March 2015 - Salem Lutheran Church


March 2015 - Salem Lutheran Church
Salem Lutheran Church
Sunday Services
9 am Sunday School/Adult Ed
10 am Worship
602 W Townline
Creston, Iowa 50801
[email protected]
Greetings to all the sinner/saints of Salem Lutheran church!
The author of John’s gospel writes in the 12th chapter, “Very truly I tell you, unless a
grain of wheat falls into the earth and dies, it remains just a single grain; but if it dies, it bears
much fruit.” What a way to think about this season of March and the approach to Good Friday
and Easter Sunday. Jesus speaks this and other teachings to his disciples and others who have
gathered just before he tells them about his death. Jesus is telling them that in order to conquer
death he must first himself die.
During March (hopeful) we see an end to all the winter and we begin to see signs of
the Easter resurrection all around as things that have died and been dormant all winter long
begin to bloom. New life could never rise if the old had not died! So it is true for us as
Christians! Martin Luther explained in the Small Catechism while talking about baptism that the
old person in each of us with all sins and evil desires is to be drowned through daily sorrow for
sin and repentance, and that daily a new person is to come forth and rise up to live before God
in righteousness and purity forever. We go through a seasonal change on a daily basis in our
[email protected]
What a freeing thing, to know that your sins, your shortcomings, whatever it is that is
weighing you down, whatever it is that is killing you, doesn’t need to define you! God has taken
up these things in our baptism. Every time that we confess the things that burden us, God takes
them up, takes them away, and grants us a new identity, Child of God!
Lenten Services
This transformation is no simple or cheap thing! In fact that is what we spend much of
the season of Lent observing, the price which Christ will pay, and the length to which he will go
in order to maintain what the Apostle Paul writes in Romans 8, so that “nothing will separate us
from the love of God in Christ Jesus.” This transformation is no thing that we can escape either
when we encounter the cross of Christ where all our efforts and schemes at becoming something great by following Jesus are put to death on the Cross. We are now in the season of
awaiting the resurrection, waiting for our God who creates out of nothing, to take the action
with each of our lives and do what he alone can do: make something wonderful and beloved out
of nothing, make a child of his redeeming out of sinners like you and me!
Pastor Brian Jack
March 4 & 11 & 18 & 25
7 pm Lenten Worship Service
Palm Sunday
March 29
This is what Jesus has promised to do on the cross and in his resurrection. You and I
are tied with him in this movement as scary and wonderful as it is! You have been baptized into
Christ death, a reality that every single person on this planet will one day know, but more than
that you have been baptized into his resurrection (Romans 6:3-4). So we observe what glory
looks like when we observe the cross, knowing the price that Christ paid for you and me, and
also knowing in such a way God has glorified all the places of pain and suffering and death in our
lives, promising they will not be the end for us, but rather the gateways to new life, “that will
bear much fruit”.
Pr. Brian
Continued on the next page
Union County Ministerial Alliance Lenten Services
The Union County Ministerial Alliance Lenten service series begins Sunday Evening February
22nd. Our sermon theme this year is "The Body of Christ", and will focus on how each body part is
used by the Lord to spread His message of love and salvation to the world. April 3rd is the Good Friday service, which begins at noon. All other services are Sunday evenings beginning at 5pm and are
followed by a light meal. The offering collected will go the UCMA Fund. Salem will not be hosting this
year due to a conflict with the timing of the Alpha Course, however Pr. Brian will preach the Good Friday Service at Holy Spirit.
- Feb 22 at Jerusalem UM. (Theme: Feet to lead the way.)
- Mar 1 at Life Church AG. (Theme: Hands to help and heal.)
- Mar 8 at Creston UCC. (Theme: Mouth to speak God's Word.)
- Mar 15 at Cromwell UCC. (Theme: Ears to hear our prayers.)
-Mar 29 at Crest Baptist. (Theme: Heart beating with love.)
- April 3 at Holy Spirit at Noon. (Theme: The Body of Christ.)
Pastor’s Report for January – February 2015
Funeral: David Ekblad, held at Power’s Funeral Home January 23.
