TABLE OF CONTENTS - Natural Sciences Research Institute


TABLE OF CONTENTS - Natural Sciences Research Institute
Vision, Mission . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Executive Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Brief History and Program Goals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
(Program and Other Ac tivities)
1. Research Programs and Publications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
List of NSRI-funded Researches . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Projects Terminated in 2011 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Commitment Projects in 2011 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Projects Approved for Funding in 2011 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Externally-Funded Researches 2011 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Publication and Creative Works . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Extension Services . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Technical Assistance and Advisory Services . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Biological Research and Services Laboratory (BRSL). . . . . . . . . . . . . .
DNA Anal ysis Laboratory (DAL). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Microbiological Research and Services Laboratory (MRSL) . . . . . . . .
Research and Analytical Services Laboratory (RASL) . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Information Service . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Community Service . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Safety Program . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Organization and Personnel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Organization and Management . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Executive Council . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Research Section. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Technical Support Section . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Administrative Support Section . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Personnel Inventory of the NSRI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
NSRI Staff Development in 2011 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Resource Generation and Allocations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Fiscal Resources . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
(Conclusio n)
Future Plans and Recommendations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
A world-renowned National Center of Excellence for research
and technical services in the disciplines and multi-disciplines
of biology, chemistry, environmental, mathematical and
atmospheric sciences.
To provide opportunities for the development of high-caliber
scientific and technological human resources.
To attain world-class status for its research and scientific
To attain world-class status for its various technical service
To take the initiative in the advocacy for the protection of
the environment.
To take the leadership in the advancement and application of
science and technology for the improvement of the quality
of life of the Filipino.
Ex ecutive Summa ry
For Fiscal Y ear 2011, the Natural Sciences Research Institute (NSRI) funded 32
projects (9 for completion, 21 new projects, 2 continuing commitment projects). The
Institute also implemented 7 externally-funded projects. These were conducted by
faculty researchers from the Institute of Biology (IB ), Institute of Chemistry (IC), Institute
of Environmental Science and Meteorology (IESM), Institute of Mathematics (I-Math)
and the in-house Research, Extension and P rofessional Staff (REP S). The outputs from
these researches come in the form of publications. The University Research Associates
(URAs) employed in the projects are also enrolled as graduate students and when
they graduate, they are expected to contribute to the manpower pool of the country
in the advanced sciences.
The in-house REP S also continued to cond uct technical extension services to
students for their sp ecial projects or theses, researchers from UP and other institutions,
industries, especially small - and medium-scale industries, and the general public. The
Biological Research and Services Laboratory (BRSL), DNA Analysis Laboratory (DAL),
Microbiological Research and Serv ices Labora tory (MRSL) and the Res earch and
Analytical Services Laboratory (RASL) form the in -house laboratories. Awards from the
University such as the Gawad Chanselor have been bestowed to both researchers
and ad ministrative staff of the NSRI. RAS L remains to be the first ISO 17025 –
accredited laboratory in the whole UP System. The technical services are based on
researches conducted by the in-hous e laboratories, particularly, on the validation of
methods and/or the development of new or more reliable, sensitive a nd fa ster
methods. Because of research and development, the technical serv ices offered by
the in-hous e laboratories are sought after by many clients. There were also s everal
training courses and seminars conducted to update or upgra de the cap abilities of
analysts and other researchers all over the country as well as hosting of visits of
students, faculty, researchers from different public a nd private institutions.
The Institute also continued to collaborate with different local and international
agencies for its research activities. For 2011, the DA-BAR/UP-NSRI Research Fellowship
in Basic Research for Agriculture and Fisheries hosted and im plemented the research
project of Dr. Ruel Mojica of the Cavite State University (CavSU) entitled “Influence of
Roasting on the Chemical Attributes and Antioxidant Activity of Philippine Coffee,”
with Dr. Leni Quirit of the Ins titute of Chemistry serving as Host Scientist.
Biological, chemical and even building and fire safety were also implemented
through the Safety Seminars which were conducted twice in 2011 and the regular
monitoring of pers onnel and laboratories. The short-term 5S Program was also
implemented in 2011. The Chemical Waste Management Program was administered
by the Administration Office.
June 1 9, 19 64
Republic Act 3887 , signed by Pre sident Dio sdado Macapag al for the
establishment of the Nat ural Science s Research Cent er (NSRC) as
amended by Republic Ac t 6069 (19 69).
Februa ry 1965
U.P. President Carl os P. Ro mulo o rganized the Executive Advisory
Council with the task o f get ting funds fo r the Center.
July 1 971
NSRC was first o pened to researche rs.
Novemb er 13 , 19 72 :
Formal inaug uration and dedication ceremonies of the U P-NSRC by
U.P. President Salvador P. Lo pez.
Ma rch 23, 198 3
Exe cutive O rder No . 889, i ssue d by President Ferdinand E. Mar cos,
organized the Natural Sciences Research Institut e (NSRI) fro m the
Nat ural Science Research Cent er (NSRC).
Ma y 26,198 3
Approval o f t he I mplement ing Guidelines for the creat ion of the NSRI
out of NSRC by the UP Board of Reg ent s.
July 2 , 198 5
Exe cutive O rder No . 7, signed by UP President Edgardo J. Angara
provi ded for the organizati onal st ructure and st affing pat tern of the
December 18,1986 :
Exe cutive Order No. 6 signed by UP President Edg ardo J. Angara
amended EO No. 7 to include interdisciplinary programs.
Februa ry 28, 2000
The NSRI building was named Miranda Hall in honor o f the late Prof.
Bienv enido T. Miranda, the I nstit ut e's fir st Director.
The NSRI serves as t he nat ional center of excellence for the adv ancement ,
di ssemi nation, and appli cation of knowledge in Bi ology, Chemist ry, Enviro nment al and
Atmospheric Science s and Mathematics. I t i s mandat ed t o:
undertake research i n Biolo gy, Chemistry, Environmental and Atmo spheric Sci ence s,
Mathematic s, and organize int erdisciplinary research prog rams.
support the graduate programs of the College of Science i n these fields of study .
prov ide ext ension and other services o n request and when feasible do research
needs such as consultancies, research, training , technic al support, analyti cal
suppo rt , pri nting serv ices to researchers, other units of the Universi ty, and o ther
insti tut ions and ag enci es, both g overnment and priv ate.
di sseminate research findings
conferences and seminars.
publi cations,
Project Title
Sexual Dimo rphis m in Genetic ally Improved Nile
Tila pia (Oreochromis niloticus L.).
Pro ject Code
Funding Source
Amount o f Funding
Duration of Project
Pro ject Leader
BI O-09-2 -05 (extension)
201 1 – P 323 ,82 3.44
201 0 – P 369 ,71 8
200 9 – P 330 ,51 3
January 1 , 2009 – December 31, 2010
Dr. Zubaida U . Basiao
1 Universit y Research Asso ciat e I
Tilapias are exotic species cultured wo rldwide in about 70 countries outside o f
Africa. The rearing o f tilapia i n the Phili ppines is one o f the primary sources of i nco me
for fish farmers as well as a cheap source of protein fo r consumers. The use of hormones
to sex rev erse tilapia fry in favo r of pro ducing all male tilapia fo r grow-out i s widel y
practiced ev en in growth improved strains. The reason for this is the observed fast
growth of males when the females start mouth-broo ding t he fry. This study aims to st udy
size sexual dimorphism in g eneti cally improv ed tilapia by comparing the g rowt h
rat es of males and females t hat are growing t ogether in the same environment without
t agging the individual fish. I propose t o use sc ale c haract eristics like sc ale radius,
circulus spacing at di fferent areas of the scale, t otal number of circuli to compl ement
t he usual measurements of fish l ength and weig ht . G row-out cul ture in earthen
ponds takes abo ut four to six mo nths. Use o f hormo nally sex rev ersed ti lapia in growout systems can be minimized if farmers are shown that t here is no significant
di fference in the growth rates o f males and females at fo ur to six months o f ag e.
Go nadal maturation st age s from three to nine months of ag e will be dete rmined
and co rrelated with gro wth rat es.
Project Title
Transmission Electron Microscopy a nd
Immuno histoc hemical Eva lua tion of the
Ang iosup pressive Activtiy o f the Hexa ne
and Ethyl Ac etate Fractions o f Ardis ia sp. from
Kanawa n, Moro ng, Bataa n.
Pro ject Code
Funding Source
Amount o f Funding
Duration of Project
Pro ject Leader
BI O-10-2 -02
201 0 – P 455 ,71 8
January 1 , 2010 – December 31, 2011
Dr. Annabelle A. Herr era
1 Universit y Research Asso ciat e I
Ardisia species have been inv estig ated as rich sources o f novel and biological ly
potent phytochemical compo unds. The antiangiog enic potential of the crude
methanol extract and hexane fraction at 0.2 ml of 4.0, 6 .0 and 8.0 mg/ ml o f Ardisia
squamulosa was det ermined using duck in o vo chorioallant oic membrane (CAM)
assay by counting the branch points o f sprouting tertiary (t he t hinnest ) blood vessels.
Results showed that the methanol extract s especially the 6mg/ml do se and the 8
mg/ml hexane fract ion signific ant ly reduc ed the branch points of tertiary blo od vessels.
Transmi ssion electron mi cro scopy showed t hicker basement me mbrane possibl y
inhibiting outward mig ration of endo theli al cell s of extract-treat ed CAM vessels.
I mmunohistochemical assays for t he factor VI lI-relat ed antig en (von Willebrand fact or),
CD 32, epithelial membrane antig en, plat elet endothelial cell adhesion molecul e-l (CD
31 ), Cyclin D1 and actin proteins showed decreased e xpression in endot hel ial c ells o f
CAM ve ssels treat ed with crude methanol extract and hexane fractions. Embryo
mal format io n and histological defe ct s o f organs c ould have been due to hypoxi a
associat ed wi th antiangiogenesis.
Project Title
De termination of Ca dmium and Lead in Breast Milk
Sample s. Method Optimizat ion, Validatio n and
Ana lysis o f Actual Sa mp les.
Pro ject Code
Funding Source
Amount o f Funding
Duration of Project
Pro ject Leader
CHE-10 -2-01
201 0 – P 413 ,71 8
January 1 , 2010 – December 31, 2011
Dr. Irene B. Rodriguez
1 Universit y Research Asso ciat e I
A method utilizing ICPMS as t he element -sel ective detect or wi th mi crowaveassist ed nitric acid dig estion as the sampl e pre-treatment technique was dev elo ped
for the si multaneous det erminat ion o f 3 6 cadmi um (Cd) and l ead (Pb) in milk samples.
The method was validat ed usi ng a certified refere nce material, BCR 1 50, and the
-1 and 80 7.5 7
respectiv ely. These determined v alues agree well with the certifie d values in the
-1 for
Cd and Pb, re spectively. The method was fo und to be linear in t he concentration
-1 with correlation co efficient s of 0 .99 9 for both analyte s. The
rang e 0.01 to 100 0
method was applied to pro cessed and raw carabao milk samples collect ed in Nueva
Ecija, Philippines. The Cd levels determined in the samples w ere in the range 0.11 ±
-1 for the processed milk samples and 0 .11 ± 0.07 to 0.45 ± 0.0 9
0.07 to 5.17 ± 0.1 3
-1 for the raw mi lk samples. The concentrations of Pb were in the rang e 0.4 9 ± 0.21
kg-1 for the raw milk sampl es. The eff ects of different parameters l ike t ype of diet ,
location, breed and ag e of the animal to the concentrati on of Cd and Pb in carabao
milk sampl es we re al so exami ned.
Project Title
De termination o f Deca bromodiphenyl Ether and
Tetrabro-mobisphenol-A in Ind oor Dust b y
Ultraso nica tion-HP LC/UV.
Pro ject Code
Funding Source
CHE-10 -2-03
Amount o f Funding
Duration of Project
Pro ject Leader
201 1 – P 464 ,02 3.44
201 0 – P 150 ,00 0
January 1 , 2010 – December 31, 20 11
Dr. Ma. Phyt hias B. Espino
1 Universit y Research Asso ciat e I
This study was conducted to develop a met ho d for t he determination o f
decabro mo dipheyl ether (BDE-209 ) in indoor dust from different micro enviro nments in
a school i n the Phili ppines. BDE209 was extracted from dust samples by ultrasonicati on
and det ermined by HPLC-U V. The det erminatio n was performed usi ng exter nal
cal ibration and internal standard calibration. Internal standard calibrat ion was shown
to be the more precise and sensitive met ho d with 6 4% absol ut e rec overy and 10 % RSD
-1 BDE-209
linear range (R2 0.997). The MDL was calculat ed as 285 ng g- 1. All dust samples showed
detectable lev el s o f BDE-209 wi th so me at l ev els below the quantification limits. The
concentrat ion lev el of BDE-20 9 i n all samples quantified is within t he rang e 11 03 — 41 17
ng g- 1 with an average conce ntration of 2172 ng g -1. These concentratio n lev els of
BDE20 9 fo und in the dust samples are co mparable t o lev el s f ound in house and
workplace dusts from ot her Asian count rie s. Although not conclusive, it has be en
shown empirically t hat BDE- 20 9 concentrat ions are hig her in sampling site s cont aining
more possible BDE- 209 sources like ele ct ri cal and el ect ronic equipme nt.
Project Title
Toxic ologica l Assessment of Extracts of Indoor Dust ,
Lab oratory and Faculty Room Air Samples and
Diesel/Biod iesel Exhaust - Impacted Air Using
Allium cepa Cyto genetic Assa y.
Pro ject Code
Funding Source
Amount o f Funding
Duration of Project
Pro ject Leader
Co-Proje ct Leader
Collabo rator
CHE-10 -2-04
201 1 – P 480 ,22 3.44
201 0 – P 468 ,11 8
January 1 , 2010 – December 31, 2011
Dr. Carina Ramo s
Dr. Leni L. Quirit
Ms. Raquel O. Rubio
1 Universit y Research Asso ciat e I
I n view of the const ruct io n of the UP Di liman Nat ional Science Comple x,
specificall y t wo buildings for the I nstitute o f Chemist ry, sampl ing and analysis o f
laborat ory and faculty room ai r and indoor dust to det ermi ne potential env ironmental
to xicity, i s relevant t o est ablish baseline co nditions at the st art of room occupancies,
with subsequent moni toring with time. These c an also be done for other buil dings in t he
Science Compl ex, and for other envi ronments like homes and i nt ernet cafes.
I n view also of the passage of the law mandating the use o f biodiesel bl ends in
di esel vehicles, chemical and g enotoxi c potential of pol lutant s from t he diesel
v ehicular exhausts also need to be assessed to dete rmine if there i s actual
improv ement in the diesel v ehicular exhaust-impacted air with t he use o f biodiesel. The
presence of oxygenat es, for example, i n biodiesel may pot entially increase NOx
Project Title
Selectiv e Ele ctroless Copper Depositio n in Mod ified
Polymer Surfa ces.
Pro ject Code
Funding Source
CHE-10 -1-05
Amount o f Funding
Duration of Project
Pro ject Leader
201 0 – P 447 ,01 8
January 1 , 2010 – December 31, 2010
Dr. Guillermo M. Nuesca
1 Universit y Research Asso ciat e I
I n this st udy, poly(diallyl dimethylammonium) chlo ride (PDDA)-pro tected Cu/Pd
bi metallic nanoparticles were prepared via sodium bo ro hydride reduction and was
used as substrate acti vator for dimet hylamine borane - based copper ele ct ro le ss
deposition. It was determined t hat t he 1:1 fraction o f Cu/Pd has the highest c atal ytic
activity resulting to Cu films comparable to the yield usi ng the traditional Pd/Sn colloid
activator. Copper X-ray Di ffract ion (XRD) and Scanning Ele ct ro n Microscopy (SE M)
confirmed a dense struct ure o f copper deposit ed co ntinuously t hroughout the
subst rate. Films
while tho se resulting fro m Cu/Pd
-2 .
Project Title
Cytoto xic compounds from the C oprophilous Fungus
Cop rinus sp.
Pro ject Code
Funding Source
Amount o f Funding
Duration of Project
Project Leader
CHE-10 -2-06
201 0 – P 435 ,71 8
January 1 , 2010 – December 31, 2011
Dr. Florecita S. D e Guzman
1 Universit y Research Asso ciat e I
Copro philous fungi are dung- colonizing fungi known to grow in succession.
These fungi show ant agonistic int eractions against eac h ot her as one species grows
after anot her. I n the succession, bio activ e metabolites are produced t o inhibit the
growth of another speci es. Preliminary studies have shown that t he org anic ext racts of
t he copro phil ous fungus Coprinus sp. hav e cyt otoxic activity using the brine shri mp
lethalit y assay. This project ai ms to iso late from horse dung t hese secondary
metabolites which could be use ful fo r pharmaceutical applications.
Project Title
Alp ha Glucosida se Inhibitory Compound s from
Terminalia ca ta ppa Leav es.
Pro ject Code
Funding Source
Amount o f Funding
Duration o f Project
Pro ject Leader
CHE-10 -2-07
201 1 – P 523 ,82 3.44
201 0 – P 449 ,71 8
January 1 , 2010 – December 31, 2011
Dr. Evangeline C. Amo r
1 Universit y Research Asso ciat e I
The I nternational Diabetes Federation report ed that in 2007 , 246 million of t he
world’s po pulation is afflicte d wit h di abet es and t his is seen t o increase alarming ly in
20 25. Diabetes melli tus is among the top ten causes of mortalit y in the Philippine s. I n
20 30, the Philippines is e xpect ed to be amo ng the t op ten countries wi th the hig hest
prev alence of diabetes. He nc e, there i s an urg ent need to address thi s issue.
Glucose from t he diet ent ers t he bloodstream through t he small inte stines. A
majo r enzyme that plays a key role in t his is alpha-glucosidase. Inhibition of this e nzyme
is o ne of the mechanism by which blood gluco se levels can be cont rolled e specially in
Type II (NIDDM) diabetes.
Nat ural pro ducts remain to be recognized as a significant source of l ead
compounds for drug development for the purpose o f managing, treating and curing
various ailments that afflict the world population. And, plant s provide a rich source of
natural product s. There remains to be a significant number of medicinal pl ants that
remain untapped as sources of bioact iv e compo unds as report ed by NAPRAIert . O ne
such plant is Termi nali a catappa, who se leaf ext ract has been reported t o exhibit
signifi cant al pha-glucosidase inhibitory activity. It is the objective o f thi s proj ect to
isolat e and elucidate the structure of the alpha-glucosidase inhibit ory compo unds from
The leav es of T. cat appa.
Project Title
Va lid ation of Molecular Methods for the Spe cies
Ident ification of Meat a nd Meat P roduct s.
Pro ject Code
Funding Source
Amount o f Funding
Duration of Project
Pro ject Leader
NSR-09 -1- 01
201 1 – 0 (ext ension)
201 0 – P 150,00 0
200 9 – P 150 ,00 0
January 1 , 2009 – June 31, 20 11
Dr. Maria Co razon A. de Ungria
Description of t he proj ect:
The study aims to v alidate Polymerase Chain Reaction- Rest ri ct ion Fragment
Le ng th Polymorphism (PCR-RFLP) as a t ool fo r identifying species origin of meat and
deri ved products. Cyt ochrome b amplic ons from pork and pork pro ducts in an earlier
study will be dig este d with HaeIII rest ric tion enzyme . The restriction pro fil es o f po rk and
pork produc ts wil l be compared wi th the rest riction profiles g enerated using catt le,
chicken, goat, carabao, and human DNA. The success of PCR-RFLP anal ysis t o
di fferentiate between species will be indicated by the g ene rat ion of distinct restriction
pro file s fo r each speci es.
Project Title
Va lid ation of DNA Typing Procedures and
Assessment of Genetic Relatio nships among Filipino
Ethnic/La ng ua ge Groups.
(Services of URAs are needed for the smooth operations of
DNA Analysis Laboratory)
Pro ject Code
Funding Source
Amount o f Funding
Duration of Project
Pro ject Leader
NSR-97 -2- 04
NSRI /Offi ce o f the Chancell or, U PD
201 1 – P 1,127,293 (personnel salary)
201 0 – P 1,030,87 2 (personnel salary)
200 9 – P 938 ,05 2 (personnel salary)
200 8 – P 1,017,12 4 (personnel salary)
January 1 , 1997 – continuing project
Dr. Maria Corazon A. de U ngria (199 9 – pre sent)
4 Universit y Research Asso ciat e I
Stat us of t he proje ct :
The technology of DNA testing has pro ven to be an effective instrument to
assist t he judicial syst em in its re solution of cases of varying co mplexities. Since the start
of the laboratory in 1 997, w e have handled various cases that hav e used DNA
t echnolog y in resolving i ssue s o f families, cri mes, mass di sast er identificat ion, child
t raffi cking and for simple DNA pro filing. Effo rts are continuous towards the v alidat ion o f
pro cedures for DNA t est ing of environmentally challenged sampl es. E mphasis i s g iven
to the applicat io n of forensic DNA tec hnolo gy to profiling o f div erse samples such as
exhumed bones and teet h, biopsy specimen and po st-mortem human remains. These
t ypes of samples may be used as sources of genet ic information fo r personal
identi fication, to est abli sh identit y or v erify issues o f specimen mix-up and filiation
t esting. The laboratory has conduct ed studies on the di ff erent DNA extracti on
t echniques. Targ eted was the increased efficiency of recovering and isolat ing DNA
from formalin fixe d paraffin embedded tissue (FFPET), cigarette butts, compr omised
ti ssue samples, saliva and exhumed bone samples. Factors such as the presence o f
inhibitors, nuclease-producing mi croorganisms a nd v ery small amounts of DNA were
al so considered in these research project s.
The Philippines exhibits a ric h diversity o f people, languages, and culture,
including so-called ‘Negrito’ groups, yet little i s known about their g enetic diversit y. A
study was co nduct ed in collabo ration with Lei pzig School of Human Orig ins-Max
Planck I nstitut e fo r Ev oluti onary Anthropology in Leipzi g, Ger many to evaluat e the Ychromosome genetic affinities of Filipino languag e groups. A paper entitled “The Ychromosome landscape o f t he Philippines: ext ensive heterog eneit y and varying
genet ic affinities o f Negrito and non-Negrito groups” was published in the European
Journal o f Human G eneti cs. The study re ports a surve y o f Y-chromosome v ariation in
39 0 i ndividuals from 16 Filipino ethno linguistic groups, including si x Negrito groups, fro m
acro ss the archipelago. Result s indicate ext ensive heterogeneity contributing to a
complex genetic hi stor y for Filipino groups, with varying roles for migrat ions from outside
t he Philippines, genetic drift, and admixt ure among nei ghboring g roups 1.
The l abo ratory has also put considerable effort int o increasing its int ernat ional
as well as local linkag es. A Memorandum of Ag reement was signed in 2010 bet we en
t he University of t he Philippines Dil iman and the U niversit y of Granada t o partner in
pro mot ing the use o f science, particularly DNA technolog y, in the war against child
t raffi cking. The U P-NSRI DNA Analysis Laborat ory was identi fie d as the Phili ppine
reference laborat ory of the international initiative known as DNA-Pro kids (www.dnapro . In turn, the labor atory has formed linkages with the Depart ment o f Social
Welfar e and Development (DSWD ) and t he Depart ment of Justice (DOJ) - Int erAgency Co uncil Against Trafficki ng (I ACAT). Memorandum of Ag reeme nt s have been
established bet ween the U niv ersity o f the Philippines Diliman and these two agencies,
to assist and support each other in c ombati ng t he probl em o f child trafficking through
t he use of DNA technolog y.
The l aboratory has also beco me a part of the Philippine Genome Cent er (PGC)
under the Forensics and Ethni ci ty Program (FEP). The PGC is a mult idisci plinary institut ion
t hat combines basic and applied research fo r t he dev elopment of health diagnostics,
t herapeutics, fo rensic s and ethni cit y, preventive pro ducts and i mproved cro p
v arieties3 . FEP cent ers on researc hes regarding the g enetic variat ions within and across
human, animal and plant populat ions for appli cations in forensics and ethni cit y studies.
The program also covers g enetic variation studie s fo r a bett er unde rstanding of t he
genetic relationships amo ng and between t he different ethno-linguistic groups of our
With the membe rshi p of t he laboratory to the Asian Fo rensic Science Network
(AFSN) t hroug h the approval of the membership o f t he entire Natural Sciences
Research Insti tut e (NSRI ) c omes the respo nsibility of being the Philippine represent ative
laborat ory in the Quality Assurance and Standards Co mmitt ee. Dr. Maria Corazon A.
De Ung ria was vot ed as in- coming First Secretary of the said co mmitt ee. The AFSN is
compose d of representat ives fro m different Asian countries like Malaysia, Thailand,
I ndone sia, Singapore, Brunei, Viet nam, Korea, China, Japan and Mongolia who meet
ev ery ye ar t o share ideas, strengthen ties and improve collaborati on in the East Asia
Pacific Re gion and to confer o n the for ensic development policy and int ernat ional
guidel ines for laboratories that ut ilize forensic technology.
Lastly, the laborato ry continued to activel y dissemi nate information regardi ng
t he possible applications of fo rensic DNA analysis to po tent ial end-users including
v arious government agencies, NGOs and the private sec tor through lect ures, open
forum and participatio n in media activities. In fact, the laboratory, along wit h
laborat ori es in Taiwan, Malaysia and Indo ne sia, was tappe d to be feat ured in one of
t he crime mi niseri es of the Crime and I nv est igatio n Channel 4. This t elevisio n series will
feature the use o f DNA t echnology and its importanc e as a t ool to help and assist the
just ice system.
Delfin FC, Salvador JM, Calacal GC, Perdigon HB, Tabbada KA, Villamor LP, Halos SC, Gunnarsdo´ ttir E, Myles S,
Hughes DA, Xu S, Jin L, Lao S, Kayser M, Hurles ME, Stoneking M and De Ungria MCA. 2011. The Y-chromosome
landscape of the Philippines: extensive heterogeneity and varying genetic affinities of Negrito and non-Negr ito
groups. European Journal of Human Genetics. 2011. (19):224-230.
Project Title
Chemical Wa ste Management P rogram o f NSRI.
Pro ject Code
Funding Source
Amount o f Funding
Duration of Project
Pro ject Leader
Pollution Control Officer
Chemical Safety and Waste
Mgt. Associate
NSR-00 -1- 05
201 1 – P 2 34,513 (personnel salary, treatment of chemical
waste and lab supplies)
201 0 – P 234 ,51 3 (personnel salary and lab supplies)
200 9 – P 234 ,51 3 (personnel salary and lab supplies)
200 8 – P 216 ,78 1 (personnel salary and lab supplies)
January 1 , 2000 – continuing pro gram
Dr. Ernelea P. Cao
Ms. Leahfe P. Gabriel (additional assignment)
Ms. Jaymie N. Llanera (contractual)
Stat us of t he proje ct :
The NSRI i s continuously g enerating c hemical wastes from the operations o f its
research and t echnical laboratories. Thus, the NSRI is expect ed to sustain its chemical
waste management prog ram. In co mpliance with the requirements of RA 6969 (To xic
Substance and Hazardo us and Nuclear Wast e Cont rol Act of 1 990), the NSRI has been
a DENR- registered hazardous waste generator since Y2 000.
The main focus o f the project is to monitor t he wast e generat ed at the Insti tut e
and t o ensure safe storag e until it is due for treat ment by accredit ed wast e tre aters. For
Y2011, the unidentified chemical waste s inside the laboratory rooms were minimized by
t he implement ation o f pro per turn-ov er of responsibilities between U RA duri ng
resi gnation/end of co nt ract to t he i nco ming new URA with proper documentation
including inv entory of supplies/chemic als and equipment, as well as identificat io n o f
chemical wastes before issuance of clearance. Rando m laborato ry inspection was
done fo r monitoring purposes. Collection and proper storage o f che mical wast es from
t he research and t echnical laborato ries were still do ne.
Thus, the project was also able to serv e 11 requests for wast e collection (Table
1) and was able to collect 18 5 lit ers of asso rt ed hazardous and to xic wastes. The
proj ect was able to send 1 batch o f co llected wast es fo r treatment t o our accredited
waste t reater. The project was able to co nti nue to implement the chemical e xchange
pro gram o f the I nstitute and was able to serv e 76 r equest s ( Table 2). The project was
al so able to prepare and submit on ti me t he quarterly Hazardo us Wast e Generat ion
Repo rt at the Department o f Environment and Natural Resources – Env iro nmental
Manag ement Bureau (DEN R-EMB) for Y201 0.
Table 1. Breakdsown of requests for waste collection
Number of requests
University Research Associate (URA)
NSRI In-house Laboratories
Table 2. Breakdown of requests for Chemical Exchange Program
Number of Requests
College of Science (CS)Students
Non-CS Students
Non-UP Students
CS Faculty
NSRI In-house Labs
Project Title
Pollen Morp holog y of Glochidio n (Phylla nthaceae).
Pro ject Code
Funding Source
Amount o f Funding
Duration of Project
Pro ject Leader
Collabo rator
BI O-11-1 -01
201 1 – P 7,540
January 1 , 2011 – December 31, 2011
Dr. Ve rnie G. Sag un
Dr. R.W.J.M. Van Der Ham
1 Universit y Research Asso ciat e I
Description o f the project:
This st udy which will be based from light, scanni ng and some from transmission
elect ro n microscopy would re sul t in a complet e and detailed desc ription of
Glo chidio n poll en which is not mono graphed at pre sent. The micromorphological and
ultrastructural charact ers obtained would be valuabl e in phylogenetic anal ysis and
ultimatel y result in t he clarification of generic delimitations among its allied genera as
well as infrageneric groupings within the genus. This comprehensi ve palynological
surv ey should also provide clues to the mutualist ic relationships betw een Glochidion
and its inse ct pollinato r Epicephala whi ch has recently gained curious attention from
scientist s worldwide as a new model system in ecol ogy and evolutionary biolog y. The
signifi cant species diversity in Glochidion and multiple originat ions of mutualism with it s
pollinat or mo th provide exc eptional pro spects to study cri tical aspe cts on mutualism
and the process of co evolution. Studying the po llen morpholog y of Glo chidion
should provide clues whether thi s mut ualisti c associatio ns bear any sig nificance to the
diversifi cation or conservation of pollen structure wi thin t he genus and it s close allies.
Generall y, the palynologic al monog raph arising from thi s st udy wo uld co ntain
impo rt ant information that would also be useful in other disciplines aside fro m
syst ematics; these include palaeobot any, forensi cs, allerg y studies (medi cine),
aero bioloi, biostratigraphy, climate change and veg etatio nal hist ory.
Project Title
DNA Barcoding and Molecula r Phylo geny of
Philip pine Stylommatophoran pulmo nates
(Mollusca Gas trop oda).
Pro ject Code
Funding Source
Amount o f Funding
Duration of Project
Pro ject Leader
Collabo rators
BI O-11-2 -02
201 1 – P 518 ,82 3.44
January 1 , 2011 – December 31, 2012
Dr. Ian Kendrich C. Fo ntanill a
Dr. Emmanuel Rhyan C. de Chavez
Ms. Gi zelle A. Bato malaque
1 Universit y Research Asso ciat e I
Description o f the project:
DNA barcoding aims t o identify unknown biologic al specimens to the species
lev el and to facilitate species di scov ery, thus resolving problems in taxonomy.
Mo lecular approaches hav e proven valuable not only in resolvi ng phyl ogenetic issues,
but also in pro vidi ng a sense o f time scales o f evolutionary diverge nc e. Mitochondrial
genes such as t he COl gene have generally been employed for ancestry. Cert ain
attributes of DNA barcoding are st ill under heat ed debat e. For o ne, the use o f
mitochondrial genes fo r comparing taxa has se veral di sadvant ag es—retention of
ance stral pol ymorphism, maternal inhe rit ance, l inkag e of t he whol e genome,
introgressio n follo wing hybridizati on, and paralogy. However, it i s point ed out t hat the
advant ag es outweigh the di sadvantages. The se advant age s include the lack o f
introns and i ndels t hat allow unambiguous seque nce alignment, limit ed exposure to
reco mbinati on and haploid mode of inheritanc e. Wi th t he se problems addressed, DNA
barcoding has been applied to sev eral taxa.
There are 80 recorded endemi c species of st ylommatopho ran pulmo nates in
t he Philippines. These land snails are of economic and commercial importance as they
are g athered for fo od and o rnaments. Ryssota o vum, the l argest of it s genus, is
collect ed in the mo untains of Makiling, Lo s Baño s, Laguna, and Auro ra, Quezon.
Lo cally known as bayuko , it is gathered fo r it s high protein source. These land snail s
hav e not been cultured successfully. Elucidating the phylog eny o f Philippine
stylommatopho rans would yield useful in management and possibl e conservati on
Project Title
DNA Barcoding and Molecula r Phylo genetic Analysis
of Philippine Tigerpe rches (P erciformes: Terpontidae).
Pro ject Code
Funding Source
Amount o f Funding
Duration of Project
Pro ject Leader
Collabo rator
BI O-11-1 -03
201 1 – P 517 ,82 3.44
January 1 , 2011 – December 31, 2011
Dr. Jonas P. Quilang
Dr. Zubaida U . Basiao
1 Universit y Research Asso ciat e I
Description o f the project:
DNA barcoding is a po werful t ool fo r taxonomic and biodiversi ty research . It is
ai med at the developme nt of a comprehensiv e sequence database preferabl y
associat ed with v ouc her specimens o f described specie s which can be used to
compare sequences of sampl ed individual s. Applications of DNA barcode s include
t he effi cient and unambi guo us i dentificatio n of unknown biological specimens. In this
case, fishes can be identified to the spe cies level from a small fragment of its t issue,
devoid of its morpholo gical characters which are cruci al in the cl assic way of species
identi fication. DN A barcoding co uld also facilitate the discovery of new species.
Conservation and t rade manage ment effort s can also emplo y DNA barcoding in
v erifying the identity o f e cono mical ly important and o r endangered organisms.
