SMSU BOD Minutes 11-01-12 - Santos Manuel Student Union


SMSU BOD Minutes 11-01-12 - Santos Manuel Student Union
Santos Manuel Student Union
California State University, San Bernardino
Santos Manuel Student Union Board of Directors
Thursday, November 1, 2012
Members Present:
Fatima Adame, David Allison, Michael Dandurand, Mark K. Day, Janhavi
Dhargalkar, Charlene Eaton, Matias Farre, Mahbuba Hammad, Sean
Kendall, Edgar Lopez, Josephine Mendoza, Marissa Pavone, James
Members Absent:
Mary Fong, Dr. Frank Rincon
Staff Present:
Susan Avery, Aaron Burgess, Melissa Cordoba, Rick Craig, Tamara
Holder, Janet Honn-Alex, Biany Huerta, Misty Levingston, Maria NajeraNeri, Tan Wimbley, Rosemary Zometa
Guests Present:
Call to Order:
The meeting was called to order at 10:01 a.m.
Roll Call:
A verbal roll call of attendees was conducted.
Approval of SMSU Board of Directors Minutes from October 11, 2012:
M/S Dandurand/Pavone to approve the SMSU Board of Directors Minutes from October 11,
Motion passed.
Executive Director: The report for the Executive Director has been submitted. Mr. Day stated
that Dr. Rincon would be unable to speak to the Board today as a result of a scheduling conflict.
He will speak to the Board at a later date. Mr. Day then shared with the Board a comparison of
the SMSU programs from the previous three years. It was noted that the program attendance has
increased each year. Ms. Mendoza asked if the programs from year to year were the same. Mr.
Day answered that about 20 — 30% are changed each year. Ms. Mendoza also asked if the
Centers analyze the success rate of the programs. Mr. Day commented that the Coordinators do a
qualitative and quantitative analysis of the programs which they offer.
Associate Director of Operations: The report for the Associate Director of Operations has been
submitted. Mr. Burgess shared with the Board that the Operations staff attended a workshop to
identify Opportunities for Improvement. As a result of this, they have been able to improve the
quality of their customer service.
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Associate Director of Marketing & Programs: The report for the Associate Director of
Marketing & Programs has been submitted. Ms. Wimbley commented that the Marketing
Coordinator position has been posted. The SMSU Art Unveiling will occur on Thursday,
November 29 at 4:30. Also on that day, a Student Leadership Reception will be held at 12:00
p.m. Mr. Day encouraged all the Board members to attend both events.
Cross Cultural Center: The report for the Cross Cultural Center has been submitted. Ms. Holder
announced that today is the Dia del los Muertos celebration in the Event Center. "Let's Talk
About Sex" was very successful and very well attended. It will be brought back next quarter. The
Pow-Wow event was amazing and also very successful.
Osher Adult Re-Entry Center: The report for the OARC has been submitted. There will be
another Coffee House program in November. Resource Round-up was successful with many oncampus departments participating. The Osher Scholarship is available. Mr. Day asked for
clarification on the eligibility criteria. Ms. Holder stated that students with a five year break in
their education are eligible.
Women's Resource Center: The report for the Women's Resource Center has been submitted.
Ms. Honn-Alex announced that they will have a new event entitled "Feminist Manifesto" later
this month.
Pride Center: The report for the Pride Center has been submitted. Ms. Honn-Alex shared with
the Board that as a result of the "Coming Out" events, students found acceptance and support
and felt validated.
Program Board: The report for Program Board has been submitted. Ms. Zometa announced the
Holiday Dinner event which will be held on November 15. Donated food will be taken to the
Coachella Valley area. She also showed a short video about "Howl at the Moon." Over 1,100
students were in attendance at this event. Mr. Dandurand asked if the second floor could be set
aside for students over 21 and alcohol. Mr. Day shared with the Board the alcohol policy, which
is that no alcohol will be served at an event if attendees are under 21.
Student Recreation & Fitness Center: The report for SRFC has been submitted. During
November, the Rec Center will have events to honor Veterans, including a Veterans wall and
luncheon. A donation will be made to the Marine Corps Ball.