Visitation: 7
a. UCMA shared services for Lent: Pastor will participate in the UCMA’s shared Lenten services. Pastor will preach at noon
on Good Friday at Holy Spirit Catholic Church.
b. During the last UCMA meeting Pastor was nominated for and elected to the position of vice president.
c. Alpha: the course is underway with a group of 14 (5 leaders + 8 guests + pastor). We will meet with an Alpha group from
Waukee on Saturday, March 7th for the Holy Spirit Retreat in Cummings, IA.
d. January 11th-13th Pastor attended first call theological education on the topic of “Having those difficult conversations.” The
course was very helpful and provided good skills for receiving feedback and navigating conflict person to person and with
January 27th through the 30th pastor attended Mid-Winter Convocation at Luther Seminary in St. Paul MN, entitled “Religious
but Not Spiritual?”. The conversations discussed what it can mean when people say they are, “spiritual, but not religious” and
talked about how many of our religious practices are intended to be spiritual but over the course of time have lost their
meaning for a number of reasons.
f. Pastor is planning to attend a course entitled “Prepare and Enrich” in Des Moines on March 21st. The course is a one-time class
that provides an online assessment tool for marriage counseling and gives instruction on how to use it in a larger series of
pre-marital counseling sessions.
Salem Church Council Minutes
Salem Church Council Minutes
February 12, 2015
The meeting was called to order by President, Wayne Pantini, The following council members were present: Arlan Biere, Gary
Boschee, Greg Cook, Chris Lane, Dorothy McNaught, Sherri Nissen, Claudia Peppers, Gail Peterson, Mike Richardson, Judy Woods,
and Pastor Brian. Mike Linch was also present.
Devotions were led by Judy Woods
M/S/C by Judy Woods and Claudia Peppers to approve the January minutes, as well as the special meeting minutes held January 11.
Treasurer’s Report by Arlan Biere and Mike Linch
a) $January giving totaled $9,110.30
Further information is presented under new business
M/S/C by Judy Woods and Gary Boschee to approve the treasurer’s report.
Pastor’s Report: See attached notes
Old Business:
a) M/S/C by Chris Lane and Judy Woods to recommend at a special congregational meeting after a total of 60 days to propose and publish the intent of a change to the By-Laws: Article XII Section 5 d to say The Church Council shall have the
authority to commit church funds within the approved budget in any amount not to exceed five percent (5%) of the
annual budget only when there is a cash balance available to cover for the current fiscal year; any expenditure greater
than that amount requires congregational approval. The proposal will be published in the March and April newsletter
with a congregational meeting to be set later.
New Business:
a) M/S/C by Claudia peppers and Arlan Biere to give February benevolence to Believe Gautamala Mission trip.
b) Budget amendment – Pastor’s Portico insurance was budgeted at $17,680 with a new amount beginning January with a
$2,924.00 increase. To date everything is current and on budget, but this will need to be addressed at a special congregational meeting to be set at a later date.
c) Mike Linch has volunteered to continue working with and training Marie with the financial process and needs.
Continued on the next page
Current Council members:
Wayne Pantini
Mike Richardson Vice President
Claudia Peppers Acting Secretary
Sherri Nissen Recording Secretary
Arlan Biere
Gary Boschee
Greg Cook
Chris Lane
Dorothy McNaught
Gail Peterson
Sandi Sickels
Judy Woods
S a l e m C h u r c h C o u n ci l M i nu t e s c o n t i nu e d
d) M/S/C by Arlan Biere and Greg Cook to take $178.25 from replacement to balance and close out the video system account. Also for Arlan Biere to pay and close out the $3.63.
e) Dorothy McNaught brought up discussion of the sound/acoustics in the Fellowship Hall. Greg Cook researched this and
the property committee will look at similar sound partitions and come back to the council for discussion.
Committee reports:
a) Christian Education: no meeting
b) Church Property: The furnace was repaired with a new ignitor. Members will look at sound barriers/acoustics for the fellowship hall, and discussion for records destruction took place. Mike Linch and Arlan Biere will look into this and hopefully establish/begin a yearly process to follow. Alliant Energy will conduct an energy assessment. Altar Guild would like
hot water in the back room – an under cabinet system will be looked at/possibly installed
M/S/C by Judy Woods and Claudia Peppers to accept two new stoves and microwaves for the kitchen from Jack Keuter Memorials.
c) .Outreach Ministry The committee replenished the children’s worship bags with new toys, colors, and coloring books.
Fifty-five people were served at the Open Table meal February 10.
d) Worship & Music: met and finalized services for Ash Wednesday, Holy Week, and Easter. They will meet March 15 after
e) Finance: met and approved balances
f) Memorial: no meeting
g) Long Range Planning: Wayne volunteered to contact committee members to set a meeting and discuss the committees
h) Endowment: the committee will be investing/managing the intership fund – the combined balance is $300,000.
i) Mutual Ministry: no meeting
j) Internship: no meeting
k) Other:
The next council meeting will be March 16, 2015 at 6:00 pm. Opening devotions will be led by Sherri Nissen
Meeting closed with the Lord’s Prayer.
Respectfully submitted,
Sherri Nissen, Recording Council Secretary
Salem Women of the ELCA met Sunday, February 22 after worship service.