The Philippine tig erperches are f ood fishes and are thus eco no mical ly and
commercially important . Leiopotherapo n plumbeus is l ocally t raded in majo r lakes o f
Luzon while Mesopriste s cancellatus, loc ally kno wn as pigo k, is highly priced in
Mi ndanao as a delicious delicacy. Although there are current efforts in cult uring these
two fish spe ci es, none so far hav e be en successful. Elucidating the phylogeny o f
Philippine tig erperches would become important i n its manag ement and possible
conservati on efforts.
Project Title
De velop me nt of Natura l Produc t-De rived
Immunos timula nts for Nile Tilapia, Oreochromis
Pro ject Code
Funding Source
Amount o f Funding
Duration of Project
Pro ject Leader
BI O-11-2 -04
201 1 – P 496 ,82 3.44
January 1 , 2011 – December 31, 2012
Dr. Elena S. Catap
1 Universit y Research Asso ciat e I
Description o f the project:
I n general, the project will be beneficial to the aquacult ure industry since t he
ov erall obj ective is to i mprove t he health and growth of aquacultured sp ecies,
t herefore farm productiv ity will improve .
The use of natural pro ducts as
immunostimulant s will also lesse n t he i mpacts of antibio tics and synthetic
chemotherapeut ants on t he env iro nment and prev ent health risks to fish consumers.
The develo pment o f a suppl emente d fee d (with immuno stimulant) whi ch could be
commercialized is another significant benefit from the st udy. In addition t o t hese, t he
study will further provi de basi c knowledge on immunostimulation and the immune
syst em o f finfish.
Project Title
De velop me nt of Loop Mediated Isotherma l
Amplifica tion (LAMP) As say for Rapid Detection o f
Tricho mo na s v aginalis in Clinical Sp ecimens.
Pro ject Code
Funding Source
Amount o f Funding
Duration of Project
Pro ject Leader
BI O-11-1 -05
201 1 – P 523 ,82 3.46
January 1 , 2011 – December 31, 2011
Dr. Windell L. Rivera
1 Universit y Research Asso ciat e I
Description o f the projec t:
This research project will develop a loo p -mediat ed i sothermal amplification
(LAMP) assay for the rapid diagnosis o f Trichomonas vaginalis in clinical specimens. To
date, the re is no published study o f a LAMP assay fo r the dete cti on of T. vaginalis.
Since immediate diagnosis o f infect ion is important for prope r treat ment to be
administered, the LAMP assay will be an ideal test for the rout ine field-screening of
sympto matic and asympto mat ic trichomoniasi s in the country. The assay c an be
utilized fo r public health and epi demiological studie s for bett er understanding o f the
di sease and developme nt of int erv ent io n pro grams.
Project Title
Characterization of Affinity-purified Fucose-binding
Protein from the Gut of Nile Tilapia U sing 2D-SDSPAGE, HPLC and LC-MS.
Pro ject Code
Funding Source
Amount o f Funding
Duration of Project
Pro ject Leader
BI O-11-1 -06
201 1 – P 467 ,82 3.44
January 1 , 2011 – December 31, 2011
Dr. Anacleto M. Argay osa
1 Universit y Research Asso ciat e I
Description o f the project:
A deeper study o f the structure and funct ions of l ect ins such as these fuc ose binding pro teins present in t he Nile tilapia gut shall provide a better under standing o f
innate immunity i n teleost fish; and how i t may have ev olved into the adaptiv e immune
syst em in higher v ert ebrat es. The fuecose-binding l ectins are env isaged as biomarkers
or t ools fo r monitoring disease resi stance ag ainst v arious infectio us di seases in fishes.
Charact erization of these lectins shall great ly contribute in the development of o ral
v accines for fish and o the r similar speci es in aquacult ure, t he reby, improv ing disease
control and management of fish st ocks. This proj ect will also serve as a pioneering work
for future det ection and isolation of other immune-relevant proteins in other biolo gical
syst ems and resources.
Project Title
Re production a nd Seed Production of the Climbing
Perch Ana bas testudinues (Teleostei: Anaba ntidae).
Pro ject Code
Funding Source
Amount o f Funding
Duration of Project
Pro ject Leader
Collabo rators
BI O-11-2 -07
201 1 – P 450 ,82 3.44
January 1 , 2011 – December 31, 2012
Dr. Luis Maria B. Garcia
Dr. Frolan Aya
Ms. Ev ely n Grac e de Jesus-Ay so n
1 Universit y Research Asso ciat e I
Description o f the project:
The cl imbing perc h Anabas testudineus (Bloch, 179 2; Lo cal name: martiniko,
puyo , l iwalo) is a bony fish widel y di stributed in Southeast Asia. It inhabits low lying
swamps, marshy lakes, dit ches, and streams with st ag nant water and dense
v egetation. This species po ssess an air-breathing organ, allowing it to tr avel through
ephe meral bodi es o f water and often ending up o n land when such water bodies dry
up. A popular food in many rural inland co mmunit ies because of it s delicate taste and
flav or, i t was l isted more t han a dec ade ago as one of the majo r fish species caught
by Laguna Lake fishers operating gill nets, fi sh corrals, and fish traps. But , catches fro m
t he lake and e lsewhere hav e dwindled recentl y due to increasing urbanization,
conv ersion of their natural habitats to agri- and aquacult ure, and overfishing. As t hese
majo r t hreats remain un-abat ed, t here is grave c oncern reg arding the loss o f fish
bio diversity not only in the Phi lippines but elsewhe re in the biodi versit y-rich re gion of
Southeast Asia. Field assessments o f climbing perch stocks are therefore required in
addi tio n t o bree ding st ocks in captivit y wit h t he e nd -view o f re habilitating what has
remained of this impo rt ant food fish species’ dwindling stat us and contributing to food
securit y in inland rural communities.
Project Title
Intergra ting Ecolog ical and Ge netic Information to
Improve the Und ers tand ing o f the Connected ness of
Re ef Diversity and the Effective ness of No-Take
Ma rine Re serves.
Pro ject Code
Funding Source
Amount o f Funding
Duration of Project
Pro ject Leader
BI O-11-1 -08
201 1 – P 517 ,48 3.44
June 1, 2 011 – December 31, 2011
Dr. Jonathan A. Anti camara
1 Universit y Research Asso ciate I
Description o f the project:
This research will fill so me important sci enti fic knowledge g aps about marine
reserves (MRs) and their effectiveness in recovering degraded biodiv ersity, particularl y,
t he holistic understanding of the eco logical and genetic processes that influence t he
predicted recovery o f ree f co mmunities (fish and corals) o ut side MRs. The expected
nov el findings that will be generated fro m t hi s rese arch will be useful in desi gning
effectiv e MR networks — i.e., the number, size, and configurations o f multiple MRs
within a c ertain defined geog raphic location of reg ion. Current designs o f MR networks
are mainly based on ad-hoc criteria or decisions, and may not necessarily represent
t he mo st effectiv e way of desig n MR netwo rk fo r achieving v arious biodiv ersity
conservati on objectives. The output s from thi s rese arch could help elucidat e t he
factors and proc esses t hat influence reef community dynamics acro ss space (and
perhaps t ime) — thereby strengthening our understanding of coral reef ecology and
conservati on, in general.
Project Title
An Inve stigation on the Influenc e of Organic
Sub stanc es of CO2 Cla thrate Hyd rate Formation.
Pro ject Code
Funding Source
Amount o f Funding
Duration of Project
Pro ject Leader
CHE-11 -1-01
201 1 – P 66,000
January 1 , 2011 – December 31, 2011
Dr. Len He ral d V. Li m
1 Universit y Research Asso ciat e I
Description o f the project:
The pro posed project is in-line with t he primary goals o f gas hydrate research, namel y:
Participation in global efforts to confine CO2 emission lev els
Increased emissions o f CO2 especially fro m the combustion of fo ssil fuel s are being
linked t o global climate changes and are of co nsiderable concern. These concerns
are driving initiat iv es t o develop carbon manag ement technologies. One of t hese
initiativ es, fo r example, is t he Gl obal Cl imate Chang e I ni tiative (GCCI ) in the United
Stat es (www. clintonfoundat ).
Participation in t he CCS (carbon capt ure and storag e) init iative
The Global Climate Chang e I niti ative (GCCI ) in the Unit ed Stat es
( ) has set forth go als t o advance t he discovery of
methods t o reduce CO2
emissions from power plants throug h carbon
sequestration. But before g eologic sequestration o f CO 2 beco mes a viable option,
novel techniques should be dev eloped t o monitor the emplac ement and nonde structive introduction of CO2 in underground geolo gic environments.
Social awar eness/impact
By taking advant age of the natural pote nti al o f g eological settings for CO 2
storage, public acceptance and awareness may be st rengthened toward l argescale deployment of g eological sequestrati on of CO 2 as a viable enviro nmentfriendly and cost- effective option that i s ac ce ssible not only to t he g lobal
communit y, but more impo rtantly, to the Filipino people as well .
By studying the nat ural occurrence of gas hydrat es, strateg ies and t echnolog ies
may be f ormulat ed for t he capture and stable-storag e of energ y by- produc ts
without harmful consequences to the environment. The i dentification of co steffectiv e t echniques i n enhancing t he stable encapsulation of gases such as
methane and carbon dioxide would depend on t he identi fication and co mpl ete
underst anding of the di ffe rent thermodynami c, st ructural, and chemical factors
involved in g as hydrat e formatio n whether fro m geolog ic/oceanic o r laboratory
condit ions. Of part icular interest is the potential use of humic substances in the
promotio n of gas hydrate fo rmat ion as t hey occur nat urall y in hi gh abundance in
geolo gic/oc eanic settings.
In the study o f g as hydrat e syst ems, much o f t he important molecular level
phenomena are obscured by the complexit y of sample matrices and beco me
effectiv ely invisible to experiment al measur ement s. Thus, t heo ret ical simul ations
be come important in bridging the macrosco pic properties obt ained from
experiment s to t he microscopic prope rti es t hat ultimately define the behavior o f
gas hydrat e syst ems. Studi es of the kind proposed in this work have the added
advant ag e o f advancing t he knowledge re garding t he molecular level effect s
that govern the kinetic and thermodynamic feat ures of condensed phase syste ms.
In the academic setting, such studies would pro vide the opportuni ty fo r student s to
pursue the rapidly evolving field of computat ional chemistry and expose them to
advance d computational t echniques used in contemporary research aro und t he
10 )
Project Title
De velop me nt of a Metho d for Cadmium a nd Lea d
Ana lysis in Herbal Supp lements Using Ind uctively
Coupled P lasma Ma ss Sp ectr ometry.
Pro ject Code
Funding Source
Amount o f Funding
Duration of Project
Pro ject Leader
CHE-11 -1-02
201 1 – P 517 ,82 3.44
January 1 , 2011 – December 31, 2011
Dr. Irene B. Rodriguez
1 Universit y Research Asso ciat e I
Description o f the project:
The propo sed work is mainly focused on the development of a met ho d which
can be applied to the simultaneo us determination o f cadmium and lead in herbal
supplements/medicat ion. The optimized metho d may be useful for ro uti ne moni toring
of these contaminant s or for rando m analysis of t he se metals in the sampl es
mentioned. There is a need for a more sensitiv e analytic al technique for this purpo se,
t hus t he use of an I CPMS for the ele ment detection is considered. Current av ailable
t echniques involve the use of an at omi c abso rption spect ro me ter (AAS) o r an ato mic
emission spect ro meter (AES) w hich are also element-selective but have higher
detection limits as co mpared to t he relatively new t echnolo gy in ICPMS. The I CPMS
al so offers multi-elemental capabilit y whi ch can be easily explored in the future to
expand t he range of contaminants that may be de termined and monitored in t hese
sampl es. At t he end of the researc h, a ro bust and sensi tive method will be available for
use and the info rmation on the initial applicat ion of this metho d to act ual samples wi ll
prov ide an indic ation o n the quality o f some herba l supplements/medication as to
cadmium and lead co nt ent.
11 )
Project Title
Anti-Ulce r Activ ity of Some L eguminose Pla nts.
Pro ject Code
Funding Source
Amount o f Funding
Duration of Project
Pro ject Leader
CHE-10 -2-03
201 1 – P 517 ,82 3.44
January 1 , 201 1 – December 31, 2012
Dr. Christ ine C. Hernandez
1 Universit y Research Asso ciat e I
Description o f the project:
Ulc er is the mo st co mmon g astrointest inal dist urbance. It is the 5th most co mmon
occupational disease and the 7th leading cause of deat h i n the Phili ppines. I t is not a
deadly di sease but can lead t o more serious compl ic ations. Medicatio ns are used to
relieve the pain, heal ul cerations and delay recurrence of ulcerations. However, the
defi nit e healing o f pat ient s has not yet be en attained. Aside from thi s, curr ent
t reat ment s are not witho ut unwanted side effects. In this context, this proj ect aims to
identi fy pote ntial source s o f anti-ulcerativ e ag ent s from Phil ippine terrestrial plants. Thi s
will be acco mplished by screening sev eral plant extracts to identify a specifi c plant
with t he hig hest anti-ulcerative activity using an in vivo model. The compound/s
responsible for t he bioactiv ity exhibited by the plant sample with the highest ulcer
inhibition will be isolated and its st ructure elucidat ed by v arious spectroscopic
t echniques. The other bi oactiv e plant samples may also be pursued. Since majority o f
drug s in the market are based o n a natural product , thi s project wil l pave the way in
developi ng a nat ural product-based anti-ulcer health product for the de terrence of
di sease pro gression and prevention of complications.
12 )
Project Title
Cat ionic Lipopeptides with Pote ntial Antifung al and
Antibacteria l Activity.
Pro ject Code
Funding Source
Amount o f Funding
Duration of Project
Pro ject Leader
CHE-11 -2-04
201 1 – P 417 ,40 5.44
January 1 , 2011 – December 31, 2012
Dr. Portia Mahal G. Sabido
1 Universit y Research Asso ciat e I
Description o f the project:
I nfectious diseases re main to be the leadi ng cause of death in developi ng
countries like the Philippines. The rising fr equency of opportuni stic fungal infecti ons as
well as the increasing resistanc e t o classical anti bio tic treatment s has made the battle
against microbes challenging. Because of this, there is an urg ent need to develop
alt ernative and innovati ve antibacterial agents to diver sify the arsenal o f drugs that
are co mmercially available and to provide new t ools for multitheraphy treatment. To
slow down t he alarming trend of drug resi stance, it is likewise v ital to search for new
drug s wit h alte rnative mo des o f act ion.
With a better understandi ng o f drug resistance mechanisms, the newly
di scov ered ant imi crobial peptides have bee n conside red as promi sing candidates for
drug dev elopment. The goal of thi s research i s to desi gn and synthesize new cat ionic
lipopepti des and test their potential anti bac terial activit y. Desi gned cat ionic
lipopepti des with varying peptide le ngt hs that contain ornit hine and leucine residues
conjugat ed to the palmitic aci d will be synt hesized using manual soli d phase synt he sis.
We have started to do manual solid phase synthesi s in the Philippines and have
applie d it in t he preparation o f natural pro ducts such as cyclic pepti des and l inear
anti microbi al peptides like anopli n. We would li ke to ext end the use of this technolo gy
in the synt he sis of designed c ationic lipopeptides. Thi s te chnolog y will be a key tool fo r
our drug development program si nc e it will facilitat e the preparatio n o f promising
compounds with antibact erial activity.
13 )
Project Title
Use of La yer-by-Layer Tec hnique to Immob ilize
Meta l/Po lymer Nano comp osites on Silica Surfac e.
Pro ject Code
Funding Source
Amount o f Funding
Duration of Project
Pro ject Leader
CHE-11 -2-05
201 1 – P 523 ,82 3.44
January 1 , 2011 – December 31, 2012
Dr. Leo n M. Payawan, Jr.
1 Universit y Research Asso ciat e I
Description o f the project:
The main objectiv e o f this proj ect is to prepare multi layer t hin fi lm assembly fro m
nanoco mposi tes o f Ag /Pol yacrylic Ac id (Ag /PAA) and TiO2 /Polyacrylic Acid
(Ti O2 /PAA). PAA has been selected to co nt rol the size of Ag particles generated by radiati on induced free radi cal- reduction and si multaneo usly act as st abilizer to prev ent
particle agg regatio n. PAA al so serves to stabilize Ti02 particles aft er hydrolysis.
Ag/ PAA has been immobiliz ed o n glass surface using layer-by-layer te chnique
with t he po lycatio n poly(diallyldiammonium chloride) (PDDA) during the first year of thi s
proj ect. The driving fo rce for t hin film formation is t he el ectrost atic attraction bet we en
t he negati vely char ged pol ymer shell and PDDA molecule s.
The surface morpho logy, spect ro scopic and redox propert ies of the thin layers
will t hen be evaluat ed in t he succeedi ng year of the project, wi th t he vi ew of
incorpo rating functionality t o the nanomat erial. The size and shape distribution o f
nanoparticles in solution and multilayer films will be charact erized using U V-Vi s
spect roscopy, scanning elect ro n microscopy (SEM), ato mic fo rce microscopy (AFM).
Fluor escence spect rosc opy, and Diffuse reflectance spect roscopy will be done to see
if t he immobilized nanoco mposit es retained its solution pro perties
14 )
Project Title
Synthesis o f Photocatalysts Quantum Dots Stabilized
by the Greener Ionic Liq uid 1 -alkyl-3methylimida zolium Laur yl Sulfa te.
Pro ject Code
Funding Source
Amount o f Funding
Duration of Project
Pro ject Leader
CHE-11 -2-06
201 1 – P 453 ,82 3.44
January 1 , 201 1 – December 31, 2012
Dr. Susan D.R. Arco
1 Universit y Research Asso ciat e I
Description o f the project:
Environment al remediati on and the implementation of clean e nerg y
t echnolog ie s are now pr esently t ied-in with the thrust for sust ainabl e e co no mic
development worldwide. In order fo r the Phi lippines, a newly industrialized country, to
t ake-off in the glo bal arena, we must first pursue economic independence by making
t he most out of our resource s but t his pursuit must be along the present terms and
t rends of the global market. Geo graphically speaking, t he Philippines is a st rategic
location for the efficient harnessing o f sol ar power. Furthermo re, the Philippines is a
bio diversity hotspot. Hence, with this endow ment, we are in act uality poised fo r g lobal
Semi conductor phot ocatalysis is an active area of re search and comprises a
signifi cant variet y o f reactions and processe s including water deto xification, gas-phase
pollutant s removal, hydrogen transfer, photo catal yt ic oxidation, and photocatalytic
reducti on. Semiconducto r photocat aly sis is t hen an efficient too l by which to ef fec t
environment al remediation and to implement clean energ y t echnolo gy. Colloidal
quant um dot s are a kind of semiconductor nano crystal phot ocatalyst with phy sical
di mensions smal ler than it s excito n Bohr radius. Among the various quantum dot s, the
colloidal I l- VI g roups of met al chalcogenide s includi ng CdS, CdSe, and CdTe hav e
been ext ensivel y st udied due to their quantum co nfinement effect s and sizedepende nt pho toemission propert ies. Whi le various methods for the pr eparat ion of the
above quantum do ts in hi gh quality ense mbles and of narrow size dist ribut ion, much
emphasis i s now being placed o n the sustainable preparation o f t hese nanoparticles
which utilize less toxi c precursors in benign solve nts, envi ronmentally friendly supports,
and less ene rgy intensiv e proto cols. It is within these premises that w e propose a
cleane r synt het ic method by using ionic liquids for t he synt hesis o f quantum dot s.
15 )
Project Title
Contro lled Drug De live ry of Anti C anc er Drugs with
Polyanhydrid e.
Pro ject Code
Funding Source
Amount o f Funding
Duration of Project
Pro ject Leader
CHE-11 -2-07
201 1 – P 468 ,14 2.44
January 1 , 2011 – December 31, 2012
Dr. Florent ino C. Sumera
1 Universit y Research Asso ciat e I
Description o f the project:
The area of biodegradable materials for controlled release o f drug s is no w
bei ng ext ensively researched. This is because bi ode gradable mat ric es for drug
del iveri es obviate the ne ed to remo ve non-de generable drug depleted devices. The
ideal polymeric mat ri x combine the characteristics of hydrophilicity, storage stabili ty,
solubility in organic solvents, melti ng point bel ow 10 0oC to allow proc essing, contr olled
degradation and drug release, flexibilit y and non fragile pro perty. These propert ies can
hope fully be met by our newl y dev eloped polyanhydride made from hydroxylauiric
aci d fumaric and sebacic acid (HOLAM- SA) which we hav e studied initi ally in an NSRI
proj ect. The hydroxylauric acid here was synthesi zed from lauric acid, a major fatty
aci d of coconut oi l. Thi s time t his product polyanhydride will be applied in a spe ci fic
pro blem such as in the contro lled anticance r drug delivery. Thus, t his project will find
use for an abundant natural product such as coco nut o il and provide cheaper drug s
for applic ation to cancer patient s where the ant icancer drug could be also a natural
pro duct. The product of t he research will be ver y suitable for site specifi c
chemotherapy fo r the tr eatment o f solid t umors. The safe and effectiv e local delivery
of anti cancer drug s from biodegradable polymers will avoid the unacceptable t oxicit y
associat ed with systemic delivery and provide an important option for clinical solution
against cancer.
16 )
Project Title
Sum of Symp lectic Ma trice s.
Pro ject Code
Funding Source
Amount o f Funding
Duration of Project
Pro ject Leader
Co-Proje ct Leader
MAT- 11-1-01
201 1 – P 90,400
January 1 , 2011 – December 31, 20 11
Dr. Ag ne s Paras
Dr. Ralph John Dela Cruz
Description o f the project:
I t i s known t hat a product o f symplecti ce matrices i s symplecti c. By consideri ng
sums of sympl ectic matrices and canonical forms under symplectic equival ence, the
proj ect aims to give a bet ter understanding of t he role o f symplectic mat rice s in t he
study of 2n-by-2n matrice s.
17 )
Project Title
Numeric al Urba n Air Pollution Modelling of Metro
Ma nila.
Pro ject Code
Funding Source
Amount o f Funding
Duration of Project
Pro ject Leader
ESM-11 -2-01
201 1 – P 367 ,82 3.44
January 1 , 2011 – December 31, 2012
Dr. G erry Bag tasa
1 Universit y Research Asso ciat e I
Description o f the project:
Mo st meteorolo gical studi es i n t he Philippines deals with the weather
forecasti ng , or meteorologi cal phenomena wi th immediate consequences to t he
nati on like t hunde rstorm, t ypho on, fl ood, wi nd, etc. Howeve r, air quality probl ems have
as much immediat e implicat io ns as to weat her phenomena mentioned above.
Air pollution poses a si gni ficant t hreat to our env iro nment, human health and
our ov erall quality o f l if e. Accordi ng to t he Philippine Environment Monitor 2 002, a jo int
repo rt of the World Bank and the Department of Environment and Natural Resources
(DENR), there is an estimated 5,00 0 premature deat hs eac h year in Manila due to
respirat ory and cardiovascular diseases fro m e xposure to poo r air quality. And t he co st
of treat ment and lost inco me from t hese environment al diseases is roughly esti mat ed
at USD 300 million per year. Thi s is expected to worsen with t he increase o f vehicles
which makes up almost 70% of the metro’s anthropog enic emissio n. Many countries
are taking actio ns to enhance their technical and o perational capabilities t o monitor
and cont rol air quality and i mpl ement prev entive actions to reduce the risks o f air
pollutio n. I n the Philippi nes fo r inst ance, t he closure of a few coal -fired power plant s
aro und Manil a in 200 1 led to a reduction in sulfur dioxide concentrations, while t he
phase out of leaded gaso line led to a ten-fold reduction i n ambient lead levels since
20 01. Nevertheless, air po ll ution remained higher in urban centers than in rural areas
and many cities in t he country (including Met ro Manila) still o ften exceeds air po lluti on
standards. Over the last decade, accurate ambient air qual it y me asurements in t he
Me tropolis has never bee n really possible due to the absenc e of a consi st ent
monitoring prog ram. Whil e air qualit y monit ori ng has been initiated in the past most of
t hese hav e been t ransient e xercises and hav e ne ver been r eally sustained ove r t he
long term.
Air quality mo deling i s a cost ef fect iv e t ool t o assess the current and future
pollutio n estimations. Ai r quality modeli ng or atmo spheric dispersion modeli ng is the
mathematical si mulation of how air pollutants disperse and mov e in the atmosphere.
Computer programs perfo rm mathemati cal equati ons and al gori thms which simulate
t he pollutant transpo rt and dispersion to estimat e or to predict the downwind
concentrat ion o f air pollut ants emitt ed from a source. Such models are i mportant to
agencies for pro tecting and managing the ambient air quality. Ideally, it would be
excellent for all cities or count ries to dev elop a detailed knowledge base and hav e a
working version of an appropriate mo del, from emissio ns t o dispersion to impacts
assessment. A prac tical use o f models fo r instance is to det ermine whet her existing o r
pro posed new industrial facilities are or will be in co mpliance with t he local air quality
standards, also it can serv e to assist i n the desi gn o f effect ive co nt ro l strat egies to
reduce emissions of harmful air pollutants.
This st udy will be applied to Met ro Manila since an already existing array of air
qual ity measurements (from DENR) needed in modeling is available. The study being
pro posed will hopef ully motivate different g overnment al agencies/local gov ernment
units and ot her academic instit utions t hroughout the count ry to include air quali ty or air
pollutio n in weather forecasting i n the fut ure.
18 )
Project Title
Assessment o f Hyrologic C arrying Cap acity of Island
Wa tershed: The Role of Nutrient Loa ding .
Pro ject Code
Funding Source
Amount o f Funding
Duration of Project
Pro ject Leader
ESM-11 -1-02
201 1 – P 521 ,98 3.44
January 1 , 2011 – December 31, 2011
Dr. Tolentino B. Moya
1 Universit y Research Asso ciat e I
Description o f the project:
Wate r shortage i s a loo ming crisis in many parts o f the worl d. While the demand
for wat er conti nues to rise due to g rowing human popul ation, intensified agri culture,
industry, and enviro nmental needs fo r wat er of aquatic ecosyst ems, the amount o f
available water suppli es is limited and being increasingl y po llute d. One of the first steps
in addressing the c risis i s to loo k deepl y into t he dynamic int eractions bet we en
quant itative charact eristi cs of av ailable wat er resource s and water use. Then,
pro cesses that contribute to further reduction in t he amo unt of avai lable water supplies
by impairment of wat er quality through pollution should be identified and investigated
because it impinges o n the carrying capacity o f the wat er resource syst em. The cont rol
and manag ement of water quality for impai red st reams, especially where non-point
sourc e are the ov erwhelming contribut or, will require intensive monitoring activ it ies that
could be o utrageousl y e xpensive. Hydrologi c modeling of the fate and t ransport of the
pollutants is a feasi ble alternativ e to intensiv e monitoring.
There exists a plethora of t raditio nal, complex physically -based or engineering
or mechanistic hydrolo gic models t hat been developed to cove r wide range of
applications including fl ood control, hydropower studies, stor m drai nage analysis, po int
and non-point source pol lutio n anal yses, wat er reso urce planning and manag eme nt .
However, the t raditi onal physical or engineering mo del s used in hydrolog y had not
captured t he dynamics of the hydrolo gic processes and their interaction with the
environment , result ing i n unmit ig at ed deterio ration of qual it y o f re ceiving waters.
Oft ent imes, these model s bring with it techno cratic (or prescriptive) solut ions, whi ch
exace rbate stakeholders’ di sconnection wi th local st reams and other r eceiving wat ers.
Furt hermore, these mo dels inadequately perfo rmed under dat a-po or conditions that
occur i n most developi ng countries. The re is a strong ne ed for models and simulation
to ols t hat can represent comple x syst ems in a realistic way and in such a way that
stakeholders can be involv ed.
I n thi s proposed study, a si mple obj ect -oriented model that will combine bot h
empirical (dat a-drive n) and mechanistic aka process-based mo deling t echniques will
be formulated and develope d. Model formul ation will be based o n syst ems thinki ng
principl es (syst em dynamic approach) and could compensat e for the inadequacies o f
t raditional hydro lo gic models. Syst ems dynamics, a feedback-based met ho dology,
can be used to develop a model that considers the int eractions of internal dynamics
of hydro lo gic syst ems with land use/cover, socio-economics and demographics of
giv en wat ershed. The validat ed model co uld facilitat e t he i dentification of the sources
of problem behavior le ading to formulat ion of sustainable solut ions
19 )
Project Title
Cora l Assemblag es in Mode rn and U plifted Reef
Terraces from Pa milaca n, Bohol.
Pro ject Code
Funding Source
Amount o f Funding
Duration of Project
Pro ject Leader
ESM-11 -1-03
201 1 – P 467 ,82 3.44
January 1 , 2011 – December 31, 2011
Dr. Cherry L. Ringor
1 Universit y Research Asso ciat e I
Description o f the project:
Mo st of the present and projected global cl imate change has been
undertake n by palaeoclimatolo gists interested in the comparisons of rate s and
mag ni tudes o f physical chang e. Whi le this i s highly import ant, a complete
underst anding of this global pheno menon cannot be achieved wit hout thoro ugh
knowledge o f the corresponding rat es and magnit udes o f ecological chang e. Thi s
research looks i nto both the physi cal and ecological changes in coral reef eco sy stems
as a result of global climate variations that happened ov er geological t ime scales. The
need for long-term data sets i s v ital because important ecologi cal infl uences on coral
reefs may operate on a v ariety of te mporal and spatial scales, such t hat patte rns that
hav e been recogniz ed to have occurred ov er 10, 20, and even 30 years may simply
repre sent part o f long er t erm cycles that op erate o ver geo lo gic time scales. In this
respect, the fossil re co rds o f coral reef communities present a unique database fro m
which the re spo nse of co ral reef ecosyst ems t o environmental change over geologic
ti me sc ales may be estimat ed.
Pamilacan I sland, w hich is part of t he protect ed Bohol Marine Triangle, is an
ideal g round for studying t he biologi cal response o f coral reef ec osystems to g lobal
climat e fluct uations. First, because of extensiv e expo sure of uplift ed marine t erraces
aged 8 0- 125 ky, t he time when sea levels and sea surface temperatures are high,
which are unfavorable conditi ons for coral growth and re ef development. Second,
because of the diversi ty of modern corals which can be linked t o the pre sent
environment al setting o f the area. Thi rd, studies are currentl y being c onducted by the
pro ponent to dete rmine paleo-sea surface tempe rature and precipitation from the
fossil cor als in the area. By co mbini ng the re sult s expect ed from the previous and
present studi es, the impact of temperature and rainfall variabilit y to the communit y
structure and st ability of coral reefs can be det ermined. Thi s wil l provide an insight t o
t he respo nse of coral reef systems to fut ure global climate c hange syno nymous to t he
last interglacial, which i s crucial for coral reef conservat ion planning.
20 )
Project Title
Selected Ecological Aspects of Spinne r Dolphins
(Stenella longirostis) in Southern Taño n Stra it.
Pro ject Code
Funding Source
Amount o f Funding
Duration of Project
Pro ject Leader
Collabo rator
ESM-11 -2-04
201 1 – P 493 ,02 3.44
January 1 , 2011 – December 31, 2011
Dr. Lemnuel V. Arag ones
Dr. Edw ard O. Kei th
1 Universit y Research Asso ciat e I
Description o f the project:
The main g oal o f thi s project is to answe r so me ecological questions regardi ng
spinner dolphins i ncluding the species’ relative abundance, group struct ure, behavioral
patte rns, and spat ial and te mporal distribution. This information is nee ded for the
development of appropriate conse rv ation, education, and habit at protecti on
pro grams for this specie s and other cetaceans in the area. Such information will also
be ne eded in assessing possible i mpact s of cetacean w atching and ot her human
activities in the Strait. These studies will also serv e as models for examining populations
of spinner dol phi ns and other marine mammal spe ci es at diff erent bo dies of water in
t he Philippines.
This project is under a larger st udy, which have been conduct ed in
collaborat io n with Dr Edward 0. Keit h o f Nov a Southeastern University (FL, U SA) since
20 04. The study examines the ecolo gy and conservatio n o f cetaceans in the southern
Tañon Strait, Philippines. The southern Tañon Strait has one of the mo st comprehensive
databases of monthly cet acean sightings f rom June 199 7 to April 2001 . The
conservati on part of the study also c onsisted of int erv iewing the cetacean watchers,
fishers, and non-fishers in the study area. Results i ndicate that t here is a cl ear consensus
from t he stakeholde rs that there i s a ne ed t o protect and conserve t he cetaceans in
t he area.
21 )
Project Title
Ba seline Eco logy of Suspected Marine NonIndigenous Species in the Port of Manila.
Pro ject Code
Funding Source
Amount o f Funding
Duration of Project
Pro ject Leader
Collabo rators
ESM-11 -1-05
201 1 – P 400 ,02 3.44
January 1 , 2011 – December 31, 2011
Dr. Be njamin M. Vallejo, Jr.
Dr. Ma. Helena T. Yap
Dr. G eo rge Lin Teng Hui
Ms. Le anna Manubag
1 Universit y Research Asso ciat e I
Description o f the project:
The impacts o f marine
no n-indig enous species (NIS) o n the coastal
environment are considered serious to affe ct the national economy, public health,
to urism and fisheries. Since the Philippine e co no my has diversified and reli es much
on import s and expo rts, shipping tonnag e at po rts hav e increased. Manila’s No rt h
Harbour has re co rded a total o f 4 ,79 3 foreign ship cal ls in 2009 repre senting 73
t housand to ns and an estimated 13 thousand hours of port service calls.
