 1932. • A. E. PATTON, iccr aary , ^ASi >•• RE^t ^S^ATE- CHICAOO OFFICE VM N. LaSiJle St. Chicago Phone. Central 4040 )octor}( Famfy Laxativ* SSBCBBBBXSSB! OESSas S S B S d ' E^cavjitlni and] Grading C o n i n i t s n J O H N E. HEINRICH AlPTORNEY-ATJUkW ' ^APRAPAlUS 1 T 1 ' SERVICE YOU WILL u k v - h i r ' •• • .•! Tolophone, Barrington 65usjf Tel. Barri igton 705 Notid 851 830 845 834 ' Phone 548 \ GLASS 8. 8TMRTZ 127 Porl^ Avenue • I \ \ Telephone Bn -rliigton '235 PHYSICIAN ii 'licrty and Witthoft. - J - i l i ^**J HOURS : 0 to lOi. m. 2 to 8 p n>. 7 to 8 p m. i Sundays by ^.ppolntmont HUP PEPSIN * m m n m u u u u ',"-] found 666 Standing (39 games e a c h ) : Team • Pins Hi-S Hi-G _ei Cadwalladier ........29,186 Hager .'. 28,951 Bcerrtian .28,389! romeroy .27,307 heavyweights ,j „ .; CASTLK.QSIORN & W I I S 1 . 027 West laJi/t Street Constipation may verir easily become NAPR^ PATH Telephone Barrii gtoq 634-J ;..763 785 838 2J?6 Chronic after forty. Atn I any continued To als consfipatiori at m a t t me of life, may bring attacks of piles and a hoist of •:••''•.,. -Chicago Ofice^ SPINAL MAT IPULATION 158 158 other unpleasant disoi ders. 209 W. Washington 3t,, Room 1401 SCIENTIFIC SPECIFIC 129 129 Schadble Watch your bowel 1 at any age. > Telephone Fran klin| 0122 J158 169i Graham ' Guard them with parti cular carefafter Horn ith 180 192 115 E. akaiii St. forty]. Whenever they need any help, Gerdm .. 236 223 remember a doctor sat old know what Phone Ban Ington 252 | is belt for 1 hem. OPTOMETRIST 8l8l sisi (861 872 To als "Dr: CUdwelTs Syrup Pepsin" isadodofi prescription for the boweb. By Appointment fo • your convenience Lc igue standing: Testlbd b y 47 years'; iractice, i t h a s Te iin Won Lost I been f o i $ 1 thorough y effective i n Lipolsky Clothievs 22 14 E. A, WELLS reliefingicmstipation and its ills for Pohhnan Drugs ' 21 15 OPTOMETRIST AND men] worn sn- and chil< ren of all ages. DEN11STS Greeigard Grill 20 16 I t has pro ren perfect! jr safe even for 1 OPTICIAN j McLi irter's 18 18 babuls. Made from fresh: laxative Barr ngton Review 18 18 herbs. pui< pepsin and other harmless 135 Park Avenue ShouVs Confectionery :.17 19 *— lenfa, i t cannot gripe; will n o t C . H . K E L L A M Phone Barrington 391-J Garni ron Real Estate _ you or weaken j ou; can be used Miller Bros. 13 withfmt hi rm as often a s your breath HOUI DENTAL 1IUBGE0N i s bad, or i hen your tongue is coated; 6:30 to 8: p. "in. whenever a headachy, bilious, gassy tion warns of constibatlpn. Other Hours and. Sundays Successor to by Appointment LJrQlID—TABLETS—SALVE D R . W. B . CALDWELL'S " DR. E. W OLCOTT 680liquid or, Tablets, used internally and < 166 Salve externally, make a o i n plete and effective treatment for Co 1 s, Phone Barrington 17 H 5 E. Main St, CHIROPdDI^T Fellow Enthusiasts Pleasant portrait of p e law In a •'••*••: distance Runners moment of relaxation: Walking along -a lane in a southern sob* i^i'.'iwn' long distance n i b of. Manchester I noticed to '--.•Ms of .^Villiam frbnt of me several small boys ' »"•. west- of |5arring- grouped about a policeman, who •l:u evening a^id S|Ai- had got off his bicycle to speak to -'•;> -.venr on ia;;15-m|ie them. They carried plcfclje Jars ' '-niuon i„ prejj>a.rati|m and tattered mnglin nets, and were r.vmts-and n|nrath|tn gaxlng at him with, awe. "Poor '' I'-'-ton. Massjj, som'e- Was," I thought, "surely the law Is being overrealous in this case. r-poxt that the winter As I passed the group t saw that f"ii ideal for outdoor the policeman w a s . holding his >] ->* '"•••u a great help to hands In front of him two feet •part. I "It had , funny-colored • : Ml* ' , • ^'in-sts at the ' Dreyer scales," he w a s saying, "and it Hi-miis, Kessle'r, Stal- was that big."—Manchester Guard Ian. i> 1 •••"•"•'"-- 145 138', 155 162 hoys' 1-'2!jlj^ , thcmplvcR on 'the short ond of a 87 MOSr SPEEDY REMEDIES KN0 IN ; -M ..871 713 730 Li lofshy ClothiersPure ..184 158 203 'il'.im D r e y e r H o s t t o . • 1 «2- Thp To Hater's jJKeglers Drop Back 35 Pins inJlace With ,106 154 149 151 CnnftTfrnc Tourney t-u£;gle t h r o u g h 7 to 8:3( p. m. ! Sunday 11 t> 12 noon from Aurora which is former high-svhool aiid ers. The games will be Lake Zurich high school Chiropodist ahd , Foot Specialist 1 F. W. INDBERG 8T ! Office in Pohl n Bulldt I M i n8t. 127 DR. L. V. 1EPKE GENERAL CH [ROPODY ! Diseases and Deformities jof the'Feet iiitton Tel., Barri igton. ,471 CHICAGO ojenoi " 2020 Garland Bldg. I Phone Central 8005 Barrington:, B y Appointment Tel. Barrington 248-W DR. F. f . I "ANNING DR. E. T. SCHUTT DEN11ST CHIROPODIST HOURS 9 to 12 m. 1 to 5- v m 7 to 9 p m. i i HOURS. j i' 9 a. nji. toi5 p- m. and 7 to 91 p. m. ' I I TUESDAY, THIBSOAY, AND , j' SATUIDAY , |' 301 E. a aln St. Phone Ban ngton 453 ' Baijrindoi Hndnm-BsMK --(-:-1^ -.1-1-.. 