Lydia cluster meeting will be at Emmanuel Lutheran Church in Shenandoah on
Saturday, April 11.
We will have further discussion about the Chrismons that need to be replaced.
The Spring Sale will be Friday, May 1. You may bring items for sale starting April 27.
Our next meeting will be Sunday April 12 following worship service.
Our Military Member s
Chase Rutledge, Erica Rutledge, Mike Crigger, Str. Airman Travis Mathis,
SRA Zacary Sedlmayr and Isaac Sedlmayr. We ask God to lead the men and women who are
protecting our country by serving in the military at home or abroad. Please keep them and their
families in your prayers.
Larry Kimball, Kirk Levine, John McNaught, June Eshelman, Vi Johnson,
Frances Roberg, Mike Springer, Alice Swanson, Becky Keuter and Flossie
Roberts. We ask God to send his Holy Spirit to comfort and strengthen these
Mike & Raquel Linch
Marilyn Engelson
Ryan Cook
Lori Paup
Dave Abildtrup
Andy Hitz
Arnie Qualseth
Gracie Hagle
Bob Snodgrass
Steven Shaffer
Linda Mahn
James Paup
Greg Cook
Suzie Stofferahn
Gail Peterson
Zachary Henry
David Hanson
Jerry Nissen
Donovan Richardson
Peggy Cass
Sherri Boschee
Lois Rose
Keara Ott
Top Peterson
Please be aware that Thrivent “Choice Dollars” for 2014 will expire March 31, 2015. If you
have 2014 dollars to direct to your church, or organization of your choice, you can transfer
them on line or call 800-847-4836, if you have any questions they are very helpful. Thrivent
Choice will continue in 2015.
Bev Butler
Salem Lutheran Church Annual Congregational Meeting Minutes
Salem Lutheran Church Annual Congregational Meeting Minutes
January 25, 2015
The meeting was called to order by Vice President Mike Richardson after determining there was a quorum. Pastor
Brian led the opening prayer.
M/S/C by Chuck Taylor and John Schlaht to approve the annual meeting agenda.
M/S/C by Linda Huffman and Tim Kenyon to approve the 2014 annual meeting minutes.
Mike Linch presented in Alan Biere’s absence, the 2014 treasurer’s report.
2014 contributions were $127,271.75 and expenses totaled $118,006.23.
2014 Surplus = $14,571. 85
*Questions by John Schlaht about the difference in secretary pay, and why support staff was not getting a pay
raise. Mike Richardson and Mike Linch explained this was due to the hours worked currently are different than
what the previous secretary worked.
*Dorothy McNaught re-iterated that there would also be a bump in pay later as the secretary has been here longer.
*Tim Kenyon questioned the surplus in the budget which was discussed later in the meeting.
M/S/C by Tim Kenyon and Gary Kessler to accept the 2014 treasurer’s report.
New Business:
*2015 Budget: Mike Linch and Mike Richardson presented in Arlan Biere’s absence.
*Revise the organ maintenance from $500 to $700 annually due to the last cost of maintenance was $680.
M/S/C by Warren Woods and Top Peterson to accept the proposed 2015 budget to include the revision for organ
*Allocation of surplus from 2015 General Fund:
$14,571.85 = Council recommends placing $10,000 in the replacement fund for the furnace and the remaining
amount staying in the general fund. M/S/C by Gary Kessler and John Schlaht.
Gary Kessler stated that the original $21,000 surplus was due to the fact one giving unit gave their contribution for
2015 in December 2014.
Continued on next page
Salem Lutheran Church Annual Congregational Meeting Minutes
4) Election of New Council Members:
Vice President Mike Richardson announced current council members whose terms are expiring. Chris Lane and Mike
Richardson, as well as Wayne Pantini and Judy Woods. He also introduced nominees for new terms beginning in June
2015 as: Wayne Pantini, Judy Woods, and Joni Cook.
M/S/C by Gary Boschee and Sherri Boschee to elect Wayne Pantini
M/S/C by Dorothy McNaught and Sherri Boschee to elect Judy Woods
M/S/C by Mike Richardson and Mike Linch to elect Joni Cook
Mike Richardson opened nominations from the floor. Tim Kenyon volunteered.
M/S/C by Sherri Boschee and Lynn Schlaht to elect Tim Kenyon.
M/S/C by Mike Linch and Randy Cook to cease nominations.
M/S/C by Randy Cook and Warren Woods to adjourn the meeting.
Pastor Brian led the benediction.