Shipping remains the largest vector of mari ne NIS in the world largel y via
barnacle and mollusk att achment o n ship hulls and the e xchang e o f ballast water. The
second and third largest ve ct ors are aquaculture and the aquarium trade. Thus, there
is an initiat iv e spearheaded by the UN ESCO-Int ernat ional Oceano graphic Commission
(I OC) and t he I nt ernational Marit ime Org anization (I MO) to begin assessments in
t ropi cal ports in So ut he ast Asia. This is related to climate chang e co nc erns as curr ent
hypo theses nee d to be t este d o n how fast can marine invasiv e spread i n a warming
ocean. Manila Bay is used for aquacult ure and is the main shipping port of t he country.
Thus, t he risk o f NIS biol ogical invasion is hig h. There are to date suspecte d but yet
unverifi ed po ssible invasive specie s which include a dressei nid mussel Myt ilopsis
(rece nt ly declared invasiv e in Singapo re and Johore, Malaysia), a yet to be identified
jellyfish suspect ed of having a Caribbean o rig in and a possible introductio n of Myt ilus
galloprovincialis. The fo ll owing account s were reported by the curat orial department
of the Manila Oc ean Park in 2008-20 09.
So far there i s no doc umented marine NI S biological invasio n in the Phi li ppines
unlike in freshwater taxa. If the suspected marine invasives are confirme d to exi st and
recruit in Manila Bay, then the Pe rna v iridis aquacul ture industry may be affected as
well as port operat ions and the operation of tourist facilities such as the Manila Ocean
This pro ject also aims t o test NI S rapid survey and assessment te chniques
developed in Thailand in 2007 . Befo re addionaI funding fo r fut ure research
pro grammes can be co mmitted by int ernational funders, t he suitability of the
t echnique for local co nditions must be assessed.
(NSRI regular research staff received grants for the following externally funded projects)
Project Title
Va lid ation of Extra ction Met hods fo r Human DNA from
Used Cigarettes.
Funding Source
Amount o f Funding
Duration of Project
Pro ject Leader
P 300 ,0 00
December 2 011 - November 20 12
Dr. Maria Co razon A. De Ung ria
Description of t he proj ect:
DNA anal ysis o f fo rensic ev identiary mat erial i s a po we rful tool in linking an
individual to t he victim or the crime scene. Saliva may be found in various surfaces
found in the crime scene such as used ci garettes and l eft over food. By extracting DN A
from the epit helial cells prese nt i n saliv a, these pieces of evidence can be used for
DNA analysis.
However, saliv a stains are invisible to the naked eye when dry and onl y co ntain
minut e amo unt s of DNA thus emphasizing the need for an effe ctive ext raction met hod.
This st udy ai ms t o validat e an extract ion proto col for D NA fro m c igarett e but ts that
would be be st suit ed fo r the laboratory’s capabilities and purposes.
Project Title
Va lid ation of Procedures in DNA Extraction from
Forma lin-Fixed Par affin-Embed ded Tissues (FFP ET)
Sample s.
Funding Source
Amount o f Funding
Duration of Project
Pro ject Leader
P 300 ,0 00
March 2 011 – February 2012
Ms. Gayvelline C. Calacal
Description of t he proj ect:
DNA anal ysis is a powerful to ol for forensic human ide ntificati on purpo ses as
each individual possesses a unique g eneti c pro file with the exception of ident ical twins.
Any biologi cal sample, i.e., blood, bone, t ooth, tissue, can be used to g enerate a DNA
profile. In forensic applicat ions, biopsy tissues can be used as a so urc e o f g enetic
information for personal identificat ion o r pate rnity testing when no ot her specimen is
available. Mo re over, the DNA tec hnolo gy can also be used to establish identity o r
v erify t he true t issue sample source in issues of specimen mix-up or identity fraud.
We proposed to st udy different DNA extrac tion techniques to incr ease
efficiency o f recov eri ng and isolating
DNA from formalin
embedded t issue (FFPET) and subsequent ly, analysis of nucl ear and mi tochondrial
DNA to g enerate a ge netic pro file. DNA typing results (nucl ear DNA profile and
mtDNA sequence) obt ained from the FFPE T will be evaluat ed be fo re application
I n Philippine casework.
Project Title
DNA Testing of C hild Tra fficking C ases.
Funding Source
Amount o f Funding
Duration of Project
Pro ject Leader
DNA Prokid Initiative, U ni versity of Granada, Spain
and U nive rsity of North Texas Health Services, USA.
200 9 - 201 1
Dr. Maria Co razon A. De Ung ria
Description of t he proj ect:
DNA Pro kids is an int ernat ional humanitari an initi ative aimed at fighting against
t raffi c in human beings within and across national borders using ge net ic identification
of vi ctims and t heir famili es, especially childre n ( ). Trafficking of
children in t he Philippines for prostitution, illegal adoptio n, sale of organs, chil d labor
and other forms of exploitat ion i s signifi cant, hence, the passage of Republic Act 92 08
or the ‘Anti- Trafficki ng in Persons Act of 200 3’. This law also created the Inter-Agency
Coaliti on Against Child Trafficki ng (I ACAT) chaired by the Secretar y of t he Depart ment
of Justice (DOJ) and the Department o f Social Wel fare and Development (DSWD),
which was mandated t o co ordinate all efforts to fight trafficking in the Philippines.
However, only 13 traffickers hav e been prose cuted aft er six years since the law was
passed. One of the weake st links is in t he unavailability of evid ence to identify wo men
and children who hav e been traffi cked; and their ‘traffickers’.
I n November 2008, t he DNA Analysis Labo rat ory of the Natural Sciences
Research Institute o f the Universit y of t he Philippines Diliman campus (UP-NSRI ) was
invited to join t he initiative and t o function as the reference laborato ry that would
coor dinate local effo rt s to develo p forensic DNA technology fo r t his purpose. I n
Oct ober 2009, the U nive rsity of t he Philippine s Dili man sig ned a Memorandum of
Agreement with the Universit y o f Granada, which signified t he U niversity’s commitment
to share its t echnical resources and facility for the conduct of research, training and
extension work in l ine with the implementat io n of the DNA Pro- ki ds pro gram in t he
Project Title
Evaluatio n of Real-Time PCR Quantitation of Nuclea r
and Mitoc hond rial DNA: App lication to Fo rensic DNA
Ana lysis.
Funding Source
Amount o f Funding
Duration of Project
Pro ject Leader
P 300 ,0 00
July 200 9 – July 2011
Ms. Jazel yn M. Salv ador
Description of t he proj ect:
DNA using real -ti me quant itativ e PCR (qPCR) has g enerated a great deal o f
interest in the forensi c DNA typi ng co mmunity i n the past sev eral years. Wi th t he rec ent
development and improv ement of DNA typing t echnolo gies for human identi fication
(e.g., use o f commercial multiplex Short Tandem Repeat (STR) assays, DNA sequencing,
and high throughput and sensitive analysis plat forms), careful evaluat ion of t he
quant ity and quality of DNA extracted from biologi cal samples is an essential st ep.
I ncorporation of a more sensi tive DNA detection system suc h as qPCR prior to STR
t yping in t he DNA anal ysis procedure is a more cost-effecti ve way of analy zing
bio logical evidence. For example, several biological samples are oft en submitt ed i n a
forensi c investigat ion, but in most cases, o nly a fe w contain ampl ifiable DNA. Thus,
qPCR significantl y improv es the success rate o f generating a DNA pro file fro m an
evidentiary mat erial and sig nificant ly reduces DNA typing cost by analyzing the
appro pri ate sampl es for STR t yping. I n addition, quantit ation is often crucial as samples
may be limited - particularly from environmentally-compromised and highly degraded
sampl es that are oft en encount ered i n mass disast er incidents and from crime scene
investigations, e.g ., biolo gic al stains, body flui ds. Notably, DNA quantitat ion assays such
as slot blot t echnolog y that have been employed at the UP-NSRI DNA analysis
laborat ory in the past, are ofte n less t han accurate and sensitiv e, are time consuming,
and require the co nsumption o f a substantial amount of precious biolo gical samples.
I n order to establish a mo re sensi tive, accurate and precise method in assessi ng
t he quant it y and qualit y of human DNA i n forensi c casework samples, three qPCR
assays w ere ev aluate d and assessed as to their appl icability in handling
environment ally-compromised samples and DNA mixture samples collected fro m
victims of sexual assault.
Title of P roject
Funding So urc e
Amount o f Funding
Duration of the Proj ect
Pro ject Leader
Project 2 – Ma rine Microorganisms: Char acterization
and Culture Optimization und er the Progra m, “Marine
Drug Discovery from Sp onge-Associated
Microorganisms and from Turrid Snails for Anti-Pa in
Philippine Council for Aquatic and Marine Research
and Dev elopment (PCAMRD), Department of
Scienc e and Technolo gy (DOST)
Year 3: April 14, 2010 to December 31, 2011 – P 1,296,507.58
Year 3: April 14, 2010 to December 31, 2011
Dr. Maria Auxilia T. Si ringan
Phe no typic characterizati on and identification o f 24 bioactiv e sponge -de riv ed
marine microorganisms (priorit y MMOs) were undertaken. O f the 2 4 priority MMOs, 14
were giv en definitive identi fication based on phenotypic test result s which matched
molecular identi fication results based on1 6S or 1 8SrRNA gene analysis. The ident ified
bio active MMO s were assig ned to the following taxa, Achromobact er xylosidans,
Bacillus subtil is, Chryseobacterium indolog enes, Microco ccus luteus, Pseudo monas
aerugi nosa, Pseudo monas oryzihabitans, Pe nicillium sp., Rhodoto rula mucilaginosa,
Serratia sp., Stenotrophomonas, and St reptomyc es sp.
Culture optimizati on st udies were focused on the pH, NaCl, culture medium,
carbon source and ni tro gen source requirement s fo r the g rowth of two priority MMOs,
namel y iso lates P-046 -I-1 -A (R3) and ISP2-569 -A (56 9). Enhanc ed growth of R3 in shakeflask culture s was observed at pH 7 using R2A medium with 1% NaCl, glucose and
yeast e xtract . Growth o f isolate R3 was also favored in t he presence of maltose, starch
and in all media amended wit h yeast extract and another nitrogen source. With t he
t arget met abo li te stil l unidenti fied, v erifi cation of t he results ge nerat ed by growt hbased opt imization studies was not performed.
I solat e 56 9 produced two metabolites during t he optimization studies, namely,
actinomyci n D an unknown anti-infective. Actinomycin D showed activit y against
Staphyl ococcus aureus, Pseudo mo nas aeruginosa , Mycobacterium tuberculosi s and
has cytot oxicit y activity ag ainst MDCK ce lls.
The second met abol ite exhibit ed
bio activit y ag ainst Pseudo monas aeruginosa ATCC 101 45, St aphylo co cus aureusATCC
12 600 and MDCK ce lls. I mpro ved actinomycin yi eld was observed in 56 9 cult ure s
grown in Minimal Medium Davis (MMD) ame nded with 4 g /L glucose and 1 g/L NaNO 3
at pH 7 and witho ut NaCl.
I n lab- scale productio n using t he empi rically determined culture conditions, the
highest actinomycin yield, whic h was 2 83 mg /L, was observed at day 3 during t he 7day product ion.
Lab-scale actinomycin pro duc tion studi es prov ided a model for
future bioassay- guided opti mization st udies, particularly on the second metabolite,
using MMD and I SP4 as candidat e culture media.
Project Title
Glob al Air Passiv e Sa mp ling.
Funding Source
Amount o f Funding
Environment Canada Ai r Qualit y Pro cess Research
Division for Global Air Passive Sampling (GAPS) Projec t
P 10,00 0/year (Collaboratio n in sampling
expenses for sampl ing mat erials and shipping
provi ded by Environment Canada. Transpo rt ation
Duration of Pro ject
Proj ect Leader
and ot her expenses in deploying and retriev ing the
sampl es are shouldered by RASL Trust Acc ount )
January 2005 – on-going
Dr. Evangeline C. Santiago
The Global Air Passiv e Sampling Proj ect is organized to mo nitor the Persist ent
Organic Pollutants in strate gic places around the gl obe to g enerat e baseli ne data on
the concentrations o f Polychlo rinat ed Biphenyls and Organochlorine Pesticides that
are cov ered by t he Stoc kholm Conv ention. The data will be use d as reference t o
assess the effectiveness o f t he Conv ent ion.
Fig. 1. Passive Air Sampler used for the Global Air Passive Sampling (GAPS) Project
The 20 11 DA-BAR/UP -NSRI Research P ro ject on “P ost-Do ctoral and Se nior Scientist
Re se arch Fe llowship in Ba sic Resea rc h for Agriculture a nd Fisheries”
Project Title
Influe nce of Roasting on the C hemica l Attrib utes and
Antioxida nt Activity of Philipp ine Coffee.
Funding Source
Amo unt of Funding
Duration of Pro ject
Proj ect Leader
Ho st Scienti st
Proj ect Dev’t Associ ate
P 500 ,0 00
June 15, 2010 - June 1 5, 20 11
Dr. Ruel M. Mojica
Dr. Leni L. Quirit
Mr. Jay Mathias A. Arellano
Coffee is one o f the most import ant commodi ties of the Philippines. I t has long
bee n t he mo st popular drink among the Filipino s. They normally drink coffee to
acc ompany t heir me als and snacks. Today, Filipinos pre fer freshly brewed coffee in
special blends and in a v ariety of flav ors and conc octions. Befo re one can drink a cup
of qualit y co ffee, it has to undergo several important post harvest processes such as
drying and roasting.
Roasting i s an essential step in c offee production for g enerated aro ma, flav or
and color of the coffee beans. The mode of heat transfer and the applied
temper ature profi le are the mo st critical proce ss paramete rs to hav e a major impact
on the chemical properties of roast ed c offee beans. During roasting, the green beans
are heated at 200- 2400C for 10 min depending on t he deg ree of roasting required,
whic h is qualitati vely assesse d from moi sture co nt ent, for example, simple
cat egorizat ion as a light, medium o r dark roast. I t leads t o profound chang es in the
chemical co mposi tion of coffee such as prot ein, amino acids, fatt y acids, reducing
sugars, sucrose, chlorogenic acid, water dec reasing and melanoidins fo rmation, many
of which are due to Maillar d reaction. I t occurs when sug ars condense with fre e amino
aci ds, pept ides or proteins, and l eads to t he formation of wide v ariety of compo unds
repo rt ed to possess antioxi dant activ it y or even prooxidant propert ies. Toxic elements
might also be present due t o co ntamination to roasting eq uipment. Although several
studies were done on the chemical compo sition of different crops, few st udies w ere
made on the antioxidant ac tivity of coffee. In fact, no studies were reported on t he
chemical characte ristics and ant io xidant activity of Philippine Coffee. Acco rding t o
PCARDD (1 976), there are four coffee v arieties popul arl y grown in the Philippines. They
are Coffea arabica which has the best cup quali ty because o f its flavor and aroma;
Coffea liberica, also known as “Kapeng Barako” because it produces the big gest berry
amo ng t he co mmercial gro ups; Co ffea excelsa whi ch is similar to liberica except for its
smo other, thinner, and more rounded leaves with smoot h edge; and Co ffea robust a
which i s characterized by a larg e umbrell a-shaped growth. The berries which are
smaller than arabica are cl osely clustered when ripe, they are bloo d red, so me being
solid in color and others are with fine strip of dark red and light red.
The aim of this st udy is to determine the effe ct o f roasting on the chemical
attributes and antioxidant act ivity of Philippine coffee. Two most common vari eties
namel y: Robust a and Arabica varieties will be used in the study. It is expected that t he
result s will lead to a better understanding of t he chemical characteristi cs and
antio xidant pro perties o f Philippine co ffee .
The NSRI regularly p ublishes the following :
1) NSRI Annual Rep ort. Thi s is a compilation of abst rac ts of NSRI -supported researc hes and
includes a summary of the Institute 's e xtension services fo r the ye ar co vered.
2) NSRI Research and Exte nsio n P rograms. A summary of NSRI -funded researche s and
extension se rv ices for t he year reproduced for dissemi nation to the public.
3) NSRI Catalogue of C ultures. Thi s de scribes the culture c ollection holdi ng of the
Mi cro biologic al Research and Ser vices Labo rat ory and i s updated ev ery two years.
4) R & D Ser vices. a) Brochure o f NSRI Research and Technical Services
b) Catalo gue of Traini ng Courses uploaded in the NSRI website.
5) Scientific Publications Ba sed on NSRI-Funded and NSRI-Assiste d Projects. The output o f
NSRI supported project s are publi shed by researchers in scientific journals. The 2011
publ ications based on NSRI -funded proje ct s and ot her proj ect s housed at NSRI are
shown below (Table 3 ).
Table 3. 2011 Publications based on NSRI researches and other projects housed at NSRI.
L.P. Nudo and E.S. Catap
Immunostimulatory Effects of
Uncaria perrottetii (A.Rich.) Merr.
(Rubiaceae) Vinebark Aqueous
Extract in Balb/C Mice
Journal of
Vol. 133: 613-620 (2011)
Puzon,J.M., Rivero,G.C.,
Montano, M.N.E. and
Alcantara, J.P.
5,5’-Dithiobis(2-Nitro-Benzoic Acid)Reactive Biomolecul es in t he Leaf
Protoplasts of Cadmium-exposed
Eichhornia crassipes (Mart.) Solms.
and Mercury-Exposed Chromolaena
odorata (L.f.) R.M. King et H.
Philippine Agricultural Scientist
Vol. 94 No. 3, 7-14 (2011)
Canoy, R.J.C., Michael, J.,
Lomanta, J.C.,Ballesteros,
P.M., Chun, E.A.C., Dator,
R.P. and Jacinto, S.D.
Cancer Chemotherapeutic
Potential of Endemic and
Indigenous Plants of Kanawan,
Morong, Bataan Province,
Asia Life Sciences
20(2): 331-339 (2011)
Taganna,J.C., Quinico,J.P.,
Perono, R.M.G., Amor,E.C.,
Rivera, W.L.
Tannin-Rich Fraction form Terminalia
catappa inhibits Quorum Sensing
(QS) in Chromobact erium
violaceum and the QS-Controlled
Biofilm Maturation and LasA
Staphylolytic Activity in
Pseudomonas aeruginosa
Journal of
Vol. 134: 865-871 (2011)
Contin u ation of Table 3.
A.B.Aloy, B.M.Vallejo Jr.,
Increased Plastic Litter Cover Affects
the Foraging Activity of the Sandy
Intertidal Gatropod Nassarius pullus
Marine Pollution Bulletin, Vol.
62: 1772-1779 (2011)
NSRI (In-House)
E.C. Santiago and M.G.
Organochlorine Pesticides in
Ambient Air in Selected Urban and
Rural Residential Areas in the
Philippines Derived from Passive
Samplers with Polyurethane Disks
Bulletin of Environmental
Contamination and
Vol. 86, No. 1 (2011)
R.O. Rubio, A. Suzuki,
Niimi, O. Yamashita, T.
Cloning of cDNAs Encoding Sorbitol
Dehydrogenase-2a and b,
enzymatic Characterization, and
Up-Regulated expression of the
Genes in Bombyx mori Diapause
Eggs Exposed to 5oC
Insect Biochemistry and
Molecular Biology, Vol.41,
No.6, 378-387 (2011)
F.Delfin, J.M. Salvador, G.C.
Calacal, H.B. Perdigon, K.A.
Tabbada, L.P. Villamor, S.C.
Halos, E. Gunnarsdottir, S.
Myles, D.A. Hughes, S. Xu,
L.Jin, O. Lao, M.Kayser, M.E.
Hurl es, M.Stoneking and
M.C. De Ungria
The Y- Chromosome Landscape of
the Philippines: Extensive
Heterogeneity and Varying Genetic
Affinities of Negrito and Non-Negrito
European Journal of Human
Genetics, 19, 224 -230 (2011)
S.M.B. Maiquilla,J.M.
Salvador, G.C. Calacal , M.S.
Sagum, M.R.M. Dalet, F.C.
Delfin, K.A. Tabbada,
S.A.E.L.Franco, H.B.
Perdigon, B.J. Madrid, M.P.
Tan and M.C. De Ungria
Y-STR DNA Analysis of 154 female
Child Sexual Assault Cases in the
Int J Legal Medicine
125 (6): 817-24 (2011)
S.M.B. Maiquilla, .M.
Salvador, G.C. Calacal,
F.C.Delfin, K.A.Tabbada,
H.B.Perdigon, M.R.M.Dalet,
M.S.Sagum and M.C.A. De
Expansion of the Philippine
Autosomal Short Tandem Repeat
Population Database for DNA-Based
Paternity Testing.
Philippine Journal of Science
140(1):1-6. (2011)
W.Hatin, A.Nur-Shafawati,
M.Zahri,S. Xu, L.Jin, S.Tan,
M.Rizman-Idid, B.Zilfalil and
The HUGO Pan-Asian SNP
Population Genetic Structure of
Peninsular Malaysia Malay SubEthnic Groups
6(4) (2011)
The NSRI’s second principal function is t o render serv ic es to researchers. These servi ces
are the fo llowing:
(1 ) Techni cal assistance and advisory services
(2 ) Training courses, se minars and conferenc es; and
(3 ) Information and community se rvice s
The NSRI has, howev er, o pened these services t o i nstitutions and ag encies outside U P
to maximize the use o f facili ties and equipment and to make the e xpertise of its research staff
av ailable to the general public.
The NSRI re search and t echnical staff provide t echnical and adv isory se rv ice s to
rese archers, student s, government and privat e institutio ns as well as private i ndividuals.
Technica l Assistance
The NSRI’s te chnical serv ices laboratories are o rganized into t he following units:
Biol ogical Research and Services Labo ratory (BRSL)
DNA Anal ysis Labo ratory (DAL)
Mi cro biological Research and Servi ces Laborat ory (MRSL)
Research and Analyt ical Services Labo ratory (RASL)
The services rendered by each laboratory are found in the succeeding pages.
So cialized fees are c harg ed by the laborato ries t o cover cost of supplies, equipment
maintenance, utilities and servic es.
The Biolog ical Research and Services Laborat ory i s located at t he Natur al Sci ences
Rese arch Institut e of the U niv ersity of t he Philippines Di liman. I t pro vides biologi cal services
adapted to specific needs o f research in t he nat ural sciences primarily in the eval uation o f
toxicity and safety of foods, drug s, and other biological substances. BRSL’s mode rn facility is
ideal for researchers, graduat e, and underg raduat e student s of U P and other univ ersities as
well as for sci ence perso nnel from g overnment and indust ry. It has mi cro scopy, cell culture,
and molecular biolo gy lab orato ries for the proc essing of anci ent and modern
bioarchaeologi cal samples for populat ion ge net ic studies.
Fo r several years, BRSL has be en co nducti ng workshop on the proper care and handling
of laboratory mice to meet int ernational st andards. As a respo nse to the growing need on t he
use o f laborat ory animals in re search and to bet ter serv e its client s in the scienti fic co mmunity
a laborato ry animal facility is now being const ructed so that researchers and students will
hav e access to a reliable source of healthy lab orato ry animals for their research and the sis
experiment s.
The BRSL collaborat es with the Instit ute o f Chemistry led by Dr. Carina Ramos and Dr.
Leni Quiri t in t he NSRI -funded research project entitl ed “Toxicologi cal assessment of extracts o f
indoor dust , labo ratory and faculty roo m air samples, and diesel/biodiesel exhaust-impacted
air using Allium cepa Cyt ogenetic Assay.”
Extension Services/Clients
The BRSL conti nues to support the research and undergraduate/g raduat e prog rams
of the U niv ersity particularly those o f t he Coll ege of Science. Other cli ents include academic,
gov ernment and priv ate compani es. We prov ide bioassay services and use of equipment, as
well as conduct workshops on labo ratory ani mal handling and DNA isolation/basi c molecular
biolo gy. Dat a o n the BRSL’s services are present ed below.
Fig.2. BRSL’s services illustrated as rings representing the different client types, starting with the innermost
ring representing Type I, increasing outward up to Type V. No Type VI clients were served in 2011. The
outermost single ring, representing the services availed by all client types, shows that about t wo thirds of
the laboratory’s clients in 2011 used the equipment, most of whom were College of Science (CS) students
(Type I) and NSRI-based researchers (Type II), as well as some non-UP students (Type IV). About 20% of
client s were workshop participants, mostly from the academe — UP and non-UP employees and
students. The rest of the services, including assays, made up the remaining 15% of the lab’s service
output. Uncommon services such as bioavailability assay, specimen identification, and room use were
combined as “Others.”
Fig.3. Chart showing the breakdown of equipment rental in 2011 by client type, as denoted by rings. The
inverted microscope and autoclave were the most frequently used equipment, together accounting for
a third of all requests for equipment use, the former being more commonly used by CS students. The
rarely rented pieces of equipment are the sonicator, micropipettor, and the hotplate stirrer. There were
no Type V/VI equipment users in 2011.
Fig.4. Client type profile of the participants of BRSL’s workshops in 2011. The cluster of three rings
represents the different workshops conducted by BRSL in 2011, starting with the DNA Isolation Workshop
(A), the Laboratory Animal Handling Workshop (B), and the Basic Molecular Biology Workshop (C). The
outermost single ring represents all the participants of the three workshops combined. The chart shows
that UP employees and students (Type III) comprised more than half of the total number of participants.
Non-UP students and faculty (Type IV) made up a third of the total while the remaining was composed of
UP College of Science students (Type I ) and individuals. The DNA Isolation workshop was conducted for
UP I ntegrated School students, hence, was compose entirel y of Type I II clients. About half of the
participants of the Lab Animal Handling Workshop we from ot her UP units (Type III).
Fig.5. Client type profile showing that a third of the BRSL’s
clients in 2011 were NSRI-based researchers (Type I I) and about
25% were CS students (Type I). While together they constituted
just over half of all clients, they represented about 95% of
equipment use. Other UP students and employees (I II) and nonUP students and researchers (IV) each comprised about 20% of
all clients, whereas private individuals and companies (V)
made up only a small percentage of BRSL’s cl ients. Except for
equipment use, most of the laboratory’s services, such as
bioassays and photomicroscopy were generally availed of by
non-UP clients.
Support to Students
Graduate assitance
Ma cusi, Erna S.; PhD in Development Research – Cent er for Development
Research (ZE F), University of Bonn, Ge rmany. Dr. Manfred Denich (Tutor), Prof.
Nestor Alt overos (External Supe rvi sor; U PLB). Spatial analysis of the g eneti c
div ersity of bitt ergourd (Mo mordi ca charantia L.) and its conservation in
Northern Philippine s.
Undergad uate stud ent assis ta nce
Tayo, Paula Katarina S.; Ocampo, Kristine. BS Biolog y – University o f the
Philippines Manila. D r. Arnold Hallare (Adviser). Assessing the g enot oxic impact
of fish cag e aquacult ure o n Taal Lake (Philippi nes) w ater via comet assay and
mi cro nucleus te st on Nile Tilapia (Oreo chromis niloticus) erythro cytes.
Antonio, Ma. Ka trina and Cruz, Anna Krizzia. BS Biolo gy – Miriam Co ll ege. Prof .
Jo el Corni sta (Lab Professo r). DNA i solation o f E. coli.
High school stud ent assista nce
Canlas, Ra chelle C .; Carillo, Jella Ma rie P .; Limlingan, Chesedel Jobien M.
Sc ience and Technolog y Research project – Philippine Science High School,
Main Campus. Testing the feasibilit y o f usi ng t he veno m of st ephano (Nausitho e
rac emosa) as cell-lysing agent fo r DNA extraction.
Olais, Jason Ea rll Na poleo n S.; Sanico, A rlo Rica rdo Q.; Top acio, Maria Isa bel B.
Sc ience and Technolog y Research project – Philippine Sc ience Hig h Scho ol,
Main Campus. Venom extracted from mag nificent anemone (H. magni fica) as
an alternati ve cell lysing agent in DNA ext raction.
Fig. 6. Philippine Science High School students prepar e to do agarose
gel electrophoresis of their samples for their school research project.
Ana lyses for thesis/special proje cts
Cyt otoxicity assay – 7/15 (De La Salle University, D asmariñas; Cavi te Nat io nal
Scienc e High School; Bucal Nati onal Scie nce High Scho ol,
Cavite; St. Theresa’s School of Nov aliches)
Genoto xicity assay – 2/2 (Bucal National Science Hi gh Sc hool , Cavite)
Ant igenotoxicity assay – 2/2 (Buc al National Sci ence Hig h Sc hoo l, Cavite)
Loca l
U.P. Diliman Ar chaeologic al Studies Prog ram
U.P. Diliman I nstit ut e o f Chemistry
Trainings/Seminars conducted
1) Title of Training
: Basic Molecula r Biology Workshop
Funding Source
Dat e
No. o f participants
Pro file of parti cipants
: Participants paid a fee fo r lect ure and labo ratory
: February 10, 2011
: Ms. Erna Lo ui se L. Elias
: P 1 ,5 00 o utsider participant
: 20
: students and teachers o f West Visay as Stat e Universit y
Fig.7. West Visayas State University students prepare to
centrifuge samples during the Basic Molecular Biology
2) Title of Training
Funding Source
Dat e
No. o f participants
Pro file of parti cipants
: DNA Isolat ion Workshop
: Participants paid a fee fo r lect ure and laborato ry
: March 15 & 16 , 2011
: Ms. Raquel O. Rubio
: P 5 ,0 00
: 32
: students of U.P. I nt egrat ed School
Fig.8. UP I ntegrated School students load DNA
samples for electrophoresis during the DNA Isolation
3) Title of Training
Funding Source
Dat e
No. o f participants
Pro file of parti cipants
: La boratory Anima l Workshop
: Participants paid a fee fo r lect ure and labo ratory
: April 29, 2 011
: Dr. Maria Ame li ta C. Est acio, Ms. Raquel O. Rubio,
Ms. Erna Lo uise L. Elias
: P 3 ,0 00 o utsider participant, P2,500 U P student /employee
: 15
: students, pro fessi onals
Fig.9. Participants dissect lab mice during the hands-on session of
the Laboratory Animal Workshop on April 29, 2011.
4) Title of Training
Funding Source
Dat e
No. o f participants
Pro file of parti cipants
: La boratory Anima l Workshop
: Participants paid a fee fo r lect ure and labo ratory
: Oct obe r 28, 2 011
: Dr. Maria Ame li ta C. Est acio, Ms. Raquel O. Rubio,
Ms. Erna Lo uise L. Elias
: P3,000 outsider participant, P 2,500 U P student /employee
: Students, pro fessionals
Fig.10. Dr. MAC Estacio shows participants the proper techniques
used in animal experiments during the Laboratory Animal
Workshop on October 28, 2011.
Fig.11. Participants practice collecting blood
from lab mice during the Laboratory Animal
Workshop on October 28, 2011.
Recent developments and other related activities of the BRSL for 2011
BRSL presented a poster in the booth of the DA- BAR/U P-NSRI Post -Docto rate and Senio r
Sc ient ist Research Fel lo wship in Basic Research in Agricult ure and Fi sheries Progr am,
during t he 1st Int ernat ional Agriculture & To urism Expo at the World Trade Center fro m
June 30 to July 2, 201 1 to sho wcase t he facilities o f and servic es offered by the BRSL.
Fig.12. (a) NSRI researchers in the DA-BAR/UP-NSRI booth with DA-BAR administrative assistant Mr.
Jay Arellano. (b) Poster of BRSL presented at t he 1st Int ernational Agriculture and Tourism Expo.
Old and bust ed equipment were conde mned and surrendered to t he SPMO.
Construction was st art ed on the animal facili ty where laboratory mice for research will
be bred and raised.
The fol lo wing items were purc hased wit h funds from the DA- BAR/U P-NSRI Research
Fe ll owship:
Wate r di spenser
Electric fan
Name of Vi sitor:
Number of Visito rs:
Date o f Visit:
Perpetual Help U niv ersity – Laguna
16 students
January 31, 20 11
Name of Vi sitor:
Number of Visito rs:
Date o f Visit:
San Beda Colle ge – Al abang
73 students
Sept ember 7, 2011
Manpower Development
Activ ities of BRSL Staff in 2011
1) RAQUEL O. RUBIO (University Researcher I)
Positions held
Head, BRSL
Associ ate Member, Nat io nal Research Council o f the Phili ppines
Li fe Me mber, Philippine Assoc iation fo r the Advanc ement of Sci enc e
Li fe Member, Philippine Association fo r Laboratory Animal Science
Li fe Me mber, Philippine Environmental Mutagens Society
Li fe Me mber, Philippine Societ y of Cell Biolo gy
Me mber, U P Diliman Insti tut ional Animal Care and Use Co mmitt ee
Semina rs/Co nferences/Symposia/Trainings attend ed
6 th APOCB I nt ernational Co ng ress fo r Cell Biolog y, “Challenges in Cell Bio logy,
Health, Agriculture , I ndustry and Educatio n”, EDSA Shangrila Hotel,
Mandaluyo ng City. February 25 -28, 2011.
78 th NRCP General Me mbership Assembly, Manila Hot el, Manila. March 1 0,
20 11.
DNA I solation Workshop, Biological Research and Servi ces Laborator y, NSRI , UP
Diliman, Quezon City. March 15 -16, 2011.
Labo ratory Ani mal Workshop, Bi ological Research and Serv ices Labo ratory,
NSRI , UP Diliman, Quezon Ci ty. April 2 9, 2011 .
Labo ratory Ani mal Workshop, Bi ological Research and Serv ices Labo ratory,
NSRI , UP Diliman, Quezon City. Octo ber 28, 20 11.
Towards Effec tive Managerial Compet enci es, POAP, I nc. Bacolod City. July 5 -8,
20 11.
“Insig ht s and Oppo rt unitie s in Mi croarray-Based Studies: Doing Research at the
U P Manila-NIH Mi croarray Core Facility”, NIH Conference Room, National
I nstitutes o f Health, Universit y of the Phili ppines Manila. Sept ember 2, 2011.