8:30 to 9:3( a. 11., 2 to S p. m. Bijrrington,' 32— FG Lohnan, f .t............ .:. ....:..0 mi PIANO E3CPERT! Z Barrington Loojp w (i 1 . 1 Leaders 0 1 1 ! ,i , Ilngei's pin team dropped back.-'35 (i points in their rare to overthrow Cnd- Harrington's First Tournament Game With Libertyville heating; s e a s o n IPHYJSICIANS ! /SURGEQNft TJ« Rnrrlnffton Ju ifor HIKII linKW1ICH1LT, Nnlem bnnMlmll team loHt a Inst kolhill toiim noiirly lmw«d In defeat nltd exciting game to tut) Northbrook bivfote tho flglitlnK Patiitlno. cagcru BARRINGTONv live Wialjiewliiy ''night by a 34 to 82 IriMtl Friday evening, (Hit. it strong over Pohlmsn'B Draff Siore fount. Northbrook took the lend early cmmihnok In the socoiul half olmiigmi Quintet WIAB nnJlinost even score to n $2 to !• Hours in the game, but t i e Harrington boys Mc^eister's 8;00lto0i00».l "»>-. .1c a u g h t u p at the (ml of tho half and vk'tqry..' " •!' i .';•• . Three-Game Series In l;00to2:00p.i it wan niiyhodyV same from then tinAlthough Palatine rents ]n a mitch ||to8:00p.i til the flunl whistle. - • ' Steady Climb lo^'cfir positlrin than Barrington' In Northbrook took the lead and at conference, stjinding, they are improv; Sundays by Appointment the end of the !irnt (|iiartcr the score ing litpidly.njnl a surprise nw;41tK any was lfl-2. Tate . and Hawler located H Gerdau led McLelster's quint to team that cipects an easy victory Tel., Office and Residence the rim in the second quarter and at n tin oo^gnnie victory over Mlllor Brrt, from! them. -I .' ; •' .•."•;.'' ; Barrington 27 ; I the' end of the half', the score wits team Thursday night in the Bnrri ig Li tta again Jed iii scoring Ifor Bar18-1(5 in Baiirington's favor. ; ton bowling league dud placed' lis rlngjon, collecting n total of 17 points, The Kceond half proved to be An- team In tie for fourth place. The Mc- most of which were made in the last other fast twenty minutes.of basket- Lcis er team has recently mode an .half. " • ' . . . f If ';.'; ball. Harrington's offense began : to oiitsl sliding climb from the bottom of T l i s week bWngs Junior high's anclick while Nprthbrook's was stopped. the' list, Gerdau's score was 180-2!>6 nual game with the high school freshDR. B. P. 3RABI The score was tied up for most of the 223- 4530, the highest. individual sc<|re man team and next' Week will find PHYSICIAN A? D SURGEON entire fourth quarter. The score was for t lie week. them at Dundee in a. conference 32-32 \vith three minutes to go. Then ^ Tl e Barrington, Reviews fan up Ihe battl s of great importance if Junior i! BARRlfSJGTON Northbrook started its rally and rati best series during the week's play Higl| is to remain in the conference for the *fi;ophy. I up two points to defeat Barrington. with 8C2-870-83Sh-25T9 Iwt were t o t [ ^touks w.nlhi'derV team from first place in 10 ......802 879 838 To the Lions bowling leoglie when the eiignrd G'fiH—--.- . hitter ran up 2.329 pins to the Hn.....-.,.....144 198 175 ger's 2,294 in the series Monday night. 136 Banks : ....:136 Two weeks* ago the Hngcr keglers K. \ eGownir -184 208 186 ...155 • wen1 only two hundred pins behind j j j r o v n 209 j-theijf' opponents. Sineei n^ league j Cad\i|allader .147 'games were played !last week, they 841 914 To alt> lure now trailing by 235. pins. I As the season progresses it: begins 1 to look as' though the final result will Mi|ller Bros.— . iller .....,..179 he just the reyefse of (jist year. Beerchreiber ..168 man and Pomeroy. te^tms are now iters ..:.....119 trailing in third and'| fourth place. irmiehael 132 These- two teams wei'e the winners Meiyer ....165 ln»t season—,but then you nevfercan i» LOWER pi^a^ •r/- lift N. LaSalle St. I composed of .. ; .2: Li :ofsky Clohtiers continue to lejad Kershaw, f college play- the f roup with Pohlri inn Drugs in s (C- Oral enkort, :;.3 Phone, Dearborn 0399 OFFICE OVER 1SJF N A P l l BANK Latt 1, c played at the ond place. :.:....