BOD Committees:
Ms. Hammad shared with the Board that the Committee
Ad Hoc Facilities Committee:
reviewed the subleases for Foundation and Ombuds Office. They discussed the best strategy for
relocation and Pub expansion. As a result of the student feedback, Brailsford and Dunleavy
presented three expansion scenarios. Also discussed was the concept of a student leadership wall,
with pictures of the ASI and Board leaders. It was thought that this would increase campus
awareness of the students in these positions. Mr. Day stated that this Committee will meet again
in early January to review the subleases which will expire in June, 2013, to review the expansion
report and consider the Pub expansion. The Committee would then forward any
recommendations for changes to the Board. Discussion ensued regarding the current state of
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partnership between the SMSU and Sodexo, which has been categorized by management as
Finance and Contracts Committee: Ms. Huerta shared with the Board that the Committee
reviewed some of the SMSU financial policies and no changes were recommended. The
Committee also reviewed and forwarded four items which appear on today's agenda.
BOD Representatives:
Mr. Walker reported that next week on Wednesday and Thursday at 1:00 p.m., the ASI will be
sponsoring Lunch with the President.
Open Forum:
Adoption of Agenda:M/S Pavone/Eaton to adopt the Agenda of November 1, 2012.
Motion passed.
Time Certain Item removed as a result of Dr. Rincon being absent from the meeting.
SMSU 4/13
Campus Cost-Chargeback Study Expenditure Request — (Action)
M/S Dandurand/Hammad to approve the Campus Cost-Chargeback Study Expenditure Request.
Mr. Allison shared with the Board the background of this item. There was concern with the lack
of documentation provided to the Board at the last meeting. Michael Zachary, Internal Auditor
for CSUSB provided a memo which outlines the purpose of the study and the departments being
asked to contribute to the cost of the study. Mr. Dandurand asked if there would be a possibility
of a rebate. Mr. Day commented that the idea was not accepted because it was perceived as too
complicated to implement. Mr. Day commented that the SMSU wants to be a good campus
partner and support other campus divisions; however, we need to be careful with students'
money. The SMSU does not want to be in the position of having to fund administrative functions
on an ongoing basis.
Rising count 9 — 1— 3.
Motion passed.
SMSU 12/13
Authorization of Amendment to Articles of Incorporation- Dissolution
Clause— (Action) Day
M/S Day/Walker move to authorize the amendment as proposed.
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Mr. Day explained that this item was originally a result of a finding from the Chancellor's Office
Policies and Procedures Audit. Currently, our Dissolution Clause states if the corporation
dissolves, our net assets will be transferred to another unit of the University as approved by the
president, the Chancellor, and the Board of Trustees of California State University. The revised
language removes the trustees from the process.
The motion will authorize the Board Chair and Secretary to sign the resolution. It will then be
sent to the Secretary of State for approval.
Motion passed.
SMSU 13/13
Pride Center Program Reserve Expenditure Request— (Action)
Finance & Contracts Committee
M/S Adame/Eaton to approve the Pride Center Program Reserve Expenditure Request.
Mr. Day explained to the Board how reserves are accumulated. If the SMSU Centers have
programming funds left over at the end of the year some of these funds may be set aside,
depending on other budgetary factors. These funds are typically built up over three — four years
for the purpose of funding a large-scale program. This request is to spend half of the Pride Center
reserves in order to have Chaz Bono come to CSUSB as a speaker.
Mr. Walker asked if there was a policy which would ensure that there would be a large-scale
program or event to use the reserves at least every four years. Ms. Honn-Alex commented that
since the Pride Center has a smaller budget, it has taken them longer to save up for a large-scale
program. Mr. Day shared the opinion that a policy may not be needed since all of the centers
regularly use funding from the reserves; with 4-5 centers utilizing their reserves on average of
every three years, the de facto situation works to provide an ongoing rotation of programs.
Mr. Allison asked if other speakers had been considered. Ms. Honn-Alex responded that while
others were considered, Chaz Bono is probably the most vocal and most well-known advocate
for the LGBT community. Mr. Walker asked for clarification regarding the VIP reception
attendees. Ms. Honn-Alex said it would be a small group of about 30 persons consisting of Board
members, LGBT students, and faculty who focus on gender and sexuality issues.