31 st Annual Convention of the Philippine Environmental Mut agen So ciety, Pilar
Herrera Hall, Institut e of Chemist ry, University of the Phili ppines Diliman, Quezon
Ci ty. Nov ember 26, 20 11.
38 th Annual PSBMB Co nvention, “Exploring the Molecules of Life: Applications to
Health, Food, Security and Biodiv ersity”, Thomas Aquinas Research Co mpl ex,
University o f Santo Tomas, Manila. De cember 8-9, 2 011.
Public ations
R.O Rubio , A. Suzuki, K. Mitsumasu, T. Ho mma, T. Niimi , O . Yamashit a, T.
Yaginuma. Cloning of cDNAs Enc oding Sorbitol Dehydro genase-2a and b,
Enzymati c Characterizatio n, and Up -regulat ed Expre ssio n of t he Genes in
Bo mbyx mori Diapause Eg gs Exposed to 5 oC. Insect Biochemist ry and Molecular
Bio logy 41 (20 11) 378 -38 7.
2) ERNA LOUISE L. ELIAS (University Researc h Associate I)
Positions held
Member, Philippine Nat ive Plant Conservation Societ y, I nc.
Member, Association o f Syst ematic Biologi sts o f the Philippines
Add itiona l assig nment
Exami ner , UP Colleg e Admi ssion Test (U PCAT) fo r SY 2 012-201 3, U.P. Diliman,
Q.C. August 6-7, 2 011.
Semina rs/Symp osia/Tra ining s a ttende d
Basi c Mol ecular Biolog y Workshop, Biolog ical Research and Serv ices
Laboratory, NSRI , U P Dil iman, Quezo n Cit y. February 10 , 201 1.
Laboratory Animal Workshop, Biolo gical Research and Servi ces Labo rat ory,
NSRI, U P Diliman, Quezon City. April 29, 2 011.
Laboratory Animal Workshop, Biolo gical Research and Servi ces Labo rat ory,
NSRI, U P Diliman, Quezon City. Octo ber 28, 20 11.
201 1 Annual ASBP Sc ient ific Confere nc e, Universit y of Santo Tomas, Manila, May
16-18, 2011.
Life Science Pocket Seminar Wo rkshop, G uill-Bern Corporation Training Cent er,
Pasig City. Sept ember 30, 2 011.
1st I nternati onal Symposium of the Philippine Nati ve Plants Co nservat ion
So ciety, I nc., Nat ional Museum, Manila. Nov ember 19-20, 2011.
Philippine So ci et y of Biochemist ry and Molecular Biolog y 38th Annual
Conv ent ion, Universit y of Santo To mas, Manil a. December 8-9, 20 11.
The D NA Analysis Laboratory (U P-NSRI DAL) i s one of the fo ur research and extension
serv ice labo ratories in the Nat ural Sciences Re sear ch Inst itute of Univ ersity o f the Philippines,
Diliman. The UP-NSRI DAL i s mainly composed of dedicat ed sections desi gned f or the v arious
stag es of DNA analysis. A secured E vidence Roo m prov ides fo r the cataloguing and sto rage of
biolo gical sampl es fo r DNA analysis. Guests and cli ent s are received at the U P-NSRI DAL
Meet ing Ro om and all administrativ e functions are conducte d at t he Staff Room.
Rese arches
Terminating in 201 1
Validation of Procedures for DNA Analysis of Meat Product s funded by the Natural
Sciences Research I nstitute, Univer sity o f the Philippine s, Diliman.
On-going /renewed for 2011
DNA Testing of Child Trafficki ng Cases in collaboration wit h t he DNA-Pro kids
Initiat ive, Univ ersity of Granada, Spain and the University of North Texas Healt h
Science Research Cent er.
Unde rstanding the Genetic Diversity and Identity of Filipino Po pulations in
collaboration with the Max Planck I nstitute for Evolutionary Ant hro polog y, Leipzig,
3. Validation
of Proc edures i n DNA Extract ion from Formalin- Fixed
ParaffinEmbedded Tissues (FFPET) Sample s funded by the Offi ce o f Vic e Chancellor fo r
Research and D evelopment, U niv ersity of t he Philippines, Diliman.
4. Evaluat ion of real-time PCR assays for quant it ation o f nuclear and mi tochondrial
DNA: application to fo rensic DNA analysis funded by the Office of Vice Chancel lo r
for Research and Dev el opment, Universi ty of the Philippines, Diliman.
Appr oved in 201 1
Validation of Ext raction Methods for Human DNA from U sed Cigaret tes funded by
the Office of Vice Chancellor for Rese arch and Development , University of t he
Philippines, Diliman.
Extension Services/Clients
DNA-Pro kids Cases
DNA services, n=2
DNA Paternity Test ing
Inquiries, n= 234
DNA services, n= 55
Support to Students
Mr. Frederic k C. Delfin i s working on his Docto ral St udies thesi s under t he
Internat io nal Max Pl anck Research School, Leipzig School o f Human Origins, Max
Planck I nst itute fo r Evolutionary Anthropology, Leipzig, Germany.
Dr. Maria Corazo n A. De Ung ria is the Thesis Reader of Ms. Lilian P. Villamor on her
Mast er o f Science (Marine Bi ology) thesis under the Marine Science I nstitute.
Dr. Maria Corazon A. De U ngria teaches in t he Science, Te chnolo gy and Society
Pro gram of t he Co llege of Science.
Dr. Maria Corazo n A. De U ngria is a Reviewer for the PCARRD-DOST-PCC Projec t,
‘Charact erization of swamp and riverine buffalo genome’ of Drs. Ester Flores and
Rommel Herr era o f the Philippi ne Carabao Center March 201 0 to April 201 2.
Loca l
Philippine Genome Cent er (PGC)
Arc haeologi cal Studies Prog ram (ASP)
Asia Against Chil d Traffi cking (Asia-ACT) (NGO)
Asia Foundation
Child Pro tection-Network (CPU-Net)
Commi ssio n on Human Rights (CHR)
Department o f Justice (DOJ) – I nte r-Ag ency Council Against Trafficking (I ACAT )
Department of Science and Techno logy
Department of Science and Techno logy ARMM
Department of Social Welfare and Dev elopment (DSWD)
EnGende r Right s
House of Representative s – Co mmitt ee on Sci enc e and Technolog y
I nte rnat io nal Justice Mi ssion (I JM)
Nat io nal Academy of Science and Technology (NAST)
Nat io nal I nstitutes of Health (NIH)
Network fo r Integ rative Multidisciplinary Bioinformatics Ut ili zation
Strateg ies Inc. (NIMBUS)
Out standi ng Young Scientist s Inc (OYS Inc)
Philippine Carabao Center (PCC)
Philippine National Police – Women and Children Pro tectio n Ce nt er (PNPWCPC)
Philippine Science High School Syste m (PSHS)
The O ut standing Wo me n in t he Nat ion Se rvice (TO WN S)
Academy of Science fo r the Developing World (TW AS)
American Asso ciation of Blood Banks (AABB)
Asian Forensi c Science Netwo rk (AFSN)
Asia- Pacific Asso ciation of Science and Techno logy
DNA-Pro kids Internatio nal
Max Planck I nst itute for Evo lutionar y Anthropolog y (G ermany)
University o f Granada (Spain)
University o f North Texas He alth Science Center (U SA)
Trainings conducted
Title of Tra ining
Training Workshop for Medical Health Officers, Law Enforcement
and Social Workers
Funding Source
No. o f participants
Pro fil e of parti cipants
De velopment Academy of the Philippines, Caraga Region
June 2-3, 2 011
Dr. Maria Co razon A. De Ung ria
medical health officers, law enforcers, social workers
Title of Tra ining
Developments in Forensic DNA Typing Technology in the
Funding Source
No. o f participants
Pro fil e of parti cipants
Outstanding Young Scientists I nc (Philippine Academy of Young
July 12, 2011
Ms. Gayvelline C. Calacal
scientists, academe and researchers
Title of Tra ining
DNA typing technology for the science-oriented telerad io
progr am “Bago Yan Ah”.
Funding Source
ABS-CBN Foundation, Inc in cooperation with t he Department of
Science and Technology
April 3, 2011
Ms. Gayvelline C. Calacal
No. o f participants
Pro fil e of parti cipants :
natio nwide
general public
Recent developments and other related activities of DAL for 2011
Ms. Gayvelline C. Calacal, RMT, MSc received the Gawad Chanselor Award for
Natatanging REPS (Research Category) awarded by the University of the Philippines,
Diliman, February 2011.
Dr. Maria Corazon A. De U ngria was appointed as t he Director of the Forensics and
Ethnicity Program under the Philippine Genome Cent er.
Dr. Maria Corazon A. De U ngria received a Study Fellowship awarded t hrough the
Erasmus Mundus Maheva (MAn Health Environment biodiVersity in Asia) Program to visit
the Universit y of Granada in Spain, October – November 2011.
Constructions/repairs: Renovations of some rooms in the laboratory as part of
the “Natural Sciences Research I nstitute Refurbishment ” grant given by the College of
Science Dean (Dr. Caesar Saloma)
Dr. Maria Corazon A. De Ungria: U sing Science in the Se rvice of Humanity, Manila Times,
Oct ober 2, 20 11 written by Gloria Jane Baylon.
The UP NSRI DNA Anal ysi s Laboratory was featured in a TV Doc umentary series “Partners
in Crime – Season Two” telecast on Crime and I nvestigation Channel in April 2012 by
Singapore based TV Producti on Company, – filmed October 1- 3, 2011
Some personnel (Maria Corazon A. De U ngria, Gayvelline C. Calacal and Minerva S.
Sagum) o f the Laboratory j oined t he U P Padayon! Disaster Response in Iligan as part of
the Forensic Team, December 27- 29, 2011.
Name of Scho ol/Ag ency
No. of visit ors
Date o f vi sit
University o f Perpetual Help, Biñan, Laguna
31 students and 4 t eachers
January 24, 20 11
Name of Scho ol/Ag ency
No. o f visitors
Date o f vi sit
University o f Perpetual Help, Biñan, Laguna
1 teacher
January 31, 20 11
Name of Scho ol/Ag ency
No. o f visitors
Date o f vi sit
Philippine National Police – Women and Chi ld
Pro tection Center
2 officers
February 1, 2 011
Name of Scho ol/Ag ency
No. o f visitors
Date o f vi sit
Mi nistry of Health, DNA Analysi s Laborato ry, Brunei
He ad, DNA Analysis Laborato ry
February 26, 2011
Name of Scho ol/Ag ency
No. o f visitors
Date o f vi sit
University o f Philippines Manila, College of Medi cine
22 doctors and inte rns
March 1 8, 20 11
Name of Schoo l/ Agency
No. of visitors
Dat e of visit
Ang ono National Hi gh Sc ho ol, Ang ono, Rizal
31 students and 17 teachers
March 31, 20 11
Name of Schoo l/ Agency
No. of visitors
Dat e of visit
Dept of Biological Sciences, University of San Ag ustin,
Iloilo Cit y
10 faculty members
April 6, 20 11
Name of Schoo ls/Agencies
No. of visitors
Dat e of visit
Name of Schoo ls/Agencies
No. of visitors
Dat e of visit
Name of Schoo l/ Agency
No. of visitors
Dat e of visit
10 )
Ministry of Women Empowerment and Child Protection,
International Criminal Investigative Training Assistance
Program (I CITAP), Indonesia and
Quezon City Police District – Women and Children’s Desk
7 individual s
December 1 3, 2011
Siliman University, Dumaguete City IC Biotech, Osaka
College of Medicine, University of the Philippines Manila
Makati City Hall
23 individuals
April - Dec 2011
University o f the Philippines Diliman , Co ll ege of Social
Sciences and Phi lo sophy
5 students
December 5, 2011
DAL’s Photo Gallery
Awa rds and Recognitions
Fig.13. Ms. Gayvelline C. Calacal was a recipient of
the GAWAD Chanseor Award for Natatanging
REPS. This is the second time that Ms. Calacal
received this award.
Fig.14. Dr. Maria Corazon A. De Ungria was a
recipient of one of the two L’Oreal-UNESCO
‘Women in Science’ National Fellowship. This
year was the first year that the award was given
in the Philippines.
Confe rences Attend ed
Fig.15. The 3rd Asian Forensic Sciences
Network and Annual Meeting &
Symposium, Seoul, South Korea, May 2527, 2011.
Fig.16. Training Symposium on New
Frontiers in Forensic DNA organized by The
Singapore Health Sciences Authority
Academy. HSA, Singapore. October 17-21,
Lab oratory tours
Fig.17. The College of Medical Technology of
the University of Perpetual Help - Dr. Jose G.
Tamayo Medical University in Biñan Laguna, Jan
24 & 31, 2011.
Fig.18. Some DAL Staff with Mr. Paul Liew (Head)
of the DNA Analysis Laboratory under the Ministry
of Health, Department of Scientific Services,,
Brunei Darussalam, February 26, 2011.
Fig.19. The st udents of Angono National High
School, March 31, 2011.
Fig.20. The Faculty members of the Department
of Biological Sciences, University of San Agustin,
Iloilo City , April 6, 2011.
Fig.21. Visitors from the Manobo Tribe of
Mindanao with Dr. Francisco Datar, College of
Social Sciences and Philosophy, UP Diliman.
Fig.22. Visitors from the International Criminal
Investigative Training Assistance Program
(ICITAP), I ndonesia.
Fig.23. Production crew of VERY Production
Singapore with DNA Analysis Laboratory Head
and Staff, October 2011.
Fig.24. Ministry of Women Empowerment and
Child Protection, I ndonesia and Quezon City
Police District – Women and Children’s Desk,
December 13, 2011.
Manpower Development
Activ ities of DAL Staff in 2011
1) MARIA CORAZON A. DE UNGRIA (University Resea rcher III)
Positions held
Head, DNA Analysis Laboratory
Directo r, Prog ram on Forensi cs and Et hnicity, Philippine Geno me Center,
University o f t he Philippines
Awa rds/Acc red itation rece ived
Study Fellowship awarded through the Erasmus Mundus Mahev a (MAn Healt h
Environment biodiVersit y in Asia) Program t o visit the Universit y o f Granada,
Oct ober -Nove mber 20 11.
Recipient o f o ne of the two L’Oreal -UNESCO ‘Women in Science’
Nat io nal Fell owshi p awards.
I nte rnat io nal Publication Aw ard given by the Presi dent of the Universi ty o f
t he Philippines for the pape r ‘The Y-Chromosome Landscape of the Philippines:
Extensiv e Het ero geneity and Varying Genetic Affinities of Neg rit o and No nNegrito Groups’. European Journal of Human Genetics 19 (2): 224- 230 .
I nte rnat io nal Publication Aw ard given by the Presi dent of the Universi ty o f
t he Philippines for the paper ‘Forensi c DNA Profiling and Databasing: The
Philippine Experience’, In DNA Profiling and Dat abasing: Governing t he
Challenges of New Tec hnolog ies. Edi ted by Hi ndmarsh R. and Prainsac k P.
Cambridge Uni versit y Press, United Kingdom.
Re search Grants
DNA Testing of Chil d Trafficking Cases funded by the DNA-Pro kids I nitiative,
Granada, Spain.
Unde rstanding the Genet ic Diversity and Ident ity of Filipino Populations funded
by t he Max Planck Inst itute for Evolutionary Ant hropology, Leipzig, Germany.
Validation of Extract ion Met hods for Human DNA from Used Cig arettes funded
by the Office of Vice Chancellor fo r Research and Dev elopment, U niversit y o f
t he Philippines, Diliman.
Validation of Procedur es in DNA Ext raction from Formalin-Fixed ParaffinEmbedded Tissues (FFPET) Samples funded by the Office of Vice Chancellor fo r
Research and Development, U niv ersity of the Philippines, Di liman.
Ev aluation of Real -ti me PCR Assays fo r Quantitat ion of Nuclear and
Mi tochondrial DNA: Appli cation to Forensic DNA Analysis funded by t he O ffi ce
of Vi ce Chancell or for Research and Development, Universit y o f the Philippines,
Validation of Pro cedures for DN A Analysis of Meat Products f unded by t he
Nat ural Sciences Research I nstitute, Univ ersity of the Philippine s, Diliman.
Public ations
Hatin W, Nur-Shafawati A, Zahri M, Xu S, Jin L, Tan S, Ri zman-Idid M, Zilfalil B and
The HU GO Pan -Asian SNP Conso rtium (2011). Population Geneti c St ructure o f
Peninsular Malaysia Malay Sub- Ethni c Groups. PLoS O NE 6 (4).
Maiquilla SMB, Salvador JM, Calacal GC, Sagum MS, Dalet MRM, Del fin FC,
Tabbada KA, Franco SAEL, Perdi gon HB, Madrid BJ, Tan MP and De Ung ria
MCA. (201 1). Y-STR DNA Analysis of 15 4 femal e Child Sexual Assault Cases i n the
Philippines. I nt J Legal Me dicine 1 25 (6): 817 -24.
Maiquilla SMB, Salvado r JM, Calacal GC, Delfin FC, Tabbada KA, Perdigo n HB,
Dal et MRM, Sagum MS and De U ng ria MCA. Expansion of the Philippine
Aut osomal Short Tandem Repeat Populatio n Database for DNA- Based Pat ernit y
Testing. Philippine Journal of Sci ence 14 0(1):1 -6.
Delfin F, Salv ado r JM, Calacal GC, Perdi gon HB, Tabbada KA, Villamor LP, Halos
SC, Gunnarsdottir E, Myles S, Hughes DA, Xu S, Jin L, Lao O, Kayser M, Hurles ME,
Stoneking M and De U ng ria MCA. The Y- Chromo so me Landscape of t he
Philippines: Ext ensiv e Het ero geneity and Varying Genetic Affinit ies of Negrito
and Non -Negrito Groups. Eur J Hum Genet 19(2); 224-230 .
Lectur es
Delfin F, Salv ado r JM, Calacal GC, Perdi gon HB, Tabbada K A, Villamor LP,
Halos SC, Gunnarsdottir, E, Myles S, Hug hes D A, Xu S, Ji n L, Lao O, Kayse r M,
Hurles ME , St oneking M and De Ungria, MCA. Heteroge neit y of Filipino
populations: Preliminary snapshot s from different g enetic syst ems during t he
22 nd Meeting o f the Federation o f Asian and Oc eanian Biochemists and
Mo lecular Biologists, Biopolis, Singapore. October 5-7, 2011.
De Ungria MCA. Use of DNA in Investigating Trafficking in Person Cases in t he
Philippines during the Best Practic es in Handling Traffic king in Persons Cases
Semi nar organized by t he I nt erAge nc y Co uncil Against Traffi cking , Depart ment
of Justice, Co stabella Tropical Beach Resort, Lapulapu City. September 29 -30,
20 11.
De Ungria MCA. Two lectures entitled ‘Forensic DNA Testing for t he Me dical
Pro fession’ and ‘Collection and Handling o f Evidence’ during t he Basic Deat h
I nvesti gat ion Course organized by the Department of Patholog y, U P College of
Me dicine and the Asia Foundation, U niv ersity of the Phili ppines, Manila. July 18 22 , 2011 .
De U ngria MCA. Forensi c Science and Medicine as Tools t o Address GenderBase d Violence. Trainin g on DNA Forensi cs and the Use of the Sexual Assault
I nvestigation Ki t o rg anized by t he Dev elopment Academy of the Philippi nes,
Almont I nland Hot el, But uan City, Agusan Del Norte. June 2 -3, 2011.
De Ungria MCA. Use o f DNA Testing for the Prot ection of the Right s of Women
and Children. Training on Addressing G ender-Based Vio lence for the Securit y
Sector of CARAGA organi zed by the Develo pment Academy of the Philippi nes,
Almont I nland Hot el, But uan City, Agusan Del Norte. May 3 -5, 2011.
De Ungria MCA. Gatherin g Evidence s. Training o n Addressing Gender-Based
Violence for t he Medical/Health Sec tor of CARAGA organized by t he
Develo pment Academy of t he Philippines, Almont I nland Hotel, But uan City,
Agusan Del Norte. April 2 7-29, 2011.
De Ungria MCA. The Bi ologist a s a Researcher. Expert’s Talk: Forensic Science.
Science and Technolo gy Department , Claret School of Quezon City,
Philippines. February 23, 2011 .
De U ngri a MCA. DNA Detec tives: Science and Cri me in the Philippines. SARS
and I nt erscholasti c Congress with t he theme ‘Scie nce and Technol ogy: Our
Li fe, O ur Futur e’ organized by t he So ciety for t he Advancement of Research in
Science and Te chnolog y, Philippine Sci enc e High Scho ol, Philippines. January
26 , 2011 .
Technica l Consulta tions
Reviewer for t he PCARRD-DOST-PCC Project , ‘Charact erization o f swamp and
riverine buffalo g enome’ of Drs. Ester Flores and Rommel Herrera of t he
Philippine Carabao Center. March 2010 to April 20 12.
Resourc e Person Training Workshop for Me dical Health Office rs, Law
Enforcem ent and Social Workers, organized by the Development Academy of
t he Phi lippines, Caraga re gion, Almont Inland Resort, Butuan City, Philippines.
June 2- 3, 20 11.
Me mber of the panel of judg es for the Best Project of the Year -Annual Science
Awards given by DOST and BPI Foundation (2 007 and 2011 ).
Newsp aper/ Magazine Citations
Dr. Maria Co razon A. De Ung ri a: U sing Science in t he Serv ice of Humanity,
Manila Ti mes, October 2, 2011 writ ten by Glo ria Jane Baylo n.
Confe re nce Proceed ing s
De U ngri a MCA, Abuev a A, Sagum MS, Dalet MRM, Calacal GC, Salvador JM,
Jose JM, Eise nberg AJ and Lo rent e JA. DNA Pro kids Philippi nes: U se of DNA
Evidence to Co mbat Child Traffic king in the Philippines. 22 nd General Meeting
of the Academy of Sciences for the Developi ng World (TWAS), Triest e, Italy.
Nove mber 20- 24, 2011.
Delfin F, Salv ado r JM, Calacal GC, Perdi gon HB, Tabbada KA, Villamor LP, Halos
SC, Gunnarsdóttir E, Myles S, Hughes DA, Xu S, Jin L, Lao O, Kayser M, Hurles ME,
Stoneking M and De Ungria MCA. Het erogeneity of Filipino populations:
Pre liminary snapshots from different g enet ic systems. Oral pre sentat ion duri ng
t he 2 2 nd Annual Meeting o f the Federat io n o f Asian and O ceanian Bio chemists
and Mol ecular Biologists wit h t he t heme ‘Creat ivit y and I nnovation in the Life
Science Resear ch, Enterprise and Education’, Biopoli s, Sing apo re. October 5-7,
20 11.
De U ngri a MCA, Abuev a A, Sagum MS, Dalet MRM, Cal acal GC, Salv ado r JM,
Jose JM, Ei senberg AJ and Lorente JA. The Use of DNA Evidence to Combat
Chil d Trafficking i n the Philippines. The 3rd Asian Forensic Sciences Net wo rk
Annual Meeting & Sympo sium, Se oul, South Korea. May 25- 27, 2011.
Calacal GC, Salvador JM, Otero MCB, Franc o SAEL and De Ungria MCA.
Compari son of DNA extraction metho ds from formalin fixed paraffinembedded tissu e (FFPET) for aSTR multi plex anal ysis. The 3rd Asian Forensic
Sciences Netwo rk Annual Meeting & Symposium, Seoul, South Korea. May 25 27 , 2011 .
Salvador JM, Calacal G C, Rive ra WL and De U ngria MCA. Effect o f microbial
nucleases on the quantity and qual it y of DNA fo r forensic DNA t yping. The 3rd
Asian Forensic Scie nce s Net wo rk Annual Meeting & Sympo sium, Seoul, Sout h
Korea. May 25 -27 , 2011.
Dal et MRM, Salv ador JM, Calacal GC, Sagum, MS, Ot ero MCB and De U ng ria
MCA. DNA t est leads to reunion of child with re al mother. The 3rd Asian Forensi c
Sciences Network Annual Meeting & Symposium, Seoul, So ut h Kore a. May 25 27 , 2011 .
Sag um MS, Calacal GC, Salvador JM, Dalet MRM, Jo se JM and De Ungria MCA.
Surrog acy: whose child is it? The 3 rd Asian Forensic Sciences Netw ork Annual
Me eting & Sympo sium, Seoul, South Korea. May 25- 27 , 2011 .
Ot ero MCB, Calacal GC, Salv ador JM, Dalet MRM, Sag um MS, Eisenberg AJ,
Lo rent e JA and De U ngria MCA. Direct amplification of bloo d and buccal
sampl es from two DNA co llection systems. The 3rd Asian Forensic Sc ience s
Network Annual Meeting & Symposium, Seoul, South Korea, May 25 -27 , 2011 .
Balmores EJF, Maiquilla SMB, Calacal GC, Salvador JM, O tero MCB, Dalet MRM,
Sag um MS and De Ungria MCA. Expansion of Philippine Aut oso mal Sho rt
Tandem Repe at Po pul ation Dat abase . The 3rd Asian Fo re nsic Sci ences Netwo rk
Annual Meeting & Sympo sium, Se oul, South Korea. May 25- 27, 2011.
Semina rs/Works hops/Tra ining s atte nded
The 3rd Asian Forensic Sciences Net work Annual Mee ting & Symposium, Seoul,
South Korea. May 25-27 , 2011.
Workshop on ‘I nsights and Opportuni ties in Microarray-Base d Studies: Doing
Research at the U P Manila -NIH Microarray Core Facility’, National I nstitute o f
Health, U P Manila. Sept ember 2, 201 1.
33 rd NAST Annual Meeting o n ‘Meeti ng the Challenges of Agricultural
Pro ductivit y, Co mpetitiveness and Productivit y:
Competitiveness and
Sust ainability’, The Manila Hot el , Manila, Mani la. Jul y 13 -14, 2011.
6 th Annual Meeting and Scie ntifi c Co nv ention of the Out standing Yo ung
Scientist s, Inc, (OYSI ) on ‘Advancing Science and Technology Towards
Achieving Agricultural Productivity, Sustainabili ty and Competit iveness’, The
Manila Hot el. July 12, 20 11.
Conference on ‘Rizal in the 2 1s t Cent ury: Lo cal and Global Perspectives’
organized by the Colleg e of Arts and Lett ers, Univ ersit y of t he Philippines. G TAuditorium o f the Asian Cent er, Universit y of the Phi lippines. June 22 -24 , 2011.
Orga niza tions
Interna tiona l
Phi Kappa Phi Honor Societ y– Member (2011 - present )
Asia-Pacific Network for Science and Technolog y – Member (2011 - present)
Qualit y Assurance and St andards Committe e o f Asia Fo rensic Science Network
– 2nd Secretary (2 011 - present)
DNA Wo rkg ro up o f the Asia Forensic Sci ence Network – Member and Country
Representat ive (2009-present).
Regional East Asia DNA Profiling G ro up (REAFD) - Me mber and Count ry
Representat ive (2007 -200 9)
The Ac ademy o f Scie nc e for the Dev eloping World (TWAS) – Affiliate Fellow
(2007 -201 2)
American Asso ciation of Blood Banks- Member (2 005-pre sent)
Philippine- American Ac ademy of Science and Engineering (PAASE )- Member
(2005 -pr esent)
I nte rnat io nal Society for Forensi c Genetics - Me mber (2003- 200 4)
Third Wo rl d Organizati on of Wo me n Sc ientist s (TWOWS) – Member (199 9present)
Loca l
Out standi ng Young Scientist s Inc. –
- Bo ard Member (Secr etary 2008 -201 2; Public Relatio ns Offic er 20 07-20 08)
- Member (2003 -20 07)
The Outstanding Wo men in the Nati on Service (TOWNS)- Member (20 07 present)
Network for Integrati ve Multidi sciplinar y Bi oinfo rmatics Strategies (NI MBU S) Bo ard Me mber (2007 - pre sent)
Philippine Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biol ogy (PSBMB) - Member
(2002 - pre sent)
Nat io nal Research Council o f the Philippines (Divisio n I II) – Member (2003 present)
Philippine Societ y for Microbi ology I nc - Member (1999 - 200 3)
2) GAYVELLINE C . CALA CAL (University Resea rcher II)
Awa rds/Acc red itation rece ived
I nte rnat io nal Publication Aw ard given by the Presi dent of the Universi ty o f
t he Philippines fo r the paper ‘The Y-chromosome landscape of the Philippines:
extensiv e het ero geneity and varying genetic affinities of Negrito and nonNegrito groups’. European Journal o f Human Gene tics 19(2): 224 -230 .
Gawad Chanselor for Nat atanging REPS (Research Category) awarded by
t he Universit y of the Phili ppines, Dili man.
Re search Grants
DNA Testing of Chil d Trafficking Cases funded by the DNA-Pro kids I nitiative,
Granada, Spain.
Unde rstanding the Genet ic Diversity and Ident ity of Filipino Populations funded
by t he Max Planck Inst itute for Evolutionary Ant hropology, Leipzig, Germany.
Validation of Extract ion Met hods for Human DNA from Used Cigarettes funded
by the Office of Vice Chanc el lo r for Re search and Development , University of
t he Philippines, Diliman.
Validation of Procedur es in DNA Ext raction from Formalin-Fixed ParaffinEmbedded Tissues (FFPET) Samples funded by the Office of Vice Chancellor fo r
Research and Development, U niv ersity of the Philippines, Di liman.
Ev aluation of Real -Time PCR Assays for Quantitation of Nuclear and
Mi tochondrial DNA: Appli cation to Forensic DNA Analysis funded by t he O ffi ce
of Vi ce Chancell or for Research and Dev el opment , U niversity of the Philippines,
Validation of Pro cedures for DN A Analysis of Meat Products f unded by t he
Nat ural Sciences Research I nstitute, Univ ersity of the Philippine s, Diliman.
Public ations
Hatin W, Nur -Shafawati A, Zahri M, Xu S, Jin L, Tan S, Rizman-Idid M, Zilfalil B and
The HU GO Pan -Asian SNP Conso rtium (2011). Population Geneti c St ructure o f
Peninsular Malaysia Malay Sub- Ethni c Groups. PLoS O NE 6 (4).
Maiquilla SMB, Salvador JM, Calacal GC, Sagum MS, Dalet MRM, Del fin FC,
Tabbada KA, Franco SAEL, Perdi gon HB, Madrid BJ, Tan MP and De U ng ria
MCA. (201 1). Y-STR DNA Analysis of 154 Female Child Sexual Assault Cases in t he
Philippines. I nt J Legal Me dicine 1 25 (6): 817 -24.
Maiquilla SMB, Salvado r JM, Calacal GC, Delfi n FC, Tabbada KA, Perdi gon HB,
Dal et MRM, Sagum MS and De U ng ria MCA. Expansion of the Philippine
Aut osomal Short Tandem Repeat Populatio n Database for DNA- Based Pat ernit y
Testing. Philippine Journal of Sci ence 14 0(1):1 -6.
Delfin F, Salv ado r JM, Calacal GC, Perdi gon HB, Tabbada KA, Villamo r LP, Halos
SC, Gunnarsdottir E, Myles S, Hughes DA, Xu S, Jin L, Lao O, Kayser M, Hurles ME,
Stoneking M and De U ng ria MCA. The Y- Chromo so me Landscape of t he
Philippines: Ext ensiv e Het ero genei ty and Varying Genet ic Affinities of Negrito
and Non -Negrito Groups. Eur J Hum Genet 19(2); 224-230 .
Lectur es
Technical Speaker on Dev elopments in Fo rensic DNA Typing Technolog y in the
Philippines, during t he 6th Annual Meeti ng and Scientific Convention or ganized
by the Out standing Yo ung Sci enti sts I nc (Philippine Acade my of Yo ung
Scientist s). Manila Hotel, Philippines. Jul y 1 2, 2011 .
Resourc e Person o n DNA Typi ng Technolog y for the Science -Orient ed Teleradio
Pro gram “Bago Yan Ah” of ABS-CBN Foundati on, Inc in cooperation with t he
Department of Science and Techno logy. April 3 , 2011.
Confe re nce Proceed ing s
De U ngri a MCA, Abuev a A, Sagum MS, Dalet MRM, Cal acal GC, Salv ado r JM,
Jose JM, Eise nberg AJ and Lo rent e JA. D NA Pr okids Philippines: Use of DNA
Evidence to Co mbat Child Traffic king in the Philippines. 22 nd General Meeting
of the Academy of Sciences for the Developi ng World (TWAS), Trieste, I taly.
Nove mber 20- 24, 2011.
Delfin F, Salv ado r JM, Calacal GC, Perdi gon HB, Tabbada KA, Villamo r LP, Halos
SC, Gunnarsdóttir E, Myles S, Hughes DA, Xu S, Jin L, Lao O, Kayser M, Hurles ME,
Stoneking M and De Ungria MCA. Het erogeneity of Filipino populati ons:
Pre liminary Snapshot s from Different Genetic Systems. Oral present a tion during
t he 2 2 nd Annual Meeting o f the Federat io n o f Asian and O ceanian Bio chemists
and Mol ecular Biologists wit h t he t heme ‘Creat ivit y and I nnovation in the Life
Science Research, Ent erprise and Educat io n’, Biopo li s, Singapore. Oct ober 5 -7,
20 11.
De Ungria MCA, Abueva A, Sagum MS, Dalet MRM, Calacal G C, Salvador JM,
Jose JM, Ei senberg AJ and Lorente JA. The Use of DNA Evidence to Combat
Chil d Trafficking i n the Philippines. The 3rd Asian Forensic Sciences Net wo rk
Annual Meeting & Sympo sium, Se oul, Sout h Ko rea. May 25- 27 2011.
Calacal GC, Salvador JM, Otero MCB, Franc o SAEL and De Ungria MCA.
Compari son of DNA Ext raction Methods from Fo rmalin Fixed ParaffinEmbedded Ti ssue (FFPET) fo r aSTR Multiplex Anal ysis. The 3 rd Asian Forensic
Sciences Netwo rk Ann ual Meet ing & Sympo sium, Se oul, South Korea. May 2527 , 2011 .