• ..:.8. gym. Muii, g .... „...2 Tuesday, J(an. 10 Telephom s Ba rrlng ton 28 Dels! ler;, s . : 0! P.dhlman Drugs— Barrington, 32— EG F T P " ' J,- I ___ 2 O.K. Seherf .......189 Tate, rf 1 Totals ..15 2 Beuscher, If "'ZIZIJO 1 1 L. Yeoman ......127 CASTLE, WILLIAMS, l^vte S t a r t Harder, j c ... 2 1 B. Cieske ....-...134 Palatine, 14— ' . iiji \v;i< composed fiiesko, rg . <y DR. 01T,A ™ H WILHELM fS.'I- L indwer ....142 LONG & MCCARTHY $ ^ I Thot ipson, f .;.... 2 . • -.-1)111 ithey let Pavlik, Ig . 4 :........8 0 Ijneschler ..174 5P stua t, f ...:................:,.......0 ox ;" LAWTHBRS1!'.';; PBTSICIAN At D SURGEON ' •" 7 h'iid JO11 t h e m -Grabenkort, rg .:.....1 0 Witt mburg, c .........:..0 0 1 '_•:'! put "I a rally To;aIs ..........764 842 811 241» Prou :,'• g .......;. of _;..! Speeialbbic ii 112 West; Adams Street hut- Ba rrington Totals ..... :.:14 P l a t i g .....:..4 ...,...,.:.....0 am Children Ca neron Real Estate— ! Women ;h with rlirou CHICAGO -j r ' P. Xt^idwer ...,159 15$ 189 Jforthbrook, 34— lltirr; Miller To als .3 8 .,157 151 .T. R tb Krickson, rf ..........:. Hies 0 HOURS scoring •d tin'" Telephone, Randolph 6144 .,157 140 J. Welc ....-3 Tuesday, Thu rsda y and Saturday l,it< re.fpectivc- IUchnrds, rf ............ .,124 172 (ill. Higer | Honefcltcr, If Lak 2 Zurich CI lurch Cage ...,.1 j 2:30 to 4 ¢ 0 p.m. Howard R. BrintUnger ' ilO .'j. .....0 cGowan .163 194 ,11 huth nf their Bur£neister,, c earns Win Pair of Gaines Telephone, Barrington O60H-W Oaraieron, rg '..'.:. :....0 I. Thcv had no Telephone Bafringtoh 52|5 .760 815 887 2 U 2 To nla ...0 ; K'l.i 2S |o 11 (jn Biejil. If • Tin basketball teams of the Evan- 129 Park Ave., i b o i e Peerless Market , .„..2 lit a nice lend Lutz, rg ,.. gelic) I church of 1 Lake Zurich won ,.,..1 Sh nip's Confectionory:i 1 Klgiii. Heef- Uindwcr, lg tw<i j of three games on lost week's Blarteins ...146 157 —(_ iln' tie to. w i n i schedule. \ ' Totals JAMES F. HAFFNER 3 ; E . Feuer .......133 130 ...1-3 l.-i'.i t,. gi>.' T h e Tli^girls' team won from theC, A . M2 itchell ...j.,166 ,J.. 100 .'"1 in ftivor of ATTORJEY-irt'-tiA DR. D. F. BROOKE „191 170 >13 0 . girts at Arliiigtajn Hegi|its WJBdncs: .1- "ViT Kla -pdts dny by a 25 to 20 score. .235 150i ill 603 Submit Street : i.- I'.ir second PHYSICIAN Al ID SURGEON usHout the Miller led . i. • r • > r y :ogether .••v.l.hy Heights :-riiiKtnn in sec• r; liwt-st t-ouferthi'i mil 1 us) u, iiand HIIOWS the value of J-M'o 111 m-.iin liii.-u added" -I,., right 1 side^ pf , wlieii t h e y de;!,!. '_'" to 1(5 ami , LMiiie from the _'•_.' mi ftotnrday , u.-is- etfneoially tk liail ar chance, •1 in Imtta catnes. -. raf) and a t one ! ilt' wi;re(! w i t h i n V:t the Superior . ;.mn„- pifovcd to Salem cagers play Elgin Thursday, good enough to prevent the Grecngc rd , The K.la boys Jan. 28, at Elgin and one Wednesday, Grill team from taking the third game . ihir. 11 Ad only Feb. 3, they play a strong quintet with 914 pins. i ore, rubber game. Z dealt and" no trump and A doubled. What" *' nuw bid at either Auction or if In case Y passed, B passed < 11 wo spades, which A doubled oul'l Y now bid? ' the foregoing discussion it :,e obvious that Y should bfd rts over the double. He has six and .therefore an obligatory : of the no trump. After making tike of passing, however, the n / f o r him to do is ndt so Vvhcn B also passed the it was evident that he did so hd wag certain of defeating Z'a trump bid. In other words, and B have indicated s&ong /"s subsequent- bid of 1 two ierel y indicated that he realized rump, bid would probably be I and that he figured he had a ' !I.HK e to get out of trouble by spades. ': <;ib!c of two spades indicated. L l defeat that bid; s o ' Y i w a s ' r<\ with a difficult problem. that he had three spade* was uncut against bidding inree •but his outside hand was io at then: was little or noctjance jiii-ikf t mi snades. 