Januany 6,20L5 PTA fonferense CalI Attendance Robin Dusza


Januany 6,20L5 PTA fonferense CalI Attendance Robin Dusza
Januany 6,20L5 PTA fonferense CalI
Robin Dusza,.lessica ilrake, Jessenrryn $cott, Dawn 8aler. Stepha*ie 6reen, Valerie Lohr, Karen Yelovich,
Paul l\ezzio, Jen N,ezzio, f,andace Salkowski, $hawn Milan, Jen McMilta*
Frincipal's Report
Thanks for the coat colleation and hnliday shop. Ms. Wafl wili be out unti! the beginning of February. A
rnore permanent replacement has heen h$red"
Schosl dates and €Lrents on the website.
MAF testing began on January 5'h.
PA*K tests Msrch
I * 1"3, $May 4"* 3.5
Pas$port Program: Some schools vrsu*d like Spanish to be included in the 4th grade currlcula:m. There
are 10 schools involved in thls prsgram, Ten schools will be added tc the program for the upcoming
school year, Fullerton has applied a*d passed the initial phase f*r etigibility. Spanish vocabulary and
discusslon witl be taugkrt to those feL{rth grade str.tdents in the pifot schools. Third grade parents wiil be
asked for suppCIrt through a conrrect-ed message. Three questions witf be asked for prlncipal to answer.
Teacher Report {Davun tsaier}
The holiday eart went well. There was minimal disruption during
th* school day.
Thank you for the Spirit Calendar. Ttle teachers will prcmote the special days and spirit days.
Treasurer's Report {Jessica Drake}
We made a profit frorn the F*oliday Cart.
Over $3000 in bank
goicg into *ew year"
Fresident's Report {Robin ilusra}
Spirit Days for the remalnder of the Echool year have been added to the cafendar. *Flier insluded*
Thanks tn
who helped wlth the ]4ollday Cart.
The PTA purchased a [arge coffer] urn for the stafi along with tre*ts and tea.
Membership Cornmittee t$tephanie 6reen)
Mernbenship is at 314 members. The win*ing class is Ms. Kardish's third grade.
Yearbook (Paul triezzio)
Photos are continuing to be faken. Please send in pfrctes frcnr recent school events such as fifth grade
bowling, kindergarten winter sing a long, and principaltaxirlde.
Spirit Night {Valerie Lohn}
We rnade $300 frnrn tsil} Saternan's,
6reen Turtle
an additionnl $100 given to Futlerton.
the next $pirit night. Must bring flier in order to receive percentags.
Fioliday Cart {Karen Ye*ovich}
Twelve volunteersu in addit$an ts Karen helped with ttre Holjday Cart. We sofd $S4S0 worth of
rnerchandis'e, and rnade almpst $800, We slgrred up earty and made an extra 5%. Karen suggests that
we sign up in advance for next year, sn we receive the extra percentage.
Everyone agreed that we ih$uld sign up in advance.
Box Tops {Bridget
Next collection will be on Fel:ruary 20'h.
Upcoming News
The next famity engagen'lent regarding the IEP Frocess will be discussed cn February 6tr. The FTA will
discuss the spring fundraiser at the PTA n'reeting follcwing the Family fivent.
Faul will discuss more yearb*ok questions with Christy B{evins.
lVleeting adjourned at 7 :44.