Salvador JM, Calacal GC, Rive ra WL and De U ngria MCA. Effect o f Microbial
Nucleases on the Quant ity and Qualit y o f DNA for Forensic DNA Typing. The 3rd
Asian Forensic Scie nce s Net wo rk Annual Me eting & Sympo sium, Seoul, Sout h
Korea. May 25 -27 , 2011.
Dal et MRM, Salv ador JM, Calacal GC, Sagum, MS, Ot ero MCB and De U ng ria
MCA. 201 1. DNA Test Leads to Reunion of Child with Real Mo ther. The 3 rd Asian
Forensic Sciences Network Annual Meeting & Symposium, Se oul, Sout h Korea.
May 25 -27, 2011.
Sag um MS, Calacal GC, Salvador JM, Dalet MRM, Jo se JM and De Ungria MCA.
Surrog acy: Who se Child is it? The 3rd Asian Forensic Sci ence s Network Annual
Me eting & Sympo sium, Seoul, South Korea, May 25- 27 , 2011 .
Ot ero MCB, Calacal GC, Salvador JM, Dal et MRM, Sag um MS, Eisenberg AJ,
Lo rent e JA and De U ng ria MCA. 20 11. Di re ct Ampli fication of Blood and Buccal
Sampl es fro m two DNA Collection Systems. The 3 rd Asian Fo rensic Sciences
Network Annual Meeting & Symposium, Seoul, South Korea. May 25 -27, 2011.
Balmores EJF, Maiquilla SMB, Calacal GC, Salvador JM, O tero MCB, Dalet MRM,
Sag um MS and De Ungria MCA. Expansion of Philippine Aut oso mal Sho rt
Tandem Repeat Po pulation Dat abase . The 3 rd Asian Fo re nsic Sci ences Netwo rk
Annual Meeting & Sympo sium, Se oul, South Korea, May 25- 27, 2011.
Semina rs a nd Trainings
ABI 3500 Ge net ic Analyzer Operator’s and User’s Training. U P-NSRI- DAL, Quez on
Ci ty, Philippine s. November 201 1.
Training Symposium on New Frontiers in Fore nsic DNA o rg anized by The
Sing apore Health Sciences Aut ho rity Academy. HSA, Singapore. Oct ober 17 21 , 2011 .
6 th Annual Meeting and Scie ntifi c Co nv ention of the Out standing Young
Scientist s, Inc. and t he Philippine Academy o f Young Sci entists, Manila Hotel
Philippines. July 2 011.
The 3rd Asian Forensic Sciences Net work Annual Mee ting & Symposium, Seoul,
South Korea. May 25 -27, 2011.
Orga niza tions
Interna tiona l
DNA Workg ro up o f the Asia Forensic Sci enc e Network
Representat ive (2009 -present)
Regional East Asia DNA Pro filing Group (REAFD) – Member
Loca l
Out standi ng Young Scientist s Inc. – Member
Philippine Biosafety and Biosecurity Asso ciation, I nc (PhBBA)
Philippine Societ y for Biochemistry and Molecul ar Biology (PSBMB)
Philippine Societ y for Microbi ology (PSM)
Philippine Asso ciation of Medic al Tec hnologi st s (PAMET)
3) JAZELYN M. SALVADOR (University Researc h Associate I)
Awa rds/Acc red itation rece ived
I nte rnat io nal Publicati on Award giv en by t he President of the Universit y o f the
Philippines Diliman fo r the paper “The Y-chromoso me Landscape of the
Philippines: E xtensive Heterog eneity and Varying Genetic Affinities o f Negrito
and Non -Negrito Groups” European Jo urnal of Human G eneti cs 19 (2 ):224-230 .
I nte rnat io nal Publication Award given by the President of the U ni versity of the
Philippines Diliman for the paper “Genetic Evide nce Support s Linguistic Affinit y
of Mlabri --A Hunt er- Gat here r Group in Thailand”. BMC G ene tics 1:18.
I nte rnat io nal Publicati on Award giv en by the President o f the Universit y o f t he
Philippines Diliman fo r t he paper “Expansio n of the Philippi ne Autosomal Short
Tandem Repeat Population Database for DNA-Based Paternity Testing”.
Philippine Journal o f Sci ence 1 40: 1 -6.
Re search Grants
DNA Testing of Child Trafficking Cases funded by the DNA-Pro kids I nitiative,
Granada, Spain.
Unde rstanding the Genet ic Diversity and Ident ity of Filipino Populations funded
by t he Max Planck Inst itute for Evolutionary Ant hropology, Leipzig, Germany.
Validation of Extr action Methods fo r Human DNA from Used Ci garett es funded
by the Office of Vice Chancellor fo r Research and Dev elopment, U niversit y o f
t he Philippines, Diliman.
Validation of Procedur es in DNA Ext raction from Formalin-Fixed ParaffinEmbedded Tissues (FFPET) Sampl es funded by t he Offi ce of Vic e Chancellor for
Research and Development, U niv ersity of the Philippines, Di liman.
Ev aluation of Real -Time PCR Assays for Quantitation of Nuclear and
Mi tochondrial DNA: Appli cation to Forensic DNA Analysis funded by the Office
of Vi ce Chancell or for Research and Dev el opment , U niversity of the Philippi nes,
Validation of Pro cedures for DN A Analysis of Meat Products f unded by t he
Nat ural Sciences Research I nstitute, Univ ersity of the Philippine s, Diliman.
Publica tions
Hatin WI , Nur-Shafawati AR, Zahri MK, Xu S, Jin L, Tan SG, Rizman-I did M, Zilfalil
BA, The HUGO Pan-Asian SNP Consort ium. (20 11). Population genetic structure
of Peninsular Malaysia Malay Sub - Ethni c Groups. PLoS O NE 6 (4):e183 12.
Maiquilla SMB, Sal vador JM, Calac al G C, Delfin FC, Tabbada KA, Per digon HB,
Sag um MS, Dal et MR, De Ungria MCA. (2011 ). Expansion of t he Philippine
auto so mal short tandem repeat populatio n database fo r DNA -based pat ernity
t esting. Philippine Journal o f Sci ence 140: 1 -6.
Maiquilla SM, Salvador JM, Calacal GC, Sag um MS, Dalet MR, Delfin FC,
Tabbada KA, Franco SA, Pe rdigon HB, Madrid BJ, Tan MP, De U ngria MCA.
(2011). Y-STR DNA analysi s of 154 female chil d sexual assault cases in the
Philippines, I nt ernational Journal o f Legal Me dicine 12 5(6):8 17-82 4.
Delfin F, Salv ado r JM, Calacal GC, Perdi gon HB, Tabbada KA, Villamor LP, Halos
SC, Gunnarsdottir E, Myles S, Hughes DA, Xu S, Jin L, Lao O, Kayser M, Hurles ME,
Stoneking M and De Ungria MCA. (20 11). The Y-Chro mo so me Landscape of the
Philippines: Ext ensiv e Het ero genei ty and Varying Genet ic Affinities of Negrito
and Non -Negrito Groups. Eur J Hum Genet 19(2); 224-230 .
Lectur es
“Identification o f Dnase-Pro ducing Bacte ria Isolated from Exhumed Bones and
t heir Effect on Human DNA Typi ng.” 6th Asia-Pacific Biote chnolog y Congress
and 40 th Philippine Society of Microbiology Annual Convention and Scienti fic
Me eting. Philippine International Co nv ention Cent er, Manila, Philippines. May
10 -14, 2011.
Confe re nce Proceed ing s
De U ngri a MCA, Abueva A, Sagum MS, Dal et MRM, Calacal GC, Salvador JM,
Jose JM, Eise nberg AJ and Lo rent e JA. DNA Pro kids Philippi nes: U se of DNA
Evidence to Co mbat Child Traffic king in the Philippines. 22 nd General Meeting
of the Academy of Sciences for the Developi ng World (TWAS), Trieste, I taly.
Nove mber 20- 24, 2011.
Delfin F, Salv ado r JM, Calacal GC, Perdi gon HB, Tabbada KA, Villamor LP, Halos
SC, Gunnarsdóttir E, Myles S, Hughes DA, Xu S, Jin L, Lao O, Kayser M, Hurles ME,
Stoneking M and De U ngria MCA. Heterog enei ty of Fi lipino Populations:
Pre liminary Snapshot s from Different Genetic Systems. Oral present ation duri ng
t he 2 2 nd Annual Meeting o f the Federat io n o f Asian and O ceanian Bio chemists
and Mol ecular Biologists wit h t he t heme ‘Creat ivit y and I nnovation in the Life
Science Re sear ch, Ente rprise and Education’, Bio polis, Singapore. October 5 -7,
20 11.
De U ngri a MCA, Abuev a A, Sagum MS, Dalet MRM, Cal acal GC, Salv ado r JM,
Jose JM, Ei senberg AJ and Lorente JA. The Use of DNA Evidence to Combat
Chil d Trafficking i n the Philippines. The 3rd Asian Forensic Sciences Net wo rk
Annual Meeting & Sympo sium, Se oul, South Korea. May 25- 27, 2011.
Calacal GC, Salvador JM, Ote ro MCB, Franco SAEL and De U ngria MCA. 2011 .
Compari son of DNA Ext raction Methods from Fo rmalin Fixed Para ffinEmbedded Ti ssue (FFPET) fo r aSTR Multiplex Anal ysis. The 3 rd Asian Forensic
Sciences Network Annual Meeting & Symposium, Seoul, So ut h Kore a. May 25 27 , 2011 .
Salvador JM, Calacal GC, Rivera WL and De Ungria MCA. 2 011. Effec t o f
Mi cro bial Nuclease s o n the Q uanti ty and Quality o f DNA fo r Fo rensic DNA
Typi ng . The 3rd Asian Fo rensic Sciences Network Annual Meet ing & Sympo sium,
Seoul, Sout h Korea. May 25- 27, 2011.
Dal et MRM, Salv ador JM, Calacal GC, Sagum, MS, Ot ero MCB and De U ng ria
MCA. DNA Test Leads to Reunio n of Child with Real Mother. The 3rd Asian
Forensic Sciences Network Annual Meeting & Symposium, Seo ul, So uth Korea.
May 25 -27, 2011.
Sag um MS, Calacal GC, Salvador JM, Dalet MRM, Jo se JM and De Ungria MCA.
Surrog acy: Who se Child is it? The 3rd Asian Forensic Sci ence s Network Annual
Me eting & Sympo sium, Seoul, South Korea. May 25 -27, 2011.
Ot ero MCB, Calacal GC, Salv ador JM, Dalet MRM, Sag um MS, Eisenberg AJ,
Lo rent e JA and De Ungria MCA. Di re ct Amplificat io n of Bloo d and Buccal
Sampl es from Two DNA Co llection Syst ems. The 3rd Asian Fo rensic Sciences
Network Annual Meeting & Symposium, Seoul, South Korea. May 25 -27, 2011.
Balmores EJF, Maiquilla SMB, Calacal GC, Salvador JM, O tero MCB, Dalet MRM,
Sag um MS and De Ungria MCA. Expansion of Philippine Aut osomal Short
Tandem Repeat Po pulation Dat abase . The 3 rd Asian Fo re nsic Sci ences Netwo rk
Annual Meeting & Sympo sium, Se oul, South Korea. May 25- 27, 2011.
Semina rs a nd Trainings
ABI 3500 Ge net ic Analyzer Operator’s and User’s Training. U P-NSRI- DAL, Quezon
Ci ty, Philippine s. November 201 1.
Workshop on Digital Phot ography, Adobe Photoshop and Illustrator. Board o f
I nvestments, Makati Cit y, Philippines. Nov ember 2 5-26, 2011.
Training Symposium on New Frontiers in Fore nsic DNA o rganized by The
Sing apore Health Sciences Aut ho rit y Academy. HSA, Sing apo re. Octo ber 17-21,
20 11.
Semi nar-Workshop on “Improving Manag ement Effectivene ss and Workplace
Pro ductivit y through Stress Management”. Oxford Suit es Hotel, Makat i City,
Philippines. July 2 2- 23, 2 011.
6 th Asia- Pacific Bi otechnology Co ngress and 40th PSM Annual Conv enti on and
Scientific Meet ing. Philippine International Convention Ce nte r, Mani la,
Philippines. May 10 -14, 2011.
The 3rd Asian Forensic Sciences Net work Annual Mee ting & Symposium, Seoul,
South Korea, 25 -27 May 2011.
Orga niza tions
Interna tiona l
Regional East Asia Forensi c DNA (REAFD) Group. Member (Fo unding Member)
since 20 07.
Loca l
Secretary, Network for I ntegrat iv e Multidi sciplinary Bioi nformatics Utilizati on
Strat egies, I nc. (NI MBU S Inc.) Lifetime Me mber.
Philippine Netwo rk o f Microbial Cult ure Coll ections, I nc. Member since 200 9.
Carl Duisberg Association o f the Philippi ne s, Inc. Member since March 20 09.
Philippine Societ y for Microbi ology. Member since 2004.
Philippine Societ y for Biochemistry and Molecular Biolog y. Me mber since 2 002.
Philippine Societ y for Microbi ology (PSM) – Member Since 2004.
4) FREDERIC K C. DELFIN (Univ ersity Research Ass ociate I)
Awa rds/Acc red itation rece ived
I nte rnat io nal Publication Aw ard given by the Presi dent of the Universi ty o f
t he Philippines for the pape r ‘The Y-Chromosome Landscape of the Philippines:
Extensiv e Het ero geneity and Varying Genetic Affi niti es of Ne gri to and No nNegrito groups’. European Journal o f Human Gene tics 19(2): 224 -230 .
PhD Pro gram on U nderstanding the G enet ic Diversity and Identit y o f Filipino
Populat io ns funded by the Max Planck I nstitute for Ev olut ionary Anthropo lo gy,
Le ipzig, G ermany.
Re search Grants
Unde rstanding the Genet ic Diversi ty and Identi ty of Fili pino Po pulations funded
by t he Max Planck Inst itute for Evolutionary Ant hropology, Leipzig, Germany.
Public ations
Hatin WI , Nur-Shafawati AR, Zahri MK, Xu S, Jin L, Tan SG, Rizman-I did M, Zilfalil
BA, The HU GO Pan-Asian SNP Consortium. (2 011). Populat io n G eneti c Structure
of Peninsular Malaysia Malay Sub - Ethni c Groups. PLoS O NE 6 (4):e183 12.
Maiquilla SMB, Salvado r JM, Calacal GC, Delfi n FC, Tabbada KA, Perdi gon HB,
Sag um MS, Dal et MR, De Ungria MCA. (2011 ). Expansion of t he Philippine
Aut osomal Short Tandem Repeat Population Database fo r DNA-based Paterni ty
Testing. Philippine Journal of Sci ence 14 0: 1 -6.
Maiquilla SM, Salvador JM, Calacal GC, Sag um MS, Dalet MR, Delfin FC,
Tabbada KA, Franco SA, Pe rdigon HB, Madrid BJ, Tan MP, De U ngria MCA.
(2011). Y-STR DN A Analysis of 154 Femal e Child Se xual Assault Cases i n t he
Philippines, I nt ernational Journal o f Legal Me dicine 12 5(6):8 17-82 4.
Delfin F, Salv ado r JM, Calacal GC, Perdi gon HB, Tabbada KA, Villamor LP, Halos
SC, Gunnarsdottir E, Myles S, Hughes DA, Xu S, Jin L, Lao O, Kayser M, Hurles ME,
Stoneking M and De U ng ria MCA. The Y- Chromo so me Landscape of t he
Philippines: Ext ensiv e Het ero genei ty and Varying Genet ic Affinities of Negrito
and Non -Negrito Groups. Eur J Hum Genet 19(2); 224-230 .
Reich D, Pat terso n N, Ki rcher M, Delfin F, Nandineni M, Pugach I , Ko A, Ko Y,
Ji nam T, Phipps M, Saito u S, Wollstein A, Kayse r M; Paabo S and Stoneki ng M.
(2011). D eni sov a Admi xture and the First Mode rn Human Dispersals into
Southeast Asia an d Oceania. Am J Hum Genet. 89:516–528 .
Delfin F, Myles S, Choi Y, Hughes D, I llek R, Van Oven M, Pakendorf B, Kayse r M
and St oneking M. (201 1) Bridg ing Near and Remo te Oce ania: mtDNA and NRY
v ariation in the Solomon Islands. Mol Biol Evol. doi: 10.109 3/molbev /msr18 6. First
publ ished online : July 18, 20 11.
5) MIRIAM RUTH M. DALET (University Resea rch Associa te I)
Awa rds/Acc red itation rece ived
I nte rnat io nal Publicati on Award giv en by t he President of t he U nive rsity of t he
Philippines Diliman fo r t he paper “Expansion of the Phi lippine Aut osomal Short
Tandem Repeat Population Database for DNA-Based Paternity Testing”.
Philippine Journal o f Sci ence 1 40: 1 -6.
Re search Grants
DNA Testing of Chil d Trafficking Cases funded by the DNA-Pro kids I nitiative,
Granada, Spain.
Unde rstanding the Genet ic Diversity and Ident ity of Filipino Populations funded
by t he Max Planck Inst itute for Evolutionary Ant hropology, Leipzig, Germany.
Validation of Extract ion Met hods for Human DNA from Used Cigarettes funded
by the Office of Vice Chanc el lor for Re search and Development , University of
t he Philippines, Diliman.
Validation of Procedur es in DNA Ext raction from Formalin-Fixed ParaffinEmbedded Tissues (FFPET) Samples funded by the Office of Vice Chancellor fo r
Research and Develop ment , Universit y of the Philippines, Diliman.
Ev aluation of Real -ti me PCR Assays fo r Quantitat ion of Nuclear and
Mi tochondrial DNA: Applicati on to Forensic DNA Analysi s funde d by the Office
of Vi ce Chancell or for Research and Dev el opment , U niversity of the Philippines,
Validation of Pro cedures for DN A Analysis of Meat Products f unded by t he
Nat ural Sciences Research I nstitute, Univ ersity of the Philippine s, Diliman.
Public ations
Maiquilla SMB, Salvador JM, Calacal GC, Sagum MS, Dalet MRM, Del fin FC,
Tabbada KA, Franco SAEL, Perdi gon HB, Madrid BJ, Tan MP and De Ung ria
MCA. Y- STR DNA Analysis of 154 Female Child Sexual Assault Case s in t he
Philippines. I nt J Legal Me dicine 1 25 (6): 817 -24.
Maiquilla SMB, Salvado r JM, Calacal GC, Delfi n FC, Tabbada KA, Perdig on HB,
Dal et MRM, Sagum MS and De U ng ria MCA. Expansion of the Philippine
Aut osomal Short Tandem Repeat Populatio n Database for DNA- Based Pat ernit y
Testing. Philippine Journal of Sci ence 14 0(1):1 -6.
Confe re nce Proceed ing s
De U ngri a MCA, Abuev a A, Sagum MS, Dal et MRM, Calacal GC, Salvador JM,
Jose JM, Eise nberg AJ and Lo rent e JA. DNA Pro kids Philippi nes: U se of DNA
Evidence to Co mbat Child Traffic king in the Philippines. 22 nd General Meeting
of the Academy of Sciences for the Developi ng World (TWAS), Trieste, I tal y.
Nove mber 20- 24, 2011.
De U ngri a MCA, Abuev a A, Sagum MS, Dalet MRM, Cal acal GC, Salv ado r JM,
Jose JM, Ei senberg AJ and Lorente JA. The Use of DNA Evidence to Combat
Chil d Trafficking i n the Philippines. The 3rd Asian Forensic Sciences Network
Annual Meeting & Sympo sium, Se oul, South Korea. May 2 5-27 , 2011 .
Dal et MRM, Salv ador JM, Calacal GC, Sagum, MS, Ot ero MCB and De U ng ria
MCA. DNA Test Leads to Reunio n of Child wit h Real Mot her. The 3 rd Asian
Forensic Sciences Network Annual Meeti ng & Symposium, Seoul, South Ko rea.
May 25 -27, 2011.
Sag um MS, Calacal GC, Salvador JM, Dalet MRM, Jo se JM and De Ungria MCA.
Surrog acy: whose child is it? The 3 rd Asian Forensic Sciences Network Annual
Me eting & Sympo sium, Seoul, South Korea. May 25 -27, 2011 .
Ot ero MCB, Calacal GC, Salv ador JM, Dalet MRM, Sag um MS, Eisenberg AJ,
Lo rent e JA and De Ungria MCA. Di re ct Amplificat io n of Bloo d and Buccal
Sampl es from Two DNA Colle cti on Systems. The 3rd Asian Fo rensic Sciences
Network Annual Meeting & Symposium, Seoul, South Korea. May 25 -27 , 2011 .
Balmores EJF, Maiquilla SMB, Calacal GC, Salvador JM, O tero MCB, Dalet MRM,
Sag um MS and De Ungria MCA. 2011 . Expansion of Philippi ne Auto so mal Short
Tandem Repeat Po pulation Dat abase . The 3 rd Asian Fo re nsic Sci ences Network
Annual Meeting & Sympo sium, Se oul, South Korea. May 25- 27, 2011.
Semina rs a nd Trainings
ABI 3500 Ge net ic Analyzer Operator’s and User’s Training. U P-NSRI- DAL, Quez on
Ci ty, Philippine s. November 201 1.
The 3rd Asian Forensic Scie nc es Net work Annual Meet ing & Symposium, Seo ul,
South Korea. May 25 -27, 2 011.
Orga niza tions
Interna tiona l
Regional East Asia Forensi c DNA (REAFD) Group. Member (Fo unding Member)
since 20 07
Loca l
Philippine Societ y for Microbi ology (PSM) – Member
6) MINERVA S. SAGUM (University Re search Associate I)
Awa rds/Acc red itation rece ived
I nte rnat io nal Publicati on Award giv en by t he President of t he U nive rsity of t he
Philippines Diliman fo r t he paper “Expansio n of the Philippi ne Autosomal Short
Tandem Repeat Population Dat abase for DN A-Based Paternity Testing”.
Philippine Journal o f Sci ence 1 40: 1 -6.
Re search Grants
DNA Testing of Chil d Trafficking Cases funded by the DNA-Pro kids I nitiative,
Granada, Spain.
Unde rstanding the Genet ic Diversity and Ident ity of Filipino Po pulations funded
by t he Max Planck Inst itute for Evolutionary Ant hropology, Leipzig, Germany.
Validation of Extract ion Met hods for Human DNA from Used Cigarettes funded
by the Office of Vice Chancellor fo r Research and Dev elopment, U niversit y o f
t he Philippines, Diliman.
Validation of Procedur es in DNA Ext raction from Formalin-Fixed ParaffinEmbedded Tissues (FFPET) Samples funded by the Office of Vice Chancellor fo r
Research and Development, U niv ersity of the Philippines, Di liman.
Ev aluation of Real -ti me PCR Assays for Quant itation o f Nuclear and
Mi tochondrial DNA: Applicati on to Forensic DNA Analysi s funde d by the Office
of Vi ce Chancell or for Research and Dev el opment , U niversity of the Philippi nes,
Validation of Pro cedures for DN A Analysis of Meat Products funded by t he
Nat ural Sciences Research I nstitute, Univ ersity of the Philippine s, Diliman.
Public ations
Maiquilla SMB, Salvador JM, Calacal GC, Sagum MS, Dalet MRM, Del fin FC,
Tabbada KA, Franco SAEL, Perdi gon HB, Madrid BJ, Tan MP and De Ungria
MCA. (201 1). Y-STR DNA Analysis of 154 Female Child Sexual Assault Cases in t he
Philippines. I nt J Legal Me dicine 1 25 (6): 817 -24.
Maiquilla SMB, Salvado r JM, Calacal GC, Delfi n FC, Tabbada KA, Perdi gon HB,
Dal et MRM, Sagum MS and De Ungria MCA.(201 1) Expansion of t he Philippine
Aut osomal Short Tandem Repeat Populatio n Database for DNA- Based Pat ernit y
Testing. Philippine Journal of Sci ence 14 0(1):1 -6.
Confe re nce Proceed ing s
De U ngri a MCA, Abuev a A, Sagum MS, Dalet MRM, Cal acal GC, Salv ado r JM,
Jose JM, Eisenberg AJ and Lorente JA. DNA Pr oki ds Philippines: Use o f DNA
Evidence to Co mbat Child Traffic king in the Philippines. 22 nd General Meeting
of the Academy of Sciences for the Developi ng World (TWAS), Trieste, I taly.
Nove mber 20- 24, 2011.
De U ngri a MCA, Abuev a A, Sag um MS, Dalet MRM, Cal acal GC, Salv ado r JM,
Jose JM, Ei senberg AJ and Lorente JA. The Use of DNA Evidence to Combat
Chil d Trafficking i n the Philippines. The 3rd Asian Forensic Sciences Net wo rk
Annual Meeting & Sympo sium, Se oul, South Kore a. May 25-27 , 2011 .
Dal et MRM, Salv ador JM, Calacal GC, Sagum, MS, Ot ero MCB and De U ng ria
MCA. DNA Test Leads to Reunio n of Child wit h Real Mot her. The 3 rd Asian
Forensic Sciences Network Annual Meeting & Symposium, Seo ul, So uth Korea.
May 25 -27, 2011.
Sag um MS, Calacal GC, Salvador JM, Dalet MRM, Jo se JM and De Ungria MCA.
Surrog acy: whose child is it? The 3 rd Asian Forensic Sciences Network Annual
Me eting & Sympo sium, Seoul, South Korea. May, 25 -27, 2011.
Ot ero MCB, Calacal GC, Salv ador JM, Dalet MRM, Sag um MS, Eisenberg AJ,
Lo rent e JA and De Ungria MCA. Di re ct Amplificat io n of Bloo d and Buccal
Sampl es from Two DNA Colle cti on Systems. The 3rd Asian Fo rensic Sciences
Network Annual Meeting & Symposium, Seoul, South Korea. May 25 -27 , 2011 .
Balmores EJF, Mai quilla SMB, Calacal G C, Salvador JM, Ot ero MCB, Dalet MRM,
Sag um MS and De Ungria MCA. Expansion of Philippine Aut oso mal Sho rt
Tandem Repeat Po pulation Dat abase . The 3 rd Asian Fo re nsic Sci ences Netwo rk
Annual Meeting & Sympo sium, Se oul, South Korea. May 25- 27, 2011.
Semina rs a nd Trainings
ABI 3500 Ge net ic Analyzer Operator’s and User’s Training. U P-NSRI- DAL, Quez on
Ci ty, Philippine s. November 201 1.
Training Symposium on New Frontiers in Fore nsic DNA o rganized by The
Sing apore Heal th Sciences Authority Academy. HSA, Singapore. O ct ober 17 -21,
20 11.
The 3rd Asian Forensic Sciences Net work Annual Mee ting & Symposium, Seoul,
South Korea. May 25 -27, 2011.
Orga niza tions
Interna tiona l
Regional East Asia Forensi c DNA (REAFD) Group. Member (Fo unding Member)
since 20 07.
Loca l
Philippine Societ y for Microbi ology (PSM) – Member
Philippine Asso ciation fo r Teacher Education (PAFTE) – Member
I nte grated Chemi sts o f the Philippines (ICP) – Associate Membe r
7) MARIA LOURDES D. HONRADO (University Research Associate I)
Re search Grants
DNA Testing of Chil d Trafficking Cases funded by the DNA-Pro kids I nitiative,
Granada, Spain.
Validation of Procedur es in DNA Ext raction from Formalin-Fixed ParaffinEmbedded Tissues (FFPET) Samples funded by the Office of Vice Chancellor for
Research and Development, U niv ersity of the Philippines, Di liman.
Ev aluation of Real -ti me PCR Assays fo r Quantitat ion of Nuclear and
Mi tochondrial DNA: Applicati on to Forensic DNA Analysi s funde d by the Office
of Vi ce Chancell or for Resear ch and Development , Universi ty of the Philippines,
Semina rs a nd Trainings
ABI 3500 Ge net ic Analyzer Operator’s and User’s Training. U P-NSRI- DAL, Quez on
Ci ty, Philippine s. November 201 1.
Training Symposium on New Frontiers in Fore nsic DNA org anized by The
Sing apore Heal th Sciences Authority Academy. HSA, Singapore. O ct ober 17 -21,
20 11.
8) DOROTHY EMMA C. FERRER (University Research Associate l, Jan. – Feb. 2011)
Re search Grants
DNA Testing of Chil d Trafficking Cases funded by the DNA-Pro kids Initiativ e,
Granada, Spain.
Validation of Extract ion Met hods for Human DNA from Used Cigarettes funded
by the Office of Vice Chancellor fo r Research and Dev elopment, U niversit y o f
t he Philippines, Diliman.
9) MARIA CATHERINE B. OTERO (University Research Associate I, Jan. – Jun. 2011)
Re search Grants
DNA Testing of Chil d Trafficking Cases funded by the DNA-Pro kids I nitiative,
Granada, Spain
Validation of Extract ion Met hods for Human DNA from Used Cigarettes funded
by the Office of Vice Chancello r for Research and Dev el opment, Universit y of
t he Philippines, Diliman.
Confe re nce Proceed ing s
Dal et MRM, Salv ador JM, Calacal GC, Sagum, MS, Ot ero MCB and De U ng ria
MCA. DNA Test Leads to Reunio n of Child wit h Real Mot her. The 3 rd Asian
Forensic Sciences Network Annual Meeting & Symposium, Seo ul, So uth Korea.
May 25 -27, 2011.
Ot ero MCB, Calacal GC, Salv ador JM, Dalet MRM, Sag um MS, Eisenberg AJ,
Lo rent e JA and De Ungria MCA. Di re ct Amplificat io n of Bloo d and Buccal
Sampl es from Two DNA Co llection Syst ems. The 3rd Asian Fo rensic Sciences
Network Annual Meeting & Symposium, Seoul, South Korea. May 25 -27 , 2011 .
Balmores EJF, Maiquilla SMB, Calacal GC, Salvador JM, O tero MCB, Dalet MRM,
Sag um MS and De Ungria MCA. Expansion of Philippine Aut osomal Short
Tandem Re peat Population Dat abase. The 3rd Asian For ensic Scie nce s Network
Annual Mee ting & Sympo sium, Seoul, South Korea. May 25-27, 2011.
10) EUGENE JOHN F. BALMORES, JR. (Laboratory Research Associate, Nov. 2010 – Jun. 2011)
Research Grants
DNA Testi ng of Child Trafficking Cases funded by the DNA-Pro ki ds I niti ative,
Granada, Spain.
Validation of Extract io n Methods for Human DNA fro m Used Cigaret tes funded
by the Office o f Vi ce Chancellor fo r Research and Dev el opment , University of
the Philippines, Diliman.
Evaluat ion of Real-time PCR Assays fo r Quantitat io n of Nuclear and
Mi tochondrial DNA: Application t o Forensic DNA Anal ysis funded by the Office
of Vi ce Chancellor for Research and Development , Universit y o f the Phili ppines,
Confe rence Proceed ing s
Balmores EJF, Mai quilla SMB, Calacal GC, Sal vador JM, Ot ero MCB, Dalet MRM,
Sagum MS and De U ng ria MCA. Expansion of Philippine Auto somal Sho rt
Tandem Repeat Population Database. The 3rd
Asian Forensic Sciences Net work Annual Meet ing & Sympo sium, Seo ul, South
Ko rea. May 25-27 , 2011 .
11) EM EM B. LAMENTO (Laboratory Trainee, August - Nov. 2011)
12) MA. CONSSEZA CONSUELO P. SAGUM (Lab. Equipment Database Aide, Jun. – Oct. 2011)
13) ANGELIC A ROSE P. SAGUM (La b.Referenc e Databa se Aid e, Jun. – Aug . 20 11)
The Mi cro biological Research and Servi ces Laborat ory (MRSL) had undertake n a majo r
upgrading in te rms of it s equipment and facilit y. MRSL re ceived a subst antial equipment grant
from t he Nat ional Science Complex o f the Coll ege o f Science, U P Diliman. The laborato ry was
able to acquire the following equipment, tools and furniture : bacticinerat ors, balances,
general purpo se centrifug e, fil ing and g lassware cabinets, chai rs, chillers, digital dry bath,
incubato r, membrane fi ltration apparat us, microc entrifuge, pH meter, set s of pipe ttors,
pressure co oke r/st erilizer, r efrige rators, high output ult raso nic cleaner, v acuum pump, and
vo rt ex mixer. I n addition, the NSC also g rant ed funding for the conversio n of t he Chemi cal
Waste Facility into the Fe rmentation Laboratory (FL) of the MRSL. The co nstruction of the FL
started in late December 2011 .
In line with its adherence to I SO 17 025 principles, the MRSL continues t o conform to t he
ISO–based quality st andards. Compet ency of t he MRSL pe rsonnel was dete rmined and
ev aluated t hro ugh the Philippine MSTQ, Inc. National Mi crobiologi cal Proficiency Testing
Pro gram for Water Mi cro biology in May and November 2011 and for Pathog ens in Food Mat rix
in March 2011. The MRSL researcher-analysts hav e demonstrated goo d performance in the
two PT prog rams.
In co nformance to I SO 170 25 standards, the MRSL c onducted an i n-house exerci se to
establish the Measurement U nc ert ainty (MU) in quantitative microbial test s. The exercise ,
focusi ng on Het erotrophic Pl ate Count (HPC) of wate r sample s, generate d dat a that are
valuable in the analysis of l aboratory quality control dat a.
To further enhance the
underst anding of MU principles and applicat ion, Dr. Maria Auxi lia T. Siringan and Ms. Vina B.
Argayo sa attended the Measurement U ncertaint y Seminar, sponsored by t he Philippine
Me trolog y, Standards, Testing & Quali ty (MSTQ) and t he Philippine Accreditat ion Office (PAO),
Department of Trade and Indust ry (DTI ).