0¾ the other ! hid a vroii^ heart suit and, if i'f had hifjH cards in the 4* her wfuilil have 11 good chance t o . * rid. For these reasons, the ih of the opinion that Y should Salem8 Lose to NortMroole Play Aurorh Next Junior High Cagm Team Hies in I Half to Win Fiom Palatine BMf. 1 , 1 S C H U T T S SHOE STORE EXPRESSING & HAUL NO -rr< 1 1 •' j " ' 1 —-r- t«—! If'i» J'. i • ' i i BARRINGTON RtiVIEiy, BARRJNfiTON, ILLINOIS, THURSDAY, JANUAIY 28,1932 8 Laurel and Hardy in New Comedy at Catlow Saturday Five Acts Loop Vaudeville to Feature Sunday Program Local Brev ties Members and friends of 1he Methotlist church celebrated the irst anniversary of the dedication cE the new church home Sunday. Dr. Aubrey S . Moore of Evanston gave t te sermon on the morning program, a id Dr. T . Ott Nail, the associate editor of the Epworth Herald, spoke in the evening. sified ertisements Th hey Bring Resijlts nel JL Rate: 10c a Line Minimum, 50c The Barrington Communi :y orches» tra will give several- numb rs at the evening program of the Fjist MethoA ' double , featuro consisting of dist church Sunday, Jan. 31 FOR R E N T ^OR RENT Richard Drx jin "Secret Service" and 11 at the FIVE! ROOM F C ^ N I S H B ] ) op un- S T 0 R E for irent a t : 2 4 0 - E . Main st. Miss Anna Petersen is the Laurel and Hardy comedy'. team Iso garage one block north of stahVme of Mr. and Mrs Herb ;rt Terry, furnish H! apartment rent. in "Beau Husks" will be the oniring W5 W. Main street. Miss Petersen Strictly modern. Ml beat.fc Elr ectric tion, 123 Ela street. Tel. 73-W. Saturday night at The Catlow theatre. is it. sister of Mrs. Terryj. refrigeration. Mrs H L. Jjwnes, 203 Dundee avenue. .jTel. Barrihgtcn 28 MjODERN S E V E N ROOM house on "Secret Serj-ice" is based on a Civil Rtssell street for rent. Call Elden Lane Kellam, small s£n o: Dr. and or 549. • war incident i f .espionage behind Con^ 1 G eske, Tel. Barrington 353-M. ..''-' Mrs. C. HKellam, has scarlet fever federate HriesJ I t gives Richard D i x 5 ROOK! LOVVEK FfLAT for ^ent another pf tnose acting holidays in and the family home, 547 pi Hough ,on Dundee av< nue with garage. H A L F O F TWO-CAR, M O D E R N street, is in quarantine. garage for rent at 536-Grove ave. which the gtfljr walks away with the Phone Barr«igtdn )6-J. H . O. Lages.arjr: T«l Barrington 591-W: tf part, playlnrf! with the fine spirited The scarlet fever quara itine has chUltc, 214 W. Station stree . ID AND ROOM with washing. gusto and verve which hare made him been raised from the home of Fred, BOARD |$8 per week. 306 Dundee avenue. ' ! NEW'" theiaol of millions of fans.-" M O D E R N HOMES A. Kuckuek, 317 W. Main street. 1 Telephone Barrington 347-J. I n ' " B e a u Hunks'' l a u r e l and Har' j J •• .' j". ...•'; , F Q « KENT Waverly I One S-rooin and d y are first seen a s a couple of ordinMrs. .7. E . Rowland, 129 bath Ion (jirl ave. TOR SALE ary citizens and Hardy in the throes road, returned Sunday from Delavnn. i One 7-rob^U and hath witi two-«ar FOR SALE—Private party needs of a beautiful love affair which i s She had been called ther< by the garage, 143 N. Hager avenui cash. Will' sacrifice beautiful suddenly ended by the sudden change death of her mother. Telephone Bi rrington 142 upright piano, for only $29. Free deof heart of ttje lady in the case. Mrs. Homer Sehaefer, 5 ¾ ' Summit H O U S E wijth twexjjajr garage for reh):. livery. • Call at Plagge Home FurnishBrokenhearted Hardy decides to 4-2 street, is able to sit up after in illness J? 8. Gi^ske, North ]!ook st., ing. Co, Barringtoti;, join the Foreign Legion ,and,, of rf ten days. FOR SALE—Kimball Junior UpBarrington. Tel. 3|f5:J. coufse, insists that Laurel share his I, right Pian<. Act quickly.:;.. Only self-imposed fate. M a n y and hilarious $35.00., Plagf e Home Furnisting Co., are their- experiences upon joining this Mrs. Enoch Brandt, 421 ! Hough E I T H E R U P P E R OR L O V E R 5Barrington. • ] . • .4-2 group of hardboiled fighters, who; evi- street, is .able to be up an 1 around room flat for re 1t; or w i l rent 4 dently have also joined the Legion in the home after an illness pf several furnished or un 'tirnished rooms; BAY TEAM OF HORSES for sale forces to forget the false charms of jdays. reasonable. Addressi 421 Wcfshington Weight 1750 lbs. Wakefield Farms, some woman. | . street, Barrington. Tel. Barringt< n 24. i : . / . - 1 tf "Her Majdsty, Love," featuring Mrs. William! "tValbaum, 4 44 North FURNITURE FOR SALE—Bargain Marilyn Miller, will be shown ott theavenue, and Robert Friek, 213 North FIVE ROOM F L / | T and g« rage for for young couple^ 4 rooms of furniscreen Sunday} in addition to five acts avenue, were, called to Lincoln , Ncb„ rent at 121 W, tntion ettfet, Also ture worth $5<f;000; will fell. for $375, of loop vaudeville. The screen presen- Saturday because of the d( nth of a two light housck >r^ing roofns, 235 or will sell separate. lJscd only 3 tation is Miss Miller's third picture, relative. W. Lincoln avenu [ Call M s. J . A. months. Rich looking Carved parlor and said to b$ her most captivating. Kitson, Barringto ^ W . set, $85 f worth $325. Silky. 