Alicia Bunger, Yiwen Cao, Jill Hoffman and Hillary Robertson


Alicia Bunger, Yiwen Cao, Jill Hoffman and Hillary Robertson
The Ohio State University College of Social Work
2015 SSWR Presenters
Dawn Anderson-Butcher
Outcomes from the Canyons Community School Initiative:
Implications for Social Work Research, Practice and Policy
Katie Maguire-Jack
Decision-Making in Child Protective Services: Influences at
Multiple Levels of the Social Ecology, with Sarah Font
Audrey Begun, Theresa Early and Ashleigh Hodge
Factor Structure for an Assessment of Barriers to SubstanceRelated and Mental Health Services Following Release from
Examining County Variation in Racial Disproportionality Using
GIS Mapping of National Child Maltreatment Data, with Paul
Lanier and Hannah Welch
Alicia Bunger
Ensuring High Impact Organizational Change: Applying
Implementation Science Methods to Human Service Delivery,
with Erick Guerrero, Rebecca Lengnick-Hall and Greg Aarons
Alicia Bunger, Yiwen Cao, Jill Hoffman and Hillary Robertson
Constraints and Benefits of Child Welfare Contracts with
Behavioral Health Providers: Front Line Worker Perceptions,
with Nathan Doogan and Lauren View
Yiwen Cao, Alicia Bunger, Jill Hoffman and Hillary Robertson
Frontline Child Welfare Workers’ Perception of Communicative
Strategies for Implementing a Planned Organizational Change:
Implication for Managers and Leaders, with Nathan Doogan and
Lauren View
John D. Clapp
Computational Analysis of Previously Observed Drinking
Behaviors: Group Dynamics and Social Choice, with Kevin
Passino and Luis Felipe Giraldo
Tamara S. Davis and Susan Saltzburg
Exploring Wellbeing to Support Success of LGBTQ and
Questioning Students in Higher Education
Michelle Hand and Michelle Kaiser
Exploring the Promotion of Social and Economic Justice through
Community Gardens: A Systematic Review of the Physical,
Mental and Social Benefits
Jee Hoon Park and Michelle Hand
Experiences of Korean Sex Slavery in the Japanese Comfort
Women System during World War II, with Keith Anderson
Jee Hoon Park
The Role of Social Work in a Congregation-Based Respite Care
Program, with Terry Wolfer
Jee Hoon Park and Holly Dabelko-Schoeny
Heterogeneity within Adult Day Services: Comparing Programs
that Serve Diverse Populations, with Keith Anderson
KyongWeon “Kathy” Lee
Home-Delivered Meals Program: A Promising Intervention for
Suburban Older Adults Living Alone, with Meghan Jenkins
Social Work and Social Entrepreneurship: MSW Student
Attitudes, with Stephen Edward McMillin
Chang Liu and Mo Yee Lee
Efficacy of Integrative Family and Systems Treatment (I-FAST)
with At-Risk African American and Caucasian American Children
and Adolescents
Does Racial Disproportionality in Child Maltreatment Reporting
Vary by Report Source? A Comparison of Reporting by Education
and Medical Personnel, with Tova Walsh and Paul Lanier
René D. Olate and Audrey Begun
Testing the Mediation Effect of Spirituality on Drug Use Among
High-Risk and Gang-Involved Men in San Salvador, with
Mansoo Yu
René D. Olate and Xiafei Wang
Machismo, Religiosity, Spirituality, and Parental Discipline among
Mexican University Students: How Are They Related? with
Marisa Mesina and Molly E. Bergen
Virginia Richardson
Dementia in Assisted Living: Important Differences, Important
Challenges, with Noelle Fields
Donna Ruch and Jamie Yoder
A Qualitative Investigation of Treatment Components for
Families of Youth Who Have Sexually Offended
Katie Showalter
Women’s Employment and Domestic Violence: A Review of the
Brian Spence, Keith Warren and Jessica Linley
Social Network and Social Support at a Clubhouse Program
Xiafei Wang and René D. Olate
Patterns of Risky Sexual Behaviors among High-Risk and Gang
Involved Youth in El Salvador: The Role of Machismo and Code
of the Street as Risk Factors, with Bipasha Biswas
Xiafei Wang, Chang Liu and Mo Yee Lee
A Meta-Analysis of Mindfulness and Meditation-Based
Intervention for Substance Use Problems
Keith Warren, Ashleigh Hodge, Yiwen Cao and Jessica Linley
Core-Periphery Structure and Program Seniority in Three Social
Networks of Therapeutic Community Resident Peer Interactions
Jamie Yoder and Donna Ruch
The Influence of Living Situations on Family Therapy
Involvement among Youth Adjudicated of Sexual Crime
The Association Between Family Service Involvement and
Treatment Success among Youth with Sexual Offenses, with
George Leibowitz
The Relationship Between School-Based Protective Factors and
Treatment Outcomes in a Sample of Youth with Sexually Abusive
Behavior, with George Leibowitz