As a microbial r esource c ent er, MRSL continues to upgrade not only it s facilities but also
it s technical capability. Dr. Siringan and Ms. Argayosa participated in the “Training co urse on
Bio log GEN III Micro bial Identi fi cation System: Hands-on Workshop, CABI So ut heast and East
Asia, Universiti Pertanian Malaysia, Serdang, Malaysia on Aug ust 18 to 19, 2011.
MRSL has bee n activ ely inv olved in policy making in connection with micro biolo gical
safet y of commoditie s.
In 20 11, Ms. Arg ayosa served as member of t he Nat io nal Co dex
Subco mmittee o n Food Hygiene, co ordinated by the Bureau of Fisheries and Ag ricultural
Pro ducts St andards o f the Depart me nt o f Ag ric ulture (BAFPS-DA). She also participat ed in the
“Fo rum on Standards and Regulations” organized by DTI.
MRSL has continuously supported the capacity building pro grams of g overnment
agencies and the indust rial sector. The laborat ory co nduct ed a cust omized training course
on “Maint enance and I dentification of Reference Micr oorganisms in Microbial Testing " for the
laborat ory personnel of the Fisheri es Product Test ing Labo rat ory, Po st Harv est Technology
Division, Bureau o f Fisheries and Aquaculture Resource s (BFAR), Depart ment of Ag ricult ure
(DA). Ms. Arg ayo sa is t he main trainor for the said course. In addition, MRSL has continuously
equipped the technical personnel of t he wat er indust ry and its stake holders. Through the
“Training Workshop on the Growth, I solation and Identificati on of Fe cal Bacteria on May 25 to
27 , 2011, laborat ory anal ysts and microbiolog ist s o f wat er providers, bev erag e indust ry and
regulatory were trained in the iso lation and ide ntificat ion of key fecal bacteria. Mo rever, the
MRSL c onducted the training course on the “Bac teriological Examinatio n o f Water to equip
laborat ory analyst s from gov ernment ag encies, water providers, t he industry and testing
laborat ori es in understandi ng wat er borne microorganisms and their impact on publi c healt h,
basic microbiological t echniques and standard methods used in t he bact eri ological
examination of drinking, bo ttled and environme ntal wat ers.
MRSL also conducted a
customized seminar on “Orient ation i n Microbio logy fo r Non-te chnical Personnel” for a
company on Aug ust 22 , 20 11. The seminar-workshop aimed to educat e ent repreneurs on key
principl es on microbial g rowt h, microbial procedures and r elated concerns in the indust ry.
Comp leted on Octob er 6 , 20 11
DOST-PCAMRD Pro ject 2 – Marine Microorganisms: Characterization and
Culture Optimizatio n under t he Prog ram, Philippine Pharmaseas Drug Discovery
Pro gram - Marine D rug Discov ery from Marine Microo rg anisms for Anti -Infectiv e Agent s
and fro m Turrid Snails for Anti-Pain Agents” (PHI L-PHARMSE AS).
Pro ject leader:
Maria Auxilia T. Si ringan
Mary Ann Cielo V. Relucio
Ang elo D. Dela Tonga
Maria Arlin A. Laguitan
On-going In-ho use researc h
MRSL prov ided research funds and facilities in the co nduct of the foll owing studies:
Charact erization and I dentification of Exi geobacterium
Study leader: Vina B. Arg ayo sa
Isolat io n and ide ntificat ion of lacti c aci d bact eri a from ferme nted fo ods.
Study leader: Sonia Sp. Bulaong
Extension Services/Clients
Culture Collection
The U niv ersity of the Philippines Culture Collection (UPCC) o f the MRSL maintains
a total o f 432 microbial cultures, consisting of 135 bacterial, 219 fungal and 7 8 ye ast
cultures. Of these cultures, 402 are culture s li st ed in the U PCC Catalogue o f Cultur es
(20 00) and in 2006 edition of the Directory o f Culture Collections o f the Philippines. A
total of 30 cultures are catego riz ed as unlisted o r with restrict ed distribution. These are
for the exclusive use of t he depositors or impo rt ers. Table 4 present s t he current UPCC
mi cro bial holdings.
Table 4. The UPCC Microbial Holdings.
Ca tegory
Ba cte ria
Listed a
Unlist edb
Sub totals
MRSL has distribut ed 664 vi able and pure mi cro bial cultures to individual s and
institutions involve d in inst ruction, research, quality assurance pro gram, and product
dev elopment. O f t he 664 microbial cultures distributed in 2011, approximat ely 71.4%
(47 4) were bacteria, 16% (106) were fungi and 12 .7% (84 ) w ere yeasts (Fig .25 ). The
major users of microbi al cultures are fro m educational (65.1%), particularly students,
educat ors, and researchers fro m various schools and univ ersities (Fig .2 6). The next
major user of microbial resources is the indust rial sec tor (30.3 %), which utilize d these as
reference cultures and test organi sms in the R&D and Q A programs o f manufacturing
1 Bacter ia
2 Yeast
3 Fung
Fig. 25. Distribution of Microbial Cultures in 2011 Based on Microbial Groups
1 Educational
3 Government
Fig. 26. Distribution of Microbial Cultures in 2011 Based on Client Types
Micro biolog ical Servic es
MRSL perf ormed a total o f 6 ,12 9 microbio logical services, consi sting of 4,682
(76 .4 %) microbial analyses for dif ferent t ypes of wat er and 1,44 7 (23 .6 %) v arious
anal yt ic al services for no n-wat er sample s (Fig. 2 7). Tabl e 3 prese nt s the li st of mi crobial
tests performed for wat er samples. Table 5 shows t he diff ere nt microbial analyses done
on bev erage, fo od, food ingredients, personal care pro ducts (cosmetics, toi let rie s and
their raw mat erials), biocidal agent s, extract s from biological specimens, gadg ets and
proc ess In additi on, t he laboratory ide nti fied biolo gical speci mens from di fferent
subst rates.
76 .4%
Micr obial An alyses
For Water samples
Micr obial An alyses
For N on -Water samples
Fig. 27. Proportion of microbial analyses performed for water and non- water samples in 2011.
Table 5. Microbial services performed for various types of water in 2011.
Potabili ty
Detecti on of
P. aeruginosa
24 0
(by Client
10 58
Of the water sample s te st ed, 73.4% (3,439 out o f 4,682) were anal yz ed for
pot abilit y (Fi g. 28). About 16 .1 % of the sampl es were te sted for Heterotrophic Plat e
Count (HPC). The industrial sect or has be en a majo r client of the MRSL in the past
years. In 2011, about 76.3% of all services performed for various t ypes o f wat er were
requested by the Industry (Fi g. 29). The small-to -medium scale enterprise is t he second
major client. About 22 .6% o f the serv ices fo r wat er sampl es were provided to this
MRSL supported the wat er quality monitoring pro gram of t he Laguna Lake
Development Authority (LLDA) in 2 011.
The labo ratory performed key microbial
anal yses for samples from Laguna Lake and its tributaries. Samples w ere test ed fo r
fecal strepto coccus count and colifo rm level dete rminatio n.
1 Potability
73 .4 %
3 Fecal streptococci
Coliform level
Fig. 28. Major Microbiological Analyses Performed for Various Types of Water in 2011.
22 .6%
The Industry
Educational I nstitutions
Small to medium
Fig. 29. Client Types that Have Avail ed of Microbiological Analyses of Various Types of Water in 2011.
A tot al of 1,44 7 mi crobiological anal yses of non-wat er samples and pro ducts
were performed in 2 011 (Table 6). The t op micro biolo gic al analyses co nduct ed in 2 011
are t he fol lowing: a) Aerobic Plate Count or APC (49 2 out o f 1,447 or 3 4%), b)
quali tative screening or ant imicrobial assay o f different bioactive compounds or
extracts (28 6/1,447or 19.8%), and c) Yeast and Mold Count (2 13/1,447 or 14.7%).
Table 6. List of microbiological services rendered for the period: January to December 2011.
Aerobic plate count (APC)
Yeast and Mold Count
Detection of E. coli/coliform
E. coli count
Detection of Salmonella
Qualitative screening of
compounds/Antimicrobial assay
Detection of C. albicans
Detection of Staphylococcus aureus
Detection of P. aeruginosa
Determination of E. coli
Minimum Inhibitory Concentration
Lactic acid bacteria count
Percent kill
Actinomycetes count
Azospirillum count
Evaluation of Efficacy of UFILTA straw
and UFILTA bottle using natural and
artificially contaminated water
Contin u ation of Table 6.
Ident ification of floaters
Ident ification of microorganism in
ASTM Mold Resistance
Efficacy of the latex abd leaf extract
of Euphorbia sp. in reducing bacterial
population of naturally contaminated
water at 20 minutes contact time
Evaluation of the effectiveness of
steam sterilizat ion
Of t he se microbio lo gical services done o n non-wat er samples, 51 .9% (54 out of
104 clients) were request ed by the i ndustrial sector, particularly foo d and personal care
products manufacturing firms. The i ndustry was the major client f or these service s.
About 3 8.5 % of these service s were provided to t he education se ctor, particularly to
students in high sc hoo ls, colleg es and universit ie s (38.5%). (Fig .3 0)
38 .5 %
The Industry
Edcuational I nstitutions
Private sector
Fig. 30. Client Types that Have Availed of Microbiological Analyses of Non-water Samples in 2011.
Support to Students
MRSL researchers supported the academic pro grams of UP-based and no n-UP
institutions in 2011 through nurturing the research capabilities of undergraduate and graduate
students in connect io n with the completio n of t heir st udi es (Table 7).
Ms. Sonia Sp. Bulaong trained Ms. Be rnadeth Anto nio, a PhD Chemical Engineering
student in t he Colle ge o f Engineeri ng (COE), in the culture of Rhizopus sp. The training is
essential in the conduct of her di ssertation inv olving Rhizo pus-mediated bio co nv ersion process.
Ms. Argayosa is the co-adv iser of Mr. Marquiz Von Angelo Syquio G. Joson, a BS Biolog y
student o f the Institut e o f Biology (I B), College o f Sci ence (CS) fo r his undergraduat e thesi s
entitled “Further Characte rization and Ident ifi cation of an U nknown Halotolerant- Al kaliphili c
Pro karyote Isolat ed from Manleluag, Pangasinan Using Mol ecular and Phenot ypic
Characteristics. Mr. Joso n presente d an oral paper entitled, “Lo cally Isolat ed Hal o-alkaliphilic
Ext remo phile Mol ecul arl y identified as Exi guo bac teri um sp. and t he I nterplay of Salinit y,
Temperatur e and pH on its Growth” during the PSBMB -Roche Philippines Young Sci enti sts’
Forum at the 38th Annual Conv ention of the Philippine So ciet y for Biote chnolog y and
Mo lecular Biolog y (PSBMB). For hi s paper, Mr. Joson was awarded the First Prize for the fo rum’s
oral paper competi tion. His main adviser is Dr. Anacl et o M. Argayosa, a facult y of IB.
Dr. Siringan served as co-adviser and thesi s panel member o f under graduate and
graduate students of COE and CS as well as one g raduate stude nt of the Univ ersity of Santo
Tomas (U ST). In March 2011 , four graduate student s who w ere guided by Dr. Siring an,
successfully defended t heir thesi s and obtained t heir master’s deg ree . Moreover, Dr. Siringan
is currently mento ring students fro m the Natio nal I nstitute of Physi cs (NI P). She i s superv ising
t he microbiological proto cols used by the t hre e BS Physics and o ne MS Physics student s in
assessing the efficacy of t he plasma st eril ization pro cedures. In addition, Dr. Siringan was
appo int ed as co-adviser of Ms. Christine O. Me rca, a PhD Environmental Science candidat e o f
t he Institut e o f Environment al Science and Meteorolog y (I ESM). She is training Ms. Merca in t he
isolation and characte rization o f Vibrio spp. from stranded dolphins in preparation fo r he r
doctoral dissert ation. Dr. Lemnuel V. Arag ones of IESM is the main adviser.
MRSL has become not just a prov ider of microbial reso urces, techni cal services and
scientifi c information but also a training ground for future researchers, educators and t echnical
Table 7. Involvement of MRSL Researchers in Academic Programs in UP and non-UP educational
Vina B. Argayosa
Name of Student
Title or Topic of Thesis
and Degree
On-going until March 2012
Marquis Von
Further Characterization and Co-Adviser
Institute of
Dr. Anacleto M.
Angelo Syquio G. Ident ification of an Unknown
Biology (IB),
College of
BS Biology
Prokaryote I solated from
Science (CS),
Manleluag,Pangasinan Using
UP Diliman
Molecular and Phenotypic
Maria Auxilia T. Siringan
Completed in 2011
Krystle Angelique Distribution, Metabolic
Dr. Thomas
Profiling, and Antibacterial
school, Universit y Edison E. Dela
MS. Microbiology Activities of the Genus
of Santo Tomas
Usnea from Different Sites in
Luzon I sland
Successfully defended on
March 10, 2011
Mr. Deo Florence Genetic Diversity,
Marine Science
Dr. Rhodora V.
Localization and Dynamics
Institute (MSI),CS, Azanza
MS Marine
of Associated Endocytic
Bacterial Community in the
Vegetative and Pellicle cysts
of Pyrodinium bahamense
var. compressum
Successfully defended on
March 18, 2011
Ms. Arni Gambe
Optimization of Culture
College of
Dr. Rizalina de
MS Energy
Conditions for the Biological
Delignification of Rice Straw
using Phanerochaet e
chrysosporium Burds UPCC
Successfully defended on
March 29, 2011
Con tinu ation of Tab le 7.
Vina B. Argayosa
Name of Student
and Degree
Donna May
Salve, P. Cornes
MS Microbiology
Title or Topic of Thesis
Influence of Salinity on the
Infectivity of Vibrio
parahaemolyticus in
Molobicus (Oreochromis
niloticus x Oreochromis
mossambicus) Successfully
defended on March 31,
Maria Auxilia T. Siringan
On-going in 2012
Name of Student
Title or Topic of Thesis
and Degree
Marie Christine C. Can Philippine cetaceans
be sentinels of a
compromised marine
environment? Marine
mammals providing the links
among zoonoses, human
activities and ocean
Successfully defended the
proposal on November 29,
Camille Faith P.
Sterilization of polyethylene
terephthalate (PET) using
MS Physics
low-pressure glow discharge
H2O2 and O2 plasmas
Joanna Abigael
Comparative studies on the
use of different metal
BS Physics
electrodes in low pressur e
glow discharge plasma
Joey Kim T.
Sterilization of Candida
tropicalis cells on stainless
steel using atmospheric
microwave plasma jet.
Dr. Zubaida
Dr. Lemnuel V.
Dr. Henry
Dr. Henry
Dr. Henry
As a microbial resource center, the MRSL has co ntinued to provide t echnical se rv ices
and scientific i nformati on to undergraduate and g raduat e students who were completing
t heir i nv estigatory projects and theses. Tabl e 8 pr esents the studi es which were supported
by t he laboratory throug h prov ision o f microbiolog ical servic es in 20 11.
Table 8. Investigatory studies and theses supported by the MRSL 2011.
Topics of Theses or Investigatory Projects
Secondary Institutions
Antipolo National
Antimicrobial assay (AMA) of cashew nut shell against
High School
Staphylococcus aureus
AMA of oregano and calamansi extract against
S. aureus
AMA of makahiya extract against S. aureus
Araullo High School
AMA of kangkong methanolic extract against
S. aureus
AMA of tawa-tawa extract and sampa-sampalukan
extract against S. aureus
AMA of samsamping extract against S. aureus
AMA of cassava and duhat extract against
Escherichia coli
AMA of sampa-sampalukan against S. aureus
Name of Student or Adviser
Raymond R. Barredo
John Ivan Y. Amper
Martin B. Solomon
Gen Kenya M. Gerardo
Stephanie D. Williams
Dionne Ellize O. Granadil
Sarah Mae P. Mahinay
Anne Camille B. Mora
Con tinu ation of Table 8.
Assumption School
Batasan Hills National
High School
Butuan City SPED
C. Arellano High
Caloocan City
Science High School
Cayetano Arellano
High School
Francisco P. Felix
Memorial High
M.H Del Pilar High
Makati Science High
Malabon National
High School
Malayan High School
of Science
Marcelo H. del Pilar
High School
Science High School
Miriam College High
Navotas National
High School
Pasay City Science
High School
Pasay City West High
Pasig City Science
High School
Topics of Theses or Investigatory Projects
Name of Student or Adviser
AMA of oregano oil against E. coli
Denise Maisic L. Joven
AMA of oregano oil extract against S. aureus
AMA of Averrhoa carambola leaves extract against
Candida albicans
AMA of Andrographis paniculata stem and leaves
against E. coli
Norieline Cagasan
Dick Christian T. Mariano
AMA of mutha extract against E. coli
AMA of lato extract against E. coli
AMA of extract of Andrographis paniculata against S.
aureus and C. albi cans
AMA of candelaria extract against E. coli and S.
Aerobic plate count of water samples
AMA of papaya leaf extract and cactus extract
against E. coli and S. aureus
AMA of katuray extract against E. coli and S. aureus
AMA of dalandan extract and benzoyl peroxide
against E. coli and S. aureus
Jayson B. Nuval
Krista Mae P. Malaban
Jonah Erika B. Ferranco
Efficacy of the latex and leaf extract of Euphorbia sp.
in reducing bacterial population of naturally
contaminated water at 20 minutes contact time
AMA of pansit-pansitan extract against
Mycobacterium phlei
AMA of tubang bakod extract against S. aureus
John Agustin Escudero
AMA of herbicide diluted with water against
Enterobacter aerogenes
AMA of dilang baka cactus extract against S. aureus
AMA of cacao, basil leaves, black pepper extract
against Bacillus cereus
AMA of extract against S. aureus
AMA of ginger, luyang dilaw and camila root against
E. coli, S. aureus, and C. albicans
AMA of neem extract against Trichophyton
Aerobic plate count of foods before and after
contact with floor
AMA of broccoli extract against S. aureus
AMA of sampaguita extract against Salmonella
AMA of Jathropha curca extract in petroleum jelly
AMA of tawa-tawa extract against S. aureus
AMA of lemon balm against E. coli
AMA of garlic extract against C. albicans
AMA of aratilis extract against S. aureus
AMA of balimbing extract against S. aureus
AMA of garlic extract against C. albicans
AMA of powdered papaya seed and papaya seed
extract against E. coli
AMA of tomato and mil k facial cleanser against S.
AMA of guava extract against S. aureus
AMA of papaya leaves extract against S. aureus
Jeciel D. Amador
Karen Christy Mondido
Jose Nicolas Lorenzo
Jose Nicolas Lorenzo
Jean Roxette M. Misolas
Riana Tan
Valijean Paolo Razon
Maureen May Du
Jeremiah N. Banzon
Josel Lyn P. Solmoro
Eira Chariz R. Galang
Frances Noelle U. De Vera
Frances Noelle U. De Vera
Iris Alonso
Patricia Matienzo
Christ ine Rthel L. Halili
Jenica C. Almaiz
John Marvin Pascual
John Michael Matubis
Aira F. Ramel
Mary Grace P. Espango
Julieta T. Caguiat
Mary Camille A. Bola
Mary Grace P. Espago
Fredielyn Soria
Bernadette Pauline de Asis
Jennefer Olaco
Daybee Lazarte
Con tinu ation of Table 8.
Philippine Science
High School
Pililla National High
Pulong Buhangin
High School
Quezon City Science
High School
Ramon Magsaysay
High School
Rizal National High
Topics of Theses or Investigatory Projects
Minimum inhibitory concentration test of potassium
acetate and potassium permanganate against
Trichophyton rubrum
AMA of carabao mango, appl e mango, and indian
mango against S. aureus
AMA of ants extract against E. coli and S. aureus
Danielle Rina
AMA of pandanus odoratissimas extract against E.
AMA of tanglad and pandan extract against E. coli
and S. aureus
AMA of katakataka extract against S. aureus
Pepsi dela Cruz
AMA of eucalyptus extract against M. phl ei
AMA of carabao grass extract against E. coli
AMA of garlic, onion and ginger extract against
S. aureus
AMA of makahiya, pancit-pancitan, and talahib
against E. coli
AMA of duhat, caimito and tanglad extract against
E. coli
AMA of acapulco extract against S. aureus
AMA of carabao grass extract in 95% ethanol against
E. coli
AMA of banana peeling extract against E. coli
AMA of bayabas extract against E. coli
AMA of cashew nut shell against Saccharomyces
AMA of long and round eggplant extract against
Fusarium oxysporum
AMA of Phyllanthus niruri extract against S. aureus and
B. cereus
AMA of crude extract of leaves of Alstoni a scholaris
against S. typhimurium and S. aureus
AMA of garlic extract against S. aureus
AMA of chayote extract against E. coli
AMA of papaya seed extract against S. aureus
AMA of bougainvillea glabra against Serratia
Secondary Level
San Juan National
High School
San Miguel National
High School
Name of Student or Adviser
Topics of Theses or Investigatory Projects
AMA of tomato deodorant against Micrococcus
AMA of mango seed extract agaisnt S. aureus
AMA of oregano chewable gums against S. aureus
AMA of lemon grass extract against S. typhimurium
AMA of lemon grass oil -cream against S. aureus
AMA of tomato-deo-lot ion against S. aureus
AMA of Enchinochloa crus-galli against E. coli, S.
aureus, and S. typhimurium
AMA of neem leaves extract against B. cereus
Jeremy Alan F. Hilado
Jomari Jenskins F. Avellado
Pepsi dela Cruz
Yasmeen Tiffany DC.
Trisha Naomi D. Castro
Royce Albert P. Tejadilla
Maria Dolores C. Zaguiire
James Renzo Fonacier
James Renzo Fonacier
Ruth Eliel Y. Remorca
Royce Albert P. Tejadilla
Aira San Pedro
James Renzo Fonacier
Khristian Colene L. Lintonjua
Angelica Loiuse D. de
Sean Frances P. Barredo
Alexandra M. Oblea
Hideki L. Shinatsuka, Jr.
Tatjana Meghann C.
Aldwin Stephen D. Tabios
Amiel Joyce Bellen
Name of Student or Adviser
Maika R. Mirambel
Shidel V. Baggao
Alyssa E. Mendoza
Laurence G. Chavez
Sarah Joy A. Reyes
Maika R. Mirambel
Laura Ashley R. Manuzon
Joshua O'neal De Jesus
Con tinu ation of Table 8.
Tanza National
Comprehensive High
Tondo High School
V. Mapa High School
Tertiary Level
Don Bosco Technical
First City Providential
Our Lady of Fatima
Univ ersity
Polytechnic University
of the Philippines
San Pedro Poveda
San Beda College
Topics of Theses or Investigatory Projects
Name of Student or Adviser
AMA of guyabano extract against S. aureus
AMA of cream from onion dry scales against S.
AMA of garlic extract against S. aureus
AMA of onion extract against S. aureus
AMA of carabao teat s against E. coli
AMA of ginger extract against E. coli
AMA of papaya seed extract against S. aureus
Identification of microorganisms in slant
AMA of basil extract against E. coli
AMA of niog-niogan extract against S. typhimurium
AMA of soybeans against E. coli
Zyra Mae Carvajal
Just ine Grace B. Bernardino
Antimicrobial assay (AMA) of aloe vera extract
against E. coli and S. aureus
AMA of saluyot l eaves with ethanol against E. coli
Lakan Umali
AMA of pure and ethanol papaya extract against
C. albicans
AMA of Pauteria campechiama and Helianthus
annuus against T. mentagrophytes
AMA of kuchay extract against S. aureus and
Bacillus subtilis
AMA of balimbing extract against S. aureus and
B. subtilis
AMA of calamansi oil against E. coli and S. aureus
AMA of patola seed oil against E. coli and S. aureus
AMA of barak oils against S. aureus
AMA of ethanolic extract of taheebo against E. coli
S. aureus, B. subtilis, C. albicans, and T.
AMA of Rhoeo spathacea against E. coli, S. aureus,
S. typhimurium, T. mentagrophytes and Aspergillus
AMA of cogon leaves against E. coli and S. aureus
AMA of barak leaves essential oil against E. coli and
S. aureus
AMA of crude alkaloid against S. aureus
AMA of crude extract of barak against E. coli and S.
AMA of guyabano leaves extract against E. coli, S.
aureus, P. aeruginosa, C. albi cans, and
T. mentagrophytes
AMA of cogon extract against S. aureus
AMA of kulitis extract against E. coli
AMA of mango kernel extract and aloe vera extract
against S. aureus
AMA of lemon grass extract against S. aureus
AMA of cabbage and broccoli against S. aureus
AMA of agoho against S. aureus
Jobelle N. Garfin
Zyra Mae Carvajal
Carmela R. Lirsua
Clarisse Basa
John Gareth B. Bernardino
Maribeth A. Alvarez
Editha P. Dungo
Almirose Q. Cat ina
Christ ina Czar Lopez
Jennilyn M. Calma
Christ ine Joy Cayubit
Janice C. Mondero
Imee Bien C. Nasal
Marcea Armi T. Cayanan
Shermelyn A. Zema
Bernadeth G. Daracan
Lorna Enerva
Lorna Enerva
Reymart Sangalang
Angelique A. Nonesa
Feule Rica. A. Ancheta
Lorraine Anne S.J. Baltazar
Lorna Enerva
Reymart Sangalang
Steffi Lagodgod
Yhra Katrina Arriola
Con tinu ation of Table 8.
St. Theresa's College
Univ ersity of Rizal
Univ ersity of the
Philippines - Diliman
Univ ersity of the
Philippines - Los Baños
Topics of Theses or Investigatory Projects
Name of Student or Adviser
AMA of lime extract against S. aureus
AMA of kamias extract against S. aureus
AMA of langka and makabuhay ointment against S.
AMA of suspensions of malunggay oil encapsulated
-Cylodextrin against E. coli and S. aureus
AMA of solvents against S. aureus
Yeast and mold count of instant yeast
AMA of sucrose cocoesters, sucrose hexanoate,
sucrose laurate against E. coli, S, aureus, C. albicans
and A. niger
Steely Rose C. Manongsong
Steely Rose C. Manongsong
Mart Peter Catanyag
Adrian D. Mendizabal
Karmella Apaya
Kris Anne A. Fenequito
Evelyn B. Rodriguez
Support to Res earchers
MRSL suppo rt ed the project o f Dr. Raul V. Destura of the National I nsti tut e of He alth, UPManila. The project aims to develop a PCR-base d kit for dengue detection. The kit was
pro cessed usi ng t he biological safet y cabinet (BSC), freeze-dryer and t he Cult ure Collection
faci li ty of the l abo rat ory.
Interna tiona l
World Federa tion of C ulture Co llections (WFC C)
UPCC is a member o f the Wo rld Federation of Culture Collections (WFCC).
American Soc iety for Microbiology (ASM)
Dr. Siringan is a vot ing member of the Ameri can Soci et y fo r Microbiol ogy (ASM)
under Divi sion Q (Enviro nmental Microbiolog y).
Southeast Asian (SEA) Sub Commission of the International Commission on
Microbiolog ical Specifications for Foods (ICMSF).
Dr. Siringan is the Philippine representativ e in the Sout heast Asi an (SEA) Sub
Commi ssion o f the I nternational Commi ssion on Microbiological Specifications fo r
Foods (ICMSF).
National Cod ex Alimenta rius Orga nization
Ms. Vina B. Orgayo sa i s a member of the Sub -Committ ee on Foo d Hyg iene (SCFH),
Ad Ho c Wo rking Group for the Drafting of the National Co dex O rg anization Manual
of Operations, co nv ened by the Department of Health (DOH).
Philip pine Network of Microbial Culture Collection (PNMC C)
The U niv ersity of the Philippi nes Nat ural Sciences Research Institut e Cult ure
Collection (UPCC) of the MRSL is an affili ate member o f the Philippine Network of
Mi cro bial Culture Collect io n (PNMCC).
Philip pine Society fo r Microbiology, Inc. (PSM)
Dr. Siringan i s an act iv e life-member of t he Philippine Societ y for Microbiolog y, I nc.
(PSM) She is a Diplo mat e and one o f the Examiners of the Philippine Academy o f
Mi cro biology (PAM), t he accreditation arm of the PSM.
Ms. Ar gayo sa, Ms. Bulao ng and Ms. Cereno are act ive life-members of the So ciety.
Ms. Argayo sa and Ms. Bul aong are Speciali st Microbiologists under the PAM
ac creditation scheme.
Philip pine Metrolog y, Standards , Testing a nd Qua lity, Inc. (PhilMSTQ)
Dr. Si ri ngan, Ms. Argayosa, Ms. Bulao ng and Ms. Celi a A. Cereno are members of
the Philippine Met rology, Standards, Testing and Quality, I nc. (PhilMSTQ).
Throug h t he affil iation of the laboratory wit h PhilMSTQ , t he MRSL has co nti nuousl y
participated in the Proficiency Testing pro grams o f the PhilMSTQ, Inc..
Trainings conducted
Title of Tra ining
Training course on Maintena nce a nd Identificat ion of
Re ference Microorg anis ms in Mic rob ial Testing.
Funding Source
Le cturer and trainor
No. o f participants
Pro fil e of parti cipants
MRSL and Training Fees
March 1 3 to 17, 201 1
Ms. Vina B. Argayosa
PhP 10 ,0 00 per person
Labo ratory personnel of the Product Testing Labo ratory, Po st
Harvest Technology Division, Bureau of Fisheries and
Aquac ulture Resources (BFAR), De partment o f Agriculture
(D A).
Title of Tra ining
Training Course on Growt h, Isolation and Identification of
Selected Fecal Bacteria.
Funding Source
Le cturer and trainor
Coordinat ors
No. o f participants
Pro fil e of parti cipants
MRSL and Training Fe es
May 25 to 27, 2 011
Dr. Maria Auxilia T. Si ringan
Ms. Vina B. Argayosa and Ms. Celia A. Cereno
PhP 9,00 0 per person
Labo ratory
personnel/micro biologi st s
fro m
ag encies and wat er pro viders
Title of Tra ining
Training Course on Bacte riologic al Ex amina tion of Water
Funding Source
Le cturer
Trainors/Facilit ator
No. o f participants
MRSL and Training Fe es
July 11 to 15 and September 12 to1 6, 201 2
Dr. Maria Auxilia T. Si ringan
Ms. Vina B. Argayosa, Ms. So ni a Sp. Bulaong and
Ms. Celia A. Cereno
PhP 9, 500 .0 0 per person
Batch 1 (July 11-15, 2012) – 8
Batch 2 (September 12 -15 , 2012 ) – 8
Labo ratory personnel/analysts fro m Wat er Districts,
the industrial sector and gove rnment agency
Pro fil e of participant s :
regulato ry
MRSL Photo Galery
Fig. 31. Ms. Freda V. Ramos (b, left) and Ms. Lizette R. Garcia (b, right) of the
Product Testing Laboratory, Post Harvest Technology Division, Bureau of Fisheries and
Aquaculture Resources (BFAR), Department of Agriculture (DA) were trained by Ms.
Argayosa (a, rightmost) in the maintenance and identification of reference
microorganisms that are used in microbial testing from March 13 to 17, 2011.
Fig. 32. Ms. Argayosa (a), Ms. Bulaong (b) and Ms. Cereno (c) participated in the Proficiency
Testing on Food Pathogens in May and November 2011. The PT was coordinated by the
Philippine Metrology, Standards, Testing and Quality, Inc. The MRSL showed competency in
the enumeration of Clostridium (d), Enterococcus count,
Salmonella detection, and
Staphylococcus aureus coagulase positive Count.
Fig. 33. MRSL conducted the training course on “Bacteriological Examination
of Water” on July 11 to 15 and September 12 to 16, 2011. Shown here is the
first batch of 2011 trainees (a). The participants performed hands-on
laboratory exercises (b). Ms. Cereno, one of the trainors, discussed the
Fig. 34. MRSL conducted the seminar called “Orientation/Familiarization in Microbiology for Nontechnical Personnel” for a company on August 22, 2011. Dr. Siringan gave a lecture on basic concepts
in microbiology (a). Ms. Cereno oriented the participants in principles of asepsis, media preparation
and microbial tests (b) and related concerns in the industry.
Fig. 35. Undergraduate and graduate students from the National I nstitute of Physics (a, l eft to right:
Camille Faith P. Romero, Jenica Rose Uy, Joanna Abigael Y. Daseco and Joey Kim T. Soriano)
were trained in media preparation (a) by Mr. Reynaldo E. Javate, Jr. (a, rightmost) and in
microbiological procedures (b and c) by Dr. Siringan. Dr. Siringan is the co-adviser of the NIP
The NIP students are currently completing their studies on the efficacy of plasma
sterilization using bacterial and yeast test organisms. .Dr. Henry Ramos is the main adviser.
Fig. 36. Dr. Siringan, Ms. Argayosa and Ms. Mary Ann Cielo V. Relucio attended the“Biolog
GEN III Microbial Identification System: Hands-on Workshop held in CABI Southeast and
East Asia, Universiti Pertanian Malaysia, Serdang, Malaysia on August 18 - 19, 2011. Ms.
Chai demonstrated the procedure employed in the inoculation of BioLog plates (a). Dr.
Siringan, Ms. Argayosa (a), and Ms. Relucio (c) used BioLog plates in identifying bacterial
and fungal isolates. Dr. Chai Lay Ching oriented the trainees in the use of the software for
Manpower Development
Activ ities of MRSL Staff in 2011
1) MA. AUXILIA T. SIRINGAN (Univ ersity Rese arche r IV)
Positions held
Head, MRSL
Chairman and Biosafety Officer, NSRI Safet y Commit tee
Me mber, College of Sci ence REPS Committ ee
Associ ate member, National Rese arch Counci l of t he Philippines
Dipl omate, Philippine Academy of Microbiol ogy
Li fe member, Philippine Society for Microbiolo gy
Li fe Me mber, Philippine Assoc iation fo r the Advanc ement of Sci enc e (PHILAAS)
Me mber, Philippine Network of Micro bial Culture Collectio ns
Me mber, Mycologic al Societ y of the Philippines
Me mber, Phil ippine Asso ciation of Food Technologi st s
Me mber, Wo men Associati on of Sci enti st of t he Philippines (WASP)
Semina rs/Works hop/Tra inings a tte nded
Participant. “Biol og GEN II I Microbial Identi fication System:
CABI Southeast and East Asia, Universiti Pertanian Malaysia,
Serdang, Malaysia on August 18 - 19 , 2011.