9x12 She is first seen as a barmaid Jn a American Oriental rug, -S35. Matched The condition of Mrs. Frc( Ornlben- MODERN UPP1 ^FLAT foe rent, Berlin cnbarefci later evolving into! an kort, who has been a patic it at the Four rooms and tilth. Gat age. 430 walnut dining roont sot,' niffet. Comunwilling bareness. Ben Lyon is the Barrington General hospital for the plete Venetian Walnu*' Bedroom Set, Prince Charnjiing who rescues the past ten dtt^s is so much improved June terrace. Avcjilablo F c | . 1. In- $85, -wirth $300^9x12 Wilton Rug, quire at 420 June t Siirac ce or ^¢1( Bartwinkling eonuet from her aged that she may be able to go itfme the $25, witrth $85; Lntups, tables, picrington 473. spouse— but that's the story.' The big latter part of the -week. tures, iGbxwell chair and Ottoman, four of funnyidom are in the east— breakfast diiiettlo-set. Many other arKSIDE APAIftMENT W . C. Fields, Chester Gonklin, Leon ticles. 6318! N. Francisco Ave., 1st. Missj Ejdnn Marquardt, 231 W, ivo rooms and tiath. Fi Errol arjd Foitd Sterling. Devon Ave., Chicago, phone Main strrietJ enjoyed Satuitlay and Heat, light, and gu>. Pho James Dunn and Sally Eilors again Sunday with relatives in Chen go. Park 4887. or pall at 40G E. Russell come to the- screen Monday and Tuesday nights in '''Over the Hill," a story !• }\ of mother love, devotion and sacri- . Mrs. Ida Fiske, 521 S. Hoi gh street fice. Selected '• shorts,- c'pmedy and has been ill'for the past two -weeks: qud her son, John Fiske, rf Beloitv news complete the- bill. - • . ,* AVis,, is here tq care for her. Norma Shea rer and! Robert Montgomery are. ^o-stnrrco in "Private Mr. and Mrs. Erman S. Snith, 528 Lives'," a- fante eomeify which .plays Grove 'avenue, spent Sunda ' at the HELPFUL QUAL1T The Catlt>w screen- on! Thursday and home^ of Dr. and Mrs. Kirk (Smith in SERVICE GFOCERIES Friday, nights,! .Feb. 3 and 4 . ' This Wjutkegan. farce concerns the diverting compliWe Delivier cations which arise when a divorced • ;PHONBI Mrs: H. K. B"rockway, 250 W. Lake 10 a. m. couple make another try at mtfrritigc with fresh partners and iind them- street, was a guest Friday of her 3 p. in. 22S4 selves sharing - adjoining strifes on brother and sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. William Barnett, of C licago. , their secorfd honeymoons. IN BUSINESS 25YR3. EXPERI . ' i -. . . . " Mrs Emma J . Lines, 130 W. Lake st reet, was a guest at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Leon Newton in Maywood last weekend. The state jdcpartment 'of public A HOME STO *E RUN BY HOME FOLKS Miss' Lucille Kirschner, student health has announced that more than 3,000 people -in Illinois were bitten liurso at the Gr'ant hospital in'Chiby "mail" dojis during the last ten cago, spent Sunday with her parents, years. Of this number, 45 died from Mr. and Mrs Harry Kirscu]ner, 6 0 9 W. N. LANDWER, UlUager hydrophobic. {The Pasteur antirabic S. Cook street.- , : - . 20» tlo 215 Paik Ave—210 to S18'Station S t . treatment was i given to over 2.000 of the people that were bitten. The maMr. and Mrs. W. N. Landwcr, 213 OPIIN WEDNESDAY AND SATURDAY terial for the treatment was' furnished W. Lincoln avenue, were gu-sts SunEVEMNGS'TILLiP.M. free by the state department of public day of Mr. and Mrs. John JW itzlaff of health. More than 7.000 animal heads Arlington; Heights. were examined, in the public health laRed Airo v Auction Friday Jan. 29, at 3:15 p. m. • horatories which found evidence of I A. L. Truaxv 420 W . Ma n stre.et, rabies in 3,020. attended a business meeting and'banSPI&IAL GROCERY VALUES quet at May wood Monday light for Libby's1 fii|test (gentle press) Tomato Juice According tos G. II. Boewc, field bot- the employes (ff the Public Service Co, ' • — i _ anist for the- Natural History survey 1 doz for 98^ 3 cans 25* at Urbana, Illinois