Mr. Allison requested written documentation regarding the selection of the invitees to the
reception since the SMSU will be spending such a large amount on this speaker. It was agreed
that the requested information could be provided.
Rising count 10 — 1 — 2.
Motion passed.
SMSU 14/13
Program Board Program Reserve Expenditure Request— (Action)
Finance & Contracts Committee
M/S Day/Pavone to approve the authorization of a $15,000 Program Board Program Reserve
Expenditure Request.
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Mr. Day commented that Program Board would like to use these funds to make Coyote Fest into
a larger event. He offered the opinion that more students could be drawn to larger SMSU
programs, and this larger-scale type of event would be a welcome addition to current
programmatic offerings. Mr. Walker asked if the event would be funded only from reserves. Ms.
Zometa responded that it would be funded primarily through reserves and also with other
collaborating entities. Last year, the event cost $13,416.12 with approximately 1,200 students in
attendance. The collaborating entities last year were Rec Sports, Pfau Library, Keep It On
Campus, and Student Leadership and Development; reserve funds were not needed. Since the
first event in 2008, the attendance has regularly increased. Ms. Zometa anticipates spending
between $20,000 - $25,000 for this year's event.
Mr. Walker asked if Program Board would have a large Coyote Fest event this year with funding
from reserves and then a smaller event next year without reserves funding. Ms. Zometa
responded that she was hopeful that Toyota and other vendors will be at this year's event and
when they see how successful it is, their donations will make up the difference next year so that
she will not need to request funds from reserves.
Rising count 11 — 0 — 2.
Motion passed.
SMSU 15/13
Operations Electric Cart Expenditure Request— (Action) Finance &
Contracts Committee
MIS Day/Walker to approve the Operations Electric Cart Expenditure Request not to exceed
Mr. Burgess shared with the Board the background of this request. The current electric cart was
purchased in 2003. He would like to replace this cart and also purchase a smaller new one. The
larger cart would be used to transport equipment and the smaller one would be used to transport
people. One of the problems with the larger cart was that students would get into accidents while
driving it because of the large back end.
Mr. Walker asked if driver training should be necessitated in order to be able to drive the cart.
Mr. Day commented that students and staff must complete the campus on-line Defensive Driving
Course in order to be authorized to drive the cart.
Mr. Dandurand asked what will happen to the old golf cart. Mr. Burgess said that the Dealer
might possibly take it back for parts. A cart that is this old will not be able to be restored back to
good operating order. Ms. Adame asked which budget would be used to pay for the carts. Mr.
Day responded that there was an Operational Reserves account. However, Mr. Burgess may be
able to initially use his operating budget for this purchase and replenish it from reserves.
M/S Allison/Dandurand to amend the main motion of the approval of the Operations Electric
Cart Expenditure Request pending the submission of a new driver training program to the Board
of Directors.
Mr. Allison commented that a driver training program needs to be in place in order to prevent
further accidents. Ms. Wimbley asked how long the SMSU has been without a cart. Mr. Burgess
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responded that it has been about six weeks. Mr. Day commented that the training program could
be implemented in-house at no cost. Ms. Eaton stated that it might be a waste of time to
implement additional training. Mr. Craig asked if Rec Sports could also receive a cart discount if
the two purchases were grouped together. He also shared with the Board that some Rec Sports
employees have lost their cart-driving privileges as a result of careless driving.
Mr. Day called the question. There were no objections.
Amendment passed.
The main motion as amended is to require submittal of new policy and training program as a
condition of the Operations Electric Cart Expenditure.
Rising count 12 — 0 — 1.
Motion passed.
Mr. Day reminded the Board that on November 29, there will be a student
leader reception in the Events Center at 12:00. Ms. Avery requested that the Board members
send her their availability for Committee meetings for the Winter Quarter.
The meeting was adjourned at 11:49 a.m.
Minutes viewed and ap
Marissa Pavone, ecretary, Board of Directors
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