Le cturer. Seminar on “Orient ati on/Familiarizat io n in Microbiol ogy for No nt echnical Personnel”, Mi crobiological Research and Services Laborato ry,
Nat ural Sci ences Research Institute, Universit y of the Philippines, Diliman,
Quezon Cit y. Aug ust 22 , 2011 .
Resourc e Person. 3M Food Sa fety Assurance seminar. Hot el Marco, Cagayan
de O ro City. Jul y 28 , 20 11.
Resourc e Person. 3 M Food Safety Assurance seminar. Pinnacle Hotel and
Suit es, DAao Cit y. July 2 7, 2 011.
Resourc e Person. 3M Foo d Safety Assurance seminar. Diamond Suit es, Cebu
Ci ty. Jul y 26 , 20 11.
Coordinat or, Trai nor and Le ct urer.
Training Course on “Bacteriological
Examination of Water”, Microbiolog ical Rese arch and Services Laboratory,
Nat ural Sci ences Research Institute, Universit y of the Philippines, Diliman,
Quezon Cit y. July 1 1 - 15 and Sept ember 12 - 16, 2011.
Participant. Se minar on “Measurement U nc ertaint y (MU) in Mi crobiological
Analysis”. Philippine Accreditati on Office, De part ment o f Trade and I ndustry,
Makat i, Philippines. June 1 6, 20 11
Trainor and Lecturer. Training Course on “Isol ation, Growth and I dentifi cation of
Selected Fecal Bacteria”, Microbiological Research and Services Labo ratory,
Nat ural Sci ences Research Institute, Universit y of the Philippines, Diliman,
Quezon Cit y. May 25 - 27, 2011.
Part icipant. 6th Asia- Pacific Bio technolo gy Congress and 40th Annual Phili ppine
Societ y for Microbiolog y, I nc. Philippi ne I nternat ional Conv enti on Center, Pasay
Ci ty, May 11 - 14 , 2011 .
Coordinat or.
I FM Water Microbiolo gy Profi ciency Testing (two rounds).
Mi cro biologic al Researc h and Services Laboratory, Natural Scie nc es Research
I nstitute, U niv ersity of the Philippines, Diliman, Quezon Cit y. May and Nov ember
20 11.
Coordinat or.
IFM Pro ficie nc y Testing for Food Pathogens (one round).
Mi cro biologic al Research and Servi ces Laboratory, Natural Sciences Research
I nstitute, University o f the Philippines, Diliman, Quezon City. March 2 011.
Resourc e Person. 3M Fo od Safe ty Assurance Semi nar: Go od Mi cro biolog y
Labo ratory Pract ices. 3 M Philippine Office, Makati City. February 16 , 2011 .
2) SONIA SP. BULAONG (University Researc her II)
Positions held
Associ ate Member, Nat io nal Research Council o f the Phili ppines
Specialist Mi cro biologist, Philippine Acade my for Microbiolog y
Li fe Me mber, Philippine Socie ty for Microbiolog y
Li fe Me mber, Philippine Assoc iation fo r the Advanc ement of Sci enc e (PHILAAS)
Me mber, Phil ippine Asso ciation of Food Technologi st s, Inc.
Me mber, Mycologic al Societ y of the Philippines (MSP)
Me mber, Bi ology Teachers Asso ciation ( BI OTA)
Me mber, Phi Sigma Honor So ciety
Me mber, Wo men Associati on of Sci enti sts in the Phi lippines (WASP)
Semina rs/Works hop/Tra inings a tte nded
Trainor and Lecturer. Training Course on “Bacteriolog ic al Examination of
Wate r”, Microbiological Research and Services Laborat ory, Nat ural Sciences
Research I nstitute, U niv ersity of the Philippines, Di liman, Que zo n City. July 1 1 - 15
and Sept ember 12 - 16, 2 011.
IFM Wat er Microbi ol ogy Pro ficiency Testi ng (two rounds).
Mi cro biologic al Researc h and Services Laboratory, Natural Scie nc es Research
I nstitute, U niv ersity of the Philippines, Diliman, Quezon Cit y. May and Nov ember
20 11.
Partici pant .
IFM Pro ficiency Test ing for Food Pat hog ens (one round).
Mi cro biologic al Researc h and Services Laboratory, Natural Scie nc es Research
I nstitute, University o f the Philippines, Diliman, Quezon City. March 2 011.
3) VINA B. ARGAYOSA (Univ ersity Res earcher I)
Positions held
Specialist Mi cro biologist, Philippine Acade my for Microbiolog y
Li fe Me mber, Philippine Societ y for Microbio logy (PSM)
Li fe Me mber, Philippine Assoc iation fo r the Advanc ement of Sci enc e (PHILAAS)
Me mber, Bi ology Teachers Asso ciation (BI OTA)
Me mber, U P Housi ng Cooperative, I nc.
Me mber, Mycologic al Societ y of the Philippines
Me mber, Phil ippine Asso ciation of Food Technologi st s
Me mber, Wo men Associati on of Sci enti st of t he Philippines (WASP)
Seminars/Works hop/Tra ining s attend ed
“Biol og GEN II I Microbial Ide ntificat ion System:
Workshop”, CABI Southeast and East Asia, Universiti Pertanian Mal aysia,
Serdang, Malaysia. August 1 8 - 18, 2011.
Trainor and Lecturer. Training Co urse on “Bacteriological Examination of
Wate r”, Microbiological Research and Services Laborat ory, Nat ural Sciences
Research I nstitute, U niv ersity of the Philippines, Di liman, Que zo n City. July 1 1 - 15
and Sept ember 12 - 16, 2 011.
Participant. Se minar on “Measurement U nc ertaint y (MU) in Mi cro biologi cal
Analysis”. Philippine Accreditati on Office, De part ment o f Trade and I ndustry,
Makat i, Philippines. June 1 6, 20 11
Co -coordinator. Training Course on “Isolation, Growth and I dentification of
Selected Fec al Bact eria”, Microbio logical Researc h and Services Laboratory,
Nat ural Sci ences Research Institute, Universit y of the Philippines, Diliman,
Quezon Cit y. May 25 - 27, 2011.
IFM Wat er Microbi ol ogy Pro ficiency Testi ng (two rounds).
Mi cro biological Research and Services Labo ratory, Natural Sciences Research
Institut e, University o f t he Philippines, Di liman, Quezon City. May and Novembe r
201 1.
Trainor and Lect urer. Training Course on Maint enance and Ide ntificat ion of
Reference Msi cro organisms i n Mi crobial Tesing for BFAR Trainees.
Sc ience s Research Institute, Universi ty o f t he Phil ippines, Diliman, Quezo n City.
March 1 3 - 17, 2011.
IFM Profi ciency Testing for Food Pathog ens (one round).
Mi cro biological Research and Services Labo ratory, Natural Sciences Rese arch
Institut e, Universit y o f the Phili ppines, Diliman, Quezon City. March 20 11.
Lect urer.
Basic Mi cro biolog y Trai ning Course for Chemic al Engineering
St udents. Natural Sci ences Research Institute, University of the Philippines,
Diliman, Quezon City. February 20, 2011 .
Judge. Science and Technolo gy Research Competition during t he 14th Yo uth,
Math , Science and Te chnolog y Week. Philippi ne Science High Schoo l Mai n
Campus, Dili man, Quezon City.
4) CELIA A. CERENO (Univ ersity Re searche r I)
Positions held
Associate Member, National Rese arch Council of the Philippines
Life Member, Philippine Micro biology Society (PSM)
Member, Philippine Assoc iation fo r the Advanc ement of Sci enc e (PHI LAAS)
Member, Women Associat ion of Sci enti st in the Philippines (WASP)
Member, Philippine Assoc iation o f Food Technologi sts, Inc. (PAFT)
Semina rs/Symp osia/Tra ining s a ttende d
Trainor and Lecturer. Training Course on “Bacteriological Examination o f
Water”, Microbiol ogical Research and Serv ices Laboratory, Natural Sciences
Research Instit ut e, U niv ersity o f t he Philippines, Diliman, Quezon City. July 11 to
15 and Sept ember 12 to 16, 20 11.
Lect urer. Seminar on “Orientation/Familiarization in Microbiolog y for Nontec hnical Personnel”, Mi cro biological Rese arch and Services Laborato ry,
Nat ural Scie nc es Research Inst itut e, University o f the Philippines, Diliman,
Quezon City. Aug ust 22, 2 011.
IFM Wat er Microbiolo gy Proficiency Te sting (two rounds).
Mi cro biological Research and Services Labo ratory, Natural Sciences Research
Institut e, University o f t he Philippines, Di liman, Quezon City. May and Novembe r
201 1.
IFM Profi ciency Testing for Food Pathog ens (one round).
Mi cro biological Research and Se rv ices Labo ratory, Nat ural Sciences Research
Institut e, Universit y o f the Phili ppines, Diliman, Quezon City. March 20 11.
The Research and Analytical Service s Labo ratory (RASL) renders chemical analytical
serv ices to student s, researchers, entrepreneurs, industries and government agencie s. RASL
holds the di stinction of the first ISO 170 25:2005 – Accredit ed Laboratory in the UP System. RASL
conduct s research on validation and dev elopment of methods and in generation o f baseline
information on to xic trac e metals and t race organics in the Philippine environment . In addition
to anal yt ical services, RASL conduct s training courses for chemist s to upgrade their techni cal
capability to do quality chemi cal analyses.
Research Activities
Fo reign Collab ora tion
On-going proj ect o f Dr. Ev angeline Santiago entitled “Global Air Passiv e
Sampling” funded by the Environment al Canada Air Quality Proce sses
Research Division fo r Gl obal Ai r Passive Sampling (GAPS) Proj ect. (Pls. see
externally funded section for details)
In-house Research a nd Develop me nt
In-house int ernal audit o f RASL staff (funding fro m RASL Trust Account)
Extension Services/Clients
Ana lytic al Services
a) Customers Serv ed by RASL in 2 011
Type I
Type II
Type III
Type IV
UP College of Science Students
UP NSRI Researches
UP Diliman Students outside of the College of Science
UP-Funded Researches outside NSRI and Students of
UP outside Diliman
Type I
Type II
(2, 0.61 %)
(15, 4.60 %)
Type III
(6, 1.84 %)
Type IV
Type V
(4, 1.23 %)
(272, 83.44 %)
Type VI
(24, 7.36 %)
(3, 0.92 %)
Type V Government, Small and Medium Scale Industries, and
Private Institutions
Type VI Multinationals and Big Companies (Top 1000)
Proficiency Testing
b) Ana lytical Instruments Av ailable
Atomic A bsorption Spectrop hotometer
Ele ctrochemical Ana lysis A ssembl y
Gas Chr omatograph s
Gas Chr omatograph / Mass Spe ctro me ter
Gra phite Furnace Atomic Ab sorp ti on Spectropho to meter
Ion Chromatogra ph
Liqu id Chromatogra ph / Mass Spe ctrometer / Mass Sp ectro meter
Microwave Di gestor
Tota l Organi c Carbo n Analyzer
Ultravi olet- Visibl e Sp ectro photometer
c) Rental of Laborat ory Fa cilities
Rotary Evapo rator with V acu um P ump a nd Heater
Tabletop Centrifuge
Ultralow Fr eeze r,(- 40°C)
Support to Students
RASL supports students and researchers by making available the facilities of the
laborat ory and by providing the analytical services that t he y need (Table 9 and Table 1 0).
Tab le 9. List of RASL’s users of facilities in 2011.
Name /
Project Leader
Facilities Used
Ms. Krizhia I p /
Jeffrey Venezuela
Ms. April Anne B.
Hachero /
Dr. Carina S. Ramos
Ultralow Freezer
Rotary Evaporator
April Anne Hachero
Dr. Ruel Mojica
Meryl AntonioReyes / Dr.
Armenia Opog /
Dr. Evangeline
Ultralow Freezer
Graniel Harne
Abrenica / Dr.Susan
Ultralow Freezer
Ultralow Freezer
School / University
UP College of
Department of Mining,
Metallurgical and
Materials Engineering,
UP Diliman, Quezon
Cit y
Institute of Chemistry /
UP-NSRI, UP Diliman,
Quezon City
Doctoral and Senior
Scientist Research
Fellowship in Basic
Research for
Agriculture and
Institute of Biology /
UP-NSRI, UP Diliman,
Quezon City
Title of Research Project
Photocatalysis of Methyl
Orange Util izing Titanium
Dioxide Under Varying Light
Toxicological Assessment of
Extracts of I ndoor Dust,
Laboratory and Faculty Room
Air Sampl es and Diesel /
Biodiesel Exhaust-Impacted
Air Using All ium cepa
Cytogenetic Assay
Influence of Roasting on the
Chemical Attributes and AntiOxidant Activity in Phil ippine
2D-SDS Page, HPLC and
LC/MS of Fucose Binding
Proteins from NT Gut
Institute of Chemistry /
UP-NSRI, UP Diliman,
Quezon City
glucosidase Inhibitors from
Terminalia catappa leaves
Institute of Chemistry,
UP Diliman, Quezon
Cit y
MS Thesis:
Inhibitors from Diospyros
blancoi DC Leaves
Nanostructured Ultra Thin Film
Based on Elcterochemically
Polymer Brushes
Tab le 10. List o f students and researchers who requested assi stance for thesi s, re search and
class projects 2011.
Degree / Course
Ms. Krizhia I p
BS Materials
Mr. Jason A.
Mr. Rendell
H. Tiay
Dr. Carina
Ramos c/o
April Anne
Rae S. Viloria
BS Chemistry
Ms. Jessa
Millanar / Ms.
Jonalyn B.
School /
UP College of
Department of
and Materials
Engineering, UP
Diliman, Quezon
UP College of
Education, UP
Diliman, Quezon
UP College of
Department of
and Materials
Engineering, UP
Diliman, Quezon
Institute of
Chemistry / UPNSRI, UP Diliman,
Quezon City
Photocatalysis of Methyl
Orange Utilizing
Titanium Dioxide Under
Varying Light Conditions
Visible Reading of
Five (5) Prepared
Nitrates in Drinking
Water in Dinalupihan,
Analysis of Nitrate in
Three (3) Water
Reduction of
Chloroform Content
Using Ni-doped Titania
UV Reading of
Sixteen (16)
Prepared Solutions
Assessment of Extracts
of Indoor Dust,
Laboratory and Faculty
Room Air Samples and
Diesel / Biodiesel
Exhaust-Impacted Air
Using Allium cepa
Cytogenetic Assay
Determination of
Exhaust Gases in
Private Vehicles
Analysis of
Polycyclic Aromatic
Hydrocarbons in
Nine (9) Biodiesel
Exhaust Extract
Institute of
Chemistry, UP
Diliman, Quezon
UP College of
Department of
and Materials
Engineering, UP
Diliman, Quezon
Determination of Nit rite
in Exhaust Gases Using
Uv-Vis Spectrometry
and Chromatography
Reduction of
Chloroform Content
Using Ni-doped Titania
Assistance for Thesis
/ Research and
Class projects
Analysis of Chloride,
Nitrate and Sulfate
in Two (2) Prepared
Qualitative Analysis
of Nitrite in Five (5)
Exhaust Gases
Samples by Ion
Visible Reading of
Five (5) Prepared
UV Reading of Eight
(8) Prepared
Con tinu ation of Table 1 0.
Degree / Course
School /
Assistance for Thesis
/ Research and
Class projects
Dr. Windell L.
Rivera /
Mr. Ralph S.
Project /
MS Microbiology
Institute of
Biology / UPNSRI, UP Diliman,
Quezon Cit y
Research Project:
Development of Loopmediated Isothermal
Amplification (LAMP) to
Rapidly Detect
Entamoeba Histolytica
in Stool Samples
Chromatography /
Mass Spectrometry
(GC/MS) Analysis of
Phenols and
Catechol in Seven
(7) Extract Sampl es
MS Thesis: Isolation,
Characterization and
Determination of Phenol
Degrading Ability of
Bacteria from Soil and
Sediment Samples
Competence and
Midkine Expression of
Philippine Water Buffalo
oocytes in Media
Supplemented with RA
During IVM
Photocatalytic Activity
of Titanium (IV) Dioxide
Visible Reading of
Five (5) Prepared
Ms. Lilibeth
A. Cajuday
PhD in Biology
Institute of
Biology, UP
Diliman, Quezon
May Reyes
BS Materials
Dr. Florentino
Sumera /
Ms. Loida
UP College of
Department of
and Materials
Engineering, UP
Diliman, Quezon
UP Natural
Institute, UP
Margie Rose
Hermo, Juan
Carlo Bisda,
Lacerna and
Dave B.
Galang / Ms.
Ma. Karina
BS Chemistry
Institute of
Chemistry, UP
Diliman, Quezon
BS Materials
UP College of
Department of
and Materials
Engineering, UP
Diliman, Quezon
Visible Reading of
Six (6) Prepared
Synthesis and
Characterization of
Polyurethane Polymers
-1)Coconut FAs
Copolymerized with
Simple Polyols and
Chromatography /
Mass Spectrometry
(GC/MS) Analysis in
the Scan Mode of
One (1) Prepared
Extract Sample
Reading of One
Hundred Nine & 0.5
(109.5) Prepared
Characterization of
Biosorptivity of
Biosorbents in Heavy
Metal Environments
Analysis of
Cadmium and
Lead in Seven (7)
Prepared Solutions
Con tinu ation of Table 10.
Degree / Course
School /
Henry I.
Animal Dairy
Sciences ClusterABPD, UP Los
Applied Animal
Biotechnology for the
Improvement of
Philippine Mallard
Dr. Renato
Animal Dairy
Sciences ClusterABPD, UP Los
Applied Animal
Biotechnology for the
Improvement of
Philippine Mallard
Ms. Joycelyn
C. Jumawan
PhD in Biology
Institute of
Biology, UP
Diliman, Quezon
Mr. Julius
Ryan D.
BS Biology
Department of
Biology, UP
Dr. Tolentino
B. Moya /
Mr. Bryan
Clark B.
Institute of
Science and
Reproduction, Size
Structure, Early
Development and DNA
Barcode Status of
Pterygoplidithys in
Marikina, Philippines
The Impact of
Aquaculture in the
Community Structure in
Taal Lake
Assessment of
Hydrologic Carrying
Capacity of Island
Watersheds: Role of of
Nutrient Loading
Assistance for Thesis
/ Research and
Class projects
Analysis of Moisture
Content and
Cadmium in Duck
Ovaries, Liver and
Eggs Samples
Analysis of Moisture
Content, Cadmium
Pesticides in Duck
Ovaries, Liver and
Muscles, Fats, Snails
and Feeds Samples
Analysis Chloride,
Magnesium and
Hardness in Two (2)
Water Samples
Analysis of
Cadmium, Copper,
Lead and Zinc in
Three (3) Sediment
Analysis of Chloride,
Nitrate and
Phosphate in
Twelve (12)Water
Consultation of stud ents/privat e indiv iduals:
Consultati on of Ms. Maria Leo nora L. Delos Santo s of Pitoco Hi gh Scho ol, DepE d
Makati inquired about GC/MS and HPLC proce ss and t he dif ferent sol vent s to be
use d i n ext racting bioactive compounds from plant extract and mic roo rganisms.
Consultati on of Mr. Ralph S. Hipolito, PhD student o f I nstitute of Bi ology, U P Diliman
on t he analysis o f phenol s and cathecols in extr act samples fo r his masteral thesis.
Consultati on of Ms. Maria Lo urdes Daroy, student from U niv ersity of Sto. Tomas on
isolation and identificat ion of compound procedures fo r her mast eral t hesis.
Consultati on of Mr. Ramon Ignacio L. Riv era o n diesel composition analysi s.
Consultati on of Mr. Junel B. Borbo, MS Chem. Engineering, College of Engineeri ng,
UP Diliman, Quezo n Cit y regarding pigmentat ion anal ysis o f Pili pulp oil.
Loca l
Philippine Metrolog y, St andards, Testing, and Quality (MSTQ )
Activ e participation as board member in pursuing the go al of the associ ation
in e nhancing the infrastruct ure for quality in the country
University o f t he Philippines in the Visayas, On - the jo b training o f Chemistry
Students in t he laborat ory
Nat io nal Codex Organizat ion, Department of Agricult ure - participation as
member of t he Sub Cmmittee on Methods of Analysis and Sampling and Sub
Committ ee on Fat s and Oil
International/Fore ign
United Nations Universit y, Tokyo, Japan
Activ e part icipation as the impl ement or in t he country of the regional
research program of U NU in Mo nitoring POPs in the East Asian Region
United Nations Env ironment Pro gram.
As consult ant to EMB on mat ters regarding t he Global Monitoring Program
of UNEP for the Stockholm Convention.
Mi nistry of Environment o f Japan for POPs in East Asia Project
Activ e participation i n the regional proje ct POPs in Air in E ast Asia to
generate baseline dat a for t he assessment of the eff ect ivity of t he
Stockholm Conv ention.
Environment Canada Air Qualit y Pro cesses Research Di vision
As collaborator in sampling for the Global Ai r Passiv e Sampling proje ct .
Tokyo Universit y of Ag ricult ure and Technolog y – Laborat ory of Organic
Geoc he mistry hosted research visi t of Prof. Hideshig e Takada and Ms. Maki
It o on November 24-27, 2011 under t he JSPS Fe ll owship.
Trainings conducted
RASL has developed t hree training courses to help l aboratories prepare for t he
t echnical re quire ments of I SO- 170 25. These are Qualit y Assurance in Chemical Analysi s,
Validation of Chemical Anal yti cal Met hods and Measureme nt of Uncertainty in Chemical
Analysis. These co urses are offered every year. I n addition t o the regular training courses, RASL
conduct s special training as requested.
Regular t ra ining courses cond ucted in 2011
Title of Tra ining
Va lid ation of Chemica l Metho ds of Ana lysis
Funding Source(s)
No. o f participants
Pro fil e of parti cipants
Participants paid a fee for the t raining
March 1 0 -11, 2011
Charita S. Kwan and Artemio E. Pasc ual
PhP 5,000.00/ participant
Che mists from government agencies and privat e industries
Charita S. Kwan and
Artemio E. Pascual (Trainors), RASL
staff with the participants of
Training Course on “Validation of
Chemical Methods of Analysis”
conducted on March 10-11, 2011.
Title of Training
Qua lity Assurance in Chemical Analysis.
Funding Source(s)
Dat e co nduct ed
Fe es
No. of participant s
Pro file of parti ci pants
Participants paid a fee for the t raining
April 7 - 8, 2011
Dr. Evangeline C. Sant iago and Ms. Criselda R. Afri ca
PhP 5,000.00/ participant
Chemists from gov ernment agencies and privat e industries
Fig.38. Dr. Evangeline C. Santiago
with the participants on the Training
Course on “Quality Assurance in
Chemical Anal ysis” conducted on
April 7-8, 2011.
Title of Training
Uncertainty of Mea surement in Chemical Ana lysis
Funding Source(s)
Dat e co nduct ed
Fe es
No. of participant s
Pro file of parti ci pants
Participants paid a fee for the t raining
April 28 - 29, 2011
Dr. Evangeline C. Santiago
PhP 5,000.00/ participant
Chemists from gov ernment agencies and privat e industries
Fig.39. Dr. Evangeline C. Santiago
(Trainor) with the participants of
Training Course on “Uncertainty of
Measurement in Chemical Analysis”
conducted on April 28-29, 2011.
Recent developments and other related activities of RASL for 2011
Participated in three (3 ) Laboratory Pro ficiency Testing (PT) Programs:
a. Pro fi ci ency testing o f o ne (1 ) sedi ment sample from Int ernational At omic Energy
Agency for t he analysis o f Moisture , Cadmium, Chromium, Co pper, Iron, Lead,
Manganese, Nic kel, Zinc, Arsenic and Mercury fro m Sept ember 2 to Decembe r 1,
201 1.
b. Pro fi ci ency testing o f one (1) water sample f ro m Environmental Resource
Associ ates for t he analy sis of Chl ori de, Sulfat e, Fluoride, Potassium, Sodium, Total
Dissolv ed Solids, To tal Soli ds and Tot al Alkalinity from Nov ember 3 - 22, 2011.
c. Pro fi ci ency testing of one (1) wat er sample from Enviro nmental Resource
Associ ates for the analysi s of Cadmium, Chro mium, Copper, I ron, Lead,
Manganese, Ni ckel, Zinc, Arsenic and Boron from Nove mber 17- 24, 2011.
Conducted I nternal Audit o f RASL on September to November 2011 done by Senior
Rese archers who has atte nded the trai ning co urse o n “I SO/I EC 1702 5:20 05 Labo ratory
Internal Audit ”.
Acquisi tion of one (1) Ethos Micro wave Dig estion Syst em on 10 February 2011 and one
(1) Agilent Triple Quadruple Liquid Chromatog raph / Mass Spect rometer/Mass
Spect ro met er on September 13, 20 11 t hru National Scie nc e Complex Funding .
Other activities for 2 011
1. Team Building Acti vity of RASL held o n April 1 , 2011 at Kabayan Beach Resort , San Juan,
Batang as.
Fig.40. RASL Staff for the Team
Building Activity at Kabayan Beach
Resort, San Juan, Batangas on April 1,
On-the-Jo b Training (Pract ical Training in Chemical Analysi s and I nstrumentation) of
Kristine Jo y Y. Sumang a, B. S. Chemistry student of University of the Philippines in the
Vi sayas on April 1 1 t o May 18 , 2011 (2 00 hours).
Fig.41. RASL staff with Kristine Joy Y.
Sumanga, On-the-Job Trainee, B. S.
Chemistry student of University of the
Philippines in the Visayas during the
Completion on May 18, 2011.
Manpower Development
Activitie s of RASL Sta ff in 201 1
1) EVANGELINE C . SANTIAGO (U nive rsity Rese archer V)
Positions held
Head and Technical Manager, RASL
National Project Coor dinator for the Philippines (1999-pre sent), United Nations
Universi ty EDC Monitoring in the East Asian Hydro sphere
Pro fessorial Lecturer, IESM, June-November 201 1.
Professio nal/Extension act ivities
Member. Expert Wo rking Gro up – Trial Air Monitoring Project in East Asi a for the
Global Mo nitoring Pro gram o f the St ockholm Conve nti on, 2003-pre sent.
Trainor-Lect urer. “Quality Assurance in Che mical Analysis”. UP NSRI , Diliman,
Quezon City. April 7-8, 2011.
Trainor-Lect urer. “Uncertainty of Measurement in Che mical Analysis”. U P NSRI ,
Diliman, Quezon City. April 28-29, 2 011.
President - Philippine Metrolog y, Standards, Testing , and Quality, Inc. July, 2008pre sent
Semina rs/Symp osia/Tra ining s a ttende d
Reported the result s of the UNU Project fo r 2010 on Mo nitoring o f
Po lybrominated Di phenyl Et he r (PBDE) in Sediment s in the UNU International
Symposi um held in Shanghai, China on Mar ch 7- 11, 20 11. Co ntinued t he
anal ysis o f the sample s in c oordination wit h Shimadzu Japan to find out t he
cause o f low det ection in the samples and to improv e the UNU met hod.
Supervised the high vo lume sampling o f air in Mt . Santo Tomas, Mt Province o n
January 18-19, 20 11 for the POPs in air Project (linkage with Japan Mi nistry of
Environment )
Developed the analysis of methyl este rs i n coconut oil by GCMS to respond to a
request of a co conut oil expo rter.
Speaker. Re gional Seminar Workshop on Risk-based Fo od Cont rol Prog rams in
So ut heast Asia. May 18 , 2011 .
Speaker. Meat Forum on t he Rol e of MSTQ Tools in Competitiv ene ss of Meat
and Meat Products. Apri l 26 , 2011 .
Submitted a capsul e pro posal t o DA BAR
Participant. Seminar “Liquid Chromato graphy -Gas Chromat ography- Throug h
Ov en Transfer Adso rption Desorpt ion (LC- GC- TOTAD) I nterfac e and its
Applicatio n”, Gol den Bat (Far East ) I nc. a nd At eneo de Manila Universit y,
School o f Science and Engineering / Ching Tan Room (SOM 11 1) John
Go kongwei School of Management, Ateneo de Manila Universit y, Kati punan
Avenue, Quezon Cit y. April 1 8, 2011 ,
Participant. U NU I nternational Symposium on “Environment al Moni toring and
Go vernance in the Asian Coastal Hydrosphere: Past 10 Ye ars and Future o f
Stockholm Convention on Persi stent Organic Pollut ants (POPs)”, Tokyo, Japan.
Oct ober 24 -25, 2011.
2) CHARITA S. KWAN (University Researc her III)
Position held
Deput y Administrative Manag er and Analyst Superv isor, RASL
Professional/Extension a ctivities
Trainor- Lecturer. “Validation of Chemical Methods of Analysis”, UP NSRI , Diliman,
Quezon Cit y. Marc h 10 -11, 2011.
Me mber, Phil MSTQ, I nc
Fellow, JSPS-Ronpaku Ph.D. Dissertat ion Research Pro gram for 201 1. Labo ratory
of Org anic Ge ochemi stry, Tokyo U niv ersity of Agriculture and Technolo gy under
Pro f. Hideshige Takada. May 9 – Aug ust 6, 2011.
Semina rs/Symp osia/Tra ining s a ttended
Participant. Seminar-Forum “Radiation and Life”, DLSU -Co llege of Educat ion,
Lasallian Inst itut e for De velopment and Educational Research in co operati on
with DOST Societ y of Philippine Ronpaku Fellow s / Lec tur e Roo m 17 03 Br.
Andrew Gonzales Hall, DLSU Mani la. April 8, 20 11.
Participant. Seminar “Liquid Chromato graphy -Gas Chromat ography- Throug h
Ov en Transfer Adso rption Desorpt ion (LC- GC- TOTAD) I nterfac e and its
Applicatio n”, Gol den Bat (Far East ) I nc. and Ateneo de Manila University,
School o f Science and Engineering / Ching Tan Room (SOM 11 1) John
Go kongwei School of Management, Ateneo de Manila Universit y, Kati punan
Avenue, Quezon Cit y. April 1 8, 2011 .
Pa per Pub lished
Hirai, H., Takada, H., O gat a, Y., Yamashit a, R., Mi zukawa. K., Saha, M., Kwan,
C., Moo re, C., G ray, H., Laursen, D., Zettl er, E. R., Farringto n, J. W., Reddy,
C.M., Emily E. Peaco ck, E. E., Ward, M. W. Organi c micropollutants in marine
plast ics debris from t he open o cean and remote and urban beaches. Marine
Pollutio n Bulletin 6 2 (201 1) 16 83–169 2.
3) ARTEMIO E. PASCUAL (Univ ersity Researcher II)
Positions held
Analyst Superv iso r, RASL
Bo ard Me mber – Kapisanan ng Ki mika ng Pilipinas, Division of Analyt ical
Science, Philippine s
Professional/Extension a ctivities
Trainor- Lecturer. “Validation o f Chemical Methods o f Analysi s, UP NSRI, Diliman,
Quezon Cit y. Marc h 10 - 11, 2011.
Semina rs/Symp osia/Tra ining s a ttended
Participant. “DKSH Chemical/Petrochemical TEC Conference”, DKSH
Technolog y Philippines, I nc./EDSA Shangri-La Hotel. June 22 , 2011 .
Participant. “DKSH Packagi ng /Polymer TEC Co nfer enc e”, DKSH Technolo gy
Philippines, I nc./EDSA Shangri -La Hotel. June 22, 20 11.
Participant, “DKSH Semicon TEC Conference”, DKSH Technolog y Philippi nes,
I nc./EDSA Shangri-La Hotel. June 23, 20 11.
Participant. “Verification o f Co mmon Labo ratory I nstrument s”, Met als Industry
Research and Development Center, DOST Gen. Santos Ave nue, Bicutan,
Taguiig City. Oct ober 28, 2011.
Participant. “Training o n Me asurement o f Uncert ainty”, Trade Relat ed Technical
Assistance Project 2, Philippi ne Accre ditation Offi ce/Old Swiss I nn, Somerset
Ol ympia Hotel, Makat i City. Novembe r 10 -11,20 11.
4) CRISELDA R. AFRICA (U niversity Resea rcher I)
Position held
Analyst Superv isor, RASL
Professional/Extension a ctivities
Trainor- Lecturer. “Quality Assurance in Chemical Analysis”, UP NSRI , Diliman,
Quezon Cit y. April 7 -8, 2 011.
Semina rs/Symp osia/Tra ining s a ttended
Trainee. “Microwave Dig esto r (Ethos O ne)”, Guill -Bern Corp. / Research and
Analytical Services Laboratory/U P NSRI, Diliman, Quezon City . February 22 , 2011 ,
5) ABEGAIL Z. RASCO (University Resea rch Associa te II)
Position held
Analyst, RASL
Semina rs/Symp osia/Tra ining s a ttended
Trainee. “Mic rowav e Digestor (Ethos One)”, Guill-Bern Corp./Research and
Analytical Services Laboratory/U P NSRI, Diliman, Quezon City . February 22 , 2011 .
Participant. “Wat er Q ual it y Wo rkshop”, Dynalab Corporati on/Research and
Analytical Services Laboratory / U P NSRI, Diliman, Quezo n Cit y.
Participant, “Dionex U HPLC and Chro mel eon Chro matog raphy Dat a Syst em
Semi nar”, Ele ctro byte Co rporation / The Legend Villas, 6 0 Pi oneer corner
Madison Stre ets, Mandaluyong Cit y. April 1 2, 201 1.