truck farmers will Flood Protection Fresh Pec pin Nut Meats, lb J 55< benefit by heeding the reports of The dikes which protect tfte NethWalnut Meatk neighboring states on plant disease lb 1 59* over the past few years. Late blight erlands and the German cinst» of Mixed Nuts, closej-out price, pei- lb 115* of potatoes hiis/cost Wisconsin $5,000,- the Northern sen g&baek to tike.old Medilum S seSweet Naval Orarges, per doz. 19*000 and Ohio $2,000,000 in a single Roman times. Apparently >ven'beyear, and Michigan reports of loss of fore the Romans appeared the liaSwif ;'s CiUcle S Brand Picnic H&ms, whole hams $1,000,000 froirt late celery blight. Mr. tnvlans at the mouth of tin Rhine each • Boewc Htr«'ss(|i tho importance of protected themselves by dlk »8^ Dur.....59* fungicide spriiyx in the control of 8118, after the conquest of Iolland, Gloria 1,0 0 Shee Toilet Tissu}, 4 rolls 23* truck gnrdeii discuses. G. A 10 B. ,'C built nn elaborate systero i f I State • WANTEE MOTOR U I E D ONE wjantcd, 7 ½ ! horsc-pi^iwer, 110-2^0 a., c , 1750 Vv.olti , single phase, GO r. P in. Call or| write <1olumhia Electrie Motor Service, 6»3 Columbia av.t Elgin. Tel. Elgin 100». 'i- i •i_ TO WHOM I T MAT, This i s ' to certify thji Otto has at no time money and that all my <i him have been vond'uctejl and business-like basis, tf „ II. L. ^ A N T E p t O pORR^W $2,500.00. Plrst-clhss real estate'security, AdReview. dress 2218, Barrington rin Hprlngtield ,vill commemorate the I23rd annlveriHiry of the b.frt-b of Abraham Mntoln with public exorvhm to be Iit'|i| tit tlio nmMiul nt $ p, in.," Fi'liruitify 1 1 . The gnostH of of nrtlllclal canals and Ulkoi. IMiny the Ktdur gives nn Ititeres Ing UeHcrlntloii of the artlllulul MUH which \ver« erectvd tiH plucc-s of reftigo tlurl|ig tlio Ihimi* lionor itnd Hiioikoi'H will .bv Uovortioi' - l l l l f n n l Wnehulj of Peiiimylviiiiln,-inifcl P«|/«r jCurrantijr Oii 'Dr. .I«nt> Mumiiil I'ufa ('iitmii-riiiHvam- , Whoii MttKMi Polo vl«l oil tito. IWNKndtH' of Jfhxxlen to the putted 'ICflMt In the Tlilrteonth (•PfHtry jio Htntt'n. Oovefnor Hi'iby Lnffim of found |)ii|ior inonoy In elijoulatlon Kontmrky - 1M H|<O expeetttd to ttttenil. In Chltin,, T h e program f i l l be given under the auspices of -t|w Mlil-day Luncheon -cliili of Hprlngnelil. !•;-: According tndl Kruitlt T. Sherls. chief highway engliifer, about 15 per cent of the fumls expended for maintenance work STTttt'iiertrl goi<K to keep the traffic, movlnfl on state highways when show stoj his occur. In 1030, the; snow removal bill amounted to $400. 908.0-f. In computing snow removal costs, the highway officials include all direct .labor;, salaries and expenses of employees (fcgaged m this arduous service." ' • ' I .• • Illinois fru|: and vegetables last year- foundt th< ir way as far east a s . Boston, as far southwest as the Texas Panhandle, and, even went across the ' international boundary into three Canadian provinces, according to the Illinois Agricultural association. Nenr^ l y - 1 , 0 0 0 carloads of*these products wcjre distributekl by the Illinois Fruit Growers Exchange to 200 markets scattered over Ehalf tne United* States. : Peaches led tljt field1 in volume with 6 3 0 j cars goinij- through the co5pera'• t i v e . I •• ... .• The Egypt! Poultry show. the. fourth annual exhibit, was iield in Harrisburg, Ji muary 19-21. There were" many hibits from southern Illinois school: and seven, silver cups «rere' given foi exhibits and skill in judging. m • C. E . Canterbury, of Cantrall, has been declared 'Soy Bean King" of Illinois. H e alsA won the fctntc ehampionship in early. oats. FRANK flAHLBECK, Auct. II. I I , BHOPJPE, Cler ( Having decided, to quil the teaming business, the tinder\ signed will sell at public oue-! tion nn his) place known iI S the Hy. Wittcnbera farm, 1 ¾ miles northwest of Pilntinn on juentin rond, near [new Nort iwest highway, on Sat., Feb. 61th Commencing at 12:00 O'I lock' 6 Hprses 3 HeiferCalves 10 White Sows ZBullCalv'S TWniteBoar (All Bred) COMPLEJTE LINE OF FARM LOTQl Specify I. Coffees because thejy are fresh /and cian be bought at a price to fit! your pocket book: " P B end, pef lb end, lb. .. ^0" 1 lend, lb. ... p^ir ••A": m p acked DeLuxe, pjir lb; Vacu SATURDAY ONtY ..5* Largo Balnnnnfl lb. Fancy Eirly Ohio Potatoes, 1( lbs ;...!