Electronic Voting Analysis and Feedback
Electronic Voting Analysis and Feedback
Electronic Voting Analysis and Feedback - EVAF School of Physics and Astronomy: Simon Bates & Keith Brunton Overview: Previously it has been difficult to provide individual feedback of ‘clicker’ votes to students – across the course, after lectures. Lecturers find it difficult to analyse the voting data to evaluate the effectiveness of their questions. Aims: • Create a web-based tool - EVAF* - that can be used by lecturers and students alike for the viewing and analysis of questions and votes cast during lectures • Provide students with permanent and useful feedback on all their responses across multiple courses • Provide lecturers with overview of class performance and tools to evaluate and improve question effectiveness. Screenshot listing questions on a course, here filtered to only show ‘tricky’ questions – where the no. of votes for the ‘correct’ answer is less than one of the wrong answers. Objectives: • EVAF must be very easy to use for staff and students • Changing class cohorts and use of ‘loaned’ clickers by students must be dealt with automatically • EVAF must be secure, anonymous and easily accessible (EASE) and allow for direct linking to/from the original question Screenshot (Student View) showing a question answered in a lecture and the class response graph. The student’s vote at the time is highlighted above one of the bars – in this case, the correct answer. Availability: • EVAF is available NOW to any UoE course using ‘library-loaned’ clickers. Please contact Keith Brunton for more information and access. EVAF4All – The future of EVAF The next developmental phase of EVAF is under way following a successful JISC application to extend and enhance EVAF to provide better functionality and further disseminate to other HE/FE institutions – the EVAF4All Project** aims to: Provide generic interfaces to allow non UoE clicker loans systems and VLEs to inter-operate with EVAF Allow import of data from other EVS (Electronic Voting Systems) vendors such as TurningPoint Improve functionality by supporting more question types (MRQ) and providing better analysis Allow basic branding of the tool to better align with the institution or school * EVAF was funded as part of the PeLF scheme and is a joint project with other schools in CSE. Students voting during a lecture in Physics 1A. They can later view their responses (and the class responses) online with EVAF. ** EVAF4All is part funded by JISC with the support of a number of HE institutions in the UK. Contact Us For more information about the EVAF and EVAF4All projects, please contact Keith Brunton ([email protected]) For more information online, visit http://www.ph.ed.ac.uk/elearning/projects/evaf