Respectfully submitted by Sherri Nissen, Reporting Council Secretary
Acolytes Schedule for March
March 1
Payton Burg
March 15 Sydney Pantini
March 4
Unity Anderson
March 18
March 8
Keara Ott
March 22 Kylee Ott
March 11 Colby Burg
Spencer Lane
March 25 Brittany Linch
March 29 Levi Hitz
Meetings for March
Council: 6 pm Monday, March 16
Finance: 6 pm Monday, March 9
Outreach 4:45 pm Tuesday, March 3
Worship & Music: 8 pm Wednesday, March 11
Miriam Circle 7 pm Thursday, March 5
March 2015, LSI Bulletin/Newsletter Article and Story
During March’s National Professional Social Work Month, we celebrate social workers and the difference they make
by dedicating their lives to helping others! Social workers are found in all areas of our communities, helping
struggling children, families and adults find resources, discover their own strengths and build healthier futures.
You make it possible for LSI’s many social workers to bring hope to Iowans who are struggling with mental illness,
family crisis, addiction, poverty and many other challenges. Thank you for your support and prayers that fuel LSI’s
mission of responding to the love of Jesus Christ through compassionate service!
LSI is proud to be an affiliated social ministry organization of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA).
Learn more at and
“April is the best person I have ever worked with in her field.”
The hard reality about parenting a child with a history of trauma is that as much as you want to find the right help,
sometimes it’s impossible to know where to look.
Just ask Jill and her 15-year-old stepdaughter Sierra.
“Sierra has a history that a child shouldn’t have to go through,” she said. “We tried to seek help for her in several
different places through therapists and institutions and various agencies.”
When Sierra was discharged from a residential placement, Jill and her husband were nervous. They knew she
wasn’t ready to come home, but they felt they had exhausted all the options.
Fortunately, Jill had one last idea. She turned to someone she had known personally for years—April, an LSI social
“I can honestly say that April is the best person I have ever worked with in her field,” Jill said.
LSI and April were different, Jill said.
“We hit a lot of dead ends with agencies and people we called on for help,” she said. “It was frustrating. You think,
‘What are we going to do? Nothing is going to work for this kid.’ When we got involved with LSI through April, she
always got back to us. She always had a suggestion.”
When their family faced a serious crisis last summer, Jill knew exactly who to call.
“My husband and I were in Texas for a work trip,” Jill said. “Sierra made some bad choices, and we were concerned
about her safety and her caregiver’s safety. Honestly, I don’t know what we would have done if we hadn’t had April
getting us the help Sierra needed.”
With April’s support, the family made a plan to get Sierra in a safe place until they returned home. For Jill, April was
a lifesaver. For April, it was simply life as usual at LSI.
“We don’t have an internal stop clock, date or time,” she said. “We’re constantly working through crisis situations.
That’s just who we are at LSI, and I think that makes us different.”
Lutheran Lakeside holds its 22nd Annual Quilt Auction April 11, 2015 at St John Lutheran Church in Carroll.
Quilts are handmade by individuals and women’s groups who support the camp. Pastor Cindy Johnson and members
from St John are planning, organizing and carrying out the event. Our thanks go out to them and all those who made
the quilts. This is a large task that takes the hands of many people. Large quilts, small quilts, baby quilts, comforters,
afghans, and other items are auctioned for this fundraiser. The event begins with quilt viewing and lunch between
11:00 am and 12:30 pm. The auction begins at 1:00. Will Epperly from St John Lutheran Church in Dunlap is the
auctioneer. Faith Lutheran Church in Odebolt, is supplementing the proceeds with $1.00 for every $3.00 raised up to
$7,000. Gifts given before the auction may be used to help reach the total of $21,000 needed. If you would like to help
us reach our goal but are unable to attend the auction you may send a gift before the auction to: Lutheran Lakeside
Camp, 2491 170th St. Spirit Lake, IA 51360. Please indicate on your check your wishes to help with the quilt auction.
Thank you!
9 am SS/Adult Ed
1:30 pm
10 am Worship
with Communion
4:45 pm
6 pm Alpha
7 pm Lenten
9 am SS/Adult Ed
1:30 pm
7 pm Lenten
10 am Worship
6 pm Alpha
6 m Finance
9 am SS/Adult Ed 6 pm Council
7 pm Miriam
8 pm Worship
and Music
1:30 pm
7 pm Lenten
1:30 pm
7 pm Lenten
10 am Worship
with Communion
6 pm Alpha
9 am SS/Adult Ed
10 am Worship
6 pm Alpha
1:30 pm
9 am SS/Adult Ed
10 am Worship
6 pm Alpha
602 W Townline
Creston, Iowa 50801
March 2015 Newsletter
Daylight Savings time starts Sunday, March 8th. So
remember to set your clocks ahead when you go to
bed Saturday night or you will miss Sunday’s Worship