•* Stay man Winesap Eating App es, 5 lbs 15* I.G.A.M k, tall Tnans, None BeTtcr, at any price 2St 4' cajii Pet, Borden's Evaporated Milk, tall damatiori, i. I__ ... i 3 i tins, for at* I. G. A. Ofange Pokoe Tea, a very fine blend 14-Ib. pkgr. •W Fluffy Calt'is FlourJ L G. A., resu ts guaranteed &* DFresih Pru[es, 14- 6 count in he|avy jsyrup, i » * large loan ,19* Pancake Flour, thing iner, 2 pkgs. 1 7 * our, 1.1». A. Ac nothing Aunt emima 2 pkgL J |..19* r ..i Syrup, L015 Cabin/ Cane taid Maple, Table iSize Y 1 * Tin Fresh Cahlcty Barsi 5c values, niany flavors, 3-;fo*. 10* PatesPitted, 10-os.|pkg. Unpitl id, 1-lb pkg ...^.-......1,...^..-.119^ Dill |T GOO ^S SUPER SPECIALS len'a Rea Broadcloth Shirts, all sizes, plaift : j green or blue, each .j, .;49* )ress Ginji'iams, J 2-inch, pretty checks, yd, 1 9 * ^rl's Bloofciers, WJII made, full size, each ....25* llark'siO. |r. T. Ciqchet Cottons, Ishaded and !l plain iblors, hall 1 0 * -1 3 Ior|,„.,.l2J5* leinz Superior Quality Delicious Canned Soups . . Will Be emons rated by Mr/Hering, Special Jkl ;r.:;.;i" ^alesmijn, all day Saturday ( ][ Iff i Village AskNewBl Audit of at Cuba, Illino By Buzzijng Bee 0|rchestra Saturday, Jan NGAl.OW ot first FIAE ROOM fli>or flat ,w»n|ed]to, rent'for nccuX>an;y by Feb. l p . Tel.] Jar. 9981. Dtncing from 0 t o 1 . '.' Everybody.Welc<m<>'• \ '•' WA>TED ALL; KINDS OF TREE am shrub pruhiig a nd trimming; Wil work by th6 hour job. • • None too li rge lor top fmall. John Dvorak, Jr., j i dgonquinj 111. 3-2 i General Admission, &Oc Arnold, HtmmelWau Will Not (fo Below Is Report NOTjICE Town of Cubi Hav ng o.fown. caueu|s candidates for the office Itiisiness Notices Bring; Results i.,ml<l .,¾^.. UP-, WE 211« m :,.t MISCELLANEOUS 3ELL eripbled arid doijvn ?QV}§ and horses, ^•hojie Wheeling, 60-M-l before it dies dollars, All animals ave a few remcvring, unless »ng ihot beforb ise .requested. e Fay $1 | o $10 Per Head, t Service, (rel. Wltjeeling 60-M-l A Few of Our S ^ Evancrer's Kennel Food Co. Business Notices Bring Results NOTICE Lounsbury Chapter will give a public card party ait the Masonic] hall, S l 2 S. Cook street, Thursday evening, Feb. 4> at 8 p..'jn*.- Tables for 500, pinochle, bridge and bunco. Refreshment;!! and prized. Tickets,.3jic, may bo purchased at tfho door. •' .. j Entertainment Committee. PORKROAST, SMOKED BUlfe, per 11(,-^ I AtMOUVE T D I I J E T SO & PAGHETTI, 1IACARONI offorjlHN^lIaB books Mreri^iv i h«*nd n o w w f . o f IwakK. a s sa n th V ta rt-1-**" j™**'\i joa tek 'ronrhwl Tlie Jt^yicw. -J. .-,. "••Foir^-orproiK**!":.^ a , t h 0 bphks hnv^.l^n M a •<le Z v W attorney .e*-i I r k fln.l will l..v>s«.rt;in.i , 5 ^ w l — bids wcrjr r*m Jlmn,J.r. , This sfc.htH*. V -0 Z b.«ir.i "f .H'-oHi»r* w-.Il L Iml* f-r a«<litii.S-,tli<) '«M"i ^, r y f - jW h v u HimrarfWd}'; W - I R ,1,0 villnp' «f B j " - ^ ! 1 " ' ! . T l„..,. I.i.ls- nrV to IkvrtdJ mi the iVuulin-' «it><!ii«K "<*} ovIMunC NVlV't •w'ti.m th< ,1'oa fl . take ii"'1 vlint-rostwuse TOyi wci.-l 1» tho invitation fofr IK i'8 JI nmtti>if'of ronj.vhiroj 'ti will lit' .'|i''»H n'1 Sl*-."'-j FLOUR, Gold % edaJ, «5^p, s|ck L..|l;. ,-i . ,!24^-lb. 'Sa;(l^ r :j r ...X± r lu4;.i r .. FEASj Early"Juie, f f p r ; l / 10MATO SOUP j y i n Camp^k pjerjean Mrs. lionise Meyer RD^H Victidt of Paralyl i< S Grocer • I - ' Shieh I of Quality Stort .1 ••'' •>!i>U. I.oni'c' MfytT B"«' vm duwtjf ill.' lilt'' Hi-nry R ^ nn n. si'i.ti'-f "f Mrs. '.TviHfi ^-1 »Mfin W. Muin KtfM-t...; O M ' Jii Tlmi^'l'ty nwrninii foll'W : 1 lytic Kiroki'. ' < Mi>.'Bj»'lnncf wan Ito'ijM iji : ion 0.-1.. 1, l : s r , s '»"•' tjl'"'11 h •i l">,'>'- 'h»«>il 1'eli, Barrin S ' 1 ' ' •«'«>•'•.]»"'• 'JO, 1 S 7 H ' 1 J ) l t c n r y , . H . « - | t ' n rtfi« ihKt.'l ft,crcmncr/tofini'ss IttH'liiij.-r piissiMlJnwrt.v .in.-l i^r MI-N. H o c h n i c n i s s n i ^ i v j J.e !•".. cliil.lrcn. rri'tl.» .if F<>f(;st'] Hi'kiv nnilciv »f l*ilrk Ki/lirt'- t hn IliviT Forest- : Kol)iM-t, i i)|»lS fc lli'iii'v, of ('lii.-iiK<> ; by .fvj* cliiLlii'ii; <]ircr> ,sistcrs.' M]r ^ Mini 1I1. of Klein; .Mrs. F i \K of link I'llrk; Mrs. Stilnfi one l>rother, (Inii^'s. V. inn H< Lotiiini. \\y. • Finiersii be held S i i t u r d i o y ' ^ ^ $>. vie Mi'tliiwlist fluir<'h.tK9i-h' h i . bill 'Kvcrsrc-n conicte LUE STORES *:?..