Trainee. “On-the Job-Training on Flame At omic Absorpt io n Spectrophoto met ry:
Le ad”, Research and Analytical Services Laboratory / U P NSRI, Diliman, Quezon
Ci ty. May 16 -20, 2011.
Participant. AME TEC/U NU 2011 Training Course “Passive Air Sampling II : Long
Range Transport Pol lutants”, South Sea Branch, KORDI, G eo je, Korea. Oc tober
10 -21, 2011.
6) JENALYN V. CRU Z (Ad mistrative Aide VI)
Awa rd Received
Aw arde e, Gawad Chanselor’s “Nat atanging Kawani” during the 16th Gawad
Chanselor, U P NI SMED Audi torium, U P Dili man, Quez on City. February 24, 2011.
Fig.42. Jenalyn V. Cruz (Middle) with Prof. Mary
Administration), Dr. Sergio S. Cao (UPD Chancellor),
Dr. Ronald S. Banzon (Acting Dean, College of
Science) and Dr. Ernelea P. Cao (Director, UP-NSRI )
during the 16th Gawad Chanselor as “Natatanging
Kawani”, UP NISMED Auditorium UP Diliman,
Quezon City. February 24, 2011.
Passed, Civil Service Eligibility: Career Servi ce Professional Examination, Ramon
Magsaysay (Cubao) Hi gh School. October 16 , 20 11 .
Semina rs/Symp osia/Tra ining s a ttende d
Trainee, “Microwav e Digestor (Et hos One)”, G uill-Bern Corp./Research and
Analytical Services Labo ratory/UP NSRI, Diliman, Quezon City. February 22, 2011.
Participant. “Dionex UHPLC and Chromeleon Chromat ography Data System
Se mi nar”, Electrobyte Corporation/The Leg end Vill as, 6 0 Pio nee r corne r
Madi son Street s, Mandaluyong City. Apri l 12 , 2011 .
Trainee. “On-the Job-Training on Basic MapI nfo Profe ssio nal”, Rese arch and
Analytical Services Labo ratory / U P NSRI, Diliman, Quezon City. May 2-31 , 2011 .
10) CECILIA B. MEN GUIS (La boratory Aide )
Semina rs/Symp osia/Tra ining s a ttende d
Trainee. “On- the Job-Training for Duties o f Laborato ry Techni ci an and for
Preparat ion for Inorganic Analysis”, Re search and Anal ytical Se rv ic es
Laboratory/UP NSRI , Diliman, Quezon City. February 18 – May 4, 201 1.
11) RAIAN F. LAPRESCA (La boratory Aid e)
Semina rs/Symp osia/Tra ining s a ttende d
• Trainee. “On -the Job- Training on Grain Size Analysis”, Research and Analytical
Serv ices Laboratory / U P NSRI, Diliman, Quezon City. January to June 2 011.
The NSRI provides information on it s techni cal services and re sear ch act ivit ies thro ug h
t he following publications (for details, ple ase see sectio n 1.2).
The NSRI Research and Ext ension Se rvice s
The NSRI Catalo g o f Cultures
The NSRI Brochure
Ye arly Anno uncement of Training Courses (uploade d in the NSRI
The NSRI as a national cent er of excell ence in the basic sciences stri ves t o promote
consciousness and appreciation for the natural sciences by hosting visits of st udents and
researchers and ac co mmodat ing requests for demonst ration o f modern equi pment for
v arious groups.
The NSRI co nti nues to implement a Saf et y Prog ram for the benefi t of NSRI-based
researchers. The Safety Commi ttee is chaired by Dr. Maria Auxilia T. Si ringan, who is the
Bio logical Safety Officer o f t he I nst itute. The Pollution Control O ffi cer who implements the
Chemical Wast e Management Program of the I nstitute is Ms. Leahfe P. Gabriel.
Organiza tion and Ma nag eme nt
The Organizational Chart of both regular and contract ual personnel of NSRI is shown in
Fi g. 43. The vario us units, their principal personnel and functions are briefl y de scribe d below:
Fig.43. The NSRI Organizational Chart
Executive Council
Thi s is the highest poli cy-making authority within the NSRI consi sting of the NSRI Director
and t he Dean o f the Colleg e o f Science as Co -Chairpersons and the representativ es of the
disciplinal and interdi sciplinary unit s covered by t he mandate of N SRI .
The Directo r serv es for a term o f three year s and is the chief executive of the Institute.
He/she co mmuni cates and i mple ments the deci sions o f the Executive Council to par ties
concerned, repre sents the Institut e and/o r negot iat es collaborations in behalf of NSRI , initiat es
programs and taps external sources o f funding , bot h national and international.
The representat ives are selected by their re spective unit s for a t erm o f t wo year s. They
supervise the screening o f rese arch proposals wi thin t heir units and act as liaison of their units
with t he Execut ive Council.
The f ollowi ng were the members o f the Exec utiv e Council in 2011 :
Chairpe rsons :
Dr. Ernelea P. C ao
Directo r, NSRI
Dr. Jo se Maria P . Ba lmaceda (June 2011 – prese nt)
Dr. Ca esar A. Sa loma (Janua ry 2011 – Ma y 2011 )
Dean, Colleg e o f Sci ence
Me mb ers:
Dr. Luis Ma ria B. Ga rcia
Representat ive, Inst it ut e o f Biolo gy
Dr. Guillermo M. N uesca (November 2010 – present)
Representat ive, Inst it ut e o f Chemi stry
Dr. Jo se Maria L. Es caner IV (October 20 08 – Dec emb er 2 011 )
Representat ive, Department o f Mathemati cs
Dr. Lemmuel V. Arag ones (June 20 09 – prese nt)
Representat ive, Inst it ut e o f Environment al Science and Met eorology
Dr. Roland V. Sa rmag o (June 201 1 – present)
Dr. Florentino C. Sumera (March 200 9 – Ma y 2011 )
Representat ive, Material s Sci ence and Engineering Program
Research Section
This section performs t he research functions o f t he NSRI . At present, most of the research
is undertaken t hrough the facult y of the Colleg e of Sc ience in the foll owing disciplines: Biolog y,
Chemistry, Mathemati cs, and Environment al Sciences and Meteorolog y. The research thrusts
in the se areas therefore reflect those of the institutes and depart ment s. The members o f NSRI ’s
regular REPS who were initially hired to pro vide technic al serv ices to researchers were
reco gnized as a research uni t in 198 8 under the Research Policies and Gui delines o f NSRI . As
such, the NSRI REPS hav e also bee n active in sol iciting grants from NSRI. NSRI’s REPS hav e also
been active i n obtaining ext ernal support for their projects (see sectio n on Externally-Funded
The r esearch pe rsonnel of the NSRI thus consist o f the following:
Project Leaders, Co -Project Leaders, Progr am Co ord ina tors and Collaborators: faculty
researchers of the Colle ge o f Sci ence, NSRI research staff and adjunct researchers of the
College of Science.
Contra ctua l Resea rch Sta ff: University Research Associat e I , hired on a contract ual basi s for
a particular project.
Technical Supp ort Sectio n
This sect ion provides t echnical services for researchers and performs the e xtensi on
services described in Technical assist ance and Advisory servi ces section. The principal uni ts
are the Biolo gical Researc h and Services Laboratory (BRSL), t he DNA Analysis Laborat ory
(DAL), the Microbiologi cal Research and Services Laboratory (MRSL) and the Research and
Analytical Services Laboratory (RASL).
Biologica l Resea rch and Serv ices Labora tory (BRSL)
Universi ty Researcher I
University Research Asso ciat e I
Admin. Aide IV
DNA Analytical Labo ra tory (DAL)
University Researcher I II
University Researcher II
Universi ty Research Asso ciat e I (o n st udy l eave)
Universi ty Research Asso ciat e I (U P contract ual)
Universi ty Research Asso ciat e I (substitute)
Research Asso ciat e (non-UP co ntractual)
Microbiolog ical Research a nd Service s La boratory (MRSL)
University Researcher I V
University Researcher I I
University Researcher I
Labo ratory Tec hnician I
Labo ratory Staff (no n-UP co nt ractual)
Re search and Ana lytica l Se rvices Labo ratory (RASL)
University Researcher V
University Researcher I II
University Researcher I I
University Researcher I
University Research Asso ciat e II (effective Se pt. 24, 2010 )
Labo ratory Technician I
Admin. Aide VI
Research and Anal yt ical Staff (non-UP co nt ractual)
Administrative Suppo rt Section
This section consists o f the st aff o f t he Administ rative Office, Publication Sec tion and t he
Pro pert y Office:
Administrative Office : handle s the administ ration of re search project s and actively
suppo rt s all act ivities of t he i n-house labo ratories of the Institut e. The specific functions
are: 1 . To pro vide assistance t o researchers in financial management, scheduling of
use o f Institute faci liti es, provide suppo rt t o cleri cal and artistic services in the
preparat ion o f research manuscripts and coor dinates wit h di fferent l aboratories
regarding their acti vities for researc h and ext ension, such as holding of seminars,
t rai ning courses, etc . and also, 2. To t ake charge of facilit ating students and guest s on
to ur of t he Inst itut e. The staff co nsist s of:
Publication Section: offers print ing, bi nding and phot ocopying service s. I t is equipped
with nec essary facilities and manpower for the publication o f research reports,
manuals, books, et c. The staff c onsist s of:
Publication Circulation Officer II
Admin. Assistant V
Prop erty Section: in-charge of the o verall mai ntenance and upkeep o f NSRI building
and g rounds, facilities and equipment, pro perty and supply, administration o f
elect rical, plumbing and carpent ry work. The st aff consists of:
Administrative Officer V
Administrative Officer I V
Administrative Officer III
Administrative Assistant II
Administrative Assistant II (Artist I ll ust rator II)
Admin. Aide IV
Admin. Aide III
Admin. Officer V
Prec ision I nstrument Technician III
Admin. Assistant III
Labo ratory Tec hnician I I
Labo ratory Aide II
Comp uter Room:
provi des for the computer needs o f researche rs, URAs and
administrative personnel, including e-mail and int ernet access thro ug h the DI LNET.
Lis t of NSRI Room Occupants in 2011
The c omplete list of NSRI’s room o ccupants in 2011 is shown in Table 11.
Table 11. Room Occupants of NSRI in 2011.
Name of Room/Lab Occupa nts
Assigned Room Nos.
Director’s Office
Rm. 234
NSRI In-house Laboratories:
Biological Research and Services Laboratory (BRSL)
DNA Anal ysis Laboratory (DAL)
Microbiological Research Services Laboratory (MRSL)
Research and Analytical Services Laboratory (RASL)
Rms. 120-127
Rms. 201-212, 214, 216, 218, 224
Rms. 101 – 112
Rms. 134 -135, 138 – 139 & Pesticid e L aboratory
NSRI Offices:
Administration Office
Property & Maintenance Office
Chemical Safety Office
Rm. 234
Rm. 137
Rm. 234 (inside office)
Rms. 233, 237
Rm. 114
NSRI Rooms:
Animal House
Chemical Waste Storage
Conference/ Council Room
Computer Room
General Room for Use of Fume Hood
Green House
General Room (Fume Hood, Hot Room, Sterilizer)
Storage Room
Rm. 15
Animal House Extension
Rm. 231
Rm. 236
Rm. 247
Rm. 16
Rm. 113
Rm. 235, Snail Rm. 1
Chemistry Researchers occupying rooms in NSRI
Dr. Susan DR. Arco
Dr. Evangeline Amor/ Dr. Flerida A. Carino
Dr. Len Herald V. Lim
Dr. Florecita S. De Guzman
Dr. Florian R. Del Mundo
Dr. Maria Pythias B. Espino
Dr. Elma C. Llaguno
Dr. Guillermo M. Nuesca
Dr. Leni L. Quirit
Dr. Carina Ramos
Dr. I rene B. Rodriguez
Dr. Portia Mahal G. Sabido
Dr. Florentino C. Sumera
Rm. 226
Rm. 240
Rm. 219
Rm. 242
Rm. 221
Rm. 217
Rm. 215
Rm. 220
Rm. 238
Rm. 213
Rm. 222
Rm. 244
Rm. 223
Biology Researchers occupying rooms in NSRI
Dr. Anacleto M. Argayosa
Dr. Zubaida U. Basiao
Dr. Elena S. Catap
Dr. Ernelea P. Cao
Dr. Luis Maria B. Garcia
Dr. Wildell L. Rivera
Dr. Janet Puzon/ Dr. G. Rivero
Dr. Zubaida U. Basiao
Animal House Rm. 11
Rm. 115
Rm. 117
Rm. 118
Rm. 119
Animal House Rms. 7, 9, Snail R ms.
Rm. 116
Snail Rm. 3
Physics Researchers occupying rooms in NSRI
Dr. Jose Magpantay
Dr. Henry Ramos
Dr. Danilo Yanga
Rm. 246
Rm. 243
Rm. 245
IESM Researchers occupying rooms in NSRI
Dr. Tolentino B. Moya
Dr. Cherry L. Ringor
Rm. 241
Rm. 239
5, 7 & 9
Personnel Inventory of the NSRI
The li st of regular personnel o f the NSRI in 20 11 i s prese nt ed in Table 12. The total
inventory of perso nnel for 2 011 is provided in Table 1 3.
Table 12. Regular personnel of NSRI in 2011.
Ern elea P . Cao
D irector
Ad dition al Assignment
R aquel O. Ru bio
University Research er I
On active du ty
Ern a L ou ise L . Elias
Univ. Resear ch Assoc. I
On active du ty
R hona A. On g
A dmin . A ide IV
On active du ty
Maria Coraz on A . D e Un gria
Univ. Resear cher III
On active du ty
G ayvellin e C. Calacal
Univ. Resear cher II
On active du ty
Frederick C. Delf in
Univ. Resear ch Assoc. I
On active du ty, eff. Sept. 1, 2011
Jazelyn M. Salv ador
Univ. Resear ch Assoc. I
Subst. f or Mr. D elfin un til Aug.31, 2011
UP con tr actu al ef f. Sept. 1, 2011
Con tinu ation of Table 12.
Miria m R u th M. D alet
Univ. Resear ch Assoc. I
UP Con tr actu al
Sheen a Marie B. Maiquilla
Univ. Resear ch Assoc. I
UP Con tr actu al
Minerv a S. Sagu m
Univ. Resear ch Assoc. I
UP Con tr actu al
Maria Catherin e B. O tero
Univ. Resear ch Assoc. I
Non -UP C on tr actu al u ntil May 31, 2011
Maria Lou rdes D .C. H on rado
La b. R esear ch A ssoc.
UP Con tr actu al eff . July 13,201 1
Eu gen e John F. Balmor es, Jr.
La b. R esear ch A ssoc.
UP Con tr actu al eff. Ju ne 3 -30, 2011
Satu rn in a C. Halos
Consu ltan t
Ad dition al assign men t
Maria A uxilia T. Sirin gan
Univ. Resear cher IV
On active du ty
Sonia SP. Bulaong
Univ. Resear cher II
On active du ty
Celia A . Ceren o
Univ. Resear cher I
On active du ty
V in a B. A rgayosa
Univ. Resear cher I
On active du ty
R eyn aldo E. Javate, Jr.
La bor ator y Techn ician I
On active du ty
R osa lyn F. Diaz
La bor ator y Secr etary
Non -UP C on tr actu al
Ma. Adel N . A rjon a
La bor ator y Assistan t
Non -UP C on tr actu al
D ion isio R. V illan ueva
R esear ch A ide
Non -UP C on tr actu al
L uisa S. San ie l
Consu ltan t
Ad dition al Assignment
Evan gelin e C . Santiago
Univ. Resear cher V
On active du ty
Ch arita S. K wan
Univ. Resear cher III
On active du ty
A rtemio E. Pascua l
Univ. Resear cher II
On active du ty
Criselda R. Af rica
Univ. Resear cher I
On active du ty
A beg ail Z. Rasco
Univ. Resear cher A ssoc. II
On active du ty
Jen n if er L. Rodriguez
La bor ator y Techn ician I
On active du ty (ret. ef f. May 9, 2011)
Jen aly n V . Cr uz
A dmin . A ide VI
On active du ty
Maritess N oelle V . Ar ancillo
A nalyst
Non -UP C on tr actu al
Kr istin e O. Manalan g
A nalyst
Non -UP C on tr actu al
R aian F. L apresca
La bor ator y Aide
Non -UP C on tr actu al
Cecilia B. Men guis
La bor ator y Aide
Non -UP C on tr actu al
L eah fe P . G abriel
A dmin istrativ e Of ficer V
On active du ty
Eleaz ar S. D el R emed io
A dmin istrativ e Of ficer IV
On active du ty
L elib eth S. Alv eza
A dmin istrativ e Of ficer III
On active du ty
Ern esto A . Can las
A dmin . A ssistant II
On active du ty
Edeza M. Rivera
A dmin istrativ e Assistan t II
On active du ty
R eyn aldo S. Teañ o
A dmin istrativ e Aide I V
On active du ty
R omeo M. Magtibay
A dmin istrativ e Aide III
On active du ty
Jay Mathias A. Arellan o
Pr oject Dev’t Assoc. II
Non -UP C on tr actu al
Mark Joseph S. San tiago
Chem. Safety & Waste Mgt. Assoc.
Non -UP C on tr actu al u ntil Apr . 2011
Ka th rin a A . Herrer a
Chem. Safety & Waste Mgt. Assoc.
Non -UP C on tr actu al eff . May 2011
(Artist Illustrator II)
V ilma S. V ega
Pu blication Circulation O f f. II
On -active du ty
Floren tino P . A bun do
A dmin istrativ e Assistan t V
On -active du ty
L eopoldo S. N uñ ez
A dmin istrativ e Of ficer V
On -active du ty
A lvin DC. Mallar i
Pr ecision In stru men t Tech. III
On -active du ty
L ily Rose R. Dela Paz
A dmin istrativ e A ssistan t III
On -active du ty
V ictorian o G. Brav o, Jr.
La bor ator y Techn ician II
On -active du ty
Edgar do C. G ayan es
La bor ator y Aide II
On -active du ty
Table 13. Personnel inventory of NSRI in 2011.
No. of Personnel
(Man Yea rs)
Regula r Items
Lumps um
Members, Executive Council
Research Section
Project Leaders
Co -Proj ect Leaders
Program Coordinators
University Res. Assoc. I
No n-UP Res. Assoc. I
Director (Prof. VII )
Research Staff
Univ. Researche r V
Univ. Researche r I V
Univ. Researche r I II
Univ. Researche r I I
Univ. Researche r I
Univ. Research Assoc. II
Univ. Research Assoc. I
Laboratory Ai de II
Laboratory Tec hnician I
Laboratory Tec hnician II
Administrative Staff
Administrati ve Officer V
Publi cation Circulation Off. II
Administrati ve Officer IV
Administrati ve Officer I II
Precision I nst rument Tech. III
Administrati ve Assistant V
Administrati ve Assistant III
Administrati ve Assistant II
Administrati ve Aide VI
Administrati ve Aide I V
Administrati ve Aide III
ERNELEA P. CAO (Director)
Positions held/Standing Committees and other assignments
Professor 9, I nstitut e of Biology, College of Science, U . P. Diliman, Quezon Cit y.
Affiliate Facult y Member of the UP Open University (June 1, 2000 – present ).
Member, U.P. Diliman I nstit uti onal Biosafety Committee (U PDIBC) (1997 – present).
Member, Technical Panel for Biotechnology, Science and Technology Coordinating
Council, Philippine Council for Advanced Science and Technology Research and
De velopment (January 1, 2002 – present ).
Member, Scientific and Technical Re view Panel (STRP), Depart ment of Ag riculture
Member, Technical Committee of the Ecolabeling Programme (ELP) Board, Bureau of
Product Standards, Department of Trade and Industry (April 16, 2004 – present).
Member, University Council Committee on St udent Organizations, Activities and
Wel fare, (January 31, 2009 – January 30, 2012).
Member, Board of Directors for 2010-2012. Biotechnology Coalition of t he Philippines,
Founding member and Member of Board of Directors for 2010-2012. Philippine Societ y
for Cell Biology, Inc.
Co-Secretary for 2010-2011, The I nternational Honor Society of the Phi Kappa Phi, U P
Chapter 045.
Membership in Academic and Professional Org anization
Biolog y Teachers’ Association of the Philippines, Inc.
Biotechnology Coalition of the Phili ppines, Inc. (Member of the Board for 2010- 2012)
National Research Co uncil of t he Philippines (Regular Member – Di vision V)
Philippine Association for t he Advancement of Science, I nc.
Philippine Association of U niversity Women (U .P. Diliman Chapte r)
Philippine Societ y fo r the Advancement of Genetics, I nc.
Philippine Society for Cell Biology (Founding Member and Member of the Board of
Di rectors 2010-2012)
Philippine Society for Microbiology, Inc. (Cluster II Chair - 2001-2002; Auditor – 2002-2003;
Corresponding Secretary - 2003-2004; 2004-2005; Vice- President – 2005-2006; President –
2006-2007; I mmediate Past President (Ex-Officio) – 2007-2008)
Phi Sigma I nternational Biological Honor Society (Alpha Chi Chapter)
The I nternational Honor Society of the Phi Kappa Phi
Women Association of Scient ists in the Philippi nes, Inc.
UP Diliman Centennial Professional Chair, July 2010 – June 2011.
Pub lications
Quilang , J. P., B. S. Santos, P. S. Ong, Z. U. Basiao, I . K. C. Fontanilla and E. P. C ao. 2011.
DNA Barcoding of the Philippi ne Endemic Freshwater Sardine Sardinella tawilis
(Clupeidae) and its Marine Relatives. The Phili ppine Agricult ural Scientist 94(3): 248 – 257.
Valenzuela, A.J.F., B.S. Santos, J.P. Quilang and E.P. C ao. 2011. Comparat ive use of
Merisic and Geomorphometri c Analyses of Vegetative and Floral Characters in
St udying I ntraspecific Variation in Portulaca grandiflora (Hook). Science Diliman 23(2):
Oral Presentations
As co- aut hor, “Single Nucleotide Vari ations of the Surface Gene a Det erminant Region
of Hepatitis B Virus I solated from the Philippines” (M.R. Alvarez, E.P. Cao, J.C. Bocobo,
M.P.S. Dimamay, R.R. Matias and J.G. Cervantes), 6th Asian-Pacific Organization fo r Cell
Biolog y (APOCB) Congress, EDSA Shang ri-La Hot el, Manila, Philippi ne. February 25 - 28,
As speaker, “The Codex R-DNA Plant Guideline” (E.P. Cao), Workshop on t he BPI
(Bureau of Plant I ndustry) Risk Assessment Report fo r Food Safety and the Codex R-DNA
Plant Guideline. One Tagaytay Place, Tagaytay Cit y. August 22 - 23, 2011.
As speaker, “Genomics: At t he Crossroad of Chemistry, Biology and Mathematics,” 31st
Annual Convention of the Philippine Enviro nmental Mutagens Societ y, Pilar Herrera Hall,
Institute of Chemi stry, U.P. Diliman, Quezon Cit y. November 26, 2011
Poster Presentations
Sy, Regie A. and E. P. Cao. I nfluence of Varying Light-Dark Regimes and the Nutri ent
Phosphorus on the Antimicrobi al Activities of Hapalosiphon welwitschii Nägel Extracts.
6th Asia-Pacific Biot echnology Co ngress and 40 th Annual Convention of t he Philippine
Society for Microbiology I nc. on the t heme “Microbiology and Biotechnology: Rising to
the Challenges of the Times,” Philippine Int ernational Conve ntion Center, Manila,
Philippines. May 11 – 14, 2011
Batanes, T., J. C. Bonifacio, C. J. dela Rosa, K. C. Ng, K. Manset and E. P. Cao. Response
of Hapalosiphon welwitschii Näg el to Lead Metal Stress. 6th Asia-Pacifi c Biotechnology
Cong ress and 40th Annual Convention of the Philippine Soci ety for Microbiology I nc. on
the t heme “Microbiology and Biotechnolog y: Rising to the Challenges of the Times,”
Philippine I nternational Convention Center, Manila, Philippines. May 11 – 14, 2011.
LEOPOLDO S. NUÑEZ (Administrative Officer V)
Ad ditional assignments
Building Administrat or, U.P. NSRI, Diliman, Q.C.
Member, NSRI Research and Administrat ive Committee (RAC)
Member, NSRI Administrative Personnel Committee (APC)
LEAHF E P. GABRIEL (Administrative Officer V)
Ad ditional assignments
Member, NSRI Research and Administrat ive Commit tee (RAC)
Member, NSRI Administrative Personnel Committee (APC)
Pollution Control Officer of NSRI
Member, UP Supervisors Association, Inc.
Proctor, UP College Admission Test (U PCAT), U .P. Diliman, Q.C., Aug ust 6-7, 2011.
Seminars/Trainings attended
St rategic Planning, Bo racay, Aklan by POAP. May 10-13, 2011
GSIS Discussion Series: Mga Benepisyo ng mga Mangagawa ng Peyups, CSWCD, UP
College of Social Work. March 21, 2011.
VILMA S. VEGA (Publication Circulation Officer II)
Ad ditional assignment
Member, UP Supervisors Association, Inc.
Semina rs a tte nded
Member of the Secretariat/Support Staff. NSRI Executive Council Review and Planning
Workshop, Lake I sland Business Resort, Binangonan, Rizal. June 3 – 4, 2011.
GSIS Discussion Series: Mga Benepisyo ng mga Mangagawa ng Peyups, CSWCD, UP
College of Social Work. March 21, 2011.
ELEAZAR S. DEL REMEDIO (Administrative Officer IV)
Ad ditional Assignment
Systems Administ rator, U .P. NSRI, Diliman, Q.C.
LELIBETH S. ALVEZA (Administrative Officer III)
Ad ditional assignment
Special Collecting Officer (January 1 – December 2011), Approved by the Treasurer of
the Philippines, Bureau of Treasury, NCR (Appointment approved by the Chancellor).
Member, UP Supervisors Association, Inc.
Member, Special Affairs Committee, UP-NSRI
Proctor, UP College Admission Test (U PCAT), U .P. Diliman, Q.C., Aug ust 6-7, 2011.
On-line Seminars
Fundamentals of Human Resources (5hrs 36mins)
– March 9, 2011
Introduct io n to Info rmation Tec hnolo gy (11hrs 50 mins) – Aug ust 22-23, 2011
Behavior- Based Safety (6hrs 25mins)
– September 17-19, 2011
LISON- Advance Int eractive Syst ems
ht tp/
ALVIN DC. MALLARI (Precision Instrument Technical III)
Ad ditional assignment
NSRI-APC member, rank-and-file representative
Study grant
Earned 27 unit s for Masters in Public Administ ration, NCPAG, UP Diliman, Q.C.
Seminars attended
Resource Person. NSRI Safety Seminar, NSRI Conference Room, UP Campus, Diliman,
Quezon City. February and July 2011.
Propert y and Supply Management with Update on RA 9184, Professional Development
Office, COA Bldg, Commonwealth, Q.C. October 25 – 28, 2011.
EDEZA M. RIVERA (Administrative Assistant II)
Ad ditional assignments
Proctor, UP College Admission Test (U PCAT), U .P. Diliman, Q.C., Aug ust 6-7, 2011.
Member, Special Affairs Committee, UP-NSRI .
Seminar attended
St rategic Planning, POAP, Bo racay, Aklan. May 10-13, 2011.
LILY ROSE R . DELA PAZ (Administrative Assistant III)
Ad ditional assignment
Proctor, UP College Admission Test (U PCAT), U .P. Diliman, Q.C., Aug ust 7-8, 2011.
Study Grant
Earned 49 units for MA Education (Guidance), College of Education, U.P. Diliman, Q.C.
(to graduate 2nd semester 2011- 2012).
Photo Gallery
Fig.44. Team Building/Planning Workshop, La Vista Inland Resort, Barangay Central, Roman
Expressway City, Balanga, Bataan, June 6, 2011.
Fig.45. NSRI Executive Council Review and Planning Workshop, Lake Island Business
Resort, Binangonan, Rizal. June 3-4, 2011.
Fig.46. NSRI players for the UP Diliman Sports Festival 2011
The NSRI’s resources are derived mainly from the U.P. Budg et. Additional resources are
generated from external grants to the NSRI research st aff and the funds from te chnical
extension services. A bri ef description of each source and t heir corresponding allocation i s
giv en belo w:
NSRI Budget
The N SRI’s Internal Operating Budget for 2 011 is shown in Tabl e 14.
The N SRI budget from the U.P. rev olving fund is shown in Table 15. It show ed how much
all ocation was given to research g rant s by di scipline, how much went to MOE, ho no raria and
URA’s sal aries.
Funds fro m Technica l Ex tensio n Services
The funds fro m t echnical ext ension serv ices go to the UP Trust Account. It is used mainly
to purchase minor equipment and additional supplies for the research and se rv ice
laborat ori es as well as photo copying unit s. Also , it is use d to hire no n-U P cont ractual personnel
as needed, and to provide incent ives for the regular staff. The NSRI makes avail able t hrough
t hese services the expe rtise of it s staff and the use of its maintai ned scientific equipment . The
extension services fill a stro ng need of outside agencie s, part icularly medium level business
and gov ernment laborato ries with inadequat e facilities and for specialized services like
anal ytical serv ices, micro biologic al services, etc. The technical ext ension se rv ice s pro vide a
great opportunit y for the U niv ersity of the Phili ppines t o fulfill a c ritical nat ional need and at the
same time g enerate funds for t he Insti tut e and the Universit y.
Table 14. The NSRI’s Internal Operating Budget in 2011.
App ropriation
Partic ula rs
Re se rv e
(Current Operating Expenditures)
I. Personnel Services
1. Permanent Positions
a. Number
b. Salary per PSI
c. Salary differences
Adjusted TOTAL
2. Lump s um for wages,
contractuals, subs titute, faculty,
gradu ate student, assistants and
3. Lump s um for lecturers, honoraria,
allowances and hazard pay
4. PERA/ACA/Bonus/Cash Gift
5. Magna Carta
6. GSIS life & ret., Medicare, ECIP
P 4,826,000
P 4,826,000
Con tinu ation of Table 14.
App ropriation
Partic ula rs
II. Maintenance & Other Operating
Expenses (MOOE)
1. Regular
2. Utilities
3. Janitorial
4. UP Provident Fund HMO
Re se rv e
(Current Operating Expenditures)
I. Personnel Services
1. Permanent Positions
a. Number
b. Salary per PSI
Adjusted TOTAL
2. Lump s um for wages,
contractuals, substitute, faculty,
gradu ate student, assistants and
3. Lump s um for lecturers, honoraria,
allowances and hazard pay
4. RATA, PERA,ACA, PIB, Clothing,
Christmas Bonus , Cash G ift
Magna Carta
II. Maintenance & Other Operating
Expenses (MOOE)
1. Regular
2. Utilities
3. Janitorial/Guard
4. UP Provident Fund HMO
P 21,052,000
Financi al Assistance from the Office of t he Chancello r was used for t he following:
Annual Prev entive Mainte nance of eq uip ment:
Annual preventive maintenance of Shimadzu Total Organic
Carbon Analyzer, Model 5000 (TOC) for 2010 and 2011
2. Annual preventive maintenance of Shimadzu Atomic
Absorption Spectrophotometer, Model AA-6800 (AAS) 2010
and 2011
3. Annual preventive maintenance of Shimadzu Gas
Chromatograph Mass Spectrophotometer, Model GCMSQP2010 (GCMS) for 2010 and 2012
4. Annual preventive maintenance of Genetic Analyzer
5. Annual preventive maintenance of Dionex I CS1000 I on
Chromatography Syst em
6. Annual preventive maintenance of Gene AMP PCR System
7. Annual preventive maintenance of Applied Biosystmes 7500
Real Time PCR Spectral calibration kit, Taqman Rhase P
instrument verification plate
8. Annual preventive maintenance of Microcentrifuge
9. Annual preventive maintenance of Mastercycler
10. For test and certification of two (2) Biosafety Cabinet (4ft) in
accordance to Australian Standard 2252, part 2
11. For test and certification of Biosafety Cabinet (6ft) in
accordance to Australian Standard 2252, part 2
12. For functional test, calibration and cleaning of the following:
Incubator, Memmert
Waterbath, Memert (2 units @ 1,800/unit)
pH Meter, Orion
Autoclave, Hirayama (2@1,800/unit)
Analytical balance (2@1,800/unit)
Oven, Memmert (3@1,400/unit)
Top loading balance (4@1,600/unit) verification only
Microscope (5 @ 1,000/unit)
Biometra Thermocycler (2@4,480/unit)
Table top centrifuge (2@1,600/unit)
Laminar flow hood
Fluorescence/I nverted Microscope (2@3,125/unit)
Eppendorf centrifuge
13. Annual preventive maint enance/repair of ATS and 3
Emergency Power Generator
P 78,158
P 879,198
F uture Plans a nd Recomm endat ions
New equipment assigned in the in-house laboratories were acquired in 2011.
These form the counterpart of the NSRI to the Technology Incubation Core Facility
(TICF) of the National Science Complex. Accreditation to bodies for compliance to
international standards is the ultimate goal of each in-hous e laboratory. S trict
adherence to quality standards of technical services will be an important selling
factor for the TICF.
Increase in the number of publications is envisioned for the Institute,
particularly in ISI-journals, despite limited funding available. New sources of funds or
sinnov ative ways to secure funds will augment the resources presently available.
A number of renovations were also implemented in 2011. Other renovations
are on-going. The main challenge will be the maintenance of these equipment and
new facilities. Securing new funds would also be needed to support the needs of
researchers and so that the equipment can be calibrated and fully utilized.
Support for the promotion and/or a dditional items for the res earchers and
administrativ e staff and other incentives will also be needed to recognize the
accomplishments of the personnel and so that NSRI can continue to lead in the
country’s research and extension activ ities.