*•':,& Bid General Store h •^rr^KJTi y vm^ OPENING <j>Fj €UBA DANCE j in* B"ev»«K. »f _,,* cUl»tton in thSBlBsrrl « i jcrrltwy. «»»?"»*'*• A. DlR ^ S M A K I N G , remoi leli ng or any kind of repairing. P.riees reasonable E. Ueckert, 307 N Cook street. tAINpWERIS News Tj,e -+- First Building Permit j 0^ 193,2 Issued for ?i Home on Russel B E S T ^^.'.q>,UAL1TY- ——- ^ i . W A \ S .^]/ Independently Owned t ALS . ^ _^ Friday ai^d Satu^da * Cauliflower head 25c to 17c Gr sen Beans lbs. Spinach L J . 3 lbs. Ittc New Peat • Bibs. Radishes j . 3 bunches tUc Beit« . , j 1 per unch Lettuce x'meji size 13c lg- 15c Yant I lbs. |8>c Carrots . . * bunches l ? c Squash fancyHubban 3 lbs ^OlfATOES Wisconsin Large |Vhite ' pe|r,baj $1«! STRAWBERRIES fancy frui b6xe j fpr 3 GRAPEFRUIT . seedless 1 0 for 3 80 size*. 9 ! ORANGES Mere Juice Floridas 288-250 size perlioz. 20< LEMONI 300 size per, ddzen 111 ;z 1 BR LD Butter ^f,!= z^5l R o y a l Made hy U n d - O - U M i Crtamtrlttv lb. VJC V\n\ Buttw Af(|«|rt«l by iAin«rloan Mwlic«l Sum. Mid Aktproved by po^jIliwMkjiwi m In^Uifij Gold P u t t 1 SUGAR- Lirgt Package I01 •M • • .' 1.1»' Granulatl ON SALE ALL CALUMET BAKING POWDER X*lDjk Call »., . . . « k . . . . , . i . v « . . . > . . . * < . . w * ^ . * > l . j a a V * > ''FREE^-A rUt> size Cake Platje ,attd bar of Pre^nium Chocolate With. , I each 1-lh. can , { CORN, Blue front, Genuine Golden Bantam, 2 No. 2 calnS ...A:.,..U:JtS* GaEEN BSA^S, ^ A X BEANS j ^No. i> can i.-„ir......'i..L L...WC COCOA* Ar-fck Pure Rich, a 2^c yaltte, d t ipjintfy j'ar 18* MfLK, Royal plue, lg. cah : 1,...6¼ We ver r N<>1 oilier bniWMiB jp<frntiT!^v 'Siie.1 .hiriiiK the .nvoijclj iSf fat ReportMany Poisoned in J«4 »9tl EEK ," .nth SARDINES* Royal Blue; „ , Calif., all varieties, lgt Ban 11 KA1 tO SYRUP, Blue Labe N>. l'VS'.ean .. J E t SERT, all flavors, reg. size pkg. ...;.u...j.. TtJirA FISH, light iineat, N). 1/2. can .: J •.... COi N FLAKES, P^stfrolsties<& K !lld^$, pkg. }..U'.„..;....i L I'ersmu* Hviiig'>mttj 'of ... »t({ .... w«*t liiKnwny wln> <>.\vii ( 1 . ½ \Mu have liecoixio « l.^iH'ho JS : rause uf ijn» jnr«-n niiiij llhf <>• Which luive. illetl fvoin'ipoWwiil 111¾.rece.nl montliH. .. • Siimiiel HoHNi H21 K, ;M*rt » fi'lmrle.j t o tlio p o l i c e !||ifj-j ft -V lloKton bull iloic. Iind lnVj.11 !> -; Wi'iliivMlny nlKht. , THM *1 ;,|Wi;lfthWN(>'»f ,\,\i |H>ljt'fi|fllD^ GUARANTEE EVERYtHING WE SELL Stubbins & Ernes _!£ 5 ri •'. 'liirliKf ft,,. iij N r-y,.|>r,i; -A'ri*J>x |i<"J '•( M f r . l l . i w t V i W l ' W f V l i J I mill been . |Ht]Nivntyjh w j l l i iSilf j t l H IwVe hevoml ttihi'i' nbltiUi-. W. r /mt tAVd cnwiM. iirHcnUt |MJl'wtiilnj . OVlileiice, ' , f AnmiiK (hit |ie|'Kun.M whopfc J i j i v i . been ntilwuieil rtiif M«l. m V!" OlMMI, Klllll U>YHHt ,l.iw.|i|l «'ti, 11t.1l Hennini Wnllfniim. i Three . f i j o m ^ ^ , Attend Diiftrjcjl Mji ''. i'» \ • j "• •'•' jiH'Klon, jwKtK'of' tftrt^KSn'tli ,- miiM. ri-mnln nHtvo nifd inali . JijVlN Imiiortaiit in,. Mieir *i i tios,. Phul ArntstrorrK. lroninia n tlio Cook cotint* poniclt nP] P0Rt«, .<|p;dhrwt nt r» iiei-HtTK , Ninth (liKtHo't orKnnizn}ion'r-in ton Jle%thtR; We<]nct<<laf i i M l j week., Mr. Arm8tr«ftiRi; w«^t"! i' <*«pal.8poakcrof the e v t h m B , - 5 ( Mmtiljorship rpimrit* land M i Rtoh reiwrts wcTCi made a t tl i »nir. :i: • , . ' . [ , ^ ™ Thrwy members of ^ . B«fc Pf"* 'were present a t l the J < ' 2 r , , B * . l " « i M l n K Commandii » ayner. Adjutant Th«>jrald An I ^•.K. Paxtoh. . • ' I[ Phone 6 1 S [ Not a Chain ptore vi /><j^ Part of mm Cloth Bi P i n e a p p l e Sliced or Orated N . ^ r lliirriiiKton's lt».'?2i Iftijblin; w a s 'uiiotficiiilly lojiHiejl: i n with t h e tjikJniF o u t ' o f a - i.*»ri nj n e w r e s i d e n c e strjilciftrV J! >'"KtJjncte.1 l)t .*iS*S E . j k i s s e l >.St \V. A . , i^te.wnrt \ J i l l i b K jlie of t h e new- resideiire^ v<!)li* ;; plated i„ c o s j $*.<)O0 'V -E. Fredlund Sells Hi i Des Plained Drug 1 HIIRO E , 'Fiwfiund; •hn -dwner L * ^ •Dr"K Co. «f Barriii^ton. # ^ . W n l n «'« Store] to SI W V , ~n |p n(?o. Mr. f V d l q i i l In i «ted hofh utorcjs for] tlie *ia«t yearti. n e j ^ f o u n i l | t i a c ^ . io operate the two places of rh* sale became effective 1la:: rd«;i «tr. Fredlund will here&fter* ,l >'i tune tio th f t / local d r w •8tj( " ;i ^ ^ M iMti dkiiL •' -^-^ ....^^....^.^.^1^ "* J "- LiM^AU^a n liir i